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G.R. No.

L-18463 October 4, 1922 After all, the perpetration of the robbery,

especially under the circumstances that
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE have surrounded it, does not surprise us
ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee, at all.
GREGORIO PERFECTOR, defendant-appellant. The execution of the crime was but the
natural effect of the environment of the
Alfonso E. Mendoza and the appellant in behalf place in which it was committed.
of the latter.
Attorney-General Villa-Real for appellee. How many of the present Senators can
say without remorse in their conscience
and with serenity of mind, that they do
not owe their victory to electoral
robbery? How may?
The author or authors of the robbery of
The important question is here squarely the records from the said iron safe of the
presented of whether article 256 of the Spanish Senate have, perhaps, but followed the
Penal Code, punishing "Any person who, by . . . example of certain Senators who
writing, shall defame, abuse, or insult any secured their election through fraud and
Minister of the Crown or other person in robbery.
authority . . .," is still in force.
The Philippine Senate, in its session of
About August 20, 1920, the Secretary of the September 9, 1920, adopted a resolution
Philippine Senate, Fernando M. Guerrero, authorizing its committee on elections and
discovered that certain documents which privileges to report as to the action which should
constituted the records of testimony given by be taken with reference to the article published
witnesses in the investigation of oil companies, in La Nacion. On September 15, 1920, the
had disappeared from his office. Shortly Senate adopted a resolution authorizing the
thereafter, the Philippine Senate, having been President of the Senate to indorse to the
called into special session by the Governor- Attorney-General, for his study and
General, the Secretary for the Senate informed corresponding action, all the papers referring to
that body of the loss of the documents and of the the case of the newspaper La Nacion and its
steps taken by him to discover the guilty party. editor, Mr. Gregorio Perfecto. As a result, an
The day following the convening of the Senate, information was filed in the municipal court of the
September 7, 1920, the newspaper La Nacion, City of Manila by an assistant city fiscal, in which
edited by Mr. Gregorio Perfecto, published an the editorial in question was set out and in which
article reading as follows: it was alleged that the same constituted a
violation of article 256 of the Penal Code. The
defendant Gregorio Perfecto was found guilty in
Half a month has elapsed since the
the municipal court and again in the Court of
discovery, for the first time, of the
First Instance of Manila.
scandalous robbery of records which
were kept and preserved in the iron safe
of the Senate, yet up to this time there is During the course of the trial in the Court of First
not the slightest indication that the Instance, after the prosecution had rested, the
author or authors of the crime will ever defense moved for the dismissal of the case. On
be discovered. the subject of whether or not article 256 of the
Penal Code, under which the information was
presented, is in force, the trial judge, the
To find them, it would not, perhaps, be
Honorable George R. Harvey, said:
necessary to go out of the Sente itself,
and the persons in charge of the
investigation of the case would not have This antiquated provision was doubtless
to display great skill in order to succeed incorporated into the Penal Code of
in their undertaking, unless they should Spain for the protection of the Ministers
encounter the insuperable obstacle of of the Crown and other representatives
offical concealment. of the King against free speech and
action by Spanish subjects. A severe
punishment was prescribed because it
In that case, every investigation to be
was doubtless considered a much more
made would be but a mere comedy and
serious offense to insult the King's
nothing more.
representative than to insult an ordinary article 256 must be enforced, without
individual. This provision, with almost all fear or favor, until it shall be repealed or
the other articles of that Code, was superseded by other legislation, or until
extended to the Philippine Islands when the Supreme Court shall otherwise
under the dominion of Spain because determine.
the King's subject in the Philippines
might defame, abuse or insult the In view of the foregoing considerations,
Ministers of the Crown or other the court finds the defendant guilty as
representatives of His Majesty. We now charged in the information and under
have no Ministers of the Crown or other article 256 of their Penal Code
persons in authority in the Philippines sentences him to suffer two months and
representing the King of Spain, and said one day of arresto mayor and the
provision, with other articles of the Penal accessory penalties prescribed by law,
Code, had apparently passed into and to pay the costs of both instances.
"innocuous desuetude," but the
Supreme Corut of the Philippine Islands
The fifteen errors assigned by the defendant and
has, by a majority decision, held that
appellant, reenforced by an extensive brief, and
said article 256 is the law of the land to-
eloquent oral argument made in his own behalf
day. . . .
and by his learned counsel, all reduce
themselves to the pertinent and decisive
The Helbig case is a precedent which, question which was announced in the beginning
by the rule of stare decisis, is binding of this decision.
upon this court until otherwise
determined by proper authority.
It will be noted in the first place that the trial
judge considered himself bound to follow the
In the decision rendered by the same judge, he rule announced in the case of United
concluded with the following language: States vs. Helbig (R. G. No. 14705, 1 not
published). In that case, the accused was
In the United States such publications charged with having said, "To hell with the
are usually not punishable as criminal President and his proclamations, or words to
offense, and little importance is attached that effect," in violation of article 256 of the
to them, because they are generally the Penal Code. He was found guilty in a judgment
result of political controversy and are rendered by the Court of First Instance of Manila
usually regarded as more or less and again on appeal to the Supreme Court, with
colored or exaggerated. Attacks of this the writer of the instant decision dissenting on
character upon a legislative body are not two principal grounds: (1) That the accused was
punishable, under the Libel Law. deprived of the constitutional right of cross-
Although such publications are examination, and (2) that article 256 of the
reprehensible, yet this court feels some Spanish Penal Code is no longer in force.
aversion to the application of the Subsequently, on a motion of reconsideration,
provision of law under which this case the court, being of the opinion that the Court of
was filed. Our Penal Code has come to First Instance had committed a prejudicial error
us from the Spanish regime. Article 256 in depriving the accused of his right to cross-
of that Code prescribes punishment for examine a principal witness, set aside the
persons who use insulting language judgment affirming the judgment appealed from
about Ministers of the Crown or other and ordered the return of the record to the court
"authority." The King of Spain doubtless of origin for the celebration of a new trial.
left the need of such protection to his Whether such a trial was actually had, is not
ministers and others in authority in the known, but at least, the record in the Helbig case
Philippines as well as in Spain. Hence, has never again been elevated to this court.
the article referred to was made
applicable here. Notwithstanding the There may perchance exist some doubt as to
change of sovereignty, our Supreme the authority of the decision in the Helbig case,
Court, in a majority decision, has held in view of the circumstances above described.
that this provision is still in force, and This much, however, is certain: The facts of the
that one who made an insulting remark Helbig case and the case before us, which we
about the President of the United States may term the Perfecto case, are different, for in
was punishable under it. the first case there was an oral defamation,
(U.S. vs. Helbig, supra.) If it applicable while in the second there is a written defamation.
in that case, it would appear to be Not only this, but a new point which, under the
applicable in this case. Hence, said facts, could not have been considered in the
Helbig case, is, in the Perfecto case, urged upon Valdez ([1902], 1. Phil., 468), the Supreme Court
the court. And, finally, as is apparent to all, the spoke of the Libel Law as "reforming the
appellate court is not restrained, as was the trial preexisting Spanish law on the subject
court, by strict adherence to a former decision. of calumnia and injuria." Recently, specific
We much prefer to resolve the question before attention was given to the effect of the Libel Law
us unhindered by references to the Helbig on the provisions of the Penal Code, dealing
decision. with calumny and insults, and it was found that
those provisions of the Penal Code on the
This is one of those cases on which a variety of subject of calumny and insults in which the
opinions all leading to the same result can be elements of writing an publicity entered, were
had. A majority of the court are of the opinion abrogated by the Libel Law. (People vs. Castro
that the Philippine Libel Law, Act No. 277, has [1922], p. 842, ante.)
had the effect of repealing so much of article 256
of the Penal Code as relates to written The Libel Law must have had the same result on
defamation, abuse, or insult, and that under the other provisions of the Penal Code, as for
information and the facts, the defendant is instance article 256.
neither guilty of a violation of article 256 of the
Penal Code, nor of the Libel Law. The view of The facts here are that the editor of a newspaper
the Chief Justice is that the accused should be published an article, naturally in writing, which
acquitted for the reason that the facts alleged in may have had the tendency to impeach the
the information do not constitute a violation of honesty, virtue, or reputation of members of the
article 156 of the Penal Code. Three members of Philippine Senate, thereby possibly exposing
the court believe that article 256 was abrogated them to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule,
completely by the change from Spanish to which is exactly libel, as defined by the Libel
American sovereignty over the Philippines and is Law. Sir J. F. Stephen is authority for the
inconsistent with democratic principles of statement that a libel is indictable when
government. defaming a "body of persons definite and small
enough for individual members to be recognized
Without prejudice to the right of any member of as such, in or by means of anything capable of
the court to explain his position, we will discuss being a libel." (Digest of Criminal Law, art. 267.)
the two main points just mentioned. But in the United States, while it may be proper
to prosecute criminally the author of a libel
1. Effect of the Philippine Libel Law, Act charging a legislator with corruption, criticisms,
No. 277, on article 256 of the Spanish no matter how severe, on a legislature, are
Penal Code. — The Libel Law, Act No. within the range of the liberty of the press,
277, was enacted by the Philippine unless the intention and effect be seditious. (3
Commission shortly after organization of Wharton's Criminal Law, p. 2131.) With these
this legislative body. Section 1 defines facts and legal principles in mind, recall that
libel as a "malicious defamation, article 256 begins: Any person who, by . .
expressed either in writing, printing, or . writing, shall defame, abuse, or insult any
by signs or pictures, or the like, or public Minister of the Crown or other person in
theatrical exhibitions, tending to blacken authority," etc.
the memory of one who is dead or to
impeach the honesty, virtue, or The Libel Law is a complete and comprehensive
reputation, or publish the alleged or law on the subject of libel. The well-known rule
natural deffects of one who is alive, and of statutory construction is, that where the later
thereby expose him to public hatred, statute clearly covers the old subject-matter of
contempt or ridicule." Section 13 antecedent acts, and it plainly appears to have
provides that "All laws and parts of laws been the purpose of the legislature to give
now in force, so far as the same may be expression in it to the whole law on the subject,
in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. previous laws are held to be repealed by
. . ." necessary implication. (1 Lewis' Sutherland
Statutory Construction, p. 465.) For identical
That parts of laws in force in 1901 when the reasons, it is evident that Act No. 277 had the
Libel Law took effect, were in conflict therewith, effect so much of this article as punishes
and that the Libel Law abrogated certain portion defamation, abuse, or insults by writing.
of the Spanish Penal Code, cannot be gainsaid.
Title X of Book II of the Penal Code, covering the Act No. 292 of the Philippine Commission, the
subjects of calumny and insults, must have been Treason and Sedition Law, may also have
particularly affected by the Libel Law. Indeed, in affected article 256, but as to this point, it is not
the early case of Pardo de Tavera vs. Garcia necessary to make a pronouncement.
2. Effect of the change from Spanish to such subjects as treason, lese majeste, religion
Amercian sevoreignty over the and worship, rebellion, sedition, and contempts
Philippine son article 256 of the Spanish of ministers of the crown, are not longer in force.
Penal Code. — Appellant's main Our present task, therefore, is a determination of
proposition in the lower court and again whether article 256 has met the same fate, or,
energetically pressed in the appellate more specifically stated, whether it is in the
court was that article 256 of the Spanish nature of a municipal law or political law, and is
Penal Code is not now in force because consistent with the Constitution and laws of the
abrogated by the change from Spanish United States and the characteristics and
to American sovereignty over the institutions of the American Government.
Philippines and because inconsistent
with democratic principles of It is a general principle of the public law that on
government. This view was indirectly acquisition of territory the previous political
favored by the trial judge, and, as before relations of the ceded region are totally
stated, is the opinion of three members abrogated. "Political" is here used to denominate
of this court. the laws regulating the relations sustained by the
inhabitants to the sovereign. (American
Article 256 is found in Chapter V of title III of Insurance Co. vs. Canter [1828], 1 Pet., 511;
Book II of the Spanish Penal Code. Title I of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway
Book II punishes the crimes of treason, crimes Co. vs. McGlinn [1885], 114 U.S., 542;
that endanger the peace or independence of the Roa vs. Collector of Customs [1912], 23 Phil.,
state, crimes against international law, and the 315.) Mr. Justice Field of the United States
crime of piracy. Title II of the same book Supreme Court stated the obvious when in the
punishes the crimes of lese majeste, crimes course of his opinion in the case of Chicago,
against the Cortes and its members and against Rock Island and Pacific Railway
the council of ministers, crimes against the form Co. vs. McGlinn, supra, he said: "As a matter of
of government, and crimes committed on the course, all laws, ordinances and regulations in
occasion of the exercise of rights guaranteed by conflict with the political character, institutions
the fundamental laws of the state, including and Constitution of the new government are at
crime against religion and worship. Title III of the once displaced. Thus, upon a cession of political
same Book, in which article 256 is found, jurisdiction and legislative power — and the
punishes the crimes of rebellion, sedition, latter is involved in the former — to the United
assaults upon persons in authority, and their States, the laws of the country in support of an
agents, and contempts, insults, injurias, and established religion or abridging the freedom of
threats against persons in authority, and the press, or authorizing cruel and unusual
insults, injurias, and threats against their agents punishments, and he like, would at once cease
and other public officers, the last being the title to be of obligatory force without any declaration
to Chapter V. The first two articles in Chapter V to that effect." To quote again from the United
define and punish the offense of contempt States Supreme Court: "It cannot be admitted
committed by any one who shall be word or that the King of Spain could, by treaty or
deed defame, abuse, insult, or threathen a otherwise, impart to the United States any of his
minister of the crown, or any person in authority. royal prerogatives; and much less can it be
The with an article condemning challenges to admitted that they have capacity to receive or
fight duels intervening, comes article 256, now power to exercise them. Every nation acquiring
being weighed in the balance. It reads as territory, by treaty or otherwise, must hold it
follows: "Any person who, by word, deed, or subject to the Constitution and laws of its own
writing, shall defame, abuse, or insult any government, and not according to those of the
Minister of the Crown or other person in government ceding it." (Pollard vs. Hagan
authority, while engaged in the performance of [1845], 3 Hos., 210.)
official duties, or by reason of such performance,
provided that the offensive minister or person, or On American occupation of the Philippines, by
the offensive writing be not addressed to him, instructions of the President to the Military
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor," — that Commander dated May 28, 1898, and by
is, the defamation, abuse, or insult of proclamation of the latter, the municipal laws of
any Minister of the Crown of the Monarchy of the conquered territory affecting private rights of
Spain (for there could not be a Minister of the person and property and providing for the
Crown in the United States of America), or other punishment of crime were nominally continued in
person in authority in the Monarchy of Spain. force in so far as they were compatible with the
new order of things. But President McKinley, in
It cannot admit of doubt that all those provisions his instructions to General Merritt, was careful to
of the Spanish Penal Code having to do with say: "The first effect of the military occupation of
the enemy's territory is the severance of the essential to the preservation of these
former political relation of the inhabitants and the great principles of liberty and law, and
establishment of a new political power." From that these principles and these rules of
that day to this, the ordinarily it has been taken government must be established and
for granted that the provisions under maintained in their islands for the sake
consideration were still effective. To paraphrase of their liberty and happiness, however
the language of the United States Supreme much they may conflict with the customs
Court in Weems vs. United States ([1910], 217 or laws of procedure with which they are
U. S., 349), there was not and could not be, familiar. It is evident that the most
except as precise questions were presented, a enligthened thought of the Philippine
careful consideration of the codal provisions and Islands fully appreciates the importance
a determination of the extent to which they of these principles and rules, and they
accorded with or were repugnant to the "'great will inevitably within a short time
principles of liberty and law' which had been command universal assent.
'made the basis of our governmental system.' "
But when the question has been squarely raised, The courts have naturally taken the same view.
the appellate court has been forced on occasion Mr. Justice Elliott, speaking for our Supreme
to hold certain portions of the Spanish codes Court, in the case of United States vs. Bull
repugnant t democratic institutions and ([1910], 15 Phil., 7), said: "The President and
American constitutional principles. Congress framed the government on the model
(U.S. vs. Sweet [1901], 1 Phil., 18; with which American are familiar, and which has
U.S. vs. Balcorta [1913], 25 Phil., 273; proven best adapted for the advancement of the
U.S. vs. Balcorta [1913], 25 Phil., 533; public interests and the protection of individual
Weems vs. U.S., supra.) rights and privileges."

The nature of the government which has been Therefore, it has come with somewhat of a
set up in the Philippines under American shock to hear the statement made that the
sovereignty was outlined by President McKinley happiness, peace, and prosperity of the people
in that Magna Charta of Philippine liberty, his of the Philippine Islands and their customs,
instructions to the Commission, of April 7, 1900. habits, and prejudices, to follow the language of
In part, the President said: President McKinley, demand obeisance to
authority, and royal protection for that authority.
In all the forms of government and
administrative provisions which they are According to our view, article 256 of the Spanish
authorized to prescribe, the Commission Penal Code was enacted by the Government of
should bear in mind that he government Spain to protect Spanish officials who were the
which they are establishing is designed representatives of the King. With the change of
not for our satisfaction or for the sovereignty, a new government, and a new
expression of our theoretical views, but theory of government, as set up in the
for the happiness, peace, and prosperity Philippines. It was in no sense a continuation of
of the people of the Philippine Islands, the old, although merely for convenience certain
and the measures adopted should be of the existing institutions and laws were
made to conform to their customs, their continued. The demands which the new
habits, and even their prejudices, to the government made, and makes, on the individual
fullest extent consistent with the citizen are likewise different. No longer is there a
accomplishment of the indispensable Minister of the Crown or a person in authority of
requisites of just and effective such exalted position that the citizen must speak
government. At the same time the of him only with bated breath. "In the eye of our
Commission should bear in mind, Constitution and laws, every man is a sovereign,
and the people of the Islands should be a ruler and a freeman, and has equal rights with
made plainly to understand, that there every other man. We have no rank or station,
are certain great principles of except that of respectability and intelligence as
government which have been made the opposed to indecency and ignorance, and the
basis of our governmental system, door to this rank stands open to every man to
which we deem essential to the rule of freely enter and abide therein, if he is qualified,
law and the maintenance of individual and whether he is qualified or not depends upon
freedom, and of which they have, the life and character and attainments and
unfortunately, been denied the conduct of each person for himself. Every man
experience possessed by us; that there may lawfully do what he will, so long as it is
are also certain practical rules of not malum in se or malum prohibitum or does
government which we have found to be not infringe upon the qually sacred rights of
others." (State vs. Shepherd [1903], 177 Mo., in monarchies, an agent of some authority
205; 99 A. S. R., 624.) greater than the people but it is an agent and
servant of the people themselves. These officials
It is true that in England, from which so many of are only entitled to respect and obedience when
the laws and institutions of the United States are they are acting within the scope of their authority
derived, there were once statutes of scandalum and jurisdiction. The American system of
magnatum, under which words which would not government is calculated to enforce respect and
be actionable if spoken of an ordinary subject obedience where such respect and obedience is
were made actionable if spoken of a peer of the due, but never does it place around the
realm or of any of the great officers of the individual who happens to occupy an official
Crown, without proof of any special damage. position by mandate of the people any official
The Crown of England, unfortunately, took a halo, which calls for drastic punishment for
view less tolerant that that of other sovereigns, contemptuous remarks.
as for instance, the Emperors Augustus, Caesar,
and Tiberius. These English statutes have, The crime of lese majeste disappeared in the
however, long since, become obsolete, while in Philippines with the ratification of the Treaty of
the United States, the offense of scandalum Paris. Ministers of the Crown have no place
magnatum is not known. In the early days of the under the American flag.
American Republic, a sedition law was enacted,
making it an offense to libel the Government, the To summarize, the result is, that all the members
Congress, or the President of the United States, of the court are of the opinion, although for
but the law met with so much popular different reasons, that the judgment should be
disapproval, that it was soon repealed. "In this reversed and the defendant and appellant
country no distinction as to persons is acquitted, with costs de officio. So ordered.
recognized, and in practice a person holding a
high office is regarded as a target at whom any Ostrand and Johns, JJ., concur.
person may let fly his poisonous words. High
official position, instead of affording immunity
from slanderous and libelous charges, seems Separate Opinions
rather to be regarded as making his character
free plunder for any one who desires to create a ARAULLO, C.J., concurring:
senation by attacking it." (Newell, Slander and
Libel, 3d ed., p. 245; Sillars vs. Collier [1890], I concur with the dispositive part of the foregoing
151 Mass., 50; 6 L.R.A., 680.) decision, that is, with the acquittal of the
accused, for the sole reason that the facts
Article 256 of the Penal Code is contrary to the alleged in the information do not constitute a
genius and fundamental principles of the violation of article 256 of the Penal Code; for
American character and system of government. although that article is in force with respect to
The gulf which separates this article from the calumny, injuria, or insult, by deed or word,
spirit which inspires all penal legislation of against an authority in the performance of his
American origin, is as wide as that which duties or by reason thereof, outside of his
separates a monarchy from a democratic presence, it is repealed by the Libel Law in so
Republic like that of the United States. This far as it refers to calumny, injuria, or insult
article was crowded out by implication as soon committed against an authority by writing or
as the United States established its authority in printing, as was that inserted in the said
the Philippine Islands. Penalties out of all information.
proportion to the gravity of the offense, grounded
in a distorted monarchical conception of the ROMUALDEZ, J., concurring:
nature of political authority, as opposed to the
American conception of the protection of the I concur with the result. I believe that the
interests of the public, have been obliterated by responsibility of the accused has not been
the present system of government in the shown either under article 256 of the Penal

Code or under the Libel Law.

From an entirely different point of view, it must I am of the opinion that article 256 of the Penal
be noted that this article punishes contempts Code is still in force, except as it refers to
against executive officials, although its terms are "Ministers of the Crown," whom we do not have
broad enough to cover the entire official class. in our Government, and to calumny, injuria, or
Punishment for contempt of non-judicial officers insult, by writing or printing, committed against
has no place in a government based upon an authority in the performance of his duties or
American principles. Our official class is not, as
by reason thereof, which portion was repealed
by the Libel Law.

Johnson, Street, Avanceña and Villamor, JJ.,


A.M. No. 133-J May 31, 1982 deceased during his second
marriage; d) if there was any
BERNARDITA R. MACARIOLA, complainant, partition to be made, those
vs. conjugal properties should first
HONORABLE ELIAS B. ASUNCION, Judge of be partitioned into two parts,
the Court of First Instance of and one part is to be
Leyte, respondent. adjudicated solely to defendant
it being the share of the latter's
deceased mother, Felisa
Espiras, and the other half
which is the share of the
MAKASIAR, J: deceased Francisco Reyes was
to be divided equally among his
In a verified complaint dated August 6, 1968 children by his two marriages.
Bernardita R. Macariola charged respondent
Judge Elias B. Asuncion of the Court of First On June 8, 1963, a decision
Instance of Leyte, now Associate Justice of the was rendered by respondent
Court of Appeals, with "acts unbecoming a Judge Asuncion in Civil Case
judge." 3010, the dispositive portion of
which reads:
The factual setting of the case is stated in the
report dated May 27, 1971 of then Associate IN VIEW OF
Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma of the Court of THE
Appeals now retired Associate Justice of the FOREGOING
Supreme Court, to whom this case was referred CONSIDERATI
on October 28, 1968 for investigation, thus: ONS, the Court,
upon a
Civil Case No. 3010 of the Court preponderance
of First Instance of Leyte was a of evidence,
complaint for partition filed by finds and so
Sinforosa R. Bales, Luz R. holds, and
Bakunawa, Anacorita Reyes, hereby renders
Ruperto Reyes, Adela Reyes, judgment (1)
and Priscilla Reyes, plaintiffs, Declaring the
against Bernardita R. Macariola, plaintiffs Luz R.
defendant, concerning the Bakunawa,
properties left by the deceased Anacorita
Francisco Reyes, the common Reyes, Ruperto
father of the plaintiff and Reyes, Adela
defendant. Reyes and
Priscilla Reyes
In her defenses to the complaint as the only
for partition, Mrs. Macariola children
alleged among other things that; legitimated by
a) plaintiff Sinforosa R. Bales the subsequent
was not a daughter of the marriage of
deceased Francisco Reyes; b) Francisco
the only legal heirs of the Reyes Diaz to
deceased were defendant Irene Ondez;
Macariola, she being the only (2) Declaring
offspring of the first marriage of the plaintiff
Francisco Reyes with Felisa Sinforosa R.
Espiras, and the remaining Bales to have
plaintiffs who were the children been an
of the deceased by his second illegitimate child
marriage with Irene Ondez; c) of Francisco
the properties left by the Reyes Diaz; (3)
deceased were all the conjugal Declaring Lots
properties of the latter and his Nos. 4474,
first wife, Felisa Espiras, and no 4475, 4892,
properties were acquired by the 5265, 4803,
4581, 4506 and of one-half (1/2)
1/4 of Lot 1145 of Lot No. 2304
as belonging to and one-half
the conjugal (1/2) of one-
partnership of fourth (1/4) of
the spouses Lot No. 3416;
Francisco the remaining
Reyes Diaz and one-half (1/2) of
Felisa Espiras; Lot 2304 and
(4) Declaring the remaining
Lot No. 2304 one-half (1/2) of
and 1/4 of Lot one-fourth (1/4)
No. 3416 as of Lot No. 3416
belonging to the as belonging to
spouses the estate of
Francisco Francisco
Reyes Diaz and Reyes Diaz; (8)
Irene Ondez in Directing the
common division or
partnership; (5) partition of the
Declaring that estate of
1/2 of Lot No. Francisco
1184 as Reyes Diaz in
belonging such a manner
exclusively to as to give or
the deceased grant to Irene
Francisco Ondez, as
Reyes Diaz; (6) surviving widow
Declaring the of Francisco
defendant Reyes Diaz, a
Bernardita R. hereditary share
Macariola, of. one-twelfth
being the only (1/12) of the
legal and forced whole estate of
heir of her Francisco
mother Felisa Reyes Diaz
Espiras, as the (Art. 996 in
exclusive owner relation to Art.
of one-half of 892, par 2, New
each of Lots Civil Code), and
Nos. 4474, the remaining
4475, 4892, portion of the
5265, 4803, estate to be
4581, 4506; and divided among
the remaining the plaintiffs
one-half (1/2) of Sinforosa R.
each of said Bales, Luz R.
Lots Nos. 4474, Bakunawa,
4475, 4892, Anacorita
5265, 4803, Reyes, Ruperto
4581, 4506 and Reyes, Adela
one-half (1/2) of Reyes, Priscilla
one-fourth (1/4) Reyes and
of Lot No. 1154 defendant
as belonging to Bernardita R.
the estate of Macariola, in
Francisco such a way that
Reyes Diaz; (7) the extent of the
Declaring Irene total share of
Ondez to be the plaintiff
exclusive owner Sinforosa R.

Bales in the defendant
hereditary Bernardita R.
estate shall not Macariola to
exceed the pay the costs of
equivalent of this suit, in the
two-fifth (2/5) of proportion of
the total share one-third (1/3)
of any or each by the first
of the other named and two-
plaintiffs and thirds (2/3) by
the defendant the second
(Art. 983, New named; and (I
Civil Code), 1) Dismissing
each of the all other claims
latter to receive of the parties
equal shares [pp 27-29 of
from the Exh. C].
estate, The decision in civil case 3010
(Ramirez vs. became final for lack of an
Bautista, 14 appeal, and on October 16,
Phil. 528; 1963, a project of partition was
Diancin vs. submitted to Judge Asuncion
Bishop of Jaro, which is marked Exh. A.
O.G. [3rd Ed.] Notwithstanding the fact that the
p. 33); (9) project of partition was not
Directing the signed by the parties
parties, within themselves but only by the
thirty days after respective counsel of plaintiffs
this judgment and defendant, Judge Asuncion
shall have approved it in his Order dated
become final to October 23, 1963, which for
submit to this convenience is quoted
court, for hereunder in full:
approval a
project of
The parties,
partition of the through their
hereditary respective
estate in the
presented to
this Court for
indicated, and
approval the
in such manner following project
as the parties
of partition:
may, by
deemed COMES NOW,
convenient and the plaintiffs
equitable to and the
them taking into defendant in the
consideration above-entitled
the location, case, to this
kind, quality, Honorable
nature and Court
value of the respectfully
properties submit the
involved; (10) following
Directing the Project of
plaintiff Partition:
Sinforosa R.
Bales and l. The whole of
Lots Nos. 1154,
2304 and 4506 above shall be
shall belong awarded to Luz
exclusively to Reyes
Bernardita Bakunawa,
Reyes Anacorita
Macariola; Reyes, Ruperto
Reyes, Adela
2. A portion of Reyes and
Lot No. 3416 Priscilla Reyes
consisting of in equal shares,
2,373.49 square provided,
meters along however that
the eastern part the remaining
of the lot shall portion of Lot
be awarded No. 3416 shall
likewise to belong
Bernardita R. exclusively to
Macariola; Priscilla Reyes.

3. Lots Nos. WHEREFORE,

4803, 4892 and it is respectfully
5265 shall be prayed that the
awarded to Project of
Sinforosa Partition
Reyes Bales; indicated above
which is made
in accordance
4. A portion of
with the
Lot No. 3416
decision of the
consisting of
1,834.55 square Honorable
meters along Court be
the western part
of the lot shall
likewise be Tacloban City,
awarded to October 16,
Sinforosa 1963.
5. Lots Nos. BONIFACIO
4474 and 4475 RAMO Atty. for
shall be divided the Defendant
equally among Tacloban City
Luz Reyes
Bakunawa, (SGD) ZOTICO
Anacorita A. TOLETE
Reyes, Ruperto Atty. for the
Reyes, Adela Plaintiff
Reyes and Tacloban City
Priscilla Reyes
in equal shares; While the Court
thought it more
6. Lot No. 1184 desirable for all
and the the parties to
remaining have signed this
portion of Lot Project of
No. 3416 after Partition,
taking the nevertheless,
portions upon assurance
awarded under of both
item (2) and (4) counsels of the

respective each one in
parties to this view of said
Court that the Project of
Project of Partition, and to
Partition, as perform such
above- quoted, other acts as
had been made are legal and
after a necessary to
conference and effectuate the
agreement of said Project of
the plaintiffs Partition.
and the
defendant SO ORDERED.
approving the
above Project of Given in
Partition, and
Tacloban City,
that both
this 23rd day of
lawyers had
October, 1963.
represented to
the Court that
they are given (SGD) ELIAS B.
full authority to ASUNCION
sign by Judge
themselves the
Project of EXH. B.
Partition, the
Court, The above Order of October 23,
therefore, 1963, was amended on
finding the November 11, 1963, only for the
above-quoted purpose of giving authority to
Project of the Register of Deeds of the
Partition to be in Province of Leyte to issue the
accordance with corresponding transfer
law, hereby certificates of title to the
approves the respective adjudicatees in
same. The conformity with the project of
parties, partition (see Exh. U).
therefore, are
directed to One of the properties mentioned
execute such in the project of partition was Lot
papers, 1184 or rather one-half thereof
documents or with an area of 15,162.5 sq.
instrument meters. This lot, which
sufficient in according to the decision was
form and the exclusive property of the
substance for deceased Francisco Reyes, was
the vesting of adjudicated in said project of
the rights, partition to the plaintiffs Luz,
interests and Anacorita Ruperto, Adela, and
participations Priscilla all surnamed Reyes in
which were equal shares, and when the
adjudicated to project of partition was
the respective approved by the trial court the
parties, as adjudicatees caused Lot 1184 to
outlined in the be subdivided into five lots
Project of denominated as Lot 1184-A to
Partition and 1184-E inclusive (Exh. V).
the delivery of
the respective
Lot 1184-D was conveyed to
Enriqueta D. Anota, a
adjudicated to
stenographer in Judge
Asuncion's court (Exhs. F, F-1 Rules, and Canon 25 of the Canons of Judicial
and V-1), while Lot 1184-E Ethics, by associating himself with the Traders
which had an area of Manufacturing and Fishing Industries, Inc., as a
2,172.5556 sq. meters was sold stockholder and a ranking officer while he was a
on July 31, 1964 to Dr. Arcadio judge of the Court of First Instance of Leyte; [3]
Galapon (Exh. 2) who was that respondent was guilty of coddling an
issued transfer certificate of title impostor and acted in disregard of judicial
No. 2338 of the Register of decorum by closely fraternizing with a certain
Deeds of the city of Tacloban Dominador Arigpa Tan who openly and publicly
(Exh. 12). advertised himself as a practising attorney when
in truth and in fact his name does not appear in
On March 6, 1965, Dr. Arcadio the Rolls of Attorneys and is not a member of
Galapon and his wife Sold a the Philippine Bar; and [4] that there was a
portion of Lot 1184-E with an culpable defiance of the law and utter disregard
area of around 1,306 sq. meters for ethics by respondent Judge (pp. 1-7, rec.).
to Judge Asuncion and his wife,
Victoria S. Asuncion (Exh. 11), Respondent Judge Asuncion filed on September
which particular portion was 24, 1968 his answer to which a reply was filed
declared by the latter for on October 16, 1968 by herein complainant. In
taxation purposes (Exh. F). Our resolution of October 28, 1968, We referred
this case to then Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma of
On August 31, 1966, spouses the Court of Appeals, for investigation, report
Asuncion and spouses Galapon and recommendation. After hearing, the said
conveyed their respective Investigating Justice submitted her report dated
shares and interest in Lot 1184- May 27, 1971 recommending that respondent
E to "The Traders Judge should be reprimanded or warned in
Manufacturing and Fishing connection with the first cause of action alleged
Industries Inc." (Exit 15 & 16). At in the complaint, and for the second cause of
the time of said sale the action, respondent should be warned in case of
stockholders of the corporation a finding that he is prohibited under the law to
were Dominador Arigpa Tan, engage in business. On the third and fourth
Humilia Jalandoni Tan, Jaime causes of action, Justice Palma recommended
Arigpa Tan, Judge Asuncion, that respondent Judge be exonerated.
and the latter's wife, Victoria S.
Asuncion, with Judge Asuncion The records also reveal that on or about
as the President and Mrs. November 9 or 11, 1968 (pp. 481, 477, rec.),
Asuncion as the secretary complainant herein instituted an action before
(Exhs. E-4 to E-7). The Articles the Court of First Instance of Leyte, entitled
of Incorporation of "The Traders "Bernardita R. Macariola, plaintiff, versus
Manufacturing and Fishing Sinforosa R. Bales, et al., defendants," which
Industries, Inc." which we shall was docketed as Civil Case No. 4235, seeking
henceforth refer to as the annulment of the project of partition made
"TRADERS" were registered pursuant to the decision in Civil Case No. 3010
with the Securities and and the two orders issued by respondent Judge
Exchange Commission only on approving the same, as well as the partition of
January 9, 1967 (Exh. E) [pp. the estate and the subsequent conveyances with
378-385, rec.]. damages. It appears, however, that some
defendants were dropped from the civil case.
Complainant Bernardita R. Macariola filed on For one, the case against Dr. Arcadio Galapon
August 9, 1968 the instant complaint dated was dismissed because he was no longer a real
August 6, 1968 alleging four causes of action, to party in interest when Civil Case No. 4234 was
wit: [1] that respondent Judge Asuncion violated filed, having already conveyed on March 6, 1965
Article 1491, paragraph 5, of the New Civil Code a portion of lot 1184-E to respondent Judge and
in acquiring by purchase a portion of Lot No. on August 31, 1966 the remainder was sold to
1184-E which was one of those properties the Traders Manufacturing and Fishing
involved in Civil Case No. 3010 decided by him; Industries, Inc. Similarly, the case against
[2] that he likewise violated Article 14, defendant Victoria Asuncion was dismissed on
paragraphs I and 5 of the Code of Commerce, the ground that she was no longer a real party in
Section 3, paragraph H, of R.A. 3019, otherwise interest at the time the aforesaid Civil Case No.
known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices 4234 was filed as the portion of Lot 1184
Act, Section 12, Rule XVIII of the Civil Service acquired by her and respondent Judge from Dr.
Arcadio Galapon was already sold on August 31, for exemplary
1966 to the Traders Manufacturing and Fishing damages;
industries, Inc. Likewise, the cases against
defendants Serafin P. Ramento, Catalina Cabus, (c) the sum of
Ben Barraza Go, Jesus Perez, Traders FIFTY
Manufacturing and Fishing Industries, Inc., THOUSAND
Alfredo R. Celestial and Pilar P. Celestial, PESOS
Leopoldo Petilla and Remedios Petilla, Salvador [P50,000.00] for
Anota and Enriqueta Anota and Atty. Zotico A. nominal
Tolete were dismissed with the conformity of damages; and
complainant herein, plaintiff therein, and her
(d) he sum of
On November 2, 1970, Judge Jose D. THOUSAND
Nepomuceno of the Court of First Instance of PESOS
Leyte, who was directed and authorized on June [PI0,000.00] for
2, 1969 by the then Secretary (now Minister) of Attorney's Fees.
Justice and now Minister of National Defense
Juan Ponce Enrile to hear and decide Civil Case B. IN THE
No. 4234, rendered a decision, the dispositive CASE
portion of which reads as follows:
(1) declaring that only Branch IV FOR THE
of the Court of First Instance of HEIRS OF THE
Leyte has jurisdiction to take DECEASED
cognizance of the issue of the GERARDO
legality and validity of the VILLASIN —
Project of Partition [Exhibit "B"]
and the two Orders [Exhibits "C" (1) Dismissing the complaint
and "C- 3"] approving the against the defendants
partition; Mariquita Villasin and the heirs
of the deceased Gerardo
(2) dismissing the complaint Villasin;
against Judge Elias B.
Asuncion; (2) Directing the plaintiff to pay
the defendants Mariquita
(3) adjudging the plaintiff, Mrs. Villasin and the heirs of Gerardo
Bernardita R. Macariola to pay Villasin the cost of the suit.
defendant Judge Elias B.
Asuncion, C. IN THE
(a) the sum of AGAINST THE
[P400,000.00] PLAINTIFFS IN
for moral CIVIL CASE
damages; NO. 3010 —

(b) the sum of (1) Dismissing the complaint

TWO against defendants Sinforosa R.
HUNDRED Bales, Adela R. Herrer, Priscilla
THOUSAND R. Solis, Luz R. Bakunawa,
PESOS Anacorita R. Eng and Ruperto
[P200,000.001 O. Reyes.

D. IN THE virtue of their profession
CASE [emphasis supplied].
DEFENDANT The prohibition in the aforesaid Article applies
BONIFACIO only to the sale or assignment of the property
RAMO — which is the subject of litigation to the persons
disqualified therein. WE have already ruled that
(1) Dismissing the complaint "... for the prohibition to operate, the sale or
against Bonifacio Ramo; assignment of the property must take
place during the pendency of the litigation
(2) Directing the plaintiff to pay involving the property" (The Director of Lands
the defendant Bonifacio Ramo vs. Ababa et al., 88 SCRA 513, 519 [1979],
the cost of the suit. Rosario vda. de Laig vs. Court of Appeals, 86
SCRA 641, 646 [1978]).
SO ORDERED [pp. 531-533,
rec.] In the case at bar, when the respondent Judge
purchased on March 6, 1965 a portion of Lot
It is further disclosed by the record that the 1184-E, the decision in Civil Case No. 3010
which he rendered on June 8, 1963 was already
aforesaid decision was elevated to the Court of
final because none of the parties therein filed an
Appeals upon perfection of the appeal on
appeal within the reglementary period; hence,
February 22, 1971.
the lot in question was no longer subject of the
litigation. Moreover, at the time of the sale on
I March 6, 1965, respondent's order
dated October 23, 1963 and the amended order
WE find that there is no merit in the contention of dated November 11, 1963 approving the
complainant Bernardita R. Macariola, under her October 16, 1963 project of partition made
first cause of action, that respondent Judge Elias pursuant to the June 8, 1963 decision, had long
B. Asuncion violated Article 1491, paragraph 5, become final for there was no appeal from said
of the New Civil Code in acquiring by purchase a orders.
portion of Lot No. 1184-E which was one of
those properties involved in Civil Case No. 3010. Furthermore, respondent Judge did not buy the
'That Article provides: lot in question on March 6, 1965 directly from the
plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 3010 but from Dr.
Article 1491. The following Arcadio Galapon who earlier purchased on July
persons cannot acquire by 31, 1964 Lot 1184-E from three of the plaintiffs,
purchase, even at a public or namely, Priscilla Reyes, Adela Reyes, and Luz
judicial action, either in person R. Bakunawa after the finality of the decision in
or through the mediation of Civil Case No. 3010. It may be recalled that Lot
another: 1184 or more specifically one-half thereof was
adjudicated in equal shares to Priscilla Reyes,
xxx xxx xxx Adela Reyes, Luz Bakunawa, Ruperto Reyes
and Anacorita Reyes in the project of partition,
(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting and the same was subdivided into five lots
attorneys, clerks of superior and denominated as Lot 1184-A to 1184-E. As
inferior courts, and other officers aforestated, Lot 1184-E was sold on July 31,
and employees connected with 1964 to Dr. Galapon for which he was issued
the administration of justice, the TCT No. 2338 by the Register of Deeds of
property and rights in litigation Tacloban City, and on March 6, 1965 he sold a
or levied upon an execution portion of said lot to respondent Judge and his
before the court within whose wife who declared the same for taxation
jurisdiction or territory they purposes only. The subsequent sale on August
exercise their respective 31, 1966 by spouses Asuncion and spouses
functions; this prohibition Galapon of their respective shares and interest
includes the act of acquiring by in said Lot 1184-E to the Traders Manufacturing
assignment and shall apply to and Fishing Industries, Inc., in which respondent
lawyers, with respect to the was the president and his wife was the
property and rights which may secretary, took place long after the finality of the
be the object of any litigation in decision in Civil Case No. 3010 and of the
which they may take part by subsequent two aforesaid orders therein
approving the project of partition.
While it appears that complainant herein filed on the transactions between the
or about November 9 or 11, 1968 an action Reyeses and the Galapons
before the Court of First Instance of Leyte concerning Lot 1184-E, and he
docketed as Civil Case No. 4234, seeking to insists that there is no evidence
annul the project of partition and the two orders whatsoever to show that Dr.
approving the same, as well as the partition of Galapon had acted, in the
the estate and the subsequent conveyances, the purchase of Lot 1184-E, in
same, however, is of no moment. mediation for him and his wife.
(See p. 14 of Respondent's
The fact remains that respondent Judge Memorandum).
purchased on March 6, 1965 a portion of Lot
1184-E from Dr. Arcadio Galapon; hence, after xxx xxx xxx
the finality of the decision which he rendered
on June 8, 1963 in Civil Case No. 3010 and his On this point, I agree with
two questioned orders dated October 23, 1963 respondent that there is no
and November 11, 1963. Therefore, the property evidence in the record showing
was no longer subject of litigation. that Dr. Arcadio Galapon acted
as a mere "dummy" of
The subsequent filing on November 9, or 11, respondent in acquiring Lot
1968 of Civil Case No. 4234 can no longer alter, 1184-E from the Reyeses. Dr.
change or affect the aforesaid facts — that the Galapon appeared to this
questioned sale to respondent Judge, now Court investigator as a respectable
of Appeals Justice, was effected and citizen, credible and sincere,
consummated long after the finality of the and I believe him when he
aforesaid decision or orders. testified that he bought Lot
1184-E in good faith and for
Consequently, the sale of a portion of Lot 1184- valuable consideration from the
E to respondent Judge having taken place over Reyeses without any
one year after the finality of the decision in Civil intervention of, or previous
Case No. 3010 as well as the two orders understanding with Judge
approving the project of partition, and not during Asuncion (pp. 391- 394, rec.).
the pendency of the litigation, there was no
violation of paragraph 5, Article 1491 of the New On the contention of complainant herein that
Civil Code. respondent Judge acted illegally in approving
the project of partition although it was not signed
It is also argued by complainant herein that the by the parties, We quote with approval the
sale on July 31, 1964 of Lot 1184-E to Dr. findings of the Investigating Justice, as follows:
Arcadio Galapon by Priscilla Reyes, Adela
Reyes and Luz R. Bakunawa was only a mere 1. I agree with complainant that
scheme to conceal the illegal and unethical respondent should have
transfer of said lot to respondent Judge as a required the signature of the
consideration for the approval of the project of parties more particularly that of
partition. In this connection, We agree with the Mrs. Macariola on the project of
findings of the Investigating Justice thus: partition submitted to him for
approval; however, whatever
And so we are now confronted error was committed by
with this all-important question respondent in that respect was
whether or not the acquisition by done in good faith as according
respondent of a portion of Lot to Judge Asuncion he was
1184-E and the subsequent assured by Atty. Bonifacio
transfer of the whole lot to Ramo, the counsel of record of
"TRADERS" of which Mrs. Macariola, That he was
respondent was the President authorized by his client to
and his wife the Secretary, was submit said project of partition,
intimately related to the Order of (See Exh. B and tsn p. 24,
respondent approving the January 20, 1969). While it is
project of partition, Exh. A. true that such written authority if
there was any, was not
presented by respondent in
Respondent vehemently denies
evidence, nor did Atty. Ramo
any interest or participation in
appear to corroborate the
statement of respondent, his preparation of the project of
affidavit being the only one that partition.
was presented as respondent's
Exh. 10, certain actuations of Counsel for complainant
Mrs. Macariola lead this stresses the view, however, that
investigator to believe that she the latter sold her one-fourth
knew the contents of the project share in Lot 1154 by virtue of
of partition, Exh. A, and that she the decision in Civil Case 3010
gave her conformity thereto. I and not because of the project
refer to the following of partition, Exh. A. Such
documents: contention is absurd because
from the decision, Exh. C, it is
1) Exh. 9 — Certified true copy clear that one-half of one- fourth
of OCT No. 19520 covering Lot of Lot 1154 belonged to the
1154 of the Tacloban Cadastral estate of Francisco Reyes Diaz
Survey in which the deceased while the other half of said one-
Francisco Reyes holds a "1/4 fourth was the share of
share" (Exh. 9-a). On tills complainant's mother, Felisa
certificate of title the Order Espiras; in other words, the
dated November 11, 1963, decision did not adjudicate the
(Exh. U) approving the project of whole of the one-fourth of Lot
partition was duly entered and 1154 to the herein complainant
registered on November 26, (see Exhs. C-3 & C-4).
1963 (Exh. 9-D); Complainant became the owner
of the entire one-fourth of Lot
2) Exh. 7 — Certified copy of a 1154 only by means of the
deed of absolute sale executed project of partition, Exh. A.
by Bernardita Reyes Macariola Therefore, if Mrs. Macariola sold
on October 22, 1963, conveying Lot 1154 on October 22, 1963, it
to Dr. Hector Decena the one- was for no other reason than
fourth share of the late that she was wen aware of the
Francisco Reyes-Diaz in Lot distribution of the properties of
1154. In this deed of sale the her deceased father as per
vendee stated that she was the Exhs. A and B. It is also
absolute owner of said one- significant at this point to state
fourth share, the same having that Mrs. Macariola admitted
been adjudicated to her as her during the cross-examination
share in the estate of her father that she went to Tacloban City
Francisco Reyes Diaz as per in connection with the sale of
decision of the Court of First Lot 1154 to Dr. Decena (tsn p.
Instance of Leyte under case 92, November 28, 1968) from
No. 3010 (Exh. 7-A). The deed which we can deduce that she
of sale was duly registered and could not have been kept
annotated at the back of OCT ignorant of the proceedings in
19520 on December 3, 1963 civil case 3010 relative to the
(see Exh. 9-e). project of partition.

In connection with the Complainant also assails the

abovementioned documents it is project of partition because
to be noted that in the project of according to her the properties
partition dated October 16, adjudicated to her were
1963, which was approved by insignificant lots and the least
respondent on October 23, valuable. Complainant,
1963, followed by an amending however, did not present any
Order on November 11, 1963, direct and positive evidence to
Lot 1154 or rather 1/4 thereof prove the alleged gross
was adjudicated to Mrs. inequalities in the choice and
Macariola. It is this 1/4 share in distribution of the real properties
Lot 1154 which complainant when she could have easily
sold to Dr. Decena on October done so by presenting evidence
22, 1963, several days after the on the area, location, kind, the
assessed and market value of with the Traders Manufacturing and Fishing
said properties. Without such Industries, Inc. as a stockholder and a ranking
evidence there is nothing in the officer, said corporation having been organized
record to show that there were to engage in business. Said Article provides that:
inequalities in the distribution of
the properties of complainant's Article 14 — The following
father (pp. 386389, rec.). cannot engage in commerce,
either in person or by proxy, nor
Finally, while it is. true that respondent Judge did can they hold any office or have
not violate paragraph 5, Article 1491 of the New any direct, administrative, or
Civil Code in acquiring by purchase a portion of financial intervention in
Lot 1184-E which was in litigation in his court, it commercial or industrial
was, however, improper for him to have acquired companies within the limits of
the same. He should be reminded of Canon 3 of the districts, provinces, or towns
the Canons of Judicial Ethics which requires in which they discharge their
that: "A judge's official conduct should be free duties:
from the appearance of impropriety, and his
personal behavior, not only upon the bench and 1. Justices of the Supreme
in the performance of judicial duties, but also in Court, judges and officials of the
his everyday life, should be beyond reproach." department of public
And as aptly observed by the Investigating prosecution in active service.
Justice: "... it was unwise and indiscreet on the This provision shall not be
part of respondent to have purchased or applicable to mayors, municipal
acquired a portion of a piece of property that judges, and municipal
was or had been in litigation in his court and prosecuting attorneys nor to
caused it to be transferred to a corporation of those who by chance are
which he and his wife were ranking officers at temporarily discharging the
the time of such transfer. One who occupies an functions of judge or
exalted position in the judiciary has the duty and prosecuting attorney.
responsibility of maintaining the faith and trust of
the citizenry in the courts of justice, so that not xxx xxx xxx
only must he be truly honest and just, but his
actuations must be such as not give cause for
doubt and mistrust in the uprightness of his 5. Those who by virtue of laws
administration of justice. In this particular case of or special provisions may not
respondent, he cannot deny that the engage in commerce in a
transactions over Lot 1184-E are damaging and determinate territory.
render his actuations open to suspicion and
distrust. Even if respondent honestly believed It is Our considered view that although the
that Lot 1184-E was no longer in litigation in his aforestated provision is incorporated in the Code
court and that he was purchasing it from a third of Commerce which is part of the commercial
person and not from the parties to the litigation, laws of the Philippines, it, however, partakes of
he should nonetheless have refrained from the nature of a political law as it regulates the
buying it for himself and transferring it to a relationship between the government and certain
corporation in which he and his wife were public officers and employees, like justices and
financially involved, to avoid possible suspicion judges.
that his acquisition was related in one way or
another to his official actuations in civil case Political Law has been defined as that branch of
3010. The conduct of respondent gave cause for public law which deals with the organization and
the litigants in civil case 3010, the lawyers operation of the governmental organs of the
practising in his court, and the public in general State and define the relations of the state with
to doubt the honesty and fairness of his the inhabitants of its territory (People vs.
actuations and the integrity of our courts of Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887, 897 [1922]). It may be
justice" (pp. 395396, rec.). recalled that political law embraces constitutional
law, law of public corporations, administrative
II law including the law on public officers and
elections. Specifically, Article 14 of the Code of
With respect to the second cause of action, the Commerce partakes more of the nature of an
complainant alleged that respondent Judge administrative law because it regulates the
violated paragraphs 1 and 5, Article 14 of the conduct of certain public officers and employees
Code of Commerce when he associated himself
with respect to engaging in business: hence, vs. 356 Bales of Cotton (1 Pet.
political in essence. [26 U.S.] 511, 542, 7 L. Ed.
242), Chief Justice Marshall
It is significant to note that the present Code of said:
Commerce is the Spanish Code of Commerce of
1885, with some modifications made by the On such
"Commission de Codificacion de las Provincias transfer (by
de Ultramar," which was extended to the cession) of
Philippines by the Royal Decree of August 6, territory, it has
1888, and took effect as law in this jurisdiction never been held
on December 1, 1888. that the
relations of the
Upon the transfer of sovereignty from Spain to inhabitants with
the United States and later on from the United each other
States to the Republic of the Philippines, Article undergo any
14 of this Code of Commerce must be deemed change. Their
to have been abrogated because where there is relations with
change of sovereignty, the political laws of the their former
former sovereign, whether compatible or not with sovereign are
those of the new sovereign, are automatically dissolved, and
abrogated, unless they are expressly re-enacted new relations
by affirmative act of the new sovereign. are created
between them
Thus, We held in Roa vs. Collector of and the
Customs (23 Phil. 315, 330, 311 [1912]) that: government
which has
acquired their
By well-settled public law, upon territory. The
the cession of territory by one same act which
nation to another, either transfers their
following a conquest or country,
otherwise, ... those laws which transfers the
are political in their nature and allegiance of
pertain to the prerogatives of the those who
former government immediately remain in it; and
cease upon the transfer of the law which
sovereignty. (Opinion, Atty. may be
Gen., July 10, 1899). denominated
political, is
While municipal laws of the necessarily
newly acquired territory not in changed,
conflict with the, laws of the new although that
sovereign continue in force which regulates
without the express assent or the intercourse
affirmative act of the conqueror, and general
the political laws do not. conduct of
(Halleck's Int. Law, chap. 34, individuals,
par. 14). However, such political remains in
laws of the prior sovereignty as force, until
are not in conflict with the altered by the
constitution or institutions of the newly- created
new sovereign, may be power of the
continued in force if the State.
conqueror shall so declare by
affirmative act of the Likewise, in People vs. Perfecto (43 Phil. 887,
commander-in-chief during the 897 [1922]), this Court stated that: "It is a
war, or by Congress in time of general principle of the public law that on
peace. (Ely's Administrator vs. acquisition of territory the previous political
United States, 171 U.S. 220, 43 relations of the ceded region are totally
L. Ed. 142). In the case of abrogated. "
American and Ocean Ins. Cos.

There appears no enabling or affirmative act that As was held in one case involving the
continued the effectivity of the aforestated application of Article 216 of the Revised Penal
provision of the Code of Commerce after the Code which has a similar prohibition on public
change of sovereignty from Spain to the United officers against directly or indirectly becoming
States and then to the Republic of the interested in any contract or business in which it
Philippines. Consequently, Article 14 of the is his official duty to intervene, "(I)t is not enough
Code of Commerce has no legal and binding to be a public official to be subject to this crime;
effect and cannot apply to the respondent, then it is necessary that by reason of his office, he
Judge of the Court of First Instance, now has to intervene in said contracts or
Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals. transactions; and, hence, the official who
intervenes in contracts or transactions which
It is also argued by complainant herein that have no relation to his office cannot commit this
respondent Judge violated paragraph H, Section crime.' (People vs. Meneses, C.A. 40 O.G. 11th
3 of Republic Act No. 3019, otherwise known as Supp. 134, cited by Justice Ramon C. Aquino;
the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, which Revised Penal Code, p. 1174, Vol. 11 [1976]).
provides that:
It does not appear also from the records that the
Sec. 3. Corrupt practices of aforesaid corporation gained any undue
public officers. — In addition to advantage in its business operations by reason
acts or omissions of public of respondent's financial involvement in it, or that
officers already penalized by the corporation benefited in one way or another
existing law, the following shall in any case filed by or against it in court. It is
constitute corrupt practices of undisputed that there was no case filed in the
any public officer and are different branches of the Court of First Instance
hereby declared to be unlawful: of Leyte in which the corporation was either
party plaintiff or defendant except Civil Case No.
4234 entitled "Bernardita R. Macariola, plaintiff,
xxx xxx xxx
versus Sinforosa O. Bales, et al.," wherein the
complainant herein sought to recover Lot 1184-E
(h) Directly or from the aforesaid corporation. It must be noted,
indirectly having however, that Civil Case No. 4234 was filed only
financial or on November 9 or 11, 1968 and decided on
pecuniary November 2, 1970 by CFI Judge Jose D.
interest in any Nepomuceno when respondent Judge was no
business, longer connected with the corporation, having
contract or disposed of his interest therein on January 31,
transaction in 1967.
connection with
which he
Furthermore, respondent is not liable under the
intervenes or
same paragraph because there is no provision in
takes part in his
official capacity, both the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions of the
or in which he is Philippines, nor is there an existing law
expressly prohibiting members of the Judiciary
prohibited by
from engaging or having interest in any lawful
the Constitution
or by any Iaw
from having any
interest. It may be pointed out that Republic Act No. 296,
as amended, also known as the Judiciary Act of
1948, does not contain any prohibition to that
Respondent Judge cannot be held liable under
effect. As a matter of fact, under Section 77 of
the aforestated paragraph because there is no
showing that respondent participated or said law, municipal judges may engage in
intervened in his official capacity in the business teaching or other vocation not involving the
practice of law after office hours but with the
or transactions of the Traders Manufacturing and
permission of the district judge concerned.
Fishing Industries, Inc. In the case at bar, the
business of the corporation in which respondent
participated has obviously no relation or Likewise, Article 14 of the Code of Commerce
connection with his judicial office. The business which prohibits judges from engaging in
of said corporation is not that kind where commerce is, as heretofore stated, deemed
respondent intervenes or takes part in his abrogated automatically upon the transfer of
capacity as Judge of the Court of First Instance. sovereignty from Spain to America, because it is
political in nature.
Moreover, the prohibition in paragraph 5, Article Secretary (now Minister) of Justice to conduct
1491 of the New Civil Code against the the corresponding investigation. Clearly, the
purchase by judges of a property in litigation aforesaid section defines the grounds and
before the court within whose jurisdiction they prescribes the special procedure for the
perform their duties, cannot apply to respondent discipline of judges.
Judge because the sale of the lot in question to
him took place after the finality of his decision in And under Sections 5, 6 and 7, Article X of the
Civil Case No. 3010 as well as his two orders 1973 Constitution, only the Supreme Court can
approving the project of partition; hence, the discipline judges of inferior courts as well as
property was no longer subject of litigation. other personnel of the Judiciary.

In addition, although Section 12, Rule XVIII of It is true that under Section 33 of the Civil
the Civil Service Rules made pursuant to the Service Act of 1959: "The Commissioner may,
Civil Service Act of 1959 prohibits an officer or for ... violation of the existing Civil Service Law
employee in the civil service from engaging in and rules or of reasonable office regulations, or
any private business, vocation, or profession or in the interest of the service, remove any
be connected with any commercial, credit, subordinate officer or employee from the
agricultural or industrial undertaking without a service, demote him in rank, suspend him for not
written permission from the head of department, more than one year without pay or fine him in an
the same, however, may not fall within the amount not exceeding six months' salary." Thus,
purview of paragraph h, Section 3 of the Anti- a violation of Section 12 of Rule XVIII is a
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act because the last ground for disciplinary action against civil service
portion of said paragraph speaks of a prohibition officers and employees.
by the Constitution or law on any public officer
from having any interest in any business and not However, judges cannot be considered as
by a mere administrative rule or regulation.
subordinate civil service officers or employees
Thus, a violation of the aforesaid rule by any
subject to the disciplinary authority of the
officer or employee in the civil service, that is,
Commissioner of Civil Service; for, certainly, the
engaging in private business without a written
Commissioner is not the head of the Judicial
permission from the Department Head may not Department to which they belong. The Revised
constitute graft and corrupt practice as defined Administrative Code (Section 89) and the Civil
by law.
Service Law itself state that the Chief Justice is
the department head of the Supreme Court
On the contention of complainant that (Sec. 20, R.A. No. 2260) [1959]); and under the
respondent Judge violated Section 12, Rule 1973 Constitution, the Judiciary is the only other
XVIII of the Civil Service Rules, We hold that the or second branch of the government (Sec. 1, Art.
Civil Service Act of 1959 (R.A. No. 2260) and X, 1973 Constitution). Besides, a violation of
the Civil Service Rules promulgated thereunder, Section 12, Rule XVIII cannot be considered as
particularly Section 12 of Rule XVIII, do not a ground for disciplinary action against judges
apply to the members of the Judiciary. Under because to recognize the same as applicable to
said Section 12: "No officer or employee shall them, would be adding another ground for the
engage directly in any private business, discipline of judges and, as aforestated, Section
vocation, or profession or be connected with any 67 of the Judiciary Act recognizes only two
commercial, credit, agricultural or industrial grounds for their removal, namely, serious
undertaking without a written permission from misconduct and inefficiency.
the Head of Department ..."
Moreover, under Section 16(i) of the Civil
It must be emphasized at the outset that Service Act of 1959, it is the Commissioner of
respondent, being a member of the Judiciary, is Civil Service who has original and exclusive
covered by Republic Act No. 296, as amended, jurisdiction "(T)o decide, within one hundred
otherwise known as the Judiciary Act of 1948 twenty days, after submission to it, all
and by Section 7, Article X, 1973 Constitution. administrative cases against permanent officers
and employees in the competitive service, and,
Under Section 67 of said law, the power to except as provided by law, to have final authority
remove or dismiss judges was then vested in the to pass upon their removal, separation, and
President of the Philippines, not in the suspension and upon all matters relating to the
Commissioner of Civil Service, and only on two conduct, discipline, and efficiency of such
grounds, namely, serious misconduct and officers and employees; and prescribe
inefficiency, and upon the recommendation of standards, guidelines and regulations governing
the Supreme Court, which alone is authorized, the administration of discipline" (emphasis
upon its own motion, or upon information of the supplied). There is no question that a judge
belong to the non-competitive or unclassified sale by respondent and his wife of their shares
service of the government as a Presidential in the corporation only 22 days after the
appointee and is therefore not covered by the incorporation of the corporation, indicates that
aforesaid provision. WE have already ruled that respondent realized that early that their interest
"... in interpreting Section 16(i) of Republic Act in the corporation contravenes the aforesaid
No. 2260, we emphasized that only permanent Canon 25. Respondent Judge and his wife
officers and employees who belong to the therefore deserve the commendation for their
classified service come under the exclusive immediate withdrawal from the firm after its
jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Civil Service" incorporation and before it became involved in
(Villaluz vs. Zaldivar, 15 SCRA 710,713 [1965], any court litigation
Ang-Angco vs. Castillo, 9 SCRA 619 [1963]).
Although the actuation of respondent Judge in
engaging in private business by joining the With respect to the third and fourth causes of
Traders Manufacturing and Fishing Industries, action, complainant alleged that respondent was
Inc. as a stockholder and a ranking officer, is not guilty of coddling an impostor and acted in
violative of the provissions of Article 14 of the disregard of judicial decorum, and that there was
Code of Commerce and Section 3(h) of the Anti- culpable defiance of the law and utter disregard
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act as well as for ethics. WE agree, however, with the
Section 12, Rule XVIII of the Civil Service Rules recommendation of the Investigating Justice that
promulgated pursuant to the Civil Service Act of respondent Judge be exonerated because the
1959, the impropriety of the same is clearly aforesaid causes of action are groundless, and
unquestionable because Canon 25 of the WE quote the pertinent portion of her report
Canons of Judicial Ethics expressly declares which reads as follows:
The basis for complainant's third
A judge should abstain from cause of action is the claim that
making personal investments in respondent associated and
enterprises which are apt to be closely fraternized with
involved in litigation in his court; Dominador Arigpa Tan who
and, after his accession to the openly and publicly advertised
bench, he should not retain himself as a practising attorney
such investments previously (see Exhs. I, I-1 and J) when in
made, longer than a period truth and in fact said Dominador
sufficient to enable him to Arigpa Tan does not appear in
dispose of them without serious the Roll of Attorneys and is not
loss. It is desirable that he a member of the Philippine Bar
should, so far as reasonably as certified to in Exh. K.
possible, refrain from all
relations which would normally
The "respondent denies
tend to arouse the suspicion knowing that Dominador Arigpa
that such relations warp or bias Tan was an "impostor" and
his judgment, or prevent his
claims that all the time he
impartial attitude of mind in the
believed that the latter was
administration of his judicial a bona fide member of the bar. I
duties. ... see no reason for disbelieving
this assertion of respondent. It
WE are not, however, unmindful of the fact that has been shown by complainant
respondent Judge and his wife had withdrawn that Dominador Arigpa Tan
on January 31, 1967 from the aforesaid represented himself publicly as
corporation and sold their respective shares to an attorney-at-law to the extent
third parties, and it appears also that the of putting up a signboard with
aforesaid corporation did not in anyway benefit his name and the words
in any case filed by or against it in court as there "Attorney-at Law" (Exh. I and 1-
was no case filed in the different branches of the 1) to indicate his office, and it
Court of First Instance of Leyte from the time of was but natural for respondent
the drafting of the Articles of Incorporation of the and any person for that matter
corporation on March 12, 1966, up to its to have accepted that statement
incorporation on January 9, 1967, and the on its face value. "Now with
eventual withdrawal of respondent on January respect to the allegation of
31, 1967 from said corporation. Such disposal or complainant that respondent is
guilty of fraternizing with WHEREFORE, THE RESPONDENT
extent of permitting his wife to APPEALS IS HEREBY REMINDED TO BE
be a godmother of Mr. Tan's MORE DISCREET IN HIS PRIVATE AND
child at baptism (Exh. M & M-1), BUSINESS ACTIVITIES.
that fact even if true did not
render respondent guilty of SO ORDERED.
violating any canon of judicial
ethics as long as his friendly Teehankee, Guerrero, De Castro, Melencio-
relations with Dominador A. Tan Herrera, Plana, Vasquez, Relova and Gutierrez,
and family did not influence his JJ., concur.
official actuations as a judge
where said persons were
concerned. There is no tangible Concepcion Jr., J., is on leave.
convincing proof that herein
respondent gave any undue Fernando, C.J., Abad Santos and Esolin JJ.,
privileges in his court to took no part.
Dominador Arigpa Tan or that
the latter benefitted in his
practice of law from his personal
relations with respondent, or Separate Opinions
that he used his influence, if he
had any, on the Judges of the
other branches of the Court to
favor said Dominador Tan.
AQUINO, J., concurring and dissenting:
Of course it is highly desirable
I vote for respondent's unqualified exoneration.
for a member of the judiciary to
refrain as much as possible
from maintaining close friendly BARREDO, J., concurring and dissenting:
relations with practising
attorneys and litigants in his I vote with Justice Aquino.
court so as to avoid suspicion
'that his social or business
relations or friendship constitute
an element in determining his Separate Opinions
judicial course" (par. 30, Canons
of Judicial Ethics), but if a Judge
AQUINO, J., concurring and dissenting:
does have social relations, that
in itself would not constitute a
ground for disciplinary action I vote for respondent's unqualified exoneration.
unless it be clearly shown that
his social relations be clouded BARREDO, J., concurring and dissenting:
his official actuations with bias
and partiality in favor of his I vote with Justice Aquino.
friends (pp. 403-405, rec.).

In conclusion, while respondent Judge Asuncion,

now Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals,
did not violate any law in acquiring by purchase
a parcel of land which was in litigation in his
court and in engaging in business by joining a
private corporation during his incumbency as
judge of the Court of First Instance of Leyte, he
should be reminded to be more discreet in his
private and business activities, because his
conduct as a member of the Judiciary must not
only be characterized with propriety but must
always be above suspicion.

TREASURER, respondents.
G.R. No. L-36142 March 31, 1973

JOSUE JAVELLANA, petitioner, G.R. No. L-36283 March 31, 1973

SECRETARY OF FINANCE, respondents. vs.
G.R. No. L-36164 March 31, 1973
AND LORENZO M. TAÑADA, petitioners,
Ramon A. Gonzales for petitioner Josue
SECRETARY OF JUSTICE, THE SECRETARY Lorenzo M. Tañada and Associates for
OF LAND REFORM, THE SECRETARY OF petitioners Vidal Tan, et al.
GENERAL, THE BUDGET COMMISSIONER, Tañada, Salonga, Ordoñez, Rodrigo, Sanidad,
THE CHAIRMAN OF PRESIDENTIAL Roxas. Gonzales and Arroyo for petitioners
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS AND THE Joker P. Arroyo and Rogelio B. Padilla for
COMMISSIONER OF CIVIL petitioner Eddie Monteclaro.
SERVICE, respondents.
Raul M. Gonzales and Associates for petitioners
G.R. No. L-36165 March 31, 1973. Napoleon V. Dilag, et al.

GERARDO ROXAS, AMBROSIO PADILLA, Arturo M. Tolentino for respondents Gil J. Puyat
ESTRADA-KALAW, petitioners,
Office of the Solicitor General Estelito P.
vs. Mendoza, Solicitor Vicente V. Mendoza and
ALEJANDRO MELCHOR, in his capacity as
Solicitor Reynato S. Puno for other respondents.
Executive Secretary; JUAN PONCE ENRILE,
in his capacity as Secretary of National
Defense; General ROMEO ESPINO, in his RESOLUTION
capacity as Chief of Staff of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines; TANCIO E.
CASTAÑEDA, in his capacity as Secretary
General Services; Senator GIL J. PUYAT, in
his capacity as President of the Senate; and
Senator JOSE ROY, his capacity, as The above-entitled five (5) cases are a sequel of
President Pro Tempore of the of the cases G.R. Nos. L-35925,
Senate, respondents. L-35929, L-35940, L-35941, L-35942, L-35948,
L-35953, L-35961, L-35965 and
L-35979, decided on January 22, 1973, to which
G.R. No. L-36236 March 31, 1973
We will hereafter refer collectively as the
plebiscite cases.
EDDIE B. MONTECLARO, [personally and in
his capacity as President of the National
Background of the Plebiscite Cases.
Press Club of the Philippines], petitioner,

The factual setting thereof is set forth in the plebiscite, the setting of
decision therein rendered, from which We quote: guidelines for the conduct of the
same, the prescription of the
On March 16, 1967, Congress ballots to be used and the
of the Philippines passed question to be answered by the
Resolution No. 2, which was voters, and the appropriation of
amended by Resolution No. 4 of public funds for the purpose,
said body, adopted on June 17, are, by the Constitution, lodged
1969, calling a Convention to exclusively in Congress ...," and
propose amendments to the "there is no proper submission
Constitution of the Philippines. to the people of said Proposed
Said Resolution No. 2, as Constitution set for January 15,
amended, was implemented by 1973, there being no freedom of
Republic Act No. 6132, speech, press and assembly,
approved on August 24, 1970, and there being no sufficient
pursuant to the provisions of time to inform the people of the
which the election of delegates contents thereof."
to said Convention was held on
November 10, 1970, and the Substantially identical actions
1971 Constitutional Convention were filed, on December 8,
began to perform its functions 1972, by Pablo C. Sanidad
on June 1, 1971. While the against the Commission on
Convention was in session on Elections (Case G.R. No. L-
September 21, 1972, the 35929) on December 11, 1972,
President issued Proclamation by Gerardo Roxas, et al.,
No. 1081 placing the entire against the Commission on
Philippines under Martial Law. Elections, the Director of
On November 29, 1972, the Printing, the National Treasurer
Convention approved its and the Auditor General (Case
Proposed Constitution of the G.R. L-35940), by Eddie B.
Republic of the Philippines. The Monteclaro against the
next day, November 30, 1972, Commission on Elections and
the President of the Philippines the Treasurer of the Philippines
issued Presidential Decree No. (Case G.R. No. L-35941), and
73, "submitting to the Filipino by Sedfrey Ordoñez, et al.
people for ratification or against the National Treasurer
rejection the Constitution of the and the Commission on
Republic of the Philippines Elections (Case G.R. No. L-
proposed by the 1971 35942); on December 12, 1972,
Constitutional Convention, and by Vidal Tan, et al., against the
appropriating funds therefor," as Commission on Elections, the
well as setting the plebiscite for Treasurer of the Philippines, the
said ratification or rejection of Auditor General and the Director
the Proposed Constitution on of Printing (Case G.R. No. L-
January 15, 1973. 35948) and by Jose W. Diokno
and Benigno S. Aquino against
Soon after, or on December 7, the Commission on Elections
1972, Charito Planas filed, with (Case G.R. No. L-35953); on
this Court, Case G.R. No. L- December 14, 1972, by Jacinto
35925, against the Commission Jimenez against the
on Elections, the Treasurer of Commission on Elections, the
the Philippines and the Auditor Auditor General, the Treasurer
General, to enjoin said of the Philippines and the
"respondents or their agents Director of the Bureau of
from implementing Presidential Printing (Case G.R. No. L-
Decree No. 73, in any manner, 35961), and by Raul M.
until further orders of the Court," Gonzales against the
upon the grounds, inter alia, that Commission on Elections, the
said Presidential Decree "has Budget Commissioner, the
no force and effect as law National Treasurer and the
because the calling ... of such Auditor General (Case G.R. No.
L-35965); and on December 16, purposes of free and open
1972, by Ernesto C. Hidalgo debate on the proposed
against the Commission on Constitution."
Elections, the Secretary of
Education, the National In view of these events relative
Treasurer and the Auditor to the postponement of the
General (Case G.R. No. L- aforementioned plebiscite, the
35979). Court deemed it fit to refrain, for
the time being, from deciding
In all these cases, except the the aforementioned cases, for
last (G.R. No. L-35979), the neither the date nor the
respondents were required to conditions under which said
file their answers "not later than plebiscite would be held were
12:00 (o'clock) noon of known or announced officially.
Saturday, December 16, 1972." Then, again, Congress was,
Said cases were, also, set for pursuant to the 1935
hearing and partly heard on Constitution, scheduled to meet
Monday, December 18, 1972, at in regular session on January
9:30 a.m. The hearing was 22, 1973, and since the main
continued on December 19, objection to Presidential Decree
1972. By agreement of the No. 73 was that the President
parties, the aforementioned last does not have the legislative
case — G.R. No. L-35979 — authority to call a plebiscite and
was, also, heard, jointly with the appropriate funds therefor,
others, on December 19, 1972. which Congress unquestionably
At the conclusion of the hearing, could do, particularly in view of
on that date, the parties in all of the formal postponement of the
the aforementioned cases were plebiscite by the President —
given a short period of time reportedly after consultation
within which "to submit their with, among others, the leaders
notes on the points they desire of Congress and the
to stress." Said notes were filed Commission on Elections — the
on different dates, between Court deemed it more
December 21, 1972, and imperative to defer its final
January 4, 1973. action on these cases.

Meanwhile, or on December 17, "In the afternoon of January 12,

1972, the President had issued 1973, the petitioners in Case
an order temporarily suspending G.R. No.
the effects of Proclamation No. L-35948 filed an "urgent
1081, for the purpose of free motion," praying that said case
and open debate on the be decided "as soon as
Proposed Constitution. On possible, preferably not later
December 23, the President than January 15, 1973." It was
announced the postponement of alleged in said motion, inter alia:
the plebiscite for the ratification
or rejection of the Proposed "6. That the President
Constitution. No formal action to subsequently announced the
this effect was taken until issuance of Presidential Decree
January 7, 1973, when General No. 86 organizing the so-called
Order No. 20 was issued, Citizens Assemblies, to be
directing "that the plebiscite consulted on certain public
scheduled to be held on questions [Bulletin Today,
January 15, 1978, be postponed January 1, 1973];
until further notice." Said
General Order No. 20,
"7. That thereafter it was later
moreover, "suspended in the
announced that "the Assemblies
meantime" the "order of will be asked if they favor or
December 17, 1972, temporarily oppose —
suspending the effects of
Proclamation No. 1081 for
[1] The New the plebiscite on
Society; the new
Constitution to
[2] Reforms be held?
instituted under [Bulletin Today,
Martial Law; January 5,
[3] The holding
of a plebiscite "9. That the voting by the so-
on the proposed called Citizens Assemblies was
new announced to take place during
Constitution and the period from January 10 to
when (the January 15, 1973;
tentative new
dates given "10. That on January 10, 1973,
following the it was reported that on more
postponement question would be added to the
of the plebiscite four (4) question previously
from the original announced, and that the forms
date of January of the question would be as
15 are February follows: —
19 and March
5); [1] Do you like
the New
[4] The opening Society?
of the regular
session slated [2] Do you like
on January 22 the reforms
in accordance under martial
with the existing law?
despite Martial
[3] Do you like
Law." [Bulletin
Congress again
Today, January to hold
3, 1973.] sessions?

"8. That it was later reported

[4] Do you like
that the following are to be the
the plebiscite to
forms of the questions to be be held later?
asked to the Citizens
Assemblies: —
[5] Do you like
the way
[1] Do you President
approve of the Marcos running
New Society? the affairs of the
government? [B
[2] Do you ulletin Today,
approve of the January 10,
reform 1973; emphasis
measures under an additional
martial law? question.]

[3] Do you think "11. That on January 11, 1973,

that Congress it was reported that six (6) more
should meet questions would be submitted to
again in regular the so-called Citizens
session? Assemblies: —

[4] How soon

would you like
[1] Do you COMMENTS ON
approve of the
citizens QUESTION No.
assemblies as 1
the base of
government to
decide issues of
national o
[2] Do you e
approve of the r
Constitution? t
[3] Do you want
a plebiscite to b
be called to r
ratify the new o
Constitution? a
[4] Do you want e
the elections to n
be held in
November, t
1973 in h
accordance with e
the provisions
of the 1935 b
Constitution? a
[5] If the
elections would
not be held, o
when do you f
want the next
elections to be
[6] Do you want z
martial law to e
continue? n
[Bulletin Today, s
January 11, '
1973; emphasis
supplied] p
"12. That according to reports, r
the returns with respect to the t
six (6) additional questions i
quoted above will be on a form c
similar or identical to Annex "A" i
hereof; p
"13. That attached to page 1 of t
Annex "A" is another page, i
which we marked as Annex "A- o
1", and which reads: — n

i We are sick and
n tired of too
g elections. We
o are fed up with
v politics, of so
e many debates
r and so much
n expenses.
n 5
. Probably a
period of at
QUESTION No. least seven (7)
2 years
moratorium on
But we do not elections will be
want the Ad enough for
Interim stability to be
Assembly to be established in
convoked. Or if the country, for
it is to be reforms to take
convened at all, root and
it should not be normalcy to
done so until return.
after at least
seven (7) years QUESTION No.
from the 6
approval of the
We want
Constitution by
the Citizens
Marcos to
Assemblies. continue with
Martial Law. We
QUESTION No. want him to
3 exercise his
powers with
The vote of the more authority.
Citizens We want him to
Assemblies be strong and
should already firm so that he
be considered can accomplish
the plebiscite on all his reform
the New programs and
Constitution. establish
normalcy in the
If the Citizens country. If all
Assemblies other measures
approve of the fail, we want
New President
Constitution, Marcos to
then the new declare a
Constitution revolutionary
should be government
deemed ratified. along the lines
of the new
without the ad

"Attention is respectfully invited

to the comments on "Question
No. 3," which reads: —


The vote of the

should be
considered the
plebiscite on the

If the Citizens
approve of the
then the new
should be
deemed ratified.

This, we are afraid, and

therefore allege, is pregnant
with ominous possibilities.

14. That, in the meantime,

speaking on television and over in relation to the question
the radio, on January 7, 1973, following it: —
the President announced that
the limited freedom of debate on D
the proposed Constitution was o
being withdrawn and that the
proclamation of martial law and y
the orders and decrees issued o
thereunder would thenceforth u
strictly be enforced [Daily
Express, January 8, 1973]; s
15. That petitioners have reason i
to fear, and therefore state, that l
the question added in the last l
list of questions to be asked to
the Citizens Assemblies, w
namely: — a
D t
o p
u l
b on the proposed Constitution is
i now pending;
c "16. That petitioners have
i reason to fear, and therefore
t allege, that if an affirmative
e answer to the two questions just
referred to will be reported then
t this Honorable Court and the
o entire nation will be confronted
with a fait accompli which has
b been attained in a highly
e unconstitutional and
undemocratic manner;
a "17. That the fait accompli would
consist in the supposed
expression of the people
approving the proposed
d Constitution;
o "18. That, if such event would
happen, then the case before
r this Honorable Court could, to
a all intents and purposes,
t become moot because,
i petitioners fear, and they
f therefore allege, that on the
y basis of such supposed
expression of the will of the
t people through the Citizens
h Assemblies, it would be
e announced that the proposed
Constitution, with all its defects,
n both congenital and otherwise,
e has been ratified;
"19. That, in such a situation the
C Philippines will be facing a real
o crisis and there is likelihood of
n confusion if not chaos, because
s then, the people and their
t officials will not know which
i Constitution is in force.
u "20. That the crisis mentioned
t above can only be avoided if
i this Honorable Court will
o immediately decide and
n announce its decision on the
? present petition;
"21. That with the withdrawal by
— the President of the limited
freedom of discussion on the
would be an attempt to by-pass proposed Constitution which
and short-circuit this Honorable was given to the people
Court before which the question pursuant to Sec. 3 of
of the validity of the plebiscite Presidential Decree No. 73, the
opposition of respondents to
petitioners' prayer at the subordinates
plebiscite be prohibited has now and substitutes,
collapsed and that a free and all other
plebiscite can no longer be officials and
held." persons who
may be
At about the same time, a assigned such
similar prayer was made in a task, from
"manifestation" filed by the collecting,
petitioners in L-35949, "Gerardo certifying, and
Roxas, et al. v. Commission on announcing and
Elections, et al.," and L-35942, reporting to the
"Sedfrey A. Ordoñez, et al. v. President or
The National Treasurer, et al." other officials
concerned, the
The next day, January 13, 1973,
which was a Saturday, the Court
issued a resolution requiring the
respondents in said three (3)
cases to comment on said results allegedly
"urgent motion" and obtained when
they were
"manifestation," "not later than
supposed to
Tuesday noon, January 16,
have met during
1973." Prior thereto, or on
January 15, 1973, shortly before the period
noon, the petitioners in said comprised
Case G.R. No. L-35948 riled a
January 10 and
"supplemental motion for
January 15,
issuance of restraining order
1973, on the
and inclusion of additional
respondents," praying — two questions
quoted in
paragraph 1 of
"... that a this
restraining Supplemental
order be issued Urgent Motion."
enjoining and
In support of this prayer, it was
alleged —
Commission on
Elections, as
well as the "3. That petitioners are now
Department of before this Honorable Court in
Local order to ask further that this
Governments Honorable Court issue a
and its head, restraining order enjoining
Secretary Jose herein respondents, particularly
Roño; the respondent Commission on
Department of Elections as well as the
Agrarian Department of Local
Reforms and its Governments and its head,
head, Secretary Secretary Jose Roño; the
Conrado Department of Agrarian
Estrella; the Reforms and its head, Secretary
National Conrado Estrella; the National
Ratification Ratification Coordinating
Coordinating Committee and its Chairman,
Committee and Guillermo de Vega; and their
its Chairman, deputies, subordinates and/or
Guillermo de substitutes, from collecting,
Vega; their certifying, announcing and
deputies, reporting to the President the
supposed Citizens' Assemblies Constitution
referendum results allegedly have provisions
obtained when they were for the secrecy
supposed to have met during of choice and of
the period between January 10 vote, which is
and January 15, 1973, one of the
particularly on the two questions safeguards of
quoted in paragraph 1 of this freedom of
Supplemental Urgent Motion; action, but
votes in the
"4. That the proceedings of the Citizens'
so-called Citizens' Assemblies Assemblies
are illegal, null and void were open and
particularly insofar as such were cast by
proceedings are being made the raising hands;
basis of a supposed consensus
for the ratification of the [c] The Election
proposed Constitution because: Code makes
— ample
provisions for
[a] The free, orderly
elections and honest
contemplated in elections, and
the Constitution, such provisions
Article XV, at are a minimum
which the requirement for
proposed elections or
constitutional plebiscites for
amendments the ratification
are to be of constitutional
submitted for amendments,
ratification, are but there were
elections at no similar
which only provisions to
qualified and guide and
duly registered regulate
voters are proceedings of
permitted to the so called
vote, whereas, Citizens'
the so called Assemblies;
Assemblies [d] It is seriously
were to be doubted
participated in that, for lack of
by persons 15 material time,
years of age more than a
and older, handful of the
regardless of so called
qualifications or Citizens'
lack thereof, as Assemblies
prescribed in have been
the Election actually formed,
Code; because the
mechanics of
[b] Elections or their
plebiscites for organization
the ratification were still being
of constitutional discussed a day
amendments or so before the
contemplated in day they were
Article XV of the supposed to
begin e
functioning: — n

" m
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s "5. That for lack of material time,
c the appropriate amended
u petition to include the additional
s officials and government
s agencies mentioned in
i paragraph 3 of this
o Supplemental Urgent Motion
n could not be completed
. because, as noted in the Urgent
" Motion of January 12, 1973, the
submission of the proposed
[ Constitution to the Citizens'
B Assemblies was not made
u known to the public until
l January 11, 1973. But be that
l as it may, the said additional
e officials and agencies may be
t properly included in the petition
i at bar because: —
[a] The herein
T petitioners have
o prayed in their
d petition for the
a annulment not
y only of
, Presidential
Decree No. 73,
J but also of "any
a similar decree,
n proclamation,
u order or
a instruction.
so that Presidential Decree No.
86, insofar at least as it attempts
1 to submit the proposed
0 Constitution to a plebiscite by
the so-called Citizens'
Assemblies, is properly in issue
in this case, and those who
enforce, implement, or carry out
7 the said Presidential Decree No.
86. and the instructions
incidental thereto clearly fall
within the scope of this petition;
"It should be recalled that the
Citizens' Assemblies were [b] In their
ordered formed only at the
beginning of the year [Daily
Express, January 1, 1973], and
sought the
considering the lack of
issuance of a
experience of the local writ of
organizers of said assemblies, preliminary
as well as the absence of
sufficient guidelines for
restraining not
organization, it is too much to
only the
believe that such assemblies
could be organized at such a named in the
short notice. petition but also
their "agents"
from required by law
implementing to perform
not only duties relative
Presidential to the conduct
Decree No. 73, of elections on
but also "any matters
other similar pertaining to the
decree, order, enforcement of
instruction, or the provisions
proclamation in of this Code ..."
relation to the [Election Code
holding of a of 1971, Sec.
plebiscite on 3].
January 15,
1973 for the "6. That unless the petition at
purpose of bar is decided immediately and
submitting to the Commission on Elections,
the Filipino together with the officials and
people for their government agencies
ratification or mentioned in paragraph 3 of this
rejection the Supplemental Urgent Motion are
1972 Draft or restrained or enjoined from
proposed collecting, certifying, reporting or
Constitution announcing to the President the
approved by the results of the alleged voting of
Constitutional the so-called Citizens'
Convention on Assemblies, irreparable damage
November 30, will be caused to the Republic of
1972"; and the Philippines, the Filipino
finally, people, the cause of freedom an
democracy, and the petitioners
[c] Petitioners herein because:
prayed for such
other relief [a] After the
which may be result of the
just and supposed
equitable. [p. voting on the
39, Petition]. questions
mentioned in
"Therefore, viewing the case paragraph 1
from all angles, the officials and hereof shall
government agencies have been
mentioned in paragraph 3 of this announced, a
Supplemental Urgent Motion, conflict will arise
can lawfully be reached by the between those
processes of this Honorable who maintain
Court by reason of this petition, that the 1935
considering, furthermore, that Constitution is
the Commission on Elections still in force, on
has under our laws the power, the one hand,
among others, of: — and those who
will maintain
(a) Direct and that it has been
immediate superseded by
supervision and the proposed
control over Constitution, on
national, the other,
provincial, city, thereby creating
municipal and confusion, if not
municipal chaos;
district officials
[b] Even the parties in G.R. No. L-35948 —
jurisdiction of inasmuch as the hearing in
this Court will connection therewith was still
be subject to going on — and the public there
serious attack present that the President had,
because the according to information
advocates of conveyed by the Secretary of
the theory that Justice, signed said
the proposed Proclamation No. 1102, earlier
Constitution has that morning. Thereupon, the
been ratified by writer read Proclamation No.
reason of the 1102 which is of the following
announcement tenor:
of the results of
of the so-called
Assemblies will
argue that,
pursuant to the BY THE 1971
Provisions of CONVENTION.
the proposed
Constitution, "WHEREAS, the Constitution
has placed proposed by the nineteen
Presidential hundred seventy-one
Decree Nos. 73 Constitutional Convention is
and 86 beyond subject to ratification by the
the reach and Filipino people;
jurisdiction of
this Honorable "WHEREAS, Citizens
Court." Assemblies were created in
barrios, in municipalities and in
On the same date — January districts/wards in chartered
15, 1973 — the Court passed a cities pursuant to Presidential
resolution requiring the Decree No. 86, dated December
respondents in said case G.R. 31, 1972, composed of all
No. L-35948 to file "file an persons who are residents of
answer to the said motion not the barrio, district or ward for at
later than 4 P.M., Tuesday, least six months, fifteen years of
January 16, 1973," and setting age or over, citizens of the
the motion for hearing "on Philippines and who are
January 17, 1973, at 9:30 a.m." registered in the list of Citizen
While the case was being Assembly members kept by the
heard, on the date last barrio, district or ward secretary;
mentioned, at noontime, the
Secretary of Justice called on "WHEREAS, the said Citizens
the writer of this opinion and Assemblies were established
said that, upon instructions of precisely to broaden the base of
the President, he (the Secretary citizen participation in the
of Justice) was delivering to him democratic process and to
(the writer) a copy of afford ample opportunity for the
Proclamation No. 1102, which citizenry to express their views
had just been signed by the on important national issues;
President. Thereupon, the writer
returned to the Session Hall and "WHEREAS, responding to the
announced to the Court, the clamor of the people and
pursuant to Presidential Decree members of all the Barangays
No. 86-A, dated January 5, (Citizens Assemblies)
1973, the following questions throughout the Philippines, and
were posed before the Citizens has thereby come into effect.
Assemblies or Barangays: Do
you approve of the New "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I
Constitution? Do you still want a have hereunto set my hand and
plebiscite to be called to ratify caused the seal of the Republic
the new Constitution? of the Philippines to be affixed.

"WHEREAS, fourteen million "Done in the City of Manila, this

nine hundred seventy-six 17th day of January, in the year
thousand five hundred sixty-one of Our Lord, nineteen hundred
(14,976,561) members of all the and seventy-three.
Barangays (Citizens
Assemblies) voted for the
adoption of the proposed
Constitution, as against seven
hundred forty-three thousand
eight hundred sixty-nine
(743,869) who voted for its
rejection; while on the question
as to whether or not the people
would still like a plebiscite to be
called to ratify the new
Constitution, fourteen million
two hundred ninety-eight
thousand eight hundred
fourteen (14,298,814) answered
that there was no need for a
plebiscite and that the vote of
the Barangays (Citizens
Assemblies) should be
considered as a vote in a

"WHEREAS, since the

referendum results show that
more than ninety-five (95) per
cent of the members of the
Barangays (Citizens
Assemblies) are in favor of the
new Constitution, the Katipunan
ng Mga Barangay has strongly
recommended that the new
Constitution should already be
deemed ratified by the Filipino

President of the Philippines, by
virtue of the powers in me
vested by the Constitution, do
hereby certify and proclaim that
the Constitution proposed by the
nineteen hundred and seventy-
one (1971) Constitutional
Convention has been ratified by
an overwhelming majority of all
of the votes cast by the
merits thereof, have deemedh it
best that each Member writei his
own views thereon and that l
thereafter the Chief Justice
should state the result orpthe
votes thus cast on the points
p in
issue. Hence, the individual
views of my brethren in then
Court are set forth in the e
opinions attached hereto,s
except that, instead of writing
"By the President: their separate opinions, some
Members have preferred to
"ALEJANDRO MELCHOR merely concur in the opinion of
"Executive Secretary" one of our colleagues.

Then the writer of said decision expressed his

Such is the background of the
own opinion on the issues involved therein, after
cases submitted determination.
After admitting some of the which he recapitulated the views of the Members
allegations made in the petition of the Court, as follows:
in L-35948 and denying the
other allegations thereof, 1. There is unanimity on the
respondents therein alleged in justiciable nature of the issue on
their answer thereto, by way the legality of Presidential
affirmative defenses: 1) that the Decree No. 73.
"questions raised" in said
petition "are political in 2. On the validity of the decree
character"; 2) that "the itself, Justices Makalintal,
Constitutional Convention acted Castro, Fernando, Teehankee,
freely and had plenary authority Esguerra and myself, or six (6)
to propose not only Members of the Court, are of
amendments but a Constitution the opinion that the issue has
which would supersede the become moot and academic,
present Constitution"; 3) that whereas Justices Barredo,
"the President's call for a Makasiar and Antonio voted to
plebiscite and the appropriation uphold the validity of said
of funds for this purpose are Decree.
valid"; 4) that "there is not an
improper submission" and 3. On the authority of the 1971
"there can be a plebiscite under Constitutional Convention to
Martial Law"; and 5) that the pass the proposed Constitution
"argument that the Proposed or to incorporate therein the
Constitution is vague and provisions contested by the
incomplete, makes an petitioners in L-35948, Justices
unconstitutional delegation of Makalintal, Castro, Teehankee
power, includes a referendum and Esguerra opine that the
on the proclamation of Martial issue has become moot and
Law and purports to exercise academic. Justices Fernando,
judicial power" is "not relevant Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio and
and ... without merit." Identical myself have voted to uphold the
defenses were set up in the authority of the Convention.
other cases under
4. Justice Fernando, likewise,
expressed the view that the
Immediately after the hearing 1971 Constitutional Convention
held on January 17, 1973, or had authority to continue in the
since the afternoon of that date, performance of its functions
the Members of the Court have despite the proclamation of
been deliberating on the Martial Law. In effect, Justices
aforementioned cases and, after
extensive discussions on the
Barredo, Makasiar and Antonio be determined
hold the same view. by the Court,
and that the
5. On the question whether the "purported
proclamation of Martial Law ratification of
affected the proper submission the Proposed
of the proposed Constitution to Constitution ...
a plebiscite, insofar as the based on the
freedom essential therefor is referendum
concerned, Justice Fernando is among Citizens'
of the opinion that there is a Assemblies falls
repugnancy between the short of being in
election contemplated under Art. strict conformity
XV of the 1935 Constitution and with the
the existence of Martial Law, requirements of
and would, therefore, grant the Article XV of the
petitions were they not moot 1935
and academic. Justices Constitution,"
Barredo, Antonio and Esguerra but that such
are of the opinion that issue unfortunate
involves questions of fact which drawback
cannot be predetermined, and notwithstanding,
that Martial Law per se does not "considering all
necessarily preclude the factual other related
possibility of adequate freedom, relevant
for the purposes contemplated. circumstances,
... the new
Constitution is
6. On Presidential Proclamation
No. 1102, the following views
were expressed:
and should be
recognized as
a. Justices legitimately in
Makalintal, force."
Teehankee, c. Justice
Makasiar, Zaldivar
Esguerra and
myself are of
that the
the opinion that
the question of
validity of said Constitution has
not been ratified
in accordance
has not been
with Article XV
properly raised
of the 1935
before the
Court, which, Constitution,
accordingly, and that,
accordingly, it
should not pass
has no force
upon such
and effect
b. Justice
d. Justice
Barredo holds
Antonio feels
that the issue
"that the Court
on the
is not
of Proclamation competent to
No. 1102 has act" on the
issue whether
been submitted
the Proposed
to and should
Constitution has and registered voter" and as "a class suit, for
been ratified by himself, and in behalf of all citizens and voters
the people or similarly situated," was amended on or about
not, "in the January 24, 1973. After reciting in substance the
absence of any facts set forth in the decision in the plebiscite
judicially cases, Javellana alleged that the President had
discoverable announced "the immediate implementation of
and the New Constitution, thru his Cabinet,
manageable respondents including," and that the latter "are
standards," acting without, or in excess of jurisdiction in
since the issue implementing the said proposed Constitution"
"poses a upon the ground: "that the President, as
question of fact. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, is without authority to create the
7. On the question whether or Citizens Assemblies"; that the same "are without
not these cases should be power to approve the proposed Constitution ...";
dismissed, Justices Makalintal, "that the President is without power to proclaim
Castro, Barredo, Makasiar, the ratification by the Filipino people of the
Antonio and Esguerra voted in proposed Constitution"; and "that the election
the affirmative, for the reasons held to ratify the proposed Constitution was not
set forth in their respective a free election, hence null and void."
opinions. Justices Fernando,
Teehankee, and the writer Similar actions were filed, on January 23, 1973,
similarly voted, except as by Vidal Tan, J. Antonio Araneta, Alejandro
regards Case No. L-35948 as to Roces, Manuel Crudo, Antonio U. Miranda,
which they voted to grant to the Emilio de Peralta and Lorenzo M. Tañada,
petitioners therein a reasonable against the Executive Secretary, the Secretaries
period of time within which to file of Finance, Justice, Land Reform, and National
appropriate pleadings should Defense, the Auditor General, the Budget
they wish to contest the legality Commissioner, the Chairman of the Presidential
of Presidential Proclamation No. Commission on Reorganization, the Treasurer of
1102. Justice Zaldivar favors the the Philippines, the Commission on Elections
granting of said period to the and the Commissioner of Civil Service on 4

petitioners in said Case No. L- February 3, 1973, by Eddie Monteclaro,

35948 for the aforementioned personally and as President of the National
purpose, but he believes, in Press Club of the Philippines, against the
effect, that the Court should go Executive Secretary, the Secretary of Public
farther and decide on the merits Information, the Auditor General, the Budget
everyone of the cases under Commissioner and the National Treasurer and 5

consideration. on February 12, 1973, by Napoleon V. Dilag,

Alfredo Salapantan, Jr., Leonardo Asodisen, Jr.
Accordingly, the Court — acting in conformity and Raul M. Gonzales, against the Executive

with the position taken by six (6) of its Secretary, the Secretary of National Defense,
members, with three (3) members
1 the Budget Commissioner and the Auditor
dissenting, with respect to G.R. No. L-35948,
2 General.
only and another member dissenting, as

regards all of the cases dismissed the same, Likewise, on January 23, 1973, Gerardo Roxas,
without special pronouncement as to costs. Ambrosio Padilla, Jovito R. Salonga, Salvador
H. Laurel, Ramon V. Mitra, Jr. and Eva Estrada-

The Present Cases Kalaw, the first as "duly elected Senator and
Minority Floor Leader of the Senate," and others
Prior thereto, or on January 20, 1973, Josue as "duly elected members" thereof, filed Case
Javellana filed Case G.R. No. L-36142 against G.R. No. L-36165, against the Executive
Secretary, the Secretary National Defense, the
the Executive Secretary and the Secretaries of
Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the
National Defense, Justice and Finance, to
Philippines, the Secretary of General Services,
restrain said respondents "and their
the President and the President Pro Tempore of
subordinates or agents from implementing any
of the provisions of the propose Constitution not the Senate. In their petition — as amended on
found in the present Constitution" — referring to January 26, 1973 — petitioners Gerardo Roxas,
et al. allege, inter alia, that the term of office of
that of 1935. The petition therein, filed by Josue
three of the aforementioned petitioners would8
Javellana, as a "Filipino citizen, and a qualified
expire on December 31, 1975, and that of the made in the preceding pages, the Supreme
others on December 31, 1977; that pursuant to
Court dismissed said cases on January 22,
our 1935 Constitution, "which is still in force 1973, by a majority vote, upon the ground that
Congress of the Philippines "must convene for the petitions therein had become moot and
its 8th Session on Monday, January 22, 1973, at academic; that the alleged ratification of the
10:00 A.M., which is regular customary hour of 1972 (1973) Constitution "is illegal,
its opening session"; that "on said day, from unconstitutional and void and ... can not have
10:00 A.M. up to the afternoon," said petitioner superseded and revoked the 1935 Constitution,"
"along with their other colleagues, were for the reasons specified in the petition as
unlawfully prevented from using the Senate amended; that, by acting as they did, the
Session Hall, the same having been closed by respondents and their "agents, representatives
the authorities in physical possession and and subordinates ...have excluded the
control the Legislative Building"; that "(a)t about petitioners from an office to which" they "are
5:00 to 6:00 P.M. the said day, the premises of lawfully entitled"; that "respondents Gil J. Puyat
the entire Legislative Building were ordered and Jose Roy have unlawfully refrained from
cleared by the same authorities, and no one was convening the Senate for its 8th session,
allowed to enter and have access to said assuming general jurisdiction over the Session
premises"; that "(r)espondent Senate President Hall and the premises of the Senate and ...
Gil J. Puyat and, in his absence, respondent continue such inaction up to this time and ... a
President Pro Tempore Jose Roy we asked by writ of mandamus is warranted in order to
petitioning Senators to perform their duties compel them to comply with the duties and
under the law and the Rules of the Senate, but functions specifically enjoined by law"; and that
unlawfully refrained and continue to refrain from "against the above mentioned unlawful acts of
doing so"; that the petitioners ready and willing the respondents, the petitioners have no appeal
to perform their duties as duly elected members nor other speedy and adequate remedy in the
of the Senate of the Philippines," but respondent ordinary course of law except by invoking the
Secretary of National Defense, Executive equitable remedies of mandamus and prohibition
Secretary and Chief of Staff, "through their with the provisional remedy of preliminary
agents and representatives, are preventing mandatory injunction."
petitioners from performing their duties as duly
elected Senators of the Philippines"; that "the Premised upon the foregoing allegations, said
Senate premise in the Congress of the petitioners prayed that, "pending hearing on the
Philippines Building ... are occupied by and are merits, a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction
under the physical control of the elements be issued ordering respondents Executive
military organizations under the direction of said Secretary, the Secretary of National Defense,
respondents"; that, as per "official reports, the the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the
Department of General Services ... is now the Philippines, and the ... Secretary of General
civilian agency in custody of the premises of the Service, as well as all their agents,
Legislative Building"; that respondents "have representatives and subordinates to vacate the
unlawfully excluded and prevented, and continue premises of the Senate of the Philippines and to
to so exclude and prevent" the petitioners "from deliver physical possession of the same to the
the performance of their sworn duties, invoking President of the Senate or his authorized
the alleged approval of the 1972 (1973) representative"; and that hearing, judgment be
Constitution of the Philippines by action of the rendered declaring null and Proclamation No.
so-called Citizens' Assemblies on January 10, 1102 ... and any order, decree, proclamation
1973 to January 15, 1973, as stated in and by having the same import and objective, issuing
virtue of Proclamation No. 1102 signed and writs of prohibition and mandamus, as prayed for
issued by the President of the Philippines"; that against above-mentioned respondents, and
"the alleged creation of the Citizens' Assemblies making the writ injunction permanent; and that a
as instrumentalities for the ratification of the writ of mandamus be issued against the
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines" is respondents Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy directing
inherently illegal and palpably unconstitutional; them to comply with their duties and functions as
that respondents Senate President and Senate President and President Pro Tempore,
President Pro Tempore "have unlawfully respectively, of the Senate of Philippines, as
refrained and continue to refrain from and/or provided by law and the Rules of the Senate."
unlawfully neglected and continue to neglect the
performance of their duties and functions as
Required to comment on the above-mentioned
such officers under the law and the Rules of the
petitions and/or amended petitions, respondents
Senate" quoted in the petition; that because of
filed, with the leave Court first had and obtained,
events supervening the institution of the a consolidated comment on said petitions and/or
plebiscite cases, to which reference has been amended petitions, alleging that the same ought
to have been dismissed outright; controverting within which to submit their notes of oral
petitioners' allegations concerning the alleged arguments and additional arguments, as well as
lack impairment of the freedom of the 1971 the documents required of them or whose
Constitution Convention to approve the presentation was reserved by them. The same
proposed Constitution, its alleged lack of resolution granted the parties until March 1,
authority to incorporate certain contested 1973, to reply to the notes filed by their
provisions thereof, the alleged lack of authority respective opponents. Counsel for the
of the President to create and establish Citizens' petitioners in G.R. Nos. L-36164 and L-36165
Assemblies "for the purpose submitting to them filed their aforementioned notes on February 24,
the matter of ratification of the new Constitution," 1973, on which date the Solicitor General sought
the alleged "improper or inadequate submiss of an extension of time up to March 3, 1973, within
the proposed constitution," the "procedure for which to file his notes, which was granted, with
ratification adopted ... through the Citizens the understanding that said notes shall include
Assemblies"; a maintaining that: 1) "(t)he Court his reply to the notes already filed by the
is without jurisdiction to act on these petitions"; petitioners in G.R. Nos. L-36164 a L-36165.
2) the questions raised therein are "political in Counsel for the petitioners, likewise, moved and
character and therefore nonjusticiable"; 3) "there were granted an extension of time, to expire on
substantial compliance with Article XV of the 1 March 10, 1973, within which to file, as they did,
Constitution"; 4) "(t)he Constitution was properly their notes in reply to those submitted by the
submitted the people in a free, orderly and Solicitor General on March 3, 1973. On March
honest election; 5) "Proclamation No. 1102, 21, 1973, petitioners in L-36165 filed a
certifying the results of the election, is conclusive "Manifestation a Supplemental Rejoinder,"
upon the courts"; and 6) "(t)he amending whereas the Office of the Solicitor General
process outlined in Article XV of the 1935 submitted in all these cases a "Rejoinder
Constitution is not exclusive of other modes of Petitioners' Replies."
After deliberating on these cases, the members
Respondents Puyat and Roy, in said Case G.R. of the Court agreed that each would write his
No. L-36165, filed their separate comment own opinion and serve a copy thereof on his
therein, alleging that "(t)he subject matter" of colleagues, and this they did. Subsequently, the
said case "is a highly political question which, Court discussed said opinions and votes were
under the circumstances, this ...Court would not cast thereon. Such individual opinions are
be in a position to act upon judicially," and that, appended hereto.
in view of the opinions expressed by three
members of this Court in its decision in the Accordingly, the writer will first express his
plebiscite cases, in effect upholding the validity person opinion on the issues before the Court.
of Proclamation No. 1102, "further proceedings After the exposition his aforesaid opinion, the
in this case may only be an academic exercise writer will make, concurrently with his colleagues
in futility." in the Court, a resume of summary of the votes
cast by them in these cases.
On February 5, 1973, the Court issued a
resolution requiring respondents in L-36236 to Writer's Personal Opinion
comment on the petition therein not later than
Saturday, February 10, 1973, and setting the
case for hearing on February 12, 1973, at 9:30
a.m. By resolution dated February 7, 1973, this
Court resolved to consider the comments of the Alleged academic futility of further proceedings
respondents in cases G.R. Nos. L-36142, L- in G.R. L-36165.
36164, and L-36165, as motions to dismiss the
petitions therein, and to set said cases for This defense or theory, set up by counsel for
hearing on the same date and time as L-36236. respondents Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy in G.R.
On that date, the parties in G.R. No. L- No. L-36165, and, also, by the Solicitor General,
36283 agreed that the same be, likewise,
10 is predicated upon the fact that, in Our decision
heard, as it was, in fact, heard jointly with the in the plebiscite cases, Mr. Justice Barredo had
aforementioned cases G.R. Nos. L-36142, L- expressed the view that the 1935 Constitution
36164, L-36165 and L-36236. The hearing, had "pro tanto passed into history" and "been
which began on February 12, 1973, shortly after legitimately supplanted by the Constitution now
9:30 a.m., was continued not only that afternoon, in force by virtue of Proclamation No. 1102 ...";
but, also, on February 13, 14, 15 and 16, that Mr. Justice Antonio did not feel "that this
morning and afternoon, after which the parties Court competent to act" in said cases "in the
were granted up to February 24, 1973, noon, absence of any judicially discoverable and
manageable standards" and because "the thirds of all the members of the
access to relevant information is insufficient to Court.
assure the correct determination of the issue,"
apart from the circumstance that "the new Pursuant to this section, the concurrence of two-
constitution has been promulgated and great thirds of all the Members of the Supreme Court
interests have already arisen under it" and that is required only to declare "treaty or law"
the political organ of the Government has unconstitutional. Construing said provision, in a
recognized its provisions; whereas, Mr. Justice resolution dated September 16, 1949, then Chief
Esguerra had postulated that "(w)ithout any Justice Moran, voicing the unanimous view of
competent evidence ... about the circumstances the Members of this Court, postulated:
attending the holding" of the "referendum or
plebiscite" thru the Citizens' Assemblies, he ... There is nothing either in the
"cannot say that it was not lawfully held" and
Constitution or in the Judiciary
that, accordingly, he assumed "that what the
Act requiring the vote of eight
proclamation (No. 1102) says on its face is true Justices to nullify a rule or
and until overcome by satisfactory evidence" he
regulation or an executive order
could not "subscribe to the claim that such
issued by the President. It is
plebiscite was not held accordingly"; and that he
very significant that in the
accepted "as a fait accompli that the Constitution
previous drafts of section 10,
adopted (by the 1971 Constitutional Convention) Article VIII of the Constitution,
on November 30, 1972, has been duly ratified. "executive order" and
"regulation" were
Counsel for respondents Gil J. Puyat and Jose included among those that
Roy goes on to say that, under these required for their nullification the
circumstances, "it seems remote or improbable vote of two-thirds of all the
that the necessary eight (8) votes under the members of the Court. But
1935 Constitution, and much less the ten (10) "executive order" and
votes required by the 1972 (1973) Constitution, "regulation" were
can be obtained for the relief sought in the later deleted from the final draft
Amended Petition" in G.R. No. (Aruego, The Framing of the
L-36165. Philippine Constitution, Vol. I,
pp. 495, 496), and thus a mere
I am unable to share this view. To begin with, majority of six members of this
Mr. Justice Barredo announced publicly, in open Court is enough to nullify
court, during the hearing of these cases, that he them. 11

was and is willing to be convinced that his

aforementioned opinion in the plebiscite cases The distinction is not without reasonable
should be reconsidered and changed. In effect, foundation. The two thirds vote (eight [8] votes)
he thus declared that he had an open mind in requirement, indeed, was made to apply only to
connection with the cases at bar, and that in treaty and law, because, in these cases, the
deciding the same he would not necessarily participation of the two other departments of the
adhere to said opinion if the petitioners herein government — the Executive and the Legislative
succeeded in convincing him that their view — is present, which circumstance is absent in
should be sustained. the case of rules, regulations and executive
orders. Indeed, a law (statute) passed by
Secondly, counsel for the aforesaid respondents Congress is subject to the approval or veto of
had apparently assumed that, under the 1935 the President, whose disapproval cannot be
Constitution, eight (8) votes are necessary to overridden except by the vote of two-thirds (2/3)
declare invalid the contested Proclamation No. of all members of each House of Congress. A 12

1102. I do not believe that this assumption is treaty is entered into by the President with the
borne out by any provision of said Constitution. concurrence of the Senate, which is not

Section 10 of Article VIII thereof reads: required in the case of rules, regulations or
executive orders which are exclusive acts of the
All cases involving the President. Hence, to nullify the same, a lesser
constitutionality of a treaty or number of votes is necessary in the Supreme
law shall be heard and decided Court than that required to invalidate a law or
by the Supreme Court in banc, treaty.
and no treaty or law may be
declared unconstitutional Although the foregoing refers to rules,
without the concurrence of two regulations and executive orders issued by the
President, the dictum applies with equal force to
executive proclamation, like said Proclamation matter of ratification of an amendment to the
No. 1102, inasmuch as the authority to issue the Constitution should be settled by applying the
same is governed by section 63 of the Revised provisions of the Constitution in force at the time
Administrative Code, which provides: of the alleged ratification, or the old
Constitution. 16

Administrative acts and

commands of the (Governor- II
General) President of the
Philippines touching the Does the issue on the validity of Proclamation
organization or mode of No. 1102 partake of the nature of a political, and,
operation of the Government or hence, non-justiciable question?
rearranging or readjusting any
of the districts, divisions, parts The Solicitor General maintains in his comment
or ports of the (Philippine the affirmative view and this is his main defense.
Islands) Philippines and all acts
In support thereof, he alleges that "petitioners
and commands governing the
would have this Court declare as invalid the New
general performance of duties
Constitution of the Republic" from which — he
by public employees or
claims — "this Court now derives its authority";
disposing of issues of general that "nearly 15 million of our body politic from the
concern shall be made effective age of 15 years have mandated this Constitution
in executive orders.
to be the New Constitution and the prospect of
unsettling acts done in reliance on it caution
Executive orders fixing the against interposition of the power of judicial
dates when specific laws, review"; that "in the case of the New
resolutions, or orders are to Constitution, the government has been
have or cease to (have) effect recognized in accordance with the New
and any information concerning Constitution"; that "the country's foreign relations
matters of public are now being conducted in accordance with the
moment determined by law, new charter"; that "foreign governments have
resolution, or executive orders, taken note of it"; that the "plebiscite cases" are
may be promulgated in an "not precedents for holding questions regarding
executive proclamation, with all proposal and ratification justiciable"; and that "to
the force of an executive abstain from judgment on the ultimate issue of
order. 14
constitutionality is not to abdicate duty."

In fact, while executive order embody At the outset, it is obvious to me that We are not
administrative acts or commands of the being asked to "declare" the new Constitution
President, executive proclamations are mainly invalid. What petitioners dispute is the theory
informative and declaratory in character, and so that it has been validly ratified by the people,
does counsel for respondents Gil J. Puyat and especially that they have done so in accordance
Jose Roy maintain in G.R. No. with Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. The
L-36165. As consequence, an executive
petitioners maintain that the conclusion reached
proclamation has no more than "the force of an by the Chief Executive in the dispositive portion
executive order," so that, for the Supreme Court of Proclamation No. 1102 is not borne out by the
to declare such proclamation unconstitutional, whereases preceding the same, as the
under the 1935 Constitution, the same number predicates from which said conclusion was
of votes needed to invalidate an executive order, drawn; that the plebiscite or "election" required
rule or regulation — namely, six (6) votes — in said Article XV has not been held; that the
would suffice. Chief Executive has no authority, under the 1935
Constitution, to dispensewith said election or
As regards the applicability of the provisions of plebiscite; that the proceedings before the
the proposed new Constitution, approved by the Citizens' Assemblies did not constitute and may
1971 Constitutional Convention, in the not be considered as such plebiscite; that the
determination of the question whether or not it is facts of record abundantly show that the
now in force, it is obvious that such question aforementioned Assemblies could not have been
depends upon whether or not the said new held throughout the Philippines from January 10
Constitution has been ratified in accordance with to January 15, 1973; and that, in any event, the
the requirements of the 1935 Constitution, upon proceedings in said Assemblies are null and void
the authority of which said Constitutional as an alleged ratification of the new Constitution
Convention was called and approved the proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Convention,
proposed Constitution. It is well settled that the not only because of the circumstances under
which said Assemblies had been created and Castañeda, insofar as it adhered to the former

held, but, also, because persons disqualified to case, which view We, accordingly, abandoned
vote under Article V of the Constitution were and refused to apply. For the same reason, We
allowed to participate therein, because the did not apply and expressly modified,
provisions of our Election Code were not in Gonzales v. Commission on Elections, the 22

observed in said Assemblies, because the same political-question theory adopted in Mabanag v.
were not held under the supervision of the Lopez Vito. Hence, respondents herein urge

Commission on Elections, in violation of section Us to reconsider the action thus taken by the
2 of Article X of the 1935 Constitution, and Court and to revert to and follow the views
because the existence of Martial Law and expressed in Barcelon v. Baker and Mabanag v.
General Order No. 20, withdrawing or Lopez Vito. 24

suspending the limited freedom to discuss the

merits and demerits of said proposed The reasons adduced in support thereof are,
Constitution, impaired the people's freedom in however, substantially the same as those given
voting thereon, particularly a viva voce, as it was in support of the political-question theory
done in many instances, as well as their ability to advanced in said habeas corpus and plebiscite
have a reasonable knowledge of the contents of cases, which were carefully considered by this
the document on which they were allegedly Court and found by it to be legally unsound and
called upon to express their views. constitutionally untenable. As a consequence,
Our decision in the aforementioned habeas
Referring now more specifically to the issue on corpus cases partakes of the nature and effect
whether the new Constitution proposed by the of a stare decisis, which gained added weight by
1971 Constitutional Convention has been ratified its virtual reiteration in the plebiscite cases.
in accordance with the provisions of Article XV of
the 1935 Constitution is a political question or The reason why the issue under consideration
not, I do not hesitate to state that the answer and other issues of similar character are
must be in the negative. Indeed, such is the justiciable, not political, is plain and simple. One
position taken by this Court, 17 in an endless of the principal bases of the non-justiciability of
line of decisions, too long to leave any room for so-called political questions is the principle of
possible doubt that said issue is inherently and separation of powers — characteristic of the
essentially justiciable. Such, also, has been the Presidential system of government — the
consistent position of the courts of the United functions of which are classified or divided, by
States of America, whose decisions have a reason of their nature, into three (3) categories,
persuasive effect in this jurisdiction, our namely: 1) those involving the making of laws,
constitutional system in the 1935 Constitution which are allocated to the legislative department;
being patterned after that of the United States. 2) those concerned mainly with the enforcement
Besides, no plausible reason has, to my mind, of such laws and of judicial decisions applying
been advanced to warrant a departure from said and/or interpreting the same, which belong to
position, consistently with the form of the executive department; and 3) those dealing
government established under said with the settlement of disputes, controversies or
Constitution.. conflicts involving rights, duties or prerogatives
that are legally demandable and enforceable,
Thus, in the aforementioned plebiscite which are apportioned to courts of justice. Within
cases, We rejected the theory of the
its own sphere — but only within such sphere —
respondents therein that the question whether each department is supreme and independent of
Presidential Decree No. 73 calling a plebiscite to the others, and each is devoid of authority, not
be held on January 15, 1973, for the ratification only to encroach upon the powers or field of
or rejection of the proposed new Constitution, action assigned to any of the other departments,
was valid or not, was not a proper subject of but, also, to inquire into or pass upon the
judicial inquiry because, they claimed, it partook advisability or wisdom of the acts performed,
of a political nature, and measures taken or decisions made by the other
We unanimously declared that the issue was departments — provided that such acts,
a justiciable one. With identical unanimity, We measures or decisions are within the area
overruled the respondents' contention in the allocated thereto by the Constitution. 25

1971 habeas corpus cases, questioning Our


authority to determine the constitutional This principle of separation of powers under the
sufficiency of the factual bases of the presidential system goes hand in hand with the
Presidential proclamation suspending the system of checks and balances, under which
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus on August each department is vested by the Fundamental
21, 1971, despite the opposite view taken by this Law with some powers to forestall, restrain or
Court in Barcelona v. Baker and Montenegro v.
arrest a possible or actual misuse or abuse of
powers by the other departments. Hence, the that it is a matter which is to be
appointing power of the Executive, his pardoning exercised by the people in their
power, his veto power, his authority to call the primary political capacity, or that
Legislature or Congress to special sessions and it has been specifically
even to prescribe or limit the object or objects of delegated to some other
legislation that may be taken up in such department or particular officer
sessions, etc. Conversely, Congress or an of the government, with
agency or arm thereof — such as the discretionary power to act.
commission on Appointments — may approve or See State vs. Cunningham, 81
disapprove some appointments made by the Wis. 497, N.W. 724, 15 L.R.A.
President. It, also, has the power of 561; In re Gunn, 50 Kan. 155;
appropriation, to "define, prescribe, and 32 Pac. 470, 948, 19 L.R.A.
apportion the jurisdiction of the various courts," 519; Green vs. Mills, 69 Fed.
as well as that of impeachment. Upon the other 852, 16 C.C.A. 516, 30 L.R.A.
hand, under the judicial power vested by the 90; Fletcher vs. Tuttle 151 Ill.
Constitution, the "Supreme Court and ... such 41, 37 N.E. 683, 25 L.R.A. 143,
inferior courts as may be established by law," 42 Am. St. Rep. 220. Thus
may settle or decide with finality, not only the Legislature may in its
justiciable controversies between private discretion determine whether it
individuals or entities, but, also, disputes or will pass law or submit a
conflicts between a private individual or entity, proposed constitutional
on the one hand, and an officer or branch of the amendment to the people. The
government, on the other, or between two (2) courts have no judicial control
officers or branches of service, when the latter over such matters, not merely
officer or branch is charged with acting without because they involve political
jurisdiction or in excess thereof or in violation of questions, but because they are
law. And so, when a power vested in said officer matters which the people have
or branch of the government by the Constitution delegated to
is absolute or unqualified, the acts in the the Legislature. The Governor
exercise of such power are said to be political in may exercise the powers
nature, and, consequently, non-justiciable or delegated him, free from judicial
beyond judicial review. Otherwise, courts of control, so long as he observes
justice would be arrogating upon themselves a the laws act within the limits of
power conferred by the Constitution upon the power conferred.
another branch of the service to the exclusion of His discretionary acts cannot be
the others. Hence, in Tañada v. Cuenco, this 26
controllable, not primarily
Court quoted with approval from In re because they are of a politics
McConaughy, the following:
nature, but because the
Constitution and laws have
"At the threshold of the case we placed the particular matter
are met with the assertion that under his control. But every
the questions involved are officer under constitutional
political, and not judicial. If this government must act
is correct, the court has no accordingly to law and subject
jurisdiction as the certificate of its restrictions, and every
the state canvassing board departure therefrom or
would then be final, regardless disregard thereof must subject
of the actual vote upon the him to that restraining and
amendment. The question thus controlling power of the people,
raised is a fundamental one; but acting through the agency of the
it has been so often decided judiciary; for it must be
contrary to the view contended remembered that the people act
for by the Attorney General that through courts, as well as
it would seem to be finally through the executive or the
settled. Legislature. One department is
just as representative as the
other, and the judiciary is the
xxx xxx xxx
department which is charged
with the special duty of
"... What is generally meant, determining the limitations
when it is said that a question is which the law places upon all
political, and not judicial, is
official action. The recognition of interpreter of that constitution, will declare the
this principle, unknown except in amendment invalid." In fact, this very Court —

Great Britain and America, is speaking through Justice Laurel, an outstanding

necessary, to "the end that the authority on Philippine Constitutional Law, as
government may be one of laws well as one of the highly respected and foremost
and not of men" — words which leaders of the Convention that drafted the 1935
Webster said were the Constitution — declared, as early as July 15,
greatest contained in any written 1936, that "(i)n times of social disquietude or
constitutional document." political excitement, the great landmarks of the
(Emphasis supplied.) Constitution are apt to be forgotten or marred, if
not entirely obliterated. In cases of conflict,
and, in an attempt to describe the nature of a the judicial department is the only constitutional
political question in terms, it was hoped, organwhich can be called upon to determine the
understandable to the laymen, We added that proper allocation of powers between the several
"... the term "political question" connotes, in legal departments" of the government. 30

parlance, what it means in ordinary parlance,

namely, a question of policy" in matters The Solicitor General has invoked Luther v.
concerning the government of a State, as a body Borden in support of his stand that the issue

politic. "In other words, in the language of under consideration is non-justiciable in nature.
Corpus Juris Secundum (supra), it refers to Neither the factual background of that case nor
"those questions which, under the Constitution, the action taken therein by the Federal Supreme
are to be decided by the people in their Court has any similarity with or bearing on the
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full cases under consideration.
discretionary authority has been delegated to the
Legislature or executive branch of the Luther v. Borden was an action for trespass filed
government." It is concerned with issues by Luther with the Circuit Court of the United
dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a States against Borden and others for having
particular measure." forcibly entered into Luther's house, in Rhode
Island, sometime in 1842. The defendants who
Accordingly, when the grant of power is were in the military service of said former colony
qualified, conditional or subject to limitations, the of England, alleged in their defense that they
issue on whether or not the prescribed had acted in obedience to the commands of a
qualifications or conditions have been met, or superior officer, because Luther and others were
the limitations respected, is justiciable or non- engaged in a conspiracy to overthrow the
political, the crux of the problem being one government by force and the state had been
of legality or validity of the contested act, not its placed by competent authority under Martial
wisdom. Otherwise, said qualifications, Law. Such authority was the charter government
conditions or limitations — particularly those of Rhode Island at the time of the Declaration of
prescribed or imposed by the Constitution — Independence, for — unlike other states which
would be set at naught. What is more, the adopted a new Constitution upon secession from
judicial inquiry into such issue and the England — Rhode Island retained its form of
settlement thereof are the main functions of government under a British Charter, making only
courts of justice under the Presidential form of such alterations, by acts of the Legislature, as
government adopted in our 1935 Constitution, were necessary to adapt it to its subsequent
and the system of checks and balances, one of condition as an independent state. It was under
its basic predicates. As a consequence, We this form of government when Rhode Island
have neither the authority nor the discretion to joined other American states in the Declaration
decline passing upon said issue, but are under of Independence and, by subsequently ratifying
the ineluctable obligation — made particularly the Constitution of the United States, became a
more exacting and peremptory by our oath, as member of the Union. In 1843, it adopted a new
members of the highest Court of the land, to Constitution.
support and defend the Constitution — to settle
it. This explains why, in Miller v. Johnson, it
Prior thereto, however, many citizens had
was held that courts have a "duty, rather than a become dissatisfied with the charter
power", to determine whether another branch of government. Memorials addressed by them to
the government has "kept within constitutional the Legislature having failed to bring about the
limits." Not satisfied with this postulate, the court desired effect, meetings were held and
went farther and stressed that, if the Constitution associations formed — by those who belonged
provides how it may be amended — as it is in to this segment of the population — which
our 1935 Constitution — "then, unless the eventually resulted in a convention called for the
manner is followed, the judiciary as the drafting of a new Constitution to be submitted to
the people for their adoption or rejection. The Having offered to introduce evidence to prove
convention was not authorized by any law of the that the constitution of the rebels had been
existing government. The delegates to such ratified by the majority of the people, which the
convention framed a new Constitution which was Circuit Court rejected, apart from rendering
submitted to the people. Upon the return of the judgment for the defendants, the plaintiff took
votes cast by them, the convention declared that the case for review to the Federal Supreme
said Constitution had been adopted and ratified Court which affirmed the action of the Circuit
by a majority of the people and became the Court, stating:
paramount law and Constitution of Rhode Island.
It is worthy of remark, however,
The charter government, which was supported when we are referring to the
by a large number of citizens of the state, authority of State decisions, that
contested, however, the validity of said the trial of Thomas W. Dorr took
proceedings. This notwithstanding, one Thomas place after the constitution of
W. Dorr, who had been elected governor under 1843 went into operation. The
the new Constitution of the rebels, prepared to judges who decided that case
assert authority by force of arms, and many held their authority under that
citizens assembled to support him. Thereupon, constitution and it is admitted on
the charter government passed an Act declaring all hands that it was adopted by
the state under Martial Law and adopted the people of the State, and is
measures to repel the threatened attack and the lawful and established
subdue the rebels. This was the state of affairs government. It is the decision,
when the defendants, who were in the military therefore, of a State court,
service of the charter government and were to whose judicial authority to
arrest Luther, for engaging in the support of the decide upon the constitution and
rebel government — which was never able to laws of Rhode Island is not
exercise any authority in the state — broke into questioned by either party to
his house. this controversy, although the
government under which it
Meanwhile, the charter government had taken acted was framed and adopted
measures to call its own convention to revise the under the sanction and laws of
existing form of government. Eventually, a new the charter government.
constitution was drafted by a convention held
under the authority of the charter government, The point, then, raised here has
and thereafter was adopted and ratified by the been already decided by the
people. "(T)he times and places at which the courts of Rhode Island. The
votes were to be given, the persons who were to question relates, altogether, to
receive and return them, and the qualifications of the constitution and laws of that
the voters having all been previously authorized State, and the well settled rule
and provided for by law passed by the charter in this court is, that the courts of
government," the latter formally surrendered all the United States adopt and
of its powers to the new government, follow the decisions of the State
established under its authority, in May 1843, courts in questions which
which had been in concern merely the constitution
operation uninterruptedly since then. and laws of the State.

About a year before, or in May 1842, Dorr, at the Upon what ground could the
head of a military force, had made an Circuit Court of the United
unsuccessful attempt to take possession of the States which tried this case
state arsenal in Providence, but he was have departed from this rule,
repulsed, and, after an "assemblage of some and disregarded and overruled
hundreds of armed men under his command at the decisions of the courts of
Chepatchet in the June following, which Rhode Island? Undoubtedly the
dispersed upon approach of the troops of the old courts of the United States have
government, no further effort was made to certain powers under the
establish" his government. "... until the Constitution and laws of the
Constitution of 1843" — adopted under the United States which do not
auspices of the charter government — "went into belong to the State courts.
operation, the charter government continued to But the power of determining
assert its authority and exercise its powers and that a State government has
to enforce obedience throughout the state ... ." been lawfully established, which
the courts of the State disown In short, the views expressed by the Federal
and repudiate, is not one of Supreme Court in Luther v. Borden, decided in
them. Upon such a question the 1849, on matters otherthan those referring to its
courts of the United States are power to review decisions of a state court
bound to follow the decisions of concerning the constitution and government
the State tribunals, and must of that state, not the Federal Constitution or
therefore regard the charter Government, are manifestly neither, controlling,
government as the lawful and nor even persuasive in the present cases,
established government during having as the Federal Supreme Court admitted
the time of this contest.32
— no authority whatsoever to pass upon such
matters or to review decisions of said state court
It is thus apparent that the context within which thereon. In fact, referring to that case, the
the case of Luther v. Borden was decided is Supreme Court of Minnessota had the following
basically and fundamentally different from that of to say:
the cases at bar. To begin with, the case did not
involve a federal question, but one purely Luther v. Borden, 7 How. 1, 12
municipal in nature. Hence, the Federal L. Ed. 581, is always cited by
Supreme Court was "bound to follow the those who assert that the courts
decisions of the State tribunals" of Rhode Island have no power to determine
upholding the constitution adopted under the questions of a political
authority of the charter government. Whatever character. It is interesting
else was said in that case constitutes, therefore, historically, but it has not the
an obiter dictum. Besides, no decision slightest application to the case
analogous to that rendered by the State Court of at bar. When carefully analyzed,
Rhode Island exists in the cases at bar. it appears that it merely
Secondly, the states of the Union have a determines that the federal
measure of internal sovereignty upon which the courts will accept as final and
Federal Government may not encroach, controlling a decision of the
whereas ours is a unitary form of government, highest court of a state upon a
under which our local governments derive their question of the construction of
authority from the national government. the Constitution of the state. ...
Again, unlike our 1935 Constitution, the charter .33

or organic law of Rhode Island

contained no provision on the manner, Baker v. Carr, cited by respondents, involved

procedure or conditions for its amendment. an action to annul a Tennessee statute

apportioning the seats in the General Assembly
Then, too, the case of Luther v. Borden hinged among the counties of the State, upon the theory
more on the question of recognition that the legislation violated the equal protection
of government, than on recognition clause. A district court dismissed the case upon
of constitution, and there is a fundamental the ground, among others, that the issue was a
difference between these two (2) types of political one, but, after a painstaking review of
recognition, the first being generally conceded to the jurisprudence on the matter, the Federal
be a political question, whereas the nature of the Supreme Court reversed the appealed decision
latter depends upon a number of factors, one of and held that said issue was justiciable and non-
them being whether the new Constitution has political, inasmuch as:"... (d)eciding whether a
been adopted in the manner prescribed in the matter has in any measure been committed by
Constitution in force at the time of the purported the Constitution to another branch of
ratification of the former, which government, or whether the action of that
is essentially a justiciable question. There was, branch exceeds whatever authority has been
in Luther v. Borden, a conflict committed, is itself a delicate exercise in
between two (2) rival governments, antagonistic constitutional interpretation, and is a
to each other, which is absent in the present responsibility of this Court as ultimate interpreter
cases. Here, the Government established under of the Constitution ... ."
the 1935 Constitution is the very same
government whose Executive Department has Similarly, in Powell v. McCormack, the same

urged the adoption of the new or revised Court, speaking through then Chief Justice
Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Warren, reversed a decision of the Court of
Convention and now alleges that it has been Appeals of New York affirming that of a Federal
ratified by the people. District Court, dismissing Powell's action for a
declaratory judgment declaring thereunder that
he — whose qualifications were uncontested —
had been unlawfully excluded from the 90th Has the proposed new or revised Constitution
Congress of the U.S. Said dismissal was been ratified conformably to said Art. XV of the
predicated upon the ground, inter alia, that the 1935 Constitution?
issue was political, but the Federal Supreme
Court held that it was clearly a justiciable one. Petitioners in L-36142 maintain the negative
view, upon ground: 1) that the President "is
The Supreme Court of Minnessota undertook a without authority to create the Citizens'
careful review of American jurisprudence on the Assemblies" through which, respondents
matter. Owing to the lucidity of its appraisal maintain, the proposed new Constitution has
thereof, We append the same to this opinion as been ratified; that said Assemblies "are without
Annex A thereof. power to approve the proposed Constitution"; 3)
that the President "is without power to proclaim
After an, exhaustive analysis of the cases on this the ratification by the Filipino people of the
subject, the Court concluded: proposed Constitution"; and 4) that "the election
held (in the Citizens' Assemblies) to ratify the
proposed Constitution was not a free election,
The authorities are
thus practically uniform in hence null and void."
holding that whether a
constitutional amendment has Apart from substantially reiterating these
been properly adopted grounds support of said negative view, the
according to the requirements of petitioners in L-36164 contend: 1) that the
an existing Constitution is a President "has no power to call a plebiscite for
judicial question. There can be the ratification or rejection" of the proposed new
little doubt that the consensus of Constitution or "to appropriate funds for the
judicial opinion is to the effect holding of the said plebiscite"; 2) that the
that it is the absolute dutyof the proposed new or revised Constitution "is vague
judiciary to determine whether and incomplete," as well as "contains provisions
the Constitution has been which are beyond the powers of the 1971
amended in the manner Convention to enact," thereby rendering it "unfit
required by the Constitution, for ... submission the people;" 3) that "(t)he
unless a special tribunal has period of time between November 1972 when
been created to determine the the 1972 draft was approved and January 11-15,
question; and even then many 1973," when the Citizens' Assemblies
of the courts hold that the supposedly ratified said draft, "was too short,
tribunal cannot be permitted to worse still, there was practically no time for the
illegally amend the organic law. Citizens' Assemblies to discuss the merits of the
... .
36 Constitution which the majority of them have not
read a which they never knew would be
submitted to them ratification until they were
In the light of the foregoing, and considering that
asked the question — "do you approve of the
Art. XV of our 1935 Constitution prescribes the
method or procedure for its amendment, it is New Constitution?" during the said days of the
clear to my mind that the question whether or voting"; and that "(t)here was altogether no
freedom discussion and no opportunity to
not the revised Constitution drafted by the 1971
concentrate on the matter submitted to them
Constitutional Convention has been ratified in
when the 1972 draft was supposedly submitted
accordance with said Art. XV is a justiciable one
and non-political in nature, and that it is not only to the Citizens' Assemblies for ratification."
subject to judicial inquiry, but, also, that it is the
Court's bounden duty to decide such question. Petitioner in L-36236 added, as arguments in
support of the negative view, that : 1) "(w)ith a
government-controlled press, there can never be
The Supreme Court of the United States has
meaningfully postulated that "the a fair and proper submission of the proposed
courts cannot reject as 'no law suit' " — because Constitution to the people"; and 2) Proclamation
No. 1102 is null and void "(i)nasmuch as the
it allegedly involves a political question — "a
ratification process" prescribed "in the 1935
bona fide controversy as to whether some action
denominated "political" exceeds constitutional Constitution was not followed."

Besides adopting substantially some of the

grounds relied upon by the petitioners in the
above-mentioned cases, the petitioners in L-
36283 argue that "(t)he creation of the Citizens'
Assemblies as the vehicle for the ratification of
the Constitution was a deception upon the twenty-one years of age or over
people since the President announced the and are able to read and write,
postponement of the January 15, 1973 plebiscite and who shall have resided in
to either February 19 or March 5, 1973." 38
the Philippines for one year and
in the municipality wherein they
The reasons adduced by the petitioners in L- propose to vote for at least six
36165 in favor of the negative view have already months preceding the election.
been set forth earlier in this opinion. Hence, it is The National Assembly shall
unnecessary to reproduce them here. So it is, extend the right of suffrage to
with respect to the positions taken in L-36165 by women, if in a plebiscite which
counsel for therein respondents Gil J. Puyat and shall be held for that purpose
Jose Roy — although more will be said later within two years after the
about them — and by the Solicitor General, on adoption of this Constitution, not
behalf of the other respondents in that case and less than three hundred
the respondents in the other cases. thousand women possessing
the necessary qualifications
1. What is the procedure prescribed by the 1935 shall vote affirmatively on the
Constitution for its amendment? question.

Under section 1 of Art. XV of said Constitution, Sections 1 and 2 of Art. X of the Constitution
ordain in part:
three (3) steps are essential, namely:

Section 1. There shall be

1. That the amendments to the Constitution be
an independent Commission on
proposed either by Congress or by a convention
Elections composed of a
called for that purpose, "by a vote of three-
Chairman and two other
fourths of all the Members of the Senate and the
Members to be appointed by the
House of Representatives voting separately,"
President with the consent of
but "in joint session assembled";
the Commission on
Appointments, who shall hold
2. That such amendments be "submitted to the office for a term of nine years
people for their ratification" at an "election"; and and may not be reappointed. ...

