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Your first key to manifesting,

Let me start by asking you, do you really want more out of life? How bad?

If you say no, then maybe this program isn't for you!

This isn't a get rich quick scheme but it doesn't need to take a long time either. If you're ready for
change, keep reading...

Do you have a clear goal?

A man or woman without a goal is like a ship sailing with no rudder. It has no direction and will simply
sail around until it hits a random beach or worse yet, hits a rocky shore.

If you are not aiming at something, how can you expect to hit it?!!!

Another trait you will need along with a clear goal is that you must have BURNING DESIRE and passion
for that which you want.

Without true desire and passion for whatever you are after, everything else

will just crumble away at the first sign of resistance. You have to crave it, visualize yourself with it, and
think about it constantly.

Let me help you understand this concept better. Think back to a time when you craved something so
bad, maybe a toy as a kid, or something you really wanted that was just out of reach, and yet you
eventually got it. Can you remember? Do you remember how you felt before you got it? Those constant
thoughts filled with emotion when your mind thought about it. We need to feel those emotional
thoughts when we think about our goals and dreams.
Now we all have desire for something in our life.

The key is to direct this desire and focus into the goal you want to achieve.

Take some time and think about this. If there were no boundaries and it was Christmas, anything you
asked santa to bring he would. What would that limitless gift be? Write it down. If it scares you then you
are on the right path. If it isn't scary, start over till you can think of something big enough or unbelievable
enough that it scares you.

Once it is written down, start thinking of ways you may be able to achieve or get this goal. If an idea hits
you, write it down as well.

To help here is an example or 2...

"I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a happy and healthy relationship with the man/woman of
my dreams. It is so! Thank you Father!"

"I am so happy and grateful now that I am making $100,000.00 a month in my internet marketing
business. It is so! Thank you Father!"

This is only a a few examples of a goals/ affirmations, but you can see the general flow. Once you have
this, read it twice a day and take a few minutes to visualize yourself in possession of it, whatever it is
after you read it.

Whew....thats a lot to take in and a real gold nugget if you use it!

That being said, tomorrow, we cover the second major key to manifesting, stay tuned.
This is how to program the subconscious for attraction,

Autosuggestion. No thought be it negative or positive, can enter the subconscious mind without using
the principle of autosuggestion.

Why do we care about the subconscious so much? It is what puts out

your attractive vibration. Whatever you are attracting in your life is due mainly

to your beliefs which in turn sends attracting vibrations out and attracts more of whatever your
dominating thoughts are.

The more passion you have behind a thought, the more attraction for that thought.

This has been known for over a 100 years. Andrew Carnegie used this to amass some of the most wealth
ever, as have many others.

Just understanding what I have said above is life changing.

Think of the mind as a fertile garden. You are either going to plant what you want in that garden or, if
unused and neglected, weeds will grow and dominate your garden.

So how do we rid of weeds in our garden? through autosuggestion. You must start by replacing negative,
defeating thoughts with thoughts of what you desire.

These must be emotionally backed thoughts or it won't work.

Find a true desire in your life (as we talked about in earlier emails) and start thinking about that desire
multiple times every day.
Close your eyes and imagine having that desire is the present tense for several minutes. Write down that
desire every day.

Carry it around in your pocket on a piece of paper to remind you every time you reach in your pocket.

Burn the thought into your head until it becomes a habit. Repeat this enough times and you will start to
believe and see it as being true.

When you can get to the point where it is so real you can taste it and know it to be true, the universe has
no choice but to fulfill this heart felt desire and make it so.

Sometimes it comes in ways we don't expect, but it will come. It always comes when done properly.

The key is to repeat it, hold the thought, and feel it with a burning desire.

Many try this and claim it doesn't work. But most of the time they miss the key of feeling it with strong
emotion. I know because I was one of these people for a long time.

Now I'm here to help you not makes these mistakes.

Ok, tomorrow is a great offer you don't want to miss!

See you soon,


, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States

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Do you want to achieve your goals faster? Than Coaching is key...

Coaching is so powerful and necessary.

Even though I am here coaching you and helping you to achieve your goals, I need coaching as well. If we
are not growing, we are rotting...

Let me share a quick video with you that I made about my personal coach...

You Can See It Here...

