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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43 – 52

Yucatec Mayan medicinal plants:

evaluation based on indigenous uses
Anita Ankli a, Michael Heinrich b,g, Peter Bork b, Lutz Wolfram c, Peter Bauerfeind c,
Reto Brun d, Cécile Schmid d, Claudia Weiss e, Regina Bruggisser f, Jürg Gertsch a,
Michael Wasescha a, Otto Sticher a,*
Department of Applied Biosciences, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich,
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, Albert-Ludwigs-Uni6ersity, Schänzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Di6ision of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Uni6ersity Hospital Zurich, Rämistr. 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Medical Parasitology, Swiss Tropical Institute, Socinstr. 57, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, UK
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Uni6ersity of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 50, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, The School of Pharmacy, 29 /39 Brunswick Sq., London WC1N 1AX, UK
Received 13 October 2000; received in revised form 30 August 2001; accepted 20 September 2001


As part of an ethnopharmacological field study 48 medicinal plants were evaluated using several biological assays with the goal
to obtain information on the pharmacological effects of these plants, which may be of direct relevance to the indigenous uses.
Three species used to treat gastrointestinal disorders showed remarkable activity against Helicobacter pylori. One of them showed
activity against Giardia duodenalis. Cytotoxic effects against KB cells were found for six species. In the group of plants used for
dermatological conditions several species were active against gram-positive bacteria and Candida albicans. Two plant species of
this group were found to be active in an Nuclear Factor-kB (NF-kB) assay measuring inhibition of this pro-inflammatory
transcription factor. A species of the Solanaceae, applied in cases of pain and fever, showed a weak activity against Plasmodium
falciparum. One species traditionally used for diabetes exhibited antihyperglycemic activity. None of the six species from the group
of ‘women’s medicine’ showed relevant affinity to the D2 dopamine receptor. Based on this evaluation, plants with strong activities
should be further investigated phytochemically and pharmacologically to identify active fractions and compounds. © 2002
Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Yucatec Maya; Ethnopharmacological evaluation; Medicinal plants; Traditional medicine; Antibacterial; Anti-inflammatory; Antihy-
perglycemic; Antiparasitic; D2 receptor binding

1. Introduction direct relevance to the indigenous uses (Frei et al.,

1998b; Heinrich et al., 1992a,b; Lewis and Elvin-Lewis,
One of the numerous objectives of medical ethnob- 1994).
otany is the selection of culturally important plant The knowledge of medicinal plants was a part of the
species in order to further evaluate them for pharmaco- ancient Maya culture and they are still utilised by the
logical activity (Browner et al., 1988; Etkin, 1994; Yucatec Mayan inhabitants on the Peninsula of Yu-
Farnsworth, 1988; Frei et al., 1998a; Messner, 1978). In catan, Mexico (Roys, 1933; De Landa, 1992). During
order to evaluate an ethnopharmacopeia systematically, an ethnobotanical study in three Mayan communities
plant extracts can be tested in bioassays, which have (February 1994 –June 1995; September 1996 –October
1996), 360 medicinal plants and 1828 reports on their
uses were documented. The uses of the plants were
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-1-635-6050; fax: + 41-1-635-
6882. divided into nine therapeutic groups (Ankli et al. 1999;
E-mail address: (O. Sticher). Heinrich et al. 1998). Forty-eight species were chosen

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44 A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52

and evaluated in bioassays relevant to the following In case of Staphylococcus aureus and Yersinia entero-
groups of illnesses, gastrointestinal disorders; dermato- colitica extract C was used. Extract C was prepared by
logical conditions; women’s medicines as well as pain extracting 10 g of plant material with ethanol 96%
and/or fever. Plants used to treat ‘diabetes’ were also followed by ethanol 70% and the extracts combined
tested (Table 2). and reduced under vacuum.

