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Plato and the Psychology

Plato contribution to Psychology was on the field of moral psychology, he formulated

and expanded the concept of the soul explaining that is the immortal part of a being. It
explained that the soul includes reason, self-awareness and moral sense, saying that
the soul know and recognize what is good. And establish that someone who do a bad
thing is not being bad only that is ignorant.

Establish also that our goal in life is the self-realization, explaining that the soul is
always close to the good trying to resemblance god.

Another contribution to psychology is that he stated that we have three levels of

pleasure each of them is different, the first one is the physical level which contain the
sex and food tasting among other, the next one is the esthetic level which is the one
that see the beauty of each person and the last one mind pleasure level

And in the same way we have three parts which control the way a person behave, those
parts are the rational part, spirited part, and the appetitive part.



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