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Without the hand of a friend/ much less/ and embrace of lover/ I

always thought/ that every problem/ and hindrances/ has a solid solution/
even in solitude/ and misery/ I always find myself a courage/ to face
everything/ even without the luxury/ of intimacy from anybody/ because I
maybe a gay/ But, I'm more than the title.

As a gay person/ I grew up knowing I was different/ hearing other

kids/ call anyone/ who deviated from traditional gender expectations/ a
"fag"./ Getting called gay at age 7/ I hadn't come out to anyone/ to
somehow ask what it was/ didn't even really understand/ and eventually
found out/ that it was an insult.

At an early age/ I learn that/ it's at best different to be an LGBT/ and

many of us are taught/ that this difference/ is shameful and disgusting./ I
might tried to hide it/ I might wish it away/ will the path I've chosen end with
happiness or will it end with pure pain./ At a young age/ I also learn that/
even our family accept us/ there are some relatives who are not/ we get
asked to hide it/ we are force to change/ so as not to make them
uncomfortable/ and this teaches shame./ I tried to keep the pain/ I even
hold a grudge/ this teaches fear/ and it breaks my heart.

Some people thought of us as stain/ they make fun of you/ throwing

you undesirable words./ Some people refer to us gays/ as disgusting/ as if
we are carrying a contagious disease/ some doesn't treat as well and it's
sad./ Little did they know/ that what we want is to live happily/ and to be
happy with the path/ that we have chosen./ A person didn't chose to be a
girl/ and a person didn't chose to be a boy/ neither a gay chose to be gay/
that's why they must be respected/ and they must be accepted/ they really
need all you embrace./ I always convinced myself to be strong and firm/
and show them/ that I am unbreakable/ that no matter how dark the cloud
is and strong the rain / the rainbow will still shine and show everyone its
lovely color.

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