2.3. Bioassays
2. Materials and methods

2.3.1. Antibacterial and antifungal acti6ity

2.1. Plant material The organisms used to test biological activities are
listed in Table 1. Antimicrobial tests were performed by
The plants were collected in the villages and sur- the disc diffusion technique (Rı́os et al., 1988; DIN,
roundings of Chikindzonot, Ekpedz and Xcocmil, Yu- 1992). Overnight cultures of microorganisms were pre-
catan (Mexico). Authenticated voucher specimens were pared by transferring 30 ml of store culture to 5 ml
deposited at the Herbarium of the Centro de Investiga- broth (Nutrient Broth for bacteria, Sabouraud Liquid
ción Cientı́fica de Yucatán (CICY) in Mérida, the Medium Oxoid for fungi). Ten milliliter of Mueller–
National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU), the Instituto Hinton agar or malt extract agar (for Candida albicans)
Nacional Indigenista (INI) in Valladolid, Yucatan, the was inoculated with 50 ml of overnight culture and
ETH Zurich (ZT) and the Centre for Pharmacognosy poured over the agar base. Paper discs (6 mm Blanc
and Phytotherapy, School of Pharmacy, London, UK Discs, Oxoid) were impregnated with 200 and 600 mg
(AANK1-654). They were identified by comparison plant extracts, the solvent evaporated and the treatment
with authentic specimens and in some cases with the discs placed on the inoculated agar. The plates were
assistance of specialists at CICY, MEXU and The sprayed with methylthiazolyltetrazolium chloride
Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, UK (K). (MTT, Fluka) after 16 h of incubation at 37 °C. The
inhibition zones were measured in mm.
2.2. Extract preparation Susceptibility tests with Helicobacter pylori and
Campylobacter jejuni were carried out on Wilkins Chal-
Shade-dried and powdered plant material (20 g) was gren agar plates supplemented with 5% defibrinated
extracted by maceration with 100 ml dichloromethane/ sheep blood and the following antibiotics, 2 mg ampho-
methanol 2:1, repeating the process two times during 36 tericin B per ml, 6 mg vancomycin per ml, 5 mg cefsu-
h. The filtered solvents were combined and evaporated lodin per ml, and 5 mg trimethoprim per ml. Hundred
under vacuum to give the non-polar extract A. The microliter of a thick H. pylori suspension (yield from
residue of the dichloromethane/methanol mixture was one agar plate, resuspended in 1 ml phosphate buffered
dissolved in 100 ml methanol/water 7:3 and macerated saline (PBS)) was applied onto each plate and the
two times during 24 h. The solvents were reduced under treatment discs (600 mg plant extract) placed on the
vacuum and the extract was further partitioned between plates. They were then incubated under a water-satu-
n-butanol (3× 30–50 ml) and water. The n-butanol rated, micro-aerophilic atmosphere at 37 °C for 1 day
fractions were evaporated to obtain the polar extract B. (C. jejuni ), or 3 –5 days (H. pylori ).

Table 1
Test organisms for antibacterial and antifungal activity

Microorganism Origin Clinical picture of diseasesb

Gastrointestinal problems Dermatological conditions

Bacillus cereus ATCC 10702 Diarrhea

Campylobacter jejuni Enteritis, diarrhea
Candida albicans H29 ATCC 26790 Mycosis
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Diarrhea, dysentery Infected wounds
Helicobacter pylori ATCC 43504 Gastritis, peptic ulcer
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25922 Infected wounds
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25933 Diarrhea (food intoxication) Topical infection
Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 Infection (septicemia)
Yersinia enterocolitica O3 Enterocolitis

Obtained from the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zürich.
(Kayser et al., 1993).
A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52 45

