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105.1, Washing Machine System Figure 108 shows the basic washing machine sy constituent elements of a washing machine lin, setof cam-oper slowly rotates its Shafts, giving intum, controls the cams so ‘amount of ration proportional to time station, ach cam eperate electricals switches and switch | _ uliplexer = | = Analog sitpleer 1 ae ‘control | a Cold junction compensator fig, 10-14 Data logger system Study 10.1: Slip Casting Process apres Sipcasting is used asthe primary manalac nso mats porpasing is wor przetical E inv the 1a moe eae the second choker because itis considerably more iflicult 0 ae ees quality and productivity Pressing hasthe ds vol products of simple shapes. Howeve! Mpeg onan comple et iris genall eT yr sastiny 1. Preparation sip(cly? austaraspenbo 2 Casting the spin pte" 3. Removing he moult 4. Air dryingthe eos DiC™

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