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Review Article

Enriching Communicative Environments:

Leveraging Advances in Neuroplasticity
for Improving Outcomes in Neurogenic
Communication Disorders
Julie A. Hengst,a Melissa C. Duff,b and Theresa A. Jonesc

Purpose: Research manipulating the complexity of housing sociocultural theories of learning and development in
environments for healthy and brain-damaged animals has humans that support them. The final section provides an
offered strong, well-replicated evidence for the positive overview of Hengst’s and Duff’s basic and translational
impacts in animal models of enriched environments on research, which has been designed to exploit the insights
neuroplasticity and behavioral outcomes across the lifespan. of sociocultural theories and research on environmental
This article reviews foundational work on environmental complexity. In particular, this research has aimed to enrich
enrichment from the animal literature and considers how it communicative interactions in clinical settings, to trace
relates to a line of research examining rich communicative specific communicative resources that characterize such
environments among adults with aphasia, amnesia, and interactions, and to marshal rich communicative environments
related cognitive-communication disorders. for therapeutic goals for individuals with aphasia and amnesia.
Method: Drawing on the authors’ own research and the Conclusions: This article concludes by arguing that enriching
broader literature, this article first presents a critical review and optimizing environments and experiences offers a very
of environmental complexity from the animal literature. promising approach to rehabilitation efforts designed to
Building on that animal research, the second section begins enhance the reorganization of cognitive-communicative
by defining rich communicative environments for humans abilities after brain injury. Such interventions would require
(highlighting the combined effects of complexity, voluntariness, clinicians to use the principles outlined here to enrich
and experiential quality). It then introduces key frameworks communicative environments and to target distributed
for analyzing and designing rich communicative environments: communication in functional systems (not the isolated
distributed communication and functional systems along with language of individuals).

ince its inception in 1971, the mission of the Clinical ideas through active discussion at the conference and
Aphasiology Conference (CAC) has been to advance publication of conference proceedings (Brookshire & Porch,
clinical research and practice by providing a forum 1995). Forty-six years later, the spirit of provocative talks
for clinical researchers to share new ideas, data, and hy- and spirited discussion continues to thrive. At the 2017
potheses, including the speculative and controversial, and CAC meeting, Dr. Theresa Jones presented a talk, Neural
by providing opportunities for engagement around these plasticity after acquired brain injury: “Learning” to drive
it in optimal directions, summarizing her work on the inter-
a relation between mechanisms of neural plasticity and
Department of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois
at Urbana–Champaign
recovery after acquired brain injury in animals. Her pre-
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University sentation led to an active discussion on the promises and
Medical Center, Nashville, TN challenges of translating animal models to clinical practice
Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin for individuals with neurogenic communication disorders.
Correspondence to Julie A. Hengst: Although not a main focus of her talk, Dr. Jones referenced
Editor-in-Chief: Margaret Blake Donald Hebb, who inspired the study of environmental
Editor: Janet Patterson enrichment in behavioral neuroscience. Hengst and Duff
Received September 18, 2017 have long argued that the study of environmental enrich-
Revision received February 18, 2018 ment in animals provides an important bridge between
Accepted June 2, 2018 animal studies and clinical research. In this article, we
Publisher Note: This article is part of the Special Issue: Select Papers Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time
From the 47th Clinical Aphasiology Conference. of publication.

216 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 28 • 216–229 • March 2019 • Copyright © 2019 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
review foundational work on environmental enrichment with such environmental influences in humans. However,
from the animal literature in relation to the basic and trans- studies in rats and mice provide the bulk of the experi-
lational research that Hengst and Duff have been doing to mental evidence. In a typical experiment, rodents housed
explore how communicative activity can constitute rich com- in environmentally complex conditions (EC) live together
municative environments for humans. Through data exem- in a large social group in a cage filled with toys and other
plars, we review a range of protocols and research findings objects that they can traverse and manipulate, a condition
that highlight translational connections between fields and that simultaneously stimulates greater social, cognitive,
implications for enriching communicative environments to perceptual, and physical activity, compared with rodents
improve outcomes for individuals with neurogenic communi- housed in simple unadorned cages either alone or in a small
cation disorders. In the spirit of CAC’s mission to advance group.
clinical research and practice through engagement with new At a time when the very notion of brain structure
ideas and theories, our goal for this review is to illuminate being affected by behavioral experiences was still revolu-
the many connections that exist between the animal and tionary, Rosenzweig and colleagues uncovered that the ef-
human literatures on neural plasticity and environmental fects of EC during development on behavior were linked
enrichment and to identify opportunities for translation with the alteration of brain structure. They found that rats
and dialogue between basic and clinical researchers that raised to adulthood in EC had heavier brains and greater
will lead to improved outcomes for individuals with neuro- cerebral cortical gray matter thickness compared with
genic communication disorders. those raised in standard lab cages (Bennett, Diamond, Krech,
& Rosenzweig, 1964; Diamond, Krech, & Rosenzweig, 1964;
Rosenzweig & Bennett, 1996). Soon after, Greenough
Environmental Complexity Affects Brain and colleagues discovered that cerebral cortex in rats raised
and Behavioral Function in Diverse in EC had neurons with more expansive dendritic arbors
and greater quantities of synapses than their standard cage
Species and Across the Lifespan counterparts (e.g., Greenough & Volkmar, 1973; Turner &
It is now well accepted that brain structure and func- Greenough, 1985; Volkmar & Greenough, 1972; West &
tion are continuously shaped by behavioral experiences. Greenough, 1972). In addition to helping to explain how
Neural plasticity, an everyday process that continues across EC increases cortical thickness (i.e., synapses and dendrites
the lifespan, is the general mechanism by which individ- take up space, such that net increases in their quantities are
uals register experiences, develop new capacities, learn, and reflected in increased gray matter), these results provided
remember. It is thus not surprising that the nature of the the first direct evidence that behavioral experiences can
environment experienced is strongly related to neural activ- affect the structural synaptic connectivity of the brain. These
ity and structural connectivity. One can point to an origin discoveries continue to be reflected in the field’s focus on
that ultimately led to this current understanding: the results experience-dependent synaptic plasticity as a crucial sub-
of an informal study reported by Donald O. Hebb in his strate for behavioral change.
famous monograph, The Organization of Behavior (Hebb, It soon became clear that the effects of EC were lim-
1949). Hebb found that rats that had been raised in his home ited neither to cortex nor to the early period of brain devel-
as pets were, as adults, superior in their problem-solving opment. EC affects neuronal structure in diverse brain
ability in maze tasks compared with those raised in his lab- regions and continues to do so in mature and aging animals
oratory. He concluded that the “richer experiences” during (Churchill et al., 2002; Grossman, Churchill, Bates, Kleim,
development of his pet rats made them “better able to profit & Greenough, 2002; Rosenzweig & Bennett, 1996). For ex-
by new experiences” in adulthood (pp. 298–299). This infor- ample, raising rats in EC increases synapse quantities in
mal study stimulated what is now a vast literature of findings striatum (Comery, Stamoudis, Irwin, & Greenough, 1996)
based on controlled laboratory manipulations of environ- and cerebellar cortex (Federmeier, Kleim, & Greenough,
mental housing conditions that support the notion that 2002) in addition to cerebral cortex. It elevates growth fac-
learning abilities and cognitive, sensorimotor, and perceptual tors and other plasticity-related molecules in various regions,
capacities are improved by exposure to stimulating environ- as well as neurogenesis in the hippocampus (Churchill
ments during development (see Alwis & Rajan, 2014; Simpson et al., 2002). It also affects nonneuronal cells, for example,
& Kelly, 2011 for reviews). Benefits of exposure to more, increasing physical contacts between glial processes and
versus less, stimulating environments have been found in synapses in cerebral cortex and vascular density in cere-
numerous species, for example, dogs (Fuller, 1967), cats bellar cortex (Jones & Greenough, 1996; Markham &
(Beaulieu & Colonnier, 1987), pigs (de Jong et al., 2000), prai- Greenough, 2004). Monkeys housed in EC have in-
rie voles (Grippo et al., 2014), nonhuman primates (reviewed creased complexity of dendritic arbors in cortex, hippo-
in Zhang, 2017), fish (Salvanes et al., 2013), and birds campus (Kozorovitskiy et al., 2005), and cerebellum
(LaDage, Roth, Fox, & Pravosudov, 2009). Findings of (Floeter & Greenough, 1979). Though its effects tend to
cognitive and motor behavioral decrements in children be more subtle and to unfold more slowly than in devel-
raised in impoverished (institutionalized) relative to typical opment, housing rodents in EC for the first time at ad-
settings (Bauer, Hanson, Pierson, Davidson, & Pollak, 2009; vanced ages increases quantities of dendrites and synapses
Levin, Zeanah, Fox, & Nelson, 2014) are generally consistent in cerebral and cerebellar cortex (Green, Greenough, &

