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Angela Garzón decided to support Carlos Fernando Galán on his way to the mayor of


On August 5, 2019, Angela Garzón decided to support Carlos Fernando Galán, who is
emerging as a favorite in the October elections for the mayor of Bogotá.

Angela Garzón belonged to the political party of the Democratic Party that decided to be
elected candidate for mayor. In this order, Garzón it was cataloged like a one best options
for the people and specialy for Bogotá. Everything was going well until she made a video
with one of the best journalists in Colombia, her name is Daniel Samper Ospina. In the
video, he makes a critical observation of the political party to which he belonged. She was a
very fun and relaxed person.

What happened after the video?

After a week ago, the political party decided to take away the guarantee and all the benefits
of its campaign. The political party, gives a speech and says: "The party highlights the great
professional and personal qualities of Ángela Garzón, her very outstanding work in
promoting her aspiration" and then, they decided support other candidate for the mayor and
his name is Miguel Uribe Turbay. Many people say that this choice is a game of egos.
Furthemore, the political party has no argument for this action. Definitely, the last option
for Angela Garzón is to support another candidate and make what she can´t with her

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