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Data manipulation with numpy: tips and

tricks, part 1
Sep 29, 2015 • Alex Rogozhnikov

Data manipulation with numpy: tips and tricks, part 1 ¶

Some inobvious examples of what you can do with numpy are collected here.

Examples are mostly coming from area of machine learning, but will be useful if you're doing number
crunching in python.

In [1]: from __future__ import print_function # for python 2 & python 3 compatibility
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np

1. numpy.argsort ¶
Sorting values of one array according to the other ¶
Say, we want to order the people according to their age and their heights.

In [2]: ages = np.random.randint(low=30, high=60, size=10)

heights = np.random.randint(low=150, high=210, size=10)


[49 45 44 52 44 57 46 49 31 50]
[209 183 202 188 205 179 209 187 156 209]

In [3]: sorter = np.argsort(ages)


[31 44 44 45 46 49 49 50 52 57]
[156 202 205 183 209 209 187 209 188 179]

once you computed permutation, you can apply it many times - this is fast.

Frequently to solve this problem people use sorted(zip(ages, heights)), which is much slower (10-20
times slower on large arrays).

Computing inverse of permutation ¶

permutations in numpy are simply arrays:

In [4]: permutation = np.random.permutation(10)

original = np.array(list('abcdefghij'))


[1 7 4 9 2 8 0 5 6 3]
['a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j']
['b' 'h' 'e' 'j' 'c' 'i' 'a' 'f' 'g' 'd']

Inverse permutation is computed using numpy.argsort (again!)

In [5]: inverse_permutation = np.argsort(permutation)


['a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j']

This is true because of two facts:

1. indexing operation is associative (dramatically simple and interesting fact):

a[b][c] = a[b[c]]

provided that a , b , c are 1-dimensional arrays

2. `permutation[inverse_permutation] is identical permutation:

In [6]: permutation[inverse_permutation]

Out[6]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

Even faster inverse permutation ¶

As was said, numpy.argsort returns inverse permutation, but it takes O(n log(n)) time, while
computing inverse permutation should take O(n).

This optimal way can be written in numpy.

In [7]: print(np.argsort(permutation))

inverse_permutation = np.empty(len(permutation),

inverse_permutation[permutation] = np.arange(len(permutation))

[6 0 4 9 2 7 8 1 5 3]
[6 0 4 9 2 7 8 1 5 3]

Computing order of elements in array ¶

frequently it is important to compute order of each value in array.

In other words, for each element in array we want to find the number of elements smaller than given.

In [8]: data = np.random.random(10)


[ 0.69378073 0.47532658 0.11610735 0.89700047 0.04700985 0.24701576

0.29017543 0.27857828 0.62900998 0.08187479]
[8 6 2 9 0 3 5 4 7 1]

NB: there is scipy function which does the same, but it's more general and faster, so prefer using it:

In [9]: from scipy.stats import rankdata

rankdata(data) - 1

Out[9]: array([ 8., 6., 2., 9., 0., 3., 5., 4., 7., 1.])

IronTransform (flattener of distribution) ¶

Sometimes you need to write monotonic tranformation, which turns one distribution into uniform.

This method is useful to compare distributions or to work with distributions with heavy tails or strange

In [10]: class IronTransform:

def fit(self, data, weights):
weights = weights / weights.sum()
sorter = np.argsort(data)
self.x = data[sorter]
self.y = np.cumsum(weights[sorter])
return self

def transform(self, data):

return np.interp(data, self.x, self.y)

Let's apply Iron transformation to data

In [11]: sig_pred = np.random.normal(size=10000) + 1

bck_pred = np.random.normal(size=10000) - 1

In [12]: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.hist(sig_pred, bins=30, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(bck_pred, bins=30, alpha=0.5)

Now we can see that IronTransform actually was able to turn signal distribution to uniform:

In [13]: iron = IronTransform().fit(sig_pred, weights=np.ones(len(sig_pred)))

plt.hist(iron.transform(sig_pred), bins=30, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(iron.transform(bck_pred), bins=30, alpha=0.5)

How IronTransform works ¶

To turn any distribution into uniform, you should use mapping: x → F (x), here F (x) is cumulative
distribution function.

