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Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

Partea I: CITIT

Because more and more people use the Internet nowadays, a new concept of learning is growing, namely
e-learning. Students study at their computers, read texts, write essays, and talk through e-mail to their instructors
and classmates. In other parts of the world, students watch their teachers on television screens at the front of the
classroom, while sound-sensitive video cameras can move from teacher to students when somebody asks a
question. “At first, I was nervous about taking a language class, because there was no teacher in the room, but after
a while, you don’t even notice the difference,” says one of the students. Despite the physical distance from their
teachers, students can receive personal attention when they need it: phone calls or e-mails.

1. Which new concept is introduced in the text?

a) e-studying
b) e-learning
c) e-teaching
d) e-mail

2. How do students talk to their instructors and classmates?

a) face to face
b) on the phone
c) through e-mail
d) through letters

3. What was one of the students nervous about when taking a language class?
a) He didn’t understand the teacher.
b) There wasn’t personal attention.
c) He didn’t notice any difference.
d) There was no teacher present.

The son of the well-known British film director John Boorman, Charley Boorman became famous by making
two popular television series with the film star Ewan McGregor. In these series, Boorman and McGregor travelled
huge distances on motorbikes and other land transportation vehicles.
They decided to go from Ireland to Australia using any means of transport except planes. Together with a
cameraman who was filming the journey, they made the trip into a TV series called By Any Means. They began in
Ireland, and they travelled by express train, ferry, taxi, coach, bus, car, van and helicopter. Sometimes there were
delays and they missed connections. But the worst experience was the difficulty to sleep, especially on night trains,
and sleep in general was a problem. The three travellers usually stayed in hotels and hostels, but sleeping in a
different bed each night was exhausting.
By the time Boorman arrived in Australia, he’d spent 102 days travelling, used 112 different types of
transport, travelled across three continents and 25 countries, and had covered more than 32,000 kilometres!

4. Charley Boorman is … .
a) a film director
b) a film star
c) well-known on TV
d) the son of an actor
5. The three travellers went from … .
a) Ireland to Australia
b) Australia to Ireland
c) Britain to Australia
d) Australia to Britain

6. It was difficult to sleep because they … .

a) never stayed in the same place for long

b) couldn’t find places to sleep
c) were usually travelling on planes at night
d) didn’t stay in good hotels

7. When Boorman arrived in Australia, he had … .

a) spent 112 days travelling and used 102 means of transport
b) spent 102 days travelling and covered more than 25,000 km
c) travelled across 3 continents and 25 states
d) travelled across five continents and covered 32,000 km

Laura Davy has been the manager at Quinto’s restaurant since 2001. Quinto’s is a popular restaurant, and often
has as many as five hundred customers every evening.
Restaurant work was not what she intended to do. She started studying music at the university, but then left to
work in a restaurant. “My family didn’t agree with my choice, but it was very clear to me that that was what I
wanted to do.” She did a bit of everything and learned quickly. She started training as a chef, but soon realised she
was better at restaurant management.
Davy now divides her time between the restaurant floor and the office. She sometimes regrets spending so
much time in the office and misses being with customers. “I have to arrive at the office very early. There are always
a lot of kitchen supplies to order and bills to pay before meeting staff. If I have a really busy day in the office, I
leave around 7, just before people arrive in the restaurant.”
Davy manages about 140 staff and knows how important they are to the business. Staff sometimes leave
Quinto’s to work in other restaurants or travel abroad. Davy accepts that she cannot always keep staff. “If they’ve
already made their decision, there’s no point saying anything. But if they come back at a later date, I’m happy to re-
employ them.”

8. Davy’s choice of a restaurant career … .

a) involved a change of plans
b) was approved of by her parents
c) was something she felt uncertain about
d) required her to do a management course

9. What does Davy think about her working day?

a) She likes to meet her staff early in the morning.
b) She would like to spend more time with customers.
c) She prefers doing office jobs to working in the kitchen.
d) She enjoys being busy because the day passes more quickly.

10. What does Davy say about staff who decide to leave Quinto’s?
a) She would not give them their jobs back.
b) They will benefit from working in other restaurants.
c) They are a bad influence on the rest of the team.
d) She doesn’t try to persuade them to stay.

11. The purpose of the text is to … .

a) make recommendations about opening a restaurant.
b) compare a restaurant job with other choices of career.
c) describe what one restaurant manager’s work involves.
d) encourage young people to start a restaurant career.

Last night I went to see “Bennie”, the musical which has just opened in the Albert Theatre in London.
There is of course already both a film and a book called “Bennie” about a child who becomes a famous singer.
I enjoyed the book, so I was excited when I heard about the film. I was disappointed, however, when I finally saw
it, because unfortunately they managed to make all the amusing parts of the book seem serious. It was also long and
slow. I came to the musical without much hope, but it was more entertaining than the film.
Most of the parts in musicals I’ve seen recently have been for young actors. In several, as in “Bennie”, the
main part is for a child. I was surprised, therefore, when I realised at one point, that three quarters of the people on
stage were at least forty or over, and some of them are very well known.
I noticed that quite a few people didn’t buy the programme. The main complaint was that it was too expensive.
While it cost more than most programs, it was worth it. I didn’t have time to read it all in the interval, as it’s huge
and full of details, but it’s a lovely souvenir to take home.