3. That such amendments be "approved by a xxx xxx xxx

majority of the votes cast" in said election.
Sec. 2. The Commission on
Compliance with the first requirement is virtually Elections shall
conceded, although the petitioners in L-36164 have exclusive charge of the
question the authority of the 1971 Constitutional enforcement and administration
Convention to incorporate certain provisions into of all laws relative to
the draft of the new or revised Constitution. The the conduct of elections and
main issue in these five (5) cases hinges, shall exercise all other functions
therefore, on whether or not the last two (2) which may be conferred upon it
requirements have been complied with. by law. It shall decide, save
those involving the right to
2. Has the contested draft of the new or revised vote, all administrative
Constitution been submitted to the people for questions, affecting elections,
their ratification conformably to Art. XV of the including the determination of
Constitution? the number and location of
polling places, and the
In this connection, other provisions of the 1935 appointment of election
Constitution concerning "elections" must, also, inspectors and of other election
be taken into account, namely, section I of Art. V officials. All law enforcement
and Art. X of said Constitution. The former agencies and instrumentalities
reads: of the Government, when so
required by the Commission,
Section 1. Suffrage may be shall act as its deputiesfor the
exercised by male citizens of purpose of insuring fee, orderly,
the Philippines not otherwise and honest elections. The
disqualified by law, who are decisions, orders, and rulings of

the Commission shall be subject the Convention, and that, by way of
to review by the Supreme Court. compromise, it was eventually agreed to include,
in section 1 of Art. V of the Constitution, the
xxx xxx xxx 39 second sentence thereof imposing upon the
National Assembly established by the original
a. Who may vote in a plebiscite Constitution — instead of the bicameral
under Art. V of the Constitution? Congress subsequently created by amendment
said Constitution — the duty to "extend the right
of suffrage women, if in a plebiscite to, be held
Petitioners maintain that section 1 of Art. V of for that purpose within two years after the
the Constitution is a limitation upon the exercise adoption of this Constitution, not less than three
of the right of suffrage. They claim that no other hundred thousand women possessing the
persons than "citizens of the Philippines not necessary qualifications shall vote affirmatively
otherwise disqualified by law, who are twenty- on the question." 41

one years of age or over and are able to read

and write, and who shall have resided in the
The third recommendation on "compulsory"
Philippines for one year and in the municipality
voting was, also debated upon rather
wherein they propose to vote for at least six
extensively, after which it was rejected by the
months preceding the election," may exercise
the right of suffrage in the Philippines. Upon the Convention. This accounts, in my opinion, for

other hand, the Solicitor General contends that the permissive language used in the first
said provision merely guarantees the right of sentence of said Art. V. Despite some debates
on the age qualification — amendment having
suffrage to persons possessing the
been proposed to reduce the same to 18 or 20,
aforementioned qualifications and none of the
which were rejected, and the residence
disqualifications, prescribed by law, and that
said right may be vested by competent qualification, as well as the disqualifications to
authorities in persons lacking some or all of the the exercise of the right of suffrage — the
second recommendation limiting the right of
aforementioned qualifications,
and possessing some of the aforesaid suffrage to those who could "read and write" was
— in the language of Dr. Jose M. Aruego, one of
disqualifications. In support of this view, he
the Delegates to said Convention — "readily
invokes the permissive nature of the language
approved in the Convention without any
— "(s)uffrage may be exercised" — used in
dissenting vote," although there was some
section 1 of Art. V of the Constitution, and the
debate on whether the Fundamental Law should
provisions of the Revised Barrio Charter,
specify the language or dialect that the voter
Republic Act No. 3590, particularly sections 4
could read and write, which was decided in the
and 6 thereof, providing that citizens of the
Philippines "eighteen years of age or over," who negative. 43

are registered in the list of barrio assembly

members, shall be members thereof and may What is relevant to the issue before Us is the
participate as such in the plebiscites prescribed fact that the constitutional provision under
in said Act. consideration was meant to be and is
a grant or conferment of a right to persons
I cannot accept the Solicitor General's theory. possessing the qualifications and none of the
Art. V of the Constitution declares who may disqualifications therein mentioned, which in
turn, constitute a limitation of or restriction to
exercise the right of suffrage, so that those
said right, and cannot, accordingly, be
lacking the qualifications therein prescribed
may not exercise such right. This view is borne dispensed with, except by constitutional
out by the records of the Constitutional amendment. Obviously, every such
constitutional grant or conferment of a right is
Convention that drafted the 1935 Constitution.
necessarily a negation of the authority of
Indeed, section 1 of Art. V of the 1935
Congress or of any other branch of the
Constitution was largely based on the report of
Government to deny said right to the subject of
the committee on suffrage of the Convention that
drafted said Constitution which report was, in the grant — and, in this sense only, may the
turn, "strongly influenced by the election laws same partake of the nature of a guarantee. But,
this does not imply not even remotely, that the
then in force in the Philippines ... ." " Said

Fundamental Law allows Congress or anybody

committee had recommended: 1) "That the right
of suffrage should exercised only by male else to vest in those lacking the qualifications
and having the disqualifications mentioned in the
citizens of the Philippines." 2) "That should
be limited to those who could read and write." 3) Constitution the right of suffrage.
"That the duty to vote should be
made obligatory." It appears that the first At this juncture, it is noteworthy that the
recommendation was discussed extensively in committee on suffrage responsible for the
adoption of section 1 of Art. V of the Constitution Upon the other hand, the question, whether 18-
was "strongly influenced by the election laws year-old members of barrio assemblies may vote
then in force in the Philippines." Our first in barrio assembly plebiscites is, to say the least,
Election Law was Act 1582, passed on January a debatable one. Indeed, there seems to be a
9, 1907, which was partly amended by Acts conflict between the last paragraph of said
1669, 1709, 1726 and 1768, and incorporated section 6 of Rep. Act No. 3590, pursuant to

into the Administrative Code of 1916 — Act 2657 which the "majority vote of all the barrio
— as chapter 20 thereof, and then in the assembly members" (which include all barrio
Administrative Code of 1917 — Act 2711 — as residents 18 years of age or over, duly
chapter 18 thereof, which, in turn, was amended registered in the list of barrio assembly
by Act 3387, approved on December 3, 1927. members) is necessary for the approval, in an
Sections 431 and 432 of said Code of 1917, assembly plebiscite, of "any budgetary,
prescribing, respectively, the qualifications for supplemental appropriations or special tax
and disqualifications from voting, are quoted ordinances," whereas, according to the
below. In all of these legislative acts, the
paragraph preceding the penultimate one of said
provisions concerning the qualifications of voters section, "(a)ll duly registered barrio assembly

partook of the nature of a grant or recognition of members qualified to vote" — who, pursuant to
the right of suffrage, and, hence, of section 10 of the same Act, must be citizens "of
a denial thereof to those who lacked the the Philippines, twenty-one years of age or over,
requisite qualification and possessed any of the able to read and write," and residents the barrio
statutory disqualifications. In short, the history of "during the six months immediately preceding
section 1, Art. V of the Constitution, shows election, duly registered in the list of voters" and
beyond doubt than the same conferred — not " otherwise disqualified ..." — just like the
guaranteed — the authority to persons having provisions of present and past election codes of
the qualifications prescribed therein and none of the Philippines and Art. V of the 1935
disqualifications to be specified in ordinary laws Constitution — "may vote in the plebiscite."
and, necessary implication, denied such right to
those lacking any said qualifications, I believe, however, that the apparent conflict
or having any of the aforementioned should resolved in favor of the 21-year-old
disqualifications. members of the assembly, not only because this
interpretation is in accord with Art. V the
This view is further bolstered by the fact that the Constitution, but, also, because provisions of a
1971 Constitutional Convention sought the Constitution — particularly of a written and rigid
submission to a plebiscite of a "partial one, like ours generally accorded a mandatory
amendment" to said section 1 of Art. V of the status — unless the intention to the contrary is
1935 Constitution, by reducing the voting age manifest, which is not so as regards said Art. V
from twenty-one (21) years to eighteen (18) — for otherwise they would not have been
years, which, however, did not materialize on considered sufficiently important to be included
account of the decision of this Court in Tolentino in the Fundamental Law of the land. Besides, it

v. Commission on Elections, granting the writs,

would be illogical, if not absurd, believe that
of prohibition and injunction therein applied for, Republic Act No. 3590 requires, for the most
upon the ground that, under the Constitution, all important measures for which it demands — in
of the amendments adopted by the Convention addition to favorable action of the barrio
should be submitted in "an election" or a single council — the approval of barrio
election, not separately or in several or distinct assembly through a plebiscite, lesser
elections, and that the proposed amendment qualifications than those prescribed in dealing
sought to be submitted to a plebiscite was not with ordinary measures for which such plebiscite
even a complete amendment, but a "partial need not be held.
amendment" of said section 1, which could be
amended further, after its ratification, had the It is similarly inconceivable that those who
same taken place, so that the aforementioned drafted the 1935 Constitution intended section 1
partial amendment was, for legal purposes, no of Art. V thereof to apply only to elections
more than of public officers, not to plebiscites for the
a provisional or temporary amendment. Said ratification of amendments to the Fundamental
partial amendment was predicated upon the Law or revision thereof, or of an entirely new
generally accepted contemporary construction Constitution, and permit the legislature to require
that, under the 1935 Constitution, persons below lesser qualifications for such ratification,
twenty-one (21) years of age could not exercise notwithstanding the fact that the object thereof
the right of suffrage, without a previous much more important — if not fundamental, such
amendment of the Constitution. as the basic changes introduced in the draft of
the revised Constitution adopted by the 1971
Constitutional Convention, which a intended to In Usman v. Commission on Elections, et
be in force permanently, or, at least, for many al., We held:

decades, and to affect the way of life of the

nation — and, accordingly, demands greater Several circumstances, defying
experience and maturity on the part of the exact description and
electorate than that required for the election of dependent mainly on the factual
public officers, whose average term ranges
milieu of the particular
from 2 to 6 years. controversy, have the effect of
destroying the integrity and
It is admitted that persons 15 years of age or authenticity of disputed election
over, but below 21 years, regardless of whether returns and of avoiding
or not they possessed the other qualifications their prima facie value and
laid down in both the Constitution and the character. If satisfactorily
present Election Code, and of whether or not
proven, although in a summary
they are disqualified under the provisions of said proceeding, such circumstances
Constitution and Code, or those of Republic
as alleged by the affected or
Act No. 3590, have participated and voted in
interested parties, stamp the
the Citizens' Assemblies that have allegedly election returns with the
ratified the new or revised Constitution drafted indelible mark of falsity and
by the 1971 Constitutional Convention. irregularity, and, consequently,
of unreliability, and justify their
In fact, according to the latest official data, the exclusion from the canvass.
total number of registered voters 21 years of age
or over in the entire Philippines, available in Then, too, the 1935 Constitution requires "a
January 1973, was less than 12 million. Yet, majority of the votes cast" for a proposed
Proclamation No. 1102 states that 14,976,56 amendment to the Fundamental Law to be
"members of all the Barangays (Citizens "valid" as part thereof, and the term "votes cast"
Assemblies) voted for the adoption of the has a well-settled meaning.
proposed Constitution, as against ... 743,869
who voted for its rejection," whereas, on the The term "votes cast" ... was
question whether or not the people still wanted a held in Smith v. Renville County
plebiscite to be called to ratify the new Commissioners, 65 N.W. 956,
Constitution, "... 14,298,814 answered that there 64 Minn. 16, to have been used
was no need for a plebiscite and that the vote of as an equivalent of
the Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) should be "ballots cast." 56

considered as a vote in a plebiscite." In other

words, it is conceded that the number of people
The word "cast" is defined as
who allegedly voted at the Citizens' "to deposit formally or
Assemblies for exceeded the number of

registered voters under the Election Code in

force in January 1973.
It seems to us that a vote is cast
It is thus clear that the proceedings held in such a ballot is deposited indicating a
Citizens' Assemblies — and We have more to
"choice." ... The word "cast"
say on this point in subsequent pages — were means "deposit (a ballot)
fundamentally irregular, in that persons lacking formally or officially ... .
the qualifications prescribed in section 1 of Art. V
of the Constitution were allowed to vote in said
Assemblies. And, since there is no means by ... In simple words, we would
which the invalid votes of those less than 21 define a "vote cast" as the
years of age can be separated or segregated exercise on a ballot of the
from those of the qualified voters, the choice of the voter on the
proceedings in the Citizens' Assemblies must be measure proposed. 58

considered null and void. 53

In short, said Art. XV envisages — with the term

It has been held that "(t)he power to reject "votes cast" — choices made on ballots — not
an entire poll ... should be exercised ... in a case orally or by raising — by the persons taking part
where it is impossible to ascertain with in plebiscites. This is but natural and logical, for,
reasonable certainty the true vote," as where "it since the early years of the American regime, we
is impossible to separate the legal votes from had adopted the Australian Ballot System, with
the illegal or spurious ... ." 54 its major characteristics, namely, uniform official
ballots prepared and furnished by the control over the Department of the Interior and
Government and secrecy in the voting, with the its Executive Bureau as to place the minority
advantage of keeping records that permit judicial party at such a great, if not decisive,
inquiry, when necessary, into the accuracy of the disadvantage, as to deprive it, in effect, of the
election returns. And the 1935 Constitution has opportunity to defeat the political party in power,
been consistently interpreted in all plebiscites for and, hence, to enable the same to perpetuate
the ratification rejection of proposed itself therein. To forestall this possibility, the
amendments thereto, from 1935 to 1967. Hence, original 1935 Constitution was amended by the
the viva voce voting in the Citizens' Assemblies establishment of the Commission on Elections
was and is null and void ab initio. as a constitutional body independent primarily of
the President of the Philippines.
b. How should the plebiscite be held?
(COMELEC supervision indispensable; essential The independence of the Commission was
requisites) sought to be strengthened by the long term of
office of its members — nine (9) years, except
Just as essential as compliance with said Art. V those first appointed — the longest under the

of the 19 Constitution is that of Art. X thereof, Constitution, second only to that of the Auditor
particularly its sections 1 and 2. Indeed, section General ; by providing that they may not be

1 provides that "(t)here shall be removed from office except by impeachment,

an independent Commission on Elections ... ." placing them, in this respect, on the same plane
The point to be stressed here is the term as the President, the Vice-President, the
"independent." Indeed, why was the term used? Justices of the Supreme Court and the Auditor
General; that they may not be reappointed; that
their salaries, "shall be neither increased nor
In the absence of said constitutional provision as
to the independence of the Commission, would it diminished during their term of office"; that the
decisions the Commission "shall be subject to
have been depends upon either Congress or the
review by the Supreme Court" only ; that "(n)o
Judiciary? The answer must be the negative,
pardon, parole, or suspension sentence for the
because the functions of the Commission —
violation of any election law may be granted
"enforcement and administration" of election
laws — are neither legislative nor judicial in without the favorable recommendation of the
nature, and, hence, beyond the field allocated to Commission" ; and, that its chairman and

members "shall not, during the continuance in

either Congress or courts of justice. Said
office, engage in the practice of any profession
functions are by their nature
essentially executive, for which reason, the or intervene, directly or indirectly, in the
management or control of any private enterprise
Commission would be under the "control" of the
President, pursuant to section 10, paragraph (1) which in anyway may affected by the functions
of Art. VII of the Constitution, if Art. X thereof did of their office; nor shall they, directly or indirectly,
be financially interested in any contract with the
not explicitly declare that it (the Commission) is
Government or any subdivision or
an "independent" body. In other words, in
instrumentality thereof." Thus, the framers of
amending the original 1935 Constitution, by
the amendment to the original Constitution of
inserting therein said Art. X, on the Commission
on Elections, the purpose was to make said 1935 endeavored to do everything possible
Commission independent principally of the Chief protect and insure the independence of each
Executive. member of the Commission.

And the reason therefor is, also, obvious. Prior With respect to the functions thereof as a body,
to the creation of the Commission on Elections section 2 of said Art. X ordains that "(t)he
Commission on Elections shall
as a constitutional organ, election laws in the
have exclusive charge of the enforcement and
Philippines were enforced by the then
administration all laws relative to the conduct of
Department of the Interior, through its Executive
elections," apart from such other "functions
Bureau, one of the offices under the supervision
and control of said Department. The same — which may be conferred upon it by law." It
like other departments of the Executive Branch further provides that the Commission "shall
decide, save those involving the right to
of the Government — was, in turn, under the
vote, all administrative question affecting
control of the Chief Executive, before the
elections, including the determination of the
adoption of the 1935 Constitution, and had been
number and location of polling places, and the
— until the abolition of said Department,
sometime ago — under the control of the appointment of election inspectors and of other
President of the Philippines, since the effectivity election officials." And, to forests possible
conflicts or frictions between the Commission,
of said Fundamental Law. Under the provisions
on one hand, and the other offices or agencies
thereof, the Executive could so use his power of
of the executive department, on the other, said laws from time immemorial — particularly at a
section 2 postulates that "(a)ll law enforcement time when the same was of utmost importance,
agencies and instrumentalities of the owing to the existence of Martial Law.
Government, when so required by the
Commission, shall act as its deputies for the In Glen v. Gnau, involving the casting of many

purpose of insuring free, orderly, and honest votes, openly, without complying with the
elections." Not satisfied with this, it declares, in requirements of the law pertinent thereto, it was
effect, that "(t)he decisions, orders, and ruling of held that the "election officers" involved "cannot
the Commission" shall not be subject to review, be too strongly condemned" therefor and that if
except by the Supreme Court. they "could legally dispense with such
requirement ... they could with equal propriety
In accordance with the letter and spirit of said dispense with all of them, including the one that
Art. X of the Constitution, Rep. Act No. 6388, the vote shall be by secret ballot, or even by
otherwise known as the Election Code of 1971, ballot
implements the constitutional powers of the at all ... ."
Commission on Elections and grants additional
powers thereto, some of which are enumerated Moreover, upon the formal presentation to the
in sections 5 and 6 of said Act, quoted Executive of the proposed Constitution drafted
below. Moreover, said Act contains, inter alia,
by the 1971 Constitutional Convention, or on
detailed provisions regulating contributions and December 1, 1972, Presidential Decree No. 73
other (corrupt) practices; the establishment of (on the validity of which — which was contested
election precincts; the designation and in the plebiscite cases, as well as in the
arrangement of polling places, including voting 1972 habeas corpus cases — We need not, in

booths, to protect the secrecy of the ballot; the case of bar, express any opinion) was
formation of lists of voters, the identification and issued, calling a plebiscite, to be held on
registration of voters, the proceedings therefor, January 15, 1973, at which the proposed
as well as for the inclusion in, or exclusion or Constitution would be submitted to the people
cancellation from said list and the publication for ratification or rejection; directing the
thereof; the establishment of municipal, publication of said proposed Constitution; and
provincial and files of registered voters; the declaring, inter alia, that "(t)he provision of the
composition and appointment of board of Election Code of 1971, insofar as they are not
election inspectors; the particulars of the official inconsistent" with said decree — excepting
ballots to be used and the precautions to be those "regarding right and obligations of political
taken to insure authenticity thereof; the parties and candidates" — "shall apply to the
procedure for the casting of votes; the counting conduct of the plebiscite." Indeed, section 2 of
of votes by boards of inspectors; the rules for the said Election Code of 1971 provides that "(a)ll
appreciation of ballots and the preparation and elections of public officers except barrio
disposition of election returns; the constitution officials and plebiscites shall be conducted in the
and operation of municipal, provincials and manner provided by this Code." General Order
national boards of canvassers; the presentation No. 20, dated January 7, 1973, postponing until
of the political parties and/or their candidates in further notice, "the plebiscite scheduled to be
each election precinct; the proclamation of the held on January 15, 1973," said nothing about
results, including, in the case of election of the procedure to be followed in plebiscite to take
public officers, election contests; and the place at such notice, and no other order or
jurisdiction of courts of justice in cases of decree has been brought to Our attention,
violation of the provisions of said Election Code expressly or impliedly repealing the provisions of
and the penalties for such violations. Presidential Decree 73, insofar as said
procedure is concerned.
Few laws may be found with such meticulous
and elaborate set of provisions aimed at Upon the other hand, said General Order No. 20
"insuring free, orderly, and honest election," as expressly suspended "the provisions of Section
envisaged in section 2 of Art. X of the 3 of Presidential Decree No. 73 insofar as they
Constitution. Yet, none of the foregoing allow free public discussion of proposed
constitutional and statutory provisions was Constitution ... temporarily suspending effects of
followed by the so-called Barangays or Citizens' Proclamation No. 1081 for the purposes of free
Assemblies. And no reasons have been given, open dabate on the proposed Constitution ... ."
or even sought to be given therefor. In many, if This specific mention of the portions of the
not most, instances, the election were held decrees or orders or instructions suspended by
a viva voce, thus depriving the electorate of the General Order No. 20 necessarily implies
right to vote secretly — one of the most, that all other portions of said decrees, orders or
fundamental and critical features of our election instructions — and, hence, the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 73 outlining the foregoing directives do not necessarily exclude
procedure to be followed in the plebiscite for exercise of the powers vested by the 1935
ratification or rejection of the proposed Constitution in the Commission on Elections,
Constitution — remained in force, assuming that even if the Executive had the authority to repeal
said Decree is valid. Art. X of our Fundamental Law — which he does
not possess. Copy of Presidential Decree No.
It is claimed that by virtue of Presidential Decree 86-B is appended hereto as Annex B hereof.
No. 86-A — the text of which is quoted
below — the Executive declared, inter alia, that
The point is that, such of the Barrio Assemblies
the collective views expressed in the Citizens' as were held took place without the intervention
Assemblies "shall be considered in the of the Commission on Elections, and without
formulation of national policies or programs and, complying with the provisions of the Election
wherever practicable, shall be translated into Code of 1971 or even of those of Presidential
concrete and specific decision"; that such Decree No. 73. What is more, they were held
Citizens' Assemblies "shall consider vital under the supervision of the very officers and
national issues ... like the holding of the agencies of the Executive Department sought to
plebiscite on the new Constitution ... and others be excluded therefrom by Art. X of the 1935
in the future, which shall serve as guide or basis Constitution. Worse still, said officers and
for action or decision by the national agencies of the 1935 Constitution would be
government"; and that the Citizens' Assemblies favored thereby, owing to the practical indefinite
"shall conduct between January 10 and 15, extension of their respective terms of office in
1973, a referendum on important national consequence of section 9 of the Transitory
issues, including those specified in paragraph 2 Provisions, found in Art. XVII of the proposed
hereof, and submit the results thereof to the Constitution, without any elections therefor. And
Department of Local Governments and the procedure therein mostly followed is such
Community Development immediately that there is no reasonable means of
thereafter, ... ." As in Presidential Decree No. 86, checking the accuracy of the returns files by the
this Decree No. 86-A does not and cannot officers who conducted said plebiscites. This is
exclude the exercise of the constitutional another patent violation of Art. of the
supervisory power of the Commission on Constitution which can hardly be sanctioned.
Elections or its participation in the proceedings And, since the provisions of this article form part
in said Assemblies, if the same had been of the fundamental scheme set forth in the 1935
intended to constitute the "election" or Plebiscite Constitution, as amended, to insure the "free,
required Art. V of the 1935 Constitution. The orderly, and honest" expression of the people's
provision of Decree No. 86-A directing the will, the aforementioned violation thereof renders
immediate submission of the result thereof to the null and void the contested proceedings or
Department of Local Governments Community alleged plebiscite in the Citizens' Assemblies,
Development is not necessarily inconsistent insofar as the same are claimed to have ratified
with, and must be subordinate to the the revised Constitution proposed by the 1971
constitutional power of the Commission on Constitutional Convention. "... (a)ll the
Elections to exercise its "exclusive authority over authorities agree that the legal definition of an
the enforcement and administration of all laws to election, as well as that which is usually and
the conduct of elections," if the proceedings in ordinarily understood by the term, is a choosing
the Assemblies would partake of the nature of or as election by those having a right to
an "election" or plebiscite for the ratification or participate (in the selection) of those who shall
rejection of the proposed Constitution. fill the offices, or of the adoption or rejection of
any public measure affecting the territory
We are told that Presidential Decree No. 86 was involved. 15 Cyc. 279; Lewis v. Boynton, 25
further amended by Presidential Decree No. 86- Colo. 486, 55 Pac. 732; Saunders v. Haynes, 13
B, dated 1973, ordering "that important national Cal. 145; Seaman v. Baughman, 82 Iowa 216,
issues shall from time to time; be referred to the 47 N.W. 1091, 11 L.R.A. 354; State v. Hirsh, 125
Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) for resolution Ind. 207, 24 N.E. 1062, 9 L.R.A. 170; Bouvier's
in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 86-A Law Dictionary. 68

dated January 5, 1973 and that the initial

referendum include the matter of ratification of IV
the Constitution by the 1971 Constitutional
Convention" and that "(t)he Secretary of the Has the proposed Constitution aforementioned
Department of Local Governments and been approved by a majority of the people in
Community Development shall insure the Citizens' Assemblies allegedly held
implementation of this order." As in the case of throughout the Philippines?
Presidential Decrees Nos. 86 and 86-A, the
Respondents maintain the affirmative, relying X of the 1935 Constitution was precisely inserted
upon Proclamation No. 1102, the validity of to place beyond the Executive the power to
which is precisely being contested by petitioners supervise or even exercise any authority
herein. Respondents claim that said whatsoever over "all laws relative to the conduct
proclamation is "conclusive" upon this Court, or of elections," and, hence, whether the elections
is, at least, entitled to full faith and credence, as are for the choice or selection of public officers
an enrolled bill; that the proposed Constitution or for the ratification or rejection of any proposed
has been, in fact, ratified, approved or adopted amendment, or revision of the Fundamental
by the "overwhelming" majority of the people; Law, since the proceedings for the latter are,
that Art. XV of the 1935 Constitution has thus also, referred to in said Art. XV as "elections".
been "substancially" complied with; and that the
Court refrain from passing upon the validity of The Solicitor General stated, in his argument
Proclamation No. 1102, not only because such before this Court, that he had been informed that
question is political in nature, but, also, because there was in each municipality a municipal
should the Court invalidate the proclamation, the association of presidents of the citizens'
former would, in effect, veto the action of the assemblies for each barrio of the municipality;
people in whom sovereignty resides and from its that the president of each such municipal
power are derived. association formed part of a provincial or city
association of presidents of such municipal
The major flaw in this process of rationalization associations; that the president of each one of
is that it assumes, as a fact, the very premise on these provincial or city associations in turn
which it is predicated, and which, moreover, is formed part of a National Association or
contested by the petitioners. As the Supreme Federation of Presidents of such Provincial or
Court of Minnessota has aptly put it — City Associations; and that one Francisco Cruz
from Pasig, Rizal, as President of said National
... every officer under a Association or Federation, reported to the
constitutional government must President of the Philippines, in the morning of
act according to law and subject January 17, 1973, the total result of the voting in
to its restrictions, and every the citizens' assemblies all over the country from
departure therefrom or January 10 to January 15, 1973. The Solicitor
disregard thereof must subject General further intimated that the said municipal
him to the restraining and associations had reported the results of the
controlling of the people, acting citizens' assemblies in their respective
through the agency of the municipalities to the corresponding Provincial
judiciary; for it must be Association, which, in turn, transmitted the
remembered that the people act results of the voting in the to the Department of
through courts, as well as Local Governments and Community
through the executive or the Development, which tabulated the results of the
Legislature. One department is voting in the citizens' assemblies throughout the
just as representative as the Philippines and then turned them over to Mr.
other, and the judiciary is the Franciso Cruz, as President or acting President
department which is charged of the National Association or Federation,
with the special duty of whereupon Mr. Cruz, acting in a ceremonial
determining the limitations capacity, reported said results (tabulated by the
which the law places upon all Department of Governments and Community
official action. ... . Development) to the Chief Executive, who,
accordingly, issued Proclamation No. 1102.
Accordingly, the issue boils downs to whether or
not the Executive acted within the limits of his The record shows, however, that Mr. Cruz
authority when he certified in Proclamation No. was not even a member of any barrio council
1102 "that the Constitution proposed by the since 1972, so that he could possibly have been
nineteen hundred and seventy-one (1971) a member on January 17, 1973, of
Constitutional Convention has been ratified by a municipal association of presidents of barrio or
an overwhelming majority of all of the votes cast ward citizens' assemblies, much less of a
by the members of all the Barangays (Citizens Provincial, City or National Association or
Assemblies) throughout the Philippines and has Federation of Presidents of any such provincial
thereby come into effect." or city associations.

In this connection, it is not claimed that the Chief Secondly, at the conclusion of the hearing of
Executive had personal knowledge of the data these cases February 16, 1973, and in the
he certified in said proclamation. Moreover, Art. resolution of this Court of same date, the
Solicitor General was asked to submit, together Dissatisfaction with the results of this method
with his notes on his oral argument, a true copy and the development of more scientific and
of aforementioned report of Mr. Cruz to the satisfactory methods of raising revenue induced
President and of "(p)roclamation, decree, the Legislature to submit to the people an
instruction, order, regulation or circular, if any, amendment to the Constitution which provided
creating or directing or authorizing creation, merely that taxes shall be uniform upon the
establishment or organization" of said municipal, same class of subjects. This proposed
provincial and national associations, but neither amendment was submitted at the general
a copy of alleged report to the President, nor a election held in November, 1906, and in due
copy of any "(p)roclamation, decree, instruction, time it was certified by the state canvassing
order, regulation or circular," has been submitted board and proclaimed by the Governor as
to this Court. In the absence of said report, having been legally adopted. Acting upon the
"(p)roclamation, decree, instruction," etc., assumption that the amendment had become a
Proclamation No. 1102 is devoid of part of the Constitution, the Legislature enacted
any factual and legalfoundation. Hence, the statutes providing for a State Tax Commission
conclusion set forth in the dispositive portion of and a mortgage registry tax, and the latter
said Proclamation No. 1102, to the effect that statute, upon the same theory, was held
the proposed new or revised Constitution had constitutional" by said Court. "The district court
been ratified by majority of the votes cast by the found that the amendment had no in fact been
people, can not possibly have any legal effect or adopted, and on this appeal" the Supreme Court
value. was "required to determine the correctness of
that conclusion."
The theory that said proclamation is "conclusive
upon Court is clearly untenable. If it were, acts of Referring to the effect of the certification of the
the Executive and those of Congress could not State Board of Canvassers created by the
possibly be annulled or invalidated by courts of Legislature and of theproclamation made by the
justice. Yet, such is not the case. In fact, even a Governor based thereon, the Court held: "It will
resolution of Congress declaring that a given be noted that this board does no more than
person has been elected President or Vice- tabulate the reports received from the various
President of the Philippines as provided in the county board and add up and certify the results.
Constitution, is not conclusive upon the courts.
State v. Mason, 45 Wash. 234, 88 Pac. 126, 9
It is no more than prima facie evidence of what L.R.A. (U.S.) 1221. It is settled law that the
is attested to by said resolution. If assailed
decisions of election officers, and canvassing
directly in appropriate proceedings, such as an boards are not conclusive and that the final
election protest, if and when authorized by law, decision must rest with the courts, unless the
as it is in the Philippines, the Court may receive law declares that the decisions of the board shall
evidence and declare, in accordance therewith, be final" — and there is no such law in the cases
who was duly elected to the office involved. If
at bar. "... The correctness of the conclusion of
prior to the creation of the Presidential Electoral the state board rests upon the correctness of the
Tribunal, no such protest could be filed, it returns made by the county boards and it
was not because the resolution of Congress is inconceivable that it was intended that this
declaring who had been elected President or statement of result should be final and
Vice-President was conclusive upon courts of conclusive regardless of the actual facts. The
justice, but because there was no law permitting proclamation of the Governor adds nothing in
the filing of such protest and declaring what the way of conclusiveness to the legal effect of
court or body would hear and decide the same. the action of the canvassing board. Its purpose
So, too, a declaration to the effect that a given is to formally notify the people of the state of the
amendment to the Constitution or revised or new result of the voting as found by the canvassing
Constitution has been ratified by a majority of board. James on Const. Conv. (4th Ed.) sec.
the votes cast therefor, may be duly assailed in 523."
court and be the object of judicial inquiry,
in direct proceedings therefor — such as the In Bott v. Wartz, the Court reviewed the

cases at bar — and the issue raised therein may statement of results of the election made by the
and should be decided in accordance with the canvassing board, in order that the true results
evidence presented. could be judicially determined. And so did the
court in Rice v. Palmer. 74

The case of In re McConaughy is squarely in


point. "As the Constitution stood from the Inasmuch as Art. X of the 1935 Constitution
organization of the state" — of Minnessota — places under the "exclusive" charge of the
"all taxes were required to be raised under the Commission on Elections, "the enforcement and
system known as the 'general property tax.' administration of all laws relative to the conduct
of elections," independently of the Executive, raised thereby. Otherwise, we would be placing
and there is not even a certification by the upon the petitioners the burden of disproving a
Commission in support of the alleged results of defense set up by the respondents, who
the citizens' assemblies relied upon in have not so far established the truth of such
Proclamation No. 1102 — apart from the fact defense.
that on January 17, 1973 neither the alleged
president of the Federation of Provincial or City Even more important, and decisive, than the
Barangays nor the Department of Local foregoing is the circumstance that there is ample
Governments had certified to the President the reason to believe that many, if not most, of the
alleged result of the citizens' assemblies all over people did not know that the Citizens'
the Philippines — it follows necessarily that, Assemblies were, at the time they were held,
from a constitutional and legal viewpoint, plebiscites for the ratification or rejection of the
Proclamation No. 1102 is not even prima proposed Constitution. Hence, in Our decision in
facie evidence of the alleged ratification of the the plebiscite cases, We said, inter alia:
proposed Constitution.
Meanwhile, or on December 17,
Referring particularly to the cases before Us, it 1972, the President had issued
will be noted that, as pointed out in the an order temporarily suspending
discussion of the preceding topic, the new or the effects of Proclamation No.
revised Constitution proposed by the 1971 1081, for the purpose of free
Constitutional Convention was not ratified in and open debate on the
accordance with the provisions of the 1935 Proposed Constitution. On
Constitution. In fact, it has not even been, December 23, the President
ratified in accordance with said proposed announced the postponement of
Constitution, the minimum age requirement the plebiscite for the ratification
therein for the exercise of the right of suffrage or rejection of the Proposed
being eighteen (18) years, apart from the fact Constitution. No formal action to
that Art. VI of the proposed Constitution requires this effect was taken until
"secret" voting, which was not observed in January 7, 1973, when General
many, if not most, Citizens' Assemblies. Order No. 20 was issued,
Besides, both the 1935 Constitution and the directing "that the plebiscite
proposed Constitution require a "majority of the scheduled to be held on
votes cast" in an election or plebiscite called for January 15, 1973, be postponed
the ratification of an amendment or revision of until further notice." Said
the first Constitution or the effectivity of the General Order No. 20,
proposed Constitution, and the phrase "votes moreover, "suspended in the
cast" has been construed to mean "votes made meantime" the "order of
in writing not orally, as it was in many Citizens' December 17, 1972, temporarily
Assemblies. 75
suspending the effects of
Proclamation No. 1081 for
Even counsel for Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy, as purposes of free and open
respondents in L-36165, asserts openly that Art. debate on the proposed
XV of the Constitution has not been complied Constitution.
with, and since the alleged substantial
compliance with the requirements thereof In view of these events relative
partakes of the nature of a defense set up by the to the postponement of the
other respondents in these cases, the burden of aforementioned plebiscite, the
proving such defense — which, if true, should be Court deemed it fit to refrain, for
within their peculiar knowledge — is clearly on the time being, from deciding
such respondents. Accordingly, if despite the the aforementioned cases, for
extensive notes and documents submitted by neither the date nor the
the parties herein, the members of the Court do conditions under which said
not know or are not prepared to say whether or plebiscite would be held were
not the majority of the people or of those who known or announced officially.
took part in the Citizens' Assemblies have Then again, Congress was,
assented to the proposed Constitution, the pursuant to the 1935
logical step would be to give due course to these Constitution, scheduled to meet
cases, require the respondents to file their in regular session on January
answers, and the plaintiffs their reply, and, 22, 1973, and since the main
thereafter, to receive the pertinent evidence and objection to Presidential Decree
then proceed to the determination of the issues No. 73 was that the President
does not have the legislative [4] Do you like the plebiscite to
authority to call a plebiscite and be held later?
appropriate funds therefor,
which Congress unquestionably [5] Do you like the way
could do, particularly in view of President Marcos is running the
the formal postponement of the affairs of the
plebiscite by the President — government? [Bulletin Today,
reportedly after consultation January 10, 1973; emphasis an
with, among others, the leaders additional question.]
of Congress and the
Commission on Elections — the
[6] Do you approve of the
Court deemed it more
citizens assemblies as the base
imperative to defer its final
of popular government to decide
action on these cases.
issues of national interests?

And, apparently, the parties in said cases

[7] Do you approve of the new
entertained the same belief, for, on December
23, 1972 — four (4) days after the last hearing of
said cases — the President announced

the postponement of the plebiscite scheduled by [8] Do you want a plebiscite to

Presidential Decree No. 73 to be held on be called to ratify the new
January 15, 1973, after consultation with the Constitution?
Commission on Elections and the leaders of
Congress, owing to doubts on the sufficiency of [9] Do you want the elections to
the time available to translate the proposed be held in November, 1973 in
Constitution into some local dialects and to accordance with the provisions
comply with some pre-electoral requirements, as of the 1935 Constitution?
well as to afford the people a reasonable
opportunity to be posted on the contents and [10] If the elections would not be
implications of said transcendental document. held, when do you want the next
On January 7, 1973, General Order No. 20 was elections to be called?
issued formally, postponing said plebiscite "until
further notice." How can said postponement be [11] Do you want martial law to
reconciled with the theory that the proceedings continue? [Bulletin Today,
in the Citizens' Assemblies scheduled to be held January 11, 1973]
from January 10 to January 15, 1973, were
"plebiscites," in effect, accelerated, according to
To begin with, questions nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,
the theory of the Solicitor General, for the
10 and 11 are not proper in a plebiscite for the
ratification of the proposed Constitution? If said
ratification of a proposed Constitution or of a
Assemblies were meant to be the plebiscites or
proposed amendment thereto. Secondly, neither
elections envisaged in Art. XV of the
is the language of question No. 7 — "Do you
Constitution, what, then, was the
approve the new Constitution?" One approves
"plebiscite" postponed by General Order No. 20?
"of" the act of another which does not need such
Under these circumstances, it was only
approval for the effectivity of said act, which the
reasonable for the people who attended such
first person, however, finds to be good, wise
assemblies to believe that the same were not an
satisfactory. The approval of the majority of the
"election" or plebiscite for the ratification or
votes cast in plebiscite is, however, essential for
adoption of said proposed Constitution.
an amendment to the Constitution to be valid as
part thereof. Thirdly, if the proceedings in the
And, this belief is further bolstered up by the Citizens' Assemblies constituted a plebiscite
questions propounded in the Citizens' question No. 8 would have been unnecessary
Assemblies, namely: and improper, regardless of whether question
No. 7 were answered affirmatively or negatively.
[1] Do you like the New Society? If the majority of the answers to question No. 7
were in the affirmative, the proposed
[2] Do you like the reforms Constitution would have become effective and
under martial law? no other plebiscite could be held thereafter in
connection therewith, even if the majority of the
[3] Do you like Congress again answers to question No. 8 were, also, in the
to hold sessions? affirmative. If the majority of the answers to
question No. 7 were in the negative, neither may
another plebiscite be held, even if the majority of instructions to all those
the answers to question No. 8 were in the managing and supervising the
affirmative. In either case, not more holding of the Citizens'
than one plebiscite could be held for the Assembly meetings throughout
ratification or rejection of the proposed the province. ... Aside from the
Constitution. In short, the insertion of said two coordinators we had from the
(2) questions — apart from the other questions Office of the Governor, the
adverted to above — indicates strongly that the splendid cooperation and
proceedings therein did not partake of the nature support extended by almost all
of a plebiscite or election for the ratification or government officials and
rejection of the proposed Constitution. employees in the province,
particularly of the Department of
Indeed, I can not, in good conscience, declare Education, PC and PACD
that the proposed Constitution has been personnel, provided us with
approved or adopted by the people in the enough hands to trouble shoot
citizens' assemblies all over the Philippines, and implement sudden changes
when it is, to my mind, a matter of judicial in the instructions anytime and
knowledge that there have been no such anywhere needed. ...
citizens' assemblies in many parts of Manila and
suburbs, not to say, also, in other parts of the ... As to our people, in general,
Philippines. In a letter of Governor Efren B. their enthusiastic participation
Pascual of Bataan, dated January 15, 1973, to showed their preference and
the Chief Executive, the former reported: readiness to accept this new
method of government to
... This report includes a people consultation in
resumee (sic) of the activities shaping up government policies.
we undertook in effecting
the referendum on the eleven Thus, as late as January 10, 1973, the Bataan
questions you wanted our officials had to suspend "all scheduled Citizens'
people consulted on and the Assembly meetings ..." and call all available
Summary of Results thereof for officials "... to discuss with them the new set of
each municipality and for the guidelines and materials to be used ... ." Then,
whole province. "on January 11 ... another instruction from the
top was received to include the original five
xxx xxx xxx questions among those be discussed and asked
in the Citizens' Assembly meetings. With this
latest order, we again had to make modifications
... Our initial plans and
in our instructions to all those managing and
preparations, however, dealt
supervising holding of the Citizens' Assembly
only on the original five
meetings throughout province. ... As to our
questions. Consequently,
when we received an instruction people, in general, their enthusiastic
on January 10 to change the participation showed their preference and
questions, we urgently readiness to accept the new method of
government to people consultation in shaping
suspended all scheduled
up government policies."
Citizens Assembly meetings on
that day and called all Mayors,
Chiefs of Offices and other This communication manifestly shows: 1) that,
government officials to another as late a January 11, 1973, the Bataan officials
conference to discuss with them had still to discuss — not put into operation —
the new set of guidelines and means and ways to carry out the changing
materials to be used. instructions from the top on how to organize the
citizens' assemblies, what to do therein and
On January 11, ... another even what questions or topics to propound or
instruction from the top was touch in said assemblies; 2) that the assemblies
would involve no more than consultations or
received to include the original
dialogues between people and government —
five questions among those to
not decisions be made by the people; and 3) that
be discussed and asked in the
Citizens' Assembly meetings. said consultations were aimed only at "shaping
up government policies" and, hence could not,
With this latest order, we again
had to make modifications in our and did not, partake of the nature of a plebiscite
for the ratification or rejection of a proposed
amendment of a new or revised Constitution for recognizing a new state or government, in
the latter does not entail the formulation of accepting diplomatic representatives accredited
a policy of the Government, but the making to our Government, and even in devising
of decision by the people on the new way of life, administrative means and ways to better carry
as a nation, they wish to have, once the into effect. Acts of Congress which define the
proposed Constitution shall have been ratified. goals or objectives thereof, but are either
imprecise or silent on the particular measures to
If this was the situation in Bataan — one of the be resorted to in order to achieve the said goals
provinces nearest to Manila — as late as or delegate the power to do so, expressly or
January 11, 1973, one can easily imagine the impliedly, to the Executive. This,
predicament of the local officials and people in notwithstanding, the political organ of a
the remote barrios in northern and southern government that purports to be republican is
Luzon, in the Bicol region, in the Visayan Islands essentially the Congress or Legislative
and Mindanao. In fact, several members of the Department. Whatever may be the functions
Court, including those of their immediate families allocated to the Executive Department —
and their household, although duly registered specially under a written, rigid Constitution with a
voters in the area of Greater Manila, were not republican system of Government like ours —
even notified that citizens' assemblies would be the role of that Department is inherently,
held in the places where their respective basically and fundamentally executive in nature
residences were located. In the Prohibition and — to "take care that the laws be faithfully
Amendment case, attention was called to the
77 executed," in the language of our 1935
"duty cast upon the court of taking judicial Constitution. 79

cognizance of anything affecting the existence

and validity of any law or portion of the Consequently, I am not prepared to concede
Constitution ... ." In line with its own that the acts the officers and offices of the
pronouncement in another case, the Federal Executive Department, in line with Proclamation
Supreme Court of the United States stressed, No. 1102, connote a recognition thereof o an
in Baker v. Carr, that "a court is not at liberty
acquiescence thereto. Whether they recognized
to shut its eyes to an obvious mistake, when the proposed Constitution or acquiesce thereto
the validity of the law depends upon the truth of or not is something that cannot legally, much
what is declared." less necessarily or even normally, be deduced
from their acts in accordance therewith, because
In the light of the foregoing, I cannot see how the the are bound to obey and act in conformity with
question under consideration can be answered the orders of the President, under whose
or resolved otherwise than in the negative. "control" they are, pursuant to the 1935
Constitution. They have absolutely no other
choice, specially in view of Proclamation No.
1081 placing the Philippines under Martial Law.
Besides, by virtue of the very decrees, orders
Have the people acquiesced in the proposed and instructions issued by the President
Constitution? thereafter, he had assumed all powers of
Government — although some question his
It is urged that the present Government of the authority to do so — and, consequently, there is
Philippines is now and has been run, since hardly anything he has done since the issuance
January 17, 1971, under the Constitution drafted of Proclamation No. 1102, on January 17, 1973
by the 1971 Constitutional Convention; that the — declaring that the Constitution proposed by
political department of the Government has the 1971 Constitutional Convention has been
recognized said revised Constitution; that our ratified by the overwhelming majority of the
foreign relations are being conducted under people — that he could not do under the
such new or revised Constitution; that the authority he claimed to have under Martial Law,
Legislative Department has recognized the since September 21, 1972, except the power of
same; and that the people, in general, have, by supervision over inferior courts and its
their acts or omissions, indicated their conformity personnel, which said proposed Constitution
thereto. would place under the Supreme Court, and
which the President has not ostensibly
As regards the so-called political organs of the exercised, except as to some minor routine
Government, gather that respondents refer matters, which the Department of Justice has
mainly to the offices under the Executive continued to handle, this Court having preferred
Department. In a sense, the latter performs to maintain the status quo in connection
some functions which, from a constitutional therewith pending final determination of these
viewpoint, are politics in nature, such as in
cases, in which the effectivity of the But, it was recognized, not by the convention
aforementioned Constitution is disputed. itself, but by other sectors of the Government,
namely, the Governor; the Legislature — not
Then, again, a given department of the merely by individual acts of its members, but
Government cannot generally be said to have by formal joint resolution of its two (2) chambers;
"recognized" its own acts. Recognition normally by the judiciary; and by the people, in the
connotes the acknowledgment by a party of the various ways specified above. What is more,
acts of another. Accordingly, when a subordinate there was no martial law. In the present
officer or office of the Government complies with cases, none of the foregoing acts of
the commands of a superior officer or office, acquiescence was present. Worse still, there is
under whose supervision and control he or it is, martial law, the strict enforcement of which was
the former merely obeys the latter. Strictly announced shortly before the alleged citizens'
speaking, and from a legal and constitutional assemblies. To top it all, in the Taylor case, the
viewpoint, there is no act of recognition involved effectivity of the contested amendment was not
therein. Indeed, the lower officer or office, if he contested judicially until about one (1) year after
or it acted otherwise, would just be guilty of the amendment had been put into operation
insubordination. in all branches of the Government, and complied
with by the people who participated in the
Thus, for instance, the case of Taylor v. elections held pursuant to the provisions of the
Commonwealth — cited by respondents herein
new Constitution. In the cases under
in support of the theory of the people's consideration, the legality of Presidential Decree
No. 73 calling a plebiscite to be held on January
acquiescence — involved a constitution
15, 1973, was impugned as early as December
ordained in 1902 and "proclaimed by a
7, 1972, or five (5) weeks before the scheduled
convention duly called by a direct vote of the
people of the state to revise and amend the plebiscite, whereas the validity of Proclamation
Constitution of 1869. The result of the work of No. 1102 declaring on January 17, 1973, that
the proposed Constitution had been ratified —
that Convention has been recognized, accepted
and acted upon as the only valid Constitution of despite General Order No. 20, issued on
January 7, 1972, formally and officially
the State" by —
suspending the plebiscite until further notice —
was impugned as early as January 20, 1973,
1. The "Governor of the State in swearing fidelity when L-36142 was filed, or three (3) days after
to it and proclaiming it, as directed thereby"; the issuance of Proclamation No. 1102.

2. The "Legislature in its formal official act It is further alleged that a majority of the
adopting a joint resolution, July 15, 1902, members of our House of Representatives and
recognizing the Constitution ordained by the Senate have acquiesced in the new or revised
Convention ..."; Constitution, by filing written statements opting
to serve in the Ad Interim Assembly established
3. The "individual oaths of its members to in the Transitory Provisions of said Constitution.
support it, and by its having been engaged for Individual acts of recognition by members of our
nearly a year, in legislating under it and putting legislature, as well as of other collegiate bodies
its provisions into under the government, are invalid as acts of said
operation ..."; legislature or bodies, unless its members have
performed said acts in session duly assembled,
4. The "judiciary in taking the oath prescribed or unless the law provides otherwise, and there
thereby to support it and by enforcing its is no such law in the Philippines. This is a well-
provisions ..."; and established principle of Administrative Law and
of the Law of Public Officers, and no plausible
5. The "people in their primary capacity by reason has been adduced to warrant departure
peacefully accepting it and acquiescing in it, by therefrom. 81

registering as voters under it to the extent of

thousands throughout the State, and by voting, Indeed, if the members of Congress were
under its provisions, at a general election for generally agreeable to the proposed
their representatives in the Congress of the Constitution, why did it become necessary to
United States." padlock its premises to prevent its meeting in
session on January 22, 1973, and thereafter as
Note that the New Constitution of Virginia, provided in the 1935 Constitution? It is true that,
drafted by a convention whose members were theoretically, the members of Congress, if bent
elected directly by the people, was not submitted on discharging their functions under said
to the people for ratification or rejection thereof. Constitution, could have met in any other place,
the building in which they perform their duties reasonable and wholesome attitude of the
being immaterial to the legality of their official person who has the gun, either pointed at
acts. The force of this argument is, however, others, without pulling the trigger, or merely kept
offset or dissipated by the fact that, on or about in its holster, but not without warning that he
December 27, 1972, immediately after a may or would use it if he deemed it necessary.
conference between the Executive, on the one Still, the intimidation is there, and inaction or
hand, and members of Congress, on the other, obedience of the people, under these conditions,
some of whom expressed the wish to meet in is not necessarily an act of conformity or
session on January 22, 1973, as provided in the acquiescence. This is specially so when we
1935 Constitution, a Daily Express columnist consider that the masses are, by and
(Primitivo Mijares) attributed to Presidential large, unfamiliar with the parliamentary system,
Assistant Guillermo de Vega a statement to the the new form of government introduced in the
effect that "'certain members of the Senate proposed Constitution, with the particularity that
appear to be missing the point in issue' when it is not even identical to that existing in England
they reportedly insisted on taking up first the and other parts of the world, and that even
question of convening Congress." The Daily experienced lawyers and social scientists find it
Express of that date, likewise, headlined, on its
difficult to grasp the full implications of some
front page, a "Senatorial Plot Against 'Martial provisions incorporated therein.
Law Government' Disclosed". Then, in its issue
of December 29, 1972, the same paper imputed As regards the applicability to these cases of the
to the Executive an appeal "to diverse groups "enrolled bill" rule, it is well to remember that the
involved in a conspiracy to undermine" his same refers to a document certified to the
powers" under martial law to desist from President — for his action under the Constitution
provoking a constitutional crisis ... which may — by the Senate President and the Speaker of
result in the exercise by me of authority I have the House of Representatives, and attested to
not exercised." by the Secretary of the Senate and the
Secretary of the House of Representatives,
No matter how good the intention behind these concerning legislative measures approved by
statement may have been, the idea implied the two Houses of Congress. The argument of
therein was too clear an ominous for any the Solicitor General is, roughly, this: If the
member of Congress who thought of organizing, enrolled bill is entitled to full faith and credence
holding or taking part in a session of Congress, and, to this extent, it is conclusive upon the
not to get the impression that he could hardly do President and the judicial branch of the
so without inviting or risking the application of Government, why should Proclamation No. 1102
Martial Law to him. Under these conditions, I do merit less consideration than in enrolled bill?
not feel justified in holding that the failure of the
members of Congress to meet since January 22, Before answering this question, I would like to
1973, was due to their recognition, ask the following: If, instead of being certified by
acquiescence in or conformity with the the aforementioned officers of Congress, the so-
provisions of the aforementioned Constitution, or called enrolled bill were certified by, say, the
its alleged ratification. President of the Association of Sugar Planters
and/or Millers of the Philippines, and the
For the same reasons, especially because of measure in question were a proposed legislation
Proclamation No. 1081, placing the entire concerning Sugar Plantations and Mills
Philippines under Martial Law, neither am I sponsored by said Association, which even
prepared to declare that the people's inaction as prepared the draft of said legislation, as well as
regards Proclamation No. 1102, and their lobbied actually for its approval, for which reason
compliance with a number of Presidential orders, the officers of the Association, particularly, its
decrees and/or instructions — some or many of aforementioned president — whose honesty and
which have admittedly had salutary effects — integrity are unquestionable — were present at
issued subsequently thereto amounts, the deliberations in Congress when the same
constitutes or attests to a ratification, adoption or approved the proposed legislation, would the
approval of said Proclamation No. 1102. In the enrolled bill rule apply thereto? Surely, the
words of the Chief Executive, "martial law answer would have to be in the negative. Why?
connotespower of the gun, meant coercion by Simply, because said Association President has
the military, absolutely no official authority to perform in
and compulsion and intimidation." The failure
connection therewith, and, hence, his
to use the gun against those who comply with certification is legally, as good as non-existent.
the orders of the party wielding the weapon does
not detract from the intimidation that Martial Law Similarly, a certification, if any, of the Secretary
necessarily connotes. It may reflect the good, of the Department of Local Governments and
Community Development about the tabulated posed on account of the magnitude of the evil
results of the voting in the Citizens Assemblies consequences, it was claimed, which would
allegedly held all over the Philippines — and the result from a decision thereon, if adverse to the
records do not show that any such certification, Government.
to the President of the Philippines or to the
President Federation or National Association of As a matter of fact, some of those issues had
presidents of Provincial Associations of been raised in the plebiscite cases, which were
presidents of municipal association presidents of dismissed as moot and academic, owing to the
barrio or ward assemblies of citizens — would issuance of Proclamation No. 1102
not, legally and constitutionally, be worth the subsequently to the filing of said cases, although
paper on which it is written. Why? Because said before the rendition of judgment therein. Still one
Department Secretary is not the officer of the members of the Court (Justice Zaldivar)
designated by law to superintend plebiscites or was of the opinion that the aforementioned
elections held for the ratification or rejection of a issues should be settled in said cases, and he,
proposed amendment or revision of the accordingly, filed an opinion passing upon the
Constitution and, hence, to tabulate the results merits thereof. On the other hand, three (3)
thereof. Worse still, it is the department which, members of the Court — Justices Barredo,
according to Article X of the Constitution, Antonio and Esguerra — filed separate opinions
should not and must not be all participate in said favorable to the respondents in the plebiscite
plebiscite — if plebiscite there was. cases, Justice Barredo holding "that the 1935
Constitution has pro tanto passed into history
After citing approvingly its ruling in United States and has been legitimately supplanted by the
v. Sandoval, the Highest Court of the United
Constitution in force by virtue of Proclamation
States that courts "will not stand impotent before 1102." When the petitions at bar were filed, the

an obvious instance of a manifestly unauthorized same three (3) members of the Court,
exercise of power." 85
consequently, voted for the dismissal of said
petitions. The majority of the members of the
I cannot honestly say, therefore, that the people Court did not share, however, either view,
impliedly or expressly indicated their conformity believing that the main question that arose
to the proposed Constitution. before the rendition of said judgment had not
been sufficiently discussed and argued as the
nature and importance thereof demanded.

Are the Parties entitled to any relief? The parties in the cases at bar were accordingly
given every possible opportunity to do so and to
elucidate on and discuss said question. Thus,
Before attempting to answer this question, a few apart from hearing the parties in oral argument
words be said about the procedure followed in for five (5) consecutive days — morning and
these five (5) cases. In this connection, it should afternoon, or a total of exactly 26 hours and 31
be noted that the Court has not decided whether minutes — the respective counsel filed extensive
or not to give due course to the petitions herein notes on their or arguments, as well as on such
or to require the respondents to answer thereto. additional arguments as they wished to submit,
Instead, it has required the respondents to and reply notes or memoranda, in addition to
comment on the respective petitions — with rejoinders thereto, aside from a sizeable number
three (3) members of the voting to dismiss them of document in support of their respective
outright — and then considers comments thus contentions, or as required by the Court. The
submitted by the respondents as motions to arguments, oral and written, submitted have
dismiss, as well as set the same for hearing. been so extensive and exhaustive, and the
This was due to the transcendental nature of the documents filed in support thereof so numerous
main issue raised, the necessity of deciding the and bulky, that, for all intents and purposes, the
same with utmost dispatch, and the main situation is as if — disregarding forms — the
defense set up by respondents herein, namely, petitions had been given due course and the
the alleged political nature of said issue, placing cases had been submitted for decision.
the same, according to respondents, beyond the
ambit of judicial inquiry and determination. If this
Accordingly, the majority of the members of the
defense was sustained, the cases could readily
Court believe that they should express their
be dismissed; but, owing to the importance of
the questions involved, a reasoned resolution views on the aforementioned issues as if the
was demanded by public interest. At the same same were being decided on the merits, and
they have done so in their individual opinion
time, respondents had cautioned against a
attached hereto. Hence, the resume of the votes
judicial inquiry into the merits of the issues
cast and the tenor of the resolution, in the last
pages hereof, despite the fact that technically As earlier stated, after the submittal by the
the Court has not, as yet, formally given due members of the Court of their individual opinions
course to the petitions herein. and/or concurrences as appended hereto, the
writer will now make, with the concurrence of his
And, now, here are my views on the reliefs colleagues, a resume or summary of the votes
sought by the parties. cast by each of them.

In L-36165, it is clear that we should not issue It should be stated that by virtue of the various
the writ of mandamus prayed for against Gil J. approaches and views expressed during the
Puyat and Jose Roy, President and President deliberations, it was agreed to synthesize the
Pro Tempore respectively of the Senate, it being basic issues at bar in broad general terms in five
settled in our jurisdiction, based upon the theory questions for purposes of taking the votes. It
of separation of powers, that the judiciary will not was further agreed of course that each member
issue such writ to the head of a co-equal of the Court would expound in his individual
department, like the aforementioned officers of opinion and/or concurrence his own approach to
the Senate. the stated issues and deal with them and state
(or not) his opinion thereon singly or jointly and
with such priority, qualifications and
In all other respects and with regard to the other
respondent in said case, as well as in cases L- modifications as he may deem proper, as well as
36142, L-36164, L-36236 and L-36283, my vote discuss thereon other related issues which he
may consider vital and relevant to the cases at
is that the petitions therein should be given due
course, there being more than prima bar.
facie showing that the proposed Constitution has
not been ratified in accordance with Article XV of The five questions thus agreed upon as
the 1935 Constitution, either strictly, reflecting the basic issues herein involved are
substantially, or has been acquiesced in by the the following:
people or majority thereof; that said proposed
Constitution is not in force and effect; and that 1. Is the issue of the validity of Proclamation No.
the 1935 Constitution is still the Fundamental 1102 a justiciable, or political and therefore non-
Law of the Land, without prejudice to the justiciable, question?
submission of said proposed Constitution to the
people at a plebiscite for its ratification or 2. Has the Constitution proposed by the 1971
rejection in accordance with Articles V, X and XV Constitutional Convention been ratified validly
of the 1935 Constitution and the provisions of (with substantial, if not strict, compliance)
the Revised Election Code in force at the time of conformably to the applicable constitutional and
such plebiscite. statutory provisions?

Perhaps others would feel that my position in 3. Has the aforementioned proposed
these cases overlooks what they might consider Constitution acquiesced in (with or without valid
to be the demands of "judicial statesmanship," ratification) by the people?
whatever may be the meaning of such phrase. I
am aware of this possibility, if not probability; but
4. Are petitioners entitled to relief? and
"judicial statesmanship," though consistent with
Rule of Law, cannot prevail over the latter.
Among consistent ends or consistent values, 5. Is the aforementioned proposed Constitution
there always is a hierarchy, a rule of priority. in force?

We must realize that the New Society has many The results of the voting, premised on the
achievements which would have been very individual views expressed by the members of
difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish under the Court in their respect opinions and/or
the old dispensation. But, in and for the judiciary, concurrences, are as follows:
statesmanship should not prevail over the Rule
of Law. Indeed, the primacy of the law or of the 1. On the first issue involving the political-
Rule of Law and faithful adherence thereto are question doctrine Justices Makalintal, Zaldivar,
basic, fundamental and essential parts of Castro, Fernando, Teehankee and myself, or six
statesmanship itself. (6) members of the Court, hold that the issue of
the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 presents a
Resume of the Votes Cast and the Court's justiciable and non-political question. Justices
Resolution Makalintal and Castro did not vote squarely on
this question, but, only inferentially, in their

discussion of the second question. Justice 3. On the third question of acquiescence by the
Barredo qualified his vote, stating that Filipino people in the aforementioned proposed
"inasmuch as it is claimed there has been Constitution, no majority vote has been reached
approval by the people, the Court may inquire by the Court.
into the question of whether or not there has
actually been such an approval, and, in the Four (4) of its members, namely, Justices
affirmative, the Court should keep hands-off out Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio and Esguerra hold
of respect to the people's will, but, in negative, that "the people have already accepted the 1973
the Court may determine from both factual and Constitution."
legal angles whether or not Article XV of the
1935 Constitution been complied with." Justices
Two (2) members of the Court, namely, Justice
Makasiar, Antonio, Esguerra, or three (3)
Zaldivar and myself hold that there can be no
members of the Court hold that the issue is
free expression, and there has even been no
political and "beyond the ambit of judicial expression, by the people qualified to vote all
inquiry." over the Philippines, of their acceptance or
repudiation of the proposed Constitution under
2. On the second question of validity of the Martial Law. Justice Fernando states that "(I)f it
ratification, Justices Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro, is conceded that the doctrine stated in some
Fernando, Teehankee and myself, or six (6) American decisions to the effect that
members of the Court also hold that the independently of the validity of the ratification, a
Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional new Constitution once accepted acquiesced in
Convention was not validly ratified in accordance by the people must be accorded recognition by
with Article XV, section 1 of the 1935 the Court, I am not at this stage prepared to
Constitution, which provides only one way for state that such doctrine calls for application in
ratification, i.e., "in an election or plebiscite held view of the shortness of time that has elapsed
in accordance with law and participated in only and the difficulty of ascertaining what is the mind
by qualified and duly registered voters. 87
of the people in the absence of the freedom of
debate that is a concomitant feature of martial
Justice Barredo qualified his vote, stating that law."88

"(A)s to whether or not the 1973 Constitution has

been validly ratified pursuant to Article XV, I still Three (3) members of the Court express their
maintain that in the light of traditional concepts lack of knowledge and/or competence to rule on
regarding the meaning and intent of said Article, the question. Justices Makalintal and Castro are
the referendum in the Citizens' Assemblies, joined by Justice Teehankee in their statement
specially in the manner the votes therein were that "Under a regime of martial law, with the free
cast, reported and canvassed, falls short of the expression of opinions through the usual media
requirements thereof. In view, however, of the vehicle restricted, (they) have no means of
fact that I have no means of refusing to knowing, to the point of judicial certainty,
recognize as a judge that factually there was whether the people have accepted the
voting and that the majority of the votes were for Constitution." 89

considering as approved the 1973 Constitution

without the necessity of the usual form of 4. On the fourth question of relief, six (6)
plebiscite followed in past ratifications, I am
members of the Court, namely, Justices
constrained to hold that, in the political sense, if
Makalintal, Castro, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio
not in the orthodox legal sense, the people may
and Esguerra voted to DISMISS the petition.
be deemed to have cast their favorable votes in Justice Makalintal and Castro so voted on the
the belief that in doing so they did the part strength of their view that "(T)he effectivity of the
required of them by Article XV, hence, it may be
said Constitution, in the final analysis, is the
said that in its political aspect, which is what
basic and ultimate question posed by these
counts most, after all, said Article has been
cases to resolve which considerations other than
substantially complied with, and, in effect, the
judicial, an therefore beyond the competence of
1973 Constitution has been constitutionally this Court, are relevant and unavoidable."
90 91

Four (4) members of the Court, namely, Justices
Justices Makasiar, Antonio and Esguerra, or
Zaldivar, Fernando, Teehankee and myself
three (3) members of the Court hold that under
voted to deny respondents' motion to dismiss
their view there has been in effect substantial and to give due course to the petitions.
compliance with the constitutional requirements
for valid ratification.
5. On the fifth question of whether the new
Constitution of 1973 is in force:
Four (4) members of the Court, authority to determine the validity of the
namely, Justices Barredo, proposal, submission, or ratification of
Makasiar, Antonio and Esguerra constitutional amendments. It has been judicially
hold that it is in force by virtue of determined whether a proposed
the people's acceptance thereof; amendment received the constitutional majority
of votes (Dayton v. St. Paul, 22 Minn. 400; Rice
Four (4) members of the Court, v. Palmer, 78 Ark. 432, 96 S.W. 396; Bott v.
namely, Justices Makalintal, Wurtz, 63 N.J. Law, 289, 43 Atl. 744, 881, 45
Castro, Fernando and L.R.A. 251; State v. Foraker, 46 Ohio St. 677, 23
Teehankee cast no vote thereon N.E. 49l; 6 L.R.A. 422; Tecumseh National Bank
on the premise stated in their V. Saunders, 51 Neb. 801, 71 N.W. 779; Green
votes on the third question that v. State Board, 5 Idaho, 130, 47 Pac. 259, 95
they could not state with judicial Am. St. Rep. 169; In re Denny, 156 Ind. 104, 59
certainty whether the people N.E. 359, 51 L.R.A. 722; Knight v. Shelton [C.C.]
have accepted or not accepted 134 Fed. 423); whether a proposed amendment
the Constitution; and is a single amendment, within the constitutional
requirement that every amendment must be
separately submitted (State v. Powell, 77 Miss.
Two (2) members of the Court,
543, 27 South. 927; Gabbert v. Chicago, etc., R.
namely, Justice Zaldivar and
myself voted that the Co., 171 Mo. 84, 70 S.W. 891; State v. Timme,
Constitution proposed by the 54 Wis. 318, 11 N.W. 785; In re Denny, 156 Ind.
104, 59 N.E. 359, 51 L.R.A. 722; Lobaugh v.
1971 Constitutional Convention
Cook, 127 Iowa, 181, 102 N.W. 1121; People v.
is not in force;
Sours, 31 Colo. 369, 74 Pac. 167, 102 Am. St.
Rep. 34; State v. Board, 34 Mont. 426, 87 Pac.
with the result that there are not enough votes to 450; State v. Winnett [Neb.] 110 N.W. 1113, 10
declare that the new Constitution is not in force. L.R.A. [N.S.] 149); whether the failure to enter
the resolution of submission upon the legislative
ACCORDINGLY, by virtue of the majority of six journals invalidates the amendment (Koehler v.
(6) votes of Justices Makalintal, Castro, Barredo, Hill, 60 Iowa, 543,14 N.W. 738,15 N.W. 609;
Makasiar, Antonio and Esguerra with the four (4) Oakland Paving Co. v. Hilton, 69 Cal. 479, 11
dissenting votes of the Chief Justice and Pac. 3; West v. State, 50 Fla. 154, 39 South.
Justices Zaldivar, Fernando and Teehankee, all 412; Durfee v. Harper, 22 Mont. 354, 56 Pac. 56;
the aforementioned cases are hereby dismissed. State v. Tufly, 19 Nev. 391, 12 Pac. 835, 3 Am.
This being the vote of the majority, there is no St. Rep. 895); whether the description of the
further judicial obstacle to the new Constitution amendment and the form of the ballot are
being considered in force and effect. sufficient (Russell v. Croy, 164 M 69, 63 S.W.
849; State v. Winnett [ Neb.] 110 N.W. 1113,
It is so ordered. L.R.A. [N.S.] 149; Murphy Chair Co. v. Attorney
General [Mich.] 112 N.W. 127); whether the
Makalintal, Castro, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio method of submission sufficient (Lovett v.
and Esguerra, JJ., concur. Ferguson,, 10 S.D. 44, 71 N.W. 765; Russell v.
Croy, 164 Mo. 69, 63 S.W. 849); whether the
publication of the amendment or of a notice
relative to it is sufficient (Com. v. Griest, 196 Pa.
396, 46 Atl. 505, 50 L.R.A. 568; Russell v. Croy,
PERTINENT PORTIONS 164 Mo. 69, 63 S.W. 849); whether the
submission may be well by resolution as by a
OF THE legislative act approved by the executive (Com.
v. Griest, 196 Pa. 396, 46 Atl. 505, 50 L.R. 568;
MINNESSOTA SUPREME COURT Warfield vi Vandiver, 101 Md. 78, 60 Atl. 538;
Edward Lesueur, 132 Mo. 410, 33 S.W. 1130,
DECISION 31 L.R.A. 815; Hays v. Hays, 5 Idaho, 154, 47
Pac. 732; State v. Dahl, 6 N.D. 81, 6 N.W. 418,
34 L.R.A. 97); at what election the amendment
ON THE CASE be submitted (People v. Curry, 130 Cal. 82, 62
Pac. 516).
In Rich v. Board of Canvassers, 100 Mich. 458,
"(a) An examination of the decisions shows that 59 N.W. 183, the court said: "It is contended that
the courts have almost uniformly exercised the the determination of the question whether an
amendment to the Constitution has been carried United States, but if they undertake to add an
involves the exercise of political, and not judicial, amendment, by the authority of legislation to a
power. If this be so, it follows that the Constitution already in existence, they can do it
promulgation of any purported amendment by only by the method pointed out by the
the executive or any executive department is Constitution to which the amendment is added.
final, and that the action cannot be questioned The power to amend a Constitution by legislative
by the judiciary; but, with reference to the action does not confer the power to break it, any
conditions precedent to submitting a proposed more than it confers the power to legislate on
amendment to a vote of the people, it has been any other subject contrary to its prohibitions.' So,
repeatedly held, by courts of the highest in State v. Timme, 54 Wis. 318, 11 N.W. 785, it
respectability, that it is within the power of the was held that no amendments can be made to
judiciary to inquire into the question, even in a the Constitution of the state without a
collateral proceeding. ... It is to be noted that compliance with the provisions thereof, both in
under section 1 of article 20 of the Constitution the passage of such amendment by the
of the state no amendment can become a part of Legislature and the manner of submitting it to
the Constitution until ratified by a vote of the the people. The courts have not all agreed as to
people. One prerequisite is equally as essential the strictness of compliance which should be
as the other. The amendment must first receive required.
the requisite majority in the Legislature, and
afterwards be adopted by the requisite vote. ... It "In the Prohibition and Amendment Case, 24
is the fact of a majority vote which makes the Kan. 700, the court determined judicially whether
amendment a part of the Constitution." an amendment to the Constitution had been
legally adopted. After approving the statement
"In considering the cases it is necessary to note quoted from Collier v. Frierson, supra, that 'we
whether in the particular case the court was entertain no doubt that, to change the
called upon to determine between rival Constitution in an other mode than by a
governments, or whether the Legislature, or convention, every requisite which is demanded
some board or official, had legally performed the by the instrument itself must be observed, and
duty imposed by the Constitution or statutes. In the omission of any one is fatal to the
re State v. McBride, 4 Mo. 303, 29 Am. Dec. amendment,' the court held that, 'as substance
636, it was held that the General of right is grander and more potent than
Assembly, under the power granted by the methods of form,' there had been substantial
Constitution, could change the Constitution only compliance with the constitutional requirement
in the manner prescribed by it, and that it was that a proposed amendment to the Constitution
the duty of the court to determine whether all must be entered at length on the legislative
prerequisites had been complied with. In Collier journal. It appears that the joint resolution
v. Frierson, 24 Ala. 100, it was held that a making submission simply provided that a
Constitution can be changes only by the proposition should be submitted to the electors
people in convention or in a mode described by at the general election of 1880. It did not declare
the Constitution itself, and that if the latter mode that the machinery of the general election law
is adopted every requisite of the Constitution should control, or that any particular officers or
must be observed. 'It has been said," says the board would receive, count, or canvass the
court, "that certain acts are to be done, certain votes cast. But the existing election machinery
requisitions are to be observed, before a change was adequate, and the votes were received,
can be effected; but to what purpose are these counted, and canvassed, and the result declared
acts required, or these requisitions enjoined, if as fully as though it had been in terms so
the Legislature or any other department of the ordered. These methods had been followed in
government can dispense with them. To do so the adoption of previous amendments, and was
would be to violate the instrument which they are held that, conceding the irregularity of the
sworn to support; and every principle of public proceedings the Legislature and the doubtful
law and sound constitutional policy requires the scope of the provisions for the election, yet in
court to pronounce against every amendment view of the very uncertainty of such provision
which is shown not to have been made in the past legislative history of similar
accordance with the rules prescribed by the propositions, the universal prior acquiescence in
fundamental law.' the same forms of procedure and the popular
and unchallenged acceptance of the legal
"In State v. Swift, 69 Ind. 505, it was said that: pendency before the people of the question of
'The people of a state may form the amendment for decision, and in view of the
an original Constitution, or abrogate an old one duty cast upon the court taking judicial
and form a new one, at any time, without any knowledge of anything affecting the existence
political restriction, except the Constitution of the and validity of any law or portion of the
Constitution, it must be adjudged that the amendment, an amendment thereto, to be valid,
proposed amendment became part of the must be adopted in strict conformity to that
Constitution. The effect was to hold that a method; and it is the duty of the courts in a
provision of the Constitution requiring the proper case, when an amendment does not
proposed amendment to be entered in full on the relate to their own power or functions, to
journals was directory, and not mandatory. inquire whether, in the adoption of the
This liberal view was approved in State v. amendment, the provisions of the existing
Winnett (Neb.) 110 N. 1113, 10 L.R.A. (N.S.) Constitution have been observed, and, if not, to
149, and People v. Sours, 31 Colo. 369, Pac. declare the amendment invalid and of no force.
167, 102 Am. St. Rep. 34. But it has not been This case was followed in State v. Brookhart,
universally accepted. 113 Iowa, 250, 84 N.W. 1064.

"In Oakland Paving Co. v. Hilton, 69 Cal. 479, 11 "In University v. McIver, 72 N.C. 76, the question
Pac. 3, the court, in commenting upon the whether a proposed amendment to the
Kansas case said: 'The reasoning by which the Constitution had been legally adopted was
learned court reached the conclusion it did treated as a judicial question. By the Constitution
is not based on any sound legal principles, a proposed amendment was required to be
but contrary to them. Neither the approved by Legislatures before its submission
argument nor the conclusion can command our to the people. In this instance a bill was passed
assent or approval. The argument is illogical, which contained 17 amendments. The next
and based on premises which are without any Legislature rejected 9 and adopted 8 of the
sound foundation, and rests merely on amendments, and submitted them to the
assumption.' See, also, the well-considered case people. The majority of the people voted for their
of Kadderly v. Portland, 44 Or. 118, 74 Pac. 710, adoption; but it was contended that the
75 Pac. 222. All these cases concede the Constitution contemplated and required that the
jurisdiction of the court to determine whether, in same bill and the same amendments, without
submitting a proposed amendment to the change, should approved by both Legislatures,
people, the Legislature legally observed the and that it did not follow because the second
constitutional provisions as to the manner of Legislature adopted separately 8 out of
procedure. In Livermore v. Waite, 102 Cal. 113, 17 amendments adopted by the first Legislature,
36 Pac. 424, 25 L.R.A. 312, the court, at the it would have adopted the 17, or any of them, if
instance of a citizen and a taxpayer, restrained they had been voted upon the second in the
the Secretary of State from taking steps to form adopted by the first body. The substance of
submit to the people a proposed amendment to the contention was that there had not been a
the Constitution agreed to by the Legislature on concurrence of the twoLegislatures on the same
the ground that the Legislature had not acted in amendments, according to the letter and spirit of
conformity with the Constitution and that the the Constitution. The court held that the power of
proposed amendment was of such a character the Legislature in submitting amendments
that it could not properly become a part of the could not be distinguished from the powers of
Constitution. The Supreme Court of Colorado, convention, and that, as the people had spoken
in People v. Sours, supra, refused to exercise and ratified the amendments, they became a
this authority. part of the Constitution.

"The entire question received elaborate "In Westinghausen v. People, 44 Mich. 265, 6
consideration in Koehler v. Hill, 60 Iowa, 543, 14 N.W. 641, it was held that prior to 1876 a
N.W. 738, 15 N.W. 609. The amendment, proposed amendment to Constitution could not
which concededly had been adopted by the be submitted to the people at any other than a
people, had not, before its submission, been general election; but, as the amendment under
entered in full upon the legislative journals, as consideration had been submitted after the
required by the Constitution, and it was held that Constitution been changed, it had been legally
this was a material variance in both form and submitted and adopted.
substance from the constitutional requirements,
and that the amendment did not, therefore, "In State v. Powell, 77 Miss. 543, 27 South. 927,
become a part of the Constitution. As to the the question whether an amendment to the
claim that the question was political, and not Constitution had been legally submitted and
judicial, it was said that, while it is not competent adopted by the people was held to be judicial,
for courts to inquire into the validity of the and not political, in its nature. The amendment
Constitution and the form of government under under consideration changed the Constitution by
which they themselves exist, and from which providing for an elective, instead of an
they derive their powers, yet, where the existing appointive, judiciary. It was contented that the
Constitution prescribes a method for its own amendments had been improperly submitted
and adopted by a majority of the qualified voters "In Bott v. Wurtz, 63 N.J. Law, 289, 43 Atl. 744,
voting at election, as required by the 881, 45 L.R.A. 251, it was held that it was
Constitution. The law did direct how the result of the duty of the judicial department of the
the election should be determined. The government to determine whether the legislative
Legislature by joint resolution recited that the department or its officers had observed the
election had been duly held throughout the state, constitutional injunctions in attempting to amend
and, as it appeared from the returns made to the the Constitution, and to annul their acts if they
Secretary of State, that 21,169 votes were cast had not done so. The case is an interesting and
in favor of, and 8,643 votes against, the well-considered one. The Constitution provided
amendment, it resolved 'that said amendment the manner in which proposed amendments
be, and hereby is, inserted into the Constitution should be submitted to the people, but did not
of the state of Mississippi as a part of the provide a method for canvassing the votes. The
Constitution.' In fact, the amendment Legislature having agreed to certain proposed
was not submitted in the manner prescribed by amendments, passed an act for submitting the
the Constitution, and it did not receive a majority same to the people. This statute provided for the
of all the qualified voters voting at the election. It transmission to the Secretary of State of
was argued that the rules prescribed by the certificate showing the result of the voting
Constitution "are all for the guidance of the throughout the state, and made it the duty of the
Legislature, and from the very nature of the thing Governor at the designated time summon four or
the Legislature must be the exclusive judge of all more Senators, who, with the Governor, should
questions to be measured or determined by constitute a board of state canvassers to
these rules. Whether the question be political, canvass and estimate the votes for and against
and certainly a legislative one, or judicial, to be each amendment. This board was to determine
determined by the courts, this section of rules, and declare which of the proposed amendments
not only of procedure, but of final judgment as had been adopted and to deliver a statement of
well, confides to the separate magistracy of the results to the Secretary of State, and "any
the legislative department full power to hear, proposed amendment, which by said certificate
consider, and adjudge that question. The and determination of the board of canvassers
Legislature puts the question to shall appear to have received in its favor the
the qualified electors. The qualified electors majority of all the votes cast in the state for and
answer back to the Legislature. "If it shall against said proposed amendment, shall from
appear" to the Legislature that its question has the time of filing such certificate be and become
been answered in the affirmative, the an amendment to and a part of the Constitution
amendment is inserted and made a part of the of the state; and it shall be the duty of the
Constitution. The Governor and the courts have Governor of the state forthwith, after such a
no authority to speak at any stage of the determination, to issue a proclamation declaring
proceedings between the sovereign and the which of the said proposed amendments have
Legislature, and when the matter is thus been adopted by the people." This board was
concluded it is closed, and the judiciary is as required to file a statement of the result of the
powerless to interfere as the executive.' But it election, and the Governor to issue his
was held that the question whether the proclamation declaring that the amendment had
proposition submitted to the voters constituted been adopted and become a part of the
one, or more than one, amendment, whether the Constitution. At the instance of a taxpayer the
submission was according to the requirements Supreme Court allowed a writ of certiorari to
of the Constitution, and whether the proposition remove into the court for review the statement of
was in fact adopted, were all judicial, and not the results of the election made by the
political, questions. 'We do not,' said Chief canvassing board, in order that it might be
Justice Whitfield, 'seek a jurisdiction not judicially determined whether on the facts shown
imposed upon us by the Constitution. We could in that statement the board had legally
not, if we would, escape the exercise of that determined that the proposed amendment had
jurisdiction which the Constitution has imposed been adopted. The Supreme Court decided that
upon us. In the particular instance in which we the concurrence of the board of state
are now acting, our duty to know what the canvassers and the executive department of the
Constitution of the state is, and in accordance government in their respective official functions
with our oaths to support and maintain it in its placed the subject-matter beyond the
integrity, imposed on us a most difficult and cognizance of the judicial department of the
embarrassing duty, one which we have not state. The Court of Appeals, after a full review of
sought, but one which, like all others, must be the authorities, reversed this decision, and held
discharged." that the questions were of a judicial nature, and
properly determinable by the court on their
merits. Mr. Justice Dixon, after stating the facts,

said: 'It thus becomes manifest that there was petitioned the Office of the President to submit to
present in the Supreme Court, and is now them for resolution important national issues;
pending in this court, every element tending to
maintain jurisdiction over the subject-matter, WHEREAS, one of the questions persistently
unless it be true, as insisted, that the judicial mention refers to the ratification of the
department of the government has not the right Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional
to consider whether the legislative department Convention;
and its agencies have observed constitutional
injunctions in attempting to amend the WHEREAS, on the basis of the said petitions, it
Constitution, and to annul their acts in case that
is evident that the people believe that the
they have not done so. That such a proposition
submission of the proposed Constitution to the
is not true seems to be indicated by
Citizens Assemblies or Barangays should taken
the whole history of jurisprudence in this
as a plebiscite in itself in view of the fact that
country.' The court, after considering the case freedom of debate has always been limited to
on the merits, held that the proper conclusion the leadership in political, economic and social
had been drawn therefrom, and that the
fields, and that it is now necessary to bring this
amendment in question was legally submitted
down to the level of the people themselves
and adopted.
through the Barangays or Citizens Assemblies;

"The recent case of Rice v. Palmer, 78 Ark. 432,

96 S.W. 396, presented the identical question
MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue
which we have under consideration. In reference
of the powers in me vested by the Constitution,
to the contention that the Constitution intended
do hereby order that important national issues
to delegate to the Speaker of the House of
shall from time to time be referred to the
Representatives the power to determine whether Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) for resolution
an amendment had been adopted, and that the
in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 86-A
question was political, and not judicial, the court
dated January 5, 1973 an that the initial
observed: "The argument has often been made
referendum shall include the matter of ratification
in similar cases to the courts, and it is found in
of the Constitution proposed by the 1971
many dissenting opinions; but, with probably Constitutional Convention.
a few exceptions, it is not found in
any prevailing opinion."
The Secretary of the Department of Local
Government and Community Development shall
"In State v. Tooker, 15 Mont. 8, 37 Pac. 840, 25
insure the implementation of this Order.
L.R.A. 560, it was held that the constitutional
requirement of publication of a proposed
constitutional provision for three months prior to Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of
the election at which it is to be submitted to the January in the year of Our Lord, nineteen
people is mandatory and that noncompliance hundred and seventy-three.
therewith renders the adoption of an amendment
of no effect."






Defining Further the Role of Barangays (Citizens


WHEREAS, since their creation pursuant to

Presidential Decree No. 86 dated December 31,
1972, the Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) have

votes cast at an election Aat which the
amendments submitted to R the people for their
ratification." At the time Constitution
C was
approved by the Constitutional
O Convention on
February 8, 1935, and ratified
S in a plebiscite held
on following May 14, the word "election" had
By the President: already a definite meaning in our law and
jurisprudence. It was not a vague and
(SGD.) ALEJANDRO MELCHOR amorphous concept, but a procedure prescribed
by statute ascertaining the people's choices
Executive Secretary
among candidates for public offices, or their will
on important matters submitted to the pursuant
to law, for approval. It was in this sense that
word was used by the framers in Article XV (also
in Articles VI and VII), and in accordance with
such procedure that plebiscites were held to
ratify the very same Constitution in 1935 as well
as the subsequent amendments thereto, thus: in
Separate Opinions 1939 (Ordinance appended to the Constitution);
1940 (establishment of a bicameral legislature;
eligibility of the President and the Vice President
for re election; creation of the Commission of
Elections); 1947 (Parity Amendment); and 1967
MAKALINTAL, J., concurring: (increase in membership of the House of
Representatives and eligibility of members of
CASTRO, J., concurring: Congress to run for the Constitutional
Convention without forfeiture of their offices).
The preliminary question before this Court was
whether or not the petitioners had made out a The Election Code of 1971, in its Section 2,
sufficient prima faciecase in their petitions to states that "all elections of public officers except
justify their being given due course. Considering barrio officials andplebiscites shall be conducted
on the one hand the urgency of the matter and in the manner provided by this Code." This is a
on the other hand its transcendental importance, statutory requirement designed, as were the
which suggested the need for hearing the side of other election laws previously in force, to carry
the respondents before that preliminary question out the constitutional mandate relative to the
was resolved, We required them to submit their exercise of the right suffrage, and with specific
comments on the petitions. After the comments reference to the term "plebiscites," the provision
were filed We considered them as motions to of Article XV regarding ratification of
dismiss so that they could be orally argued. As it constitutional amendments.
turned out, the hearing lasted five days, morning
and afternoon, and could not have been more The manner of conducting elections and
exhaustive if the petitions had been given due plebiscites provided by the Code is spelled out in
course from the beginning. other sections thereof. Section 99 requires that
qualified voters be registered in a permanent list,
The major thrust of the petitions is that the act of the qualifications being those set forth in Article
the Citizens Assemblies as certified and V, Section 1, of the 1935 Constitution on the
proclaimed by the President on January 17, basis of age (21), literacy and residence. These
1973 (Proclamation No. 1102) was not an act of qualifications are reiterated in Section 101 of the
ratification, let alone a valid one, of the proposed Election Code. Section 102 enumerates the
Constitution, because it was not in accordance classes of persons disqualified to vote.
with the existing Constitution (of 1935) and the Succeeding sections prescribe the election
Election Code of 1971. Other grounds are relied paraphernalia to be used, the procedure for
upon by the petitioners in support of their basic registering voters, the records, of registration
proposition, but to our mind they are merely and the custody thereof, the description and
subordinate and peripheral. printing of official ballots, the actual casting of
votes and their subsequent counting by the
Article XV, Section 1, of the 1935 Constitution boards of inspectors, the rules for appreciation
provides that amendments (proposed either by of ballots, and then the canvass and
Congress in joint session or by a Convention proclamation of the results.
called by it for the purpose) "shall be valid part of
this Constitution when approved by a majority of
With specific reference to the ratification of the ballots; (f) manner of voting to insure freedom
1972 draft Constitution, several additional and secrecy thereof; (g) canvass of plebiscite
circumstances should be considered: returns; and (h) in general, compliance with the
provisions of the Election Code of 1971, with the
(1) This draft was prepared and approved by a Commission on Elections exercising its
Convention which had been convened pursuant constitutional and statutory powers of
to Resolution No. 2 passed by Congress on supervision of the entire process.
March 16, 1967, which provides:
There can hardly be any doubt that in
Sec. 7. The amendments everybody's view — from the framers of the
proposed by the Convention 1935 Constitution through all the Congresses
shall be valid and considered since then to the 1971 Constitutional Convention
part of the Constitution when — amendments to the Constitution should be
approved by a majority of ratified in only one way, that is, in an election or
the votes cast in an election at plebiscite held in accordance with law and
which they are submitted to the participated in only by qualified and duly
people for their ratification registered voters. Indeed, so concerned was this
pursuant to Article XV of the Court with the importance and indispensability of
Constitution. complying with the mandate of the (1935)
Constitution in this respect that in the recent
case of Tolentino vs. Commission on Elections,
(2) Article XVII, Section 16, of the draft itself
No. L-34150, October 16, 1971 (41 SCRA 702),
a resolution of the (1971) Constitutional
Convention submitting a proposed amendment
Sec. 16. This Constitution shall for ratification to a plebiscite to be held in
take effect immediately upon its November 1971 was declared null and void. The
ratification by a majority of the amendment sought to reduce the voting age
votes cast in a plebiscite called from twenty-one to eighteen years and was
for the purpose and, except as approved by the Convention for submission to a
herein provided, shall plebiscite ahead of and separately from other
supersede the Constitution of amendments still being or to be considered by it,
nineteen hundred and thirty-five so as to enable the youth to be thus
and all amendments thereto. enfranchised to participate in the plebiscite for
the ratification of such other amendments later.
The same procedure is prescribed in Article XVI, This Court held that such separate submission
Section 2, for the ratification of any future was violative of Article XV, Section 1, of the
amendment to or revision of the said Constitution, which contemplated that "all the
Constitution. amendments to be proposed by the same
Convention must be submitted to the people in a
(3) After the draft Constitution was approved by single "election" or plebiscite." * Thus a grammatical construction based
on a singular, instead of plural, rendition of the word "election" was considered a sufficient ground to rule out
the Constitutional Convention on November 30, the plebiscite which had been called to ratify a proposed amendment in accordance with the procedure and
under all the safeguards provided in the Election Law.
1972 the said body adopted Resolution No.
5843, proposing "to President Ferdinand E.
In the cases now before Us what is at issue is
Marcos that a decree be issued calling
not merely the ratification of just one
aplebiscite for the ratification of the proposed
amendment, as in Tolentino vs. COMELEC, but
New Constitution on such appropriate date as he
the ratification of an entire charter setting up a
shall determine and providing for the necessary
new form of government; and the issue has
funds therefor." Pursuant to said Resolution the
arisen not because of a disputed construction of
President issued Decree No. 73 on the same
one word or one provision in the 1935
day, calling a plebiscite to be held on January
Constitution but because no election or
15, 1973, at which the proposed Constitution
plebiscite in accordance with that Constitution
"shall be submitted to the people for ratification
and with the Election Code of 1971 was held for
or rejection." The Decree had eighteen (18)
the purpose of such ratification.
sections in all, prescribing in detail the different
steps to be taken to carry out the process of
ratification, such as: (a) publication of the The Citizens Assemblies which purportedly
proposed Constitution in English and Pilipino; (b) ratified the draft Constitution were created by
freedom of information and discussion; (c) Presidential Decree No. 86 dated December 31,
registration of voters: (d) appointment of boards 1972, "to broaden the base of citizen
of election inspectors and designation of participation in the democratic process and to
watchers in each precinct; (e) printing of official afford ample opportunities for the citizenry

to express their views on important national (3) Do you want a plebiscite to
issues." The Assemblies "shall consist of all be called to ratify the new
persons who are residents of the barrio, district Constitution?
or ward for at least six months, fifteen years of
age or over, citizens of the Philippines and who (4) Do you want the elections to
are registered in the lists of Citizen Assembly be held in November, 1973
members kept by the barrio, district or ward accordance with the provisions
secretary." By Presidential Decree No. 86-A, of the 1935 Constitution?
dated January 5, 1973, the Assemblies were
convened for a referendum between January 10
(5) If the elections would not be
and 15, to "consider vital national issues now
held, when do you want the next
confronting the country, like the holding of the
elections to be called?
plebiscite on the new Constitution, the
continuation of martial rule, the convening of
Congress on January 22, 1973, and the holding (6) Do you want martial law to
of elections in November 1973." continue? [Bulletin Today,
January 11, 1973; emphasis
On January 5, 1973 the newspapers came out
with a list of four questions to be submitted to
the Citizens Assemblies, the fourth one being as Appended to the six additional questions above
follows: "How soon would you like plebiscite on quoted were the suggested answers, thus:
the new Constitution to be held?" It should be
noted in this connection that the President had COMMENTS ON
previously announced that he had ordered the
postponement of plebiscite which he had called QUESTION No.
for January 15, 1973 (Presidential Decree No. 1
73) for the ratification of the Constitution, and
that he was considering two new dates for the In order to
purpose — February 19 or March 5; that he had broaden the
ordered that the registration of voters (pursuant base of citizens'
to Decree No. 73) be extended to accommodate participation in
new voters; and that copies of the new government.
Constitution would be distributed in eight dialects
the people. (Bulletin Today, December 24,
On January 10, 1973 it was reported that one
But we do not
more question would be added to the original
want the Ad
four which were to be submitted to the Citizens
Assemblies. The question concerning plebiscite
Assembly to be
was reworded as follows: "Do you like the
convoked. Or if
plebiscite to be held later?" The implication, it
it is to be
may likewise be noted, was that the Assemblies
convened at all,
should express their views as to the plebiscite
it should not be
should be held, not as to whether or not it should
done so until
be held at all.
after at least
seven (7) years
The next day, January 11, it was reported that from the
six additional questions would be submitted, approval of the
namely: New
Constitution by
(1) Do you approve of the the Citizens
citizens assemblies as the base Assemblies.
of popular government to decide
issues of national interest? QUESTION No.
(2) Do you approve of the new
Constitution? If the Citizens
approve of the
New be strong and
Constitution, firm so that he
then the new can accomplish
Constitution all his reform
should be program and
deemed ratified. establish
normalcy in the
The vote of the country. If all
Citizens other measures
Assemblies fail, we want
should already President
be considered Marcos to
the plebiscite on declare a
the New revolutionary
Constitution. government
along the lines
of the new
without the ad
We are sick and Assembly.
tired of too
So it was that on January 11, 1973, the second
elections. We
day of the purported referendum, the suggestion
are fed up with
politics, of so was broached, for the first time, that the
plebiscite should be done away with and a
many debates
favorable vote by the Assemblies deemed
and so much
equivalent ratification. This was done, not in the
questionnaire itself, but in the suggested answer
to question No. 3. Strangely, however, it was not
QUESTION No. similarly suggested that an unfavorable vote be
5 considered as rejection.

Probably a There should be no serious dispute as to the fact

period of at that the manner in which the voting was
least seven (7) conducted in the Citizen Assemblies, assuming
years that such voting was held, was not within the
moratorium on intendment of Article XV, Section 1, of the 1935
elections will be Constitution nor in accordance with the Election
enough for Code of 1971. The referendum can by no means
stability to be be considered as the plebiscite contemplated in
established in Section 2 of said Code and in Article XVII,
the country, for Section 16, of the draft Constitution itself, or as
reforms to take the election intended by Congress when it
root and passed Resolution No. 2 on March 16, 1967
normalcy to calling a Convention for the revision of the 1935
return. Constitution. The Citizens Assemblies were not
limited to qualified, let alone registered voters,
QUESTION No. but included all citizens from the age of fifteen,
6 and regardless of whether or not they were
illiterates, feeble-minded, or ex convicts * — these being the
classes of persons expressly disqualified from voting by Section 102 of the Election Code. In short, the
We want constitutional and statutory qualifications were not considered in the determination of who should participate.
No official ballots were used in the voting; it was done mostly by acclamation or open show of hands.
President Secrecy, which is one of the essential features of the election process, was not therefore observed. No set
of rules for counting the votes or of tabulating them and reporting the figures was prescribed or followed. The
Marcos to Commission on Elections, which is the constitutional body charged with the enforcement and administration
of all laws relative to the conduct of elections, took no part at all, either by way of supervision or in the
assessment of the results.
continue with
Martial Law. We
want him to It has been suggested that since according to
exercise his Proclamation No. 1102 the overwhelming
powers with majority of all the members of the Citizens
more authority. Assemblies had voted for the adoption of the
We want him to proposed Constitution there was a substantial
compliance with Article XV, Section 1, of the interposition of the power of judicial review.
1935 Constitution and with the Election Code of Respondents Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy (in L-
1971. The suggestion misses the point entirely. 36165), in their respective capacities as
It is of the essence of a valid exercise of the right President and President Pro Tempore of the
of suffrage that not only must a majority or Senate of the Philippines, and through their
plurality of the voters carry the day but that the counsel, Senator Arturo Tolentino, likewise
same must be duly ascertained in accordance invoke the political question doctrine, but on a
with the procedure prescribed by law. In other ground not concurred in by the Solicitor General,
words the very existence of such majority or namely, that approval of the 1973 Constitution
plurality depends upon the manner of its by the people was made under a revolutionary
ascertainment, and to conclude that it exists government, in the course of a successful
even if it has not been ascertained according to political revolution, which was converted by act
law is simply to beg the issue, or to assume the of the people to the present de jure government
very fact to be established. Otherwise no under the 1973 Constitution."
election or plebiscite could be questioned for
non-compliance with the provisions of the Heretofore, constitutional disputes which have
Election Law as long as it is certified that a come before this Court for adjudication
majority of the citizens had voted favorably or proceeded on the assumption, conceded by all,
adversely on whatever it was that was submitted that the Constitution was in full force and effect,
to them to vote upon. with the power and authority of the entire
Government behind it; and the task of this Court
However, a finding that the ratification of the was simply to determine whether or not the
draft Constitution by the Citizens Assemblies, as particular act or statute that was being
certified by the President in Proclamation No. challenged contravened some rule or mandate
1102, was not in accordance with the of that Constitution. The process employed was
constitutional and statutory procedure laid down one of interpretation and synthesis. In the cases
for the purpose does not quite resolve the at bar there is no such assumption: the
questions raised in these cases. Such a finding, Constitution (1935) has been derogated and its
in our opinion, is on a matter which is essentially continued existence as well as the validity of the
justiciable, that is, within the power of this Court act of derogation is issue. The legal problem
to inquire into. It imports nothing more than a posed by the situation is aggravated by the fact
simple reading and application of the pertinent that the political arms of the Government — the
provisions of the 1935 Constitution, of the Executive Departments and the two Houses of
Election Code and of other related laws and Congress — have accepted the new
official acts. No question of wisdom or of policy Constitution as effective: the former by
is involved. But from this finding it does not organizing themselves and discharging their
necessarily follow that this Court may justifiably functions under it, and the latter by not
declare that the Constitution has not become convening on January 22, 1973 or at any time
effective, and for that reason give due course to thereafter, as ordained by the 1935 Constitution,
these petitions or grant the writs herein prayed and in the case of a majority of the members by
for. The effectivity of the said Constitution, in the expressing their option to serve in the Interim
final analysis, is the basic and ultimate question National Assembly in accordance with Article
posed by these cases, to resolve which XVIII, Section 2, of the 1973 Constitution. *
considerations other than judicial, and therefore
beyond the competence of this Court, are The theory advanced by Senator Tolentino, as counsel for respondents Puyat and Roy, may be taken up
and restated at same length if only because it would constitute, if sustained, the most convenient ground for
relevant and unavoidable. the invocation of the political-question doctrine. In support of his theory, Senator Tolentino contends that
after President Marcos declared martial law on September 21, 1972 (Proclamation No. 1081) he established
a revolutionary government when he issued General Order No. 1 the next day, wherein he proclaimed "that I
shall govern the nation and direct the operation of the entire government, including all its agencies and
instrumentalities, in my capacity, and shall exercise all the powers and prerogatives appurtenant and
Several theories have been advanced incident to my position as such Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines." By this
order, it is pointed out, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces assumed all the powers of government
— executive, legislative, and judicial; and thereafter proceeded to exercise such powers by a series of
respectively by the parties. The petitioners lay Orders and Decrees which amounted to legislative enactments not justified under martial law and, in some
instances, trenched upon the domain of the judiciary, by removing from its jurisdiction certain classes of
stress on the invalidity of the ratification process cases, such as "those involving the validity, legality, or constitutionality of Proclamation No. 1081, or of any
decree, order or act issued, promulgated or performed by me or by my duly designated representative
adopted by the Citizens Assemblies and on that pursuant thereto." (General Order No. 3 as amended by General Order No. 3-A, dated September 24, 1972.)
The ratification by the Citizens Assemblies, it is averred, was the culminating act of the revolution, which
premise would have this Court grant the reliefs thereupon converted the government into a de jure one under the 1973 Constitution.

they seek. The respondents represented by the

Solicitor General, whose theory may be taken as If indeed it be accepted that the Citizens
the official position of the Government, challenge Assemblies had ratified the 1973 Constitution
the jurisdiction of this Court on the ground that and that such ratification as well as the
the questions raised in the petitions are political establishment of the government thereunder
and therefore non-justiciable, and that in any formed part of a revolution, albeit peaceful, then
case popular acquiescence in the new the issue of whether or not that Constitution has
Constitution and the prospect of unsettling acts become effective and, as necessary corollary,
done in reliance thereon should caution against whether or not the government legitimately
functions under it instead of under the 1935 of the Constitution?" (4) President Marcos, in
Constitution, is political and therefore non- proclaiming that the Constitution had been
judicial in nature. Under such a postulate what ratified, stated as follows: "(S)ince the
the people did in the Citizen Assemblies should referendum results show that more than ninety-
be taken as an exercise of the ultimate five (95) per cent of the members of the
sovereign power. If they had risen up in arms Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) are in favor of
and by force deposed the then existing the new Constitution, the Katipunan ng mga
government and set up a new government in its Barangay has strongly recommended that the
place, there could not be the least doubt that new Constitution should already be
their act would be political and not subject to deemed ratified by the Filipino people." (5)
judicial review but only to the judgment of the There was not enough time for the Citizens
same body politic act, in the context just set Assemblies to really familiarize themselves with
forth, is based on realities. If a new government the Constitution, much less with the many other
gains authority and dominance through force, it subjects that were submitted to them. In fact the
can be effectively challenged only by a stronger plebiscite planned for January 15, 1973 under
force; judicial dictum can prevail against it. We Presidential Decree No. 73 had been postponed
do not see that situation would be any different, to an indefinite date, the reasons for the
as far as the doctrine of judicial review is postponement being, as attributed to the
concerned, if no force had been resorted to and President in the newspapers, that "there was
the people, in defiance of the existing little time to campaign for or against ratification"
Constitution but peacefully because of the (Daily Express, Dec. 22, 1972); that he would
absence of any appreciable opposition, ordained base his decision (as to the date, of the
a new Constitution and succeeded in having the plebiscite) on the compliance by the
government operate under it. Against such a Commission (on Elections) on the publication
reality there can be no adequate judicial relief; requirement of the new Charter and on the
and so courts forbear to take cognizance of the position taken by national leaders" (Daily
question but leave it to be decided through Express, Dec. 23, 1972); and that "the
political means. postponement would give us more time to
debate on the merits of the Charter." (Bulletin
The logic of the political-question doctrine is Today, Dec. 24, 1972.)
illustrated in statement of the U.S. Supreme
Court in a case * relied upon, curiously enough, by the Solicitor General, who disagrees The circumstances above enumerated lead us to
with the revolutionary government theory of Senator Tolentino. The case involved the issue of which of two
opposing governments struggling for supremacy in the State of Rhode Island was the lawful one. The issue the conclusion that the Citizens Assemblies
had previously come up in several other cases before the courts of the State, which uniformly held that the
inquiry belonged to the political power and not to the judicial. Commenting on the ruling thus arrived at, the
U.S. Supreme Court said: "And if a State court should enter upon the inquiry proposed in this case, and
could not have understood the referendum to be
should come to the conclusion that the government under which it acted had been put aside and displaced
by an opposing government, it would cease to be a court, and incapable of pronouncing a judicial decision
for the ratification of the Constitution, but only for
upon the question it undertook to try. If it decides at all as a court, it necessarily affirms the existence and
authority of the government under which it is exercising judicial power." In other words, since the court would the expression of their views on a consultative
have no choice but to decide in one way alone in order to be able to decide at all, the question could not be
considered proper for judicial determination. basis. Indeed, if the expression of those views
had been intended as an act of ratification (or of
It should be noted that the above statement from rejection as a logical corollary) — there would
Luther vs. Borden would be applicable in the have been no need for the Katipunan ng mga
cases at bar only on the premise that the Barangay to recommend that the Constitution
ratification of the Constitution was a should already be deemed ratified, for
revolutionary act and that the government now recommendation imports recognition of some
functioning it is the product of such revolution. higher authority in whom the final decision rests.
However, we are not prepared to agree that the
premise is justified. But then the President, pursuant to such
recommendation, did proclaim that the
In the first, place, with specific reference to the Constitution had been ratified and had come into
questioned ratification, several significant effect. The more relevant consideration,
circumstances may be noted. (1) The Citizens therefore, as far as we can see, should be as to
Assemblies were created, according to what the President had in mind in convening the
Presidential Decree No. 86, "to broaden the Citizens Assemblies, submitting the Constitution
base of citizen participation in the democratic to them and proclaiming that the favorable
process and to afford ample opportunities for the expression of their views was an act of
citizenry to express their views on important ratification. In this respect subjective factors,
national issues." (2) The President announced, which defy judicial analysis and adjudication, are
according to the Daily Express of January 2, necessarily involved.
1973, that "the referendum will be in the nature
of a loose consultation with the people." (3) The In positing the problem within an identifiable
question, as submitted to them on the particular frame of reference we find no need to consider
point at issue here, was "Do you a approve whether or not the regime established by
President Marcos since he declared martial law be even considered. For if any
and under which the new Constitution was power in government should
submitted to the Citizens Assemblies was a even dare to disregard the
revolutionary one. The pivotal question is rather people's will there would be
whether or not the effectivity of the said valid ground for revolt.
Constitution by virtue of Presidential
Proclamation No. 1102, upon the ... Let it be known to everybody
recommendation of the Katipunan ng mga that the people have spoken
Barangay, was intended to be definite and and they will no longer tolerate
irrevocable, regardless of non-compliance with any attempt to undermine the
the pertinent constitutional and statutory stability of their Republic; they
provisions prescribing the procedure for will rise up in arms not in revolt
ratification. We must confess that after against the Republic but in
considering all the available evidence and all the protection of the Republic which
relevant circumstances we have found no they have installed. It is quite
reasonably reliable answer to the question. On clear when the people say, we
one hand we read, for instance, the following ratify the Constitution, that they
public statements of the President: mean they will not discard, the
Speaking about the proclamation of martial law,
he said: On January 19, 1973 the Daily
Express published statement of the President
I reiterate what I have said in made the day before, from which the following
the past: there is no turning portion is quoted:
back for our people.
... the times are too grave and
We have committed ourselves the stakes too high for us permit
to this revolution. We have the customary concessions to
pledged to it our future, our traditional democratic process to
fortunes, our lives, our destiny. hold back our people's clear and
We have burned our bridges unequivocal resolve and
behind us. Let no man mandate to meet and overcome
misunderstand the strength of the extraordinary challenges
our resolution. (A Report to the presented by these
Nation, Jan. 7, 1973.) extraordinary times.

On the occasion of the signing of Proclamation On the same occasion of the signing of
No. 1102 on January 17, 1973, the President Proclamation No. 1102 the President made
said the following, among other things: pointed reference to "the demand of some of our
citizens ... that when all other measures should
... We can, perhaps delimit the fail, that the President be directed to organize
power of the people to speak on and establish a Revolutionary Government," but
legal matters, on justiciable in the next breath added: "... if we do ratify the
matters, on matters that may Constitution, how can we speak of Revolutionary
come before the experts and Government? They cannot be compatible ..."
interpreters of the law. But we "(I)t is my feeling," he said, "that the Citizens'
cannot disqualify the people Assemblies which submitted this
from speaking on what we and recommendation merely sought articulate their
the people consider purely impatience with the status quo that has brought
political matters especially those about anarchy, confusion and misery to the
that affect the fundamental law masses ..." The only alternatives which the
of the land. President clearly implied by the foregoing
statements were the ratification of the new
Constitution and the establishment of a
... The political questions that
revolutionary government, the latter being
were presented to the people
are exactly those that refer to unnecessary, in his opinion, because precisely
the form of government which the Constitution had been ratified. The third
obvious alternative was entirely ruled out,
the people want ... The
namely, a return to the 1935 Constitution, for it
implications of disregarding the
was the status quo under that Constitution that
people's will are too awesome to
had caused "anarchy, confusion and misery."
The message seems clear: rather than return to I assure you that I am utilizing
such status quo, he would heed the this power vested in me by the
recommendation of the Citizens' Assemblies to Constitution to save the
establish a revolutionary government, because Republic and reform our
that would be the only other way to carry out the society...
reforms he had envisioned and initiated —
reforms which, in all fairness and honesty, must I have had to use
be given credit for the improved quality of life in this constitutional power in order
its many aspects, except only in the field of civil that we may not completely lose
liberties. the civil rights and freedom
which we cherish...
If there is any significance, both explicit and
implicit, and certainly unmistakable, in the ... We are against the wall. We
foregoing pronouncements, it is that the step must now defend the
taken in connection with the ratification of the Republic with the stronger
Constitution was meant to be irreversible, and powers of the Constitution.
that nothing anyone could say would make the
least difference. And if this is a correct and
(Vital Documents, pp. 1-12;
accurate assessment of the situation, then we emphasis supplied).
would say that since it has been brought about
by political action and is now maintained by the
government that is in undisputed authority and In the report of an interview granted by the
dominance, the matter lies beyond the power of President to the Newsweek Magazine (published
judicial review. in the issue of January 29, 1973), the following
On the other hand, by avowals no less
significant if not so emphatic in terms, President xxx xxx xxx
Marcos has professed fealty to the Constitution.
In "Today's Revolution: Democracy" he says: Q. Now that you
have gotten off
I believe, therefore, in the the
necessity of Revolution as an constitutional
instrument of individual and track, won't you
social change ... but that in a be in serious
democratic society, revolution is trouble if you
of necessity, constitutional, run into critical
peaceful, and legal. problems with
your programs?
In his TV address of September 23, 1972,
President Marcos told the nation: R. I have never
gotten off the
I have proclaimed martial law in
accordance with the
Everything I am
powers vested in the President
doing is in
by the Constitution of the
accordance with
the 1935
xxx xxx xxx The only thing
is that instead
I repeat, this is not a military of 18-year-olds
takeover of civil government voting, we have
functions. The Government of allowed 15-
the Republic of the Philippines year-olds the
which was established by our right to vote.
people in 1946 continues. But the 15-year-
olds of today
xxx xxx xxx are high-school
students, if not
graduates, and
they are better
informed than him, demand that the action he took pursuant
my thereto be final and irrevocable, then judicial
contemporaries review is out of the question.
at that age. On
the matter of In articulating our view that the procedure of
whether it is ratification that was followed was not in
constitutional to accordance with the 1935 Constitution and
proclaim martial related statutes, we have discharged our sworn
law, it is duty as we conceive it to be. The President
constitutional should now perhaps decide, if he has not
because the already decided, whether adherence to such
Constitution procedure is weighty enough a consideration, if
provides for it in only to dispel any cloud of doubt that may now
the event of and in the future shroud the nation's Charter.
In the deliberations of this Court one of the
rebellion or
issues formulated for resolution is whether or not
the new Constitution, since its submission to the
danger thereof.
Citizens Assemblies, has found acceptance
We may quarrel among the people, such issue being related to
about whether the political question theory propounded by the
what we have
respondents. We have not tarried on the point at
gone through is
all since we find no reliable basis on which to
sufficient cause
form a judgment. Under a regime of martial law,
to proclaim with the free expression of opinions through the
martial law but usual media vehicles restricted, we have no
at the very least
means of knowing, to the point of judicial
there is a
certainty, whether the people have accepted the
danger of
Constitution. In any event, we do not find the
issue decisive insofar as our vote in these cases
because so is concerned. To interpret the Constitution —
many of our that is judicial. That the Constitution should be
soldiers have
deemed in effect because of popular
been killed. You
acquiescence — that is political, and therefore
must remember
beyond the domain of judicial review.
this (martial law
provision) was
lifted from the We therefore vote not to give due course to the
American instant petitions.
legislation that
was the BARREDO, J., concurring:
law of our As far as I am concerned, I regard the present
country. petitions as no more than mere reiterations of
the Supplemental Petitions filed by Counsel
xxx xxx xxx Lorenzo M. Tañada on January 15, 1973 in the
so called Plebiscite Cases decided by this Court
In the light of this seeming ambivalence, the on January 22, 1978. Of course, there are
choice of what course of action to pursue amplifications of some of the grounds previously
belongs to the President. We have earlier made alleged and in the course of the unprecedented
reference to subjective factors on which this five-day hearing that was held from February 12
Court, to our mind, is in no position to pass to 16 last, more extensive and illuminating
judgment. Among them is the President's own arguments were heard by Us, but, in my
assessment of the will of the people as estimation, and with due recognition of the
expressed through the Citizens Assemblies and sincerety, brilliance and eloquence of counsels,
of the importance of the 1973 Constitution to the nothing more cogent and compelling than what
successful implementation of the social and had already been previously presented by
economic reforms he has started or envisioned. Counsel Tañada is before Us now. Accordingly, I
If he should decide that there is no turning back, cannot see any reason why I should change the
that what the people recommended through the position I took in regard to the earlier cases. I
Citizens Assemblies, as they were reported to reiterate, therefore, the vote I cast when these

petitions were initially considered by the Court; around the purported ratification of the
namely, to dismiss them. Constitution of 1973 declared in Proclamation
1102 issued by the President on January 17,
In view, however, of the transcendental 1973.
importance of the issues before the Court and
the significance to our people and in history of Pursuant to a joint resolution of the Congress
the individual stands of the members of the sitting as a constituent assembly approved on
Court in relation to said issues and to the final March 16, 1967, delegates to a constitutional
outcome of these cases, and considering that I convention to propose amendments to the
reserved before the filing of a more extended Constitution of 1935 were elected in accordance
opinion, I will take this opportunity to explain with the implementing law, Republic Act 6132,
further why I hold that the 1973 Constitution is on November 10, 1970. Known as the
already in force, if only to clarify that apart from Constitutional Convention of 1971, the assembly
the people's right of revolution to which I made began its sessions on June 1, 1971. After
pointed reference in my previous opinion, I can encountering a lot of difficulties, due to bitter
see now, after further reflection, that the vote of rivalries over important positions and
the people in the referendum in the Citizens committees and an incomprehensible fear of
Assemblies held on January 10 to 15, 1973, overconcentrating powers in their officers, the
upon the result of which Proclamation 1102 is delegates went about their work in comparatively
based, may be viewed more importantly as a slow pace, and by the third quarter of 1972 had
political act than as a purely legal one with the finished deliberations and second-reading voting
result that such vote to consider the 1973 only on an insignificant number of proposals —
Constitution as ratified without the necessity of until September 21, 1972, when the President,
holding a plebiscite in the form followed in the not altogether unexpectedly, yet abruptly, issued
previous ratification plebiscites in 1935 of the Proclamation 1081 declaring martial law
Constitution itself, 1937 of women's suffrage, throughout the country. An attempt was made to
1939 of the amendments to the Ordinance have the Convention recessed until after the
Appended to the Constitution, 1940 of the re- lifting of martial law, and not long after the
election of the President, the bicameral motion of Delegate Kalaw to such effect was
legislature and the Commission on Elections, turned down, the activities within the assembly
1947 of the parity amendment and 1967, shifted to high gear. As if unmindful of the arrest
rejecting the proposed increase in the members and continued detention of several of its
of the House of Representatives and eligibility of members, the convention gathered swift
members of Congress to the Constitutional momentum in its work, and on November 30,
Convention, may be deemed as a valid 1972, it approved by overwhelming vote the draft
ratification substantially in compliance with the of a complete constitution, instead of mere
basic intent of Article XV of the 1935 specific amendments of particular portions of the
Constitution. If indeed this explanation may be Constitution of 1935. Needless to say, before
considered as a modification of my martial law was declared, there was full and
rationalization then, I wish to emphasize that my unlimited coverage of the workings in the
position as to the fundamental issue regarding convention by the mass media. At the same
the enforceability of the new Constitution is even time, public debates and discussions on various
firmer now than ever before. As I shall elucidate aspects of proposed amendments were not
anon, paramount considerations of national uncommon.
import have led me to the conviction that the
best interests of all concerned would be best Earlier, on November 22, 1972, the Convention
served by the Supreme Court holding that the had Resolution No. 5843 proposing "to
1973 Constitution is now in force, not President Ferdinand Marcos that a decree be
necessarily as a consequence of the issued calling a plebiscite for ratification of the
revolutionary concept previously suggested by proposed new Constitution on appropriate date
me, but upon the ground that as a political, more as he shall determine and providing for
than as a legal, act of the people, the result of necessary funds therefor." Acting under this
the referendum may be construed as a authority, December 1, 1972, the President
compliance with the substantiality of Article XV issued Presidential Decree No. 73 submitting the
of the 1935 Constitution. draft constitution for ratification by the people at
a plebiscite set for January 15, 1973. This order
I contained provisions more or less similar to the
plebiscite laws passed by Congress relative to
The facts that gave rise to these proceedings the past plebiscites held in connection with
are historical and well known. Generally, they previous proposed amendments.
may be taken judicial notice of. They revolve
In connection with the plebiscite thus people on important national
contemplated, General Order No. 17 was issued issues;
ordering and enjoining the authorities to allow
and encourage public and free discussions on WHEREAS, such barangays
proposed constitution. Not only this, (citizens assemblies) desire that
subsequently, under date of December 17, they be given legal status and
1972, the President ordered the suspension the due recognition as constituting
effects of martial law and lifted the suspension of the genuine, legitimate and valid
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus insofar as expression of the popular will;
activities connected with the ratification of the and
draft constitution were concerned. These two
orders were not, however, to last very long. On
WHEREAS, the people would
January 7, 1973, the President, invoking
like the citizens assemblies to
information related to him that the area of public conduct immediately a
debate and discussion had opened by his referendum on certain specified
previous orders was being taken advantage of
questions such as the
by subversive elements to defeat the purposes
ratification of the new
for which they were issued and to foment public
Constitution, continuance of
confusion, withdrew said orders and enjoined full
martial law, the convening of
and stricter implementation of martial law. Congress on January 22, 1973,
and the elections in November
In the meantime, the President had issued on 1973 pursuant to the 1935
December 3, 1972 Presidential Decree No. 86 Constitution.
creating Citizens Assemblies "so as to afford
ample opportunities for the citizenry to express NOW, THEREFORE, I,
their views on important national issues" and
one of the questions presented to said
President of the Philippines, by
assemblies was: "Do you like the plebiscite on
virtue of the powers vested in
the proposed Constitution to be held later" So,
me by the Constitution as
the same order of January 7, 1973, General Commander-in-Chief of all
Order No. 20, the President ordered, "that the Armed Forces of the
plebiscite scheduled to be held January 15,
Philippines, do hereby declare
1973, be postponed until further notice".
as part of the law of the land the
In the meanwhile also, on January 5, 1973, the
President issued Presidential Decree, No. 86-A 1. The present barangays
providing as follows:
(citizens assemblies) are
created under Presidential
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 86-A Decree No. 86 dated December
31, 1972, shall constitute the
STRENGTHENING AND DEFINING THE ROLE base for citizen participation in
OF governmental affairs and their
BARANGAYS (CITIZENS ASSEMBLIES) collective views shall be
considered in the formulation of
WHEREAS, on the basis of national policies or programs
preliminary and initial reports and, wherever practicable, shall
from the field as gathered from be translated into concrete and
barangays (citizens assemblies) specific decision;
that have so far been
established, the people would 2. Such barangays (citizens
like to decide for themselves assemblies) shall consider vital
questions or issues, both local national issues now confronting
and national, affecting their day- the country, like the holding of
to-day lives and their future; the plebiscite on the new
Constitution, the continuation of
WHEREAS, the barangays martial rule, the convening of
(citizens assemblies) would like Congress on January 22, 1973,
themselves to be the vehicle for and the holding of elections in
expressing the views of the November 1973, and others in
the future, which shall serve as

guide or basis for action or Constitution to the Citizens
decision by the national Assemblies or Barangays
government; should be taken as a plebiscite
in itself in view of the fact that
3. The barangays (citizens freedom of debate has always
assemblies) shall conduct been limited to the leadership in
between January 10 and 15, political, economic and social
1973, a referendum on fields, and that it is now
important national issues, necessary to bring this down to
including those specified in the level of the people
paragraph 2 hereof, and submit themselves through the
results thereof to the Barangays or Citizens
Department of Local Assemblies;
Governments Community
Development immediately NOW THEREFORE, I,
thereafter, pursuant to express FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
will of the people as reflected in President of the Philippines, by
the reports gathered from the virtue of the powers in me
many thousands of barangays vested by the Constitution, do
(citizens assemblies) throughout hereby order that important
the country. national issues shall from time
to time be referred to the
4. This Decree shall take effect Barangays (Citizens
immediately. Assemblies) for resolution in
accordance with Presidential
Decree No. 86-A dated January
Done in the City of Manila, this
5, 1973 and that the initial
5th day of January, in the year
referendum shall include the
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred
matter of ratification of the
and seventy three.
Constitution proposed by the
1971 Constitutional Convention.
And on January 7, 1973, this was followed by
Presidential Decree No. 86-B reading thus:
The Secretary of the
Department of Local
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 86-B Governments and Community
Development shall insure the
DEFINING FURTHER THE ROLE OF implementation of this Order.
ASSEMBLIES) Done in the City of Manila, this
7th day of January in the year of
WHEREAS, since their creation Our Lord, nineteen hundred and
pursuant to Presidential Decree seventy-three.
No. 86 dated December 31,
1972, the Barangays (Citizens And so it was that by January 10, 1973, when
Assemblies) have petitioned the the Citizens Assemblies thus created started the
Office of the President to submit referendum which was held from said date to
them for resolution important January 15, 1973, the following questions were
national issues; submitted to them:

WHEREAS, one of the (1) Do you like the New

questions persistently Society?
mentioned refers to the
ratification of the Constitution
(2) Do you like the reforms
proposed by the 1971
Constitutional Convention; under martial law?

