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Types of Personality

Personality is a trait that they define us like a humans, and with it can socialize with
others persons, and can bring people together or separate them, because don’t all
the personalitys are compatibles.

Exists four t types of personality there are Jelous,Optimist,Pessimistic and Trusted.

The Jelous Personality Persons don’t care about his achivements, they focusing in
be to better that other, and always are comparing with the rest.

The Optimist Personality Persons aways think that our decisions are the best and
always are trutsting that are in the best way.

The Pessimistic Personality Persons don’t bite so much they are wating for
opportunities comes alone and they to dare less.

The Trusted Personality Persons don’t wait to winning always even don’t care win
or lose, they only doing the things without recive something.

In concluse I think that the persons are a mixed of these personalitys and we have
to balance our feelings , always the experiences can move our personality to other

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