In other words, for each point x we should compute the part of distribution to the left. This was done by
summing all weights to this point using numpy.cumsum (we also had to normalize weights).
To use the learned mapping, linear interpolation ( numpy.interp ) was applied. We can visualize this

In [14]: plt.plot(iron.x, iron.y)

Out[14]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x108df0750>]

IronTransform and histogram equalization ¶

The same method is applied in computer vision to 'improve' low-contrast images and called histogram

In [15]: from PIL import Image

image = np.array('AquaTermi_lowcontrast.jpg').convert('L'))
flat_image = image.flatten()
result = IronTransform().fit(flat_image, weights=np.ones(len(flat_image))).transform(ima

In [16]: plt.figure(figsize=[14, 7])

plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray'), plt.title('original')
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(result, cmap='gray'), plt.title('after histogram equalizati

Also worth mentioning: to fight very small / large numbers, use numpy.clip . Simple and very handy:

In [17]: np.clip([-100, -10, 0, 10, 100], a_min=-15, a_max=15)

Out[17]: array([-15, -10, 0, 10, 15])

In [18]: x = np.arange(-5, 5)

[-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4]

2. Broadcasting, numpy.newaxis ¶
Broadcasting is very useful trick, which simplifies many operations.
Weighted covariation matrix ¶
numpy has cov function, but it doesn't support weights of samples. Let's write our own covariation

Let Xij be the original data. i is indexing samples, j is indexing features. COVjk = ∑i Xij wi Xik

In [19]: data = np.random.normal(size=[100, 5])

weights = np.random.random(100)

In [20]: def covariation(data, weights):

weights = weights / weights.sum()
return[:, np.newaxis] * data)

In [21]: np.cov(data.T)

Out[21]: array([[ 0.98246422, -0.09213933, 0.04220243, -0.05215392, 0.07939284],

[-0.09213933, 1.22118146, -0.10138206, 0.23070906, 0.14642467],
[ 0.04220243, -0.10138206, 0.84470403, -0.00338101, -0.1249949 ],
[-0.05215392, 0.23070906, -0.00338101, 1.10425395, -0.11689576],
[ 0.07939284, 0.14642467, -0.1249949 , -0.11689576, 1.37570908]])

In [22]: covariation(data, np.ones(len(data)))

Out[22]: array([[ 9.80919618e-01, -9.15155980e-02, 3.81764158e-02,

-5.88816111e-02, 8.46305808e-02],
[ -9.15155980e-02, 1.20898034e+00, -1.00238681e-01,
2.28662578e-01, 1.44743583e-01],
[ 3.81764158e-02, -1.00238681e-01, 8.37825668e-01,
-1.91880751e-04, -1.26370312e-01],
[ -5.88816111e-02, 2.28662578e-01, -1.91880751e-04,
1.09955816e+00, -1.21007564e-01],
[ 8.46305808e-02, 1.44743583e-01, -1.26370312e-01,
-1.21007564e-01, 1.36634581e+00]])

In [23]: covariation(data, weights)

Out[23]: array([[ 1.08429417, -0.11032936, 0.09253106, -0.006654 , 0.14981251],

[-0.11032936, 1.04538348, -0.02432767, 0.22118083, -0.06601326],
[ 0.09253106, -0.02432767, 0.95356108, -0.05339915, -0.08393104],
[-0.006654 , 0.22118083, -0.05339915, 1.09609127, -0.17836458],
[ 0.14981251, -0.06601326, -0.08393104, -0.17836458, 1.22027334]])

alternative way to do this is via numpy.einsum :

In [24]: np.einsum('ij, ik, i -> jk', data, data, weights / weights.sum())

Out[24]: array([[ 1.08429417, -0.11032936, 0.09253106, -0.006654 , 0.14981251],

[-0.11032936, 1.04538348, -0.02432767, 0.22118083, -0.06601326],
[ 0.09253106, -0.02432767, 0.95356108, -0.05339915, -0.08393104],
[-0.006654 , 0.22118083, -0.05339915, 1.09609127, -0.17836458],
[ 0.14981251, -0.06601326, -0.08393104, -0.17836458, 1.22027334]])

Pearson correlation ¶
One more example of broadcasting: computation of Pearson coefficient.

