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My Three-ring Circus

Faye Marie G. Degamo

It is said that life is three-ring circus, these rings holds different portrayed persona
that is appropriate and needed to every situation we are in. We all have different sides that
we live on but still connected to us. I myself has my personal rings that I live on day by
day. I am a daughter, the splitting image of my parents and the fruit of their love, a
daughter who values the effort and sacrifices they made just to give me the best in life. I
am a daughter who is fuelled by my parents’ undying love and support to pursue my
dreams in life. I am daughter who want nothing but the safety and happiness of my family.
My other ring is me being a student. I am a vessel that still has a lot compartments to fill
with knowledge. Day by day, I am learning new things in life and with these, I am slowly
transitioning into that someone I want to be in the future. I am student and this ring will
forever be etched in my life for I am student and will always be thirsty to learn new things
as I venture in the roads anchored to my existence. Lastly, I am me. A simple girl who find
happiness in books and movies. A girl who enjoy spending time travelling through fictional
portals of books. I find solace in solitude. I am no lonely but I treasure friendship so badly
that if I consider you a true friend then you are a very rare gem. I live in the circles of these
ring and I am happy about it but I know my life won’t forever be caged in these circular
walls. As I venture in life, there are paths and crossroads that I may take that will either
break these rings or even augment my three-ringed personas.

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