There is nothing more powerful in life than having a coach of some kind. If you want to speed things up,
you need a coach! That is the point of this 30 day program.

Now I may not be the perfect coach for you and that is ok, because I can at least open you up to other
coaches that may appeal to you more.
I really want to encourage you to go out and get even more coaching weather it be in person, through a
course, or even a book.

Continued growth is key and it doesn't have to be all through here.

Investing in yourself will help you grow faster and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my

I'll keep this one short and let you consider the possibilities of moving faster towards your goal with
continued coaching.

See you tomorrow where we will be going over the next key!



, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States

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Do you ever find yourself stuck?

Are decisions hard to make? They were for me for some time. Im talking even little things like, peanut
butter and jelly? or peanut butter and honey?...gosh...I don't know...SERIOUSLY...We laugh, but I see it all
the time and am guilty myself.

Some of these problems are paradigms and fears, fears of not making the right choice, or not making the
"perfect decision". Let me give you a hint, you will never always be right! This is old programing that is
ingrained in us from schooling, family, peers, etc. We are taught from a young age that failing is bad! So
don't do it.

You only "fail" if you make a mistake and you don't learn from it. Mistakes aren't bad, they are given, that
is how we learn. So let go of fear of mistakes or not being perfect. Practice on something you start to
question. Make a Decision and stick with it. Go with your first thought and see it out. If you mess up,
then get excited and learn from it. Know that you can check that off the list and move a little closer to
the right decision. Edison messed up 1,000+ times before he made the right choice, look where that got

Practice making decisions on small things to start. Floundering on decisions plugs the mind and prevents
the energy and focus you need to manifest what you want.

I even come back and read this exact email for myself, it is that powerful.

Ok, tomorrow, we are going over something I didn't expect to share until the last second. I feel guided to
share it and if your like me, then you REALLY need to read it. Probably one of the biggest keys that hold
us back from achieving more..stay tuned.
Do you know what blocks you?

Let me help you out as this is huge and I feel guided to share this with you as I was going to share
something totally different...paradigms block you!

We don't even know they are there half the time and they keep us from where we want to be in life in
any and all areas.

This is the number one reason I see or hear of people failing. Myself included!

What is a paradigm? It is a set way/ pattern of thinking. They are stored in our subconscious and are
created through massive reputation, belief, or traumatic experience.

They basically are our automatic response to questions and as we get older and worse yet, get
questioned less and less as to how true they really are or not.


Question...Why don't you quadruple your yearly income next year?

Paradigm reply..."I could never do that" or "thats way to hard"

Is this true? Absolutely not! But do we ever question it?


Question...Why don't you vacation to that dream spot you have always been talking about?

Paradigm reply..."I don't have any money" or "I don't have time"

I hear those last two so many times and don't miss understand me, I was guilty of saying them as well.
Are they true? Maybe for the time being, but can they be changed? Absolutely yes!

The problem when we reply with these thoughts or phrases (and typically with a lot of anchored
emotion behind them) We are only further anchoring them deeper which makes them all the more true
and continues a never ending cycle. YUCK!

Please please please hear me here:

"If you want a better answer in life, you must first ask a better question!"

When you start to ask better questions, you WILL get better answers. It is work, your paradigms will
attack you from all over, but hang in there! They will eventually pass.

When you ask a better question and "receive" a better answer, start to repeat it from then on. Old
paradigms can be replaced. Get a good replacement and then go back to your email in day 5 and use
autosuggestion to start melding it into your mind in place of your old paradigm.

This is a lot to bite off in one email, so I will go over it more in later days, but lets start with an action

Next time you get asked a positive questions that would better your life and a paradigm comes shooting
into your head, just notice it. Then ask yourself, "Is this really true?"

Just doing this simple exercise will start to break some of your limiting beliefs which WILL start to free
you to achieve more in life again.

I am excited to help you achieve more out of life, start getting excited and lets all better this world as a
Tomorrow, I have a great opportunity you don't want to miss out on.

See You Tomorrow,


Do you know someone – perhaps yourself, a friend or a family member who feels stuck?

Maybe they want to earn more money, lose some weight, improve their relationships or live a more
fulfilling life?

