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18 AUGUST 2019 – 22 AUGUST 2019


This has been my tenth week being a teacher in SK Sri Bemban and it was the
preparation week for Majlis Kemerderkaan that will be held starting next week until mid-
September. Therefore, no class was held on the last day (Thursday) because pupils
were asked to go to the hall for a movie. The problem that I faced was pupils were
starting to get too playful when I am teaching.


Based on the problem mentioned above, I need to identify the root of the problem before
proceeding in taking any further actions. Identifying the cause behind the problem
enable the teacher to improve the quality of teaching. The problem may due to:

1. Lack of time to prepare materials of classroom activities.

2. Repetition of the same activities caused boredom among the pupils.
3. Teacher being too lenient =.


I have come up with some suggestions that can hopefully eradicate this problem which
are, firstly, to prepare simple classroom activities that suit the need of all pupils. I need to
search the Internet and look for fun classroom activities and jot down those activities in
my notebook. Therefore, I can easily refer to it whenever I need to conduct classroom
activities during relief classes. Furthermore, I need to prepare some stationary such as
blank A4 papers that can be used as classroom activities materials. Lastly, I need to
enhance my classroom management skills.

I will try to overcome my problems soonest possible; that is prior to week eleventh of
practicum. I realize that if I am unable to manage the major problems that I am facing
this week, it could jeopardize my capability of performing my practicum duty and
delivering the teaching and learning activity effectively. The problems can also
interrupt other crucial tasks that I need to carry out in school.


I need to make sure that I can plan my time wisely and not get carried away too easily as
this will bring many problems to my career in the future. Therefore, I need to always
check on the time using my watch.

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