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From: Owen Ward

Sent: 16 July 2019 17:24

To: Simpson, Jonathan (Councillor) <>; <>;
Subject: Litter Update

Hello All,

The roads have still not been cleaned.

Here is an update to my litter diary.

It has been several days now since the roads have been clean. Here is a link to the
government's code of practice on litter:

It is disgusting that nothing has been done. There are dead animals rotting on the streets,
outside a primary school.

Please sort this out. I have now contacted the MP to complain of the state of these streets,
and contacted Historic England.
The code of practice says that streets should be cleaned within a day of litter being
reported. This has not been done. Can anybody explain to me why the code of practice has
been violated? The code of practice should be followed unless there are clear reasons for
not doing so.

Best regards,
Owen Ward

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