Not knowing what you want is so frustrating ... or knowing what you want but not knowing how to get it
is even more frustrating, and a sure recipe for failure and disappointment.

In this video Bob Proctor gives you exactly what you need to ensure that you never experience another
yo-yo diet, roller coaster bank account or dead end relationship again ... and better yet to achieve or
have ANYTHING you want

Time to fire this back up!

Imagination is where it all starts.

Every great invention, idea, or accomplishment started with and idea.

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes and products of the imagination.

If you can think it and believe it, then you can achieve it!
This isn't just a catchy phrase, It has been written over and over again since it was first stated in the bible
and it is still used for a reason.

There is great power in thought backed by belief, but imagination and thought won't do it alone, you
must have belief as mentioned in earlier e-mails.

What does your imagination tell you? What kind of dreams and ideas have you had stirring around in
your head that need to be released....not just for yourself, but for mankind!

What if the Wright Brothers didn't have the imagination to see man fly? Think of how long it would take
to get around if they didn't!!

Now I can hear some of you saying "Well Matt, they are a special exception, not everyone can think of
something like that."

That's BS (belief systems)! and it is also your paradigm coming into play telling you these things like we
talked about earlier. (please tell me you didn't skip that email!)

All of these days of emails are interlinked in a system which is why missing a day could hurt your results.
The web of keys must be complete to achieve sustaining results. If one link breaks or isn't present, the
rest falls apart or isn't long lasting.

You can do, be and have anything you want in this life if you want it bad enough!

And don't let anyone tell you any different.

There is a reason 5% are at the top, they see and push through paradigms and negative thinking. They
also ask better questions.
Getting back on track here...Start Firing up that old imagination! Let it start to run like when you were a
kid and you would get all kinds of crazy ideas. Crazy ideas are what turns our world these days.

Who knows, maybe you have the next "great idea" just sitting there in your head.

The world can always use more great thinkers!

Ok, tomorrow is what i consider the key to all keys and a very special free gift download....if you missed
anything else, don't miss this.

See you tomorrow,


The sixth step to success and manifesting is persistence,

Having persistence will separate you from the "average" and get you where you want to go in life when
backed by the other keys we have talked about.

Persistence to me personally is more your level of heart and faith.

When you get kicked down will you persist?

When you fail, can you hold that dream tight and persist on?

When people are laughing at you, will you be able to suck it up and persist on?
Like I said early on, there is more to this then just "getting rich quick". Some of us have some blocks to
overcome first and strength to build up.

We need to get in mental shape, to move ahead. Trying the same old thing hasn't worked and it isn't
going to. Change is a must!

Persistance reminds me of The Story of R. U. Darby. A lot of us have heard it, but a brief summary would
be this:

Darby and his uncle bought a claim in Colorado back in the gold rush days where they tested and hit
gold. Thought to be a massive claim, they raced back home and raised money for massive equipment
and tools to dig it all out. Upon return they set up and started digging. Hitting a little more gold then the
gold vein had mystically disappeared. They kept digging and digging, deeper and deeper, all to no avail.
After some time of continual digging and no results, they decided to accept defeat, quit, and sold
everything (including the claim) for pennies on the dollar to a local junk man, then left for home.

The Junk man, decided to take a chance and called a specialist to come look at the claim. The specialist
stated that the vein dried up due to a fault line and if the junk man would try digging 3 feet past where
Darby and his uncle had stopped, he may be pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, 3 feet away the junk
man had found the gold vein again and took in Millions of dollars of gold from the find.

Had Darby persisted on 3 MORE FEET, they would have made the find of a lifetime.

This story always rings in my head whenever I get a sense to give up.

Persistence is not always easy, but necessary to achieve your dreams.

Let me give you a few more helping factors of persistence:

Definiteness of purpose: Know what you want.

Desire: crave that which you want.

Self-reliance: Believe in your ability!

Definiteness of plans: Have an organized plan, perfect or not.

Accurate knowledge: Know that your plan is sound based on experience or observation.

Cooperation: Understanding and harmonious cooperation with others.

Will power: Focus and concentration on your goal desire.

Habit: Persistance is a direct result of habit.

Now, how do you keep persistence or grow it? Use these 4 keys:

Have a Definite goal or purpose backed by a burning desire.

Have a plan that you take continuous action on.