12. How did the writer feel about the film “Bennie”?
a) It was as bad as he had expected.
b) It wasn’t as funny as the book.
c) It needed to be longer.
d) It didn’t follow the story closely enough.

13. How is the musical “Bennie” different from other recent musicals?
a) The actors are older.
b) It has a very young star.
c) The orchestra is bigger.
d) It has more actors in it.

14. What does the writer think of the programme he bought?

a) He recommends it.
b) It cost too much.
c) He complained about it.
d) It contains too little information.

15. The writer … .

a) says what happened in a book
b) explains the reasons why a musical was written
c) suggests improvements to be made to a musical
d) writes a presentation of a musical


16. The doctor ... such a difficult case before.
a) didn’t see
b) hasn’t seen
c) doesn’t see
d) won’t see

17. If he ... hard, he will definitely have good results.

a) will work
b) works
c) worked
d) had worked

18. She ... her mobile phone when she is driving.

a) have never used
b) is never using
c) was never using
d) never uses

19. If I were you, I ... fishing every weekend.

a) will go
b) won’t go
c) will have gone
d) would go
20. You ... cross the street on the red light.
a) cannot
b) must not
c) would not
d) may not

21. Let me give you ... .

a) an advice
b) some advices
c) many advice
d) some advice

22. She wonders if you can tell her where …
a) is the police station?
b) is the police station.
c) the police station is.
d) the police station is?

23. Mat seems to have got even ... than he used to be.
a) lazier
b) more lazy
c) the laziest
d) lazyer

24. The prize is ... unique opportunity to travel the world.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) –

25. He had eaten ... he went to school.

a) before
b) after
c) when
d) while

26. I came across this antique quite by ... .

a) sight
b) chance
c) view
d) heart

27. We apologise for the ... in the delivery of the goods.

a) delay
b) lateness
c) absence
d) tiredness

28. She liked the house so much that she decided to ... an offer for it.
a) do
b) propose
c) make
d) put

29. The ... traffic made him late for work.

a) heavy
b) full
c) strong
d) thick

30. Annie is already twelve but she hasn’t learned to ... the time yet.
a) know
b) read
c) say
d) tell

31. After their long period of training the footballers were in good ... .
a) cut
b) figure
c) shape
d) style

32. I’m staying in the student ... in the centre of the town.
a) hostel
b) inn
c) pub
d) stable

33. We’ll make a snowman tomorrow unless the snow … .

a) dissolves
b) evaporates
c) runs
d) melts

34. Would you ... the salt, please?

a) carry
b) deliver
c) give
d) pass
35. We found some real ... at the market.
a) bargains
b) goods
c) items
d) prizes
Partea a III-a: SCRIS

36. You recently bought a CD player. When you tried to use it, it wouldn’t start. Write a letter to the manager to tell
him/her about this problem:
What kind of letter should you write?
a) A letter of application
b) A letter of apology
c) A letter of complaint
d) A letter of request

37. Read the following text: “I’m having a fantastic time on holiday. I went sailing yesterday and I’m going to take
part in a diving competition this afternoon. I can’t wait!”
What type of letter is it?
a) Letter asking for advice
b) Letter of invitation
c) Letter asking for information
d) Letter giving information

38. What is the best ending for a letter of invitation?

a) I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
b) If you follow my advice, I’m sure you’ll be back in shape in no time.
c) We hope you’ll be able to make it to our party.
d) If you wish me to attend an interview, I shall be glad to do so.

39. How would you end a formal letter?

a) Best regards
b) Hugs
c) Yours faithfully
d) See you soon

40. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) I’ll you telephone when I get back.
b) I’ll telephone you when I get back.
c) I’ll telephone when back I get.
d) I’ll telephone you when get back I.

41. What type of letter contains the following line? I am writing to apply for the position of a school manager.
a) Letter of complaint
b) Letter of apology
c) Letter of invitation
d) Letter of application

42. Where could you read the following sentence? “Congratulations on passing your driving test!”
a) In a letter to an editor
b) In a letter to a friend
c) In an article
d) In a report

43. Read the following text: “We’ve just been to a restaurant to celebrate my dad’s birthday. We had a wonderful
meal! How do you celebrate special events in your family?” What type of text is it?
a) informal letter
b) formal letter
c) report
d) article

44. What is the best ending for a letter of advice?

a) I hope these suggestions will be of help to you.
b) My wife and I will never dine in your restaurant.
c) I trust this matter will receive immediate attention.
d) Once again our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

45. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: She liked her job in spite of …salary wasn’t very good.
a) her
b) in fact her
c) the fact her
d) the fact that her

NOTĂ: Timpul de lucru 90 de minute.

Toţi itemii sunt obligatorii. Pentru fiecare item corect rezolvat se acordă 0,2 puncte. Se alocă 1 punct din oficiu.


1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d

4. a b c d 5. a b c d 6. a b c d

7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d

10. a b c d 11. a b c d 12. a b c d

13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d

16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d

19. a b c d 20. a b c d 21. a b c d

22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d

25. a b c d 26. a b c d 27. a b c d

28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d

31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d

34. a b c d 35. a b c d 36. a b c d

37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d

40. a b c d 41. a b c d 42. a b c d

43. a b c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d

NOTĂ: Fiecare item se evaluează cu 0,2 puncte.

Din oficiu se acordă 1 punct.

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