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Tags: Colloidal Silver Testimonials, DMSO testimonials, MSM testimonials, MMS Testimonials,

Cancer Testimonials, Cancer Photos

Colloidal Silver Testimonials

Also see DMSO, MMS, MSM & H2O2 near the end of this report
This Document Link
Also ​

● Go To Handout: - ​Colloidal Silver for Friends & Relatives

Printable version
● Go To ​Silver Generator Reviews
● Go To ​Main Colloidal Silver Report
● Go To ​Index to Optimal Health Files

Utopia Silver & MesoSilver are Available at health food stores &
Amazon.Com,claimed by many to be the best.

Disclaimer:​ ​ Always consult with your healthcare professional before taking

We recommend working with a local Naturopathic/Holistic doctor. Traditional doctors
typically know nothing about colloidal silver & were never trained on colloidal silver in
Med School. They have deleted & censored their entire 100+ year history of colloidal
silver being a MAJOR medicine for most disease.

This is a collection of publicly available files for educational use only. No

medical claims are being made by the author.

Colloid Forum - health problem Testimonials & Forums ​ ​ ​✰ ✰ ✰

Colloidal Silver kills all virus, bacteria, fungus, yeast & single cell
parasites safely & without side effects

Also Kills all parasite larva & mites
Kills all disease that is ​resistant to antibiotics

Treats Joint Pain & Inflammation

Mixes with DMSO, MMS or MSM to provide miraculous cures
see​ testimonials ​for more details
Terms used in this report:
● Colloidal Silver = Particle Silver OR Ionic Silver
● Ionic Silver = Mostly Ions & some particles
● Particle Silver = Mostly Particles & some Ions (AKA “True
Colloidal Silver”)
● Ionic Silver is far more effective than Particle Silver to kill

Subject Index - Click on Index to Navigate

Colloidal Silver Testimonials

Colloidal Gold

MMS & Colloidal Silver

DMSO (by itself or Recipes )

DMSO & Mixing with CS

Cancers, MSM & Colloidal Silver

MSM Treats Many Health Problems
MSM with Colloidal Silver
H2O2 with Colloidal Silver

Treating Pets with Silver

Help to support the Curezone with a contribution

Colloidal Silver Testimonials

Enter your own search in ​“CureZone Search”

Acanthamoeba – Eye Parasite
Acne cured​ ​Acne Many Testimonials​ - ​Acne ​-​ Acne Doc​ - ​Acne Cured​ -​ Acne
Adrenal Fatigue Advice​ from Utopia Silver
Aids killed on contact -​ Google Search
Allergies Cured
ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease)
Animals, Diane
Argyria Research Report,​ man drinks 23 ozs CS a day for 5 years w/photos
Argyria Scam Reports (Blue Skin Scams)
There is no danger from Argyria if quality colloidal silver is used in the correct dosage.
Argyria is reversible, see chapter MMS & Colloidal Silver
Steve is being ultra conservative to avoid lawsuit
Trapper on Argyria - ​
“​Silver made with distilled water has never caused a single case of argyria.”
“I drank 24 oz for months no problems”
Arthritis Pain Relief
Asthma - 2​ - ​Asthma3
Athlete's Foot​ - ​Athletes Foot-2​ - ​Athletes Foot-3
Autoimmune Diseases ​ ALL Autoimmune Diseases have this in common.