Close your mind tightly against all negativity including relatives and friends.

Create an alliance with one or more people who will encourage you to follow through with your plan and

When it all comes down to it, just don't give up! If you have a burning desire for something, have faith
and keep fighting! Let's build that heart of yours back up and start to believe in life again! Persist On!

Tomorrow don't miss what I consider something that has held me personally back for many years until I
changed it.


This is important!

What could be so big...SELF IMAGE!

How do you see yourself?

No really, when you think about yourself from an outside point of view, how do you see yourself?

It is easy to tell a persons self image by many things and this may hit some triggers for you.

How you dress. How you walk. How you talk. What you drive. Even how much money you make.

These are all reflections of your self image.

The problem is most people try and change the exterior results before they change who we are on the
inside! Which is why most people don't get the results they are after.

So we need to work on changing who we see ourself as first.

This is where we use all this knowledge we have been learning this far and start to apply it.

We have to mediate or even just sit quietly 2-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes and see ourselves where
we want to be and as the person we want to be, in the present tense.

You need to start seeing and feeling yourself RIGHT NOW as that person you want to become.

After this, start doing small things as "your ideal person" would do. Walk the way they would walk. Talk
the way they would talk. Start by dressing more they way this person dresses.

Start making the shift towards who that person is.

When you can hold the thought long enough in your mind of being that person you want to become and
own it, then everything else has no choice but to accommodate these changes.

I'm not going to lie, you will have challenges as your paradigms are going to fight you on this one. But
with the tools you have learned thus far, you are equipped to break those paradigms and create the you
that you truly want to become!

See you tomorrow!



, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States

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What strategy can help you achieve all you want at a great pace?

Master mind groups!

Are you in one already? Have you ever heard of one?

If you start paying attention to successful people around you and keep your ears open to it, you will start
to notice them and how many successful people are in them.

Don't feel bad if you have never heard of them, I had never heard of one until I picked up think and grow
rich. Then later, I was assigned to one in one of my coaching programs.

When you combine the intelligence, energy, and enthusiasm of like minded people who are all heading
in the same direct, the manifestation power behind that is immeasurable!

Intention is magnified so significantly when 2 or more are gathered.

After i had learned about these and their power, I started noticing them in coffee shops in my old small
home town.

I call them the old timers. Every monday morning at 8am, 4-5 of them gather, all 80 years or older, and
talk. Their group was real-estate oriented as I knew half of them and all of the property they owned. (ps.
my town was tiny..6,000 people and I know of many more mastermind groups there as well)

They are everywhere if you look. Successful people know the power of combined intelligence heading in
the same direction.

Now keep in mind, there must be harmony in a mastermind group, as lack of harmony can be
detrimental. If that is the case, find or create a new group.

If you don't have friends or family with like minded passions as your own, there are plenty of groups
online who are looking to expand, or have local meet ups.
Or...practice what you are learning here...intend to find a great mastermind group!

Take 5-20 minutes and visualize quietly being involved with like minded people with the same goals and
passions. Get yourself in the vibration and act as if it is so. You will start putting out the attractive energy
and don't be surprised if things start to pop up that lead you to a group if you so choose.

I know all of this may sound crazy or as my friend David says " Airy Fairy" to a few of you, but it truly
works. Or, you can keep doing what you are doing now and most likely keep getting the same result. I
don't say that to be mean, but to open your eyes to outside possibilities and think a little outside the

The box is where 95% sit and my guess is you are after the keys to help get you to the 5%.

Being challenged can be good if it is in a positive light!

So to break this down, if you would like to increase the speed, and power of what you would like to
intend and or create, find or create a mastermind group.

Set up a day and a time once a week when you can all meet or at least all be on the same phone call, and
start brainstorming Ideas for at least an hour.

Let me give you an example of how one of my mastermind groups work.

We meet every tuesday at 5pm for an hour. We start off by each of us taking 90 seconds to say 2
wins(positive moments) we had for the week. Then we break the remaining time up between whomever
shows up. During that time(typically 10 minutes with 4 people) we talk about areas we could use help or
brainstorm how to get a specific project done. Leaving some time for people to give feedback and ideas.
After 10 minutes it moves to the next person and so on.
Thats just one outline, there are no "set" rules, just make sure the mood is positive and you are being
creative and helpful. You should walk away feeling better and typically with new ideas or goals for the

This will also help keep you accountable and on path to your vision. It is so easy to veer off course when
we try and do things alone!