(3) Do you like Congress again

WHEREAS, on the basis of the
to hold sessions?
said petitions, it is evident that
the people believe that the
submission of the proposed (4) Do you like the plebiscite to
be held later?
(5) Do you like the way approval of the
President Marcos is running the New
affairs of the government?. Constitution by
the Citizens
but on January 11, 1973, six questions were Assemblies.
added as follows:
(1) Do you approve of the 3
citizens assemblies as the base
of popular government to decide The vote of the
issues of national interests? Citizens
(2) Do you approve of the New should already
Constitution? be considered
the plebiscite on
the New
(3) Do you want a plebiscite to
be called to ratify the new
If the Citizens
(4) Do you want the elections to
approve of the
be held in November, 1973 in
accordance with the provisions
of the 1935 Constitution? Constitution
then the new
(5) If the elections would not be should be
held, when do you want it to be deemed ratified.
The Solicitor General claims, and there seems to
(6) Do you want martial law to be showing otherwise, that the results of the
continue? referendum were determined in the following
It is not seriously denied that together with the
question the voters were furnished "comments" Thereafter, the results of the
on the said questions more or less suggestive of voting were collated and sent to
the answer desired. It may assumed that the the Department of Local
said "comments" came from official sources, Governments. The transmission
albeit specifically unidentified. As petitioners of the results was made by
point out, the most relevant of these "comments" telegram, telephone, the
were the following: provincial government SSB
System in each province
COMMENTS ON connecting all towns; the SSB
communication of the PACD
xxx xxx xxx connecting most provinces; the
Department of Public
QUESTION No. Information Network System;
2 the Weather Bureau
Communication System
connecting all provincial capitals
But we do not
and the National Civil Defense
want the Ad
Network connecting all
provincial capitals. The
Assembly to be
certificates of results were then
convoke. Or if it
flown to Manila to confirm the
is to be
previous figures received by the
convened at all,
aforementioned means of
it should not be
transmission. The certificates of
done so until
results tallied with the previous
after at least
figures taken with the exception
seven (7) years
of few cases of clerical errors.
from the
The Department adopted a citizen participation in the
system of regionalizing the democratic process and to
receiving section of the Citizens afford ample opportunity for the
Assemblies operation at the citizen to express their views on
Department wherein the identity important national issues;
of the barrio and the province
was immediately given to a staff WHEREAS, responding to the
in charge of each region. Every clamor of the people an
afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, the 11 pursuant to Presidential Decree
regions submitted the figures No. 86-A, dated January 5,
they received from the field to 1973, the following questions
the central committee to were posed before Citizens'
tabulate the returns. The last Assemblies or Barangays: Do
figures were tabulated at 12 you approve of the New
midnight of January 16, 1973 Constitution? Do you still want a
and early morning of January plebiscite to be called to ratify
17, 1973 and were then the new Constitution?
communicated to the President
by the Department of Local
WHEREAS, fourteen million
Governments. nine hundred seventy-six
thousand five hundred sixty one
The development culminated in the issuance by (14,976,561) members of all the
the President of Proclamation 1102 on January Barangays (Citizens
17, 1973. Said proclamation reads: Assemblies) voted for the
adoption of the proposed
PROCLAMATION NO. 1102 Constitution, as against seven
ANNOUNCING THE hundred forty-three thousand
RATIFICATION BY THE eight hundred sixty nine
FILIPINO PEOPLE OF THE (743,869) who voted for its
CONSTITUTION PROPOSED rejection; while on the question
BY THE 1971 as to whether or not the people
CONSTITUTIONAL would still like a plebiscite to be
CONVENTION. called to ratify the new
Constitution fourteen million two
WHEREAS, the Constitution hundred ninety-eight thousand
proposed by the nineteen eight hundred fourteen
hundred seventy-one (14,298,814) answered that
Constitutional Convention is there was no need for plebiscite
subject to ratification by the and that the vote of the
Filipino people; Barangays (Citizens
Assemblies) should be
WHEREAS, Citizens considered as a vote in a
Assemblies were created in
barrios in municipalities and in
districts/wards in chartered WHEREAS, since the
cities pursuant to Presidential referendum results show that
Decree No. 6, dated December more than ninety-five (95)
31, 1972, composed of all percent of the members of the
persons who are residents of Barangays (Citizen Assemblies)
the barrio, district or ward for at are in favor of the New
least six months, fifteen years of Constitution, the Katipunan ng
age or over, citizens of the Mga Barangay has strongly
Philippines and who are recommended that the new
registered in the list of Citizen Constitution should already be
Assembly members kept by the deemed ratified by the Filipino
barrio, district or ward secretary; people;

WHEREAS, the said Citizens NOW, THEREFORE, I,

Assemblies were establish FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
precisely to broaden the base of President of the Philippines, by
virtue of the powers in me
vested by the Constitution, do for 9:30 o'clock in the morning of that day. The
hereby certify and proclaim that details what happened that morning form part of
the Constitution proposed by the the recital of facts the decision rendered by this
nineteen hundred and seventy- Court in the ten cases on January 22, 1973 and
one (1971) Constitutional need not be repeated here. Suffice it to state no
Convention has been ratified by that before the hearing could be closed and
an overwhelmingly majority of while Counsel Tañada was still insisting on his
all of the votes cast by the prayer for preliminary injunction or restraining
members of all the Barangays order, the Secretary of Justice arrived and
(Citizens Assemblies) personally handed to the Chief Justice a copy
throughout the Philippines, and Proclamation 1102 which had been issued at
has thereby come into effect. about 11:00 o'clock that same morning. In other
words, the valiant and persistent efforts of
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I petitioners and their counsels were overtaken by
have hereunto set my hand and adverse developments, and in the mind of the
caused the seal of the Republic majority of the members of the Court, the cases
of the Philippines to be affixed. had become academic. For my part, I took the
view that even on the basis of the supplemental
petition and the answer thereto filed by
Done in the City of Manila, this
17th day of January, in the year respondents, the Court could already decide on
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred the fundamental issue of the validity
Proclamation 1102, as Justices Zaldivar, Antonio
and seventy-three.
and Esguerra also believed, inasmuch as
Counsel Tañada's pleading and argument had
The first attempt to question the steps just anticipated its issuance, but the majority felt it
enumerated taken by the President was in the was not ready to resolve the matter, for lack,
so-called Plebiscite Cases, ten in number, which according them, of full ventilation, and so, the
were filed by different petitioners during the first decision reserved petitioners the filing of the
half of December 1972. Their common target
"appropriate" cases, evidently, the present ones.
then was Presidential Decree No. 73, but before
the said cases could be decided, the series of
moves tending in effect to make them moot and II
academic insofar as they referred exclusively to
the said Presidential Decree began to take At the threshold, I find myself confronted by a
shape upon the issuance of Presidential Decree matter which, although believed to be
No. 86-A, quoted above. And when Presidential inconsequential by my learned brethren, I
Decree No. 86-B, also above quoted, was strongly feel needs special attention. I refer to
issued and the six additional questions which the point raised by Counsel Arturo M. Tolentino
were first publicized on January 11, 1973 were for respondent Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy, who
known, together with the "comments", petitioners have been sued as President and President Pro
sensed that a new and unorthodox procedure Tempore of the Senate, to the effect that change
was being adopted to secure approval by the in the composition of the Supreme Court
people of the new Constitution, hence Counsel provided for the 1973 Constitution, from the 11-
Tañada, not being satisfied with the fate of his man tribunal under the 1935 Constitution to a
urgent motion for early decision of the above ten 15-man Court, makes of these cases which were
cases dated January 12, 1973, filed on January filed after January 17, 1973 the date when
15, 1973, his supplemental motion seeking the Proclamation 1102 declared the new
prohibition against and injunction of the Constitution as ratified, political nature and
proceedings going on. Principal objective was to beyond our jurisdiction. The main consideration
prevent that the President be furnished the submitted in this connection is that inasmuch as
report of the results of the referendum and the number votes needed for a decision of this
thereby disable him from carrying out what Court has been increased from six to eight in
petitioners were apprehensively foreseeing ordinary cases and from eight to ten for the
would be done — the issuance of some kind of declaration of unconstitutionality of a treaty,
proclamation, order or decree, declaring that the executive agreement or law, the Court would

new Constitution had been ratified. Reacting have to resolve first as a prejudicial question
swiftly, the Court resolved on the same day, whether the Court is acting in these cases as the
January 15, which was Monday, to consider the 15-man or the 11-man Court, in which event, it
supplemental motion as a supplemental petition would be faced with the dilemma that if it acts
and to require the respondents to answer the either as the former or as the latter, it would be
same the next Wednesday, January 17th, before prejudging the very matter in issue one way or
the hour of the hearing of the petition which set the other, and, in effect, it would be choosing
between two constitutions, which is a political in like manner that it is inconceivable that the
determination not within the Court's 1935 and 1973 Constitution can be considered
competence. by Us both in force. Our inescapable duty is to
make a choice between them, according to what
While I agree that the problem is at first blush law and other considerations inherent to our
rather involved, I do not share the view that the function dictate. I cannot bear the thought that
premises laid down by counsel necessarily someone may someday say that the Supreme
preclude this Court from taking a definite stand Court of the Philippines once decided a case
on whether the Court is acting in these cases as without knowing the basis of its author to act or
the 15-Man or the 11-man Court. I feel very that it was ever wanting in judicial courage to
strongly that the issue should not be ignored or define the same.
dodged, if only to make the world know that the
Supreme Court of the Philippines is never Accordingly, with full consciousness of my
incognizant of the capacity in which it is acting, limitations but compelled by my sense of duty
much less lacking in courage or wisdom to and propriety to straighten out this grave of issue
resolve an issue that relates directly to its own touching on the capacity in which the Court
composition. What a disgrace it would be to acting in these cases, I hold that we have no
admit that this Supreme Court does not know, to alternative but adopt in the present situation the
use a common apt expression, whether it is fish orthodox rule that when validity of an act or law
or fowl. Withal, scholars and researchers who is challenged as being repugnant constitutional
might go over our records in the future will mandate, the same is allowed to have effect until
inevitably examine minutely how each of us the Supreme Court rules that it is
voted and upon what considerations we have unconstitutional. Stated differently, We have to
individually acted, and, indeed, doubts may arise proceed on the assumption that the new
as to whether or not, despite the general result Constitution is in force and that We are acting in
we might announce, there had been the these cases as the 15-man Supreme Court
requisite number of votes for a valid collegiate provided for there Contrary to counsel's
action. contention, there is here no prejudgment for or
against any of the two constitutions. The truth of
For instance, it may be argued that the present matter is simply that in the normal and logical
cases do not involve an issue of conduct governmental activities, it is neither
unconstitutionality, hence, if we are acting as the practical nor wise to defer the course of any
11-man Court, only six votes would suffice to action until after the courts have ascertained
declare Proclamation 1102 ineffective, and if their legality, not only because if that were to be
upon analysis of our respective opinions it the rule, the functioning of government would
should be inferable therefrom that six of us have correspondingly be undesirably hesitative and
considered the matter before the Court as cumbersome, but more importantly, because the
justiciable and at the same time have found the courts must at the first instance accord due
procedure of ratification adopted in Presidential respect to the acts of the other departments, as
Decrees 86-A and 86-B and related orders of the otherwise, the smooth running of the
President as not being in conformity with Article government would have to depend entirely on
XV of the old Constitution, a cloud would exist as the unanimity of opinions among all its
to efficacy of the dispositive portion of Our departments, which is hardly possible, unless it
decision dismiss these cases, even if we have it is assumed that only the judges have the
understood that by the vote of justices in favor of exclusive prerogative of making and enforcing
such dismissal, We intended to mean the the law, aside from being its sole interpreter,
implementation or enforcement of the new which is contrary to all norms of juridical and
Constitution now being done could continue. political thinking. To my knowledge, there is yet
no country in the world that has recognized
judicial supremacy as its basic governmental
Be that as it may, I am against leaving such an
principle, no matter how desirable we might
important point open to speculation. By nature I
believe the idea to be.
am averse to ambiguity and equivocation and as
a member of the Supreme Court, last thing I
should knowingly countenance is uncertainty as Indeed, it is not hard to visualize the difficulty if
to the juridical significance of any decision of the not absurdity of Our acting on the assumption
Court which is precisely being looked upon as that this Court is still functioning under the 1935
the haven in which doubts are supposed to be Constitution. It is undeniable that the whole
authoritatively dispelled. Besides, from very government, including the provincial, municipal
nature of things, one thing is indubitably beyond and barrio units and not excluding the lower
dispute — we cannot act in both capacities of a courts up to the Court of Appeals, is operating
15-man and an 11-man Court at the same time, under the 1973 Constitution. Almost daily,
presidential orders and decrees of the most upholding the same, since they cannot by any
legislative character affecting practically every standard be expected to vote against legality of
aspect of governmental and private activity as the very Constitution under which they would be
well as the relations between the government appointed.
and the citizenry are pouring out from
Malacañang under the authority of said Moreover, what makes the premise of
Constitution. On the other hand, taxes are being presumptive valid preferable and, even
exacted and penalties in connection therewith imperative, is that We are dealing here with a
are being imposed under said orders and whole constitution that radically modifies or
decrees. Obligations have been contracted and alters only the form of our government from
business and industrial plans have been and are presidential parliamentary but also other
being projected pursuant to them. constitutionally institutions vitally affecting all
Displacements of public officials and employees levels of society. It is, to mind, unrealistic to
in big numbers are going on in obedience to insist on that, fundamentally, the 1973
them. For the ten justices of the Supreme Court Constitution is the same 1935 Constitution, with
to constitute an island of resistance in the midst a few improvements. A cursory perusal of the
of these developments, which even unreasoning former should convince anyone that it is in
obstinacy cannot ignore, much less impede, is essence a new one. While it does retain
unimaginable, let alone the absurd and republicanism as the basic governmental tenet,
complicated consequences such a position the institutional changes introduced thereby are
entails in the internal workings within the rather radical and its social orientation is
judiciary amount its different components, what decidedly more socialistic, just as its nationalistic
with the lower courts considering such orders features are somewhat different in certain
and decrees as forming part of the law of the respects. One cannot but note that the change
land in making their orders and decisions, embraces practically every part of the old
whereas the Supreme Court is holding, as it charter, from its preamble down to its amending
were, their effectivity at bay if it is not being and effectivity clauses, involving as they do the
indifferent to or ignoring them. statement of general principles, the citizenship
and suffrage qualifications, the articles on the
It is suggested that the President, being a man form of government, the judiciary provisions, the
of law, committed to abide by the decision of the spelling out of the duties and responsibilities not
Supreme Court, and if the Court feels that it only of citizens but also of officers of the
cannot in the meantime consider the government and the provisions on the national
enforcement of the new Constitution, he can wait economy as well as the patrimony of the nation,
for its decision. Accepting the truth of this not to mention the distinctive features of the
assertion, it does necessarily follow that by this general provisions. What is more, the transitory
attitude of the President, considers the Supreme provisions notably depart from traditional and
Court as still operating under the Constitution. orthodox views in that, in general, the powers of
Quite on the contrary, it is a fact that he has government during the interim period are more
given instructions for the payment of the justices or less concentrated in the President, to the
in accordance with the rate fixed in the New extent that the continuation or discontinuance of
Constitution. Not only that, official alter ego, the what is now practically a one-man-rule, is even
Secretary of Justice, has been shoving this left to his discretion. Notably, the express
Court, since January 18, 1973, all matters ratification of all proclamations, orders, decrees
related to the administrative supervision of the and acts previously issued or done by the
lower courts which by the new charter has been President, obviously meant to encompass those
transferred from the Department of Justice to the issued during martial law, is a commitment to the
Supreme Court, and as far as I know, President concept of martial law powers being
has not countermanded the Secretary's steps in implemented by President Marcos, in defiance of
that direction. That, on the other hand, the traditional views and prevailing jurisprudence, to
President has not augmented the justices of the the effect that the Executive's power of
Court to complete the prescribed number of legislation during a regime of martial law is all
fifteen is, in my appraisal, of no consequence inclusive and is not limited to the matters
considering that with the presence of ten justices demanded by military necessity. In other words,
who are the Court now, there is a working the new constitution unlike any other constitution
quorum, and the addition of new justices cannot countenances the institution by the executive of
in anyway affect the voting on the constitutional reforms which normally is the exclusive attribute
questions now before Us because, while there of the legislature.
sufficient justices to declare by their unanimous
vote illegality of Proclamation 1102, the votes of Withal, the best proofs that by its expressed and
the justices to added would only be committed to implied intent, the Constitution of 1973 is a new
one, are that (1) Section 16 of its Article XVII because, according to them the referendum was
which provides that this constitution shall a farce and its results were manufactured or
"supersede the Constitution of nineteen hundred prefabricated, considering that Mr. Francisco
and thirty-five and all amendments thereto" and Cruz, who is supposed to have submitted the
(2) its transitory provisions expressly continue final report to the President, which served as
the effectivity of existing laws, offices and courts basis for Proclamation 1102, had no official
as well as the tenure of all incumbent officials, authority to render the same, and it is
not adversely affected by it, which would have inconceivable and humanly impossible for
been unnecessary if the old constitution were anyone to have been able to gather, tabulate
being merely amended. and canvass the 15 million votes allegedly
reported within the short period of time
The new Constitution, in its Section 10, Article employed. Of course, they also contend that in
XVII, provides that "(T)he incumbent members any event, there was no proper submission
of the Judiciary (which include the Chief Justice because martial law per se creates constructive
and Associate Justices of Supreme Court) may duress which deprives the voters of the
continue in office (under the constitution) until complete freedom needed for the exercise of
they reach the age of seventy years, etc." By their right of choice and actually, there was
virtue of the presumptive validity of the new neither time nor opportunity for real debate
charter, all of form part of the 15-man-Court before they voted.
provided for therein correspondingly, We have in
legal contemplation, ceased in the meanwhile to On the other hand, the position of the Solicitor
be members of the 11-man-Court in the 1935 General as counsel for the respondents is that
Constitution. Should the Court finally decide that the matter raised in the petitions is a political one
the Constitution is invalid, then We would which the courts are not supposed to inquire
automatically revert to our positions in the 11- into, and, anyway, there has been a substantial
man- Court, otherwise, We would just continue compliance with Article XV of the 1935
to be in our membership in the 15-man-Court, Constitution, inasmuch as, disregarding
unless We feel We cannot in conscience accept unessential matters of form, the undeniable fact
the legality of existence. On the other hand, if it is that the voting in the referendum resulted in
is assumed that We are the 11-man-Court and it the approval by the people of the New
happens that Our collective decision is in favor Constitution.
of the new constitution, it would be problematical
for any dissenting justice to consider himself as I need not dwell at length on these variant
included automatically in the 15-man-Court, positions of the parties. In my separate opinion
since that would tantamount to accepting a in the Plebiscite Cases, I already made the
position he does not honestly believe exists. observation that in view of the lack of solemnity
and regularity in the voting as well as in the
III manner of reporting and canvassing conducted
in connection with the referendum, I cannot say
In brief, the main contention of the petitioners is that Article XV of the Old Constitution has been
that Proclamation 1102 is invalid because the complied with, albeit I held that nonetheless, the
ratification of the 1973 Constitution it purports to Constitution of 1973 is already in force. In order,
declare as having taken place as a result of the however, to make myself clearer on some
referendum above-referred to is ineffective since relevant points, I would like to add a few
it cannot be said on the basis of the said considerations to what I have already said in the
referendum that said Constitution has been former cases.
"approved by a majority of the votes cast at an
election" in the manner prescribed by Article XV In my opinion in those cases, the most important
the Constitution of 1935. More specifically, they point I took into account was that in the face of
maintain that the word "election" in the said the Presidential certification through
Article has already acquired a definite accepted Proclamation 1102 itself that the New
meaning out of the consistent holding in the past Constitution has been approved by a majority of
of ratification plebiscites, and accordingly, no the people and having in mind facts of general
other form of ratification can be considered knowledge which I have judicial notice of, I am in
contemplated by the framers of the Old no position to deny that the result of the
Constitution than that which had been followed referendum was as the President had stated. I
1935, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1946 and 1967, the last can believe that the figures referred to in the
three or four which were held under the proclamation may not accurate, but I cannot say
supervision of the Commission on Elections. in conscience that all of them are manufactured
Furthermore, they emphatically deny the veracity or prefabricated, simply because I saw with own
of the proclaimed results of the referendum eyes that people did actually gather and listen
discussions, if brief and inadequate for those this view. And as it turned out, the majority found
who are abreast of current events and general no necessity in holding a plebiscite.
occurrences, and that they did vote. I believe I
can safely say that what I have seen have also In connection with the question, Do you approve
been seen by many others throughout the of the New Constitution? capital is being made
country and unless it can be assumed, which of the point that as so framed, the thrust of the
honestly, I do not believe to be possible, that in said question does not seek an answer of fact
fact there were actually no meetings held and no but of opinion. It is argued that it would have
voting done in more places than those wherein been factual were it worded categorically thus —
there were such meetings and votings, I am not Do you approve the New Constitution? The
prepared to discredit entirely the declaration that contention would have been weighty were it not
there was voting and that the majority of the unrealistic. I remember distinctly that the
votes were in favor of the New Constitution. If in observation regarding the construction of the
fact there were substantially less than 14 million subject question was not originally made by any
votes of approval, the real figure, in my estimate, of the talented counsels for petitioners. It came
could still be significant enough and legally from Mr. Justice Fred Ruiz Castro whose
sufficient to serve as basis for a valid ratification. mastery of the English language can rightly be
the cause of envy of even professors of English.
It is contended, however, that the understanding None of the other members of the Court, as far
was that the referendum among the Citizens as I can recall, ever noticed how the said
Assemblies was to be in the nature merely of a question is phrased, or if anyone of Us did, I am
loose consultation and not an outright not aware that he gave it more than passing
submission for purposes of ratification. I can see attention. What I mean is that if neither any of
that at the outset, when the first set of questions the distinguished and learned counsels nor any
was released, such may have been the idea. It member of the Court understood the said
must not be lost sight of, however, that if the question otherwise than calling for a factual
newspaper reports are to be believed, and I say answer instead of a mere opinion, how could
this only because petitioners would consider the anyone expect the millions of unlettered
newspapers as the official gazettes of the members of the Citizens Assemblies to have
administration, the last set of six questions were noticed the point brought out by Justice Castro?
included precisely because the reaction to the Truth to tell, I myself did not realize the
idea of mere consultation was that the people difference until Justice Castro gave it emphasis.
wanted greater direct participation, thru the Besides, reading the question in the light of the
Citizens Assemblies, in decision-making accompanying "comment" corresponding to it in
regarding matters of vital national interest. Thus, particular, I am certain that any one who
looking at things more understandingly and answered the same understood it in no other
realistically the two questions emphasized by sense than a direct inquiry as to whether or not,
counsel, namely, (1) Do yo approve of the New as a matter of fact, he approves the New
Constitution? and (2) Do you want plebiscite to Constitution, and naturally, affirmative answer
be called to ratify the new Constitution? should must be taken as a categorical vote of approval
be considered no longer as loose consultations thereof, considering, particularly, that according
but as direct inquiries about the desire of the to the reported result of the referendum said
voters regarding the matters mentioned. answer was even coupled with the request that
Accordingly, I take it that if the majority had the President defer the convening of the Interim
expressed disapproval of the new Constitution, National Assembly.
the logical consequence would have been the
complete abandonment of the idea of holding It is also contended that because of this
any plebiscite at all. On the other hand, it is very reference in answer to that question to the
plain to see that since the majority has already deferment of the convening of the interim
approved the new Constitution, a plebiscite assembly, the said answer is at best a
would be superfluous. Clear as these conditional approval not proper nor acceptable
rationalizations may be, it must have been for purposes of ratification plebiscite. The
thought that if the holding of a plebiscite was to contention has no basis. In interest of accuracy,
be abandoned, there should be a direct and the additional answer proposed in pertinent
expressed desire of the people to such effect in "comment" reads as follows: "But we do not
order to forestall as much as possible any want Ad Interim Assembly to be convoked etc."
serious controversy regarding the non-holding of On the assumption that the actual answer, as
the plebiscite required by the letter of Section 16 reported, was of similar tenor, it is not fair to
of Article XVII, the effectivity clause, of the new ascribe to it the imposition of a condition. At
Constitution. Oddly enough, the "comments" most, the intention is no more than a suggestion
accompanying the questions do strongly suggest or a wish.
As regards said "comments", it must be those who did not agree to the suggestions in
considered that a martial law was declared, the the "comments" were actually compelled to vote
circumstances surrounding making of the against their will, I am not convinced that the
Constitution acquired a different and more existence of said "comments" should make any
meaningful aspect, namely, the formation of a appreciable difference in the court's appraisal of
new society. From the point of view of the the result of the referendum.
President and on the basis of intelligence reports
available to him, the only way to meet situation I must confess that the fact that the referendum
created by the subversive elements was to was held during martial law detracts somehow
introduce immediately effective reforms from the value that the referendum would
calculated to redeem the people from the depth otherwise have had. As I intimated, however, in
of retrogression and stagnation caused by my former opinion, it is not fair to condemn and
rampant graft and corruption in high places, disregard the result of the referendum barely
influence peddling, oligarchic political practices, because of martial law per se. For one thing,
private armies, anarchy, deteriorating conditions many of the objectionable features of martial law
of peace and order, the so inequalities widening have not actually materialized, if only because
the gap between the rich and the poor, and the implementation of martial law since its
many other deplorable long standing maladies inception has been generally characterized by
crying for early relief and solution. Definitely, as restraint and consideration, thanks to the
in the case of rebellious movement that expressed wishes of the President that the same
threatened the Quirino Administration, the be made "Philippine style", which means without
remedy was far from using bullets alone. If a the rigor that has attended it in other lands and
constitution was to be approved as an effective other times. Moreover, although the restrictions
instrument towards the eradication of such grave on the freedom of speech, the press and
problems, it had to be approved without loss of movement during martial law do have their
time and sans the cumbersome processes that, corresponding adverse effects on the area of
from the realistic viewpoint, have in the past information which should be open to a voter, in
obstructed rather than hastened the progress of its real sense what "chills" his freedom of choice
the people. Stated otherwise, in the context of and mars his exercise of discretion is
actualities, the evident objective in having a new suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
constitution is to establish new directions in the corpus. The reason is simply that a man may
pursuit of the national aspirations and the freely and correctly vote even if the needed
carrying out of national policies. Only by bearing information he possesses as to the candidates
these considerations in mind can the or issues being voted upon is more or less
"comments" already referred to be properly incomplete, but when he is subject to arrest and
appreciated. To others said "comments" may detention without investigation and without being
appear as evidence of corruption of the will of informed of the cause thereof, that is something
those who attended the assemblies, but actually, else which may actually cause him to cast a
they may also be viewed in the same light as the captive vote. Thus it is the suspension of the writ
sample ballots commonly resorted to in the of habeas corpus accompanying martial law that
elections of officials, which no one can contend can cause possible restraint on the freedom
are per se means of coercion. Let us not forget choice in an election held during martial law. It is
that the times are abnormal, and prolonged a fact, however, borne by history and actual
dialogue and exchange of ideas are not experience, that in the Philippines, the
generally possible, nor practical, considering the suspension of the privilege of the writ habeas
need for faster decisions and more resolute corpus has never produced any chilling effect
action. After all voting on a whole new upon the voters, since it is known by all that only
constitution is different from voting on one, two those who run afoul the law, saving
or three specific proposed amendments, the inconsequential instances, have any cause for
former calls for nothing more than a collective apprehension in regard to the conduct by them
view of all the provisions of the whole charter, for of the normal activities of life. And so it is
necessarily, one has to take the good together recorded that in the elections 1951 and 1971,
with the bad in it. It is rare for anyone to reject a held while the privilege of writ of habeas
constitution only because of a few specific corpus was under suspension, the Filipino voters
objectionable features, no matter how gave the then opposition parties overwhelming if
substantial, considering the ever present not sweeping victories, in defiance of the
possibility that after all it may be cured by respective administrations that ordered the
subsequent amendment. Accordingly, there was suspensions.
need to indicate to the people the paths open to
them in their quest for the betterment of their At this juncture, I think it is fit to make it clear
conditions, and as long as it is not shown that that I am not trying to show that the result of the
referendum may considered as sufficient basis cast. After all, the claims that upon a comparison
for declaring that the New Constitution has been of conflicting reports, cases of excess votes may
ratified in accordance with the amending clause be found, even if extrapolated will not, as far as I
of the 1935 Constitution. I reiterate that in point can figure out, suffice to overcome the outcome
of law, I find neither strict nor substantial officially announced. Rather than try to form a
compliance. The foregoing discussion is only to conclusion out of the raw evidence before Us
counter, if I may, certain impression regarding which the parties did not care to really complete,
the general conditions obtaining during and in I feel safer by referring to the results announced
relation to the referendum which could have in in the proclamation itself. Giving substantial
one way or another affected the exercise of the allowances for possible error and downright
freedom of choice and the use of discretion by manipulation, it must not be overlooked that,
the members of the Citizens Assemblies, to the after all, their having been accepted and
end that as far as the same conditions may be adopted by the President, based on official
relevant in my subsequent discussions of the reports submitted to him in due course of
acceptance by the people of the New performance of duty of appropriate subordinate
Constitution they may also be considered. officials, elevated them to the category of an act
of a coordinate department of the government
IV which under the principle separation of powers is
clothed with presumptive correctness or at least
It is my sincere conviction that the Constitution entitled to a high degree of acceptability, until
of 1973 has been accepted or adopted by the overcome by better evidence, which in these
cases does not exist. In any event, considering
people. And on this premise, my considered
that due to the unorthodoxy of the procedure
opinion is that the Court may no longer decide
adopted and the difficulty of an accurate
these cases on the basis of purely legal
considerations. Factors which are non-legal but checking of all the figures, I am unable to
nevertheless ponderous and compelling cannot conceive of any manageable means of acquiring
information upon which to predicate a denial, I
be ignored, for their relevancy is inherent in the
have no alternative but to rely on what has been
issue itself to be resolved.
officially declared. At this point, I would venture
to express the feeling that if it were not generally
In my opinion in the Plebiscite Cases, I joined conceded that there has been sufficient showing
my colleagues in holding that the question of of the acceptance in question by this time, there
whether or not there was proper submission would have been already demonstrative and
under Presidential Decree No. 73 is justiciable, significant indications of a rather widespread, if
and I still hold that the propriety of submission not organized resistance in one form or another.
under any other law or in any other form is Much as they are to be given due recognition as
constitutionally a fit subject for inquiry by the magnificent manifestations of loyalty and
courts. The ruling in the decided cases relied devotion to principles, I cannot accord to the
upon by petitioners are to this effect. In view, filing of these cases as indicative enough of the
however, of the factual background of the cases general attitude of the people.
at bar which include ratification itself, it is
necessary for me to point out that when it comes
to ratification, I am persuaded that there should It is true that in the opinion I had the privilege of
penning the Court in Tolentino vs. Comelec, 41
be a boundary beyond which the competence of
SCRA 702, I made strong and unequivocal
the courts no longer has any reason for being,
pronouncements to the effect that any
because the other side is exclusively political
amendment to the Constitution of 1935, to be
territory reserved for their own dominion by the
people. valid, must appear to have been made in strict
conformity with the requirements of Article XV
thereof. What is more, that decision asserted
The main basis of my opinion in the previous judicial competence to inquire into the matter of
cases was acceptance by the people. Others compliance or non compliance as a justiciable
may feel there is not enough indication of such matter. I still believe in the correctness of those
acceptance in the record and in the views and I would even add that I sincerely feel
circumstances the Court can take judicial notice it reflects the spirit of the said constitutional
of. For my part, I consider it unnecessary to be provision. Without trying to strain any point
strictly judicial in inquiring into such fact. Being however, I, submit the following considerations
personally aware, as I have already stated, that in the context of the peculiar circumstances of
the Citizens Assemblies did meet and vote, if the cases now at bar, which are entirely different
irregularly and crudely, it is not for me to resort, from those in the backdrop of the Tolentino
for the purposes of these cases, to judicial tape rulings I have referred to.
and measure, to find out with absolute precision
the veracity of the total number of votes actually
1. Consider that in the present case what is 2. When an entirely new constitution is proposed
involved is not just an amendment of a particular to supersede the existing one, we cannot but
provision of an existing Constitution; here, it is, take into consideration the forces and the
as I have discussed earlier above, an entirely circumstances dictating the replacement. From
new Constitution that is being proposed. This the very nature of things, the proposal to ordain
important circumstance makes a great deal of a new constitution must be viewed as the most
difference. eloquent expression of a people's resolute
determination to bring about a massive change
No less than counsel Tolentino for herein of the existing order, a meaningful
respondents Puyat and Roy, who was himself transformation of the old society and a
the petitioner in the case I have just referred to responsive reformation of the contemporary
is, now inviting Our attention to the exact institutions and principles. Accordingly, should
language of Article XV and suggesting that the any question arise as to its effectivity and there
said Article may be strictly applied to proposed is some reasonable indication that the new
amendments but may hardly govern the charter has already received in one way or
ratification of a new Constitution. It is particularly another the sanction of the people, I would hold
stressed that the Article specifically refers to that the better rule is for the courts to defer to
nothing else but "amendments to this the people's judgment, so long as they are
Constitution" which if ratified "shall be valid as convinced of the fact of their approval,
part of this Constitution." Indeed, how can a regardless of the form by which it is expressed
whole new constitution be by any manner of provided it be reasonably feasible and reliable.
reasoning an amendment to any other Otherwise stated, in such instances, the courts
constitution and how can it, if ratified, form part should not bother about inquiring into
of such other constitution? In fact, in the compliance with technical requisites, and as a
Tolentino case I already somehow hinted this matter of policy should consider the matter non-
point when I made reference in the resolution justiciable.
denying the motion for reconsideration to the
fact that Article XV must be followed "as long as 3. There is still another circumstance which I
any amendment is formulated and submitted consider to be of great relevancy. I refer to the
under the aegis of the present Charter." Said ostensible reaction of the component elements,
resolution even added. "(T)his is not to say that both collective and individual, of the Congress of
the people may not, in the exercise of their the Philippines. Neither the Senate nor the
inherent revolutionary powers, amend the House of Representatives has been reported to
Constitution or promulgate an entirely new one have even made any appreciable effort or
otherwise.". attempt to convene as they were supposed to do
under the Constitution of 1935 on January 22,
It is not strange at all to think that the amending 1973 for the regular session. It must be
clause of a constitution should be confined in its assumed that being composed of experienced,
application only to proposed changes in any part knowledgeable and courageous members, it
of the same constitution itself, for the very fact would not have been difficult for said
that a new constitution is being adopted implies parliamentary bodies to have conceived some
a general intent to put aside the whole of the old ingenious way of giving evidence of their
one, and what would be really incongrous is the determined adherence to the Constitution under
idea that in such an eventuality, the new which they were elected. Frankly, much as I
Constitution would subject its going into effect to admire the efforts of the handful of senators who
any provision of the constitution it is to had their picture taken in front of the padlocked
supersede, to use the language precisely of portals of the Senate chamber, I do not feel
Section 6, Article XVII, the effectivity clause, of warranted to accord such act as enough token of
the New Constitution. My understanding is that resistance. As counsel Tolentino has informed
generally, constitutions are self-born, they very the court, there was noting to stop the senators
rarely, if at all, come into being, by virtue of any and the congressmen to meet in any other
provision of another constitution. 3 This must be convenient place and somehow officially
the reason why every constitution has its own organize themselves in a way that can logically
effectivity clause, so that if, the Constitutional be considered as a session, even if nothing were
Convention had only anticipated the idea of the done than to merely call the roll and disperse.
referendum and provided for such a method to Counsel Tolentino even pointed out that if there
be used in the ratification of the New were not enough members to form a quorum,
Constitution, I would have had serious doubts as any smaller group could have ordered the arrest
to whether Article XV could have had priority of of the absent members. And with particular
application. relevance to the present cases, it was not
constitutionally indispensable for the presiding
officers to issue any call to the members to departments of the government and declaring
convene, hence the present prayers the matter non-justiciable.
for mandamus have no legal and factual bases.
And to top it all, quite to the contrary, the records 4. Viewed from the strictly legal angle and in the
of the Commission on Elections show that at light of judicial methods of ascertainment, I
least 15 of 24 senators and over 95 out of less cannot agree with the Solicitor General that in
than 120 members of the House of the legal sense, there has been at least
Representatives, have officially and in writing substantial compliance with Article XV of the
exercised the option given to them to join the 1935 Constitution, but what I can see is that in a
Interim National Assembly under the New political sense, the answers to the referendum
Constitution, thereby manifesting their questions were not given by the people as legal
acceptance of the new charter. conclusions. I take it that when they answered
that by their signified approval of the New
Now, having these facts in mind, and it being Constitution, they do not consider it necessary to
obvious that of the three great departments of hold a plebiscite, they could not have had in
the government under the 1935 Constitution, mind any intent to do what was constitutionally
two, the Executive and the Legislative, have improper. Basically accustomed to proceed
already accepted the New Constitution and along constitutional channels, they must have
recognized its enforceability and enforcement, I acted in the honest conviction that what was
cannot see how this Supreme Court can by being done was in conformity with prevailing
judicial fiat hold back the political developments constitutional standards. We are not to assume
taking place and for the sake of being the that the sovereign people were indulging in a
guardian of the Constitution and the defender of futile exercise of their supreme political right to
its integrity and supremacy make its judicial choose the fundamental charter by which their
power prevail against the decision of those who lives, their liberties and their fortunes shall be
were duly chosen by the people to be their safeguarded. In other words, we must perforce
authorized spokesmen and representatives. It is infer that they meant their decision to count, and
not alone the physical futility of such a gesture it behooves this Court to render judgment herein
that concerns me. More than that, there is the in that context. It is my considered opinion that
stark reality that the Senators and the viewed understandingly and realistically, there is
Congressmen, no less than the President, have more than sufficient ground to hold that, judged
taken the same oath of loyalty to the Constitution by such intent and, particularly, from the political
that we, the Justices, have taken and they are, standpoint, the ratification of the 1973
therefore, equally bound with Us to preserve and Constitution declared in Proclamation 1102
protect the Constitution. If as the representatives complies substantially with Article XV of the
of the people, they have already opted to accept 1935 Charter, specially when it is considered
the New Constitution as the more effective that the most important element of the
instrument for fulfillment of the national destiny, I ratification therein contemplated is not in the
really wonder if there is even any idealistic worth word "election", which conceivably can be in
in our desperately clinging by Ourselves alone to many feasible and manageable forms but in the
Our sworn duty vis-a-vis the 1935 Constitution. word "approved" which may be said to constitute
Conscious of the declared objectives of the new the substantiality of the whole article, so long as
dispensation and cognizant of the decisive steps such approval is reasonably ascertained. In the
being with the least loss of time, towards their last analysis, therefore, it can be rightly said,
accomplishment, cannot but feel apprehensive even if only in a broad sense, that the ratification
that instead of serving the best interests of our here in question was constitutionally justified and
people, which to me is in reality the real meaning justifiable.
of our oath of office, the Court might be standing
in the way of the very thing our beloved country 5. Finally, if any doubt should still linger as to the
needs to retrieve its past glory and greatness. In legitimacy of the New Constitution on legal
other words, it is my conviction that what these grounds, the same should be dispelled by
cases demand most of all is not a decision viewing the situation in the manner suggested by
demonstrative of our legal erudition and Counsel Tolentino and by the writer of this
Solomonic wisdom but an all rounded judgment opinion in his separate opinion, oft-referred to
resulting from the consideration of all relevant above, in the Plebiscite Cases — that is, as an
circumstances, principally the political, or, in extra constitutional exercise by the people,
brief, a decision more political than legal, which under the leadership of President Marcos, of
a court can render only by deferring to the their inalienable right to change their
apparent judgment of the people and the fundamental charter by any means they may
announcement thereof by the political deem appropriate, the moment they are
convinced that the existing one is no longer
responsive to their fundamental, political and the moment, despite our being convinced of the
social needs nor conducive to the timely sincerity and laudableness of their objectives,
attainment of their national destiny. This is not only because we feel that by the people's own
only the teaching of the American Declaration of act of ratifying the Constitution of 1935, they
Independence but is indeed, a truth that is self- have so encased themselves within its
evident. More, it should be regarded as implied provisions and may, therefore, no longer take
in every constitution that regardless of the measures to redeem themselves from the
language of its amending clause, once the situation brought about by the deficiencies of the
people have given their sanction to a new old order, unless they act in strict conformity
charter, the latter may be deemed as therewith. I cannot believe that any people can
constitutionally permissible even from the point be so stifled and enchained. In any event, I
of view of the preceding constitution. Those who consider it a God-given attribute of the people to
may feel restrained to consider this view out of disengage themselves, if necessary, from any
respect to the import of Tolentino vs. covenant that would obstruct their taking what
Comelec, supra., would be well advised to bear subsequently appears to them to be the better
in mind that the case was decided in the context road to the promotion and protection of their
of submission, not accomplished ratification. welfare. And once they have made their decision
in that respect, whether sophisticatedly or
V crudely, whether in legal form or otherwise,
certainly, there can be no court or power on
The language of the disputed amending clause earth that can reverse them.
of the 1935 Constitution should not be deemed
as the be all and end all the nation. More I would not be human if I should be insensitive to
important than even the Constitution itself with the passionate and eloquent appeals of
all its excellent features, are the people living Counsels Tañada and Salonga that these cases
under it — their happiness, their posterity and be decided on the basis of conscience. That is
their national destiny. There is nothing that exactly what I am doing. But if counsel mean
cannot be sacrificed in the pursuit of these that only by granting their petitions can this
objectives, which constitute the totality of the Court be worthily the bulwark of the people's
reasons for national existence. The sacred faith in the government, I cannot agree, albeit
liberties and freedom enshrined in it and the my admiration and respect are all theirs for their
commitment and consecration thereof to the zeal and tenacity, their industry and wisdom,
forms of democracy we have hitherto observed their patriotism and devotion to principle. Verily,
are mere integral parts of this totality; they are they have brought out everything in the Filipino
less important by themselves. that these cases demand.

What seems to me to be bothering many of our In times of national emergencies and crises, not
countrymen now is that by denying the present arising from foreign invasion, we need not fear
petitions, the Court would be deemed as playing opposite roles, as long as we are all
sanctioning, not only the deviations from animated by sincere love of country and aim
traditional democratic concepts and principles exclusively at the attainment of the national
but also the qualified curtailment of individual destiny. Our heroes of the past, Rizal, Bonifacio,
liberties now being practiced, and this would Aguinaldo, Antonio Luna, Mabini and so also
amount, it is feared, to a repudiation of our oath with our patriots of the recent generations,
to support and defend the Constitution of 1935. Quezon, Osmeña, Roxas, Laurel and Recto, to
This is certainly something one must gravely mention only some of them, had their differences
ponder upon. When I consider, however, that the of views — and they did not hesitate to take
President, the Vice President, the members of diametrically opposing sides — that even
both Houses of Congress, not to speak of all reached tragic proportions, but all of them are
executive departments and bureaus under them admired and venerated.
as well as all the lower courts, including the
Court of Appeals have already accepted the It is my faith that to act with absolute loyalty to
New Constitution as an instrument of a our country and people is more important than
meaningful nationwide-all-level change in our loyalty to any particular precept or provision of
government and society purported to make more the Constitution or to the Constitution itself. My
realistic and feasible, rather than idealistic and oath to abide by the Constitution binds me to
cumbersomely deliberative, the attainment of our whatever course of action I feel sincerely is
national aspirations, I am led to wonder whether demanded by the welfare and best interests of
or not we, as members of the Supreme Court the people.
are being true to our duty to our people by
refusing to follow suit and accept the realities of
In this momentous juncture of our history, what Article XV of the 1935 Constitution provides:
is imperative is national unity. May God grant "Such amendments shall be valid as part of this
that the controversies the events leading to Constitution when approved by a majority of the
these cases have entail will heal after the votes cast at an election at which the
decision herein is promulgated, so that all us amendments are submitted to the people for
Filipinos may forever join hands in the pursuit of ratification." Under Article XV of the 1935
our national destiny. Constitution, the power to propose constitutional
amendments is vested in Congress or in a
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, I vote to constitutional convention; while the power to
dismiss these petitions for mandamus and ratify or reject such proposed amendments or
prohibition without costs. new Constitution is reserved by the sovereign
people. The nullification of Proclamation No.
MAKASIAR, J., concurring: 1102 would inevitably render inoperative the
1973 Constitution, which is in fact the express
prayer of the petitioners in G.R. No. L-36164.
Assuming, without conceding, that Article XV of Regardless of the modality of submission or
the 1935 Constitution prescribes a procedure for ratification or adoption — even if it deviates from
the ratification of constitutional amendments or or violates the procedure delineated therefore by
of a new Constitution and that such procedure the old Constitution — once the new Constitution
was no complied with, the validity of Presidential is ratified, adopted and/or acquiesced in by the
Proclamation No. 1102 is a political, not a people or ratified even by a body or agency not
justiciable, issue; for it is inseparably or duly authorized therefor but is subsequently
inextricably link with and strikes at, because it is adopted or recognized by the people and by the
decisive of, the validity of ratification and other official organs and functionaries of the
adoption of, as well as acquiescence of people government established under such a new
in, the 1973 Constitution and the legitimacy of Constitution, this Court is precluded from
the government organized and operating inquiring into the validity of such ratification,
thereunder. And being political, it is beyond the adoption or acquiescence and of the consequent
ambit of judicial inquiry, tested by the definition effectivity of the new Constitution. This is as it
of a political question enunciated in Tañada, et. should be in a democracy, for the people are the
al. vs. Cuenco, et al. (103 Phil. 1051), aside from repository of all sovereign powers as well as the
the fact the this view will not do violence to rights source of all governmental authority (Pole vs.
vested under the new Constitution, to Gray, 104 SO 2nd 841 [1958]). This basic
international commitments forged pursuant democratic concept is expressly restated in
thereto and to decisions rendered by the judicial Section 1 of Article II of the Declaration of
as well as quasi-judicial tribunals organized and Principles of the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions,
functioning or whose jurisdiction has been thus: "Sovereignty resides in the people and all
altered by the 1973 Constitution and the government authority emanates from them."
government established thereunder, and will
dissipate any confusion in the minds of the
The legality of the submission is no longer
citizenry, who have been obeying the mandates
relevant; because the ratification, adoption
of the new Constitution, as well as exercising the
rights and performing the obligations defined by and/or acquiescence by the people cures any
infirmity in its submission or any other
the new Constitution, and decrees and orders
irregularities therein which are deemed
issued in implementation of the same and
mandatory before submission as they are
cooperating with the administration in the
considered merely directory after such
renovation of our social, economic and political
system as re-structured by the 1973 Constitution ratification or adoption or acquiescence by the
and by the implementing decrees and orders people. As Mr. Justice Brewer, then of the
Kansas State Supreme Court and later
(see Miller vs. Johnson, 18 SW 522, 522-526,
Associate Justice of the Federal Supreme Court,
stated in re Prohibitory Amendment Cases (24
Kansas 700 & 710 Reprint 499, 506): "The two
In 1957, Mr. Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion, important, vital elements of the Legislature and a
then Associate Justice, in behalf of the Court, majority of the popular vote. Beyond these, other
defined a political question as one which, under provisions are mere machineries and forms.
the Constitution, is "to be decided by the people They may not be disregarded, because by them
in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which certainty as to the essentials is secured. But
full discretionary authority had been delegated to they are not themselves the essentials." (Cited
the Legislature or Executive branch of the in Larken vs. Gronna, 285 NW 59, 61-64, 1939).
government." (Tañada, et al. vs. Cuenco, et
al., supra).


This was the ruling by the American Supreme department" to which the
Court in the 1939 case of Coleman vs. Constitution has committed it
Miller (307 U.S. 433, 83 L.ed. 1385), where "conclusively binds the judges,
Chief Justice Hughes, speaking for the majority, as well as all other officers,
stated that: citizens and subjects
of...government." Proclamation
... Thus the political under authority of Congress that
departments of the government an amendment has been ratified
dealt with the effect of both will carry with it a solemn
previous rejection and assurance by the Congress that
attempted withdrawal and ratification has taken place as
determined that both were the Constitution commands.
ineffectual in the presence of an Upon this assurance a
actual ratification ... . This proclaimed amendment must be
decision by the political accepted as a part of the
departments of the Government Constitution, leaving to the
as to the validity of the adoption judiciary its traditional authority
of the Fourteenth amendment of interpretation. To the extent
has been accepted. that the Court's opinion in the
present case even impliedly
We think that in accordance with assumes a power to make
judicial interpretation of the
this historic precedent the
exclusive constitutional authority
question of the efficacy of
of Congress over submission
ratifications by state
legislatures, in the light of and ratification of amendments,
previous rejection or attempted we are unable to agree...
(American Constitutional Issues,
withdrawal, should be regarded
by Pritchett, 1962 Ed., p. 44).
as a political question pertaining
to the political departments, with
the ultimate authority in the The doctrine in the aforesaid case of Coleman
Congress in the exercise of its vs. Miller was adopted by Our Supreme Court in
control over the promulgation of toto in Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito (78 Phil. 1).
the adoption of the amendment.
The ruling in the cases of Gonzales vs.
This view was likewise emphasized by Mr. Comelec, et al. (L-28224, Nov. 29, 1967, 21
Justice Black in his concurring opinion, in which SCRA 774) and Tolentino vs. Comelec, et al. (L-
Mr. Justices Roberts, Frankfurter, and Douglas 34150, Oct. 16, 1971, 41 SCRA 702) on which
join, thus: petitioners place great reliance — that the courts
may review the propriety of a submission of a
proposed constitutional amendment before the
The Constitution grants
ratification or adoption of such proposed
Congress exclusive power to
amendment by the sovereign people, hardly
control submission of
applies to the cases at bar; because the issue
constitutional amendments.
involved in the aforesaid cases refers to only the
Final determination by Congress
propriety of the submission of a proposed
that ratification by three-fourths
of the States has taken place "is constitutional amendment to the people for
conclusive upon the courts." In ratification, unlike the present petitions, which
challenge inevitably the validity of the 1973
the exercise of that power,
Constitution after its ratification or adoption thru
Congress, of course, is
acquiescence by the sovereign people. As
governed by the Constitution.
heretofore stated, it is specious and pure
However, whether submission,
intervening procedure or sophistry to advance the reasoning that the
Congressional determination of present petitions pray only for the nullification of
the 1973 Constitution and the government
ratification conforms to the
operating thereunder.
commands of the Constitution,
calls for decisions by a "political
department" of questions of a It should be stressed that even in the Gonzales
type which this Court has case, supra, We held that:
frequently designated "political."
And decision of a "political Indeed, the power to amend the
question" by the "political Constitution or to propose
amendments thereto is not Cuenco, Tañada vs. Cuenco
included in the general grant of and Macias vs. Commission on
legislative powers to Congress. Elections. In the first, we held
It is part of the inherent powers the officers and employees of
of the people — as the the Senate Electoral Tribunal
repository of sovereignty in a are supervision and control, not
republican state, such as ours of that of the Senate President,
— to make, and hence, to claimed by the latter; in the
amend their own Fundamental second, this Court proceeded to
Law. Congress may propose determine the number of
amendments to the same Senators necessary for a
explicitly grants such power. quorum in the Senate; in the
Hence, when exercising the third we nullified the election, by
same, it is said that Senators Senators belonging to the party
and Members of the House of having the largest number of
Representatives act, not as votes in said chamber
members, but as component purporting to act on behalf of the
elements of a constituent party having the second largest
assembly. When acting as such, number of votes therein, of two
the members (2) Senators belonging to the
of Congress derive their first party, as members, for the
authority from the second party, of the Senate
Constitution, unlike the people, Electoral Tribunal; and in the
when performing the same fourth, we declared
function, for their authority unconstitutional an act of
does not emanate from the Congress purporting to
Constitution — they are the very apportion the representative
source of all powers of districts for the House of
government, including the Representatives, upon the
Constitution itself. (21 SCRA ground that the apportionment
787) had not been made as may be
possible according to the
We did not categorically and entirely overturn number of inhabitants of each
the doctrine in Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito (78 Phil. province. Thus we rejected the
1) that both the proposal to amend and the theory advanced in these four
ratification of such a constitutional amendment (4) cases, that the issues
are political in nature forming as they do the therein raised were political
essential parts of one political scheme — the questions the determination of
amending process. WE merely stated therein which is beyond judicial review.
that the force of the ruling in the said case (21 SCRA pp. 785-786);
of Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito has been weakened
by subsequent cases. Thus, We pronounced for which reason We concluded
In short, the issue whether or
It is true that in Mabanag vs. not a resolution of Congress
Lopez Vito, this Court before acting as a constituent
characterizing the issue assembly — violates the
submitted thereto as a political Constitution is essentially
one, declined to pass upon the justiciable, not political, and,
question whether or not a given hence, subject to judicial review,
number of votes cast in and to the extent that this view
Congress in favor of a proposed may be inconsistent with the
amendment to the Constitution stand taken in Mabanag vs.
— which was being submitted to Lopez Vito, the latter should be
the people for ratification — deemed modified accordingly.
satisfied the three fourths vote (p. 787, emphasis supplied.)
requirement of the fundamental
law. The force of this precedent In the Tolentino case, supra, We reiterated the
has been weakened, however, foregoing statements (41 SCRA 703-714).
by Suanes vs. Chief Accountant
of the Senate, Avelino vs.
The inevitable consequence therefore is that the 1937, p. 584; emphasis
validity of the ratification or adoption of or supplied.)
acquiescence by the people in the 1973
Constitution, remains a political issue removed But the foregoing requirements prescribed by
from the jurisdiction of this Court to review. the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual
Union for the alteration for the ratification of the
One more word about the Gonzales and Federal Constitution as drafted by the
Tolentino cases. Both primarily stressed on the Philadelphia Convention were not followed.
impropriety of the submission of a proposed Fearful the said Federal Constitution would not
constitutional amendment. Courts do not deal be ratified by the legislatures as prescribed, the
with propriety or wisdom or absence of either of Philadelphia Convention adopted a resolution
an official act or of a law. Judicial power requesting the Congress of the Confederation to
concerns only with the legality or illegality, pass a resolution providing that the Constitution
constitutionality or unconstitutionality of an act: it should be submitted to elected state conventions
inquires into the existence of power or lack of it. and if ratified by the conventions in nine (9)
Judicial wisdom is not to be pitted against the states, not necessarily in all thirteen (13) states,
wisdom of the political department of the the said Constitution shall take effect.
Thus, history Professor Edward Earle Mead of
The classic example of an illegal submission that Princeton University recorded that:
did not impair the validity of the ratification or
adoption of a new Constitution is the case of the It would have been a counsel of
Federal Constitution of the United States. It perfection to consign the new
should be recalled that the thirteen (13) original constitution to the tender
states of the American Union — which mercies of the legislatures of
succeeded in liberating themselves from each and all of the 13 states.
England after the revolution which began on Experience clearly indicated that
April 19, 1775 with the skirmish at Lexington, ratification then would have had
Massachusetts and ended with the surrender of the same chance as the
General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, on scriptural camel passing through
October 19, 1781(Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. I, the eye of a needle. It was
1933 Ed., p. 776) — adopted their Articles of therefore determined to
Confederation and Perpetual Union, that was recommend to Congress that
written from 1776 to 1777 and ratified on March the new Constitution be
1, 1781 (Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. II, 1966 Ed., p. submitted to conventions in the
525). About six thereafter, the Congress of the several states especially elected
Confederation passed a resolution on February to pass upon it and that,
21, 1787 calling for a Federal Constitutional furthermore, the new
Convention "for the sole and express purpose of government should go into
revising the articles of confederation ... ." effect if and when it should be
(Appendix I, Federalist, Modern Library ed., p. ratified by nine of the thirteen
577, emphasis supplied). states ... . (The Federalist,
Modern Library Ed., 1937,
The Convention convened at Philadelphia on Introduction by Edward Earle
May 14, 1787. Article XIII of the Articles of Mead, pp. viii-ix; emphasis
Confederation and Perpetual Union stated supplied)
Historian Samuel Eliot Morison similarly
The articles of this recounted:
confederation shall be inviolably
observed in every state, and the The Convention, anticipating
union shall be perpetual; nor that the influence of many state
shall any alterations at any time politicians would be
hereafter be made in any of Antifederalist, provided for
them; unless such alteration be ratification of the Constitution by
agreed to in a congress of the popularly elected conventions in
united states, and be afterwards each state. Suspecting that
confirmed by the legislatures of Rhode Island, at least, would
every state. (See the Federalist, prove recalcitrant, it declared
Appendix II, Modern Library Ed., that the Constitution would go


into effect as soon as nine No case identical in its facts with
states ratified. The convention the case now under
method had the further consideration has been called to
advantage that judges, our attention, and we have
ministers, and others ineligible found none. We think that the
to state legislatures, could be principle which we apply in the
elected to a convention. The instant case was very clearly
nine-state provision was, of applied in the creation of the
course, mildly revolutionary. But constitution of the United States.
the Congress of the The convention created by a
Confederation, still sitting in resolution of Congress had
New York to carry on federal authority to do one thing, and
government until relieved, one only, to wit, amend the
formally submitted the new articles of confederation. This
constitution to the states and they did not do, but submitted to
politely faded out before the first the sovereign power, the
presidential inauguration. (The people, a new constitution. In
Oxford History of the Am. this manner was the constitution
People, by Samuel Eliot of the United States submitted
Morison, 1965 ed., p. 312). to the people and it became
operative as the organic law of
And so the American Constitution was ratified by this nation when it had been
nine (9) states on June 21, 1788 and by the last properly adopted by the people.
four states on May 29, 1790 (12 C.J. p. 679
footnote, 16 C.J.S., 27. — by the state Pomeroy's Constitutional Law,
conventions and not by all thirteen (13) state p. 55, discussing the convention
legislatures as required by Article XIII of the that formulated the constitution
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union of the United States, has this to
aforequoted — and in spite of the fact that the say: "The convention proceeded
Federal Constitution as originally adopted to do, and did accomplish, what
suffers from two basic infirmities, namely, the they were not authorized to do
absence of a bill of Rights and of a provision by a resolution of Congress that
affirming the power of judicial review. called them together. That
resolution plainly contemplated
The liberties of the American people were amendments to the articles of
guaranteed by subsequent amendments to the confederation, to be submitted
Federal Constitution. The doctrine of judicial to and passed by the Congress,
review has become part of American and afterwards ratified by all the
constitutional law only by virtue of a judicial State legislatures, in the manner
pronouncement by Chief Justice Marshall in the pointed out by the existing
case of Marbury vs. Madison (1803, 1 Cranch organic law. But the convention
137). soon became convinced that
any amendments were
powerless to effect a cure; that
Until this date, no challenge has been launched
the disease was too deeply
against the validity of the ratification of the
seated to be reached such
American Constitution, nor against the
tentative means. They saw that
legitimacy of the government organized and
the system they were called to
functioning thereunder.
improve must be totally
abandoned, and that the
In the 1946 case of Wheeler vs. Board of national idea must be re-
Trustees (37 SE 2nd 322, 326-330), which established at the center of their
enunciated the principle that the validity of a new political society. It was objected
or revised Constitution does not depend on the by some members, that they
method of its submission or ratification by the had no power, no authority, to
people, but on the fact or fiat or approval or construct a new government.
adoption or acquiescence by the people which They had no authority, if their
fact of ratification or adoption or acquiescence is decisions were to be final; and
all that is essential, the Court cited precisely the no authority whatsoever, under
case of the irregular revision and ratification by the articles of confederation, to
state conventions of the Federal Constitution, adopt the course they did. But
they knew that their labors were 1887, is unconstitutional and
only to be suggestions; and that void, it would not, in our opinion,
they as well as any private by any means follow that the
individuals, and any private amendment is not a part of our
individuals as well as they, had state Constitution. In the recent
a right to propose a plan of case of Taylor vs.
government to the people for Commonwealth (Va.) 44 S.E.
their adoption. They were, in 754, the Supreme Court of
fact, a mere assemblage of Virginia hold that their state
private citizens, and their work Constitution of 1902, having
had no more binding sanction been acknowledged and
than a constitution drafted by accepted by the officers
Mr. Hamilton in his office would administering the state
have had. The people, by their government, and by the people,
expressed will, transformed this and being in force without
suggestion, this proposal, into opposition, must be regarded as
an organic law, and the people an existing Constitution
might have done the same with irrespective of the question as to
a constitution submitted to them whether or not the convention
by a single citizen." which promulgated it had
authority so to do without
xxx xxx xxx submitting it to a vote of the
people. In Brittle v. People, 2
... When the people adopt a Neb. 198, is a similar holding as
completely revised or new to certain provisions of the
constitution, the framing or Nebraska Constitution of 1886,
submission of the instrument is which were added by the
not what gives it binding force Legislature at the requirement of
and effect. The fiat of the people Congress, though never
and only the fiat of the people, submitted to the people for their
can breathe life into a approval." (97 NW 349-350;
constitution. emphasis supplied).

Against the decision in the Wheeler case, supra,

xxx xxx xxx
confirming the validity of the ratification and
adoption of the American Constitution, in spite of
... We do not hesitate to say that the fact that such ratification was in clear
a court is never justified in violation of the prescription on alteration and
placing by implication a ratification of the Articles of Confederation and
limitation upon the sovereign. Perpetual Union, petitioners in G.R. No. L-36165
This would be an authorized dismissed this most significant historical fact by
exercise of sovereign power by calling the Federal Constitution of the United
the court. In State v. Swift, 69 States as a revolutionary one, invoking the
Ind. 505, 519, the Indiana opinion expressed in Vol. 16, Corpus Juris
Supreme Court said: "The Secundum, p. 27, that it was a revolutionary
people of a State may form an constitution because it did not obey the
original constitution, or abrogate requirement that the Articles of Confederation
an old one and form a new one, and Perpetual Union can be amended only with
at any time, without any political the consent of all thirteen (13) state legislatures.
restriction except the This opinion does not cite any decided case, but
constitution of the United States; merely refers to the footnotes on the brief
... ." (37 SE 327-328, 329, historic account of the United States Constitution
emphasis supplied.) on p. 679 of Vol. 12, CJS. Petitioners, on p. 18
of their main Notes, refer US to pp. 270-316 of
In the 1903 case of Weston vs. Ryan, the Court the Oxford History of the American People, 1965
held: Ed. by Samuel Eliot Morison, who discusses the
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in
It remains to be said that if we Chapter XVIII captioned "Revolutionary
felt at liberty to pass upon this Constitution Making, 1775 1781" (pp. 270-281).
question, and were compelled to In Chapter XX on "The Creative Period in
hold that the act of February 23, Politics, 1785-1788," Professor Morison
delineates the genesis of the Federal sufficient for us to quote the decision in Pacific
Constitution, but does not refer to it even States Telephone and Telegraph Co., supra,
implicitly as revolutionary constitution (pp. 297- penned by Mr. Chief Justice White, who re-
316). However, the Federal Constitution may be stated:
considered revolutionary from the view point of
McIver if the term revolution is understood in "its In view of the importance of the
wider sense to embrace decisive changes in the subject, the apparent
character of government, even though they do misapprehension on one side
not involve the violent overthrow of an and seeming misconception on
established order, ... ." (R.M. MacIver, The Web the other, suggested by the
of Government, 1965 ed., p. 203). argument as to the full
significance of the previous
It is rather ridiculous to refer to the American doctrine, we do not content
Constitution as a revolutionary constitution. The ourselves with a mere citation of
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union the cases, but state more at
that was in force from July 12, 1776 to 1788, length than we otherwise would
forged as it was during the war of independence the issues and the doctrine
was a revolutionary constitution of the thirteen expounded in the leading and
(13) states. In the existing Federal Constitution absolutely controlling case —
of the United States which was adopted seven Luther v. Borden, 7 How. 1, 12
(7) or nine (9) years after the thirteen (13) states L.ed. 581.
won their independence and long after popular
support for the government of the Confederation xxx xxx xxx
had stabilized was not a product of a revolution.
The Federal Constitution was a "creation of the ... On this subject it was said (p.
brain and purpose of man" in an era of peace. It
can only be considered revolutionary in the
sense that it is a radical departure from its
predecessor, the Articles of Confederation and "For if this court is authorized to
Perpetual Union. enter upon this inquiry,
proposed by the plaintiff, and it
should be decided that the
It is equally absurd to affirm that the present
character government had no
Federal Constitution of the United States is not
legal existence during the period
the successor to the Articles of Confederation
of time above mentioned, — if it
and Perpetual Union. The fallacy of the had been annulled by the
statement is so obvious that no further refutation adoption of the opposing
is needed. government, — then the laws
passed by its legislature during
As heretofore stated, the issue as to the validity that time were nullities; its taxes
of Proclamation No. 1102 strikes at the validity wrongfully collected, its salaries
and enforceability of the 1973 Constitution and and compensations to its
of the government established and operating officers illegally paid ; its public
thereunder. Petitioners pray for a declaration accounts improperly settled and
that the 1973 Constitution is inoperative (L- the judgments and sentences of
36164). If Proclamation No. 1102 is nullified, its courts in civil and criminal
then there is no valid ratification of the 1973 cases null and void, and the
Constitution and the inevitable conclusion is that officers who carried their
the government organized and functioning decisions into operation
thereunder is not a legitimate government. answerable as trespassers, if
not in some cases as criminals."
That the issue of the legitimacy of a government
is likewise political and not justiciable, had long xxx xxx xxx
been decided as early as the 1849 case
of Luther vs. Borden (7 How. 1, 12 L.ed., 581),
"The fourth section of the fourth
affirmed in the 1900 case of Taylor vs.
article of the Constitution of the
Beckham (178 U.S. 548, 44 L.ed. 1187) and re-
United States shall guarantee to
enunciated in 1912 in the case of Pacific States
every state in the Union a
Telephone and Telegraph Company vs.
republican form of government,
Oregon (223 U.S. 118, 133-151, 56 L.ed. 377-
and shall protect each of them
386). Because it reaffirmed the pronouncements
against invasion; and on the
in both Borden and Beckham cases, it is
application of the Legislature or of the guaranty of S 4 of article
of the Executive (when the 4, it was said (p. 578):
legislature cannot be convened)
against domestic violence. "But it is said that the 14th
Amendment must be read with
"Under this article of the S 4 of article 4, of the
Constitution it rests with Constitution, providing that the
Congress to decide what United States shall guarantee to
government is established one every state in this Union a
in a state. For, as the United republican form of government,
State guarantee to each state a and shall protect each of them
republican against invasion; and on
government, Congress must application of the legislature, or
necessarily decide what the Executive (when the
government is established in the legislature cannot be
state before it can determine convened), against domestic
whether it is republican or not. violence."
And when the senators and
representatives of a state are xxx xxx xxx
admitted into the Councils of the
Union, the authority of the
"It was long ago settled that the
government under which they
enforcement of this guaranty
were appointed, as well as its
belonged to the political
republican character, is
department. Luther v. Borden, 7
recognized by the proper
How. 1, 12 L.ed. 581. In that
constitutional authority. And its
case it was held that the
decision is binding on every
question, which of the two
other department of the
opposing governments of
government, and could not be
Rhode Island, namely, the
questioned in a judicial tribunal.
charter government or the
It is true that the contest in this government established by a
case did not last long enough to
voluntary convention, was the
bring the matter to this issue;
legitimate one, was a question
and as no senators or
for the determination of the
representatives were elected
political department; and when
under the authority of the that department had decided,
government of which Mr. Dorr the courts were bound to take
was the head, Congress was
notice of the decision and follow
not called upon to decide the
controversy. Yet the right to
decide is placed there and not in
the courts." xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx As the issues presented, in their

very essence, are, and have
long since by this Court been,
... We do not stop to cite other definitely determined to be
cases which indirectly or political and governmental, and
incidentally refer to the subject,
embraced within the scope of
but conclude by directing
the scope of the powers
attention to the statement by the
conferred upon Congress,
court, speaking through Mr. and not, therefore within the
Chief Justice Fuller, in Taylor reach of judicial power, it follows
vs. Beckham, 178 U.S. 548, 44 that the case presented is not
L.ed. 1187, 20 Sup. Ct. Rep. within our jurisdiction, and the
890, 1009, where, after
writ of error must therefore be,
disposing of a contention made
and it is, dismissed for want of
concerning the 14th jurisdiction. (223 U.S. pp. 142-
Amendment, and coming to 151; emphasis supplied).
consider a proposition which
was necessary to be decided
concerning the nature and effect
Even a constitutional amendment that is only The Court in the Taylor case above-mentioned
promulgated by the Constitutional Convention further said:
without authority therefor and without submitting
the same to the people for ratification, becomes While constitutional procedure
valid, when recognized, accepted and acted for adoption or proposal to
upon the by Chief of State and other government amend the constitution must be
functionaries, as well as by the people. In the duly followed, without omitting
1903 case of Taylor vs. Commonwealth (44 SE any requisite steps, courts
754-755), the Court ruled: should uphold amendment,
unless satisfied that the
The sole ground urged in Constitution was violated in
support of the contention that submitting the proposal.
Constitution proclaimed in 1902 ... Substance more than form
is invalid is that it was ordained must be regarded in considering
and promulgated by the whether the complete
convention without being constitutional system for
submitted for ratification or submitting the proposal to
rejection by the people of the amend the constitution was
commonwealth. observed.

The Constitution of 1902 was In the 1925 case of Taylor vs. King (130 A 407,
ordained and proclaimed by 408 410), the Court stated:
convention duly called by direct
vote of the people of the state to There may be technical error in
revise and amend the the manner in which a proposed
Constitution of 1869. The result amendment is adopted, or in its
of the work that the convention advertisement, yet, if followed,
has been recognized, accepted, unobjected to, by approval of
and acted upon as the only valid the electors, it becomes part of
Constitution of the state by the the Constitution. Legal
Governor in swearing fidelity to complaints to the submission
it and proclaiming it, as directed may be made prior to taking the
thereby; by the Legislature in its vote, but, if once sanctioned, the
formal official act adopting a amendment is embodied
joint resolution, July 15, 1902, therein, and cannot be attacked,
recognizing the Constitution either directly or collaterally,
ordained by the convention because of any mistake
which assembled in the city of antecedent thereto. Even
Richmond on the 12th day of though it be submitted at an
June 1901, as the Constitution improper time, it is effective for
of Virginia; by the individual all purposes when accepted by
oaths of members to support it, the majority. Armstrong v. King,
and by its having been engaged 281 Pa. 207, 126 A. 263. (130 A
for nearly a year in legislating 409).
under it and putting its
provisions into operation but the Even if the act of the Constitutional Convention
judiciary in taking the oath is beyond its authority, such act becomes valid
prescribed thereby to support
upon ratification or adoption or acquiescence by
and by enforcing its provisions; the people. Thus, in the 1905 case of Ex
and by the people in their parte Birmingham and A.R. Company (42 SO
primary capacity by peacefully
pp. 118 & 123), the Alabama Supreme Court
accepting it and acquiescing in upheld this principle and stated that: "The
it, registering as voters under it authorities are almost uniform that this
to the extent of thousands
ratification of an unauthorized act by the people
through the state, and by voting,
(and the people are the principal in this instance)
under its provisions, at a
renders the act valid and binding."
general election for their
representatives in the Congress
of the United States. (p. 755). It has likewise been held that it is not necessary
that voters ratifying the new Constitution are
registered in the book of voters; it is enough that


they are electors voting on the new Constitution. Petitioners cannot safely state that during martial
(Bott vs. Wurts, 40 A 740 [1899]; 45 LRA 251, law the majority of the people cannot freely vote
emphasis supplied). for these reforms and are not complying with the
implementing decrees promulgated by the
In the 1956 case of Thomson vs. Peoples State President.
Bank (75 NW 2nd 370, 375), the Supreme Court
of Wisconsin ruled that "irregularity in the Free election is not inevitably incompatible with
procedure for the submission of the proposed martial law. We had free elections in 1951 and
constitutional amendment will not defeat the 1971 when the opposition won six out of eight
ratification by the people." senatorial seats despite the suspension of the
privileges of the writ of habeas corpus(see
Again, in the 1958 case of Swaim vs. Lansang vs. Garcia, et al., Dec. 14, 1971, 42
Tuscaloosa County (103 SO 2nd 769), the SCRA 448), which suspension implies constraint
Alabama Supreme Court pronounced that "the on individual freedom as the proclamation of
irregularity in failing to publish the proposed martial law. In both situations, there is no total
constitutional amendment once in each of the 4 blackout of human rights and civil liberties.
calendar weeks next preceding the calendar
week in which the election was held or once in All the local governments, dominated either by
each of the 7-day periods immediately preceding Nacionalistas or Liberals, as well as officials of
the day of the election as required by the the Legislative and Executive branches of the
Constitution, did not invalidate the amendment government elected and/or appointed under the
which was ratified by the people." 1935 Constitution have either recognized or are
now functioning under the 1973 Constitution,
The same principle was reiterated in 1961 by aside from the fact of its ratification by the
the Mississippi Supreme Court in Barnes, et al. sovereign people through the Citizens
v. Ladner (131) SO 2nd 45 462), where they Assemblies. Ninety-five (95) of a total of one
admitted irregularities or illegalities committed in hundred ten (110) members of the House of
the procedure for submission of the proposed Representatives including the Speaker and the
constitutional amendment to the people for Speaker Pro Tempore as well as about eleven
ratification consisted of: "(a) the alleged failure of (11) Congressmen who belong to the Liberal
the county election commissioners of the several Party and fifteen (15) of a total of twenty-four
counties to provide a sufficient number of ballot (24) senators including Liberal senators Edgar
boxes 'secured by good and substantial locks,' U. Ilarde and John Osmeña opted to serve in the
as provided by Section 3249, Code of 1942, Interim Assembly, according to the certification
Rec., to be used in the holding of the special of the Commission on Elections dated February
election on the constitutional amendment, and 19, 1973 (Annex Rejoinder-3 to Consolidated
(b) the alleged failure of the State Election Rejoinder of petitioners in L-36165). Only the
Commissioners to comply with the requirements five (5) petitioners in L-36165 close their eyes to
of Code Sections 3204 and 3205 in the a fait accompli. All the other functionaries
appointment of election commissioners in each recognize the new government and are
of the 82 counties. The irregularities complained performing their duties and exercising their
of, even if proved, were not such irregularities powers under the 1973 Constitution, including
would have invalidated the election." (Emphasis the lower courts. The civil courts, military
supplied; see also Sylvester vs. Tindall, 8 SO tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies created by
2nd 892; 154 Fla. 663). presidential decrees have decided some
criminal, civil and administrative cases pursuant
Even prior to the election in November, 1970 of to such decrees. The foreign ambassadors who
were accredited to the Republic of the
delegates of the Constitutional Convention and
Philippines before martial law continue to serve
during the deliberations of the Constitutional
as such in our country; while two new
Convention from June 1, 1971 until martial law
ambassadors have been accepted by the
was proclaimed on Sept. 21, 1972, the salient
reforms contained in the 1973 Constitution which Philippines after the ratification of the 1973
have long been desired by the people, had been Constitution on January 17, 1973. Copies of the
1973 Constitution had been furnished the United
thoroughly discussed in the various committees
Nations Organization and practically all the other
of the Constitutional Convention, on the floor of
countries with which the Philippines has
the Convention itself, in civic forums and in all
diplomatic relations. No adverse reaction from
the media of information. Many of the decrees
promulgated by the Chief Executive from Sept. the United Nations or from the foreign states has
22, 1972 to Jan. 17, 1973 implement some of been manifested. On the contrary, our
permanent delegate to the United Nations
the reforms and had been ratified in Sec. 3(2) of
Organization and our diplomatic representatives
Article XVII of the 1973 Constitution.
abroad appointed before martial law continue to violation of or non-compliance
remain in their posts and are performing their with the law, there should be a
functions as such under the 1973 Constitution. remedy in the courts. This is
not, however, always the case.
Even the Commission on Elections is now For instance, the power of a
implementing the provisions of the 1973 court as to the acts of the other
Constitution by requiring all election registrars to departments of the government
register 18-year olds and above whether is not an absolute one, but
literates or not, who are qualified electors under merely to determine whether
the 1973 Constitution (see pars. 1-A(c), (d), & they have kept within
(e) of Annex A to Notes of respondents Puyat constitutional limits, it is a duty
and Roy in L-36165). rather than a power, The
judiciary cannot compel a co-
equal department to perform a
In brief, it cannot be said that the people are
duty. It is responsible to the
ignoring the 1973 Constitution and the
people; but if it does act, then,
government which is enforcing the same for over
when the question is properly
10 weeks now With the petitioners herein,
presented, it is the duty of the
secessionists, rebels and subversives as the
court to say whether it has
only possible exceptions, the rest of the citizenry
are complying with decrees, orders and circulars conformed to the organic
law. While the judiciary should
issued by the incumbent President implementing
protect the rights of the people
the 1973 Constitution.
with great care and jealousy,
because this is its duty, and also
Of happy relevance on this point is the holding because, in times of great
in Miller vs. Johnson 18 SW 522: popular excitement, it is usually
their last resort, yet it should at
If a set of men, not selected by the same time be careful to
the people according to the overstep the proper bounds of
forms of law, were to formulate its power, as being perhaps
an instrument and declare it the equally dangerous; and
constitution, it would especially where such
undoubtedly be the duty of the momentous results might follow
courts declare its work a nullity. as would be likely in this
This would be revolution, and instance, if the power of the
this the courts of the existing judiciary permitted, and its duty
government must resist until required, the overthrow of the
they are overturned by power, work of the convention.
and a new government
established. The convention, After the American Revolution
however, was the offspring of the state of Rhode Island
law. The instrument which we retained its colonial character as
are asked to declare invalid as a its constitution, and no law
constitution has been made and existed providing for the making
promulgated according to the of a new one. In 1841 public
forms of law. It is a matter of meetings were held, resulting in
current history that both the the election of a convention to
executive and legislative form a new one, — to be
branches of the government submitted to a popular vote. The
have recognized its validity as a convention framed one,
constitution, and are now daily submitted it to a vote, and
doing so. Is the declared it adopted. Elections
question, therefore, one of a were held for state officers, who
judicial character? It is our proceeded to organize a new
undoubted duty, if a statute be government. The charter
unconstitutional to so declare it; government did not acquiesce in
also, if a provision of the state these proceedings, and finally
constitution be in conflict with declared the state under martial
the federal constitution, to hold law. It called another
the former invalid. But this is a convention, which in 1843
very different case. It may be formed a new
said, however, that, for every
constitution. Whether the are we now living under, and
charter government, or the one what is the organic law of the
established by the voluntary state? A suggestion of these
convention, was the legitimate matters shows what endless
one, was uniformly held by the confusion and harm to the state
courts of the state not to be a might and likely would arise. If,
judicial, but a political question; through error of opinion, the
and the political department convention exceeded its power,
having recognized the one, it and the people are dissatisfied,
was held to be the duty of the they have ample remedy,
judiciary to follow its decision. without the judiciary being
The supreme court of the United asked to overstep the proper
States, in Luther v. Borden, 7 limits of its power. The
How. 1, while not expressly instrument provides for
deciding the principle, as it held amendment and change. If a
the federal court, yet in the wrong has been done, it can, in
argument approves it, and in the proper way in which it
substance says that where the should be remedied, is by the
political department has decided people acting as a body politic.
such a matter the judiciary It is not a question of whether
should abide by it. merely an amendment to a
constitution, made without
Let us illustrate the difficulty of a calling a convention, has been
court deciding the question: adopted, as required by that
Suppose this court were to hold constitution. If it provides how it
that the convention, when it is to be done, then, unless the
reassembled, had no power to manner be followed, the
make any material amendment, judiciary, as the interpreter of
and that such as were made are that constitution, will declare the
void by reason of the people amendment invalid. Koehler v.
having theretofore approved the Hill, 60 Iowa, 543, 14 N.W. Rep.
instrument. Then, next, this 738, and 15 N.W. Rep.
court must determine what 609; State v. Tuffy, 1 Nev. 391,
amendments were material; and 12 Pac. Rep. 835. But it is a
we find the court, in effect, case where a new constitution
making a constitution. This has been formed and
would be arrogating sovereignty promulgated according to the
to itself. Perhaps the members forms of law. Great interests
of the court might differ as to have already arisen under it;
what amendments are material, important rights exist by virtue of
and the result would be it; persons have been convicted
confusion and anarchy. One of the highest crime known to
judge might say that all the the law, according to its
amendments, material and provisions; the political power of
immaterial, were void; another, the government has in many
that the convention had then the ways recognized it; and, under
implied power to correct such circumstances, it is our
palpable errors, and then the duty to treat and regard it as a
court might differ as to what valid constitution, and now the
amendments are material. If the organic law of our
instrument as ratified by the commonwealth.
people could not be corrected or
altered at all, or if the court must We need not consider the
determine what changes were validity of the amendments
material, then the instrument, as made after the convention
passed upon by the people or reassembled. If the making of
as fixed by the court would be them was in excess of its
lacking a promulgation by the powers, yet, as the entire
convention; and, if this be instrument has been recognized
essential, then the question as valid in the manner
would arise, what constitution suggested, it would be equally
an abuse of power by the dangerous possibility does not obtain in the case
judiciary and violative of the of our Republic.
rights of the people, — who can
and properly should remedy the Then again, Judge Cooley advanced the
matter, if not to their liking, — if aforesaid opinion in 1868 when he wrote his
it were to declare the instrument opus "Constitutional Limitations." * (Vol. 6, Encyclopedia Brit., 1969
of a portion invalid, and bring ed. pp. 445 446). It is possible that, were he live today, in a milieu vastly different from 1868 to 1898, he
might have altered his views on the matter.
confusion and anarchy upon the
state. (emphasis supplied). Even if conclusiveness is to be denied to the
truth of the declaration by the President in
If this Court inquires into the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 that the people through
Proclamation No. 1102 and consequently of the their Citizens' Assemblies had overwhelmingly
adoption of the 1973 Constitution it would be approved the new Constitution due regard to a
exercising a veto power on the act of the separate, coordinate and co-equal branch of the
sovereign people, of whom this Court is merely government demands adherence to the
an agent, which to say the least, would be presumption of correctness of the President's
anomalous. This Court cannot dictate to our declaration. Such presumption is accorded
principal, the sovereign people, as to how the under the law and jurisprudence to officials in
approval of the new Constitution should be the lower levels of the Executive branch, there is
manifested or expressed. The sovereign people no over-riding reason to deny the same to the
have spoken and we must abide by their Chief of State as head of the Executive Branch.
decision, regardless of our notion as to what is WE cannot reverse the rule on presumptions,
the proper method of giving assent to the new without being presumptuous, in the face of the
Charter. In this respect, WE cannot presume to certifications by the Office the Secretary of the
know better than the incumbent Chief Executive, Department of Local Government and
who, unlike the members of this Court, only last Community Development. (Annexes 1, to 1-E,
January 8, 1973, We affirmed in Osmeña vs. Annexes 2 to 2-O to the compliance with
Marcos (Pres. Election Contest No. 3, Jan. 8, manifestation filed by the Solicitor General on
1973), was re-elected by the vote of over 5 behalf of the respondents public officers dated
million electors in 1969 for another term of four March 7, 1973). There is nothing in the records
years until noon of December 30, 1973 under that contradicts, much less overthrow the results
the 1935 Constitution. This Court, not having a of the referendum as certified. Much less are We
similar mandate by direct fiat from the sovereign justified in reversing the burden of proof — by
people, to execute the law and administer the shifting it from the petitioners to the respondents.
affairs of government, must restrain its Under the rules on pleadings, the petitioners
enthusiasm to sally forth into the domain of have the duty to demonstrate by clear and
political action expressly and exclusively convincing evidence their claim that the people
reserved by the sovereign people themselves. did not ratify through the Citizens' Assemblies
nor adopt by acquiescence the 1973
The people in Article XV of the 1935 Constitution Constitution. And have failed to do so.
did not intend to tie their hands to a specific
procedure for popular ratification of their organic No member of this Tribunal is justified in
law. That would be incompatible with their resolving the issues posed by the cases at bar
sovereign character of which We are reminded on the basis of reports relayed to him from
by Section 1, of Article II of both the 1935 and private sources which could be biased and
the 1973 Constitutions. hearsay, aside from the fact that such reports
are not contained in the record. Proclamation
The opinion of Judge Thomas McIntire Cooley No. 1102 is not just an ordinary act of the Chief
that the sovereign people cannot violate the Executive. It is a well-nigh solemn declaration
procedure for ratification which they themselves which announces the highest act of the
define in their Constitution, cannot apply to a sovereign people — their imprimatur to the basic
unitary state like the Republic of the Philippines. Charter that shall govern their lives hereafter —
His opinion expressed in 1868 may apply to a may be for decades, if not for generations.
Federal State like the United States, in order to
secure and preserve the existence of the Petitioners decry that even 15-year olds, ex
Federal Republic of the United States against convicts and illiterates were allowed to vote in
any radical innovation initiated by the citizens of the Citizens' Assemblies, despite their admission
the fifty (50) different states of the American that the term "Filipino people" in the preamble as
Union, which states may be jealous of the well as "people" in Sections 1 and 5 of Article II
powers of the Federal government presently of the 1935 Constitution and in Section 1(3) of
granted by the American Constitution. This Article III of the Bill of Rights includes all Filipino
citizens of all ages, of both sexes, whether Review, 1967 Ed., pp. 112-11 citing Lorenzo vs.
literate or illiterate, whether peaceful citizens, Dir., etc., [1927] 50 Phil. 595 and O'Gonmore, et
rebels, secessionists, convicts or ex-convicts. al: vs. Hartford, etc., [1931] 282 U.S. 251), it
Without admitting that ex-convicts voted in the should likewise be presumed that the President
referendum, about which no proof was even was in possession of the fact upon which
offered, these sectors of our citizenry, whom Proclamation No. 1102 was based. This
petitioners seem to regard with contempt or presumption is further strengthened by the fact
decision and whom petitioners would deny their that the Department of Local Governments, the
sovereign right to pass upon the basic Charter Department National Defense and the Philippine
that shall govern their lives and the lives of their Constabulary as well the Bureau of Posts are all
progenies, are entitled as much as the educated, under the President, which offices as his alter
the law abiding, and those who are 21 years of ego, are presumptively acting for and in behalf of
age or above to express their conformity or non the President and their acts are valid until
conformity to the proposed Constitution, disapproved or reprobated by the President
because their stake under the new Charter is not (Planas vs. Gil, 67 Phil. 62; Villen vs. Secretary
any less than the stake of the more fortunate of Interior, 67 Phil. 451). To deny the truth or the
among us. As a matter of fact, these citizens, proclamation of the President as to the
whose juridical personality or capacity to act is overwhelming majority vote in the Citizens'
limited by age, civil interdiction or ignorance Assemblies in favor of the new Constitution, is to
deserve more solicitude from the State than the charge the President with falsification, which is a
rest of the citizenry. In the ultimate analysis, the most grievous accusation. Under the, rules of
inclusion of those from 15 years up to below 21 pleadings and evidence, the petitioners have the
years old, the ex-convicts and the ignorant, is burden of proof by preponderance of evidence in
more democratic as it broadens the base of civil cases and by proof beyond reasonable
democracy and therefore more faithful to the doubt in criminal prosecutions, where the
express affirmation in Section 1 of Article II of accused is always presumed to be innocent.
the Declaration of Principles that "sovereignty Must this constitutional right be reversed simply
resides in the people and all government because the petitioner all assert the contrary? Is
authority emanates from them." the rule of law they pretend invoke only valid as
long as it favors them?
Moreover, ex-convicts granted absolute pardon
are qualified to vote. Not all ex-convicts are The presumption of regularity in the performance
banned from voting. Only those who had been of official functions is accorded by the law and
sentenced to at least one year imprisonment are jurisprudence to acts of public officers whose
disenfranchised but they recover their right of category in the official hierarchy is very much
suffrage upon expiration of ten years after lower than that of the Chief of State. What
service of sentence (Sec. 102, 1971 Rev. Elec. reason is there to withhold such a presumption
Code). Furthermore, ex-convicts and imbeciles in favor of the President? Does the fact that the
constitute a very negligible number in any President belong to the party in power and that
locality or barrio, including the localities of four (4) of the five (5) senators who are
petitioners. petitioners in L-36165 belong to the opposition
party, justify a discrimination against the
Included likewise in the delegated authority of President in matters of this nature? Unsupported
the President, is the prerogative to proclaim the as their word is by any credible and competent
results of the plebiscite or the voting the evidence under the rules of evidence, must the
Citizens' Assemblies. Petitioners deny the word of the petitioners prevail over that of the
accuracy or correctness of Proclamation No. Chief Executive, because they happen to be
1102 that the 1973 Constitution was ratified by former senators and delegates to the
the overwhelming vote of close to 15 million Constitutional Convention? More than any of the
citizens because there was no official petitioners herein in all these cases, the
certification to the results of the same from the incumbent President realizes that he risks the
Department of Local Governments. But there wrath of his people being visited upon him and
was such certification as per Annex 1 to 1-A to the adverse or hostile verdict of history; because
the Notes submitted by the Solicitor General of the restrictions on the civil liberties of his
counsel for respondents public officers. This people, inevitable concomitants of martial law,
should suffice to dispose of this point. Even in which necessarily entail some degree of
the absence of such certification, in much the sacrifice on the part of the citizenry. Until the
same way that in passing law, Congress or the contrary is established or demonstrated, herein
legislative body is presumed to be in possession petitioners should grant that the Chief Executive
of the facts upon which such laws are predicated is motivated by what is good for the security and
(Justice Fernando, The Power of Judicial stability of the country, for the progress and
happiness of the people. All the petitioners WE cannot perform an act inimical to the interest
herein cannot stand on the proposition that the of Our principal, who at any time may directly
rights under the 1935 Constitution are absolute exercise their sovereign power ratifying a new
and invulnerable to limitations that may be Constitution in the manner convenient to them.
needed for the purpose of bringing about the
reforms for which the petitioners pretend to be It is pertinent to ask whether the present
clamoring for and in behalf of the people. The Supreme Court can function under the 1935
five (5) petitioners in L-36165 and four (4) of the Constitution without being a part of the
seven (7) petitioners in L-36164 were all government established pursuant thereto. Unlike
participants in the political drama of this country in the Borden case, supra, where there was at
since 1946. They are witness to the frustrations least another government claiming to be the
of well-meaning Presidents who wanted to effect legitimate organ of the state of Rhode Island
the reforms, especially for the benefit of the (although only on paper as it had no established
landless and the laboring class — how politics organ except Dorr who represented himself to
and political bargaining had stymied the be its head; in the cases at bar there is no other
effectuation of such reforms thru legislation. The government distinct from and maintaining a
eight (8) petitioners in L-36164 and L-36165 may position against the existing government headed
not have participated in the systematic blocking by the incumbent Chief Executive. (See Taylor
of the desired reforms in Congress or outside of vs. Commonwealth, supra). There is not even a
it; but the question may be asked as to what rebel government duly organized as such even
exactly they did to support such reforms. For the only for domestic purposes, let alone a rebel
last seven (7) decades since the turn of the government engaged in international
century, for the last thirty-five (35) years since negotiations. As heretofore stated, both the
the establishment of the Commonwealth executive branch and the legislative branch
government in 1935 and for the last twenty established under the 1935 Constitution had
seven (27) years since the inauguration of the been supplanted by the government functioning
Republic on July 4, 1946, no tangible substantial under the 1973 Constitution as of January 17,
reform had been effected, funded and seriously 1973. The vice president elected under the 1935
implemented, despite the violent uprisings in the Constitution does not asset any claim to the
thirties, and from 1946 to 1952, and the violent leadership of the Republic of the Philippines.
demonstrations of recent memory. Congress Can this Supreme Court legally exist without
and the oligarchs acted like ostriches, "burying being part of any government?
their heads in timeless sand. "Now the hopes for
the long-awaited reforms to be within a year or
Brilliant counsel for petitioners in L-36165 has
to are brighter. It would seem therefore to the
been quite extravagant in his appraisal of Chief
duty of everyone including herein petitioners to
Justice Roger Brooke Taney whom he calls the
give the present leadership the opportunity to "hero of the American Bar," because during the
institute and carry out the needed reforms as American civil war he apparently had the
provided for in the new or 1973 Constitution and
courage to nullify the proclamation of President
thru the means prescribed in that same
Lincoln suspending the privileges of the writ
Constitution. of habeas corpus in Ex parte Merryman (Federal
Case No. 9487 [1861]). But who exactly was
As stated in Wheeler vs. Board of Trustees, "a Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney? The
court is never justified in placing by implication a Editorial Board of Vol. 21 of the Encyclopedia
limitation upon the sovereign." Brit., 1966 ed. (pp. 778-779, 1969 ed., pp. 654-
657), briefly recounts that he was born in 1777 in
This Court in the Gonzales and Tolentino cases Calvert County, Maryland, of parents who were
transcended its proper sphere and encroached landed aristocrats as well as slave owners.
upon the province exclusively reserved to and by Inheriting the traditional conservatism of his
the sovereign people. This Court did not heed to parents who belonged to the landed aristocracy,
the principle that the courts are not the fountain Taney became a lawyer in 1799, practiced law
of all remedies for all wrongs. WE cannot and was later appointed Attorney General of
presume that we alone can speak with wisdom Maryland. He also was a member of the
as against the judgment of the people on the Maryland state legislature for several terms. He
basic instrument which affects their very lives. was a leader of the Federalist Party, which
WE cannot determine what is good for the disintegrated after the war of 1812, compelling
people or ought to be their fundamental law. WE him to join the Democratic Party of Andrew
can only exercise the power delegated to Us by Jackson, also a slave owner and landed
the sovereign people, to apply and interpret the aristocrat, who later appointed him first as
Constitution and the laws for the benefit of the Attorney General of the United States, then
people, not against them nor to prejudice them. Secretary of the Treasury and in 1836 Chief
Justice of the United States Supreme Court to quorum and thereafter remove respondents
succeed Chief Justice John Marshall, in which Puyat and Roy (Avelino, et al. vs. Cuenco, et al.
position he continued for 28 years until he died [1949] 83 Phil. 17), if they believe most
on October 21, 1864. His death "went largely vehemently in the justice and correctness of
unnoticed and unregretted." Because he himself their position that the 1973 Constitution has not
was a slave owner and a landed aristocrat, Chief been validly ratified, adopted or acquiesced in by
Justice Taney sympathized with the Southern the people since January 18, 1973 until the
States and, even while Chief Justice, hoped that present. The proclaimed conviction of petitioners
the Southern States would be allowed to secede in L-36165 on this issue would have a ring of
peacefully from the Union. That he had no credibility, if they proceeded first to hold a rump
sympathy for the Negroes was revealed by his session outside the legislative building; because
decision in Dred Scott vs. Sandford (19 How. it is not unreasonable to demand or to exact that
398 [1857]) where he pronounced that the he who exhorts others to be brave must first
American Negro is not entitled to the rights of an demonstrate his own courage. Surely, they will
American citizen and that his status as a slave is not affirm that the mere filing of their petition in
determined by his returning to a slave state. One L-36165 already made them "heroes and
can therefore discern his hostility towards idealists." The challenge likewise seems to
President Lincoln when he decided Ex parte insinuate that the members of this Court who
Merryman, which animosity to say the least does disagree with petitioners' views are materialistic
no befit a judicial mind. Such a man could hardly cowards or mercenary fence-sitters. The Court
be spoken of as a hero of the American Bar, need not be reminded of its solemn duty and
least of all of the American nation. The choice of how to perform it. WE refuse to believe that
heroes should not be expressed indiscriminately petitioners and their learned as well as illustrious
just to embellish one's rhetoric. counsels, scholars and liberal thinkers that they
are, do not recognize the sincerity of those who
Distinguished counsel in L-36165 appears to entertain opinions that clash with their own.
have committed another historical error, which Such an attitude does not sit well with the dictum
may be due to his rhetorical in the Encyclopedia that "We can differ without being difficult; we can
Britannica (Vol. 9, 1969 ed., pp. 508-509) to this disagree without being disagreeable," which
effect. On the contrary, Encyclopedia Britannica distinguished counsel in L-36165 is wont to
(Vol. 17 Encyclopedia Brit., 1966 & 1969 eds., quote.
732-733), refers to Marshal Henri Philippe
Petain as the genuine hero or "Savior of WE reserve the right to prepare an extensive
Verdun"; because he held Verdun against the discussion of the other points raised by
1916 offensive of the German army at the cost petitioners, which We do not find now necessary
of 350,000 of his French soldiers, who were then to deal with in view of Our opinion on the main
demoralized and plotting mutiny. Certainly, the issue.
surviving members of the family of Marshal
Petain would not relish the error. And neither IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, ALL THE
would the members of the clan of Marshal Foch PETITIONS IN THESE FIVE CASES SHOULD
acknowledge the undeserved accolade, BE DISMISSED.
although Marshal Foch has a distinct place in
history on his own merits. The foregoing MAKASIAR, J., concurring:
clarification is offered in the interest of true
scholarship and historical accuracy, so that the
historians, researchers and students may not be Pursuant to Our reservation, We now discuss
led astray or be confused by esteemed the other issues raised by the petitioners.
counsel's eloquence and mastery of the spoken
and written word as well as by his eminence as II
law professor, author of law books, political
leader, and member of the newly integrated EVEN IF ISSUE IS JUSTICIABLE, PEOPLE'S
It is quite intriguing why the eminent counsel and PRESUMPTION OF VALIDITY OF 1973
co-petitioner in L-36164 did not address likewise CONSTITUTION.
his challenge to the five (5) senators who are
petitioners in L-36165 to also act as "heroes and As intimated in the aforecited cases, even the
idealists," to defy the President by holding courts, which affirm the proposition that the
sessions by themselves alone in a hotel or in question as to whether a constitutional
their houses if they can muster a quorum or by amendment or the revised or new Constitution
causing the arrest of other senators to secure a has been validly submitted to the people for
ratification in accordance with the procedure the plebiscite and to provide funds therefor. To
prescribed by the existing Constitution, is a deny the Convention such prerogative, would
justiciable question, accord all presumption of leave it at the tender mercy of both legislative
validity to the constitutional amendment or the and executive branches of the Government. An
revised or new Constitution after the government unsympathetic Congress would not be disposed
officials or the people have adopted or ratified or to submit the proposed Constitution drafted by
acquiesced in the new Constitution or the Constitutional Convention to the people for
amendment, although there was an illegal or ratification, much less appropriate the necessary
irregular or no submission at all to the people. funds therefor. That could have been the fate of
(Collier vs. Gray, 4th Dec. Dig. 935 [1934], the 1973 Constitution, because the same
Hammond vs. Clark, 71 SE 482-483; People vs. abolished the Senate by creating a unicameral
Sours, 31 Colo. 369, 74 Pac. 167, 102 Am. St. National Assembly to be presided by a Prime
Rep. 34; Thompson vs. Winneth, 78 Neb. 379, Minister who wields both legislative and
110 NW 1113, 10 L.R.A. [N.S.] 149; State vs. executive powers and is the actual Chief
Laylin, 69 Ohio St. Rep. 1, 68 NE 574; Weston Executive, for the President contemplated in the
vs. Ryan, 70 Neb. 211, 97 NW 347; Combs vs. new Constitution exercises primarily ceremonial
State, 81 Ga. 780, 8 SE 318; Woodward vs. prerogatives. The new Constitution likewise
State, 103 Ga. 496, 30 SE 522; Corre vs. shortened abruptly the terms of the members of
Cooney, 70 Mont. 355, 225 P 1007, 1009). As the present Congress (whose terms end on
late as 1971, the courts stressed that the December 31, 1973, 1975 and 1977) which
constitutional amendment or the new provides that the new Constitution shall take
Constitution should not be condemned "unless effect immediately upon its ratification (Sec. 16,
our judgment its nullity is manifest beyond Article XVII, 1973 Constitution). The fact that
reasonable doubt" (1971 case of Moore vs. Section 2 of the same Article XVIII secures to
Shanahan, 486 Pac. 2d 506, 207 Kan. 1, 645; the members of Congress membership in the
and the 1956 case of Tipton vs. Smith, et interim National Assembly as long as they opt to
al., supra). serve therein within thirty (30) days after the
ratification of the proposed Constitution, affords
Mr. Justice Enrique M. Fernando, speaking for them little comfort; because the convening of the
the Court, pronounced that the presumption of interim National Assembly depends upon the
constitutionality must persist in the absence of incumbent President (under Sec. 3[1], Art. XVII,
factual foundation of record to overthrow such 1973 Constitution). Under the foregoing
presumption (Ermita-Malate Hotel, etc. vs. City circumstances, the members of Congress, who
Mayor, L-24698, July 31, 1967, 20 SCRA 849). were elected under the 1935 Constitution, would
not be disposed to call a plebiscite and
III appropriate funds therefor to enable the people
to pass upon the 1973 Constitution, ratification
of which means their elimination from the
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION — CO- political scene. They will not provide the means
EQUAL WITH AND INDEPENDENT OF for their own liquidation.
Because the Constitutional Convention, by
The Constitutional Convention is co-ordinate and necessary implication as it is indispensable to its
co-equal with, as well as independent of, the independence and effectiveness, possesses the
three grand departments of the Government, power to call a plebiscite and to appropriate
namely, the legislative, the executive and the funds for the purpose, it inescapably must have
judicial. As a fourth separate and distinct branch, the power to delegate the same to the President,
to emphasize its independence, the Convention who, in estimation of the Convention can better
cannot be dictated to by either of the other three determine appropriate time for such a
departments as to the content as well as the referendum as well as the amount necessary to
form of the Charter that it proposes. It enjoys the effect the same; for which reason the
same immunity from interference or supervision Convention thru Resolution No. 29 approved on
by any of the aforesaid branches of the November 22, 1972, which superseded
Government in its proceedings, including the Resolution No. 5843 adopted on November 16,
printing of its own journals (Tañada and 1972, proposed to the President "that
Fernando, Constitution of the Philippines, 1952 a decree be issued calling a plebiscite for the
ed., Vol. I, pp. 8 9; Malcolm and Laurel, Phil. ratification of the proposed new Constitution
Const. Law, p. 22; Frantz vs. Autry, 91 Pac. such appropriate date as he shall determine and
193). Implicit in that independence, for the providing for the necessary funds therefor, ...,"
purpose of maintaining the same unimpaired after stating in "whereas" clauses that the 1971
and in order that its work will not be frustrated, Constitutional Convention expected to complete
the Convention has the power to fix the date for
its work by the end of November, 1972 that the plebiscite should be conducted, who shall
urgency of instituting reforms rendered supervise the plebiscite, and who can participate
imperative the early approval of the new in the plebiscite. The fact that said Resolution
Constitution, and that the national and local No. 29 expressly states "that copies of this
leaders desire that there be continuity in the resolution as approved in plenary session be
immediate transition from the old to the new transmitted to the President of the Philippines
Constitution. and the Commission on Elections for
implementation," did not in effect designate the
If Congress can legally delegate to the Chief Commission on Elections as supervisor of the
Executive or his subaltern the power to plebiscite. The copies of said resolution that
promulgate subordinate rules and regulations to were transmitted to the Commission on
implement the law, this authority to delegate Elections at best serve merely to notify the
implementing rules should not be denied to the Commission on Elections about said resolution,
Constitutional Convention, a co-equal body. but not to direct said body to supervise the
plebiscite. The calling as well as conduct of the
plebiscite was left to the discretion of the
Apart from the delegation to the Chief Executive
President, who, because he is in possession of
of the power to call a plebiscite and to
all the facts funnelled to him by his intelligence
appropriate funds therefor by the Constitutional
services, was in the superior position to decide
Convention thru its Resolution No. 29, the
organization of the Citizens' Assemblies for when the plebiscite shall be held, how it shall be
consultation on national issues, is conducted and who shall oversee it.
comprehended within the ordinance-making
power of the President under Section 63 of the It should be noted that in approving said
Revised Administrative Code, which expressly Resolution No. 29, the Constitutional Convention
confers on the Chief Executive the power to itself recognized the validity of, or validated
promulgate administrative acts and commands Presidential Proclamation No. 1081 placing the
touching on the organization or mode of entire country under martial law by resolving to
operation of the government or re-arranging or "propose to President Ferdinand E. Marcos that
re-adjusting any district, division or part of the a decree be issued calling a plebiscite ... ." The
Philippines "or disposing of issues of general use of the term "decree" is significant for the
concern ... ." (Emphasis supplied). Hence, as basic orders regulating the conduct of all
consultative bodies representing the localities inhabitants are issued in that form and
including the barrios, their creation by the nomenclature by the President as the
President thru Presidential Decree No. 86 of Commander in Chief and enforcer of martial law.
December 31, 1972, cannot be successfully Consequently, the issuance by the President of
challenged. Presidential Decree No. 73 on December 1,
1972 setting the plebiscite on January 15, 1973
and appropriating funds therefor pursuant to said
The employment by the President of these
Resolution No. 29, is a valid exercise of such
Citizens' Assemblies for consultation on the
delegated authority.
1973 Constitution or on whether there was
further need of a plebiscite thereon, — both
issues of national concern — is still within the Such delegation, unlike the delegation by
delegated authority reposed in him by the Congress of the rule-making power to the Chief
Constitutional Convention as aforesaid. Executive or to any of his subalterns, does not
need sufficient standards to circumscribe the
It should be noted that Resolution No. 29, which exercise of the power delegated, and is beyond
superseded Resolution No. 5843, does not the competence of this Court to nullify. But even
if adequate criteria should be required, the same
prescribe that the plebiscite must be conducted
are contained in the "Whereas" clauses of the
by the Commission on Elections in accordance
Constitutional Convention Resolution No. 29,
with the provisions of the 1971 Revised Election
Code. If that were the intention of the
Constitutional Convention in making the
delegation, it could have easily included the WHEREAS, the 1971
necessary phrase for the purpose, some such Constitutional Convention is
phrase like "to call a plebiscite to be supervised expected to complete its work of
by the Commission on Elections in accordance drafting a proposed new
with the provisions of the 1971 Revised Election Constitution for the Republic by
Code (or with existing laws)." That the the end of November, 1972;
Constitutional Convention omitted such phrase,
can only mean that it left to the President the WHEREAS, in view of the
determination of the manner by which the urgency of instituting reforms,
the early approval of the New make use of such authority to
Constitution has become compel the Convention to
imperative; submit to its wishes, on pain of
being rendered financially
WHEREAS, it is the desire of distraught. The President then,
the national and local leaders if performing his role as its
that there be continuity in the agent, could be held as not
immediate political transition devoid of such competence.
from the old to the New (pp. 2-3, concurring opinion of J.
Constitution;" (Annex "1" of Fernando in L-35925, etc.,
Answer, Res. No. 29, emphasis supplied).
Constitutional Convention).
As Mr. Justice Fernando, with whom Messrs.
Justices Barredo, Antonio and the writer VAGUENESS OR AMBIGUITY DOES NOT
concurred in the Plebiscite Cases, stated: INVALIDATE THE
... Once this work of drafting has
been completed, it could itself (1) Petitions challenge the 1973 draft as vague
direct the submission to the and incomplete, and alluded to their arguments
people for ratification as during the hearings on December 18 and 19,
contemplated in Article XV of 1972 on the Plebiscite Cases. But the inclusion
the Constitution. Here it did not of questionable or ambiguous provisions does
do so. With Congress not being not affect the validity of the ratification or
in session, could the President, adoption of the 1973 Constitution itself (Pope vs.
by the decree under question, Gray, 104 SO, 2d 841; 7th Dec. pp. 212-219,
call for such a plebiscite? Under 1956-1966).
such circumstances, a negative
answer certainly could result in Alexander Hamilton, one of the leading founders
the work of the Convention and defenders of the American Constitution,
being rendered nugatory. The answering the critics of the Federal Constitution,
view has been repeatedly stated that: "I never expect to see a perfect work
expressed in many American from imperfect man. The result of the
state court decisions that to deliberations of all collective bodies must
avoid such undesirable necessarily be a compound, as well of the errors
consequence the task of and prejudices as of the good sense and
submission becomes ministerial, wisdom, of the individuals of whom they are
with the political branches composed. The compacts which are to embrace
devoid of any discretion as to thirteen distinct States in a common bond of
the holding of an election for amity and union, must necessarily be a
that purpose. Nor is the compromise of as many dissimilar interests and
appropriation by him of the inclinations. How can perfection spring from
amount necessary to be such materials?" (The Federalist, Modern
considered as offensive to the Library Ed., pp. xx-xxi).
Constitution. If it were done by
him in his capacity as President,
(2) The 1973 Constitution is likewise impugned
such an objection would indeed
on the ground that it contains provisions which
have been formidable, not to
are ultra vires or beyond the power of the
say insurmountable. If the
Constitutional Convention to propose.
appropriation were made in his
capacity as agent of the
Convention to assure that there This objection relates to the wisdom of changing
be submission to the people, the form of government from Presidential to
then such an argument loses Parliamentary and including such provisions as
force. The Convention itself Section 3 of Article IV, Section 15 of Article XIV
could have done so. It is and Sections 3(2) and 12 of Article XVII in the
understandable why it should be 1973 Constitution.
thus. If it were otherwise, then a
legislative body, the Article IV —
appropriating arm of the
government, could conceivably
Sec. 3. The right of the people instrumentality thereof, including
to be secure in their persons, government-owned or controlled
houses, papers, and effects corporations, are hereby
against unreasonable searches recognized as legal, valid and
and seizures of whatever nature binding. When the national
and for any purpose shall not be interest so requires, the
violated, and no search warrant incumbent President of the
or warrant of arrest shall Philippines or the interim Prime
issue except upon probable Minister may review all
cause to be determined by the contracts, concessions, permits,
judge, or such other responsible or other forms of privileges for
officer as may be authorized by the exploration, development,
law, after examination under exploitation, or utilization of
oath or affirmation of the natural resources entered into,
complainant and the witnesses granted, issued or acquired
may produce, and particularly before the ratification of this
describing the place to be Constitution.
searched, and the persons or
things to be seized. In the Plebiscite Cases (L-35925, L-35929, L-
35940, L-35942, L-35948, L-35953, L-35961, L-
Article XIV — 35965, & L-35979), Chief Justice Roberto
Concepcion, concurred in by Justices Fernando,
Sec. 15. Any provision of Barredo, Antonio and the writer, overruled this
paragraph one, Section objection, thus:
fourteen, Article Eight and of
this Article notwithstanding, the ... Regardless
Prime Minister may enter into of the wisdom
international treaties or and moral
agreements as the national aspects of the
welfare and interest may contested
require." (Without the consent of provisions of
the National Assembly.) the proposed
Constitution, it
Article XVII — is my
considered view
Sec. 3(2) All proclamations, that the
Convention was
orders, decrees, instructions,
legally deemed
and acts promulgated, issued,
fit to propose —
or done by the incumbent
save perhaps
President shall be part of the
law of the land, and shall remain what is or may
valid, legal, binding and be insistent with
what is now
effective even after lifting of
martial law or the ratification of
particularly in
this Constitution, unless
modified, revoked, or international
law, as Jus
superseded by subsequent
Cogens — not
proclamations, orders, decrees,
only because
instructions, or other acts of the
the Convention
incumbent President, or unless
expressly and explicitly modified
or repealed by the regular sovereign
National Assembly. powers
thereto by the
xxx xxx xxx people —
although insofar
Sec. 12. All treaties, executive only as the
agreements, and contracts determination of
entered into by the Government, the proposals to
or any subdivision, agency, or be made and
formulated by Mr. Justice Barredo, in his concurring opinion in
said body is said Plebiscite Cases, expressed the view "that
concerned — when the people elected the delegates to the
but also, Convention and when the delegates themselves
because said were campaigning, such limitation of the scope
proposals of their function and objective was not in their
cannot be valid minds."
as part of our
Fundamental V
Law unless and
until "approved
by the majority
of the votes
cast at an
election which" Petitioners next claim that the 1971
said proposals Constitutional Convention adjourned on
"are submitted November 30, 1972 without officially
to the people for promulgating the said Constitution in Filipino as
their required by Sections 3(1) of Article XV on
ratification," as General Provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
provided in This claim is without merit because their Annex
Section 1 of "M" is the Filipino version of the 1973
Article XV of the Constitution, like the English version, contains
1935 the certification by President Diosdado
Constitution. Macapagal of the Constitutional Convention,
(Pp. 17-18, duly attested by its Secretary, that the proposed
Decision in L- Constitution, approved on second reading on the
35925, etc.). 27th day of November, 1972 and on third
reading in the Convention's 291st plenary
session on November 29, 1972 and accordingly
This Court likewise enunciated in Del Rosario
signed on November 1972 by the delegates
vs. Comelec (L-32476, Oct. 20, 1970, 35 SCRA
whose signatures are thereunder affixed. It
367) that the Constitutional Convention has the
should be recalled that Constitutional
authority to "entirely overhaul the present
Convention President Diosdado Macapagal was,
Constitution and propose an entirely new
as President of the Republic 1962 to 1965, then
Constitution based on an ideology foreign to the
the titular head of the Liberal Party to which four
democratic system ...; because the same will be (4) of the petitioners in L-36165 including their
submitted to the people for ratification. Once counsel, former Senator Jovito Salonga, belong.
ratified by the sovereign people, there can be no
Are they repudiating and disowning their former
debate about the validity of the new
party leader and benefactor?
Mr. Justice Fernando, concurring in the same
Plebiscite Cases, cited the foregoing
pronouncement in the Del Rosario case, supra, ARTICLE XV OF 1935 CONSTITUTION DOES
and added: "... it seems to me a sufficient NOT
answer that once convened, the area open for PRESCRIBE ANY PROCEDURE FOR
deliberation to a constitutional convention ..., is RATIFICATION OF
practically limitless" (citing Cf. Koehler vs. Hill, 1973 CONSTITUTION.
14 NW 738, 60 Iowa 543 [1883]; Hatch
Stoneman, 6 P 734, 66 Cal. 632 [1885]; (1) Article XV of the 1935 Constitution simply
MacMillan v. Blattner, 25 NW 245, 67 Iowa 287 provides that "such amendments shall be valid
[1895]; State v. Powell, 27 SO 297, 77 Miss. 543 as part of this Constitution when approved by a
[1900]; Hammond v. Clark, 71 SE 479, 136 Ga. majority of the votes cast at an election at which
313 [1911]; Hamilton v. Vaughan, 179 NW 533, the amendments are submitted to the people for
212 Mich. 31 [1920]; State v. Smith, 138 NE ratification."
881, 105 Ohio St. 570 [1922]; Looney vs.
Leeper, 292 P 365, 145 Okl. 202 [1930]; School But petitioners construe the aforesaid provision
District vs. City of Pontiac, 247 NW 474, 262 to read: "Such amendments shall be valid as
Mich. 338 [1933]). part of this Constitution when approved by a
majority of the votes cast at an election called by
Congress at which the amendments are
submitted for ratification by the qualified electors Article XVIII. Mode of Amending
defined in Article V hereof, supervised by the the Constitution
Commission on Elections in accordance with the
existing election law and after such amendments Sec. 284. Legislative Proposals.
shall have been published in all the newspapers Amendments may be proposed
of general circulation for at least four months to this Constitution by the
prior to such election." legislature in the manner
following: The proposed
This position certainly imposes limitation on the amendments shall be read in
sovereign people, who have the sole power of the house in which they
ratification, which imposition by the Court is originate on three several days,
never justified (Wheeler vs. Board of and, if upon the third reading,
Trustees, supra). three-fifths of all the members
elected to that house shall vote
In effect, petitioners and their counsels are in favor thereof, the proposed
amending by a strained and tortured amendments shall be sent to
construction Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. the other house, in which they
This is a clear case of usurpation of sovereign shall likewise be read on three
power they do not possess — through some several days, and if upon the
kind of escamotage. This Court should not third reading, three-fifths of all
commit such a grave error in the guise of judicial the members elected that house
interpretation. shall vote in favor of the
proposed amendments,
the legislature shall order an
In all the cases where the court held that illegal
election by the qualified electors
or irregular submission, due to absence of
of the state upon such proposed
substantial compliance with the procedure
amendments, to be held either
prescribed by the Constitution and/or the law,
at the general election next
nullifies the proposed amendment or the new
succeeding the session of the
Constitution, the procedure prescribed by the
state Constitution is so detailed that it specifies legislature at which the
amendments are proposed or
that the submission should be at a general or
upon another day appointed by
special election, or at the election for members
the legislature, not less than
of the State legislature only or of all state
three months after the final
officials only or of local officials only, or of both
adjournment of the session of
state and local officials; fixes the date of the
election or plebiscite limits the submission to the legislature at which the
only electors or qualified electors; prescribes the amendments were
proposed. Notice of such
publication of the proposed amendment or a
election, together with the
new Constitution for a specific period prior to the
proposed amendments, shall be
election or plebiscite; and designates the officer
given by proclamation of the
to conduct the plebiscite, to canvass and to
governor, which shall be
certify the results, including the form of the ballot
published in every county in
which should so state the substance of the
such manner as the legislature
proposed amendments to enable the voter to
shall direct, for at least eight
vote on each amendment separately or
successive weeks next
authorizes expressly the Constitutional
preceding the day appointed for
Convention or the legislature to determine the
such election. On the day so
procedure or certain details thereof. See the
appointed an election shall be
State Constitutions of Alabama [1901]; Arizona
held for the vote of the qualified
[1912]; Arkansas [1874]; Colorado [1976];
electors of the state upon the
Connecticut [1818]; Florida [1887]; Georgia
proposed amendments. If such
[1945]; Illinois [1970]; Indiana [1851]; Iowa
[1857]; Kansas [1861]; Kentucky [1891]; election be held on the day of
Louisiana [1921]; Maryland [1867]; the general election, the officers
of such general election shall
Massachusetts [1790]; Michigan [1909];
open a poll for the vote of the
Minnesota [1857]; Mississippi [1890]; and
qualified electors upon the
Missouri [1945]).
proposed amendments; if it be
held on a day other than that of
As typical examples: a general election, officers for
Constitution of Alabama (1901): such election shall be
appointed; and the election shall the General Assembly at a
be held in all things in regular session thereof may
accordance with the law propose amendments to this
governing general elections. In Constitution, and, if the same be
all elections upon such agreed to by a majority of all the
proposed amendments, the members, elected to each
votes cast thereat shall be house, such proposed
canvassed, tabulated, and amendments shall be entered
returns thereof be made to the on the journal with the yeas and
secretary of state, and counted, nays, and published in at least
in the same manner as in one newspaper in each county,
elections for representatives to where a newspaper is
the legislature; and if it shall published, for six months
thereupon appear that a immediately preceding the next
majority of the qualified electors general election for Senators
who voted at such election upon and Representatives, at which
the proposed amendments time the same shall be
voted in favor of the same, such submitted to the electors of the
amendments shall be valid to all State for approval or rejection,
intents and purposes as parts of and if a majority of the electors
this Constitution. The result of voting at such election adopt
such election shall be made such amendments, the same
known by proclamation of the shall become a part of this
governor. Representation in the Constitution; but no more than
legislature shall be based upon three amendments shall be
population, and such basis of proposed or submitted at the
representation shall not be same time. They shall be so
changed by constitutional submitted as to enable the
amendments. electors to vote on each
amendment separately.
Sec. 285. Form of ballot for
amendment. Upon the ballots Constitution of Kansas (1861):
used at all elections provided for
in section 284 of this Article XIV. Amendments.
Constitution, the substance or
subject matter of each proposed Sec. 1. Proposal of
amendment shall be so printed amendments; publications;
that the nature thereof shall be
elections. Propositions for the
clearly indicated. Following each
amendment of this constitution
proposed amendment on the
may be made by either branch
ballot shall be printed the word
of the legislature; and if two
"Yes" and immediately under thirds of all the members
that shall be printed the word
elected to each house shall
"No". The choice of the elector
concur therein, such proposed
shall be indicated by a cross
amendments, together with the
mark made by him or under his
yeas and nays, shall be entered
direction, opposite the word on the journal; and the secretary
expressing his desire, and no of state shall cause the same to
amendment shall be adopted
be published in at least one
unless it receives the affirmative
newspaper in each county of the
vote of a majority of all the
state where a newspaper is
qualified electors who vote at
published, for three months
such election. preceding the next election for
representatives, at which time,
Constitution of Arkansas (1874): the same shall be submitted to
the electors, for their approval or
Article XIX. Miscellaneous rejection; and if a majority of the
Provisions. electors voting on said
amendments, at said election,
Sec. 22. Constitutional shall adopt the amendments,
amendments. Either branch of the same shall become a part of
the constitution. When more severally, were cast in favor
than one amendment shall be thereof, the Governor shall, by
submitted at the same time, his proclamation, declare the
they shall be so submitted as to said amendment or
enable the electors to vote on amendments having received
each amendments separately; said majority of votes, to have
and not more than three been adopted by the people of
propositions to amend shall be Maryland as part of the
submitted at the same election. Constitution thereof, and
henceforth said amendment or
Constitution of Maryland (1867): amendments shall be part of the
said Constitution. When two or
more amendments shall be
Article XIV. Amendments to the
Constitution. submitted in the manner
aforesaid, to the voters of this
State at the same election, they
Sec. 1. Proposal in general shall be so submitted as that
assembly; publication; each amendment shall be voted
submission to voters; governor's on separately.
proclamation. The General
Assembly may propose
Constitution of Missouri (1945):
Amendments to this
Constitution; provided that each
Amendment shall be embraced Article XII. Amending the
in a separate bill, embodying the Constitution.
Article or Section, as the same
will stand when amended and Sec. 2(b). Submission of
passed by three fifths of all the amendments proposed by
members elected to each of the general assembly or by the
two Houses, by yeas and nays, initiative. All amendments
to be entered on the Journals proposed by the general
with the proposed Amendment. assembly or by the initiative
The bill or bills proposing shall be submitted to the
amendment or amendments electors for their approval or
shall be published by order of rejection by official ballot title as
the Governor, in at least two may be provided by law, on a
newspapers, in each County, separate ballot without party
where so many may be designation, at the next general
published, and where not more election, or at a special election
than one may be published, called by the governor prior
then in the newspaper, and in thereto, at which he may submit
three newspapers published in any of the amendments. No
the City of Baltimore, once a such proposed amendment
week for four weeks shall contain more than one
immediately preceding the next amended and revised article of
ensuing general election, at this constitution, or one new
which the proposed amendment article which shall not contain
or amendments shall be more than one subject and
submitted, in a form to be matters properly connected
prescribed by the General therewith. If possible, each
Assembly, to the qualified voters proposed amendment shall be
of the State for adoption or published once a week for two
rejection. The votes cast for and consecutive weeks in two
against said proposed newspapers of different political
amendment or amendments, faith in each county, the last
severally, shall be returned to publication to be not more than
the Governor, in the manner thirty nor less than fifteen days
prescribed in other cases, and if next preceding the election. If
it shall appear to the Governor there be but one newspaper in
that a majority of the votes cast any county, publication of four
at said election on said consecutive weeks shall be
amendment or amendments, made. If a majority of the votes
cast thereon is in favor of any Because before August, 1940 the Commission
amendment, the same shall on Election was not yet in existence, the former
take effect at the end of thirty Department of Interior (now Department of Local
days after the election. More Governments and Community Development)
than one amendment at the supervised the plebiscites on the 1937
same election shall be so amendment on woman's suffrage, the 1939
submitted as to enable the amendment to the Ordinance appended to the
electors to vote on each 1935 Constitution (Tydings-Kocialkowski Act of
amendment separately. the U.S. Congress) and the three 1940
amendments on the establishment of a
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not bicameral Congress, the re-election of the
require a specific procedure, much less a President and the Vice-President, and the
detailed procedure for submission or ratification. creation of the Commission on Elections (ratified
As heretofore stated, it does not specify what on June 18, 1940). The supervision of said
kind of election at which the new Constitution plebiscites by the then Department of Interior
shall be submitted; nor does it designate the was not automatic, but by virtue of an express
Commission on Elections to supervise the authorization in Commonwealth Act Nos. 34, 49
plebiscite. Neither does it limit the ratification to and 517.
the qualified electors as defined in Article V of
the 1935 Constitution. Much less does it require If the National Assembly then intended that the
the publication of the proposed Constitution for Commission on Elections should also supervise
any specific period before the plebiscite nor the plebiscite for ratification of constitutional
does it even insinuate that the plebiscite should amendments or revision, it should have likewise
be supervised in accordance with the existing proposed the corresponding amendment to
election law. Article XV by providing therein that the plebiscite
on amendments shall be supervised by the
(2) As aforequoted, Article XV does not indicate Commission on Elections.
the procedure for submission of the proposed
Constitution to the people for ratification. It does 3) If the framers of the 1935 Constitution and the
not make any reference to the Commission on people in ratifying the same on May 14, 1935
Elections as the body that shall supervise the wanted that only the qualified voters under
plebiscite. And Article XV could not make any Article V of the 1935 Constitution should
reference to the Commission on Elections participate in the referendum on any amendment
because the original 1935 Constitution as ratified or revision thereof, they could have provided the
on May 14, 1935 by the people did not contain same in 1935 or in the 1940 amendment by just
Article X on the Commission on Elections, which adding a few words to Article XV by changing
article was included therein pursuant to an the last phrase to "submitted for ratification to
amendment by that National Assembly proposed the qualified electors as defined in Article V
only about five (5) years later — on April 11, hereof," or some such similar phrases.
1940, ratified by the people on June 18, 1940 as
approved by the President of the United States Then again, the term "people" in Article XV
on December 1940 (see Sumulong vs. cannot be understood to exclusively refer to the
Commission, 70 Phil. 703, 713, 715; Gonzales, qualified electors under Article V of the 1935
Phil. Const. Law, 1966 ed., p. 13). So it cannot Constitution because the said term "people" as
be said that the original framers of the 1935 used in several provisions of the 1935
Constitution as ratified May 14, 1935 intended Constitution, does not have a uniform meaning.
that a body known as the Commission on Thus in the preamble, the term "Filipino people"
Elections should be the one to supervise the refer, to all Filipino citizens of all ages of both
plebiscite, because the Commission on sexes. In Section 1 of Article II on the
Elections was not in existence then as was Declaration of Principles, the term "people" in
created only by Commonwealth Act No. 607 whom sovereignty resides and from whom all
approved on August 22, 1940 and amended by government authority emanates, can only refer
Commonwealth Act No. 657 approved on June also to Filipino citizens of all ages and of both
21, 1941 (see Tañada & Carreon, Political Law sexes. But in Section 5 of the same Article II on
of the Philippines, Vol. I, 1961 ed., pp. 475-476; social justice, the term "people" comprehends
Sumulong vs. Commission, 170 Phil. 703, 708- not only Filipino citizens but also all aliens
715; 73 Phil. 288, 290-300; Tañada & Fernando, residing in the country of all ages and of both
Constitution of the Philippines, 1953 ed., Vol. I, sexes. Likewise, that is the same connotation of
p. 5, Vol. II, the term "people" employed in Section 1(3) of
pp. 11-19). Article III on the Bill of Rights concerning
searches and seizures.
When the 1935 Constitution wants to limit action April 30, 1937, on the question of woman's
or the exercise of a right to the electorate, it suffrage ... and that said amendment shall be
does so expressly as the case of the election of published in the Official Gazette in English and
senators and congressmen. Section 2 Article VI Spanish for three consecutive issues at least
expressly provides that the senators "shall be fifteen (15) days prior to said election, ... and
chosen at large by the qualified electors of the shall be posted in a conspicuous place in its
Philippines as may provided by law." Section 5 municipal and provincial office building and in its
of the same Article VI specifically provides that polling place not later than April 22, 1937" (Sec.
congressmen shall "be elected by the qualified 12, Com. Act No. 34), specifies that the
electors." The only provision that seems to provisions of the Election Law regarding, the
sustain the theory of petitioners that the term holding of a special election, insofar as said
"people" in Article XV should refer to the provisions are not in conflict with it, should apply
qualified electors as defined in Article V of the to the said plebiscite (Sec. 3, Com. Act No. 34)1;
1935 Constitution is the provision that the and, that the votes cast according to the returns
President and Vice-President shall be elected of the board of inspectors shall be counted by
"by direct vote of the people." (Sec. 2 of Art. VII the National Assembly (Sec. 10, Com. Act No.
of the 1935 Constitution). But this alone cannot 34).
be conclusive as to such construction, because
of explicit provisions of Sections 2 and 5 of The election laws then in force before 1938 were
Article VI, which specifically prescribes that the found in Sections 392-483 of the Revised
senators and congressmen shall be elected by Administrative Code.
the qualified electors.
Sec. 1 of Com. Act No. 357, the previous
As aforesaid, most of the constitutions of the Election Code enacted on August 22, 1938,
various states of the United States, specifically makes it expressly applicable to plebiscites. Yet
delineate in detail procedure of ratification of the subsequent laws, namely, Com. Act Nos.
amendments to or revision of said Constitutions 492 and 517 and Rep. Act No. 73 calling for the
and expressly require ratification by qualified plebiscite on the constitutional amendments in
electors, not by the generic term "people". 1939, 1940 and 1946, including the amendment
creating the Commission on Elections,
The proposal submitted to the Ozamis specifically provided that the provisions of the
Committee on the Amending Process of the existing election law shall apply to such
1934-35 Constitutional Convention satisfied that plebiscites insofar as they are not inconsistent
the amendment shall be submitted to qualified with the aforesaid Com. Act Nos. 492 and 517,
election for ratification. This proposal was not as well as Rep. Act No. 73. Thus —
accepted indicating that the 1934-35
Constitutional Convention did intend to limit the Commonwealth Act No. 492, enacted on
term "people" in Article XV of the 1935 September 19, 1939, calling for a plebiscite on
Constitution to qualified electors only. As above the proposed amendments to the Constitution
demonstrated, the 1934-35 Constitutional adopted by the National Assembly on
Convention limits the use of the term "qualified September 15, 1939, consists of 8 sections and
electors" to elections of public officials. It did not provides that the proposed amendments to the
want to tie the hands of succeeding future Constitution adopted in Resolution No. 39 on
constitutional conventions as to who should September 15, 1939 "shall be submitted to the
ratify the proposed amendment or revision. Filipino people for approval or disapproval at
a general election to be held throughout the
(4) It is not exactly correct to opine that Article Philippines on Tuesday, October 24, 1939"; that
XV of 1935 Constitution on constitutional the amendments to said Constitution proposed
amendment contemplates the automatic in "Res. No. 38, adopted on the same date, shall
applicability of election laws to plebiscites on be submitted at following election of local
proposed constitutional amendments or revision. officials," (Sec. 1, Com. Act No. 492) that the
said amendments shall be published in English
The very phraseology of the specific laws and Spanish in three consecutive issues of the
enacted by the National Assembly and later by Official Gazette at least ten (10) days prior to the
Congress, indicates that there is need of a elections; that copies thereof shall be posted not
statute expressly authorizing the application of later than October 20, 1939 (Sec. 2, Com. Act
the election laws to plebiscites of this nature. 492); that the election shall be
Thus, Com. Act No. 34 on the woman's suffrage conducted according to provisions of the
amendment enacted on September 30, 1936, Election Code insofar as the same may be
consists of 12 sections and, aside from providing applicable; that within thirty (30) days after the
that "there shall be held a plebiscite on Friday, election, Speaker of the National Assembly shall
request the President to call a special session of should be noted that the period for the
the Assembly for the purpose of canvassing the publication of the copies of the proposed
returns and certify the results thereof (Sec. 6, amendments was about 10 days, 15 days or 20
Com. Act No. 492). days, and for posting at least 4 days, 8 days or
30 days.
Commonwealth Act No. 517, consisting of 11
sections, was approved on April 25, 1940 and Republic Acts Nos. 180 and 6388 likewise
provided, among others: that the plebiscite on expressly provide that the Election Code shall
the constitutional amendments providing apply to plebiscites (See. 2, R.A. No. 180, as
bicameral Congress, re-election of the President amended, and Section 2, Rep. Act No. 6388).
and Vice-President, and the creation of a
Commission on Elections shall be held at a If the Election Code ipso facto applies to
general election on June 18, 1940 (Sec. 1); that plebiscites under Article XV of the 1935
said amendments shall be published in three Constitution, there would be no need for
consecutive issues of the Official Gazette in Congress to expressly provide therefor in the
English and Spanish at least 20 days prior to the election laws enacted after the inauguration of
election and posted in every local government the Commonwealth government under the 1935
office building and polling place not later than Constitution.
May 18, 1940 (Sec. 2); that the election shall be
conducted in conformity with the Election Code (5) Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not
insofar as the same may be applicable (Sec. 3)
specify who can vote and how they shall vote.
that copies of the returns shall be forwarded to
Unlike the various State Constitutions of the
the Secretary of National Assembly and the
American Union (with few exceptions), Article
Secretary of Interior (Sec. 7); that the National
XV does not state that only qualified electors can
Assembly shall canvass the returns to certify the vote in the plebiscite. As above-intimated, most
results at a special session to be called by
of the Constitutions of the various states of the
President (Sec. 8).
United States provide for very detailed amending
process and specify that only qualified electors
Republic Act No. 73 approved on October 21, can vote at such plebiscite or election.
1946 calling for a plebiscite on the parity
amendment consists of 8 sections provides that
Congress itself, in enacting Republic Act No.
the Amendment "shall be submitted to the
3590, otherwise known as the Barrio Charter,
people, for approval or disapproval, at a general
which was approved on June 17, 1967 and
election which shall be held on March 11, 1947,
superseded Republic Act No. 2370, expanded
in accordance with the provisions of this Act" the membership of the barrio assembly to
(Sec. 1, R.A. No. 73); that the said amendment include citizens who are at least 18 years of age,
shall be published in English and Spanish in
whether literate or not, provided they are also
three consecutive issues of the Official
residents of the barrio for at least 6 months (Sec.
Gazette at least 20 days prior to the election;
4, R.A. No. 3590).
that copies of the same shall be posted in a
conspicuous place and in every polling place not
later than February 11, 1947 (Section 2, R.A. Sec. 4. The barrio assembly. —
No. 73); that the provisions of Com. Act No. 357 The barrio assembly shall
(Election Code) and Com. Act No. 657 creating consist of all persons who are
the Commission on Elections, shall apply to the residents of the barrio for at
election insofar as they are not inconsistent with least six months, eighteen years
this Act (Sec. 3, R.A. No. 73); and that within 30 of age or over, citizens of the
days after the election, the Senate and House of Republic of the Philippines and
Representatives shall hold a joint session to who are duly registered in the
canvass the returns and certify the results list of barrio assembly
thereof (Section 6, R.A. No. 73). members kept by the Barrio
From the foregoing provisions, it is patent that
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not The barrio assembly shall meet
contemplate nor envision the automatic at least once a year to hear the
application of the election law; and even at that, annual report of the barrio
not all the provisions of the election law were council concerning the activities
made applicable because the various laws and finances of the barrio.
aforecited contain several provisions which are
inconsistent with the provisions of the Revised It shall meet also at the case of
Election Code (Com. Act No. 357). Moreover, it the barrio council or upon
written petition of at least One- supplemental
Tenth of the members of the appropriations
barrio assembly. and special tax
No meeting of the barrio submitted for its
assembly shall take place approval by the
unless notice is given one week barrio council;
prior to the meeting except in and
matters involving public safety
or security in which case notice d. To hear the
within a reasonable time shall annual report
be sufficient. The barrio captain, council
or in his absence, the concerning the
councilman acting as barrio activities and
captain, or any assembly finances of the
member selected during the assembly.
meeting, shall act as presiding
officer at all meetings of the Sec. 6. Plebiscite. — A
barrio assembly. The barrio plebiscite may be held in the
secretary or in his absence, any barrio when authorized by a
member designated by the majority vote of the members
presiding officer to act as present in the barrio assembly,
secretary shall discharge the there being a quorum, or when
duties of secretary of the barrio called by at least four members
assembly. of the barrio council; Provided,
however, That no plebiscite
For the purpose of conducting shall be held until after thirty
business and taking any official days from its approval by either
action in the barrio assembly, it body, and such plebiscite has
is necessary that at least one- been given the widest publicity
fifth of the members of the in the barrio, stating the date,
barrio assembly be present to time, and place thereof, the
constitute a quorum. All actions questions or issues to be
shall require a majority vote of decided, action to be taken by
these present at the meeting the voters, and such other
there being a quorum. information relevant to the
holding of the plebiscite.
Sec. 5. Powers of the barrio
assembly. — The powers of the All duly registered barrio
barrio assembly shall be as assembly members qualified to
follows: vote may vote in the plebiscite.
Voting procedures may be
a. To made either in writing as in
recommend to regular election, and/or
the barrio declaration by the voters to the
council the board of election tellers. The
adoption of board of election tellers shall be
measures for the same board envisioned by
the welfare of section 8, paragraph 2 of this
the barrio; Act, in case of vacancies in this
body, the barrio council may fill
b. To decide on the same.
the holding of a
plebiscite as A plebiscite may be called to
provided for in decide on the recall of any
Section 6 of this member of the barrio council. A
Act; plebiscite shall be called to
approve any budgetary,
supplemental appropriations or
c. To act on
special tax ordinances.
budgetary and
For taking action on any of the of the members present in the barrio assembly,
above enumerated measures, there being a quorum (par. 1, Sec. 6).
majority vote of all the barrio
assembly members registered However, in the case of election of barrio
in the list of barrio secretary is officials, only Filipino citizens, who are at least
necessary. 21 years of age, able to read and write,
residents of the barrio during the 6 months
xxx xxx xxx immediately preceding the election and duly
registered in the list of voters kept by the barrio
Sec 10. Qualifications of voters secretary, not otherwise disqualified, may vote
and candidates. — Every citizen (Sec. 10, R.A. No. 3590).
of the Philippines, twenty-one
years of age or over, able to Paragraph 2 of Section 6 likewise authorizes
read and write, who has been a open voting as it provides that "voting
resident of the barrio during the procedures may be made ... either in writing as
six months immediately in regular elections, and/or declaration by the
preceding the election, duly voters to the board of election tellers."
registered in the list of voters
kept by the barrio secretary, That said paragraph 2 of Section 6 provides that
who is not otherwise "all duly registered barrio assembly members
disqualified, may vote or be a qualified to vote may vote in the plebiscite,"
candidate in the barrio elections. cannot sustain the position of petitioners in G.R.
No. L-36165 that only those who are 21 years of
The following persons shall not age and above and who possess all other
be qualified to vote: qualifications of a voter under Section 10 of R.A.
No. 3590, can vote on the plebiscites referred to
a. Any person in Section 6; because paragraph 3 of Section 6
who has been does not expressly limit the voting to those with
sentenced by the qualifications under Section 10 as said
final judgment Section 6 does not distinguish between those
to suffer one who are 21 or above on the one hand and those
year or more of 18 or above but below 21 on the other, and
imprisonment, whether literate or not, to constitute a quorum of
within two years the barrio assembly.
after service of
his sentence; Consequently, on questions submitted for
plebiscite, all the registered members of the
b. Any person barrio assembly can vote as long as they are 18
who has years of age or above; and that only those who
violated his are 21 years of age or over and can read and
allegiance to write, can vote in the elections of barrio officials.
the Republic of
the Philippines; Otherwise there was no sense in extending
and membership in the barrio assembly to those who
are at least 18 years of age, whether literate or
c. Insane or not. Republic Act No. 3590 could simply have
feeble-minded restated Section 4 of Republic Act No. 2370, the
persons. old Barrio Charter, which provided that only
those who are 21 and above can be members of
All these barrio assembly members, who are at the barrio assembly.
least 18 years of age, although illiterate, may
vote at the plebiscite on the recall of any Counsels Salonga and Tañada as well as all the
member of the barrio council or on a budgetary, petitioners in L-36165 and two of the petitioners
supplemental appropriation, or special in L-36164 participated in the enactment of
ordinances, a valid action on which requires "a Republic Act No. 3590 and should have known
majority vote of all of the barrio assembly the intendment of Congress in expanding the
members registered in the list of the barrio membership of the barrio assembly to include all
secretary" (par. 5, Sec. 6, R.A. No. 3590). Such those 18 years of age and above, whether
plebiscite may be authorized by a majority vote literate or not.


If Congress in the exercise of its ordinary people for ratification or delegate the same to
legislative power, not as a constituent assembly, the President of the Republic.
can include 18-year olds as qualified electors for
barrio plebiscites, this prerogative can also be The certification of Governor Isidro Rodriguez of
exercised by the Chief Executive as delegate of Rizal and Mayor Norberto Amoranto could be
the Constitutional Convention in regard to the utilized as the basis for the extrapolation of the
plebiscite on the 1973 Constitution. Citizens' Assemblies in all the other provinces,
cities and municipalities in all the other
As heretofore stated, the statement by the provinces, cities and municipalities, and the
President in Presidential Proclamation No. 1102 affirmative votes in the Citizens' Assemblies
that the 1973 Constitution was overwhelmingly resulting from such extrapolation would still
ratified by the people through the Citizens' constitute a majority of the total votes cast in
Assemblies in a referendum conducted from favor of the 1973 Constitution.
January 10 to 15, 1973, should be accorded the
presumption of correctness; because the same As claimed by petitioners in L-36165, against the
was based on the certification by the Secretary certification of the Department of Local
of the Department of Local Government and Government and Community Development that
Community Development who tabulated the in Rizal there were 1,126,000 Yes votes and
results of the referendum all over the country. 100,310 No votes, the certification of Governor
The accuracy of such tabulation and certification Isidro Rodriguez of Rizal, shows only 614,157
by the said Department Secretary should Yes votes against 292,530 No votes. In Cavite
likewise be presumed; because it was done in province, there were 249,882 Yes votes against
the regular performance of his official functions 12,269 No votes as disclosed in Annex 1-A of
aside from the fact that the act of the respondents' Compliance (the certification by the
Department Secretary, as an alter ego of the Department of Local Government and
President, is presumptively the act of the Community Development), while the alleged
President himself unless the latter disapproves certification of Governor Lino Bocalan of Cavite
or reprobates the same (Villena vs. Secretary of shows only 126,163 Yes votes and 5,577 No
Interior, 67 Phil. 451 ). The truth of the votes. If such a ratio is extended by way of
certification by the Department Secretary and extrapolation to the other provinces, cities and
the Chief Executive on the results of the towns of the country, the result would still be an
referendum, is further strengthened by the overwhelming vote in favor of the 1973
affidavits and certifications of Governor Isidro Constitution.
Rodriguez of Rizal, Mayor Norberto S. Amoranto
of Quezon City and Councilor Eduardo T.
The alleged certification by Governor Lino
Parades of Quezon City. Bocalan of Cavite, is not true; because in his
duly acknowledged certification dated March 16,
The procedure for the ratification of the 1937 1973, he states that since the declaration of
amendment on woman suffrage, the 1939 martial law and up to the present time, he has
amendment to the ordinance appended to the been under house arrest in his residence in
1935 Constitution, the 1940 amendments Urdaneta Village, Makati, Rizal; that he never
establishing the bicameral Congress, creating participated in the conduct of the Citizens'
the Commission on Elections and providing for Assemblies on January 10 15, 1973 in the
two consecutive terms for the President, and the province of Cavite; that the acting chairman and
1947 parity amendment, cannot be invoked; coordinator of the Citizens' Assemblies at that
because those amendments were proposed by time was Vice-Governor Dominador Camerino;
the National Assembly as expressly authorized and that he was shown a letter for his signature
by Article V of the 1935 Constitution respecting during the conduct of the Citizens' Assemblies,
woman suffrage and as a constituent assembly which he did not sign but which he referred to
in all the other amendments aforementioned and Vice-Governor Camerino (Annex 1-Rejoinder of
therefore as such, Congress had also the the Sol. Gen. dated March 20, 1973).
authority to prescribe the procedure for the
submission of the proposed amendments to the Mayor Pablo Cuneta likewise executed an
1935 Constitution.
affidavit dated March 16, 1973 stating that on
January 15, 1973, he caused the preparation of
In the cases at bar, the 1973 Constitution was a letter addressed to Secretary Jose Roño of the
proposed by an independent Constitutional Department of Local Government and
Convention, which as heretofore discussed, has Community Development showing the results of
the equal power to prescribe the modality for the the referendum in Pasay City; that on the same
submission of the 1973 Constitution to the day, there were still in any Citizens' Assemblies
holding referendum in Pasay City, for which
reason he did not send the aforesaid letter instruction of the National Secretariat to submit
pending submittal of the other results from the such letter 2 or 3 days from January 10 to show
said Citizens' Assemblies; and that in the the trend of voting in the Citizens' Assemblies;
afternoon of January 15, 1973, he indorsed the that the figures 614,157 and 292,530 mentioned
complete certificate of results on the referendum in said letter were based on the certificates of
in Pasay City to the Office of the President results in his possession as of January 14, 1973,
(Annex 5-Rejoinder of Sol. Gen. dated March which results were made the basis of the
20, 1973). computation of the percentage of voting trend in
the province; that his letter was never intended
Pablo F. Samonte, Assistant City Treasurer and to show the final or complete result in the
Officer in Charge of Pasay City also issued an referendum in the province as said referendum
affidavit dated March 15, 1973 stating that a was then still going on from January 14-17,
certain Atty. Delia Sutton of the Salonga Law 1973, for which reason the said letter merely
Office asked him for the results of the stated that it was only a "summary result"; and
referendum; that he informed her that he had in that after January 15, 1973, he sent to the
his possession unsigned copies of such results National Secretariat all the certificates of results
which may not be considered official as they had in 26 municipalities of Rizal for final tabulation
then no knowledge whether the original thereof (Annex 3-Rejoinder of the Sol. Gen.; emphasis
had been signed by the mayor; and that in spite supplied).
of his advice that said unsigned copies were not
official, she requested him if she could give her Lydia M. Encarnacion, acting chief of the
the unofficial copies thereof, which he gave in Records Section, Department of Local
good faith (Annex C-Rejoinder to the Sol. Gen.). Government and Community Development,
issued a certificate dated March 16, 1973 that
There were 118,010 Yes votes as against 5,588 she was shown xerox copies of unsigned letters
No votes in the Citizens' Assemblies of Quezon allegedly coming from Governor Lino Bocalan
city (Annex V to Petitioners' Notes in L-36165). dated January 15, 1973 and marked "Rejoinder
The fact that a certain Mrs. Remedio Gutierrez, Annex Cavite" addressed to the President of the
wife of alleged barrio treasurer Faustino Philippines through the Secretary of the
Gutierrez, of barrio South Triangle, Quezon City, Department of Local Government and
states that "as far as we know, there has been Community Development and another unsigned
no Citizens' Assembly meeting in our Area, letter reportedly from Mayor Pablo Cuneta dated
particularly in January of this year," does not January 15, 1973 and marked "Rejoinder Annex
necessarily mean that there was no such Pasay City" addressed to the Secretary of the
meeting in said barrio; for she may not have Department of Local Government and
been notified thereof and as a result she was not Community Development; that both xerox copies
able to attend said meeting. Much less can it be of the unsigned letters contain figures showing
a basis for the claim that there was no meeting the results of the referendum of the Citizens'
at all in the other barrios of Quezon City. The Assemblies in those areas; and that the said
barrio captain or the secretary of the barrio letters were not received by her office and that
assembly could have been a credible witness. her records do not show any such documents
received by her office (Annex 2-Rejoinder of the
Sol. Gen.).
Councilor Eduardo T. Paredes, chairman of the
Secretariat of Quezon City Ratification and
Coordinating Council, certified on March 12, Thus it would seem that petitioners in L-36165
1973 that as such chairman he was in charge of have attempted to deceive this Court by
the compilation and tabulation of the results of representing said unsigned letters and/or
the referendum among the Citizens' Assemblies certificates as duly signed and/or containing the
in Quezon City based on the results submitted to complete returns of the voting in the Citizens'
the Secretariat by the different Citizens' Assemblies.
Assemblies; but many results of the referendum
were submitted direct to the national agencies The observation We made with respect to the
having to do with such activity and all of which discrepancy between the number of Yes votes
he has no knowledge, participation and control and No votes contained in the summary report of
(Annex 4 Rejoinder of the Sol. Gen.). Governor Rodriguez of Rizal as well as those
contained in the alleged report of Governor Lino
Governor Isidro Rodriguez of Rizal issued a Bocalan of Cavite who repudiated the same as
certification dated March 16, 1973 that he not having been signed by him for he was then
prepared a letter to the President dated January under house arrest, on the one hand, and the
15, 1973 informing him of the results of the number of votes certified by the Department of
referendum in Rizal, in compliance with the Local Government and Community
Development, on the other, to the effect that localities may exceed the number of voters
even assuming the correctness of the figures actually registered for the 1971 elections, can
insisted on by counsel for petitioners in L-36165, only mean that the excess represents the
if they were extrapolated and applied to the qualified voters who are not yet registered
other provinces and cities of the country, the Yes including those who are at least 15 years of age
votes would still be overwhelmingly greater than and the illiterates. Although ex-convicts may
the No votes, applies equally to the alleged have voted also in the referendum, some of
discrepancy between the figures contained in them might have been granted absolute pardon
the certification of the Secretary of the or were sentenced to less than one year
Department of Local Government and imprisonment to qualify them to vote (Sec. 201,
Community Development and the figures 1971 Rev. Election Code). At any rate, the ex-
furnished to counsel for petitioners in L-36165 convicts constitute a negligible number,
concerning the referendum in Camarines Sur, discounting which would not tilt the scale in favor
Bataan and Negros Occidental. of the negative votes.

The fact that the referendum in the municipality Similarly, the fact that Mayor Marcial F. Samson
of Pasacao, Camarines Sur, shows that there of Caloocan City, who belongs to the Liberal
were more votes in favor of the plebiscite to be Party, stated in his letter dated March 13, 1973
held later than those against, only serve to that he does not "feel authorized by the proper
emphasize that there was freedom of voting authorities to confirm or deny the data"
among the members of the Citizens' Assemblies concerning the number of participants, the Yes
all over the country during the referendum from votes and No votes in the referendum on the
January 10 to 15, 1973 (Annex-6 Camarines Sur new Constitution among the members of the
to Rejoinder of Petitioners in L-36165). If there Citizens' Assemblies in Caloocan City, does not
was no such freedom of choice, those who necessarily give rise to the inference that Mayor
wanted a plebiscite would not outnumber those Samson of Caloocan City is being intimidated,
against holding such plebiscite. having been recently released from detention;
because in the same letter of Mayor Samson, he
The letter of Governor Felix O. Alfelor, Sr. dated suggested to counsel for petitioners in L-36165
January 1973 confirms the "strong manifestation that he can secure "the true and legitimate
of approval of the new Constitution by almost results of the referendum" from the Office of the
97% by the members of the Citizens' President (Annex Caloocan-B to Rejoinder of
Assemblies in Camarines Sur" (Annex- Petitioners in L-36165). Why did not learned and
Camarines Sur to Rejoinder of Petitioners in L- eminent counsel heed such suggestion?
Counsel for petitioners in L-36165, to sustain
The report of Governor Efren B. Pascual of their position, relies heavily on the computation
Bataan shows that the members of the Citizens' of the estimated turnover in the Citizens'
Assemblies voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Assemblies referendum on January 10 to 15,
new Constitution despite the fact that the second 1973 by a certain Professor Benjamin R.
set of questions including the question "Do you Salonga, of the Mapua Institute of Technology,
approve of the new Constitution?" was received ostensibly a close relative of former Senator
only on January 10. Provincial Governor Pascual Jovito R. Salonga, eminent counsel for
stated that "orderly conduct and favorable petitioners in L-36165 (Annex M-as amended, to
results of the referendum" were due not only to Consolidated Rejoinder of petitioners in L-36165
the coordinated efforts and cooperation of all to the Notes of Arguments and Memorandum of
teachers and government employees in the area respondents). Professor Salonga is not a
but also to the enthusiastic participation by the qualified statistician, which all the more impairs
people, showing "their preference and readiness his credibility. Director Tito A. Mijares of the
to accept this new method of government to Bureau of Census and Statistics, in his letter
people consultation in shaping up government dated March 16, 1973 address to the Secretary
policies." (Annex-Bataan to Rejoinder of of the Department of Local Government and
Petitioners in L-36165). Community Development, refutes the said
computation of Professor Benjamin R. Salonga,
As heretofore stated, it is not necessary that
voters ratifying the new Constitution are
registered in the book of voters; it is enough that 1) I do not quite understand why
they are electors voting on the new Constitution (Problem 1) all qualified
(Bott vs. Wurts, 40 A 740 [1898]; 43 A 744, 881 registered voters and the 15-20-
[1899]; 45 LRA 251). The fact that the number of year-old youths (1972) will have
actual voters in the referendum in certain to be estimated in order to give
a 101.9% estimate of the Citizens' Assembly. It can
percentage participation of the therefore be inferred that "a total
"15-20 year old plus total number of persons 15 and over
number of qualified voters" unqualified/disqualified to vote"
which does not deem to answer will be more than 10,548,197
the problem. This computation and hence the "difference or
apparently fails to account for implied number of registered
some 5.6 million persons "21 voters that participated" will be
years old and over" who were less than 6,153,618.
not registered voters
(COMELEC), but who might be I have reservations on whether
qualified to participate at the an "appropriate number of
Citizen's Assembly. qualified voters that supposedly
voted" could be meaningfully
2) The official population estimated.
projection of this office (medium
assumption) for "15 year olds 5) The last remark will therefore
and over" as of January 1, 1973 make the ratio (a) [Solution to
is 22.506 million. If total number Problem] more than 1.71 and
of participants at the Citizens' that for (b), accordingly, will also
Assembly Referendum held on be less than 36.8%." (Annex F
January 10-15, 1973 was Rejoinder).
16.702 million, participation rate
will therefore be the ratio of the
From the foregoing analysis of the Director of
latter figure to the former which Census and Statistics as of January 21, 1973,
gives 74.2%.
the official population projection for 15-year olds
and over is 22,506,000. If 16,702,000 voted in
3) 1 cannot also understand c-2 the referendum, the participation ratio would be
"Solution to Problem 11." The 74.2% of 22,506,000.
"difference or implied number of
15-20 year olds" of 5,039,906
If the registered electors as of the election of
would represent really not only
November 8, 1971 numbered 11,661,909, the
all 15-year olds and over who
difference between 16,702,000 who participated
participated at the Citizens'
in the referendum and the registered electors of
Assembly but might not have 11,661,909 for the November 8, 1971 elections,
been registered voters at the is 5,040,091, which may include not only the 15-
time, assuming that all the
year olds and above but below 21 but also the
11,661,909 registered voted at
qualified electors who were not registered before
Citizens' Assembly. Hence, the
the November 8, 1971 elections as well as
"estimate percentage
illiterates who are 15 years old and above but
participation of 15-20 years below 21.
olds" of 105.6% does not seem
to provide any meaningful
information. Moreover, in the last Presidential election in
November, 1969, We found that the incumbent
President obtained over 5,000,000 votes as
To obtain the participation rate against about 3,000,000 votes for his rival LP
of "15-20 years old" one must
Senator Sergio Osmeña, Jr., garnering a
divide the number in this age
majority of from about 896,498 to 1,436,118
group, which was estimated to
(Osmeña, Jr. vs. Marcos, Presidential Election
be 4.721 million as of January 1,
Contest No. 3, Jan. 8, 1973).
1973 by the population of "15
years old and over" for the same
period which was estimated to The petitioners in all the cases at bar cannot
be 22.506 million, giving 21.0%. state with justification that those who voted for
the incumbent President in 1969 did not vote in
favor of the 1973 Constitution during the
In Problem III, it should be referendum from January 10 to 15, 1973. It
observed that registered voters should also be stressed that many of the
also include names of voters
partisans of the President in the 1969
who are already dead. It cannot
Presidential elections, have several members in
therefore be assumed that all of
their families and relatives who are qualified to
them participated at the
participate in the referendum because they are amendments or on a new Constitution. We have
15 years or above including illiterates, which fact seen even before and during martial law that
should necessarily augment the number of votes voting in meetings of government agencies or
who voted for the 1973 Constitution. private organizations is usually done openly.
This is specially true in sessions of Congress,
(6) It is also urged that martial law being the rule provincial boards, city councils, municipal boards
of force, is necessarily inconsistent with freedom and barrio councils when voting on national or
of choice, because the people fear to disagree local issues, not on personalities.
with the President and Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Then again, open voting was not a universal
therefore cannot voice views opposite to or phenomenon in the Citizens' Assemblies. It
critical of the position of the President on the might have been true in certain areas, but that
1973 Constitution and on the mode of its does not necessarily mean that it was done
ratification. throughout the country.

