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23rd April/2019

To Whom It May Concern:

I had the pleasure of meeting Tsion Alemseged as a student in my 12thgrade Chemistry class
during the 2018-2019 school year. In class, Tsion often demonstrated a level of growth and
maturity that went above and beyond expectations. I was always impressed by her willingness to
contribute to and participate in daily lessons, laboratories, projects and activities.

Tsion knows enough to be able to think critically about a new problem and to get to the heart of
it, and she has good hands and good instincts in the laboratory, making her well suited to pursue
interesting new problems. Overall, she is curious and fearless scientifically, and is undaunted by
topics that are difficult or about which she is initially unsure. I am very proud of her
accomplishments and excited to see how she will apply her knowledge of chemistry to her future

Tsion’s desire to learn and achieve is not only reflected in her commitment to academics but
also in her participation in extra-curricular activities, mainly in the Charity club.

For these reasons and more, I highly recommend Tsion Alemseged for admission into your
university. It's obvious that her commitment to education will continue with her after high
school; consequently, I truly believe she will be a positive asset to your academic program.


Zelalem Getachew

Chemistry Teacher
South West Academy

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