Hengst et al.: Enriching Communicative Environments 217

Schlumpf, 1983; Greenough, McDonald, Parnisari, & activity alone (Ohlsson & Johansson, 1995; Risedal et al.,
Camel, 1986) and increases hippocampal neurogenesis 2002).
(van Praag, Shubert, Zhao, & Gage, 2005). It also offsets Although numerous studies support that EC can pro-
age-related neurodegeneration (Greenough et al., 1986) and mote better function after brain injury, it is not a panacea.
decrements in cognitive function (e.g., Freret et al., 2012). Not all behavioral impairments are similarly improved by it
Clearly, brain and behavior continue to benefit from a stim- (Grabowski, Sørensen, Mattsson, Zimmer, & Johansson,
ulating environment across the lifespan. 1995; Kolb & Gibb, 1991). Some findings have suggested that
it may be more effective in promoting compensation for,
Environmental Complexity Profoundly Affects rather than “true” recovery from, impairments (Finger &
Stein, 1982; Rose, Davey, Love, & Dell, 1987). This sugges-
Functional Outcome in Rodent Models
tion is based on findings that EC does not strongly benefit
of Acquired Brain Injury post-injury performance on tasks that are most dependent
There is no treatment approach that has been more on the modality that is impaired by central nervous system
well replicated to improve function in rodent models of lesions or that are insensitive to the effects of practice, in con-
acquired brain injury than housing in a complex environ- trast to tasks, such as spatial learning of mazes, that can
ment. Studies spanning half a century support that housing be solved in a variety of ways and which tend to benefit
in EC before or after experimental lesions of various brain greatly from EC (e.g., Rose, al-Khamees, Davey, & Attree,
regions can improve post-injury behavioral function, as 1993; Rose, Davey, & Attree, 1993; Rose et al., 1987).
described in detail in several previous reviews (Johansson, Even the promotion of compensation by EC appears
2010; Jones, Hawrylak, Klintsova, & Greenough, 1998; to have limited generalization across impairment modali-
Livingston-Thomas et al., 2016; Mering & Jolkkonen, ties. In rodent models of post-stroke hemiparesis, EC alone
2015; Radabaugh et al., 2017; Will, Galani, Kelche, & has little impact on the performance of the more-affected
Rosenzweig, 2004). A major focus of early studies was on upper limb in skilled reaching tasks (Biernaskie & Corbett,
effects of EC on spatial learning ability after focal damage 2001), which are considered to be a preclinical “gold stan-
to hippocampal subregions and pathways (Finger & Stein, dard” as outcome measures for these models (Corbett et al.,
1982; Will et al., 2004). A major focus in recent years has 2017). The fact that improved performance in skilled reach-
been on the potential benefits of EC in models intended to ing tasks can be achieved by recovery from impairment or
resemble the most prevalent forms of acquired brain injury the establishment of more effective compensatory move-
in humans. In rodent models of stroke and traumatic ment strategies (Jones, 2017) indicates that EC is not very
brain injury (TBI), post-injury housing in EC improves effective in promoting either for a highly prevalent cate-
rates and/or final levels of motor behavioral improvements gory of chronic post-stroke impairment. This potentially
(Janssen et al., 2010; Monaco et al., 2013) and attenu- reflects that the typical EC manipulation fails to encourage
ates spatial-memory impairments (Dahlqvist, Rönnbäck, sufficient practice of skilled movements of the distal upper
Bergström, Söderström, & Olsson, 2004; Radabaugh limb to promote improvements in them.
et al., 2017). EC also offsets decrements in rates and Biernaskie and Corbett (2001) discovered that the
magnitudes of motor behavioral improvements in aged combination of EC with task-specific rehabilitative training
compared to younger rats after middle cerebral artery in- in skilled reaching has synergistic effects, in essence over-
farcts (Buchhold et al., 2007). The behavioral benefits of coming its limited efficacy for improving upper limb mo-
EC have been linked with its promotion of restorative tor function. On its own, rehabilitative training in skilled
neural responses, for example, its promotion of cortical reaching can improve fine motor function of the distal fore-
dendritic growth (Biernaskie & Corbett, 2001; Johansson, limb, but it often takes a great deal of training to yield mod-
2010) and hippocampal synapse addition (Briones, Suh, est improvements, especially in animals with more severe
Jozsa, & Woods, 2006), as well as its promotion of brain impairments (Jones & Adkins, 2015). Biernaskie and Corbett
tissue preservation (Radabaugh et al., 2017), and neuro- found that, after mixed cortical and striatal infarcts in rats,
protective responses that limit secondary degeneration the combination of EC and rehabilitative training in skilled
(Wadowska, Woods, Rogozinska, & Briones, 2015). reaching resulted in much greater improvement than rehabil-
As noted above, EC simultaneously stimulates social, itative training alone. These findings suggest that the efficacy
cognitive, perceptual, and physical activity. A question that of rehabilitative training might be greatly facilitated in the
is often raised is whether one particular modality of activity context of enhanced environmental stimulation. Its efficacy
is responsible for the effects of EC. Overall, findings to date might even strongly depend on this context. These possibili-
suggest that while each has the potential to contribute to ties warrant much greater research attention.
improved brain and behavioral outcome, the success of EC
after acquired brain injury is likely to depend on their com-
bination (Johansson, 2010; Livingston-Thomas et al., 2016; Bridging to Human
Rosenzweig & Bennett, 1972; Rosenzweig, Bennett, Hebert,
& Morimoto, 1978). For example, EC after middle cerebral Communicative Environments
artery infarcts results in greater improvements in motor As we move from animal research on environmental
performance than do either increased social or physical complexity to consider implications for humans, some

