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The colloquium is an analysis of how Business Schools all over the world are

using case studies as the methodology of teaching to provide real insights of

the world outside. But with advancement of technology not many participants
are serious about the case studies and they are often found copy paste cut the
analysis from the web. The case study shows such an example wherein the
instructor was actually annoyed with the fact that none of the participants
read the case study claiming that reading is boring. They got the analysis all
from the web. This was because the reading material was not made
interesting. An analysis was made of how to make reading material interesting
by making it colourful and attractive. Classrooms in a business school are
generally U- shaped or in a galleried form so that they can enable interactions
amongst participants for easy idea sharing and case analysis. Participants are
expected to read and prepare everything prior to the class, study in groups and
come prepared to the class. Management is necessary for almost all the
persons nowadays. Executive MBA has been introduced keeping in mind
working people who want to learn management. Most of the other MBA
colleges constitute of freshers who are new to the business world and want to
learn management. MBA colleges should be technologically advanced such as
having blackboards which can store and print data. Although this can be bit
expensive for most of the colleges but this would be giving easy access to the
education and people can have access to everything in time. MBA instructors
believe that class interactions and group tasks would make learning easy. They
think sharing ideas and analysing everything would be making them better
decision makers. Case studies would not only help in improvising individualism
but also enhance group work enhancement skills which would be helping them
in future in taking stand in difficult business situations. Cultural differences in a
B school would be helping in making diverse points and would be giving
opportunities to interact and making decisions unanimously. Another problem
most of the business schools in India are facing is the quality of case study
being discussed in class. Not much complex real time case studies are being
discussed. This calls for better instructors and better participants who will be
cooperating and working towards making the class a better learning place.

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