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Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16)

Inverse Reinforcement Learning

through Policy Gradient Minimization
Matteo Pirotta and Marcello Restelli
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
I-20133, Milan, Italy
{matteo.pirotta, marcello.restelli}

Abstract using a model-free approach that is based only on the data

provided by the expert’s demonstrations. Contrary to most
Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) deals with the existing algorithms, the proposed approach does not require
problem of recovering the reward function optimized by
to repeatedly solve the “direct” MDP. Although no assump-
an expert given a set of demonstrations of the expert’s
policy. Most IRL algorithms need to repeatedly com- tion on the reward model is needed, for the case of linear
pute the optimal policy for different reward functions. parametrization we provide an efficient algorithm for com-
This paper proposes a new IRL approach that allows to puting the solution to the optimization problem. Empirical
recover the reward function without the need of solv- results on the Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) test case
ing any “direct” RL problem. The idea is to find the allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in
reward function that minimizes the gradient of a param- recovering the parameters of the reward function optimized
eterized representation of the expert’s policy. In partic- by the expert both when the expert’s policy is known and
ular, when the reward function can be represented as when it has to be estimated from demonstrated trajectories.
a linear combination of some basis functions, we will Comparisons with the state-of-the-art is performed on the
show that the aforementioned optimization problem can
well-known mountain-car domain.
be efficiently solved. We present an empirical evalua-
tion of the proposed approach on a multidimensional
version of the Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) both Preliminaries
in the case where the parameters of the expert’s pol- A Markov Decision process without reward MDP\R is de-
icy are known and in the (more realistic) case where fined by M = S, A, P, γ, D, where S is the state space,
the parameters of the expert’s policy need to be inferred A is the action space, P is a Markovian transition model
from the expert’s demonstrations. Finally, the algorithm where P(s |s, a) defines the transition density between state
is compared against the state-of-the-art on the mountain
car domain, where the expert’s policy is unknown.
s and s under action a, γ ∈ [0, 1) is the discount factor, and
D is the distribution of the initial state. A stochastic policy
is defined by a density distribution π(·; s) that specifies for
Introduction each state s the density distribution over the action space A.
We observe the behavior of an expert that follows a pol-
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are an effective mathe-
icy π E that is optimal w.r.t. some reward function RE . We
matical tool in modeling decision making in uncertain dy-
assume that RE can be represented through a linear or non-
namic environments, where tasks are simply defined by
linear function R(s, a; ω), where ω ∈ Rq .
providing a reward function. However, in many real-world
We consider infinite horizon problems where the future
problems, even the specification of the reward function
rewards are exponentially discounted with γ. Policies can
can be problematic and it is easier to provide demonstra-
be ranked by their expected discounted reward starting from
tions from a desired policy. Inverse Reinforcement Learning
the state distribution D:
(IRL) aims at finding the reward function that is (implicitly  
or explicitly) optimized by the demonstrated policy. JD (π) = π
dμ (s) π(a; s)R(s, a; ω)dads,
The approach proposed in this paper is based on the fol- S A
lowing observation: given a differentiable parametric repre- where dπμ is the γ–discounted feature state distribution for
sentation of the expert’s policy, that is optimal w.r.t. to some starting state distribution D (Sutton et al. 1999). In this work
unknown reward function RE , its policy gradient computed we limit our attention to parametrized differentiable policies
according to RE is zero. So, given a parametrized represen- π(a; s, θ), where θ ∈ Rd . Where possible we will use the
tation of the reward function, we solve the IRL problem by compact notation πθ .
searching the reward function that minimizes some norm of
the policy gradient. We show how this result can be obtained Gradient Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Copyright © 2016, Association for the Advancement of Artificial In the first scenario we consider the problem of recover-
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. ing the reward function RE when the expert’s policy π E

