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Gabriel Calderón

At 35, Uruguayan playwright, actor and director, Gabriel Calderón, has written more than 20 plays. He has
participated in residencies at the Royal Court Theatre in London, Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab in
New York and been a resident artist at Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry in Paris France.

His works have been performed in Australia, Argentina, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, USA, Colombia,
France, Brazil, Panama, Peru, and Mexico. His writings have been translated into French, German,
English, Greek, Catalán, Italian and Portuguese.

He has received the National Prize of Literature twice for his plays “My little porno world” and “Maybe life ir
ridicolous”. He also has received the First Prize in the Competition of New Dramaturgy organized by the
International Theater Institute of Uruguay and several honorary mentions. In 2005 he received the prize
Florencio granted by the Association of Theater Critics in Uruguay for best director of the season.

He has given conferences, classes and seminars in: Argentina (Seminario Iberoamericano de dramaturgia creativa
coordinado por Mauricio Kartun/ ELTI- Encuentro Latinoamericano de Teatro / Biblioteca Velez Arfield); Brasil (Sao
Paulo- Nucleo de Dramaturgia do British Counsil SP/ Universidad de Santa Catalina); Chile (Universidad de Chile/
Universidad Finis Terrae/ Universidad Católica) Cuba (Casa de las Americas, Festival Mayo Teatral); México
(Guadalajara Festival de Lecturas/ DF Transdrama) Francia (Nouvelle Sorbonne Paris 3/ Casa de Amerique
Latine/ Theatre Quartier d´Ivry/ Université Paul Valery); Israel- Palestina ( Jerusalem- Teatro Nacional Palestino);
España (Sala Beckett- Obrador d´estiu/ Institut del teatre): Suiza (Lausanne - HETSR La Manufacture, Haute Ecole
de Théâtre de Suisse Romande); Italia ( ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione Curso Internacional de
perfeccionamiento en dramaturgia)

At this time he is working with the NAtional Theatre of Catalunya for a new show on 2018, and with the NAtional
Theater Cervantes in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for a new show for 2020.

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