In [25]: np.corrcoef(data.T)

Out[25]: array([[ 1. , -0.08411948, 0.04632621, -0.0500719 , 0.0682904 ],

[-0.08411948, 1. , -0.09982027, 0.19867356, 0.1129694 ],
[ 0.04632621, -0.09982027, 1. , -0.00350074, -0.11595159],
[-0.0500719 , 0.19867356, -0.00350074, 1. , -0.09484206],
[ 0.0682904 , 0.1129694 , -0.11595159, -0.09484206, 1. ]])

In [26]: def my_corrcoef(data, weights):

data = data - np.average(data, axis=0, weights=weights)
shifted_cov = covariation(data, weights)
cov_diag = np.diag(shifted_cov)
return shifted_cov / np.sqrt(cov_diag[:, np.newaxis] * cov_diag[np.newaxis, :])

my_corrcoef(data, np.ones(len(data)))

Out[26]: array([[ 1. , -0.08411948, 0.04632621, -0.0500719 , 0.0682904 ],

[-0.08411948, 1. , -0.09982027, 0.19867356, 0.1129694 ],
[ 0.04632621, -0.09982027, 1. , -0.00350074, -0.11595159],
[-0.0500719 , 0.19867356, -0.00350074, 1. , -0.09484206],
[ 0.0682904 , 0.1129694 , -0.11595159, -0.09484206, 1. ]])

Pairwise distances between vectors ¶

we're given a set of vectors (say, 1000 vectors). The problem is to compute their pairwise distances.

In [27]: X = np.random.normal(size=[1000, 100])

distances = ((X[:, np.newaxis, :] - X[np.newaxis, :, :]) ** 2).sum(axis=2) ** 0.5

also, since algebra is you friend, you can do it times faster:

∣∣xi − xj ∣∣2 = ∣∣xi ∣∣2 + ∣∣xj ∣∣2 − 2(xi , xj )

so dot products is the only thing you need.

In [28]: products =

distances2 = products.diagonal()[:, np.newaxis] + products.diagonal()[np.newaxis, :] -
distances2 **= 0.5

... but keep in mind there is sklearn.metrics.pairwise which does it for you and has different options

In [29]: from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances

distances_sklearn = pairwise_distances(X)

np.allclose(distances, distances_sklearn), np.allclose(distances2, distances_sklearn)

Out[29]: (True, True)

3. numpy.unique, numpy.searchsorted ¶

Converting categories to small integers ¶

Despite categories are easier to read, operating with them is much faster after you represent them as
small numbers
(for instance, in range [0, n_categories - 1])

First generate some categories:

In [30]: from itertools import combinations

possible_categories = map(lambda x: x[0] + x[1], list(combinations('abcdefghijklmn', 2))
categories = np.random.choice(possible_categories, size=10000)

['cd' 'bi' 'ag' ..., 'gn' 'ik' 'kl']

Now we use numpy.unique to convert them to numbers (pay attention to return_inverse=True )

In [31]: unique_categories, new_categories = np.unique(categories, return_inverse=True)

In [32]: print(unique_categories)

['ab' 'ac' 'ad' 'ae' 'af' 'ag' 'ah' 'ai' 'aj' 'ak' 'al' 'am' 'an' 'bc' 'bd'
'be' 'bf' 'bg' 'bh' 'bi' 'bj' 'bk' 'bl' 'bm' 'bn' 'cd' 'ce' 'cf' 'cg' 'ch'
'ci' 'cj' 'ck' 'cl' 'cm' 'cn' 'de' 'df' 'dg' 'dh' 'di' 'dj' 'dk' 'dl' 'dm'
'dn' 'ef' 'eg' 'eh' 'ei' 'ej' 'ek' 'el' 'em' 'en' 'fg' 'fh' 'fi' 'fj' 'fk'
'fl' 'fm' 'fn' 'gh' 'gi' 'gj' 'gk' 'gl' 'gm' 'gn' 'hi' 'hj' 'hk' 'hl' 'hm'
'hn' 'ij' 'ik' 'il' 'im' 'in' 'jk' 'jl' 'jm' 'jn' 'kl' 'km' 'kn' 'lm' 'ln'
[25 19 5 ..., 69 77 85]