The MIC determination for H. pylori was carried out 2.33 mg/ml NaHCO3, 50 mg/ml hypoxanthine, 40 mg/ml
in a modified minimal medium according to Nedenskov gentamicin (all Sigma) and 10% A+ serum (North
(1994). Different concentrations (in the range from 0.3 London Blood Transfusion Centre) (Fairlamb et al.,
to 200 mg/ml) of the plant extracts were added to the 1985). Antimalarial IC50 values were assessed using the
uninoculated medium (5 ml in a 25 ml Erlenmeyer modified in vitro lactate dehydrogenase assay (Makler
flask). A fresh H. pylori culture was used as a 1% et al., 1993). Extracts were tested in concentrations
inoculum and grown under micro-aerophilic conditions from 1000 to 4.12 mg/ml (3-fold dilution). Fifty micro-
in a water-saturated atmosphere at 37 °C in a rotary liter of a 1% parasitemia blood suspension (predomi-
shaker (G25; New Brunswick Scientific, New Jersey, nantly ring form) were added to 50 ml of drug solution
USA). The incubation was continued for 2 days at 175 in RPMI 1640 (final hematocrit 2%). The 96-well mi-
rpm. After 2 days the optical density of the cultures crotiter plates were incubated for 48 h at 37 °C in an
were photometrically determined at 600 nm (DU-64 atmosphere of 1% O2 and 3% CO2 in balanced N2.
spectrophotometer, Beckman, UK). The MIC value After the incubation period, 20 ml of the parasite sus-
was defined as the extract concentration not allowing pension was added to 100 ml of Malstat™ reagent
visible growth (less than 0.03 in comparison with 1.2 (Flow Incorporated, USA) and incubated at RT for 15
for the control). min before adding 20 ml of freshly made 1:1 NBT/PES-
mixture (2 and 0.2 mg/ml, respectively) to each well.
2.3.2. Cytotoxicity study using KB cell culture The plates were reincubated for 20 min at RT in the
The cytotoxicity of the plant extracts was assessed dark and subsequently read at 650 nm. All compounds
using the KB cell line (ATCC CCL 17; human were tested twice in triplicate.
nasopharyngeal carcinoma). The test was carried out
with some modifications according to the screening 2.3.5. Giardia duodenalis
technique of Swanson and Pezzuto (1990). The assay G. duodenalis trophozoites were cultivated in Dia-
was performed in 96-well plates (Falcon) with an inocu- mondı́s modified TYI-S-33 medium (Keister, 1983) sup-
lum of 2.5×104 cells per ml. Total volume was 150 ml. plemented with 10% heat inactivated fetal calf serum
The dried extracts were dissolved in ethanol. Water was (FCS). The in vitro assay was performed as described
added to dilute the solution 5-fold. Concentration of 50 for the Alamar Blue® assay for trypanosomes by Raez
mg/ml with maximum 1% ethanol was tested. These et al. (1997) with modifications for G. duodenalis WB
solutions were diluted 20-fold by mixing it with culture strain (isolated 1982 from a human in Afghanistan).
medium. For active extracts, IC50 values were deter- Briefly, 200 ml of a trophozoite suspension were inocu-
mined. The quantification was performed by adding 15 lated into 96-well microtiter plates (Costar, USA) at a
ml from a 5 mg/ml solution of MTT in PBS (Mosmann, density of 4× 105 trophozoites per ml culture medium.
1983). After incubation at 37 °C for 4 h, the metaboli- The trophozoites were incubated in the presence of
cally active cells produced an insoluble formazan dye. serial 3-fold dilutions of extracts for 72 h at 37 °C.
The medium was drawn off and the formazan dye was Wells without drug served as controls. Minimum in-
dissolved using 150 ml of 10% sodium dodecylsulfate hibitory concentration (MIC) was determined micro-
(SDS) in water. After 24 h of incubation at room scopically after 70 h of incubation (the lowest drug
temperature (RT), the optical density was measured at concentration at which no trophozoite with normal
540 nm using a microplate reader (MRX, Dynex morphology could be observed). Ten microliter Alamar
Technologies). Blue® were added to each well and after 2 h of incuba-
tion the fluorescence determined using a fluorometer
2.3.3. Inhibitory acti6ity on NF-sB (Cytofluor, Millipore; excitation wavelength at 530 nm,
Anti-inflammatory activity of the plant extracts was emission at 590 nm). IC50 values were calculated by
assayed in Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay linear interpolation selecting values above and below
(EMSA) using the inhibition of nuclear factor-kB (NF- the 50% mark.
kB) binding to a radioactive labelled oligonucleotide as
a molecular target. The bioassay was carried out as 2.3.6. Dopamin D2 receptor binding assay
described in Bork et al. (1996). Two concentrations of extracts (100 and 10 mg/ml)
were tested in the dopamine receptor binding assay.
2.3.4. Antimalarial acti6ity The affinity of the extracts to the dopamine receptor
Antimalarial activity was assessed for the was assessed according to Berger (1998).
chloroquine resistant K1 strain and the chloroquine
sensitive T9-96 clone of Plasmodium falciparum. The 2.3.7. h-Amylase assay
parasites were maintained in continuous culture of in- Plant extracts (1, 3, 6 mg/ml in 5 ml solvent) were
fected A+ human red blood cells in RPMI 1640 mixed with 45 ml of amylase reagent (ET-G7 PNP 1.0
supplemented with 6.9 mg/ml HEPES, 2 mg/ml glucose, mmol/l, magnesium chloride 10 mmol/l, sodium chlo-
46 A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52

