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This book's about a world in which there are people with superpowers, but none of
them are good.

The story starts with the storyteller remembering when he was 8 years old.

He was in the bank with his father. It happened when the "Epics", people with
powers, recently showed
up. Everyone was afraid because every Epic that appeared was a villain. But his
father had hopes
that Heroes would came.

In this day, an Epic invaded the bank and casually started a killing spree. The
Epic was calm.
He stated, while killing a woman, that in the morning of that day he was thinking
why he would
rob a bank if he did not need the money. While killing another one, he explained
that everything
he wanted, he could just take. But, continued the epic without stopping the
killing, then he
understood, the robbering wouldn't be about the money. It would serve to show
everbody what he
could do. To teach people to just give him what he wanted, so he would not need to
kill someone
every time he need something.

The storyteller remember that while the man was talking, his father was looking on
a gun that
was near, dropped by a guard that was killed. The boy asked his father to not do
anything, to
wait for the Heroes to appear, but his father said that, sometimes, we should help
the heroes.

That´s when Steelheart entered in the scene. Strong muscles, cape floating. Not
famous yet. He
grabbed the killer, who could not harm him, with just one hand. For a moment, the
boy tought
that a Hero had come. But them, Steelheart offered the Epic to work under him. Then
his father
shoot the killer. The bullet have nicked Steelheart, making him bleed.

That was a shook for everyone, because normal weapons should not work on
Steelheart. He was
supposed to be invulnerable. Steelheart then entered in a frenzy. He shoot energy
destroyed the place and

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