is known. Having access to the analytic formulation of the Lemma 1 (Convexity of C yx ). Given a convex representation
policy, we can use gradient information to derive a new IRL of the reward function R(s, a; ω) w.r.t. the reward parame-
algorithm that does not need to solve the forward model. It is ters, the objective function C yx , with x, y ≥ 1, is convex.
worth to stress that even knowing the expert’s policy, behav- This means that the optimization problem can be solved
ioral cloning may not be the best solution to IRL problems. using any standard convex optimization approach. In this
In particular, the reward is a more succinct and powerful in- work we consider the case of squared 2 –norm (x = 2 and
formation than the policy itself. The reward function can be y = 2) and a constrained gradient descent approach.
used to generalize the expert’s behavior to state space re-
We want to stress the fact that the only requirement for
gions not covered by the samples or to new situations. For
the convexity of the optimization process is the convexity of
instance, the transition model can change and, as a conse-
the parametric class of rewards (that is free to be designed).
quence, the optimal policy may change as well. Further-
We think that this class is big enough to be used in several
more, behavioral cloning cannot be applied whenever the
real problems. Note, no assumption is posed on the real (ex-
expert demonstrates actions that cannot be executed by the
pert’s) reward. In this scenario (convex optimization func-
learner (think at a humanoid robot that learns by observing a
tion) there are no problems related to stationary points.
human expert). In all these cases, knowing the reward func-
tion, the optimal policy can be derived.
Standard policy gradient approaches require the policy to Meaning of GIRL As mentioned before, when the ex-
be stochastic in order to get rid of the knowledge of the tran- pert is optimal w.r.t. the parametric reward, the minimum
sition model (Sutton et al. 1999). When the expert’s policy of C yx πθE , ω is attained by the expert’s weights ω E . On
is deterministic the model must be available or the policy the other hand, there are several reasons for which the ex-
must be forced to be stochastic1 . For continuous state-action pert may be not optimal: I) the expert is optimizing a reward
domains the latter approach can be easily implemented by function that cannot be represented by the chosen reward
adding zero-mean Gaussian noise. Instead the Gibbs model parametrization; II) the expert exhibits a suboptimal policy;
is suited for discrete actions because the stochasticity can be III) the samples available to estimate the gradient are not suf-
regulated by varying the temperature parameter. ficient to obtain a reliable estimate. When the expert’s policy
Given a parametric (linear or non linear) reward function is not optimal for any reward function in the chosen reward
R(s, a; ω), we can compute the associate policy gradient class, the solution ω A represents the minimum norm gradi-
ent, i.e., the reward that induces the minimum change in the
E πE E πE policy parameters. In other words, GIRL tries to provide the
∇θ J πθ , ω = dμθ (s) ∇θ π (a; s, θ)Q (s, a; ω ) dads.
S A reward weights in the chosen space that better explain the
We assume to have an analytic description of the expert’s behavior of the expert’s policy. Note that the result ω A is
policy, but we have a limited set of demonstrations of the reliable as long as the norm of the gradient is small enough,
expert’s behavior in the environment. Let denote by D = otherwise the optimal policy associated to the given reward
N weights can be arbitrarily different than expert’s policy.2
{τi }i=1 the set of expert’s trajectories. Then, the gradient
can be estimated off-line using the N trajectories and any
standard policy gradient algorithm: REINFORCE (Williams Linear Reward Settings
1992), GPOMDP (Baxter and Bartlett 2001), natural gradi- In this section we reformulate the GIRL algorithm in
ent (Kakade 2002) or eNAC (Peters and Schaal 2008a). the case of linear parametrization of the reward function
If the policy performance J (π, ω) is differentiable w.r.t. R(s, a; ω). This interpretation comes from a multi-objective
the policy parameters θ and the expert πθE is optimal w.r.t. a optimization (MOO) view of the IRL problem. When the re-
parametrization R(s, a, ω E ), the associated policy gradient ward is linearly parametrized we have that
is identically equal to zero.  the expert’s policy πθ
is a stationary point for J π, ω .
E q