It is also claimed or urged that there can be no The recent example of an open voting is the last
free choice during martial law which inevitably election on March 3, 1973 of the National Press
generates fear in the individual. Even without Club officers who were elected by acclamation
martial law, the penal, civil or administrative presided over by its former president, petitioner
sanction provided for the violation of ordinarily Eduardo Monteclaro in L-36236 (see Bulletin
engenders fear in the individual which Today, p. 8, March 3, 1973 issue). There can be
persuades the individual to comply with or obey no more hardboiled group of persons than
the law. But before martial law was proclaimed, newspapermen, who cannot say that voting
many individuals fear such sanctions of the law among them by acclamation was characterized
because of lack of effective equal enforcement by fear among the members of the National
or implementation thereof — in brief, Press Club.
compartmentalized justice and extraneous
pressures and influences frustrated the firm and Moreover, petitioners would not be willing to
just enforcement of the laws. The fear that is affirm that all the members of the citizenry of this
generated by martial law is merely the fear of country are against the new Constitution. They
immediate execution and swift enforcement of will not deny that there are those who favor the
the law and therefore immediate infliction of the same, even among the 400,000 teachers among
punishment or sanction prescribed by the law whom officers of the Department of Education
whenever it is transgressed during the period of campaigned for the ratification of the new
martial law. This is not the fear that affects the Constitution.
voters' freedom of choice or freedom to vote for
or against the 1973 Constitution. Those who
Not one of the petitioners can say that the
cringe in fear are the criminals or the law
common man — farmer, laborer, fisherman,
violators. Surely, petitioners do not come under
lowly employee, jeepney driver, taxi driver, bus
such category.
driver, pedestrian, salesman, or salesgirl —
does not want the new Constitution, or the
(7) Petitioners likewise claim that open voting reforms provided for therein.
by viva voce or raising of hands violates the
secrecy of the ballot as by the election laws. But
(8) Petitioners likewise claim that there was no
the 1935 Constitution does not require secret
sufficient publicity given to the new Constitution.
voting. We search in vain for such guarantee or This is quite inaccurate; because even before
prescription in said organic law. The
the election in November, 1970 of delegates to
Commission on Elections under the 1940
the Constitutional Convention, the proposed
Amendment, embodied as Article X is merely
reforms were already discussed in various
mandated to insure "free, orderly and honest
forums and through the press as well as other
election." Congress, under its plenary law- media of information. Then after the
making authority, could have validly prescribed Constitutional Convention convened in June,
in the election law open voting in the election of
1971, specific reforms advanced by the
public officers, without trenching upon the
delegates were discussed both in committee
Constitution. Any objection to such a statute
hearings as well as in the tri-media — the press,
concerns its wisdom or propriety, not its legality
radio and television. Printed materials on the
or constitutionality. Secret balloting was proposed reforms were circulated by their
demanded by partisan strife in elections for proponents. From June, 1971 to November 29,
elective officials. Partisanship based on party or
1972, reforms were openly discussed and
personal loyalties does not generally obtain in a
debated except for a few days after the
plebiscite on proposed constitutional
proclamation of martial law on September 21, The United States business
1972. From the time the Constitutional community in Manila seems to
Convention reconvened in October, 1972 until have been re-assured by recent
January 7, 1973, the provisions of the new developments ... . (Emphasis
Constitution were debated and discussed in supplied.)
forums sponsored by private organizations
universities and debated over the radio and on Petitioners cannot safely assume that all the
television. The Philippines is a literate country, peaceful citizens of the country, who constitute
second only to Japan in the Far East, and more the majority of the population, do not like the
literate perhaps than many of mid-western and reforms stipulated in the new Constitution, as
southern states of the American Union and well as the decrees, orders and circulars issued
Spain. Many residents in about 1,500 towns and to implement the same. It should be recalled, as
33,000 barrios of the country have radios. Even hereinbefore stated, that all these reforms were
the illiterates listened to radio broadcasts on and the subject of discussion both in the committee
discussed the provisions of the 1973 hearings and on the floor of the Constitutional
Constitution. Convention, as well as in public forums
sponsored by concerned citizens or civic
As reported by the eminent and widely read organizations at which Con-Con delegates as
columnist, Teodoro Valencia in his column in well as other knowledgeable personages
Bulletin Today, March 4, 1973 issue, "Otto Lang, expounded their views thereon and in all the
Hollywood producer director (Tora, Tora, Tora) media of information before the proclamation of
went around the country doing a 30-minute martial law on September 21, 1972. This is the
documentary on the Philippines for American reason why the Constitutional Convention, after
television stated that what impressed him most spending close to P30 million during the period
in his travel throughout the country was the from June 1, 1971 to November 29, 1972, found
general acceptance of the New Society by the it expedient to accelerate their proceedings in
people which he saw in his 6-week travel from November, 1972 because all views that could
Aparri to Jolo." possibly be said on the proposed provisions of
the 1973 Constitution were already expressed
The report of Frank Valeo (Bulletin Today, and circulated. The 1973 Constitution may
March 3 and 4, 1973 and Daily Express, March contain some unwise provisions. But this
3, and Sunday Express, March 4), Secretary of objection to such unwise or vague provisions, as
the United States Senate, who conducted a heretofore stated, refers to the wisdom of the
personal survey of the country as delegate of aforesaid provisions, which issue is not for this
Senator Mike Mansfield, Chairman, Committee Court to decide; otherwise We will be
on US-Philippine relations, states: substituting Our judgment for the judgment of
the Constitutional Convention and in effect
Martial law has paved the way acting as a constituent assembly.
for a re-ordering of the basic
social structure of the VI
Philippines. President Marcos
has been prompt and sure- PRESIDENT AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF
footed in using the power of EXERCISES
martial law for this purpose. He LAW.
has zeroed in on areas which
have been widely recognized as The position of the respondent public officers
prime sources of the nation's that undermartial law, the President as
difficulties — land tenancy, Commander-in-Chief is vested with legislative
official corruption, tax evasion powers, is sustained by the ruling in the 1949
and abuse of oligarchic case of Kuroda vs. Jalandoni, et al. (83 Phil.
economic power. Clearly, he 171, 177-178) which reiterates the 1945 case
knows the targets. What is not of Yamashita vs. Styer (75 Phil. 563, 571-72).
yet certain is how accurate have The trial of General Kuroda was after the
been his shots. Nevertheless, surrender of Japan on October 2, 1945 (23
there is marked public support Encyc. Brit. 1969 ed., p. 799) and hence no
for his leadership and tangible more martial law in the Philippines.
alternatives have not been
forthcoming. That would
... Consequently, in the
suggest that he may not be
promulgation and enforcement
striking too far from the mark.
of Executive Order No. 68, the punishment of
President of the Philippines has war criminals is
acted in conformity with the an aspect of
generally accepted principles waging war.
and policies of international law And, in the
which are part of our language of a
Constitution. writer, a military
The promulgation of said "has jurisdiction
executive order is an exercise so long as the
by the President of his powers technical state
as Commander in Chief of all of war
our armed forces, as upheld by continues. This
this Court in the case includes the
of Yamashita vs. Styver (L-129, period of an
42 Off. Gaz., 664) when we said armistice, or
— military
occupation, up
to the effective
"War is not
ended simply date of treaty of
because peace, and may
extend beyond,
hostilities have
by treaty
ceased. After
cessation of
armed (Cowles, Trial of
hostilities, War Criminals
by Military
incidents of war
may remain
American Bar
pending which
should be
disposed of as Journal, June,
in time of war. 1944).
"An important
incident to a Consequently, the President as
conduct of war Commander-in-Chief is fully
is the adoption empowered to consummate this
measures by unfinished aspect of war,
the military namely the trial and punishment
command not of war criminals, through the
only to repel issuance and enforcement of
and defeat the Executive Order No. 68. (83
enemies but to Phil. 177-178; emphasis
seize and supplied).
subject to
disciplinary Chief Justice Stone of the United States
measures those Supreme Court likewise appears to subscribe to
enemies who in this view, when, in his concurring opinion in
their attempt to Duncan vs. Kahanamoku (327 U.S. 304 [1946]),
thwart or he defined martial law as "the exercise of the
impede our power which resides in the executive branch of
military effort the government to preserve order and insure the
have violated public safety in times of emergency, when other
the law of war." branches of the government are unable to
(Ex parte function, or their functioning would itself threaten
Quirin, 317 the public safety." (Emphasis supplied). There is
U.S., 1; 63 Sup. an implied recognition in the aforesaid definition
Ct., 2.) Indeed, of martial law that even in places where the
the power to courts can function, such operation of the courts
create a military may be affected by martial law should their
commission for "functioning ... threaten the public safety." It is
the trial and possible that the courts, in asserting their
authority to pass upon questions which may in the swift adaption of
adversely affect the conduct of the punitive measures designed to save the
campaign against rebels, secessionists, state and its people from the
dissidents as well as subversives, martial law destructive effects of the
may restrict such judicial function until the particular crisis. And the narrow
danger to the security of the state and of the duty to be pursued by this
people shall have been decimated. strong government, this
constitutional dictatorship?
The foregoing view appears to be shared by Simply this and nothing more: to
Rossiter when he stated: end the crisis and restore
normal times. The government
assumes no power and
Finally, this strong government,
abridges no right unless plainly
which in some instances might
become an outright dictatorship, indispensable to that end; it
can have no other purposes extends no further in time than
than the preservation of the the attainment of that end; and it
independence of the state, the makes no alteration in the
maintenance of the existing political, social and economic
constitutional order, and the structure of the nation which
defense of the political and cannot be eradicated with the
social liberties of the people. It restoration of normal times. In
short, the aim of constitutional
is important to recognize the
dictatorship is the complete
true and limited ends of any
restoration of the status quo
practical application of the
ante bellum. This historical fact
principle of constitutional
dictatorship. Perhaps the matter does not comport with
philosophical theory, that there
may be most clearly stated in
never has been a perfect
this way: the government of a
constitutional dictatorship, is an
free state is proceeding on its
assertion that can be made
way and meeting the usual
without fear of contradiction. But
problems of peace and normal
this is true of all institutions of
times within the limiting
government, and the principle of
framework of its established
constitutional dictatorship
constitutional order. The
remains eternally valid no
functions of government are
matter how often and seriously it
parceled out among a number
may have been violated in
of mutually independent offices
practice. (Constitutional
and institutions; the power to
Dictatorship, 1948 ed., by
exercise those functions is
Clinton L. Rossiter, p. 7;
circumscribed by well-
emphasis supplied.)
established laws, customs, and
constitutional prescriptions; and
the people for whom this Finally, Rossiter expressly recognizes that
government was instituted are in during martial law, the Chief Executive exercises
possession of a lengthy legislative power, whether of temporary or
catalogue of economic, political, permanent character, thus:
and social rights which their
leaders recognize as inherent The measures adopted in the
and inalienable. A severe crisis prosecution of a constitutional
arises — the country is invaded dictatorship should never be
by a hostile power, or a permanent in character or
dissident segment of the effect. Emergency powers are
citizenry revolts, or the impact of strictly conditioned by their
a world-wide depression purpose and this purpose is the
threatens to bring the nation's restoration of normal conditions.
economy in ruins. The The actions directed to this end
government meets the crisis by should therefore be provisional.
assuming more powers and For example, measures of a
respecting fewer rights. The legislative nature which work a
result is a regime which can act lasting change in the
arbitrarily and even dictatorially structure of the state or
constitute permanent or subversive conspiracies and the consequent
derogations from existing dismantling of the rebellious, insurgent or
law should not be subversive apparatus.
adopted under an emergency
enabling act, at least not without Hence, the issuance of Presidential Decree Nos.
the positively registered 86 and 86-A as well as Proclamation No. 1102 is
approval of the legislature. indispensable to the effectuation of the reforms
Permanent laws, whether within the shortest possible time to hasten the
adopted in regular or irregular restoration of normalcy.
times, are for parliaments to
enact. By this same token, the
"Must the government be too strong for the
decisions and sentences of
liberties of the people; or must it be too weak to
extraordinary courts should be
maintain its existence?" That was the dilemma
reviewed by the regular courts that vexed President Lincoln during the
after the termination of the American Civil War, when without express
authority in the Constitution and the laws of the
United States, he suspended one basic human
But what if a radical act of freedom — the privilege of the writ of habeas
permanent character, one corpus — in order to preserve with permanence
working lasting changes in the the American Union, the Federal Constitution of
political and social fabric, is the United States and all the civil liberties of the
indispensable to the successful American people. This is the same dilemma that
prosecution of the particular presently confronts the Chief Executive of the
constitutional dictatorship? The Republic of the Philippines, who, more than the
only answer can be: it must be Courts and Congress, must, by express
resolutely taken and openly constitutional mandate, secure the safety of our
acknowledged. President Republic and the rights as well as lives of the
Lincoln found it necessary to people against open rebellion, insidious
proceed to the revolutionary subversion secession. The Chief Executive
step of emancipation in aid of announced repeatedly that in choosing to
his conservative purpose of proclaim martial law, the power expressly vested
preserving the Union; as a in him by the 1935 Constitution (Sec. 10[2], Art.
constitutional dictator he had a VII, 1935 Constitution) to insure our national and
moral right to take this radical individual survival in peace and freedom, he is in
action. Nevertheless, it is effect waging a peaceful, democratic revolution
imperative that any action with from the center against the violent revolution and
such lasting effects should subversion being mounted by the economic
eventually receive the positive oligarchs of the extreme right, who resist reforms
approval of the people or of their to maintain their economic hegemony, and the
representatives in the communist rebels a Maoist oriented
legislature. (P. 303, emphasis secessionists of the extreme left who demand
supplied). swift institution of reforms. In the exercise of his
constitutional and statutory powers, to save the
From the foregoing citations, under martial law state and to protect the citizenry against actual
occasioned by severe crisis generated by and threatened assaults from insurgents,
revolution, insurrection or economic depression secessionists and subversives, doctrinaire
or dislocation, the government exercises more concepts and principles, no matter how revered
powers and respects fewer rights in order "to they may be by jurisprudence and time, should
end the crisis and restore normal times." The not be regarded as peremptory commands;
government can assume additional powers otherwise the dead hand of the past will regulate
indispensable to the attainment of that end — and control the security and happiness of the
the complete restoration of peace. In our living present. A contrary view would be to deny
particular case, eradication of the causes that the self-evident proposition that constitutions
incited rebellion and subversion as secession, is and laws are mere instruments for the well-
the sine qua non to the complete restoration of being, peace, security and prosperity of the
normalcy. Exercise of legislative power by the country and its citizenry. The law as a means of
President as Commander in Chief, upon his social control is not static but dynamic.
proclamation of martial law, is justified because, Paraphrasing Mr. Justice Frankfurter, the
as he professes, it is directed towards the Constitution is neither a printed finality nor the
institution of radical reforms essential to the imprisonment of the past, but the enfolding of
elimination of the causes of rebellious, insurgent the future. In the vein of Mr. Justice Holmes, the
meaning of the words of the Constitution is not as all life is an experiment," (Abrahms vs. U.S.,
to be determined by merely opening a dictionary. 250 US 616, 631) for "the life of the law is not
Its terms must be construed in the context of the logic, but experience." In the pontifical tones of
realities in the life of a nation it is intended to Mr. Justice Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, "so long
serve. Because experience may teach one as society is inconstant, there can be no
generation to doubt the validity and efficacy of constancy in law," and "there will be change
the concepts embodied in the existing whether we will it or not." As Justice Jose P.
Constitution and persuade another generation to Laurel was wont to say, "We cannot, Canute-
abandon them entirely, heed should be paid to like, command the waves of progress to halt."
the wise counsel of some learned jurists that in
the resolution of constitutional questions — like Thus, political scientists and jurists no longer
those posed before Us — the blending of exalt with vehemence a "government that
idealism and practical wisdom or progressive governs least." Adherents there are to the poetic
legal realism should be applied (see Alexander dictum of Alexander Pope: "For forms of
M. Bickel, the Supreme Court and the Idea of government let fools contest; whatever is best
Progress, 1970 ed., pp. 19-21). To Justice administered is best." (Poems of Pope, 1931
Frankfurter, law is "a vital agency for human Cambridge ed., p. 750). In between, the shades
betterment" and constitutional law "is applied vary from direct democracy, representative
politics using the word in its noble sense." democracy, welfare states, socialist democracy,
(Frankfurter, Law and Politics, 1939 ed., pp. 3 & mitigated socialism, to outright communism
6; emphasis supplied). Justice Brandeis gave which degenerated in some countries into
utterance to the truth that "Our Constitution is totalitarianism or authoritarianism.
not a straight jacket. It is a living organism. As
such, it is capable of growth — or expansion and
Hence, even the scholar, who advances
adaptation to new conditions. Growth implies
academic opinions unrelated to factual situations
changes, political, economic and social." in the seclusion of his ivory tower, must perforce
(Brandeis Papers, Harvard Law School;
submit to the inexorable law of change in his
emphasis supplied). Harvard Professor Thomas
views, concepts, methods and techniques when
Reed Powell emphasizes "practical wisdom," for
brought into the actual arena of conflict as a
"the logic of constitutional law is the common
public functionary — face to face with the
sense of the Supreme Court." (Powell, the
practical problems of state, government and
Validity of State Legislation, under the Webb- public administration. And so it is that some
Kenyon Law, 2 Southern Law Quarterly, pp. 112,
learned jurists, in the resolution of constitutional
138-139, cited in Bickel's Opus, supra; emphasis
issues that immediately affect the lives, liberties
and fortunes of the citizens and the nation,
recommend the blending of idealism with
The eternal paradox in this finite world of mortal practical wisdom which legal thinkers prefer to
and fallible men is that nothing is permanent identify as progressive legal realism. The
except change. Living organisms as well as national leader, who wields the powers of
man-made institutions are not immutable. government, must and has to innovate if he must
Civilized men organize themselves into a State govern effectively to serve the supreme interests
only for the purpose of serving their supreme of the people. This is especially true in times of
interest — their welfare. To achieve such end, great crises where the need for a leader with
they created an agency known as the vision, imagination, capacity for decision and
government. From the savage era thru ancient courageous action is greater, to preserve the
times, the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages and the unity of people, to promote their well-being, and
Renaissance to this era of sophisticated to insure the safety and stability of the Republic.
electronics and nuclear weaponry, states and When the methods of rebellion and subversion
governments have mutated in their search for have become covert, subtle and insidious, there
the magic instrument for their well-being. It was should be a recognition of the corresponding
trial and error then as it is still now. Political authority on the part of the Commander-in-Chief
philosophies and constitutional concepts, forms of the Armed Forces to utilize all the available
and kinds of government, had been adopted, techniques to suppress the peril to the security
overturned, discarded, re-adopted or modified to of the government and the State.
suit the needs of a given society at a particular
given epoch. This is true of constitutions and
Over a century and a half ago, Thomas
laws because they are not "the infallible
Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the
instruments of a manifest destiny." No matter
American Constitution and former President of
how we want the law to be stable, it cannot the United States, who personifies the
stand still. As Mr. Justice Holmes aptly progressive liberal, spoke the truth when he said
observed, every "constitution is an experiment
that some men "ascribe men of the preceding
age a wisdom more than human, and suppose the proclamation of martial law in the other —
what they did to be beyond amendment. ... But I deliberate as an act of judicial statesmanship
know also, that laws and institutions must go and recognition on their part that an adverse
hand in hand with the progress of the human court ruling during the period of such a grave
mind. As that becomes more developed, more crisis might jeopardize the survival of the
enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new Federal Republic of the United States in its life-
truths disclosed and manners and opinions and-death struggle against an organized and
change, with the change of circumstances, well armed rebellion within its own borders and
institutions must also advance, and keep pace against a formidable enemy from without its
with the times." (Vol. 12, Encyclopedia Britanica, territorial confines during the last global
1969 ed., p. 989). armageddon?

The wisdom of the decision of the Chief VIII

Executive can only be judged in the perspective
of history. It cannot be adequately and fairly DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS
appraised within the present ambience, charged PRECLUDES
as it is with so much tension and emotion, if not MANDAMUS AGAINST SENATORS.
partisan passion. The analytical, objective
historians will write the final verdict in the same In G.R. No. L-36165, mandamus will not lie to
way that they pronounced judgment on compel respondents Gil Puyat and Jose Roy to
President Abraham Lincoln who suspended the
convene the Senate of the Philippines even on
privilege of the writ of habeas corpuswithout any
the assumption that the 1935 Constitution still
constitutional or statutory authority therefor and
subsists; because pursuant to the doctrine of
of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who
separation of powers under the 1935
approved the proclamation of martial law in 1941 Constitution, the processes of this Court cannot
by the governor of Hawaii throughout the
legally reach a coordinate branch of the
Hawaiian territory. President Lincoln not only
government or its head. This is a problem that is
emancipated the Negro slaves in America, but
addressed to the Senate itself for resolution; for
also saved the Federal Republic of the United
it is purely an internal problem of the Senate. If a
States from disintegration by his suspension of majority of the senators can convene, they can
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, which
elect a new Senate President and a new Senate
power the American Constitution and Congress
President Pro Tempore. But if they have no
did not then expressly vest in him. No one can
quorum, those present can order the arrest of
deny that the successful defense and
the absent members (Sec. 10[2], Art. VI, 1935
preservation of the territorial integrity of the
Constitution). If this fails, then there is no
United States was due in part, if not to a great remedy except an appeal to the people. The
extent, to the proclamation of martial law over dictum ubi jus, ubi remedium, is not absolute
the territory of Hawaii — main bastion of the
and certainly does not justify the invocation of
outer periphery or the outpost of the American
the power of this Court to compel action on the
defense perimeter in the Pacific — which
part of a co-equal body or its leadership. This
protected the United States mainland not only
was emphasized with sufficient clarity by this
from actual invasion but also from aerial or naval Court in the 1949 case of Avelino vs. Cuenco
bombardment by the enemy. Parenthetically, the
(83 Phil. 17, 22,24), with which the distinguished
impartial observer cannot accurately conclude
counsels for the petitioners in L-36164 and L-
that the American Supreme Court acted with
36165 are familiar. We stress that the doctrine of
courage in its decision in the cases of Ex parte
separation of powers and the political nature of
Milligan and Duncan vs. Kahanamoku (filed on
the controversy such as this, preclude the
May 10, 1865 argued on March 5 to 13, 1866, interposition of the Judiciary to nullify an act of a
decided on April 3, 1866, and opinion delivered
coordinate body or to command performance by
on December 17, 1866) after the lifting of the
the head of such a co-ordinate body of his
proclamation suspending the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus, long after the Civil War and
the Second World ended respectively on April 9
or 26, 18-65 (Vol. 1, Encyclopedia Britannica, Mystifying is the posture taken by counsels for
1969 ed., pp. 730, 742) and on September 2, petitioners in referring to the political question
1945 (Vol. 23, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1969 doctrine — almost in mockery — as a magic
ed., p. 799). Was the delay on the part of the formula which should be disregarded by this
American Supreme Court in deciding these Court, forgetting that this magic formula
cases against the position of the United States constitutes an essential skein in the
President — in suspending the privilege of the constitutional fabric of our government, which,
writ of habeas corpus in one case and approving together with other basic constitutional precepts,
conserves the unity of our people, strengthens
the structure of the government and assures the void and that the said 1973 Constitution be
continued stability of the country against the declared unenforceable and inoperative.
forces of division, if not of anarchy.
As heretofore stated, Proclamation No. 1102 is
Moreover, if they have a quorum, the senators an enactment of the President as Commander-
can meet anywhere. Validity of the acts of the in-Chief during martial law as directly delegated
Senate does not depend on the place of to him by Section 10(2) of Article VII of the 1935
session; for the Constitution does not designate Constitution.
the place of such a meeting. Section 9 of Article
VI imposes upon Congress to convene in regular A declaration that the 1973 Constitution is
session every year on the 4th Monday of unenforceable and inoperative is practically
January, unless a different date is fixed by law, deciding that the same is unconstitutional. The
or on special session called by the President. As proposed Constitution is an act of the
former Senator Arturo Tolentino, counsel for Constitutional Convention, which is co-equal and
respondents Puyat and Roy in L-36165, stated, coordinate with as well as independent of either
the duty to convene is addressed to all members Congress or the Chief Executive. Hence, its final
of Congress, not merely to its presiding officers. act, the 1973 Constitution, must have the same
The fact that the doors of Congress are category at the very least as the act of Congress
padlocked, will not prevent the senators — itself.
especially the petitioners in L-36165 — if they
are minded to do so, from meeting elsewhere —
Consequently, the required vote to nullify
at the Sunken Gardens, at the Luneta
Proclamation No. 1102 and the 1973
Independence Grandstand, in any of the big
Constitution should be eight (8) under Section
hotels or theaters, in their own houses, or at the
10 of Article VIII of the 1935 Constitution in
Araneta Coliseum, which is owned by the father- relation to Section 9 of the Judiciary Act or
in-law of petitioner Gerardo Roxas in L-36165.
Republic Act No. 296, as amended, or should be
ten (10) under Section 2(2) of Article X of the
However, a session by the Senate alone would 1973 Constitution. Should the required vote of
be purely an exercise in futility, for it cannot eight (8) or ten (10), as the case may be, for the
validly meet without the lower House (Sec. 10[5], declaration of invalidity or unconstitutionality be
Art. VI, 1935 Constitution). Hence, this petition not achieved, the 1973 Constitution must be
by five former senators for mandamus in L- deemed to be valid, in force and operative.
36165 is useless.
And as pointed out by former Senator Arturo
Tolentino, counsel for respondents Puyat and
Roy, mandamus will lie only if there is a law
imposing on the respondents the duty to
convene the body. The rule imposing such a WE yield to no man as devotees of human rights
duty invoked by petitioners in L-36165 is purely and civil liberties. Like Thomas Jefferson, We
an internal rule of the Senate; it is not a law swear "eternal hostility towards any form of
because it is not enacted by both Houses and tyranny over the mind of man" as well as
approved by the President. towards bigotry and intolerance, which are
anathema to a free spirit. But human rights and
civil liberties under a democratic or republican
The Constitutional provision on the convening of state are never absolute and never immune to
Congress, is addressed to the individual
restrictions essential to the common weal. A
members of the legislative body (Sec. 9, Art. VI
civilized society cannot long endure without
of 1935 Constitution).
peace and order, the maintenance of which is
the primary function of the government. Neither
IX can civilized society survive without the natural
right to defend itself against all dangers that may
TO NULLIFY PROCLAMATION NO. 1102 AND destroy its life, whether in the form of invasion
1973 from without or rebellion and subversion from
CONSTITUTION REQUIRES EIGHT OR TEN within. This is the first law of nature and ranks
VOTES OF second to none in the hierarchy of all values,
SUPREME COURT. whether human or governmental. Every citizen,
who prides himself in being a member or a
The petitioners in L-36164 and L-36236 civilized society under an established
specifically pray for a declaration that the alleged government, impliedly submits to certain
ratification of the 1973 Constitution is null and constraints on his freedom for the general
welfare and the preservation of the State itself, If the petitioners are sincere in their expression
even as he reserves to himself certain rights of concern for the greater mass of the populace,
which constitute limitations on the powers of more than for their own selves, they should be
government. But when there is an inevitable willing to give the incumbent Chief Executive a
clash between an exertion of governmental chance to implement the desired reforms. The
authority and the assertion of individual freedom, incumbent President assured the nation that he
the exercise of which freedom imperils the State will govern within the framework of the
and the civilized society to which the individual Constitution and if at any time, before normalcy
belongs, there can be no alternative but to is restored, the people thru their Citizens'
submit to the superior right of the government to Assemblies, cease to believe in his leadership,
defend and preserve the State. In the language he will step down voluntarily from the
of Mr. Justice Holmes — often invoked by herein Presidency. But if, as apprehended by the
petitioners — "when it comes to a decision petitioners, he abuses and brutalizes the people,
involving its (state life, the ordinary rights of then to the battlements we must go to man the
individuals must yield to what he (the President) ramparts against tyranny. This, it is believed, he
deems the necessities of the moment. Public knows only too well; because he is aware that
danger warrants the substitution of executive he who rides the tiger will eventually end inside
process for judicial process. (See Keely vs. the tiger's stomach. He who toys with revolution
Sanders, 99 U.S. 441, 446, 25 L ed. 327, 328). will be swallowed by that same revolution.
This was admitted with regard to killing men in History is replete with examples of libertarians
the actual clash of arms. And we think it is who turned tyrants and were burned at stake or
obvious, although it was disputed, that the same beheaded or hanged or guillotined by the very
is true of temporary detention to prevent people whom they at first championed and later
apprehended harm." (Moyer vs. Peabody, 212 deceived. The most bloody of such mass
U.S. 77, 85, 53 L ed., 411, 417). executions by the wrath of a wronged people,
was the decapitation by guillotine of about
The rhetoric of freedom alone is not enough. It 15,000 Frenchmen including the leaders of the
must be the rhetoric of freedom with order and French revolution, like Robespierre, Danton,
security for all, that should be the shibboleth; for Desmoulins and Marat. He is fully cognizant of
freedom cannot be enjoyed in an environment of the lessons of history.
disorder and anarchy.
The incumbent Chief Executive who was trying CASES IS JUSTIFIED.
to gain the support for his reform program long
before September 21, 1972, realized almost too ESGUERRA, J., concurring:
late that he was being deceived by his
partymates as well as by the opposition, who These petitions seek to stop and prohibit the
promised him cooperation, which promises were respondents Executive Officers from
either offered as a bargaining leverage to secure implementing the Constitution signed on
concessions from him or to delay the institution November 30, 1972; in L-36165, to compel
of the needed reforms. The people have been respondents Gil Puyat and Jose J. Roy,
victimized by such bargaining and dilly-dallying. President and President Pro-Tempore,
To vert a terrifying blood bath and the respectively, of the Senate under the 1935
breakdown of the Republic, the incumbent Constitution, to convene the Senate in regular
President proclaimed martial law to save the session which should have started on January
Republic from being overrun by communists, 22, 1973; to nullify Proclamation No. 1102 of the
secessionists and rebels by effecting the desired President, issued on January 17, 1973, which
reforms in order to eradicate the evils that declared the ratification of the Constitution on
plague our society, which evils have been November 30, 1972, by the Filipino people,
employed by the communists, the rebels and through the barangays or Citizens Assemblies
secessionists to exhort the citizenry to rise established under Presidential Decree No. 86
against the government. By eliminating the evils, issued on December 31, 1972, which were
the enemies of the Republic will be decimated. empowered under Presidential Decree No. 86-A,
How many of the petitioners and their counsels issued on January 5, 1973, to act in connection
have been utilizing the rebels, secessionists and with the ratification of said Constitution.
communists for their own personal or political
purposes and how many of them are being used
Grounds for the petitions are as follows:
in turn by the aforesaid enemies of the State for
their own purposes?
1. That the Constitutional Convention was not a
free forum for the making of a Constitution after


the declaration of Martial Law on September 21, The pivotal question in these cases is whether
1972. the issue raised is highly political and, therefore,
not justiciable. I maintain that this Court should
2. The Convention was not empowered to abstain from assuming jurisdiction, but, instead,
incorporate certain provisions in the 1972 as an act of judicial statesmanship, should
Constitution because they are highly unwise and dismiss the petitions. In resolving whether or not
objectionable and the people were not the question presented is political, joint
sufficiently informed about them. discussion of issues Nos. 1, 3 and 4 is
necessary so as to arrive at a logical conclusion.
For after the acceptance of a new Constitution
3. The President had no authority to create and
and acquiescence therein by the people by
empower the Citizens' Assemblies to ratify the
putting it into practical operation, any question
new Constitution at the referendum conducted in
regarding its validity should be foreclosed and all
connection therewith, as said assemblies were
merely for consultative purposes, and debates on whether it was duly or lawfully
ushered into existence as the organic law of the
state become political and not judicial in
4. The provisions of Article XV of the 1935 character.
Constitution prescribing the manner of amending
the same were not duly observed.
The undisputed facts that led to the issuance of
Proclamation No. 1102 and Presidential Decrees
The petitions were not given due course Nos. 86 and 86-A are fully set forth in the
immediately but were referred to the Solicitor majority and dissenting opinions in the Plebiscite
General as counsel for the respondents for cases decided on January 22, 1973, and need
comment, with three members of the Court, not be repeated here.
including the undersigned, voting to dismiss
them outright. The comments were considered
Petitioners seek to set at naught Proclamation
motions to dismiss which were set for hearing
No. 1102 and Presidential Decrees Nos. 86 and
and extensively argued. Thereafter both parties
86-A, claiming that the ratification of the new
submitted their notes and memoranda on their
oral arguments. Constitution pursuant to the said decrees is
invalid and of no effect. Presidential Decree No.
86 organized the barangays or Citizens
I. Assemblies composed of all citizens at least
fifteen years of age, and through these
The issues raised for determination, on which assemblies the proposed 1972 Constitution was
the resolution of the Motion to Dismiss hinges, submitted to the people for ratification.
are as follows: Proclamation No. 1102 of the President
announced or declared the result of the
1. Is the question presented political and, hence, referendum or plebiscite conducted through the
beyond the competence of this Court to decide, Citizens Assemblies, and that 14,976,561
or is it justiciable and fit for judicial members thereof voted for the ratification of the
determination? new Constitution and 743,869 voted against it.
Petitioners assail these two acts of the President
2. Was the new Constitution of November 30, as unauthorized and devoid of legal effect.
1972, ratified in accordance with the amending
process prescribed by Article XV of the 1935 But looking through the veneer of judicial
Constitution? conformity with which the petitions have been
adroitly contrived, what is sought to be
3. Has the new Constitution been accepted and invalidated is the new Constitution itself — the
acquiesced in by the Filipino people? very framework of the present Government since
January 17, 1973. The reason is obvious. The
Presidential decrees set up the means for the
4. Is the new Constitution actually in force and
ratification and acceptance of the new
Constitution and Proclamation No. 1102 simply
announced the result of the referendum or
5. If the answers to questions Nos. 3 and 4 be in plebiscite by the people through the Citizens
the affirmative, are petitioners entitled to the Assemblies. The Government under the new
reliefs prayed for? Constitution has been running on its tracks
normally and apparently without obstruction in
II. the form of organized resistance capable of
jeopardizing its existence and disrupting its
operation. Ultimately the issue is whether the
new Constitution may be set aside by this Court. matter would then be not meet for judicial
But has it the power and authority to assume determination, but one addressed to the
such a stupendous task when the result of such sovereign power of the people who have already
invalidation would be to subject this nation to spoken and delivered their mandate by
divisive controversies that may totally destroy accepting the fundamental law on which the
the social order which the Government under the government of this Republic is now functioning.
new Constitution has been admirably protecting To deny that the new Constitution has been
and promoting under Martial Law? That the new accepted and actually is in operation would be
Constitution has taken deep root and the people flying in the face of reason and pounding one's
are happy and contended with it is a living reality bare head against a veritable stone wall or a
which the most articulate critics of the new order heavily reinforced concrete, or simply "kicking
cannot deny. 95 out of 108 members of the the deadly pricks" with one's bare foot in an
House of Representatives have opted to serve in effort to eliminate the lethal points.
the interim National Assembly provided for under
the new Constitution. 15 out of 24 Senators have When a Constitution has been in operation for
done likewise. The members of the Congress sometime, even without popular ratification at
did not meet anymore last January 22, 1973, not that, submission of the people thereto by the
because they were really prevented from so organization of the government provided therein
doing but because of no serious effort on their and observance of its prescriptions by public
parts to assert their offices under the 1935 officers chosen thereunder, is indicative of
Constitution. In brief, the Legislative Department approval. Courts should be slow in nullifying a
under the 1935 Constitution is a thing of the Constitution claimed to have been adopted not
past. The Executive Department has been fully in accordance with constitutional or statutory
reorganized; the appointments of key executive directives [Miller vs. Johnson, 92 Ky. 589; 189
officers including those of the Armed Forces S.W. 522; Taylor vs Commonwealth, 101; Va.
were extended and they took an oath to support 829; 44 S.E. 754; Smith vs. Good, 34 F 204,
and defend the new Constitution. The courts, 207; Wiston vs. Ryan, 70 Neb. 211; 97 N.W.
except the Supreme Court by reason of these 347].
cases, have administered justice under the new
constitution. All government offices have dealt In Miller vs. Johnson, supra, the Court said:
with the public and performed their functions
according to the new Constitution and laws
promulgated thereunder. ... But it is a case where a new
constitution has been formed
and promulgated according to
If the real purpose of the petitions is to set aside
the forms of law. Great interests
the new Constitution, how can this Court justify have already arisen under it;
its assumption of jurisdiction when no power has important rights exist by virtue of
... conferred upon it the jurisdiction to declare the
it; persons have been convicted
Constitution or any part thereof null and void? It
of the highest crimes known to
is the height of absurdity and impudence for a
the law, according to its
court to wage open war against the organic act
provisions; the political power of
to which it owes its existence. The situation in the government has in many
which this Court finds itself does not permit it to ways recognized it; and, under
pass upon the question whether or not the new such circumstances, it is our
Constitution has entered into force and has duty to treat and regard it as a
superseded the 1935 Constitution. If it declares valid constitution, and now the
that the present Constitution has not been validly organic law of our state. We
ratified, it has to uphold the 1935 Constitution as need not consider the validity of
still the prevailing organic law. The result would
the amendments made after the
be too anomalous to describe, for then this Court convention reassembled. If the
would have to declare that it is governed by one making of them was in excess
Constitution or the 1935 Constitution, and the of its power, yet as the entire
legislative and executive branches by another or instrument has been recognized
the 1972 Constitution. as valid in the manner
suggested, it would be equally
If it declares that the 1972 Constitution is now an abuse of power by the
operative, how can it exercise judicial discretion judiciary, and violative of the
in these cases when it would have no other rights of the people, — who can
choice but to uphold the new Constitution as and properly should remedy the
against any other one? In the circumstances it matter, if not to their liking, — if
would be bereft of judicial attributes as the it were to declare the instrument
or a portion invalid, and bring question it undertook to try. If it
confusion and anarchy upon the decides at all as a court, it
state. (Emphasis supplied) necessarily affirms the
existence and authority of the
In Smith vs. Good, supra, the Court said: government under which it is
exercising judicial power.
It is said that a state court is
forbidden from entering upon The foreign relations of the Republic of the
such an inquiry when applied to Philippines have been normally conducted on
a new constitution, and not an the basis of the new Constitution and no state
amendment, because the with which we maintain diplomatic relations has
judicial power presupposes an withdrawn its recognition of our government.
established government, and if (For particulars about executive acts done under
the authority of that government the new Constitution, see pages 22-25 of the
is annulled and overthrown, the Comments of the Solicitor General, dated
power of its courts is annulled February 3, 1973.)
with it; therefore, if a state court
should enter upon such an Certainly the invalidation of Proclamation No.
inquiry, come to the conclusion 1102 and Presidential Decrees Nos. 86 and 86-
that the government under A by this Court would smack of plain political
which it acted had been meddling which is described by the United
displaced by an opposing States Supreme Court as "entering a political
government, it would cease to thicket" in Colegrove vs. Green, 328 U.S. p. 549.
be a court, and it would be At this juncture it would be the part of wisdom for
incapable of pronouncing a this Court to adopt the proper attitude towards
judicial decision upon the political upheavals and realize that the question
question before it; but, if it before Us is political and not fit for judicial
decides at all, it must determination. For a political question is one
necessarily affirm the existence entrusted to the people for judgment in their
of the government under which sovereign capacity (Tañada vs. Cuenco, G.R.
it exercises its judicial powers. No. L-10520, Feb. 28,1967; 100 Phil. 1101), or
(Emphasis supplied) to a co-equal and coordinate branch of the
Government (Vera vs. Arellano, 77 Phil. 192;
These rules are all traceable to Luther vs. Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito, 78 Phil. 1; Alejandrino
Borden, 48 U.S (7 How.), 12 L. Ed. 581, 598 vs. Quezon, 46 Phil. 35; Cabili vs. Francisco,
(1849) where it was held: G.R. No. 4638, May 8, 1931). A case involves a
political question when there would be "the
impossibility of undertaking independent
Judicial power presupposes an
resolutions without expressing a lack of respect
established government capable
due to coordinate branches of government", or
of enacting laws and enforcing
their execution, and appointing when there is "the potentiality of embarrassment
judges to expound and from multifarious pronouncements by various
departments on one question."
administer them. The
acceptance of the judicial office
is a recognition of the authority To preserve the prestige and eminence that this
of government from which it is Court has long enjoyed as the "ultimate organ of
derived. And if the authority of the "Supreme Law of the Land" in that vast
the government is annulled and range of legal problems often strongly entangled
overthrown, the power of its in popular feeling on which this Court must
courts and other officers is pronounce", let us harken to the following
annulled with it. And if a State admonition of Justice Frankfurter in his dissent
court should enter upon the in Baker vs. Carr, 369 U.S. 186; 82 S. Ct. 691; 7
inquiry proposed in this case, L. Ed. 2d. 663:
and should come to conclusion
that the government under The Court's authority —
which it acted had been put possessed neither of the purse
aside and displaced by an nor the sword — ultimately rests
opposing government it would on sustained public confidence
cease to be a court, and be in its moral sanction. Such
incapable of pronouncing a feeling must be nourished by
judicial decision upon the the Court's complete
detachment, in fact and that proposed Constitution had been validly
appearance, from political ratified and had come into effect.
entanglements and abstention
from injecting itself into the The Solicitor General, however, contends that
clash of political forces in this Court has no jurisdiction to resolve the issue
political settlement. ..." that we have mentioned because that issue is a
(Emphasis supplied) political question that cannot be decided by this
Court. This contention by the Solicitor General is
The people have accepted and submitted to a untenable. A political question relates to "those
Constitution to replace the 1935 Constitution. questions which under the Constitution are to be
The new organic law is now in the plenitude of decided by the people in their sovereign capacity
its efficacy and vigor. We are now living under its or in regard to which full discretionary authority
aegis and protection and only the cynics will has been delegated to the legislative, or to the
deny this. This Court should not in the least executive, branch of the government. The2

attempt to act as a super-legislature or a super- courts have the power to determine whether the
board of canvassers and sow confusion and acts of the executive are authorized by the
discord among our people by pontificating there Constitution and the laws whenever they are
was no valid ratification of the new Constitution. brought before the court in a judicial proceeding.
The sober realization of its proper role and The judicial department of the government
delicate function and its consciousness of the exercises a sort of controlling, or rather
limitations on its competence, especially restraining, power over the two other
situations like this, are more in keeping with the departments of the government. Each of the
preservation of our democratic tradition than the three departments, within its proper
blatant declamations of those who wish the constitutional sphere, acts independently of the
Court to engage in their brand of activism and other, and restraint is only placed on one
would not mind plunging it into the whirlpool of department when that sphere is actually
passion and emotion in an effort to capture the transcended. While a court may not restrain the
intoxicating applause of the multitude. executive from committing an unlawful act, it
may, when the legality of such an act is brought
For all the foregoing, I vote to dismiss all before it in a judicial proceeding, declare it to be
petitions. void, the same as it may declare a law enacted
by the legislature to be unconstitutional. It is a

settled doctrine that every officer under a

ZALDIVAR, J., concurring and dissenting:
constitutional government must act according to
law and subject to its restrictions, and every
In these five cases, the main issue to be departure therefrom, or disregard thereof, must
resolved by Court is whether or not the subject him to the restraining and controlling
Constitution proposed by the Constitutional power of the people, acting through the agency
Convention of 1971 had been ratified in of the judiciary. It must be remembered that the
accordance with the provisions of Article XV of people act through the courts, as well as through
the 1935 Constitution. In the plebiscite cases, the executive or the legislature. One department
which were decided by this Court on January 22, is just as representative as the other, and
1973 , I held the view that this issue could be
judiciary is the department which is charged with
properly resolved by this Court, and that it was in the special duty of determining the limitations
the public interest that this Court should declare which the law places upon all official actions . In

then whether or not the proposed Constitution the case of Gonzales v. Commission on
had been validly ratified. The majority of this Elections , this Court ruled that the issue as to

Court, however, was of the view that the issue whether or not a resolution of Congress acting
was not squarely raised in those cases, and so as a constituent assembly violates the
the Court, as a body, did make any categorical Constitution is not a political question and is
pronouncement on the question of whether or therefore subject to judicial review. In the case
not the Constitution proposed by the 1971 of Avelino v. Cuenco , this Court held that the

Convention was validly ratified. I was the only exception to the rule that courts will not interfere
one who expressed the opinion that the with a political question affecting another
proposed Constitution was not validly ratified department is when such political question
and therefore "it should not be given force and involves an issue as to the construction and
effect." interpretation of the provision of the constitution.
And so, it has been held that the question of
The Court is now called upon to declare, and to whether a constitution shall be amended or not
inform the people of this country, whether or not is a political question which is not in the power of
the court to decide, but whether or not the
constitution has been legally amended is a separately, may
justiciable question.7
amendments to
My study on the subject of whether a question the Constitution
before the court is political or judicial, based on or call a
decisions of the courts in the United States — convention for
where, after all, our constitutional system has that purpose.
been patterned to a large extent — made me Such
arrive at the considered view that it is in the amendments
power of this Court, as the ultimate interpreter of shall be valid as
the Constitution, to determine the validity of the part of this
proposal, the submission, and the ratification of Constitution
any change in the Constitution. Ratification or when approved
non-ratification of a constitutional amendment is by a majority of
a vital element in the procedure to amend the the votes cast
constitution, and I believe that the Court can at an election at
inquire into, and decide on, the question of which the
whether or not an amendment to the amendments
constitution, as in the present cases, has been are submitted to
ratified in accordance with the requirements the people for
prescribed in the Constitution that was their
amended. And so, in the cases now before Us, I ratification."
believe that the question of whether or not the
Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional It is in consonance with the
Convention had been validly ratified or not is a abovequoted provision of the
justiciable question. 1935 Constitution that on March
16, 1967, the Congress of the
The Chief Justice, in his opinion, has discussed Philippines Resolution No. 2
lengthily the subject on whether or not, the calling a convention to propose
cases, before Us involve a political, or a judicial, amendments to the Constitution
question. I fully concur with his conclusion that of the Philippines. Sec. 7 of said
the question involved in these cases is Resolution No. 2 reads as
justiciable. follows:

On the question now of whether or not the "Section 7. The

Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional amendments
Convention has been validly ratified, I am proposed by the
reproducing herein pertinent portions of my Convention
dissenting opinion in the plebiscite cases: shall be valid
and considered
The ratification of the part of the
Constitution proposed by the Constitution
when approved
1971 Constitutional Convention
by a majority of
must be done in accordance
the votes cast in
with the provisions of Section 1,
Article XV of the 1935 an election at
Constitution of the Philippines, which they are
submitted to the
which reads:
people for their
"Section 1. The pursuant to
Congress in Article XV of the
joint session Constitution.
assembled by a
vote of three
It follows that from the very
fourths of all the
resolution of the Congress of
Members of the
Senate and of the Philippines which called for
the House of the 1971 Constitutional
Convention, there was a clear
mandate that the amendments
proposed by the 1971
Convention, in order to be valid without restraint
and considered part of the and omnipotent
Constitution, must be approved all wise, and it
by majority of the votes cast in as to such
an election at which they are conventions
submitted to the people for the that the remarks
ratification as provided in the of Delegate
Constitution. Manuel Roxas
of the
This Court, in the case Constitutional
of Tolentino vs. Commission Convention of
Elections, L-35140, October 16, 1934 quoted by
1971 (41 SCRA 715), speaking Senator Pelaez
through Mr. Justice Barredo, refer. No
said: amount of
can belie the
fact that the
Convention of
1971, as any convention
other came into being
only because it
convention of
was called by a
the same
nature, owes its resolution of a
existence and joint session of
all its authority Congress acting
and power from as a constituent
the existing assembly by
Constitution of authority of
the Philippines. Section 1,
This Convention Article XV of the
has not been present
Constitution ...
called by the
people directly
as in the case
of a xxx xxx xxx
convention "As to matters
which drafts the not related to its
first Constitution internal
of an entirely operation and
new the
government performance of
born of either a its assigned
war of liberation mission to
from a mother propose
country or of amendments to
revolution the Constitution,
against an the Convention
existing and its officers
government or and members
of a bloodless are all subject
seizure of to all the
power a la coup provisions of
d'etat. As to the existing
such kind of Constitution.
conventions, it Now we hold
is absolutely that even as to
true that the its latter task of
convention is proposing
completely amendments to
the Constitution, polling places established in the
it is subject to different election precincts
the provisions throughout the country, where
of Section 1 of the election is conducted by
Article XV." election inspectors duly
appointed in accordance with
In Proclamation No. 1102, the election law, where the
issued on January 17, 1973, the votes are canvassed and
President of the Philippines reported in a manner provided
certified that as a result of the for in the election law. It was this
voting before the barangays kind of election that was held on
(Citizens Assemblies) May 14, 1935, when the
14,976,561 members of the Constitution of 1935 was
barangays voted for the ratified; on April 30, 1937, when
adoption of the proposed the amendment to the
Constitution, as against 743,869 Constitution providing for
who voted for its rejection, and Women's Suffrage was ratified;
on the basis of the on June 18, 1940, when the
overwhelming majority of the 1940 Amendments to the
votes cast by the members of all Constitution were ratified; on
the barangays throughout the March 11, 1947 when the Parity
Philippines, the President Amendment to the Constitution
proclaimed that the Constitution was ratified; and on November
proposed by the 1971 14, 1967 when the amendments
Convention has been ratified to the Constitution to increase
and has thereby come into the number of Members of the
effect. House of Representatives and
to allow the Members of
Congress to run in the elections
It is very plain from the very
for Delegates to the
wordings of Proclamation No.
1102 that the provisions of Constitutional Convention of
Section 1 of Article XV of the 1971 were rejected.
Constitution of 1935 were not
complied with. It is not I cannot see any valid reason
necessary that evidence be why the practice or procedure in
produced before this Court to the past, in implementing the
show that no elections were constitutional provision requiring
held in accordance with the the holding, of an election to
provisions of the Election Code. ratify or reject an amendment to
Proclamation No. 1102 the Constitution, has not been
unequivocally states that the followed in the case of the
proposed Constitution of 1972 Constitution proposed by the
was voted upon by the 1971 Constitutional Convention.
barangays. It is very clear,
therefore, that the voting held in It is my view that the President
these barangays is not the of the Philippines cannot by
election contemplated in the decree order the ratification of
provisions of Section 1, Article the proposed 1972 Constitution
XV, of the 1935 Constitution. thru a voting in the barangays
The election contemplated in and make said result the basis
said constitutional provision is for proclaiming the ratification of
an election held in accordance the proposed constitution. It is
with the provisions of the very clear, to me, that
election law, where only the Proclamation No. 1102 was
qualified and registered voters issued in complete disregard or
of the country would cast their in violation, of the provisions of
votes, where official ballots Section 1 of Article X of the
prepared for the purpose are 1935 Constitution.
used, where the voters would
prepare their ballots in secret Proclamation No. 1102
inside the voting booths in the mentions, furthermore, that on
the question as to whether or some question
not the people would still like a or issue. (Leffel
plebiscite to be called to ratify v. Brown, Com.
the new Constitution, P1., 159 N.E.
14,298,814 members of the 2d 807, 808
barangays answered that there cited in 29
was no need for a plebiscite but C.J.S. 13 at
that the vote of the barangays footnote 6.5).
should be considered a vote in a
plebiscite. It would thus appear "... the statutory
that the barangays assumed the method
power to determine whether a whereby qualifie
plebiscite as ordained in the d voters or
Constitution be held or not. electors pass
Indeed, the provision of Section on various
1, Article XV of the Constitution public matters
was completely disregarded. submitted to
them — the
The affirmative votes cast in the election of
barangays are not the votes officers,
contemplated in Section 1 of national, state,
Article XV of the 1935 county,
Constitution. The votes township — the
contemplated in said passing on
constitutional provision are various other
votes obtained through the questions
election processes as provided submitted for
by law. their
"An election is (29 C.J.S. 13,
the embodiment citing Iowa-
of the popular Illinois Gas &
will, the Elec. Co. v. City
expression of of Bettendorf,
the sovereign 41 N.W. 2d 1, 5,
power of the 241 Iowa 358).
people. In
common "Election" is
parlance, an expression of
election is the choice
act of casting by voters of
and receiving body politic.
the ballots, (Ginsburg v.
counting them, Giles, 72 S.W.
and making the 2d 438, 254 Ky.
return." 720, in Words
(Hontiveros vs. and Phrases,
Altavas, 24 Phil. Permanent
632, 637). Edition, p. 234).

"Election" "The right to

implies a choice vote may be
by an electoral exercised only
body at the time on compliance
and with such
substantially in statutory
the manner and requirements as
with the have been set
safeguards by the
provided by law legislature."
with respect to (People ex rel.
Rago v. Lipsky, or of common knowledge, which
63 N.E. 2d 642, the Court may take judicial
327 III. App. 63; notice of. To consider the votes
Rothfels v. in the barangays as expressive
Southworth, of the popular will and use them
356 P. 2d 612, as the basis in declaring
11 Utah 2d 169 whether a Constitution is ratified
in 29 C.J.S. 38). or rejected is to resort to a
(Emphasis voting by demonstrations, which
supplied). is would mean the rule of the
crowd, which is only one degree
In this connection I herein quote higher than the rule by the mob.
the pertinent provisions of the Certainly, so important a
Election Code of 1971: question as to whether the
Constitution, which is the
"Sec. 2. Applicability of this Act. supreme law of the land, should
be ratified or not, must not be
— All elections of public officers
decided by simply gathering
except barrio officials and
people and asking them to raise
plebiscites shall be conducted in
the manner provided by this their hands in answer to the
Code." question of whether the vote for
or against a proposed
Constitution. The election as
"Sec 99. Necessity of provided by law should be
registration to be entitled to strictly observed in determining
vote. — In order that a qualified the will of the sovereign people
voter may vote in any regular or in a democracy. In our Republic,
special election or in any the will of the people must be
plebiscite, he must be registered expressed through the ballot in
in the permanent list of voters a manner that is provided by
for the city, municipality or law.
municipal district in which he
resides: Provided, that no
It is said that in a democracy,
person shall register more than
the will of the people is the
once without first applying for
supreme law. Indeed, the
cancellation of his previous
registration." (Emphasis people are sovereign, but the
supplied). (Please see also will of the people must be
expressed in a manner as the
Sections 100-102, Election
law and the demands a well-
Code of 1971, R.A. No. 6388)
ordered society require. The
rule of law must prevail even
It is stated in Proclamation No. over the apparent will of the
1102 that the voting was done majority of the people, if that will
by the members of citizens had not been expressed, or
assemblies who are 15 years of obtained, in accordance with the
age or over. Under the provision law. Under the rule of law,
of Section I of Article V of the public questions must be
1935 Constitution, the age decided in accordance with the
requirement to be a qualified Constitution and the law. This is
voter is 21 years or over. specially true in the case of
adoption of a constitution or in
But what is more noteworthy is the ratification of an amendment
the fact that the voting in the to the Constitution.
barangays, except in very few
instances, was done by the The following citations are, to
raising of hands by the persons me, very relevant in the effort to
indiscriminately gathered to determine whether the proposed
participate in the voting, where Constitution of 1972 had been
even children below 15 years of validly ratified, or not:
age were included. This is a
matter of common observation,


"When it is said Constitutional
that "the Law, Second
people" have Edition, pp. 47-
the right to alter 48).
or amend the
constitution, it "The theory of
must not be our political
understood that system is that
term the ultimate
necessarily sovereignty is in
includes all the the people, from
inhabitants of whom springs
the state. Since all legitimate
the question of authority. The
the adoption or people of the
rejection of a Union created a
proposed new national
constitution or constitution,
constitutional and conferred
amendment upon it powers
must be of sovereignty
answered a on certain
vote, the subjects, and
determination of the people of
it rests with each State
those who, by created a State
existing government, to
constitution, are exercise the
accorded the remaining
right of suffrage. powers of
But the qualified sovereignty so
electors must far as they were
be understood disposed to
in this, as in allow them to
many other be exercised at
cases, as all. By the
representing constitution
those who have which they
not the right to establish, they
participate in not only tie up
the ballot. If a the hands of
constitution their official
should be agencies, but
abrogated and their own hands
a new one as well; and
adopted, by the neither the
whole mass of officers of the
people in a State, nor the
state acting whole people as
through an aggregate
representatives body, are at
not chosen by liberty to take
the "people" in action in
political sense opposition to
of the term, but this
by the general fundamental
body of the law." (Cooley's
populace, the Constitutional
movement Limitations, 8th
would be extra- Edition, Vol. I,
legal." (BIack's p. 81 cited in
Graham v. means of a
Jones, 3 So. 2d. constitutional
761, 782). convention, or
of an
"The theory that amendment
a favorable vote according to the
by the mode therein
electorate, prescribed, or
however through the
unanimous, on exertion of the
a proposal to original right of
amend a revolution. "The
constitution, Constitution
may cure, may be set
render aside by
innocuous, all revolution, but it
or any can only be
antecedent amended in the
failures to way it
observe provides," said
commands of Hobson, C.J., in
that Constitution McCreary v.
in respect of the Speer, 156 Ky.
formulation or 783, 791, 162
submission of S.W. 99, 103.
proposed (Johnson vs.
amendments Craft, et al., 87
thereto, does So. 375, 385,
not prevail in 387, On
Alabama, where Rehearing).
the doctrine of
the stated "The fact that a
theory was majority voted
denied, in for the
obvious effect, amendment,
by the unless the vote
pronouncement was taken as
60 years ago of provided by the
broad, Constitution, is
wholesome not sufficient to
constitutional make a change
principles in that
in Collier v. instrument.
Frierson, supra, Whether a
as quoted in the proposed
original opinion, amendment has
ante. The been legally
people adopted is a
themselves are judicial
bound by the question, for the
Constitution; court must
and, being so uphold and
bound, are enforce the
powerless, Constitution as
whatever their written until it is
numbers, to amended in the
change or way which it
thwart its provides
mandates, for." Wood v.
except through Tooker, 15
the peaceful Mont. 8, 37 Pac
840, 25 L.R.A. contained in the
560; McConaug constitution."
hty v. State, 106 (16 C.J.S. 35-
Minn. 409, 119 36. cited in
N.W. Graham v.
408; Oakland Jones, 3 So. 2d
Paving 761, 782).
Company v.
Hilton, 69 Cal. "It is said that
499, 11 Pac. chaos and
3; Utter v. confusion in the
Mosely, 16 government
Idaho 274, 100 affairs of the
Pac. 1958, 133 State will result
Am. St. Rep. from the Court's
94, 18 Ann. action in
Cas. 723. declaring the
(McCreary v. proposed
Speer, 162 constitutional
S.W. 99, 104). amendment
void. This
"Provisions of a statement is
constitution grossly and
regulating its manifestly
own inaccurate. If
amendment, ... confusion and
are not merely chaos should
directory, but ensue, it will not
are mandatory; be due to the
and a strict action of the
observance of Court but will be
every the result of the
substantial failure of the
mandatory; and drafters joint
a strict resolution to
observance of observe, follow
every and obey the
substantial plain essential
requirement is provisions of
essential to the the Constitution.
validity of the Furthermore, to
proposed say that, the
amendment. Court
These disregards its
provisions are sworn duty to
as binding on enforce the
the people as Constitution,
on the chaos and
legislature, and confusion will
the former are result, is an
powerless by inherently weak
vote of argument in
acceptance to favor of the
give legal alleged
sanction to an constitutionality
amendment the of the proposed
submission of amendment. It
which was is obvious that,
made in if the Court
disregard of the were to
limitations countenance
the violations of candidacy. The boards of
the sacramental inspectors in Miagao, however,
provisions did not count the votes cast for
Constitution, Monsale upon the ground that
those who the votes cast for him were stray
would thereafter votes, because he was
desire to violate considered as having no
it disregard its certificate of candidacy. On the
clear mandatory other hand, the boards of
provisions inspectors credited Nico with
would resort to 2,291 votes, and Nico was
the scheme of proclaimed elected. Monsale
involving and filed a protest against the
confusing the election of Nico in the Court of
affairs of the First Instance of Iloilo. In the
State then count of the ballots during the
simply tell the proceedings in the trial court, it
Court that it was appeared that Monsale had
powerless to obtained 2,877 votes while Nico
exercise one of obtained 2,276 votes, or a
its primary margin of 601 votes in favor of
functions by Monsale. The Court of First
rendering the Instance of Iloilo decided the
proper decree election protest in favor of
to make the Monsale. Upon appeal by Nico,
Constitution this Court reversed the decision
effective." of the lower court. This Court
(Graham v. declared that because Monsale
Jones, 3 So. 2d. withdrew his certificate of
761, 793-794). candidacy, his attempt to revive
it by withdrawing his withdrawal
In our jurisprudence I find an of his certificate of candidacy
instance where this Court did did not restore the effectiveness
not allow the will of the majority of his certificate of candidacy,
to prevail, because the and this Court declared Nico the
requirements of the law were winner in spite of the fact that
not complied with. In the case Monsale had obtained more
of Monsale v. Nico, 83 Phil. 758, votes than he.
Monsale and Nico were both
candidates for the office of We have cited this Monsale
Municipal Mayor of Miagao, case to show that the will of the
Iloilo, in the elections of majority of the voters would not
November 11, 1947. Monsale be given effect, as declared by
had duly filed his certificate of this Court, if certain legal
candidacy before the expiration requirements have not been
of the period for the filing of the complied with in order to render
same. However, on October 10, the votes valid and effective to
1947, after the period for the decide the result of an election.
filing of the certificate of
candidacy, Monsale withdrew And so, in the cases now before
his certificate of candidacy. But this Court, the fact that the
on November 7, 1947 Monsale voting in the citizens assemblies
attempted to revive his (barangays) is not the election
certificate of candidacy by that is provided for in the 1935
withdrawing the withdrawal of Constitution for the ratification of
certificate of candidacy. The the amendment to the
Commission on Elections, Constitution, the affirmative
November 8, 1947, ruled that votes cast in those assemblies
Monsale could no longer be a can not be made the basis for
candidate. Monsale declaring the ratification of the
nevertheless proceeded with his proposed 1972 Constitution, in
spite of the fact that it was ratified by the people of this
reported that 14,976,561 Republic, and so it should not
members of the citizens be given force and effect.
assemblies voted for the
adoption as against 743,869 for It is urged by the Solicitor General, however, that
the rejection, because the votes the voting in the citizens assemblies was a
thus obtained were not in substantial compliance with the provisions of
accordance with the provisions Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. The Solicitor
of Section 1 of Article XV of the General maintains that the primary thrust of the
1935 Constitution of the provision of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution is
Philippines. The rule of law mast that "to be valid, amendments must gain the
be upheld. approval of the majority recognition of the
democratic postulate that sovereign resides in
My last observation: One of the the people." It is not disputed that in a
valid grounds against the democratic sovereignty resides in the people.
holding of the plebiscite on But the term "people" must be understood in its
January 15, 1973, as provided constitutional meaning, and they are "those
in Presidential Decree No. 73, is persons who are permitted by the Constitution to
that there is no freedom on the exercise the elective franchise." Thus, in Section

part of the people to exercise 2 of Article VII of the 1935 Constitution, it is

their right of choice because of provided that "the President shall hold his office
the existence of martial law in during a term of four years and, together with the
our country. The same ground Vice-President chosen for the same term, shall
holds true as regards to the be elected by direct vote of the people..."
voting of the barangays on Certainly under that constitutional provision,
January 10 to 15, 1973. More the "people" who elect directly the President and
so, because by General Order the Vice-President are no other than the persons
No. 20, issued on January 7, who, under the provisions of the same
1973, the President of the Constitution, are granted the right to vote. In like
Philippines ordered "that the manner the provision in Section 1 of Article II of
provisions of Section 3 of the 1935 Constitution which says "Sovereignty
Presidential Decree No. 73 in so resides in the people and all government
far as they allow free public authority emanates from them", the "people"
discussion of the proposed who exercise the sovereign power are no other
constitution, as well as my order than the persons who have the right to vote
of December 17, 1972 under the Constitution. In the case
temporarily suspending the of Garchitorena vs. Crescini , this Court,

effects of Proclamation No. speaking through Mr. Justice Johnson, said, "In
1081 for the purpose of free and democracies, the people, combined, represent
open debate on the proposed the sovereign power of the State. Their
constitution, be suspended in sovereign authority is expressed through the
the meantime." It is, therefore, ballot, of the qualified voters, in duly appointed
my view that voting in the elections held from time to time, by means of
barangays on January 10, 1973 which they choose their officials for definite fixed
was not free, and so this is one periods, and to whom they entrust, for the time
added reason why the results of being, as their representatives, the exercise of
the voting in the barangays the powers of government." In the case of Moya
should not be made the basis v. Del Fierro, this Court, speaking through Mr.

for proclamation of the Justice Laurel, said, "As long as popular

ratification of the proposed government is an end to be achieved and
Constitution. safeguarded, suffrage, whatever may be the
modality and form devised, must continue to be
It is my view, therefore, that the means by which the great reservoir of power
Proclamation No. 1102 must be emptied into the receptacular agencies
repugnant to the 1935 wrought by the people through their Constitution
Constitution, and so it is invalid, in the interest of good government and the
and should not be given effect. common weal. Republicanism, in so far as it
The Constitution of 1972 implies the adoption of a representative type of
proposed by the 1971 government, necessarily points to
Constitutional Convention the enfranchised citizen as a particle of popular
should be considered as not yet sovereignty and as the ultimate source of the
established authority." And in the case of Abanil of the Philippine Islands,
v. Justice of the Peace of Bacolod, this Court
together with a statement of the
said: "In the scheme of our present republican votes cast, and a copy of said
government, the people are allowed to have a constitution ordinances. If a
voice therein through the instrumentality of majority of the votes cast shall
suffrage to be availed of by those possessing be for the constitution, such vote
certain prescribed qualifications. The people, in shall be deemed an expression
clothing a citizen with the elective franchise for of the will of the people of the
the purpose of securing a consistent and Philippine Independence, and
perpetual administration of the government they the Governor-General shall,
ordain, charge him with the performance of a within thirty days after receipt of
duty in the nature of a public trust, and in that the certification from the
respect constitute him a representative of the Philippine Legislature, issue a
whole people. This duty requires that the proclamation for the election of
privilege thus bestowed exclusively for the officers of the government of the
benefit of the citizen or class of citizens Commonwealth of the Philippine
professing it, but in good faith and with an Islands provided for in the
intelligent zeal for the general benefit and Constitution...
welfare of the state. (U.S. v. Cruikshauk, 92 U.S.
588)..." There is no question, therefore, that It can safely be said, therefore, that when the
when we talk of sovereign people, what is meant framers of the 1935 Constitution used, the word
are the people who act through the duly qualified "election" in Section I Article XV of the 1935
and registered voters who vote during an Constitution they had no other idea in mind
election that is held as provided in the except the elections that were periodically held
Constitution or in the law. in the Philippines for the choice of public officials
prior to the drafting of the 1935 Constitution, and
The term "election" as used in Section 1 of also the "election" mentioned in the
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution should be Independence Act at which "the qualified voters
construed along with the term "election" as used of the Philippine Islands shall have an
in the Provisions of Section 4 of the Philippine opportunity to vote directly for or against the
Independence Act of the Congress of the United proposed constitution..." It is but logical to
States, popularly known as the Tydings- expect that the framers of the 1935 Constitution
McDuffie Law (Public Act No. 127). Said Section would provide a mode of ratifying an amendment
4 of the Tydings-McDuffie Law provides as to that Constitution similar to the mode of
follows: ratifying the original Constitution itself.

Section 4. After the President of It is clear therefore, that the ratification or any
the United States certified that amendment to the 1935 Constitution could only
the constitution conforms with be done by holding an election, as the term
the provisions of this act, it shall "election" was understood, and practiced, when
be submitted to the people of the 1935 Constitution as drafted. The alleged
the Philippine Islands for their referendum in the citizens assemblies —
ratification or rejection at an participated in by persons aged 15 years or
election to he held within more, regardless of whether they were qualified
months after the date of such voters or not, voting by raising their hands, and
certification, on a date to be the results of the voting reported by the barrio or
fixed by the Philippine ward captain, to the municipal mayor, who in
Legislature at which election, turn submitted the report to the provincial
the qualified voters of the Governor, and the latter forwarding the reports
Philippine Islands shall have an to the Department of Local Governments, all
opportunity to vote directly or without the intervention of the Commission on
against the proposed Elections which is the constitutional body which
constitution and ordinances has exclusive charge of the enforcement and
append thereto. Such election administration of all laws, relative to the conduct
shall be held in such manner as of elections — was not only a non-substantial
may prescribed by the compliance with the provisions of Section 1 of
Philippine Legislature to which Article XV of the 1935 Constitution but a
the return of the election shall downright violation of said constitutional
be made. The Philippine provision. It would be indulging in sophistry to
Legislature shall certify the maintain that the voting in the citizens
result to the Governor-General assemblies amounted to a substantial
compliance with the requirements prescribed in within 30 day from January 17, 1973, the date
Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. when Proclamation No. 110 was issued. Of
course, if the proposed Constitution does not
It is further contended by the Solicitor General, become effective, they continue to be members
that even if the Constitution proposed by the of Congress under the 1935 Constitution. Let it
1971 Constitutional Convention was not ratified be considered that the members of the House of
in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of Representatives were elected in 1969 to serve a
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution, the fact is term which will yet expire on December 31,
that after the President of the Philippines had 1973. Whereas, of the Senators who opted to
issued Proclamation No. 1102 declaring that the serve in the interim National Assembly, the term
said proposed Constitution "has been ratified by of some of them will yet expire on December 31,
overwhelming majority of all the votes cast by 1973, some on December 31, 1975, and the rest
the members of all the barangays (citizens on December 31, 1977. Let if be noted that 9
assemblies) throughout the Philippines and had Senators did not opt to serve in the interim
thereby come into effect" the people have National Assembly, and 18 members of the
accepted the new Constitution. What appears to House of Representatives also did not opt to
me, however, is that practically it is only the serve in the interim National Assembly.
officials and employees under the executive
department of the Government who have been Neither can it be said that the people have
performing their duties apparently in observance accepted the new Constitution. I cannot, in
of the provisions of the new Constitution. It could conscience, accept the reported affirmative
not be otherwise, because the President of the votes in the citizens assemblies as a true and
Philippines, who is the head of the executive correct expression by the people of their
department, had proclaimed that the new approval, or acceptance, of the proposed
Constitution had come into effect, and his office Constitution. I have my serious doubts regarding
had taken the steps to implement the provisions the freedom of the people to express their views
of the new Constitution. True it is, that some 92 regarding the proposed Constitution during the
members of the House of Representatives and voting in the citizens assemblies, and I have also
15 members of the Senate, of the Congress of my serious doubts regarding the truthfulness
the Philippines had expressed their option to and accuracy of the reports of the voting in the
serve in the interim National Assembly that is citizens assemblies. This doubt has been
provided for in Section 2 of Article XVII of the engendered in my mind after a careful
proposed Constitution. It must be noted, examination and study of the records of these
however, that of the 15 senators who expressed cases, particularly with respect to the reports of
their option to serve in the interim National the voting in the citizens assemblies. Perhaps, it
Assembly only one them took his oath of office; may be said that the people, or the inhabitants of
and of the 92 members of the House of this country, have acquiesced to the new
Representatives who opted to serve in the Constitution, in the sense that they have
interim National Assembly, only 22 took their continued to live peacefully and orderly under
oath of office. The fact that only one Senator out the government that has been existing since
of 24, and only 22 Representative out of 110, January 17, 1973 when it was proclaimed that
took their oath of office, is an indication that only the new Constitution came into effect. But what
a small portion of the members of Congress had could the people do? In the same way that the
manifested the acceptance of the new people have lived under martial law since
Constitution. It is in the taking of the oath of September 23, 1972, they also have to live
office where the affiant says that he swears to under the government as it now exists, and as it
"support and defend the Constitution" that the has existed since the declaration of martial law
acceptance of the Constitution is made manifest. on September 21, 1972, regardless of what
I agree with counsel petitioners in L-36165 Constitution is operative — whether it is the
(Gerardo Roxas, et al. v. Alejandro Melchor, et 1935 Constitution or the new Constitution.
al.) when he said that the members of Congress Indeed, there is nothing that the people can do
who opted to serve in the interim National under the circumstances actually prevailing in
Assembly did only ex abundante cautela, or by our country today — circumstances, known to
way of a precaution, making sure, that in the all, and which I do not consider necessary to
event the new Constitution becomes definitely state in this opinion. I cannot agree, therefore,
effective and the interim National Assembly with my worthy colleagues in the Court who hold
convened, they can participate in legislative the view that the people have accepted the new
work in the capacity as duly elected Constitution, and that because the people have
representatives of the people, which otherwise accepted it, the new Constitution should be
they could not do if they did not manifest their considered as in force, regardless of the fact that
option to serve, and that option had to be made it was not ratified in accordance with the
provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 which has become part of our social and political
Constitution. fabric, is still a reality.

It is my honest view that the Constitution The views that I have expressed in this opinion
proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Convention are inspired by a desire on my part to bring
has not come into effect. I do not say, however, about stability in democratic and constitutional
that the proposed Constitution is invalid. To me, system in our country. I feel that if this Court
the validity of the proposed Constitution is not in would give its imprimatur to the ratification of the
issue in the cases before Us. What the proposed Constitution, as announced in
petitioners assail is not the validity of the Proclamation No. 1102, it being very clear that
proposed Constitution but the validity of the provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the
Presidential Proclamation No. 1102 which 1935 Constitution had not been complied with,
declares the proposed Constitution as having We will be opening the gates for a similar
been ratified and has come into effect. It being disregard of the Constitution in the future. What I
my considered view that the ratification of the mean is that if this Court now declares that a
proposed Constitution, as proclaimed in new Constitution is now in force because the
Proclamation No. 1102, is not in accordance members of the citizens assemblies had
with the provisions of Section 1 of Article XV, of approved the said new Constitution, although
the 1935 Constitution, I hold that Proclamation that approval was not in accordance with the
No. 1102 is invalid and should not be given force procedure and the requirements prescribed in
and effect. Their proposed Constitution, the 1935 Constitution, it can happen again in
therefore, should be considered as not yet some future time that some amendments to the
validly ratified, and so it is not in force. The Constitution may be adopted, even in a manner
proposed Constitution may still be submitted to a contrary to the existing Constitution and the law,
plebiscite in conformity with Section 1 of Article and then said proposed amendment is submitted
XV of the 1935 Constitution. Incidentally, I must to the people in any manner and what will matter
state that the Constitution is still in force, and is that a basis is claimed that there was approval
this Court is still functioning under the 1935 by the people. There will not be stability in our
Constitution. constitutional system, and necessarily no
stability in our government. As a member of this
I sincerely believe that the proposed Constitution Court I only wish to contribute my humble efforts
may still be submitted to the people in an to prevent the happening of such a situation in
election or plebiscite held in accordance with the the future.
provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935
Constitution. In fact, as we have adverted to in It appearing to me that the announced
this opinion, this was the mandate of Congress ratification of the proposed Constitution through
when, on March 16, 1967, it passed Resolution the voting in the citizens assemblies is a clear
No. 2 calling a convention to propose violation of the 1935 Constitution, what I say in
amendments to the 1935 Constitution. The Court this opinion is simply an endeavor on my part to
may take judicial notice of the fact that the be true to my oath of office to defend and
President of the Philippines has reassured the support the 1935 Constitution. I am inspired by
nation that the government of our Republic since what the great jurist and statesman, Jose P.
the declaration of martial law is not a Laurel, said:
revolutionary government, and that he has been
acting all the way in consonance with his powers Let our judges be as it were the
under the Constitution. The people of this vestal keepers of the purity and
Republic has reason to be happy because, sanctity of our Constitution, and
according to the President, we still have a the protection and vindication of
constitutional government. It being my view that popular rights will be safe and
the 1935 Constitution is still in force, I believe secure in their reverential
Congress may still convene and pass a law guardianship.
calling for an election at which the Constitution
proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Convention I only wish to help prevent, if I can, democracy
will be submitted to the people their ratification
and the liberties of our people from vanishing in
or rejection. A plebiscite called pursuant to
our land, because, as Justice George
Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution
Sutherland of the U. S. Supreme Court said:
is an assurance to our people that we still have
in our country the Rule of Law and that the
democratic system of government that has been (t)he saddest epitaph which can
implanted in our country by the Americans, and be carved in memory of a
vanished liberty is that it was


lost because its possessors Lerner did say about the American Supreme
failed to stretch forth a saving Court as "the focal point of a set of dynamic
hand while yet there was time. forces which [could play] havoc with the
landmarks of the American state and determine
I concur fully with the personal views expressed the power configuration of the day." That is why

by the Chief Justice in the opinion that he has there is this caveat. In the United States as here,
written in these cases. Along with him, I vote to the exercise of the power of judicial review is
deny the motion to dismiss and give due course conditioned on the necessity that the decision of
to the petitions in these cases. a case or controversy before it so requires. To
repeat, the Justices of the highest tribunal are
FERNANDO, J., dissenting: not, as Justice Frankfurter made clear,
"architects of policy. They can nullify the policy
of others, they are incapable of fashioning their
No question more momentous, none impressed own solutions for social
with such transcendental significance is likely to problems." Nonetheless, as was stressed by

confront this Court in the near or distant future Professors Black and Murphy, a Supreme
5 6

as that posed by these petitions. For while the Court by the conclusion it reaches and the
specific substantive issue is the validity of decision it renders does not merely check the
Presidential Proclamation No. 1102, an adverse coordinate branches, but also by its approval
judgment may be fraught with consequences stamps with legitimacy the action taken. Thus in
that, to say the least, are far-reaching in its affirming constitutional supremacy, the political
implications. As stressed by respondents, "what departments could seek the aid of the judiciary.
petitioners really seek to invalidate is the new For the assent it gives to what has been done
Constitution." Strict accuracy would of course
conduces to its support in a regime where the
qualify such statement that what is in dispute, as rule of law holds sway. In discharging such a
noted in the opinion of the Chief Justice, goes role, this Court must necessarily take in account
only as far as the validity of its ratification. It not only what the exigent needs of the present
could very well be though that the ultimate demand but what may lie ahead in the
outcome is not confined within such limit, and unexplored and unknown vistas of the future. It
this is not to deny that under its aegis, there must guard against the pitfall of lack of
have been marked gains in the social and understanding of the dominant forces at work to
economic sphere, but given the premise of seek a better life for all, especially those
continuity in a regime under a fundamental law, suffering from the pangs of poverty and disease,
which itself explicitly recognizes the need for by a blind determination to adhere to the status
change and the process for bringing it about, it2
quo. It would be tragic, and a clear case of its
seems to me that the more appropriate course is being recreant to its trust, if the suspicion can
this Court to give heed to the plea of petitioners with reason be entertained that its approach
that the most serious attention be paid to their amounts merely to a militant vigilantism that is
submission that the challenged executive act violently opposed to any form of social change. It
fails to meet the test of constitutionality. Under follows then that it does not suffice that recourse
the circumstances, with regret and with due be had only to what passes for scholarship in the
respect for the opinion of my brethren, I must law that could be marred by inapplicable
perforce dissent. It would follow therefore that erudition and narrow legalism. Even with due
the legal position taken by the Chief Justice as recognition, such factors, however, I cannot, for
set forth with his usual lucidity and thoroughness reasons to be set more lengthily and in the light
has, on the whole, my concurrence, subject, of of the opinion of the Chief Justice, reach the
course, to reservations insofar as it contains same result as the majority of my brethren. For,
views and nuances to which I have in the past in the last analysis, it is my firm conviction that
expressed doubts. Nonetheless, I feel that a the institution of judicial review speaks too
brief expression of the reasons for the stand I clearly for the point to be missed that official
take would not be amiss. action, even with due allowance made for the
good faith that invariably inspires the step taken,
In coping with its responsibility arising from the has to face the gauntlet of a court suit whenever
function of judicial review, this Court is not there is a proper case with the appropriate
expected to be an oracle given to utterances of parties.
eternal verities, but certainly it is more than just
a keen but passive observer of the 1. Respondents are acting in the soundest
contemporary scene. It is, by virtue of its role constitutional tradition when, at the outset, they
under the separation of powers concept, would seek a dismissal of these petitions. For
involved not necessarily as a participant in the them, the question raised is political and thus
formation of government policy, but as an arbiter beyond the jurisdiction of this Court. Such an
of its legality. Even then, there is realism in what
approach cannot be indicted for unorthodoxy. It President or Congress, or any branch thereof. If
is implicit in the concept of the rule of law that to be delimited with accuracy, "political
rights belong to the people and the government questions" should refer to such as would under
possesses powers only. Essentially then, unless the Constitution be decided by the people in
such an authority may either be predicated on their sovereign capacity or in regard to full
express or implied grant in the Constitution or discretionary authority is vested either in the
the statutes, an exercise thereof cannot survive President or Congress. It is thus beyond the
an inquiry as to its validity. Respondents through competence of the judiciary to pass upon.
Solicitor-General Mendoza would deny our Unless clearly falling within the formulation, the
competence to proceed further. It is their view, decision reached by the political branches
vigorously pressed and plausibly asserted, that whether in the form of a congressional act or an
since what is involved is not merely the executive order could be tested in court. Where
effectivity of an amendment but the actual private rights are affected, the judiciary has no
coming into effect of a new constitution, the choice but to look into its validity. It is not to be
matter is not justiciable. The immediate reaction lost sight of that such a power comes into play if
is that such a contention is to be tested in the there be an appropriate proceeding that may be
light of the fundamental doctrine of separation of filed only after each coordinate branch has
powers that it is not only the function but the acted. Even when the Presidency or Congress
solemn duty of the judiciary to determine what possesses plenary powers, its improvident
the law is and to apply it in cases and exercise or the abuse thereof, if shown, may
controversies that call for decision. Since the
give rise to a justiciable controversy. For the
Constitution pre-eminently occupies the highest constitutional grant of authority is usually
rung in the hierarchy of legal norms, it is in the unrestricted. There are limits to what may be
judiciary, ultimately this Tribunal, that such a done and how it is to be accomplished.
responsibility is vested. With the 1935 Necessarily then, the courts in the proper
Constitution containing, as above noted, an exercise of judicial review could inquire into the
explicit article on the subject of amendments, it question of whether or not either of the two
would follow that the presumption to be indulged coordinate branches has adhered to what is laid
in is that the question of whether there has been down by the Constitution. The question thus
deference to its terms is for this Court to pass posed is judicial rather than political." The view

upon. What is more, the entertained by Professor Dodd is not too

Gonzales, Tolentino and Planas cases speak
8 9 10
dissimilar. For him such a term "is employed to
unequivocally to that effect. Nor is it a valid designate certain types of functions committed
objection to this conclusion that what was to the political organs of government (the
involved in those cases was the legality of the legislative and executive departments, or either
submission and not ratification, for from the very of them) and not subject to judicial
language of the controlling article, the two vital investigation." After a thorough study of

steps are proposal and ratification, which as American judicial decisions, both federal and
pointed out in Dillon v. Gloss, "cannot be
state, he could conclude: "The field of judicial
treated as unrelated acts, but as succeeding nonenforceability is important, but is not large
steps in a single endeavor." Once an aspect
when contrasted with the whole body of written
thereof is viewed as judicial, there would be no constitutional texts. The exceptions from judicial
justification for considering the rest as devoid of enforceability fall primarily within the field of
that character. It would be for me then an public or governmental interests." Nor was

indefensible retreat, deriving no justification from Professor Weston's formulation any different. As
circumstances of weight and gravity, if this Court was expressed by him: "Judicial questions, in
were to accede to what is sought by what may be thought the more useful sense, are
respondents and rule that the question before us those which the sovereign has set to be decided
is political. in the courts. Political questions, similarly, are
those which the sovereign has entrusted to the
On this point, it may not be inappropriate to refer so-called political departments of government or
to a separate opinion of mine in Lansang v. has reserved to be settled by its own extra-
Garcia. Thus: "The term has been made
13 governmental action." What appears

applicable to controversies clearly non-judicial undeniable then both from the standpoint of
and therefore beyond its jurisdiction or to an Philippine as well as American decisions is the
issue involved in a case appropriately subject to care and circumspection required before the
its cognizance, as to which there has been a conclusion is warranted that the matter at issue
prior legislative or executive determination to is beyond judicial cognizance, a political
which deference must be paid. It has likewise question being raised.
been employed loosely to characterize a suit
where the party proceeded against is the
2. The submission of respondents on this too, it does not approach constitutional
subject of political question, admittedly one of questions with dogmatism or apodictic certainty
complexity and importance, deserves to be nor view them from the shining cliffs of
pursued further. They would derive much aid perfection. This is not to say though that it is
and comfort from the writings of both Professor satisfied with an empiricism untroubled by the
Bickel of Yale and Professor Freund of
18 19
search for jural consistency and rational
Harvard, both of whom in turn are unabashed coherence. A balance has to be struck. So
admirers of Justice Brandeis. Whatever be the juridical realism requires. Once allowance made
merit inherent in their lack of enthusiasm for a that for all its care and circumspection this Court
more active and positive role that must be manned by human beings fettered by fallibility,
played by the United States Supreme Court in nonetheless earnestly and sincerely striving to
constitutional litigation, it must be judged in the do right, the public acceptance of its vigorous
light of our own history. It cannot be denied that pursuit of the task of assuring that the
from the well nigh four decades of Constitution be obeyed is easy to understand. It
constitutionalism in the Philippines, even has not in the past shirked its responsibility to
discounting an almost similar period of time ascertain whether there has been compliance
dating from the inception of American with and fidelity to constitutional requirements.
sovereignty, there has sprung a tradition of what Such is the teaching of a host of cases
has been aptly termed as judicial activism. Such from Angara v. Electoral
an approach could be traced to the valedictory Commission to Planas v. Commission on

address before the 1935 Constitutional Elections. It should continue to exercise its

Convention of Claro M. Recto. He spoke of the jurisdiction, even in the face of a plausible but
trust reposed in the judiciary in these words: "It not sufficiently persuasive insistence that the
is one of the paradoxes of democracy that the matter before it is political.
people at times place more confidence in
instrumentalities of the State other than those Nor am I persuaded that the reading of the
directly chosen by them for the exercise of their current drift in American legal scholarship by the
sovereignty." 20 It would thus appear that even Solicitor-General and his equally able associates
then this Court was expected not to assume an presents the whole picture. On the question of
attitude of timidity and hesitancy when a judicial review, it is not a case of black and
constitutional question is posed. There was the white; there are shaded areas. It goes too far, in
assumption of course that it would face up to my view, if the perspective is one of
such a task, without regard to political dissatisfaction, with its overtones of distrust. This
considerations and with no thought except that expression of disapproval has not escaped Dean
of discharging its trust. Witness these words Rostow of Yale, who began one of his most
Justice Laurel in an early landmark case, People celebrated legal essays. The Democratic
v. Vera, decided in 1937: "If it is ever
Character of Judicial Review, thus: "A theme of
necessary for us to make vehement affirmance uneasiness, and even of guilt, colors the
during this formative period of political history, it literature about judicial review. Many of those
is that we are independent of the Executive no who have talked, lectured, and written about the
less than of the Legislative department of our Constitution have been troubled by a sense that
government — independent in the performance judicial review is undemocratic." He went on to

of our functions, undeterred by any state: "Judicial review, they have urged, is an
consideration, free from politics, indifferent to undemocratic shoot on an otherwise respectable
popularity, and unafraid of criticism in the tree. It should be cut off, or at least kept pruned
accomplishment of our sworn duty as we see it and
and as we understand it." The hope of course
inconspicuous." His view was precisely the

was that such assertion of independence opposite. Thus: "The power of constitutional
impartiality was not mere rhetoric. That is a review, to be exercised by some part of the
matter more appropriately left to others to government, is implicit in the conception of a
determine. It suffices to stake that what elicits written constitution delegating limited powers. A
approval on the part of our people of a judiciary written constitution would promote discord rather
ever alert to inquire into alleged breaches of the than order in society if there were no accepted
fundamental law is the realization that to do so is authority to construe it, at the least in case of
merely to do what is expected of it and that conflicting action by different branches of
thereby there is no invasion of spheres government or of constitutionally unauthorized
appropriately belonging to the political branches. governmental action against individuals. The
For it needs to be kept in kind always that it can limitation and separation of powers, if they are to
act only when there is a suit with proper parties survive, require a procedure for independent
before it, wherein rights appropriate for judicial mediation and construction to reconcile the
enforcement are sought to be vindicated. Then, inevitable disputes over the boundaries of
constitutional power which arise in the process being called upon to fulfill such a trust whenever
of government." More than that, he took pains
appropriate to the decision of a case before
to emphasize: "Whether another method of them. That is why it has been correctly
enforcing the Constitution could have been maintained that notwithstanding the absence of
devised, the short answer is that no such any explicit provision in the fundamental law of
method developed. The argument over the the United States Constitution, that distinguished
constitutionality of judicial review has long since American constitutional historian, Professor
been settled by history. The power and duty of Corwin, could rightfully state that judicial review
the Supreme Court to declare statutes or "is simply incidental to the power of courts to
executive action unconstitutional in appropriate interpret the law, of which the Constitution is
cases is part of the living Constitution. 'The part, in connection with the decision of
course of constitutional history,' Mr. Justice cases." This is not to deny that there are those

Frankfurter recently remarked, 'has cast who would place the blame or the credit,
responsibilities upon the Supreme Court which it depending upon one's predilection, on Marshall's
would be "stultification" for it to evade.' " Nor is
epochal opinion in Marbury v. Madison. Curtis32

it only Dean Rostow who could point Frankfurter, belonged to that persuasion. As he put it: "The
reputed to belong to the same school of thought problem was given no answer by the
opposed to judicial activism, if not its leading Constitution. A hole was left where the Court
advocate during his long stay in the United might drive in the peg of judicial supremacy, if it
States Supreme Court, as one fully cognizant of could. And that is what John Marshall did." At 33

the stigma that attaches to a tribunal which any rate there was something in the soil of
neglects to meet the demands of judicial review. American juristic thought resulting in this tree of
There is a statement of similar importance from judicial power so precariously planted by
Professor Mason: "In Stein v. New Marshall striking deep roots and showing
York Frankfurter remarked, somewhat self- wonderful vitality and hardiness. It now
consciously perhaps, that the 'duty of deference dominates the American legal scene. Through it,
cannot be allowed imperceptibly to slide into Chief Justice Hughes, before occupying that
abdication.' " Professor Konefsky, like Dean
exalted position, could state in a lecture: "We
Rostow, could not accept characterization of are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is
judicial review as undemocratic. Thus his study what the judges say it is ... ." The above

of Holmes and Brandeis, the following appears: statement is more than just an aphorism that
"When it is said that judicial review is an lends itself to inclusion in judicial anthologies or
undemocratic feature of our political system, it bar association speeches. It could and did
ought also to be remembered that architects of provoke from Justice Jackson, an exponent of
that system did not equate constitutional the judicial restraint school of thought, this
government with unbridled majority rule. Out of meaningful query: "The Constitution nowhere
their concern for political stability and security for provides that it shall be what the judges say it is.
private rights, ..., they designed a structure How, did it come about that the statement not
whose keystone was to consist of barriers to the only could be but could become current as the
untrammeled exercise of power by any group. most understandable comprehensive summary
They perceived no contradiction between of American Constitutional law?" It is no

effective government and constitutional checks. wonder that Professor Haines could pithily and
To James Madison, who may legitimately be succinctly sum up the place of the highest
regarded as the philosopher of the Constitution, American tribunal in the scheme of things in this
the scheme of mutual restraints was the best wise: "The Supreme Court of the United States
answer to what he viewed as the chief problem has come to be regarded as the unique feature
in erecting a system of free representative of the American governmental system." Let me 36

government: 'In framing a government which is not be misunderstood. There is here no attempt
to be administered by men over men, the great to close one's eyes to a discernible tendency on
difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the the part of some distinguished faculty minds to
government to control the governed; and in the look askance at what for them may be
next place oblige it to control itself.' "
inadvisable extension of judicial authority. For
such indeed is the case as reflected in two
There is thus an inevitability to the flowering of leading cases of recent vintage, Baker v.
judicial review. Could it be that the tone of Carr, decided in 1962 and Powell v.

discontent apparent in the writings of eminent MacCormack, in 1969, both noted in the

authorities on the subject evince at the most opinion of the Chief Justice. The former
fears that the American Supreme Court might disregarded the warning of Justice Frankfurter in
overstep the bounds allotted to the judiciary? It Colegrove v. Green 39 about the American
cannot be a denial of the fitness of such Supreme Court declining jurisdiction on the
competence being vested in judges and of their question of apportionment as to do so would cut


very deep into the very being of social considerations which may militate against
Congress." For him, the judiciary "ought not to
it. The doctrine has a certain specious charm
enter this political thicket." Baker has since then because of its nice intellectualism and because
been followed; it has spawned a host of of the fine deference it permits to expertise, to
cases. Powell, on the question of the power of
secret knowledge, and to the prerogatives of
a legislative body to exclude from its ranks a others. It should not be allowed to grow as a
person whose qualifications are uncontested, for merely intellectual plant." 47

many the very staple of what is essentially

political, certainly goes even further than the It is difficult for me at least, not to be swayed by
authoritative Philippine decision of Vera v. appraisal, coming from such impeccable sources
Avelino, It does look then that even in the
of the worth and significance of judicial review in
United States, the plea for judicial self-restraint, the United States. I cannot resist the conclusion
even if given voice by those competent in the then that the views advanced on this subject by
field of constitutional law, has fallen on deaf distinguished counsel for petitioners, with
ears. There is in the comments of respondents Senators Lorenzo M. Tañada and Jovito
an excerpt from Professor Freund quoting from Salonga at the van, rather than the advocacy of
one of his essays appearing in a volume the Solicitor-General, possess the greater weight
published in 1968. It is not without interest to and carry persuasion. So much then for the
note that in another paper, also included therein, invocation of the political question principle as a
he was less than assertive about the necessity bar to the exercise of our jurisdiction.
for self-restraint and apparently mindful of the
claims of judicial activism. Thus: "First of all, the
3. That brings me to the issue of the validity of
Court has a responsibility to maintain the
the ratification. The crucial point that had to be
constitutional order, the distribution of public
met is whether Proclamation No. 1102 manifests
power, and the limitations on that power." As43
fidelity to the explicit terms of Article XV. There
for Professor Bickel, it has been said that as is, of course, the view not offensive to reason
counsel for the New York Times in the famous
that a sense of the realities should temper the
Vietnam papers case, he was less than
rigidity of devotion to the strict letter of the text to
insistent on the American Supreme Court
allow deference to its spirit to control. With due
exercising judicial self-restraint. There are signs
recognition of its force in constitutional
that the contending forces on such question, for litigation, if my reading of the events and the

some an unequal contest, are now quiescent. process that led to such proclamation, so clearly
The fervor that characterized the expression of
set forth in the opinion of the Chief Justice, is not
their respective points of view appears to have
inaccurate, then it cannot be confidently
been minimized. Not that it is to be expected that
asserted that there was such compliance. It
it will entirely disappear, considering how dearly
would be to rely on conjectural assumptions that
cherished are, for each group, the convictions, did founder on the rock of the undisputed facts.
prejudices one might even say, entertained. At Any other conclusion would, for me, require an
least what once was fitly characterized as the
interpretation that borders on the strained. So it
booming guns of rhetoric, coming from both
has to be if one does not lose sight of how the
directions, have been muted. Of late, scholarly
article on amendments is phrased. A word, to
disputations have been centered on the
paraphrase Justice Holmes may not be a crystal,
standards that should govern the exercise of the transparent and unchanged, but it is not, to
power of judicial review. In his celebrated
borrow from Learned Hand, that eminent jurist, a
Holmes lecture in 1959 at the Harvard Law
rubber band either. It would be unwarranted in
School, Professor Wechsler advocated as basis
my view then to assert that the requirements of
for decision what he termed neutral principles of
the 1935 Constitution have been met. There are
constitutional law. It has brought forth a
American decisions, and they are not few in

plethora of law review articles, the reaction number, which require that there be obedience
ranging from guarded conformity to caustic
to the literal terms of the applicable provision. It
criticism. There was, to be sure, no clear call to
is understandable why it should be thus. If the
a court in effect abandoning the responsibility
Constitution is the supreme law, then its
incumbent on it to keep governmental agencies
mandate must be fulfilled. No evasion is
within constitutional channels. The matter has tolerated. Submission to its commands can be
been put in temperate terms by Professor Frank shown only if each and every word is given
thus: "When allowance has been made for all
meaning rather than ignored or disregarded.
factors, it nevertheless seems to me that the
This is not to deny that a recognition conclusive
doctrine of political questions ought to be very
effect attached to the electorate manifesting its
sharply confined to where the functional reasons
will to vote affirmatively on the amendments
justify it and that in a give involving its expansion proposed poses an obstacle to the judiciary
there should be careful consideration also of the being insistent on the utmost regularity. Briefly
stated, substantial compliance is enough. A ratification of the revised Constitution as
great many American State decisions may be reflected in Proclamation No. 1102.
cited in support of such a doctrine. 50

4. Nor is the matter before us solely to be

Even if the assumption be indulged in that Article determined by the failure to comply with the
XV is not phrased in terms too clear to be requirements of Article XV. Independently of the
misread, so that this Court is called upon to give lack of validity of the ratification of the new
meaning and perspective to what could be Constitution, if it be accepted by the people, in
considered words of vague generality, pregnant whom sovereignty resides according to the
with uncertainty, still whatever obscurity it Constitution, then this Court cannot refuse to

possesses is illumined when the light of the yield assent to such a political decision of the
previous legislation is thrown on it. In the first utmost gravity, conclusive in its effect. Such a
Commonwealth Act, submitting to the Filipino
fundamental principle is meaningless if it does
people for approval or disapproval certain not imply, to follow Laski, that the nation as a
amendments to the original ordinance appended whole constitutes the "single center of ultimate
to the 1935 Constitution, it was made that the reference," necessarily the possessor of that
election for such purpose was to "be conducted "power that is able to resolve disputes by saying
in conformity with the provisions of the Election the last word." If the origins of the democratic

Code insofar as the same may be polity enshrined in the 1935 Constitution with the
applicable." Then came the statute, calling
52 53
declaration that the Philippines is a republican
for the plebiscite on the three 1940 amendments state could be traced back to Athens and to
providing for the plebiscite on the three 1930 Rome, it is no doubt true, as McIver pointed out,
amendments providing for a bicameral Congress that only with the recognition of the nation as the
or a Senate and a House of Representatives to separate political unit in public law is there the
take the place of a unicameral National juridical recognition of the people composing it
Assembly, reducing the term of the President
"as the source of political authority." From

to four years but allowing his re-election with the them, as Corwin did stress, emanate "the
limitation that he cannot serve more than eight highest possible embodiment of human
consecutive years, and creating an
will," which is supreme and must be obeyed.

independent Commission on Elections. Again, 56

To avoid any confusion and in the interest of
it was expressly provided that the election "shall clarity, it should be expressed in the manner
be conducted in conformity with the provisions of ordained by law. Even if such is not the case,
the Election Code in so far as the same may be however, once it is manifested, it is to be
applicable." The approval of the present parity
accepted as final and authoritative. The
amendment was by virtue of a Republic government which is merely an agency to
Act which specifically made applicable the then
register its commands has no choice but to
Election Code. There is a similar provision in
submit. Its officials must act accordingly. No
the agency is exempt such a duty, not even this
legislation, which in cotemplation of the 1971
Court. In that sense, the lack of regularity in the
Constitutional Convention, saw to it that there be method employed to register its wishes is fatal in
an increase in the membership of the House of its consequences. Once the fact of acceptance
Representatives a maximum of one hundred by people of a new fundamental law is made
eighty and assured the eligibility of senators and evident, the judiciary is left with no choice but to
representatives to become members of such accord it recognition. The obligation to render it
constituent body without forfeiting their seats, as obeisance falls on the courts as well.
proposed amendments to be voted on in the
1967 elections. That is the consistent course of
There are American State decisions that
interpretation followed by the legislative branch. enunciate such a doctrine. While certainly not
It is most persuasive, if not controlling. The controlling, they are not entirely bereft of
restraints thus imposed would set limits to the persuasive significance. In Miller v.
Presidential action taken, even on the Johnson, decided in 1892, it was set forth in

assumption that either as an agent of the the opinion of Chief Justice Holt that on May 3,
Constitutional Convention or under his martial 1890, an act was passed in Kentucky, providing
law prerogatives, he was not devoid of power to for the calling of a convention for the purpose of
specify the mode of ratification. On two vital framing a new constitution and the election of
points, who can vote and how they register their delegates. It provided that before any form of
will, Article XV had been given a definitive constitution made by them should become
construction. That is why I fail to see sufficient operative, it should be submitted to the vote of
justification for this Court affixing the imprimatur the state and ratified by a majority of those
of its approval on the mode employed for the voting. The constitution then in force authorized
the legislature, the preliminary steps having
been taken, to call a convention "for the purpose Constitution ordained by the convention which
of readopting, amending, or changing" it assembled in the city of Richmond on the 12th
contained no provision giving the legislature the day of June, 1901, as the Constitution of
power to require a submission of its work to a Virginia; by the individual oaths of members to
vote of the people. The convention met in support it, and by enforcing its provisions; and
September, 1890. By April, 1891, it completed a the people in their primary capacity by peacefully
draft of a constitution, submitted it to a popular accepting it and acquiescing in it, by registering
vote, and then adjourned until September as voters under it to the extent of thousands
following. When the convention reassembled, throughout the state, and by voting, under its
the delegates made numerous changes in provisions, at a general election for their
instrument. As thus amended, it was representatives in the Congress of the United
promulgated by the convention of September 28, States. The Constitution having been thus
1891, as the new constitution. An action was acknowledged and accepted by the office
brought to challenge its validity. It failed in the administering the government and by the people
lower court. In affirming such judgment of the state, and there being no government in
dismissing the action, Chief Justice Holt stated: existence under the Constitution of 1869
"If a set of men, not selected by the people opposing or denying its validity, we have no
according to the forms of law, were to formulate difficulty in holding that the Constitution in
an instrument and declare it the constitution, it question, which went into effect at noon on the
would undoubtedly be the duty of the courts to 10th day of July, 1902, is the only rightful, valid,
declare its work a nullity. This would be and existing Constitution of this state, and that to
revolution, and this the courts of the existing it all the citizens of Virginia owe their obedience
government must resist until they are overturned and loyal allegiance." 69

by power, and a new government established.

The convention, however, was the offspring of It cannot be plausibly asserted then that
law. The instrument which we are asked to premises valid in law are lacking for the claim
declare invalid as a constitution has been made that the revised Constitution has been accepted
and promulgated according to the forms of law. by the Filipino people. What is more, so it has
It is a matter of current history that both the been argued, it is not merely a case of its being
executive and legislative branches of the implied. Through the Citizens Assemblies, there
government have recognized its validity as a was a plebiscite with the result as indicated in
constitution, and are now daily doing so. ... Proclamation No. 1102. From the standpoint of
While the judiciary should protect the rights of respondents then, they could allege that there
the people with great care and jealousy, was more than just mere acquiescence by the
because this is its duty, and also because; in sovereign people. Its will was thus expressed
times of great popular excitement, it is usually formally and unmistakably. It may be added that
their last resort, yet it should at the same time be there was nothing inherently objectionable in the
careful not to overstep the proper bounds of its informal method followed in ascertaining its
power, as being perhaps equally dangerous; and preference. Nor is the fact that Filipinos of both
especially where such momentous results might sexes above the age of fifteen were given the
follow as would be likely in this instance, if the opportunity to vote to be deplored. The greater
power of the judiciary permitted, and its duty the base of mass participation, the more there is
requires, the overthrow of the work of the fealty to the democratic concept. It does logically
convention." In Taylor v. Commonwealth, a
67 68
follow likewise that such circumstances being
1903 decision, it was contended that the Virginia conceded, then no justifiable question may be
Constitution reclaimed in 1902 is invalid as it raised. This Court is to respect what had thus
was ordained and promulgated by the received the people's sanction. That is not for
convention without being submitted for me though whole of it. Further scrutiny even
ratification or rejection by the people. The Court then is not entirely foreclosed. There is still an
rejected such a view. As stated in the opinion of aspect that is judicial, an inquiry may be had as
Justice Harrison: "The Constitution of 1902 was to whether such indeed was the result. This is no
ordained and proclaimed by a convention duly more than what the courts do in election cases.
called by direct vote of the people of the state to There are other factors to bear in mind. The fact
revise and amend the Constitution of 1869. The that the President so certified is well-nigh
result of the work of the convention has been conclusive. There is in addition the evidence
recognized, accepted, and acted upon as the flowing from the conditions of peace and
only valid Constitution of the state by the stability. There thus appears to be conformity to
Governor in swearing fidelity to it and the existing order of things. The daily course of
proclaiming it, as directed thereby; by the events yields such a conclusion. What is more,
Legislature in its formal official act adopting a the officials under the 1935 Constitution,
joint resolution, July 15, 1902, recognizing the including practically all Representatives and a
majority of the Senators, have signified their what was done represented an act of courage
assent to it. The thought persists, however, that and faith, coupled with the hope that the solution
as yet sufficient time has not elapsed to be really arrived at is a harbinger of a bright and rosy
certain. future.

Nor is this all. There is for me an obstacle to the It is such a comfort then that even if my
petitions being dismissed for such ascertainment appraisal of the situation had commanded a
of popular will did take place during a period of majority, there is not, while these lawsuits are
martial law. It would have been different had being further considered, the least interference,
there been that freedom of debate with the least with the executive department. The President in
interference, thus allowing a free market of the discharge of all his functions is entitled to
ideas. If it were thus, it could be truly said that obedience. He remains commander-in-chief with
there was no barrier to liberty of choice. It would all the constitutional powers it implies. Public
be a clear-cut decision either way. One could be officials can go about their accustomed tasks in
certain as to the fact of the acceptance of the accordance with the revised Constitution. They
new or of adherence to the old. This is not to can pursue even the tenor of their ways. They
deny that votes are cast by individuals with their are free to act according to its tenets. That was
personal concerns uppermost in mind, worried so these past few weeks, even petitions were
about their immediate needs and captive to their filed. There was not at any time any thought of
existing moods. That is inherent in any human any restraining order. So it was before. That is
institution, much more so in a democratic polity. how things are expected to remain even if the
Nor is it open to any valid objection because in motions to dismiss were not granted. It might be
the final analysis the state exists for the asked though, suppose the petitions should
individuals who in their collectivity compose it. prevail? What then? Even so, the decision of this
Whatever be their views, they are entitled to Court need not be executory right away. Such a
respect. It is difficult for me, however, at this disposition of a case before this Court is not
stage to feel secure in the conviction that they novel. That was how it was done in the
did utilize the occasion afforded to give Emergency Powers Act controversy. Once 70

expression to what was really in their hearts. compliance is had with the requirements of
This is not to imply that such doubt could not be Article XV of the 1935 Constitution, to assure
dispelled by evidence to the contrary. If the that the coming force of the revised charter is
petitions be dismissed however, then such free from any taint of infirmity, then all doubts
opportunity is forever lost. are set at rest.

5. With the foregoing legal principles in mind, I For some, to so view the question before us is to
find myself unable to join the ranks of my be caught in a web of unreality, to cherish
esteemed brethren who vote for the dismissal of illusions that cannot stand the test of actuality.
these petitions. I cannot yield an affirmative What is more, it may give the impression of
response to the plea of respondents to consider reliance on what may, for the practical man of
the matter closed, the proceedings terminated affairs, be no more than gossamer distinctions
once and for all. It is not an easy decision to and sterile refinements unrelated to events. That
reach. It has occasioned deep thought and may be so, but I find it impossible to transcend
considerable soul-searching. For there are what for me are the implications of traditional
countervailing considerations that exert a constitutionalism. This is not to assert that an
compulsion not easy to resist. It can be asserted occupant of the bench is bound to apply with
with truth, especially in the field of social and undeviating rigidity doctrines which may have
economic rights, that with the revised served their day. He could at times even look
Constitution, there is an auspicious beginning for upon them as mere scribblings in the sands to
further progress. Then too it could resolve what be washed away by the advancing tides of the
appeared to be the deepening contradictions of present. The introduction of novel concepts may
political life, reducing at times governmental be carried only so far though. As Cardozo put
authority to near impotence and imparting a the matter: "The judge, even when he is free, is
sense of disillusionment in democratic still not wholly free. He is not to innovate at
processes. It is not too much to say therefore pleasure. He is not a knight-errant, roaming at
that there had indeed been the revision of a will in pursuit of his own ideal of beauty or of
fundamental law to vitalize the very values out of goodness. He is to draw his inspiration from
which democracy grows. It is one which has all consecrated principles. He is not to yield to
the earmarks of being responsive to the spasmodic sentiment, to vague and unregulated
dominant needs of the times. It represents an benevolence. He is to exercise a discretion
outlook cognizant of the tensions of a turbulent informed by tradition, methodized by analogy,
era that is the present. That is why for some disciplined by system, and subordinated to "the
primordial necessity of order in the social life." A necessary corollary issue is whether the
Wide enough in all conscience is the field of purported ratification of the proposed
discretion that remains." Moreover what made it
Constitution as signed on November 30, 1972 by
difficult for this Court to apply settled principles, the 1971 Constitutional Convention may be said
which for me have not lost their validity, is also to have substantially complied with its own
traceable to the fact that the revised Constitution mandate that "(T)his Constitution shall take
was made to take effect immediately upon immediately upon its ratification by a majority of
ratification. If a period of time were allowed to the votes cast in aplebiscite called for the
elapse precisely to enable the judicial power to purpose and except as herein provided, shall
be exercised, no complication would have supersede the Constitution of Nineteen hundred
arisen. Likewise, had there been only one or two and thirty-five and all amendments thereto." 2

amendments, no such problem would be before

us. That is why I do not see sufficient justification Respondents contend that
for the orthodoxies of constitutional law not to "(A)lthough apparently what is
operate. sought to be annulled is
Proclamation No. 1102, what
Even with full realization then that the approach petitioners really seek to
pursued is not all that it ought to have been and invalidate is the new
the process of reasoning not without its Constitution", and their actions
shortcomings, the basic premises of a must be dismissed, because:
constitutional democracy, as I understand them
and as set forth in the preceding pages, compel — "the Court may not inquire
me to vote the way I did. into the validity of the procedure
for ratification" which
TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting: is "political in character" and
that "what is sought to be
The masterly opinion of the Chief Justice invalidated is not an act of the
wherein he painstakingly deals with the President but of the people;
momentous issues of the cases at bar in all their
complexity commands my concurrence. — "(T)he fact of approval of the
new Constitution by an
I would herein make an exposition of the overwhelming majority of the
fundamental reasons and considerations for my votes cast as declared and
stand. certified in Proclamation No.
1102 is conclusive on the
The unprecedented and precedent-setting issue
submitted by petitioners for the Court's
resolution is the validity and constitutionality of — "Proclamation No. 1102 was
Presidential Proclamation No. 1102 issued on issued by the President in the
January 17, 1973, certifying and proclaiming that exercise of legislative power
the Constitution proposed by the 1971 under martial law. ...
Constitutional Convention "has been ratified by Alternatively, or
an overwhelming majority of all the votes cast by contemporaneously, he did so
the members of all the Barangays (Citizens as "agent" of the Constitutional
Assemblies) throughout the Philippines, and has Convention;"
thereby come into effect."
— "alleged defects, such as
More specifically, the issue submitted is whether absence of secret voting,
the purported ratification of the proposed enfranchisement of persons less
Constitution by means of the Citizens than 21 years, non
Assemblies has substantially complied with the supervision (by)
mandate of Article XV of the existing the Comelec are matters not
Constitution of 1935 that duly proposed required by Article XV of the
amendments thereto, in toto or parts thereof, 1935 Constitution"; (sic)
"shall be valid as part of this Constitution when
approved by a majority of the votes cast at an — "after ratification, whatever
election at which the amendments defects there might have been
are submitted to the peoplefor their ratification."1
in the procedure are overcome
and mooted (and muted) by
the fact of ratification"; and
— "(A)ssuming finally that — As continues to be held by a
Article XV of the 1935 majority of this Court, proposed
Constitution was not strictly amendments to the Constitution
followed, the ratification of the "should be ratified in only one
new Constitution must way, that is, in an election or
nonetheless be respected. For plebiscite held in accordance
the procedure outlined in Article with law and participated in only
XV was not intended to be by qualified and duly registered
exclusive of other procedures, voters" and under the

especially one which supervision of the Commission

contemplates popular and direct on Elections. 10

participation of the citizenry ... ." 3

— Hence, if the Court declares

To test the validity of respondents' submittal that Proclamation 1102 null and void
the Court, in annulling Proclamation No. 1102 because on its face, the
would really be "invalidating the new purported ratification of the
Constitution", the terms and premises of the proposed Constitution has not
issues have to be defined. faithfully nor substantially
observed nor complied with the
— Respondents themselves mandatory requirements of
assert that "Proclamation No. Article XV of the (1935)
1102 ... is plainly Constitution, it would not be
merely declaratory of the fact "invalidating" the proposed new
that the 1973 Constitution has Constitution but would be simply
been ratified and has come into declaring that the announced
force.4 fact of ratification thereof by
means of the Citizens
Assemblies referendums
— The measure of the fact of
does not pass the constitutional
ratification is Article XV of the
test and that the proposed new
1935 Constitution. This has
been consistently held by the Constitution
has not constitutionally come
Court in
the Gonzales: and Tolentino ca
5 6
into existence.
— Since Proclamation 1102 is
— In the Tolentino case, this acknowledged by respondent to
be "plainly merely declaratory"
Court emphasized "that the
of the disputed fact of
provisions of Section 1 of Article
ratification, they cannot assume
XV of the Constitution, dealing
with the procedure or manner of the very fact to be established
amending the fundamental law and beg the issue by citing the
are binding upon the self-same declaration as proof
of the purported ratification
Convention and the other
therein declared.
departments of the government.
It must be added that ... they are
no less binding upon What complicates the cases at bar is the fact
the people." 7 that the proposed 1972 Constitution was
enforced as having immediately taken effect
— In the same Tolentino case, upon the issuance on January 17, 1973 of
Proclamation 1102 and the question of whether
this Court further proclaimed
that "as long as any amendment "confusion and disorder in government affairs
is formulated and submitted would (not) result" from a judicial declaration of
nullity of the purported ratification is raised by
under the aegis of the present
the Solicitor-General on behalf of respondents.
Charter, any proposal for such
amendment which is not in
conformity with A comparable precedent of great crisis
the letter, spirit and intent of proportions is found in the Emergency Powers
the Charter for effecting cases, wherein the Court in its Resolution of

amendments, cannot receive September 16, 1949 after judgment was

the sanction of this Court." 8 initially not obtained on August 26, 1949 for lack
of the required six (6) votes, finally declared in
effect that the pre-war emergency powers unquestionably serious and
delegated by Congress to the President, under harmful. And I hold that before
Commonwealth Act 671 in pursuance of Article nullifying them, other important
VI, section 26 of the Constitution, had ceased circumstances should
and became inoperative at the latest in May, be inquired into, as for instance,
1946 when Congress met in its first regular whether or not they have been
session on May 25, 1946. ratified by Congress expressly
or impliedly, whether their
Then Chief Justice Manuel V. Moran recited the purposes have already been
great interests and important rights that had accomplished entirely or
arisen under executive orders "issued in good partially, and in the last
faith and with the best of intentions by three instance, to what extent;
successive Presidents, and some of them may acquiescence of litigants; de
have already produced extensive effects on the facto officers; acts and contracts
life of the nation" — in the same manner as may of parties acting in good faith;
have arisen under the bona fide acts of the etc. It is my opinion that each
President now in the honest belief that the 1972 executive order must be viewed
Constitution had been validly ratified by means in the light of its peculiar
of the Citizens Assemblies referendums — and circumstances, and, if
indicated the proper course and solution necessary and possible,
therefor, which were duly abided by and nullifying it, precautionary
confusion and disorder as well as harm to public measures should be taken
interest and innocent parties thereby avoided as to avoid harm to public interest
follows: and innocent parties. 12

Upon the other hand, while I Initially, then Chief Justice Moran voted with a
believe that the emergency majority of the Court to grant the Araneta and
powers had ceased in June Guerrero petitions holding null and void the
1945, I am not prepared to hold executive orders on rentals and export control
that all executive orders issued but to defer judgment on the Rodriguez and
thereafter under Commonwealth Barredo petitions for judicial declarations of
Act No. 671, are per se null and nullity of the executive orders appropriating the
void. It must be borne in mind 1949-1950 fiscal year budget for the government
that these executive orders had and P6 million for the holding of the 1949
been issued in good faith and national elections. After rehearsing, he further
with the best of intentions by voted to also declare null and void the last two
three successive Presidents, executive orders appropriating funds for the
and some of them may have 1949 budget and elections, completing the
already produced extensive "sufficient majority" of six against four dissenting
effects in the life of the nation. justices "to pronounce a valid judgment on that
We have, for instance, matter." 13

Executive Order No. 73, issued

on November 12, 1945, Then Chief Justice Moran, who penned the
appropriating the sum of Court's majority resolution, explained his vote for
P6,750,000 for public works; annulment despite the great difficulties and
Executive Order No. 86, issued possible "harmful consequences" in the following
on January 7, 1946, amending a passage, which bears re-reading:
previous order regarding the
organization of the Supreme However, now that the holding
Court; Executive Order No. 89, of a special session of Congress
issued on January 1, 1946, for the purpose of remedying
reorganizing Courts of First the nullity of the executive
Instance; Executive Order No. orders in question appears
184, issued on November 19, remote and uncertain, I am
1948, controlling rice and palay compelled to, and do hereby,
to combat hunger; and other give my unqualified concurrence
executive orders appropriating in the decision penned by Mr.
funds for other purposes. The Justice Tuason declaring that
consequences of a blanket these two executive orders were
nullification of all these issued without authority of law.
executive orders will be
While in voting for a temporary within its own allocated sphere,
deferment of the judgment I was complies with its own
moved by the belief that positive constitutional duty,
compliance with the Constitution uncompromisingly and
by the other branches of the regardless of difficulties.
Government, which is our prime
concern in all these cases, Our Republic is still young, and
would be effected, and indefinite the vital principles underlying its
deferment will produce the organic structure should be
opposite result because it would maintained firm and strong, hard
legitimize a prolonged or as the best of steel, so as to
permanent evasion of our insure its growth and
organic law. Executive orders development along solid lines of
which are, in our opinion, a stable and vigorous
repugnant to the Constitution, democracy. 14

would be given permanent life,

opening the way or practices
The late Justice Pedro Tuason who penned the
which may undermine our
initial majority judgment (declaring null and void
constitutional structure.
the rental and export control executive orders)
likewise observed that "(T)he truth is that under
The harmful consequences our concept of constitutional government, in
which, as I envisioned in my times of extreme perils more than in normal
concurring opinion, would come circumstances 'the various branches, executive,
to pass should the said legislative, and judicial,' given the ability to act,
executive orders be immediately are called upon 'to perform the duties discharge
declared null and void are still the responsibilities committed to respectively.' " 15

real. They have not disappeared

by reason of the fact that a
It should be duly acknowledged that the Court's
special session of Congress is
task of discharging its duty and responsibility
not now forthcoming. However, has been considerably lightened by the
the remedy now lies in the President's public manifestation of adherence to
hands of the Chief Executive
constitutional processes and of working within
and of Congress, for the
the proper constitutional framework as per his
Constitution vests in the former
press conference of January 20,1973, wherein
the power to call a special
he stated that "(T)he Supreme Court is the final
session should the need for one arbiter of the Constitution. It can and will
arise, and in the latter, the probably determine the validity of this
power to pass a valid
Constitution. I did not want to talk about this
appropriations act.
because actually there is a case pending before
the Supreme Court. But suffice it to say that I
That Congress may again fail to recognize the power of the Supreme Court. With
pass a valid appropriations act respect to appointments, the matter falls under a
is a remote possibility, for under general provision which authorizes the Prime
the circumstances it fully Minister to appoint additional members to the
realizes its great responsibility Supreme Court. Until the matter of the new
of saving the nation from Constitution is decided, I have no intention of
breaking down; and utilizing that power." 16

furthermore, the President in the

exercise of his constitutional
Thus, it is that as in an analogous situation
powers may, if he so desires,
wherein the state Supreme Court of Mississippi
compel Congress to remain in
held that the questions of whether the
special session till it approves submission of the proposed constitutional
the legislative measures most amendment of the State Constitution providing
needed by the country.
for an elective, instead of an appointive, judiciary
and whether the proposition was in fact adopted,
Democracy is on trial in the were justifiable and not political questions, we
Philippines, and surely it will may echo the words therein of Chief Justice
emerge victorious as a Whitfield that "(W)e do not seek a jurisdiction not
permanent way of life in this imposed upon us by the Constitution. We could
country, if each of the great not, if we would, escape the exercise of that
branches of the Government, jurisdiction which the Constitution has imposed
upon us. In the particular instance in which we Constitution is either a superior paramount law,
are now acting, our duty to know what the unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a
Constitution of the state is, and in accordance level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other
with our oaths to support and maintain it in its acts, alterable when the legislature shall please
integrity, imposed on us a most difficult and to alter it. If the former part of the alternative be
embarrassing duty, one which we have not true, then a legislative act, contrary to the
sought, but one which, like all others, must be Constitution, is not law; if the latter part be true,
discharged." 17
then written constitutions are absurd attempts on
the part of a people, to limit a power, in its own
In confronting the issues at bar, then, with due nature, illimitable."
regard for my colleagues' contrary views, we are
faced with the hard choice of maintaining a firm As was to be restated by Justice Jose P. Laurel
and strict — perhaps, even rigid — stand that a century and a third later in the 1936 landmark
the Constitution is a "superior paramount law, case of Angara vs. Electoral
unchangeable by ordinary means" save in the Commission, "(T)he Constitution sets forth in

particular mode and manner prescribed therein no uncertain language the restrictions and
by the people, who, in Cooley's words, so "tied limitations upon governmental powers and
up (not only) the hands of their official agencies, agencies. If these restrictions and limitations are
but their own hands as well" in the exercise of
transcended it would be inconceivable if the
their sovereign will or a liberal and flexible stand Constitution had not provided for a mechanism
that would consider compliance with the by which to direct the course of government
constitutional article on the amending process as along constitutional channels, for then the
merely directory rather than mandatory. distribution of powers would be mere verbiage,
the bill of rights mere expressions of sentiment,
The first choice of a strict stand, as applied to and the principles of good government mere
the cases at bar, signifies that the Constitution political apothegms. Certainly, the limitations of
may be amended in toto or good government and restrictions embodied in
otherwise exclusively "by approval by a majority our Constitution are real as they should be in
of the votes cast an election at which the any living Constitution."
amendments are submitted to the people for
their ratification", participated
Justice Laurel pointed out that in contrast to the
in only by qualified and United States Constitution, the Philippine
duly registered voters twenty-one years of age Constitution as "a definition of the powers of
or over and duly supervised by the
government" placed upon the judiciary the great
Commission on Elections, in accordance with
burden of "determining the nature, scope and
the cited mandatory constitutional requirements. extent of such powers" and stressed that "when
the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
The alternative choice of a liberal stand would boundaries, it does not assert any superiority
permit a disregard of said requirements on the over the other departments ... but only asserts
theory urged by respondents that "the procedure the solemn and sacred obligation entrusted to it
outlined in Article XV was not intended to by the Constitution to determine conflicting
be exclusive of other procedures especially one claims of authority under the Constitution and to
which contemplates popular and direct establish for the parties in an actual controversy
participation of the citizenry", that the
22 the rights which the instrument secures and
constitutional age and literacy requirements and guarantees to them."
other statutory safeguards for ascertaining the
will of the majority of the people may likewise be II
changed as "suggested, if not prescribed, by the
people (through the Citizens Assemblies) Marshall was to utter much later in the equally
themselves", and that the Comelec is
historic 1819 case of McCulloch vs.
constitutionally "mandated to oversee ... Maryland the "climactic phrase," "we must
27 28

elections (of public officers) never forget that it is a constitution we are

and not plebiscites." 24
expounding," — termed by Justice Frankfurter
as "the single most important utterance in the
To paraphrase U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall literature of constitutional law — most important
who first declared in the historic 1803 case because most comprehensive and
of Marbury vs. Madison the U.S. Supreme
comprehending." This enduring concept to my

Court's power of judicial review and to declare mind permeated to this Court's exposition and
void laws repugnant to the Constitution, there is rationale in the hallmark case of Tolentino,
no middle ground between these two wherein we rejected the contentions on the
alternatives. As Marshall expounded it: "(T)he Convention's behalf "that the issue ... is a
political question and that the Convention being with the
a legislative body of the highest order is same ease and facility in
sovereign, and as such, its acts impugned by changing an ordinary legislation.
petitioner are beyond the control of Congress Constitution making is the most
and the Courts." 30
valued power, second to none,
of the people in a constitutional
This Court therein made its unequivocal choice democracy such as the one our
of strictly requiring faithful (which really includes founding fathers have chosen
substantial) compliance with for this nation, and which we of
the mandatory requirements of the amending the succeeding generations
process. generally cherish. And because
the Constitution affects the lives,
fortunes,future and every other
1. In denying reconsideration of our judgment of
conceivable aspect of the lives
October 16, 1971 prohibiting the submittal in an
of all the people within the
advance election of 1971 Constitutional
country and those subject to its
Convention's Organic Resolution No. 1
sovereignty, every degree of
proposing to amend Article V, section 1 of the
care is taken in preparing and
Constitution by lowering the voting age to 18
drafting it. A constitution worthy
years (vice 21 years) 30a "without prejudice to
other amendments that will be proposed in the of the people for deliberation
future ... on other portions of the amended and study. It is obvious that
correspondingly, any
section", this Court stated that "the constitutional
amendment of the Constitution
provision in question (as proposed) presents no
is of no less importance than the
doubt which may be resolved in favor of
respondents and intervenors. We do not believe whole Constitution itself, and
such doubt can exist only because it is urged perforce must be conceived and
that the end sought to be achieved is to prepared with as much care and
be desired. Paraphrasing no less than the deliberation. From the very
nature of things, the drafters of
President of Constitutional Convention of 1934,
an original constitution, as
Claro M. Recto, let those who would put aside,
invoking grounds at best controversial, any already observed earlier,
mandate of the fundamental law purportedly in operate without any limitations,
restraints or inhibitions save
order to attain some laudable objective bear in
those that they may impose
mind that someday somehow others with
upon themselves. This is not
purportedly more laudable objectives may take
necessarily true of subsequent
advantage of the precedent and continue the
destruction of the Constitution, making those conventions called to amend the
who laid down the precedent of justifying original constitution. Generally,
the framers of the latter see to it
deviations from the requirements of the
that their handiwork is not lightly
Constitution the victims of their own folly." 31

treated and as easily mutilated

or changed, not only for reasons
2. This Court held in Tolentino that: purely personal but more
importantly, because written
... as to matters not related to its constitutions are supposed to be
internal operation and the designed so as to last for some
performance of its assigned time, if not for ages, or for, at
mission to propose least, as long as they can be
amendments to the Constitution, adopted to the needs and
the Convention and its officers exigencies of the people, hence,
and members are all subject to they must be insulated against
all the provisions of the existing precipitate and hasty actions
Constitution. Now We hold that motivated by more or less
even as to its latter task of passing political moods or
proposing amendments to the fancies. Thus, as a rule, the
Constitution, it is subject to the original constitutions carry with
provisions of Section 1 of Article them limitations and conditions,
XV. This must be so, because it more or less stringent, made so
is plain to Us that the framers of by the people themselves, in
the Constitution took care that regard to the process of
the process of amending the their amendment. And when
same should not be undertaken
such limitations or conditions Gonzales, supra, 'no proper
are so incorporated in the submission.' " 34

original constitution, it does not

lie in the delegates of any 4. Four other members of the Court in a 35

subsequent convention to claim separate concurrence in Tolentino, expressed

that they may ignore and their "essential agreement" with Justice
disregard such conditions Sanchez' separate opinion in Gonzales on the
because they are powerful and need for "fair submission (and) intelligent
omnipotent as their original rejection" as "minimum requirements that must
counterparts. 32
be met in order that there can be a proper
submission to the people of a proposed
3. This Court in Tolentino likewise formally constitutional amendment" thus:
adopted the doctrine of proper submission first
advanced in Gonzales vs. Comelec , thus:
... amendments must be fairly
laid before the people for their
We are certain no one can deny blessing or spurning. The
that in order that a plebiscite for people are not to be mere
the ratification of an amendment rubber stamps. They are not to
to the Constitution may be vote blindly. They must be
validly held, it must provide the afforded ample opportunity to
voter not only sufficient mull over the original provisions,
time but ample basisfor compare them with the
an intelligent appraisal of the proposed amendments, and try
nature of amendment per se as to reach a conclusion as the
well as its relation to the other dictates of their conscience
parts of the Constitution with suggest, free from the incubus
which it has to form a of extraneous or possibly
harmonious whole. In the insidious influences. We believe
context of the present state of the word "submitted" can only
things, where the Convention mean that the government,
hardly started considering the within its maximum capabilities,
merits of hundreds, if not should strain every effort to
thousands, proposals to amend inform every citizen of the
the existing Constitution, to provisions to be amended, and
present to people any single the proposed amendments and
proposal or a few of them the meaning, nature and effects
cannot comply with this thereof. By this, we are not to be
requirement. We are of the understood as saying that, if
opinion that the present one citizen or 100 citizens or
Constitution does not 1,000 citizens cannot be
contemplate in Section 1 of reached, then there is no
Article XV a plebiscite or submission within the meaning
"election" wherein the people of the word as intended by the
are in the dark as to frame of framers of the Constitution.
reference they can base their What the Constitution in effect
judgment on. We reject the directs is that the government,
rationalization that the present in submitting an amendment for
Constitution is a possible frame ratification, should put every
of reference, for the simple instrumentality or agency within
reason that intervenors its structural framework to
themselves are stating the sole enlighten the people, educate
purpose of the proposed them with respect to their act of
amendment is to enable the ratification or rejection. For as
eighteen year olds to take part we have earlier stated, one
in the election for the ratification thing is submission and another
of the Constitution to be drafted is ratification. There must be fair
by the Convention. In brief, submission, intelligent consent
under the proposed plebiscite, or rejection.36

there can be, in the language of

Justice Sanchez, speaking for They stressed further the need for undivided
the six members of the Court in attention, sufficient information and full debate,
conformably to the intendment of Article XV, are debated fully, pondered
section 1 of the Constitution, in this wise: upon purposefully, and
accorded undivided attention.
A number of doubts or
misgivings could conceivably Scanning the contemporary
and logically assail the average scene, we say that the people
voter. Why should the voting are not, and by election time will
age be lowered at all, in the first not be, sufficiently informed of
place? Why should the new the meaning, nature and
voting age be precisely 18 effects of the proposed
years, and not 19 or 20? And constitutional amendment. They
why not 17? Or even 16 or 15? have not been afforded ample
Is the 18-year old as mature as time to deliberate thereon
the 21-year old, so that there is conscientiously. They have
no need of an educational been and are effectively
qualification to entitle him to distracted from a full and
vote? In this age of dispassionate consideration of
permissiveness and dissent, the merits and demerits of the
can the 18-year old be relied proposed amendment by their
upon to vote with judiciousness traditional pervasive
when the 21-year old, in the involvement in local elections
past elections, has not and politics. They cannot thus
performed so well? If the weigh in tranquility the need for
proposed amendment is voted and the wisdom proposed
down by the people, will the amendment. 37

Constitutional Convention insist

on the said amendment? Why is 5. This Court therein dismissed the plea of
there an unseemly haste on the disregarding mandatory requirements of the
part of the Constitutional amending process "in favor of allowing the
Convention in having this sovereign people to express their decision on
particular proposed amendment the proposed amendments" as "anachronistic in
ratified at this particular time? the real constitutionalism and repugnant to the
Do some of the members of the essence of the rule of law," in the following
Convention have future political terms:
plans which they want to begin
to subserve by the approval this ... The preamble of the
year of this amendment? If this Constitution says that the
amendment is approved, does it
Constitution has been ordained
thereby mean that the 18-year
by the 'Filipino people, imploring
old should not also shoulder the
the aid of Divine Providence.'
moral and legal responsibilities
Section 1 of Article XV is
of the 21-year old? Will he be nothing than a part of the
required to compulsory military Constitution thus ordained by
service under the colors? Will the people. Hence, in construing
the contractual consent be
said section, We must read it as
reduced to 18 years? If I vote if thepeople had said, 'This
against the amendment, will I Constitution may be amended,
not be unfair to my own child but it is our will that the
who will be 18 years old, come
amendment must
1973? beproposed and submitted to
Us for ratification only in the
The above are just samplings manner herein provided.' ...
from here, there and Accordingly, the real issue here
everywhere — from a domain cannot be whether or not the
(of searching questions) the amending process delineated by
bounds of which are not the present Constitution may be
immediately ascertainable. disregarded in favor of allowing
Surely, many more questions the sovereign people to express
can be added to the already their decision on the proposed
long litany. And the answers amendments, if only because it
cannot except as the questions is evident that the very idea
of departing from the members of opposing political
fundamental law camps to unduly exaggerate the
is anachronistic in the realm of pros and cons of the partial
constitutionalism and repugnant amendment proposed. In short,
to the essence of the rule of law; it is apt to breed false
rather, it is whether or not the hopes and create wrong
provisional nature of the impressions. As a consequence,
proposed amendment and it is bound to unduly strain the
the manner of its submission to people's faith in the soundness
the people for ratification or and validity of democratic
rejection conform with processes and institutions.
the mandate of the
people themselves in such — On the plea to allow
regard, as expressed in, the submission to the sovereign
Constitution itself. 38
people of the "fragmentary and
incomplete" proposal, although
6. This Court, in not heeding the popular clamor, inconsistent with the letter and
thus stated its position: "(I)t would be tragic and spirit of the Constitution: "The
contrary to the plain compulsion of these view, has, also, advanced that
perspectives, if the Court were to allow itself in the foregoing considerations are
deciding this case to be carried astray by not decisive on the issue before
considerations other than the imperatives of Us, inasmuch as thepeople are
the rule of law and of the applicable provisions of sovereign, and the partial
the Constitution. Needless to say, in a larger amendment involved in this
measure than when it binds other departments case is being submitted to them.
of the government or any other official or entity, The issue before Us is whether
the Constitution imposes upon the Court the or not said partial
sacred duty to give meaning and vigor to the amendment may be validly
Constitution, by interpreting and construing its submitted to the people for
provisions in appropriate cases with the proper ratification "in a plebiscite
parties and by striking down any act violative coincide with the local elections
thereof. Here, as in all other cases, We are in November 1971,"
resolved to discharge that duty. 39
and this particular issue
will not be submitted to the
7. The Chief Justice, in his separate opinion people. What is more, the
in Tolentino concurring with this Court's denial of Constitution does not permit its
the motion for reconsideration, succinctly submission to the people. The
restated this Court's position on the question sought to be settled in
fundamentals, as follows: the scheduled plebiscite is
whether or not the people are in
favor of the reduction of the
— On the premature submission
of a partial amendment voting age.
proposal, with a "temporary
provisional or tentative — On a "political" rather than
character": — "... a partial "legalistic" approach: "Is this
amendment would deprive the approach to the problem too
voters of the context which is "legalistic?" This term has
usually necessary for them to possible connotations. It may
make a reasonably intelligent mean strict adherence to the
appraisal of the issue submitted law, which in the case at bar is
for their ratification or rejection. the Supreme Law of the land.
... Then, too, the submission to On point, suffice it to say that, in
a plebiscite of a partial compliance with the specific
amendment, without a definite man of such Supreme Law, the
frame of reference, is fraught members of the Supreme Court
with possibilities which may taken the requisite "oath to
jeopardize the social fabric. For support and defend the
one thing, it opens the door to Constitution." ... Then, again,
wild speculations. It offers the term "legalistic" may be
ample opportunities for used to suggest inversely that
overzealous leaders and the somewhat strained
interpretation of the Constitution Convention itself. Indeed, the
being urged upon this Court latter and the Constitution it is in
be tolerated or, at least, the process of drafting stand
overlooked, upon the theory that essentially for the Rule of Law.
the partial amendment on voting However, as the Supreme Law
age is badly needed and reflects of the land, a Constitution would
the will of the people, specially not be worthy of its name, and
the youth. This course of action the Convention called upon to
favors, in effect, adoption of draft it would be engaged in a
apolitical approach, inasmuch futile undertaking, if we did not
as the advisability of the exact faithful adherence to
amendment and an appraisal of the fundamental tenets set forth
the people's feeling in the Constitution and
thereon political matters. In fact, compliance with its provisions
apart from the obvious message were not obligatory. If we, in
of the mass media, and, at effect, approved, consented to
times, of the pulpit, the Court or even overlooked a
has been literally bombarded circumvention of said tenets and
with scores of handwritten provisions, because of the good
letters, almost all of which bear intention with which Resolution
the penmanship and the No. 1 is animated, the Court
signature of girls, as well as would thereby become
letterhead of some sectarian the Judge of the good or bad
educational institutions, intentions of the Convention and
generally stating that the writer thus be involved in a question
is 18 years of age and urging essentially political in nature.
that she or he be allowed to
vote. Thus, the pressure of This is confirmed by the plea
public opinion has brought to made in the motions for
bear heavily upon the Court for reconsideration in favor of the
a reconsideration of its decision exercise of judicial
in the case at bar. statesmanship in deciding the
present case. Indeed, "politics"
As above stated, however, is the word commonly used to
the wisdom of the amendment epitomize compromise, even
and the popularity thereof are with principles, for the sake of
political questions beyond our political expediency or the
province. In fact, respondents advancement of the bid for
and the intervenors originally power of a given political party.
maintained that We have no Upon the other hand,
jurisdiction to entertain the statesmanship is the expression
petition herein, upon the ground usually availed of to refer to high
that the issue therein raised is a politics or politics on the highest
political one. Aside from the level. In any event, politics,
absence of authority to pass political approach, political
upon political question, it is expediency and statesmanship
obviously improper and unwise are generally associated, and
for the bench to develop into often identified, with the dictum
such questions owing to the that "the end justifies the
danger of getting involved in means." I earnestly hope that
politics, more likely of a partisan the administration of justice in
nature, and, hence, of impairing this country and the Supreme
the image and the usefulness of Court, in particular, will adhere
courts of justice as objective to or approve or indorse such
and impartial arbiters of dictum." 40

justiciable controversies.
Tolentino, he pointed out that although
Then, too, the suggested course "(M)ovants' submittal that "(T)he primary
of action, if adopted, would purpose for the submission of the proposed
constitute a grievous disservice amendment lowering the voting age to the
to the people and the very plebiscite on November 8, 1971 is to enable the
youth 18 to 20 years who comprise more than years of age or over with one year's residence in
three (3) million of our population to participate the municipality where they have registered.
in the ratification of the new Constitution in so far
as "to allow young people who would be The people, not as yet satisfied, further provided
governed by the Constitution to be given a say by amendment duly approved in 1940 in
on what kind of Constitution they will have" is a accordance with Article XV, for the creation of
laudable end, ... those urging the vitality and an independent Commission on Elections with
importance of the proposed constitutional "exclusive charge" for the purpose of "insuring
amendment and its approval ahead of the free, orderly and honest elections" and
complete and final draft of the Constitution must ascertaining the true will of the electorate — and
seek a valid solution to achieve it in a manner more, as ruled by this Court in Tolentino, in the
sanctioned by the amendatory process ordained case of proposed constitutional amendments,
by our people in the present Constitution" — 41
insuring proper submission to the electorate of
so that there may be "submitted, not piece-meal, such proposals. 42

but by way of complete and final amendments

as an integrated whole (integrated either with the
2. A Massachussets case with a constitutional

subsisting Constitution or with the new proposed

system and provisions analogous to ours, best
Constitution)..." defined the uses of the term "people" as a body
politic and "people" in the political sense who are
9. The universal validity of the vital constitutional synonymous with the qualified voters granted
precepts and principles above-enunciated can the right to vote by the existing Constitution and
hardly be gainsaid. I fail to see the attempted who therefore are "the sole organs through
distinction of restricting their application to which the will of the body politic can be
proposals for amendments of particular expressed."
provisions of the Constitution and not to so-
called entirely new Constitutions. Amendments
It was pointed out therein that "(T)he word
to an existing Constitution presumably may be
'people' may have somewhat varying
only of certain parts or in toto, and in the latter
significations dependent upon the connection in
case would rise to an entirely new Constitution.
which it is used. In some connections in the
Where this Court held in Tolentino that
Constitution it is confined to citizens and means
"any amendment of the Constitution is of no less
the same as citizens. It excludes aliens. It
importance than the whole Constitution itself and
includes men, women and children. It
perforce must be conceived and prepared with
comprehends not only the sane, competent, law-
as much care and deliberation", it would appeal
abiding and educated, but also those who are
that the reverse would equally be true; which is
wholly or in part dependents and charges upon
to say, that the adoption of a whole new society by reason of immaturity, mental or moral
Constitution would be of no less importance than deficiency or lack of the common essentials of
any particular amendment and therefore the
education. All these persons are secured
necessary care and deliberation as well as the
fundamental guarantees of the Constitution in
mandatory restrictions and safeguards in the
life, liberty and property and the pursuit of
amending process ordained by the people
happiness, except as these may be limited for
themselves so that "they (may) the protection of society."
be insulated against precipitate and hasty
actions motivated by more or less passing
political moods or fancies" must necessarily In the sense of "body politic (as) formed by
equally apply thereto. voluntary association of individuals" governed by
a constitution and common laws in a "social
compact ... for the common good" and in
another sense of "people" in a "practical sense"
for "political purposes" it was therein fittingly
1. To restate the basic premises, the people stated that in this sense, "people" comprises
provided in Article XV of the Constitution for the many who, by reason of want of years, of
amending process only"by approval by a capacity or of the educational requirements of
majority of the votes cast at an election at which Article 20 of the amendments of the Constitution,
the (duly proposed) amendments are submitted can have no voice in any government and who
to the people for their ratification." yet are entitled to all the immunities and
protection established by the Constitution.
The people ordained in Article V, section 1 that 'People' in this aspect is coextensive with
only those thereby enfranchised and granted the the body politic. But it is obvious that 'people'
right of suffrage may speak the "will of the body cannot be used with this broad meaning of
politic", viz, qualified literate voters twenty one political signification. The 'people' in this
connection means that part of the entire body of
inhabitants who under the Constitution are As to voting at such barrio plebiscites, the
intrusted with the exercise of the sovereign Charter further requires that "(A)ll duly
power and the conduct of government. registered barrio assembly members qualified to
The 'people' in the Constitution in a practical vote may vote in the plebiscite. Voting
sense means those who under the existing procedures may be made either in writing as in
Constitution possess the right to exercise the regular elections, and/or declaration by the
elective franchise and who, while that instrument voters to the board of election tellers." 47

remains in force unchanged, will be the sole

organs through which the will of the body The subjects of the barrio plebiscites are
politic can be expressed. 'People' for political likewise delimited thus: "A plebiscite may be
purposes must be called to decide on the recall of any member of
considered synonymous with qualified voters.' " the barrio council. A plebiscite shall be called to
approve any budgetary, supplemental
As was also ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court, appropriations or special tax ordinances" and
"... While the people are thus the source of the required majority vote is specified: "(F)or
political power, their governments, national and taking action on any of the above enumerated
state, have been limited by constitutions, and measures, majority vote of all the barrio
they have themselves thereby set bounds to assembly members registered in the list of the
their own power, as against the sudden impulse barrio secretary is necessary." 48

of mere majorities." 44

The qualifications for voters in such barrio

From the text of Article XV of our Constitution, plebiscites and elections of barrio
requiring approval of amendment proposals "by officials comply with the suffrage qualifications

a majority of the votes cast at an election at of Article V, section 1 of the Constitution and
which the amendments are submitted to provide that "(S)EC. 10. Qualifications of Voters
the people for their ratification", it seems obvious and Candidates. — Every citizen of the
as above-stated that "people" as therein used Philippines, twenty one years of age or
must be considered synonymous with "qualified over, able to read and write, who has been a
voters" as enfranchised under Article V, section resident of the barrio during the six months
1 of the Constitution — since only "people" who immediately preceding the election, duly
are qualified voters can exercise the right of registered in the list of voters by the barrio
suffrage and cast their votes. secretary, who is not otherwise disqualified, may
vote or be a candidate in the barrio elections." 50

3. Sound constitutional policy and the sheer

necessity of adequate safeguards as ordained IV
by the Constitution and implementing statutes to
ascertain and record the will of the people in 1. Since it appears on the face of Proclamation
free, orderly and honest elections supervised by 1102 that the mandatory requirements under the
the Comelec make it imperative that there be above-cited constitutional articles have not been
strict adherence to the constitutional complied with and that no election or plebiscite
requirements laid down for the process of for ratification as therein provided as well as in
amending in toto or in part the supreme law of section 16 of Article XVII of the proposed
the land. Constitution itself has been called or held,

there cannot be said to have been a valid

Even at barrio level 45 the Revised Barrio ratification.
Charter fixes certain safeguards for the holding
of barrio plebiscites thus: "SEC. 6. Plebiscite. — 2. Petitioners raised serious questions as to the
A plebiscite may be held in the barrio when veracity and genuineness of the reports or
authorized by a majority vote of the members certificates of results purportedly showing
present in the barrio assembly, there being unaccountable discrepancies in seven figures in
a quorum, or when called by at least four just five provinces between the reports as

members of the barrio council: Provided, certified by the Department of Local

however, That no plebiscite shall be held until Governments and the reports as directly
after thirty days from its approval by either body, submitted by the provincial and city executives,
and such plebiscite has been given the widest which latter reports respondents disclaimed inter
publicity in the barrio, stating the date, time and alia as not final and complete or as not
place thereof, the questions or issues to be signed; whether the reported votes of approval

decided, action to be taken by the voters, and of the proposed Constitution conditioned upon
such other information relevant to the holding of the non-convening of the interim National
the plebiscite."46
Assembly provided in Article XVII, section 1


thereof, may be considered as valid; the
for the approval of the
allegedly huge and uniform votes reported; and resolution, the resolution portion
many others. of which read as follows:

3. These questions only serve to justify and "RESOLVED,

show the basic validity of the universal principle AS IT IS
governing written constitutions that proposed HEREBY
amendments thereto or in replacement thereof RESOLVED,
may be ratified only in the particular mode or that the 1971
manner prescribed therein by the people. Under Constitutional
Article XV, section 1 of our Constitution, Convention
amendments thereto may be ratified only in propose to
the one way therein provided, i.e. in an election President
or plebiscite held in accordance with law and Ferdinand E.
duly supervised by the Commission on Marcos that a
Elections, and which is participated in only by decree be
qualified and duly registered voters. In this issued calling a
manner, the safeguards provided by the election plebiscite for
code generally assure the true ascertainment of the ratification
the results of the vote and interested parties of the proposed
would have an opportunity to thresh out properly New
before the Comelec all such questions in pre- Constitution on
proclamation proceedings. such
4. At any rate, unless respondents seriously date as he shall
intend to question the very statements and determine and
pronouncements in Proclamation 1102 itself providing for the
which shows on its face, as already stated, that necessary
the mandatory amending process required by funds therefor,
the (1935) Constitution was not observed, the and that copies
cases at bar need not reach the stage of of this
answering the host of questions, raised by resolution as
petitioners against the procedure observed by approved in
the Citizens Assemblies and the reported plenary session
referendum results — since the purported be transmitted
ratification is rendered nugatory by virtue of such to the President
non-observance. of the
Philippines and
the Commission
5. Finally, as to respondents' argument that the
on Elections for
President issued Proclamation 1102 "as "agent"
of the Constitutional Convention" under

Resolution No. 5844 approved on November 22, "

1973, and "as agent of the Convention the
President could devise other forms of plebiscite He suggested that in view of the
to determine the will of the majority vis-a-vis the expected approval of the final
ratification of the proposed Constitution." 56 draft of the new Constitution by
the end of November 1972
according to the Convention's
The minutes of November 22, 1972, of the
timetable, it would be necessary
Convention, however, do not at all support this
to lay the groundwork for the
contention. On the contrary, the said minutes
appropriate agencies of the
fully show that the Convention's proposal and
"agency" was that the President issue a decree government to undertake the
precisely calling a plebiscite for the ratification of necessary preparation for the
the proposed new Constitution on an appropriate
date, under the charge of the Comelec, and with
a reasonable period for an information xxx xxx xxx
campaign, as follows:
12.2 Interpellating, Delegate
12. Upon recognition by the Pimentel (V.) contended that the
Chair, Delegate Duavit moved resolution was unnecessary
because section 15, Article XVII
on the Transitory Provision, 12.7 Delegate Catan inquired if
which had already been such mechanics for the
approved on second and third plebiscite could include a partial
readings, provided that the new lifting of martial law in order to
constitution should be ratified in allow the people to assemble
a plebiscite called for the peaceably to discuss the new
purpose by the incumbent Constitution. Delegate Duavit
President. Delegate Duavit suggested that the Committee
replied that the provision on Plebiscite and Ratification
referred to did not include could coordinate with the
the appropriation of funds for COMELEC on the matter.
the plebiscite and that,
moreover, the resolution was 12.8 Delegate Guzman moved
intended to serve formal notice for the previous question. The
to the President and the Chair declared that there was
Commission on Elections to one more interpellant and that a
initiate the necessary prior reservation had been
preparations. made for the presentation of
such a motion.
xxx xxx xxx
1.8a Delegate Guzman
12.4 Interpellating, Delegate withdrew his motion.
Madarang suggested that
a reasonable period for an 12.9 Delegate Astilla suggested
information campaign was in his interpellation that there
necessary in order to properly was actually no need for such a
apprise the people of the resolution in view of the
implications and significance of provision of section 15, Article
the new charter. Delegate XVII on the Transitory
Duavit agreed, adding that this Provisions. Delegate Duavit
was precisely why the resolution disagreed, pointing out that the
was modified to give the said provision did not provide for
President the discretion to the funds necessary for the
choose the most appropriate purpose.
date for the plebiscite.
13. Delegate Ozamiz then
12.5 Delegate Laggui asked moved to close the debate and
whether a formal proceed to the period of
communication to the President amendment.
informing him of the adoption of
the new Constitution would not 13.1 Floor Leader Montejo
suffice considering that under
stated that there were no
Section 15 of the Transitory
reservations to amend the
Provisions, the President would
be duty-bound to call a
plebiscite for its ratification.
Delegate Duavit replied in the 13.2 Delegate Ozamiz then
negative, adding that the moved for the previous
resolution was necessary to question. Submitted to a vote,
serve notice to the proper the motion was approved.
authorities to prepare everything
necessary for the plebiscite. Upon request of the Chair,
Delegate Duavit restated the
12.6 In reply to Delegate resolution for voting.
Britanico, Delegate Duavit
stated that the mechanics for 14.1. Delegate Ordoñez moved
the holding of for nominal voting. Submitted to
theplebiscite would be laid down a vote, the motion was lost.
by the Commission on
Elections in coordination with
the President.
14.2. Thereupon, the Chair gather unto himself all constitutionally available
submitted the resolution to a powers in order the more effectively to focus
vote. It was approved by a show them upon the task of the hour." (Corwin, The
of hands. 57
President: Office & Powers, pp. 317, 318,
I, therefore, vote to deny respondents' motion to
dismiss and to give due course to the petitions. 1. The proclamation of martial rule, ushered the
commencement of a crisis government in this
country. In terms of power, crisis government
P in
a constitutional democracy entails the r
concentration of governmental power. "The o
more complete the separation of powers m in a
constitutional system, the more difficult, and
u yet
the more necessary" according to Rossiter, l "will
be their fusion in time of crisis... The power
g of
the state in crisis must not only be concentrated
and expanded, it must be freed from the normal
system of constitutional and legal limitations.
One of the basic features of emergency powers
is the release of the government from the:
paralysis of constitutional restraints" (Rossiter,
Constitutional Dictatorship, p. 290). J
It is clearly recognized that in moments ofn peril
the effective action of the government is e
channeled through the person of the Chief
Executive. "Energy in the executive," according
to Hamilton, "is essential to the protection, of the
community against foreign attacks ... to the
protection of property against those irregular
1 and
high-handed combinations which sometimes 9
interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to7the
security of liberty against the enterprises 3and
assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy."