218 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 28 • 216–229 • March 2019

features that are taken for granted in the animal research complexity, minimal or no choices for how and when to
become more centrally relevant. Reviewing animal research participate, and rigid conditions that do not easily allow for
on housing environments of lab animals, van Praag, optimization of quality. In turn, environmental enrichment
Kempermann, and Gage (2000) emphasize two charac- (the process of making environments richer) recognizes
teristics in addition to complexity that we consider critical that communicative environments are malleable, that
for translating this work to humans. First, they emphasize more restricted environments can be redesigned to be
the voluntary nature of physical activities; indeed, as richer, and that relatively rich environments can be better
noted by Jones (and others), it is impossible for researchers optimized for specific individuals. A focus on enrichment
to simply direct their lab animals to do what they want highlights that communicative environments are continu-
when they want it (the way we can direct clients to repeat ally created in interaction and cannot be categorized
words and point to pictures in clinical sessions). The only simply by type of interaction or setting. In other words,
way to get specific behaviors is to structure conditions communicative environments at home, in schools, in
and opportunities that entice animals to choose, for exam- the community, and in clinics might be either rich or re-
ple, to run on a wheel or reach through bars for the food. stricted, and an environment that is rich for one individ-
Second, drawing especially on Greenough (1976), van ual might be more restricted for another (e.g., two children
Praag et al. (2000) highlight the importance of optimiza- sitting together playing a computer game, but only one
tion, noting, for example, that both too little social contact has access to the joystick that controls play and enjoys
(e.g., isolation) and too much social contact (e.g., over- the game while the other watches and finds the game
crowding) have detrimental effects. It is important to under- disturbing).
score that the animal research does not argue that enriching We have considered the process of environmental
housing is simply a matter of maximizing complexity and enrichment as a potential means of improving clinical out-
intensity of stimulation—after all, throwing a cat in a cage comes for two key reasons. First, evidence from animal
will not enrich the environment for mice. Historically, re- research strongly supports the value of marshaling environ-
search on the effects of environmental complexity and en- mental enrichment as a means of improving the general
richment on humans has focused on the extremes—such development and well-being of our clients. We know that
as studies of social isolation and sensory deprivation (e.g., acquired brain injury and functional impairments can
Hebb, 1949; Solomon et al., 1961) that demonstrated how greatly impoverish life experiences (Frasca, Tomaszczyk,
individuals depend on (and individual brains seek) sensory McFadyen, & Green, 2013). Even mild strokes diminish
input. Strikingly, individuals who experience sensory depriva- engagement in physical and social activity and in quality
tion do not become bored, but quite rapidly devolve into of life (Butler & Evenson, 2014; Edwards, Hahn, Baum, &
schizophrenic-like states of consciousness that sometimes per- Dromerick, 2006; Hildebrand, Brewer, & Wolf, 2012),
sist after typical sensory inputs are restored. Thus, as we effects that the animal research would suggest are likely
think about implications of the research for humans, it is to limit or disrupt the general potential for improved
critical to recognize the importance of voluntary activities brain and behavioral outcomes after brain injury. Thus,
(where opportunities exist for participants to engage in per- environmental enrichment could provide a means to coun-
sonally relevant and meaningful activities) and to recognize teract this environmental impoverishment. Second, rich
the need to optimize the experiential quality of communica- communicative environments have the potential to marshal
tive environments for specific individuals, in specific set- social learning to support the ongoing reorganization of
tings, and at specific times. cognitive and communicative functioning both inside
In this section, we shift then from discussing EC alone and outside of clinical spaces. It is this second potential,
to a broader focus on rich communicative environments marshaling social learning in clinical spaces, that two of
and environmental enrichment. We are arguing not only us (Hengst and Duff) have been exploring through our re-
for applying this lens to everyday human environments and search on adults with acquired cognitive-communication
experiences but also, more importantly, for optimizing disorders. However, before turning to our research, we
communicative environments and experiences to address the use the remainder of this section to further characterize
needs of specific individuals with cognitive-communication rich communicative environments by introducing the re-
disorders. Broadly defined, communicative environments lated concepts of distributed communication and func-
are the physical, social, and temporal dimensions of com- tional systems.
municative interactions. Drawing on animal models of en-
vironmental complexity, we want to describe the richness of
communicative environments on a continuum in terms of Distributed Communication and Functional Systems
their complexity, voluntariness, and quality. At one end are It is important to reiterate that our focus here is not
rich communicative environments, marked by the combined language per se, but communicative environments. Attending
effects of significant but manageable complexity, opportu- to communicative environments shifts our attention from
nities for voluntary participation in personally meaningful isolated behaviors and individual abilities to the envi-
activities, and optimization of quality for specific individuals. ronm ents where people engage with one another (e.g., the
In contrast, at the other end would be the more restricted “cage”) and to how those environments shape individual ex-
or limited communicative environments, marked by low periences and specific interactions. To take this perspective,

