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Good morning, friends. I greet all of you a very pleasant Sabbath morning.

It is my pleasure to
welcome the regular members of this church and our visitors. We are happy that we have
come together to worship our Lord this Sabbath morning

Paint the world with love, this is what we are about, this is our main business, our reason for
being. God has made us that we may show to one another. The disciples John reminds us to
love one another. It is only when we love one another that the world will be convinced that
we are God’s children. God is love and anymore who follows Him should love the way God
has loved each one of us.

How do we show love? We can show love in many ways. For now, let us show our love by
greeting one another happy Sabbath and giving one another a handshake and a smile.

Opening Song: “All Things Bright and Beautiful

Responsive Reading: Psalm 8

1 LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the
2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your
enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,which
you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?[c]
5 You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels and crowned them[f] with glory
and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;you put everything under their[g] feet:
7 all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild,
8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Opening Prayer:

Special Song:

Special Feature: Paint the World with Love

Narrator: The world is full of colors. Look around you. What colors do you see? On stage we
see maroon and cream. Outside the lawn is a carpet of green. The sky is an arch of blue. The
flowers boast of an array of colors - RED, PINK, ORANGE, YELLOW, even VIOLET and BLUE. How
do you like to imagine a world which is all white or all black or all re or all blue or all green?
Aren’t you grateful that God, in extravagant abundance, has splashed the world with various
colors mixed in a majestic blend. Today we have four friends who will paint before us using
their favorite color. While they are drawing, let us listen to an intermission song.

Intermission Number:

Narrator: Now let us give time to each of our artists to interpret to us the meaning of their


My favorite color is yellow. I love to see the gold of the sun especially as the golden rays burst
in the east to greet the world a happy morning. The yellow flowers captive me. The ripening
grain in the field, the golden mangoes in the fruit stand, ahh!

They pull me like magnet. I cannot imagine the sun being blue, or the egg yolk being red, or
the mango being violet. My heart skips at the sight of yellow. So in the morning as the sliver of
the sun’s rays peep into my room, I jump out of my bed and greet the morning with a smile.

What does yellow symbolize? To me, yellow is warm as the sunshine. Yellow is sweet as ripe
mangoes. Yellow is fullness as the grains ready for harvest. Yellow is the spirit of acceptance
as symbolized by the yellow ribbon tied in the old oak tree as a welcome sign for a sinner.

Yellow is the gold of excellence used to capture the best of 50 years of one’s marriage, or an
institution’s existence. It means endurance in the face of joy and sorrow, of sunshine and rain.

It means stability int the face of trials. It means strength and power to last.
Who among you here love yellow? Can you please tell us what your strengths are?


I love blue. I feel comforted when I look at the blue sky and the blue ocean. When I am tired
or sad or angry, I just look up and a soothing feeling sips through my heart.

I think God loves the blue color too because He used it to paint the sky and the sea. I would
not be happy if God painted the sky red. I would stare at it for a few minutes and get a
headache. Or would you enjoy sailing over a yellow or a red or a violet ocean?
What does blue symbolize? To me, blue means peace, calmness, serenity, inner joy, strength
of character. People who love blue are peace lovers. They are calm and composed even in
stressful times. Their family and friends can look up to them as tower of strength.

They are stable and constant which means they do not easily change their minds. They value
their word and when they speak you know for sure that you can trust them to do what they

Ah, now I understand why God painted the sky and sea blue. He knows that sailing over the
ocean of flying high up in the sky is a scary experience. But when we look up or when we look
down, we see blue and we hear Him whisper, “My peace I leave with you; My peace I give to
you do not be afraid.”

Intermission Number


My favorite color is red. You cannot imagine how a person can loved red, can you? But I love
red for several reasons.

Red means life because red is the color of blood. Without blood , a person is dead.

I want to be the life of the group. I want to make people laugh.

Red, too, means love. Love is symbolized by a red heart.

On valentine’s day, people wear red clothes to show they are in love or they support the idea
of painting the world with love.


Look at the trees, the grass, the flowers. They are all green. How do you love looking at green
things? I love it. Green brings promise and hope.

As long as a twig is green, you know it is alive. It may not have leaves of flowers, you just know
it is alive and you hope. When Noah was in the ark, the bird he sent out to check the outside
world came back with a green bud on its beck.

Seeing it, Noah smiled. To him that green bud, no matter how small, was a promise of life.

Green also means innocence. So we have the expression “green horn” to mean innocent or
inexperience. What else?

Green symbolizes growth. I think as a Christians we should love green. We have to keep on
growing in Jesus. We should never be contented with what we are but instead strive to be like
Jesus in every way.

“Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children” (Education,
p. 18). When we cooperate with Him, God will grant us the growth that we need.

Intermission Number: “All the Colors of the Rainbow

Lesson Review

Closing Song

Closing Prayer

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