Back Pain
Babesia ( see Lyme Disease )
Bartholin Cyst
Bartholin Cyst cured with Serrapeptase
Bee Stings
Biofilms ​CS Busts Right Through
Bird Flu
Birth Control
Black Mold
Bladder Infections​ See also UTI - ​More ​- ​More
Blepharitis​ ( Swollen Eyelid )
Body Odor
Boil, painful ​ - ​Boils Video​ - ​Boil Infection
Bone Infections ​. . .
BPH​ . . . ​Video Colloidal Silver lowers PSA
Breast Infection
Bronchitis ​…​ More​ ​More​ -
Bug Bites
Burn Relief Doc​ - ​Burn Blister​ See also Skin Burns

Cancer​ ​- See Cancers & Colloidal Silver at the end of this report
See the DRAMATIC photos of cancers being cured
Cancer & Colloidal Silver​ Article - ​More​ -​ More
Skin Cancer (2nd Testimonial)
Cancer & Colloidal Silver book​ - ​More​ -
Canker Sores
Candida Cured
Candida​ - ​NutraSilver-Candida​ - ​SilverEdge-Candida
Candida Research Part 2 ​ - ​Candida Research IJND
Candida Research silver nanoparticles
Candida take a lot of CS​ - ​ Candida Trapper
Carbuncle (Demon Boil)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cured
Cat Spraying ended by CS
Cats - See pet benefits
Catheter Infections
Celiac Disease
Cell Regeneration
Cellulitis infections​ - ​More
Cervix Cancer
Chest Cold & Flu
Cheyletiella Mites - See Mites
Chicken Pox cures blisters​ - ​more​ - ​More
Children Dosages
Chronic Fatigue
Cockroaches avoid surfaces sprayed with CS
Cold Sores ​- ​ More​ - ​ More
Colds preventing & treating​ -​ Preventing Common Cold
COPD​ - ​More ​- ​More​ -
Coughing for years, Ava
Colitis, Ulcerative, Philip
Crohn’s Disease see DMSO near the end of this report
Crohn’s Disease ​ - ​More​ - ​More​ -
Crohn’s Proctitis
Croup Chronic
CRPK​ ​( Carbapenem Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae)
Cystic Fibrosis (Severe Lung Disease responds to CS)
Cysts - See Also Chapter MSM/Colloidal Silver Cancers below
Cysts ( all kinds )​ ( also see Bartholin Cyst )

Dandruff Doc​ - ​More ​ - ​More ​ -​ More​ ​More
Dermatitis, Eczema
Demodex Mites​ - ​More
Diabetes-2 ​ ​Diabetes-3
Diabetic Wounds
Diarrhea, Diane​ - ​More​ -
Dog Itching Raw
Dogs - See Pet Benefits
Down Syndrome

Ear Aches ​ - ​More​ - ​ More
Ear Infections​ ​Video​ ​Testimonials​ - ​Swimmers Ear​ - ​H2O2 + CS
Ears Itching
E. Coli Research Report Chart​ - ​ E-Coli Testimonial​ - ​E-Coli Resistant​-​#E-Coli
Ebola​ - ​More​ -
Eczema (Dermatitis)​ - Also see Dermatitis - ​More
Endometriosis​ - ​More ​ - ​More​ - ​More
Epstein Barr ​ - See Chronic Fatigue
Eyes ​- ​Eye pus filled,swollen​ ​Red Eye​ - ​CS for the eyes
Eyes, ​allergies & sty​, Diane
Eye Pain

Face Masks Anti-Microbial​ Silver Impregnated Face Masks kill germs
Facial Outbreak
Female Problems
Fingernail Ripped
Fingertips cracked
Fleas on animals
Flesh Eating Bacteria​ - ​More ​- ​More
Flu​ - ​Flu 2​ - ​Flu3​ - ​Flu4​ - ​Flu5​ - ​H3N2​ -​ Colds & Flu
Flu before, during & after treatments
Food Poisoning ​- ​More
Food Poisoning, stomach Flu​ (Norovirus) - ​More​ ​More
Fungal Infections Doc
Fungus Cured Better than Drugs
Fungus​ - 1 Also see the Curezone ​Fungus Forum​ ​Fungus Path
Fungus - 2​ - ​fungus Video
Decimates Fungal Pathogens
Fungal Rash
Fungus Toenail

Gangrene (foot)
Gels & Creams, make your own
Genital Herpes
Gonorrhea​ ( This works by injecting​ CS into the urethra​ )
NOTE ! Drinking Colloidal Silver does​ NOT WORK for Gonorrhea !
Gonorrhea (extensive thread)

