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Assignment # 02

Practice of Javascript objects, Events and syntax.

Q 1. Write a program that is an earning calculator.

Make a button at the top named “New Visitor”. When user clicks on new visitor values of calculator is
updated as

Earning Calculator
F1 F2 F3
5 8 10
50 64 50

Total Earned Balance through connects: 164

 For first five friends, friends are categorized to category 1 and 10 points for each friend is added.
 For next eight friends, friends are categorized to F2 and 8 points are added for each friend.
 For next 10 friends, friends are categorized to F3 and 5 points are added for each friend.
 At the end show total earned balance through connects.

Q: 2. Design a window that must have following properties.

1. Status bar showing current date and time.

2. Left area showing history of past five links user has visited in the browser.
3. At the top show current link and port.
4. Make a text box that takes link from user and display those web pages as entered by user in the
window by using iframe tag and update link and port accordingly as well.
5. Make an image that changes its src on mouse down and restore back to original source on
mouse up events.

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