Also we can reconstruct old categories if needed:

In [33]: print(categories)

['cd' 'bi' 'ag' ..., 'gn' 'ik' 'kl']

['cd' 'bi' 'ag' ..., 'gn' 'ik' 'kl']

Mapping new categories ¶

When we need to map new categories using the same lookup table, we can use numpy.searchsorted

In [34]: categories2 = np.random.choice(possible_categories, size=10000)

new_categories2 = np.searchsorted(unique_categories, categories2)

['gn' 'hn' 'be' ..., 'il' 'bk' 'bl']

['gn' 'hn' 'be' ..., 'il' 'bk' 'bl']

Checking values present in the lookup ¶

Usually, we use set to have many checks that each element exists in array. But numpy.unique is
better option - it works dozens times faster.

In [35]: np.in1d(['ab', 'ac', 'something new'], unique_categories)

Out[35]: array([ True, True, False], dtype=bool)

Handling missing categories ¶

When some new category appears in test data, this is always a trouble. Possible solutions:

map randomly to one of present categories (this, i.e. is done by hashing trick)
make a special category 'unknown' where all new values will be mapped. Then special value may
be chosen for it. This approach is more general, but requires more efforts.

Below you can find the transformer for second approach:

In [36]: class CategoryMapper:

def fit(self, categories):
self.lookup = np.unique(categories)
return self

def transform(self, categories):

"""Converts categories to numbers, 0 is reserved for new values (not present in
return (np.searchsorted(self.lookup, categories) + 1) * np.in1d(categories, self

In [37]: CategoryMapper().fit(categories).transform([unique_categories[0], 'abc'])

Out[37]: array([1, 0])

4. numpy.percentile, numpy.bincount ¶

Splitting data into bins ¶

Splitting data into bins is frequently necessary. Simplest way done e.g. by numpy.histogram is splitting
region with even bins of same size.

This usually works poorly with distributions with long tails (or strange shape) and requires additional
transformation to avoid empty or too large bins.

However, for most cases creating the bins with equal number of events gives more convenient and
stable results. Selecting the edges of bins can be done with numpy.percentile .

In [38]: x = np.random.exponential(size=20000)
_ = plt.hist(x, bins=40)

In [39]: edges = np.percentile(x, np.linspace(0, 100, 20))

_ = plt.hist(x, bins=edges, normed=True)

the number of events within each bin is equal now.

Defining the index of bin ¶

Use numpy.searchsorted to compute the index of bin for each value in x . ( numpy.digitize is the
other option, it does the same).

numpy.searchsorted assumes that first array is sorted and uses binary search, so it is effective even
for large amount of bins.

In [40]: np.searchsorted(edges, x)

Out[40]: array([ 5, 2, 16, ..., 7, 9, 3])

Counter ¶
Need to know number of occurences for each category? Use numpy.bincount to compute the

In [41]: new_categories
Out[41]: array([25, 19, 5, ..., 69, 77, 85])

This will compute how many times each category present in the data:

In [42]: np.bincount(new_categories)

Out[42]: array([112, 105, 127, 112, 118, 107, 129, 94, 118, 105, 109, 103, 97,
108, 110, 97, 103, 111, 103, 102, 108, 115, 121, 98, 121, 115,
105, 113, 109, 97, 91, 109, 109, 107, 114, 123, 99, 98, 92,
117, 103, 94, 111, 113, 125, 98, 110, 122, 108, 117, 106, 100,
111, 108, 106, 130, 116, 97, 112, 106, 103, 103, 109, 107, 106,
121, 107, 117, 115, 113, 109, 107, 122, 123, 117, 104, 99, 125,
110, 122, 93, 105, 112, 118, 116, 105, 110, 112, 123, 116, 127])

the same done with collections.Counter (which is much slower)

