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From: Owen Ward

Sent: 13 July 2019 15:56

To: <>
Subject: FW: Litter around QAM.

Dear Cllr. Harrison,

I just read an article on littering in which you were quoted. I did not realise that Camden has
a councillor for the environment. I thought that I would copy you into this email, regarding
littering just outside your ward, in Kings Cross.

Best regards,
Owen Ward

From: Owen Ward
Sent: 13 July 2019 09:13
Subject: Litter around QAM.

Dear Georgia Gould,

I live in Queen Alexandra Mansions, next to the Town Hall.

I have already contacted a number of councillors about this problem, and I have attached an
email that I sent about it. Back where I used to live, in Birmingham, I had an extremely
helpful councillor who would respond within a few hours always and we would get things
sorted quickly. I emailed four councillors about this problem, which affects hundreds of
residents and also a primary school. I have had no information back yet regarding anything
that I suggested which I find incredibly disappointing. I emailed about this a couple of weeks

In short, we have here pretty serious problems of littering, and problems associated with
rough sleeping. I do not want to get into the problems related to rough sleeping right now,
but I have attached a link to an album just to show how bad the littering is just around my
building this morning (and this is not the worst it has been). We really need an urgent street
clean and for someone to explain what that wheelie bin is doing there (I emailed the Kings
Cross Ward councillor - still no explanation, so I reported it as fly tipping). I have requested
that the council install bins around here with ash trays as well - the number of fag ends
around here is astonishing. This is a residential area, and given that we have a primary
school, the state of these streets should be maintained more properly - it is really really

Please get back to me as soon as you can about this.

Litter -
QAM Litter 13/07/2019
20 new photos added to shared album

Best regards,
Owen Ward

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