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SMPS2Dynamixel:- The SMPS2Dynamixel has two 3-pin connectors for TTL

communication (AX and MX-xxT servomotors) and two 4-pin connectors for RS485
communication (RX, EX and MX-xxR servomotors).The communication lines of the connectors
are linked, so the SMPS2Dynamixel can be inserted in a chain of Dynamixel servomotors without
interrupting the transmission of the digital command signal.The SMPS2Dynamixel is protected
from external metallic contacts by a plastic shrink tube.

SMPS PS-10 charger for Dynamixel:-The SMPS PS-10 charger delivers a 12V
voltage and a 5A intensity.It allows to recharge the LB-012 batteries through the LBC-010
charger, and to power the CM-5, CM-510 and CM-530, CM-700, OpenCR boards and the
OpenCM-485 expansion board.The SMPS PS-10 charger is also compatible with the
SMPS2Dynamixel and U2D2 power board to power your Dynamixel servomotors if you use
them without a controller (with a UBS2Dynamixel, USB2AX or U2D2 module).Since it has a
standard 5.5x2.5 mm jack connector, it is also compatible with many other products.

The 3P Extension PCB for BIOLOID:-It can easily extends ports thanks to 6 X 3P
connectors on it.It can be used to extend the ports when the no. of 3P communicating ports is
insufficient.This device is not compatible with the RS-485 line of products that uses the 4P
connectors !

10 cables 3 pins 60 mm for Bioloid and Dynamixel:-Set of 10 cables to connect

Dynamixel servomotos of the AX and MX-xxT series. Each cable has a length of 60 mm.

The compatible products are:

# Dynamixel from the AX serie (AX-18A, AX-12A, AX-12W)

# Dynamixel from the MX serie (MX-28T, MX-64T, MX-106T)

# Controller CM-5

# Controller CM-510

# Controller CM-530

# Controller CM-700

# Controller CM-900

# USB2Dynamixel

10 cables 3 pins 100 mm for Bioloid and Dynamixel:-Set of 10 cables to

connect Dynamixel servomotos of the AX and MX-xxT series. Each cable has a length of 100
mm.The compatible products are:

# Dynamixel from the AX serie (AX-18A, AX-12A, AX-12W)

# Dynamixel from the MX serie (MX-28T, MX-64T, MX-106T)

# Controller CM-5

# Controller CM-510

# Controller CM-530

# Controller CM-700

# Controller CM-900

# USB2Dynamixel.

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