In [43]: from collections import Counter

np.array(sorted(Counter(new_categories).items()))[:, 1]

Out[43]: array([112, 105, 127, 112, 118, 107, 129, 94, 118, 105, 109, 103, 97,
108, 110, 97, 103, 111, 103, 102, 108, 115, 121, 98, 121, 115,
105, 113, 109, 97, 91, 109, 109, 107, 114, 123, 99, 98, 92,
117, 103, 94, 111, 113, 125, 98, 110, 122, 108, 117, 106, 100,
111, 108, 106, 130, 116, 97, 112, 106, 103, 103, 109, 107, 106,
121, 107, 117, 115, 113, 109, 107, 122, 123, 117, 104, 99, 125,
110, 122, 93, 105, 112, 118, 116, 105, 110, 112, 123, 116, 127])

Replace category with number of occurences ¶

There are several tricks important to process the categorical features. Most known one is one-hot
encoding, but let's speak about others.

One of tricks is to replace in each event category (which cannot be processed by most algorithms) with a
number of times it presents in data.

This can be written in numpy one-liner:

In [44]: np.bincount(new_categories)[new_categories]

Out[44]: array([115, 102, 107, ..., 113, 125, 105])

Averaging predictions over category ¶

Another important trick: replace category with average prediction for events from this category.

This is more tricky, since we need to add weights to numpy.bincount :

In [45]: predictions = np.random.normal(size=len(new_categories))

In [46]: means_over_category = np.bincount(new_categories, weights=predictions) / np.bincount(new_


Out[46]: array([ 0.03873642, -0.00404972, 0.01078471, ..., -0.13723158,

-0.13214773, 0.12129524])

Variation of predictions over category ¶

The same trick can be applied to measure deviation after invloving some math:

Vx = Ex2 − (Ex)2
In [47]: means_of_squares_over_category = np.bincount(new_categories, weights=predictions**2) / n
var_over_category = means_of_squares_over_category - means_over_category ** 2

Out[47]: array([ 0.85843132, 0.94388082, 0.96350536, ..., 0.8831292 ,

1.01031933, 0.67702705])

You can also assign weights to events and compute weighted mean / weighted variation using the same

5. ¶
To proceed futher, we need to know that there is class of binary (and unary) functions: numpy.ufuncs

Examples: numpy.add , numpy.subtract , numpy.multiply , numpy.maximum , numpy.minimum

In the following example we cook a new column with maximal predictions over category using

In [48]: max_over_category = np.zeros(new_categories.max() + 1) - np.infty, new_categories, predictions)


[ 2.87279069 2.43059696 2.04921886 ..., 2.62513163 2.81520326


Important note: and numpy.bincount are very similar, but latter is dozens of times
faster. Always prefer it to

In [49]: %timeit, new_categories, predictions)

%timeit np.bincount(new_categories, weights=predictions)

100 loops, best of 3: 1.63 ms per loop

10000 loops, best of 3: 33 µs per loop

Multidimensional statistics: and smart indexing ¶

When need to compute number of times each combination met, there are two ways:

1. convert couple of variables to new variable, e.g. by feature1 * (numpy.max(feature2) + 1) + feature2

2. create multidimensional table

I prefer first, code below is demonstration of second approach and it's benefits.

In [50]: first_category = np.random.randint(0, 100, len(new_categories))

second_category = np.random.randint(0, 100, len(new_categories))

In [51]: counters = np.zeros([first_category.max() + 1, second_category.max() + 1]), [first_category, second_category], 1)

Now some useful things we can do with colected statistic. First thing is create feature, for which we use
fancy indexing:

In [52]: counters[first_category, second_category]

Out[52]: array([ 1., 1., 3., ..., 4., 3., 1.])

We can also infer different statistics like:

In [53]: # occurences of second category

Out[53]: array([ 122., 102., 82., ..., 112., 118., 100.])

In [54]: # maximal occurences of second category with same value of first category

Out[54]: array([ 4., 4., 3., ..., 4., 4., 7.])