So your mission, if you so choose, is to create a mastermind group of your own. You will be happy that
you did.

Tomorrow is a simple one, but keep the consistency, it will pay off in the end.



, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States

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Let me give you a challenge that will better your life and those around you,

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own wants and desires, we miss a bigger part to life and a bigger
key to living a success filled life.
That key is giving.

Now you may say, "What does giving have to do with manifesting?" and I may say this, "EVERYTHING".

What good is anything in life if we don't give and share it? And, when you give freely in life, you get to
experience true joy.

I'm not saying this means you have to go out and give absorbent amounts of money, or your favorite toy
or anything like that (although I know many who do and live happier because of it).

I am talking about something as simple as a smile!

Have you ever had an "off" day at any point in your life and had someone for no reason just give you a
great big GENUINE smile?!

I have, and it warms the heart.

Not only that but that feeling and giving nature puts you into a vibration that is in sync with attraction
and manifesting! It is a WIN WIN.

So I challenge you to give today, right now if possible.

Doesn't matter what, how big or how small, just make sure it is from the heart and genuine.

I promise, promise, promise, this will improve not just your day, but your life as a whole and also for
everyone around you!
May your heart be filled today

I believe in you and so should you,

We all have little thoughts and beliefs holding us back whether we know it or not. This is a huge part
why we may or may not be where we want to be in life. In this course you WILL get the keys to over
come those or any beliefs you may have that limit you.

The true key is persevere! Keep reading, keep searching, keep striving for your dreams. Don't let "no"
stop you. Don't let set backs get you down. FIGHT, mediocrity is not for us and I know in your heart you
don't want to settle! Believe!!! Know there is a way even if you can't see it yet. Keep the course. I will
truly fight to help you. I will give you my best and the rest is in your hands!

Now you may be asking, "Who is this guy who is just spitting random advise at me?" So let me give
you a little background on myself.

I have been into and around self-help and personal growth for 17 years now (man that makes me feel
old). 17 years of just soaking up knowledge from some of the best coaches I have ever met or heard of,
from Anthony Robbins, to Bob Proctor, to the late great Wayne Dyer...and the list goes on. Slowly
applying multiple different ideas and techniques over the years to see what works for me and what
didn't. Finally after about 15 years I hit a jackpot and discovered a few areas that were holding me back
to my true potential. After that, the other 15 years of built up knowledge started to apply and made me
realize it wasn't all just a waste. I retired from construction (One of the happiest days of my life), and
now help others full time. I decided after all of that to start to design a course to help others so they
don't have to go through 15 years before the light goes off and things start to flow.

Now I don't want to lie, This is a fresh course and there will be constant content added, so keep your
eyes open for new emails and you never know what I'm going to think up. Some things may not be in the
best of order but it will get there. I PROMISE, that there will always be free content (of the highest
value!) I am here to help and give, that is my nature.

That is all for today! Start digging deep and getting excited about life again. I'll be here to help along the
Also, don't be afraid to say hello and tell me a little about yourself or leave a little feedback.

Be sure to check out tomorrows email as it has improved my life only just recently...


Here we go!,

Lights, Camera,......we are missing something right?!....Oh Ya.... ACTION...

Sounds like a cliché but lets look closer at this.

You can have a set, good lighting, camera ready, film loaded, actors in place, but if you leave out the
Action, then you have nothing but a an expensive beginning with no end.

Much like manifesting, you have some good tools, good guidelines, a well trained coach who is ready to
help, good reference to look back on, additional useful programs always at your fingertips and constantly
updated, but with no action nothing will change.

We all know the definition of insanity right?!

If you want better results, your going to have to change what you have been doing (which is comfort for
us) and push yourself out of your comfort zone. This takes action! Thinking will get you so far, but when
you think what you want in front of you, then you still need to get your butt up out of the chair and grab
Take a chance! Who cares if you screw up. Now you know what not to do, but at least you are moving
forward. Messing up doesn't mean you are moving backwards, it's like picking doors for your prize and
you just picked the wrong door. JUST DONT KEEP PICKING THE SAME DOOR! I know some of you are
laughing, but it is so true and I see it all the time!