H Pylori Stomach Problems​ - ​More
Hair Loss Reversed
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease
Hang Nail Sore swollen
Heart Disease-Stroke
Hemorrhoids​ ​Hemorrhoids-2​ - ​More
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C​ - ​More​ - ​More​ - ​More​ - ​More​ - ​More​ -​ More
Herpes 1,2 Best Article yet​ Also see Shingles a very similar virus
Herpes 1,2 ​(Genital Donna Grow) Also see the Curezone ​Herpes Forum
Herpes ​Treatment Report​, ​Virus Report ​- ​Herpes Genital Healed
Herpes​ - ​Condoms that kills herpes​ - ​Herpes2​ - ​Herpes2 ​-
Herpes cured by raising PH​ -
Herpes cured with DMSO; see DMSO at end of report
HIV Virus Report​ - ​More​ - ​More
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Horse Infections
Hot Tub instead of chlorine ! ! ! ! ​ What about swimming pools??? YES ! !
HPV​ - ​HPV in Women​ - ​HPV in Women​ - ​Silver Gel
HSV - See Herpes
Humidifier for lungs, Diane
Immune System Boosted
Insect Bites​ ​Sandfly Bites
Interstitial Cystitis​ ,​ More​ (IC, Also see UTI, Bladder ) - ​More​ - ​More

Jaw Infection
Joint Pain - See Arthritis - See Pain
Jock Itch
Kidney Infection
Kidney Infection in Dog
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Knee Pain dislocated
Leg Ulcers
Leishmaniasis Parasitic Skin Infection
Lesion on Arm
Lips​ -​ More​ -​ More​ ​-More
Listeria Disease from foods
Liver Damage Cured
Long Term Use of Silver
Lung Expander Recommended ​
Lung Expanding Products at Amazon.Com ​ Link
Lung Fungal Infections
Lung Infections cured ​ - ​More ​ - ​More​ -
Lupus Skin Eruptions​ -​ Lupus-2​ ​Lupus3
Lyme Disease​ Bacteria cured - 1 See the Curezone ​Lyme Forum
Lyme Disease - 2​ ​Lyme - 3​ ​Lyme - 4​ ​Lyme - 5​ ​Lyme - 6​ ​Lyme - 7
Lyme Book​ - ​Lyme Trapper​ -
Lymphoma Cancer Cured

Mange Mite​ in dogs - ​Mange2​ -​ Mange3
Mildew Odor
Mites - ​Scabies & Cheyletiella
Mulluscum Contagiosum​ ( Similar to Pox Virus )
Moles ​- ​Moles Dark​ - ​Moles Document
Mononucleosis​ - ​Mono Testimonial​ -
Monkey Pox​ - ​More​ -
Mono, P.A. Dodge
Morgellons ​- ​Morgellons 2​ - ​Morgellons 3​ - ​Morgellons 4​ - ​Videos 5 ​ -
Morgellons 6​ - ​Morgellons 7​ -​ Morgellons Nutrasilver​ -
Mosquito Bites​ - Itch GONE
Mouth Sores
Mouth Ulcers
Mouth Wash ​ -​ More
MRSA Cured with CS​ - ​More​ - ​More​ Tips - ​MRSA​ -​ MRSA​ - ​MRSA​ -​ More
MRSA Undisputed Cure​ - ​More
MRSA Boils
Mulluscum (Pox Virus)
Multiple Sclerosis​ (MS) ​ Mycoplasmas cause MS​ - ​MS-3​ -​ MS Nancy
Mycoplasmas responsible for autoimmune disease​ - ​More
Nasal Polyps
Neti Pot with CS
Norovirus (Stomach Flu)
Osteomyelitis​ (bone infection) - ​More
Parasites ​ - ​Parasite Video ​- ​Parasites
Pain Gone ​ - ​Pain Remedy
Peritoneal Infection
Pertusis - See whooping cough
Pet Benefits ​15 Benefits for Pets
Pink Eye
Plantar Warts​ - ​ More
Pneumonia - 1 ​ ​Pneumonia - 2​ ​Pneumonia - 3​ ​Pneumonia - 4​ - ​More
Poison Ivy ​- ​More​ - ​More​ -​ More
Pregnancy & Colloidal Silver
Prostate High PSA Video​ . . . Also see BPH
Prostate Enlarged​ - ​More
Prostate Infection
Prostate Needs Iodine - See​ testimonials, “prostate”
Psoriasis ​ - ​Psoriasis-2
pyogenic granuloma​ -​ More