In [55]: # number of occurences of second category with fixed first category:

counters[42, second_category]

Out[55]: array([ 0., 0., 0., ..., 4., 4., 1.])

you are not limited to numpy.add , remember there are other ufuncs.
Few space to keep whole matrix? Use scipy.sparse if there are too many zero elements.
Alternatively, you can use matrix decompositions to keep approximation of matrix and compute
result on-the-fly.

Computing ROC curve ¶

As an important exercise, let's implement the computation of ROC curve. (interactive demo of ROC
curve may be found here )

We will write the same as sklearn.metrics.roc_curve (actually, simplified version of it).

ROC curve takes three arrays: labels (binary, 0 or 1), predictions (real-valued) and weights.

In [56]: def roc_curve(labels, predictions, sample_weight):

sig_weights = sample_weight * (labels == 1)
bck_weights = sample_weight * (labels == 0)
thresholds, predictions = np.unique(predictions, return_inverse=True)
tpr = np.bincount(predictions, weights=sig_weights)[::-1].cumsum()
fpr = np.bincount(predictions, weights=bck_weights)[::-1].cumsum()
tpr /= tpr[-1]
fpr /= fpr[-1]
return fpr, tpr, thresholds[::-1]

In [57]: np.random.seed(1)
size = 1000
labels = (np.random.random(size) > 0.5) * 1
predictions = np.random.normal(size=size) + labels
weights = np.random.exponential(size=size)

In [58]: fpr1, tpr1, thr1 = roc_curve(labels, predictions, weights)

Let's check how result looks like:

In [59]: plt.figure(figsize=[12, 5])

plt.hist(predictions[labels == 0], bins=20, alpha=0.5)
plt.hist(predictions[labels == 1], bins=20, alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(fpr1, tpr1)
plt.xlabel('FPR'), plt.ylabel('TPR')

Out[59]: (<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x109956e90>, <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10995c190>)

In [60]: # sometimes sklearn adds one more element to all arrays.
# I have no idea why this is needed and when, but in this case all answers turn to False
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve as sklearn_roc_curve
fpr2, tpr2, thr2 = sklearn_roc_curve(labels, predictions, sample_weight=weights)
np.allclose(fpr1, fpr2), np.allclose(tpr1, tpr2), np.allclose(thr1, thr2)

Out[60]: (True, True, True)

Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance ¶

ROC curve is an important object by itself and freqently used in ML to compare distribution, but the
magic is that it contains all order-based information about original distributions.

Next we compute KS distance based on ROC curve:

KS = max ∣F1 (x) − F2 (x)∣


(Order-based information == information, which is preserved under monotonic transformations)

In [61]: def ks_2samp(distribution1, distribution2, weights1, weights2):

labels = np.array([0] * len(distribution1) + [1] * len(distribution2))
predictions = np.concatenate([distribution1, distribution2])
weights = np.concatenate([weights1, weights2])

fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(labels, predictions, sample_weight=weights)

return np.max(np.abs(fpr - tpr))

In [62]: data1 = np.random.normal(loc=0, size=size)

data2 = np.random.normal(loc=1, size=size)
weights1 = np.random.exponential(size=size)
weights2 = np.random.exponential(size=size)

Compare results with standard function:

In [63]: from scipy.stats import ks_2samp as ks_2samp_scipy

print( ks_2samp(data1, data2, weights1=np.ones(size), weights2=np.ones(size)) )
print( ks_2samp_scipy(data1, data2)[0] )


Important moment that written function supports weights, while scipy version doesn't.

TODO: optimal F1, optimal accuracy based on ROC curve.

Conclusion ¶
Many things can be written in numpy in efficient way, moreover resulting code will be short and (surpise!)
more readable.
But this skill requires much practice.

See also ¶
Second part of post: numpy tips and tricks 2
I used example from histogram equalization with numpy
Numpy log-likelihood benchmark

This post was written in IPython. You can download the notebook from repository.

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Brilliantly wrong

Alex Rogozhnikov arogozhnikov Brilliantly Wrong — Alex Rogozhnikov's blog about math, machine learning, programming and
high energy physics.

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