The Gradient IRL (GIRL) J (π, ω ) = ωi E γ φi (st , at ) = ω i J i (π)
 algorithm aims at finding a sta- i=1 s0 ∼ D t=0 i=1
tionary point of J πθE , ω w.r.t. the reward parameter ω, a t ∼ π st ∼ P
that is, for any x, y ≥ 1 (2)
where J (π) ∈ Rq are the unconditional feature expecta-

A y E
= arg min C x πθ , ω = arg min
∇θ J πθ , ω  . (1) tions under policy π and basis functions Φ(s, a) ∈ Rq .
ω ω y x

MOO Perspective Equation (2) can be interpreted as a

GIRL properties One of the key properties of the GIRL weighted sum of the objective vector J (π). This view con-
algorithm is the convexity of the objective function whenever nects our approach to the search of the reward weights that
the parametric reward model is convex w.r.t. ω. make the expert Pareto optimal. The test for locally Pareto
optimal solutions is an important aspect of many MOO al-
Recently a deterministic version of the policy gradient theorem gorithms and has been extemv nsively studied (Fliege and
has been provided in (Silver et al. 2014). However, it cannot be
directly applied in this framework because it requires a stochastic The threshold between reliable and unreliable results is prob-
policy for exploration. lem dependent.

Svaiter 2000). It can be formulated as (Brown and Smith Geometric Interpretation We have seen the analytical in-
2005), for any non–zero (convex) vector α  0 terpretation of the reward weights. Now, if the expert is opti-
mal w.r.t. some linear combination of the objectives, then she
α ∈ Null (Dθ J (π)) , (3) lies on the Pareto frontier. Geometrically, the reward weights
are orthogonal to the hyperplane tangent to the Pareto
where Null is the (right) null space of the Jacobian tier (identified by the individual gradients ∇θ J i π E , i =
Dθ J (π). The same idea was used by (Désidéri 2012) to 1, . . . , q). By exploiting the local information given by
define the concept of Pareto–stationary solution. This def- the individual gradients w.r.t. the expert parametrization
inition derives from the geometric interpretation of Equa- Dθ J π E we can compute the tangent hyperplane and the
tion (3), that is, a point is Pareto–stationary if there exists a associated scalarization weights. Such hyperplane can be
convex combination of the individual gradients that gener- identified by the q points
 to the
 matrix of
ates an identically zero vector: Dθ J π E = ∇θ J 1 π E , . . . , ∇θ J q π E :

q   T  
Dθ J (π) α = 0, αi = 1, αi ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , q} . G = Dθ J π E D θ J π E .
If G is full rank, the q points univocally identify the tan-
A solution that is Pareto optimal is also Pareto– gent hyperplane. Since the expert’s weights are orthogonal
stationary (Désidéri 2012). A simple and intuitive interpre- to such hyperplane, they are obtained by computing the null
tation of the Pareto-stationary condition can be provided space of the matrix G: ω ∈ Null(G). Given the indi-
in the case of two objectives. When the solution lies out- vidual gradients, the complexity of obtaining the weights is
side the frontier it is possible to identify a set of direc- O(q 2 d + q 3 ). In the following, we will call this version of
tions (ascent cone) that simultaneously increase all the ob- GIRL as PGIRL (Plane GIRL).
jectives. When the solution belongs to the Pareto frontier
(i.e., ∃(convex)α : Dθ J (π) α = 0), the ascent cone is An Analysis of Linear Reward Settings
empty because any change in the parameters will cause the We initially state our analysis in the case of complete knowl-
decrease of at least one objective. Geometrically, the gra- edge where we can compute every single term in exact form.
dient vectors related to the different reward features result Later, we will deal with approximations.
coplanar and with contrasting directions.

