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Release Stress with Yoga Not by Running away

from Responsibility
August 21, 2019

Everyone goes through stress. It is a very normal part of life. You may feel stress
in your body when you have too much to do or haven’t slept for the necessary
hours. In response to additional stress, you strain your body which increases your
blood pressure, heart rate, respiration metabolism and the blood flow to your
muscles. But do you think that running away from your responsibility or having
pills will relieve your stress?

Stress-relieving medicines can never be a process to cure you internally. There is another scenario.
These days, giving birth to a baby is a choice. Once the baby is born then upbringing is a stressful
job for the young couples, thus, they tend to send the kids for crèche. Is creche is good or the right
option for your kid to grow up?

The playschools and even the schools are taking the root of putting too much pressure on kids, thus
unknowingly shadowing on their creativity. The kids for the sake of schooling and the sake of
certification are attending the classes. Net result: zero growth!

Fear is a factor for concern

Earlier, the preference for teaching was majorly oral. The teachers believe in memorizing the studies
and so they believe and the confidence among the students uses to build them up strongly.
Nowadays, we are in fear of forgetting things. We are in fear of letting things go out of our hands,
thus, we are prone towards a mechanical form of living.

Who is responsible for this? A careerist mother, a workaholic or the playschool or the institution???

Frankly, EVERYONE!

A busy mother thinks, sending kids to school will relieve her from extra burden.
A busy father on holidays thinks, sending kids to summer camps will let the couple enjoy their

Indirectly, we are enhancing the business of the schools, who are also in the struggle to do the best
among the other school, putting added pressure. Who is suffering- THE KID!

Are you a good parent? Do you wish to cleanse your inner self to become one???

Look for REDUCING STRESS in yourself, not for an EXCUSE.

Responsible parents, take a seat back, relax and think, what is making you send your kids to these
places that they are too ending up in getting stressed? To maintain a so-called luxurious life,
parents are playing with their kids’ future. We need to find a solution to remove stress from our
head and build ourselves stronger for a better living.

Related Article: 7 Foods that help reduce stress

Dealing with stress, day in and day out is something that you need to combat. There is the best way
to cleanse it. Yoga helps in boosting your concentration. It energies you to work and maintain a
personal life balance. Meditation helps in clearing your mind and finally, you can focus on the
various important aspects of life.

Yoga is a solution for your Burden
The very responsible individuals in the institution, you too have yoga in your curriculum but are you
working on yourself to understand the deeper meaning of it?

A yogi’s version of yogic practice is that it brings in the calmness, diminishes stress and makes you
wise to make the selfless decision. Students are majorly suffering from overburden of homework,
exams and end up losing themselves. Are you looking into these factors?

Parents are requested to balance their lives. Thinking about only your career will never build your
kid’s career gloriously which you think will happen, as you are providing all the luxury and the best
schools for them. Practise yoga to reduce stress and take a gander on the right decision for life.

Schooling is important. How? It is best for playing, for socializing, to enhance a personality, for
growth as an overall being. Unfortunately these days, people are prone towards making an effort for
building a business. They are taking advantage of the other weak points and successfully opening up
space for themselves.

Yoga is a reminder to your responsibility

The stress response is our body’s reaction to anything. This is a possible threat for a physiological,
psychological and even a biological concern. Managing stress is not always going to be very easy.
Yoga, asanas, and meditation is the best way of stress releasing and calming yourself. With
regular practice you will be able to make easier decisions, eliminating the unwanted pressure and
decide on a better future for your kid.

Women experience more stress than at a higher level among men. The source of these chronic
stresses in our lives is unavoidable, because it includes the juggling of managing children, working
for long hours, financial concerns and even workplace colleagues.

Connecting your daily life with yoga for a better lifestyle will surely enhance your way towards
seeing life. With yoga, you will be able to gracefully look into your responsibility to carry it out
perfectly. Yoga helps in cleansing and regulating your internal circulation. A lot of things are
connected to this as when your blood circulation and bowel movements are perfect you tend to get
rid of any side effects like stress, uneasiness and lack of energy.

Yoga cultivates will power. Building up your power will reserve the asana systematically by
enhancing your resolve. With the practice of asana, the waves of emotions and resistance will rise
and help to improve the inner strength. The mental struggle will be in control if you maintain
practising the yoga.

Build up your resolve on compassion. Yoga enables to strengthen your compassion towards your
work and your kids. “If you think that the key to greater willpower is being harder on yourself, you
are not alone,” McGonigal writes. Let be a compassionate inquiry, then a competition with the ego.
A small perspective from our end is projected.

Feel free to share your version as well.

Related Article: Yoga – The best solution for our current education system


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