Hengst et al.: Enriching Communicative Environments 219

Hengst and Duff have been developing the notion of (e.g., Hutchins, 19951). Hutchins argues that the power of
distributed communication (see Duff, Mutlu, Byom, & human cognition lies in our ongoing creation of environ-
Turkstra, 2012; Hengst, 2015) and applying it in their ments (whether cultural tools fashioned in the moment or
research on communicative interactions between individ- by others at other times and places) and our flexibility in
uals with acquired neurogenic communication disorders pulling bits of the environment together into functional
and their communication partners. Distributed commu- systems. Indeed, he concludes that the processes of creating
nication highlights that communication is not an isolated sociocultural environments “are as much a part of cogni-
individual trait or ability, but is always distributed in tion as the processes that exploit them” (1995, p. 316).
multiple ways. First, communicative interactions are al- Hutchins (1995) identified three interlocking trajectories
ways situated in sociocultural activities. As people engage of change centered in functional systems: the moment-to-
with one another, sociocultural activities provide partic- moment changes in the course of the immediate situated
ular motives (or goals) as well as organizational frame- activity (the unfolding development of the immediate
works and opportunities for communicative interactions. functional system), the consequences of that activity for
Sociocultural activities include highly recognizable and eas- the development of the people involved (what we would
ily named activities (e.g., buying shoes, phoning a friend) typically call learning), and the consequences of the im-
and activities that are less easily bounded and named mediate activity for the development of practices and
(e.g., sustaining a friendship; building a reputation at cultural tools (what we would typically call cultural
work), as well as activities that may be local and fleeting development).
(e.g., localizing the source of an unexpected, loud sound). Distributed cognition and distributed communication
Second, communication is distributed across multiple and are both grounded in a long history of sociocultural theo-
diverse communicative resources (e.g., language use, pros- ries that integrate cognition, learning, and communication
ody, gestures, expected routines). Distributed commu- (e.g., Agha, 2007; Cole, 1996; del Río & Álvarez, 2007;
nication recognizes that language use always involves an Hanks, 1996; Hutchins, 1995; Irvine, 1996; Rogoff, 2003;
orchestration of communicative resources. As Agha states, Wertsch, 1991). Many of these theories point back to the
language use actually refers to situations in which “an approach to human development and action that Vygotsky
array of signs is being performed and construed by inter- and Luria began developing in the 1920s (Luria, 1928,
actants, of which language is but a fragment… of a multi- 1979; Vygotsky, 1929, 1987, 1997, 1999). del Río and
channel sign configuration” (Agha, 2007, p. 6). Third, Álvarez (2007) stress that Vygotsky (1987) described the
communicative interactions are distributed across time. mind as fundamentally distributed within and across
People make sense of the present interaction through the people, practices, and tools, not just in new learning and
histories they have experienced over time. Thus, successful early development but throughout the lifespan. Through-
communication depends on participants building, recog- out life, people continue to use and draw on external
nizing, and drawing on shared histories of participation means (e.g., a calendar) and other people (e.g., watching
in activity, what Herbert Clark calls common ground (see what others do) in combination with evolving individual
Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1992). cognitive systems (e.g., memory). From a sociocultural
Our notion of distributed communication draws par- perspective, individual learning and cultural development
ticularly on Hutchins’ (1995, 2008; Hollan, Hutchins, & are fundamental aspects of all social interactions, not lim-
Kirsch, 2000) powerful argument for understanding cogni- ited to certain periods in the lifespan (e.g., not just childhood),
tion as distributed. Memory for an activity like baking a and not limited to special types of activity (e.g., clinical
cake, for example, might be distributed in texts (recipes, tasks, classroom routines), though some activities may work
instructions on food products), across people (as different to make learning explicit and central.
people remember different steps in the process), and in spe- In short, from the perspective of distributed cognition
cialized tools (like a kitchen timer) as well as in the bio- and communication in functional systems, engagement in
logical memory of the individual. Distribution, Hutchins activities and communicative environments is where social
argues, focuses our attention on functional systems, which learning occurs, where individuals, resources (tools), and
are particular assemblages that blend individuals (with par- practices coevolve. Whether participants are changing or
ticular skills and abilities) and environmental resources mainly reinforcing what they know and do, learning is a
(natural and human-made). Functional systems are orches-
trated in real-time interactions as people solve problems,
complete tasks, and achieve goals, and they have cognitive In Cognition in the Wild, Hutchins (1995) provides an excellent
properties that are not identical to those of the persons in- theoretical discussion and empirical example of functional systems as
volved in them. As a unit of analysis, functional systems the unit of analysis of cognition. Specifically, he analyzes the processes
of a bridge crew calculating the current position on a naval ship. The
point to alignments among distributed elements across all
calculations were distributed in a system, with representations
levels, including the functional neural networks within indi- propagated across different media (devices, maps, sequences of spoken
vidual brains (e.g., Luria, 1963), the coordinated talk of or written communication, brains, and bodies). Hutchins argues that
two people engaged in collaborative referencing (e.g., Clark distributed cognition involves “processes of entrainment, coordination,
& Wilkes-Gibbs, 1992), or the work of teams of people using and resonance among elements of a system that includes a person and
sophisticated cultural tools to solve real-world problems the person’s surroundings” (p. 289).