Handling Degenerancy We have already mentioned

From MOO to IRL Under generic nonlinear reward that the GIRL problem is ill-posed under linear reward
parametrizations the problem faced by GIRL is a sim- parametrizations. Possible sources of degenerancy of Prob-
ple unconstrained problem. In the case of linear reward lem (1) are, for instance, constant reward functions, dupli-
parametrization the GIRL problem is severely ill-posed cated features or useless features. These problems are well-
(invariant to scalar factors) and admits a trivial zero- known design issues that have been already solved in liter-
solution. A common solution to overcome this ambigu- ature (Neu and Szepesvári 2007). The batch nature of the
ity problem (Ng and Russell 2000; Syed and Schapire GIRL problem allows to incorporate a phase of feature pre-
2007) is to restrict (without loss of generality) the expert processing. In that phase we eliminate linearly dependent
weights ω E to belong to the unit (q − 1)-simplex Δq−1 = features—including also the features that are never active
{ω ∈ Rq : ω 1 = 1 ∧ ω  0}3 . under the given policy—and constant features.
As a consequence, the convex combination α represents In PGIRL, this phase is carried out on thegradient matrix.
the scalarization, i.e., the reward parameters. In particular, The rank of the Jacobian matrix Dθ J π E plays a funda-
notice that α ≡ ω coincides with the solution computed by mental role in the reconstruction of the reward weights. Re-
GIRL. This result follows easily by noticing that call that the rank is limited by the minimum matrix dimen-
sion. Since we are interested in the influence of the objec-

tives on the rank, we consider the policy parameters to be
∇θ J πθ , ω  =  
E E π
 d μ (s) ∇ θ π (a; s, θ)J (s, a)dads · ω  linearly independent, or more precisely, the rows of the Ja-
x S A x


cobian matrix to be linearly independent. Moreover, as long
= Dθ J π ω , as the number d of policy parameters is greater or equal than
the number q of reward parameters (q ≤ d), any deficiency
where J (s, a) ∈ Rq is the vector of conditional feature
in the rank is due to linear dependence among the objec-
expectations given s0 = s and a0 = a. When the expert is tives. As a consequence, the Jacobian matrix can be reduced
optimal, the latter equation is made identically equal to zero
 in order to contain only columns that are linearly indepen-
by any vector that is in the (right) null space of Dθ J π E . dent (e.g., by means of echelon transformation (Nakos and
Otherwise, as mentioned in the previous section, the vector Joyner 1998)). The removed columns (objectives) do not af-
ω represents the reward function that induces the minimum fect the reward parametrization, i.e., they are associated to
change in the policy. zero weights. More critical is the scenario in which q > d
because it may be not possible to obtain a unique solution.
The symbol  denotes the component-wise inequality. Practically, the policy is able to influence only a subset of