(The Federalist, Number 70). "The entire

ANTONIO, J., concurring: strength of the nation", said Justice Brewer in
the Debs case (158 U.S. 564; 39 L. ed. 1092),
In conformity with my reservation, I shall discuss "may be used to enforce in any part of the land
the grounds for my concurrence. the full and free exercise of all national powers
and the security of all rights entrusted by the
constitution to its care." The marshalling and
employment of the "strength of the nation" are
matters for the discretion of the Chief Executive.
It is my view that to preserve the independence The President's powers in time of emergency
of the State, the maintenance of the existing defy precise definition since their extent and
constitutional order and the defense of the limitations are largely dependent upon
political and social liberties of the people, in conditions and circumstances.
times of a grave emergency, when the legislative
branch of the government is unable to function
2. The power of the President to act decisively in
or its functioning would itself threaten the public
a crisis has been grounded on the broad
safety, the Chief Executive may promulgate
conferment upon the Presidency of the
measures legislative in character, for the
Executive power, with the added specific grant
successful prosecution of such objectives. For
of power under the "Commander-in-Chief"
the "President's power as Commander- in-chief
clause of the constitution. The contours of such
has been transformed from a simple power of
powers have been shaped more by a long line of
military command to a vast reservoir of
historical precedents of Presidential action in
indeterminate powers in time of emergency. ... In
times of crisis, rather than judicial interpretation.
other words, the principal canons of
Lincoln wedded his powers under the
constitutional interpretation are ... set aside so
"commander-in-chief" clause with his duty "to
far as concerns both the scope of the national
take care that the laws be faithfully executed," to
power and the capacity of the President to
justify the series of extraordinary measures
which he took — the calling of volunteers for The creation of public offices is a power confided
military service, the augmentation of the regular by the constitution to Congress. And yet
army and navy, the payment of two million President Wilson, during World War I on the
dollars from unappropriated funds in the basis of his powers under the "Commander-in-
Treasury to persons unauthorized to receive it, Chief" clause created "offices" which were
the closing of the Post Office to "treasonable copied in lavish scale by President Roosevelt in
correspondence", the blockade of southern World War II. In April 1942, thirty-five "executive
ports, the suspension of the writ of habeas agencies" were purely of Presidential creation.
corpus, the arrest and detention of persons "who On June 7, 1941 on the basis of his powers as
were represented to him" as being engaged in or "Commander-in-Chief", he issued an executive
contemplating "treasonable practices" — all this order seizing the North American Aviation plant
for the most part without the least statutory of Inglewood, California, where production
authorization. Those actions were justified by the stopped as a consequence of a strike. This was
imperatives of his logic, that the President may, justified by the government as the exercise of
in an emergency thought by him to require it, presidential power growing out of the "duty
partially suspend the constitution. Thus his constitutionally and inherently resting upon the
famous question: "Are all laws but one to be President to exert his civil and military as well as
unexecuted, and the Government itself go to his moral authority to keep the defense efforts of
pieces lest that one be violated?" The actions of the United States a going concern" as well as "to
Lincoln "assert for the President", according to obtain supplies for which Congress has
Corwin, "an initiative of indefinite scope and appropriated money, and which it has directed
legislative in effect in meeting the domestic the President to obtain." On a similar
aspects of a war emergency." (Corwin, The justification, other plants and industries were
President: Office & Powers, p. 280 [1948]). The taken over by the government. It is true that in
facts of the civil war have shown conclusively Youngstown Sheet & Tube vs. Sawyer (343 U.S.
that in meeting the domestic problems as a 579; 72 S. Ct. 863; 96 L. Ed. 1153, [1952]), the
consequence of a great war, an indefinite power Supreme Court of the United States did not
must be attributed to the President to take sustain the claims that the President could, as
emergency measures. The concept of the Nation's Chief Executive and Commander-
"emergency" under which the Chief Executive in-Chief of the armed forces, validly order the
exercised extraordinary powers underwent seizure of most of the country's steel mills. The
correlative enlargement during the first and Court however did not face the naked question
second World Wars. From its narrow concept as of the President's power to seize steel plants in
an "emergency" in time of war during the Civil the absence of any congressional enactment or
War and World War I, the concept has been expressions of policy. The majority of the Court
expanded in World War II to include the found that this legislative occupation of the field
"emergency" preceding the war and even after it. made untenable the President's claim of
"The Second World War" observed Corwin and authority to seize the plants as an exercise of
Koenig, was the First World War writ large, and inherent executive power or as Commander-in-
the quasi-legislative powers of Franklin Chief. Justice Clark, in his concurrence to the
Roosevelt as "Commander-in-Chief in main opinion of the Court, explicitly asserted that
wartime"... burgeoned correspondingly. The the President does possess, in the absence of
precedents were there to be sure, most of them restrictive legislation, a residual or resultant
from the First World War, but they proliferated power above or in consequence of his granted
amazingly. What is more, Roosevelt took his first powers, to deal with emergencies that he
step toward war some fifteen months before our regards as threatening the national security. The
entrance into shooting war. This step occurred in same view was shared with vague qualification
September, 1940, when he handed over fifty so- by Justices Frankfurter and Jackson, two of the
called overage destroyers to Great Britain. The concurring Justices. The three dissenting
truth is, they were not overage, but had been Justices, speaking through Chief Justice Vinson,
recently reconditioned and recommissioned. ... apparently went further by quoting with approval
Actually, what President Roosevelt did was to a passage extracted from the brief of the
take over for the nonce Congress's power to government in the case of United States vs.
dispose of property of the United States (Article Midwest Oil Co., (236 U.S. 459 59 L. Ed. 673, 35
IV, Section 3) and to repeal at least two S. Ct. 309) where the court sustained the power
statutes." (Corwin & Koenig, The Presidency of the President to order withdrawals from the
Today, New York University Press, 1956; sf public domain not only without Congressional
Corwin, The President: Office and Powers, sanction but even contrary to Congressional
1948.) statutes.


It is evident therefore that the Steel Seizure The same view was expressed by Rossiter thus:
Case, cannot be invoked as an authority to
support the view that the President in times of a The second crisis is rebellion,
grave crisis does not possess a residual power when the authority of a
above or in consequence of his granted powers, constitutional government is
to deal with emergencies that he regards as resisted openly by large
threatening the national security. The lesson of numbers of citizens who are
the Steel Seizure case, according to Corwin and engaged in violent insurrection
Koenig, "Unquestionably ... tends to supplement against enforcement of its laws
presidential emergency power to adopt or are bent on capturing it
temporary remedial legislation when Congress illegally or destroying it
has been, in the judgment of the President, altogether. The third crisis, one
unduly remiss in taking cognizance of and acting recognized particularly in
on a given situation." (Corwin and Koenig, The modern times as sanctioning
Presidency Today, New York University Press, emergency action by
1956). constitutional governments,
is economic depression. The
The accumulation of precedents has thus built economic troubles which
up the presidential power under emergency plagued all the countries of the
conditions to "dimensions of executive world in the early thirties
prerogative as described by John Locke, of a involved governmental methods
power to wit, to fill needed gaps in the law, or of an unquestionably dictatorial
even to supersede it so far as may be requisite character in many democracies.
to realize the fundamental law of nature and It was thereby acknowledged
government, namely, that as much as may be all that an economic existence as a
the members of society are to be preserved." war or a rebellion. And these
(Corwin and Koenig, The Presidency Today). are not the only cases which
have justified extraordinary
In the light of the accumulated precedents, how governmental action in nations
could it be reasonably argued therefore, that the like the United States. Fire,
President had no power to issue Presidential flood, drought, earthquake, riots,
Decree Nos. 86 and 86-A as well as great strikes have all been dealt
Proclamation No. 1102, since these measures with by unusual and of
were considered indispensable to effect the dictatorial methods. Wars are
desired reforms at the shortest time possible and not won by debating societies,
hasten the restoration of normalcy? It is rebellions are not suppressed
unavailing for petitioners to contend that we are by judicial injunctions,
not faced by an actual "shooting war" for today's reemployment of twelve million
concept of the emergency which justified the jobless citizens will not be
exercise of those powers has of necessity been effected through a scrupulous
expanded to meet the exigencies of new regard for the tenets of free
dangers and crisis that directly threaten the enterprise, hardships caused by
nation's continued and constitutional existence. the eruptions of nature cannot
For as Corwin observed: "... today the concept be mitigated letting nature take
of 'war' as a special type of emergency its course. The Civil War, the
warranting the realization of constitutional depression of 1933 and the
limitations tends to spread, as it were, in both recent global conflict were not
directions, so that there is not only "the war and could not have been
before the war," but the 'war after the war.' successfully resolved by
Indeed, in the economic crisis from which the governments similar to those of
New Deal may be said to have issued, the James Buchanan, William
nation was confronted in the opinion of the late Howard Taft, or Calvin
President with an 'emergency greater than war'; Coolidge. (Rossiter,
and in sustaining certain of the New Deal Constitutional Dictatorship —
measures the Court invoked the justification of Crisis of Government in the
'emergency.' In the final result constitutional Modern Democracies, p. 6
practices of wartime have moulded the [1948).
Constitution to greater or less extent for
peacetime as well, seem likely to do so still more II
pronouncedly under fresh conditions of crisis."
(Corwin, Ibid. p. 318.)
We are next confronted with the insistence of which, in their view, was not responsive to their
Petitioners that the referendum in question not needs and in adopting a new charter of
having been done inaccordance with the government to enable them to rid themselves
provisions of existing election laws, which only from the shackles of traditional norms and to
qualified voters who are allowed to participate, pursue with new dynamism the realization of
under the supervision of the Commission on their true longings and aspirations, except in the
Elections, the new Constitution, should therefore manner and form provided by Congress for
be a nullity. Such an argument is predicated previous plebiscites? Was not the expansion of
upon an assumption, that Article XV of the 1935 the base of political participation, by the
Constitution provides the method for inclusion of the youth in the process of
the revision of the constitution, and automatically ratification who after all constitute the
apply in the final approval of such proposed new preponderant majority more in accord with the
Constitution the provisions of the election law spirit and philosophy of the constitution that
and those of Article V and X of the old political power is inherent in the people
Constitution. We search in vain for any provision collectively? As clearly expounded by Justice
in the old charter specifically providing for such Makasiar, in his opinion, in all the cases cited
procedure in the case of a total revision or a where the Courts held that the submission of the
rewriting of the whole constitution. proposed amendment was illegal due to the
absence of substantial compliance with the
1. There is clearly a distinction procedure prescribed by the constitution, the
between revision and amendment of an existing procedure prescribed by the state Constitution,
constitution. Revision may involve a rewriting of is so detailed, that specified the manner in which
the whole constitution. The act of amending a such submission shall be made, the persons
constitution, on the other hand, envisages a qualified to vote for the same, the date of
change of only specific provisions. The intention election and other definite standards, from which
of an act to amend is not the change of the the court could safely ascertain whether or not
entire constitution but only the submission was in accordance with the
the improvement of specific parts of the existing Constitution. Thus the case of In re
constitution of the addition of provisions deemed McConaughy (119 N.E. 408) relied upon in one
essential as a consequence of new constitutions of the dissenting opinions involved in the
or the elimination of parts already considered application of the provisions of the state
obsolete or unresponsive to the needs of the Constitution of Minnesota which clearly
times. The 1973 Constitution is not a
1 prescribed in detail the procedure under which
mere amendment to the 1935 Constitution. It is a the Constitution may be amended or
completely new fundamental charter embodying revised. This is not true with our Constitution. In

new political, social and economic concepts. the case of revision there are no "standards
meet for judicial judgment."3

According to an eminent authority on Political

Law, "The Constitution of the Philippines and The framers of our Constitution were free to
that of the United States expressly provide provide in the Constitution the method or
merely for methods of amendment. They are procedure for the revision or rewriting of the
silent on the subject of revision. But this is not a entire constitution, and if such was their
fatal omission. There is nothing that can legally intention, they could and should have so
prevent a convention from actually revising the provided. Precedents were not wanting. The
Constitution of the Philippines or of the United constitutions of the various states of the
States even were such conventions called American Union did provide for procedures for
merely for the purpose of proposing and their amendment and methods for their revision. 4

submitting amendments to the people. For in the

final analysis, it is the approval of the Certainly We cannot, under the guise of
people that gives validity to any proposal of interpretation, modify, revise, amend, remodel or
amendment or revision." (Sinco, Philippine rewrite the 1935 Charter. To declare what the
Political Law, p. 49). law is, or has been, is a judicial power, but to
declare what the law shall be is not within Our
Since the 1935 Constitution does not specifically judicial competence and authority.
provide for the method or procedure for
the revision or for the approval of a new Upon the other hand, since our fundamental
constitution, should it now be held, that the charter has not provided the method or
people have placed such restrictions on procedure for the revision or complete change of
themselves that they are not disabled from the Constitution, it is evident that the people
exercising their right as the ultimate source of have reserved such power in themselves. They
political power from changing the old constitution decided to exercise it not through their
legislature, but through a Convention expressly conformity with the orders of the President, and
chosen for that purpose. The Convention as an has absolutely no other choice. The flaw of this
independent and sovereign body has drafted not argument lies in its application of a mere
an amendment but a completely new theoretical assumption based on the
Constitution, which decided to submit to the experiences of other nations on an entirely
people for approval, not through an act of different factual setting. Such an assumption
Congress, but by means of decrees to be flounders on the rock of reality. It is true that as a
promulgated by the President. In view of the general rule martial law is the use of military
inability of Congress to act, it was within the forces to perform the functions of civil
constitutional powers of the President, either as government. Some courts have viewed it as a
agent of the Constitutional Convention, or under military regime which can be imposed in
his authority under martial law, to promulgate the emergency situations. In other words, martial
necessary measures for the ratification of the rule exists when the military rises superior to the
proposed new Constitution. The adoption the civil power in the exercise of some or all the
new Charter was considered as a necessary functions of government. Such is not the case in
basis for all the reforms set in motion under the this country. The government functions thru its
new society, to root out the causes of unrest. civilian officials. The supremacy of the civil over
The imperatives of the emergency underscored the military authority is manifest. Except for the
the urgency of its adoption. The people in imposition of curfew hours and other restrictions
accepting such procedure and in voting required for the security of the State, the people
overwhelmingly for the approval of the new are free to pursue their ordinary concerns.
Constitution have, in effect, ratified the method
and procedure taken. "When the people adopt In short, the existing regime in this Country,
completely revised or new constitution," said the does not contain the oppressive features,
Court in Wheeler v. Board of Trustees (37 SE generally associated with a regime of Martial law
2nd 322, 326-330), "the framing or submission in other countries. "Upon the other hand the
of the instrument is not what gives it binding masses of our people have accepted it, because
force and effect. The fiat of the people, and only of its manifold blessings. The once downtrodden
the fiat of the people, can breathe life into a rice tenant has at long last been emancipated —
constitution." a consummation devoutly wished by every
Philippine President since the 1930's. The
This has to be so because, in our political laborer now holds his head high because his
system, all political power is inherent in the rights are amply protected and respected." * A new
sense of discipline has swiftly spread beyond the corridors of government into the social order. Responding
people and free governments are founded on to the challenges of the New Society, the people have turned in half a million loose firearms, paid their taxes
on undeclared goods and income in unprecedented numbers and amount, lent their labors in massive
their authority and instituted for their benefit. cooperation — in land reform, in the repair of dikes, irrigation ditches, roads and bridges, in reforestation, in
the physical transformation of the environment to make ours a cleaner and greener land. "The entire country
Thus Section 1 of Article II of the 1935 is turning into one vast garden growing food for the body, for thought and for the soul." * More important the
common man has at long last been freed from the incubus of fear.
Constitution declares that: "Sovereignty resides
in the people and all government authority "Martial law has paved the way for a re-ordering
emanate from them." Evidently the of the basic social structure of the Philippines"
term people refers to the entire citizenry and not reported Frank Valeo to the United States
merely to the electorate, for the latter is only a Senate. "President Marcos has been prompt and
fraction of the people and is only an organ of sure-footed in using the power of presidential
government for the election of government decree under martial law for this purpose. He
officials. has zeroed in on areas which have been widely
recognized as prime sources of the nation's
III difficulties — land tenancy, official corruption, tax
evasion and abuse of oligarchic economic
The more compelling question, however is: Has power. Clearly he knows his targets ... there is
this Court the authority to nullify an entire marked public support for his leadership..."
Constitution that is already effective as it has (Bulletin Today, March 3 and 4, 1973)..
been accepted and acquiesced in by the people
as shown by their compliance with the decree In a similar vein, C.L. Sulzberger, a foreign
promulgated thereunder, their cooperation in its affairs columnist wrote, in the April 11 issue of
implementation, and is now maintained by the The New York Times:
Government that is in undisputed authority and
dominance? During his first Presidential term
(1965-1969), Mr. Marcos was
Of course it is argued that acquiescence by the discouraged by the failure of
people can be deduced from their acts of legislators to approve urgently
conformity, because under a regime of martial needed reforms. He found his
law the people are bound to obey and act in
second term further frustrated but by presupposing the new one. The statutes
by spread riots, a Maoist issued under the old Constitution and not taken
uprising in Luzon and a much over are no longer regarded as valid, and the
more serious Moslem organs authorized by the old Constitution no
insurrection in the southern longer competent." (Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law,
islands from Mindanao across [1967].)
the Sulu archipelago to the
frontier regions of Malaysia and The essentially political nature of the question is
Indonesia. Manila claims this at once made manifest by understanding that in
war is Maoist-coordinated. the final analysis, what is assailed is not merely
the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 of the
Mr. Marcos has now in effect President, which is merely declaratory of the fact
taken all the reins of power and of approval or ratification, but the legitimacy of
makes no promise as to when the government. It is addressed more to the
he will relinquish them. But, framework and political character of this
while fettering a free press, Government which now functions under the new
terminating Congress and Charter. It seeks to nullify a Constitution that is
locking up some opponents already effective.
(many of whom were later
amnestied), he has hauled the In such a situation, We do not see how the
Philippines out of stagnation. question posed by petitioners could be judicially
decided. "Judicial power presupposes an
Sharecropping is being ended established government capable of enacting
as more than three million acres laws and enforcing their execution, and of
of arable land are redistributed appointing judges to expound and administer
with state funds. New roads them. If it decides at all as a court, it necessarily
have been started. The affirms the existence and authority of the
educational system is government under which it is exercising judicial
undergoing revision, a power." (Luther v. Borden, 48 U.S. [7 How.] 1,
corruption is diminished. In non- 12 L. Ed. 598.)
communist Asia it is virtually
impossible to wholly end it and In other words, where a complete change in the
this disagreeable phenomenon fundamental law has been effected through
still reaches very high. political action, the Court whose existence is
affected by such change is, in the words of Mr.
Mr. Marcos, an imaginative, Melville Fuller Weston, "precluded from passing
gifted man, hopes to reshape upon the fact of change by a logical difficulty
society by creating an agrarian which is not to be surmounted." Such change in

middle-class to replace the the organic law relates to the existence of a prior
archaic sharecropper-absentee point in the Court's "chain of title" to its authority
landlord relationship. He is even and "does not relate merely to a question of the
pushing for a birth control horizontal distribution of powers." It involves in

program with the tacit essence a matter which "the sovereign has
acceptance of the Catholic entrusted to the so-called political departments
Church. He has started labor of government or has reserved to be settled by
reforms and increased wages. its own extra governmental action." 7

(Daily Express, April 15, 1973)

The non-judicial character of such a question
As explained in this writer's opinion of April 24, has been recognized in American law. "From its
1973 on the "Constancia" and "Manifestation" of earliest opinions this Court has consistently
counsel for petitioners: recognized," said Justice Frankfurter, in his
illuminating dissent in Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S.
The new Constitution is considered effective "if 186, 7 L. Ed. 2d. 633, 722, 726, 727), "a class of
the norms created in conformity with it are by controversies which do not lend themselves to
and large applied and obeyed. As soon as the judicial standards and judicial remedies. To
old Constitution loses its effectiveness and the classify the various instances as "political
new Constitution has become effective, the acts questions" is rather a form of stating this
that appear with the subjective meaning of conclusion than revealing of analysis ... The crux
creating or applying legal norms are no longer of the matter is that courts are not fit instruments
interpreted by presupposing the old basic norm, of decision where what is essentially at stake is
the composition of those large contests of policy
traditionally fought out in non-judicial forums, by Sec. 1. Amendments. Amendments to this
which governments and the actions of constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds
governments are made and unmade." vote of each house of the legislature. The
secretary of state shall prepare a ballot title and
The diversity of views contained in the opinions proposition summarizing each proposed
of the members of this Court, in the cases at bar, amendment, and shall place them on the ballot
cannot be a case on "right" or "wrong" views of for the next statewide election. If a majority of
the Constitution. It is one of attitudes and values. the votes cast on the proposition favor
For there is scarcely any principle, authority or the amendment, it becomes effective thirty days
interpretation which has not been countered by after the certification of the election returns by
the opposite. At bottom, it is the degree of one's the secretary of state.
faith — in the nation's leadership and in the
maturity of judgment of our people. Sec. 2. Convention. The legislature may call
constitutional conventions at any time.
FOREGOING, the dismissal of Sec. 3. Call by referendum. If during any ten-
these five cases, and the year period a constitutional convention has not
conclusion of this Court in its been held, the secretary of state shall place on
judgment of March question the ballot for the next general election the
becomes wholly moot except for question: "Shall there be a Constitutional
this consideration, that, when Convention?" If a majority of the votes cast on
the judges as individuals or as a the question are in the negative, the question
body of individuals come to need not be placed on the ballot until the end of
decide which king or which the next ten-year period. If a majority of the
constitution they will support votes cast on the question are in the affirmative,
and assert to represent, it may delegates to the convention shall be chosen at
often be good judgment for the next regular statewide election, unless the
them to follow the lead of the legislature provides for the election of the
men who as a practical matter election delegates at a special election. The
are likely to be looked to by the secretary of state shall issue the call for the
people as more representative convention. Unless other provisions have been
of themselves and conversely made by law, the call shall conform as nearly as
are likely to be more directly in possible to the act calling the Alaska
touch with popular sentiment. If, Constitutional Convention of 1955, including, but
however, the judges hold too not limited to, number of members, districts,
strong views of their own to be election and certification of delegates, and
able to take this course, they submission and ratification of revisions and
may follow their own leads at ordinances. ... .
their own hazard. No question of
law is involved. (Political Sec. 4. Powers. Constitutional conventions shall
Questions, 38 Harvard Law have plenary power to amend or revise the
Review [1924-25], pp. 305-309.) constitution, subject only to ratification by the
people. No call for a constitutional convention
31, 1973 are fully justified. shall limit these powers of the convention.

Barredo, Makasiar and Esguerra, JJ., concur. 2. California (1879) — Art. XVIII. Amending and
Revising the Constitution.
Sec. 1. Constitutional amendments. Any
(G.R. Nos. L-36142, 36164, 36165, 36236 & amendment or amendments to this Constitution
36283) may be proposed in the Senate or Assembly,
and if two-thirds of all the members elected to
each of the houses shall vote in favor thereof,
such proposed amendment or amendments
PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT AND shall be entered in their Journals, with the yeas
REVISION @ and nays taken thereon; and it shall be the duty
of the Legislature to submit such proposed
amendment or amendments to the people in
1. Alaska (1959) — Art. XIII. Amendment and such manner, and at such time, and after such
Revision. publication as may be deemed expedient.


Should more amendments than one be in the act calling the convention, designate the
submitted at the same election they shall be so day, hour and place of its meeting; fix the pay of
prepared and distinguished, by numbers or its members and officers, and provide for the
otherwise, that each can be voted on separately. payment of the same, together with the
If the people shall approve and ratify such necessary expenses of the convention. Before
amendment or amendments, or any of them, by proceeding, the members shall take an oath to
a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon support the constitution of the United States, and
such amendment or amendments shall become of the state of Colorado, and to faithfully
a part of this constitution. discharge their duties as members of the
convention. The qualifications of members shall
Sec. 2. Constitutional convention. Whenever be the same as of members of the senate; and
two-thirds of the members elected to each vacancies occurring shall be filled in the manner
branch of the Legislature shall deem it provided for filling vacancies in the general
necessary to revise this Constitution, they shall assembly. Said convention shall meet within
recommend to the electors to vote at the next three months after such election and prepare
general for or against a Convention for that such revisions, alterations or amendments to the
purpose, and if a majority of the electors voting constitution as may be deemed necessary;
at such election on the proposition for a which shall be submitted to the electors for their
Convention shall vote in favor thereof, the ratification or rejection at an election appointed
Legislature shall, at its next session, provide by by the convention for that purpose, not less than
law for calling the same. The Convention shall two nor more than six months after adjournment
consist of a number of delegates not to exceed thereof; and unless so submitted and approved
that of both branches of the Legislature, who by a majority of the electors voting at the
shall be chosen in the same manner, and have election, no such revision, alteration or
the same qualifications, as Members of the amendment shall take effect.
Legislature. The delegates so elected shall meet
within three months after their election at such Sec. 2. Amendments to constitution; how
place as the Legislature may direct. At a special adopted. Any amendment or amendments to this
election to be provided for by law, constitution may be proposed in either house of
the Constitution that may be agreed upon by the general assembly, and if the same shall be
such Convention shall be submitted to the voted for by two-thirds of all the members
people for their ratification or rejection, in such elected to each house, such proposed
manner as the Convention may determine. The amendment or amendments, together with the
returns of such election shall, in such manner as ayes and noes of each house hereon, shall be
the Convention shall direct, be certified to the entered in full on their respective journals; the
Executive of the State, who shall call to his proposed amendment or amendments shall be
assistance the Controller, Treasurer, and published with the laws of that session of the
Secretary of State, and compare the returns so general assembly, and the secretary of state
certified to him; and it shall be the duty of the shall also cause the said amendment or
Executive to declare, by his proclamation, such amendments to be published in full in not more
Constitution, as may have been ratified by a than one newspaper of general circulation in
majority of all the votes cast at such special each county, for four successive weeks previous
election, to be the Constitution of the State of to the next general election for members of the
California. general assembly; and at said election the said
amendment or amendments shall be submitted
3. Colorado (1876) — Art. XIX. Amendments. to the qualified electors of the state for their
approval or rejection, and such as are approved
Sec. 1. Constitutional convention; how called. by a majority of those voting thereon shall
become part of this constitution.
The general assembly may at any time be a vote
of two-thirds of the members elected to each
house, recommend to the electors of the state, Provided, that if more than one amendment be
to vote at the next general election for or against submitted at any general election, each of said
a convention to revise, alter and amend this amendments shall be voted upon separately and
constitution; and if a majority of those voting on votes thereon cast shall be separately counted
the question shall declare in favor of such the same as though but one amendment was
convention, the general assembly shall, at the submitted. But the general assembly shall
next session, provide for the calling thereof. The have no power to propose amendments to more
number of members of the convention shall be than six articles of this constitution at the same
twice that of the senate and they shall be elected session.
in the same manner, at the same places, and in
the same districts. The general assembly shall,
4. Delaware (1897) — Art. XVI. Amendments of delegate from any district or county by reason
and Conventions. of failure to elect, ineligibility, death, resignation
or otherwise, a writ of election to fill such
Sec. 1. Proposal of constitutional amendments vacancy shall be issued by the Governor, and
in general assembly; procedure. Any such vacancy shall be filled by the qualified
amendment or amendments to this Constitution electors of such district or county.
may be proposed in the Senate or House of
Representatives; and if the same shall be 5. Florida (1887) — Art. XVII. Amendments.
agreed to by two-thirds of all the members
elected to each House, such proposed Sec. 1. Method of amending constitution. Either
amendment or amendments shall be entered on branch of the Legislature, at any regular session,
their journals, with the yeas and nays taken or at any special or extra-ordinary session
thereon, and the Secretary of State shall cause thereof called for such purpose either in the
such proposed amendment or amendments to governor's original call or any amendment
be published three months before the next thereof, may propose the revision or amendment
general election in at least three newspapers in of any portion or portions of this Constitution.
each County in which such newspaper shall be Any such revision or amendment may relate to
published; and if in the General Assembly next one subject or any number of subjects, but no
after the said election such proposed amendment shall consist of more than one
amendment or amendments shall upon yea and revised article of the Constitution.
nay vote be agreed to by two-thirds of all the
members elected to each House, the same shall
If the proposed revision or amendment is agreed
thereupon become part of the Constitution.
to by three-fifths of the members elected to each
house, it shall be entered upon their respective
Sec. 2. Constitutional conventions; procedure; journals with the yeas and nays and published in
compensation of delegates; quorum; powers and one newspaper in each county where a
duties; vacancies. The General Assembly by a newspaper is published for two times, one
two-thirds vote of all the members elected to publication to be made not earlier than ten
each House may from time to time provide for weeks and the other not later than six weeks,
the submission to the qualified electors of the immediately preceding the election at which the
State at the general election next thereafter the same is to be voted upon, and thereupon
question, "Shall there be a Convention to revise submitted to the electors of the State for
the Constitution and amend the same?;" and approval or rejection at the next general election,
upon such submission, if a majority of those provided, however, that
voting on said question shall decide in favor of a such revision or amendment may be submitted
Convention for such purpose, the General for approval or rejection in a special election
Assembly at its next session shall provide for the under the conditions described in and in the
election of delegates to such convention at the manner provided by Section 3 of Article XVII of
next general election. Such Convention shall be the Constitution. If a majority of the electors
composed of forty-one delegates, one of whom voting upon the amendment adopt such
shall be chosen from each Representative amendment the same shall become a part of this
District by the qualified electors thereof, and two Constitution.
of whom shall be chosen from New Castle
County, two from Kent County and two from Sec. 2. Method of revising constitution. If at any
Sussex County by the qualified electors thereof
time the Legislature, by a vote of two-thirds of all
respectively. The delegates so chosen shall the members of both Houses, shall determine
convene at the Capital of the State on the first that a revision of this Constitution is necessary,
Tuesday in September next after their election.
such determination shall be entered upon their
Every delegate shall receive for his services
respective Journals, with yea's and nay's
such compensation as shall be provided by law.
thereon. Notice of said action shall be published
A majority of the Convention shall constitute a
weekly in one newspaper in every county in
quorum for the transaction of business. The which a newspaper is published, for three
Convention shall have the power to appoint such months preceding the next general election of
officers, employees and assistants as it may be
Representatives, and in those countries where
deem necessary, and fix their compensation,
no newspaper is published, notice shall be given
and provide for the printing of its documents,
by posting at the several polling precincts in
journals, debates and proceedings. The
such counties for six weeks next preceding said
Convention shall determine the rules of its election. The electors at said election may vote
proceedings, and be the judge of the elections, for or against the revision in question. If a
returns and qualifications of its members.
majority of the electors so voting be in favor of
Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office
revision, the Legislature chosen at such election
shall provide by law for a Convention to revise General Assembly, at its next session, shall
the Constitution, said Convention to be held provide by law for the election of delegates to
within six months after the passage of such law. such Convention.
The Convention shall consist of a number equal
to the membership of the House of 8. Michigan (1909) — Art. XVII. Amendments
Representatives, and shall be apportioned and Revision.
among the several counties in the same manner
as members of said House. Sec. 1. Amendments to constitution; proposal by
legislature; submission to electors. Any
6. Idaho (1890) — Art. XIX. Amendments. amendment or amendments to this constitution
may be proposed in the senate or house of
Sec. 1. How amendments may be proposed. representatives. If the same shall be agreed to
Any amendment or amendments to this by 2/3 of the members elected to each house,
Constitution may be proposed in either branch of such amendment or amendments shall be
the legislature, and if the same shall be agreed entered on the journals, respectively, with the
to by two-thirds of all the members of each of the yeas and nays taken thereon; and the same
two houses, voting separately, such proposed shall be submitted to the electors at the next
amendment or amendments shall, with the yeas spring or autumn election thereafter, as the
and nays thereon, be entered on their journals, legislature shall direct; and, if a majority of
and it shall be the duty of the legislature to the electors qualified to vote for members of the
submit such amendment or amendments to the legislature voting thereon shall ratify and
electors of the state at the next general election, approve such amendment or amendments, the
and cause the same to be published without same shall become part of the constitution.
delay for at least six consecutive weeks, prior to
said election, in not less than one newspaper of Sec. 4. General revision; convention; procedure.
the general circulation published in each county; At the Biennial Spring Election to be held in the
and if a majority of the electors shall ratify the year 1961, in each sixteenth year thereafter and
same, such amendment or amendments shall at such times as may be provided by law, the
become a part of this Constitution. question of a General Revision of the
Constitution shall be submitted to the Electors
Sec. 3. Revision or amendments by convention. qualified to vote for members of the Legislature.
Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to In case a majority of the Electors voting on the
each branch of the legislature shall deem it question shall decide in favor of a Convention for
necessary to call a convention such purpose, at an Election to be held not later
to revise or amend this Constitution, they shall than four months after the Proposal shall have
recommend to the electors to vote at the next been certified as approved, the Electors of each
general election, for or against a convention, and House of Representatives District as then
if a majority of all the electors voting at said organized shall Elect One Delegate for each
election shall have voted for a convention, the Electors of each Senatorial District as then
legislature shall at the next session provide by organized shall Elect One Delegate for each
law for calling the same; and such convention State Senator to which the District is entitled.
shall consist of a number of members, not less The Delegates so elected shall convene at the
than double the number of the most numerous Capital City on the First Tuesday in October next
branch of the legislature. succeeding such election, and shall continue
their sessions until the business of the
7. Iowa (1857) — Art. X. Amendments to the convention shall be completed. A majority of the
Constitution. delegates elected shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business. ... No proposed
constitution or amendment adopted by such
Sec. 3. Convention. At the general election to be
convention shall be submitted to the electors for
held in the year one thousand eight hundred and
seventy, and in each tenth year thereafter, and approval as hereinafter provided unless by the
also at such times as the General Assembly assent of a majority of all the delegates elected
to the convention, the yeas and nays being
may, by law, provide, the question, "Shall there
be a Convention to revise the Constitution, entered on the journal. Any proposed
and amend the same?" shall be decided by the constitution or amendments adopted by such
convention shall be submitted to the qualified
electors qualified to vote for members of the
electors in the manner provided by such
General Assembly; and in case a majority of the
electors so qualified, voting at such election, for convention on the first Monday in April following
the final adjournment of the convention; but, in
and against such proposition, shall decide in
case an interval of at least 90 days shall not
favor of a Convention for such purpose, the
intervene between such final adjournment and
the date of such election. Upon the approval of or effect. Section 9 of Article IV of the
such constitution or amendments by a majority Constitution shall not apply to election to the
of the qualified electors voting thereon such convention.
constitution or amendments shall take effect on
the first day of January following the approval 10. Nevada (1864) — Art. 16. Amendments.
Sec. 1. Constitutional amendments; procedure.
9. Minnesota (1857) — Art. XIV. Amendments to Any amendment or amendments to this
the Constitution. Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or
Assembly; and if the same shall be agreed to by
Sec. 1. Amendments to constitution; majority a Majority of all the members elected to each of
vote of electors voting makes amendment valid. the two houses, such proposed amendment or
Whenever a majority of both houses of the amendments shall be entered on their respective
legislature shall deem it necessary to alter or journals, with the Yeas and Nays taken thereon,
amend this Constitution, they may proposed and referred to the Legislature then next to be
such alterations or amendments, which chosen, and shall be published for three months
proposed amendments shall be published with next preceding the time of making such choice.
the laws which have been passed at the same And if in the Legislature next chosen as
session, and said amendments shall be aforesaid, such proposed amendment or
submitted to the people for their approval or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of
rejection at any general election, and if it shall all the members elected to each house, then it
appear, in a manner to be provided by law, that shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit
a majority of all the electors voting at said such proposed amendment or amendments to
election shall have voted for and ratified such the people, in such manner and at such time as
alterations or amendments, the same shall be the Legislature shall prescribe; and if the people
valid to all intents and purposes as a part of this shall approve and ratify such amendment or
Constitution. If two or more alterations amendments by a majority of the electors
or amendments shall be submitted at the same qualified to vote for members of the Legislature
time, it shall be so regulated that the voters shall voting thereon, such amendment or
vote for or against each separately. amendments shall become a part of the
Sec. 2. Revision of constitution. Whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to each branch of Sec. 2. Convention for revision of constitution;
the legislature shall think it necessary to call a procedure. If at any time the Legislature by a
convention to revise this Constitution, they shall vote of two-thirds of the Members elected to
recommend to the electors to vote at the next each house, shall determine that it is necessary
general election for members of the legislature, to cause a revision of this entire
for or against a convention; and if a majority of Constitution they shall recommend to the
all the electors voting at said election shall have electors at the next election for Members of the
voted for a convention, the legislature shall, at Legislature, to vote for or against a convention,
their next session, provide by law for calling the and if it shall appear that a majority of the
same. The convention shall consist of as many electors voting at such election, shall have voted
members as the House of Representatives, who in favor of calling a Convention, the Legislature
shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall shall, at its next session provide by law for
meet within three months after their election for calling a Convention to be holden within six
the purpose aforesaid. months after the passage of such law, and such
Convention shall consist of a number of
Sec. 3. Submission to people of revised Members not less that of both branches of the
constitution drafted at convention. Any legislature. In determining what is a majority of
convention called to revise this constitution shall the electors voting such election, reference shall
submit any revision thereof by said convention to be had to the highest number of vote cast at
the people of the State of Minnesota for their such election for the candidates of any office or
approval or rejection at the next on any question.
general election held not less than 90 days after
the adoption of such revision, and, if it shall 11. New Hamspire (1784) —
appear in the manner provided by law that three-
fifths of all the electors voting on the question Art. 99. Revision of constitution provided for. It
shall have voted for and ratified such revision, shall be the duty of the selectmen, and
the same shall constitute a new constitution of assessors, of the several towns and places in
the State of Minnesota. Without such submission this state, in warning the first annual meetings
and ratification, said revision shall be of no force
for the choice of senators, after the expiration of and the voters shall vote separately for or
seven years from the adoption of this against each proposal submitted; provided,
constitution, as amended, to insert expressly in however, that in the submission of proposals for
the warrant this purpose, among the others for the amendment of this Constitution by articles,
the meeting, to wit, to take the sense of the which embrace one general subject, each
qualified voters on the subject of a revision of proposed article shall be deemed a single
the constitution; and, the meeting being warned proposals or proposition
accordingly, and not otherwise, the moderator
shall take the sense of the qualified voters Sec. 2. Constitutional convention to propose
present as to the necessity of a revision; and a amendments or new constitution. No convention
return of the number of votes for and against shall be called by the Legislature to
such necessity, shall be made by the clerk propose alterations, revisions, or amendments to
sealed up, and directed to the general court at this Constitution, or to propose a new
their then next session; and if, it shall appear to Constitution, unless the law providing for such
the general court by such return, that the sense convention shall first be approved by the people
of the people of the state has taken, and that, in on a referendum vote at a regular or special
the opinion of the majority of the qualified voters election, and any amendments, alterations,
in the state, present and voting at said meetings, revisions, or new Constitution, proposed by such
there is a necessity for a revision of the convention, shall be submitted to the electors of
constitution, it shall be the duty of the general the State at a general or special election and be
court to call a convention for that purpose, approved by a majority of the electors voting
otherwise the general court shall direct the thereon, before the same shall become effective
sense of the people to be taken, and then Provided, That the question of such proposed
proceed in the manner before mentioned. The convention shall be submitted to the people at
delegates to be chosen in the same manner, least once in every twenty years.
and proportioned, as the representatives to the
general court; provided that no alterations shall 13. Oregon (1859) — Art. XVII. Amendments
be made in this constitution, before the same and Revisions.
shall be laid before the towns and
unincorporated places, and approved by two
thirds of the qualified voters present and voting Sec. 1. Method of amending constitution. Any
on the subject. amendment or amendments to this Constitution
may be proposed in either branch of the
legislative assembly, and if the same shall be
12. Oklahoma (1907) — Art.
agreed to by a majority of all the members
XXIV. Constitutional Amendments.
elected to each of the two houses, such
proposed amendment or amendments shall, with
Sec. 1. Amendments proposed by legislature; a the yeas and nays thereon, be entered in their
submission to vote. journals and referred by the secretary of state to
Any amendment or amendments to this the people for their approval or rejection, at the
Constitution may be proposed in either branch of next regular election, except when the legislative
the Legislature, and if the same shall be agreed assembly shall order a special election for that
to by a majority of all the members elected to purpose. If a majority of the electors voting on
each of the two houses, such proposed any such amendment shall vote in favor thereof,
amendment or amendments shall, with yeas and it shall thereby become a part of this
nays thereon, be entered in their journals and Constitution. The votes for and against
referred by the Secretary of State to the people such amendment, or amendments, severally,
for their approval or rejection, at the next regular whether proposed by the legislative assembly or
general election, except when the Legislature, by initiative petition, shall be canvassed by the
by a two-thirds vote of each house, shall order a secretary of state in the presence of the
special election for that purpose. If a majority of governor, and if it shall appear to the governor
all the electors voting at such election shall vote that the majority of the votes cast at said election
in favor of any amendment thereto, it shall on said amendment, or amendments, severally,
thereby become a part of this Constitution. are cast in favor thereof, it shall be his duty
forthwith after such canvass, by his
If two or more amendments are proposed they proclamation, to declare the said amendment, or
shall be submitted in such manner that electors amendments, severally, having received said
may vote for or against them separately. majority of votes to have been adopted by the
people of Oregon as part of the Constitution
No proposal for the amendment or alteration of thereof, and the same shall be in effect as a part
this Constitution which is submitted to the voters of the Constitution from the date of such
shall embrace more than one general subject proclamation. When two or more amendments
shall be submitted in the manner aforesaid to the time the said amendment or amendments shall
voters of this state at the same election, they be submitted to the electors of the State, for their
shall be so submitted that each amendment approval or rejection, and if a majority of the
shall be voted on separately. No convention electors voting thereon shall approve the same,
shall be called to amend or propose such amendment or amendments shall become
amendments to this Constitution, or to propose a part of this Constitution. If two or more
new Constitution, unless the law providing for amendments are proposed, they shall be so
such convention shall first be approved by the submitted as to enable the electors to vote on
people on a referendum vote at a regular each of them separately.
general election. This article shall not be
construed to impair the right of the people to Sec. 2. Revision of the Constitution by
amend this Constitution by vote upon an convention. Whenever two-thirds of the
initiative petition therefor. members, elected to each branch of the
Legislature, shall deem it necessary to call a
Sec. 2. Method of revising constitution. (1) In convention to revise or amend this Constitution,
addition to the power to amend this Constitution they shall recommend to the electors to vote at
granted by section 1, Article IV, and section 1 of the next general election, for or against a
this Article, a revision of all or part of this convention, and, if a majority of all the electors,
Constitution may be proposed in either house of voting at such election, shall vote for a
the Legislative Assembly and, if the proposed convention. The Legislature, at its next session,
revision is agreed to by at least two-thirds of all shall provide by law for calling the same. The
the members of each house, the proposed convention shall consist of not less than the
revision shall, with the yeas and nays thereon, number of members in both branches of the
be entered in their journals and referred by the Legislature.
Secretary of State to the people for their
approval or rejection, notwithstanding section 1, 15. Wyoming (1890) — Art. XX. Amendments.
Article IV of this Constitution, at the next regular
state-wide primary election, except when the Sec. 1. Procedure for amendments.
Legislative Assembly orders a special election Any amendment or amendments to this
for that purpose. A proposed revision may deal Constitution may be proposed in either branch of
with more than one subject and shall be voted the legislature, and, if the same shall be agreed
upon as one question. The votes for and against
to by two-thirds of all the members of the two
the proposed revision shall be canvassed by the
houses, voting separately, such proposed
Secretary of State in the presence of the
amendment or amendments shall, with the yeas
Governor and, if it appears to the Governor that
and nays thereon, be entered on their journals,
the majority of the votes cast in the election on and it shall be the duty of the legislature to
the proposed revision are in favor of the submit such amendment or amendments to the
proposed revision, he shall, promptly following
electors of the state at the next general election,
the canvass, declare, by his proclamation, that
in at least one newspaper of general circulation,
the proposed revision has received a majority of
published in each county, and if a majority of the
votes and has been adopted by the people as
electors shall ratify the same, such amendment
the Constitution of the State of Oregon, as the or amendments shall become a part of this
case may be. The revision shall be in effect as
the Constitution or as a part of this Constitution
from the date of such proclamation.
Sec. 2. How voted for. If two or more
amendments are proposed, they shall be
14. Utah (1896) — Art. 23. Amendments.
submitted in such manner that the electors shall
vote for or against each of them separately.
Sec. 1. Amendments; method of proposal and
approval. Any amendments to his Constitution
Sec. 3. Constitutional convention; provision for.
may be proposed in either house of the Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to
Legislature, and if two-thirds of all the members each branch of the legislature shall deem it
elected of the two houses, shall vote in favor
necessary to call a convention
thereof, such proposed amendment or to revise or amend this constitution, they shall
amendments shall be entered on their respective
recommend to the electors to vote at the next
journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon;
general election for or against a convention, and
and the Legislature shall cause the same to be if a majority of all the electors voting at such
published in at least one newspaper in every election shall have voted for a convention, the
county of the State, where a newspaper is
legislature shall at the next session provide by a
published, for two months immediately
law for calling the same; and such convention
preceding the next general election, at which
shall consist of a number of members, not less already a definite meaning in our law and
than double that of the most numerous branch of jurisprudence. It was not a vague and
the legislature. amorphous concept, but a procedure prescribed
by statute ascertaining the people's choices
Sec. 4. New constitution. Any constitution among candidates for public offices, or their will
adopted by such convention shall have no on important matters submitted to the pursuant
validity until it has been submitted to and to law, for approval. It was in this sense that
adopted by the people. word was used by the framers in Article XV (also
in Articles VI and VII), and in accordance with
such procedure that plebiscites were held to
ratify the very same Constitution in 1935 as well
as the subsequent amendments thereto, thus: in
1939 (Ordinance appended to the Constitution);
1940 (establishment of a bicameral legislature;
Separate Opinions eligibility of the President and the Vice President
for re election; creation of the Commission of
MAKALINTAL, J., concurring: Elections); 1947 (Parity Amendment); and 1967
(increase in membership of the House of
CASTRO, J., concurring: Representatives and eligibility of members of
Congress to run for the Constitutional
Convention without forfeiture of their offices).
The preliminary question before this Court was
whether or not the petitioners had made out a
sufficient prima faciecase in their petitions to The Election Code of 1971, in its Section 2,
justify their being given due course. Considering states that "all elections of public officers except
on the one hand the urgency of the matter and barrio officials andplebiscites shall be conducted
on the other hand its transcendental importance, in the manner provided by this Code." This is a
which suggested the need for hearing the side of statutory requirement designed, as were the
the respondents before that preliminary question other election laws previously in force, to carry
was resolved, We required them to submit their out the constitutional mandate relative to the
comments on the petitions. After the comments exercise of the right suffrage, and with specific
were filed We considered them as motions to reference to the term "plebiscites," the provision
dismiss so that they could be orally argued. As it of Article XV regarding ratification of
turned out, the hearing lasted five days, morning constitutional amendments.
and afternoon, and could not have been more
exhaustive if the petitions had been given due The manner of conducting elections and
course from the beginning. plebiscites provided by the Code is spelled out in
other sections thereof. Section 99 requires that
The major thrust of the petitions is that the act of qualified voters be registered in a permanent list,
the Citizens Assemblies as certified and the qualifications being those set forth in Article
proclaimed by the President on January 17, V, Section 1, of the 1935 Constitution on the
1973 (Proclamation No. 1102) was not an act of basis of age (21), literacy and residence. These
ratification, let alone a valid one, of the proposed qualifications are reiterated in Section 101 of the
Constitution, because it was not in accordance Election Code. Section 102 enumerates the
with the existing Constitution (of 1935) and the classes of persons disqualified to vote.
Election Code of 1971. Other grounds are relied Succeeding sections prescribe the election
upon by the petitioners in support of their basic paraphernalia to be used, the procedure for
proposition, but to our mind they are merely registering voters, the records, of registration
subordinate and peripheral. and the custody thereof, the description and
printing of official ballots, the actual casting of
votes and their subsequent counting by the
Article XV, Section 1, of the 1935 Constitution
boards of inspectors, the rules for appreciation
provides that amendments (proposed either by
of ballots, and then the canvass and
Congress in joint session or by a Convention
proclamation of the results.
called by it for the purpose) "shall be valid part of
this Constitution when approved by a majority of
votes cast at an election at which the With specific reference to the ratification of the
amendments submitted to the people for their 1972 draft Constitution, several additional
ratification." At the time Constitution was circumstances should be considered:
approved by the Constitutional Convention on
February 8, 1935, and ratified in a plebiscite held (1) This draft was prepared and approved by a
on following May 14, the word "election" had Convention which had been convened pursuant


to Resolution No. 2 passed by Congress on constitutional and statutory powers of
March 16, 1967, which provides: supervision of the entire process.

Sec. 7. The amendments There can hardly be any doubt that in

proposed by the Convention everybody's view — from the framers of the
shall be valid and considered 1935 Constitution through all the Congresses
part of the Constitution when since then to the 1971 Constitutional Convention
approved by a majority of — amendments to the Constitution should be
the votes cast in an election at ratified in only one way, that is, in an election or
which they are submitted to the plebiscite held in accordance with law and
people for their ratification participated in only by qualified and duly
pursuant to Article XV of the registered voters. Indeed, so concerned was this
Constitution. Court with the importance and indispensability of
complying with the mandate of the (1935)
(2) Article XVII, Section 16, of the draft itself Constitution in this respect that in the recent
states: case of Tolentino vs. Commission on Elections,
No. L-34150, October 16, 1971 (41 SCRA 702),
a resolution of the (1971) Constitutional
Sec. 16. This Constitution shall
take effect immediately upon its Convention submitting a proposed amendment
ratification by a majority of the for ratification to a plebiscite to be held in
November 1971 was declared null and void. The
votes cast in a plebiscite called
amendment sought to reduce the voting age
for the purpose and, except as
from twenty-one to eighteen years and was
herein provided, shall
approved by the Convention for submission to a
supersede the Constitution of
nineteen hundred and thirty-five plebiscite ahead of and separately from other
amendments still being or to be considered by it,
and all amendments thereto.
so as to enable the youth to be thus
enfranchised to participate in the plebiscite for
The same procedure is prescribed in Article XVI, the ratification of such other amendments later.
Section 2, for the ratification of any future This Court held that such separate submission
amendment to or revision of the said was violative of Article XV, Section 1, of the
Constitution. Constitution, which contemplated that "all the
amendments to be proposed by the same
(3) After the draft Constitution was approved by Convention must be submitted to the people in a
the Constitutional Convention on November 30, single "election" or plebiscite." * Thus a grammatical construction based
1972 the said body adopted Resolution No. on a singular, instead of plural, rendition of the word "election" was considered a sufficient ground to rule out
the plebiscite which had been called to ratify a proposed amendment in accordance with the procedure and
under all the safeguards provided in the Election Law.
5843, proposing "to President Ferdinand E.
Marcos that a decree be issued calling
aplebiscite for the ratification of the proposed In the cases now before Us what is at issue is
New Constitution on such appropriate date as he not merely the ratification of just one
shall determine and providing for the necessary amendment, as in Tolentino vs. COMELEC, but
funds therefor." Pursuant to said Resolution the the ratification of an entire charter setting up a
President issued Decree No. 73 on the same new form of government; and the issue has
day, calling a plebiscite to be held on January arisen not because of a disputed construction of
15, 1973, at which the proposed Constitution one word or one provision in the 1935
"shall be submitted to the people for ratification Constitution but because no election or
or rejection." The Decree had eighteen (18) plebiscite in accordance with that Constitution
sections in all, prescribing in detail the different and with the Election Code of 1971 was held for
steps to be taken to carry out the process of the purpose of such ratification.
ratification, such as: (a) publication of the
proposed Constitution in English and Pilipino; (b) The Citizens Assemblies which purportedly
freedom of information and discussion; (c) ratified the draft Constitution were created by
registration of voters: (d) appointment of boards Presidential Decree No. 86 dated December 31,
of election inspectors and designation of 1972, "to broaden the base of citizen
watchers in each precinct; (e) printing of official participation in the democratic process and to
ballots; (f) manner of voting to insure freedom afford ample opportunities for the citizenry
and secrecy thereof; (g) canvass of plebiscite to express their views on important national
returns; and (h) in general, compliance with the issues." The Assemblies "shall consist of all
provisions of the Election Code of 1971, with the persons who are residents of the barrio, district
Commission on Elections exercising its or ward for at least six months, fifteen years of
age or over, citizens of the Philippines and who


are registered in the lists of Citizen Assembly accordance with the provisions
members kept by the barrio, district or ward of the 1935 Constitution?
secretary." By Presidential Decree No. 86-A,
dated January 5, 1973, the Assemblies were (5) If the elections would not be
convened for a referendum between January 10 held, when do you want the next
and 15, to "consider vital national issues now elections to be called?
confronting the country, like the holding of the
plebiscite on the new Constitution, the (6) Do you want martial law to
continuation of martial rule, the convening of continue? [Bulletin Today,
Congress on January 22, 1973, and the holding
January 11, 1973; emphasis
of elections in November 1973."

On January 5, 1973 the newspapers came out Appended to the six additional questions above
with a list of four questions to be submitted to quoted were the suggested answers, thus:
the Citizens Assemblies, the fourth one being as
follows: "How soon would you like plebiscite on
the new Constitution to be held?" It should be COMMENTS ON
noted in this connection that the President had
previously announced that he had ordered the QUESTION No.
postponement of plebiscite which he had called 1
for January 15, 1973 (Presidential Decree No.
73) for the ratification of the Constitution, and In order to
that he was considering two new dates for the broaden the
purpose — February 19 or March 5; that he had base of citizens'
ordered that the registration of voters (pursuant participation in
to Decree No. 73) be extended to accommodate government.
new voters; and that copies of the new
Constitution would be distributed in eight dialects QUESTION No.
the people. (Bulletin Today, December 24, 2
But we do not
On January 10, 1973 it was reported that one want the Ad
more question would be added to the original Interim
four which were to be submitted to the Citizens Assembly to be
Assemblies. The question concerning plebiscite convoked. Or if
was reworded as follows: "Do you like the it is to be
plebiscite to be held later?" The implication, it convened at all,
may likewise be noted, was that the Assemblies it should not be
should express their views as to the plebiscite done so until
should be held, not as to whether or not it should after at least
be held at all. seven (7) years
from the
The next day, January 11, it was reported that approval of the
six additional questions would be submitted, New
namely: Constitution by
the Citizens
(1) Do you approve of the Assemblies.
citizens assemblies as the base
of popular government to decide QUESTION No.
issues of national interest? 3

(2) Do you approve of the new If the Citizens

Constitution? Assemblies
approve of the
(3) Do you want a plebiscite to New
be called to ratify the new Constitution,
Constitution? then the new
(4) Do you want the elections to should be
be held in November, 1973 deemed ratified.


The vote of the country. If all
Citizens other measures
Assemblies fail, we want
should already President
be considered Marcos to
the plebiscite on declare a
the New revolutionary
Constitution. government
along the lines
QUESTION No. of the new
4 Constitution
without the ad
We are sick and
tired of too Assembly.
elections. We So it was that on January 11, 1973, the second
are fed up with day of the purported referendum, the suggestion
politics, of so was broached, for the first time, that the
many debates plebiscite should be done away with and a
and so much favorable vote by the Assemblies deemed
expenses. equivalent ratification. This was done, not in the
questionnaire itself, but in the suggested answer
to question No. 3. Strangely, however, it was not
similarly suggested that an unfavorable vote be
considered as rejection.
Probably a
There should be no serious dispute as to the fact
period of at
that the manner in which the voting was
least seven (7)
years conducted in the Citizen Assemblies, assuming
moratorium on that such voting was held, was not within the
intendment of Article XV, Section 1, of the 1935
elections will be
Constitution nor in accordance with the Election
enough for
Code of 1971. The referendum can by no means
stability to be
be considered as the plebiscite contemplated in
established in
the country, for Section 2 of said Code and in Article XVII,
reforms to take Section 16, of the draft Constitution itself, or as
the election intended by Congress when it
root and
passed Resolution No. 2 on March 16, 1967
normalcy to
calling a Convention for the revision of the 1935
Constitution. The Citizens Assemblies were not
limited to qualified, let alone registered voters,
QUESTION No. but included all citizens from the age of fifteen,
6 and regardless of whether or not they were
illiterates, feeble-minded, or ex convicts * — these being the
We want classes of persons expressly disqualified from voting by Section 102 of the Election Code. In short, the
constitutional and statutory qualifications were not considered in the determination of who should participate.
No official ballots were used in the voting; it was done mostly by acclamation or open show of hands.
President Secrecy, which is one of the essential features of the election process, was not therefore observed. No set
of rules for counting the votes or of tabulating them and reporting the figures was prescribed or followed. The
Marcos to Commission on Elections, which is the constitutional body charged with the enforcement and administration
of all laws relative to the conduct of elections, took no part at all, either by way of supervision or in the
continue with assessment of the results.

Martial Law. We
want him to It has been suggested that since according to
exercise his Proclamation No. 1102 the overwhelming
powers with majority of all the members of the Citizens
more authority. Assemblies had voted for the adoption of the
We want him to proposed Constitution there was a substantial
be strong and compliance with Article XV, Section 1, of the
firm so that he 1935 Constitution and with the Election Code of
can accomplish 1971. The suggestion misses the point entirely.
all his reform It is of the essence of a valid exercise of the right
program and of suffrage that not only must a majority or
establish plurality of the voters carry the day but that the
normalcy in the same must be duly ascertained in accordance
with the procedure prescribed by law. In other ground not concurred in by the Solicitor General,
words the very existence of such majority or namely, that approval of the 1973 Constitution
plurality depends upon the manner of its by the people was made under a revolutionary
ascertainment, and to conclude that it exists government, in the course of a successful
even if it has not been ascertained according to political revolution, which was converted by act
law is simply to beg the issue, or to assume the of the people to the present de jure government
very fact to be established. Otherwise no under the 1973 Constitution."
election or plebiscite could be questioned for
non-compliance with the provisions of the Heretofore, constitutional disputes which have
Election Law as long as it is certified that a come before this Court for adjudication
majority of the citizens had voted favorably or proceeded on the assumption, conceded by all,
adversely on whatever it was that was submitted that the Constitution was in full force and effect,
to them to vote upon. with the power and authority of the entire
Government behind it; and the task of this Court
However, a finding that the ratification of the was simply to determine whether or not the
draft Constitution by the Citizens Assemblies, as particular act or statute that was being
certified by the President in Proclamation No. challenged contravened some rule or mandate
1102, was not in accordance with the of that Constitution. The process employed was
constitutional and statutory procedure laid down one of interpretation and synthesis. In the cases
for the purpose does not quite resolve the at bar there is no such assumption: the
questions raised in these cases. Such a finding, Constitution (1935) has been derogated and its
in our opinion, is on a matter which is essentially continued existence as well as the validity of the
justiciable, that is, within the power of this Court act of derogation is issue. The legal problem
to inquire into. It imports nothing more than a posed by the situation is aggravated by the fact
simple reading and application of the pertinent that the political arms of the Government — the
provisions of the 1935 Constitution, of the Executive Departments and the two Houses of
Election Code and of other related laws and Congress — have accepted the new
official acts. No question of wisdom or of policy Constitution as effective: the former by
is involved. But from this finding it does not organizing themselves and discharging their
necessarily follow that this Court may justifiably functions under it, and the latter by not
declare that the Constitution has not become convening on January 22, 1973 or at any time
effective, and for that reason give due course to thereafter, as ordained by the 1935 Constitution,
these petitions or grant the writs herein prayed and in the case of a majority of the members by
for. The effectivity of the said Constitution, in the expressing their option to serve in the Interim
final analysis, is the basic and ultimate question National Assembly in accordance with Article
posed by these cases, to resolve which XVIII, Section 2, of the 1973 Constitution. *
considerations other than judicial, and therefore
beyond the competence of this Court, are The theory advanced by Senator Tolentino, as
relevant and unavoidable. counsel for respondents Puyat and Roy, may be
taken up and restated at same length if only
Several theories have been advanced because it would constitute, if sustained, the
respectively by the parties. The petitioners lay most convenient ground for the invocation of the
stress on the invalidity of the ratification process political-question doctrine. In support of his
adopted by the Citizens Assemblies and on that theory, Senator Tolentino contends that after
premise would have this Court grant the reliefs President Marcos declared martial law on
they seek. The respondents represented by the September 21, 1972 (Proclamation No. 1081) he
Solicitor General, whose theory may be taken as established a revolutionary government when he
the official position of the Government, challenge issued General Order No. 1 the next day,
the jurisdiction of this Court on the ground that wherein he proclaimed "that I shall govern the
the questions raised in the petitions are political nation and direct the operation of the entire
and therefore non-justiciable, and that in any government, including all its agencies and
case popular acquiescence in the new instrumentalities, in my capacity, and shall
Constitution and the prospect of unsettling acts exercise all the powers and prerogatives
done in reliance thereon should caution against appurtenant and incident to my position as such
interposition of the power of judicial review. Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of
Respondents Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy (in L- the Philippines." By this order, it is pointed out,
36165), in their respective capacities as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
President and President Pro Tempore of the assumed all the powers of government —
Senate of the Philippines, and through their executive, legislative, and judicial; and thereafter
counsel, Senator Arturo Tolentino, likewise proceeded to exercise such powers by a series
invoke the political question doctrine, but on a of Orders and Decrees which amounted to
legislative enactments not justified under martial It should be noted that the above statement from
law and, in some instances, trenched upon the Luther vs. Borden would be applicable in the
domain of the judiciary, by removing from its cases at bar only on the premise that the
jurisdiction certain classes of cases, such as ratification of the Constitution was a
"those involving the validity, legality, or revolutionary act and that the government now
constitutionality of Proclamation No. 1081, or of functioning it is the product of such revolution.
any decree, order or act issued, promulgated or However, we are not prepared to agree that the
performed by me or by my duly designated premise is justified.
representative pursuant thereto." (General Order
No. 3 as amended by General Order No. 3-A, In the first, place, with specific reference to the
dated September 24, 1972.) The ratification by questioned ratification, several significant
the Citizens Assemblies, it is averred, was the circumstances may be noted. (1) The Citizens
culminating act of the revolution, which Assemblies were created, according to
thereupon converted the government into a de Presidential Decree No. 86, "to broaden the
jure one under the 1973 Constitution. base of citizen participation in the democratic
process and to afford ample opportunities for the
If indeed it be accepted that the Citizens citizenry to express their views on important
Assemblies had ratified the 1973 Constitution national issues." (2) The President announced,
and that such ratification as well as the according to the Daily Express of January 2,
establishment of the government thereunder 1973, that "the referendum will be in the nature
formed part of a revolution, albeit peaceful, then of a loose consultation with the people." (3) The
the issue of whether or not that Constitution has question, as submitted to them on the particular
become effective and, as necessary corollary, point at issue here, was "Do you a approve
whether or not the government legitimately of the Constitution?" (4) President Marcos, in
functions under it instead of under the 1935 proclaiming that the Constitution had been
Constitution, is political and therefore non- ratified, stated as follows: "(S)ince the
judicial in nature. Under such a postulate what referendum results show that more than ninety-
the people did in the Citizen Assemblies should five (95) per cent of the members of the
be taken as an exercise of the ultimate Barangays (Citizens Assemblies) are in favor of
sovereign power. If they had risen up in arms the new Constitution, the Katipunan ng mga
and by force deposed the then existing Barangay has strongly recommended that the
government and set up a new government in its new Constitution should already be
place, there could not be the least doubt that deemed ratified by the Filipino people." (5)
their act would be political and not subject to There was not enough time for the Citizens
judicial review but only to the judgment of the Assemblies to really familiarize themselves with
same body politic act, in the context just set the Constitution, much less with the many other
forth, is based on realities. If a new government subjects that were submitted to them. In fact the
gains authority and dominance through force, it plebiscite planned for January 15, 1973 under
can be effectively challenged only by a stronger Presidential Decree No. 73 had been postponed
force; judicial dictum can prevail against it. We to an indefinite date, the reasons for the
do not see that situation would be any different, postponement being, as attributed to the
as far as the doctrine of judicial review is President in the newspapers, that "there was
concerned, if no force had been resorted to and little time to campaign for or against ratification"
the people, in defiance of the existing (Daily Express, Dec. 22, 1972); that he would
Constitution but peacefully because of the base his decision (as to the date, of the
absence of any appreciable opposition, ordained plebiscite) on the compliance by the
a new Constitution and succeeded in having the Commission (on Elections) on the publication
government operate under it. Against such a requirement of the new Charter and on the
reality there can be no adequate judicial relief; position taken by national leaders" (Daily
and so courts forbear to take cognizance of the Express, Dec. 23, 1972); and that "the
question but leave it to be decided through postponement would give us more time to
political means. debate on the merits of the Charter." (Bulletin
Today, Dec. 24, 1972.)
The logic of the political-question doctrine is
illustrated in statement of the U.S. Supreme The circumstances above enumerated lead us to
Court in a case * relied upon, curiously enough, by the Solicitor General, who disagrees the conclusion that the Citizens Assemblies
with the revolutionary government theory of Senator Tolentino. The case involved the issue of which of two
opposing governments struggling for supremacy in the State of Rhode Island was the lawful one. The issue could not have understood the referendum to be
had previously come up in several other cases before the courts of the State, which uniformly held that the
inquiry belonged to the political power and not to the judicial. Commenting on the ruling thus arrived at, the
U.S. Supreme Court said: "And if a State court should enter upon the inquiry proposed in this case, and
for the ratification of the Constitution, but only for
should come to the conclusion that the government under which it acted had been put aside and displaced
by an opposing government, it would cease to be a court, and incapable of pronouncing a judicial decision
the expression of their views on a consultative
upon the question it undertook to try. If it decides at all as a court, it necessarily affirms the existence and
authority of the government under which it is exercising judicial power." In other words, since the court would basis. Indeed, if the expression of those views
have no choice but to decide in one way alone in order to be able to decide at all, the question could not be
considered proper for judicial determination. had been intended as an act of ratification (or of
rejection as a logical corollary) — there would On the occasion of the signing of Proclamation
have been no need for the Katipunan ng mga No. 1102 on January 17, 1973, the President
Barangay to recommend that the Constitution said the following, among other things:
should already be deemed ratified, for
recommendation imports recognition of some ... We can, perhaps delimit the
higher authority in whom the final decision rests. power of the people to speak on
legal matters, on justiciable
But then the President, pursuant to such matters, on matters that may
recommendation, did proclaim that the come before the experts and
Constitution had been ratified and had come into interpreters of the law. But we
effect. The more relevant consideration, cannot disqualify the people
therefore, as far as we can see, should be as to from speaking on what we and
what the President had in mind in convening the the people consider purely
Citizens Assemblies, submitting the Constitution political matters especially those
to them and proclaiming that the favorable that affect the fundamental law
expression of their views was an act of of the land.
ratification. In this respect subjective factors,
which defy judicial analysis and adjudication, are ... The political questions that
necessarily involved. were presented to the people
are exactly those that refer to
In positing the problem within an identifiable the form of government which
frame of reference we find no need to consider the people want ... The
whether or not the regime established by implications of disregarding the
President Marcos since he declared martial law people's will are too awesome to
and under which the new Constitution was be even considered. For if any
submitted to the Citizens Assemblies was a power in government should
revolutionary one. The pivotal question is rather even dare to disregard the
whether or not the effectivity of the said people's will there would be
Constitution by virtue of Presidential valid ground for revolt.
Proclamation No. 1102, upon the
recommendation of the Katipunan ng mga ... Let it be known to everybody
Barangay, was intended to be definite and that the people have spoken
irrevocable, regardless of non-compliance with and they will no longer tolerate
the pertinent constitutional and statutory any attempt to undermine the
provisions prescribing the procedure for stability of their Republic; they
ratification. We must confess that after will rise up in arms not in revolt
considering all the available evidence and all the against the Republic but in
relevant circumstances we have found no protection of the Republic which
reasonably reliable answer to the question. On they have installed. It is quite
one hand we read, for instance, the following clear when the people say, we
public statements of the President: ratify the Constitution, that they
mean they will not discard, the
Speaking about the proclamation of martial law, Constitution.
he said:
On January 19, 1973 the Daily
I reiterate what I have said in Express published statement of the President
the past: there is no turning made the day before, from which the following
back for our people. portion is quoted:

We have committed ourselves ... the times are too grave and
to this revolution. We have the stakes too high for us permit
pledged to it our future, our the customary concessions to
fortunes, our lives, our destiny. traditional democratic process to
We have burned our bridges hold back our people's clear and
behind us. Let no man unequivocal resolve and
misunderstand the strength of mandate to meet and overcome
our resolution. (A Report to the the extraordinary challenges
Nation, Jan. 7, 1973.) presented by these
extraordinary times.


On the same occasion of the signing of of necessity, constitutional,
Proclamation No. 1102 the President made peaceful, and legal.
pointed reference to "the demand of some of our
citizens ... that when all other measures should In his TV address of September 23, 1972,
fail, that the President be directed to organize President Marcos told the nation:
and establish a Revolutionary Government," but
in the next breath added: "... if we do ratify the
I have proclaimed martial law in
Constitution, how can we speak of Revolutionary accordance with the
Government? They cannot be compatible ..." powers vested in the President
"(I)t is my feeling," he said, "that the Citizens' by the Constitution of the
Assemblies which submitted this Philippines.
recommendation merely sought articulate their
impatience with the status quo that has brought
about anarchy, confusion and misery to the xxx xxx xxx
masses ..." The only alternatives which the
President clearly implied by the foregoing I repeat, this is not a military
statements were the ratification of the new takeover of civil government
Constitution and the establishment of a functions. The Government of
revolutionary government, the latter being the Republic of the Philippines
unnecessary, in his opinion, because precisely which was established by our
the Constitution had been ratified. The third people in 1946 continues.
obvious alternative was entirely ruled out,
namely, a return to the 1935 Constitution, for it xxx xxx xxx
was the status quo under that Constitution that
had caused "anarchy, confusion and misery." I assure you that I am utilizing
The message seems clear: rather than return to this power vested in me by the
such status quo, he would heed the Constitution to save the
recommendation of the Citizens' Assemblies to Republic and reform our
establish a revolutionary government, because society...
that would be the only other way to carry out the
reforms he had envisioned and initiated —
I have had to use
reforms which, in all fairness and honesty, must
this constitutional power in order
be given credit for the improved quality of life in
that we may not completely lose
its many aspects, except only in the field of civil
the civil rights and freedom
which we cherish...
If there is any significance, both explicit and
... We are against the wall. We
implicit, and certainly unmistakable, in the
must now defend the
foregoing pronouncements, it is that the step
Republic with the stronger
taken in connection with the ratification of the
powers of the Constitution.
Constitution was meant to be irreversible, and
that nothing anyone could say would make the
least difference. And if this is a correct and (Vital Documents, pp. 1-12;
accurate assessment of the situation, then we emphasis supplied).
would say that since it has been brought about
by political action and is now maintained by the In the report of an interview granted by the
government that is in undisputed authority and President to the Newsweek Magazine (published
dominance, the matter lies beyond the power of in the issue of January 29, 1973), the following
judicial review. appears:

On the other hand, by avowals no less xxx xxx xxx

significant if not so emphatic in terms, President
Marcos has professed fealty to the Constitution. Q. Now that you
In "Today's Revolution: Democracy" he says: have gotten off
I believe, therefore, in the constitutional
necessity of Revolution as an track, won't you
instrument of individual and be in serious
social change ... but that in a trouble if you
democratic society, revolution is run into critical


problems with provision) was
your programs? lifted from the
R. I have never legislation that
gotten off the was the
constitutional fundamental
track. law of our
Everything I am country.
doing is in
accordance with xxx xxx xxx
the 1935
Constitution. In the light of this seeming ambivalence, the
The only thing choice of what course of action to pursue
is that instead belongs to the President. We have earlier made
of 18-year-olds reference to subjective factors on which this
voting, we have Court, to our mind, is in no position to pass
allowed 15- judgment. Among them is the President's own
year-olds the assessment of the will of the people as
right to vote. expressed through the Citizens Assemblies and
But the 15-year- of the importance of the 1973 Constitution to the
olds of today successful implementation of the social and
are high-school economic reforms he has started or envisioned.
students, if not If he should decide that there is no turning back,
graduates, and that what the people recommended through the
they are better Citizens Assemblies, as they were reported to
informed than him, demand that the action he took pursuant
my thereto be final and irrevocable, then judicial
contemporaries review is out of the question.
at that age. On
the matter of In articulating our view that the procedure of
whether it is ratification that was followed was not in
constitutional to
accordance with the 1935 Constitution and
proclaim martial
related statutes, we have discharged our sworn
law, it is
duty as we conceive it to be. The President
should now perhaps decide, if he has not
because the already decided, whether adherence to such
Constitution procedure is weighty enough a consideration, if
provides for it in
only to dispel any cloud of doubt that may now
the event of
and in the future shroud the nation's Charter.
rebellion or In the deliberations of this Court one of the
immediate issues formulated for resolution is whether or not
danger thereof. the new Constitution, since its submission to the
We may quarrel Citizens Assemblies, has found acceptance
about whether among the people, such issue being related to
what we have the political question theory propounded by the
gone through is respondents. We have not tarried on the point at
sufficient cause all since we find no reliable basis on which to
to proclaim form a judgment. Under a regime of martial law,
martial law but with the free expression of opinions through the
at the very least usual media vehicles restricted, we have no
there is a means of knowing, to the point of judicial
danger of certainty, whether the people have accepted the
rebellion Constitution. In any event, we do not find the
because so issue decisive insofar as our vote in these cases
many of our is concerned. To interpret the Constitution —
soldiers have that is judicial. That the Constitution should be
been killed. You deemed in effect because of popular
must remember acquiescence — that is political, and therefore
this (martial law beyond the domain of judicial review.


We therefore vote not to give due course to the Constitution. If indeed this explanation may be
instant petitions. considered as a modification of my
rationalization then, I wish to emphasize that my
BARREDO, J., concurring: position as to the fundamental issue regarding
the enforceability of the new Constitution is even
firmer now than ever before. As I shall elucidate
As far as I am concerned, I regard the present
anon, paramount considerations of national
petitions as no more than mere reiterations of
the Supplemental Petitions filed by Counsel import have led me to the conviction that the
Lorenzo M. Tañada on January 15, 1973 in the best interests of all concerned would be best
served by the Supreme Court holding that the
so called Plebiscite Cases decided by this Court
1973 Constitution is now in force, not
on January 22, 1978. Of course, there are
necessarily as a consequence of the
amplifications of some of the grounds previously
revolutionary concept previously suggested by
alleged and in the course of the unprecedented
five-day hearing that was held from February 12 me, but upon the ground that as a political, more
to 16 last, more extensive and illuminating than as a legal, act of the people, the result of
the referendum may be construed as a
arguments were heard by Us, but, in my
compliance with the substantiality of Article XV
estimation, and with due recognition of the
of the 1935 Constitution.
sincerety, brilliance and eloquence of counsels,
nothing more cogent and compelling than what
had already been previously presented by I
Counsel Tañada is before Us now. Accordingly, I
cannot see any reason why I should change the The facts that gave rise to these proceedings
position I took in regard to the earlier cases. I are historical and well known. Generally, they
reiterate, therefore, the vote I cast when these may be taken judicial notice of. They revolve
petitions were initially considered by the Court; around the purported ratification of the
namely, to dismiss them. Constitution of 1973 declared in Proclamation
1102 issued by the President on January 17,
In view, however, of the transcendental 1973.
importance of the issues before the Court and
the significance to our people and in history of Pursuant to a joint resolution of the Congress
the individual stands of the members of the sitting as a constituent assembly approved on
Court in relation to said issues and to the final March 16, 1967, delegates to a constitutional
outcome of these cases, and considering that I convention to propose amendments to the
reserved before the filing of a more extended Constitution of 1935 were elected in accordance
opinion, I will take this opportunity to explain with the implementing law, Republic Act 6132,
further why I hold that the 1973 Constitution is on November 10, 1970. Known as the
already in force, if only to clarify that apart from Constitutional Convention of 1971, the assembly
the people's right of revolution to which I made began its sessions on June 1, 1971. After
pointed reference in my previous opinion, I can encountering a lot of difficulties, due to bitter
see now, after further reflection, that the vote of rivalries over important positions and
the people in the referendum in the Citizens committees and an incomprehensible fear of
Assemblies held on January 10 to 15, 1973, overconcentrating powers in their officers, the
upon the result of which Proclamation 1102 is delegates went about their work in comparatively
based, may be viewed more importantly as a slow pace, and by the third quarter of 1972 had
political act than as a purely legal one with the finished deliberations and second-reading voting
result that such vote to consider the 1973 only on an insignificant number of proposals —
Constitution as ratified without the necessity of until September 21, 1972, when the President,
holding a plebiscite in the form followed in the not altogether unexpectedly, yet abruptly, issued
previous ratification plebiscites in 1935 of the Proclamation 1081 declaring martial law
Constitution itself, 1937 of women's suffrage, throughout the country. An attempt was made to
1939 of the amendments to the Ordinance have the Convention recessed until after the
Appended to the Constitution, 1940 of the re- lifting of martial law, and not long after the
election of the President, the bicameral motion of Delegate Kalaw to such effect was
legislature and the Commission on Elections, turned down, the activities within the assembly
1947 of the parity amendment and 1967, shifted to high gear. As if unmindful of the arrest
rejecting the proposed increase in the members and continued detention of several of its
of the House of Representatives and eligibility of members, the convention gathered swift
members of Congress to the Constitutional momentum in its work, and on November 30,
Convention, may be deemed as a valid 1972, it approved by overwhelming vote the draft
ratification substantially in compliance with the of a complete constitution, instead of mere
basic intent of Article XV of the 1935 specific amendments of particular portions of the
Constitution of 1935. Needless to say, before PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 86-A
martial law was declared, there was full and
unlimited coverage of the workings in the STRENGTHENING AND DEFINING THE ROLE
convention by the mass media. At the same OF
time, public debates and discussions on various BARANGAYS (CITIZENS ASSEMBLIES)
aspects of proposed amendments were not
WHEREAS, on the basis of
preliminary and initial reports
Earlier, on November 22, 1972, the Convention from the field as gathered from
had Resolution No. 5843 proposing "to barangays (citizens assemblies)
President Ferdinand Marcos that a decree be that have so far been
issued calling a plebiscite for ratification of the established, the people would
proposed new Constitution on appropriate date like to decide for themselves
as he shall determine and providing for questions or issues, both local
necessary funds therefor." Acting under this and national, affecting their day-
authority, December 1, 1972, the President to-day lives and their future;
issued Presidential Decree No. 73 submitting the
draft constitution for ratification by the people at
WHEREAS, the barangays
a plebiscite set for January 15, 1973. This order (citizens assemblies) would like
contained provisions more or less similar to the themselves to be the vehicle for
plebiscite laws passed by Congress relative to
expressing the views of the
the past plebiscites held in connection with
people on important national
previous proposed amendments.

In connection with the plebiscite thus

WHEREAS, such barangays
contemplated, General Order No. 17 was issued
(citizens assemblies) desire that
ordering and enjoining the authorities to allow
they be given legal status and
and encourage public and free discussions on
due recognition as constituting
proposed constitution. Not only this, the genuine, legitimate and valid
subsequently, under date of December 17, expression of the popular will;
1972, the President ordered the suspension the
effects of martial law and lifted the suspension of
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus insofar as
activities connected with the ratification of the WHEREAS, the people would
draft constitution were concerned. These two like the citizens assemblies to
orders were not, however, to last very long. On conduct immediately a
January 7, 1973, the President, invoking referendum on certain specified
information related to him that the area of public questions such as the
debate and discussion had opened by his ratification of the new
previous orders was being taken advantage of Constitution, continuance of
by subversive elements to defeat the purposes martial law, the convening of
for which they were issued and to foment public Congress on January 22, 1973,
confusion, withdrew said orders and enjoined full and the elections in November
and stricter implementation of martial law. 1973 pursuant to the 1935
In the meantime, the President had issued on
December 3, 1972 Presidential Decree No. 86 NOW, THEREFORE, I,
creating Citizens Assemblies "so as to afford FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
ample opportunities for the citizenry to express President of the Philippines, by
their views on important national issues" and virtue of the powers vested in
one of the questions presented to said me by the Constitution as
assemblies was: "Do you like the plebiscite on Commander-in-Chief of all
the proposed Constitution to be held later" So, Armed Forces of the
the same order of January 7, 1973, General Philippines, do hereby declare
Order No. 20, the President ordered, "that the as part of the law of the land the
plebiscite scheduled to be held January 15, following:
1973, be postponed until further notice".
1. The present barangays
In the meanwhile also, on January 5, 1973, the (citizens assemblies) are
President issued Presidential Decree, No. 86-A created under Presidential
providing as follows: Decree No. 86 dated December
31, 1972, shall constitute the WHEREAS, since their creation
base for citizen participation in pursuant to Presidential Decree
governmental affairs and their No. 86 dated December 31,
collective views shall be 1972, the Barangays (Citizens
considered in the formulation of Assemblies) have petitioned the
national policies or programs Office of the President to submit
and, wherever practicable, shall them for resolution important
be translated into concrete and national issues;
specific decision;
WHEREAS, one of the
2. Such barangays (citizens questions persistently
assemblies) shall consider vital mentioned refers to the
national issues now confronting ratification of the Constitution
the country, like the holding of proposed by the 1971
the plebiscite on the new Constitutional Convention;
Constitution, the continuation of
martial rule, the convening of WHEREAS, on the basis of the
Congress on January 22, 1973, said petitions, it is evident that
and the holding of elections in the people believe that the
November 1973, and others in submission of the proposed
the future, which shall serve as Constitution to the Citizens
guide or basis for action or Assemblies or Barangays
decision by the national should be taken as a plebiscite
government; in itself in view of the fact that
freedom of debate has always
3. The barangays (citizens been limited to the leadership in
assemblies) shall conduct political, economic and social
between January 10 and 15, fields, and that it is now
1973, a referendum on necessary to bring this down to
important national issues, the level of the people
including those specified in themselves through the
paragraph 2 hereof, and submit Barangays or Citizens
results thereof to the Assemblies;
Department of Local
Governments Community NOW THEREFORE, I,
Development immediately FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
thereafter, pursuant to express President of the Philippines, by
will of the people as reflected in virtue of the powers in me
the reports gathered from the vested by the Constitution, do
many thousands of barangays hereby order that important
(citizens assemblies) throughout national issues shall from time
the country. to time be referred to the
Barangays (Citizens
4. This Decree shall take effect Assemblies) for resolution in
immediately. accordance with Presidential
Decree No. 86-A dated January
Done in the City of Manila, this 5, 1973 and that the initial
5th day of January, in the year referendum shall include the
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred matter of ratification of the
and seventy three. Constitution proposed by the
1971 Constitutional Convention.
And on January 7, 1973, this was followed by
Presidential Decree No. 86-B reading thus: The Secretary of the
Department of Local
Governments and Community
Development shall insure the
implementation of this Order.
Done in the City of Manila, this
7th day of January in the year of


Our Lord, nineteen hundred and point out, the most relevant of these "comments"
seventy-three. were the following:

And so it was that by January 10, 1973, when COMMENTS ON

the Citizens Assemblies thus created started the
referendum which was held from said date to xxx xxx xxx
January 15, 1973, the following questions were
submitted to them: QUESTION No.
(1) Do you like the New
But we do not
want the Ad
(2) Do you like the reforms Interim
under martial law? Assembly to be
convoke. Or if it
(3) Do you like Congress again is to be
to hold sessions? convened at all,
it should not be
(4) Do you like the plebiscite to done so until
be held later? after at least
seven (7) years
(5) Do you like the way from the
President Marcos is running the approval of the
affairs of the government?.
Constitution by
the Citizens
but on January 11, 1973, six questions were Assemblies.
added as follows:
(1) Do you approve of the 3
citizens assemblies as the base
of popular government to decide
issues of national interests? The vote of the
(2) Do you approve of the New should already
Constitution? be considered
the plebiscite on
(3) Do you want a plebiscite to the New
be called to ratify the new Constitution.
If the Citizens
(4) Do you want the elections to Assemblies
be held in November, 1973 in approve of the
accordance with the provisions new
of the 1935 Constitution? Constitution
then the new
(5) If the elections would not be Constitution
held, when do you want it to be should be
called? deemed ratified.

(6) Do you want martial law to The Solicitor General claims, and there seems to
continue? be showing otherwise, that the results of the
referendum were determined in the following
It is not seriously denied that together with the manner:
question the voters were furnished "comments"
on the said questions more or less suggestive of Thereafter, the results of the
the answer desired. It may assumed that the voting were collated and sent to
said "comments" came from official sources, the Department of Local
albeit specifically unidentified. As petitioners Governments. The transmission


of the results was made by Constitutional Convention is
telegram, telephone, the subject to ratification by the
provincial government SSB Filipino people;
System in each province
connecting all towns; the SSB WHEREAS, Citizens
communication of the PACD Assemblies were created in
connecting most provinces; the barrios in municipalities and in
Department of Public districts/wards in chartered
Information Network System; cities pursuant to Presidential
the Weather Bureau Decree No. 6, dated December
Communication System 31, 1972, composed of all
connecting all provincial capitals persons who are residents of
and the National Civil Defense the barrio, district or ward for at
Network connecting all least six months, fifteen years of
provincial capitals. The age or over, citizens of the
certificates of results were then Philippines and who are
flown to Manila to confirm the registered in the list of Citizen
previous figures received by the Assembly members kept by the
aforementioned means of barrio, district or ward secretary;
transmission. The certificates of
results tallied with the previous WHEREAS, the said Citizens
figures taken with the exception
Assemblies were establish
of few cases of clerical errors.
precisely to broaden the base of
citizen participation in the
The Department adopted a democratic process and to
system of regionalizing the afford ample opportunity for the
receiving section of the Citizens citizen to express their views on
Assemblies operation at the important national issues;
Department wherein the identity
of the barrio and the province WHEREAS, responding to the
was immediately given to a staff clamor of the people an
in charge of each region. Every
pursuant to Presidential Decree
afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, the 11
No. 86-A, dated January 5,
regions submitted the figures
1973, the following questions
they received from the field to
were posed before Citizens'
the central committee to Assemblies or Barangays: Do
tabulate the returns. The last you approve of the New
figures were tabulated at 12
Constitution? Do you still want a
midnight of January 16, 1973
plebiscite to be called to ratify
and early morning of January
the new Constitution?
17, 1973 and were then
communicated to the President
by the Department of Local WHEREAS, fourteen million
Governments. nine hundred seventy-six
thousand five hundred sixty one
(14,976,561) members of all the
The development culminated in the issuance by Barangays (Citizens
the President of Proclamation 1102 on January Assemblies) voted for the
17, 1973. Said proclamation reads:
adoption of the proposed
Constitution, as against seven
PROCLAMATION NO. 1102 hundred forty-three thousand
ANNOUNCING THE eight hundred sixty nine
RATIFICATION BY THE (743,869) who voted for its
FILIPINO PEOPLE OF THE rejection; while on the question
CONSTITUTION PROPOSED as to whether or not the people
BY THE 1971 would still like a plebiscite to be
CONSTITUTIONAL called to ratify the new
CONVENTION. Constitution fourteen million two
hundred ninety-eight thousand
WHEREAS, the Constitution eight hundred fourteen
proposed by the nineteen (14,298,814) answered that
hundred seventy-one there was no need for plebiscite
and that the vote of the were first publicized on January 11, 1973 were
Barangays (Citizens known, together with the "comments", petitioners
Assemblies) should be sensed that a new and unorthodox procedure
considered as a vote in a was being adopted to secure approval by the
plebiscite; people of the new Constitution, hence Counsel
Tañada, not being satisfied with the fate of his
WHEREAS, since the urgent motion for early decision of the above ten
referendum results show that cases dated January 12, 1973, filed on January
more than ninety-five (95) 15, 1973, his supplemental motion seeking the
percent of the members of the prohibition against and injunction of the
Barangays (Citizen Assemblies) proceedings going on. Principal objective was to
are in favor of the New prevent that the President be furnished the
Constitution, the Katipunan ng report of the results of the referendum and
Mga Barangay has strongly thereby disable him from carrying out what
recommended that the new petitioners were apprehensively foreseeing
Constitution should already be would be done — the issuance of some kind of
deemed ratified by the Filipino proclamation, order or decree, declaring that the
people; new Constitution had been ratified. Reacting
swiftly, the Court resolved on the same day,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, January 15, which was Monday, to consider the
FERDINAND E. MARCOS, supplemental motion as a supplemental petition
and to require the respondents to answer the
President of the Philippines, by
same the next Wednesday, January 17th, before
virtue of the powers in me
the hour of the hearing of the petition which set
vested by the Constitution, do
hereby certify and proclaim that for 9:30 o'clock in the morning of that day. The
the Constitution proposed by the details what happened that morning form part of
the recital of facts the decision rendered by this
nineteen hundred and seventy-
Court in the ten cases on January 22, 1973 and
one (1971) Constitutional
need not be repeated here. Suffice it to state no
Convention has been ratified by
that before the hearing could be closed and
an overwhelmingly majority of
all of the votes cast by the while Counsel Tañada was still insisting on his
members of all the Barangays prayer for preliminary injunction or restraining
order, the Secretary of Justice arrived and
(Citizens Assemblies)
personally handed to the Chief Justice a copy
throughout the Philippines, and
Proclamation 1102 which had been issued at
has thereby come into effect.
about 11:00 o'clock that same morning. In other
words, the valiant and persistent efforts of
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I petitioners and their counsels were overtaken by
have hereunto set my hand and adverse developments, and in the mind of the
caused the seal of the Republic majority of the members of the Court, the cases
of the Philippines to be affixed. had become academic. For my part, I took the
view that even on the basis of the supplemental
Done in the City of Manila, this petition and the answer thereto filed by
17th day of January, in the year respondents, the Court could already decide on
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred the fundamental issue of the validity
and seventy-three. Proclamation 1102, as Justices Zaldivar, Antonio
and Esguerra also believed, inasmuch as
The first attempt to question the steps just Counsel Tañada's pleading and argument had
enumerated taken by the President was in the anticipated its issuance, but the majority felt it
so-called Plebiscite Cases, ten in number, which was not ready to resolve the matter, for lack,
were filed by different petitioners during the first according them, of full ventilation, and so, the
half of December 1972. Their common target
1 decision reserved petitioners the filing of the
then was Presidential Decree No. 73, but before "appropriate" cases, evidently, the present ones.
the said cases could be decided, the series of
moves tending in effect to make them moot and II
academic insofar as they referred exclusively to
the said Presidential Decree began to take At the threshold, I find myself confronted by a
shape upon the issuance of Presidential Decree matter which, although believed to be
No. 86-A, quoted above. And when Presidential inconsequential by my learned brethren, I
Decree No. 86-B, also above quoted, was strongly feel needs special attention. I refer to
issued and the six additional questions which the point raised by Counsel Arturo M. Tolentino
for respondent Gil J. Puyat and Jose Roy, who justiciable and at the same time have found the
have been sued as President and President Pro procedure of ratification adopted in Presidential
Tempore of the Senate, to the effect that change Decrees 86-A and 86-B and related orders of the
in the composition of the Supreme Court President as not being in conformity with Article
provided for the 1973 Constitution, from the 11- XV of the old Constitution, a cloud would exist as
man tribunal under the 1935 Constitution to a to efficacy of the dispositive portion of Our
15-man Court, makes of these cases which were decision dismiss these cases, even if we have it
filed after January 17, 1973 the date when understood that by the vote of justices in favor of
Proclamation 1102 declared the new such dismissal, We intended to mean the
Constitution as ratified, political nature and implementation or enforcement of the new
beyond our jurisdiction. The main consideration Constitution now being done could continue.
submitted in this connection is that inasmuch as
the number votes needed for a decision of this Be that as it may, I am against leaving such an
Court has been increased from six to eight in important point open to speculation. By nature I
ordinary cases and from eight to ten for the am averse to ambiguity and equivocation and as
declaration of unconstitutionality of a treaty, a member of the Supreme Court, last thing I
executive agreement or law, the Court would
should knowingly countenance is uncertainty as
have to resolve first as a prejudicial question to the juridical significance of any decision of the
whether the Court is acting in these cases as the Court which is precisely being looked upon as
15-man or the 11-man Court, in which event, it the haven in which doubts are supposed to be
would be faced with the dilemma that if it acts authoritatively dispelled. Besides, from very
either as the former or as the latter, it would be nature of things, one thing is indubitably beyond
prejudging the very matter in issue one way or dispute — we cannot act in both capacities of a
the other, and, in effect, it would be choosing 15-man and an 11-man Court at the same time,
between two constitutions, which is a political in like manner that it is inconceivable that the
determination not within the Court's 1935 and 1973 Constitution can be considered
competence. by Us both in force. Our inescapable duty is to
make a choice between them, according to what
While I agree that the problem is at first blush law and other considerations inherent to our
rather involved, I do not share the view that the function dictate. I cannot bear the thought that
premises laid down by counsel necessarily someone may someday say that the Supreme
preclude this Court from taking a definite stand Court of the Philippines once decided a case
on whether the Court is acting in these cases as without knowing the basis of its author to act or
the 15-Man or the 11-man Court. I feel very that it was ever wanting in judicial courage to
strongly that the issue should not be ignored or define the same.
dodged, if only to make the world know that the
Supreme Court of the Philippines is never Accordingly, with full consciousness of my
incognizant of the capacity in which it is acting, limitations but compelled by my sense of duty
much less lacking in courage or wisdom to and propriety to straighten out this grave of issue
resolve an issue that relates directly to its own touching on the capacity in which the Court
composition. What a disgrace it would be to acting in these cases, I hold that we have no
admit that this Supreme Court does not know, to alternative but adopt in the present situation the
use a common apt expression, whether it is fish orthodox rule that when validity of an act or law
or fowl. Withal, scholars and researchers who is challenged as being repugnant constitutional
might go over our records in the future will mandate, the same is allowed to have effect until
inevitably examine minutely how each of us the Supreme Court rules that it is
voted and upon what considerations we have unconstitutional. Stated differently, We have to
individually acted, and, indeed, doubts may arise proceed on the assumption that the new
as to whether or not, despite the general result Constitution is in force and that We are acting in
we might announce, there had been the these cases as the 15-man Supreme Court
requisite number of votes for a valid collegiate provided for there Contrary to counsel's
action. contention, there is here no prejudgment for or
against any of the two constitutions. The truth of
For instance, it may be argued that the present matter is simply that in the normal and logical
cases do not involve an issue of conduct governmental activities, it is neither
unconstitutionality, hence, if we are acting as the practical nor wise to defer the course of any
11-man Court, only six votes would suffice to action until after the courts have ascertained
declare Proclamation 1102 ineffective, and if their legality, not only because if that were to be
upon analysis of our respective opinions it the rule, the functioning of government would
should be inferable therefrom that six of us have correspondingly be undesirably hesitative and
considered the matter before the Court as cumbersome, but more importantly, because the
courts must at the first instance accord due Court as still operating under the Constitution.
respect to the acts of the other departments, as Quite on the contrary, it is a fact that he has
otherwise, the smooth running of the given instructions for the payment of the justices
government would have to depend entirely on in accordance with the rate fixed in the New
the unanimity of opinions among all its Constitution. Not only that, official alter ego, the
departments, which is hardly possible, unless it Secretary of Justice, has been shoving this
is assumed that only the judges have the Court, since January 18, 1973, all matters
exclusive prerogative of making and enforcing related to the administrative supervision of the
the law, aside from being its sole interpreter, lower courts which by the new charter has been
which is contrary to all norms of juridical and transferred from the Department of Justice to the
political thinking. To my knowledge, there is yet Supreme Court, and as far as I know, President
no country in the world that has recognized has not countermanded the Secretary's steps in
judicial supremacy as its basic governmental that direction. That, on the other hand, the
principle, no matter how desirable we might President has not augmented the justices of the
believe the idea to be. Court to complete the prescribed number of
fifteen is, in my appraisal, of no consequence
Indeed, it is not hard to visualize the difficulty if considering that with the presence of ten justices
not absurdity of Our acting on the assumption who are the Court now, there is a working
that this Court is still functioning under the 1935 quorum, and the addition of new justices cannot
Constitution. It is undeniable that the whole in anyway affect the voting on the constitutional
government, including the provincial, municipal questions now before Us because, while there
and barrio units and not excluding the lower sufficient justices to declare by their unanimous
courts up to the Court of Appeals, is operating vote illegality of Proclamation 1102, the votes of
under the 1973 Constitution. Almost daily, the justices to added would only be committed to
presidential orders and decrees of the most upholding the same, since they cannot by any
legislative character affecting practically every standard be expected to vote against legality of
aspect of governmental and private activity as the very Constitution under which they would be
well as the relations between the government appointed.
and the citizenry are pouring out from
Malacañang under the authority of said Moreover, what makes the premise of
Constitution. On the other hand, taxes are being presumptive valid preferable and, even
exacted and penalties in connection therewith imperative, is that We are dealing here with a
are being imposed under said orders and whole constitution that radically modifies or
decrees. Obligations have been contracted and alters only the form of our government from
business and industrial plans have been and are presidential parliamentary but also other
being projected pursuant to them. constitutionally institutions vitally affecting all
Displacements of public officials and employees levels of society. It is, to mind, unrealistic to
in big numbers are going on in obedience to insist on that, fundamentally, the 1973
them. For the ten justices of the Supreme Court Constitution is the same 1935 Constitution, with
to constitute an island of resistance in the midst a few improvements. A cursory perusal of the
of these developments, which even unreasoning former should convince anyone that it is in
obstinacy cannot ignore, much less impede, is essence a new one. While it does retain
unimaginable, let alone the absurd and republicanism as the basic governmental tenet,
complicated consequences such a position the institutional changes introduced thereby are
entails in the internal workings within the rather radical and its social orientation is
judiciary amount its different components, what decidedly more socialistic, just as its nationalistic
with the lower courts considering such orders features are somewhat different in certain
and decrees as forming part of the law of the respects. One cannot but note that the change
land in making their orders and decisions, embraces practically every part of the old
whereas the Supreme Court is holding, as it charter, from its preamble down to its amending
were, their effectivity at bay if it is not being and effectivity clauses, involving as they do the
indifferent to or ignoring them. statement of general principles, the citizenship
and suffrage qualifications, the articles on the
It is suggested that the President, being a man form of government, the judiciary provisions, the
of law, committed to abide by the decision of the spelling out of the duties and responsibilities not
Supreme Court, and if the Court feels that it only of citizens but also of officers of the
cannot in the meantime consider the government and the provisions on the national
enforcement of the new Constitution, he can wait economy as well as the patrimony of the nation,
for its decision. Accepting the truth of this not to mention the distinctive features of the
assertion, it does necessarily follow that by this general provisions. What is more, the transitory
attitude of the President, considers the Supreme provisions notably depart from traditional and
orthodox views in that, in general, the powers of III
government during the interim period are more
or less concentrated in the President, to the In brief, the main contention of the petitioners is
extent that the continuation or discontinuance of that Proclamation 1102 is invalid because the
what is now practically a one-man-rule, is even ratification of the 1973 Constitution it purports to
left to his discretion. Notably, the express declare as having taken place as a result of the
ratification of all proclamations, orders, decrees referendum above-referred to is ineffective since
and acts previously issued or done by the it cannot be said on the basis of the said
President, obviously meant to encompass those referendum that said Constitution has been
issued during martial law, is a commitment to the "approved by a majority of the votes cast at an
concept of martial law powers being election" in the manner prescribed by Article XV
implemented by President Marcos, in defiance of the Constitution of 1935. More specifically, they
traditional views and prevailing jurisprudence, to maintain that the word "election" in the said
the effect that the Executive's power of Article has already acquired a definite accepted
legislation during a regime of martial law is all meaning out of the consistent holding in the past
inclusive and is not limited to the matters of ratification plebiscites, and accordingly, no
demanded by military necessity. In other words, other form of ratification can be considered
the new constitution unlike any other constitution contemplated by the framers of the Old
countenances the institution by the executive of Constitution than that which had been followed
reforms which normally is the exclusive attribute 1935, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1946 and 1967, the last
of the legislature. three or four which were held under the
supervision of the Commission on Elections.
Withal, the best proofs that by its expressed and Furthermore, they emphatically deny the veracity
implied intent, the Constitution of 1973 is a new of the proclaimed results of the referendum
one, are that (1) Section 16 of its Article XVII because, according to them the referendum was
which provides that this constitution shall a farce and its results were manufactured or
"supersede the Constitution of nineteen hundred prefabricated, considering that Mr. Francisco
and thirty-five and all amendments thereto" and Cruz, who is supposed to have submitted the
(2) its transitory provisions expressly continue final report to the President, which served as
the effectivity of existing laws, offices and courts basis for Proclamation 1102, had no official
as well as the tenure of all incumbent officials, authority to render the same, and it is
not adversely affected by it, which would have inconceivable and humanly impossible for
been unnecessary if the old constitution were anyone to have been able to gather, tabulate
being merely amended. and canvass the 15 million votes allegedly
reported within the short period of time
The new Constitution, in its Section 10, Article employed. Of course, they also contend that in
XVII, provides that "(T)he incumbent members any event, there was no proper submission
of the Judiciary (which include the Chief Justice because martial law per se creates constructive
and Associate Justices of Supreme Court) may duress which deprives the voters of the
continue in office (under the constitution) until complete freedom needed for the exercise of
they reach the age of seventy years, etc." By their right of choice and actually, there was
virtue of the presumptive validity of the new neither time nor opportunity for real debate
charter, all of form part of the 15-man-Court before they voted.
provided for therein correspondingly, We have in
legal contemplation, ceased in the meanwhile to On the other hand, the position of the Solicitor
be members of the 11-man-Court in the 1935 General as counsel for the respondents is that
Constitution. Should the Court finally decide that the matter raised in the petitions is a political one
the Constitution is invalid, then We would which the courts are not supposed to inquire
automatically revert to our positions in the 11- into, and, anyway, there has been a substantial
man- Court, otherwise, We would just continue compliance with Article XV of the 1935
to be in our membership in the 15-man-Court, Constitution, inasmuch as, disregarding
unless We feel We cannot in conscience accept unessential matters of form, the undeniable fact
the legality of existence. On the other hand, if it is that the voting in the referendum resulted in
is assumed that We are the 11-man-Court and it the approval by the people of the New
happens that Our collective decision is in favor Constitution.
of the new constitution, it would be problematical
for any dissenting justice to consider himself as I need not dwell at length on these variant
included automatically in the 15-man-Court, positions of the parties. In my separate opinion
since that would tantamount to accepting a in the Plebiscite Cases, I already made the
position he does not honestly believe exists. observation that in view of the lack of solemnity
and regularity in the voting as well as in the
manner of reporting and canvassing conducted counsel, namely, (1) Do yo approve of the New
in connection with the referendum, I cannot say Constitution? and (2) Do you want plebiscite to
that Article XV of the Old Constitution has been be called to ratify the new Constitution? should
complied with, albeit I held that nonetheless, the be considered no longer as loose consultations
Constitution of 1973 is already in force. In order, but as direct inquiries about the desire of the
however, to make myself clearer on some voters regarding the matters mentioned.
relevant points, I would like to add a few Accordingly, I take it that if the majority had
considerations to what I have already said in the expressed disapproval of the new Constitution,
former cases. the logical consequence would have been the
complete abandonment of the idea of holding
In my opinion in those cases, the most important any plebiscite at all. On the other hand, it is very
point I took into account was that in the face of plain to see that since the majority has already
the Presidential certification through approved the new Constitution, a plebiscite
Proclamation 1102 itself that the New would be superfluous. Clear as these
Constitution has been approved by a majority of rationalizations may be, it must have been
the people and having in mind facts of general thought that if the holding of a plebiscite was to
knowledge which I have judicial notice of, I am in be abandoned, there should be a direct and
no position to deny that the result of the expressed desire of the people to such effect in
referendum was as the President had stated. I order to forestall as much as possible any
can believe that the figures referred to in the serious controversy regarding the non-holding of
proclamation may not accurate, but I cannot say the plebiscite required by the letter of Section 16
in conscience that all of them are manufactured of Article XVII, the effectivity clause, of the new
or prefabricated, simply because I saw with own Constitution. Oddly enough, the "comments"
eyes that people did actually gather and listen accompanying the questions do strongly suggest
discussions, if brief and inadequate for those this view. And as it turned out, the majority found
who are abreast of current events and general no necessity in holding a plebiscite.
occurrences, and that they did vote. I believe I
can safely say that what I have seen have also In connection with the question, Do you approve
been seen by many others throughout the of the New Constitution? capital is being made
country and unless it can be assumed, which of the point that as so framed, the thrust of the
honestly, I do not believe to be possible, that in said question does not seek an answer of fact
fact there were actually no meetings held and no but of opinion. It is argued that it would have
voting done in more places than those wherein been factual were it worded categorically thus —
there were such meetings and votings, I am not Do you approve the New Constitution? The
prepared to discredit entirely the declaration that contention would have been weighty were it not
there was voting and that the majority of the unrealistic. I remember distinctly that the
votes were in favor of the New Constitution. If in observation regarding the construction of the
fact there were substantially less than 14 million subject question was not originally made by any
votes of approval, the real figure, in my estimate, of the talented counsels for petitioners. It came
could still be significant enough and legally from Mr. Justice Fred Ruiz Castro whose
sufficient to serve as basis for a valid ratification. mastery of the English language can rightly be
the cause of envy of even professors of English.
It is contended, however, that the understanding None of the other members of the Court, as far
was that the referendum among the Citizens as I can recall, ever noticed how the said
Assemblies was to be in the nature merely of a question is phrased, or if anyone of Us did, I am
loose consultation and not an outright not aware that he gave it more than passing
submission for purposes of ratification. I can see attention. What I mean is that if neither any of
that at the outset, when the first set of questions the distinguished and learned counsels nor any
was released, such may have been the idea. It member of the Court understood the said
must not be lost sight of, however, that if the question otherwise than calling for a factual
newspaper reports are to be believed, and I say answer instead of a mere opinion, how could
this only because petitioners would consider the anyone expect the millions of unlettered
newspapers as the official gazettes of the members of the Citizens Assemblies to have
administration, the last set of six questions were noticed the point brought out by Justice Castro?
included precisely because the reaction to the Truth to tell, I myself did not realize the
idea of mere consultation was that the people difference until Justice Castro gave it emphasis.
wanted greater direct participation, thru the Besides, reading the question in the light of the
Citizens Assemblies, in decision-making accompanying "comment" corresponding to it in
regarding matters of vital national interest. Thus, particular, I am certain that any one who
looking at things more understandingly and answered the same understood it in no other
realistically the two questions emphasized by sense than a direct inquiry as to whether or not,
as a matter of fact, he approves the New appear as evidence of corruption of the will of
Constitution, and naturally, affirmative answer those who attended the assemblies, but actually,
must be taken as a categorical vote of approval they may also be viewed in the same light as the
thereof, considering, particularly, that according sample ballots commonly resorted to in the
to the reported result of the referendum said elections of officials, which no one can contend
answer was even coupled with the request that are per se means of coercion. Let us not forget
the President defer the convening of the Interim that the times are abnormal, and prolonged
National Assembly. dialogue and exchange of ideas are not
generally possible, nor practical, considering the
It is also contended that because of this need for faster decisions and more resolute
reference in answer to that question to the action. After all voting on a whole new
deferment of the convening of the interim constitution is different from voting on one, two
assembly, the said answer is at best a or three specific proposed amendments, the
conditional approval not proper nor acceptable former calls for nothing more than a collective
for purposes of ratification plebiscite. The view of all the provisions of the whole charter, for
contention has no basis. In interest of accuracy, necessarily, one has to take the good together
the additional answer proposed in pertinent with the bad in it. It is rare for anyone to reject a
"comment" reads as follows: "But we do not constitution only because of a few specific
want Ad Interim Assembly to be convoked etc." objectionable features, no matter how
On the assumption that the actual answer, as substantial, considering the ever present
reported, was of similar tenor, it is not fair to possibility that after all it may be cured by
ascribe to it the imposition of a condition. At subsequent amendment. Accordingly, there was
most, the intention is no more than a suggestion need to indicate to the people the paths open to
or a wish. them in their quest for the betterment of their
conditions, and as long as it is not shown that
As regards said "comments", it must be those who did not agree to the suggestions in
the "comments" were actually compelled to vote
considered that a martial law was declared, the
against their will, I am not convinced that the
circumstances surrounding making of the
existence of said "comments" should make any
Constitution acquired a different and more
appreciable difference in the court's appraisal of
meaningful aspect, namely, the formation of a
new society. From the point of view of the the result of the referendum.
President and on the basis of intelligence reports
available to him, the only way to meet situation I must confess that the fact that the referendum
created by the subversive elements was to was held during martial law detracts somehow
introduce immediately effective reforms from the value that the referendum would
calculated to redeem the people from the depth otherwise have had. As I intimated, however, in
of retrogression and stagnation caused by my former opinion, it is not fair to condemn and
rampant graft and corruption in high places, disregard the result of the referendum barely
influence peddling, oligarchic political practices, because of martial law per se. For one thing,
private armies, anarchy, deteriorating conditions many of the objectionable features of martial law
of peace and order, the so inequalities widening have not actually materialized, if only because
the gap between the rich and the poor, and the implementation of martial law since its
many other deplorable long standing maladies inception has been generally characterized by
crying for early relief and solution. Definitely, as restraint and consideration, thanks to the
in the case of rebellious movement that expressed wishes of the President that the same
threatened the Quirino Administration, the be made "Philippine style", which means without
remedy was far from using bullets alone. If a the rigor that has attended it in other lands and
constitution was to be approved as an effective other times. Moreover, although the restrictions
instrument towards the eradication of such grave on the freedom of speech, the press and
problems, it had to be approved without loss of movement during martial law do have their
time and sans the cumbersome processes that, corresponding adverse effects on the area of
from the realistic viewpoint, have in the past information which should be open to a voter, in
obstructed rather than hastened the progress of its real sense what "chills" his freedom of choice
the people. Stated otherwise, in the context of and mars his exercise of discretion is
actualities, the evident objective in having a new suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
constitution is to establish new directions in the corpus. The reason is simply that a man may
pursuit of the national aspirations and the freely and correctly vote even if the needed
carrying out of national policies. Only by bearing information he possesses as to the candidates
these considerations in mind can the or issues being voted upon is more or less
"comments" already referred to be properly incomplete, but when he is subject to arrest and
appreciated. To others said "comments" may detention without investigation and without being
informed of the cause thereof, that is something courts. The ruling in the decided cases relied
else which may actually cause him to cast a upon by petitioners are to this effect. In view,
captive vote. Thus it is the suspension of the writ however, of the factual background of the cases
of habeas corpus accompanying martial law that at bar which include ratification itself, it is
can cause possible restraint on the freedom necessary for me to point out that when it comes
choice in an election held during martial law. It is to ratification, I am persuaded that there should
a fact, however, borne by history and actual be a boundary beyond which the competence of
experience, that in the Philippines, the the courts no longer has any reason for being,
suspension of the privilege of the writ habeas because the other side is exclusively political
corpus has never produced any chilling effect territory reserved for their own dominion by the
upon the voters, since it is known by all that only people.
those who run afoul the law, saving
inconsequential instances, have any cause for The main basis of my opinion in the previous
apprehension in regard to the conduct by them cases was acceptance by the people. Others
of the normal activities of life. And so it is may feel there is not enough indication of such
recorded that in the elections 1951 and 1971, acceptance in the record and in the
held while the privilege of writ of habeas circumstances the Court can take judicial notice
corpus was under suspension, the Filipino voters of. For my part, I consider it unnecessary to be
gave the then opposition parties overwhelming if strictly judicial in inquiring into such fact. Being
not sweeping victories, in defiance of the personally aware, as I have already stated, that
respective administrations that ordered the the Citizens Assemblies did meet and vote, if
suspensions. irregularly and crudely, it is not for me to resort,
for the purposes of these cases, to judicial tape
At this juncture, I think it is fit to make it clear and measure, to find out with absolute precision
that I am not trying to show that the result of the the veracity of the total number of votes actually
referendum may considered as sufficient basis cast. After all, the claims that upon a comparison
for declaring that the New Constitution has been of conflicting reports, cases of excess votes may
ratified in accordance with the amending clause be found, even if extrapolated will not, as far as I
of the 1935 Constitution. I reiterate that in point can figure out, suffice to overcome the outcome
of law, I find neither strict nor substantial officially announced. Rather than try to form a
compliance. The foregoing discussion is only to conclusion out of the raw evidence before Us
counter, if I may, certain impression regarding which the parties did not care to really complete,
the general conditions obtaining during and in I feel safer by referring to the results announced
relation to the referendum which could have in in the proclamation itself. Giving substantial
one way or another affected the exercise of the allowances for possible error and downright
freedom of choice and the use of discretion by manipulation, it must not be overlooked that,
the members of the Citizens Assemblies, to the after all, their having been accepted and
end that as far as the same conditions may be adopted by the President, based on official
relevant in my subsequent discussions of the reports submitted to him in due course of
acceptance by the people of the New performance of duty of appropriate subordinate
Constitution they may also be considered. officials, elevated them to the category of an act
of a coordinate department of the government
IV which under the principle separation of powers is
clothed with presumptive correctness or at least
entitled to a high degree of acceptability, until
It is my sincere conviction that the Constitution
overcome by better evidence, which in these
of 1973 has been accepted or adopted by the
people. And on this premise, my considered cases does not exist. In any event, considering
opinion is that the Court may no longer decide that due to the unorthodoxy of the procedure
adopted and the difficulty of an accurate
these cases on the basis of purely legal
checking of all the figures, I am unable to
considerations. Factors which are non-legal but
conceive of any manageable means of acquiring
nevertheless ponderous and compelling cannot
information upon which to predicate a denial, I
be ignored, for their relevancy is inherent in the
issue itself to be resolved. have no alternative but to rely on what has been
officially declared. At this point, I would venture
to express the feeling that if it were not generally
In my opinion in the Plebiscite Cases, I joined conceded that there has been sufficient showing
my colleagues in holding that the question of of the acceptance in question by this time, there
whether or not there was proper submission would have been already demonstrative and
under Presidential Decree No. 73 is justiciable, significant indications of a rather widespread, if
and I still hold that the propriety of submission not organized resistance in one form or another.
under any other law or in any other form is Much as they are to be given due recognition as
constitutionally a fit subject for inquiry by the
magnificent manifestations of loyalty and It is not strange at all to think that the amending
devotion to principles, I cannot accord to the clause of a constitution should be confined in its
filing of these cases as indicative enough of the application only to proposed changes in any part
general attitude of the people. of the same constitution itself, for the very fact
that a new constitution is being adopted implies
It is true that in the opinion I had the privilege of a general intent to put aside the whole of the old
penning the Court in Tolentino vs. Comelec, 41 one, and what would be really incongrous is the
SCRA 702, I made strong and unequivocal idea that in such an eventuality, the new
pronouncements to the effect that any Constitution would subject its going into effect to
amendment to the Constitution of 1935, to be any provision of the constitution it is to
valid, must appear to have been made in strict supersede, to use the language precisely of
conformity with the requirements of Article XV Section 6, Article XVII, the effectivity clause, of
thereof. What is more, that decision asserted the New Constitution. My understanding is that
judicial competence to inquire into the matter of generally, constitutions are self-born, they very
compliance or non compliance as a justiciable rarely, if at all, come into being, by virtue of any
matter. I still believe in the correctness of those provision of another constitution. 3 This must be
views and I would even add that I sincerely feel the reason why every constitution has its own
it reflects the spirit of the said constitutional effectivity clause, so that if, the Constitutional
provision. Without trying to strain any point Convention had only anticipated the idea of the
however, I, submit the following considerations referendum and provided for such a method to
in the context of the peculiar circumstances of be used in the ratification of the New
the cases now at bar, which are entirely different Constitution, I would have had serious doubts as
from those in the backdrop of the Tolentino to whether Article XV could have had priority of
rulings I have referred to. application.

1. Consider that in the present case what is 2. When an entirely new constitution is proposed
involved is not just an amendment of a particular to supersede the existing one, we cannot but
provision of an existing Constitution; here, it is, take into consideration the forces and the
as I have discussed earlier above, an entirely circumstances dictating the replacement. From
new Constitution that is being proposed. This the very nature of things, the proposal to ordain
important circumstance makes a great deal of a new constitution must be viewed as the most
difference. eloquent expression of a people's resolute
determination to bring about a massive change
of the existing order, a meaningful
No less than counsel Tolentino for herein
transformation of the old society and a
respondents Puyat and Roy, who was himself
the petitioner in the case I have just referred to responsive reformation of the contemporary
is, now inviting Our attention to the exact institutions and principles. Accordingly, should
any question arise as to its effectivity and there
language of Article XV and suggesting that the
is some reasonable indication that the new
said Article may be strictly applied to proposed
charter has already received in one way or
amendments but may hardly govern the
another the sanction of the people, I would hold
ratification of a new Constitution. It is particularly
stressed that the Article specifically refers to that the better rule is for the courts to defer to
the people's judgment, so long as they are
nothing else but "amendments to this
convinced of the fact of their approval,
Constitution" which if ratified "shall be valid as
regardless of the form by which it is expressed
part of this Constitution." Indeed, how can a
provided it be reasonably feasible and reliable.
whole new constitution be by any manner of
reasoning an amendment to any other Otherwise stated, in such instances, the courts
constitution and how can it, if ratified, form part should not bother about inquiring into
compliance with technical requisites, and as a
of such other constitution? In fact, in the
matter of policy should consider the matter non-
Tolentino case I already somehow hinted this
point when I made reference in the resolution
denying the motion for reconsideration to the
fact that Article XV must be followed "as long as 3. There is still another circumstance which I
any amendment is formulated and submitted consider to be of great relevancy. I refer to the
under the aegis of the present Charter." Said ostensible reaction of the component elements,
resolution even added. "(T)his is not to say that both collective and individual, of the Congress of
the people may not, in the exercise of their the Philippines. Neither the Senate nor the
inherent revolutionary powers, amend the House of Representatives has been reported to
Constitution or promulgate an entirely new one have even made any appreciable effort or
otherwise.". attempt to convene as they were supposed to do
under the Constitution of 1935 on January 22,
1973 for the regular session. It must be the New Constitution as the more effective
assumed that being composed of experienced, instrument for fulfillment of the national destiny, I
knowledgeable and courageous members, it really wonder if there is even any idealistic worth
would not have been difficult for said in our desperately clinging by Ourselves alone to
parliamentary bodies to have conceived some Our sworn duty vis-a-vis the 1935 Constitution.
ingenious way of giving evidence of their Conscious of the declared objectives of the new
determined adherence to the Constitution under dispensation and cognizant of the decisive steps
which they were elected. Frankly, much as I being with the least loss of time, towards their
admire the efforts of the handful of senators who accomplishment, cannot but feel apprehensive
had their picture taken in front of the padlocked that instead of serving the best interests of our
portals of the Senate chamber, I do not feel people, which to me is in reality the real meaning
warranted to accord such act as enough token of of our oath of office, the Court might be standing
resistance. As counsel Tolentino has informed in the way of the very thing our beloved country
the court, there was noting to stop the senators needs to retrieve its past glory and greatness. In
and the congressmen to meet in any other other words, it is my conviction that what these
convenient place and somehow officially cases demand most of all is not a decision
organize themselves in a way that can logically demonstrative of our legal erudition and
be considered as a session, even if nothing were Solomonic wisdom but an all rounded judgment
done than to merely call the roll and disperse. resulting from the consideration of all relevant
Counsel Tolentino even pointed out that if there circumstances, principally the political, or, in
were not enough members to form a quorum, brief, a decision more political than legal, which
any smaller group could have ordered the arrest a court can render only by deferring to the
of the absent members. And with particular apparent judgment of the people and the
relevance to the present cases, it was not announcement thereof by the political
constitutionally indispensable for the presiding departments of the government and declaring
officers to issue any call to the members to the matter non-justiciable.
convene, hence the present prayers
for mandamus have no legal and factual bases. 4. Viewed from the strictly legal angle and in the
And to top it all, quite to the contrary, the records light of judicial methods of ascertainment, I
of the Commission on Elections show that at cannot agree with the Solicitor General that in
least 15 of 24 senators and over 95 out of less the legal sense, there has been at least
than 120 members of the House of substantial compliance with Article XV of the
Representatives, have officially and in writing 1935 Constitution, but what I can see is that in a
exercised the option given to them to join the political sense, the answers to the referendum
Interim National Assembly under the New questions were not given by the people as legal
Constitution, thereby manifesting their conclusions. I take it that when they answered
acceptance of the new charter. that by their signified approval of the New
Constitution, they do not consider it necessary to
Now, having these facts in mind, and it being hold a plebiscite, they could not have had in
obvious that of the three great departments of mind any intent to do what was constitutionally
the government under the 1935 Constitution, improper. Basically accustomed to proceed
two, the Executive and the Legislative, have along constitutional channels, they must have
already accepted the New Constitution and acted in the honest conviction that what was
recognized its enforceability and enforcement, I being done was in conformity with prevailing
cannot see how this Supreme Court can by constitutional standards. We are not to assume
judicial fiat hold back the political developments that the sovereign people were indulging in a
taking place and for the sake of being the futile exercise of their supreme political right to
guardian of the Constitution and the defender of choose the fundamental charter by which their
its integrity and supremacy make its judicial lives, their liberties and their fortunes shall be
power prevail against the decision of those who safeguarded. In other words, we must perforce
were duly chosen by the people to be their infer that they meant their decision to count, and
authorized spokesmen and representatives. It is it behooves this Court to render judgment herein
not alone the physical futility of such a gesture in that context. It is my considered opinion that
that concerns me. More than that, there is the viewed understandingly and realistically, there is
stark reality that the Senators and the more than sufficient ground to hold that, judged
Congressmen, no less than the President, have by such intent and, particularly, from the political
taken the same oath of loyalty to the Constitution standpoint, the ratification of the 1973
that we, the Justices, have taken and they are, Constitution declared in Proclamation 1102
therefore, equally bound with Us to preserve and complies substantially with Article XV of the
protect the Constitution. If as the representatives 1935 Charter, specially when it is considered
of the people, they have already opted to accept that the most important element of the
ratification therein contemplated is not in the What seems to me to be bothering many of our
word "election", which conceivably can be in countrymen now is that by denying the present
many feasible and manageable forms but in the petitions, the Court would be deemed as
word "approved" which may be said to constitute sanctioning, not only the deviations from
the substantiality of the whole article, so long as traditional democratic concepts and principles
such approval is reasonably ascertained. In the but also the qualified curtailment of individual
last analysis, therefore, it can be rightly said, liberties now being practiced, and this would
even if only in a broad sense, that the ratification amount, it is feared, to a repudiation of our oath
here in question was constitutionally justified and to support and defend the Constitution of 1935.
justifiable. This is certainly something one must gravely
ponder upon. When I consider, however, that the
5. Finally, if any doubt should still linger as to the President, the Vice President, the members of
legitimacy of the New Constitution on legal both Houses of Congress, not to speak of all
grounds, the same should be dispelled by executive departments and bureaus under them
viewing the situation in the manner suggested by as well as all the lower courts, including the
Counsel Tolentino and by the writer of this Court of Appeals have already accepted the
opinion in his separate opinion, oft-referred to New Constitution as an instrument of a
above, in the Plebiscite Cases — that is, as an meaningful nationwide-all-level change in our
extra constitutional exercise by the people, government and society purported to make more
under the leadership of President Marcos, of realistic and feasible, rather than idealistic and
their inalienable right to change their cumbersomely deliberative, the attainment of our
fundamental charter by any means they may national aspirations, I am led to wonder whether
deem appropriate, the moment they are or not we, as members of the Supreme Court
convinced that the existing one is no longer are being true to our duty to our people by
responsive to their fundamental, political and refusing to follow suit and accept the realities of
social needs nor conducive to the timely the moment, despite our being convinced of the
attainment of their national destiny. This is not sincerity and laudableness of their objectives,
only the teaching of the American Declaration of only because we feel that by the people's own
Independence but is indeed, a truth that is self- act of ratifying the Constitution of 1935, they
evident. More, it should be regarded as implied have so encased themselves within its
in every constitution that regardless of the provisions and may, therefore, no longer take
language of its amending clause, once the measures to redeem themselves from the
people have given their sanction to a new situation brought about by the deficiencies of the
charter, the latter may be deemed as old order, unless they act in strict conformity
constitutionally permissible even from the point therewith. I cannot believe that any people can
of view of the preceding constitution. Those who be so stifled and enchained. In any event, I
may feel restrained to consider this view out of consider it a God-given attribute of the people to
respect to the import of Tolentino vs. disengage themselves, if necessary, from any
Comelec, supra., would be well advised to bear covenant that would obstruct their taking what
in mind that the case was decided in the context subsequently appears to them to be the better
of submission, not accomplished ratification. road to the promotion and protection of their
welfare. And once they have made their decision
V in that respect, whether sophisticatedly or
crudely, whether in legal form or otherwise,
certainly, there can be no court or power on
The language of the disputed amending clause earth that can reverse them.
of the 1935 Constitution should not be deemed
as the be all and end all the nation. More
important than even the Constitution itself with I would not be human if I should be insensitive to
the passionate and eloquent appeals of
all its excellent features, are the people living
Counsels Tañada and Salonga that these cases
under it — their happiness, their posterity and
be decided on the basis of conscience. That is
their national destiny. There is nothing that
exactly what I am doing. But if counsel mean
cannot be sacrificed in the pursuit of these
objectives, which constitute the totality of the that only by granting their petitions can this
reasons for national existence. The sacred Court be worthily the bulwark of the people's
faith in the government, I cannot agree, albeit
liberties and freedom enshrined in it and the
my admiration and respect are all theirs for their
commitment and consecration thereof to the
zeal and tenacity, their industry and wisdom,
forms of democracy we have hitherto observed
their patriotism and devotion to principle. Verily,
are mere integral parts of this totality; they are
less important by themselves. they have brought out everything in the Filipino
that these cases demand.


In times of national emergencies and crises, not altered by the 1973 Constitution and the
arising from foreign invasion, we need not fear government established thereunder, and will
playing opposite roles, as long as we are all dissipate any confusion in the minds of the
animated by sincere love of country and aim citizenry, who have been obeying the mandates
exclusively at the attainment of the national of the new Constitution, as well as exercising the
destiny. Our heroes of the past, Rizal, Bonifacio, rights and performing the obligations defined by
Aguinaldo, Antonio Luna, Mabini and so also the new Constitution, and decrees and orders
with our patriots of the recent generations, issued in implementation of the same and
Quezon, Osmeña, Roxas, Laurel and Recto, to cooperating with the administration in the
mention only some of them, had their differences renovation of our social, economic and political
of views — and they did not hesitate to take system as re-structured by the 1973 Constitution
diametrically opposing sides — that even and by the implementing decrees and orders
reached tragic proportions, but all of them are (see Miller vs. Johnson, 18 SW 522, 522-526,
admired and venerated. 1892).

It is my faith that to act with absolute loyalty to In 1957, Mr. Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion,
our country and people is more important than then Associate Justice, in behalf of the Court,
loyalty to any particular precept or provision of defined a political question as one which, under
the Constitution or to the Constitution itself. My the Constitution, is "to be decided by the people
oath to abide by the Constitution binds me to in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which
whatever course of action I feel sincerely is full discretionary authority had been delegated to
demanded by the welfare and best interests of the Legislature or Executive branch of the
the people. government." (Tañada, et al. vs. Cuenco, et
al., supra).
In this momentous juncture of our history, what
is imperative is national unity. May God grant Article XV of the 1935 Constitution provides:
that the controversies the events leading to "Such amendments shall be valid as part of this
these cases have entail will heal after the Constitution when approved by a majority of the
decision herein is promulgated, so that all us votes cast at an election at which the
Filipinos may forever join hands in the pursuit of amendments are submitted to the people for
our national destiny. ratification." Under Article XV of the 1935
Constitution, the power to propose constitutional
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, I vote to amendments is vested in Congress or in a
dismiss these petitions for mandamus and constitutional convention; while the power to
prohibition without costs. ratify or reject such proposed amendments or
new Constitution is reserved by the sovereign
MAKASIAR, J., concurring: people. The nullification of Proclamation No.
1102 would inevitably render inoperative the
1973 Constitution, which is in fact the express
Assuming, without conceding, that Article XV of prayer of the petitioners in G.R. No. L-36164.
the 1935 Constitution prescribes a procedure for Regardless of the modality of submission or
the ratification of constitutional amendments or ratification or adoption — even if it deviates from
of a new Constitution and that such procedure or violates the procedure delineated therefore by
was no complied with, the validity of Presidential the old Constitution — once the new Constitution
Proclamation No. 1102 is a political, not a is ratified, adopted and/or acquiesced in by the
justiciable, issue; for it is inseparably or people or ratified even by a body or agency not
inextricably link with and strikes at, because it is duly authorized therefor but is subsequently
decisive of, the validity of ratification and adopted or recognized by the people and by the
adoption of, as well as acquiescence of people other official organs and functionaries of the
in, the 1973 Constitution and the legitimacy of government established under such a new
the government organized and operating Constitution, this Court is precluded from
thereunder. And being political, it is beyond the inquiring into the validity of such ratification,
ambit of judicial inquiry, tested by the definition adoption or acquiescence and of the consequent
of a political question enunciated in Tañada, et. effectivity of the new Constitution. This is as it
al. vs. Cuenco, et al. (103 Phil. 1051), aside from should be in a democracy, for the people are the
the fact the this view will not do violence to rights repository of all sovereign powers as well as the
vested under the new Constitution, to source of all governmental authority (Pole vs.
international commitments forged pursuant Gray, 104 SO 2nd 841 [1958]). This basic
thereto and to decisions rendered by the judicial democratic concept is expressly restated in
as well as quasi-judicial tribunals organized and Section 1 of Article II of the Declaration of
functioning or whose jurisdiction has been Principles of the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions,
thus: "Sovereignty resides in the people and all Mr. Justices Roberts, Frankfurter, and Douglas
government authority emanates from them." join, thus:

The legality of the submission is no longer The Constitution grants

relevant; because the ratification, adoption Congress exclusive power to
and/or acquiescence by the people cures any control submission of
infirmity in its submission or any other constitutional amendments.
irregularities therein which are deemed Final determination by Congress
mandatory before submission as they are that ratification by three-fourths
considered merely directory after such of the States has taken place "is
ratification or adoption or acquiescence by the conclusive upon the courts." In
people. As Mr. Justice Brewer, then of the the exercise of that power,
Kansas State Supreme Court and later Congress, of course, is
Associate Justice of the Federal Supreme Court, governed by the Constitution.
stated in re Prohibitory Amendment Cases (24 However, whether submission,
Kansas 700 & 710 Reprint 499, 506): "The two intervening procedure or
important, vital elements of the Legislature and a Congressional determination of
majority of the popular vote. Beyond these, other ratification conforms to the
provisions are mere machineries and forms. commands of the Constitution,
They may not be disregarded, because by them calls for decisions by a "political
certainty as to the essentials is secured. But department" of questions of a
they are not themselves the essentials." (Cited type which this Court has
in Larken vs. Gronna, 285 NW 59, 61-64, 1939). frequently designated "political."
And decision of a "political
This was the ruling by the American Supreme question" by the "political
Court in the 1939 case of Coleman vs. department" to which the
Miller (307 U.S. 433, 83 L.ed. 1385), where Constitution has committed it
Chief Justice Hughes, speaking for the majority, "conclusively binds the judges,
stated that: as well as all other officers,
citizens and subjects
... Thus the political of...government." Proclamation
under authority of Congress that
departments of the government
an amendment has been ratified
dealt with the effect of both
will carry with it a solemn
previous rejection and
assurance by the Congress that
attempted withdrawal and
determined that both were ratification has taken place as
ineffectual in the presence of an the Constitution commands.
Upon this assurance a
actual ratification ... . This
proclaimed amendment must be
decision by the political
accepted as a part of the
departments of the Government
Constitution, leaving to the
as to the validity of the adoption
of the Fourteenth amendment judiciary its traditional authority
of interpretation. To the extent
has been accepted.
that the Court's opinion in the
present case even impliedly
We think that in accordance with assumes a power to make
this historic precedent the judicial interpretation of the
question of the efficacy of exclusive constitutional authority
ratifications by state of Congress over submission
legislatures, in the light of and ratification of amendments,
previous rejection or attempted we are unable to agree...
withdrawal, should be regarded (American Constitutional Issues,
as a political question pertaining by Pritchett, 1962 Ed., p. 44).
to the political departments, with
the ultimate authority in the
The doctrine in the aforesaid case of Coleman
Congress in the exercise of its
vs. Miller was adopted by Our Supreme Court in
control over the promulgation of
toto in Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito (78 Phil. 1).
the adoption of the amendment.