ride 50 mmol/l, a-glucosidase 25.000 U/l, buffer pH 7.0, 3.2. Acti6e plants for dermatological conditions
sodium azide 0.05%) obtained from Sigma Diagnostics
and incubated at 37 °C for 2– 10 min. The absorbance Selected plants, documented as medicines for derma-
was recorded at 405 nm versus water as a reference. tological conditions, were evaluated for anti-inflamma-
The incubation was continued and the absorbance was tory, antibacterial and antifungal activities (Table 4).
read after exactly 1 and 2 min. The amylase activity Cytotoxicity of the plant extracts was evaluated using
was calculated according to Pierre et al. (1976). KB and the HeLa cell line (Table 4).
The non-polar fraction of C. gaumeri showed the
most potent effect in the NF-kB test with an inhibitory
3. Results
concentration of 25 mg/ml. The non-polar extracts of
Diospyros anisandra and J. gaumeri inhibited NF-kB
All polar and non-polar extracts of the 48 plants
activation (Table 4). These effects are probably due to
were screened for cytotoxic activity against KB cells,
the potent cytotoxicity of the extracts against KB cells.
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Candida and in the
The non-polar fractions of Dalea carthagenensis and
NF-kB test. Additionally, extracts were evaluated in
Luehea speciosa elicited inhibition of NF-kB binding at
selected test systems, which are of direct relevance to
150 and 100 mg/ml, respectively. The former showed
the indigenous uses of the species (Table 2). The mi-
cytotoxic activity against KB cells (IC50 31 mg/ml),
croorganisms chosen cause gastrointestinal problems
whereas no such effect could be detected for L.
and/or dermatological illnesses, and generally are the
causal agents of these conditions (Table 1). The ex-
Several extracts showed antibacterial effects against
tracts, which showed noteworthy activities, are listed in
S. epidermidis and E. coli (Table 4). The most active
Tables 3 and 4.
extract against the former strain was extract B of
3.1. Acti6e plants for gastrointestinal problems Aechmea bracteata. The non-polar fruit extract of
Morinda yucatanensis was active against S. epidermidis.
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as Other active extracts included: the non-polar one of C.
protozoa (G. duodenalis) were used to determine activi- gaumeri and Casearia corymbosa as well as both ex-
ties of species used for treating gastrointestinal disor- tracts of P. sartorianum.
ders (Table 3). Six species showed at least some activity
against G. duodenalis with IC50 values less than 100
mg/ml, three of them with MIC values less than 100 3.3. Antimalaria acti6ities
mg/ml. The most active extract was the non-polar ex-
tract A of Crossopetalum gaumeri (MIC 6.3 mg/ml), Plants used against fever and/or pain were screened
whereas the polar extract B showed very weak antipro- in vitro for antimalarial activity against Plasmodium
tozoal activity. The non-polar and polar extracts of falciparum (Table 2). The non-polar extract of Cestrum
Psidium sartorianum, Piscidia piscipula, Bidens squar- nocturnum showed some antimalarial activity (IC50
rosa and Casimiroa tetrameria and the non-polar frac- 172.40 (2.80) mg/ml against chloroquine-sensitive strain
tion of Bauhinia di6aricata showed weak activity with of P. falciparum HB3; IC50 283.31 (0.48) mg/ml against
IC50 values between 20 and 90 mg/ml. Several plants chloroquine-resistant clone K1) without exhibiting
were active against H. pylori (Table 3). The non-polar overt cytotoxicity (IC50 ] 50 mg/ml). The results of the
and polar extracts of P. piscipula showed the highest positive control chloroquine are the following ones:
activities (with MIC values of 0.7 and 3 mg/ml, respec- IC50 7.96 (0.03) ng HB3 and IC50 193.96 (0.81) ng K1.
tively). The non-polar extracts of C. tetrameria (MIC, 3 The non-polar extract of C. corymbosa showed weak
mg/ml) and Jatropha gaumeri (MIC, 5 mg/ml) were also antimalarial activity (IC50 441.40 (2.26) mg/ml HB3;
active against H. pylori. Other active extracts were IC50 494.49 (3.07) mg/ml K1). All other extracts (Ehretia
Dorstenia contrajer6a (A and B) and the polar extracts tinifolia, Caesalpinia gaumeri and Manilkara zapota)
of P. sartorianum, Microgramma nitida, Chrysophyllum showed any activity (IC50 ] 500 mg/ml).
The non-polar root extract of J. gaumeri was found
to be the most active plant tested against B. cereus. 3.4. D2 -receptor binding affinities
Extract A of C. gaumeri as well as extracts A and B of
P. sartorianum showed weak activities against this Dopamine-agonists are used in the treatment of the
strain. The ethanol extract of C. tetrameria weakly premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (Steiner, 1997). For the
inhibited the growth of S. aureus. There was no signifi- dopamine D2 receptor binding assay, no significant
cant activity against C. jejuni. None of the tested plant activity was observed, however, the non-polar extracts
species used for gastrointestinal problems showed activ- of Sal6ia micrantha and Aristolochia maxima showed
ity against E. coli or Y. enterocolitica. weak receptor affinity.
A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52 47

