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English Expressions Used in a Restaurant

May I take your order?

Are you ready to order sir?
Yes, I would like a cheese burger and fries.
How would you like ( … your steak)?
I’ll prefered baked please.
What would you ( … like to drink)?
Yes, I’ll have an iced tea.
May I get you (…anything else).
No, I’m fine thanks.
Could I have another ( … roll, please)?
Of course, I will bring it right away.
Can I look at (the…menu)?
Here you go sir.
Could I get (… the check, please)?
Right away, sir
Words used to describe food
Bland Rich Spicy Salty
Sweet Sour Bitter Hot
Ways to prepare food
Pickled Baked Boiled
Broiled Fried Sautéed

At the Grocery Store

cans- of tuna, peaches packages- of sausage
bottles- of milk, soda box- of cereal
jars- of jelly, olives cartons- of milk, eggs
bags- of chips, cookies tubes- of toothpaste
tubs- of butter
pound- of hamburger, potatoes bunch- of grapes, bananas
head- of lettuce, cabbage loaf of- bread
Sections in a Grocery Store
check out line
produce- vegetables, fruit
bakery- bread, pastry, rolls,
canned goods- beans, tomato sauce, tuna fish
dairy- milk, cheese, yogurt
meat/fish/poultry- steaks, salmon, chicken
frozen foods- ice cream, pizza
health and beauty aides- shampoo, toothpaste, lip stick
dry goods- toilet paper, paper napkins, laundry soap

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