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The Effect Of Giving Spritual Dzikir Therapy To The Acceptance Phase In

Breast Cancer Patients At The Dr. Rasidin Padang Hospital


Cancer is a deadly disease and the number of sufferers is increasing. Word
cancer statistic released in 2012 by International Agency For Reasearch On
KaNCER (IARC) states that in 2012 there were 14,1 million cancer cases world
wide. Even, new cases of cancer incidence will be predicted in more that 19,0
million cases in 2025. One of the most common types of cancer in women is breast
cancer. Breast cancer is malignancy that orginates from glandular cells,
glandular tracts and breast support tissues do not include the skin of the breast
(Depkes RI, 2009). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of dzikir
spiritual therapy on the phase of self acceptance in breast cancer patients in Dr.
Rasidin Padang Hospital. The type of research is Pre eksperiment with one group
pre test and post test, the population of all breast cancer patients and a sample of
16 people. Univariate data analysis with frequency distribution and bivariat with
t- test dependent (paired t- test). The result of the study were average before
giving dzikir therapy to the acceptance phase in breast cancer patients mean =
56,80, SD= 6,909, Min-Max= 48-72 and the average after giving dzikir therapy to
the mean phase = 69,70, SD= 5,165, Min – Max = 59-79. There is the effect of
giving dzikir spiritual therapy to the acceptance phase in breast cancer patients
In Dr. Rasidin Padang Hospital (pv= 0,000). Conclusion to the effect of dxzikir
spiritual therapy on the acceptance phase in breast cancer patient

Keywords : Cancer, breast cancer

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