Raynaud’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ringworm ​(tinea)
Scabies - See Mites
seborrheic dermatitis
Septicemia with MRSA​ prevented leg amputation
Sickle Cell Anemia
Side Effects - Silver vs Abtibiotics
Shingles & Herpes are closely related - see Herpes for treatments
Shingles - 1​ ​Shingles - 2​ - ​Shingles-3​ - ​Shingles-4​ - ​Shingles-5
Sinus Allergies
Sinus Infections​, Diane L -​ More ​ -
Sinus Problems
Sjogrens Disease - See MSM W/Colloidal Silver below
Skin Burns ​ - ​More
Skin Cancers
Skin Conditions
Part 1
Part 2
Skin cracked on fingers
Skin Eruptions
Skin Fungus everywhere
Skin Infections Parasitic​ (AKA ​Leishmaniasis )
Skin Infections S ​ ilver Oxide at the bottom of jar is effective for skin infections
Skin Itching - See Mites
Skin Lesion ​- ​Skin Lesion 2
Skin Tag removed​ - ​More
Sleep Improved
Smallpox Virus​ -
Sore Throat ​ - ​Strep Throat ​ - ​ More ​ - ​More​ - ​More​ -
Spider Bite ​brown recluse
Spinal Stenosis Pain
Spider Bites
Staph Bacteria - See MRSA - ​Staff Sores
Staph Infections
Stomach Flu ​ - ​ More
Stomach Problems
Stomach Ulcer
Stomach Virus
Strep Throat ​ - ​More​ -
Strongyloides -
Sunburn Serious
Super Bugs resistant to drugs
Surgical Wound Not Healing
Swimming Pools
Swine Flu

TB (Tuberculosis)​ - ​More
Teeth Re-Mineralization
temporal arteritis ​(inflamed arteries to the head)
Termites Killed by CS
Throat Infection
Toe, hole in toe
Toenail Fungus
Toenail Infection
Tongue Piercing Inflamed, Diane
Tooth Infection
Tooth Pain Gone
Toxicity - Silver is not toxic

Ulcer on Gum
Ulcerative Colitis See Crohn's Disease in DMSO below
Unusual Uses for Colloidal Silver
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ulcerative Colitis: See Colitis
Urine Odor, pets
UTI’s ​(Urinary Tract Infection) - ​UTI-2​ - ​UTI-3 ​ - ​More​ -
UTI’s D-Mannose
UTI PDF Download​ by Rooth, cured a lifetime of UTI problems
Vaginal Candida yeast infections
Vaginosis, Bacterial​ - ​More
Valley Fever Cured
Viruses Killed By Colloidal Silver
Warts ​- ​More ​- ​More​ -
Water Disinfected in Mexico
West Nile Virus
Whooping Cough​ (Pertusis)
Wounds Closing & Healing
Yeast Infections, DH
Zika Virus ​ -​ Zika 2
Testimoniial by Grizz - ​
For a wealth of testimonials Google “colloidal silver testimonials”

See these links for a large number of testimonials:
Mesosilver Testimonials ​Forum

Colloidal Gold
Raises IQ, more

MMS & Colloidal Silver

What is MMS?
Argyria cured with MMS

Totally AMAZING Photos ​prove beyond any doubt that MMS with DMSO is truly a
miracle, at least for severe external skin problems including cancers..

