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Rules and Regulations

- Grading system based on DepEd.

- Class Participation, Assignments, and Projects are Important.

- Need of Excuse letter/SMS/Verbal notice for absences.

- Summative tests every Friday are recorded.

- As unanimously agreed, ipabilin daw ang mga bata kung dili magsulat. (Morning: 11:50 at most;
Afternoon: 4:30 at most)

- Other small payments are already explained.

B. Election of HPTA Officers

Congratulations to the newly elected officers!

C. Homeroom Project

- As agreed, Renovation of the Comfort Room

- ₱200 contribution (Deadline: July 31, 2019)

D. Candidates

- Thank you to those who willingly gives their permission for their child to be the candidate. All I need is
your final confirmation.

E. Nutrition Month Feeding

(Every Friday in the Month of July)

Schedule of Group Assigned:

"Halal Foods Only"

July 5 - Balladaris Group

July 12 - Pabro Group

July 19 - Yuarata Group

July 26 - Guevarra Group

July 31 - Culmination. BYOB. Pledges are as listed. Pwede pa madugang ang iban sa food donations.

F. Others

Grab bag for DRRM:

(Deadline: First week of July)

- light

- whistle

- drinking bottle

- extra clothes

- tissue

- raincoat

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