Table 2
Ethnomedical data on plants studied and chosen test systems

Family Plant name (AANKc voucher) Based on traditional use Tested for

Group of use Plant part

Acanthaceae Ruellia nudiflora (Engelm. and Gray) Urb. (115) UR ap 1–7, 14

Annonaceae Malmea depressa (Baill.) R. E. Fr. (161) UR rt 1–7, 14
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia Jacq. (190) DER lv 1–5
Araceae Anthurium schlechtendalii Kunth ssp. schlechtendalii (243) FEM lv 1–5, 15
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia maxima Jacq. (350) GI, FEM rt 1–10, 15
Asteraceae Verbesina gigantea Jacq. (288) RES lv 1–5
Bidens squarrosa Less. (121) GI ap 1–12
Basellaceae Anredera 6esicaria C. F Gaertner (196) DER lv, tu 1–7
Bignoniaceae Parmentiera millspaughiana (L.) Williams (135) UR lv 1–5, 14
Parmentiera aculeata (Kunth) Seem. (096) UR lv, rt 1–5
Bombacaceae Pseudobombax ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand (275) RES lv 1–5
Boraginaceae Ehretia tinifolia L. (021) RES, UR, NEU lv 1–5, 13
Bromeliaceae Aechmea bracteata var. bracteata Griseb. (167) DER lv 1–7
Cactaceae Hylocereus undatus (L.) Britton & Rose (427) GI, UR lv 1–12, 14
Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia di6aricata L. (007) RES, UR, GI lv 1–10, 14
Caesalpinia gaumeri Greenman (155) NEU lv 1–7, 13
Celastraceae Crossopetalum gaumeri (Loes.) Lundell (038) GI, DER lv 1–12
Cucurbitaceae Iber6illea millspaughii (Cogn.) C. Jeffrey (094) DER tu 1–7
Ebenaceae Diospyros anisandra Blake (134) DER lv 1–5
Diospyros cuneata Standl. (341) DER lv 1–5
Euphorbiaceae Croton reflexifolius Kunth (143) DER lv 1–5
Jatropha gaumeri Greenman (419) GI, DER rt 1–12
Flacourtiaceae Casearia corymbosa Jacq. (150) DER,NEU lv 1–7, 13
Lamiaceae Sal6ia micrantha Desf. (025) DER, FEM ap 1–7, 15
Meliaceae Cedrela mexicana L. (301) RES lv 1–5
Moraceae Brosimum alicastrum Sw. (092) RES lv 1–5
Dorstenia contrajer6a L. (330) GI, FEM rh 1–12, 15
Myrtaceae Psidium sartorianum (Berg) Nied. (211) DER, GI lv 1–10
Nyctaginaceae Neea psychotrioides F. D. Sm. (274) DER lv 1–7
Pisonia aculeata L. (154) FEM lv 1–7, 15
Papilionaceae Dalea carthagenensis var. barbata (Oerst.) Barneby (125) DER lv 1–5
Piscidia piscipula (L.) Sarg. (123) GI, RES lv 1–10
Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca icosandra Sims (388) DER fr 1–5
Ri6ina humilis L. (089) DER ap 1–5
Polygonaceae Neomillspaughia emarginata S. F. Blake (203) DER, RES lv 1–5
Polypodiaceae Microgramma nitida (J. Sm.) A. Reed Sm. (183) GI wp 1–10
Rubiaceae Borreria 6erticillata G. Meyer (276) DER ap 1–7
Morinda yucatanensis Greenman (113) DER fr 1–7
Rutaceae Casimiroa tetrameria Millsp. (049) GI, NEU lv 1–12
Sapotaceae Chrysophyllum mexicanum Brandegee (386) GI rt 1–10
Manilkara zapota (L.) Royen, Achras zapota L. (234) GI, NEU ba 1–10, 13
Selaginellaceae Selaginella longispicata Underw. (214) UR, RES ap 1–5
Simaroubaceae Al6aradoa amorphoides Liebm. (136) DER lv 1–7
Solanaceae Cestrum nocturnum L. (050) DER, NEU lv 1–5, 13
Solanum erianthum G. Don f. (334) DER lv 1–5
Solanum nigrum L. (267) DER lv 1–5
Sterculiaceae Helicteres baruensis Jacq. (176) FEM lv 1–5, 15
Tiliaceae Luehea speciosa Willd. (347) DER lv 1–7, 11, 12