BEWARE taking MMS internally -​ Dr. Sircus explains:

DMSO (by itself or Recipes )

DMSO Liquid, DMSO Cream & DMSO Gel are available at Amazon.Com
DMSO by itself offers healing properties by supplying oxygen into the cells and promote blood
flow. It is anti-inflammatory and MUCH more.

News with Mike Wallace (60Min) & Dr. Jacob ​ ​✰ ✰ ✰

Acne & DMSO
Cancer Cure​ (Miracle Cancer Cure), ​Details​ See photos below
Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis Cured with DMSO
First Aid, ​Cayenne Tincture and DMSO
Herpes Cured DMSO Herpes 1,2
Herpes Virus Killed ​ (oxygen in DMSO kills virus)
Pain DMSO Gel Eliminates Pain video
Pain ​DMSO Gel + ​arnica montana powder Miracle Pain Relief video
Sinus Issues & DMSO


To deliver microbe killing colloidal silver or MMS and make cells revert to normal.
DMSO & Mixing with CS
All about DMSO​ ​
Cancer Cure​ (Miracle Cancer Cure),
Lung Infection DMSO + CS​ ​90% to 10%
Moles & Warts
Tooth Infection 90%CS + 10% DMSO
Facial Acne
Herpes & Shingles
Herpes Home Remedies
Mosquito Itching stopped dead !
Overnight Cancer Cure
Pain Relief
Staph Infection Jaw
“​Toenail fungus​ eradicated in one night with CS & DMSO”
Tooth Abscess Infection
Varucca’s on foot ​ (warts)

Cancers, MSM & Colloidal Silver

“Cancer is caused by a specific microbe that gets inside healthy cells and causes them to
become malignant.” Silver kills these microbes & DMSO or MSM can be used to get the silver
into the cells.
I find it very interesting that cancers are being cured with CS. - Grizz
Google “Cancer Cure Colloidal Silver” for more.
Google “Skin Cancer Cure Colloidal Silver”
Google “Breast Cancer Cure Colloidal Silver”
Cancer, Breast research report​ proves CS is effective - ​ More​ - ​More
Cancer Lymphoma Cured
Cancer Pain GONE
Breast Cancer Gone


The information on this page should be read in its entirety. We don't think you'll see
any information anywhere else as important as this regarding cancer and silver ions.
Many thanks to Steve555 for this great article:

Overnight Cancer Cure - ​

MSM Treats Many Health Problems

MSM Miracle described: ​
Definition of DMSO, MSM ​
L​umps, cysts of all kinds cured within 30 days
Ovarian Cyst cured in 1 day with MSM
Uterus Polyps, Cysts & Fibroids cleared out with MSM

MSM with Colloidal Silver

MSM used with Colloidal Silver is especially potent because MSM opens up the cancer cell and
colloidal silver then enters the cell to kill the cancer microbe, returning a normal healthy cell.
Details of the MSM/CS Cancer Protocol ​- ​
CS/MSM solution stops vaginal itching
CS/MSM cures Sjogrens disease
CS/MSM cures sinus infection
Deodorant Spray

H2O2 with Colloidal Silver

Fully Described here: ​
Full article: ​
Article: ​
Enhance Colloidal Silver Trapper
Ear Infection
H2O2 & CS Bath Recipe

Treating Pets with Silver

Parrot toes Infection ​
Search for Dog - ​Link
Search for Cat - ​Link
Cancer Tumor in Dog
Many Tumors in dog
Cat & dog cancers cured
Steve Barwick’s pet cat & dogs
Cats cured with CS​ - ​20 yr old cat
Chickens on CS
Dogs & Cats​ - ​More
Pets & CS
Puppy cured of Parvo

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If you found this document useful, then please make a donation to our worldwide support forum.

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