the objectives spanned by the chosen representation. Pre- along some direction, thus making the problem less robust
processing of the gradient or Gram matrix cannot be carried to approximation errors.
out since the rank is upper bounded by the policy parameters
and not by the reward ones. However, this problem can be Approximated Expert’s Policy Parameters
overcome by considering additional constraints or directly When the expert’s policy is unknown, to apply the same
in the design phase since either q and d are usually under the idea presented in the previous section, we need to infer a
control of the user. N
parametric policy model from a set of trajectories {τi }i=0
When the Gram matrix G is not full rank we do not have
of length M . This problem is a standard density estima-
a unique solution. In this case the null space operator
tion problem. Given a parametric policy model π(a; s, θ),
turns an orthonormal basis Z such that Dθ J π E · Z is
a parametric density estimation problem can be defined as a
a null matrix. However, infinite vectors are spanned by the
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problem: θ M LE =
orthonormal basis. The constraint on the 1 –norm is not suf- N ·M
ficient for the selection of the reward parameters, an addi- arg maxθ L (θ; D) = arg maxθ i=1 π(ai ; si , θ).
tional criterion is required. Several approaches have been
defined in literature. For example, in order to select so- Related Work
lution vectors that consider only a subset of reward fea- In the last decade, many IRL algorithms have been pro-
tures, it is possible to design a sparsification approach (in posed (see (Zhifei and Meng Joo 2012) for a recent sur-
the experiments  2 –norm has been used). A different ap- vey), most of which are approaches that require the MDP
proach is suggested by the field of reward shaping, where model and/or need to iteratively compute the optimal pol-
the goal is to find the reward function that maximizes icy of the MDP obtained by considering intermediate re-
an information criterion (Ng, Harada, and Russell 1999; ward functions. Since an accurate solution to the IRL prob-
Wiewiora, Cottrell, and Elkan 2003). lem may require many iterations, when the optimal pol-
icy for the MDP cannot be efficiently computed, these IRL
Approximate Case When the state transition model is un- approaches are not practical. For this reason, some recent
known, the gradients are estimated through trajectories us- works have proposed model-free IRL approaches that do not
ing some model-free approach (Peters and Schaal 2008a). require to solve MDPs. The approach proposed by (Dvi-
The estimation errors of the gradients imply an error in the jotham and Todorov 2010) does not need to solve many
expert weights estimated by PGIRL. In the following theo- MDPs, but it can be applied only to linearly solvable MDPs.
rem we provide an upper bound to the 2 -norm of the dif- In (Boularias, Kober, and Peters 2011) the authors proposed
ference between the expert weights ω E and the weights ω A a model-free version of the Maximum Entropy IRL ap-
estimated by PGIRL, given 2 -norm upper bounds on the proach (Ziebart et al. 2008) that minimizes the relative en-
gradient estimation errors.4 tropy between the empirical distribution of the state-action
trajectories demonstrated by the expert and their distribution
 2. Let denote with ĝi the estimated value of
Theorem under the learned policy. Even if this approach avoids the
∇θ J i π E . Under the assumption that the reward func- need of solving MDPs, it requires sampling trajectories ac-
tion maximized by the expert is a linear combination of ba- cording to a non-expert (explorative) policy. Classification-
 Φ(s, a)  with weights ω and that, for each i,
 functions based approaches (SCIRL and CSI) (Klein et al. 2012;
∇θ J i π E − ĝi  ≤ i :
2 2013) can produce near-optimal results when accurate es-
⎛  ⎞ timation of the feature expectations can be computed and

heuristic versions have been proved effective even when a

ω − ω A  ≤ 2 ⎝1 − 1 − 
¯ ⎠,
few demonstrations are available. While SCIRL is limited
ρ̄ to linearly parametrized reward functions, CSI can deal with
nonlinear functions. However, both the algorithms require
where ¯ = maxi i and ρ̄ is the radius of the largest (q − 1)- the expert to be deterministic and need to use heuristic ap-
dimensional ball inscribed in the convex hull of points ĝi . proaches in order to learn with the only knowledge of ex-
Notice that the above bound is valid only when ¯ < ρ̄, oth- pert’s trajectories. Without using heuristics, they require an
erwise the upper bound is the maximum distance additional data set for exploration of the system dynamics.
√ between Moreover, CSI does not aim to recover the unknown expert’s
two vectors belonging to the unit simplex, that is 2. As ex-
pected, when the gradients are known exactly (i.e., i = 0 reward, but to obtain a reward for which the expert is nearly-
for all i), the term ¯ is zero and consequently the upper optimal. Finally, the main limitation of these classification-
bound is zero. On the other hand, it is interesting to notice based approaches is the assumption that the expert is opti-
that a small value of the term ¯ is not enough to guarantee mal, the suboptimality scenario was not addressed.
that the weights computed by PGIRL are a good approxima- In (Neu and Szepesvári 2007) the authors have proposed
tion of the expert ones. In fact, when ρ̄ = ¯ the upper bound an IRL approach that can work even with non-linear reward
on the weight error reaches its maximum value. Intuitively, parametrizations, but it needs to estimate the optimal action-
a small value of ρ̄ means that all the gradients are aligned value function. Other related works are (Levine and Koltun
2012) and (Johnson, Aghasadeghi, and Bretl 2013). Both ap-
4 proaches optimize an objective function related to the gradi-
The reader may refer to (Pirotta, Restelli, and Bascetta 2013)
for error bounds on the gradient estimate with Gaussian policies. ent information, but they require to know the dynamics.

