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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا وانفعنا بما علمتنا وزدنا علما‬

‫اإلخوة األعزاء هذه بعض األسئلة المجمعة من امتحان‬
‫الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الطبية الخاصة بالطبيب‬
‫المقيم تخصص جراحة الفم واألسنان هذه األسئلة‬
‫غالبيتها من امتحان الهيئة يوم ‪ 2010\10\7‬وبفضل‬
‫هللا تذكرت معظم األسئلة ووثقتها من بعض المراجع‬
‫نسال هللا التوفيق للجميع ز ونسألكم الدعاء‪ .‬وياريت‬
‫تبقى هذه كعلم ينتفع به وجزاكم هللا خيرا‪.‬‬
‫والحمد هلل أنا نجحت باالمتحان‪.‬‬

‫‪1- Battle s Sign is :‬‬

‫‪a-fracture zygoma.‬‬
‫‪b-fracture anterior cranial fossa.‬‬
‫‪c- fracture middl cranial fossa++‬‬
‫‪d- fracture condyle.‬‬
2- increased bleeding time is seen
in :
b- hemophilia A
C- hemophilia B.
d-hemophilia C .


YIELD cholesterol crystals. Which of the
following is most likely diagnosis ?
a-keratocyst +++
b-cystic hygroma
c-Aneurysmal bone cyst
4-the best radiographic view of tempromandibular
joint is given by:
a-transorbital view.
b-reverse towen,s view.
c-transpharyngeal .+++

5-Alkaline phosphatase level is increased in:

a-Osteitis deformans.( Paget disease ) +++
b-Dowen,s syndrome.
c- Familial fibrous dysplasia of jaws
6-Tumour of maxillary sinus causes flow of
tears due to prevent relapse is :
a-nasal puncta.
b-nasolacrimal duct +++
c-lacrimal gland.
d-lacrimal apparatus.
7-Ramu,45years old patient , present with
odontogenic infection . he has had recurrent
infections and weight loss in the recent past ,
has good apetite with polydipsia . he should be
investigation for:
a-chronic glomerulonephritis
b-diabetes mellitus.+++
d-infectious mononucleosis

8-Hemophilics show:
a-increase bleeding time &clotting time.
b-decrease bleeding time &clotting time.
c-decrease bleeding time &increase clotting
time .
d-normal bleeding time &increase clotting
9-comman complication of the local anesthetic
priolocaine is :
b-hepatic disinfection.
d-loss of taste.

10-If the root fracture in apical third of

tooth without mobility :
a-tooth should be extracted.
b-treated endodontic ally.
c-no treatment &periodic review.+++
d-non of above.

11-Patient present with lateral subconjunctival

hemorrhage. Infra orbital step &diplopia on
right side with in ability to open mouth he can
have :
a-fracture sub condylar right side .
b-fracture zygomatic right side.+++
c –fracture lefort II right side.
d-fracture of the floor of the orbit.

12-Apatient present bilateral infra orbital step

par aesthesia on left check region ,with
posterior gagging ,and mobility of maxillary
complex at nasal bones it indicated :
a-bilatral fracture zygoma.
b-bilateral fracture lefort II ,+++
c-fracture zygoma left side with bilateral lefort
II .
D-Fracture bilateral sub condoyler &fracture
zygoma left side.
13- Battle,s sign is associated with :
a-fracture zygoma .
b-fracture of anterior cranial fossa.
c- fracture of middl cranial fossa .+++
d- fracture of naso esthmoid .
14-Respiratory embarrassment can occur
in fracture :
b-para symphysis.
c-bilateral para symphysis .+++
d-bilateral subcondylar.

15-the major artery supply to the

tempromandibular joint is derived from :
a-facial artery .
b-angular artery .
c-occipital artery .
d-super facial temperal artery &maxillary
16-what the nerve supplies sensory innervations
to anterior two thirds of tongue?
a-ophthalmic division (v-1 )
b-maxillary division (v-2)
c-mandibular division (v-3) .+++
17- treatment of chronic osteomyelitis consists of
a-culture sensitivity and prolonged antibiotic
b- culture sensitivity with antibiotic therapy and
hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
c-sequestrectomy ,surgical exploration and
prolonged antibiotic therapy after culture
d- sequestrectomy , antibiotic after sensitivity&
hydrocortisone therapy.