The ruling in the cases of Gonzales vs.

This view was likewise emphasized by Mr.
Comelec, et al. (L-28224, Nov. 29, 1967, 21
Justice Black in his concurring opinion, in which
SCRA 774) and Tolentino vs. Comelec, et al. (L-
34150, Oct. 16, 1971, 41 SCRA 702) on which are political in nature forming as they do the
petitioners place great reliance — that the courts essential parts of one political scheme — the
may review the propriety of a submission of a amending process. WE merely stated therein
proposed constitutional amendment before the that the force of the ruling in the said case
ratification or adoption of such proposed of Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito has been weakened
amendment by the sovereign people, hardly by subsequent cases. Thus, We pronounced
applies to the cases at bar; because the issue therein:
involved in the aforesaid cases refers to only the
propriety of the submission of a proposed It is true that in Mabanag vs.
constitutional amendment to the people for Lopez Vito, this Court
ratification, unlike the present petitions, which characterizing the issue
challenge inevitably the validity of the 1973 submitted thereto as a political
Constitution after its ratification or adoption thru one, declined to pass upon the
acquiescence by the sovereign people. As question whether or not a given
heretofore stated, it is specious and pure number of votes cast in
sophistry to advance the reasoning that the Congress in favor of a proposed
present petitions pray only for the nullification of amendment to the Constitution
the 1973 Constitution and the government — which was being submitted to
operating thereunder. the people for ratification —
satisfied the three fourths vote
It should be stressed that even in the Gonzales requirement of the fundamental
case, supra, We held that: law. The force of this precedent
has been weakened, however,
Indeed, the power to amend the by Suanes vs. Chief Accountant
Constitution or to propose of the Senate, Avelino vs.
amendments thereto is not Cuenco, Tañada vs. Cuenco
included in the general grant of and Macias vs. Commission on
legislative powers to Congress. Elections. In the first, we held
It is part of the inherent powers the officers and employees of
of the people — as the the Senate Electoral Tribunal
repository of sovereignty in a are supervision and control, not
republican state, such as ours of that of the Senate President,
— to make, and hence, to claimed by the latter; in the
amend their own Fundamental second, this Court proceeded to
Law. Congress may propose determine the number of
amendments to the same Senators necessary for a
explicitly grants such power. quorum in the Senate; in the
Hence, when exercising the third we nullified the election, by
same, it is said that Senators Senators belonging to the party
and Members of the House of having the largest number of
Representatives act, not as votes in said chamber
members, but as component purporting to act on behalf of the
elements of a constituent party having the second largest
assembly. When acting as such, number of votes therein, of two
the members (2) Senators belonging to the
of Congress derive their first party, as members, for the
authority from the second party, of the Senate
Constitution, unlike the people, Electoral Tribunal; and in the
when performing the same fourth, we declared
function, for their authority unconstitutional an act of
does not emanate from the Congress purporting to
Constitution — they are the very apportion the representative
source of all powers of districts for the House of
government, including the Representatives, upon the
Constitution itself. (21 SCRA ground that the apportionment
787) had not been made as may be
possible according to the
number of inhabitants of each
We did not categorically and entirely overturn
the doctrine in Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito (78 Phil. province. Thus we rejected the
1) that both the proposal to amend and the theory advanced in these four
(4) cases, that the issues
ratification of such a constitutional amendment
therein raised were political Confederation passed a resolution on February
questions the determination of 21, 1787 calling for a Federal Constitutional
which is beyond judicial review. Convention "for the sole and express purpose of
(21 SCRA pp. 785-786); revising the articles of confederation ... ."
(Appendix I, Federalist, Modern Library ed., p.
for which reason We concluded 577, emphasis supplied).

In short, the issue whether or The Convention convened at Philadelphia on

not a resolution of Congress May 14, 1787. Article XIII of the Articles of
before acting as a constituent Confederation and Perpetual Union stated
assembly — violates the specifically:
Constitution is essentially
justiciable, not political, and, The articles of this
hence, subject to judicial review, confederation shall be inviolably
and to the extent that this view observed in every state, and the
may be inconsistent with the union shall be perpetual; nor
stand taken in Mabanag vs. shall any alterations at any time
Lopez Vito, the latter should be hereafter be made in any of
deemed modified accordingly. them; unless such alteration be
(p. 787, emphasis supplied.) agreed to in a congress of the
united states, and be afterwards
In the Tolentino case, supra, We reiterated the confirmed by the legislatures of
foregoing statements (41 SCRA 703-714). every state. (See the Federalist,
Appendix II, Modern Library Ed.,
1937, p. 584; emphasis
The inevitable consequence therefore is that the
validity of the ratification or adoption of or
acquiescence by the people in the 1973
Constitution, remains a political issue removed But the foregoing requirements prescribed by
from the jurisdiction of this Court to review. the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual
Union for the alteration for the ratification of the
Federal Constitution as drafted by the
One more word about the Gonzales and
Philadelphia Convention were not followed.
Tolentino cases. Both primarily stressed on the
Fearful the said Federal Constitution would not
impropriety of the submission of a proposed
constitutional amendment. Courts do not deal be ratified by the legislatures as prescribed, the
with propriety or wisdom or absence of either of Philadelphia Convention adopted a resolution
requesting the Congress of the Confederation to
an official act or of a law. Judicial power
pass a resolution providing that the Constitution
concerns only with the legality or illegality,
should be submitted to elected state conventions
constitutionality or unconstitutionality of an act: it
and if ratified by the conventions in nine (9)
inquires into the existence of power or lack of it.
Judicial wisdom is not to be pitted against the states, not necessarily in all thirteen (13) states,
wisdom of the political department of the the said Constitution shall take effect.
Thus, history Professor Edward Earle Mead of
Princeton University recorded that:
The classic example of an illegal submission that
did not impair the validity of the ratification or
adoption of a new Constitution is the case of the It would have been a counsel of
Federal Constitution of the United States. It perfection to consign the new
should be recalled that the thirteen (13) original constitution to the tender
states of the American Union — which mercies of the legislatures of
succeeded in liberating themselves from each and all of the 13 states.
England after the revolution which began on Experience clearly indicated that
April 19, 1775 with the skirmish at Lexington, ratification then would have had
Massachusetts and ended with the surrender of the same chance as the
General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, on scriptural camel passing through
October 19, 1781(Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. I, the eye of a needle. It was
1933 Ed., p. 776) — adopted their Articles of therefore determined to
Confederation and Perpetual Union, that was recommend to Congress that
written from 1776 to 1777 and ratified on March the new Constitution be
1, 1781 (Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. II, 1966 Ed., p. submitted to conventions in the
525). About six thereafter, the Congress of the several states especially elected


to pass upon it and that, review has become part of American
furthermore, the new constitutional law only by virtue of a judicial
government should go into pronouncement by Chief Justice Marshall in the
effect if and when it should be case of Marbury vs. Madison (1803, 1 Cranch
ratified by nine of the thirteen 137).
states ... . (The Federalist,
Modern Library Ed., 1937, Until this date, no challenge has been launched
Introduction by Edward Earle against the validity of the ratification of the
Mead, pp. viii-ix; emphasis American Constitution, nor against the
supplied) legitimacy of the government organized and
functioning thereunder.
Historian Samuel Eliot Morison similarly
recounted: In the 1946 case of Wheeler vs. Board of
Trustees (37 SE 2nd 322, 326-330), which
The Convention, anticipating enunciated the principle that the validity of a new
that the influence of many state or revised Constitution does not depend on the
politicians would be method of its submission or ratification by the
Antifederalist, provided for people, but on the fact or fiat or approval or
ratification of the Constitution by adoption or acquiescence by the people which
popularly elected conventions in fact of ratification or adoption or acquiescence is
each state. Suspecting that all that is essential, the Court cited precisely the
Rhode Island, at least, would case of the irregular revision and ratification by
prove recalcitrant, it declared state conventions of the Federal Constitution,
that the Constitution would go thus:
into effect as soon as nine
states ratified. The convention No case identical in its facts with
method had the further the case now under
advantage that judges, consideration has been called to
ministers, and others ineligible our attention, and we have
to state legislatures, could be found none. We think that the
elected to a convention. The principle which we apply in the
nine-state provision was, of instant case was very clearly
course, mildly revolutionary. But applied in the creation of the
the Congress of the constitution of the United States.
Confederation, still sitting in The convention created by a
New York to carry on federal resolution of Congress had
government until relieved, authority to do one thing, and
formally submitted the new one only, to wit, amend the
constitution to the states and articles of confederation. This
politely faded out before the first they did not do, but submitted to
presidential inauguration. (The the sovereign power, the
Oxford History of the Am. people, a new constitution. In
People, by Samuel Eliot this manner was the constitution
Morison, 1965 ed., p. 312). of the United States submitted
to the people and it became
And so the American Constitution was ratified by operative as the organic law of
nine (9) states on June 21, 1788 and by the last this nation when it had been
four states on May 29, 1790 (12 C.J. p. 679 properly adopted by the people.
footnote, 16 C.J.S., 27. — by the state
conventions and not by all thirteen (13) state Pomeroy's Constitutional Law,
legislatures as required by Article XIII of the p. 55, discussing the convention
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union that formulated the constitution
aforequoted — and in spite of the fact that the of the United States, has this to
Federal Constitution as originally adopted say: "The convention proceeded
suffers from two basic infirmities, namely, the to do, and did accomplish, what
absence of a bill of Rights and of a provision they were not authorized to do
affirming the power of judicial review. by a resolution of Congress that
called them together. That
The liberties of the American people were resolution plainly contemplated
guaranteed by subsequent amendments to the amendments to the articles of
Federal Constitution. The doctrine of judicial confederation, to be submitted
to and passed by the Congress, ... We do not hesitate to say that
and afterwards ratified by all the a court is never justified in
State legislatures, in the manner placing by implication a
pointed out by the existing limitation upon the sovereign.
organic law. But the convention This would be an authorized
soon became convinced that exercise of sovereign power by
any amendments were the court. In State v. Swift, 69
powerless to effect a cure; that Ind. 505, 519, the Indiana
the disease was too deeply Supreme Court said: "The
seated to be reached such people of a State may form an
tentative means. They saw that original constitution, or abrogate
the system they were called to an old one and form a new one,
improve must be totally at any time, without any political
abandoned, and that the restriction except the
national idea must be re- constitution of the United States;
established at the center of their ... ." (37 SE 327-328, 329,
political society. It was objected emphasis supplied.)
by some members, that they
had no power, no authority, to In the 1903 case of Weston vs. Ryan, the Court
construct a new government. held:
They had no authority, if their
decisions were to be final; and
It remains to be said that if we
no authority whatsoever, under
felt at liberty to pass upon this
the articles of confederation, to
question, and were compelled to
adopt the course they did. But hold that the act of February 23,
they knew that their labors were 1887, is unconstitutional and
only to be suggestions; and that
void, it would not, in our opinion,
they as well as any private
by any means follow that the
individuals, and any private
amendment is not a part of our
individuals as well as they, had
state Constitution. In the recent
a right to propose a plan of case of Taylor vs.
government to the people for Commonwealth (Va.) 44 S.E.
their adoption. They were, in 754, the Supreme Court of
fact, a mere assemblage of Virginia hold that their state
private citizens, and their work Constitution of 1902, having
had no more binding sanction been acknowledged and
than a constitution drafted by accepted by the officers
Mr. Hamilton in his office would administering the state
have had. The people, by their government, and by the people,
expressed will, transformed this and being in force without
suggestion, this proposal, into opposition, must be regarded as
an organic law, and the people an existing Constitution
might have done the same with irrespective of the question as to
a constitution submitted to them whether or not the convention
by a single citizen." which promulgated it had
authority so to do without
xxx xxx xxx submitting it to a vote of the
people. In Brittle v. People, 2
... When the people adopt a Neb. 198, is a similar holding as
completely revised or new to certain provisions of the
constitution, the framing or Nebraska Constitution of 1886,
submission of the instrument is which were added by the
not what gives it binding force Legislature at the requirement of
and effect. The fiat of the people Congress, though never
and only the fiat of the people, submitted to the people for their
can breathe life into a approval." (97 NW 349-350;
constitution. emphasis supplied).

xxx xxx xxx Against the decision in the Wheeler case, supra,
confirming the validity of the ratification and
adoption of the American Constitution, in spite of
the fact that such ratification was in clear statement is so obvious that no further refutation
violation of the prescription on alteration and is needed.
ratification of the Articles of Confederation and
Perpetual Union, petitioners in G.R. No. L-36165 As heretofore stated, the issue as to the validity
dismissed this most significant historical fact by of Proclamation No. 1102 strikes at the validity
calling the Federal Constitution of the United and enforceability of the 1973 Constitution and
States as a revolutionary one, invoking the of the government established and operating
opinion expressed in Vol. 16, Corpus Juris thereunder. Petitioners pray for a declaration
Secundum, p. 27, that it was a revolutionary that the 1973 Constitution is inoperative (L-
constitution because it did not obey the 36164). If Proclamation No. 1102 is nullified,
requirement that the Articles of Confederation then there is no valid ratification of the 1973
and Perpetual Union can be amended only with Constitution and the inevitable conclusion is that
the consent of all thirteen (13) state legislatures. the government organized and functioning
This opinion does not cite any decided case, but thereunder is not a legitimate government.
merely refers to the footnotes on the brief
historic account of the United States Constitution
That the issue of the legitimacy of a government
on p. 679 of Vol. 12, CJS. Petitioners, on p. 18
is likewise political and not justiciable, had long
of their main Notes, refer US to pp. 270-316 of
been decided as early as the 1849 case
the Oxford History of the American People, 1965
of Luther vs. Borden (7 How. 1, 12 L.ed., 581),
Ed. by Samuel Eliot Morison, who discusses the affirmed in the 1900 case of Taylor vs.
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union in Beckham (178 U.S. 548, 44 L.ed. 1187) and re-
Chapter XVIII captioned "Revolutionary enunciated in 1912 in the case of Pacific States
Constitution Making, 1775 1781" (pp. 270-281). Telephone and Telegraph Company vs.
In Chapter XX on "The Creative Period in Oregon (223 U.S. 118, 133-151, 56 L.ed. 377-
Politics, 1785-1788," Professor Morison 386). Because it reaffirmed the pronouncements
delineates the genesis of the Federal in both Borden and Beckham cases, it is
Constitution, but does not refer to it even
sufficient for us to quote the decision in Pacific
implicitly as revolutionary constitution (pp. 297- States Telephone and Telegraph Co., supra,
316). However, the Federal Constitution may be
penned by Mr. Chief Justice White, who re-
considered revolutionary from the view point of
McIver if the term revolution is understood in "its
wider sense to embrace decisive changes in the
character of government, even though they do In view of the importance of the
not involve the violent overthrow of an subject, the apparent
established order, ... ." (R.M. MacIver, The Web misapprehension on one side
of Government, 1965 ed., p. 203). and seeming misconception on
the other, suggested by the
argument as to the full
It is rather ridiculous to refer to the American
significance of the previous
Constitution as a revolutionary constitution. The
doctrine, we do not content
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
ourselves with a mere citation of
that was in force from July 12, 1776 to 1788, the cases, but state more at
forged as it was during the war of independence length than we otherwise would
was a revolutionary constitution of the thirteen the issues and the doctrine
(13) states. In the existing Federal Constitution expounded in the leading and
of the United States which was adopted seven absolutely controlling case —
(7) or nine (9) years after the thirteen (13) states Luther v. Borden, 7 How. 1, 12
won their independence and long after popular L.ed. 581.
support for the government of the Confederation
had stabilized was not a product of a revolution.
The Federal Constitution was a "creation of the xxx xxx xxx
brain and purpose of man" in an era of peace. It
can only be considered revolutionary in the ... On this subject it was said (p.
sense that it is a radical departure from its 38):
predecessor, the Articles of Confederation and
Perpetual Union. "For if this court is authorized to
enter upon this inquiry,
It is equally absurd to affirm that the present proposed by the plaintiff, and it
Federal Constitution of the United States is not should be decided that the
the successor to the Articles of Confederation character government had no
and Perpetual Union. The fallacy of the legal existence during the period
of time above mentioned, — if it
had been annulled by the under the authority of the
adoption of the opposing government of which Mr. Dorr
government, — then the laws was the head, Congress was
passed by its legislature during not called upon to decide the
that time were nullities; its taxes controversy. Yet the right to
wrongfully collected, its salaries decide is placed there and not in
and compensations to its the courts."
officers illegally paid ; its public
accounts improperly settled and xxx xxx xxx
the judgments and sentences of
its courts in civil and criminal
... We do not stop to cite other
cases null and void, and the
cases which indirectly or
officers who carried their
incidentally refer to the subject,
decisions into operation
but conclude by directing
answerable as trespassers, if
attention to the statement by the
not in some cases as criminals."
court, speaking through Mr.
Chief Justice Fuller, in Taylor
xxx xxx xxx vs. Beckham, 178 U.S. 548, 44
L.ed. 1187, 20 Sup. Ct. Rep.
"The fourth section of the fourth 890, 1009, where, after
article of the Constitution of the disposing of a contention made
United States shall guarantee to concerning the 14th
every state in the Union a Amendment, and coming to
republican form of government, consider a proposition which
and shall protect each of them was necessary to be decided
against invasion; and on the concerning the nature and effect
application of the Legislature or of the guaranty of S 4 of article
of the Executive (when the 4, it was said (p. 578):
legislature cannot be convened)
against domestic violence. "But it is said that the 14th
Amendment must be read with
"Under this article of the S 4 of article 4, of the
Constitution it rests with Constitution, providing that the
Congress to decide what United States shall guarantee to
government is established one every state in this Union a
in a state. For, as the United republican form of government,
State guarantee to each state a and shall protect each of them
republican against invasion; and on
government, Congress must application of the legislature, or
necessarily decide what the Executive (when the
government is established in the legislature cannot be
state before it can determine convened), against domestic
whether it is republican or not. violence."
And when the senators and
representatives of a state are xxx xxx xxx
admitted into the Councils of the
Union, the authority of the
"It was long ago settled that the
government under which they
enforcement of this guaranty
were appointed, as well as its
belonged to the political
republican character, is
department. Luther v. Borden, 7
recognized by the proper
How. 1, 12 L.ed. 581. In that
constitutional authority. And its
case it was held that the
decision is binding on every
question, which of the two
other department of the
opposing governments of
government, and could not be
Rhode Island, namely, the
questioned in a judicial tribunal.
charter government or the
It is true that the contest in this government established by a
case did not last long enough to voluntary convention, was the
bring the matter to this issue;
legitimate one, was a question
and as no senators or
for the determination of the
representatives were elected
political department; and when recognizing the Constitution
that department had decided, ordained by the convention
the courts were bound to take which assembled in the city of
notice of the decision and follow Richmond on the 12th day of
it." June 1901, as the Constitution
of Virginia; by the individual
xxx xxx xxx oaths of members to support it,
and by its having been engaged
As the issues presented, in their for nearly a year in legislating
very essence, are, and have under it and putting its
long since by this Court been, provisions into operation but the
definitely determined to be judiciary in taking the oath
political and governmental, and prescribed thereby to support
embraced within the scope of and by enforcing its provisions;
the scope of the powers and by the people in their
primary capacity by peacefully
conferred upon Congress,
and not, therefore within the accepting it and acquiescing in
reach of judicial power, it follows it, registering as voters under it
that the case presented is not to the extent of thousands
within our jurisdiction, and the through the state, and by voting,
writ of error must therefore be, under its provisions, at a
general election for their
and it is, dismissed for want of
representatives in the Congress
jurisdiction. (223 U.S. pp. 142-
of the United States. (p. 755).
151; emphasis supplied).

The Court in the Taylor case above-mentioned

Even a constitutional amendment that is only
further said:
promulgated by the Constitutional Convention
without authority therefor and without submitting
the same to the people for ratification, becomes While constitutional procedure
valid, when recognized, accepted and acted for adoption or proposal to
upon the by Chief of State and other government amend the constitution must be
functionaries, as well as by the people. In the duly followed, without omitting
1903 case of Taylor vs. Commonwealth (44 SE any requisite steps, courts
754-755), the Court ruled: should uphold amendment,
unless satisfied that the
The sole ground urged in Constitution was violated in
submitting the proposal.
support of the contention that
... Substance more than form
Constitution proclaimed in 1902
must be regarded in considering
is invalid is that it was ordained
whether the complete
and promulgated by the
constitutional system for
convention without being
submitting the proposal to
submitted for ratification or
amend the constitution was
rejection by the people of the

In the 1925 case of Taylor vs. King (130 A 407,

The Constitution of 1902 was
408 410), the Court stated:
ordained and proclaimed by
convention duly called by direct
vote of the people of the state to There may be technical error in
revise and amend the the manner in which a proposed
Constitution of 1869. The result amendment is adopted, or in its
of the work that the convention advertisement, yet, if followed,
has been recognized, accepted, unobjected to, by approval of
and acted upon as the only valid the electors, it becomes part of
Constitution of the state by the the Constitution. Legal
Governor in swearing fidelity to complaints to the submission
it and proclaiming it, as directed may be made prior to taking the
thereby; by the Legislature in its vote, but, if once sanctioned, the
formal official act adopting a amendment is embodied
joint resolution, July 15, 1902, therein, and cannot be attacked,
either directly or collaterally,
because of any mistake (b) the alleged failure of the State Election
antecedent thereto. Even Commissioners to comply with the requirements
though it be submitted at an of Code Sections 3204 and 3205 in the
improper time, it is effective for appointment of election commissioners in each
all purposes when accepted by of the 82 counties. The irregularities complained
the majority. Armstrong v. King, of, even if proved, were not such irregularities
281 Pa. 207, 126 A. 263. (130 A would have invalidated the election." (Emphasis
409). supplied; see also Sylvester vs. Tindall, 8 SO
2nd 892; 154 Fla. 663).
Even if the act of the Constitutional Convention
is beyond its authority, such act becomes valid Even prior to the election in November, 1970 of
upon ratification or adoption or acquiescence by delegates of the Constitutional Convention and
the people. Thus, in the 1905 case of Ex during the deliberations of the Constitutional
parte Birmingham and A.R. Company (42 SO Convention from June 1, 1971 until martial law
pp. 118 & 123), the Alabama Supreme Court was proclaimed on Sept. 21, 1972, the salient
upheld this principle and stated that: "The reforms contained in the 1973 Constitution which
authorities are almost uniform that this have long been desired by the people, had been
ratification of an unauthorized act by the people thoroughly discussed in the various committees
(and the people are the principal in this instance) of the Constitutional Convention, on the floor of
renders the act valid and binding." the Convention itself, in civic forums and in all
the media of information. Many of the decrees
It has likewise been held that it is not necessary promulgated by the Chief Executive from Sept.
that voters ratifying the new Constitution are 22, 1972 to Jan. 17, 1973 implement some of
registered in the book of voters; it is enough that the reforms and had been ratified in Sec. 3(2) of
they are electors voting on the new Constitution. Article XVII of the 1973 Constitution.
(Bott vs. Wurts, 40 A 740 [1899]; 45 LRA 251,
emphasis supplied). Petitioners cannot safely state that during martial
law the majority of the people cannot freely vote
In the 1956 case of Thomson vs. Peoples State for these reforms and are not complying with the
Bank (75 NW 2nd 370, 375), the Supreme Court implementing decrees promulgated by the
of Wisconsin ruled that "irregularity in the President.
procedure for the submission of the proposed
constitutional amendment will not defeat the Free election is not inevitably incompatible with
ratification by the people." martial law. We had free elections in 1951 and
1971 when the opposition won six out of eight
Again, in the 1958 case of Swaim vs. senatorial seats despite the suspension of the
Tuscaloosa County (103 SO 2nd 769), the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus(see
Alabama Supreme Court pronounced that "the Lansang vs. Garcia, et al., Dec. 14, 1971, 42
irregularity in failing to publish the proposed SCRA 448), which suspension implies constraint
constitutional amendment once in each of the 4 on individual freedom as the proclamation of
calendar weeks next preceding the calendar martial law. In both situations, there is no total
week in which the election was held or once in blackout of human rights and civil liberties.
each of the 7-day periods immediately preceding
the day of the election as required by the All the local governments, dominated either by
Constitution, did not invalidate the amendment Nacionalistas or Liberals, as well as officials of
which was ratified by the people." the Legislative and Executive branches of the
government elected and/or appointed under the
The same principle was reiterated in 1961 by 1935 Constitution have either recognized or are
the Mississippi Supreme Court in Barnes, et al. now functioning under the 1973 Constitution,
v. Ladner (131) SO 2nd 45 462), where they aside from the fact of its ratification by the
admitted irregularities or illegalities committed in sovereign people through the Citizens
the procedure for submission of the proposed Assemblies. Ninety-five (95) of a total of one
constitutional amendment to the people for hundred ten (110) members of the House of
ratification consisted of: "(a) the alleged failure of Representatives including the Speaker and the
the county election commissioners of the several Speaker Pro Tempore as well as about eleven
counties to provide a sufficient number of ballot (11) Congressmen who belong to the Liberal
boxes 'secured by good and substantial locks,' Party and fifteen (15) of a total of twenty-four
as provided by Section 3249, Code of 1942, (24) senators including Liberal senators Edgar
Rec., to be used in the holding of the special U. Ilarde and John Osmeña opted to serve in the
election on the constitutional amendment, and Interim Assembly, according to the certification
of the Commission on Elections dated February
19, 1973 (Annex Rejoinder-3 to Consolidated government must resist until
Rejoinder of petitioners in L-36165). Only the they are overturned by power,
five (5) petitioners in L-36165 close their eyes to and a new government
a fait accompli. All the other functionaries established. The convention,
recognize the new government and are however, was the offspring of
performing their duties and exercising their law. The instrument which we
powers under the 1973 Constitution, including are asked to declare invalid as a
the lower courts. The civil courts, military constitution has been made and
tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies created by promulgated according to the
presidential decrees have decided some forms of law. It is a matter of
criminal, civil and administrative cases pursuant current history that both the
to such decrees. The foreign ambassadors who executive and legislative
were accredited to the Republic of the branches of the government
Philippines before martial law continue to serve have recognized its validity as a
as such in our country; while two new constitution, and are now daily
ambassadors have been accepted by the doing so. Is the
Philippines after the ratification of the 1973 question, therefore, one of a
Constitution on January 17, 1973. Copies of the judicial character? It is our
1973 Constitution had been furnished the United undoubted duty, if a statute be
Nations Organization and practically all the other unconstitutional to so declare it;
countries with which the Philippines has also, if a provision of the state
diplomatic relations. No adverse reaction from constitution be in conflict with
the United Nations or from the foreign states has the federal constitution, to hold
been manifested. On the contrary, our the former invalid. But this is a
permanent delegate to the United Nations very different case. It may be
Organization and our diplomatic representatives said, however, that, for every
abroad appointed before martial law continue to violation of or non-compliance
remain in their posts and are performing their with the law, there should be a
functions as such under the 1973 Constitution. remedy in the courts. This is
not, however, always the case.
Even the Commission on Elections is now For instance, the power of a
implementing the provisions of the 1973 court as to the acts of the other
Constitution by requiring all election registrars to departments of the government
register 18-year olds and above whether is not an absolute one, but
literates or not, who are qualified electors under merely to determine whether
the 1973 Constitution (see pars. 1-A(c), (d), & they have kept within
(e) of Annex A to Notes of respondents Puyat constitutional limits, it is a duty
and Roy in L-36165). rather than a power, The
judiciary cannot compel a co-
equal department to perform a
In brief, it cannot be said that the people are
duty. It is responsible to the
ignoring the 1973 Constitution and the
people; but if it does act, then,
government which is enforcing the same for over
10 weeks now With the petitioners herein, when the question is properly
presented, it is the duty of the
secessionists, rebels and subversives as the
court to say whether it has
only possible exceptions, the rest of the citizenry
conformed to the organic
are complying with decrees, orders and circulars
law. While the judiciary should
issued by the incumbent President implementing
protect the rights of the people
the 1973 Constitution.
with great care and jealousy,
because this is its duty, and also
Of happy relevance on this point is the holding because, in times of great
in Miller vs. Johnson 18 SW 522: popular excitement, it is usually
their last resort, yet it should at
If a set of men, not selected by the same time be careful to
the people according to the overstep the proper bounds of
forms of law, were to formulate its power, as being perhaps
an instrument and declare it the equally dangerous; and
constitution, it would especially where such
undoubtedly be the duty of the momentous results might follow
courts declare its work a nullity. as would be likely in this
This would be revolution, and instance, if the power of the
this the courts of the existing
judiciary permitted, and its duty making a constitution. This
required, the overthrow of the would be arrogating sovereignty
work of the convention. to itself. Perhaps the members
of the court might differ as to
After the American Revolution what amendments are material,
the state of Rhode Island and the result would be
retained its colonial character as confusion and anarchy. One
its constitution, and no law judge might say that all the
existed providing for the making amendments, material and
of a new one. In 1841 public immaterial, were void; another,
meetings were held, resulting in that the convention had then the
the election of a convention to implied power to correct
form a new one, — to be palpable errors, and then the
submitted to a popular vote. The court might differ as to what
convention framed one, amendments are material. If the
submitted it to a vote, and instrument as ratified by the
declared it adopted. Elections people could not be corrected or
were held for state officers, who altered at all, or if the court must
proceeded to organize a new determine what changes were
government. The charter material, then the instrument, as
government did not acquiesce in passed upon by the people or
these proceedings, and finally as fixed by the court would be
declared the state under martial lacking a promulgation by the
law. It called another convention; and, if this be
convention, which in 1843 essential, then the question
formed a new would arise, what constitution
constitution. Whether the are we now living under, and
charter government, or the one what is the organic law of the
established by the voluntary state? A suggestion of these
convention, was the legitimate matters shows what endless
one, was uniformly held by the confusion and harm to the state
courts of the state not to be a might and likely would arise. If,
judicial, but a political question; through error of opinion, the
and the political department convention exceeded its power,
having recognized the one, it and the people are dissatisfied,
was held to be the duty of the they have ample remedy,
judiciary to follow its decision. without the judiciary being
The supreme court of the United asked to overstep the proper
States, in Luther v. Borden, 7 limits of its power. The
How. 1, while not expressly instrument provides for
deciding the principle, as it held amendment and change. If a
the federal court, yet in the wrong has been done, it can, in
argument approves it, and in the proper way in which it
substance says that where the should be remedied, is by the
political department has decided people acting as a body politic.
such a matter the judiciary It is not a question of whether
should abide by it. merely an amendment to a
constitution, made without
Let us illustrate the difficulty of a calling a convention, has been
adopted, as required by that
court deciding the question:
constitution. If it provides how it
Suppose this court were to hold
is to be done, then, unless the
that the convention, when it
manner be followed, the
reassembled, had no power to
make any material amendment, judiciary, as the interpreter of
and that such as were made are that constitution, will declare the
amendment invalid. Koehler v.
void by reason of the people
Hill, 60 Iowa, 543, 14 N.W. Rep.
having theretofore approved the
738, and 15 N.W. Rep.
instrument. Then, next, this
609; State v. Tuffy, 1 Nev. 391,
court must determine what
12 Pac. Rep. 835. But it is a
amendments were material; and
case where a new constitution
we find the court, in effect,
has been formed and enthusiasm to sally forth into the domain of
promulgated according to the political action expressly and exclusively
forms of law. Great interests reserved by the sovereign people themselves.
have already arisen under it;
important rights exist by virtue of The people in Article XV of the 1935 Constitution
it; persons have been convicted did not intend to tie their hands to a specific
of the highest crime known to procedure for popular ratification of their organic
the law, according to its law. That would be incompatible with their
provisions; the political power of sovereign character of which We are reminded
the government has in many by Section 1, of Article II of both the 1935 and
ways recognized it; and, under the 1973 Constitutions.
such circumstances, it is our
duty to treat and regard it as a
The opinion of Judge Thomas McIntire Cooley
valid constitution, and now the
that the sovereign people cannot violate the
organic law of our
procedure for ratification which they themselves
define in their Constitution, cannot apply to a
unitary state like the Republic of the Philippines.
We need not consider the His opinion expressed in 1868 may apply to a
validity of the amendments Federal State like the United States, in order to
made after the convention secure and preserve the existence of the
reassembled. If the making of Federal Republic of the United States against
them was in excess of its any radical innovation initiated by the citizens of
powers, yet, as the entire the fifty (50) different states of the American
instrument has been recognized Union, which states may be jealous of the
as valid in the manner powers of the Federal government presently
suggested, it would be equally granted by the American Constitution. This
an abuse of power by the dangerous possibility does not obtain in the case
judiciary and violative of the of our Republic.
rights of the people, — who can
and properly should remedy the Then again, Judge Cooley advanced the
matter, if not to their liking, — if aforesaid opinion in 1868 when he wrote his
it were to declare the instrument
opus "Constitutional Limitations." * (Vol. 6, Encyclopedia Brit., 1969
of a portion invalid, and bring ed. pp. 445 446). It is possible that, were he live today, in a milieu vastly different from 1868 to 1898, he
might have altered his views on the matter.
confusion and anarchy upon the
state. (emphasis supplied).
Even if conclusiveness is to be denied to the
truth of the declaration by the President in
If this Court inquires into the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 that the people through
Proclamation No. 1102 and consequently of the their Citizens' Assemblies had overwhelmingly
adoption of the 1973 Constitution it would be approved the new Constitution due regard to a
exercising a veto power on the act of the separate, coordinate and co-equal branch of the
sovereign people, of whom this Court is merely government demands adherence to the
an agent, which to say the least, would be presumption of correctness of the President's
anomalous. This Court cannot dictate to our declaration. Such presumption is accorded
principal, the sovereign people, as to how the under the law and jurisprudence to officials in
approval of the new Constitution should be the lower levels of the Executive branch, there is
manifested or expressed. The sovereign people no over-riding reason to deny the same to the
have spoken and we must abide by their Chief of State as head of the Executive Branch.
decision, regardless of our notion as to what is WE cannot reverse the rule on presumptions,
the proper method of giving assent to the new without being presumptuous, in the face of the
Charter. In this respect, WE cannot presume to certifications by the Office the Secretary of the
know better than the incumbent Chief Executive, Department of Local Government and
who, unlike the members of this Court, only last Community Development. (Annexes 1, to 1-E,
January 8, 1973, We affirmed in Osmeña vs. Annexes 2 to 2-O to the compliance with
Marcos (Pres. Election Contest No. 3, Jan. 8, manifestation filed by the Solicitor General on
1973), was re-elected by the vote of over 5 behalf of the respondents public officers dated
million electors in 1969 for another term of four March 7, 1973). There is nothing in the records
years until noon of December 30, 1973 under that contradicts, much less overthrow the results
the 1935 Constitution. This Court, not having a of the referendum as certified. Much less are We
similar mandate by direct fiat from the sovereign justified in reversing the burden of proof — by
people, to execute the law and administer the shifting it from the petitioners to the respondents.
affairs of government, must restrain its Under the rules on pleadings, the petitioners
have the duty to demonstrate by clear and suffrage upon expiration of ten years after
convincing evidence their claim that the people service of sentence (Sec. 102, 1971 Rev. Elec.
did not ratify through the Citizens' Assemblies Code). Furthermore, ex-convicts and imbeciles
nor adopt by acquiescence the 1973 constitute a very negligible number in any
Constitution. And have failed to do so. locality or barrio, including the localities of
No member of this Tribunal is justified in
resolving the issues posed by the cases at bar Included likewise in the delegated authority of
on the basis of reports relayed to him from the President, is the prerogative to proclaim the
private sources which could be biased and results of the plebiscite or the voting the
hearsay, aside from the fact that such reports Citizens' Assemblies. Petitioners deny the
are not contained in the record. Proclamation accuracy or correctness of Proclamation No.
No. 1102 is not just an ordinary act of the Chief 1102 that the 1973 Constitution was ratified by
Executive. It is a well-nigh solemn declaration the overwhelming vote of close to 15 million
which announces the highest act of the citizens because there was no official
sovereign people — their imprimatur to the basic certification to the results of the same from the
Charter that shall govern their lives hereafter — Department of Local Governments. But there
may be for decades, if not for generations. was such certification as per Annex 1 to 1-A to
the Notes submitted by the Solicitor General
Petitioners decry that even 15-year olds, ex counsel for respondents public officers. This
convicts and illiterates were allowed to vote in should suffice to dispose of this point. Even in
the Citizens' Assemblies, despite their admission the absence of such certification, in much the
that the term "Filipino people" in the preamble as same way that in passing law, Congress or the
well as "people" in Sections 1 and 5 of Article II legislative body is presumed to be in possession
of the 1935 Constitution and in Section 1(3) of of the facts upon which such laws are predicated
Article III of the Bill of Rights includes all Filipino (Justice Fernando, The Power of Judicial
citizens of all ages, of both sexes, whether Review, 1967 Ed., pp. 112-11 citing Lorenzo vs.
literate or illiterate, whether peaceful citizens, Dir., etc., [1927] 50 Phil. 595 and O'Gonmore, et
rebels, secessionists, convicts or ex-convicts. al: vs. Hartford, etc., [1931] 282 U.S. 251), it
Without admitting that ex-convicts voted in the should likewise be presumed that the President
referendum, about which no proof was even was in possession of the fact upon which
offered, these sectors of our citizenry, whom Proclamation No. 1102 was based. This
petitioners seem to regard with contempt or presumption is further strengthened by the fact
decision and whom petitioners would deny their that the Department of Local Governments, the
sovereign right to pass upon the basic Charter Department National Defense and the Philippine
that shall govern their lives and the lives of their Constabulary as well the Bureau of Posts are all
progenies, are entitled as much as the educated, under the President, which offices as his alter
the law abiding, and those who are 21 years of ego, are presumptively acting for and in behalf of
age or above to express their conformity or non the President and their acts are valid until
conformity to the proposed Constitution, disapproved or reprobated by the President
because their stake under the new Charter is not (Planas vs. Gil, 67 Phil. 62; Villen vs. Secretary
any less than the stake of the more fortunate of Interior, 67 Phil. 451). To deny the truth or the
among us. As a matter of fact, these citizens, proclamation of the President as to the
whose juridical personality or capacity to act is overwhelming majority vote in the Citizens'
limited by age, civil interdiction or ignorance Assemblies in favor of the new Constitution, is to
deserve more solicitude from the State than the charge the President with falsification, which is a
rest of the citizenry. In the ultimate analysis, the most grievous accusation. Under the, rules of
inclusion of those from 15 years up to below 21 pleadings and evidence, the petitioners have the
years old, the ex-convicts and the ignorant, is burden of proof by preponderance of evidence in
more democratic as it broadens the base of civil cases and by proof beyond reasonable
democracy and therefore more faithful to the doubt in criminal prosecutions, where the
express affirmation in Section 1 of Article II of accused is always presumed to be innocent.
the Declaration of Principles that "sovereignty Must this constitutional right be reversed simply
resides in the people and all government because the petitioner all assert the contrary? Is
authority emanates from them." the rule of law they pretend invoke only valid as
long as it favors them?
Moreover, ex-convicts granted absolute pardon
are qualified to vote. Not all ex-convicts are The presumption of regularity in the performance
banned from voting. Only those who had been of official functions is accorded by the law and
sentenced to at least one year imprisonment are jurisprudence to acts of public officers whose
disenfranchised but they recover their right of category in the official hierarchy is very much
lower than that of the Chief of State. What duty of everyone including herein petitioners to
reason is there to withhold such a presumption give the present leadership the opportunity to
in favor of the President? Does the fact that the institute and carry out the needed reforms as
President belong to the party in power and that provided for in the new or 1973 Constitution and
four (4) of the five (5) senators who are thru the means prescribed in that same
petitioners in L-36165 belong to the opposition Constitution.
party, justify a discrimination against the
President in matters of this nature? Unsupported As stated in Wheeler vs. Board of Trustees, "a
as their word is by any credible and competent court is never justified in placing by implication a
evidence under the rules of evidence, must the limitation upon the sovereign."
word of the petitioners prevail over that of the
Chief Executive, because they happen to be
This Court in the Gonzales and Tolentino cases
former senators and delegates to the
transcended its proper sphere and encroached
Constitutional Convention? More than any of the upon the province exclusively reserved to and by
petitioners herein in all these cases, the the sovereign people. This Court did not heed to
incumbent President realizes that he risks the
the principle that the courts are not the fountain
wrath of his people being visited upon him and
of all remedies for all wrongs. WE cannot
the adverse or hostile verdict of history; because
presume that we alone can speak with wisdom
of the restrictions on the civil liberties of his
as against the judgment of the people on the
people, inevitable concomitants of martial law, basic instrument which affects their very lives.
which necessarily entail some degree of WE cannot determine what is good for the
sacrifice on the part of the citizenry. Until the
people or ought to be their fundamental law. WE
contrary is established or demonstrated, herein
can only exercise the power delegated to Us by
petitioners should grant that the Chief Executive
the sovereign people, to apply and interpret the
is motivated by what is good for the security and Constitution and the laws for the benefit of the
stability of the country, for the progress and people, not against them nor to prejudice them.
happiness of the people. All the petitioners
WE cannot perform an act inimical to the interest
herein cannot stand on the proposition that the
of Our principal, who at any time may directly
rights under the 1935 Constitution are absolute
exercise their sovereign power ratifying a new
and invulnerable to limitations that may be
Constitution in the manner convenient to them.
needed for the purpose of bringing about the
reforms for which the petitioners pretend to be
clamoring for and in behalf of the people. The It is pertinent to ask whether the present
five (5) petitioners in L-36165 and four (4) of the Supreme Court can function under the 1935
seven (7) petitioners in L-36164 were all Constitution without being a part of the
participants in the political drama of this country government established pursuant thereto. Unlike
since 1946. They are witness to the frustrations in the Borden case, supra, where there was at
of well-meaning Presidents who wanted to effect least another government claiming to be the
the reforms, especially for the benefit of the legitimate organ of the state of Rhode Island
landless and the laboring class — how politics (although only on paper as it had no established
and political bargaining had stymied the organ except Dorr who represented himself to
effectuation of such reforms thru legislation. The be its head; in the cases at bar there is no other
eight (8) petitioners in L-36164 and L-36165 may government distinct from and maintaining a
not have participated in the systematic blocking position against the existing government headed
of the desired reforms in Congress or outside of by the incumbent Chief Executive. (See Taylor
it; but the question may be asked as to what vs. Commonwealth, supra). There is not even a
exactly they did to support such reforms. For the rebel government duly organized as such even
last seven (7) decades since the turn of the only for domestic purposes, let alone a rebel
century, for the last thirty-five (35) years since government engaged in international
the establishment of the Commonwealth negotiations. As heretofore stated, both the
government in 1935 and for the last twenty executive branch and the legislative branch
seven (27) years since the inauguration of the established under the 1935 Constitution had
Republic on July 4, 1946, no tangible substantial been supplanted by the government functioning
reform had been effected, funded and seriously under the 1973 Constitution as of January 17,
implemented, despite the violent uprisings in the 1973. The vice president elected under the 1935
thirties, and from 1946 to 1952, and the violent Constitution does not asset any claim to the
demonstrations of recent memory. Congress leadership of the Republic of the Philippines.
and the oligarchs acted like ostriches, "burying Can this Supreme Court legally exist without
their heads in timeless sand. "Now the hopes for being part of any government?
the long-awaited reforms to be within a year or
to are brighter. It would seem therefore to the Brilliant counsel for petitioners in L-36165 has
been quite extravagant in his appraisal of Chief
Justice Roger Brooke Taney whom he calls the of 350,000 of his French soldiers, who were then
"hero of the American Bar," because during the demoralized and plotting mutiny. Certainly, the
American civil war he apparently had the surviving members of the family of Marshal
courage to nullify the proclamation of President Petain would not relish the error. And neither
Lincoln suspending the privileges of the writ would the members of the clan of Marshal Foch
of habeas corpus in Ex parte Merryman (Federal acknowledge the undeserved accolade,
Case No. 9487 [1861]). But who exactly was although Marshal Foch has a distinct place in
Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney? The history on his own merits. The foregoing
Editorial Board of Vol. 21 of the Encyclopedia clarification is offered in the interest of true
Brit., 1966 ed. (pp. 778-779, 1969 ed., pp. 654- scholarship and historical accuracy, so that the
657), briefly recounts that he was born in 1777 in historians, researchers and students may not be
Calvert County, Maryland, of parents who were led astray or be confused by esteemed
landed aristocrats as well as slave owners. counsel's eloquence and mastery of the spoken
Inheriting the traditional conservatism of his and written word as well as by his eminence as
parents who belonged to the landed aristocracy, law professor, author of law books, political
Taney became a lawyer in 1799, practiced law leader, and member of the newly integrated
and was later appointed Attorney General of Philippine Bar.
Maryland. He also was a member of the
Maryland state legislature for several terms. He It is quite intriguing why the eminent counsel and
was a leader of the Federalist Party, which co-petitioner in L-36164 did not address likewise
disintegrated after the war of 1812, compelling his challenge to the five (5) senators who are
him to join the Democratic Party of Andrew petitioners in L-36165 to also act as "heroes and
Jackson, also a slave owner and landed idealists," to defy the President by holding
aristocrat, who later appointed him first as sessions by themselves alone in a hotel or in
Attorney General of the United States, then their houses if they can muster a quorum or by
Secretary of the Treasury and in 1836 Chief causing the arrest of other senators to secure a
Justice of the United States Supreme Court to quorum and thereafter remove respondents
succeed Chief Justice John Marshall, in which Puyat and Roy (Avelino, et al. vs. Cuenco, et al.
position he continued for 28 years until he died [1949] 83 Phil. 17), if they believe most
on October 21, 1864. His death "went largely vehemently in the justice and correctness of
unnoticed and unregretted." Because he himself their position that the 1973 Constitution has not
was a slave owner and a landed aristocrat, Chief been validly ratified, adopted or acquiesced in by
Justice Taney sympathized with the Southern the people since January 18, 1973 until the
States and, even while Chief Justice, hoped that present. The proclaimed conviction of petitioners
the Southern States would be allowed to secede in L-36165 on this issue would have a ring of
peacefully from the Union. That he had no credibility, if they proceeded first to hold a rump
sympathy for the Negroes was revealed by his session outside the legislative building; because
decision in Dred Scott vs. Sandford (19 How. it is not unreasonable to demand or to exact that
398 [1857]) where he pronounced that the he who exhorts others to be brave must first
American Negro is not entitled to the rights of an demonstrate his own courage. Surely, they will
American citizen and that his status as a slave is not affirm that the mere filing of their petition in
determined by his returning to a slave state. One L-36165 already made them "heroes and
can therefore discern his hostility towards idealists." The challenge likewise seems to
President Lincoln when he decided Ex parte insinuate that the members of this Court who
Merryman, which animosity to say the least does disagree with petitioners' views are materialistic
no befit a judicial mind. Such a man could hardly cowards or mercenary fence-sitters. The Court
be spoken of as a hero of the American Bar, need not be reminded of its solemn duty and
least of all of the American nation. The choice of how to perform it. WE refuse to believe that
heroes should not be expressed indiscriminately petitioners and their learned as well as illustrious
just to embellish one's rhetoric. counsels, scholars and liberal thinkers that they
are, do not recognize the sincerity of those who
Distinguished counsel in L-36165 appears to entertain opinions that clash with their own.
have committed another historical error, which Such an attitude does not sit well with the dictum
may be due to his rhetorical in the Encyclopedia that "We can differ without being difficult; we can
Britannica (Vol. 9, 1969 ed., pp. 508-509) to this disagree without being disagreeable," which
effect. On the contrary, Encyclopedia Britannica distinguished counsel in L-36165 is wont to
(Vol. 17 Encyclopedia Brit., 1966 & 1969 eds., quote.
732-733), refers to Marshal Henri Philippe
Petain as the genuine hero or "Savior of WE reserve the right to prepare an extensive
Verdun"; because he held Verdun against the discussion of the other points raised by
1916 offensive of the German army at the cost petitioners, which We do not find now necessary
to deal with in view of Our opinion on the main III
The Constitutional Convention is co-ordinate and
MAKASIAR, J., concurring: co-equal with, as well as independent of, the
three grand departments of the Government,
Pursuant to Our reservation, We now discuss namely, the legislative, the executive and the
the other issues raised by the petitioners. judicial. As a fourth separate and distinct branch,
to emphasize its independence, the Convention
II cannot be dictated to by either of the other three
departments as to the content as well as the
form of the Charter that it proposes. It enjoys the
EVEN IF ISSUE IS JUSTICIABLE, PEOPLE'S same immunity from interference or supervision
RATIFICATION, ADOPTION OR by any of the aforesaid branches of the
ACQUIESCENCE CREATES STRONG Government in its proceedings, including the
PRESUMPTION OF VALIDITY OF 1973 printing of its own journals (Tañada and
CONSTITUTION. Fernando, Constitution of the Philippines, 1952
ed., Vol. I, pp. 8 9; Malcolm and Laurel, Phil.
As intimated in the aforecited cases, even the Const. Law, p. 22; Frantz vs. Autry, 91 Pac.
courts, which affirm the proposition that the 193). Implicit in that independence, for the
question as to whether a constitutional purpose of maintaining the same unimpaired
amendment or the revised or new Constitution and in order that its work will not be frustrated,
has been validly submitted to the people for the Convention has the power to fix the date for
ratification in accordance with the procedure the plebiscite and to provide funds therefor. To
prescribed by the existing Constitution, is a deny the Convention such prerogative, would
justiciable question, accord all presumption of leave it at the tender mercy of both legislative
validity to the constitutional amendment or the and executive branches of the Government. An
revised or new Constitution after the government unsympathetic Congress would not be disposed
officials or the people have adopted or ratified or to submit the proposed Constitution drafted by
acquiesced in the new Constitution or the Constitutional Convention to the people for
amendment, although there was an illegal or ratification, much less appropriate the necessary
irregular or no submission at all to the people. funds therefor. That could have been the fate of
(Collier vs. Gray, 4th Dec. Dig. 935 [1934], the 1973 Constitution, because the same
Hammond vs. Clark, 71 SE 482-483; People vs. abolished the Senate by creating a unicameral
Sours, 31 Colo. 369, 74 Pac. 167, 102 Am. St. National Assembly to be presided by a Prime
Rep. 34; Thompson vs. Winneth, 78 Neb. 379, Minister who wields both legislative and
110 NW 1113, 10 L.R.A. [N.S.] 149; State vs. executive powers and is the actual Chief
Laylin, 69 Ohio St. Rep. 1, 68 NE 574; Weston Executive, for the President contemplated in the
vs. Ryan, 70 Neb. 211, 97 NW 347; Combs vs. new Constitution exercises primarily ceremonial
State, 81 Ga. 780, 8 SE 318; Woodward vs. prerogatives. The new Constitution likewise
State, 103 Ga. 496, 30 SE 522; Corre vs. shortened abruptly the terms of the members of
Cooney, 70 Mont. 355, 225 P 1007, 1009). As the present Congress (whose terms end on
late as 1971, the courts stressed that the December 31, 1973, 1975 and 1977) which
constitutional amendment or the new provides that the new Constitution shall take
Constitution should not be condemned "unless effect immediately upon its ratification (Sec. 16,
our judgment its nullity is manifest beyond Article XVII, 1973 Constitution). The fact that
reasonable doubt" (1971 case of Moore vs. Section 2 of the same Article XVIII secures to
Shanahan, 486 Pac. 2d 506, 207 Kan. 1, 645; the members of Congress membership in the
and the 1956 case of Tipton vs. Smith, et interim National Assembly as long as they opt to
al., supra). serve therein within thirty (30) days after the
ratification of the proposed Constitution, affords
Mr. Justice Enrique M. Fernando, speaking for them little comfort; because the convening of the
the Court, pronounced that the presumption of interim National Assembly depends upon the
constitutionality must persist in the absence of incumbent President (under Sec. 3[1], Art. XVII,
factual foundation of record to overthrow such 1973 Constitution). Under the foregoing
presumption (Ermita-Malate Hotel, etc. vs. City circumstances, the members of Congress, who
Mayor, L-24698, July 31, 1967, 20 SCRA 849). were elected under the 1935 Constitution, would
not be disposed to call a plebiscite and
appropriate funds therefor to enable the people December 31, 1972, cannot be successfully
to pass upon the 1973 Constitution, ratification challenged.
of which means their elimination from the
political scene. They will not provide the means The employment by the President of these
for their own liquidation. Citizens' Assemblies for consultation on the
1973 Constitution or on whether there was
Because the Constitutional Convention, by further need of a plebiscite thereon, — both
necessary implication as it is indispensable to its issues of national concern — is still within the
independence and effectiveness, possesses the delegated authority reposed in him by the
power to call a plebiscite and to appropriate Constitutional Convention as aforesaid.
funds for the purpose, it inescapably must have
the power to delegate the same to the President, It should be noted that Resolution No. 29, which
who, in estimation of the Convention can better superseded Resolution No. 5843, does not
determine appropriate time for such a prescribe that the plebiscite must be conducted
referendum as well as the amount necessary to by the Commission on Elections in accordance
effect the same; for which reason the with the provisions of the 1971 Revised Election
Convention thru Resolution No. 29 approved on Code. If that were the intention of the
November 22, 1972, which superseded Constitutional Convention in making the
Resolution No. 5843 adopted on November 16, delegation, it could have easily included the
1972, proposed to the President "that necessary phrase for the purpose, some such
a decree be issued calling a plebiscite for the phrase like "to call a plebiscite to be supervised
ratification of the proposed new Constitution by the Commission on Elections in accordance
such appropriate date as he shall determine and with the provisions of the 1971 Revised Election
providing for the necessary funds therefor, ...," Code (or with existing laws)." That the
after stating in "whereas" clauses that the 1971 Constitutional Convention omitted such phrase,
Constitutional Convention expected to complete can only mean that it left to the President the
its work by the end of November, 1972 that the determination of the manner by which the
urgency of instituting reforms rendered plebiscite should be conducted, who shall
imperative the early approval of the new supervise the plebiscite, and who can participate
Constitution, and that the national and local in the plebiscite. The fact that said Resolution
leaders desire that there be continuity in the No. 29 expressly states "that copies of this
immediate transition from the old to the new resolution as approved in plenary session be
Constitution. transmitted to the President of the Philippines
and the Commission on Elections for
If Congress can legally delegate to the Chief implementation," did not in effect designate the
Executive or his subaltern the power to Commission on Elections as supervisor of the
promulgate subordinate rules and regulations to plebiscite. The copies of said resolution that
implement the law, this authority to delegate were transmitted to the Commission on
implementing rules should not be denied to the Elections at best serve merely to notify the
Constitutional Convention, a co-equal body. Commission on Elections about said resolution,
but not to direct said body to supervise the
Apart from the delegation to the Chief Executive plebiscite. The calling as well as conduct of the
of the power to call a plebiscite and to plebiscite was left to the discretion of the
appropriate funds therefor by the Constitutional President, who, because he is in possession of
Convention thru its Resolution No. 29, the all the facts funnelled to him by his intelligence
organization of the Citizens' Assemblies for services, was in the superior position to decide
consultation on national issues, is when the plebiscite shall be held, how it shall be
comprehended within the ordinance-making conducted and who shall oversee it.
power of the President under Section 63 of the
Revised Administrative Code, which expressly It should be noted that in approving said
confers on the Chief Executive the power to Resolution No. 29, the Constitutional Convention
promulgate administrative acts and commands itself recognized the validity of, or validated
touching on the organization or mode of Presidential Proclamation No. 1081 placing the
operation of the government or re-arranging or entire country under martial law by resolving to
re-adjusting any district, division or part of the "propose to President Ferdinand E. Marcos that
Philippines "or disposing of issues of general a decree be issued calling a plebiscite ... ." The
concern ... ." (Emphasis supplied). Hence, as use of the term "decree" is significant for the
consultative bodies representing the localities basic orders regulating the conduct of all
including the barrios, their creation by the inhabitants are issued in that form and
President thru Presidential Decree No. 86 of nomenclature by the President as the
Commander in Chief and enforcer of martial law.
Consequently, the issuance by the President of state court decisions that to
Presidential Decree No. 73 on December 1, avoid such undesirable
1972 setting the plebiscite on January 15, 1973 consequence the task of
and appropriating funds therefor pursuant to said submission becomes ministerial,
Resolution No. 29, is a valid exercise of such with the political branches
delegated authority. devoid of any discretion as to
the holding of an election for
Such delegation, unlike the delegation by that purpose. Nor is the
Congress of the rule-making power to the Chief appropriation by him of the
Executive or to any of his subalterns, does not amount necessary to be
need sufficient standards to circumscribe the considered as offensive to the
exercise of the power delegated, and is beyond Constitution. If it were done by
the competence of this Court to nullify. But even him in his capacity as President,
if adequate criteria should be required, the same such an objection would indeed
are contained in the "Whereas" clauses of the have been formidable, not to
Constitutional Convention Resolution No. 29, say insurmountable. If the
thus: appropriation were made in his
capacity as agent of the
Convention to assure that there
WHEREAS, the 1971
be submission to the people,
Constitutional Convention is
then such an argument loses
expected to complete its work of
force. The Convention itself
drafting a proposed new
could have done so. It is
Constitution for the Republic by
understandable why it should be
the end of November, 1972;
thus. If it were otherwise, then a
legislative body, the
WHEREAS, in view of the appropriating arm of the
urgency of instituting reforms, government, could conceivably
the early approval of the New make use of such authority to
Constitution has become compel the Convention to
imperative; submit to its wishes, on pain of
being rendered financially
WHEREAS, it is the desire of distraught. The President then,
the national and local leaders if performing his role as its
that there be continuity in the agent, could be held as not
immediate political transition devoid of such competence.
from the old to the New (pp. 2-3, concurring opinion of J.
Constitution;" (Annex "1" of Fernando in L-35925, etc.,
Answer, Res. No. 29, emphasis supplied).
Constitutional Convention).
As Mr. Justice Fernando, with whom Messrs.
Justices Barredo, Antonio and the writer VAGUENESS OR AMBIGUITY DOES NOT
concurred in the Plebiscite Cases, stated: INVALIDATE THE
... Once this work of drafting has
been completed, it could itself (1) Petitions challenge the 1973 draft as vague
direct the submission to the and incomplete, and alluded to their arguments
people for ratification as during the hearings on December 18 and 19,
contemplated in Article XV of 1972 on the Plebiscite Cases. But the inclusion
the Constitution. Here it did not of questionable or ambiguous provisions does
do so. With Congress not being not affect the validity of the ratification or
in session, could the President, adoption of the 1973 Constitution itself (Pope vs.
by the decree under question, Gray, 104 SO, 2d 841; 7th Dec. pp. 212-219,
call for such a plebiscite? Under 1956-1966).
such circumstances, a negative
answer certainly could result in
the work of the Convention Alexander Hamilton, one of the leading founders
being rendered nugatory. The and defenders of the American Constitution,
answering the critics of the Federal Constitution,
view has been repeatedly
stated that: "I never expect to see a perfect work
expressed in many American
from imperfect man. The result of the
deliberations of all collective bodies must Sec. 3(2) All proclamations,
necessarily be a compound, as well of the errors orders, decrees, instructions,
and prejudices as of the good sense and and acts promulgated, issued,
wisdom, of the individuals of whom they are or done by the incumbent
composed. The compacts which are to embrace President shall be part of the
thirteen distinct States in a common bond of law of the land, and shall remain
amity and union, must necessarily be a valid, legal, binding and
compromise of as many dissimilar interests and effective even after lifting of
inclinations. How can perfection spring from martial law or the ratification of
such materials?" (The Federalist, Modern this Constitution, unless
Library Ed., pp. xx-xxi). modified, revoked, or
superseded by subsequent
(2) The 1973 Constitution is likewise impugned proclamations, orders, decrees,
on the ground that it contains provisions which instructions, or other acts of the
are ultra vires or beyond the power of the incumbent President, or unless
Constitutional Convention to propose. expressly and explicitly modified
or repealed by the regular
National Assembly.
This objection relates to the wisdom of changing
the form of government from Presidential to
Parliamentary and including such provisions as xxx xxx xxx
Section 3 of Article IV, Section 15 of Article XIV
and Sections 3(2) and 12 of Article XVII in the Sec. 12. All treaties, executive
1973 Constitution. agreements, and contracts
entered into by the Government,
Article IV — or any subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality thereof, including
government-owned or controlled
Sec. 3. The right of the people
corporations, are hereby
to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects recognized as legal, valid and
against unreasonable searches binding. When the national
interest so requires, the
and seizures of whatever nature
incumbent President of the
and for any purpose shall not be
Philippines or the interim Prime
violated, and no search warrant
Minister may review all
or warrant of arrest shall
issue except upon probable contracts, concessions, permits,
cause to be determined by the or other forms of privileges for
judge, or such other responsible the exploration, development,
officer as may be authorized by exploitation, or utilization of
law, after examination under natural resources entered into,
granted, issued or acquired
oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses before the ratification of this
may produce, and particularly Constitution.
describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or In the Plebiscite Cases (L-35925, L-35929, L-
things to be seized. 35940, L-35942, L-35948, L-35953, L-35961, L-
35965, & L-35979), Chief Justice Roberto
Concepcion, concurred in by Justices Fernando,
Article XIV —
Barredo, Antonio and the writer, overruled this
objection, thus:
Sec. 15. Any provision of
paragraph one, Section
fourteen, Article Eight and of ... Regardless
of the wisdom
this Article notwithstanding, the
and moral
Prime Minister may enter into
aspects of the
international treaties or
agreements as the national
welfare and interest may provisions of
require." (Without the consent of the proposed
Constitution, it
the National Assembly.)
is my
considered view
Article XVII — that the
Convention was submitted to the people for ratification. Once
legally deemed ratified by the sovereign people, there can be no
fit to propose — debate about the validity of the new
save perhaps Constitution."
what is or may
be insistent with Mr. Justice Fernando, concurring in the same
what is now Plebiscite Cases, cited the foregoing
known, pronouncement in the Del Rosario case, supra,
particularly in and added: "... it seems to me a sufficient
international answer that once convened, the area open for
law, as Jus deliberation to a constitutional convention ..., is
Cogens — not practically limitless" (citing Cf. Koehler vs. Hill,
only because 14 NW 738, 60 Iowa 543 [1883]; Hatch
the Convention Stoneman, 6 P 734, 66 Cal. 632 [1885];
exercised MacMillan v. Blattner, 25 NW 245, 67 Iowa 287
sovereign [1895]; State v. Powell, 27 SO 297, 77 Miss. 543
powers [1900]; Hammond v. Clark, 71 SE 479, 136 Ga.
delegated 313 [1911]; Hamilton v. Vaughan, 179 NW 533,
thereto by the 212 Mich. 31 [1920]; State v. Smith, 138 NE
people — 881, 105 Ohio St. 570 [1922]; Looney vs.
although insofar Leeper, 292 P 365, 145 Okl. 202 [1930]; School
only as the District vs. City of Pontiac, 247 NW 474, 262
determination of Mich. 338 [1933]).
the proposals to
be made and Mr. Justice Barredo, in his concurring opinion in
formulated by said Plebiscite Cases, expressed the view "that
said body is
when the people elected the delegates to the
concerned —
Convention and when the delegates themselves
but also,
were campaigning, such limitation of the scope
because said
of their function and objective was not in their
proposals minds."
cannot be valid
as part of our
Fundamental V
Law unless and
by the majority PROMULGATED.
of the votes
cast at an Petitioners next claim that the 1971
election which" Constitutional Convention adjourned on
said proposals November 30, 1972 without officially
"are submitted promulgating the said Constitution in Filipino as
to the people for required by Sections 3(1) of Article XV on
their General Provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
ratification," as This claim is without merit because their Annex
provided in "M" is the Filipino version of the 1973
Section 1 of Constitution, like the English version, contains
Article XV of the the certification by President Diosdado
1935 Macapagal of the Constitutional Convention,
Constitution. duly attested by its Secretary, that the proposed
(Pp. 17-18, Constitution, approved on second reading on the
Decision in L- 27th day of November, 1972 and on third
35925, etc.). reading in the Convention's 291st plenary
session on November 29, 1972 and accordingly
This Court likewise enunciated in Del Rosario signed on November 1972 by the delegates
vs. Comelec (L-32476, Oct. 20, 1970, 35 SCRA whose signatures are thereunder affixed. It
367) that the Constitutional Convention has the should be recalled that Constitutional
authority to "entirely overhaul the present Convention President Diosdado Macapagal was,
Constitution and propose an entirely new as President of the Republic 1962 to 1965, then
Constitution based on an ideology foreign to the the titular head of the Liberal Party to which four
democratic system ...; because the same will be (4) of the petitioners in L-36165 including their


counsel, former Senator Jovito Salonga, belong. only electors or qualified electors; prescribes the
Are they repudiating and disowning their former publication of the proposed amendment or a
party leader and benefactor? new Constitution for a specific period prior to the
election or plebiscite; and designates the officer
VI to conduct the plebiscite, to canvass and to
certify the results, including the form of the ballot
which should so state the substance of the
NOT proposed amendments to enable the voter to
PRESCRIBE ANY PROCEDURE FOR vote on each amendment separately or
authorizes expressly the Constitutional
Convention or the legislature to determine the
procedure or certain details thereof. See the
State Constitutions of Alabama [1901]; Arizona
(1) Article XV of the 1935 Constitution simply [1912]; Arkansas [1874]; Colorado [1976];
provides that "such amendments shall be valid Connecticut [1818]; Florida [1887]; Georgia
as part of this Constitution when approved by a [1945]; Illinois [1970]; Indiana [1851]; Iowa
majority of the votes cast at an election at which [1857]; Kansas [1861]; Kentucky [1891];
the amendments are submitted to the people for Louisiana [1921]; Maryland [1867];
ratification." Massachusetts [1790]; Michigan [1909];
Minnesota [1857]; Mississippi [1890]; and
But petitioners construe the aforesaid provision Missouri [1945]).
to read: "Such amendments shall be valid as
part of this Constitution when approved by a As typical examples:
majority of the votes cast at an election called by Constitution of Alabama (1901):
Congress at which the amendments are
submitted for ratification by the qualified electors
defined in Article V hereof, supervised by the Article XVIII. Mode of Amending
Commission on Elections in accordance with the the Constitution
existing election law and after such amendments
shall have been published in all the newspapers Sec. 284. Legislative Proposals.
of general circulation for at least four months Amendments may be proposed
prior to such election." to this Constitution by the
legislature in the manner
following: The proposed
This position certainly imposes limitation on the
sovereign people, who have the sole power of amendments shall be read in
ratification, which imposition by the Court is the house in which they
originate on three several days,
never justified (Wheeler vs. Board of
Trustees, supra). and, if upon the third reading,
three-fifths of all the members
elected to that house shall vote
In effect, petitioners and their counsels are in favor thereof, the proposed
amending by a strained and tortured amendments shall be sent to
construction Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. the other house, in which they
This is a clear case of usurpation of sovereign shall likewise be read on three
power they do not possess — through some several days, and if upon the
kind of escamotage. This Court should not third reading, three-fifths of all
commit such a grave error in the guise of judicial the members elected that house
interpretation. shall vote in favor of the
proposed amendments,
In all the cases where the court held that illegal the legislature shall order an
or irregular submission, due to absence of election by the qualified electors
substantial compliance with the procedure of the state upon such proposed
prescribed by the Constitution and/or the law, amendments, to be held either
nullifies the proposed amendment or the new at the general election next
Constitution, the procedure prescribed by the succeeding the session of the
state Constitution is so detailed that it specifies legislature at which the
that the submission should be at a general or amendments are proposed or
special election, or at the election for members upon another day appointed by
of the State legislature only or of all state the legislature, not less than
officials only or of local officials only, or of both three months after the final
state and local officials; fixes the date of the adjournment of the session of
election or plebiscite limits the submission to the legislature at which the
amendments were amendment shall be so printed
proposed. Notice of such that the nature thereof shall be
election, together with the clearly indicated. Following each
proposed amendments, shall be proposed amendment on the
given by proclamation of the ballot shall be printed the word
governor, which shall be "Yes" and immediately under
published in every county in that shall be printed the word
such manner as the legislature "No". The choice of the elector
shall direct, for at least eight shall be indicated by a cross
successive weeks next mark made by him or under his
preceding the day appointed for direction, opposite the word
such election. On the day so expressing his desire, and no
appointed an election shall be amendment shall be adopted
held for the vote of the qualified unless it receives the affirmative
electors of the state upon the vote of a majority of all the
proposed amendments. If such qualified electors who vote at
election be held on the day of such election.
the general election, the officers
of such general election shall Constitution of Arkansas (1874):
open a poll for the vote of the
qualified electors upon the Article XIX. Miscellaneous
proposed amendments; if it be
held on a day other than that of
a general election, officers for
such election shall be Sec. 22. Constitutional
appointed; and the election shall amendments. Either branch of
be held in all things in the General Assembly at a
accordance with the law regular session thereof may
governing general elections. In propose amendments to this
all elections upon such Constitution, and, if the same be
proposed amendments, the agreed to by a majority of all the
votes cast thereat shall be members, elected to each
canvassed, tabulated, and house, such proposed
returns thereof be made to the amendments shall be entered
secretary of state, and counted, on the journal with the yeas and
in the same manner as in nays, and published in at least
elections for representatives to one newspaper in each county,
the legislature; and if it shall where a newspaper is
thereupon appear that a published, for six months
majority of the qualified electors immediately preceding the next
who voted at such election upon general election for Senators
the proposed amendments and Representatives, at which
voted in favor of the same, such time the same shall be
amendments shall be valid to all submitted to the electors of the
intents and purposes as parts of State for approval or rejection,
this Constitution. The result of and if a majority of the electors
such election shall be made voting at such election adopt
known by proclamation of the such amendments, the same
governor. Representation in the shall become a part of this
legislature shall be based upon Constitution; but no more than
population, and such basis of three amendments shall be
representation shall not be proposed or submitted at the
changed by constitutional same time. They shall be so
amendments. submitted as to enable the
electors to vote on each
amendment separately.
Sec. 285. Form of ballot for
amendment. Upon the ballots
used at all elections provided for Constitution of Kansas (1861):
in section 284 of this
Constitution, the substance or Article XIV. Amendments.
subject matter of each proposed
Sec. 1. Proposal of newspapers, in each County,
amendments; publications; where so many may be
elections. Propositions for the published, and where not more
amendment of this constitution than one may be published,
may be made by either branch then in the newspaper, and in
of the legislature; and if two three newspapers published in
thirds of all the members the City of Baltimore, once a
elected to each house shall week for four weeks
concur therein, such proposed immediately preceding the next
amendments, together with the ensuing general election, at
yeas and nays, shall be entered which the proposed amendment
on the journal; and the secretary or amendments shall be
of state shall cause the same to submitted, in a form to be
be published in at least one prescribed by the General
newspaper in each county of the Assembly, to the qualified voters
state where a newspaper is of the State for adoption or
published, for three months rejection. The votes cast for and
preceding the next election for against said proposed
representatives, at which time, amendment or amendments,
the same shall be submitted to severally, shall be returned to
the electors, for their approval or the Governor, in the manner
rejection; and if a majority of the prescribed in other cases, and if
electors voting on said it shall appear to the Governor
amendments, at said election, that a majority of the votes cast
shall adopt the amendments, at said election on said
the same shall become a part of amendment or amendments,
the constitution. When more severally, were cast in favor
than one amendment shall be thereof, the Governor shall, by
submitted at the same time, his proclamation, declare the
they shall be so submitted as to said amendment or
enable the electors to vote on amendments having received
each amendments separately; said majority of votes, to have
and not more than three been adopted by the people of
propositions to amend shall be Maryland as part of the
submitted at the same election. Constitution thereof, and
henceforth said amendment or
Constitution of Maryland (1867): amendments shall be part of the
said Constitution. When two or
more amendments shall be
Article XIV. Amendments to the
submitted in the manner
aforesaid, to the voters of this
State at the same election, they
Sec. 1. Proposal in general shall be so submitted as that
assembly; publication; each amendment shall be voted
submission to voters; governor's on separately.
proclamation. The General
Assembly may propose
Amendments to this Constitution of Missouri (1945):
Constitution; provided that each
Amendment shall be embraced Article XII. Amending the
in a separate bill, embodying the Constitution.
Article or Section, as the same
will stand when amended and Sec. 2(b). Submission of
passed by three fifths of all the amendments proposed by
members elected to each of the general assembly or by the
two Houses, by yeas and nays, initiative. All amendments
to be entered on the Journals proposed by the general
with the proposed Amendment. assembly or by the initiative
The bill or bills proposing shall be submitted to the
amendment or amendments electors for their approval or
shall be published by order of rejection by official ballot title as
the Governor, in at least two may be provided by law, on a
separate ballot without party Article X on the Commission on Elections, which
designation, at the next general article was included therein pursuant to an
election, or at a special election amendment by that National Assembly proposed
called by the governor prior only about five (5) years later — on April 11,
thereto, at which he may submit 1940, ratified by the people on June 18, 1940 as
any of the amendments. No approved by the President of the United States
such proposed amendment on December 1940 (see Sumulong vs.
shall contain more than one Commission, 70 Phil. 703, 713, 715; Gonzales,
amended and revised article of Phil. Const. Law, 1966 ed., p. 13). So it cannot
this constitution, or one new be said that the original framers of the 1935
article which shall not contain Constitution as ratified May 14, 1935 intended
more than one subject and that a body known as the Commission on
matters properly connected Elections should be the one to supervise the
therewith. If possible, each plebiscite, because the Commission on
proposed amendment shall be Elections was not in existence then as was
published once a week for two created only by Commonwealth Act No. 607
consecutive weeks in two approved on August 22, 1940 and amended by
newspapers of different political Commonwealth Act No. 657 approved on June
faith in each county, the last 21, 1941 (see Tañada & Carreon, Political Law
publication to be not more than of the Philippines, Vol. I, 1961 ed., pp. 475-476;
thirty nor less than fifteen days Sumulong vs. Commission, 170 Phil. 703, 708-
next preceding the election. If 715; 73 Phil. 288, 290-300; Tañada & Fernando,
there be but one newspaper in Constitution of the Philippines, 1953 ed., Vol. I,
any county, publication of four p. 5, Vol. II,
consecutive weeks shall be pp. 11-19).
made. If a majority of the votes
cast thereon is in favor of any Because before August, 1940 the Commission
amendment, the same shall on Election was not yet in existence, the former
take effect at the end of thirty Department of Interior (now Department of Local
days after the election. More Governments and Community Development)
than one amendment at the supervised the plebiscites on the 1937
same election shall be so amendment on woman's suffrage, the 1939
submitted as to enable the amendment to the Ordinance appended to the
electors to vote on each 1935 Constitution (Tydings-Kocialkowski Act of
amendment separately. the U.S. Congress) and the three 1940
amendments on the establishment of a
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not bicameral Congress, the re-election of the
require a specific procedure, much less a President and the Vice-President, and the
detailed procedure for submission or ratification. creation of the Commission on Elections (ratified
As heretofore stated, it does not specify what on June 18, 1940). The supervision of said
kind of election at which the new Constitution plebiscites by the then Department of Interior
shall be submitted; nor does it designate the was not automatic, but by virtue of an express
Commission on Elections to supervise the authorization in Commonwealth Act Nos. 34, 49
plebiscite. Neither does it limit the ratification to and 517.
the qualified electors as defined in Article V of
the 1935 Constitution. Much less does it require If the National Assembly then intended that the
the publication of the proposed Constitution for Commission on Elections should also supervise
any specific period before the plebiscite nor the plebiscite for ratification of constitutional
does it even insinuate that the plebiscite should amendments or revision, it should have likewise
be supervised in accordance with the existing proposed the corresponding amendment to
election law. Article XV by providing therein that the plebiscite
on amendments shall be supervised by the
(2) As aforequoted, Article XV does not indicate Commission on Elections.
the procedure for submission of the proposed
Constitution to the people for ratification. It does 3) If the framers of the 1935 Constitution and the
not make any reference to the Commission on people in ratifying the same on May 14, 1935
Elections as the body that shall supervise the wanted that only the qualified voters under
plebiscite. And Article XV could not make any Article V of the 1935 Constitution should
reference to the Commission on Elections participate in the referendum on any amendment
because the original 1935 Constitution as ratified or revision thereof, they could have provided the
on May 14, 1935 by the people did not contain same in 1935 or in the 1940 amendment by just
adding a few words to Article XV by changing election for ratification. This proposal was not
the last phrase to "submitted for ratification to accepted indicating that the 1934-35
the qualified electors as defined in Article V Constitutional Convention did intend to limit the
hereof," or some such similar phrases. term "people" in Article XV of the 1935
Constitution to qualified electors only. As above
Then again, the term "people" in Article XV demonstrated, the 1934-35 Constitutional
cannot be understood to exclusively refer to the Convention limits the use of the term "qualified
qualified electors under Article V of the 1935 electors" to elections of public officials. It did not
Constitution because the said term "people" as want to tie the hands of succeeding future
used in several provisions of the 1935 constitutional conventions as to who should
Constitution, does not have a uniform meaning. ratify the proposed amendment or revision.
Thus in the preamble, the term "Filipino people"
refer, to all Filipino citizens of all ages of both (4) It is not exactly correct to opine that Article
sexes. In Section 1 of Article II on the XV of 1935 Constitution on constitutional
Declaration of Principles, the term "people" in amendment contemplates the automatic
whom sovereignty resides and from whom all applicability of election laws to plebiscites on
government authority emanates, can only refer proposed constitutional amendments or revision.
also to Filipino citizens of all ages and of both
sexes. But in Section 5 of the same Article II on The very phraseology of the specific laws
social justice, the term "people" comprehends enacted by the National Assembly and later by
not only Filipino citizens but also all aliens Congress, indicates that there is need of a
residing in the country of all ages and of both statute expressly authorizing the application of
sexes. Likewise, that is the same connotation of the election laws to plebiscites of this nature.
the term "people" employed in Section 1(3) of Thus, Com. Act No. 34 on the woman's suffrage
Article III on the Bill of Rights concerning amendment enacted on September 30, 1936,
searches and seizures. consists of 12 sections and, aside from providing
that "there shall be held a plebiscite on Friday,
When the 1935 Constitution wants to limit action April 30, 1937, on the question of woman's
or the exercise of a right to the electorate, it suffrage ... and that said amendment shall be
does so expressly as the case of the election of published in the Official Gazette in English and
senators and congressmen. Section 2 Article VI Spanish for three consecutive issues at least
expressly provides that the senators "shall be fifteen (15) days prior to said election, ... and
chosen at large by the qualified electors of the shall be posted in a conspicuous place in its
Philippines as may provided by law." Section 5 municipal and provincial office building and in its
of the same Article VI specifically provides that polling place not later than April 22, 1937" (Sec.
congressmen shall "be elected by the qualified 12, Com. Act No. 34), specifies that the
electors." The only provision that seems to provisions of the Election Law regarding, the
sustain the theory of petitioners that the term holding of a special election, insofar as said
"people" in Article XV should refer to the provisions are not in conflict with it, should apply
qualified electors as defined in Article V of the to the said plebiscite (Sec. 3, Com. Act No. 34)1;
1935 Constitution is the provision that the and, that the votes cast according to the returns
President and Vice-President shall be elected of the board of inspectors shall be counted by
"by direct vote of the people." (Sec. 2 of Art. VII the National Assembly (Sec. 10, Com. Act No.
of the 1935 Constitution). But this alone cannot 34).
be conclusive as to such construction, because
of explicit provisions of Sections 2 and 5 of The election laws then in force before 1938 were
Article VI, which specifically prescribes that the found in Sections 392-483 of the Revised
senators and congressmen shall be elected by Administrative Code.
the qualified electors.
Sec. 1 of Com. Act No. 357, the previous
As aforesaid, most of the constitutions of the Election Code enacted on August 22, 1938,
various states of the United States, specifically makes it expressly applicable to plebiscites. Yet
delineate in detail procedure of ratification of the subsequent laws, namely, Com. Act Nos.
amendments to or revision of said Constitutions 492 and 517 and Rep. Act No. 73 calling for the
and expressly require ratification by qualified plebiscite on the constitutional amendments in
electors, not by the generic term "people". 1939, 1940 and 1946, including the amendment
creating the Commission on Elections,
The proposal submitted to the Ozamis specifically provided that the provisions of the
Committee on the Amending Process of the existing election law shall apply to such
1934-35 Constitutional Convention satisfied that plebiscites insofar as they are not inconsistent
the amendment shall be submitted to qualified
with the aforesaid Com. Act Nos. 492 and 517, election which shall be held on March 11, 1947,
as well as Rep. Act No. 73. Thus — in accordance with the provisions of this Act"
(Sec. 1, R.A. No. 73); that the said amendment
Commonwealth Act No. 492, enacted on shall be published in English and Spanish in
September 19, 1939, calling for a plebiscite on three consecutive issues of the Official
the proposed amendments to the Constitution Gazette at least 20 days prior to the election;
adopted by the National Assembly on that copies of the same shall be posted in a
September 15, 1939, consists of 8 sections and conspicuous place and in every polling place not
provides that the proposed amendments to the later than February 11, 1947 (Section 2, R.A.
Constitution adopted in Resolution No. 39 on No. 73); that the provisions of Com. Act No. 357
September 15, 1939 "shall be submitted to the (Election Code) and Com. Act No. 657 creating
Filipino people for approval or disapproval at the Commission on Elections, shall apply to the
a general election to be held throughout the election insofar as they are not inconsistent with
Philippines on Tuesday, October 24, 1939"; that this Act (Sec. 3, R.A. No. 73); and that within 30
the amendments to said Constitution proposed days after the election, the Senate and House of
in "Res. No. 38, adopted on the same date, shall Representatives shall hold a joint session to
be submitted at following election of local canvass the returns and certify the results
officials," (Sec. 1, Com. Act No. 492) that the thereof (Section 6, R.A. No. 73).
said amendments shall be published in English
and Spanish in three consecutive issues of the From the foregoing provisions, it is patent that
Official Gazette at least ten (10) days prior to the Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not
elections; that copies thereof shall be posted not contemplate nor envision the automatic
later than October 20, 1939 (Sec. 2, Com. Act application of the election law; and even at that,
492); that the election shall be not all the provisions of the election law were
conducted according to provisions of the made applicable because the various laws
Election Code insofar as the same may be aforecited contain several provisions which are
applicable; that within thirty (30) days after the inconsistent with the provisions of the Revised
election, Speaker of the National Assembly shall Election Code (Com. Act No. 357). Moreover, it
request the President to call a special session of should be noted that the period for the
the Assembly for the purpose of canvassing the publication of the copies of the proposed
returns and certify the results thereof (Sec. 6, amendments was about 10 days, 15 days or 20
Com. Act No. 492). days, and for posting at least 4 days, 8 days or
30 days.
Commonwealth Act No. 517, consisting of 11
sections, was approved on April 25, 1940 and Republic Acts Nos. 180 and 6388 likewise
provided, among others: that the plebiscite on expressly provide that the Election Code shall
the constitutional amendments providing apply to plebiscites (See. 2, R.A. No. 180, as
bicameral Congress, re-election of the President amended, and Section 2, Rep. Act No. 6388).
and Vice-President, and the creation of a
Commission on Elections shall be held at a If the Election Code ipso facto applies to
general election on June 18, 1940 (Sec. 1); that plebiscites under Article XV of the 1935
said amendments shall be published in three Constitution, there would be no need for
consecutive issues of the Official Gazette in Congress to expressly provide therefor in the
English and Spanish at least 20 days prior to the election laws enacted after the inauguration of
election and posted in every local government the Commonwealth government under the 1935
office building and polling place not later than Constitution.
May 18, 1940 (Sec. 2); that the election shall be
conducted in conformity with the Election Code
(5) Article XV of the 1935 Constitution does not
insofar as the same may be applicable (Sec. 3)
specify who can vote and how they shall vote.
that copies of the returns shall be forwarded to
Unlike the various State Constitutions of the
the Secretary of National Assembly and the
American Union (with few exceptions), Article
Secretary of Interior (Sec. 7); that the National XV does not state that only qualified electors can
Assembly shall canvass the returns to certify the vote in the plebiscite. As above-intimated, most
results at a special session to be called by
of the Constitutions of the various states of the
President (Sec. 8).
United States provide for very detailed amending
process and specify that only qualified electors
Republic Act No. 73 approved on October 21, can vote at such plebiscite or election.
1946 calling for a plebiscite on the parity
amendment consists of 8 sections provides that
Congress itself, in enacting Republic Act No.
the Amendment "shall be submitted to the
3590, otherwise known as the Barrio Charter,
people, for approval or disapproval, at a general
which was approved on June 17, 1967 and constitute a quorum. All actions
superseded Republic Act No. 2370, expanded shall require a majority vote of
the membership of the barrio assembly to these present at the meeting
include citizens who are at least 18 years of age, there being a quorum.
whether literate or not, provided they are also
residents of the barrio for at least 6 months (Sec. Sec. 5. Powers of the barrio
4, R.A. No. 3590). assembly. — The powers of the
barrio assembly shall be as
Sec. 4. The barrio assembly. — follows:
The barrio assembly shall
consist of all persons who are a. To
residents of the barrio for at recommend to
least six months, eighteen years the barrio
of age or over, citizens of the council the
Republic of the Philippines and adoption of
who are duly registered in the measures for
list of barrio assembly the welfare of
members kept by the Barrio the barrio;
b. To decide on
The barrio assembly shall meet the holding of a
at least once a year to hear the plebiscite as
annual report of the barrio provided for in
council concerning the activities Section 6 of this
and finances of the barrio. Act;

It shall meet also at the case of c. To act on

the barrio council or upon budgetary and
written petition of at least One- supplemental
Tenth of the members of the appropriations
barrio assembly. and special tax
No meeting of the barrio submitted for its
assembly shall take place approval by the
unless notice is given one week barrio council;
prior to the meeting except in and
matters involving public safety
or security in which case notice d. To hear the
within a reasonable time shall annual report
be sufficient. The barrio captain, council
or in his absence, the concerning the
councilman acting as barrio activities and
captain, or any assembly finances of the
member selected during the assembly.
meeting, shall act as presiding
officer at all meetings of the
Sec. 6. Plebiscite. — A
barrio assembly. The barrio
plebiscite may be held in the
secretary or in his absence, any
barrio when authorized by a
member designated by the
majority vote of the members
presiding officer to act as
present in the barrio assembly,
secretary shall discharge the
there being a quorum, or when
duties of secretary of the barrio
called by at least four members
of the barrio council; Provided,
however, That no plebiscite
For the purpose of conducting shall be held until after thirty
business and taking any official days from its approval by either
action in the barrio assembly, it body, and such plebiscite has
is necessary that at least one- been given the widest publicity
fifth of the members of the in the barrio, stating the date,
barrio assembly be present to time, and place thereof, the
questions or issues to be year or more of
decided, action to be taken by imprisonment,
the voters, and such other within two years
information relevant to the after service of
holding of the plebiscite. his sentence;

All duly registered barrio b. Any person

assembly members qualified to who has
vote may vote in the plebiscite. violated his
Voting procedures may be allegiance to
made either in writing as in the Republic of
regular election, and/or the Philippines;
declaration by the voters to the and
board of election tellers. The
board of election tellers shall be c. Insane or
the same board envisioned by feeble-minded
section 8, paragraph 2 of this persons.
Act, in case of vacancies in this
body, the barrio council may fill All these barrio assembly members, who are at
the same. least 18 years of age, although illiterate, may
vote at the plebiscite on the recall of any
A plebiscite may be called to member of the barrio council or on a budgetary,
decide on the recall of any supplemental appropriation, or special
member of the barrio council. A ordinances, a valid action on which requires "a
plebiscite shall be called to majority vote of all of the barrio assembly
approve any budgetary, members registered in the list of the barrio
supplemental appropriations or secretary" (par. 5, Sec. 6, R.A. No. 3590). Such
special tax ordinances. plebiscite may be authorized by a majority vote
of the members present in the barrio assembly,
For taking action on any of the there being a quorum (par. 1, Sec. 6).
above enumerated measures,
majority vote of all the barrio However, in the case of election of barrio
assembly members registered officials, only Filipino citizens, who are at least
in the list of barrio secretary is 21 years of age, able to read and write,
necessary. residents of the barrio during the 6 months
immediately preceding the election and duly
xxx xxx xxx registered in the list of voters kept by the barrio
secretary, not otherwise disqualified, may vote
Sec 10. Qualifications of voters (Sec. 10, R.A. No. 3590).
and candidates. — Every citizen
of the Philippines, twenty-one Paragraph 2 of Section 6 likewise authorizes
years of age or over, able to open voting as it provides that "voting
read and write, who has been a procedures may be made ... either in writing as
resident of the barrio during the in regular elections, and/or declaration by the
six months immediately voters to the board of election tellers."
preceding the election, duly
registered in the list of voters That said paragraph 2 of Section 6 provides that
kept by the barrio secretary, "all duly registered barrio assembly members
who is not otherwise qualified to vote may vote in the plebiscite,"
disqualified, may vote or be a cannot sustain the position of petitioners in G.R.
candidate in the barrio elections. No. L-36165 that only those who are 21 years of
age and above and who possess all other
The following persons shall not qualifications of a voter under Section 10 of R.A.
be qualified to vote: No. 3590, can vote on the plebiscites referred to
in Section 6; because paragraph 3 of Section 6
a. Any person does not expressly limit the voting to those with
who has been the qualifications under Section 10 as said
sentenced by Section 6 does not distinguish between those
final judgment who are 21 or above on the one hand and those
to suffer one 18 or above but below 21 on the other, and
whether literate or not, to constitute a quorum of affidavits and certifications of Governor Isidro
the barrio assembly. Rodriguez of Rizal, Mayor Norberto S. Amoranto
of Quezon City and Councilor Eduardo T.
Consequently, on questions submitted for Parades of Quezon City.
plebiscite, all the registered members of the
barrio assembly can vote as long as they are 18 The procedure for the ratification of the 1937
years of age or above; and that only those who amendment on woman suffrage, the 1939
are 21 years of age or over and can read and amendment to the ordinance appended to the
write, can vote in the elections of barrio officials. 1935 Constitution, the 1940 amendments
establishing the bicameral Congress, creating
Otherwise there was no sense in extending the Commission on Elections and providing for
membership in the barrio assembly to those who two consecutive terms for the President, and the
are at least 18 years of age, whether literate or 1947 parity amendment, cannot be invoked;
not. Republic Act No. 3590 could simply have because those amendments were proposed by
restated Section 4 of Republic Act No. 2370, the the National Assembly as expressly authorized
old Barrio Charter, which provided that only by Article V of the 1935 Constitution respecting
those who are 21 and above can be members of woman suffrage and as a constituent assembly
the barrio assembly. in all the other amendments aforementioned and
therefore as such, Congress had also the
Counsels Salonga and Tañada as well as all the authority to prescribe the procedure for the
submission of the proposed amendments to the
petitioners in L-36165 and two of the petitioners
1935 Constitution.
in L-36164 participated in the enactment of
Republic Act No. 3590 and should have known
the intendment of Congress in expanding the In the cases at bar, the 1973 Constitution was
membership of the barrio assembly to include all proposed by an independent Constitutional
those 18 years of age and above, whether Convention, which as heretofore discussed, has
literate or not. the equal power to prescribe the modality for the
submission of the 1973 Constitution to the
If Congress in the exercise of its ordinary people for ratification or delegate the same to
legislative power, not as a constituent assembly, the President of the Republic.
can include 18-year olds as qualified electors for
barrio plebiscites, this prerogative can also be The certification of Governor Isidro Rodriguez of
exercised by the Chief Executive as delegate of Rizal and Mayor Norberto Amoranto could be
the Constitutional Convention in regard to the utilized as the basis for the extrapolation of the
plebiscite on the 1973 Constitution. Citizens' Assemblies in all the other provinces,
cities and municipalities in all the other
provinces, cities and municipalities, and the
As heretofore stated, the statement by the
affirmative votes in the Citizens' Assemblies
President in Presidential Proclamation No. 1102
resulting from such extrapolation would still
that the 1973 Constitution was overwhelmingly
ratified by the people through the Citizens' constitute a majority of the total votes cast in
Assemblies in a referendum conducted from favor of the 1973 Constitution.
January 10 to 15, 1973, should be accorded the
presumption of correctness; because the same As claimed by petitioners in L-36165, against the
was based on the certification by the Secretary certification of the Department of Local
of the Department of Local Government and Government and Community Development that
Community Development who tabulated the in Rizal there were 1,126,000 Yes votes and
results of the referendum all over the country. 100,310 No votes, the certification of Governor
The accuracy of such tabulation and certification Isidro Rodriguez of Rizal, shows only 614,157
by the said Department Secretary should Yes votes against 292,530 No votes. In Cavite
likewise be presumed; because it was done in province, there were 249,882 Yes votes against
the regular performance of his official functions 12,269 No votes as disclosed in Annex 1-A of
aside from the fact that the act of the respondents' Compliance (the certification by the
Department Secretary, as an alter ego of the Department of Local Government and
President, is presumptively the act of the Community Development), while the alleged
President himself unless the latter disapproves certification of Governor Lino Bocalan of Cavite
or reprobates the same (Villena vs. Secretary of shows only 126,163 Yes votes and 5,577 No
Interior, 67 Phil. 451 ). The truth of the votes. If such a ratio is extended by way of
certification by the Department Secretary and extrapolation to the other provinces, cities and
the Chief Executive on the results of the towns of the country, the result would still be an
referendum, is further strengthened by the overwhelming vote in favor of the 1973
The alleged certification by Governor Lino meeting in said barrio; for she may not have
Bocalan of Cavite, is not true; because in his been notified thereof and as a result she was not
duly acknowledged certification dated March 16, able to attend said meeting. Much less can it be
1973, he states that since the declaration of a basis for the claim that there was no meeting
martial law and up to the present time, he has at all in the other barrios of Quezon City. The
been under house arrest in his residence in barrio captain or the secretary of the barrio
Urdaneta Village, Makati, Rizal; that he never assembly could have been a credible witness.
participated in the conduct of the Citizens'
Assemblies on January 10 15, 1973 in the Councilor Eduardo T. Paredes, chairman of the
province of Cavite; that the acting chairman and Secretariat of Quezon City Ratification and
coordinator of the Citizens' Assemblies at that Coordinating Council, certified on March 12,
time was Vice-Governor Dominador Camerino; 1973 that as such chairman he was in charge of
and that he was shown a letter for his signature the compilation and tabulation of the results of
during the conduct of the Citizens' Assemblies, the referendum among the Citizens' Assemblies
which he did not sign but which he referred to in Quezon City based on the results submitted to
Vice-Governor Camerino (Annex 1-Rejoinder of the Secretariat by the different Citizens'
the Sol. Gen. dated March 20, 1973). Assemblies; but many results of the referendum
were submitted direct to the national agencies
Mayor Pablo Cuneta likewise executed an having to do with such activity and all of which
affidavit dated March 16, 1973 stating that on he has no knowledge, participation and control
January 15, 1973, he caused the preparation of (Annex 4 Rejoinder of the Sol. Gen.).
a letter addressed to Secretary Jose Roño of the
Department of Local Government and Governor Isidro Rodriguez of Rizal issued a
Community Development showing the results of certification dated March 16, 1973 that he
the referendum in Pasay City; that on the same prepared a letter to the President dated January
day, there were still in any Citizens' Assemblies 15, 1973 informing him of the results of the
holding referendum in Pasay City, for which referendum in Rizal, in compliance with the
reason he did not send the aforesaid letter instruction of the National Secretariat to submit
pending submittal of the other results from the such letter 2 or 3 days from January 10 to show
said Citizens' Assemblies; and that in the the trend of voting in the Citizens' Assemblies;
afternoon of January 15, 1973, he indorsed the that the figures 614,157 and 292,530 mentioned
complete certificate of results on the referendum in said letter were based on the certificates of
in Pasay City to the Office of the President results in his possession as of January 14, 1973,
(Annex 5-Rejoinder of Sol. Gen. dated March which results were made the basis of the
20, 1973). computation of the percentage of voting trend in
the province; that his letter was never intended
Pablo F. Samonte, Assistant City Treasurer and to show the final or complete result in the
Officer in Charge of Pasay City also issued an referendum in the province as said referendum
affidavit dated March 15, 1973 stating that a was then still going on from January 14-17,
certain Atty. Delia Sutton of the Salonga Law 1973, for which reason the said letter merely
Office asked him for the results of the stated that it was only a "summary result"; and
referendum; that he informed her that he had in that after January 15, 1973, he sent to the
his possession unsigned copies of such results National Secretariat all the certificates of results
which may not be considered official as they had in 26 municipalities of Rizal for final tabulation
then no knowledge whether the original thereof (Annex 3-Rejoinder of the Sol. Gen.; emphasis
had been signed by the mayor; and that in spite supplied).
of his advice that said unsigned copies were not
official, she requested him if she could give her Lydia M. Encarnacion, acting chief of the
the unofficial copies thereof, which he gave in Records Section, Department of Local
good faith (Annex C-Rejoinder to the Sol. Gen.). Government and Community Development,
issued a certificate dated March 16, 1973 that
There were 118,010 Yes votes as against 5,588 she was shown xerox copies of unsigned letters
No votes in the Citizens' Assemblies of Quezon allegedly coming from Governor Lino Bocalan
city (Annex V to Petitioners' Notes in L-36165). dated January 15, 1973 and marked "Rejoinder
The fact that a certain Mrs. Remedio Gutierrez, Annex Cavite" addressed to the President of the
wife of alleged barrio treasurer Faustino Philippines through the Secretary of the
Gutierrez, of barrio South Triangle, Quezon City, Department of Local Government and
states that "as far as we know, there has been Community Development and another unsigned
no Citizens' Assembly meeting in our Area, letter reportedly from Mayor Pablo Cuneta dated
particularly in January of this year," does not January 15, 1973 and marked "Rejoinder Annex
necessarily mean that there was no such Pasay City" addressed to the Secretary of the
Department of Local Government and Camarines Sur to Rejoinder of Petitioners in L-
Community Development; that both xerox copies 36165).
of the unsigned letters contain figures showing
the results of the referendum of the Citizens' The report of Governor Efren B. Pascual of
Assemblies in those areas; and that the said Bataan shows that the members of the Citizens'
letters were not received by her office and that Assemblies voted overwhelmingly in favor of the
her records do not show any such documents new Constitution despite the fact that the second
received by her office (Annex 2-Rejoinder of the set of questions including the question "Do you
Sol. Gen.). approve of the new Constitution?" was received
only on January 10. Provincial Governor Pascual
Thus it would seem that petitioners in L-36165 stated that "orderly conduct and favorable
have attempted to deceive this Court by results of the referendum" were due not only to
representing said unsigned letters and/or the coordinated efforts and cooperation of all
certificates as duly signed and/or containing the teachers and government employees in the area
complete returns of the voting in the Citizens' but also to the enthusiastic participation by the
Assemblies. people, showing "their preference and readiness
to accept this new method of government to
The observation We made with respect to the people consultation in shaping up government
discrepancy between the number of Yes votes policies." (Annex-Bataan to Rejoinder of
and No votes contained in the summary report of Petitioners in L-36165).
Governor Rodriguez of Rizal as well as those
contained in the alleged report of Governor Lino As heretofore stated, it is not necessary that
Bocalan of Cavite who repudiated the same as voters ratifying the new Constitution are
not having been signed by him for he was then registered in the book of voters; it is enough that
under house arrest, on the one hand, and the they are electors voting on the new Constitution
number of votes certified by the Department of (Bott vs. Wurts, 40 A 740 [1898]; 43 A 744, 881
Local Government and Community [1899]; 45 LRA 251). The fact that the number of
Development, on the other, to the effect that actual voters in the referendum in certain
even assuming the correctness of the figures localities may exceed the number of voters
insisted on by counsel for petitioners in L-36165, actually registered for the 1971 elections, can
if they were extrapolated and applied to the only mean that the excess represents the
other provinces and cities of the country, the Yes qualified voters who are not yet registered
votes would still be overwhelmingly greater than including those who are at least 15 years of age
the No votes, applies equally to the alleged and the illiterates. Although ex-convicts may
discrepancy between the figures contained in have voted also in the referendum, some of
the certification of the Secretary of the them might have been granted absolute pardon
Department of Local Government and or were sentenced to less than one year
Community Development and the figures imprisonment to qualify them to vote (Sec. 201,
furnished to counsel for petitioners in L-36165 1971 Rev. Election Code). At any rate, the ex-
concerning the referendum in Camarines Sur, convicts constitute a negligible number,
Bataan and Negros Occidental. discounting which would not tilt the scale in favor
of the negative votes.
The fact that the referendum in the municipality
of Pasacao, Camarines Sur, shows that there Similarly, the fact that Mayor Marcial F. Samson
were more votes in favor of the plebiscite to be of Caloocan City, who belongs to the Liberal
held later than those against, only serve to Party, stated in his letter dated March 13, 1973
emphasize that there was freedom of voting that he does not "feel authorized by the proper
among the members of the Citizens' Assemblies authorities to confirm or deny the data"
all over the country during the referendum from concerning the number of participants, the Yes
January 10 to 15, 1973 (Annex-6 Camarines Sur votes and No votes in the referendum on the
to Rejoinder of Petitioners in L-36165). If there new Constitution among the members of the
was no such freedom of choice, those who Citizens' Assemblies in Caloocan City, does not
wanted a plebiscite would not outnumber those necessarily give rise to the inference that Mayor
against holding such plebiscite. Samson of Caloocan City is being intimidated,
having been recently released from detention;
The letter of Governor Felix O. Alfelor, Sr. dated because in the same letter of Mayor Samson, he
January 1973 confirms the "strong manifestation suggested to counsel for petitioners in L-36165
of approval of the new Constitution by almost that he can secure "the true and legitimate
97% by the members of the Citizens' results of the referendum" from the Office of the
Assemblies in Camarines Sur" (Annex- President (Annex Caloocan-B to Rejoinder of


Petitioners in L-36165). Why did not learned and all 15-year olds and over who
eminent counsel heed such suggestion? participated at the Citizens'
Assembly but might not have
Counsel for petitioners in L-36165, to sustain been registered voters at the
their position, relies heavily on the computation time, assuming that all the
of the estimated turnover in the Citizens' 11,661,909 registered voted at
Assemblies referendum on January 10 to 15, Citizens' Assembly. Hence, the
1973 by a certain Professor Benjamin R. "estimate percentage
Salonga, of the Mapua Institute of Technology, participation of 15-20 years
ostensibly a close relative of former Senator olds" of 105.6% does not seem
Jovito R. Salonga, eminent counsel for to provide any meaningful
petitioners in L-36165 (Annex M-as amended, to information.
Consolidated Rejoinder of petitioners in L-36165
to the Notes of Arguments and Memorandum of To obtain the participation rate
respondents). Professor Salonga is not a of "15-20 years old" one must
qualified statistician, which all the more impairs divide the number in this age
his credibility. Director Tito A. Mijares of the group, which was estimated to
Bureau of Census and Statistics, in his letter be 4.721 million as of January 1,
dated March 16, 1973 address to the Secretary 1973 by the population of "15
of the Department of Local Government and years old and over" for the same
Community Development, refutes the said period which was estimated to
computation of Professor Benjamin R. Salonga, be 22.506 million, giving 21.0%.
In Problem III, it should be
1) I do not quite understand why observed that registered voters
(Problem 1) all qualified also include names of voters
registered voters and the 15-20- who are already dead. It cannot
year-old youths (1972) will have therefore be assumed that all of
to be estimated in order to give them participated at the
a 101.9% estimate of the Citizens' Assembly. It can
percentage participation of the therefore be inferred that "a total
"15-20 year old plus total number of persons 15 and over
number of qualified voters" unqualified/disqualified to vote"
which does not deem to answer will be more than 10,548,197
the problem. This computation and hence the "difference or
apparently fails to account for implied number of registered
some 5.6 million persons "21 voters that participated" will be
years old and over" who were less than 6,153,618.
not registered voters
(COMELEC), but who might be I have reservations on whether
qualified to participate at the an "appropriate number of
Citizen's Assembly. qualified voters that supposedly
voted" could be meaningfully
2) The official population estimated.
projection of this office (medium
assumption) for "15 year olds 5) The last remark will therefore
and over" as of January 1, 1973 make the ratio (a) [Solution to
is 22.506 million. If total number Problem] more than 1.71 and
of participants at the Citizens' that for (b), accordingly, will also
Assembly Referendum held on be less than 36.8%." (Annex F
January 10-15, 1973 was Rejoinder).
16.702 million, participation rate
will therefore be the ratio of the
From the foregoing analysis of the Director of
latter figure to the former which
Census and Statistics as of January 21, 1973,
gives 74.2%.
the official population projection for 15-year olds
and over is 22,506,000. If 16,702,000 voted in
3) 1 cannot also understand c-2 the referendum, the participation ratio would be
"Solution to Problem 11." The 74.2% of 22,506,000.
"difference or implied number of
15-20 year olds" of 5,039,906
would represent really not only
If the registered electors as of the election of the law and therefore immediate infliction of the
November 8, 1971 numbered 11,661,909, the punishment or sanction prescribed by the law
difference between 16,702,000 who participated whenever it is transgressed during the period of
in the referendum and the registered electors of martial law. This is not the fear that affects the
11,661,909 for the November 8, 1971 elections, voters' freedom of choice or freedom to vote for
is 5,040,091, which may include not only the 15- or against the 1973 Constitution. Those who
year olds and above but below 21 but also the cringe in fear are the criminals or the law
qualified electors who were not registered before violators. Surely, petitioners do not come under
the November 8, 1971 elections as well as such category.
illiterates who are 15 years old and above but
below 21. (7) Petitioners likewise claim that open voting
by viva voce or raising of hands violates the
Moreover, in the last Presidential election in secrecy of the ballot as by the election laws. But
November, 1969, We found that the incumbent the 1935 Constitution does not require secret
President obtained over 5,000,000 votes as voting. We search in vain for such guarantee or
against about 3,000,000 votes for his rival LP prescription in said organic law. The
Senator Sergio Osmeña, Jr., garnering a Commission on Elections under the 1940
majority of from about 896,498 to 1,436,118 Amendment, embodied as Article X is merely
(Osmeña, Jr. vs. Marcos, Presidential Election mandated to insure "free, orderly and honest
Contest No. 3, Jan. 8, 1973). election." Congress, under its plenary law-
making authority, could have validly prescribed
The petitioners in all the cases at bar cannot in the election law open voting in the election of
state with justification that those who voted for public officers, without trenching upon the
the incumbent President in 1969 did not vote in Constitution. Any objection to such a statute
favor of the 1973 Constitution during the concerns its wisdom or propriety, not its legality
referendum from January 10 to 15, 1973. It or constitutionality. Secret balloting was
should also be stressed that many of the demanded by partisan strife in elections for
partisans of the President in the 1969 elective officials. Partisanship based on party or
Presidential elections, have several members in personal loyalties does not generally obtain in a
their families and relatives who are qualified to plebiscite on proposed constitutional
participate in the referendum because they are amendments or on a new Constitution. We have
15 years or above including illiterates, which fact seen even before and during martial law that
should necessarily augment the number of votes voting in meetings of government agencies or
who voted for the 1973 Constitution. private organizations is usually done openly.
This is specially true in sessions of Congress,
(6) It is also urged that martial law being the rule provincial boards, city councils, municipal boards
of force, is necessarily inconsistent with freedom and barrio councils when voting on national or
local issues, not on personalities.
of choice, because the people fear to disagree
with the President and Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Then again, open voting was not a universal
therefore cannot voice views opposite to or phenomenon in the Citizens' Assemblies. It
critical of the position of the President on the might have been true in certain areas, but that
1973 Constitution and on the mode of its does not necessarily mean that it was done
ratification. throughout the country.

It is also claimed or urged that there can be no The recent example of an open voting is the last
free choice during martial law which inevitably election on March 3, 1973 of the National Press
generates fear in the individual. Even without Club officers who were elected by acclamation
martial law, the penal, civil or administrative presided over by its former president, petitioner
sanction provided for the violation of ordinarily Eduardo Monteclaro in L-36236 (see Bulletin
engenders fear in the individual which Today, p. 8, March 3, 1973 issue). There can be
persuades the individual to comply with or obey no more hardboiled group of persons than
the law. But before martial law was proclaimed, newspapermen, who cannot say that voting
many individuals fear such sanctions of the law among them by acclamation was characterized
because of lack of effective equal enforcement by fear among the members of the National
or implementation thereof — in brief, Press Club.
compartmentalized justice and extraneous
pressures and influences frustrated the firm and Moreover, petitioners would not be willing to
just enforcement of the laws. The fear that is affirm that all the members of the citizenry of this
generated by martial law is merely the fear of country are against the new Constitution. They
immediate execution and swift enforcement of will not deny that there are those who favor the
same, even among the 400,000 teachers among the United States Senate, who conducted a
whom officers of the Department of Education personal survey of the country as delegate of
campaigned for the ratification of the new Senator Mike Mansfield, Chairman, Committee
Constitution. on US-Philippine relations, states:

Not one of the petitioners can say that the Martial law has paved the way
common man — farmer, laborer, fisherman, for a re-ordering of the basic
lowly employee, jeepney driver, taxi driver, bus social structure of the
driver, pedestrian, salesman, or salesgirl — Philippines. President Marcos
does not want the new Constitution, or the has been prompt and sure-
reforms provided for therein. footed in using the power of
presidential decree under
(8) Petitioners likewise claim that there was no martial law for this purpose. He
sufficient publicity given to the new Constitution. has zeroed in on areas which
This is quite inaccurate; because even before have been widely recognized as
the election in November, 1970 of delegates to prime sources of the nation's
the Constitutional Convention, the proposed difficulties — land tenancy,
reforms were already discussed in various official corruption, tax evasion
forums and through the press as well as other and abuse of oligarchic
media of information. Then after the economic power. Clearly, he
Constitutional Convention convened in June, knows the targets. What is not
1971, specific reforms advanced by the yet certain is how accurate have
delegates were discussed both in committee been his shots. Nevertheless,
hearings as well as in the tri-media — the press, there is marked public support
radio and television. Printed materials on the for his leadership and tangible
proposed reforms were circulated by their alternatives have not been
proponents. From June, 1971 to November 29, forthcoming. That would
1972, reforms were openly discussed and suggest that he may not be
debated except for a few days after the striking too far from the mark.
proclamation of martial law on September 21,
1972. From the time the Constitutional The United States business
Convention reconvened in October, 1972 until community in Manila seems to
January 7, 1973, the provisions of the new have been re-assured by recent
Constitution were debated and discussed in developments ... . (Emphasis
forums sponsored by private organizations supplied.)
universities and debated over the radio and on
television. The Philippines is a literate country, Petitioners cannot safely assume that all the
second only to Japan in the Far East, and more peaceful citizens of the country, who constitute
literate perhaps than many of mid-western and the majority of the population, do not like the
southern states of the American Union and reforms stipulated in the new Constitution, as
Spain. Many residents in about 1,500 towns and well as the decrees, orders and circulars issued
33,000 barrios of the country have radios. Even to implement the same. It should be recalled, as
the illiterates listened to radio broadcasts on and hereinbefore stated, that all these reforms were
discussed the provisions of the 1973 the subject of discussion both in the committee
Constitution. hearings and on the floor of the Constitutional
Convention, as well as in public forums
As reported by the eminent and widely read sponsored by concerned citizens or civic
columnist, Teodoro Valencia in his column in organizations at which Con-Con delegates as
Bulletin Today, March 4, 1973 issue, "Otto Lang, well as other knowledgeable personages
Hollywood producer director (Tora, Tora, Tora) expounded their views thereon and in all the
went around the country doing a 30-minute media of information before the proclamation of
documentary on the Philippines for American martial law on September 21, 1972. This is the
television stated that what impressed him most reason why the Constitutional Convention, after
in his travel throughout the country was the spending close to P30 million during the period
general acceptance of the New Society by the from June 1, 1971 to November 29, 1972, found
people which he saw in his 6-week travel from it expedient to accelerate their proceedings in
Aparri to Jolo." November, 1972 because all views that could
possibly be said on the proposed provisions of
The report of Frank Valeo (Bulletin Today, the 1973 Constitution were already expressed
March 3 and 4, 1973 and Daily Express, March and circulated. The 1973 Constitution may
3, and Sunday Express, March 4), Secretary of contain some unwise provisions. But this
objection to such unwise or vague provisions, as in time of war.
heretofore stated, refers to the wisdom of the "An important
aforesaid provisions, which issue is not for this incident to a
Court to decide; otherwise We will be conduct of war
substituting Our judgment for the judgment of is the adoption
the Constitutional Convention and in effect measures by
acting as a constituent assembly. the military
command not
VI only to repel
and defeat the
enemies but to
seize and
subject to
measures those
enemies who in
The position of the respondent public officers their attempt to
that undermartial law, the President as thwart or
Commander-in-Chief is vested with legislative impede our
powers, is sustained by the ruling in the 1949 military effort
case of Kuroda vs. Jalandoni, et al. (83 Phil. have violated
171, 177-178) which reiterates the 1945 case the law of war."
of Yamashita vs. Styer (75 Phil. 563, 571-72). (Ex parte
The trial of General Kuroda was after the Quirin, 317
surrender of Japan on October 2, 1945 (23 U.S., 1; 63 Sup.
Encyc. Brit. 1969 ed., p. 799) and hence no Ct., 2.) Indeed,
more martial law in the Philippines. the power to
create a military
... Consequently, in the commission for
promulgation and enforcement the trial and
of Executive Order No. 68, the punishment of
President of the Philippines has war criminals is
acted in conformity with the an aspect of
generally accepted principles waging war.
and policies of international law And, in the
which are part of our language of a
Constitution. writer, a military
The promulgation of said "has jurisdiction
executive order is an exercise so long as the
by the President of his powers technical state
as Commander in Chief of all of war
our armed forces, as upheld by continues. This
this Court in the case includes the
of Yamashita vs. Styver (L-129, period of an
42 Off. Gaz., 664) when we said armistice, or
— military
occupation, up
"War is not to the effective
ended simply date of treaty of
because peace, and may
hostilities have extend beyond,
ceased. After by treaty
cessation of agreement."
armed (Cowles, Trial of
hostilities, War Criminals
incidents of war by Military
may remain Tribunals,
pending which American Bar
should be Association
disposed of as
Journal, June, problems of peace and normal
1944). times within the limiting
framework of its established
Consequently, the President as constitutional order. The
Commander-in-Chief is fully functions of government are
empowered to consummate this parceled out among a number
unfinished aspect of war, of mutually independent offices
namely the trial and punishment and institutions; the power to
of war criminals, through the exercise those functions is
issuance and enforcement of circumscribed by well-
Executive Order No. 68. (83 established laws, customs, and
Phil. 177-178; emphasis constitutional prescriptions; and
supplied). the people for whom this
government was instituted are in
Chief Justice Stone of the United States possession of a lengthy
catalogue of economic, political,
Supreme Court likewise appears to subscribe to
and social rights which their
this view, when, in his concurring opinion in
leaders recognize as inherent
Duncan vs. Kahanamoku (327 U.S. 304 [1946]),
and inalienable. A severe crisis
he defined martial law as "the exercise of the
power which resides in the executive branch of arises — the country is invaded
the government to preserve order and insure the by a hostile power, or a
dissident segment of the
public safety in times of emergency, when other
citizenry revolts, or the impact of
branches of the government are unable to
a world-wide depression
function, or their functioning would itself threaten
the public safety." (Emphasis supplied). There is threatens to bring the nation's
economy in ruins. The
an implied recognition in the aforesaid definition
government meets the crisis by
of martial law that even in places where the
assuming more powers and
courts can function, such operation of the courts
respecting fewer rights. The
may be affected by martial law should their
result is a regime which can act
"functioning ... threaten the public safety." It is
arbitrarily and even dictatorially
possible that the courts, in asserting their
in the swift adaption of
authority to pass upon questions which may
measures designed to save the
adversely affect the conduct of the punitive
state and its people from the
campaign against rebels, secessionists,
destructive effects of the
dissidents as well as subversives, martial law
particular crisis. And the narrow
may restrict such judicial function until the
danger to the security of the state and of the duty to be pursued by this
people shall have been decimated. strong government, this
constitutional dictatorship?
Simply this and nothing more: to
The foregoing view appears to be shared by end the crisis and restore
Rossiter when he stated: normal times. The government
assumes no power and
Finally, this strong government, abridges no right unless plainly
which in some instances might indispensable to that end; it
become an outright dictatorship, extends no further in time than
can have no other purposes the attainment of that end; and it
than the preservation of the makes no alteration in the
independence of the state, the political, social and economic
maintenance of the existing structure of the nation which
constitutional order, and the cannot be eradicated with the
defense of the political and restoration of normal times. In
social liberties of the people. It short, the aim of constitutional
is important to recognize the dictatorship is the complete
true and limited ends of any restoration of the status quo
practical application of the ante bellum. This historical fact
principle of constitutional does not comport with
dictatorship. Perhaps the matter philosophical theory, that there
may be most clearly stated in never has been a perfect
this way: the government of a constitutional dictatorship, is an
free state is proceeding on its assertion that can be made
way and meeting the usual
without fear of contradiction. But his conservative purpose of
this is true of all institutions of preserving the Union; as a
government, and the principle of constitutional dictator he had a
constitutional dictatorship moral right to take this radical
remains eternally valid no action. Nevertheless, it is
matter how often and seriously it imperative that any action with
may have been violated in such lasting effects should
practice. (Constitutional eventually receive the positive
Dictatorship, 1948 ed., by approval of the people or of their
Clinton L. Rossiter, p. 7; representatives in the
emphasis supplied.) legislature. (P. 303, emphasis
Finally, Rossiter expressly recognizes that
during martial law, the Chief Executive exercises From the foregoing citations, under martial law
legislative power, whether of temporary or occasioned by severe crisis generated by
permanent character, thus: revolution, insurrection or economic depression
or dislocation, the government exercises more
The measures adopted in the powers and respects fewer rights in order "to
prosecution of a constitutional end the crisis and restore normal times." The
dictatorship should never be government can assume additional powers
permanent in character or indispensable to the attainment of that end —
effect. Emergency powers are the complete restoration of peace. In our
strictly conditioned by their particular case, eradication of the causes that
purpose and this purpose is the incited rebellion and subversion as secession, is
restoration of normal conditions. the sine qua non to the complete restoration of
The actions directed to this end normalcy. Exercise of legislative power by the
should therefore be provisional. President as Commander in Chief, upon his
For example, measures of a proclamation of martial law, is justified because,
legislative nature which work a as he professes, it is directed towards the
lasting change in the institution of radical reforms essential to the
structure of the state or elimination of the causes of rebellious, insurgent
constitute permanent or subversive conspiracies and the consequent
derogations from existing dismantling of the rebellious, insurgent or
law should not be subversive apparatus.
adopted under an emergency
enabling act, at least not without Hence, the issuance of Presidential Decree Nos.
the positively registered 86 and 86-A as well as Proclamation No. 1102 is
approval of the legislature. indispensable to the effectuation of the reforms
Permanent laws, whether within the shortest possible time to hasten the
adopted in regular or irregular restoration of normalcy.
times, are for parliaments to
enact. By this same token, the "Must the government be too strong for the
decisions and sentences of liberties of the people; or must it be too weak to
extraordinary courts should be maintain its existence?" That was the dilemma
reviewed by the regular courts that vexed President Lincoln during the
after the termination of the American Civil War, when without express
crisis. authority in the Constitution and the laws of the
United States, he suspended one basic human
But what if a radical act of freedom — the privilege of the writ of habeas
permanent character, one corpus — in order to preserve with permanence
working lasting changes in the the American Union, the Federal Constitution of
political and social fabric, is the United States and all the civil liberties of the
indispensable to the successful American people. This is the same dilemma that
prosecution of the particular presently confronts the Chief Executive of the
constitutional dictatorship? The Republic of the Philippines, who, more than the
only answer can be: it must be Courts and Congress, must, by express
resolutely taken and openly constitutional mandate, secure the safety of our
acknowledged. President Republic and the rights as well as lives of the
Lincoln found it necessary to people against open rebellion, insidious
proceed to the revolutionary subversion secession. The Chief Executive
step of emancipation in aid of announced repeatedly that in choosing to
proclaim martial law, the power expressly vested sense of the Supreme Court." (Powell, the
in him by the 1935 Constitution (Sec. 10[2], Art. Validity of State Legislation, under the Webb-
VII, 1935 Constitution) to insure our national and Kenyon Law, 2 Southern Law Quarterly, pp. 112,
individual survival in peace and freedom, he is in 138-139, cited in Bickel's Opus, supra; emphasis
effect waging a peaceful, democratic revolution supplied).
from the center against the violent revolution and
subversion being mounted by the economic The eternal paradox in this finite world of mortal
oligarchs of the extreme right, who resist reforms and fallible men is that nothing is permanent
to maintain their economic hegemony, and the except change. Living organisms as well as
communist rebels a Maoist oriented man-made institutions are not immutable.
secessionists of the extreme left who demand Civilized men organize themselves into a State
swift institution of reforms. In the exercise of his only for the purpose of serving their supreme
constitutional and statutory powers, to save the interest — their welfare. To achieve such end,
state and to protect the citizenry against actual they created an agency known as the
and threatened assaults from insurgents, government. From the savage era thru ancient
secessionists and subversives, doctrinaire times, the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages and the
concepts and principles, no matter how revered Renaissance to this era of sophisticated
they may be by jurisprudence and time, should electronics and nuclear weaponry, states and
not be regarded as peremptory commands; governments have mutated in their search for
otherwise the dead hand of the past will regulate the magic instrument for their well-being. It was
and control the security and happiness of the trial and error then as it is still now. Political
living present. A contrary view would be to deny philosophies and constitutional concepts, forms
the self-evident proposition that constitutions and kinds of government, had been adopted,
and laws are mere instruments for the well- overturned, discarded, re-adopted or modified to
being, peace, security and prosperity of the suit the needs of a given society at a particular
country and its citizenry. The law as a means of given epoch. This is true of constitutions and
social control is not static but dynamic. laws because they are not "the infallible
Paraphrasing Mr. Justice Frankfurter, the instruments of a manifest destiny." No matter
Constitution is neither a printed finality nor the how we want the law to be stable, it cannot
imprisonment of the past, but the enfolding of stand still. As Mr. Justice Holmes aptly
the future. In the vein of Mr. Justice Holmes, the observed, every "constitution is an experiment
meaning of the words of the Constitution is not as all life is an experiment," (Abrahms vs. U.S.,
to be determined by merely opening a dictionary. 250 US 616, 631) for "the life of the law is not
Its terms must be construed in the context of the logic, but experience." In the pontifical tones of
realities in the life of a nation it is intended to Mr. Justice Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, "so long
serve. Because experience may teach one as society is inconstant, there can be no
generation to doubt the validity and efficacy of constancy in law," and "there will be change
the concepts embodied in the existing whether we will it or not." As Justice Jose P.
Constitution and persuade another generation to Laurel was wont to say, "We cannot, Canute-
abandon them entirely, heed should be paid to like, command the waves of progress to halt."
the wise counsel of some learned jurists that in
the resolution of constitutional questions — like
Thus, political scientists and jurists no longer
those posed before Us — the blending of exalt with vehemence a "government that
idealism and practical wisdom or progressive
governs least." Adherents there are to the poetic
legal realism should be applied (see Alexander
dictum of Alexander Pope: "For forms of
M. Bickel, the Supreme Court and the Idea of
government let fools contest; whatever is best
Progress, 1970 ed., pp. 19-21). To Justice
administered is best." (Poems of Pope, 1931
Frankfurter, law is "a vital agency for human
Cambridge ed., p. 750). In between, the shades
betterment" and constitutional law "is applied
vary from direct democracy, representative
politics using the word in its noble sense."
democracy, welfare states, socialist democracy,
(Frankfurter, Law and Politics, 1939 ed., pp. 3 &
mitigated socialism, to outright communism
6; emphasis supplied). Justice Brandeis gave
which degenerated in some countries into
utterance to the truth that "Our Constitution is
totalitarianism or authoritarianism.
not a straight jacket. It is a living organism. As
such, it is capable of growth — or expansion and
adaptation to new conditions. Growth implies Hence, even the scholar, who advances
changes, political, economic and social." academic opinions unrelated to factual situations
(Brandeis Papers, Harvard Law School; in the seclusion of his ivory tower, must perforce
emphasis supplied). Harvard Professor Thomas submit to the inexorable law of change in his
Reed Powell emphasizes "practical wisdom," for views, concepts, methods and techniques when
"the logic of constitutional law is the common brought into the actual arena of conflict as a
public functionary — face to face with the
practical problems of state, government and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, which
public administration. And so it is that some power the American Constitution and Congress
learned jurists, in the resolution of constitutional did not then expressly vest in him. No one can
issues that immediately affect the lives, liberties deny that the successful defense and
and fortunes of the citizens and the nation, preservation of the territorial integrity of the
recommend the blending of idealism with United States was due in part, if not to a great
practical wisdom which legal thinkers prefer to extent, to the proclamation of martial law over
identify as progressive legal realism. The the territory of Hawaii — main bastion of the
national leader, who wields the powers of outer periphery or the outpost of the American
government, must and has to innovate if he must defense perimeter in the Pacific — which
govern effectively to serve the supreme interests protected the United States mainland not only
of the people. This is especially true in times of from actual invasion but also from aerial or naval
great crises where the need for a leader with bombardment by the enemy. Parenthetically, the
vision, imagination, capacity for decision and impartial observer cannot accurately conclude
courageous action is greater, to preserve the that the American Supreme Court acted with
unity of people, to promote their well-being, and courage in its decision in the cases of Ex parte
to insure the safety and stability of the Republic. Milligan and Duncan vs. Kahanamoku (filed on
When the methods of rebellion and subversion May 10, 1865 argued on March 5 to 13, 1866,
have become covert, subtle and insidious, there decided on April 3, 1866, and opinion delivered
should be a recognition of the corresponding on December 17, 1866) after the lifting of the
authority on the part of the Commander-in-Chief proclamation suspending the privilege of the writ
of the Armed Forces to utilize all the available of habeas corpus, long after the Civil War and
techniques to suppress the peril to the security the Second World ended respectively on April 9
of the government and the State. or 26, 18-65 (Vol. 1, Encyclopedia Britannica,
1969 ed., pp. 730, 742) and on September 2,
Over a century and a half ago, Thomas 1945 (Vol. 23, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1969
Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the ed., p. 799). Was the delay on the part of the
American Constitution and former President of American Supreme Court in deciding these
the United States, who personifies the cases against the position of the United States
progressive liberal, spoke the truth when he said President — in suspending the privilege of the
that some men "ascribe men of the preceding writ of habeas corpus in one case and approving
age a wisdom more than human, and suppose the proclamation of martial law in the other —
what they did to be beyond amendment. ... But I deliberate as an act of judicial statesmanship
know also, that laws and institutions must go and recognition on their part that an adverse
hand in hand with the progress of the human court ruling during the period of such a grave
mind. As that becomes more developed, more crisis might jeopardize the survival of the
enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new Federal Republic of the United States in its life-
truths disclosed and manners and opinions and-death struggle against an organized and
change, with the change of circumstances, well armed rebellion within its own borders and
institutions must also advance, and keep pace against a formidable enemy from without its
with the times." (Vol. 12, Encyclopedia Britanica, territorial confines during the last global
1969 ed., p. 989). armageddon?

