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"Don't judge the book by its cover"

This quote is the best one for me as a reflection of this story that will enable us to
realize that the life of a simple child named "teddy stoddard" really relates and touches our
each and everyone’s golden hearts, for as how we give judgment on those things and somehow
people surrounds us, is the thing that we cannot neglect of. And sometimes just like Miss
Thompson did, she judge the poor kid without knowing it's real background or its mysterious
situation behind affecting him as a student and why teddy is always possessing those kind of
attitude on her class, so as a lesson to all of us we need to be awaken, open our minds and
hearts by knowing the real situation or happenings and by giving solutions of such thing rather
than making quick judgments on it. As we are living in a judgmental society nowadays teddy's
story is just one of a very influenceable story that can show how we reject, and how
hypercritical we are on our fellow individual by means of what we stand or what we are in the
society just like Miss Thompson she first judge her student teddy rather than giving council,
guidance, or even talking to his pupil for such thing as a teacher supposed to be, and give some
answer or solution on that certain kind of problem. All of us are a "judge" nowadays, Yes! we
are! Including me this is considered as a “syndrome" of our society a disorder of every human
individual without knowing that it could trigger into a massive concern or problem of a society,
that instead of giving action for it not to be a matter of earth, and just go beyond helping hands
of each other dealing with the fullest of life with unity but still we do wrong. But on the other
hand we are still human deserve second chances of what we did wrong turning it into a right
one just like Ms Thompson did. That's the reflection of mine on that very heartwarming story of
a simple person Mr. Teddy Stoddard.

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