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Naman Kabra

Personal Solidworks Project – Report

For this personal solidworks project I chose to create a motor raft. I have always

been adventurous and particularly found immense interest in water sports.

Hence I took this opportunity to express my interest in rafting by choosing to

create this object. I also wish to white water raft at a professional level in future.

This object was fairly complicated to build on solidworks since I have only

recently started using this software. Also, the moment I saw an image of a raft on

the Internet (which I also used as my reference image), I thought to myself that

this raft would be an interesting and challenging object to create because there

were various features and techniques I could use to accomplish this task.

The most difficult part of this project was to construct the body of the raft. This is

because the front of the raft was elevated in such a way that it was hard to get

the right shape of the body and also get the right elevation. This is when a learnt

a new and an extremely helpful feature in solidworks; which is drawing a 3D

sketch. This made it considerably easy to get the right shape and elevation for

the body of the raft and gave me a better understanding of drawing 3D objects

without changing planes often. Another new feature I learnt to use was

mirroring objects. Even though this sounds like an easy feature to use, it was

very convenient to just draw one side of the body of the raft and mirror the

identities to get a complete shape.

Apart from these I also used numerous other features such as boss-extrude,

extrude-cut, shell, filet, sweep, revolve and drawing on multiple planes and using

‘loft’. This project also consisted of multiple assemblies and then one final

assembly that completed the motor raft. I also created a drawing of the raft for

better understanding of the dimensions used and multiviews of the object.

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