The wisdom of the decision of the Chief VIII

Executive can only be judged in the perspective
of history. It cannot be adequately and fairly DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS
appraised within the present ambience, charged PRECLUDES
as it is with so much tension and emotion, if not MANDAMUS AGAINST SENATORS.
partisan passion. The analytical, objective
historians will write the final verdict in the same In G.R. No. L-36165, mandamus will not lie to
way that they pronounced judgment on compel respondents Gil Puyat and Jose Roy to
President Abraham Lincoln who suspended the convene the Senate of the Philippines even on
privilege of the writ of habeas corpuswithout any the assumption that the 1935 Constitution still
constitutional or statutory authority therefor and subsists; because pursuant to the doctrine of
of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who separation of powers under the 1935
approved the proclamation of martial law in 1941 Constitution, the processes of this Court cannot
by the governor of Hawaii throughout the legally reach a coordinate branch of the
Hawaiian territory. President Lincoln not only government or its head. This is a problem that is
emancipated the Negro slaves in America, but addressed to the Senate itself for resolution; for
also saved the Federal Republic of the United it is purely an internal problem of the Senate. If a
States from disintegration by his suspension of majority of the senators can convene, they can
elect a new Senate President and a new Senate Art. VI, 1935 Constitution). Hence, this petition
President Pro Tempore. But if they have no by five former senators for mandamus in L-
quorum, those present can order the arrest of 36165 is useless.
the absent members (Sec. 10[2], Art. VI, 1935
Constitution). If this fails, then there is no And as pointed out by former Senator Arturo
remedy except an appeal to the people. The Tolentino, counsel for respondents Puyat and
dictum ubi jus, ubi remedium, is not absolute Roy, mandamus will lie only if there is a law
and certainly does not justify the invocation of imposing on the respondents the duty to
the power of this Court to compel action on the convene the body. The rule imposing such a
part of a co-equal body or its leadership. This duty invoked by petitioners in L-36165 is purely
was emphasized with sufficient clarity by this an internal rule of the Senate; it is not a law
Court in the 1949 case of Avelino vs. Cuenco because it is not enacted by both Houses and
(83 Phil. 17, 22,24), with which the distinguished approved by the President.
counsels for the petitioners in L-36164 and L-
36165 are familiar. We stress that the doctrine of The Constitutional provision on the convening of
separation of powers and the political nature of
Congress, is addressed to the individual
the controversy such as this, preclude the
members of the legislative body (Sec. 9, Art. VI
interposition of the Judiciary to nullify an act of a
of 1935 Constitution).
coordinate body or to command performance by
the head of such a co-ordinate body of his
functions.. IX

Mystifying is the posture taken by counsels for TO NULLIFY PROCLAMATION NO. 1102 AND
petitioners in referring to the political question 1973
doctrine — almost in mockery — as a magic CONSTITUTION REQUIRES EIGHT OR TEN
formula which should be disregarded by this VOTES OF
Court, forgetting that this magic formula SUPREME COURT.
constitutes an essential skein in the
constitutional fabric of our government, which, The petitioners in L-36164 and L-36236
together with other basic constitutional precepts, specifically pray for a declaration that the alleged
conserves the unity of our people, strengthens ratification of the 1973 Constitution is null and
the structure of the government and assures the void and that the said 1973 Constitution be
continued stability of the country against the declared unenforceable and inoperative.
forces of division, if not of anarchy.
As heretofore stated, Proclamation No. 1102 is
Moreover, if they have a quorum, the senators an enactment of the President as Commander-
can meet anywhere. Validity of the acts of the in-Chief during martial law as directly delegated
Senate does not depend on the place of to him by Section 10(2) of Article VII of the 1935
session; for the Constitution does not designate Constitution.
the place of such a meeting. Section 9 of Article
VI imposes upon Congress to convene in regular A declaration that the 1973 Constitution is
session every year on the 4th Monday of unenforceable and inoperative is practically
January, unless a different date is fixed by law, deciding that the same is unconstitutional. The
or on special session called by the President. As proposed Constitution is an act of the
former Senator Arturo Tolentino, counsel for Constitutional Convention, which is co-equal and
respondents Puyat and Roy in L-36165, stated, coordinate with as well as independent of either
the duty to convene is addressed to all members Congress or the Chief Executive. Hence, its final
of Congress, not merely to its presiding officers. act, the 1973 Constitution, must have the same
The fact that the doors of Congress are category at the very least as the act of Congress
padlocked, will not prevent the senators — itself.
especially the petitioners in L-36165 — if they
are minded to do so, from meeting elsewhere — Consequently, the required vote to nullify
at the Sunken Gardens, at the Luneta Proclamation No. 1102 and the 1973
Independence Grandstand, in any of the big Constitution should be eight (8) under Section
hotels or theaters, in their own houses, or at the 10 of Article VIII of the 1935 Constitution in
Araneta Coliseum, which is owned by the father- relation to Section 9 of the Judiciary Act or
in-law of petitioner Gerardo Roxas in L-36165. Republic Act No. 296, as amended, or should be
ten (10) under Section 2(2) of Article X of the
However, a session by the Senate alone would 1973 Constitution. Should the required vote of
be purely an exercise in futility, for it cannot eight (8) or ten (10), as the case may be, for the
validly meet without the lower House (Sec. 10[5], declaration of invalidity or unconstitutionality be
not achieved, the 1973 Constitution must be The incumbent Chief Executive who was trying
deemed to be valid, in force and operative. to gain the support for his reform program long
before September 21, 1972, realized almost too
X late that he was being deceived by his
partymates as well as by the opposition, who
promised him cooperation, which promises were
either offered as a bargaining leverage to secure
concessions from him or to delay the institution
WE yield to no man as devotees of human rights of the needed reforms. The people have been
and civil liberties. Like Thomas Jefferson, We victimized by such bargaining and dilly-dallying.
swear "eternal hostility towards any form of To vert a terrifying blood bath and the
tyranny over the mind of man" as well as breakdown of the Republic, the incumbent
towards bigotry and intolerance, which are President proclaimed martial law to save the
anathema to a free spirit. But human rights and Republic from being overrun by communists,
civil liberties under a democratic or republican secessionists and rebels by effecting the desired
state are never absolute and never immune to reforms in order to eradicate the evils that
restrictions essential to the common weal. A plague our society, which evils have been
civilized society cannot long endure without employed by the communists, the rebels and
peace and order, the maintenance of which is secessionists to exhort the citizenry to rise
the primary function of the government. Neither against the government. By eliminating the evils,
can civilized society survive without the natural the enemies of the Republic will be decimated.
right to defend itself against all dangers that may How many of the petitioners and their counsels
destroy its life, whether in the form of invasion have been utilizing the rebels, secessionists and
from without or rebellion and subversion from communists for their own personal or political
within. This is the first law of nature and ranks purposes and how many of them are being used
second to none in the hierarchy of all values, in turn by the aforesaid enemies of the State for
whether human or governmental. Every citizen, their own purposes?
who prides himself in being a member or a
civilized society under an established
If the petitioners are sincere in their expression
government, impliedly submits to certain
constraints on his freedom for the general of concern for the greater mass of the populace,
welfare and the preservation of the State itself, more than for their own selves, they should be
willing to give the incumbent Chief Executive a
even as he reserves to himself certain rights
chance to implement the desired reforms. The
which constitute limitations on the powers of
incumbent President assured the nation that he
government. But when there is an inevitable
will govern within the framework of the
clash between an exertion of governmental
authority and the assertion of individual freedom, Constitution and if at any time, before normalcy
the exercise of which freedom imperils the State is restored, the people thru their Citizens'
Assemblies, cease to believe in his leadership,
and the civilized society to which the individual
he will step down voluntarily from the
belongs, there can be no alternative but to
Presidency. But if, as apprehended by the
submit to the superior right of the government to
petitioners, he abuses and brutalizes the people,
defend and preserve the State. In the language
of Mr. Justice Holmes — often invoked by herein then to the battlements we must go to man the
ramparts against tyranny. This, it is believed, he
petitioners — "when it comes to a decision
knows only too well; because he is aware that
involving its (state life, the ordinary rights of
he who rides the tiger will eventually end inside
individuals must yield to what he (the President)
the tiger's stomach. He who toys with revolution
deems the necessities of the moment. Public
danger warrants the substitution of executive will be swallowed by that same revolution.
process for judicial process. (See Keely vs. History is replete with examples of libertarians
who turned tyrants and were burned at stake or
Sanders, 99 U.S. 441, 446, 25 L ed. 327, 328).
beheaded or hanged or guillotined by the very
This was admitted with regard to killing men in
people whom they at first championed and later
the actual clash of arms. And we think it is
deceived. The most bloody of such mass
obvious, although it was disputed, that the same
is true of temporary detention to prevent executions by the wrath of a wronged people,
apprehended harm." (Moyer vs. Peabody, 212 was the decapitation by guillotine of about
15,000 Frenchmen including the leaders of the
U.S. 77, 85, 53 L ed., 411, 417).
French revolution, like Robespierre, Danton,
Desmoulins and Marat. He is fully cognizant of
The rhetoric of freedom alone is not enough. It the lessons of history.
must be the rhetoric of freedom with order and
security for all, that should be the shibboleth; for
freedom cannot be enjoyed in an environment of
disorder and anarchy.
ESGUERRA, J., concurring: The issues raised for determination, on which
the resolution of the Motion to Dismiss hinges,
These petitions seek to stop and prohibit the are as follows:
respondents Executive Officers from
implementing the Constitution signed on 1. Is the question presented political and, hence,
November 30, 1972; in L-36165, to compel beyond the competence of this Court to decide,
respondents Gil Puyat and Jose J. Roy, or is it justiciable and fit for judicial
President and President Pro-Tempore, determination?
respectively, of the Senate under the 1935
Constitution, to convene the Senate in regular 2. Was the new Constitution of November 30,
session which should have started on January 1972, ratified in accordance with the amending
22, 1973; to nullify Proclamation No. 1102 of the process prescribed by Article XV of the 1935
President, issued on January 17, 1973, which Constitution?
declared the ratification of the Constitution on
November 30, 1972, by the Filipino people,
3. Has the new Constitution been accepted and
through the barangays or Citizens Assemblies
acquiesced in by the Filipino people?
established under Presidential Decree No. 86
issued on December 31, 1972, which were
empowered under Presidential Decree No. 86-A, 4. Is the new Constitution actually in force and
issued on January 5, 1973, to act in connection effect?
with the ratification of said Constitution.
5. If the answers to questions Nos. 3 and 4 be in
Grounds for the petitions are as follows: the affirmative, are petitioners entitled to the
reliefs prayed for?
1. That the Constitutional Convention was not a
free forum for the making of a Constitution after II.
the declaration of Martial Law on September 21,
1972. The pivotal question in these cases is whether
the issue raised is highly political and, therefore,
2. The Convention was not empowered to not justiciable. I maintain that this Court should
incorporate certain provisions in the 1972 abstain from assuming jurisdiction, but, instead,
Constitution because they are highly unwise and as an act of judicial statesmanship, should
objectionable and the people were not dismiss the petitions. In resolving whether or not
sufficiently informed about them. the question presented is political, joint
discussion of issues Nos. 1, 3 and 4 is
necessary so as to arrive at a logical conclusion.
3. The President had no authority to create and
For after the acceptance of a new Constitution
empower the Citizens' Assemblies to ratify the
and acquiescence therein by the people by
new Constitution at the referendum conducted in putting it into practical operation, any question
connection therewith, as said assemblies were regarding its validity should be foreclosed and all
merely for consultative purposes, and
debates on whether it was duly or lawfully
ushered into existence as the organic law of the
4. The provisions of Article XV of the 1935 state become political and not judicial in
Constitution prescribing the manner of amending character.
the same were not duly observed.
The undisputed facts that led to the issuance of
The petitions were not given due course Proclamation No. 1102 and Presidential Decrees
immediately but were referred to the Solicitor Nos. 86 and 86-A are fully set forth in the
General as counsel for the respondents for majority and dissenting opinions in the Plebiscite
comment, with three members of the Court, cases decided on January 22, 1973, and need
including the undersigned, voting to dismiss not be repeated here.
them outright. The comments were considered
motions to dismiss which were set for hearing
Petitioners seek to set at naught Proclamation
and extensively argued. Thereafter both parties No. 1102 and Presidential Decrees Nos. 86 and
submitted their notes and memoranda on their 86-A, claiming that the ratification of the new
oral arguments.
Constitution pursuant to the said decrees is
invalid and of no effect. Presidential Decree No.
I. 86 organized the barangays or Citizens
Assemblies composed of all citizens at least
fifteen years of age, and through these


assemblies the proposed 1972 Constitution was If the real purpose of the petitions is to set aside
submitted to the people for ratification. the new Constitution, how can this Court justify
Proclamation No. 1102 of the President its assumption of jurisdiction when no power has
announced or declared the result of the ... conferred upon it the jurisdiction to declare the
referendum or plebiscite conducted through the Constitution or any part thereof null and void? It
Citizens Assemblies, and that 14,976,561 is the height of absurdity and impudence for a
members thereof voted for the ratification of the court to wage open war against the organic act
new Constitution and 743,869 voted against it. to which it owes its existence. The situation in
Petitioners assail these two acts of the President which this Court finds itself does not permit it to
as unauthorized and devoid of legal effect. pass upon the question whether or not the new
Constitution has entered into force and has
But looking through the veneer of judicial superseded the 1935 Constitution. If it declares
conformity with which the petitions have been that the present Constitution has not been validly
adroitly contrived, what is sought to be ratified, it has to uphold the 1935 Constitution as
invalidated is the new Constitution itself — the still the prevailing organic law. The result would
very framework of the present Government since be too anomalous to describe, for then this Court
January 17, 1973. The reason is obvious. The would have to declare that it is governed by one
Presidential decrees set up the means for the Constitution or the 1935 Constitution, and the
ratification and acceptance of the new legislative and executive branches by another or
Constitution and Proclamation No. 1102 simply the 1972 Constitution.
announced the result of the referendum or
plebiscite by the people through the Citizens If it declares that the 1972 Constitution is now
Assemblies. The Government under the new operative, how can it exercise judicial discretion
Constitution has been running on its tracks in these cases when it would have no other
normally and apparently without obstruction in choice but to uphold the new Constitution as
the form of organized resistance capable of against any other one? In the circumstances it
jeopardizing its existence and disrupting its would be bereft of judicial attributes as the
operation. Ultimately the issue is whether the matter would then be not meet for judicial
new Constitution may be set aside by this Court. determination, but one addressed to the
But has it the power and authority to assume sovereign power of the people who have already
such a stupendous task when the result of such spoken and delivered their mandate by
invalidation would be to subject this nation to accepting the fundamental law on which the
divisive controversies that may totally destroy government of this Republic is now functioning.
the social order which the Government under the To deny that the new Constitution has been
new Constitution has been admirably protecting accepted and actually is in operation would be
and promoting under Martial Law? That the new flying in the face of reason and pounding one's
Constitution has taken deep root and the people bare head against a veritable stone wall or a
are happy and contended with it is a living reality heavily reinforced concrete, or simply "kicking
which the most articulate critics of the new order the deadly pricks" with one's bare foot in an
cannot deny. 95 out of 108 members of the effort to eliminate the lethal points.
House of Representatives have opted to serve in
the interim National Assembly provided for under When a Constitution has been in operation for
the new Constitution. 15 out of 24 Senators have sometime, even without popular ratification at
done likewise. The members of the Congress that, submission of the people thereto by the
did not meet anymore last January 22, 1973, not organization of the government provided therein
because they were really prevented from so and observance of its prescriptions by public
doing but because of no serious effort on their officers chosen thereunder, is indicative of
parts to assert their offices under the 1935 approval. Courts should be slow in nullifying a
Constitution. In brief, the Legislative Department Constitution claimed to have been adopted not
under the 1935 Constitution is a thing of the in accordance with constitutional or statutory
past. The Executive Department has been fully directives [Miller vs. Johnson, 92 Ky. 589; 189
reorganized; the appointments of key executive S.W. 522; Taylor vs Commonwealth, 101; Va.
officers including those of the Armed Forces 829; 44 S.E. 754; Smith vs. Good, 34 F 204,
were extended and they took an oath to support 207; Wiston vs. Ryan, 70 Neb. 211; 97 N.W.
and defend the new Constitution. The courts, 347].
except the Supreme Court by reason of these
cases, have administered justice under the new In Miller vs. Johnson, supra, the Court said:
constitution. All government offices have dealt
with the public and performed their functions
according to the new Constitution and laws ... But it is a case where a new
promulgated thereunder. constitution has been formed
and promulgated according to
the forms of law. Great interests These rules are all traceable to Luther vs.
have already arisen under it; Borden, 48 U.S (7 How.), 12 L. Ed. 581, 598
important rights exist by virtue of (1849) where it was held:
it; persons have been convicted
of the highest crimes known to Judicial power presupposes an
the law, according to its established government capable
provisions; the political power of of enacting laws and enforcing
the government has in many their execution, and appointing
ways recognized it; and, under judges to expound and
such circumstances, it is our administer them. The
duty to treat and regard it as a acceptance of the judicial office
valid constitution, and now the is a recognition of the authority
organic law of our state. We of government from which it is
need not consider the validity of derived. And if the authority of
the amendments made after the the government is annulled and
convention reassembled. If the overthrown, the power of its
making of them was in excess courts and other officers is
of its power, yet as the entire annulled with it. And if a State
instrument has been recognized court should enter upon the
as valid in the manner inquiry proposed in this case,
suggested, it would be equally and should come to conclusion
an abuse of power by the that the government under
judiciary, and violative of the which it acted had been put
rights of the people, — who can aside and displaced by an
and properly should remedy the opposing government it would
matter, if not to their liking, — if cease to be a court, and be
it were to declare the instrument incapable of pronouncing a
or a portion invalid, and bring judicial decision upon the
confusion and anarchy upon the question it undertook to try. If it
state. (Emphasis supplied) decides at all as a court, it
necessarily affirms the
In Smith vs. Good, supra, the Court said: existence and authority of the
government under which it is
It is said that a state court is exercising judicial power.
forbidden from entering upon
such an inquiry when applied to The foreign relations of the Republic of the
a new constitution, and not an Philippines have been normally conducted on
amendment, because the the basis of the new Constitution and no state
judicial power presupposes an with which we maintain diplomatic relations has
established government, and if withdrawn its recognition of our government.
the authority of that government (For particulars about executive acts done under
is annulled and overthrown, the the new Constitution, see pages 22-25 of the
power of its courts is annulled Comments of the Solicitor General, dated
with it; therefore, if a state court February 3, 1973.)
should enter upon such an
inquiry, come to the conclusion Certainly the invalidation of Proclamation No.
that the government under 1102 and Presidential Decrees Nos. 86 and 86-
which it acted had been A by this Court would smack of plain political
displaced by an opposing meddling which is described by the United
government, it would cease to States Supreme Court as "entering a political
be a court, and it would be thicket" in Colegrove vs. Green, 328 U.S. p. 549.
incapable of pronouncing a At this juncture it would be the part of wisdom for
judicial decision upon the this Court to adopt the proper attitude towards
question before it; but, if it political upheavals and realize that the question
decides at all, it must before Us is political and not fit for judicial
necessarily affirm the existence determination. For a political question is one
of the government under which entrusted to the people for judgment in their
it exercises its judicial powers. sovereign capacity (Tañada vs. Cuenco, G.R.
(Emphasis supplied) No. L-10520, Feb. 28,1967; 100 Phil. 1101), or
to a co-equal and coordinate branch of the
Government (Vera vs. Arellano, 77 Phil. 192;
Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito, 78 Phil. 1; Alejandrino ZALDIVAR, J., concurring and dissenting:
vs. Quezon, 46 Phil. 35; Cabili vs. Francisco,
G.R. No. 4638, May 8, 1931). A case involves a In these five cases, the main issue to be
political question when there would be "the resolved by Court is whether or not the
impossibility of undertaking independent Constitution proposed by the Constitutional
resolutions without expressing a lack of respect Convention of 1971 had been ratified in
due to coordinate branches of government", or accordance with the provisions of Article XV of
when there is "the potentiality of embarrassment the 1935 Constitution. In the plebiscite cases,
from multifarious pronouncements by various which were decided by this Court on January 22,
departments on one question." 1973 , I held the view that this issue could be

properly resolved by this Court, and that it was in

To preserve the prestige and eminence that this the public interest that this Court should declare
Court has long enjoyed as the "ultimate organ of then whether or not the proposed Constitution
the "Supreme Law of the Land" in that vast had been validly ratified. The majority of this
range of legal problems often strongly entangled Court, however, was of the view that the issue
in popular feeling on which this Court must was not squarely raised in those cases, and so
pronounce", let us harken to the following the Court, as a body, did make any categorical
admonition of Justice Frankfurter in his dissent pronouncement on the question of whether or
in Baker vs. Carr, 369 U.S. 186; 82 S. Ct. 691; 7 not the Constitution proposed by the 1971
L. Ed. 2d. 663: Convention was validly ratified. I was the only
one who expressed the opinion that the
The Court's authority — proposed Constitution was not validly ratified
possessed neither of the purse and therefore "it should not be given force and
nor the sword — ultimately rests effect."
on sustained public confidence
in its moral sanction. Such The Court is now called upon to declare, and to
feeling must be nourished by inform the people of this country, whether or not
the Court's complete that proposed Constitution had been validly
detachment, in fact and ratified and had come into effect.
appearance, from political
entanglements and abstention The Solicitor General, however, contends that
from injecting itself into the this Court has no jurisdiction to resolve the issue
clash of political forces in that we have mentioned because that issue is a
political settlement. ..." political question that cannot be decided by this
(Emphasis supplied) Court. This contention by the Solicitor General is
untenable. A political question relates to "those
The people have accepted and submitted to a questions which under the Constitution are to be
Constitution to replace the 1935 Constitution. decided by the people in their sovereign capacity
The new organic law is now in the plenitude of or in regard to which full discretionary authority
its efficacy and vigor. We are now living under its has been delegated to the legislative, or to the
aegis and protection and only the cynics will executive, branch of the government. The 2

deny this. This Court should not in the least courts have the power to determine whether the
attempt to act as a super-legislature or a super- acts of the executive are authorized by the
board of canvassers and sow confusion and Constitution and the laws whenever they are
discord among our people by pontificating there brought before the court in a judicial proceeding.
was no valid ratification of the new Constitution. The judicial department of the government
The sober realization of its proper role and exercises a sort of controlling, or rather
delicate function and its consciousness of the restraining, power over the two other
limitations on its competence, especially departments of the government. Each of the
situations like this, are more in keeping with the three departments, within its proper
preservation of our democratic tradition than the constitutional sphere, acts independently of the
blatant declamations of those who wish the other, and restraint is only placed on one
Court to engage in their brand of activism and department when that sphere is actually
would not mind plunging it into the whirlpool of transcended. While a court may not restrain the
passion and emotion in an effort to capture the executive from committing an unlawful act, it
intoxicating applause of the multitude. may, when the legality of such an act is brought
before it in a judicial proceeding, declare it to be
For all the foregoing, I vote to dismiss all void, the same as it may declare a law enacted
petitions. by the legislature to be unconstitutional. It is a

settled doctrine that every officer under a

constitutional government must act according to
law and subject to its restrictions, and every On the question now of whether or not the
departure therefrom, or disregard thereof, must Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional
subject him to the restraining and controlling Convention has been validly ratified, I am
power of the people, acting through the agency reproducing herein pertinent portions of my
of the judiciary. It must be remembered that the dissenting opinion in the plebiscite cases:
people act through the courts, as well as through
the executive or the legislature. One department The ratification of the
is just as representative as the other, and Constitution proposed by the
judiciary is the department which is charged with 1971 Constitutional Convention
the special duty of determining the limitations must be done in accordance
which the law places upon all official actions . In
with the provisions of Section 1,
the case of Gonzales v. Commission on Article XV of the 1935
Elections , this Court ruled that the issue as to
Constitution of the Philippines,
whether or not a resolution of Congress acting which reads:
as a constituent assembly violates the
Constitution is not a political question and is
"Section 1. The
therefore subject to judicial review. In the case
Congress in
of Avelino v. Cuenco , this Court held that the
joint session
exception to the rule that courts will not interfere
assembled by a
with a political question affecting another vote of three
department is when such political question fourths of all the
involves an issue as to the construction and
Members of the
interpretation of the provision of the constitution.
Senate and of
And so, it has been held that the question of
the House of
whether a constitution shall be amended or not Representatives
is a political question which is not in the power of voting
the court to decide, but whether or not the
separately, may
constitution has been legally amended is a
justiciable question.7
amendments to
the Constitution
My study on the subject of whether a question or call a
before the court is political or judicial, based on convention for
decisions of the courts in the United States — that purpose.
where, after all, our constitutional system has Such
been patterned to a large extent — made me amendments
arrive at the considered view that it is in the shall be valid as
power of this Court, as the ultimate interpreter of part of this
the Constitution, to determine the validity of the Constitution
proposal, the submission, and the ratification of when approved
any change in the Constitution. Ratification or by a majority of
non-ratification of a constitutional amendment is the votes cast
a vital element in the procedure to amend the at an election at
constitution, and I believe that the Court can which the
inquire into, and decide on, the question of amendments
whether or not an amendment to the are submitted to
constitution, as in the present cases, has been the people for
ratified in accordance with the requirements their
prescribed in the Constitution that was ratification."
amended. And so, in the cases now before Us, I
believe that the question of whether or not the
It is in consonance with the
Constitution proposed by the 1971 Constitutional
abovequoted provision of the
Convention had been validly ratified or not is a
1935 Constitution that on March
justiciable question. 16, 1967, the Congress of the
Philippines Resolution No. 2
The Chief Justice, in his opinion, has discussed calling a convention to propose
lengthily the subject on whether or not, the amendments to the Constitution
cases, before Us involve a political, or a judicial, of the Philippines. Sec. 7 of said
question. I fully concur with his conclusion that Resolution No. 2 reads as
the question involved in these cases is follows:


"Section 7. The as in the case
amendments of a
proposed by the revolutionary
Convention convention
shall be valid which drafts the
and considered first Constitution
part of the of an entirely
Constitution new
when approved government
by a majority of born of either a
the votes cast in war of liberation
an election at from a mother
which they are country or of
submitted to the revolution
people for their against an
ratification existing
pursuant to government or
Article XV of the of a bloodless
Constitution. seizure of
power a la coup
It follows that from the very d'etat. As to
resolution of the Congress of such kind of
the Philippines which called for conventions, it
the 1971 Constitutional is absolutely
Convention, there was a clear true that the
mandate that the amendments convention is
proposed by the 1971 completely
Convention, in order to be valid without restraint
and considered part of the and omnipotent
Constitution, must be approved all wise, and it
by majority of the votes cast in as to such
an election at which they are conventions
submitted to the people for the that the remarks
ratification as provided in the of Delegate
Constitution. Manuel Roxas
of the
This Court, in the case Constitutional
of Tolentino vs. Commission Convention of
Elections, L-35140, October 16, 1934 quoted by
Senator Pelaez
1971 (41 SCRA 715), speaking
refer. No
through Mr. Justice Barredo,
amount of
can belie the
"The fact that the
Constitutional current
Convention of convention
1971, as any came into being
other only because it
convention of was called by a
the same resolution of a
nature, owes its joint session of
existence and Congress acting
all its authority as a constituent
and power from assembly by
the existing authority of
Constitution of Section 1,
the Philippines. Article XV of the
This Convention present
has not been Constitution ...
called by the ."
people directly
xxx xxx xxx produced before this Court to
show that no elections were
"As to matters held in accordance with the
not related to its provisions of the Election Code.
internal Proclamation No. 1102
operation and unequivocally states that the
the proposed Constitution of 1972
performance of was voted upon by the
its assigned barangays. It is very clear,
mission to therefore, that the voting held in
propose these barangays is not the
amendments to election contemplated in the
the Constitution, provisions of Section 1, Article
the Convention XV, of the 1935 Constitution.
and its officers The election contemplated in
and members said constitutional provision is
are all subject an election held in accordance
to all the with the provisions of the
provisions of election law, where only the
the existing qualified and registered voters
Constitution. of the country would cast their
Now we hold votes, where official ballots
that even as to prepared for the purpose are
its latter task of used, where the voters would
proposing prepare their ballots in secret
amendments to inside the voting booths in the
the Constitution, polling places established in the
it is subject to different election precincts
the provisions throughout the country, where
of Section 1 of the election is conducted by
Article XV." election inspectors duly
appointed in accordance with
the election law, where the
In Proclamation No. 1102,
votes are canvassed and
issued on January 17, 1973, the
reported in a manner provided
President of the Philippines
for in the election law. It was this
certified that as a result of the
voting before the barangays kind of election that was held on
(Citizens Assemblies) May 14, 1935, when the
Constitution of 1935 was
14,976,561 members of the
ratified; on April 30, 1937, when
barangays voted for the
the amendment to the
adoption of the proposed
Constitution providing for
Constitution, as against 743,869
who voted for its rejection, and Women's Suffrage was ratified;
on June 18, 1940, when the
on the basis of the
1940 Amendments to the
overwhelming majority of the
Constitution were ratified; on
votes cast by the members of all
March 11, 1947 when the Parity
the barangays throughout the
Philippines, the President Amendment to the Constitution
proclaimed that the Constitution was ratified; and on November
14, 1967 when the amendments
proposed by the 1971
to the Constitution to increase
Convention has been ratified
the number of Members of the
and has thereby come into
House of Representatives and
to allow the Members of
Congress to run in the elections
It is very plain from the very for Delegates to the
wordings of Proclamation No. Constitutional Convention of
1102 that the provisions of 1971 were rejected.
Section 1 of Article XV of the
Constitution of 1935 were not
complied with. It is not I cannot see any valid reason
why the practice or procedure in
necessary that evidence be
the past, in implementing the power of the
constitutional provision requiring people. In
the holding, of an election to common
ratify or reject an amendment to parlance, an
the Constitution, has not been election is the
followed in the case of the act of casting
Constitution proposed by the and receiving
1971 Constitutional Convention. the ballots,
counting them,
It is my view that the President and making the
of the Philippines cannot by return."
decree order the ratification of (Hontiveros vs.
the proposed 1972 Constitution Altavas, 24 Phil.
thru a voting in the barangays 632, 637).
and make said result the basis
for proclaiming the ratification of "Election"
the proposed constitution. It is implies a choice
very clear, to me, that by an electoral
Proclamation No. 1102 was body at the time
issued in complete disregard or and
in violation, of the provisions of substantially in
Section 1 of Article X of the the manner and
1935 Constitution. with the
Proclamation No. 1102 provided by law
mentions, furthermore, that on with respect to
the question as to whether or some question
not the people would still like a or issue. (Leffel
plebiscite to be called to ratify v. Brown, Com.
the new Constitution, P1., 159 N.E.
14,298,814 members of the 2d 807, 808
barangays answered that there cited in 29
was no need for a plebiscite but C.J.S. 13 at
that the vote of the barangays footnote 6.5).
should be considered a vote in a
plebiscite. It would thus appear "... the statutory
that the barangays assumed the method
power to determine whether a whereby qualifie
plebiscite as ordained in the d voters or
Constitution be held or not. electors pass
Indeed, the provision of Section on various
1, Article XV of the Constitution public matters
was completely disregarded. submitted to
them — the
The affirmative votes cast in the election of
barangays are not the votes officers,
contemplated in Section 1 of national, state,
Article XV of the 1935 county,
Constitution. The votes township — the
contemplated in said passing on
constitutional provision are various other
votes obtained through the questions
election processes as provided submitted for
by law. their
(29 C.J.S. 13,
"An election is
citing Iowa-
the embodiment
of the popular Illinois Gas &
will, the Elec. Co. v. City
of Bettendorf,
expression of
the sovereign
41 N.W. 2d 1, 5, once without first applying for
241 Iowa 358). cancellation of his previous
registration." (Emphasis
"Election" is supplied). (Please see also
expression of Sections 100-102, Election
choice Code of 1971, R.A. No. 6388)
by voters of
body politic. It is stated in Proclamation No.
(Ginsburg v. 1102 that the voting was done
Giles, 72 S.W. by the members of citizens
2d 438, 254 Ky. assemblies who are 15 years of
720, in Words age or over. Under the provision
and Phrases, of Section I of Article V of the
Permanent 1935 Constitution, the age
Edition, p. 234). requirement to be a qualified
voter is 21 years or over.
"The right to
vote may be But what is more noteworthy is
exercised only the fact that the voting in the
on compliance barangays, except in very few
with such instances, was done by the
statutory raising of hands by the persons
requirements as indiscriminately gathered to
have been set participate in the voting, where
by the even children below 15 years of
legislature." age were included. This is a
(People ex rel. matter of common observation,
Rago v. Lipsky, or of common knowledge, which
63 N.E. 2d 642, the Court may take judicial
327 III. App. 63; notice of. To consider the votes
Rothfels v. in the barangays as expressive
Southworth, of the popular will and use them
356 P. 2d 612, as the basis in declaring
11 Utah 2d 169 whether a Constitution is ratified
in 29 C.J.S. 38). or rejected is to resort to a
(Emphasis voting by demonstrations, which
supplied). is would mean the rule of the
crowd, which is only one degree
In this connection I herein quote higher than the rule by the mob.
the pertinent provisions of the Certainly, so important a
Election Code of 1971: question as to whether the
Constitution, which is the
"Sec. 2. Applicability of this Act. supreme law of the land, should
be ratified or not, must not be
— All elections of public officers
decided by simply gathering
except barrio officials and
plebiscites shall be conducted in people and asking them to raise
the manner provided by this their hands in answer to the
question of whether the vote for
or against a proposed
Constitution. The election as
"Sec 99. Necessity of provided by law should be
registration to be entitled to strictly observed in determining
vote. — In order that a qualified the will of the sovereign people
voter may vote in any regular or in a democracy. In our Republic,
special election or in any the will of the people must be
plebiscite, he must be registered expressed through the ballot in
in the permanent list of voters a manner that is provided by
for the city, municipality or law.
municipal district in which he
resides: Provided, that no
It is said that in a democracy,
person shall register more than
the will of the people is the
supreme law. Indeed, the cases, as
people are sovereign, but the representing
will of the people must be those who have
expressed in a manner as the not the right to
law and the demands a well- participate in
ordered society require. The the ballot. If a
rule of law must prevail even constitution
over the apparent will of the should be
majority of the people, if that will abrogated and
had not been expressed, or a new one
obtained, in accordance with the adopted, by the
law. Under the rule of law, whole mass of
public questions must be people in a
decided in accordance with the state acting
Constitution and the law. This is through
specially true in the case of representatives
adoption of a constitution or in not chosen by
the ratification of an amendment the "people" in
to the Constitution. political sense
of the term, but
The following citations are, to by the general
me, very relevant in the effort to body of the
determine whether the proposed populace, the
Constitution of 1972 had been movement
validly ratified, or not: would be extra-
legal." (BIack's
"When it is said
Law, Second
that "the
Edition, pp. 47-
people" have
the right to alter
or amend the
constitution, it "The theory of
must not be our political
understood that system is that
term the ultimate
necessarily sovereignty is in
includes all the the people, from
inhabitants of whom springs
the state. Since all legitimate
the question of authority. The
the adoption or people of the
rejection of a Union created a
proposed new national
constitution or constitution,
constitutional and conferred
amendment upon it powers
must be of sovereignty
answered a on certain
vote, the subjects, and
determination of the people of
it rests with each State
those who, by created a State
existing government, to
constitution, are exercise the
accorded the remaining
right of suffrage. powers of
But the qualified sovereignty so
electors must far as they were
be understood disposed to
in this, as in allow them to
many other be exercised at
all. By the by the
constitution pronouncement
which they 60 years ago of
establish, they broad,
not only tie up wholesome
the hands of constitutional
their official principles
agencies, but in Collier v.
their own hands Frierson, supra,
as well; and as quoted in the
neither the original opinion,
officers of the ante. The
State, nor the people
whole people as themselves are
an aggregate bound by the
body, are at Constitution;
liberty to take and, being so
action in bound, are
opposition to powerless,
this whatever their
fundamental numbers, to
law." (Cooley's change or
Constitutional thwart its
Limitations, 8th mandates,
Edition, Vol. I, except through
p. 81 cited in the peaceful
Graham v. means of a
Jones, 3 So. 2d. constitutional
761, 782). convention, or
of an
"The theory that amendment
a favorable vote according to the
by the mode therein
electorate, prescribed, or
however through the
unanimous, on exertion of the
a proposal to original right of
amend a revolution. "The
constitution, Constitution
may cure, may be set
render aside by
innocuous, all revolution, but it
or any can only be
antecedent amended in the
failures to way it
observe provides," said
commands of Hobson, C.J., in
that Constitution McCreary v.
in respect of the Speer, 156 Ky.
formulation or 783, 791, 162
submission of S.W. 99, 103.
proposed (Johnson vs.
amendments Craft, et al., 87
thereto, does So. 375, 385,
not prevail in 387, On
Alabama, where Rehearing).
the doctrine of
the stated "The fact that a
theory was majority voted
denied, in for the
obvious effect, amendment,
unless the vote observance of
was taken as every
provided by the substantial
Constitution, is requirement is
not sufficient to essential to the
make a change validity of the
in that proposed
instrument. amendment.
Whether a These
proposed provisions are
amendment has as binding on
been legally the people as
adopted is a on the
judicial legislature, and
question, for the the former are
court must powerless by
uphold and vote of
enforce the acceptance to
Constitution as give legal
written until it is sanction to an
amended in the amendment the
way which it submission of
provides which was
for." Wood v. made in
Tooker, 15 disregard of the
Mont. 8, 37 Pac limitations
840, 25 L.R.A. contained in the
560; McConaug constitution."
hty v. State, 106 (16 C.J.S. 35-
Minn. 409, 119 36. cited in
N.W. Graham v.
408; Oakland Jones, 3 So. 2d
Paving 761, 782).
Company v.
Hilton, 69 Cal. "It is said that
499, 11 Pac. chaos and
3; Utter v. confusion in the
Mosely, 16 government
Idaho 274, 100 affairs of the
Pac. 1958, 133 State will result
Am. St. Rep. from the Court's
94, 18 Ann. action in
Cas. 723. declaring the
(McCreary v. proposed
Speer, 162 constitutional
S.W. 99, 104). amendment
void. This
"Provisions of a statement is
constitution grossly and
regulating its manifestly
own inaccurate. If
amendment, ... confusion and
are not merely chaos should
directory, but ensue, it will not
are mandatory; be due to the
and a strict action of the
observance of Court but will be
every the result of the
substantial failure of the
mandatory; and drafters joint
a strict resolution to
observe, follow requirements of the law were
and obey the not complied with. In the case
plain essential of Monsale v. Nico, 83 Phil. 758,
provisions of Monsale and Nico were both
the Constitution. candidates for the office of
Furthermore, to Municipal Mayor of Miagao,
say that, the Iloilo, in the elections of
Court November 11, 1947. Monsale
disregards its had duly filed his certificate of
sworn duty to candidacy before the expiration
enforce the of the period for the filing of the
Constitution, same. However, on October 10,
chaos and 1947, after the period for the
confusion will filing of the certificate of
result, is an candidacy, Monsale withdrew
inherently weak his certificate of candidacy. But
argument in on November 7, 1947 Monsale
favor of the attempted to revive his
alleged certificate of candidacy by
constitutionality withdrawing the withdrawal of
of the proposed certificate of candidacy. The
amendment. It Commission on Elections,
is obvious that, November 8, 1947, ruled that
if the Court Monsale could no longer be a
were to candidate. Monsale
countenance nevertheless proceeded with his
the violations of candidacy. The boards of
the sacramental inspectors in Miagao, however,
provisions did not count the votes cast for
Constitution, Monsale upon the ground that
those who the votes cast for him were stray
would thereafter votes, because he was
desire to violate considered as having no
it disregard its certificate of candidacy. On the
clear mandatory other hand, the boards of
provisions inspectors credited Nico with
would resort to 2,291 votes, and Nico was
the scheme of proclaimed elected. Monsale
involving and filed a protest against the
confusing the election of Nico in the Court of
affairs of the First Instance of Iloilo. In the
State then count of the ballots during the
simply tell the proceedings in the trial court, it
Court that it was appeared that Monsale had
powerless to obtained 2,877 votes while Nico
exercise one of obtained 2,276 votes, or a
its primary margin of 601 votes in favor of
functions by Monsale. The Court of First
rendering the Instance of Iloilo decided the
proper decree election protest in favor of
to make the Monsale. Upon appeal by Nico,
Constitution this Court reversed the decision
effective." of the lower court. This Court
(Graham v. declared that because Monsale
Jones, 3 So. 2d. withdrew his certificate of
761, 793-794). candidacy, his attempt to revive
it by withdrawing his withdrawal
In our jurisprudence I find an of his certificate of candidacy
instance where this Court did did not restore the effectiveness
not allow the will of the majority of his certificate of candidacy,
to prevail, because the and this Court declared Nico the


winner in spite of the fact that of December 17, 1972
Monsale had obtained more temporarily suspending the
votes than he. effects of Proclamation No.
1081 for the purpose of free and
We have cited this Monsale open debate on the proposed
case to show that the will of the constitution, be suspended in
majority of the voters would not the meantime." It is, therefore,
be given effect, as declared by my view that voting in the
this Court, if certain legal barangays on January 10, 1973
requirements have not been was not free, and so this is one
complied with in order to render added reason why the results of
the votes valid and effective to the voting in the barangays
decide the result of an election. should not be made the basis
for proclamation of the
And so, in the cases now before ratification of the proposed
this Court, the fact that the
voting in the citizens assemblies
(barangays) is not the election It is my view, therefore, that
that is provided for in the 1935 Proclamation No. 1102
Constitution for the ratification of repugnant to the 1935
the amendment to the Constitution, and so it is invalid,
Constitution, the affirmative and should not be given effect.
votes cast in those assemblies The Constitution of 1972
can not be made the basis for proposed by the 1971
declaring the ratification of the Constitutional Convention
proposed 1972 Constitution, in should be considered as not yet
spite of the fact that it was ratified by the people of this
reported that 14,976,561 Republic, and so it should not
members of the citizens be given force and effect.
assemblies voted for the
adoption as against 743,869 for It is urged by the Solicitor General, however, that
the rejection, because the votes the voting in the citizens assemblies was a
thus obtained were not in substantial compliance with the provisions of
accordance with the provisions Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. The Solicitor
of Section 1 of Article XV of the General maintains that the primary thrust of the
1935 Constitution of the provision of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution is
Philippines. The rule of law mast that "to be valid, amendments must gain the
be upheld. approval of the majority recognition of the
democratic postulate that sovereign resides in
My last observation: One of the the people." It is not disputed that in a
valid grounds against the democratic sovereignty resides in the people.
holding of the plebiscite on But the term "people" must be understood in its
January 15, 1973, as provided constitutional meaning, and they are "those
in Presidential Decree No. 73, is persons who are permitted by the Constitution to
that there is no freedom on the exercise the elective franchise." Thus, in Section

part of the people to exercise 2 of Article VII of the 1935 Constitution, it is

their right of choice because of provided that "the President shall hold his office
the existence of martial law in during a term of four years and, together with the
our country. The same ground Vice-President chosen for the same term, shall
holds true as regards to the be elected by direct vote of the people..."
voting of the barangays on Certainly under that constitutional provision,
January 10 to 15, 1973. More the "people" who elect directly the President and
so, because by General Order the Vice-President are no other than the persons
No. 20, issued on January 7, who, under the provisions of the same
1973, the President of the Constitution, are granted the right to vote. In like
Philippines ordered "that the manner the provision in Section 1 of Article II of
provisions of Section 3 of the 1935 Constitution which says "Sovereignty
Presidential Decree No. 73 in so resides in the people and all government
far as they allow free public authority emanates from them", the "people"
discussion of the proposed who exercise the sovereign power are no other
constitution, as well as my order than the persons who have the right to vote
under the Constitution. In the case Section 4. After the President of
of Garchitorena vs. Crescini , this Court,
the United States certified that
speaking through Mr. Justice Johnson, said, "In the constitution conforms with
democracies, the people, combined, represent the provisions of this act, it shall
the sovereign power of the State. Their be submitted to the people of
sovereign authority is expressed through the the Philippine Islands for their
ballot, of the qualified voters, in duly appointed ratification or rejection at an
elections held from time to time, by means of election to he held within
which they choose their officials for definite fixed months after the date of such
periods, and to whom they entrust, for the time certification, on a date to be
being, as their representatives, the exercise of fixed by the Philippine
the powers of government." In the case of Moya Legislature at which election,
v. Del Fierro, this Court, speaking through Mr.
the qualified voters of the
Justice Laurel, said, "As long as popular Philippine Islands shall have an
government is an end to be achieved and opportunity to vote directly or
safeguarded, suffrage, whatever may be the against the proposed
modality and form devised, must continue to be constitution and ordinances
the means by which the great reservoir of power append thereto. Such election
must be emptied into the receptacular agencies shall be held in such manner as
wrought by the people through their Constitution may prescribed by the
in the interest of good government and the Philippine Legislature to which
common weal. Republicanism, in so far as it the return of the election shall
implies the adoption of a representative type of be made. The Philippine
government, necessarily points to Legislature shall certify the
the enfranchised citizen as a particle of popular result to the Governor-General
sovereignty and as the ultimate source of the of the Philippine Islands,
established authority." And in the case of Abanil together with a statement of the
v. Justice of the Peace of Bacolod, this Court
votes cast, and a copy of said
said: "In the scheme of our present republican constitution ordinances. If a
government, the people are allowed to have a majority of the votes cast shall
voice therein through the instrumentality of be for the constitution, such vote
suffrage to be availed of by those possessing shall be deemed an expression
certain prescribed qualifications. The people, in of the will of the people of the
clothing a citizen with the elective franchise for Philippine Independence, and
the purpose of securing a consistent and the Governor-General shall,
perpetual administration of the government they within thirty days after receipt of
ordain, charge him with the performance of a the certification from the
duty in the nature of a public trust, and in that Philippine Legislature, issue a
respect constitute him a representative of the proclamation for the election of
whole people. This duty requires that the officers of the government of the
privilege thus bestowed exclusively for the Commonwealth of the Philippine
benefit of the citizen or class of citizens Islands provided for in the
professing it, but in good faith and with an Constitution...
intelligent zeal for the general benefit and
welfare of the state. (U.S. v. Cruikshauk, 92 U.S. It can safely be said, therefore, that when the
588)..." There is no question, therefore, that framers of the 1935 Constitution used, the word
when we talk of sovereign people, what is meant "election" in Section I Article XV of the 1935
are the people who act through the duly qualified Constitution they had no other idea in mind
and registered voters who vote during an except the elections that were periodically held
election that is held as provided in the in the Philippines for the choice of public officials
Constitution or in the law. prior to the drafting of the 1935 Constitution, and
also the "election" mentioned in the
The term "election" as used in Section 1 of Independence Act at which "the qualified voters
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution should be of the Philippine Islands shall have an
construed along with the term "election" as used opportunity to vote directly for or against the
in the Provisions of Section 4 of the Philippine proposed constitution..." It is but logical to
Independence Act of the Congress of the United expect that the framers of the 1935 Constitution
States, popularly known as the Tydings- would provide a mode of ratifying an amendment
McDuffie Law (Public Act No. 127). Said Section to that Constitution similar to the mode of
4 of the Tydings-McDuffie Law provides as ratifying the original Constitution itself.
It is clear therefore, that the ratification or any and of the 92 members of the House of
amendment to the 1935 Constitution could only Representatives who opted to serve in the
be done by holding an election, as the term interim National Assembly, only 22 took their
"election" was understood, and practiced, when oath of office. The fact that only one Senator out
the 1935 Constitution as drafted. The alleged of 24, and only 22 Representative out of 110,
referendum in the citizens assemblies — took their oath of office, is an indication that only
participated in by persons aged 15 years or a small portion of the members of Congress had
more, regardless of whether they were qualified manifested the acceptance of the new
voters or not, voting by raising their hands, and Constitution. It is in the taking of the oath of
the results of the voting reported by the barrio or office where the affiant says that he swears to
ward captain, to the municipal mayor, who in "support and defend the Constitution" that the
turn submitted the report to the provincial acceptance of the Constitution is made manifest.
Governor, and the latter forwarding the reports I agree with counsel petitioners in L-36165
to the Department of Local Governments, all (Gerardo Roxas, et al. v. Alejandro Melchor, et
without the intervention of the Commission on al.) when he said that the members of Congress
Elections which is the constitutional body which who opted to serve in the interim National
has exclusive charge of the enforcement and Assembly did only ex abundante cautela, or by
administration of all laws, relative to the conduct way of a precaution, making sure, that in the
of elections — was not only a non-substantial event the new Constitution becomes definitely
compliance with the provisions of Section 1 of effective and the interim National Assembly
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution but a convened, they can participate in legislative
downright violation of said constitutional work in the capacity as duly elected
provision. It would be indulging in sophistry to representatives of the people, which otherwise
maintain that the voting in the citizens they could not do if they did not manifest their
assemblies amounted to a substantial option to serve, and that option had to be made
compliance with the requirements prescribed in within 30 day from January 17, 1973, the date
Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution. when Proclamation No. 110 was issued. Of
course, if the proposed Constitution does not
It is further contended by the Solicitor General, become effective, they continue to be members
that even if the Constitution proposed by the of Congress under the 1935 Constitution. Let it
1971 Constitutional Convention was not ratified be considered that the members of the House of
in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of Representatives were elected in 1969 to serve a
Article XV of the 1935 Constitution, the fact is term which will yet expire on December 31,
that after the President of the Philippines had 1973. Whereas, of the Senators who opted to
issued Proclamation No. 1102 declaring that the serve in the interim National Assembly, the term
said proposed Constitution "has been ratified by of some of them will yet expire on December 31,
overwhelming majority of all the votes cast by 1973, some on December 31, 1975, and the rest
the members of all the barangays (citizens on December 31, 1977. Let if be noted that 9
assemblies) throughout the Philippines and had Senators did not opt to serve in the interim
thereby come into effect" the people have National Assembly, and 18 members of the
accepted the new Constitution. What appears to House of Representatives also did not opt to
me, however, is that practically it is only the serve in the interim National Assembly.
officials and employees under the executive
department of the Government who have been Neither can it be said that the people have
performing their duties apparently in observance accepted the new Constitution. I cannot, in
of the provisions of the new Constitution. It could conscience, accept the reported affirmative
not be otherwise, because the President of the votes in the citizens assemblies as a true and
Philippines, who is the head of the executive correct expression by the people of their
department, had proclaimed that the new approval, or acceptance, of the proposed
Constitution had come into effect, and his office Constitution. I have my serious doubts regarding
had taken the steps to implement the provisions the freedom of the people to express their views
of the new Constitution. True it is, that some 92 regarding the proposed Constitution during the
members of the House of Representatives and voting in the citizens assemblies, and I have also
15 members of the Senate, of the Congress of my serious doubts regarding the truthfulness
the Philippines had expressed their option to and accuracy of the reports of the voting in the
serve in the interim National Assembly that is citizens assemblies. This doubt has been
provided for in Section 2 of Article XVII of the engendered in my mind after a careful
proposed Constitution. It must be noted, examination and study of the records of these
however, that of the 15 senators who expressed cases, particularly with respect to the reports of
their option to serve in the interim National the voting in the citizens assemblies. Perhaps, it
Assembly only one them took his oath of office; may be said that the people, or the inhabitants of
this country, have acquiesced to the new when, on March 16, 1967, it passed Resolution
Constitution, in the sense that they have No. 2 calling a convention to propose
continued to live peacefully and orderly under amendments to the 1935 Constitution. The Court
the government that has been existing since may take judicial notice of the fact that the
January 17, 1973 when it was proclaimed that President of the Philippines has reassured the
the new Constitution came into effect. But what nation that the government of our Republic since
could the people do? In the same way that the the declaration of martial law is not a
people have lived under martial law since revolutionary government, and that he has been
September 23, 1972, they also have to live acting all the way in consonance with his powers
under the government as it now exists, and as it under the Constitution. The people of this
has existed since the declaration of martial law Republic has reason to be happy because,
on September 21, 1972, regardless of what according to the President, we still have a
Constitution is operative — whether it is the constitutional government. It being my view that
1935 Constitution or the new Constitution. the 1935 Constitution is still in force, I believe
Indeed, there is nothing that the people can do Congress may still convene and pass a law
under the circumstances actually prevailing in calling for an election at which the Constitution
our country today — circumstances, known to proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Convention
all, and which I do not consider necessary to will be submitted to the people their ratification
state in this opinion. I cannot agree, therefore, or rejection. A plebiscite called pursuant to
with my worthy colleagues in the Court who hold Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 Constitution
the view that the people have accepted the new is an assurance to our people that we still have
Constitution, and that because the people have in our country the Rule of Law and that the
accepted it, the new Constitution should be democratic system of government that has been
considered as in force, regardless of the fact that implanted in our country by the Americans, and
it was not ratified in accordance with the which has become part of our social and political
provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 fabric, is still a reality.
The views that I have expressed in this opinion
It is my honest view that the Constitution are inspired by a desire on my part to bring
proposed by the 1971 Constitutional Convention about stability in democratic and constitutional
has not come into effect. I do not say, however, system in our country. I feel that if this Court
that the proposed Constitution is invalid. To me, would give its imprimatur to the ratification of the
the validity of the proposed Constitution is not in proposed Constitution, as announced in
issue in the cases before Us. What the Proclamation No. 1102, it being very clear that
petitioners assail is not the validity of the the provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the
proposed Constitution but the validity of 1935 Constitution had not been complied with,
Presidential Proclamation No. 1102 which We will be opening the gates for a similar
declares the proposed Constitution as having disregard of the Constitution in the future. What I
been ratified and has come into effect. It being mean is that if this Court now declares that a
my considered view that the ratification of the new Constitution is now in force because the
proposed Constitution, as proclaimed in members of the citizens assemblies had
Proclamation No. 1102, is not in accordance approved the said new Constitution, although
with the provisions of Section 1 of Article XV, of that approval was not in accordance with the
the 1935 Constitution, I hold that Proclamation procedure and the requirements prescribed in
No. 1102 is invalid and should not be given force the 1935 Constitution, it can happen again in
and effect. Their proposed Constitution, some future time that some amendments to the
therefore, should be considered as not yet Constitution may be adopted, even in a manner
validly ratified, and so it is not in force. The contrary to the existing Constitution and the law,
proposed Constitution may still be submitted to a and then said proposed amendment is submitted
plebiscite in conformity with Section 1 of Article to the people in any manner and what will matter
XV of the 1935 Constitution. Incidentally, I must is that a basis is claimed that there was approval
state that the Constitution is still in force, and by the people. There will not be stability in our
this Court is still functioning under the 1935 constitutional system, and necessarily no
Constitution. stability in our government. As a member of this
Court I only wish to contribute my humble efforts
I sincerely believe that the proposed Constitution to prevent the happening of such a situation in
may still be submitted to the people in an the future.
election or plebiscite held in accordance with the
provisions of Section 1 of Article XV of the 1935 It appearing to me that the announced
Constitution. In fact, as we have adverted to in ratification of the proposed Constitution through
this opinion, this was the mandate of Congress the voting in the citizens assemblies is a clear
violation of the 1935 Constitution, what I say in submission that the challenged executive act
this opinion is simply an endeavor on my part to fails to meet the test of constitutionality. Under
be true to my oath of office to defend and the circumstances, with regret and with due
support the 1935 Constitution. I am inspired by respect for the opinion of my brethren, I must
what the great jurist and statesman, Jose P. perforce dissent. It would follow therefore that
Laurel, said: the legal position taken by the Chief Justice as
set forth with his usual lucidity and thoroughness
Let our judges be as it were the has, on the whole, my concurrence, subject, of
vestal keepers of the purity and course, to reservations insofar as it contains
sanctity of our Constitution, and views and nuances to which I have in the past
the protection and vindication of expressed doubts. Nonetheless, I feel that a
popular rights will be safe and brief expression of the reasons for the stand I
secure in their reverential take would not be amiss.
In coping with its responsibility arising from the
I only wish to help prevent, if I can, democracy function of judicial review, this Court is not
and the liberties of our people from vanishing in expected to be an oracle given to utterances of
our land, because, as Justice George eternal verities, but certainly it is more than just
Sutherland of the U. S. Supreme Court said: a keen but passive observer of the
contemporary scene. It is, by virtue of its role
under the separation of powers concept,
(t)he saddest epitaph which can
involved not necessarily as a participant in the
be carved in memory of a
formation of government policy, but as an arbiter
vanished liberty is that it was
of its legality. Even then, there is realism in what
lost because its possessors
failed to stretch forth a saving Lerner did say about the American Supreme
Court as "the focal point of a set of dynamic
hand while yet there was time.
forces which [could play] havoc with the
landmarks of the American state and determine
I concur fully with the personal views expressed the power configuration of the day." That is why

by the Chief Justice in the opinion that he has there is this caveat. In the United States as here,
written in these cases. Along with him, I vote to the exercise of the power of judicial review is
deny the motion to dismiss and give due course conditioned on the necessity that the decision of
to the petitions in these cases. a case or controversy before it so requires. To
repeat, the Justices of the highest tribunal are
FERNANDO, J., dissenting: not, as Justice Frankfurter made clear,
"architects of policy. They can nullify the policy
No question more momentous, none impressed of others, they are incapable of fashioning their
with such transcendental significance is likely to own solutions for social
confront this Court in the near or distant future problems." Nonetheless, as was stressed by

as that posed by these petitions. For while the Professors Black and Murphy, a Supreme
5 6

specific substantive issue is the validity of Court by the conclusion it reaches and the
Presidential Proclamation No. 1102, an adverse decision it renders does not merely check the
judgment may be fraught with consequences coordinate branches, but also by its approval
that, to say the least, are far-reaching in its stamps with legitimacy the action taken. Thus in
implications. As stressed by respondents, "what affirming constitutional supremacy, the political
petitioners really seek to invalidate is the new departments could seek the aid of the judiciary.
Constitution." Strict accuracy would of course
1 For the assent it gives to what has been done
qualify such statement that what is in dispute, as conduces to its support in a regime where the
noted in the opinion of the Chief Justice, goes rule of law holds sway. In discharging such a
only as far as the validity of its ratification. It role, this Court must necessarily take in account
could very well be though that the ultimate not only what the exigent needs of the present
outcome is not confined within such limit, and demand but what may lie ahead in the
this is not to deny that under its aegis, there unexplored and unknown vistas of the future. It
have been marked gains in the social and must guard against the pitfall of lack of
economic sphere, but given the premise of understanding of the dominant forces at work to
continuity in a regime under a fundamental law, seek a better life for all, especially those
which itself explicitly recognizes the need for suffering from the pangs of poverty and disease,
change and the process for bringing it about, it
2 by a blind determination to adhere to the status
seems to me that the more appropriate course is quo. It would be tragic, and a clear case of its
this Court to give heed to the plea of petitioners being recreant to its trust, if the suspicion can
that the most serious attention be paid to their with reason be entertained that its approach
amounts merely to a militant vigilantism that is steps are proposal and ratification, which as
violently opposed to any form of social change. It pointed out in Dillon v. Gloss, "cannot be

follows then that it does not suffice that recourse treated as unrelated acts, but as succeeding
be had only to what passes for scholarship in the steps in a single endeavor." Once an aspect

law that could be marred by inapplicable thereof is viewed as judicial, there would be no
erudition and narrow legalism. Even with due justification for considering the rest as devoid of
recognition, such factors, however, I cannot, for that character. It would be for me then an
reasons to be set more lengthily and in the light indefensible retreat, deriving no justification from
of the opinion of the Chief Justice, reach the circumstances of weight and gravity, if this Court
same result as the majority of my brethren. For, were to accede to what is sought by
in the last analysis, it is my firm conviction that respondents and rule that the question before us
the institution of judicial review speaks too is political.
clearly for the point to be missed that official
action, even with due allowance made for the On this point, it may not be inappropriate to refer
good faith that invariably inspires the step taken, to a separate opinion of mine in Lansang v.
has to face the gauntlet of a court suit whenever Garcia. Thus: "The term has been made

there is a proper case with the appropriate applicable to controversies clearly non-judicial
parties. and therefore beyond its jurisdiction or to an
issue involved in a case appropriately subject to
1. Respondents are acting in the soundest its cognizance, as to which there has been a
constitutional tradition when, at the outset, they prior legislative or executive determination to
would seek a dismissal of these petitions. For which deference must be paid. It has likewise
them, the question raised is political and thus been employed loosely to characterize a suit
beyond the jurisdiction of this Court. Such an where the party proceeded against is the
approach cannot be indicted for unorthodoxy. It President or Congress, or any branch thereof. If
is implicit in the concept of the rule of law that to be delimited with accuracy, "political
rights belong to the people and the government questions" should refer to such as would under
possesses powers only. Essentially then, unless the Constitution be decided by the people in
such an authority may either be predicated on their sovereign capacity or in regard to full
express or implied grant in the Constitution or discretionary authority is vested either in the
the statutes, an exercise thereof cannot survive President or Congress. It is thus beyond the
an inquiry as to its validity. Respondents through competence of the judiciary to pass upon.
Solicitor-General Mendoza would deny our Unless clearly falling within the formulation, the
competence to proceed further. It is their view, decision reached by the political branches
vigorously pressed and plausibly asserted, that whether in the form of a congressional act or an
since what is involved is not merely the executive order could be tested in court. Where
effectivity of an amendment but the actual private rights are affected, the judiciary has no
coming into effect of a new constitution, the choice but to look into its validity. It is not to be
matter is not justiciable. The immediate reaction lost sight of that such a power comes into play if
is that such a contention is to be tested in the there be an appropriate proceeding that may be
light of the fundamental doctrine of separation of filed only after each coordinate branch has
powers that it is not only the function but the acted. Even when the Presidency or Congress
solemn duty of the judiciary to determine what possesses plenary powers, its improvident
the law is and to apply it in cases and exercise or the abuse thereof, if shown, may
controversies that call for decision. Since the
give rise to a justiciable controversy. For the
Constitution pre-eminently occupies the highest constitutional grant of authority is usually
rung in the hierarchy of legal norms, it is in the unrestricted. There are limits to what may be
judiciary, ultimately this Tribunal, that such a done and how it is to be accomplished.
responsibility is vested. With the 1935 Necessarily then, the courts in the proper
Constitution containing, as above noted, an exercise of judicial review could inquire into the
explicit article on the subject of amendments, it question of whether or not either of the two
would follow that the presumption to be indulged coordinate branches has adhered to what is laid
in is that the question of whether there has been down by the Constitution. The question thus
deference to its terms is for this Court to pass posed is judicial rather than political." The view

upon. What is more, the entertained by Professor Dodd is not too

Gonzales, Tolentino and Planas cases speak
8 9 10
dissimilar. For him such a term "is employed to
unequivocally to that effect. Nor is it a valid designate certain types of functions committed
objection to this conclusion that what was to the political organs of government (the
involved in those cases was the legality of the legislative and executive departments, or either
submission and not ratification, for from the very of them) and not subject to judicial
language of the controlling article, the two vital investigation." After a thorough study of


American judicial decisions, both federal and during this formative period of political history, it
state, he could conclude: "The field of judicial is that we are independent of the Executive no
nonenforceability is important, but is not large less than of the Legislative department of our
when contrasted with the whole body of written government — independent in the performance
constitutional texts. The exceptions from judicial of our functions, undeterred by any
enforceability fall primarily within the field of consideration, free from politics, indifferent to
public or governmental interests." Nor was
popularity, and unafraid of criticism in the
Professor Weston's formulation any different. As accomplishment of our sworn duty as we see it
was expressed by him: "Judicial questions, in and as we understand it." The hope of course

what may be thought the more useful sense, are was that such assertion of independence
those which the sovereign has set to be decided impartiality was not mere rhetoric. That is a
in the courts. Political questions, similarly, are matter more appropriately left to others to
those which the sovereign has entrusted to the determine. It suffices to stake that what elicits
so-called political departments of government or approval on the part of our people of a judiciary
has reserved to be settled by its own extra- ever alert to inquire into alleged breaches of the
governmental action." What appears
fundamental law is the realization that to do so is
undeniable then both from the standpoint of merely to do what is expected of it and that
Philippine as well as American decisions is the thereby there is no invasion of spheres
care and circumspection required before the appropriately belonging to the political branches.
conclusion is warranted that the matter at issue For it needs to be kept in kind always that it can
is beyond judicial cognizance, a political act only when there is a suit with proper parties
question being raised. before it, wherein rights appropriate for judicial
enforcement are sought to be vindicated. Then,
2. The submission of respondents on this too, it does not approach constitutional
subject of political question, admittedly one of questions with dogmatism or apodictic certainty
complexity and importance, deserves to be nor view them from the shining cliffs of
pursued further. They would derive much aid perfection. This is not to say though that it is
and comfort from the writings of both Professor satisfied with an empiricism untroubled by the
Bickel of Yale and Professor Freund of
18 19 search for jural consistency and rational
Harvard, both of whom in turn are unabashed coherence. A balance has to be struck. So
admirers of Justice Brandeis. Whatever be the juridical realism requires. Once allowance made
merit inherent in their lack of enthusiasm for a that for all its care and circumspection this Court
more active and positive role that must be manned by human beings fettered by fallibility,
played by the United States Supreme Court in nonetheless earnestly and sincerely striving to
constitutional litigation, it must be judged in the do right, the public acceptance of its vigorous
light of our own history. It cannot be denied that pursuit of the task of assuring that the
from the well nigh four decades of Constitution be obeyed is easy to understand. It
constitutionalism in the Philippines, even has not in the past shirked its responsibility to
discounting an almost similar period of time ascertain whether there has been compliance
dating from the inception of American with and fidelity to constitutional requirements.
sovereignty, there has sprung a tradition of what Such is the teaching of a host of cases
has been aptly termed as judicial activism. Such from Angara v. Electoral
an approach could be traced to the valedictory Commission to Planas v. Commission on

address before the 1935 Constitutional Elections. It should continue to exercise its

Convention of Claro M. Recto. He spoke of the jurisdiction, even in the face of a plausible but
trust reposed in the judiciary in these words: "It not sufficiently persuasive insistence that the
is one of the paradoxes of democracy that the matter before it is political.
people at times place more confidence in
instrumentalities of the State other than those Nor am I persuaded that the reading of the
directly chosen by them for the exercise of their current drift in American legal scholarship by the
sovereignty." 20 It would thus appear that even Solicitor-General and his equally able associates
then this Court was expected not to assume an presents the whole picture. On the question of
attitude of timidity and hesitancy when a judicial review, it is not a case of black and
constitutional question is posed. There was the white; there are shaded areas. It goes too far, in
assumption of course that it would face up to my view, if the perspective is one of
such a task, without regard to political dissatisfaction, with its overtones of distrust. This
considerations and with no thought except that expression of disapproval has not escaped Dean
of discharging its trust. Witness these words Rostow of Yale, who began one of his most
Justice Laurel in an early landmark case, People celebrated legal essays. The Democratic
v. Vera, decided in 1937: "If it is ever
Character of Judicial Review, thus: "A theme of
necessary for us to make vehement affirmance uneasiness, and even of guilt, colors the
literature about judicial review. Many of those whose keystone was to consist of barriers to the
who have talked, lectured, and written about the untrammeled exercise of power by any group.
Constitution have been troubled by a sense that They perceived no contradiction between
judicial review is undemocratic." He went on to
effective government and constitutional checks.
state: "Judicial review, they have urged, is an To James Madison, who may legitimately be
undemocratic shoot on an otherwise respectable regarded as the philosopher of the Constitution,
tree. It should be cut off, or at least kept pruned the scheme of mutual restraints was the best
and answer to what he viewed as the chief problem
inconspicuous." His view was precisely the
in erecting a system of free representative
opposite. Thus: "The power of constitutional government: 'In framing a government which is
review, to be exercised by some part of the to be administered by men over men, the great
government, is implicit in the conception of a difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the
written constitution delegating limited powers. A government to control the governed; and in the
written constitution would promote discord rather next place oblige it to control itself.' "

than order in society if there were no accepted

authority to construe it, at the least in case of There is thus an inevitability to the flowering of
conflicting action by different branches of judicial review. Could it be that the tone of
government or of constitutionally unauthorized discontent apparent in the writings of eminent
governmental action against individuals. The authorities on the subject evince at the most
limitation and separation of powers, if they are to fears that the American Supreme Court might
survive, require a procedure for independent overstep the bounds allotted to the judiciary? It
mediation and construction to reconcile the cannot be a denial of the fitness of such
inevitable disputes over the boundaries of competence being vested in judges and of their
constitutional power which arise in the process being called upon to fulfill such a trust whenever
of government." More than that, he took pains
appropriate to the decision of a case before
to emphasize: "Whether another method of them. That is why it has been correctly
enforcing the Constitution could have been maintained that notwithstanding the absence of
devised, the short answer is that no such any explicit provision in the fundamental law of
method developed. The argument over the the United States Constitution, that distinguished
constitutionality of judicial review has long since American constitutional historian, Professor
been settled by history. The power and duty of Corwin, could rightfully state that judicial review
the Supreme Court to declare statutes or "is simply incidental to the power of courts to
executive action unconstitutional in appropriate interpret the law, of which the Constitution is
cases is part of the living Constitution. 'The part, in connection with the decision of
course of constitutional history,' Mr. Justice cases." This is not to deny that there are those

Frankfurter recently remarked, 'has cast who would place the blame or the credit,
responsibilities upon the Supreme Court which it depending upon one's predilection, on Marshall's
would be "stultification" for it to evade.' " Nor is
epochal opinion in Marbury v. Madison. Curtis 32

it only Dean Rostow who could point Frankfurter, belonged to that persuasion. As he put it: "The
reputed to belong to the same school of thought problem was given no answer by the
opposed to judicial activism, if not its leading Constitution. A hole was left where the Court
advocate during his long stay in the United might drive in the peg of judicial supremacy, if it
States Supreme Court, as one fully cognizant of could. And that is what John Marshall did." At 33

the stigma that attaches to a tribunal which any rate there was something in the soil of
neglects to meet the demands of judicial review. American juristic thought resulting in this tree of
There is a statement of similar importance from judicial power so precariously planted by
Professor Mason: "In Stein v. New Marshall striking deep roots and showing
York Frankfurter remarked, somewhat self- wonderful vitality and hardiness. It now
consciously perhaps, that the 'duty of deference dominates the American legal scene. Through it,
cannot be allowed imperceptibly to slide into Chief Justice Hughes, before occupying that
abdication.' " Professor Konefsky, like Dean
exalted position, could state in a lecture: "We
Rostow, could not accept characterization of are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is
judicial review as undemocratic. Thus his study what the judges say it is ... ." The above

of Holmes and Brandeis, the following appears: statement is more than just an aphorism that
"When it is said that judicial review is an lends itself to inclusion in judicial anthologies or
undemocratic feature of our political system, it bar association speeches. It could and did
ought also to be remembered that architects of provoke from Justice Jackson, an exponent of
that system did not equate constitutional the judicial restraint school of thought, this
government with unbridled majority rule. Out of meaningful query: "The Constitution nowhere
their concern for political stability and security for provides that it shall be what the judges say it is.
private rights, ..., they designed a structure How, did it come about that the statement not
only could be but could become current as the least what once was fitly characterized as the
most understandable comprehensive summary booming guns of rhetoric, coming from both
of American Constitutional law?" It is no
directions, have been muted. Of late, scholarly
wonder that Professor Haines could pithily and disputations have been centered on the
succinctly sum up the place of the highest standards that should govern the exercise of the
American tribunal in the scheme of things in this power of judicial review. In his celebrated
wise: "The Supreme Court of the United States Holmes lecture in 1959 at the Harvard Law
has come to be regarded as the unique feature School, Professor Wechsler advocated as basis
of the American governmental system." Let me
for decision what he termed neutral principles of
not be misunderstood. There is here no attempt constitutional law. It has brought forth a

to close one's eyes to a discernible tendency on plethora of law review articles, the reaction
the part of some distinguished faculty minds to ranging from guarded conformity to caustic
look askance at what for them may be criticism. There was, to be sure, no clear call to

inadvisable extension of judicial authority. For a court in effect abandoning the responsibility
such indeed is the case as reflected in two incumbent on it to keep governmental agencies
leading cases of recent vintage, Baker v. within constitutional channels. The matter has
Carr, decided in 1962 and Powell v.
been put in temperate terms by Professor Frank
MacCormack, in 1969, both noted in the
thus: "When allowance has been made for all
opinion of the Chief Justice. The former factors, it nevertheless seems to me that the
disregarded the warning of Justice Frankfurter in doctrine of political questions ought to be very
Colegrove v. Green 39 about the American sharply confined to where the functional reasons
Supreme Court declining jurisdiction on the justify it and that in a give involving its expansion
question of apportionment as to do so would cut there should be careful consideration also of the
very deep into the very being of social considerations which may militate against
Congress." For him, the judiciary "ought not to
it. The doctrine has a certain specious charm
enter this political thicket." Baker has since then because of its nice intellectualism and because
been followed; it has spawned a host of of the fine deference it permits to expertise, to
cases. Powell, on the question of the power of
secret knowledge, and to the prerogatives of
a legislative body to exclude from its ranks a others. It should not be allowed to grow as a
person whose qualifications are uncontested, for merely intellectual plant." 47

many the very staple of what is essentially

political, certainly goes even further than the It is difficult for me at least, not to be swayed by
authoritative Philippine decision of Vera v. appraisal, coming from such impeccable sources
Avelino, It does look then that even in the
of the worth and significance of judicial review in
United States, the plea for judicial self-restraint, the United States. I cannot resist the conclusion
even if given voice by those competent in the then that the views advanced on this subject by
field of constitutional law, has fallen on deaf distinguished counsel for petitioners, with
ears. There is in the comments of respondents Senators Lorenzo M. Tañada and Jovito
an excerpt from Professor Freund quoting from Salonga at the van, rather than the advocacy of
one of his essays appearing in a volume the Solicitor-General, possess the greater weight
published in 1968. It is not without interest to and carry persuasion. So much then for the
note that in another paper, also included therein, invocation of the political question principle as a
he was less than assertive about the necessity bar to the exercise of our jurisdiction.
for self-restraint and apparently mindful of the
claims of judicial activism. Thus: "First of all, the
3. That brings me to the issue of the validity of
Court has a responsibility to maintain the
the ratification. The crucial point that had to be
constitutional order, the distribution of public
met is whether Proclamation No. 1102 manifests
power, and the limitations on that power." As 43
fidelity to the explicit terms of Article XV. There
for Professor Bickel, it has been said that as is, of course, the view not offensive to reason
counsel for the New York Times in the famous
that a sense of the realities should temper the
Vietnam papers case, he was less than
rigidity of devotion to the strict letter of the text to
insistent on the American Supreme Court
allow deference to its spirit to control. With due
exercising judicial self-restraint. There are signs
recognition of its force in constitutional
that the contending forces on such question, for litigation, if my reading of the events and the

some an unequal contest, are now quiescent. process that led to such proclamation, so clearly
The fervor that characterized the expression of
set forth in the opinion of the Chief Justice, is not
their respective points of view appears to have
inaccurate, then it cannot be confidently
been minimized. Not that it is to be expected that
asserted that there was such compliance. It
it will entirely disappear, considering how dearly
would be to rely on conjectural assumptions that
cherished are, for each group, the convictions, did founder on the rock of the undisputed facts.
prejudices one might even say, entertained. At Any other conclusion would, for me, require an
interpretation that borders on the strained. So it legislation, which in cotemplation of the 1971

has to be if one does not lose sight of how the Constitutional Convention, saw to it that there be
article on amendments is phrased. A word, to an increase in the membership of the House of
paraphrase Justice Holmes may not be a crystal, Representatives a maximum of one hundred
transparent and unchanged, but it is not, to eighty and assured the eligibility of senators and
borrow from Learned Hand, that eminent jurist, a representatives to become members of such
rubber band either. It would be unwarranted in constituent body without forfeiting their seats, as
my view then to assert that the requirements of proposed amendments to be voted on in the
the 1935 Constitution have been met. There are 1967 elections. That is the consistent course of

American decisions, and they are not few in

interpretation followed by the legislative branch.
number, which require that there be obedience It is most persuasive, if not controlling. The
to the literal terms of the applicable provision. It restraints thus imposed would set limits to the
is understandable why it should be thus. If the Presidential action taken, even on the
Constitution is the supreme law, then its assumption that either as an agent of the
mandate must be fulfilled. No evasion is Constitutional Convention or under his martial
tolerated. Submission to its commands can be law prerogatives, he was not devoid of power to
shown only if each and every word is given specify the mode of ratification. On two vital
meaning rather than ignored or disregarded. points, who can vote and how they register their
This is not to deny that a recognition conclusive will, Article XV had been given a definitive
effect attached to the electorate manifesting its construction. That is why I fail to see sufficient
will to vote affirmatively on the amendments justification for this Court affixing the imprimatur
proposed poses an obstacle to the judiciary of its approval on the mode employed for the
being insistent on the utmost regularity. Briefly ratification of the revised Constitution as
stated, substantial compliance is enough. A reflected in Proclamation No. 1102.
great many American State decisions may be
cited in support of such a doctrine. 50
4. Nor is the matter before us solely to be
determined by the failure to comply with the
Even if the assumption be indulged in that Article requirements of Article XV. Independently of the
XV is not phrased in terms too clear to be lack of validity of the ratification of the new
misread, so that this Court is called upon to give Constitution, if it be accepted by the people, in
meaning and perspective to what could be whom sovereignty resides according to the
considered words of vague generality, pregnant Constitution, then this Court cannot refuse to

with uncertainty, still whatever obscurity it yield assent to such a political decision of the
possesses is illumined when the light of the utmost gravity, conclusive in its effect. Such a
previous legislation is thrown on it. In the first fundamental principle is meaningless if it does
Commonwealth Act, submitting to the Filipino
not imply, to follow Laski, that the nation as a
people for approval or disapproval certain whole constitutes the "single center of ultimate
amendments to the original ordinance appended reference," necessarily the possessor of that
to the 1935 Constitution, it was made that the "power that is able to resolve disputes by saying
election for such purpose was to "be conducted the last word." If the origins of the democratic

in conformity with the provisions of the Election polity enshrined in the 1935 Constitution with the
Code insofar as the same may be declaration that the Philippines is a republican
applicable." Then came the statute, calling
52 53
state could be traced back to Athens and to
for the plebiscite on the three 1940 amendments Rome, it is no doubt true, as McIver pointed out,
providing for the plebiscite on the three 1930 that only with the recognition of the nation as the
amendments providing for a bicameral Congress separate political unit in public law is there the
or a Senate and a House of Representatives to juridical recognition of the people composing it
take the place of a unicameral National "as the source of political authority." From

Assembly, reducing the term of the President

them, as Corwin did stress, emanate "the
to four years but allowing his re-election with the highest possible embodiment of human
limitation that he cannot serve more than eight will," which is supreme and must be obeyed.

consecutive years, and creating an

To avoid any confusion and in the interest of
independent Commission on Elections. Again, 56
clarity, it should be expressed in the manner
it was expressly provided that the election "shall ordained by law. Even if such is not the case,
be conducted in conformity with the provisions of however, once it is manifested, it is to be
the Election Code in so far as the same may be accepted as final and authoritative. The
applicable." The approval of the present parity
government which is merely an agency to
amendment was by virtue of a Republic register its commands has no choice but to
Act which specifically made applicable the then
submit. Its officials must act accordingly. No
Election Code. There is a similar provision in
agency is exempt such a duty, not even this
the Court. In that sense, the lack of regularity in the
method employed to register its wishes is fatal in especially where such momentous results might
its consequences. Once the fact of acceptance follow as would be likely in this instance, if the
by people of a new fundamental law is made power of the judiciary permitted, and its duty
evident, the judiciary is left with no choice but to requires, the overthrow of the work of the
accord it recognition. The obligation to render it convention." In Taylor v. Commonwealth, a
67 68

obeisance falls on the courts as well. 1903 decision, it was contended that the Virginia
Constitution reclaimed in 1902 is invalid as it
There are American State decisions that was ordained and promulgated by the
enunciate such a doctrine. While certainly not convention without being submitted for
controlling, they are not entirely bereft of ratification or rejection by the people. The Court
persuasive significance. In Miller v. rejected such a view. As stated in the opinion of
Johnson, decided in 1892, it was set forth in
66 Justice Harrison: "The Constitution of 1902 was
the opinion of Chief Justice Holt that on May 3, ordained and proclaimed by a convention duly
1890, an act was passed in Kentucky, providing called by direct vote of the people of the state to
for the calling of a convention for the purpose of revise and amend the Constitution of 1869. The
framing a new constitution and the election of result of the work of the convention has been
delegates. It provided that before any form of recognized, accepted, and acted upon as the
constitution made by them should become only valid Constitution of the state by the
operative, it should be submitted to the vote of Governor in swearing fidelity to it and
the state and ratified by a majority of those proclaiming it, as directed thereby; by the
voting. The constitution then in force authorized Legislature in its formal official act adopting a
the legislature, the preliminary steps having joint resolution, July 15, 1902, recognizing the
been taken, to call a convention "for the purpose Constitution ordained by the convention which
of readopting, amending, or changing" it assembled in the city of Richmond on the 12th
contained no provision giving the legislature the day of June, 1901, as the Constitution of
power to require a submission of its work to a Virginia; by the individual oaths of members to
vote of the people. The convention met in support it, and by enforcing its provisions; and
September, 1890. By April, 1891, it completed a the people in their primary capacity by peacefully
draft of a constitution, submitted it to a popular accepting it and acquiescing in it, by registering
vote, and then adjourned until September as voters under it to the extent of thousands
following. When the convention reassembled, throughout the state, and by voting, under its
the delegates made numerous changes in provisions, at a general election for their
instrument. As thus amended, it was representatives in the Congress of the United
promulgated by the convention of September 28, States. The Constitution having been thus
1891, as the new constitution. An action was acknowledged and accepted by the office
brought to challenge its validity. It failed in the administering the government and by the people
lower court. In affirming such judgment of the state, and there being no government in
dismissing the action, Chief Justice Holt stated: existence under the Constitution of 1869
"If a set of men, not selected by the people opposing or denying its validity, we have no
according to the forms of law, were to formulate difficulty in holding that the Constitution in
an instrument and declare it the constitution, it question, which went into effect at noon on the
would undoubtedly be the duty of the courts to 10th day of July, 1902, is the only rightful, valid,
declare its work a nullity. This would be and existing Constitution of this state, and that to
revolution, and this the courts of the existing it all the citizens of Virginia owe their obedience
government must resist until they are overturned and loyal allegiance." 69

by power, and a new government established.

The convention, however, was the offspring of It cannot be plausibly asserted then that
law. The instrument which we are asked to premises valid in law are lacking for the claim
declare invalid as a constitution has been made that the revised Constitution has been accepted
and promulgated according to the forms of law. by the Filipino people. What is more, so it has
It is a matter of current history that both the been argued, it is not merely a case of its being
executive and legislative branches of the implied. Through the Citizens Assemblies, there
government have recognized its validity as a was a plebiscite with the result as indicated in
constitution, and are now daily doing so. ... Proclamation No. 1102. From the standpoint of
While the judiciary should protect the rights of respondents then, they could allege that there
the people with great care and jealousy, was more than just mere acquiescence by the
because this is its duty, and also because; in sovereign people. Its will was thus expressed
times of great popular excitement, it is usually formally and unmistakably. It may be added that
their last resort, yet it should at the same time be there was nothing inherently objectionable in the
careful not to overstep the proper bounds of its informal method followed in ascertaining its
power, as being perhaps equally dangerous; and preference. Nor is the fact that Filipinos of both
sexes above the age of fifteen were given the the matter closed, the proceedings terminated
opportunity to vote to be deplored. The greater once and for all. It is not an easy decision to
the base of mass participation, the more there is reach. It has occasioned deep thought and
fealty to the democratic concept. It does logically considerable soul-searching. For there are
follow likewise that such circumstances being countervailing considerations that exert a
conceded, then no justifiable question may be compulsion not easy to resist. It can be asserted
raised. This Court is to respect what had thus with truth, especially in the field of social and
received the people's sanction. That is not for economic rights, that with the revised
me though whole of it. Further scrutiny even Constitution, there is an auspicious beginning for
then is not entirely foreclosed. There is still an further progress. Then too it could resolve what
aspect that is judicial, an inquiry may be had as appeared to be the deepening contradictions of
to whether such indeed was the result. This is no political life, reducing at times governmental
more than what the courts do in election cases. authority to near impotence and imparting a
There are other factors to bear in mind. The fact sense of disillusionment in democratic
that the President so certified is well-nigh processes. It is not too much to say therefore
conclusive. There is in addition the evidence that there had indeed been the revision of a
flowing from the conditions of peace and fundamental law to vitalize the very values out of
stability. There thus appears to be conformity to which democracy grows. It is one which has all
the existing order of things. The daily course of the earmarks of being responsive to the
events yields such a conclusion. What is more, dominant needs of the times. It represents an
the officials under the 1935 Constitution, outlook cognizant of the tensions of a turbulent
including practically all Representatives and a era that is the present. That is why for some
majority of the Senators, have signified their what was done represented an act of courage
assent to it. The thought persists, however, that and faith, coupled with the hope that the solution
as yet sufficient time has not elapsed to be really arrived at is a harbinger of a bright and rosy
certain. future.

Nor is this all. There is for me an obstacle to the It is such a comfort then that even if my
petitions being dismissed for such ascertainment appraisal of the situation had commanded a
of popular will did take place during a period of majority, there is not, while these lawsuits are
martial law. It would have been different had being further considered, the least interference,
there been that freedom of debate with the least with the executive department. The President in
interference, thus allowing a free market of the discharge of all his functions is entitled to
ideas. If it were thus, it could be truly said that obedience. He remains commander-in-chief with
there was no barrier to liberty of choice. It would all the constitutional powers it implies. Public
be a clear-cut decision either way. One could be officials can go about their accustomed tasks in
certain as to the fact of the acceptance of the accordance with the revised Constitution. They
new or of adherence to the old. This is not to can pursue even the tenor of their ways. They
deny that votes are cast by individuals with their are free to act according to its tenets. That was
personal concerns uppermost in mind, worried so these past few weeks, even petitions were
about their immediate needs and captive to their filed. There was not at any time any thought of
existing moods. That is inherent in any human any restraining order. So it was before. That is
institution, much more so in a democratic polity. how things are expected to remain even if the
Nor is it open to any valid objection because in motions to dismiss were not granted. It might be
the final analysis the state exists for the asked though, suppose the petitions should
individuals who in their collectivity compose it. prevail? What then? Even so, the decision of this
Whatever be their views, they are entitled to Court need not be executory right away. Such a
respect. It is difficult for me, however, at this disposition of a case before this Court is not
stage to feel secure in the conviction that they novel. That was how it was done in the
did utilize the occasion afforded to give Emergency Powers Act controversy. Once 70

expression to what was really in their hearts. compliance is had with the requirements of
This is not to imply that such doubt could not be Article XV of the 1935 Constitution, to assure
dispelled by evidence to the contrary. If the that the coming force of the revised charter is
petitions be dismissed however, then such free from any taint of infirmity, then all doubts
opportunity is forever lost. are set at rest.

5. With the foregoing legal principles in mind, I For some, to so view the question before us is to
find myself unable to join the ranks of my be caught in a web of unreality, to cherish
esteemed brethren who vote for the dismissal of illusions that cannot stand the test of actuality.
these petitions. I cannot yield an affirmative What is more, it may give the impression of
response to the plea of respondents to consider reliance on what may, for the practical man of
affairs, be no more than gossamer distinctions Presidential Proclamation No. 1102 issued on
and sterile refinements unrelated to events. That January 17, 1973, certifying and proclaiming that
may be so, but I find it impossible to transcend the Constitution proposed by the 1971
what for me are the implications of traditional Constitutional Convention "has been ratified by
constitutionalism. This is not to assert that an an overwhelming majority of all the votes cast by
occupant of the bench is bound to apply with the members of all the Barangays (Citizens
undeviating rigidity doctrines which may have Assemblies) throughout the Philippines, and has
served their day. He could at times even look thereby come into effect."
upon them as mere scribblings in the sands to
be washed away by the advancing tides of the More specifically, the issue submitted is whether
present. The introduction of novel concepts may the purported ratification of the proposed
be carried only so far though. As Cardozo put Constitution by means of the Citizens
the matter: "The judge, even when he is free, is Assemblies has substantially complied with the
still not wholly free. He is not to innovate at mandate of Article XV of the existing
pleasure. He is not a knight-errant, roaming at Constitution of 1935 that duly proposed
will in pursuit of his own ideal of beauty or of amendments thereto, in toto or parts thereof,
goodness. He is to draw his inspiration from "shall be valid as part of this Constitution when
consecrated principles. He is not to yield to approved by a majority of the votes cast at an
spasmodic sentiment, to vague and unregulated election at which the amendments
benevolence. He is to exercise a discretion are submitted to the peoplefor their ratification." 1

informed by tradition, methodized by analogy,

disciplined by system, and subordinated to "the
A necessary corollary issue is whether the
primordial necessity of order in the social life."
purported ratification of the proposed
Wide enough in all conscience is the field of
Constitution as signed on November 30, 1972 by
discretion that remains." Moreover what made it
the 1971 Constitutional Convention may be said
difficult for this Court to apply settled principles, also to have substantially complied with its own
which for me have not lost their validity, is
mandate that "(T)his Constitution shall take
traceable to the fact that the revised Constitution immediately upon its ratification by a majority of
was made to take effect immediately upon the votes cast in aplebiscite called for the
ratification. If a period of time were allowed to purpose and except as herein provided, shall
elapse precisely to enable the judicial power to supersede the Constitution of Nineteen hundred
be exercised, no complication would have and thirty-five and all amendments thereto." 2

arisen. Likewise, had there been only one or two

amendments, no such problem would be before
us. That is why I do not see sufficient justification Respondents contend that
for the orthodoxies of constitutional law not to "(A)lthough apparently what is
operate. sought to be annulled is
Proclamation No. 1102, what
petitioners really seek to
Even with full realization then that the approach
invalidate is the new
pursued is not all that it ought to have been and
Constitution", and their actions
the process of reasoning not without its must be dismissed, because:
shortcomings, the basic premises of a
constitutional democracy, as I understand them
and as set forth in the preceding pages, compel — "the Court may not inquire
me to vote the way I did. into the validity of the procedure
for ratification" which
is "political in character" and
TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting:
that "what is sought to be
invalidated is not an act of the
The masterly opinion of the Chief Justice President but of the people;
wherein he painstakingly deals with the
momentous issues of the cases at bar in all their — "(T)he fact of approval of the
complexity commands my concurrence. new Constitution by an
overwhelming majority of the
I would herein make an exposition of the votes cast as declared and
fundamental reasons and considerations for my certified in Proclamation No.
stand. 1102 is conclusive on the
The unprecedented and precedent-setting issue
submitted by petitioners for the Court's — "Proclamation No. 1102 was
resolution is the validity and constitutionality of issued by the President in the
exercise of legislative power XV of the Constitution, dealing
under martial law. ... with the procedure or manner of
Alternatively, or amending the fundamental law
contemporaneously, he did so are binding upon the
as "agent" of the Constitutional Convention and the other
Convention;" departments of the government.
It must be added that ... they are
— "alleged defects, such as no less binding upon
absence of secret voting, the people." 7

enfranchisement of persons less

than 21 years, non — In the same Tolentino case,
supervision (by) this Court further proclaimed
the Comelec are matters not that "as long as any amendment
required by Article XV of the is formulated and submitted
1935 Constitution"; (sic) under the aegis of the present
Charter, any proposal for such
— "after ratification, whatever amendment which is not in
defects there might have been conformity with
in the procedure are overcome the letter, spirit and intent of
and mooted (and muted) by the Charter for effecting
the fact of ratification"; and amendments, cannot receive
the sanction of this Court." 8

— "(A)ssuming finally that

Article XV of the 1935 — As continues to be held by a
Constitution was not strictly majority of this Court, proposed
followed, the ratification of the amendments to the Constitution
new Constitution must "should be ratified in only one
nonetheless be respected. For way, that is, in an election or
the procedure outlined in Article plebiscite held in accordance
XV was not intended to be with law and participated in only
exclusive of other procedures, by qualified and duly registered
especially one which voters" and under the

contemplates popular and direct supervision of the Commission

participation of the citizenry ... ."3 on Elections. 10

To test the validity of respondents' submittal that — Hence, if the Court declares
the Court, in annulling Proclamation No. 1102 Proclamation 1102 null and void
would really be "invalidating the new because on its face, the
Constitution", the terms and premises of the purported ratification of the
issues have to be defined. proposed Constitution has not
faithfully nor substantially
observed nor complied with the
— Respondents themselves
mandatory requirements of
assert that "Proclamation No.
Article XV of the (1935)
1102 ... is plainly
merely declaratory of the fact Constitution, it would not be
that the 1973 Constitution has "invalidating" the proposed new
been ratified and has come into Constitution but would be simply
declaring that the announced

fact of ratification thereof by

means of the Citizens
— The measure of the fact of Assemblies referendums
ratification is Article XV of the does not pass the constitutional
1935 Constitution. This has test and that the proposed new
been consistently held by the Constitution
Court in has not constitutionally come
the Gonzales: and Tolentino ca
5 6
into existence.
— Since Proclamation 1102 is
— In the Tolentino case, this acknowledged by respondent to
Court emphasized "that the be "plainly merely declaratory"
provisions of Section 1 of Article of the disputed fact of
ratification, they cannot assume already produced extensive
the very fact to be established effects in the life of the nation.
and beg the issue by citing the We have, for instance,
self-same declaration as proof Executive Order No. 73, issued
of the purported ratification on November 12, 1945,
therein declared. appropriating the sum of
P6,750,000 for public works;
What complicates the cases at bar is the fact Executive Order No. 86, issued
that the proposed 1972 Constitution was on January 7, 1946, amending a
enforced as having immediately taken effect previous order regarding the
upon the issuance on January 17, 1973 of organization of the Supreme
Proclamation 1102 and the question of whether Court; Executive Order No. 89,
"confusion and disorder in government affairs issued on January 1, 1946,
would (not) result" from a judicial declaration of reorganizing Courts of First
nullity of the purported ratification is raised by Instance; Executive Order No.
the Solicitor-General on behalf of respondents. 184, issued on November 19,
1948, controlling rice and palay
to combat hunger; and other
A comparable precedent of great crisis
executive orders appropriating
proportions is found in the Emergency Powers
cases, wherein the Court in its Resolution of
funds for other purposes. The
consequences of a blanket
September 16, 1949 after judgment was
nullification of all these
initially not obtained on August 26, 1949 for lack
executive orders will be
of the required six (6) votes, finally declared in
unquestionably serious and
effect that the pre-war emergency powers
harmful. And I hold that before
delegated by Congress to the President, under
nullifying them, other important
Commonwealth Act 671 in pursuance of Article
circumstances should
VI, section 26 of the Constitution, had ceased
be inquired into, as for instance,
and became inoperative at the latest in May,
whether or not they have been
1946 when Congress met in its first regular
ratified by Congress expressly
session on May 25, 1946.
or impliedly, whether their
purposes have already been
Then Chief Justice Manuel V. Moran recited the accomplished entirely or
great interests and important rights that had partially, and in the last
arisen under executive orders "issued in good instance, to what extent;
faith and with the best of intentions by three acquiescence of litigants; de
successive Presidents, and some of them may facto officers; acts and contracts
have already produced extensive effects on the of parties acting in good faith;
life of the nation" — in the same manner as may etc. It is my opinion that each
have arisen under the bona fide acts of the executive order must be viewed
President now in the honest belief that the 1972 in the light of its peculiar
Constitution had been validly ratified by means circumstances, and, if
of the Citizens Assemblies referendums — and necessary and possible,
indicated the proper course and solution nullifying it, precautionary
therefor, which were duly abided by and measures should be taken
confusion and disorder as well as harm to public to avoid harm to public interest
interest and innocent parties thereby avoided as and innocent parties. 12

Initially, then Chief Justice Moran voted with a
Upon the other hand, while I majority of the Court to grant the Araneta and
believe that the emergency Guerrero petitions holding null and void the
powers had ceased in June executive orders on rentals and export control
1945, I am not prepared to hold but to defer judgment on the Rodriguez and
that all executive orders issued Barredo petitions for judicial declarations of
thereafter under Commonwealth nullity of the executive orders appropriating the
Act No. 671, are per se null and 1949-1950 fiscal year budget for the government
void. It must be borne in mind and P6 million for the holding of the 1949
that these executive orders had national elections. After rehearsing, he further
been issued in good faith and voted to also declare null and void the last two
with the best of intentions by executive orders appropriating funds for the
three successive Presidents, 1949 budget and elections, completing the
and some of them may have
"sufficient majority" of six against four dissenting power to pass a valid
justices "to pronounce a valid judgment on that appropriations act.
matter." 13

That Congress may again fail to

Then Chief Justice Moran, who penned the pass a valid appropriations act
Court's majority resolution, explained his vote for is a remote possibility, for under
annulment despite the great difficulties and the circumstances it fully
possible "harmful consequences" in the following realizes its great responsibility
passage, which bears re-reading: of saving the nation from
breaking down; and
However, now that the holding furthermore, the President in the
of a special session of Congress exercise of his constitutional
for the purpose of remedying powers may, if he so desires,
the nullity of the executive compel Congress to remain in
orders in question appears special session till it approves
remote and uncertain, I am the legislative measures most
compelled to, and do hereby, needed by the country.
give my unqualified concurrence
in the decision penned by Mr. Democracy is on trial in the
Justice Tuason declaring that Philippines, and surely it will
these two executive orders were emerge victorious as a
issued without authority of law. permanent way of life in this
country, if each of the great
While in voting for a temporary branches of the Government,
deferment of the judgment I was within its own allocated sphere,
moved by the belief that positive complies with its own
compliance with the Constitution constitutional duty,
by the other branches of the uncompromisingly and
Government, which is our prime regardless of difficulties.
concern in all these cases,
would be effected, and indefinite Our Republic is still young, and
deferment will produce the the vital principles underlying its
opposite result because it would organic structure should be
legitimize a prolonged or maintained firm and strong, hard
permanent evasion of our as the best of steel, so as to
organic law. Executive orders insure its growth and
which are, in our opinion, development along solid lines of
repugnant to the Constitution, a stable and vigorous
would be given permanent life, democracy. 14

opening the way or practices

which may undermine our The late Justice Pedro Tuason who penned the
constitutional structure. initial majority judgment (declaring null and void
the rental and export control executive orders)
The harmful consequences likewise observed that "(T)he truth is that under
which, as I envisioned in my our concept of constitutional government, in
concurring opinion, would come times of extreme perils more than in normal
to pass should the said circumstances 'the various branches, executive,
executive orders be immediately legislative, and judicial,' given the ability to act,
declared null and void are still are called upon 'to perform the duties discharge
real. They have not disappeared the responsibilities committed to respectively.' " 15

by reason of the fact that a

special session of Congress is It should be duly acknowledged that the Court's
not now forthcoming. However, task of discharging its duty and responsibility
the remedy now lies in the has been considerably lightened by the
hands of the Chief Executive President's public manifestation of adherence to
and of Congress, for the constitutional processes and of working within
Constitution vests in the former the proper constitutional framework as per his
the power to call a special press conference of January 20,1973, wherein
session should the need for one he stated that "(T)he Supreme Court is the final
arise, and in the latter, the arbiter of the Constitution. It can and will


probably determine the validity of this The alternative choice of a liberal stand would
Constitution. I did not want to talk about this permit a disregard of said requirements on the
because actually there is a case pending before theory urged by respondents that "the procedure
the Supreme Court. But suffice it to say that I outlined in Article XV was not intended to
recognize the power of the Supreme Court. With be exclusive of other procedures especially one
respect to appointments, the matter falls under a which contemplates popular and direct
general provision which authorizes the Prime participation of the citizenry", that the

Minister to appoint additional members to the constitutional age and literacy requirements and
Supreme Court. Until the matter of the new other statutory safeguards for ascertaining the
Constitution is decided, I have no intention of will of the majority of the people may likewise be
utilizing that power." 16
changed as "suggested, if not prescribed, by the
people (through the Citizens Assemblies)
Thus, it is that as in an analogous situation themselves", and that the Comelec is

wherein the state Supreme Court of Mississippi constitutionally "mandated to oversee ...
held that the questions of whether the elections (of public officers)
submission of the proposed constitutional and not plebiscites." 24

amendment of the State Constitution providing

for an elective, instead of an appointive, judiciary To paraphrase U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall
and whether the proposition was in fact adopted, who first declared in the historic 1803 case
were justifiable and not political questions, we of Marbury vs. Madison the U.S. Supreme

may echo the words therein of Chief Justice Court's power of judicial review and to declare
Whitfield that "(W)e do not seek a jurisdiction not void laws repugnant to the Constitution, there is
imposed upon us by the Constitution. We could no middle ground between these two
not, if we would, escape the exercise of that alternatives. As Marshall expounded it: "(T)he
jurisdiction which the Constitution has imposed Constitution is either a superior paramount law,
upon us. In the particular instance in which we unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a
are now acting, our duty to know what the level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other
Constitution of the state is, and in accordance acts, alterable when the legislature shall please
with our oaths to support and maintain it in its to alter it. If the former part of the alternative be
integrity, imposed on us a most difficult and true, then a legislative act, contrary to the
embarrassing duty, one which we have not Constitution, is not law; if the latter part be true,
sought, but one which, like all others, must be then written constitutions are absurd attempts on
discharged." 17
the part of a people, to limit a power, in its own
nature, illimitable."
In confronting the issues at bar, then, with due
regard for my colleagues' contrary views, we are As was to be restated by Justice Jose P. Laurel
faced with the hard choice of maintaining a firm a century and a third later in the 1936 landmark
and strict — perhaps, even rigid — stand that case of Angara vs. Electoral
the Constitution is a "superior paramount law, Commission, "(T)he Constitution sets forth in

unchangeable by ordinary means" save in the no uncertain language the restrictions and
particular mode and manner prescribed therein limitations upon governmental powers and
by the people, who, in Cooley's words, so "tied agencies. If these restrictions and limitations are
up (not only) the hands of their official agencies, transcended it would be inconceivable if the
but their own hands as well" in the exercise of
Constitution had not provided for a mechanism
their sovereign will or a liberal and flexible stand by which to direct the course of government
that would consider compliance with the along constitutional channels, for then the
constitutional article on the amending process as distribution of powers would be mere verbiage,
merely directory rather than mandatory. the bill of rights mere expressions of sentiment,
and the principles of good government mere
The first choice of a strict stand, as applied to political apothegms. Certainly, the limitations of
the cases at bar, signifies that the Constitution good government and restrictions embodied in
may be amended in toto or our Constitution are real as they should be in
otherwise exclusively "by approval by a majority any living Constitution."
of the votes cast an election at which the
amendments are submitted to the people for Justice Laurel pointed out that in contrast to the
their ratification", participated
United States Constitution, the Philippine
in only by qualified and Constitution as "a definition of the powers of
duly registered voters twenty-one years of age government" placed upon the judiciary the great
or over and duly supervised by the
burden of "determining the nature, scope and
Commission on Elections, in accordance with
extent of such powers" and stressed that "when
the cited mandatory constitutional requirements. the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
boundaries, it does not assert any superiority who laid down the precedent of justifying
over the other departments ... but only asserts deviations from the requirements of the
the solemn and sacred obligation entrusted to it Constitution the victims of their own folly." 31

by the Constitution to determine conflicting

claims of authority under the Constitution and to 2. This Court held in Tolentino that:
establish for the parties in an actual controversy
the rights which the instrument secures and
... as to matters not related to its
guarantees to them." internal operation and the
performance of its assigned
II mission to propose
amendments to the Constitution,
Marshall was to utter much later in the equally the Convention and its officers
historic 1819 case of McCulloch vs. and members are all subject to
Maryland the "climactic phrase," "we must
27 28
all the provisions of the existing
never forget that it is a constitution we are Constitution. Now We hold that
expounding," — termed by Justice Frankfurter even as to its latter task of
as "the single most important utterance in the proposing amendments to the
literature of constitutional law — most important Constitution, it is subject to the
because most comprehensive and provisions of Section 1 of Article
comprehending." This enduring concept to my
XV. This must be so, because it
mind permeated to this Court's exposition and is plain to Us that the framers of
rationale in the hallmark case of Tolentino, the Constitution took care that
wherein we rejected the contentions on the the process of amending the
Convention's behalf "that the issue ... is a same should not be undertaken
political question and that the Convention being with the
a legislative body of the highest order is same ease and facility in
sovereign, and as such, its acts impugned by changing an ordinary legislation.
petitioner are beyond the control of Congress Constitution making is the most
and the Courts." 30
valued power, second to none,
of the people in a constitutional
This Court therein made its unequivocal choice democracy such as the one our
of strictly requiring faithful (which really includes founding fathers have chosen
substantial) compliance with for this nation, and which we of
the mandatory requirements of the amending the succeeding generations
process. generally cherish. And because
the Constitution affects the lives,
fortunes,future and every other
1. In denying reconsideration of our judgment of
conceivable aspect of the lives
October 16, 1971 prohibiting the submittal in an
of all the people within the
advance election of 1971 Constitutional
country and those subject to its
Convention's Organic Resolution No. 1
proposing to amend Article V, section 1 of the sovereignty, every degree of
Constitution by lowering the voting age to 18 care is taken in preparing and
drafting it. A constitution worthy
years (vice 21 years) 30a "without prejudice to
of the people for deliberation
other amendments that will be proposed in the
and study. It is obvious that
future ... on other portions of the amended
correspondingly, any
section", this Court stated that "the constitutional
amendment of the Constitution
provision in question (as proposed) presents no
is of no less importance than the
doubt which may be resolved in favor of
whole Constitution itself, and
respondents and intervenors. We do not believe
perforce must be conceived and
such doubt can exist only because it is urged
that the end sought to be achieved is to prepared with as much care and
be desired. Paraphrasing no less than the deliberation. From the very
President of Constitutional Convention of 1934, nature of things, the drafters of
an original constitution, as
Claro M. Recto, let those who would put aside,
already observed earlier,
invoking grounds at best controversial, any
operate without any limitations,
mandate of the fundamental law purportedly in
restraints or inhibitions save
order to attain some laudable objective bear in
mind that someday somehow others with those that they may impose
purportedly more laudable objectives may take upon themselves. This is not
necessarily true of subsequent
advantage of the precedent and continue the
conventions called to amend the
destruction of the Constitution, making those
original constitution. Generally, requirement. We are of the
the framers of the latter see to it opinion that the present
that their handiwork is not lightly Constitution does not
treated and as easily mutilated contemplate in Section 1 of
or changed, not only for reasons Article XV a plebiscite or
purely personal but more "election" wherein the people
importantly, because written are in the dark as to frame of
constitutions are supposed to be reference they can base their
designed so as to last for some judgment on. We reject the
time, if not for ages, or for, at rationalization that the present
least, as long as they can be Constitution is a possible frame
adopted to the needs and of reference, for the simple
exigencies of the people, hence, reason that intervenors
they must be insulated against themselves are stating the sole
precipitate and hasty actions purpose of the proposed
motivated by more or less amendment is to enable the
passing political moods or eighteen year olds to take part
fancies. Thus, as a rule, the in the election for the ratification
original constitutions carry with of the Constitution to be drafted
them limitations and conditions, by the Convention. In brief,
more or less stringent, made so under the proposed plebiscite,
by the people themselves, in there can be, in the language of
regard to the process of Justice Sanchez, speaking for
their amendment. And when the six members of the Court in
such limitations or conditions Gonzales, supra, 'no proper
are so incorporated in the submission.' " 34

original constitution, it does not

lie in the delegates of any 4. Four other members of the Court in a 35

subsequent convention to claim separate concurrence in Tolentino, expressed

that they may ignore and their "essential agreement" with Justice
disregard such conditions Sanchez' separate opinion in Gonzales on the
because they are powerful and need for "fair submission (and) intelligent
omnipotent as their original rejection" as "minimum requirements that must
counterparts. 32
be met in order that there can be a proper
submission to the people of a proposed
3. This Court in Tolentino likewise formally constitutional amendment" thus:
adopted the doctrine of proper submission first
advanced in Gonzales vs. Comelec , thus:
... amendments must be fairly
laid before the people for their
We are certain no one can deny blessing or spurning. The
that in order that a plebiscite for people are not to be mere
the ratification of an amendment rubber stamps. They are not to
to the Constitution may be vote blindly. They must be
validly held, it must provide the afforded ample opportunity to
voter not only sufficient mull over the original provisions,
time but ample basisfor compare them with the
an intelligent appraisal of the proposed amendments, and try
nature of amendment per se as to reach a conclusion as the
well as its relation to the other dictates of their conscience
parts of the Constitution with suggest, free from the incubus
which it has to form a of extraneous or possibly
harmonious whole. In the insidious influences. We believe
context of the present state of the word "submitted" can only
things, where the Convention mean that the government,
hardly started considering the within its maximum capabilities,
merits of hundreds, if not should strain every effort to
thousands, proposals to amend inform every citizen of the
the existing Constitution, to provisions to be amended, and
present to people any single the proposed amendments and
proposal or a few of them the meaning, nature and effects
cannot comply with this thereof. By this, we are not to be
understood as saying that, if amendment is approved, does it
one citizen or 100 citizens or thereby mean that the 18-year
1,000 citizens cannot be old should not also shoulder the
reached, then there is no moral and legal responsibilities
submission within the meaning of the 21-year old? Will he be
of the word as intended by the required to compulsory military
framers of the Constitution. service under the colors? Will
What the Constitution in effect the contractual consent be
directs is that the government, reduced to 18 years? If I vote
in submitting an amendment for against the amendment, will I
ratification, should put every not be unfair to my own child
instrumentality or agency within who will be 18 years old, come
its structural framework to 1973?
enlighten the people, educate
them with respect to their act of The above are just samplings
ratification or rejection. For as from here, there and
we have earlier stated, one everywhere — from a domain
thing is submission and another (of searching questions) the
is ratification. There must be fair bounds of which are not
submission, intelligent consent immediately ascertainable.
or rejection.36
Surely, many more questions
can be added to the already
They stressed further the need for undivided long litany. And the answers
attention, sufficient information and full debate, cannot except as the questions
conformably to the intendment of Article XV, are debated fully, pondered
section 1 of the Constitution, in this wise: upon purposefully, and
accorded undivided attention.
A number of doubts or
misgivings could conceivably Scanning the contemporary
and logically assail the average scene, we say that the people
voter. Why should the voting are not, and by election time will
age be lowered at all, in the first not be, sufficiently informed of
place? Why should the new the meaning, nature and
voting age be precisely 18 effects of the proposed
years, and not 19 or 20? And constitutional amendment. They
why not 17? Or even 16 or 15? have not been afforded ample
Is the 18-year old as mature as time to deliberate thereon
the 21-year old, so that there is conscientiously. They have
no need of an educational been and are effectively
qualification to entitle him to distracted from a full and
vote? In this age of dispassionate consideration of
permissiveness and dissent, the merits and demerits of the
can the 18-year old be relied proposed amendment by their
upon to vote with judiciousness traditional pervasive
when the 21-year old, in the involvement in local elections
past elections, has not and politics. They cannot thus
performed so well? If the weigh in tranquility the need for
proposed amendment is voted and the wisdom proposed
down by the people, will the amendment. 37

Constitutional Convention insist

on the said amendment? Why is 5. This Court therein dismissed the plea of
there an unseemly haste on the disregarding mandatory requirements of the
part of the Constitutional amending process "in favor of allowing the
Convention in having this sovereign people to express their decision on
particular proposed amendment the proposed amendments" as "anachronistic in
ratified at this particular time? the real constitutionalism and repugnant to the
Do some of the members of the essence of the rule of law," in the following
Convention have future political terms:
plans which they want to begin
to subserve by the approval this
... The preamble of the
year of this amendment? If this
Constitution says that the
Constitution has been ordained restated this Court's position on the
by the 'Filipino people, imploring fundamentals, as follows:
the aid of Divine Providence.'
Section 1 of Article XV is — On the premature submission
nothing than a part of the of a partial amendment
Constitution thus ordained by proposal, with a "temporary
the people. Hence, in construing provisional or tentative
said section, We must read it as character": — "... a partial
if thepeople had said, 'This amendment would deprive the
Constitution may be amended, voters of the context which is
but it is our will that the usually necessary for them to
amendment must make a reasonably intelligent
beproposed and submitted to appraisal of the issue submitted
Us for ratification only in the for their ratification or rejection.
manner herein provided.' ... ... Then, too, the submission to
Accordingly, the real issue here a plebiscite of a partial
cannot be whether or not the amendment, without a definite
amending process delineated by frame of reference, is fraught
the present Constitution may be with possibilities which may
disregarded in favor of allowing jeopardize the social fabric. For
the sovereign people to express one thing, it opens the door to
their decision on the proposed wild speculations. It offers
amendments, if only because it ample opportunities for
is evident that the very idea overzealous leaders and
of departing from the members of opposing political
fundamental law camps to unduly exaggerate the
is anachronistic in the realm of pros and cons of the partial
constitutionalism and repugnant amendment proposed. In short,
to the essence of the rule of law; it is apt to breed false
rather, it is whether or not the hopes and create wrong
provisional nature of the impressions. As a consequence,
proposed amendment and it is bound to unduly strain the
the manner of its submission to people's faith in the soundness
the people for ratification or and validity of democratic
rejection conform with processes and institutions.
the mandate of the
people themselves in such
— On the plea to allow
regard, as expressed in, the submission to the sovereign
Constitution itself. 38
people of the "fragmentary and
incomplete" proposal, although
6. This Court, in not heeding the popular clamor, inconsistent with the letter and
thus stated its position: "(I)t would be tragic and spirit of the Constitution: "The
contrary to the plain compulsion of these view, has, also, advanced that
perspectives, if the Court were to allow itself in the foregoing considerations are
deciding this case to be carried astray by not decisive on the issue before
considerations other than the imperatives of Us, inasmuch as thepeople are
the rule of law and of the applicable provisions of sovereign, and the partial
the Constitution. Needless to say, in a larger amendment involved in this
measure than when it binds other departments case is being submitted to them.
of the government or any other official or entity, The issue before Us is whether
the Constitution imposes upon the Court the or not said partial
sacred duty to give meaning and vigor to the amendment may be validly
Constitution, by interpreting and construing its submitted to the people for
provisions in appropriate cases with the proper ratification "in a plebiscite
parties and by striking down any act violative coincide with the local elections
thereof. Here, as in all other cases, We are in November 1971,"
resolved to discharge that duty. 39
and this particular issue
will not be submitted to the
7. The Chief Justice, in his separate opinion people. What is more, the
in Tolentino concurring with this Court's denial of Constitution does not permit its
the motion for reconsideration, succinctly submission to the people. The
question sought to be settled in province. In fact, respondents
the scheduled plebiscite is and the intervenors originally
whether or not the people are in maintained that We have no
favor of the reduction of the jurisdiction to entertain the
voting age. petition herein, upon the ground
that the issue therein raised is a
— On a "political" rather than political one. Aside from the
"legalistic" approach: "Is this absence of authority to pass
approach to the problem too upon political question, it is
"legalistic?" This term has obviously improper and unwise
possible connotations. It may for the bench to develop into
mean strict adherence to the such questions owing to the
law, which in the case at bar is danger of getting involved in
the Supreme Law of the land. politics, more likely of a partisan
On point, suffice it to say that, in nature, and, hence, of impairing
compliance with the specific the image and the usefulness of
man of such Supreme Law, the courts of justice as objective
members of the Supreme Court and impartial arbiters of
taken the requisite "oath to justiciable controversies.
support and defend the
Constitution." ... Then, again, Then, too, the suggested course
the term "legalistic" may be of action, if adopted, would
used to suggest inversely that constitute a grievous disservice
the somewhat strained to the people and the very
interpretation of the Constitution Convention itself. Indeed, the
being urged upon this Court latter and the Constitution it is in
be tolerated or, at least, the process of drafting stand
overlooked, upon the theory that essentially for the Rule of Law.
the partial amendment on voting However, as the Supreme Law
age is badly needed and reflects of the land, a Constitution would
the will of the people, specially not be worthy of its name, and
the youth. This course of action the Convention called upon to
favors, in effect, adoption of draft it would be engaged in a
apolitical approach, inasmuch futile undertaking, if we did not
as the advisability of the exact faithful adherence to
amendment and an appraisal of the fundamental tenets set forth
the people's feeling in the Constitution and
thereon political matters. In fact, compliance with its provisions
apart from the obvious message were not obligatory. If we, in
of the mass media, and, at effect, approved, consented to
times, of the pulpit, the Court or even overlooked a
has been literally bombarded circumvention of said tenets and
with scores of handwritten provisions, because of the good
letters, almost all of which bear intention with which Resolution
the penmanship and the No. 1 is animated, the Court
signature of girls, as well as would thereby become
letterhead of some sectarian the Judge of the good or bad
educational institutions, intentions of the Convention and
generally stating that the writer thus be involved in a question
is 18 years of age and urging essentially political in nature.
that she or he be allowed to
vote. Thus, the pressure of This is confirmed by the plea
public opinion has brought to made in the motions for
bear heavily upon the Court for reconsideration in favor of the
a reconsideration of its decision exercise of judicial
in the case at bar. statesmanship in deciding the
present case. Indeed, "politics"
As above stated, however, is the word commonly used to
the wisdom of the amendment epitomize compromise, even
and the popularity thereof are with principles, for the sake of
political questions beyond our political expediency or the
advancement of the bid for any particular amendment and therefore the
power of a given political party. necessary care and deliberation as well as the
Upon the other hand, mandatory restrictions and safeguards in the
statesmanship is the expression amending process ordained by the people
usually availed of to refer to high themselves so that "they (may)
politics or politics on the highest be insulated against precipitate and hasty
level. In any event, politics, actions motivated by more or less passing
political approach, political political moods or fancies" must necessarily
expediency and statesmanship equally apply thereto.
are generally associated, and
often identified, with the dictum III
that "the end justifies the
means." I earnestly hope that
1. To restate the basic premises, the people
the administration of justice in provided in Article XV of the Constitution for the
this country and the Supreme amending process only"by approval by a
Court, in particular, will adhere
majority of the votes cast at an election at which
to or approve or indorse such
the (duly proposed) amendments are submitted
dictum." 40
to the people for their ratification."

Tolentino, he pointed out that although

The people ordained in Article V, section 1 that
"(M)ovants' submittal that "(T)he primary
only those thereby enfranchised and granted the
purpose for the submission of the proposed right of suffrage may speak the "will of the body
amendment lowering the voting age to the politic", viz, qualified literate voters twenty one
plebiscite on November 8, 1971 is to enable the years of age or over with one year's residence in
youth 18 to 20 years who comprise more than the municipality where they have registered.
three (3) million of our population to participate
in the ratification of the new Constitution in so far
as "to allow young people who would be The people, not as yet satisfied, further provided
governed by the Constitution to be given a say by amendment duly approved in 1940 in
on what kind of Constitution they will have" is a accordance with Article XV, for the creation of
laudable end, ... those urging the vitality and an independent Commission on Elections with
importance of the proposed constitutional "exclusive charge" for the purpose of "insuring
amendment and its approval ahead of the free, orderly and honest elections" and
complete and final draft of the Constitution must ascertaining the true will of the electorate — and
seek a valid solution to achieve it in a manner more, as ruled by this Court in Tolentino, in the
sanctioned by the amendatory process ordained case of proposed constitutional amendments,
by our people in the present Constitution" — 41 insuring proper submission to the electorate of
so that there may be "submitted, not piece-meal, such proposals. 42

but by way of complete and final amendments

as an integrated whole (integrated either with the 2. A Massachussets case with a constitutional

subsisting Constitution or with the new proposed system and provisions analogous to ours, best
Constitution)..." defined the uses of the term "people" as a body
politic and "people" in the political sense who are
9. The universal validity of the vital constitutional synonymous with the qualified voters granted
precepts and principles above-enunciated can the right to vote by the existing Constitution and
hardly be gainsaid. I fail to see the attempted who therefore are "the sole organs through
distinction of restricting their application to which the will of the body politic can be
proposals for amendments of particular expressed."
provisions of the Constitution and not to so-
called entirely new Constitutions. Amendments It was pointed out therein that "(T)he word
to an existing Constitution presumably may be 'people' may have somewhat varying
only of certain parts or in toto, and in the latter significations dependent upon the connection in
case would rise to an entirely new Constitution. which it is used. In some connections in the
Where this Court held in Tolentino that Constitution it is confined to citizens and means
"any amendment of the Constitution is of no less the same as citizens. It excludes aliens. It
importance than the whole Constitution itself and includes men, women and children. It
perforce must be conceived and prepared with comprehends not only the sane, competent, law-
as much care and deliberation", it would appeal abiding and educated, but also those who are
that the reverse would equally be true; which is wholly or in part dependents and charges upon
to say, that the adoption of a whole new society by reason of immaturity, mental or moral
Constitution would be of no less importance than deficiency or lack of the common essentials of
education. All these persons are secured free, orderly and honest elections supervised by
fundamental guarantees of the Constitution in the Comelec make it imperative that there be
life, liberty and property and the pursuit of strict adherence to the constitutional
happiness, except as these may be limited for requirements laid down for the process of
the protection of society." amending in toto or in part the supreme law of
the land.
In the sense of "body politic (as) formed by
voluntary association of individuals" governed by Even at barrio level 45 the Revised Barrio
a constitution and common laws in a "social Charter fixes certain safeguards for the holding
compact ... for the common good" and in of barrio plebiscites thus: "SEC. 6. Plebiscite. —
another sense of "people" in a "practical sense" A plebiscite may be held in the barrio when
for "political purposes" it was therein fittingly authorized by a majority vote of the members
stated that in this sense, "people" comprises present in the barrio assembly, there being
many who, by reason of want of years, of a quorum, or when called by at least four
capacity or of the educational requirements of members of the barrio council: Provided,
Article 20 of the amendments of the Constitution, however, That no plebiscite shall be held until
can have no voice in any government and who after thirty days from its approval by either body,
yet are entitled to all the immunities and and such plebiscite has been given the widest
protection established by the Constitution. publicity in the barrio, stating the date, time and
'People' in this aspect is coextensive with place thereof, the questions or issues to be
the body politic. But it is obvious that 'people' decided, action to be taken by the voters, and
cannot be used with this broad meaning of such other information relevant to the holding of
political signification. The 'people' in this the plebiscite."46

connection means that part of the entire body of

inhabitants who under the Constitution are As to voting at such barrio plebiscites, the
intrusted with the exercise of the sovereign Charter further requires that "(A)ll duly
power and the conduct of government. registered barrio assembly members qualified to
The 'people' in the Constitution in a practical vote may vote in the plebiscite. Voting
sense means those who under the existing procedures may be made either in writing as in
Constitution possess the right to exercise the regular elections, and/or declaration by the
elective franchise and who, while that instrument voters to the board of election tellers." 47

remains in force unchanged, will be the sole

organs through which the will of the body
The subjects of the barrio plebiscites are
politic can be expressed. 'People' for political
likewise delimited thus: "A plebiscite may be
purposes must be
called to decide on the recall of any member of
considered synonymous with qualified voters.' "
the barrio council. A plebiscite shall be called to
approve any budgetary, supplemental
As was also ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court, appropriations or special tax ordinances" and
"... While the people are thus the source of the required majority vote is specified: "(F)or
political power, their governments, national and taking action on any of the above enumerated
state, have been limited by constitutions, and measures, majority vote of all the barrio
they have themselves thereby set bounds to assembly members registered in the list of the
their own power, as against the sudden impulse barrio secretary is necessary." 48

of mere majorities." 44

The qualifications for voters in such barrio

From the text of Article XV of our Constitution, plebiscites and elections of barrio
requiring approval of amendment proposals "by officials comply with the suffrage qualifications

a majority of the votes cast at an election at of Article V, section 1 of the Constitution and
which the amendments are submitted to provide that "(S)EC. 10. Qualifications of Voters
the people for their ratification", it seems obvious and Candidates. — Every citizen of the
as above-stated that "people" as therein used Philippines, twenty one years of age or
must be considered synonymous with "qualified over, able to read and write, who has been a
voters" as enfranchised under Article V, section resident of the barrio during the six months
1 of the Constitution — since only "people" who immediately preceding the election, duly
are qualified voters can exercise the right of registered in the list of voters by the barrio
suffrage and cast their votes. secretary, who is not otherwise disqualified, may
vote or be a candidate in the barrio elections." 50

3. Sound constitutional policy and the sheer

necessity of adequate safeguards as ordained IV
by the Constitution and implementing statutes to
ascertain and record the will of the people in
1. Since it appears on the face of Proclamation 5. Finally, as to respondents' argument that the
1102 that the mandatory requirements under the President issued Proclamation 1102 "as "agent"
above-cited constitutional articles have not been of the Constitutional Convention" under55

complied with and that no election or plebiscite Resolution No. 5844 approved on November 22,
for ratification as therein provided as well as in 1973, and "as agent of the Convention the
section 16 of Article XVII of the proposed President could devise other forms of plebiscite
Constitution itself has been called or held,
to determine the will of the majority vis-a-vis the
there cannot be said to have been a valid ratification of the proposed Constitution." 56

The minutes of November 22, 1972, of the
2. Petitioners raised serious questions as to the Convention, however, do not at all support this
veracity and genuineness of the reports or contention. On the contrary, the said minutes
certificates of results purportedly showing fully show that the Convention's proposal and
unaccountable discrepancies in seven figures in "agency" was that the President issue a decree
just five provinces between the reports as
precisely calling a plebiscite for the ratification of
certified by the Department of Local the proposed new Constitution on an appropriate
Governments and the reports as directly date, under the charge of the Comelec, and with
submitted by the provincial and city executives, a reasonable period for an information
which latter reports respondents disclaimed inter campaign, as follows:
alia as not final and complete or as not
signed; whether the reported votes of approval
12. Upon recognition by the
of the proposed Constitution conditioned upon Chair, Delegate Duavit moved
the non-convening of the interim National for the approval of the
Assembly provided in Article XVII, section 1 resolution, the resolution portion
thereof, may be considered as valid; the
of which read as follows:
allegedly huge and uniform votes reported; and
many others.
3. These questions only serve to justify and HEREBY
show the basic validity of the universal principle RESOLVED,
governing written constitutions that proposed that the 1971
amendments thereto or in replacement thereof Constitutional
may be ratified only in the particular mode or Convention
manner prescribed therein by the people. Under propose to
Article XV, section 1 of our Constitution, President
amendments thereto may be ratified only in Ferdinand E.
the one way therein provided, i.e. in an election Marcos that a
or plebiscite held in accordance with law and decree be
duly supervised by the Commission on issued calling a
Elections, and which is participated in only by plebiscite for
qualified and duly registered voters. In this the ratification
manner, the safeguards provided by the election of the proposed
code generally assure the true ascertainment of New
the results of the vote and interested parties Constitution on
would have an opportunity to thresh out properly such
before the Comelec all such questions in pre- appropriate
proclamation proceedings. date as he shall
determine and
4. At any rate, unless respondents seriously providing for the
intend to question the very statements and necessary
pronouncements in Proclamation 1102 itself funds therefor,
which shows on its face, as already stated, that and that copies
the mandatory amending process required by of this
the (1935) Constitution was not observed, the resolution as
cases at bar need not reach the stage of approved in
answering the host of questions, raised by plenary session
petitioners against the procedure observed by be transmitted
the Citizens Assemblies and the reported to the President
referendum results — since the purported of the
ratification is rendered nugatory by virtue of such Philippines and
non-observance. the Commission
on Elections for communication to the President
implementation. informing him of the adoption of
" the new Constitution would not
suffice considering that under
He suggested that in view of the Section 15 of the Transitory
expected approval of the final Provisions, the President would
draft of the new Constitution by be duty-bound to call a
the end of November 1972 plebiscite for its ratification.
according to the Convention's Delegate Duavit replied in the
timetable, it would be necessary negative, adding that the
to lay the groundwork for the resolution was necessary to
appropriate agencies of the serve notice to the proper
government to undertake the authorities to prepare everything
necessary preparation for the necessary for the plebiscite.
12.6 In reply to Delegate
xxx xxx xxx Britanico, Delegate Duavit
stated that the mechanics for
12.2 Interpellating, Delegate the holding of
theplebiscite would be laid down
Pimentel (V.) contended that the
by the Commission on
resolution was unnecessary
Elections in coordination with
because section 15, Article XVII
the President.
on the Transitory Provision,
which had already been
approved on second and third 12.7 Delegate Catan inquired if
readings, provided that the new such mechanics for the
constitution should be ratified in plebiscite could include a partial
a plebiscite called for the lifting of martial law in order to
purpose by the incumbent allow the people to assemble
President. Delegate Duavit peaceably to discuss the new
replied that the provision Constitution. Delegate Duavit
referred to did not include suggested that the Committee
the appropriation of funds for on Plebiscite and Ratification
the plebiscite and that, could coordinate with the
moreover, the resolution was COMELEC on the matter.
intended to serve formal notice
to the President and the 12.8 Delegate Guzman moved
Commission on Elections to for the previous question. The
initiate the necessary Chair declared that there was
preparations. one more interpellant and that a
prior reservation had been
xxx xxx xxx made for the presentation of
such a motion.
12.4 Interpellating, Delegate
Madarang suggested that 1.8a Delegate Guzman
a reasonable period for an withdrew his motion.
information campaign was
necessary in order to properly 12.9 Delegate Astilla suggested
apprise the people of the in his interpellation that there
implications and significance of was actually no need for such a
the new charter. Delegate resolution in view of the
Duavit agreed, adding that this provision of section 15, Article
was precisely why the resolution XVII on the Transitory
was modified to give the Provisions. Delegate Duavit
President the discretion to disagreed, pointing out that the
choose the most appropriate said provision did not provide for
date for the plebiscite. the funds necessary for the
12.5 Delegate Laggui asked
whether a formal
13. Delegate Ozamiz then In conformity with my reservation, I shall discuss
moved to close the debate and the grounds for my concurrence.
proceed to the period of
amendment. I

13.1 Floor Leader Montejo It is my view that to preserve the independence

stated that there were no of the State, the maintenance of the existing
reservations to amend the constitutional order and the defense of the
resolution. political and social liberties of the people, in
times of a grave emergency, when the legislative
13.2 Delegate Ozamiz then branch of the government is unable to function
moved for the previous or its functioning would itself threaten the public
question. Submitted to a vote, safety, the Chief Executive may promulgate
the motion was approved. measures legislative in character, for the
successful prosecution of such objectives. For
Upon request of the Chair, the "President's power as Commander- in-chief
Delegate Duavit restated the has been transformed from a simple power of
resolution for voting. military command to a vast reservoir of
indeterminate powers in time of emergency. ... In
other words, the principal canons of
14.1. Delegate Ordoñez moved
constitutional interpretation are ... set aside so
for nominal voting. Submitted to
far as concerns both the scope of the national
a vote, the motion was lost.
power and the capacity of the President to
gather unto himself all constitutionally available
14.2. Thereupon, the Chair powers in order the more effectively to focus
submitted the resolution to a them upon the task of the hour." (Corwin, The
vote. It was approved by a show President: Office & Powers, pp. 317, 318,
of hands. 57

I, therefore, vote to deny respondents' motion to 1. The proclamation of martial rule, ushered the
dismiss and to give due course to the petitions. commencement of a crisis government in this
country. In terms of power, crisis government in
a constitutional democracy entails the P
concentration of governmental power. "The r
more complete the separation of powers oin a
m yet
constitutional system, the more difficult, and
the more necessary" according to Rossiter, u "will
l of
be their fusion in time of crisis... The power
the state in crisis must not only be concentrated
and expanded, it must be freed from the normal
system of constitutional and legal limitations.
One of the basic features of emergency powers
is the release of the government from thed
paralysis of constitutional restraints" (Rossiter,
Constitutional Dictatorship, p. 290).
It is clearly recognized that in moments ofu peril
the effective action of the government is n
channeled through the person of the Chief e
Executive. "Energy in the executive," according
to Hamilton, "is essential to the protection4 of the
community against foreign attacks ... to the,
protection of property against those irregular and
high-handed combinations which sometimes 1
interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to9the
security of liberty against the enterprises 7and
assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy."
(The Federalist, Number 70). "The entire *
strength of the nation", said Justice Brewer in
ANTONIO, J., concurring: the Debs case (158 U.S. 564; 39 L. ed. 1092),
"may be used to enforce in any part of the land
the full and free exercise of all national powers Koenig, was the First World War writ large, and
and the security of all rights entrusted by the the quasi-legislative powers of Franklin
constitution to its care." The marshalling and Roosevelt as "Commander-in-Chief in
employment of the "strength of the nation" are wartime"... burgeoned correspondingly. The
matters for the discretion of the Chief Executive. precedents were there to be sure, most of them
The President's powers in time of emergency from the First World War, but they proliferated
defy precise definition since their extent and amazingly. What is more, Roosevelt took his first
limitations are largely dependent upon step toward war some fifteen months before our
conditions and circumstances. entrance into shooting war. This step occurred in
September, 1940, when he handed over fifty so-
2. The power of the President to act decisively in called overage destroyers to Great Britain. The
a crisis has been grounded on the broad truth is, they were not overage, but had been
conferment upon the Presidency of the recently reconditioned and recommissioned. ...
Executive power, with the added specific grant Actually, what President Roosevelt did was to
of power under the "Commander-in-Chief" take over for the nonce Congress's power to
clause of the constitution. The contours of such dispose of property of the United States (Article
powers have been shaped more by a long line of IV, Section 3) and to repeal at least two
historical precedents of Presidential action in statutes." (Corwin & Koenig, The Presidency
times of crisis, rather than judicial interpretation. Today, New York University Press, 1956; sf
Lincoln wedded his powers under the Corwin, The President: Office and Powers,
"commander-in-chief" clause with his duty "to 1948.)
take care that the laws be faithfully executed," to
justify the series of extraordinary measures The creation of public offices is a power confided
which he took — the calling of volunteers for by the constitution to Congress. And yet
military service, the augmentation of the regular President Wilson, during World War I on the
army and navy, the payment of two million basis of his powers under the "Commander-in-
dollars from unappropriated funds in the Chief" clause created "offices" which were
Treasury to persons unauthorized to receive it, copied in lavish scale by President Roosevelt in
the closing of the Post Office to "treasonable World War II. In April 1942, thirty-five "executive
correspondence", the blockade of southern agencies" were purely of Presidential creation.
ports, the suspension of the writ of habeas On June 7, 1941 on the basis of his powers as
corpus, the arrest and detention of persons "who "Commander-in-Chief", he issued an executive
were represented to him" as being engaged in or order seizing the North American Aviation plant
contemplating "treasonable practices" — all this of Inglewood, California, where production
for the most part without the least statutory stopped as a consequence of a strike. This was
authorization. Those actions were justified by the justified by the government as the exercise of
imperatives of his logic, that the President may, presidential power growing out of the "duty
in an emergency thought by him to require it, constitutionally and inherently resting upon the
partially suspend the constitution. Thus his President to exert his civil and military as well as
famous question: "Are all laws but one to be his moral authority to keep the defense efforts of
unexecuted, and the Government itself go to the United States a going concern" as well as "to
pieces lest that one be violated?" The actions of obtain supplies for which Congress has
Lincoln "assert for the President", according to appropriated money, and which it has directed
Corwin, "an initiative of indefinite scope and the President to obtain." On a similar
legislative in effect in meeting the domestic justification, other plants and industries were
aspects of a war emergency." (Corwin, The taken over by the government. It is true that in
President: Office & Powers, p. 280 [1948]). The Youngstown Sheet & Tube vs. Sawyer (343 U.S.
facts of the civil war have shown conclusively 579; 72 S. Ct. 863; 96 L. Ed. 1153, [1952]), the
that in meeting the domestic problems as a Supreme Court of the United States did not
consequence of a great war, an indefinite power sustain the claims that the President could, as
must be attributed to the President to take the Nation's Chief Executive and Commander-
emergency measures. The concept of in-Chief of the armed forces, validly order the
"emergency" under which the Chief Executive seizure of most of the country's steel mills. The
exercised extraordinary powers underwent Court however did not face the naked question
correlative enlargement during the first and of the President's power to seize steel plants in
second World Wars. From its narrow concept as the absence of any congressional enactment or
an "emergency" in time of war during the Civil expressions of policy. The majority of the Court
War and World War I, the concept has been found that this legislative occupation of the field
expanded in World War II to include the made untenable the President's claim of
"emergency" preceding the war and even after it. authority to seize the plants as an exercise of
"The Second World War" observed Corwin and inherent executive power or as Commander-in-
Chief. Justice Clark, in his concurrence to the expanded to meet the exigencies of new
main opinion of the Court, explicitly asserted that dangers and crisis that directly threaten the
the President does possess, in the absence of nation's continued and constitutional existence.
restrictive legislation, a residual or resultant For as Corwin observed: "... today the concept
power above or in consequence of his granted of 'war' as a special type of emergency
powers, to deal with emergencies that he warranting the realization of constitutional
regards as threatening the national security. The limitations tends to spread, as it were, in both
same view was shared with vague qualification directions, so that there is not only "the war
by Justices Frankfurter and Jackson, two of the before the war," but the 'war after the war.'
concurring Justices. The three dissenting Indeed, in the economic crisis from which the
Justices, speaking through Chief Justice Vinson, New Deal may be said to have issued, the
apparently went further by quoting with approval nation was confronted in the opinion of the late
a passage extracted from the brief of the President with an 'emergency greater than war';
government in the case of United States vs. and in sustaining certain of the New Deal
Midwest Oil Co., (236 U.S. 459 59 L. Ed. 673, 35 measures the Court invoked the justification of
S. Ct. 309) where the court sustained the power 'emergency.' In the final result constitutional
of the President to order withdrawals from the practices of wartime have moulded the
public domain not only without Congressional Constitution to greater or less extent for
sanction but even contrary to Congressional peacetime as well, seem likely to do so still more
statutes. pronouncedly under fresh conditions of crisis."
(Corwin, Ibid. p. 318.)
It is evident therefore that the Steel Seizure
Case, cannot be invoked as an authority to The same view was expressed by Rossiter thus:
support the view that the President in times of a
grave crisis does not possess a residual power The second crisis is rebellion,
above or in consequence of his granted powers, when the authority of a
to deal with emergencies that he regards as constitutional government is
threatening the national security. The lesson of resisted openly by large
the Steel Seizure case, according to Corwin and numbers of citizens who are
Koenig, "Unquestionably ... tends to supplement engaged in violent insurrection
presidential emergency power to adopt against enforcement of its laws
temporary remedial legislation when Congress or are bent on capturing it
has been, in the judgment of the President, illegally or destroying it
unduly remiss in taking cognizance of and acting altogether. The third crisis, one
on a given situation." (Corwin and Koenig, The recognized particularly in
Presidency Today, New York University Press, modern times as sanctioning
1956). emergency action by
constitutional governments,
The accumulation of precedents has thus built is economic depression. The
up the presidential power under emergency economic troubles which
conditions to "dimensions of executive plagued all the countries of the
prerogative as described by John Locke, of a world in the early thirties
power to wit, to fill needed gaps in the law, or involved governmental methods
even to supersede it so far as may be requisite of an unquestionably dictatorial
to realize the fundamental law of nature and character in many democracies.
government, namely, that as much as may be all It was thereby acknowledged
the members of society are to be preserved." that an economic existence as a
(Corwin and Koenig, The Presidency Today). war or a rebellion. And these
are not the only cases which
In the light of the accumulated precedents, how have justified extraordinary
could it be reasonably argued therefore, that the governmental action in nations
President had no power to issue Presidential like the United States. Fire,
Decree Nos. 86 and 86-A as well as flood, drought, earthquake, riots,
Proclamation No. 1102, since these measures great strikes have all been dealt
were considered indispensable to effect the with by unusual and of
desired reforms at the shortest time possible and dictatorial methods. Wars are
hasten the restoration of normalcy? It is not won by debating societies,
unavailing for petitioners to contend that we are rebellions are not suppressed
not faced by an actual "shooting war" for today's by judicial injunctions,
concept of the emergency which justified the reemployment of twelve million
exercise of those powers has of necessity been jobless citizens will not be
effected through a scrupulous merely for methods of amendment. They are
regard for the tenets of free silent on the subject of revision. But this is not a
enterprise, hardships caused by fatal omission. There is nothing that can legally
the eruptions of nature cannot prevent a convention from actually revising the
be mitigated letting nature take Constitution of the Philippines or of the United
its course. The Civil War, the States even were such conventions called
depression of 1933 and the merely for the purpose of proposing and
recent global conflict were not submitting amendments to the people. For in the
and could not have been final analysis, it is the approval of the
successfully resolved by people that gives validity to any proposal of
governments similar to those of amendment or revision." (Sinco, Philippine
James Buchanan, William Political Law, p. 49).
Howard Taft, or Calvin
Coolidge. (Rossiter, Since the 1935 Constitution does not specifically
Constitutional Dictatorship — provide for the method or procedure for
Crisis of Government in the the revision or for the approval of a new
Modern Democracies, p. 6 constitution, should it now be held, that the
[1948). people have placed such restrictions on
themselves that they are not disabled from
II exercising their right as the ultimate source of
political power from changing the old constitution
We are next confronted with the insistence of which, in their view, was not responsive to their
Petitioners that the referendum in question not needs and in adopting a new charter of
having been done inaccordance with the government to enable them to rid themselves
provisions of existing election laws, which only from the shackles of traditional norms and to
qualified voters who are allowed to participate, pursue with new dynamism the realization of
under the supervision of the Commission on their true longings and aspirations, except in the
Elections, the new Constitution, should therefore manner and form provided by Congress for
be a nullity. Such an argument is predicated previous plebiscites? Was not the expansion of
upon an assumption, that Article XV of the 1935 the base of political participation, by the
Constitution provides the method for inclusion of the youth in the process of
the revision of the constitution, and automatically ratification who after all constitute the
apply in the final approval of such proposed new preponderant majority more in accord with the
Constitution the provisions of the election law spirit and philosophy of the constitution that
and those of Article V and X of the old political power is inherent in the people
Constitution. We search in vain for any provision collectively? As clearly expounded by Justice
in the old charter specifically providing for such Makasiar, in his opinion, in all the cases cited
procedure in the case of a total revision or a where the Courts held that the submission of the
rewriting of the whole constitution. proposed amendment was illegal due to the
absence of substantial compliance with the
procedure prescribed by the constitution, the
1. There is clearly a distinction
between revision and amendment of an existing procedure prescribed by the state Constitution,
is so detailed, that specified the manner in which
constitution. Revision may involve a rewriting of
such submission shall be made, the persons
the whole constitution. The act of amending a
qualified to vote for the same, the date of
constitution, on the other hand, envisages a
election and other definite standards, from which
change of only specific provisions. The intention
of an act to amend is not the change of the the court could safely ascertain whether or not
entire constitution but only the submission was in accordance with the
the improvement of specific parts of the existing Constitution. Thus the case of In re
McConaughy (119 N.E. 408) relied upon in one
constitution of the addition of provisions deemed
of the dissenting opinions involved in the
essential as a consequence of new constitutions
application of the provisions of the state
or the elimination of parts already considered
obsolete or unresponsive to the needs of the Constitution of Minnesota which clearly
times. The 1973 Constitution is not a
prescribed in detail the procedure under which
mere amendment to the 1935 Constitution. It is a the Constitution may be amended or
revised. This is not true with our Constitution. In
completely new fundamental charter embodying
the case of revision there are no "standards
new political, social and economic concepts.
meet for judicial judgment." 3

According to an eminent authority on Political

The framers of our Constitution were free to
Law, "The Constitution of the Philippines and
provide in the Constitution the method or
that of the United States expressly provide
procedure for the revision or rewriting of the merely to the electorate, for the latter is only a
entire constitution, and if such was their fraction of the people and is only an organ of
intention, they could and should have so government for the election of government
provided. Precedents were not wanting. The officials.
constitutions of the various states of the
American Union did provide for procedures for III
their amendment and methods for their revision. 4

The more compelling question, however is: Has

Certainly We cannot, under the guise of this Court the authority to nullify an entire
interpretation, modify, revise, amend, remodel or Constitution that is already effective as it has
rewrite the 1935 Charter. To declare what the been accepted and acquiesced in by the people
law is, or has been, is a judicial power, but to as shown by their compliance with the decree
declare what the law shall be is not within Our promulgated thereunder, their cooperation in its
judicial competence and authority. implementation, and is now maintained by the
Government that is in undisputed authority and
Upon the other hand, since our fundamental dominance?
charter has not provided the method or
procedure for the revision or complete change of Of course it is argued that acquiescence by the
the Constitution, it is evident that the people people can be deduced from their acts of
have reserved such power in themselves. They conformity, because under a regime of martial
decided to exercise it not through their law the people are bound to obey and act in
legislature, but through a Convention expressly conformity with the orders of the President, and
chosen for that purpose. The Convention as an has absolutely no other choice. The flaw of this
independent and sovereign body has drafted not argument lies in its application of a mere
an amendment but a completely new theoretical assumption based on the
Constitution, which decided to submit to the experiences of other nations on an entirely
people for approval, not through an act of different factual setting. Such an assumption
Congress, but by means of decrees to be flounders on the rock of reality. It is true that as a
promulgated by the President. In view of the general rule martial law is the use of military
inability of Congress to act, it was within the forces to perform the functions of civil
constitutional powers of the President, either as government. Some courts have viewed it as a
agent of the Constitutional Convention, or under military regime which can be imposed in
his authority under martial law, to promulgate the emergency situations. In other words, martial
necessary measures for the ratification of the rule exists when the military rises superior to the
proposed new Constitution. The adoption the civil power in the exercise of some or all the
new Charter was considered as a necessary functions of government. Such is not the case in
basis for all the reforms set in motion under the this country. The government functions thru its
new society, to root out the causes of unrest. civilian officials. The supremacy of the civil over
The imperatives of the emergency underscored the military authority is manifest. Except for the
the urgency of its adoption. The people in imposition of curfew hours and other restrictions
accepting such procedure and in voting required for the security of the State, the people
overwhelmingly for the approval of the new are free to pursue their ordinary concerns.
Constitution have, in effect, ratified the method
and procedure taken. "When the people adopt
In short, the existing regime in this Country,
completely revised or new constitution," said the
does not contain the oppressive features,
Court in Wheeler v. Board of Trustees (37 SE generally associated with a regime of Martial law
2nd 322, 326-330), "the framing or submission in other countries. "Upon the other hand the
of the instrument is not what gives it binding
masses of our people have accepted it, because
force and effect. The fiat of the people, and only
of its manifold blessings. The once downtrodden
the fiat of the people, can breathe life into a rice tenant has at long last been emancipated —
constitution." a consummation devoutly wished by every
Philippine President since the 1930's. The
This has to be so because, in our political laborer now holds his head high because his
system, all political power is inherent in the rights are amply protected and respected." * A new
people and free governments are founded on sense of discipline has swiftly spread beyond the corridors of government into the social order. Responding
to the challenges of the New Society, the people have turned in half a million loose firearms, paid their taxes
their authority and instituted for their benefit. on undeclared goods and income in unprecedented numbers and amount, lent their labors in massive
cooperation — in land reform, in the repair of dikes, irrigation ditches, roads and bridges, in reforestation, in
the physical transformation of the environment to make ours a cleaner and greener land. "The entire country
Thus Section 1 of Article II of the 1935 is turning into one vast garden growing food for the body, for thought and for the soul." * More important the
common man has at long last been freed from the incubus of fear.
Constitution declares that: "Sovereignty resides
in the people and all government authority
emanate from them." Evidently the "Martial law has paved the way for a re-ordering
term people refers to the entire citizenry and not of the basic social structure of the Philippines"
reported Frank Valeo to the United States archaic sharecropper-absentee
Senate. "President Marcos has been prompt and landlord relationship. He is even
sure-footed in using the power of presidential pushing for a birth control
decree under martial law for this purpose. He program with the tacit
has zeroed in on areas which have been widely acceptance of the Catholic
recognized as prime sources of the nation's Church. He has started labor
difficulties — land tenancy, official corruption, tax reforms and increased wages.
evasion and abuse of oligarchic economic (Daily Express, April 15, 1973)
power. Clearly he knows his targets ... there is
marked public support for his leadership..." As explained in this writer's opinion of April 24,
(Bulletin Today, March 3 and 4, 1973).. 1973 on the "Constancia" and "Manifestation" of
counsel for petitioners:
In a similar vein, C.L. Sulzberger, a foreign
affairs columnist wrote, in the April 11 issue of The new Constitution is considered effective "if
The New York Times: the norms created in conformity with it are by
and large applied and obeyed. As soon as the
During his first Presidential term old Constitution loses its effectiveness and the
(1965-1969), Mr. Marcos was new Constitution has become effective, the acts
discouraged by the failure of that appear with the subjective meaning of
legislators to approve urgently creating or applying legal norms are no longer
needed reforms. He found his interpreted by presupposing the old basic norm,
second term further frustrated but by presupposing the new one. The statutes
by spread riots, a Maoist issued under the old Constitution and not taken
uprising in Luzon and a much over are no longer regarded as valid, and the
more serious Moslem organs authorized by the old Constitution no
insurrection in the southern longer competent." (Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law,
islands from Mindanao across [1967].)
the Sulu archipelago to the
frontier regions of Malaysia and The essentially political nature of the question is
Indonesia. Manila claims this at once made manifest by understanding that in
war is Maoist-coordinated. the final analysis, what is assailed is not merely
the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 of the
Mr. Marcos has now in effect President, which is merely declaratory of the fact
taken all the reins of power and of approval or ratification, but the legitimacy of
makes no promise as to when the government. It is addressed more to the
he will relinquish them. But, framework and political character of this
while fettering a free press, Government which now functions under the new
terminating Congress and Charter. It seeks to nullify a Constitution that is
locking up some opponents already effective.
(many of whom were later
amnestied), he has hauled the In such a situation, We do not see how the
Philippines out of stagnation. question posed by petitioners could be judicially
decided. "Judicial power presupposes an
Sharecropping is being ended established government capable of enacting
as more than three million acres laws and enforcing their execution, and of
of arable land are redistributed appointing judges to expound and administer
with state funds. New roads them. If it decides at all as a court, it necessarily
have been started. The affirms the existence and authority of the
educational system is government under which it is exercising judicial
undergoing revision, a power." (Luther v. Borden, 48 U.S. [7 How.] 1,
corruption is diminished. In non- 12 L. Ed. 598.)
communist Asia it is virtually
impossible to wholly end it and In other words, where a complete change in the
this disagreeable phenomenon fundamental law has been effected through
still reaches very high. political action, the Court whose existence is
affected by such change is, in the words of Mr.
Mr. Marcos, an imaginative, Melville Fuller Weston, "precluded from passing
gifted man, hopes to reshape upon the fact of change by a logical difficulty
society by creating an agrarian which is not to be surmounted." Such change in

middle-class to replace the the organic law relates to the existence of a prior


point in the Court's "chain of title" to its authority law is involved. (Political
and "does not relate merely to a question of the Questions, 38 Harvard Law
horizontal distribution of powers." It involves in
Review [1924-25], pp. 305-309.)
essence a matter which "the sovereign has
entrusted to the so-called political departments 31, 1973 are fully justified.
of government or has reserved to be settled by
its own extra governmental action." 7
Barredo, Makasiar and Esguerra, JJ., concur.

