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Mondares, Decerie F.

What do we know about bullying? We are born in this world filled with various people, not knowing who
will be our bosom buddy or the antagonists in our lives. We are living in this world where people bully
and get bullied. Bullying is a never-ending issue that has been affecting millions of people in the world
today. It is a form of abuse that uses power to powerless people. It has been taking place in various
areas. One’s behavior is usually aggressive with the sole intention of hurting their victim. The behavior is
repeated, or has this high potential to be repeated over time.

There are still some lingering doubts in our mind. For instance, why would someone who is already
suffering from pain wish to inflict it upon others? Why don’t bullies feel less guilty about bullying? How
can some people be so cruel for no reason? And lastly, how can someone who feels powerless bully
others? Some of us are confuse and let criticism take control of everything. It’s not just for a simple
reason why acts of bullying occur, or what we say Filipinos, “trip-trip lang.” Bullying has something to do
with complex processes, that’s why until now there’s no precise definition of it.

One simple sentence caught my attention. “It is easier to judge the action, than the motives of a
person’s action.” I agree. First reason, children learned by their personal experience on how to treat
others. It may be because they’re lacking of what we call ‘unconditional love’ from their parents.
Second, one might be envious for something that they lack of, wanting what another has. Lastly,
sometimes a bully hasn’t learned the proper way to interact with society, or untaught of respecting
one’s boundaries in life. To make everything clear, I am not a pro for the occurrence of bullying nor a
con in terms of the reason behind one’s life. For me, they don’t seek for attention. What they really seek
is someone who will change the cause of their behavior.

Yes, indeed. Bullying can affect millions of people that lead to a more serious conflict. It is linked to
many negative outcomes that could destroy one’s life. Now, there’s just this one thing that people are
unaware of, bullying can have long-term physical and psychological consequences. Powerless people
that are bullied can experience mental health issues. One major effect is suicide. According to the
statistics of bullying and suicide, suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people,
resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year. Some of them are seeking for medical help, but they failed to
notice his or her interest in dying.

Will you ever cross your mind, thinking of the words that come out of your mouth? Try to put yourself in
someone else’s shoes. To that person who you once called weak. How hard it is, to felt like being
isolated from everybody, or standing by yourself on a desert miles away from human. How hard it is, to
wake up with your mind filled with depressing thoughts, just to know that they’ll judge you again. How
hard it is, to hold on to that little hope they’re clinging to. There are a lot of sorrowful stories of how a
person ended his or her own life that caught the attention of the readers. Funny when you’re dead,
that’s how people start to listen.

Indeed, bullying has never ended. To those people who committed suicide, my deepest sympathies go
out to you. To those people who deserves better. No one ever deserves to be bullied. Now, dig deep and
ask yourself, will bullying ever stop?

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