UR, urological problems including ‘diabetes’ (based on traditional knowledge), DER, dermatological conditions including injuries caused by
venomous animals; FEM, women’s medicines; GI, gastrointestinal disorders; NEU, fever and/or pain; RES, respiratory illnesses; ap, aerial parts;
ba, bark; fr, fruits; lv, leaves; rh, rhizome; rt, root; tu, tuber; wh, whole plant; 1, B. cereus; 2, E. coli; 3, C. albicans; 4, KB-cell line; 5, NF-kB;
6, P. aeruginosa; 7, S. epidermidis; 8, H. pylori; 9, C. jejuni; 10, G. duodenalis; 11, S. aureus; 12, Y. enterocolitica; 13, P. falciparum; 14, a-amylase;
15, D2-receptor binding assay.

3.5. Hypoglycemic effects diabetes were tested for their ability to inhibit a-amy-
lase (Table 2). The inhibition of the enzyme leads to a
The polar extracts of five plant species, used against reduced splitting of food based poly- and disaccharides
48 A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52

in the colon resulting in a delayed resorption (Keller effects against S. epidermidis and B. cereus of the
and Berger, 1983). B. di6aricata was the most potent non-polar fractions of Caesalpinia gaumeri used for
inhibitor of the enzyme (0 U/l for extract 1 [1 mg/ml]), pain of the body and headache are particularly note-
2 [3 mg/ml]) and 3 [6 mg/ml]) followed by Hylocereus worthy (2 mm using a concentration of 200 mg).
undatus (255 U/l for extract 1; 0 U/l for extracts 2 and
3, respectively). Polyphenols, known to interfere with
enzymes, do not occur very frequently in these genera 4. Discussion
or families (Hegnauer, 1989; Hegnauer and Hegnauer,
1994). So the inhibition of the enzyme seems not to be The species evaluated in this paper were selected
due polyphenols. The following species were inactive, because of their cultural importance to the Yucatec
Ruellia nudifora, Malmea depressa, Parmentiera Maya and their use(s) for specific syndromes. In this
millspaughiana. The negative control resulted in a value section the relevance of these findings to interpreting
of 620 U/l, the control of methanol gave 548 U/l. such indigenous uses is discussed using selected
3.6. Other acti6ities The roots of Crossopetalum gaumeri are used orally
for diarrhea and snake-bites and topically to prevent
Some extracts showed activity in assays, which are inflammation after a snake-bite. In a detailed phyto-
not directly related to an indigenous use. The antibiotic chemical study of C. gaumeri, the non-polar fraction

Table 3
Screening of plant species used for gastrointestinal disorders by the Yucatec Maya

Plant name Extract KB Giardia duodenalis Helicobacter pylori Bacillus cereus Staphylococcus
IC50 (mg/ml) MIC (mg/ml) IC50 (mg/ml) MIC (mg/ml) 600 mg (mm) 200 mg (mm) 600 mg (mm) 200 mg (mm)

Bauhinia A – – 51 nt – – – nt
Bidens B – – 70 nt – – – –
Casimiroa A – – 72 3 4 – – C: 1
Chrysophyllum B – – – nt 3 – – nt
Crossopetalum A 0.7 6.3 2.1 nt – 1 2 –
B 10.2 – 90 nt – – – nt
Dorstenia A – – – 10 4 – – –
B – – – nt 3 – – nt
Jatropha A 7.8 – – 5 8 2 3 –
Microgramma B – – – nt 3 – – nt
Piscidia A – 41 27 0.7 11 – – nt
B – – 70 3 12 – – nt
Psidium A – 69.2 51 nt – B1 1 nt
B – – 65 nt 4 – 1 nt
Metronidazole 8.5 5
Ornidazole 1.1 0.5
Tetracycline 20 (10 mg)
Ampicillin 23 (100 mg)
Kanamycin 19 (40 mg)
Streptomycin 19 (50 mg)
Chloramphenic 22 (25 mg) 8 (10 mg) 8 (10 mg)
Ciprofloxacin 1 (0.01)