220 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 28 • 216–229 • March 2019

facet of all interactions in all activities. Critically, those ac- individuals are fully engaged in intrinsically motivating ac-
tivities are never static; they change moment by moment tivities—activities that are challenging enough to require
as participants shift roles and negotiate goals, and they concentration, but are broadly within the scope of an indi-
change over time as new people participate in them, take vidual’s abilities. During moments of flow, people are so
them up, and necessarily (and often subtly) transform them. deeply engaged in activities that attention to the passage
of time, the difficulty of the work, or themselves fades.
Csikszentmihalyi suggests that moments of flow may seem
Characteristics of Rich
to emerge spontaneously: “[f ]or instance, friends may be
Communicative Environments having dinner together, and someone brings up a topic that
Distributed cognition and communication and func- involves everyone in the conversation. One by one they
tional systems offer us a well-articulated framework for begin to make jokes and tell stories, and pretty soon all are
translating animal research on environmental complexity having fun and feeling good about one another” (1990,
to designing rich communicative environments for humans. p. 71). However, more often, people seek out activities
Drawing on these converging lines of research, we can now that are conducive to flow and designed to support an in-
elaborate on how complexity, voluntariness, and quality dividual’s optimal experiences. It is not surprising that
apply to rich communicative environments. Complexity Csikszentmihalyi identifies games and play as activities
draws our attention to the diversity and variability of rich that often produce optimal experiences. Biologists (e.g.,
communicative environments. From a communicative per- Burghardt, 2014) and anthropologists (e.g., Huizinga, 1950)
spective, more complex environments are likely to include have long argued for understanding play as a fundamen-
multiple participants who are engaged in multiple activi- tal phenomenon that is defined by an individual’s voluntary
ties, who actively use diverse multimodal communicative participation in activities (without coercion) and by intrinsic
resources (including language, gestures, physical tools, and rewards (without external rewards or payment). However,
instruments), and who take up and shift among various particular types of play vary greatly. Researchers have doc-
communicative roles (such as people switching between umented spontaneous play in childhood as well as highly
storytellers and audiences as they swap stories). Rich envi- structured activities of game play intertwined with work
ronments are likely to build on the histories, experiences, and community life more broadly (e.g., amateur and pro-
and expertise of participants, as well as to support the on- fessional sports leagues, chess tournaments). Across disci-
going development of common ground among participants plines, researchers have highlighted how flow experiences
that can support future interactions. The complexity and and play can foster creativity, innovation, and learning.
flexibility of such environments provide opportunities for, Overall, we posit that rich communicative environ-
and openness to, multiple ways of achieving goals and de- ments matter because, as the animal models of environ-
fining success. Voluntariness highlights the noncoercive mental complexity have suggested, they enhance well-being
character of rich communicative environments, providing and learning. From the perspective of distributed cogni-
scope for individuals to make choices (more or less ac- tion and distributed communication in functional systems,
tively) about how they participate. Rich communicative rich communicative environments are ones that support
environments invite and support multiple means of partici- participants engaging with personally meaningful activities
pation (as opposed to directing a limited pattern of par- (rather than focusing on compliance with predetermined
ticipation). Optimization of experiential quality draws our goals), that are characterized by flexibility and multiplicity
attention particularly to the affective dimensions of rich (including active use of multimodal resources and multiple
communicative environments. Experiential quality is rela- communication partners), that have positive experiential
tive to each person at specific moments in time (not one qualities (e.g., a balance of novel and familiar routines, a
design fits all) and involves the ongoing (re)configuration sense of flow, an immersive quality, laughter), that are
of the functional system (not isolated features). For exam- evaluated as successful or not in terms of intrinsic metrics
ple, we know people who like to do their academic writing of the activity (not by predetermined or extrinsic metrics),
in coffee shops. People moving about and talking at tables, and that thus support the fluid (re)distribution of communi-
the sounds of music and espresso machines, and perhaps cative competence and expertise across participants. Such
the absence of otherwise compelling tasks found at home environments promote ongoing learning and reorganization
or in the office, all combine to support concentrated and of communicative practices by providing opportunities for
sustained writing. However, we also know people who find repeated engagement in communicative interactions (rather
it almost impossible to write in such busy, noisy, and dis- than directing exact repetition of specific language forms).
tracting environments.
We see Csikszentmihalyi’s (1990) descriptions of flow
experiences and research on play (e.g., Burghardt, 2011; Communicative Environments and
Holzman, 2017; Pellegrini, 2011) and the way that research Communication Disorders
highlights affective markers like joy and immersion, as a
key basis for thinking about optimization of experiential Post Brain Injury
quality in communicative environments. Csikszentmihalyi Encouraged by converging evidence across animal
defines flow as moments of optimal experience where and human research on the benefits of enrichment, social

