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My Feelings(Someone said I had none)

To begin with,

We met on the dance floor

I knew not who you were,
But when we zinged
I got a feeling that we'd prosper.

Our first date at Tryst

My feelings I could not resist,
It should have been me holding you and not the other way around
In that moment, I just knew I could trust you facedown.

At Marine Drive we gazed at the drowning sun

We talked, listened to music and had some fun,
Your eyes, luminous and bright
I couldn't have imagined a better sight.
Ah!! What a beautiful sight;

The cab ride(kiss) will always remind me how passionate you were
I was so into you, that the view(Eastern Freeway) around me seemed a bit blur,
It was impromptu and meant to be a surprise
My stomach felt like tingling of butterflies.

I still remember when we went to see Mr. X(The Movie)

It was close enough to, us having sex,
U felt me and I you
After that day, closeness between us grew.

It was very gutsy of you to hangout with us at CCD near acres

Well nothing was rhyming with acres, so I will go with I knew the coffee makers,
You opening up to Nikhil, I adore
And then, Nikhil had problems with u no more.
The month of May encompassed many discrepancies
Why wouldn't it happen, in college you are surrounded by enemies,
Every time we met, we rattled, it took us apart
Somewhere deep inside, this broke my heart .

Then came the long awaited day

It's not Valentine's Day, It was your Birthday,
We couldn't meet on 28th, and for this day I really churned my brain
But when we did, I'm am glad that u liked it and my efforts didn't go in vain;

I had planned all this as a surprise

Thanks to Nikhil, all that turned to be apprised,
I know it was not a Gold Ring or an iPhone 6
OR I know I didn't gift you a Gold Ring or an iPhone 6
All I did was right from the heart and thought it would keep us affix.

At Carter Road, I called you indecently

I did so because we hadn't met recently,
Comparing the view and you, I will give the edge(preference) to you
Yet you were faltering(not physically attracted to me you said), I wish that weren't

You come with a lot of baggage

Papa, Mummy, Manoj n Mama,
I take all that in
And treat u like president Obama.

Manoj or me(Anand of course)

I can't just let it be,
It is difficult to say, u r on whose side
But just to let u know, it deeply hurts my pride;

There was a time when i felt u deeply cared

I know not what i did that made u so scarce.
U made pasta, dosa, sandwiches and accompanied me to beautiful spots,
This kind gesture of yours, I will forget not.
All these alluring memories would be unbearable to erase
The fact we are not going to be together anymore, I would have embrace,
All being said, I would like for you to make a note
I will never blame you, because I love you and with tears I'm afloat.

You are my one true love; the wound of leaving you would be strenuous to clot
U captured my heart and will always have a irreplaceable spot,
I want you to know that while writing this I did cry
I will not reveal them to you ever, though this is goodbye.

Ur love towards me has always been a question for me

U spin my head right round right round when u go down when u go down, down

Each facet of your being

whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

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