KB, cytotoxicity, (–), IC50]50 mg/ml) I, G. duodenalis, (–), IC50]100 mg/ml; H. pylori, (–), 52 mm; antibacterial activity was measured as
inhibition zone in (mm) (–), no activity; A, non-polar extract; B, polar extract; C, ethanol extract; nt, not tested.
A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 000 (2002) 000–000 49

Table 4
Screening of plant species used for dermatological conditions by the Yucatec Maya

Plant name Extract KB, IC50 NF-kB Staphylococcus epidermidis Escherichia coli Candida albicans
(mg/ml) (mg/ml)
200 mg (mm) 600 mg (mm) 600 mg (mm) 200 mg (mm) 600 mg (mm)

Aechmea bracteata B – – 3 5 – – –
Al6aradoa A 10 – – – – – –
B 14 – – – – – –
Casearia A – – 1 1 – – –
Crossopetalum A 0.7 25 2 3 – – –
B 10.2 * – – – – –
Croton reflexifolius A 39 – nt nt – – –
Dalea A 31 150 – – – – –
Diospyros A 14 100 nt nt 1 – 2
Diospyros cuneata A – 75 nt nt – – 1
Jatropha gaumeri A 7.8 * – – – – –
B – – – – – 1 2
Luehea speciosa A – 100 – – – – –
Morinda A – – 2 4 – – –
Psidium A – – – 1 – – –
B – – 1.5 2 – – –
Podophyllotoxin 0.006
Parthenolide 10 mM
PDTL 100 mM
Chloramphenicol 8 (10 mg) 8 (10 mg)
Tetracycline 6 (10 mg)
Miconazole 5 (1 mg) 5 (1 mg)

KB, cytotoxicity; (–), IC50 ]50 mg/ml; NF-kB (HeLa cell line); (–), \150 mg/ml; *, cytotoxic at 100 mg/ml during the period of the test.
Antimicrobial activity was measured as inhibition zone in (mm); nt, not tested.

showed the presence of terpenoids, whereas the extract Among other ethnic groups, P. piscipula is used as a
B consisted of several cardenolides (Ankli et al., 1999, fish poison (Acevedo-Rodrı́guez, 1990).
2000). The study indicated that the terpenoids possess B. di6aricata is used for a variety of illnesses such as
antibacterial activity that may be relevant to the plant’s gastrointestinal problems, but more frequently for dia-
traditional use as a treatment for diarrhea. The potent betes and respiratory problems. Its activity against G.
antiprotozoal effect against G. duodenalis is probably duodenalis may be one of the reasons for its indigenous
due to the high non-specific cytotoxicity of the extracts use. In a separate study the leaf extract of Bauhinia
(Table 3). The cytotoxicity of the polar and non-polar purpurea L. was reported to have significant antidi-
extracts may also be responsible for the potent in- arrheal activity in vivo (Mukherjee et al., 1998). A
hibitory activity against NF-kB (Table 4). possible hypoglycemic activity was also found in our
The leaves of P. piscipula are used as a medicine for a-amylase test which supports the reported hypo-
treating gastrointestinal disorders (especially diarrhea glycemic effects in a previous study (Roman et al.,
and cramps) and for cough. The remarkable activity of 1992).
this species against H. pylori and to some extent against The roots of J. gaumeri are used for treating diarrhea
G. duodenalis may be a reason why Yucatec Maya and the resin is used as a medicine for herpes labialis.
value this plant for treating gastrointestinal problems. The therapeutic application of this plant as an anti-di-
In a study by Cáceres et al. (1991), P. piscipula was arrhetic may be the result of its antibacterial activity as
shown to have antimycotic effects. Another species, observed in this study against B. cereus. A variety of
Piscidia erythrina L., has been widely investigated yield- pharmacological effects are reported in the literature
ing spasmolytic isoflavones (Della Loggia et al., 1988). concerning Jatropha spp., including antimicrobial ef-
50 A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52