An interesting story came to me today about a friend who is in the same coaching field as I am and he
was stuck mentally and financially in a certain spot and not moving forward. Two of us worked with him
and in about 5-10 minutes had his problem nailed down and we had a solution in about another 10
minutes. Not only that, but we both took on the challenge we gave him to keep ourselves accountable as
well....I'm going to share that story in more detail tomorrow as part of part 2 of this Action mail.

So, don't miss day's like watching Empire Strikes Back without watching Return of The Jedi....Yes, I
just made a Star Wars reference, as I sit here laughing at myself!

See you tomorrow,



, PO Box 463, seaside, oregon 97138, United States

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Did You Watch Return Of The Jedi?

Because today is Day 2,

And now,..the rest of the story!...where is my little TM symbol...

Back to the story and maybe this will apply to some of you which is why I'd like to tell it.

So our friend was stuck. He had the same coaching as myself and my other friend, but not seeing
results. He brings it up in our master mind session and immediately starts questioning why he doesn't
take action on things he knows will work and do great, not just for himself, but for many other people. In
his talking he kept using the word "procrastinate" and he is always a "procrastinator", and had great
stories to back it up. He not soon after mentioned that he was a "master procrastinator" and you could
almost hear the pride in his voice. Thats when it not only hit me, but my other friend as well...

It can be harder for us to take action on something when we have a strong self image of ourselves as
something else whether we know it or not. Are you seeing where I am going here? Master minds are a
powerful tool as we cannot always see what is sometimes right in front of us, but Both of us saw his
"road block" immediately. I have a feeling you can as well.

His self image is that of being a "procrastinator" and he is passionate about it! He doesn't mean to be.
That is what bad programing can do to us without even knowing it has happened.
We stopped him with a silly question (to break his pattern) and pointed out everything he had just said.
It was silent for a minute as the neurons in his head started to reconnect and understand. Then a big
"ahhhhh", and we knew we found the issue.

So what now? Noticing and understanding was the first step. Interrupt the pattern, and now replace it
with something new. In this case, eliminate the word "procrastinate" not just from your vocabulary, but
your thinking as well. This won't be so easy when it is entrenched from years and years of repeating, so
we have to add some leverage as well. Here is where we all got involved as we all procrastinate on some
level.....So we asked not just him, but ourselves, Where would you be in 6 months from now if you were
given a magic pill and you couldn't procrastinate at all?

It was like we flipped a switch, not just for him but for us too. He went into all these details of all these
plans we both knew he had and how he was going to do them and when and with what resources. All
these questions he had no answers to not but 15 minutes ago!!! This is what can happen when your
brain releases beliefs that are not true in your head! ALL he did was change the way he was thinking!
THATS IT! You could hear the tone in his voice change and the passion he instantly had. He said he could
truly feel all of it as well. This is where we each took turns doing the same....taking an imaginary magic
pill that keeps us from procrastinating and seeing ourselves in 6 months and what our lives are like!

After we were all done with this exercise we all committed to doing one thing right away to move us in
the direction of our goals. This email is my commitment to that goal. I have had this "ACTION" email in
my head to write and just kept putting it off. Hypocritical right! It's ok, I laugh at myself all of the time....I
don't claim to be perfect.

You are my commitment. To serve you as best as I can and help you achieve your dreams. You don't have
to believe me, but I'm going to keep fighting for you anyway :-)

Why did I share that story? Well, without even meaning to it helped myself and that wasn't even the
intention. The other reason would be to help any one person who is stuck from taking action to a limiting
belief. In this email we used so many lessons that i have been teaching here over the past 25ish days and
showed how you can apply them in your own life and that they are not just airy fairy (My friend's quote).
If I help just one person with this story, then it is a massive success and done everything I intended for it
to do.
Moral of all of this, take action in life. If something is holding you back, use the tools here to help you
find what that is so that you can move forward towards your goals and passions in life!

I really hope that hits a spot for you and helps open your eyes a little more! There is exponential value
here if you take the time to look for it.

There is a gift coming! And it is truly Free...look for it tomorrow.

Take action to make your dreams real!



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