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1) How do you write in English “Buenos días, amigos!, cómo están?, van a hacer algo hoy?” ?

2) Can you translate this conversation to Spanish?

A: You're watching too much TV.
B: What do you mean?
A: I mean you're wasting your life.
B: I'm having fun.
A: You're sitting there with your mouth open.
B: Who cares?
A: I care. Do something.
B: Okay. I did something.
A: What did you do?
B: I turned up the volume.
A: That's not what I meant by "do something."
B: Will you do something? Leave me alone.

3) Can you tell us which are yours favorite movies?

4) Please write this numbers:

Example: 478 four hundred seventy eight
a) 789
b) 502 456
c) 45 671
d) 1 545 385
e) 413 789 215
5) Write a/an in the line:

1. There is green English book on the desk.

2. She's reading old comic.

3. They've got idea.

4. He is drinking cup of coffee.

5. The girl is pilot.

6. Leipzig has airport.

7. This is expensive bike.

8. Look! There's bird flying.

9. My father is honest person.

10. My friend likes to be astronaut

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