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abstruse adj so difficult to understant

acerbic adj harsh in tone
adamant refuse to change mind
admonish verb warn

ameliorate to make something bad better

amenable easy persuade
anomoly noun not normal, unexpected
anipathy intense feeling of dislike
audacious adj bold
aspicious favourable
astere harsh in manner
belie verb false representation
to reveals something
betray verb unintentionally, to annoy
lacking physciall movement
bumbling skills
burgeon verb grow
circumscribe limited
confound confuse, complex
conspicuous adj clearly visible
demur verb show reluctance
Physics book is so absturse for genral people to comprehend
pessimistics people are usually acerbic in nature
it is difficult to convence adamant people
before starting concert, the security guard admonish audience not to come to stage

he hides his love, but one day the feelings of love is betryed by him.

complex paragraph are confound to comprehend

the outstanding perfromance of Austria in cricket world cup is conspicuous
salfish friends demurred when one ask for outing

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