fects (Odebiyi, 1980). The potent cytotocitity against parum. Further testing of fractions of this plant would
the KB-cells is probably due to the cytotoxic phorbol be of interest. Phytochemically the species is well inves-
esters, which are known for many taxa of the Euphor- tigated but no published data has been found for this
biaceae (Hänsel et al., 1999). antimalarial effect.
P. sartorianum is employed internally (diarrhea) and
externally (mostly for measles or any kind of pimples).
The antibacterial activities against H. pylori, B. cereus 5. Conclusion
and S. epidermidis observed in this study might be of
interest in light of its traditional use as a treatment for One goal of this evaluation is to better understand
diarrhea and skin problems. No pharmacological data the use of plants by the Yucatec Maya. In this paper we
for P. sartorianum are available, but P. guaja6a L. was show some correlations between uses of the medicinal
shown to have antibacterial effects, especially against plants and relevant biological activities. Other indige-
the enterobacterium Shigella. nous uses currently cannot be explained in a bio-scien-
C. tetrameria is used as a medicine for treating tific manner because the bioassays applied are not
gastrointestinal problems including diarrhea as men- appropriate. In other cases the symbolic aspects might
tioned in the Ethno-Botany of the Maya (Roys, 1976 be more important to the Maya. We hope that the
[orig. 1931]). The antiprotozoal effect as well as the combination of a detailed documentation of ethnomed-
antibacterial activities against H. pylori and S. aureus ical use and the study of selected species in relevant
may be of relevance to the internal use. The antidi- bioassays correlating with their application may lead to
arrheal and antispasmodic effects are currently investi- a better understanding of the ethnopharmacopoeia of
gated (Heneka, 2000). the Yucatec Maya (and other indigenous groups).
The two Diospyros species, D. anisandra and D. Phytochemical and further pharmacological studies
cuneata, were reported to be ‘strong’ medicines. They are important tasks for the future in order to better
are used topically for treating dermatological problems understand the effects of these important pharmaceuti-
(pimples, scabies, inflammation). The antibiotic and the cal resources. Organizations like World Health Organi-
antifungal activities, shown in the assays, are probably zation (WHO) and TRAMIL (Central America)
responsible for the growth inhibition of the bacterial encourage the use of remedies provided that they are
and fungal secondary infection of scabies and pimples. safe and that some scientific evidence on their biological
The NF-kB inhibiting activity, probably a result of the and pharmacological effects exists. Hopefully this study
non-specific cytotoxicity of the extract, could be the contributes to a selection of the most appropriate spe-
reason of its anti-inflammatory use among the Mayas. cies of the indigenous medicine of the Yucatec Maya.
These results are strengthened by reports of antimicro- Herbal medicines are a valuable and readily available
bial activity of Diospyros lycioides Desf. (Li et al., resource for primary health care and complementary
1998), as well as in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of health care systems.
Diospyros leucomelas Poir (Recio et al., 1995).
Various species of the genus Croton are used in the
medical system of the Yucatec Maya for dermatological Acknowledgements
problems but also for fever and respiratory illnesses.
The resin of Croton reflexifolius is used for pimples in The authors wish to thank all persons who have
the mouth (herpes) and eye problems. The possible helped in the field study and especially the healers,
occurrence of phorbol esters in this species could be a midwives and the inhabitants of Chikindzonot, Ekpedz
reason for its medicinal use as an antiviral drug (Hänsel and Xcocmil, Yucatan, for their collaboration, for their
et al., 1999). The application of the resin into the eyes friendship and hospitality. The botanical identification
could have severe side effects due to a high level of at CICY and MEXU (National Herbarium of Mexico)
cytotoxicity (Table 4). was performed in collaboration with the numerous
L. speciosa is an effective inhibitor of the transcrip- specialists of these institutions. Particularly we would
tion factor NF-kB. The Yucatec Maya value this plant like to thank Dr I. Olmsted, J. Granados, P. Simá, J.C.
for treating skin diseases and toothache, and apply the Trejo, Dr R. Durán of CICY as well as O. Tellez, Dr
medicine in the form of plasters. The inhibitory effect R. Lira, Dr J. Villaseñor and Dr M. Sousa of MEXU.
on NF-kB may explain the use of this plant. The weak This research owes a lot to the help of Dr J. Heilmann
antibacterial activity against Y. enterocolitica can not (Zürich), Dr J. Orjala (Davis), Dr B. Frei Haller
substantiate the traditional use of the plant. To our (Zernez), Professor Dr W. Schaffner (Basel) and Profes-
knowledge no pharmacological or phytochemical data sor Dr H. Rimpler (Freiburg). Financial support by
have been published yet concerning this plant. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC,
C. nocturnum, applied for children with night fever Berne, Switzerland) and the Swiss Academy of Natural
and cold bodies, shows a weak effect against P. falci- Sciences (SANW) is gratefully acknowledged. We are
A. Ankli et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79 (2002) 43–52 51

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