Hengst et al.: Enriching Communicative Environments 221

interaction, and engagement for typical development and talk (e.g., strict rules that included completing each trial
functional recovery after brain injury, Hengst and Duff as quickly as possible), and discouraged any other activi-
have been pursuing lines of basic research designed to ex- ties (e.g., engaging strangers in an experiment that did
amine communicative interaction and social learning in not relate to issues in their lives). Clark and Wilkes-
functional systems involving individuals with acquired Gibbs found that the stranger pairs quickly settled on
neurogenic communication disorders and their communi- a common perceptual frame for the unfamiliar shapes
cation partners. Our research designs and data analyses (e.g., looks like a person), the directors quickly shifted
have aimed to target rich communicative environments to using definite noun phrases (e.g., it’s the dog with the
and distributed communication by attending to (a) the short tail), and that as the pair developed more confi-
multiple and complex sociocultural activities participants dence and familiarity with each card, the noun phrases
are engaged in, (b) the dynamic and flexible patterns of simplified and the pairs got faster at identifying and plac-
participation by all participants, (c) the participants’ ongo- ing target cards. This paradigm and the results are con-
ing orchestration of multiple communicative resources (not sidered foundational in the psychology of language and in
just language), and (d) the ways participants (including psycholinguistics (Harley, 2014; Trueswell & Tanenhaus,
routine partners and clinicians) draw on both shared his- 2005).
tories and emerging common ground. We have used this Informed by sociocultural theories of communication
approach across a range of neurogenic communication and distributed cognition, Hengst redesigned the Clark
disorders including aphasia (Hengst, 2003, 2006), amnesia and Wilkes-Gibbs task to enrich the communicative envi-
(Duff, Hengst, Tranel, & Cohen, 2006, 2007), Alzheimer’s ronment for participants. In the redesign, Hengst reframed
disease (Duff, Gallegos, Cohen, & Tranel, 2013), and TBI the collaborative referencing activity as a game (not a la-
(Gupta Gordon & Duff, 2016). The findings across these beling task), restructured the space to support the use of
studies are striking in that they document individuals diverse everyday communicative practices (e.g., lowering
with aphasia playing with language and successfully col- the barrier so facial expressions and gestures were visible,
laborating on referencing and individuals with amnesia pairing familiar partners), altered the organization of the
displaying rates of verbal learning comparable to those of sessions to optimize success (e.g., not necessarily playing
control participants. These findings from our basic re- for speed; alternating directors), encouraged more partici-
search convinced us to begin translating these approaches pant shaping of activities (e.g., pairing familiar partners
for clinical research, with the long-term goal of influenc- who brought shared histories and personal relationships to
ing clinical practice. In this section, we review some exam- game play), and traced multiple dimensions of the inter-
ples from our lines of basic research on rich communicative actional dynamics and multimodal communication of the
environments in adults with neurogenic communication pair (videotaped full sessions to support detailed transcrip-
disorders and then turn to our clinical translations of that tion and discourse analysis). Studies using the Clark and
research. Wilkes-Gibbs and the Hengst protocol were similar in that
they demonstrated robust experimental control. The Hengst
protocol, however, is designed to augment the characteris-
Basic Research—Building a Scientific Foundation
tics of a rich communication environment (e.g., complexity,
for Future Clinical Research and Practice voluntariness, and experiential quality) and to document a
To explore the distributed communicative practices wide array of communicative practices. Hengst (2003) re-
of individuals with aphasia, Hengst (2003) recruited four ported that despite managing aphasia, all four pairs played
participant pairs (i.e., individuals with aphasia and a fa- the game successfully and displayed the patterns of collab-
miliar communication partner of their choosing) and had orative referencing predicted by Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs’s
them participate in a collaborative referencing game. All study. However, in the redesigned protocol, the rich com-
four participants with aphasia were medically stable, in the municative environment led to communicative practices
chronic phase of recovery, and presented with moderate not reported by Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs. For example,
to severe aphasia symptoms, although the type of aphasia pairs displayed creativity and flexibility in how they com-
varied. The game was an adaptation of the collaborative pleted the game by actively drawing on verbal and nonver-
referencing paradigm, which has a long history in psychol- bal resources. In addition, the pairs were highly engaged,
ogy (e.g., Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1992) for examination doing much more than simply labeling cards. They engaged
of the collaborative nature of language use and referen- in diverse discourse practices not reported in previous studies
tial processes. With healthy undergraduate students as using the Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs protocol: They told
participants, Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs’s paradigm was orig- conversational stories, used reported speech, negotiated
inally designed to focus on the student pair’s collaborative their personal relationship, teased each other, sometimes
process of developing verbal labels (e.g., noun phrases) for did language drills, and made jokes. That Hengst was able
novel items. The original design limited use of nonverbal to demonstrate the behavioral phenomena that were a
resources (e.g., a tall barrier prevented participants from hallmark of the classic collaborative referencing paradigm,
seeing each other’s faces and gestures), minimized shared but also to capture such a broad range of complex com-
histories (e.g., using tangram shapes without common names; municative practices that are routinely thought to occur
pairing strangers as partners), reduced extraneous non-task only in “naturalistic settings” (i.e., outside of research and

222 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 28 • 216–229 • March 2019

clinical spaces), points to the success, and promise, of cre- prefrontal cortex (Gupta, Tranel, & Duff, 2012), and TBI
ating rich communicative environments for the empirical (Gupta Gordon & Duff, 2016). We have also reported that
study of language and learning. focal, bilateral amygdala damage disrupts communication
The collaborative referencing protocol also offers a and learning in this game (Gupta, Duff, & Tranel, 2011),
potent context for the study of memory and learning and informing population candidacy moving forward. We have
examining change in behavior over time. In healthy adults, taken this impressive performance by individuals with ac-
over multiple trials, participants develop and reuse a set of quired brain injury and amnesia as key evidence that rich
shared labels for the cards; show a reduction in the number communicative environments are potent learning environ-
of words, turns, and other communicative resources to ments (Duff et al., 2006; Duff, Hengst, Tranel, & Cohen,
complete the task; and can label the cards in considerably 2008; Duff et al., 2012; Hengst et al., 2010), that the proto-
less time with each trial (Clark & Wilkes-Gibbs, 1992; col can be flexibly modified, and that it may hold promise
Krauss & Glucksberg, 1969; Yule, 1997). Critically, the for therapeutic interventions for a range of neurogenic
potential to enhance learning is not simply a result of repe- communication disorders.
tition, but rather of repeated engagement with the cards This line of work also reinforces the importance of
and the partner in a functionally meaningful task across a optimizing experiential quality in the functional system for
period of time (for discussion, see Hengst, Duff, & Dettmer, success. In our paradigm, we encourage participants to
2010). invite a familiar communication partner to play the game.
The next step in our line of basic research addressed In our study on TBI, one of the five participants with
questions about the requisite memory systems to demon- TBI did not show the predicated benefits of memory and
strate the canonical findings of behavior change and learning learning. A closer examination of the recorded interactions
in collaborative referencing paradigms. For example, revealed that the participant’s partner (her husband) lim-
Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs (1992) argued that the observed ited her opportunities for meaningful engagement and col-
changes in language use across trials required participants laboration (e.g., told her to go faster, insulted her, and
to draw on their explicit memory for the interaction. We mocked her attempts). In a follow-up study, we assigned
tested the ability of four individuals with hippocampal this same participant a new partner and the results were
damage and profound declarative memory impairment striking; the performance of the participant with TBI was
(amnesia; an impairment in forming explicit memory) to now indistinguishable from that of the other participants
acquire a set of referential labels with a familiar commu- with TBI and the healthy comparison participants. This
nication partner in our modified collaborative referencing study highlights the strong and dynamic influence of part-
task (Duff et al., 2006). Consistent with Phase I and II ners within the functional system on behavioral success
clinical research studies (e.g., Robey, 2004), this next step and failure in everyday interactions.
in our basic research line allowed us to refine our hypoth- Research protocols that support rich communicative
eses and the protocol (e.g., we extended the number of environments offer a more discerning lens with which to
trials to 24 to maximize the chance of learning in patients view the impact of neurogenic disorders on the communi-
with hippocampal amnesia), assess the duration of learn- cative practices of communication partners managing the
ing effects (e.g., we assessed memory for the labels at effects of brain injury within functional activities. For ex-
30 minutes and 6 months), and test the procedures with a ample, in our study of the collaborative referencing para-
unique population. Despite their profound memory loss digm and hippocampal amnesia, we saw that while the
and persistent inability across sessions to recall ever having patients with amnesia and their partners were highly suc-
met the experimenter or played the game, these patients cessful in negotiating the task and in acquiring and using
demonstrated remarkable learning. They displayed not these novel labels for the cards (e.g., windmill; siesta
only high accuracy in using card labels and a rate of man), there were important differences in communicative
learning across trials (i.e., the rate of reduction in time interactions between groups. Whereas healthy comparison
and words to describe each card) that did not differ from participants routinely, and early in the game, discursively
comparison participants but also impressive subsequent signaled to their partners through use of definite reference
recall at 30 minutes and 6 months. This intact new learning (e.g., the windmill vs. a windmill) that they believed a
stands in stark contrast to their performance on standard- referent was part of their shared knowledge on the ma-
ized memory tasks where patients are required to learn jority of trials (90%), the participants with amnesia did
experimenter-generated labels in a drill-like task (e.g., paired so on only half the trails (56%) (Duff, Gupta, Hengst,
associate learning). Tranel, & Cohen, 2011). In a subsequent analysis, we
In subsequent studies, we extended this line of basic also assessed how communicating with a partner with
research on the collaborative referencing game to further memory impairment affected healthy adults’ communica-
refine procedures and to understand the cognitive and neu- tion, specifically the use of definite references, using the
ral basis of the learning phenomenon. With variations on same task, but now with familiar partners serving as di-
the protocol (all designed to enrich communicative envi- rectors. In sharp contrast to the productions of compari-
ronments), we have shown impressive learning and success- son pairs, which were overwhelmingly definite (95%),
ful communication in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease partners of the participants with amnesia used definite
(Duff et al., 2013), focal damage to the ventromedial references less than half the time (48%) (Duff, Hengst,

