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Games : pass the message

1. From the root word transmit meaning - to convey, to send message, or to transfer.

2. How did you know about God?

Get the answers from our own insight

 Parent
 Teacher
 Culture
 Tradition

3. The start of knowledge of our God came from the first creation. Adam and eve were the
first Human who have Known and seen God. But because of sin that came to the world
our ancestor departed from the place of God and the Gap between God and we humans
began to get bigger.

- After we humans have sinned to God, He still called adam and eve even though they dis-
obeyed Him. The love of God to us Humans was already unconditional back then. He
still gave chance for adam and eve to live though the wages of sin is death accrdg to
romans 6:23

4. The prophets that were appointed by God then came to the world to make prophecy
about Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and Savior of the whole world. Some of the prophets
were Abraham Moses, Elijah, Elisha, and many others.
These prophets Contributed a lot to make Known of God

"When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you,
your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my
Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever" (2 Samuel 7:12–13).

5. In the New testament, God’s Love and the completion of His plan was already revealed
through Jesus Christ who died on the cross just to save us from sin. God’s work of
sending His Only begotten Son to suffer and be the way to save us help us to Make
known of the Unconditional love He gave us.

Before Jesus was crucified, He appointed peter as the leader of the Church which and gave a
mission to the apostles to make disciple of all nation(Matthew 28:19-20)
6. During the pentocost Miracles happened. The apostles was able to speak in different
language, and it is called toungues of fire. They were able to proclaim the Good News of
the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. After gaining such an incredible gift that was from God, They already went in the
different places in the world to proclaim the Word of God.

8. The way they teach at first is through oral communication. Then there a time when
apostles letters and people who were inspired by the holy spirit to write scriptures. And
that’s how the bible today was made.

9. Traditions and culture of Christianity have been synthesize from the culture that was in
the past and was written in the scriptures to preserve and to instill in the minds and
never forget about God.

10. The church then was handled by the authority to manage correctly the teachings of

Describe the Hirearchy from pope to laity

Tell to the class that we are the lay person

What was our insights from the things we have discussed
How can we make known of God to other people.

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