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This year you will have three teachers: Mrs. McPhall, Mr. Sahr, and Ms. Mikesell!

You will be assigned

a homeroom teacher but will be working with all of the 5th grade teachers. Mrs. McPhall will be your Math
teacher; Ms. Mikesell will be your Reading teacher; and Mr. Sahr will be your Language Arts teacher. Science
and Social Studies will be taught in your homeroom. Our hope is that our rotating schedule will help prepare
you for middle school, and having used this format for three years now, we are confident that this transition will
run smoothly. We are all excited and looking forward to our school year together.
5​th​ Grade Classroom Supplies 
We know parents often would like to know well ahead of time what kinds of items their child will 
need in terms of school supplies. As fifth grade teachers, we have gotten together and planned 
out just which items we plan to utilize throughout the year. Please keep in mind that the top 
part of the page are items that every child will need to bring, while the bottom part of the page 
are items that often come in handy and would make great donations to your teacher’s classroom 
supply cupboard.  
Please make sure to send the following items with your child on the first day of school​: 
● one 1” 3-ring binder (sturdy enough for daily transport back and forth from school) 
● one package 3-ring tab dividers (5-tab is plenty) 
● two spiral one-subject notebooks 
● one package pencils to contribute to our collection (sharpen a few ahead of time, please) 
● two boxes of tissues 
● one pencil box, containing​: 
○ ​two glue sticks 
○ one pair of scissors 
○ ​three dry erase markers and an eraser (or an old, *clean* sock to use as one) 
○ one highlighter 
○ ​crayons or colored pencils 
○ one black pen 
○ one colored pen 
○ Suggested: o ​ ne pair of headphones (earbuds are fine) 

The following items are not required for each student, but are items we use up quite quickly and 
would very much appreciate donations of: 
·​ ​additional glue sticks, crayons, markers, colored pencils 
·​ ​sticky notes 
Thank you, parents, for your interest and support. We look forward to meeting with you at 
Open House night on August 20th from 4:30-6 p.m. We hope you’re having a great summer! 
Nikkari 5​th​ grade teachers 

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