Hengst et al.: Enriching Communicative Environments 223

Gupta, Tranel, & Cohen, 2011). For the pairs managing and interpersonal functioning more broadly following mem-
amnesia then, these data suggest that the role each part- ory impairment (Davidson, Drouin, Kwan, Moscovitch, &
ner played in the task did not matter much; the memory Rosenbaum, 2012; Tate, 2002).
impairment disrupted the typical discursive management Brain injuries can diminish engagement in social
of the task for both participants with amnesia and their activities and interpersonal relations and disrupt or dimin-
healthy partners. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the ish use of IDRs in communicative settings. However,
ways, within a functional system, that individual partici- a consistent finding in our studies designed to create rich
pants align with and support the overarching communica- communicative environments is that across these inter-
tive activity. We risk forfeiting these opportunities to active sessions, participants managing a range of neurogenic
capture and understand such critical communicative prac- communication disorders have engaged in complex com-
tices when we fail to attend to the distributed nature of municative practices measured by their pervasive use of a
communication. wide range of interactional resources such as IDRs. In
Through the creation and study of rich communica- short, we have found that the rich communicative environ-
tive environments, we have also been able to capture and ments of these protocols allow us as researchers to capture
document the flexible use and optimization of a range of multiple and diverse communicative practices that are
interactional discourse resources (IDRs) across populations. typical of, and prevalent in, everyday social interactions but
IDRs are pervasive and robust communicative resources seldom observed, or reported, in traditional protocols that
realized through verbal and nonverbal means that estab- ask individuals with brain injury to perform language tasks
lish, sustain, and change interaction frames. A marked in isolated contexts. We believe it is precisely the com-
example of an IDR would be reported speech, where lin- municative practices that emerge in these rich communicative
guistic resources (“he said,” “she’s like”), paralinguistic environments that support or undermine interactional success
resources (animated voicing of direct reported speech), and, thus, that are critical to our clinical efforts to improve
contextual resources (e.g., conversational implicature), long-term outcomes for individuals with brain injuries and
and nonverbal resources (e.g., gaze, gesture, embodied their communication partners.
stance) may mark shifts in the interaction frame from the
speaker talking for herself in the immediately shared set-
ting to the speaker talking as other people in a past, future, Translating Rich Communicative Environments
or hypothetical setting. In addition to reported speech to Clinical Research and Practice
(Covington & Duff, 2016; Duff et al., 2007; Hengst, Frame,
Neuman-Stritzel, & Gannaway, 2005), we have examined As we analyzed the results of our lines of basic re-
IDRs like verbal play (Duff, Hengst, Tranel, & Cohen, search, we were encouraged to develop protocols for clini-
2009; Hengst, 2006; Shune & Duff, 2012) and conversational cal settings that would be sensitive to the complexities of
narratives (Hengst, 2010). IDRs, such as verbal play, are social communication and engagement and that would en-
not only pervasive in communication but are thought to rich communicative environments for individuals with
serve important interpersonal functions such as signaling or neurogenic communication disorders. An early example
maintaining interpersonal involvement, engagement, and was our development of the Mediated Discourse Elicitation
interest (Crystal, 1998; Tannen, 1989). Protocol (MDEP) (Hengst & Duff, 2007). In contrast to
In a follow-up analysis of the collaborative referen- traditional approaches to discourse sampling, which focus
cing game for individuals with aphasia, Hengst (2006) on the verbal productions of a participant with acquired
coded interactional discourse instances of verbal play (e.g., brain injury performing monologic discourse tasks in highly
teasing one another, playing with sounds and voices, en- controlled settings, we wanted to create a protocol that
gaging in extended jokes), finding that verbal play was a supported examination of multimodal, multi-interlocutor
pervasive feature for these pairs. Applying Hengst’s (2006) interactions centered around the accomplishment of a func-
coding of verbal play to research on amnesia, we found tional activity across discourse genres (e.g., conversation,
that, while both comparison and amnesic pairs used verbal narrative, picture description). The MDEP required the cli-
play across the game, pairs managing amnesia produced nician to juggle communicative frames and stances, shifting
significantly fewer episodes of verbal play (Duff et al., between acting as a task manager, who needed to keep the
2009). Interestingly, the reduction in verbal play was not session moving, and as an active communication partner,
limited to just the discourse of the individuals with amne- who supported and cocreated the joint activity of telling a
sia, but there were also fewer instances of verbal play by narrative (e.g., being a good listener, reciprocally offering
their familiar communication partners. That is, even in the stories) or a procedure (e.g., writing down the steps). In
context of their successful learning and otherwise positive piloting the protocol, we found that the discourse sample
social interaction (e.g., patients laughed, smiled, joked), collected with the MDEP generated more discourse, more
there was a reduction in their use of verbal play within the complex language, and more IDRs by the participant and
interaction. These disruptions in typical patterns of verbal clinician. We have successfully used the MDEP in our clini-
play begin to reveal the consequences of memory impair- cal research on the cognitive-communicative abilities of in-
ment on aspects of social and communicative behavior dividuals with hippocampal amnesia (e.g., Duff et al., 2007),
and may relate to observations of changes in social isolation TBI (Covington & Duff, 2016), focal frontal pathology