18-the choice of treatment for Keratocysts should

be :
a-marsupialisation .
b- marsupialisation with secondary closure .
c- Enucleation .++++
d- marsupialisation with primary closure.
19-Globulomaxillary cyst occupies bony region
between :
a-maxilary central incisor &lateral incisor.
b- maxillary lateral incisor &canine.++++
c- -maxilary canine &premolar.
d-1st&2nd premolar of maxilla.

20-Apatient presented with a radiolucent lesion

And biopsy reported show giant cells lesion could
be :
a-Giant cell granuloma.
b-Brown tumor .
d- All of above.++++
21-Ahypertension patient having café au lait
spots , hypoplastic maxilla & signs of mental
deficiency presented with soft tissue mass on
buccal mucosa , this should incite surgeon to
investigate for :
a-Nurofibromatosis .+++++
b- Neurilemmoma.
c-Down syndrome .
d-Pierre Robion syndrome.

22- If after extracting a mandibular tooth ,one

encounters bleeding due to an under lying
haemangioma the first step in treatment
would be :
a- Carotid artery ligation.
b-inferior alveolar artery ligation.
c-replacing the tooth in the socket .++++
d-pressure packing.
23-A35-years old patient with history of trauma
complained of intermittent pain in (right)
mandible with areas of paraesthesia .x-ray
picture revealed a radiolucent area extending
into the inferior alveolar canal , on aspiration no
fluid –gas was present ,one can suspect:
a-hemorrhagic bone cyst .
b-Aneurysmal bone cyst.
3-Tramatic bone cyst.++++
4-None of above.

24-Exodontia elevators are based on principle of :

c-Wheel &axle
d- All of the above+++++
25-The treatment of localized osteitis(dry socket)
a-Debridement, curettage &sedative packing .
b-Curettage ,irrigation &sedative packing .
c-Irrigation &sedative packing.+++++
d-None of above .

26-All of the local anaesthetics cross placenta :

a-Except mepivacaine .
b-Statement is true.+++++
c- Statement is false.
d-Excepte lignocaine.

27-Ester type local anaesthetics are metabolized

in the :
a-Liver only .
28-one of complications of prilocaine LA is:
a-Agranulocytosis .
b-Hepatic dysfunction .
d-Nonne of above.

29-How many cartridges of 2% lignocaine can be

given to a 70kg man (with adrenaline )?
a- 8----if without adrenaline
b- 12
c- 17
d- 25

30-VIRAL INFECTION \s which can seen in oral

cavity of patient with HIV is\are :
a-Hairy leukoplakia.
b-Herpetic stomatitis .
c-Papilloma wartes .
d-All of above.+++++
31-Amide type local anaesthesia are metabolized
in the:
a-Serum b-LIVER+++++
C-Spleen d- Kidny

32-Thrombocytopenia (low platelets count)that

Is less than------------ is an absolute
contraindication to elective surgical procedures
because of possibility of significant bleeding :
a- 50.000\mm3+++ b- 75.000\mm3
c- 100.000\mm3 d- 125.000\mm3

33- A patient with history of rheumatic heart

disease ,whose scaling &sub gingival curettage
was done ,developed weakness ,weight loss ,and
fatigue, post operative .his symptoms indicate he
might have developed :
a-AIDS B- Hepatitis B
c-SABE +++ d- Pernicious anemia
34- A 29-year old patient taking 60mg
hydrocortisone for the last one month requires
periodontal surgery:
a- It should not be carried out.
b-The dose should be halved and then surgery
carried out.
c- The dose should be doubled and then surgery
d-NO change in dose should be made and surgery
carried out.