0.031 0.020 0.020 0.021 0.037 10.1 8.4 46.1 8.0 3.2
±0.011 ±0.0011 ±0.002 ±0.002 ±0.009 ±1.5 ±1.1 ±6.2 ±1.3 ±0.3
0.173 0.168 0.166 0.170 0.179 74.0 70.2 249.7 50.4 32.0
±0.007 ±0.001 ±0.003 ±0.003 ±0.003 ±19.8 ±9.8 ±73.6 ±3.3 ±6.5
1.664 1.655 1.655 1.683 1.640 971.4 472.7 3613.0 498.6 257.4
±0.006 ±0.011 ±0.031 ±0.005 ±0.038 ±270.0 ±25.2 ±1128.2 ±32.5 ±14.7

Table 1: Average Computational Time (s) for the generation of the results presented in Figure 2b (5D LQR).

The next set of experiments deals with the accuracy and
Pareto Front
  time complexity of the proposed approaches (GIRL and
−165.5 J πE , ωE
Plane with 10 ep.
PGIRL) with different gradient estimation methods (REIN-
Plane with 100 ep. FORCE w/ and w/o baseline (RB, R), GPOMDP w/ and w/o
Plane with 1000 ep. baseline (GB,G) and eNAC). We selected 5 problem dimen-
−150 sions: (2, 5, 10, 20). For each domain we selected 20 ran-
−200 dom expert’s weights in the unit simplex and we generated

−250 5 different datasets. It is known that the contribute of the

−210 −209 −208 −207 baseline for the gradient estimation is important and can-
−300 −250 −200 −150
not be neglected (Peters and Schaal 2008b). Consider Fig-
ure 2a, using plain R and G the GIRL algorithm is not able
Figure 1: Behavior of the eNAC-PGIRL in 2D LQR. Figure to recover the correct weights. Although the error decreases
reports the planes in the objective space identified by the as the number of trajectories increases, the error obtained
PGIRL algorithm with 10, 100 and 1, 000 trajectories. This with 1, 000 trajectories is larger than the one obtained by
figure represents a zoom of the frontier around the current the baseline–versions (RB and GB) with only 10 trajecto-
solution. The entire frontier is shown in the corner figure. ries. For this reason we have removed the plain gradient al-
gorithms from the other tests. Figures 2b–2d replicate the
test for increasing problem dimensions. All the algorithms
show a decreasing error as the number of samples increases,
Experiments but no significant differences can be observed. From such
This section is devoted to the empirical analysis of the pro- results, we can conclude that, when the expert’s policy is
posed algorithms. The first domain, a linear quadratic regu- known, GIRL is able to recover a good approximation of the
lator, is used to illustrate the main characteristics of the pro- reward function even with a few sample trajectories.
posed approach, while the mountain car domain is used to In Table 1 we show how the computational times of the
compare it against the most related approaches. different algorithms change as a function of the number of
available trajectories. PGIRL algorithm outperforms GIRL
Linear Quadratic Regulator for any possible configuration. Recall that PGIRL has to
compute a fixed number of gradients, equal to the reward
In this section we provide a set of experiments in the well- dimensionality, while GIRL is an iterative algorithm. We
known Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem (Peters have imposed a maximum number of function evaluations
and Schaal 2008b). These experiments are meant to be a to 500 for the convex optimization algorithm. The results
proof of concept of our algorithm behavior. We consider show that the difference in the time complexity exceeds two
the multi-dimensional, multi-objective version of the prob- orders of magnitude.5 Although, the best choice for linear
lem provided in (Pirotta, Parisi, and Restelli 2015), the reward parametrizations is PGIRL, GIRL has the advantage
reader may refer to it for the settings. We consider a lin- of working even with non–linear parametrizations.
ear parametrization
qof the reward function:
R(s, a; ω) = − i=1 ω i (sT Qi s + aT Ri a).
Approximated Expert’s Policy Parameters In the fol-
lowing the parameters of the expert’s policy are unknown
Exact Expert’s Policy Parameters In the first test, we fo- and we have access only to expert’s trajectories. In order
cus on the PGIRL approach where the gradient directions to apply GIRL and PGIRL algorithms we have to learn a
are computed using the eNAC algorithm (eNAC–PGIRL) in parametric policy from the data, that is, we have to solve
the 2D LQR domain. The goal is to provide a geometric in- a MLE problem (see Section ). We consider a standard 1–
terpretation of what the algorithm does. Figure 1 reports the dimensional LQR problem. Under these settings the pol-
planes (lines in 2D) and the associated weights obtained by icy is a Gaussian at ∼ N (ks, σ 2 ) and the reward is rt =
the eNAC-PGIRL algorithm with different data set sizes. As −ω 1 s2t − ω 2 a2t . The initial state is randomly selected in the
the number of samples increases, the accuracy of the plane interval [−3, 3]. Since the action space is continuous and
identified by the algorithm improves. With 1, 000 trajecto-
ries, the plane is almost tangent to the Pareto frontier. The 5
The performance of the GIRL algorithm depends on the im-
points on the planes are obtained from the Gram matrix (af- plementation of the convex algorithm and its parameters. Here we
ter a translation from the origin). have exploited NLopt library (