224 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 28 • 216–229 • March 2019

(e.g., Duff, Kurczek, & Miller, 2015), and Williams syn- Environmental enrichment offers an obvious and tractable
drome (ongoing). bridge between literatures and, we would argue, has
As an initial step toward translating the successful the greatest potential for meaningful and immediate
learning found in the collaborative referencing game research translation.
protocol into a clinical intervention, we designed and im- The connections between the behavioral neuroscience
plemented an intervention protocol for a man with severe research on environmental enrichment in rodents and theo-
amnesia and mild aphasia, who was partnered with a clini- ries of distributed cognition and sociocultural approaches
cian (not a familiar partner). For this Phase 1, pre-efficacy to communication and learning in humans offer a fruitful
study (see Robey, 2004; Robey & Schultz, 1998), we al- and theoretically motivated lens for reconceptualizing both
tered our research protocols by increasing the number of the role of social interaction and communicative engage-
referencing targets from 12 to 30, extending the protocol ment as a therapeutic agent and the role of clinicians and
from 4 to 10 sessions, and using 60 photographs of faces, partners in creating rich communicative environments in
places, and interactions (two photographs for each target, clinical and other spaces. Research on environmental com-
taken from different orientations) that were of personal plexity with diverse species (especially rodents) and its
relevance to the client (Hengst et al., 2010). Across trials, relations to learning and recovery after brain injury offers
the client–clinician pair alternated the role of the director. a strong argument for exploring application of those find-
On all measures, the pilot was a success—the client–clinician ings to improve outcomes for individuals with acquired
pair completed all trials, accurately placed cards (98.9% cognitive-communication disorders. We have noted here
accuracy overall), and developed specific labels for all how the characteristics of those environments need to be
30 targets that became more specific and concise over understood as a mix of complexity, voluntariness, and
time (e.g., “a picture of someone” that became “Oliver optimization of experiential quality, the latter two being
Sacks”). The game design again led to a wide range of particularly critical for creating rich communicative envi-
communicative practices as the clinician–client pair engaged ronments for humans. The basic and clinical research by
in verbal play, told stories, had side conversations about Hengst, Duff, and their colleagues on individuals with
shared interests, and drew on each other’s various exper- aphasia and amnesia demonstrates that communicative en-
tise (Hengst, Duff, & Prior, 2008). The participant’s wife vironments can be enriched and with striking outcomes.
also reported he displayed increased “communication con- Indeed, when we structure voluntary activities that are op-
fidence” including initiating more conversations at home. timized for experiential quality, we find that individuals
This translational pilot demonstrated that we could with profound language disruptions play with language in
easily adapt the experimental protocol to be an effective interactions with familiar partners and individuals with
clinical treatment. Using a single-subject design protocol profound impairments in memory remember and use com-
(which included 15 barrier treatment sessions), Devanga municative practices from their previous interactions.
(2017) replicated and extended these findings for four indi- We argue that enriching environments should be a
viduals with chronic aphasia working with a clinician part- fundamental goal of rehabilitation efforts designed to en-
ner. In addition to the expected successful collaborative hance the reorganization of cognitive-communicative abili-
referencing and rich, complex communicative interactions ties after brain injury. Such interventions require us to
in and around the task consistent with earlier studies, target distributed communication (not the isolated language
Devanga found that treatment effects generalized to a clini- of individuals) and to recognize and support successful en-
cal naming task and that patient report measures suggested gagement of clients within dynamic functional systems
a significant impact of treatment on communicative confi- across multiple environmental spaces. However, the vast
dence and conversational participation in diverse everyday majority of treatments that have been developed and used
activities and situations. These findings also reinforce our over the past 50–60 years have focused on simplifying the
confidence that interventions redesigned and reconceptua- problem space in order to more effectively target isolated
lized to align with principles of sociocultural theories and areas of deficit, underlying processes, and predictable
environmental enrichment can support complex, functional words, phrases, and routines. Traditional clinical ap-
communication and significant behavioral change over proaches typically simplify communicative interactions
time (also see work by Ylvisaker & Feeney, 1998). by putting clinicians in charge of all aspects of the session,
limiting the responses expected from clients, and focusing on
the accuracy and forms of client productions (e.g., Leahy,
Conclusions 2004; Simmons-Mackie & Damico, 1999). Contemporary
Over the past 50 years, there have been remarkable approaches to treatment that highlight the importance
advances in the documentation and characterization of of addressing client goals and targeting functional com-
neural plasticity following brain injury. As a field dedi- munication in everyday settings (e.g., Chapey et al.,
cated to promoting and facilitating (re)development and 2000; Marshall, 1993; Purves, Logan, & Marcella, 2011;
change in individuals with acquired neurogenic communi- Simmons-Mackie & Elman, 2011; Togher, McDonald,
cation disorders, open questions concern how we might Code, & Grant, 2004) have certainly added more com-
leverage these advances to trace communicative outcomes plexity to clinical practice than is typical of traditional
in our research and improve them in our clinical practice. approaches. We see it as important to carefully explore

Hengst et al.: Enriching Communicative Environments 225

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