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This is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as a novel.

From the perspective of Albus Severus Potter and

sometimes Scorpius Malfoy. Dialogue and directions the same (except for one scene ahem). With added
novel-ish character stuff.


This story belongs to JK Rowling. Many of the directions I imagine belong to Jack Thorne. I have used the
exact dialogue from the Special Rehearsal Edition Script and many of the stage directions. Nothing in the
Harry Potter universe belongs to me, I just love it!

Many people have expressed that they would have preferred to read the story as a novel rather than a
play, so I have taken the script and tried to make it into a more easily-readable story. I think the Harry
Potter books work so well because they choose to use the perspective of one character, so I have
chosen Albus as our POV character, and sometimes Scorpius. (Edit: Actually forget that, I've used a load
of perspectives. As I went on I had to change this so expect the adults to get some perspective stuff too.)

I have not changed any of the events in the story, but I have elaborated on them, and I have added a
few moments which do not appear in the play that I thought would help tie the story together. Some of
this is my stuff and some of it builds on the play.

Again: this story belongs to JK! It is her words coming from the mouths of the characters and her plot I
am writing around! I am simply bulking it up a bit and shifting the perspective.

I have not seen the play so I have written this based purely on the script.

Also please bear in mind that this is my interpretation of the story. I have changed a fair bit and
obviously delved into character motivations which are purely from my perspective. This is no substitute
for the actual play.

I also wanted to say that as an LGBT fan I wanted some representation. I love love love JK's work but I
wish we could see some more LGBT characters. This fanfic is heading towards an Albus and Scorpius
romantic relationship. Consider yourself warned. I saw potential there and I ran with it.

This is 100% not official. I am a gal with the script who wants LGBT representation.

Thanks so much for reading and if you enjoyed please do leave a comment, because it would feel great
to know that someone liked this!

Lots of love!

(My twitter is @ClaudiaBoleyn if you wanted to say hi)


Act One: Scenes One, Two, and Three

Albus had always felt different.

He wasn’t exactly sure why this was, and for a long time he thought it was normal. No matter where he
was and who he was with he never quite fitted in.
It wasn’t that he was lonely. He had an annoying older brother, a pretty spoiled little sister, a
superbrainy/super-stubborn cousin/best friend, and a ton of other cousins and relations. His house was
never quiet and there was always someone visiting.

Uncle Percy would stop by to bore them all and bring Molly, Lucy, and long-suffering Aunty Audrey with
him. Then there was Uncle George who was probably the only person who had more jokes under his
belt than Uncle Ron. There was Aunty Angelina who talked endlessly to his mother about Quidditch until
everyone was bored out of their minds. Then there were Fred and Roxy who took after their mother and
made up the most stylish, overall well-presented portion of the family. That crown would have gone to
Uncle Bill, Aunt Fleur, Victoire, Dominique, and Louis, who the family generally agreed were too good-
looking for their own good, but for some reason they liked to wear second hand clothes and his cousins
would always be wearing tooth-necklaces or other such bohemian oddities which made them look
quirkily scruffy. Uncle Bill himself looked like an ageing rockstar. His dad and Uncle Ron seemed to think
he looked cool. Albus saw his uncle’s long ponytail and cringed. And then there was Uncle Charlie, who
was generally regarded as a bit odd. He had a thing about dragons and would talk about them at any
opportunity. He was often out of the country but was guaranteed to send postcards from wherever he
was and occasionally he returned with some new scar or other which he showed off with pride. James
enjoyed his outrageous stories. Lily found them scary. Albus thought they were probably made up.

Then there were his grandparents. Grandma was the bossiest, fussiest little woman Albus had ever
known and she was always ready to tell someone off… but she also gave the best hugs, made the best
food, and was always there in a crisis. Whenever his mother or father was feeling a little down about
something, you could guarantee Grandma and Grandad would turn up in their funny little car and
Grandma would commandeer the kitchen, make cups of tea, and give out advice until everyone had
pulled themselves together.

Grandad was a special favourite of Albus. He was very tall and very thin, and always tinkering away with
some weird outdated muggle item which no muggles even used anymore, but he was fairly quiet and
made Albus feel calm. Sometimes they would sit together watching the television and occasionally
Grandad would comment on something or other. While everyone else regarded Albus as slightly difficult
and secretive, Grandad didn’t appear to mind.

The truth was, Albus had little to complain about. His life should have been perfect. He knew that
everyone his age envied him his famous mother and even more famous father. Albus wanted for
nothing. He never went hungry, he was always clothed, and he didn’t think he’d ever been mistreated
by his parents in his life.

And yet something was wrong. Very wrong.

Albus was starting to discover as the years went on, much to his horror, that he found it harder to smile
than his siblings. Where they would sit at the dinner table and laugh, James throwing his head back, Lily
giggling, Albus would find it an effort to join in.

Why was it he was so very miserable? It was a question he asked himself fairly often.

It was a question he overheard his father asking his mother on a regular basis.
“What is wrong with Al?” his father would ask, when his parents thought they were alone in the kitchen,
and Albus was crouched nosily on the stairs trying his best to overhear their own take on the situation.

“There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with him,” his mother would say with a sigh. “This is just Al. It’s the way he is. It
doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong.”

“But James never…”

“He isn’t James, Harry.”

A pause.

“No, I know he’s not. But even Lily… I get her. She makes sense

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