0.25 0.25 0.25
RB 0.2 GB 0.2 GB 0.2 GB


− ωA 

0.15 0.15 0.15


0.1 0.1 0.1



0.05 0.05 0.05

0 0 0 0
10 50 100 500 1000 10 50 100 500 1000 10 50 100 500 1000 10 50 100 500 1000
Episodes Episodes Episodes Episodes

(a) 2D LQR (b) 5D LQR (c) 10D LQR (d) 20D LQR

Figure 2: The L∞ norm between the expert’s and agent’s weights for different problem and data set dimensions. s0 = −10.

0.35 0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3 0.3


− ωA 

− ωA 

− ωA 
0.25 0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15 0.15




0.1 0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05 0.05

0 0 0
10 50 100 500 1000 10 50 100 500 1000 10 50 100 500 1000
Episodes Episodes Episodes

(a) Optimal Policy (linear) (b) Polynomial 3-deg (c) Gaussian RBFs

Figure 3: The L∞ norm between the expert’s and agent’s weights are reported for different problem and data set dimensions.

we have to learn stochastic policies, we limit our research PGIRL CSI

SCIRL Classifier
among the class of Gaussian policies with fixed diagonal 200
REPS Expert
covariance equal to 2 · I. We consider three different mean
Mean episode length

parametrizations: linear in the state (i.e., the optimal one), 150

with radial basis functions, and polynomial of degree 3.

Figure 3 reports the error made by the different policy 100

parametrizations with different numbers of expert’s trajec-

tories. Even with a 3–degree polynomial approximation the 50

learning process shown by the algorithm is smooth and the 10 30

Number of samples
100 300

error decreases with the increase of the trajectory samples

(Figure 3b). Finally, we consider the policy with 5 Gaussian Figure 4: Mountain Car: algorithm performances.
RBFs uniformly placed in [−4, 4] with an overlapping factor
of 0.25. While REINFORCE and GPOMDP with baselines
enjoy a smooth behavior, eNAC seems more affected by the
ploit heuristics to provide samples for unseen actions. The
estimation error in the policy parametrization and is not able
expert’s policy is provided in terms of trajectories, thus, an
to reduce the error even with 1, 000 trajectories.
MLE estimate is required for PGIRL. We define the expert’s
policy as a Gibbs policy with linear approximation of the
Mountain Car Q-function, a first degree polynomial over the state space
In order to compare the PGIRL algorithm against the state- is replicated for each action. The same features considered
of-the-art we consider the classical mountain car prob- in (Klein et al. 2013) are used to represent the reward func-
lem (Sutton et al. 1999). In particular we refer to the IRL tion over the state space: evenly-spaced hand-tuned 7 × 7
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