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“A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity.

It dares all things

and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.

-The Last Séance (from The Hound of Death and Other Stories, also Double Sin and Other Stories)”

― Agatha Christie, The Hound of Death

Motherhood is that enchantingly thing that cannot be destroyed in any how because her love for children is
incredible. Mothers are the calmest and peaceful creatures on this earth for their children but sometimes they
could be fuming to fight for their children. I believe mothers are made for all of us because every time we
cannot disturb God asking him for help .Even though we celebrate Mother’s day on every Sunday of the May
for making her happy by giving her some palpable gifts but sometimes we forget that every day is itself a
Mother’s day and we should definitely celebrate it.
Mother’s day is not only about giving her gifts .It’s a way of expressing your love for her because she is the
only one in this world who will fight for us and definitely guide us precisely according to the situation. She can
be a warrior for us. Mother can even understand her child whether we speak out or not. Sometimes she even
sacrifice her wishes for us. Mothers spend a lot of time or making bread so that we can live happily and all our
needs can be fulfilled before we speak about it to them. Mothers are really helpful and strongest creature on
this earth.
Mother’s Day is always followed by Mothering Day where many people go to Christian churches for offering
prayers for their mother’s life to be doubled than before followed by lightening up of ‘5 ‘candles with name of
their mother .
Isn’t it interesting?
At last I would like to say mothers are really incredible!

Love you mom!

Gurmehak kaur (10 A)

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