35- A 12 –year-old patient had episodes of

haemarthrosis but characteristically petechiae &
ecchymosis were not seen . his BT &platelet
count was normal .it is haematological picture of
a-Hemophilia A +++
b-Thrombocytopenic purpura .
c-Von Willebrand,s disease .
36- A 12 –year-old patient of thrombocytopenic
purpura has to undergo minor oral surgery
procedure, he should first be given :
a-Packed red cells to improve oxygen carrying
capacity of blood.
b-Fresh frozen plasma to provide coagulation
c-Platelets rich plasma to allow normal clotting
d-Non of above since his BT \CT should be

37-Patient of roadside accident presented with

bleeding from ear &impaired hearing with sign
\symptom of head injury , there could be a
fracture of :
a-Anterior cranial fossa .
b-Middle cranial fossa.++++
c-Posterior cranial fossa.
d-None of the above.
38-A 24-year- old patient presented with
subconjunctivtal haemorrhage on medial &
lateral side of eye &history of bleeding from nose
and mouth with disturbed occlusion .on moving
the maxilla mobility was palpable at infra orbital
margins only .it can be suspected to be fracture :
a-Le Fort I
B-Le Fort II
C-Le Fort III
D-Le Fort II & fracture zygoma.+++

39-A58 year- old male patient complained of pain

on right side of tongue, inability to protrude
tongue, dysphagia, increased salivation
&alteration is voice, one should suspect;
A- Carcinoma of anterior tongue.
b- Carcinoma of posterior tongue. ++++
c- Carcinoma larynx.
d- Carcinoma epiglotticus.
40-All the following condition cause defective
platelet function except:
a- Uremia.
b- Hemophilia A.++++
C- Aspirin ingestion.
d-Von Willebrand,s disease.

41-Bleeding time is increased in :

c-Renal failure .

42-Hemophilia A has increased :

a- PT.
B- PTT . ++++
43-Recurrent oral ulceration, atrophic
glossitis , burning tongue ,candidosis &
angular cheilitis are suggestive of :
a-Lukemia .
b-Anemia .++++
d-All of above.

44- The best radiographic technique for

demonstration of internal derangements of
the T M G is:
a- MRI .++++
B- CT scan.

45-All of the local anaesthetic cross the

a-Eexcept mepivacaine.
b- Statement is true.+++++
c-statement is false.
d-except lignocaine.

46- CBC:

47- Ptosis : is a (drooping) of the upper or lower eyelid. The

drooping may be worse after being awake longer, when the individual's
muscles are tired. This condition is sometimes called "lazy eye", but that
term normally refers to amblyopia. If severe enough and left untreated,
the drooping eyelid can cause other conditions, such as amblyopia or
astigmatism. This is why it is especially important for this disorder to be
treated in children at a young age, before it can interfere with vision

48- Fluid in body water about 70% found in :

a- Intracellular.++
b-between cells .
c- interestatial cells.
49-defeculty of breathing in case of fractures:
a- Bilatral subcondylar fracture .
b- symphysis fracture .
c-parasymphysis fracture .++++

50-patient need oral surgery & he complain

rheumatic heart disease, patient should be
prophylaxes :
b-penicillin G,

51-normal fasting blood suger:

a- 70 -- 90 mg\dl.
b- 90 -- 130 mg\dl. +++
c- 150 -- 250 mg\dl.
a-Excessive salivation.
b-Tongue swallowing .+++++

53-Thrombocytopenia (low platlets) that is less

than ------------- is an absolute contraindication
to elective surgical procedures because of the
possibility of significant bleeding .
54-What is first step when initiating CPR?
b- Establish unresponsiveness.++++
c-Administration a cool towel on the person's
55- The major arterial supply to the
tempromandibular joint is derived from the:
a-facial artery .
2-Angular artery .
c- Occipital artery.
d- Superficial temporal artery &the maxillary
56- After receiving an injection of alocal
anesthetic containing 2% lidocaine with
1: 100,000 epinephrine , the patient LOSS
CONSCIOUSNESS . which of the following is the
most probable cause :
a- Acut toxcicty .
b- B- Allergic response .
c- Syncope.+++==
d- Hyperventoliation syndrome.

‫نسألكم الدعاء‬

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