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The children’s play received a standing ovation

The clown’s shoes protruded from the Windows

The class average grade was impressive

The bike’s handlebars were bent in the crash

My sister traveled by bus to meet us

I have many cousins.

I have one sister.

I have blue eyes.

My sister have red hair.

The cat has a long tail.

I have a nice dream every day.

John have a bicycle.

Julia has a blue book.

The office has two entrances.

The school has a large living room.

There are two books on the desk?

There is an ipad in my backpack ?

The pencil i son the table?

My phone is in my bag?

It’s on the floor ?

Get on the bus?

She’s at the soccer game?

There are apples in the box?

My grades are between six and eight?

There is something wrong between us?

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