The non-judicial character of such a question

has been recognized in American law. "From its
earliest opinions this Court has consistently
recognized," said Justice Frankfurter, in his (G.R. Nos. L-36142, 36164, 36165, 36236 &
illuminating dissent in Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 36283)
186, 7 L. Ed. 2d. 633, 722, 726, 727), "a class of
controversies which do not lend themselves to PROVISIONS OF STATE CONSTITUTIONS
judicial standards and judicial remedies. To SPECIFICALLY
classify the various instances as "political PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT AND
questions" is rather a form of stating this REVISION @
conclusion than revealing of analysis ... The crux
of the matter is that courts are not fit instruments 1. Alaska (1959) — Art. XIII. Amendment and
of decision where what is essentially at stake is Revision.
the composition of those large contests of policy
traditionally fought out in non-judicial forums, by Sec. 1. Amendments. Amendments to this
which governments and the actions of constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds
governments are made and unmade." vote of each house of the legislature. The
secretary of state shall prepare a ballot title and
The diversity of views contained in the opinions proposition summarizing each proposed
of the members of this Court, in the cases at bar, amendment, and shall place them on the ballot
cannot be a case on "right" or "wrong" views of for the next statewide election. If a majority of
the Constitution. It is one of attitudes and values. the votes cast on the proposition favor
For there is scarcely any principle, authority or the amendment, it becomes effective thirty days
interpretation which has not been countered by after the certification of the election returns by
the opposite. At bottom, it is the degree of one's the secretary of state.
faith — in the nation's leadership and in the
maturity of judgment of our people. Sec. 2. Convention. The legislature may call
constitutional conventions at any time.
FOREGOING, the dismissal of Sec. 3. Call by referendum. If during any ten-
these five cases, and the year period a constitutional convention has not
conclusion of this Court in its been held, the secretary of state shall place on
judgment of March question the ballot for the next general election the
becomes wholly moot except for question: "Shall there be a Constitutional
this consideration, that, when Convention?" If a majority of the votes cast on
the judges as individuals or as a the question are in the negative, the question
body of individuals come to need not be placed on the ballot until the end of
decide which king or which the next ten-year period. If a majority of the
constitution they will support votes cast on the question are in the affirmative,
and assert to represent, it may delegates to the convention shall be chosen at
often be good judgment for the next regular statewide election, unless the
them to follow the lead of the legislature provides for the election of the
men who as a practical matter election delegates at a special election. The
are likely to be looked to by the secretary of state shall issue the call for the
people as more representative convention. Unless other provisions have been
of themselves and conversely made by law, the call shall conform as nearly as
are likely to be more directly in possible to the act calling the Alaska
touch with popular sentiment. If, Constitutional Convention of 1955, including, but
however, the judges hold too not limited to, number of members, districts,
strong views of their own to be election and certification of delegates, and
able to take this course, they submission and ratification of revisions and
may follow their own leads at ordinances. ... .
their own hazard. No question of
Sec. 4. Powers. Constitutional conventions shall Constitution, as may have been ratified by a
have plenary power to amend or revise the majority of all the votes cast at such special
constitution, subject only to ratification by the election, to be the Constitution of the State of
people. No call for a constitutional convention California.
shall limit these powers of the convention.
3. Colorado (1876) — Art. XIX. Amendments.
2. California (1879) — Art. XVIII. Amending and
Revising the Constitution. Sec. 1. Constitutional convention; how called.
The general assembly may at any time be a vote
Sec. 1. Constitutional amendments. Any of two-thirds of the members elected to each
amendment or amendments to this Constitution house, recommend to the electors of the state,
may be proposed in the Senate or Assembly, to vote at the next general election for or against
and if two-thirds of all the members elected to a convention to revise, alter and amend this
each of the houses shall vote in favor thereof, constitution; and if a majority of those voting on
such proposed amendment or amendments the question shall declare in favor of such
shall be entered in their Journals, with the yeas convention, the general assembly shall, at the
and nays taken thereon; and it shall be the duty next session, provide for the calling thereof. The
of the Legislature to submit such proposed number of members of the convention shall be
amendment or amendments to the people in twice that of the senate and they shall be elected
such manner, and at such time, and after such in the same manner, at the same places, and in
publication as may be deemed expedient. the same districts. The general assembly shall,
Should more amendments than one be in the act calling the convention, designate the
submitted at the same election they shall be so day, hour and place of its meeting; fix the pay of
prepared and distinguished, by numbers or its members and officers, and provide for the
otherwise, that each can be voted on separately. payment of the same, together with the
If the people shall approve and ratify such necessary expenses of the convention. Before
amendment or amendments, or any of them, by proceeding, the members shall take an oath to
a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon support the constitution of the United States, and
such amendment or amendments shall become of the state of Colorado, and to faithfully
a part of this constitution. discharge their duties as members of the
convention. The qualifications of members shall
Sec. 2. Constitutional convention. Whenever be the same as of members of the senate; and
two-thirds of the members elected to each vacancies occurring shall be filled in the manner
branch of the Legislature shall deem it provided for filling vacancies in the general
necessary to revise this Constitution, they shall assembly. Said convention shall meet within
recommend to the electors to vote at the next three months after such election and prepare
general for or against a Convention for that such revisions, alterations or amendments to the
purpose, and if a majority of the electors voting constitution as may be deemed necessary;
at such election on the proposition for a which shall be submitted to the electors for their
Convention shall vote in favor thereof, the ratification or rejection at an election appointed
Legislature shall, at its next session, provide by by the convention for that purpose, not less than
law for calling the same. The Convention shall two nor more than six months after adjournment
consist of a number of delegates not to exceed thereof; and unless so submitted and approved
that of both branches of the Legislature, who by a majority of the electors voting at the
shall be chosen in the same manner, and have election, no such revision, alteration or
the same qualifications, as Members of the amendment shall take effect.
Legislature. The delegates so elected shall meet
within three months after their election at such Sec. 2. Amendments to constitution; how
place as the Legislature may direct. At a special adopted. Any amendment or amendments to this
election to be provided for by law, constitution may be proposed in either house of
the Constitution that may be agreed upon by the general assembly, and if the same shall be
such Convention shall be submitted to the voted for by two-thirds of all the members
people for their ratification or rejection, in such elected to each house, such proposed
manner as the Convention may determine. The amendment or amendments, together with the
returns of such election shall, in such manner as ayes and noes of each house hereon, shall be
the Convention shall direct, be certified to the entered in full on their respective journals; the
Executive of the State, who shall call to his proposed amendment or amendments shall be
assistance the Controller, Treasurer, and published with the laws of that session of the
Secretary of State, and compare the returns so general assembly, and the secretary of state
certified to him; and it shall be the duty of the shall also cause the said amendment or
Executive to declare, by his proclamation, such amendments to be published in full in not more
than one newspaper of general circulation in District by the qualified electors thereof, and two
each county, for four successive weeks previous of whom shall be chosen from New Castle
to the next general election for members of the County, two from Kent County and two from
general assembly; and at said election the said Sussex County by the qualified electors thereof
amendment or amendments shall be submitted respectively. The delegates so chosen shall
to the qualified electors of the state for their convene at the Capital of the State on the first
approval or rejection, and such as are approved Tuesday in September next after their election.
by a majority of those voting thereon shall Every delegate shall receive for his services
become part of this constitution. such compensation as shall be provided by law.
A majority of the Convention shall constitute a
Provided, that if more than one amendment be quorum for the transaction of business. The
submitted at any general election, each of said Convention shall have the power to appoint such
amendments shall be voted upon separately and officers, employees and assistants as it may be
votes thereon cast shall be separately counted deem necessary, and fix their compensation,
the same as though but one amendment was and provide for the printing of its documents,
submitted. But the general assembly shall journals, debates and proceedings. The
have no power to propose amendments to more Convention shall determine the rules of its
than six articles of this constitution at the same proceedings, and be the judge of the elections,
session. returns and qualifications of its members.
Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office
4. Delaware (1897) — Art. XVI. Amendments of delegate from any district or county by reason
and Conventions. of failure to elect, ineligibility, death, resignation
or otherwise, a writ of election to fill such
vacancy shall be issued by the Governor, and
Sec. 1. Proposal of constitutional amendments such vacancy shall be filled by the qualified
in general assembly; procedure. Any electors of such district or county.
amendment or amendments to this Constitution
may be proposed in the Senate or House of
5. Florida (1887) — Art. XVII. Amendments.
Representatives; and if the same shall be
agreed to by two-thirds of all the members
elected to each House, such proposed Sec. 1. Method of amending constitution. Either
amendment or amendments shall be entered on branch of the Legislature, at any regular session,
their journals, with the yeas and nays taken or at any special or extra-ordinary session
thereon, and the Secretary of State shall cause thereof called for such purpose either in the
such proposed amendment or amendments to governor's original call or any amendment
be published three months before the next thereof, may propose the revision or amendment
general election in at least three newspapers in of any portion or portions of this Constitution.
each County in which such newspaper shall be Any such revision or amendment may relate to
published; and if in the General Assembly next one subject or any number of subjects, but no
after the said election such proposed amendment shall consist of more than one
amendment or amendments shall upon yea and revised article of the Constitution.
nay vote be agreed to by two-thirds of all the
members elected to each House, the same shall If the proposed revision or amendment is agreed
thereupon become part of the Constitution. to by three-fifths of the members elected to each
house, it shall be entered upon their respective
Sec. 2. Constitutional conventions; procedure; journals with the yeas and nays and published in
compensation of delegates; quorum; powers and one newspaper in each county where a
duties; vacancies. The General Assembly by a newspaper is published for two times, one
two-thirds vote of all the members elected to publication to be made not earlier than ten
each House may from time to time provide for weeks and the other not later than six weeks,
the submission to the qualified electors of the immediately preceding the election at which the
State at the general election next thereafter the same is to be voted upon, and thereupon
question, "Shall there be a Convention to revise submitted to the electors of the State for
the Constitution and amend the same?;" and approval or rejection at the next general election,
upon such submission, if a majority of those provided, however, that
voting on said question shall decide in favor of a such revision or amendment may be submitted
Convention for such purpose, the General for approval or rejection in a special election
Assembly at its next session shall provide for the under the conditions described in and in the
election of delegates to such convention at the manner provided by Section 3 of Article XVII of
next general election. Such Convention shall be the Constitution. If a majority of the electors
composed of forty-one delegates, one of whom voting upon the amendment adopt such
shall be chosen from each Representative
amendment the same shall become a part of this law for calling the same; and such convention
Constitution. shall consist of a number of members, not less
than double the number of the most numerous
Sec. 2. Method of revising constitution. If at any branch of the legislature.
time the Legislature, by a vote of two-thirds of all
the members of both Houses, shall determine 7. Iowa (1857) — Art. X. Amendments to the
that a revision of this Constitution is necessary, Constitution.
such determination shall be entered upon their
respective Journals, with yea's and nay's Sec. 3. Convention. At the general election to be
thereon. Notice of said action shall be published held in the year one thousand eight hundred and
weekly in one newspaper in every county in seventy, and in each tenth year thereafter, and
which a newspaper is published, for three also at such times as the General Assembly
months preceding the next general election of may, by law, provide, the question, "Shall there
Representatives, and in those countries where be a Convention to revise the Constitution,
no newspaper is published, notice shall be given and amend the same?" shall be decided by the
by posting at the several polling precincts in electors qualified to vote for members of the
such counties for six weeks next preceding said General Assembly; and in case a majority of the
election. The electors at said election may vote electors so qualified, voting at such election, for
for or against the revision in question. If a and against such proposition, shall decide in
majority of the electors so voting be in favor of favor of a Convention for such purpose, the
revision, the Legislature chosen at such election General Assembly, at its next session, shall
shall provide by law for a Convention to revise provide by law for the election of delegates to
the Constitution, said Convention to be held such Convention.
within six months after the passage of such law.
The Convention shall consist of a number equal 8. Michigan (1909) — Art. XVII. Amendments
to the membership of the House of and Revision.
Representatives, and shall be apportioned
among the several counties in the same manner
as members of said House. Sec. 1. Amendments to constitution; proposal by
legislature; submission to electors. Any
amendment or amendments to this constitution
6. Idaho (1890) — Art. XIX. Amendments.
may be proposed in the senate or house of
representatives. If the same shall be agreed to
Sec. 1. How amendments may be proposed. by 2/3 of the members elected to each house,
Any amendment or amendments to this such amendment or amendments shall be
Constitution may be proposed in either branch of entered on the journals, respectively, with the
the legislature, and if the same shall be agreed yeas and nays taken thereon; and the same
to by two-thirds of all the members of each of the shall be submitted to the electors at the next
two houses, voting separately, such proposed spring or autumn election thereafter, as the
amendment or amendments shall, with the yeas legislature shall direct; and, if a majority of
and nays thereon, be entered on their journals, the electors qualified to vote for members of the
and it shall be the duty of the legislature to legislature voting thereon shall ratify and
submit such amendment or amendments to the approve such amendment or amendments, the
electors of the state at the next general election, same shall become part of the constitution.
and cause the same to be published without
delay for at least six consecutive weeks, prior to Sec. 4. General revision; convention; procedure.
said election, in not less than one newspaper of At the Biennial Spring Election to be held in the
the general circulation published in each county;
year 1961, in each sixteenth year thereafter and
and if a majority of the electors shall ratify the
at such times as may be provided by law, the
same, such amendment or amendments shall question of a General Revision of the
become a part of this Constitution.
Constitution shall be submitted to the Electors
qualified to vote for members of the Legislature.
Sec. 3. Revision or amendments by convention. In case a majority of the Electors voting on the
Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to question shall decide in favor of a Convention for
each branch of the legislature shall deem it such purpose, at an Election to be held not later
necessary to call a convention than four months after the Proposal shall have
to revise or amend this Constitution, they shall been certified as approved, the Electors of each
recommend to the electors to vote at the next House of Representatives District as then
general election, for or against a convention, and organized shall Elect One Delegate for each
if a majority of all the electors voting at said Electors of each Senatorial District as then
election shall have voted for a convention, the organized shall Elect One Delegate for each
legislature shall at the next session provide by
State Senator to which the District is entitled. their next session, provide by law for calling the
The Delegates so elected shall convene at the same. The convention shall consist of as many
Capital City on the First Tuesday in October next members as the House of Representatives, who
succeeding such election, and shall continue shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall
their sessions until the business of the meet within three months after their election for
convention shall be completed. A majority of the the purpose aforesaid.
delegates elected shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business. ... No proposed Sec. 3. Submission to people of revised
constitution or amendment adopted by such constitution drafted at convention. Any
convention shall be submitted to the electors for convention called to revise this constitution shall
approval as hereinafter provided unless by the submit any revision thereof by said convention to
assent of a majority of all the delegates elected the people of the State of Minnesota for their
to the convention, the yeas and nays being approval or rejection at the next
entered on the journal. Any proposed general election held not less than 90 days after
constitution or amendments adopted by such the adoption of such revision, and, if it shall
convention shall be submitted to the qualified appear in the manner provided by law that three-
electors in the manner provided by such fifths of all the electors voting on the question
convention on the first Monday in April following shall have voted for and ratified such revision,
the final adjournment of the convention; but, in the same shall constitute a new constitution of
case an interval of at least 90 days shall not the State of Minnesota. Without such submission
intervene between such final adjournment and and ratification, said revision shall be of no force
the date of such election. Upon the approval of or effect. Section 9 of Article IV of the
such constitution or amendments by a majority Constitution shall not apply to election to the
of the qualified electors voting thereon such convention.
constitution or amendments shall take effect on
the first day of January following the approval 10. Nevada (1864) — Art. 16. Amendments.
Sec. 1. Constitutional amendments; procedure.
9. Minnesota (1857) — Art. XIV. Amendments to
Any amendment or amendments to this
the Constitution.
Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or
Assembly; and if the same shall be agreed to by
Sec. 1. Amendments to constitution; majority a Majority of all the members elected to each of
vote of electors voting makes amendment valid. the two houses, such proposed amendment or
Whenever a majority of both houses of the amendments shall be entered on their respective
legislature shall deem it necessary to alter or journals, with the Yeas and Nays taken thereon,
amend this Constitution, they may proposed and referred to the Legislature then next to be
such alterations or amendments, which chosen, and shall be published for three months
proposed amendments shall be published with next preceding the time of making such choice.
the laws which have been passed at the same And if in the Legislature next chosen as
session, and said amendments shall be aforesaid, such proposed amendment or
submitted to the people for their approval or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of
rejection at any general election, and if it shall all the members elected to each house, then it
appear, in a manner to be provided by law, that shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit
a majority of all the electors voting at said such proposed amendment or amendments to
election shall have voted for and ratified such the people, in such manner and at such time as
alterations or amendments, the same shall be the Legislature shall prescribe; and if the people
valid to all intents and purposes as a part of this shall approve and ratify such amendment or
Constitution. If two or more alterations amendments by a majority of the electors
or amendments shall be submitted at the same qualified to vote for members of the Legislature
time, it shall be so regulated that the voters shall voting thereon, such amendment or
vote for or against each separately. amendments shall become a part of the
Sec. 2. Revision of constitution. Whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to each branch of Sec. 2. Convention for revision of constitution;
the legislature shall think it necessary to call a procedure. If at any time the Legislature by a
convention to revise this Constitution, they shall vote of two-thirds of the Members elected to
recommend to the electors to vote at the next each house, shall determine that it is necessary
general election for members of the legislature, to cause a revision of this entire
for or against a convention; and if a majority of Constitution they shall recommend to the
all the electors voting at said election shall have electors at the next election for Members of the
voted for a convention, the legislature shall, at Legislature, to vote for or against a convention,
and if it shall appear that a majority of the to by a majority of all the members elected to
electors voting at such election, shall have voted each of the two houses, such proposed
in favor of calling a Convention, the Legislature amendment or amendments shall, with yeas and
shall, at its next session provide by law for nays thereon, be entered in their journals and
calling a Convention to be holden within six referred by the Secretary of State to the people
months after the passage of such law, and such for their approval or rejection, at the next regular
Convention shall consist of a number of general election, except when the Legislature,
Members not less that of both branches of the by a two-thirds vote of each house, shall order a
legislature. In determining what is a majority of special election for that purpose. If a majority of
the electors voting such election, reference shall all the electors voting at such election shall vote
be had to the highest number of vote cast at in favor of any amendment thereto, it shall
such election for the candidates of any office or thereby become a part of this Constitution.
on any question.
If two or more amendments are proposed they
11. New Hamspire (1784) — shall be submitted in such manner that electors
may vote for or against them separately.
Art. 99. Revision of constitution provided for. It
shall be the duty of the selectmen, and No proposal for the amendment or alteration of
assessors, of the several towns and places in this Constitution which is submitted to the voters
this state, in warning the first annual meetings shall embrace more than one general subject
for the choice of senators, after the expiration of and the voters shall vote separately for or
seven years from the adoption of this against each proposal submitted; provided,
constitution, as amended, to insert expressly in however, that in the submission of proposals for
the warrant this purpose, among the others for the amendment of this Constitution by articles,
the meeting, to wit, to take the sense of the which embrace one general subject, each
qualified voters on the subject of a revision of proposed article shall be deemed a single
the constitution; and, the meeting being warned proposals or proposition
accordingly, and not otherwise, the moderator
shall take the sense of the qualified voters Sec. 2. Constitutional convention to propose
present as to the necessity of a revision; and a amendments or new constitution. No convention
return of the number of votes for and against shall be called by the Legislature to
such necessity, shall be made by the clerk propose alterations, revisions, or amendments to
sealed up, and directed to the general court at this Constitution, or to propose a new
their then next session; and if, it shall appear to Constitution, unless the law providing for such
the general court by such return, that the sense convention shall first be approved by the people
of the people of the state has taken, and that, in on a referendum vote at a regular or special
the opinion of the majority of the qualified voters election, and any amendments, alterations,
in the state, present and voting at said meetings, revisions, or new Constitution, proposed by such
there is a necessity for a revision of the convention, shall be submitted to the electors of
constitution, it shall be the duty of the general the State at a general or special election and be
court to call a convention for that purpose, approved by a majority of the electors voting
otherwise the general court shall direct the thereon, before the same shall become effective
sense of the people to be taken, and then Provided, That the question of such proposed
proceed in the manner before mentioned. The convention shall be submitted to the people at
delegates to be chosen in the same manner, least once in every twenty years.
and proportioned, as the representatives to the
general court; provided that no alterations shall 13. Oregon (1859) — Art. XVII. Amendments
be made in this constitution, before the same and Revisions.
shall be laid before the towns and
unincorporated places, and approved by two
thirds of the qualified voters present and voting Sec. 1. Method of amending constitution. Any
on the subject. amendment or amendments to this Constitution
may be proposed in either branch of the
legislative assembly, and if the same shall be
12. Oklahoma (1907) — Art.
agreed to by a majority of all the members
XXIV. Constitutional Amendments.
elected to each of the two houses, such
proposed amendment or amendments shall, with
Sec. 1. Amendments proposed by legislature; a the yeas and nays thereon, be entered in their
submission to vote. journals and referred by the secretary of state to
Any amendment or amendments to this the people for their approval or rejection, at the
Constitution may be proposed in either branch of next regular election, except when the legislative
the Legislature, and if the same shall be agreed
assembly shall order a special election for that votes and has been adopted by the people as
purpose. If a majority of the electors voting on the Constitution of the State of Oregon, as the
any such amendment shall vote in favor thereof, case may be. The revision shall be in effect as
it shall thereby become a part of this the Constitution or as a part of this Constitution
Constitution. The votes for and against from the date of such proclamation.
such amendment, or amendments, severally,
whether proposed by the legislative assembly or 14. Utah (1896) — Art. 23. Amendments.
by initiative petition, shall be canvassed by the
secretary of state in the presence of the Sec. 1. Amendments; method of proposal and
governor, and if it shall appear to the governor approval. Any amendments to his Constitution
that the majority of the votes cast at said election
may be proposed in either house of the
on said amendment, or amendments, severally,
Legislature, and if two-thirds of all the members
are cast in favor thereof, it shall be his duty
elected of the two houses, shall vote in favor
forthwith after such canvass, by his thereof, such proposed amendment or
proclamation, to declare the said amendment, or amendments shall be entered on their respective
amendments, severally, having received said
journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon;
majority of votes to have been adopted by the
and the Legislature shall cause the same to be
people of Oregon as part of the Constitution
published in at least one newspaper in every
thereof, and the same shall be in effect as a part
county of the State, where a newspaper is
of the Constitution from the date of such published, for two months immediately
proclamation. When two or more amendments preceding the next general election, at which
shall be submitted in the manner aforesaid to the
time the said amendment or amendments shall
voters of this state at the same election, they
be submitted to the electors of the State, for their
shall be so submitted that each amendment
approval or rejection, and if a majority of the
shall be voted on separately. No convention electors voting thereon shall approve the same,
shall be called to amend or propose such amendment or amendments shall become
amendments to this Constitution, or to propose a
part of this Constitution. If two or more
new Constitution, unless the law providing for
amendments are proposed, they shall be so
such convention shall first be approved by the
submitted as to enable the electors to vote on
people on a referendum vote at a regular
each of them separately.
general election. This article shall not be
construed to impair the right of the people to
amend this Constitution by vote upon an Sec. 2. Revision of the Constitution by
initiative petition therefor. convention. Whenever two-thirds of the
members, elected to each branch of the
Legislature, shall deem it necessary to call a
Sec. 2. Method of revising constitution. (1) In convention to revise or amend this Constitution,
addition to the power to amend this Constitution they shall recommend to the electors to vote at
granted by section 1, Article IV, and section 1 of
the next general election, for or against a
this Article, a revision of all or part of this
convention, and, if a majority of all the electors,
Constitution may be proposed in either house of
voting at such election, shall vote for a
the Legislative Assembly and, if the proposed
convention. The Legislature, at its next session,
revision is agreed to by at least two-thirds of all shall provide by law for calling the same. The
the members of each house, the proposed
convention shall consist of not less than the
revision shall, with the yeas and nays thereon,
number of members in both branches of the
be entered in their journals and referred by the
Secretary of State to the people for their
approval or rejection, notwithstanding section 1,
Article IV of this Constitution, at the next regular 15. Wyoming (1890) — Art. XX. Amendments.
state-wide primary election, except when the
Legislative Assembly orders a special election Sec. 1. Procedure for amendments.
for that purpose. A proposed revision may deal Any amendment or amendments to this
with more than one subject and shall be voted Constitution may be proposed in either branch of
upon as one question. The votes for and against the legislature, and, if the same shall be agreed
the proposed revision shall be canvassed by the to by two-thirds of all the members of the two
Secretary of State in the presence of the houses, voting separately, such proposed
Governor and, if it appears to the Governor that amendment or amendments shall, with the yeas
the majority of the votes cast in the election on and nays thereon, be entered on their journals,
the proposed revision are in favor of the and it shall be the duty of the legislature to
proposed revision, he shall, promptly following submit such amendment or amendments to the
the canvass, declare, by his proclamation, that electors of the state at the next general election,
the proposed revision has received a majority of in at least one newspaper of general circulation,


published in each county, and if a majority of the 9 Namely, Jovito R. Salonga,
electors shall ratify the same, such amendment Ramon V. Mitra, Jr. and Eva
or amendments shall become a part of this Estrada-Kalaw.
10 Napoleon V. Dilag, et al. v.
Sec. 2. How voted for. If two or more Executive Secretary, et al.
amendments are proposed, they shall be
submitted in such manner that the electors shall 11 Araneta v. Dinglasan, 84
vote for or against each of them separately. Phil. 431, 437-438. See, also,
Gonzales v. Commission on
Sec. 3. Constitutional convention; provision for. Elections,
Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to L-28196 & L-28224, Nov. 9,
each branch of the legislature shall deem it 1967. Emphasis ours.
necessary to call a convention
to revise or amend this constitution, they shall 12 Art. VI, sec. 20(1),
recommend to the electors to vote at the next Constitution.
general election for or against a convention, and
if a majority of all the electors voting at such 13 Art. VII, sec. 10(7),
election shall have voted for a convention, the Constitution.
legislature shall at the next session provide by a
law for calling the same; and such convention
shall consist of a number of members, not less 14 Emphasis ours.
than double that of the most numerous branch of
the legislature. 15 See page 4, last paragraph,
of his Comment dated Feb. 6,
Sec. 4. New constitution. Any constitution 1973.
adopted by such convention shall have no
validity until it has been submitted to and 16 In re Opinion of Justices, 107
adopted by the people. Atl. 673, 5 A.L.R. 1412;
Crawford v. Gilchrist, 59 So.
Footnotes Rep. 963; McAdams v. Henley,
273 S.W. 355; Egbert v. City of
Dunseith, 74 N.D. 1, 168 A.L.R.
1 Justices Makalintal, Castro, 621, 24 N.W. 2d. 907; State ex
Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio and
rel. Landis, Atty. Gen. v.
Thompson, 163 So. Rep. 270;
St. Louis Brewing Association v.
2 Chief Justice Concepcion and Moore, 64 L. ed. 947; Ellingham
Justices Fernando and v. Dye, 99 N.E. Rep. 1, 18;
Teehankee. Johnson v. Craft, 87 So. Rep.
3 Justice Zaldivar.
17 Mun. of Malabang v. Benito,
4 Case G.R. No. L-36164. L-28113, Mar. 28, 1969;
NAWASA v. Piguing, et al., L-
5 Case G.R. No. L-36236. 35573, Oct. 11, 1968;
Fernandez v. P. Cuerva & Co.,
6 Case G.R. No. L-36293. L-21114, Nov. 25, 1967;
Gonzales v. Commission on
Elections, L-28224, Nov. 29,
7 Who withdrew as petitioner on 1967; Bara Lidasan v.
January 25, 1973. COMELEC, L-28089, Oct. 25,
1967; Mun. of San Juan v.
8 Originally, Gerardo Roxas, NAWASA, L-22047, Aug. 31,
Ambrosio Padilla and Salvador 1967; Mun. of San Joaquin v.
H. Laurel. Now, after the Siva, L-19870, Mar. 18, 1967;
withdrawal of the latter, the first Pelayo v. Auditor General, L-
two (2) only. 23825, Dec. 24, 1965;
Philippine Constitution
Association v. Gimenez, L-
23326, Dec. 18, 1965; Mun. of
La Carlota v. NAWASA, L- of National Defense, et al.; L-
20232, Sept. 30, 1964; Guevara 33973, Luzvimindo David v.
v. Inocentes, L-25577, Mar. 15, Gen. Eduardo Garcia, et al.; L-
1966; Gillera v. Fernandez, L- 33962, Felicidad G. Prudente v.
20741, Jan. 31, 1964; Siguiente General Manuel Yan, et al.; L-
v. Secretary of Justice, L-20370, 34004, Domingo E. de Lara v.
Nov. 29, 1963; Mun. of Brigadier-General Eduardo M.
Naguilian v. NAWASA, L-18540, Garcia; L-34013, Reynaldo
Nov. 29, 1963; Herrera v. Liwag, Rimando v. Brig. Gen. Eduardo
L-20079, Sept. 30, 1963; Aytona M. Garcia; L-34039, Carlos C.
v. Castillo, L-19313, Jan. 19, Rabago v. Brig. Gen. Eduardo
1962; La Mallorca, etc. v. Garcia, et al.; L-34265, Antolin
Ramos, et al., L-15476, Sept. Oreta, Jr. v. Gen. Eduardo
19, 1961; Tan v. De Leon, et al., Garcia, et al.; and L-34339,
L-15254, Sept. 16, 1961; Gary B. Olivar, et al. v. Gen.
Macias v. Commission on Eduardo Garcia, et al.
Elections, L-18684, Sept. 14,
1961; Philippine Tobacco Flue- 20 5 Phil. 87.
Curing & Redrying Corp. v.
Sabugo, et al., L-16017, Aug. 21 91 Phil. 882.
31, 1961; Miller v. Mardo, L-
15138, July 31, 1961; Cu Bu
Liong v. Estrella, et al., L-14212, 22 G.R. Nos. L-28196 and L-
July 31, 1961; Pampanga Sugar 28224, Nov. 9, 1967.
Development Co., Inc. v.
Fuentes, et al., L-14738, July 23 78 Phil. 1.
31, 1961; Earnshaw Docks &
Honolulu Iron Works v. Mardo, 24 Supra.
et al., L-14759, July 31, 1961;
Liwanag v. Central Azucarera 25 In re McConaughy, 119 N.W.
Don Pedro, L-15372, July 31, 408, 417.
1961; Lecura v. Regional Office
No. 3, etc., L-15582, July 31,
26 103 Phil. 1051, 1067.
1961; Pitogo v. Sen Bee
Trading Co., et al., L-15693,
July 31, 1961; Pascual v. Sec. 27 119 N.W. 408, 411, 417.
of Public Works and
Communications, L-10405, Dec. 28 92 Ky. 589,18 S.W. 522,
29, 1960; Corominas, Jr. v. 523.
Labor Standards Commission,
L-14837, June 30, 1961; City of 29 Citing Koehler v. Hill, 60
Baguio v. NAWASA, L-12032, Iowa 543, 14 N.W. Rep. 738,
Aug. 31, 1959; City of Cebu v. and 15 N.W. Rep. 609; State v.
NAWASA, L-12892, April Tufly, 19 Nev. 391, 12 Pac.
20,1960; Montes v. Civil Service Rep. 835.
Board of Appeals, 101 Phil. 490,
Rutter v. Esteban, 93 Phil. 68; 30 Angara v. Electoral
Araneta v. Dinglasan, 84 Phil. Commission, 63 Phil. 139, 157.
368; Borromeo v. Mariano, 41 Emphasis ours.
Phil. 322.
31 12 L. ed. 581 (1849).
18 G.R. Nos. L-35925, L-35929,
L-35940, L-35941, L-35942, L-
35948, L-35953, L-35961, 32 Luther v. Borden, supra, p.
L-35965 and L-35979, decided 598. Emphasis ours.
on January 22, 1973..
33 In re McConaughy, supra, p.
19 L-33964, Teodosio Lansang, 416. Emphasis ours.
et al. v. Brigadier-General
Eduardo M. Garcia; L-33965,
Rogelio V. Arienda v. Secretary
34 369 U.S. 186, 7 L. ed. 2d. "(b) Those who own real
663, 82 S. Ct. 691 (March 26, property to the value of five
1962). hundred pesos, declared in their
name for taxation purposes for a
35 395 U.S. 486, 23 L. ed. 2d. period not less than one year
491, 89 S. Ct. 1944 (1969). prior to the date of the election,
or who annually pay thirty pesos
36 In re McConaughy, 119 N.W. or more of the established
408, 415. Emphasis ours. The taxes.
observation as to the uniformity
of authorities on the matter has "(c) Those who are able to read
been reiterated in Winget v. and write either Spanish,
Holm, 244 N.W. 329, 332. English, or a native language.

37 Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, "SEC. 432. Disqualifications. —

7 L. ed. 2d 663, 686, 82 S. Ct. The following persons shall be
691. disqualified from voting:

38 See p. 5 of the Petition. "(a) Any person who, since the

thirteenth day of August,
eighteen hundred and ninety-
39 Emphasis ours.
eight, has been sentenced by
final judgment to suffer not less
40 The Framing of the than eighteen months of
Philippine Constitution, by imprisonment, such disability
Aruego, Vol. I p. 215. not having been removed by
plenary pardon.
41 The Framing of the
Philippine Constitution, by "(b) Any person who has
Aruego, Vol. I pp. 215, 221, violated an oath of allegiance
227-228. taken by him to the United
42 Ibid., pp. 222-224.
"(c) Insane or feeble-minded
43 Id., pp. 224-227. persons.

44 SEC. 431. Qualifications "(d) Deaf-mutes who cannot

prescribed for voters. — Every read and write.
male person who is not a citizen
or subject of a foreign power, "(e) Electors registered under
twenty-one years of age or over, subsection (c) of the next
who shall have been a resident preceding section who, after
of the Philippines for one year failing to make a sworn
and of the municipality in which statement to the satisfaction of
he shall offer to vote for six the board of inspectors at any of
months next preceding the day its two meetings for registration
of voting is entitled to vote in all and revision, that they are
elections if comprised within incapacitated preparing their
either of the following three ballots due to permanent
classes: physical disability, present
themselves at the hour of voting
"(a) Those who, under the laws as incapacitated, irrespective
in force in the Philippine Islands whether such incapacity be real
upon the twenty-eighth day of or feigned."
August, nineteen hundred and
sixteen, were legal voters and 45 L-34150, October 16 and
had exercised the right of November 4, 1971.


46 "For taking action on any of plebiscites shall be conducted in
the above enumerated conformity with the provisions of
measures, majority vote of all said Code.
the barrio
assembly members registered 50 Republic Act No. 6388,
in the list of the barrio secretary section 101 of which, in part,
is necessary." provides:

47 "All duly registered barrio "SEC. 101. Qualifications

assembly members qualified to prescribed for a voter. — Every
vote may vote in the plebiscite. citizen of the Philippines, not
Voting procedures may be otherwise disqualified by law,
made either in writing as in twenty-one years of age or over,
regular elections, and/or able to read and write, who shall
declaration by the voters to the have resided in the Philippines
board of election tellers. The for one year and in the city,
board of election tellers shall be municipality or municipal district
the same board envisioned by wherein he proposes to vote for
section 8, paragraph 2 of this at least six months immediately
Act, in case of vacancies in this preceding the election, may vote
body, the barrio council may fill at any election.
the same."
xxx xxx xxx
48 Edwards v. Lesueur, 33 S.W.
1130; Johnson v. Grand Forks
51 "SEC.
County, 113 N.W. 1071; 102. Disqualifications. — The
Ellingham v. Dye (1912), 178
following persons shall not be
Ind. 336, 99 N.E. 1; State v.
qualified to vote:
Marcus, 160 Wis. 354, 152 N.W.
"(a) Any person who has been
sentenced by final judgment to
49 In Alcantara v. Secretary of
suffer an imprisonment of not
the Interior, 61 Phil. 459, this
less than one year, such
Court held that "when a state disability not having been
constitution enumerates and removed by plenary
fixes the qualifications of pardon: Provided, however,
those who may exercise the
That any person disqualified to
right of suffrage, the
vote under this paragraph shall
legislature cannot take from nor
automatically reacquire the right
add to said qualifications unless to vote upon expiration of ten
the power to do so is conferred years after service of sentence
upon it by the constitution itself."
unless during such period, he
shall have been sentenced by
Since suffrage, according to final judgment to suffer an
Webster, is a voice given not imprisonment of not less than
only in the choice of a man for one year.
an office or trust, but, also, in
deciding a controverted
"(b) Any person who has been
question, it follows, considering
adjudged by final judgment by
the said ruling in Alcantara, that competent court of having
the constitutional qualifications violated his allegiance to the
for voters apply equally to voters
Republic of the Philippines.
in elections to public office and
to voters in a plebiscite.
"(c) Insane or feeble-minded
Similarly, the Revised Election
Code provides in its section 2
that all elections of public "(d) Persons who cannot
officers by the people and all prepare their ballots
votings in connection with themselves."


52 "SEC. 10. ... The Commission shall adopt its
own rules of procedure. Two
"The following persons shall not members of the Commission
be qualified to vote: shall constitute a quorum. The
concurrence of two members
shall be necessary for the
"a. Any person who has been
pronouncement or issuance of a
sentenced by final judgment to
suffer one year or more of decision, order or ruling.
imprisonment, within two years
after service of his sentence; "The Commission shall have an
executive and such other
subordinate officers and
"b. Any person who has violated
his allegiance to the Republic of employees as may be
the Philippines; and necessary for the efficient
performance of its functions and
duties, all of whom shall be
"c. Insane or feeble-minded appointed by the Commission in
persons." accordance with the Civil
Service Law and rules.
53 20 C.J., 179-181, quoted in
Demetrio v. Lopez, 50 Phil. 45, "The executive officer of the
60. See, also, Garchitorena v. Commission, under the direction
Crescini, 39 Phil. 258. of the Chairman, shall, have
charge of the administrative
54 Baldauf v. Gunson, 8 P. 2d. business of the Commission,
265. See, also, Martin v. shall have the power to
McGarr, 117 P. 323, Glenn v. administer oaths in connection
Gnau, 64 S.W. 2d. 168. with all matters involving the
Emphasis ours. business of the Commission,
and shall perform such, other
55 L-33325 and L-34043, duties as may he required of
December 29, 1971. him by the Commission.

56 Hopkins v. City of Duluth, 83 "SEC. 6. Power of the

N.W. 536, 538. Emphasis ours. Commission to Investigate and
to Hear Controversy and Issue
57 Maddox v. Board of State Subpoena. — The Commission
Canvassers, 149 P. 2d. 112, or any of the members thereof
115. Emphasis ours. shall, in compliance with the
requirement of due process,
have the power to summon the
58 Port of Palm Beach District v.
parties to a controversy pending
State, 22 So. 2d. 581, 582-583.
before it,
Emphasis ours.
issue subpoenae and subpoena
e duces tecum and otherwise
59 Art. X, section 1 of the 1935 take testimony in any
Constitution. investigation or hearing pending
before it, and delegate such
60 Ten (10) years. power to any officer of the
Commission who shall be a
61 Art. X, section 2 of the 1935 member of the Philippine Bar. In
Constitution. case of failure of a witness to
attend, the Commission, upon
62 Ibid. proof of service of
thesubpoenae to said witness,
may issue a warrant to arrest
63 Art. X, section 3 of the 1935 the witness land bring him
Constitution. before the Commission or
officer before whom his
64 "SEC. 5. Organization of the attendance is required. The
Commission on Elections. — Commission shall have the
power to punish contempts barangays (citizens assemblies)
provided for in the Rules of have so far been established,
Court under the controversy the people would like to decide
submitted to the Commission themselves questions or issues,
shall after complaince with the both local and national, affecting
requirements of due process be their day to day lives and their
heard and decided by it within future.
thirty days after submission of
the case. "WHEREAS, the barangays
(citizens assemblies) would like
"The Commission may, when it themselves to be the vehicle for
so requires, deputized any expressing the views of the
member of any national or local people on important national
law enforcement agency and/or issues;
instrumentality of the
government to execute under its "WHEREAS, such barangays
direct and immediate (citizens assemblies) desire that
supervision any of its final they be given legal status and
decisions, orders, instructions or due recognition as constituting
rulings. the genuine, legitimate and valid
expression of the popular will;
"Any decision, order or ruling of and
the Commission on election
controversies may be reviewed "WHEREAS, the people would
by the Supreme Court by writ of like the citizens assemblies to
a certiorari in accordance with conduct immediately a
the Rules of Court or such referendum on certain specified
applicable laws as may enacted. questions such as the
ratification of the new
"Any violation of any final Constitution, continuance of
executory decision, order or martial law, the convening of
ruling of the Commission shall Congress on January 22, 1973,
constitute contempt thereof." and the elections in November
1973 pursuant to the 1935
65 64 S.W. 2d. 168. Constitution.

66 L-35538, Roses, et al. v. "NOW, THEREFORE, I,

Secretary of National Defense, FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
et al.; L-35539, Diokno v. Hon. President of the Philippines, by
Enrile, et al.; L-35540, Soliven, virtue of the powers vested in
et al. v. Secretary of National me by the Constitution as
Defense, et al.; L-35546, Commander-in-Chief of all
Aquino, Jr., et al. v. Hon. Enrile, Armed Forces of the
et al.; L-35547, Garcia II v. Hon. Philippines, do hereby declare
Enrile, et al.; L-35567 Doronila, as part of the law of the land the
et al. v. Secretary of National following.
Defense, et al.; L-35573,
Randon v. Hon. Enrile, et al. "1. The present barangays
(citizens assemblies) are
67 "PRESIDENTIAL DECREE created under Presidential
NO. 86-A Decree No. 86 dated December
31, 1972, shall constitute the
base for citizen participation in
governmental affairs and their
BARANGAYS (CITIZENS collective views shall be
ASSEMBLIES). considered in the formulation of
national policies or programs
and, wherever practicable, shall
"WHEREAS, on the basis of be translated into concrete and
preliminary and initial reports specific decision;
from the field as gathered from
"2. Such barangays (citizens 71 See cases cited in the
assemblies) shall consider vital preceding footnote. See, also,
national issues now confronting Tiegs v. Patterson, 318 P. 2d.
the country, like the holding of 588; State ex rel. Brown v. St.
the plebiscite on the new Joseph Circuit Court, 95 N.E.
Constitution, the continuation of 2d. 632; Williamson v. State
martial rule, the convening of Election Board, 431 P. 2d. 352,
Congress on January 22, 1973, Baker v. Conway, 108 So. 18;
and the holding of elections in Cohoon v. Swain, 5 S.E. 2d. 1;
November 1973, and others in State ex rel. Mitchell v. Walcott,
the future, which shall serve as 83 A. 2d. 762; Doyle v. Ries,
guide or basis for action or 285 N.W. 480; Grossglaus v.
decision by the national Board of Elections of Stark
government; County, 88 N.E. 2d. 245; Walker
v. Hughes, 36 A. 2d. 47; Reese
"3. The barangays (citizens v. Dempsey, 152 P. 2d. 157;
assemblies) shall conduct Dodd v. Gower, 62 S.W. 2d. 1;
between January 10 and 15, Galloway v. Bradburn, 82 S.W.
1973, a referendum on 1013; Hagan v. Henry, 76 S.W.
important national issues, 2d. 994.
including those specified in
paragraph 2 hereof, and submit 72 106 Minn 392, 119 N.W. 408,
the results thereof to the 409.
Department of Local
Governments and Community 73 63 N.J. Law, 289, cited in In
Development immediately re McConaughy, supra.
thereafter, pursuant to the
express will of the people as
74 78 Ark. 439, 96 S.W. 396,
reflected in the reports gathered
cited in In re
from the many thousands of McConaughy, supra.
barangays (citizens assemblies)
throughout the country.
75 See cases listed on pages
105-106, footnotes 56, 57 and
"4. This Decree shall take effect
76 On December 19, 1972.
"Done in the City of Manila, this
5th day of January, in the year
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred 77 24 Kansas 700, 714. See,
and seventy-three." (Emphasis also, State ex rel. Williams v.
ours.). Robb, 183 P. 2d. 223, 228;
Harris v. Shanahan, 387 P. 2d.
771, 784, 785.
68 McKinney v. Baker, 180 Ky.
526 203 S.W. 303, 304.
Emphasis ours. 78 369 U.S. 186, 7 L.ed. 2d.
663, 684, citing Chaselton Corp.
v. Sinclair, 264 U.S. 543, 547,
69 Art. VII, section 2, 1935
548, 68 L. ed. 841, 843, 44 S.
Ct. 405.

70 Michael W. Roche v. Lamb,

79 Art. VII, section 10,
306 N.Y.S. 2d. 515 (Dec. 17,
paragraph (1).
1969); State ex rel. Sathre v.
Bryne, 258 N.W. 121; State ex
rel. Shriver v. Hayes, 76 N.E. 80 101 Va. 529, 44 S.E. 754.
2d. 869; Smith v. Bangham, 76
p 2d. 1022. McKim v. Brast, 117 81 Marifosque, et al. v. Luna,
S.E. 875; Head v. Wood, 107 101 Phil. 1223 (unreported); 37
So. 854; State ex rel. Watson v. Am. Jur. 669; 62 C.J.S. 749-
Pigg, 46 N.E. 2d. 232. 750; Guevara v. Inocentes, L-
25577, March 15, 1966.


82 Which, in some respects, is were included in the Citizens
regarded as an organ of the Assemblies.
Administration, and the news
items published therein are * According to the Solicitor
indisputably censored by the General 92 Congressmen and
Department of Public 15 Senators (both numbers
Information. constituting majorities) have
expressed their option.
83 Daily Express, November 29,
1972, p. 4. Emphasis ours. * Luther v. Borden, 48 U.S. (7
Haw.) 1, 12 L. Ed. 581 (1849).
84 231 U.S. 28, 58 L. ed. 107,
114, 34 S. Ct. 1. BARREDO, J., CONCURRING:

85 Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 1 Charito Planas vs. Comelec,

7 L. ed. 2d. 663, 82 S.Ct. 691. et al., L-35925, January 22,
1973; Pablo C. Sanidad vs.
86 Justice Barredo's opinion in Comelec,
the plebiscite cases. L-35929, January 22, 1973;
Gerardo Roxas, etc., et al. vs.
87 Joint Opinion of Justices Comelec, et al., L-35940,
Makalintal and Castro, p. 153. January 22, 1973; Eddie B.
Monteclaro vs. Comelec, et al.,
L-35941, January 22, 1973;
88 Justice Barredo's language.
Sedfrey A. Ordoñez, et al., vs.
The National Treasurer of the
89 At p. 153, joint opinion of Philippines, et al., L-35942,
Justices Makalintal and Castro. January 22, 1973; Vidal Tan, et
al., vs. Comelec, et al., L-35948,
90 Joint Opinion of Justices January 22, 1973; Jose W.
Makalintal and Castro, p. 153. Diokno, et al., vs. Comelec,
L-35953, January 22, 1973;
91 At p. 8, Idem. Jacinto Jimenez vs. Comelec, et
al., L-35961, January 22, 1973;
ANNEX B Raul M. Gonzales vs. Comelec,
et al., L-35965, January 22,
1973 and Ernesto Hidalgo vs.
* The undersigned (Justice
Comelec, et al., L-35979,
Querube C. Makalintal) who had
January 22, 1973.
reserved his right to do so, filed
a separate dissenting opinion
when the Court denied a motion 2 Executive Agreements are not
for reconsideration, and voted in included in the corresponding
favor of the validity of the provision of the 1935
questioned Resolution. Mr. Constitution.
Justice Enrique M. Fernando
joined in the dissent. 3 It Must be recalled that in the
Tolentino case, the
* Thus by Presidential Decree Constitutional Convention
No. 86 what the Constitutional intended to submit one
Convention itself had proposed amendment which was to form
unsuccessfully as an part of the Constitution still
amendment to the 1935 being prepared by it separately
Constitution, reducing the voting from the rest of the other parts
age from 21 to 18, but the of such constitution still
submission of which to a unfinished, and We held that a
plebiscite was declared invalid piece-meal submission was
by this Court in Tolentino vs. improper. We had no occasion
COMELEC, became a reality of to express any view as to how a
an even more far-reaching whole new Constitution may be
import — since fifteen-year olds ratified.
* In 1880, he also wrote his also the plebiscite cases,
"Constitutional Law." Judge mentioned in footnote 1, ante.
Cooley, who was born in Attica,
New York in 1824, died in 1898. 8 Cooley, Constitutional
Judge Cooley was also Limitation, 8th Ed., Vol. I, p. 82.
professor and later dean of the
Law Department of the
9 39 Phil. 258, 268.
University of Michigan and
Justice of the State Supreme
Court of Michigan from 1864 to 10 69 Phil. 199, 204.
1885, when he failed to win re-
election to the court. 11 70 Phil. 28, 31.

ESGUERRA, J., FERNANDO, J., dissenting:

1 Memorandum for
1 Charito Planas v. Commission Respondents, 2.
on Elections, et al., L-35925;
Pablo C. Sanidad v. 2 According to the 1935
Commission on Elections, L- Constitution: "The Congress in
35929; Gerardo Roxas, etc., et joint session assembled, by a
al. v. Commission on Elections, vote of three-fourths of all the
et al., L-35940; Eddie B. members of the Senate and of
Monteclaro v. The Commission the House of Representatives
on Elections, et al., Sedfrey A. voting separately may propose
Ordoñez, et al. v. The National amendments to this Constitution
Treasurer of Philippines, et al., or call a convention for that
L-35942; Vidal Tan, et al. v. purpose. Such amendments
Commission on Elections, et al., shall be valid as part of this
L-35948; Jose W. Diokno, et al. Constitution when approved by
v. The Commission on a majority of the votes cast at an
Elections, L-35953; Jacinto election at which the
Jimenez v. Commission on amendments are submitted to
Elections, et al., L-35961; Raul the people for their ratification."
M. Gonzales v. The Honorable Art. XV, Section 1.
Commission on Elections, et al.,
L-35965; Ernesto Hidalgo v. 3 Lerner, Ideas are Weapons,
Commission Elections, et al., 426 (1939). Earlier, in this
L-35979. collection of essays, Lerner
made this not-entirely-
2 See Tañada, et al. v. Cuenco, inaccurate observation: "No
L-10520, Feb. 28, 1957; Baker governmental institution that
v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962). consists of a group of legal
technicians appointed for life
3 See 16 Am. Jur. 2d. p. 468, can ever hope to cope with,
Note 14, and cases cited much less solve, the exigent
therein. problems of our polity." Ibid,
231. He was referring of course
4 Cooke v. Iverson, 108 Minn. to the Supreme Court of the
388, 122 NW 251. United States.

5 L-38196, November 9, 1967, 4 Frankfurter, Mr. Justice

21 SCRA 774. Holmes and the Supreme Court,
25-26 (1938).
6 83 Phil. 1957.
5 Black, The People and the
Court (1960).
7 McConaughy v. Secretary of
State, 119 N.W. 408, 413; 32A
Words and Phrases p. 516. See 6 Murphy, Elements of Judicial
Strategy (1964).
7 Cf. Angara v. Electoral 23 63 Phil. 139 (1936).
Commission, 63 Phil. 139
(1936); Tañada v. Cuenco, 103 24 L-35925, January 22, 1973.
Phil. 1051 (1957); Vera v. Arca,
L-25721, May 26, 1969, 28
25 Rostow, The Democratic
SCRA 351.
Character of Judicial Review in
Selected Essays on
8 Gonzales v. Commission on Constitutional Law 1938 1962,
Elections, L-28196, Nov. 9, 1, 2 (1963).
1967, 21 SCRA 774.
26 Ibid.
9 Tolentino v. Commission on
Elections, L-24150, Oct. 16, 27 Ibid, 3.
1971, 41 SCRA 702.
28 Ibid, 3-4. The decision of
10 Planas v. Commission on
Justice Frankfurter referred to is
Elections, L-35925, Jan. 25, that of Rochin v. People of
1973. California, 342 US 165 (1952).

11 256 US 368 (1921).

29 Mason, The Supreme Court
from Taft to Warren, 154 (1967).
12 Ibid, 374-375. The words of Justice Frankfurter
found in his opinion in Stein v.
13 L-33964, Dec. 11, 1971, 42 New York, 346 US 156 (1953).
SCRA 448.
30 Konefsky, The Legacy of
14 Ibid, 504-505. Holmes and Brandeis, 293
15 Dodd, Judicially
Nonenforceable Provisions of 31 Corwin, Judicial Review in I
Constitutions, in I Selected Selected Essays on
Essays on Constitutional Law Constitutional Law, 449, 450
355, 387 (1938). (1938).

16 Ibid, 395. 32 1 Cranch 137 (1803).

I7 Weston, Political Questions, I 33 Curtis, Lions Under the

Selected Essays an Throne, 12 (1947).
Constitutional Law 418, 422
(1938).. 34 Addresses and Papers of
Charles Evans Hughes, 139-
18 Cf. Bickel, The Least 140 (1908).
Dangerous Branch (1962).
35 Jackson, Robert H. The
19 Cf. Freund, On Struggle for Judicial Supremacy,
Understanding the Supreme 3 (1949).
Court (1950). Also his The
Supreme Court of the United 36 Haines, Charles Grove, The
States (1962). Role of the Supreme Court in
American Government and
20 Laurel, S., VII Proceedings of Politics, 1789-1835, 3 (1960).
the Philippine Constitutional
Convention (1934-1935), 37 369 US 186.
Appendix L, 800.
38 395 US 486.
21 65 Phil. 56 (1937).
39 328 US 549 (1946).
22 Ibid, 96.
40 Ibid, 556. of Criticism: In re Meaning, 29
Fordham L. Rev. 553 (1961);
41 Cf. Wesberry v. Sanders, Miller, A Note on the Criticism of
376 US 1, 11 L ed 2d 481, 84 S Supreme Court Decisions, 10 J.
Ct. (1964); Wright v. Pub. L. 139 (1961), Wright, The
Rockefeller, 376 US 52, 11 L ed Supreme Court Cannot be
2d 512, 84 S Ct (1964); Neutral, 40 Texas L. Rev. 599
Reynolds v. Sims, 377 US 533, (1961); Arnold, Professor Hart's
12 L ed 2d 506, 84 S Ct 1362 Theology, 73 Harv. L. Rev. 1298
(1964); WMCA v. Lomenzo, 377 (1960); Black, The Lawfulness
US 633, 12 L ed 2d 568, 84 S of the Segration Decisions, 69
Ct. (1964); Maryland Committee Yale L. J. 421 (1960); Griswold,
v. Tauses, 377 US 656, 12 L ed Of Time and Attitudes:
2d 595, 84 S Ct. 1442 (1964); Professor art and Judge Arnold,
Davis v. Mann, 377 US 678, 12 74 Harv. L. Rev. 81 (1960);
L ed 2d 609, 84 S Ct. 1453 Karst, Legislative Facts in
(1964); Roman v. Sincock, 377 Constitutional Litigation, 1960
US 695, 12 L ed 2d 620, 84 Supreme Court Rev. 75; Miller
S.Ct. 1462 (1964); Lucas v. and Howell The Myth of
Colorado General Assembly, Neutrality in Constitutional
377 US 713, L ed 2d 632, 84 S Adjudication, 27U. Chi. L. Rev.
Ct. 1472 (1964); Fortson v. 661 (1960); Mueller & Schwartz,
Dorsey, 379 us 433, 13 L ed 2d The Principle of Neutral
401, 85 S Ct. 498 (1965); Burns Principles, 7 U.C.L.A.L. Rev.
v. Richardson, 384 US 73, 16 L 571 (1960); Hart, Forward, The
ed 2d 376, 86 S Ct. 1286 Time Chart of the Justices, 73
(1966); Sailors v. Kent Board of Harv. L. Rev. 84 (1959); Pollak,
Education, 387 US 105, 18 L ed Racial Domination and Judicial
2d 650, 87 S Ct. 1549 (1967); Integrity: A Reply to Professor
Dusch v. Davis, 387 US 112, 18 Wechsler, 108 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1
L ed 2d 656, 87 S Ct. 1554 (1959).
47 Cahn, Supreme Court and
42 77 Phil. 192 (1946). Supreme Law, 40 (1954).

43 Ibid, 56. 46 Cf. Tañada v. Cuenco, 103

Phil. 1051, 1089 (1957).
44 New York Times Company v.
United States, 29 L ed. 822 49 Collier v. Frierson, 124 Ala.
(1971). 100 (1854); Green v. Weller, 32
Miss. 650 (1856); Penn v.
Tollison, 26 Ark. 545 (1871);
45 Wechsler, Toward Neutral
Koehler v. Hill, 60 Iowa 543, 14
Principles of Constitutional Law,
NW 738 (1883); McMillan v.
72 Harv. Law Review 77 (1959).
Blattner, 67 Iowa 287, 25 NW
It is the first essay in his
Principles, Politics and 245 (1885); State v. Davis, 2D
Neb. 220, 19 Pac. 894 (1888);
Fundamental Law.
State v. Tooker, 15 Mont. 8, 37
Pac. 840 (1894); Russie v.
46 The principal articles are: Brazzell, 128 Mo. 93, 30 SW
Pollak, Constitutional 526 (1895); State v. Powell, 77
Adjudication: Relative or Miss. 543, 27 So. 927 (1900);
Absolute Neutrality, 11 J. Pub. State v. Brookhart, 113 Iowa
L. 48 (1962); Rostow, American 250, 84 NW 1064 (1901); In re
Legal Realism and the Sense of Denny, 156 Ind. 104, 59 NE 359
Profession, 34 Rocky Mt. L. (1901); Utter v. Moseley, 16
Rev. 123, 136-46 (1962); Idaho 274, 100 P. 1058 (1909);
Henkin, Some Reflections on Willis v. Kalbach, 109 Va. 475,
Current Constitutional 64 SE 342 (1909); People ex
Controversy, 109 U. Pa. L. Rev. rel. Swift v. Luce, 74 Misc. Rep.
637 (1961); Henson, A Criticism 551, 133 US 9 (1912);
McCreary v. Speer, 156 Ky. 864, 41 NW 981 (1889); State v.
783, 162 SW 99 (1914); State v. Grey, 21 Nev. 378, 32 Pac. 190
Donald, 160 Wis. 21, 151 NW (1893); Nesbit v. People, 19
331 (1915); State v. Marcus, Colo. 441, 36 Pac. 221 (1894);
160 Wis. 354, 152 NW 419 Hays v. Hays, 5 Idaho 154, 47
(1915); State v. Campbell, 94 P. 732 (1897); Lovett v.
Ohio St. 403, 115 NE 29 (1916); Ferguson, 10 SD 44, 71 NW
In re Opinion of Justices, 226 756 (1897); Russell v. Grey, 164
Mars. 607, 115 NE 921 (1917); Mo. 69, 63 SW 849 (1901);
Scott v. Vouchan, 202 Mich. Gabbert v. Chicago, R.I. Ry. Co.
692, 168 NW 709 (1918); 171 Mo. 84, 70 SW (1902);
Hooper v. State, 89 So. 593, People v. Sours, 31 Colo. 369,
206 Ala. 371 (1921); Switzer v. 102 74 P. 167 (1903); People v.
State, 103 Ohio St. 306, 133 NE Loomis, 135 Mich. 556, 98 NW
552 (1921); Johnson v. Craft, 87 262 (1904); West v. State, 50
So. 375, 205 Ala. 386 (1921); In Fla. 154, 39 So. 412 (1905);
re Opinion of the Justices, 237 State v. Winnett, 78 Neb. 379,
Mars. 589, 130 NE 202 (1921); 110 NW 113 (1907); Farrell v.
Power v. Robertson, 130 Miss. Port of Columbia, 50 Or. 169, 93
188, 93 So. 769 (1922); P. 254 (1908); In re
Hamilton v. Deland, 191 NW Mcconaughy, 106 Minn. 392,
829, 221 Mich. 541 (1923); In re 119 NW 408 (1909); Fletcher v.
Initiative Petition, 89 Okl. 124, Gifford, 20 Idaho 18, 115 P. 824
214 P. 186 (1923); Armstrong v. (1911); Hammond v. Clark, 136
King, 281 Pa. 207, 126 A. 263 Ga. 313, 71 SE 479 (1911),
(1924); McAdams v. Henley, Crawford v. Gilchrist, 64 Fla. 41,
169 Ark. 97, 273 SW 355 59 So. 963 (1912); Cudihee v.
(1925); Heinitsh v. Floyd, 130 Phelps, 76 Wash. 314, 136 P.
SC 434, 126 SE 336 (1925); 367 (1913); State v. Fairley, 76
State v. Zimmerman, 187 Wis. Wash. 332, 136 P. 374 (1913);
180, 204 NW 803 (1925); Brown Tabor v. City of Walla Walla, 77
v. City of New York, 125 Misc. Wash. 579, 137 P. 1040 (1914);
Rep. 1, 210 NYS 786 (1926); State v. Alderson, 49 Mont. 387,
State ex rel. Bahns v. City of 142 P. 210 (1914); Ramsey v.
New Orleans, 163 La. 777 So. Persinger, 43 Okl. 41,141 P. 13
718 (1927); Duncan v. Record (1914); Cress v. Estes, 43 Okl.
Pub. Co., 145 SC 196, 143 SE 213 P. 411 (1914); Cooney v.
31 (1928); Lane v. Lukens, 48 Foote, 142 Ga. 647, 83 SE 537
Idaho 517, 283 P. 532 (1929); (1914); Hildreth v. Taylor, 117
School Dist. of City of Pontiac v. Ark. 465, 175 SW 40 (1915);
City of Pontiac, 262 Mich. 338, Jones v. McDade, 200 Ala. 230,
247 NW 474 (1933); Collier v. 75 So. 988 (1917); State v.
Gray, 116 Fla. 845, 157 So. 40 Wetz, 40 N.D. 299, 168 NW 835
(1934); In re Opinion to (1918); Ex Parte Ming, 42 Nev.
Governor, 55 R.I. 56, 178 A. 472, 181 P. 319 (1919); Lee V.
433 (1935); State ex rel Landis Price, 54 Utah, 474, 181 P. 948
v. Thompson, 120 Fla. 860,163 (1919), Erwin v. Nolan, 280 Mo.
So. 270 (1935); Tausig v. 401, 217 SW 752 (1922); Boyd
Lawrence, 328 Pa. 408, 197 A. v. Olcott, 102 Or. 327, 202 P.
235 (1938); Downs v. City of 431 (1921); Thompson v.
Bromingham, 240 Ala. 177, 198 Livingston, 116 S.C. 412, 107
So. 231 (1940); Graham v. SE 581 (1921); Thrailkill v.
Jones, 198 La. 507, 3 So. 2d Smith, 106 Ohio St. 1, 138 NE
761 (1941); Pearson v. Taylor, 532 (1922); Brawner v. Curran,
159 Fla. 775, 32 So. 2d 826 141 Ind. 586, 119 A. 250 (1922);
(1947); Palmer v. Dunn, 216 SC Fahey v. Hackmann, 291 Mo.
558, 59 SE 158 (1950). 351 SW 752 (1922); Goolsby v.
Stephens, 155 Ga. 529, 117 SE
50 Cf. Wells v. Bain, 75 Pa. St. 439 (1923); Manos v. State, 98
39, 15 Am. Rep. 563 (1874); Tax. Cr. 87, 263 SW 310
Senate File No. 31, 25 Neb. (1924); State v. Zimmermann,


187 Wis. 180, 208 NW 803 59 Section 3 of Republic Act 73
(1925); Taylor v. King, 284 Pa. reads as follows: "The
235, 130 A. 407 (1925); Board provisions of Commonwealth
of Liquidation of State Debt of Act Numbered Three Hundred
Louisiana v. Whitney-Central and fifty-seven, otherwise
Trust and Savings Bank, 168 known as the Election Code,
La. 560, 122 So. 850 (1929); and Commonwealth Numbered
State v. Cline, 118 Neb. 150, Six hundred and fifty-seven,
224 NW 6 (1929); California entitled "An Act to Reorganize
Teacher's Ass'n. v. Collins, 1 the Commission on Elections,"
Cal. 2d 202, 34 P. 2d 134 is so far as they are not
(1934); Collier v. Gray, 116 Fla. inconsistent herewith, are
845, 157 So. 40 (1934); State hereby made applicable to the
ex rel. v. State Bldg. election provided for in this Act."
Commission v. Smith, 335 Mo.
840, 74 SW 2d 27 (1934); 60 Republic Act 4913 (1967).
Mayer v. Adams, 182 Ga. 524,
186 SE 420 (1936); Doody v.
61 Section 3 of Republic Act
State ex rel. Mobile County, 233
4913 reads thus: "The
Ala. 287, 171 So. 504 (1937); provisions of Republic Act
Swanson v. State, 132 Neb. 82, Numbered One hundred eighty,
271 NW 264 (1937); Stonns v.
as amended, insofar as they are
Heck, 238 Ala. 196, 190 So. 78
not inconsistent herewith, are
(1939); Graham v. Jones, 198
made applicable to the election
La. 507, 3 So. 2d 761 (1941); In provided for in this Act." It is to
re Initiative Petition No. 224, be remembered that in the
197 Okl. 432, 172 P. 2d 324
plebiscite held, the two
(1946); City of Jackson v. Nims,
proposals last. Cf. on this point,
316 Mich. 694, 26 NW 2d 569
Gonzales v. Commission on
(1947); Keenan v. Price, 68
Elections, L-28196, Nov. 9,
Idaho 423, 195 P. 2d 662 1967, 21 SCRA 774.
62 The 1935 Constitution
51 Commonwealth Act No. 492
provides: "The Philippines is a
republican state. Sovereignty
resides in the people and all
52 Ibid, Section 3. government authority emanates
from them." Article II, Section 1.
53 Commonwealth Act No. 517
(1940). 63 Laski, Grammar of Politics,
4th ed., 34 (1937).
54 Article VI of the 1935
Constitution. 64 Mclver, The Web of
Government, 84 (1947).
55 Article VII of the 1935
Constitution. 65 Corwin, The Higher Law
Background of American
56 It is to be noted that under Constitutional Law, in 1
Commonwealth Act No. 607 Selected Essays on
(1940), subsequently amended Constitutional Law 3 (1938).
by Commonwealth Act No. 657
(1940), there was a statutory 66 92 Ky. 589, 18 SW 522.
creation of an independent
Commission on Elections. 67 Ibid, 523.

57 Section 3, Commonwealth
68 101 Va. 829, 44 SE 754.
Act No. 517.
69 Ibid, 755. A similar approach
58 Republic Act No. 73 (1946). may be noted in Arie v. State,


23 Okl. 166, 100 P. 23 (1909) (L-3054); Guerrero vs.
and Hammond v. Clark, 136 Ga. Commissioner of Customs; and
313, 71 SE 479 (1911). Barredo vs. Comelec (L-3056),
jointly decided and reported in
70 Araneta v. Dinglasan. 84 84 Phil. 368.
Phil. 368 (1949).
12 Idem, at pp. 384-385;
71 Cardozo, The Nature of the emphasis supplied.
Judicial Process, 141 (1921).
13 Idem, at p. 437.
TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting:
14 Idem, at pp. 435-437.
1 Section 1, which is the lone
section of Art. XV; emphasis 15 Idem, at p. 383. Justice
supplied. Tuason further duly noted that
"These observations, though
2 Article XVII, section 16, beyond the issue as formulated
proposed Constitution of Nov. in this decision, may, we trust,
30,1972; emphasis supplied. also serve to answer the
vehement plea that for good of
the Nation, the President should
3 All quotations from
respondents' memo of retain his extraordinary powers
arguments dated March 2, as long as turmoil and other ills
directly or indirectly traceable to
1973, pp. 2-5; emphasis
the late war harass the
4 Respondents' memo dated
16 Petitioner Monteclaro's notes
March 2, 1973, p. 8; emphasis
of oral argument dated February
23, 1973, p. 2, and Annex A
5 Gonzales vs. Comelec, 21
SCRA 774 (No. 9, 1967).
17 State vs. Powell, 77 Miss.
543, 27 south 927.
6 Tolentino vs. Comelec, 41
SCRA 702 (Oct. 16, 1971).
18 Cooley's Constitutional
Limitations, 8th Ed., Vol. I, p. 81.
7 Resolution on motion for
reconsideration in Tolentino
19 Article XV, sec. 1,
Comelec, L-34150; dated Nov.
4, 1971, at page 3, per Barredo,
J. with seven Justices
concurring; emphasis supplied. 20 Article V, sec. 1,
8 Idem, at page 4, emphasis
supplied. 21 Article X, sec. 2,
9 Joint opinion of JJ. Makalintal
and Castro, p. 153. 22 Respondents' memo dated
March 2, 1973, p. 5.
10 Article X, sec. 1 of the
Constitution entrusts "exclusive 23 Respondents' Comment
charge" of the conduct of dated Feb. 3, 1973, p. 67.
elections to the Comelec. See
also the Election Code of 1971. 24 Idem, at p. 46; note in
parentheses supplied.
11 Araneta vs. Dinglasan (L-
2044); Araneta vs. Angeles (L- 25 1 Cranch 137 (1803).
2756); Rodriguez vs. Treasurer


26 63 Phil. 134 (1936). 40 All quotations are from the
Chief Justice's concurring
27 4 Wheaton 316 (1819). opinion in Tolentino, pp. 4-7.

28 Dean Pollak's "The 41 Separate op. of J.

Constitution and the Supreme Teehankee concurring in Res.
Court", Vol. 1, p. 221. of No. 4, 1971 in Tolentino, pp.
8, 9, 10.
29 Justice Felix Frankfurter, Of
Law and Men (1956), p. 5. 42 This Court thus declared
in Tolentino the Con-Con voting
30 Tolentino vs. Comelec L- age reduction resolution as null
34150; decision of October 16, and void and prohibited its
submittal at the 1971 elections
1971, per Barredo, J. at p. 8.
for lack of proper submission
since it did not "provide the
30a Con-Con Res. No. 1 voter ... ample basis for an
proposing the urgent lowering of intelligent appraisal of the
the voting age to enfranchise amendment. "Dec. of October
the 18-year olds retained the 16, 1971, per Barredo, J.
"permissive" language of
section 1, Art. V. Thus, the
43 In re-Opinion of Justices, 115
proposed amendment read
"Section 1. Suffrage may be N.E. Rep. 922-923.
exercised by (male) citizens of
the Philippines not otherwise 44 Duncan vs. McCall, 139 U.S.
disqualified by law, who are 449, 35 L. Ed. 219.
(twenty one) EIGHTEEN years
of age or over and are able to 45 "Barrios are units of
read and write ..." municipalities or municipal
districts in which they are
31 Resolution of Nov. 4, 1971, situated ... ." Rep. Act 3590,
per Barredo, J. at p. 15. sec. 2.

32 Decision of Oct. 16, 1971, at 46 Rep. Act 3590, sec. 6, par. 1.

p. 21.
47 Idem, par. 2.
33 21 SCRA 774 (Nov. 9, 1967).
48 Idem, par. 3 and 4, emphasis
34 Decision of Oct. 16, 1971, at supplied.
p. 24.
49 One barrio lieutenant and six
35 Reyes, J.B.L. (now retired), barrio councilmen; "Voting shall
Zaldivar, Castro and Makasiar, be by secret ballot. ... ." Idem,
JJ. sec. 8.

36 Idem at pp. 1-2. 50 Idem, sec. 10, italics

supplied. The same section
37 Idem at p. 3. further disqualifies persons
convicted by final judgment to
suffer one year or more of
38 Resolution of Nov. 4, 1971 imprisonment "within two years
in Tolentino, per Barredo, J.; pp. after service" or who have
3-4. violated their allegiance to the
Republic and insane or feeble-
39 Decision of Oct. 16, 1971 minded persons.
in Tolentino, per Barredo, J. at
p. 19. 51 Supra, p. 2.


52 Rizal, Cavite, Bataan, 1 "When a house is completely
Camarines Sur and Negros demolished and another is
Occidental, petitioners' erected on the same location,
manifestation and supplemental do you have a changed,
rejoinder dated March 21, 1973 repaired and altered house, or
in L-36165. do you have a new house?
Some of the material contained
53 Respondents' rejoinder dated in the old house may be used
March 20, 1973 and sur- again, some of the rooms may
rejoinder dated March 29, 1973. be constructed the same, but
this does not alter the fact that
you have altogether another or
54 Under Proclamation No.
a new house. We conclude that
1103 dated Jan. 17, 1973, it is
recited that "fourteen million the instrument as contained in
nine hundred seventy six Ga. L. 1945, pp. 8 to 89,
inclusive, is not an amendment
thousand five hundred sixty one
to the constitution of 1877; but
(14,976,561) members of all the
on the contrary it is a completely
Barangays voted for the
revised or new Constitution."
adoption of the proposed
Constitution, as against seven (Wheeler v. Board of Trustees,
hundred forty-three thousand 37 S.E. 2d 322, 327).
eight hundred sixty nine
(743,869) who voted for its "Every proposal which affects a
rejection; but a majority of those change in a Constitution or adds
who approved the new or takes away from it is an
Constitution conditioned their "amendment', while a "revision"
votes on the demand that implies a re-examination and
the interim National Assembly statement of the Constitution, or
provided in its Transitory some part of it, in a corrected or
Provisions should not be improved form." (Const. Secs.
convened." 196, 197, Staples v. Gilmer, 33
S.E. 2d 49, 53 183 Va. 613).
55 Respondents' memo dated
March 2, 1973, supra, p. 2. "Amendment" and "revision" of
constitution are separate
56 As restated by Barredo, J. in procedures each having a
substantial field of application
his separate op. in the plebiscite
not mere alternative procedures
cases, who, however, did not
in the same field." (McFadden v.
look on the same with favor,
Jordan, 196 P. 2d 787, 797 32
since the constitutional point
(that the Comelec has exclusive Cal. 2d 330).
charge of the conduct of
elections and plebiscites) seems 2 Cf. Sections 1 and 2 of Article
to have been overlooked in the XIV, Constitution of Minnesota
Assemblies." in Appendix.

57 Convention Minutes of Nov. 3 Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186; 7

22, 1972 submitted as Annex A L. ed. 663.
of petitioner-delegate Sedfrey A.
Ordoñez et. al. in the plebiscite 4 Cf. State Constitutions of
case L-359042, par. 12 of Alaska, California, Delaware,
petition and admitted in par. 4 of Florida, Michigan, Minnesota,
answer of therein respondents Nevada, New Hampshire,
dated Dec. 15, 1972. Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah and
Wyoming in Appendix to this

* First decision promulgated by * Leon O. Ty, Seven Months of

First Division of the Supreme Martial Law, Daily Express.
* Panorama, May 6, 1973. the men who were judges
under the old regime and the
5 "A written constitution is men who are called to be judges
susceptible of change in two under the new have each to
ways: by revolution, which decide as individuals what they
implies action not pursuant to are to do; and it may be that
any provision of the constitution they choose at grave peril with
itself; and by revision, which the factional outcome still
implies action pursuant to some uncertain. And, although it is
procedural provision in the equally obvious, the situation is
constitution. This distinction is logically identical where the
concerned with the quare and same men are nominated to
not with the quantum of change. constitute the court under both
It may be significant, however, the old and new constitution, at
that the alleged alteration does a time when the alleged change
or does not purport to affect the is occurring — if it is —
existence of the court itself. In peaceably and against a placid
the nature of things, a popular background. Men under
revolutionary charge does not such circumstances may write
admit judicial power as such to most praiseworthily principles of
determine the fact of its statesmanship, upon
occurrence. If revolutionary sovereignty and, its nature
constitution sets up a court modes of action, and upon the
differently constituted from the bases of government, to justify
pre-revolutionary court, neither the choice between the two
tribunal is confronted with a commissions. They can assert
substantial problem, for neither their choice in the course of
can deny the act by which it was purported judicial action. But
created without denying the fact they cannot decide as a court,
of its creation. Thus the for the decision, once made, by
Supreme Court in Luther v. a retroactive hypothesis
Borden (supra) uses language excludes any assumption of
substantially parallel with what controversiality in the premises..
has been indicated above as
logical explanation of the Duke "Where the alleged change
of York's case. For the court to occurs not through revolutionary
give serious judicial measures but through what has
consideration to such a question been called revision, these
would present "the singular logical difficulties disappear in
spectacle of a court sitting as a one aspect, but become far
court to declare that we are not more embarrassing in another.
a court." (Brittle v. People, 2 Where the alteration purports to
Neb. 198, 214 [1873].) And be made along the lines of a
even the alleged new procedural method laid down in
constitution purports to leave the constitution, there is a
intact the former court and to standard which the court can
permit its work to go on without apply and, by so doing, it can
hiatus, the decision which the perceive judicially whether or
judges must make is still an not the change has followed the
individual choice to be made by prescribed lines. If it has, there
them as a matter of practical is no difficulty in pronouncing as
politics. Two commissions are a matter of law its
being held out to them, and if accomplishment. Only one
they will act as a court they exception is possible, namely,
must assess under which the ease where the alteration
commission they are acting. To purports at once to abolish the
put the matter another way, it court or to depose its personnel.
must be true that in the first Then, although there would be a
case above — of two question of law to be decided, it
constitutions purporting to may be wondered who there is
establish two different courts, — to decide it. Suppose, however,
the mode of change has failed the whole field of problems
in some way to conform to a which the Duke of York's case
directory provision of the and the American constitutional
amending clause of the amendment cases present, the
constitution; is the court to court as a court is precluded
declare the attempt at alteration from passing upon the fact of
unsuccessful? It would seem as change by a logical difficulty
a matter of law that it must do which is not to be surmounted. It
so; and yet what is the situation follows that there is no room for
if the proponents of the change considering whether the court
say, "It is true that this measure ought graciously and
failed under the amending deferentially to look to the
clause, but as a revolutionary executive or legislative for a
measure it was a success and decision that a change has or
we insist upon its recognition." has not taken place.
Clearly the members of the
court are now more badly than 6 & 7 Ibid. pp. 301, 305.
ever entangled in the logical
difficulties which attend a
purported judicial
pronouncement upon the
achievement or non- @ The inclusion in the Appendix
achievement of revolutionary of provisions for Amendment
change. For the temptation will and Revision in State
be great to treat the matter as a Constitutions, adopted after
legal question. The times are 1935, is only to stress the fact
peaceful. The changes probably that the distinction between
do no affect the tenure of many Amendment and Revision of
offices of any branch of the Constitution, which existed at
government. The popular inertia the time of the adoption of the
is likely to allow the court 1935 Constitution, has
successfully to assume the continued up to the present.
question to be one of law. The
path of fallacy is not too
strikingly fallacious to the
uncritical observer. It may lead
to just results. The judges'
personal inclinations will be to
show deference to the
expression of popular sentiment
which has been given. And yet,
if they declare the change in
force, they are truly making a
personal declaration that they
believe the change to be the
directly expressed will of the
sovereign, which will they assert
to be law, but the fact of
existence of which will — and
this is the real decision — is not
ascertainable in the given case
by any legal means. It is
submitted that this is true, and
that the conclusions offered in
the discussion of revolutionary
change are true, also, whether
the quantum of change involved
be vast or almost negligible.

"The net result of the preceding

discussion is this: that in almost
EN BANC Teresita L. Tolentino as members of the
Barangay Council of the same Barangay and
G.R. No. 78059 August 31, 1987 Municipality.

ALFREDO M. DE LEON, ANGEL S. That the Memoranda had been antedated is

SALAMAT, MARIO C. STA. ANA, JOSE C. evidenced by the Affidavit of respondent OIC
TOLENTINO, ROGELIO J. DE LA ROSA and Governor, the pertinent portions of which read:
JOSE M. RESURRECCION, petitioners,
vs. xxx xxx xxx
capacity as OIC Governor of the Province of That I am the OIC Governor of
Rizal, HON. ROMEO C. DE LEON, in his Rizal having been appointed as
capacity as OIC Mayor of the Municipality of such on March 20, 1986;
That as being OIC Governor of
the Province of Rizal and in the
performance of my duties
TOLENTINO, respondents.
thereof, I among others, have
signed as I did sign the
unnumbered memorandum
ordering the replacement of all
MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: the barangay officials of all the
barangay(s) in the Municipality
An original action for Prohibition instituted by of Taytay, Rizal;
petitioners seeking to enjoin respondents from
replacing them from their respective positions as That the above cited
Barangay Captain and Barangay Councilmen of memorandum dated December
Barangay Dolores, Municipality of Taytay, 1, 1986 was signed by me
Province of Rizal. personally on February 8,1987;

As required by the Court, respondents submitted That said memorandum was

their Comment on the Petition, and petitioner's further deciminated (sic) to all
their Reply to respondents' Comment. concerned the following day,
February 9. 1987.
In the Barangay elections held on May 17, 1982,
petitioner Alfredo M. De Leon was elected FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH
Barangay Captain and the other petitioners NONE.
Angel S. Salamat, Mario C. Sta. Ana, Jose C.
Tolentino, Rogelio J. de la Rosa and Jose M. Pasig, Metro Manila, March 23,
Resurreccion, as Barangay Councilmen of 1987.
Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal under Batas
Pambansa Blg. 222, otherwise known as the Before us now, petitioners pray that the subject
Barangay Election Act of 1982. Memoranda of February 8, 1987 be declared
null and void and that respondents be prohibited
On February 9, 1987, petitioner Alfredo M, de from taking over their positions of Barangay
Leon received a Memorandum antedated Captain and Barangay Councilmen, respectively.
December 1, 1986 but signed by respondent Petitioners maintain that pursuant to Section 3 of
OIC Governor Benjamin Esguerra on February the Barangay Election Act of 1982 (BP Blg. 222),
8, 1987 designating respondent Florentino G. their terms of office "shall be six (6) years which
Magno as Barangay Captain of Barangay shall commence on June 7, 1982 and shall
Dolores, Taytay, Rizal. The designation made by continue until their successors shall have
the OIC Governor was "by authority of the elected and shall have qualified," or up to June
Minister of Local Government." 7, 1988. It is also their position that with the
ratification of the 1987 Constitution, respondent
Also on February 8, 1987, respondent OIC OIC Governor no longer has the authority to
Governor signed a Memorandum, antedated replace them and to designate their successors.
December 1, 1986 designating respondents
Remigio M. Tigas, Ricardo Z. Lacanienta On the other hand, respondents rely on Section
Teodoro V. Medina, Roberto S. Paz and 2, Article III of the Provisional Constitution,


promulgated on March 25, 1986, which of the votes cast in a plebiscite
provided: held for the purpose and shall
supersede all previous
SECTION 2. All elective and Constitutions.
appointive officials and
employees under the 1973 The 1987 Constitution was ratified in a plebiscite
Constitution shall continue in on February 2, 1987. By that date, therefore, the
office until otherwise provided Provisional Constitution must be deemed to
by proclamation or executive have been superseded. Having become
order or upon the designation or inoperative, respondent OIC Governor could no
appointment and qualification of longer rely on Section 2, Article III, thereof to
their successors, if such designate respondents to the elective positions
appointment is made within a occupied by petitioners.
period of one year from
February 25,1986. Petitioners must now be held to have acquired
security of tenure specially considering that the
By reason of the foregoing provision, Barangay Election Act of 1982 declares it "a
respondents contend that the terms of office of policy of the State to guarantee and promote the
elective and appointive officials were abolished autonomy of the barangays to ensure their
and that petitioners continued in office by virtue fullest development as self-reliant
of the aforequoted provision and not because communities. Similarly, the 1987 Constitution

their term of six years had not yet expired; and ensures the autonomy of local governments and
that the provision in the Barangay Election Act of political subdivisions of which the barangays
fixing the term of office of Barangay officials to form a part, and limits the President's power to

six (6) years must be deemed to have been "general supervision" over local
repealed for being inconsistent with the governments. Relevantly, Section 8, Article X of

aforequoted provision of the Provisional the same 1987 Constitution further provides in
Constitution. part:

Examining the said provision, there should be no Sec. 8. The term of office of
question that petitioners, as elective officials elective local officials, except
under the 1973 Constitution, may continue in barangay officials, which shall
office but should vacate their positions upon the be determined by law, shall be
occurrence of any of the events mentioned. 1 three years ...

Since the promulgation of the Provisional Until the term of office of barangay officials has
Constitution, there has been no proclamation or been determined by law, therefore, the term of
executive order terminating the term of elective office of six (6) years provided for in the
Barangay officials. Thus, the issue for resolution Barangay Election Act of 1982 should still

is whether or not the designation of respondents govern.

to replace petitioners was validly made during
the one-year period which ended on February Contrary to the stand of respondents, we find
25, 1987. nothing inconsistent between the term of six (6)
years for elective Barangay officials and the
Considering the candid Affidavit of respondent 1987 Constitution, and the same should,
OIC Governor, we hold that February 8, 1977, therefore, be considered as still operative,
should be considered as the effective date of pursuant to Section 3, Article XVIII of the 1987
replacement and not December 1,1986 to which Constitution, reading:
it was ante dated, in keeping with the dictates of
justice. Sec. 3. All existing laws,
decrees, executive orders,
But while February 8, 1987 is ostensibly still proclamations letters of
within the one-year deadline, the aforequoted instructions, and other executive
provision in the Provisional Constitution must be issuances not inconsistent, with
deemed to have been overtaken by Section 27, this Constitution shall remain
Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution reading. operative until amended,
repealed or revoked.
SECTION 27. This Constitution
shall take effect immediately WHEREFORE, (1) The Memoranda issued by
upon its ratification by a majority respondent OIC Governor on February 8, 1987
designating respondents as the Barangay Constitutional Conunission in unanimously
Captain and Barangay Councilmen, respectively, approving (by thirty-five votes in favor and none
of Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal, are both against) the aforequoted Section 27 of
declared to be of no legal force and effect; and Transitory Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution
(2) the Writ of Prohibition is granted enjoining was that "the act of ratification is the act of
respondents perpetually from proceeding with voting by the people. So that is the date of the
the ouster/take-over of petitioners' positions ratification" and that "the canvass thereafter [of
subject of this Petition. Without costs. the votes] is merely the mathematical
confirmation of what was done during the date of
SO ORDERED. the plebiscite and the proclamation of the
President is merely the official confirmatory
Yap, Fernan, Narvasa, Gutierrez, Jr., Paras, declaration of an act which was actually done by
Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin and Cortes, the Filipino people in adopting the Constitution
JJ., concur. when they cast their votes on the date of the

The record of the deliberations and the voting is

reproduced hereinbelow: 1


Separate Opinions President, may we now put to a
vote the original formulation of
the committee as indicated in
Section 12, unless there are
TEEHANKEE, CJ., concurring: other commissioners who would
like to present amendments.
The main issue resolved in the judgment at bar
is whether the 1987 Constitution took effect MR. DAVIDE. Madam
on February 2, 1987, the date that the plebiscite President.
for its ratification was held or whether it took
effect on February 11, 1987, the date its THE
ratification was proclaimed per Proclamation No. PRESIDENT. Commissioner
58 of the President of the Philippines, Corazon Davide is recognized.
C. Aquino.
MR. DAVIDE. May I propose the
The Court's decision, with the lone dissent of Mr. following amendments.
Justice Sarmiento, holds that by virtue of the
provision of Article XVIII, Section 27 of the 1987 On line 2, delete the words "its
Constitution that it "shall take effect immediately ratification" and in lieu thereof
upon its ratification by a majority of the votes insert the following-. "THE
cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose," the PROCLAMATION BY THE
1987 Constitution took effect on February 2, PRESIDENT THAT IT HAS
1987, the date of its ratification in the plebiscite BEEN RATIFIED." And on the
held on that same date. last line, after "constitutions,"
add the following: "AND THEIR
The thrust of the dissent is that the Constitution AMENDMENTS."
should be deemed to "take effect on the date its
ratification shall have been ascertained and not MR. MAAMBONG. Just a
at the time the people cast their votes to approve moment, Madam President. If
or reject it." This view was actually proposed at Commissioner Davide is going
the Constitutional Commission deliberations, but to propose an additional
was withdrawn by its proponent in the face of the sentence, the committee would
"overwhelming" contrary view that the suggest that we take up first his
Constitution "will be effective on the very day of amendment to the first sentence
the plebiscite." as originally formulated. We are
now ready to comment on that
The record of the proceedings and debates of proposed amendment.
the Constitutional Commission fully supports the
Court's judgment. It shows that the clear, The proposed amendment
unequivocal and express intent of the would be to delete the words "its
ratification and in lieu thereof shall make certain that all laws
insert the words "THE shall be faithfully complied.
PROCLAMATION BY THE When we approve this first
PRESIDENT THAT IT HAS sentence, and it says that there
BEEN RATIFIED." And the will be a proclamation by the
second amendment would be: President that the Constitution
After the word "constitutions," has been ratified, the President
add the words" AND THEIR will naturally comply with the law
AMENDMENTS," in accordance with the
provisions in the Article on the
The committee accepts the first Executive which we have cited.
proposed amendment. It would be too much to impose
However, we regret that we on the President a time frame
cannot accept the second within which she will make that
proposed amendment after the declaration. It would be
word "constitutions" because assumed that the President
the committee feels that when would immediately do that after
we talk of all previous the results shall have been
Constitutions, necessarily it canvassed by the COMELEC.
includes "AND THEIR
AMENDMENTS." Therefore, the committee
regrets that it cannot accept the
MR. DAVIDE. With that second sentence which the
explanation, l will not insist on Gentleman is proposing,
the second. But, Madam Madam President.
President, may I request that I
be allowed to read the second MR. DAVIDE. I am prepared to
amendment so the Commission withdraw the same on the
would be able to appreciate the assumption that there will be an
change in the first. immediate proclamation of the
results by the President.
MR. MAAMBONG. Yes, Madam
President, we can now do that. MR. MAAMBONG. With that
understanding, Madam
MR. DAVIDE. The second President.
sentence will read: "THE
MADE WITHIN FIVE DAYS the second sentence.
Commissioner Bernas is
President, after conferring with
FR. BERNAS. I would ask the
our chairman, the committee
committee to reconsider its
feels that the second proposed acceptance of the amendment
amendment in the form of a new which makes the effectivity of
sentence would not be exactly
the new Constitution dependent
necessary and the committee
upon the proclamation of the
feels that it would be too much President. The effectivity of the
for us to impose a time frame on Constitution should commence
the President to make the on the date of the ratification,
proclamation. As we would not on the date of the
recall, Madam President, in the proclamation of the President.
approved Article on the
What is confusing, I think,
Executive, there is a provision is what happened in 1976 when
which says that the President
the amendments of 1976 were
ratified. In that particular case, be, in clear terms, the date
the reason the amendments of when the Constitution is
1976 were effective upon the supposed to be ratified or not
proclamation of the ratified, as the case may be?
President was that the draft
presented to the people said FR. BERNAS. The date would
that the amendment will be be the casting of the ballots. if
effective upon the proclamation the President were to say that
made by the President. I have a the plebiscite would be held, for
suspicion that was put in there instance, on January 19, 1987,
precisely to give the President then the date for the effectivity
some kind of leeway on whether of the new Constitution would
to announce the ratification or be January 19, 1987.
not. Therefore, we should not
make this dependent on the
MR. MAAMBONG. In other
action of the President since this
words, it would not depend on
will be a manifestation of the act
the actual issuance of the
of the people to be done under
results by the Commission on
the supervision of the
Elections which will be doing the
COMELEC and it should be the
canvass? That is immaterial
COMELEC who should make Madam President
the announcement that, in fact,
the votes show that the
Constitution was ratified and FR. BERNAS. It would not,
there should be no need to wait Madam President, because
for any proclamation on the part "ratification" is the act of saying
of the President. "yes" is done when one casts
his ballot.
MR. MAAMBONG. Would the
Gentleman answer a few MR. MAAMBONG. So it is the
clarificatory questions? date of the plebiscite itself,
Madam President?
FR. BERNAS. Willingly, Madam
President. FR. BERNAS. Yes, Madam
Gentleman will agree that a date MR. MAAMBONG. With that
has to be fixed as to exactly statement of Commissioner
when the Constitution is Bernas, we would like to know
supposed to be ratified. from the proponent,
Commissioner Davide, if he is
insisting on his amendment.
FR. BERNAS. I would say
that the ratification of the
Constitution is on the date the MR. DAVIDE. Madam
votes were supposed to have President, I am insisting on the
been cast. amendment because I cannot
subscribe to the view of
Commissioner Bernas, that the
MR. MAAMBONG. Let us go to
date of the ratification is
the mechanics of the whole reckoned from the date of the
thing, Madam President. We casting of the ballots. That
present the Constitution to a
cannot be the date of reckoning
plebiscite, the people exercise
because it is a plebiscite all over
their right to vote, then the votes
the country. We do not split the
are canvassed by the
moment of casting by each of
Commission on Elections. If we the voters. Actually and
delete the suggested technically speaking, it would be
amendment which says: "THE
all right if it would be upon the
announcement of the results of
the canvass conducted by the
BEEN RATIFIED," what would
COMELEC or the results of the
plebiscite held all over the President is merely the official
country. But it is necessary that confirmatory declaration of an
there be a body which will make act which was actually done by
the formal announcement of the the Filipino people in adopting
results of the plebiscite. So it is the Constitution when they cast
either the President or the their votes on the date of the
COMELEC itself upon the plebiscite.
completion of the canvass of the
results of the plebiscite, and I MR. LERUM. Madam President,
opted for the President. may I be recognized.

xxx xxx xxx THE PRESIDENT.

Commissioner Lerum is
MR. NOLLEDO. Madam recognized.
MR. LERUM. I am in favor of
THE PRESIDENT. the Davide amendment because
Commissioner Nolledo is we have to fix a date for the
recognized. effectivity of the Constitution.
Suppose the announcement is
MR. NOLLEDO. Thank you, delayed by, say, 10 days or a
Madam President. I beg to month, what happens to the
disagree with Commissioner obligations and rights that
Davide. I support the stand of accrue upon the approval of the
Commissioner Bernas Constitution? So I think we must
because it is really the date of have a definite date. I am,
the casting of the "yes" votes therefore, in favor of the Davide
that is the date of the ratification amendment.
of the Constitution The
announcement merely confirms MR. MAAMBONG. Madam
the ratification even if the results President.
are released two or three days
after. I think it is a fundamental THE PRESIDENT.
principle in political law, even in Commissioner Maambong is
civil law, because an recognized.
announcement is a mere
confirmation The act of
MR. MAAMBONG. With the
ratification is the act of voting by
theory of the Commissioner,
the people. So that is the date of
would there be a necessity for
the ratification. If there should the Commission on Elections to
be any need for presidential
declare the results of the
proclamation, that proclamation
will merely confirm the act of
FR. BERNAS. There would be
because it is the Commission on
Thank you, Madam President. Elections which makes the
official announcement of the
THE PRESIDENT. Does results.
Commissioner Regalado want
to contribute?
question which is the final one
MR. REGALADO. Madam is: After the Commision on
President, I was precisely going Elections has declared the
to state the same support for results of the canvass, will there
Commissioner Bernas, because be a necessity for the President
the canvass thereafter is merely to make a proclamation of the
the mathematical results of the canvass as
confirmation of what was done submitted by the Commission
during the date of the plebiscite on Elections?
and the proclamation of the
FR. BERNAS. I would say there FR. BERNAS. Yes, Madam
would be no necessity, Madam President.
MR. MAAMBONG. I thank the
MR. MAAMBONG. In other Commissioner.
words, the President may or
may not make the proclamation MR. GUINGONA. Madam
whether the Constitution has President.
been ratified or not.
FR. BERNAS. I would say that Commissioner Guingona is
the proclamation made by the recognized.
President would be immaterial
because under the law, the
MR. GUINGONA. Mention was
administration of all election
made about the need for having
laws is under an independent
a definite date. I think it is
Commission on Elections. It is
precisely the proposal of
the Commission on Elections Commissioner Bernas which
which announces the results. speaks of the date (of
ratification that would have a
MR. MAAMBONG. But definite date, because there
nevertheless, the President may would be no definite date if we
make the proclamation. depend upon the canvassing by
FR. BERNAS. Yes, the
President may. And if what he Thank you,
says contradicts what the
Commission on Elections says, THE PRESIDENT.
it would have no effect. I would
Commissioner Concepcion is
only add that when we say that
the date of effectivity is on the
day of the casting of the votes,
what we mean is that the MR. CONCEPCION. Thank you,
Constitution takes effect on Madam President.
every single minute and every
single second of that day, Whoever makes the
because the Civil Code says a announcement as to the result
day has 24 hours.So that even if of the plebiscite, be it the
the votes are cast in the COMELEC or the President,
morning, the Constitution is would announce that a majority
really effective from the previous of the votes cast on a given date
midnight. was in favor of the Constitution.
And that is the date when the
So that when we adopted the Constitution takes effect, apart
new rule on citizenship, the from the fact that the provision
children of Filipino mothers or on the drafting or amendment of
anybody born on the date of the Constitution provides that a
effectivity of the 1973 constitution becomes effective
Constitution, which is January upon ratification by a majority of
17, 1973, are natural-born the votes cast, although I would
citizens, no matter what time of not say from the very beginning
day or night. of the date of election because
as of that time it is impossible to
determine whether there is a
MR. MAAMBONG. Could we, majority. At the end of the day of
therefore, safely say that election or plebiscite, the
whatever date is the publication
determination is made as of that
of the results of the canvass by
time-the majority of the votes
the COMELEC retroacts to the
cast in a plebiscite held on such
date of the plebiscite?
and such a date. So that is the
time when the new Constitution
will be considered ratified and, original provision as stated by
therefore, effective. the committee.


hear Vice-President Padilla. committee will read again the
formulation indicated in the
MR. PADILLA. Madam original committee report as
President, I am against the Section 12.
proposed amendment of
Commissioner Davide and I This Constitution shall take
support the view of effect immediately upon its
Commissioner Bernas and the ratification by a majority of the
others because the ratification votes cast in a plebiscite called
of the Constitution is on the date for the purpose and shall
the people, by a majority vote, supersede all previous
have cast their votes in favor of Constitutions.
the Constitution. Even in civil
law, if there is a contract, say, We ask for a vote, Madam
between an agent and a third President.
person and that contract is
confirmed or ratified by the
principal, the validity does not
begin on the date of ratification
but it retroacts from the date the THE PRESIDENT. As many as
contract was executed. are in favor, please raise their
hand. (Several Members raised
their hands.)
Therefore, the date of the
Constitution as ratified should
retroact to the date that the As many as are against, please
people have cast their raise their hand. (No Member
affirmative votes in favor of the raised his hand.)
The results show 35 votes in
MR. MAAMBONG. Madam favor and none against; Section
President. 12 is approved. 2

THE PRESIDENT. The Court next holds as a consequence of its

Commissioner Maambong is declaration at bar that the Constitution took
recognized effect on the date of its ratification in the
plebiscite held on February 2, 1987, that: (1) the
Provisional Constitution promulgated on March
MR. MAAMBONG. We will now
25, 1986 must be deemed to have been
ask once more Commissioner
superseded by the 1987 Constitution on the
Davide if he is insisting on his same date February 2, 1987 and (2) by and after
amendment said date, February 2, 1987, absent any saying
clause to the contrary in the Transitory Article of
MR. DAVIDE. In view of the the Constitution, respondent OIC Governor
explanation and could no longer exercise the power to replace
overwhelming tyranny of petitioners in their positions as Barangay
the opinion that it will be Captain and Councilmen. Hence, the attempted
effective on the very day of the replacement of petitioners by respondent OIC
plebiscite, I am withdrawing my Governor's designation on February 8, 1987 of
amendment on the assumption their successors could no longer produce any
that any of the following bodies legal force and effect. While the Provisional
the Office of the President or the Constitution provided for a one-year period
COMELEC will make the formal expiring on March 25, 1987 within which the
announcement of the results. power of replacement could be exercised, this
period was shortened by the ratification and
MR. RAMA. Madam President, effectivity on February 2, 1987 of the
we are now ready to vote on the Constitution. Had the intention of the framers of
the Constitution been otherwise, they would
have so provided for in the Transitory Article, as SARMIENTO, J., Dissenting.
indeed they provided for multifarious transitory
provisions in twenty six sections of Article XVIII, With due respect to the majority I register this
e.g. extension of the six-year term of the dissent.
incumbent President and Vice-President to noon
of June 30, 1992 for purposes of synchronization
While I agree that the one-year deadline
of elections, the continued exercise of legislative
prescribed by Section 2, Article III of the
powers by the incumbent President until the Provisional Constitution with respect to the
convening of the first Congress, etc. tenure of government functionaries, as follows:

A final note of clarification, as to the statement in

SECTION 2. All elective and
the dissent that "the appointments of some
appointive officials and
seven Court of Appeals Justices, 71 provincial employees under the 1973
fiscals and 55 city fiscals reported extended (by) Constitution shall continue in
the President on February 2, 1987 . . . could be
office until otherwise provided
open to serious questions," in view of the
by proclamation or executive
provisions of Sections 8 (1) and 9, Article VIII of
order or upon the designation or
the Constitution which require prior endorsement
appointment and qualification of
thereof by the Judicial and Bar Council created their successors, if such
under the Constitution. It should be stated for the appointment is made within a
record that the reported date of the
period of one year from
appointments, February 2, 1987, is incorrect.
February 25, 1986.
The official records of the Court show that the
appointments of the seven Court of Appeals
Justices were transmitted to this Court on was cut short by the ratification of the 1987
February 1, 1987 and they were all appointed on Constitution, I entertain serious doubts whether
or before January 31, 1987. (Similarly, the
3 or not that cut-off period began on February 2,
records of the Department of Justice likewise 1987, the date of the plebiscite held to approve
show that the appointment papers of the last the new Charter. To my mind the 1987
batch of provincial and city fiscals signed by the constitution took effect on February 11, 1987,
President in completion of the reorganization of the date the same was proclaimed ratified
the prosecution service were made on January pursuant to Proclamation No. 58 of the President
31, 1987 and transmitted to the Department on of the Philippines, and not February 2, 1987,
February 1, 1987.) It is also a matter of record plebiscite day.
that since February 2, 1987, no appointments to
the Judiciary have been extended by the I rely, first and foremost, on the language of the
President, pending the constitution of the 1987 Charter itself, thus:
Judicial and Bar Council, indicating that the
Chief Executive has likewise considered Sec. 27. This Constitution shag
February 2, 1987 as the effective date of the take effect immediately upon its
Constitution, as now expressly declared by the ratification by a majority of the
Court. votes cast in a plebiscite held
for the purpose and shall
CRUZ, J., concurring. supersede all previous
In her quiet and restrained manner, Justice
Herrera is able to prove her point with more It is my reading of this provision that the
telling effect than the tones of thunder. She has Constitution takes effect on the date its
written another persuasive opinion, and I am ratification shall have been ascertained, and not
delighted to concur. I note that it in effect affirms at the time the people cast their votes to approve
my dissents in the De la Serna, Zamora, or reject it. For it cannot be logically said that
Duquing and Bayas cases, where I submitted Constitution was ratified during such a plebiscite,
that the local OICs may no longer be summarily when the will of the people as of that time, had
replaced, having acquired security of tenure not, and could not have been, vet determined.
under the new Constitution. Our difference is
that whereas I would make that right commence Other than that, pragmatic considerations
on February 25, 1987, after the deadline set by compel me to take the view.
the Freedom Constitution, Justice Herrera would
opt for February 2, 1987, when the new I have no doubt that between February 2, and
Constitution was ratified. I yield to that better February 11, 1987 the government performed
view and agree with her ponencia completely.
acts that would have been valid under the SEC. 16. This Constitution shall
Provisional Constitution but would otherwise take effect immediately upon its
have been void under the 1987 Charter. I recall, ratification by a majority of the
in particular, the appointments of some seven votes cast in a plebiscite called
Court of Appeals Justices, 71 provincial fiscals, for the purpose and, except as
and 55 city fiscals the President reportedly herein provided, shall
extended on February 2, 1987. 1 Under Sections 8 (1) and 9, Article supersede the Constitution of
VIII, of the l987 Constitution, as follows:
nineteen-hundred and thirty- five
and all amendments thereto.
xxx xxx xxx
On October 27, 1976, then President Marcos
Sec. 8. (I)A Judicial and Bar promulgated Proclamation no. 1595, proclaiming
Council is hereby created under the ratification of the 1976 amendments
the supervision of the Supreme submitted in the plebiscite of October 16- 17,
Court composed of the Chief 1976. The Proclamation states, inter alia, that.
Justice as ex officio Chairman,
the Secretary of Justice, and a
By virtue-of the powers vested in me by law, I
representative of the Congress
hereby proclaim all the amendments embodied
as ex oficio Members, a
in this certificate as duly ratified by the Filipino
representative of the Integrated
people in the referendum- plebiscite held Oct.
Bar, a professor of law, a retired
16-17, 1976 and are therefore effective and in
Member of the Supreme Court,
full force and effect as of this date.
and a representative of the
private sector.
It shall be noted that under Amendment No. 9 of
the said 1976 amendments.
xxx xxx xxx

These amendments shall take

Sec. 9. The Members of the
effect after the incumbent
Supreme Court and judges of
President shall have proclaimed
lower courts shall be appointed
that they have been ratified by a
by the President from a list of at
majority of the votes cast in the
least three nominees prepared
by the Judicial and Bar Council
for every vacancy, Such
appointments need no On April 1, 1980, the then Chief Executive
confirmation. issued Proclamation no. 1959, "Proclaiming the
Ratification by the Filipino People of the
Amendments of Section 7, Article X of the
xxx xxx xxx
Constitution" (lengthening the terms of office of
judges and justices). The Proclamation provides:
such appointments could be open to serious
[t]he above-quoted amendment
has been duly ratified by a
Since 1973, moreover, we have invariably majority of the votes cast in the
reckoned the effectivity of the Constitution as plebiscite held, together with the
well as the amendments thereto from the date it election for local officials, on
is proclaimed ratified. January 30, 1980, and that said
amendment is hereby declared
In Magtoto v. Manguera, we held that the 1973 2
to take effect immediately.
Constitution became in force and effect on
January 17, 1973, the date Proclamation No. It shall be noted that under Resolution No. 21,
1102, "Announcing the Ratification by the dated December 18, 1979, the proposed
Filipino People of the Constitution Proposed by amendment shall take effect on the date the
the 1971 Constitutional Convention," was incumbent President/Prime Minister shall
issued, although Mr. Justice, now Chief Justice, proclaim its ratification.
Teehankee would push its effectivity date further
to April 17, 1973, the date our decision
On April 7, 1981, Proclamation No. 2077 was
in Javellana v. Executive Secretary, became 3

issued "Proclaiming the Ratification in the

final. And this was so notwithstanding Section
Plebiscite of April 7, 1981 of the Amendments to
16, Article XVII, of the 1973 Constitution, thus:
the Constitution Embodied in Batas Pambansa
Blg. 122 and Declaring Them Therefore
Effective and in Full Force and Effect." The albeit Resolutions Nos. 105, 111, and 113
Proclamation, in declaring the said amendments provide, that:
duly approved, further declared them "[e]ffective
and in full force and in effect as of the date of These amendments shall be
this Proclamation," It shall be noted, in this valid as a part of the
connection, that under Resolutions Nos. I and 2 Constitution when approved by
of the Batasang Pambansa, Third Regular a majority of the votes cast in an
Session, Sitting as a Constituent Assembly, election/plebiscite at which it is
which parented these amendments, the same: submitted to the people for their
ratification pursuant to Section 2
. . .shall become valid as part of of Article XVI of the Constitution,
the Constitution when approved as amended.
by a majority of the votes cast in
a plebiscite to be held pursuant That a Constitution or amendments thereto take
to Section 2, Article XVI of the effect upon proclamation of their ratification and
Constitution. not at the time of the plebiscite is a view that is
not peculiar to the Marcos era.
On the other hand, Batas Pambansa Blg. 122,
"An Act to Submit to the Filipino People, for The Resolution of Both Houses (of Congress) in
Ratification or Rejection, the Amendment to the Joint Session on the March 11, 1947 plebiscite
Constitution of the Philippines, Proposed by the called pursuant to Republic Act No. 73 and the
Batasang Pambansa, Sitting as a Constituent Resolution of Both Houses (of Congress)
Assembly, in its Resolutions Numbered Three, adopted on September 18, 1946, was adopted
Two, and One, and to Appropriate Funds on April 9,1947. The April 9, 1947 Resolution
Therefore," provides, as follows: makes no mention of a retroactive application.

SEC. 7. The Commission on Accordingly, when the incumbent President

Elections, sitting en banc, shad (Mrs. Corazon C. Aquino) proclaimed on
canvass and proclaim the result February 11, 1987, at Malacanang Palace:
of the plebiscite using the
certificates submitted to it, duly
... that the Constitution of the
authenticated and certified by
Republic of the Philippines
the Board of Canvassers of
adopted by the Constitutional
each province or city. Commission of 1986, including
the Ordinance appended
We have, finally, Proclamation No. 2332, thereto, has been duly ratified
"Proclaiming the Ratification in the Plebiscite of by the Filipino people and is
January 27, 1984, of the Amendments to the therefore effective and in full
Constitution Embodied in Batasang Pambansa force and effect. 4

Resolutions Nos. 104, 105, 110, 111, 112 and

113." It states that the amendments:
the 1987 Constitution, in point of fact, came into
force and effect, I hold that it took effect at no
....are therefore effective and in other time.
full force and effect as of the
date of this Proclamation. I submit that our ruling in Ponsica v. Ignalaga in

which we declared, in passing, that the new

It carries out Resolution no. 104 itself (as well as Charter was ratified on February 2, 1987, does
Resolutions Nos. 110 and 112 and Section 9, not in any way weaken this dissent. As I stated,
Batas Blg. 643), which states, that: the remark was said in passing-we did not
resolve the case on account of a categorical
The proposed amendments holding that the 1987 Constitution came to life
shall take effect on the date the on February 2, 1987. In any event, if we did, I
President of the Philippines now call for its re-examination.
shall proclaim that they have
been ratified by a majority of the I am therefore of the opinion, consistent with the
votes cast in the plebiscite held views expressed above, that the challenged
for the purpose, but not later dismissals done on February 8, 1987 were valid,
than three months from the the 1987 Constitution not being then as yet in
approval of the amendments. force.


President, may we now put to a
vote the original formulation of
the committee as indicated in
Section 12, unless there are
Separate Opinions
other commissioners who would
like to present amendments.
TEEHANKEE, CJ., concurring:
The main issue resolved in the judgment at bar President.
is whether the 1987 Constitution took effect
on February 2, 1987, the date that the plebiscite
for its ratification was held or whether it took THE
effect on February 11, 1987, the date its PRESIDENT. Commissioner
Davide is recognized.
ratification was proclaimed per Proclamation No.
58 of the President of the Philippines, Corazon
C. Aquino. MR. DAVIDE. May I propose the
following amendments.
The Court's decision, with the lone dissent of Mr.
Justice Sarmiento, holds that by virtue of the On line 2, delete the words "its
provision of Article XVIII, Section 27 of the 1987 ratification" and in lieu thereof
Constitution that it "shall take effect immediately insert the following-. "THE
upon its ratification by a majority of the votes PROCLAMATION BY THE
cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose," the PRESIDENT THAT IT HAS
1987 Constitution took effect on February 2, BEEN RATIFIED." And on the
1987, the date of its ratification in the plebiscite last line, after "constitutions,"
held on that same date. add the following: "AND THEIR
The thrust of the dissent is that the Constitution
should be deemed to "take effect on the date its MR. MAAMBONG. Just a
ratification shall have been ascertained and not moment, Madam President. If
at the time the people cast their votes to approve Commissioner Davide is going
or reject it." This view was actually proposed at to propose an additional
the Constitutional Commission deliberations, but sentence, the committee would
was withdrawn by its proponent in the face of the suggest that we take up first his
"overwhelming" contrary view that the amendment to the first sentence
Constitution "will be effective on the very day of as originally formulated. We are
the plebiscite." now ready to comment on that
proposed amendment.
The record of the proceedings and debates of
the Constitutional Commission fully supports the The proposed amendment
Court's judgment. It shows that the clear, would be to delete the words "its
unequivocal and express intent of the ratification and in lieu thereof
Constitutional Conunission in unanimously insert the words "THE
approving (by thirty-five votes in favor and none PROCLAMATION BY THE
against) the aforequoted Section 27 of PRESIDENT THAT IT HAS
Transitory Article XVIII of the 1987 Constitution BEEN RATIFIED." And the
was that "the act of ratification is the act of second amendment would be:
voting by the people. So that is the date of the After the word "constitutions,"
ratification" and that "the canvass thereafter [of add the words" AND THEIR
the votes] is merely the mathematical AMENDMENTS,"
confirmation of what was done during the date of
the plebiscite and the proclamation of the The committee accepts the first
President is merely the official confirmatory proposed amendment.
declaration of an act which was actually done by However, we regret that we
the Filipino people in adopting the Constitution cannot accept the second
when they cast their votes on the date of the proposed amendment after the
plebiscite." word "constitutions" because
the committee feels that when
The record of the deliberations and the voting is we talk of all previous
reproduced hereinbelow: 1 Constitutions, necessarily it
includes "AND THEIR Therefore, the committee
AMENDMENTS." regrets that it cannot accept the
second sentence which the
MR. DAVIDE. With that Gentleman is proposing,
explanation, l will not insist on Madam President.
the second. But, Madam
President, may I request that I MR. DAVIDE. I am prepared to
be allowed to read the second withdraw the same on the
amendment so the Commission assumption that there will be an
would be able to appreciate the immediate proclamation of the
change in the first. results by the President.

MR. MAAMBONG. Yes, Madam MR. MAAMBONG. With that

President, we can now do that. understanding, Madam
MR. DAVIDE. The second
sentence will read: "THE MR. DAVIDE. I will not insist on
PROCLAMATION SHALL BE the second sentence.
OF THE RESULTS OF SUCH Commissioner Bernas is


FR. BERNAS. I would ask the
President, after conferring with committee to reconsider its
our chairman, the committee
acceptance of the amendment
feels that the second proposed
which makes the effectivity of
amendment in the form of a new
the new Constitution dependent
sentence would not be exactly
upon the proclamation of the
necessary and the committee President. The effectivity of the
feels that it would be too much Constitution should commence
for us to impose a time frame on on the date of the ratification,
the President to make the not on the date of the
proclamation. As we would proclamation of the President.
recall, Madam President, in the
What is confusing, I think,
approved Article on the is what happened in 1976 when
Executive, there is a provision the amendments of 1976 were
which says that the President
ratified. In that particular case,
shall make certain that all laws the reason the amendments of
shall be faithfully complied. 1976 were effective upon the
When we approve this first proclamation of the
sentence, and it says that there President was that the draft
will be a proclamation by the
presented to the people said
President that the Constitution
that the amendment will be
has been ratified, the President
effective upon the proclamation
will naturally comply with the law
made by the President. I have a
in accordance with the suspicion that was put in there
provisions in the Article on the precisely to give the President
Executive which we have cited.
some kind of leeway on whether
It would be too much to impose
to announce the ratification or
on the President a time frame not. Therefore, we should not
within which she will make that make this dependent on the
declaration. It would be action of the President since this
assumed that the President will be a manifestation of the act
would immediately do that after of the people to be done under
the results shall have been the supervision of the
canvassed by the COMELEC. COMELEC and it should be the
COMELEC who should make canvass? That is immaterial
the announcement that, in fact, Madam President
the votes show that the
Constitution was ratified and FR. BERNAS. It would not,
there should be no need to wait Madam President, because
for any proclamation on the part "ratification" is the act of saying
of the President. "yes" is done when one casts
his ballot.
MR. MAAMBONG. Would the
Gentleman answer a few MR. MAAMBONG. So it is the
clarificatory questions? date of the plebiscite itself,
Madam President?
FR. BERNAS. Willingly, Madam
President. FR. BERNAS. Yes, Madam
Gentleman will agree that a date MR. MAAMBONG. With that
has to be fixed as to exactly statement of Commissioner
when the Constitution is Bernas, we would like to know
supposed to be ratified. from the proponent,
Commissioner Davide, if he is
FR. BERNAS. I would say insisting on his amendment.
that the ratification of the
Constitution is on the date the MR. DAVIDE. Madam
votes were supposed to have President, I am insisting on the
been cast. amendment because I cannot
subscribe to the view of
MR. MAAMBONG. Let us go to Commissioner Bernas, that the
the mechanics of the whole date of the ratification is
thing, Madam President. We reckoned from the date of the
present the Constitution to a casting of the ballots. That
plebiscite, the people exercise cannot be the date of reckoning
their right to vote, then the votes because it is a plebiscite all over
are canvassed by the the country. We do not split the
Commission on Elections. If we moment of casting by each of
delete the suggested the voters. Actually and
amendment which says: "THE technically speaking, it would be
PROCLAMATION BY THE all right if it would be upon the
PRESIDENT THAT IT HAS announcement of the results of
BEEN RATIFIED," what would the canvass conducted by the
be, in clear terms, the date COMELEC or the results of the
when the Constitution is plebiscite held all over the
supposed to be ratified or not country. But it is necessary that
ratified, as the case may be? there be a body which will make
the formal announcement of the
FR. BERNAS. The date would results of the plebiscite. So it is
be the casting of the ballots. if either the President or the
the President were to say that COMELEC itself upon the
the plebiscite would be held, for completion of the canvass of the
instance, on January 19, 1987, results of the plebiscite, and I
then the date for the effectivity opted for the President.
of the new Constitution would
be January 19, 1987. xxx xxx xxx


words, it would not depend on President.
the actual issuance of the
results by the Commission on THE PRESIDENT.
Elections which will be doing the Commissioner Nolledo is
MR. NOLLEDO. Thank you, delayed by, say, 10 days or a
Madam President. I beg to month, what happens to the
disagree with Commissioner obligations and rights that
Davide. I support the stand of accrue upon the approval of the
Commissioner Bernas Constitution? So I think we must
because it is really the date of have a definite date. I am,
the casting of the "yes" votes therefore, in favor of the Davide
that is the date of the ratification amendment.
of the Constitution The
announcement merely confirms MR. MAAMBONG. Madam
the ratification even if the results President.
are released two or three days
after. I think it is a fundamental
principle in political law, even in Commissioner Maambong is
civil law, because an recognized.
announcement is a mere
confirmation The act of
ratification is the act of voting by MR. MAAMBONG. With the
the people. So that is the date of theory of the Commissioner,
the ratification. If there should would there be a necessity for
be any need for presidential the Commission on Elections to
proclamation, that proclamation declare the results of the
will merely confirm the act of canvass?
FR. BERNAS. There would be
Thank you, Madam President. because it is the Commission on
Elections which makes the
official announcement of the
THE PRESIDENT. Does results.
Commissioner Regalado want
to contribute?
question which is the final one
is: After the Commision on
President, I was precisely going
Elections has declared the
to state the same support for results of the canvass, will there
Commissioner Bernas, because be a necessity for the President
the canvass thereafter is merely
to make a proclamation of the
the mathematical
results of the canvass as
confirmation of what was done
submitted by the Commission
during the date of the plebiscite
on Elections?
and the proclamation of the
President is merely the official
confirmatory declaration of an FR. BERNAS. I would say there
act which was actually done by would be no necessity, Madam
the Filipino people in adopting President.
the Constitution when they cast
their votes on the date of the MR. MAAMBONG. In other
plebiscite. words, the President may or
may not make the proclamation
MR. LERUM. Madam President, whether the Constitution has
may I be recognized. been ratified or not.

THE PRESIDENT. FR. BERNAS. I would say that

Commissioner Lerum is the proclamation made by the
recognized. President would be immaterial
because under the law, the
administration of all election
MR. LERUM. I am in favor of
laws is under an independent
the Davide amendment because
Commission on Elections. It is
we have to fix a date for the
the Commission on Elections
effectivity of the Constitution.
which announces the results.
Suppose the announcement is
MR. MAAMBONG. But would be no definite date if we
nevertheless, the President may depend upon the canvassing by
make the proclamation. the COMELEC.

FR. BERNAS. Yes, the Thank you,

President may. And if what he
says contradicts what the THE PRESIDENT.
Commission on Elections says, Commissioner Concepcion is
it would have no effect. I would recognized.
only add that when we say that
the date of effectivity is on the
MR. CONCEPCION. Thank you,
day of the casting of the votes,
Madam President.
what we mean is that the
Constitution takes effect on
every single minute and every Whoever makes the
single second of that day, announcement as to the result
because the Civil Code says a of the plebiscite, be it the
day has 24 hours. COMELEC or the President,
would announce that a majority
of the votes cast on a given date
So that even if the votes are
was in favor of the Constitution.
cast in the morning, the
And that is the date when the
Constitution is really effective
Constitution takes effect, apart
from the previous midnight. So
from the fact that the provision
that when we adopted the new on the drafting or amendment of
rule on citizenship, the children
the Constitution provides that a
of Filipino mothers or anybody
constitution becomes effective
born on the date of effectivity of
upon ratification by a majority of
the 1973 Constitution, which is
the votes cast, although I would
January 17, 1973, are natural- not say from the very beginning
born citizens, no matter what of the date of election because
time of day or night.
as of that time it is impossible to
determine whether there is a
MR. MAAMBONG. Could we, majority. At the end of the day of
therefore, safely say that election or plebiscite, the
whatever date is the publication determination is made as of that
of the results of the canvass by time-the majority of the votes
the COMELEC retroacts to the cast in a plebiscite held on such
date of the plebiscite? and such a date. So that is the
time when the new Constitution
FR. BERNAS. Yes, Madam will be considered ratified and,
President. therefore, effective.

MR. MAAMBONG. I thank the THE PRESIDENT. May we now

Commissioner. hear Vice-President Padilla.


President. President, I am against the
proposed amendment of
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Davide and I
Commissioner Guingona is support the view of
recognized. Commissioner Bernas and the
others because the ratification
of the Constitution is on the date
MR. GUINGONA. Mention was
made about the need for having the people, by a majority vote,
a definite date. I think it is have cast their votes in favor of
the Constitution. Even in civil
precisely the proposal of
law, if there is a contract, say,
Commissioner Bernas which
between an agent and a third
speaks of the date (of
person and that contract is
ratification that would have a
definite date, because there confirmed or ratified by the
principal, the validity does not THE PRESIDENT. As many as
begin on the date of ratification are in favor, please raise their
but it retroacts from the date the hand. (Several Members raised
contract was executed. their hands.)

Therefore, the date of the As many as are against, please

Constitution as ratified should raise their hand. (No Member
retroact to the date that the raised his hand.)
people have cast their
affirmative votes in favor of the The results show 35 votes in
Constitution. favor and none against; Section
12 is approved. 2


President. The Court next holds as a consequence of its
declaration at bar that the Constitution took
THE PRESIDENT. effect on the date of its ratification in the
Commissioner Maambong is plebiscite held on February 2, 1987, that: (1) the
recognized Provisional Constitution promulgated on March
25, 1986 must be deemed to have been
MR. MAAMBONG. We will now superseded by the 1987 Constitution on the
ask once more Commissioner same date February 2, 1987 and (2) by and after
Davide if he is insisting on his said date, February 2, 1987, absent any saying
amendment clause to the contrary in the Transitory Article of
the Constitution, respondent OIC Governor
MR. DAVIDE. In view of the could no longer exercise the power to replace
explanation and petitioners in their positions as Barangay
overwhelming tyranny of Captain and Councilmen. Hence, the attempted
the opinion that it will be replacement of petitioners by respondent OIC
effective on the very day of the Governor's designation on February 8, 1987 of
plebiscite, I am withdrawing my their successors could no longer produce any
legal force and effect. While the Provisional
amendment on the assumption
Constitution provided for a one-year period
that any of the following bodies
expiring on March 25, 1987 within which the
the Office of the President or the
COMELEC will make the formal power of replacement could be exercised, this
announcement of the results. period was shortened by the ratification and
effectivity on February 2, 1987 of the
Constitution. Had the intention of the framers of
MR. RAMA. Madam President, the Constitution been otherwise, they would
we are now ready to vote on the have so provided for in the Transitory Article, as
original provision as stated by indeed they provided for multifarious transitory
the committee. provisions in twenty six sections of Article XVIII,
e.g. extension of the six-year term of the
MR. MAAMBONG. The incumbent President and Vice-President to noon
committee will read again the of June 30, 1992 for purposes of synchronization
formulation indicated in the of elections, the continued exercise of legislative
original committee report as powers by the incumbent President until the
Section 12. convening of the first Congress, etc.

This Constitution shall take A final note of clarification, as to the statement in

effect immediately upon its the dissent that "the appointments of some
ratification by a majority of the seven Court of Appeals Justices, 71 provincial
votes cast in a plebiscite called fiscals and 55 city fiscals reported extended (by)
for the purpose and shall the President on February 2, 1987 . . . could be
supersede all previous open to serious questions," in view of the
Constitutions. provisions of Sections 8 (1) and 9, Article VIII of
the Constitution which require prior endorsement
We ask for a vote, Madam thereof by the Judicial and Bar Council created
President. under the Constitution. It should be stated for the
record that the reported date of the
VOTING appointments, February 2, 1987, is incorrect.
The official records of the Court show that the
appointments of the seven Court of Appeals period of one year from
Justices were transmitted to this Court on February 25, 1986.
February 1, 1987 and they were all appointed on
or before January 31, 1987. (Similarly, the
was cut short by the ratification of the 1987
records of the Department of Justice likewise Constitution, I entertain serious doubts whether
show that the appointment papers of the last or not that cut-off period began on February 2,
batch of provincial and city fiscals signed by the 1987, the date of the plebiscite held to approve
President in completion of the reorganization of the new Charter. To my mind the 1987
the prosecution service were made on January constitution took effect on February 11, 1987,
31, 1987 and transmitted to the Department on the date the same was proclaimed ratified
February 1, 1987.) It is also a matter of record pursuant to Proclamation No. 58 of the President
that since February 2, 1987, no appointments to of the Philippines, and not February 2, 1987,
the Judiciary have been extended by the plebiscite day.
President, pending the constitution of the
Judicial and Bar Council, indicating that the I rely, first and foremost, on the language of the
Chief Executive has likewise considered
1987 Charter itself, thus:
February 2, 1987 as the effective date of the
Constitution, as now expressly declared by the
Court. Sec. 27. This Constitution shag
take effect immediately upon its
ratification by a majority of the
CRUZ, J., concurring.
votes cast in a plebiscite held
for the purpose and shall
In her quiet and restrained manner, Justice supersede all previous
Herrera is able to prove her point with more Constitutions.
telling effect than the tones of thunder. She has
written another persuasive opinion, and I am
It is my reading of this provision that the
delighted to concur. I note that it in effect affirms
Constitution takes effect on the date its
my dissents in the De la Serna, Zamora,
ratification shall have been ascertained, and not
Duquing and Bayas cases, where I submitted at the time the people cast their votes to approve
that the local OICs may no longer be summarily or reject it. For it cannot be logically said that
replaced, having acquired security of tenure
Constitution was ratified during such a plebiscite,
under the new Constitution. Our difference is
when the will of the people as of that time, had
that whereas I would make that right commence
not, and could not have been, vet determined.
on February 25, 1987, after the deadline set by
the Freedom Constitution, Justice Herrera would
opt for February 2, 1987, when the new Other than that, pragmatic considerations
Constitution was ratified. I yield to that better compel me to take the view.
view and agree with her ponencia completely.
I have no doubt that between February 2, and
SARMIENTO, J., Dissenting. February 11, 1987 the government performed
acts that would have been valid under the
Provisional Constitution but would otherwise
With due respect to the majority I register this
have been void under the 1987 Charter. I recall,
in particular, the appointments of some seven
Court of Appeals Justices, 71 provincial fiscals,
While I agree that the one-year deadline and 55 city fiscals the President reportedly
prescribed by Section 2, Article III of the extended on February 2, 1987. 1 Under Sections 8 (1) and 9, Article
Provisional Constitution with respect to the VIII, of the l987 Constitution, as follows:

tenure of government functionaries, as follows:

xxx xxx xxx
SECTION 2. All elective and
appointive officials and Sec. 8. (I)A Judicial and Bar
employees under the 1973 Council is hereby created under
Constitution shall continue in the supervision of the Supreme
office until otherwise provided Court composed of the Chief
by proclamation or executive Justice as ex officio Chairman,
order or upon the designation or the Secretary of Justice, and a
appointment and qualification of representative of the Congress
their successors, if such as ex oficio Members, a
appointment is made within a representative of the Integrated
Bar, a professor of law, a retired
Member of the Supreme Court, 16-17, 1976 and are therefore effective and in
and a representative of the full force and effect as of this date.
private sector.
It shall be noted that under Amendment No. 9 of
xxx xxx xxx the said 1976 amendments.

2Sec. 9. The Members of the These amendments shall take

Supreme Court and judges of effect after the incumbent
lower courts shall be appointed President shall have proclaimed
by the President from a list of at that they have been ratified by a
least three nominees prepared majority of the votes cast in the
by the Judicial and Bar Council referendum-plebiscite.
for every vacancy, Such
appointments need no On April 1, 1980, the then Chief Executive
confirmation. issued Proclamation no. 1959, "Proclaiming the
Ratification by the Filipino People of the
xxx xxx xxx Amendments of Section 7, Article X of the
Constitution" (lengthening the terms of office of
such appointments could be open to serious judges and justices). The Proclamation provides:
[t]he above-quoted amendment
Since 1973, moreover, we have invariably has been duly ratified by a
reckoned the effectivity of the Constitution as majority of the votes cast in the
well as the amendments thereto from the date it plebiscite held, together with the
is proclaimed ratified. election for local officials, on
January 30, 1980, and that said
In Magtoto v. Manguera, we held that the 1973
amendment is hereby declared
Constitution became in force and effect on to take effect immediately.
January 17, 1973, the date Proclamation No.
1102, "Announcing the Ratification by the It shall be noted that under Resolution No. 21,
Filipino People of the Constitution Proposed by dated December 18, 1979, the proposed
the 1971 Constitutional Convention," was amendment shall take effect on the date the
issued, although Mr. Justice, now Chief Justice, incumbent President/Prime Minister shall
Teehankee would push its effectivity date further proclaim its ratification.
to April 17, 1973, the date our decision
in Javellana v. Executive Secretary, became
On April 7, 1981, Proclamation No. 2077 was
final. And this was so notwithstanding Section issued "Proclaiming the Ratification in the
16, Article XVII, of the 1973 Constitution, thus: Plebiscite of April 7, 1981 of the Amendments to
the Constitution Embodied in Batas Pambansa
SEC. 16. This Constitution shall Blg. 122 and Declaring Them Therefore
take effect immediately upon its Effective and in Full Force and Effect." The
ratification by a majority of the Proclamation, in declaring the said amendments
votes cast in a plebiscite called duly approved, further declared them "[e]ffective
for the purpose and, except as and in full force and in effect as of the date of
herein provided, shall this Proclamation," It shall be noted, in this
supersede the Constitution of connection, that under Resolutions Nos. I and 2
nineteen-hundred and thirty- five of the Batasang Pambansa, Third Regular
and all amendments thereto. Session, Sitting as a Constituent Assembly,
which parented these amendments, the same:
On October 27, 1976, then President Marcos
promulgated Proclamation no. 1595, proclaiming ... shall become valid as part of
the ratification of the 1976 amendments the Constitution when approved
submitted in the plebiscite of October 16- 17, by a majority of the votes cast in
1976. The Proclamation states, inter alia, that. a plebiscite to be held pursuant
to Section 2, Article XVI of the
By virtue-of the powers vested in me by law, I
hereby proclaim all the amendments embodied
in this certificate as duly ratified by the Filipino On the other hand, Batas Pambansa Blg. 122,
people in the referendum — plebiscite held Oct. "An Act to Submit to the Filipino People, for
Ratification or Rejection, the Amendment to the
Constitution of the Philippines, Proposed by the adopted on September 18, 1946, was adopted
Batasang Pambansa, Sitting as a Constituent on April 9,1947. The April 9, 1947 Resolution
Assembly, in its Resolutions Numbered Three, makes no mention of a retroactive
Two, and One, and to Appropriate Funds application. Accordingly, when the incumbent
Therefore," provides, as follows: President (Mrs. Corazon C. Aquino) proclaimed
on February 11, 1987, at Malacanang Palace:
SEC. 7. The Commission on
Elections, sitting en banc, shad ... that the Constitution of the
canvass and proclaim the result Republic of the Philippines
of the plebiscite using the adopted by the Constitutional
certificates submitted to it, duly Commission of 1986, including
authenticated and certified by the Ordinance appended
the Board of Canvassers of thereto, has been duly ratified
each province or city. by the Filipino people and is
therefore effective and in full
We have, finally, Proclamation No. 2332, force and effect. 4

"Proclaiming the Ratification in the Plebiscite of

January 27, 1984, of the Amendments to the the 1987 Constitution, in point of fact, came into
Constitution Embodied in Batasang Pambansa force and effect, I hold that it took effect at no
Resolutions Nos. 104, 105, 110, 111, 112 and other time.
113." It states that the amendments:
I submit that our ruling in Ponsica v. Ignalaga in

....are therefore effective and in which we declared, in passing, that the new
full force and effect as of the Charter was ratified on February 2, 1987, does
date of this Proclamation. not in any way weaken this dissent. As I stated,
the remark was said in passing-we did not
It carries out Resolution no. 104 itself (as well as resolve the case on account of a categorical
Resolutions Nos. 110 and 112 and Section 9, holding that the 1987 Constitution came to life
Batas Blg. 643), which states, that: on February 2, 1987. In any event, if we did, I
now call for its re-examination.
The proposed amendments
shall take effect on the date the I am therefore of the opinion, consistent with the
President of the Philippines views expressed above, that the challenged
shall proclaim that they have dismissals done on February 8, 1987 were valid,
been ratified by a majority of the the 1987 Constitution not being then as yet in
votes cast in the plebiscite held force.
for the purpose, but not later
than three months from the Footnotes
approval of the amendments.
1 Topacio, Jr. vs. Pimentel G.R.
albeit Resolutions Nos. 105, 111, and 113 No. 73770, April 10, 1986.
provide, that:
2 Section 2, BP Blg. 222.
These amendments shall be valid as a part of
the Constitution when approved by a majority of 3 Article 11, Section 25 and
the votes cast in an election/plebiscite at which it Article X, Sections 1, 2, 14,
is submitted to the people for their ratification among others.
pursuant to Section 2 of Article XVI of the
Constitution, as amended.
4 Article X, Section 4.

That a Constitution or amendments thereto take

5 Section 3, BP Blg. 222.
effect upon proclamation of their ratification and
not at the time of the plebiscite is a view that is
not peculiar to the Marcos era. Teehankee, C.J., concurring:

The Resolution of Both Houses (of Congress) in 1 Volume Five, Record of the
Joint Session on the March 11, 1947 plebiscite Constitutional Commission
called pursuant to Republic Act No. 73 and the Proceedings and Debates,
Resolution of Both Houses (of Congress) pages 620-623; emphasis
2 The entire draft Constitution
was approved on October 12,
1986 forty forty-five votes in
favor and two against.

3 The seven Court of Appeals

Justices referred to are Justices
Alfredo L. Benipayo, Minerva G.
Reyes, Magdangal B. Elma,
Cecilio PE, Jesus Elbinias,
Nicolas Lapena Jr. and Justo P.
Torres, Jr., and their
appointments bear various
dates from January 9, 1987 to
January 31, 1987.

Sarmiento, J., dissenting:

1 Manila Bulletin, Feb. 3, 1987,

p. 1, cols. 6-7 Philippine Daily
Inquirer, Feb. 3,1987, p. 1, cot
1; Malaya, Feb. 3, 1987, p. 1,
col. 1.

2 Nos. 3720102 March 3, 1975,

63 SCRA 4 (1975).

3 Nos. L-36142, March 31,

1973, 50 SCRA 30 (1973).

4 Proclamation No. 58 (1987).

5 G.R. No. 72301.


G.R. No. L-26379 December 27, 1969 resolution of the specific question that confronts
us. We declare our stand in an unequivocal
WILLIAM C. REAGAN, ETC., petitioner, manner. The sale having taken place on what
vs. indisputably is Philippine territory, petitioner's
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL liability for the income tax due as a result thereof
REVENUE, respondent. was unavoidable. As the Court of Tax Appeals
reached a similar conclusion, we sustain its
Quasha, Asperilla, Blanco, Zafra and Tayag for decision now before us on appeal.
Office of the Solicitor General Antonio P. In the decision appealed from, the Court of Tax
Barredo, Assistant Solicitor General Felicisimo Appeals, after stating the nature of the case,
R. Rosete, Solicitor Lolita O. Gal-lang and started the recital of facts thus: "It appears that
Special Attorney Gamaliel H. Mantolino for petitioner, a citizen of the United States and an
respondent. employee of Bendix Radio, Division of Bendix
Aviation Corporation, which provides technical
FERNANDO, J.: assistance to the United States Air Force, was
assigned at Clark Air Base, Philippines, on or
about July 7, 1959 ... . Nine (9) months
A question novel in character, the answer to thereafter and before his tour of duty expired,
which has far-reaching implications, is raised by petitioner imported on April 22, 1960 a tax-free
petitioner William C. Reagan, at one time a 1960 Cadillac car with accessories valued at
civilian employee of an American corporation $6,443.83, including freight, insurance and other
providing technical assistance to the United charges."4 Then came the following: "On July 11,
States Air Force in the Philippines. He would 1960, more than two (2) months after the 1960
dispute the payment of the income tax assessed Cadillac car was imported into the Philippines,
on him by respondent Commissioner of Internal petitioner requested the Base Commander,
Revenue on an amount realized by him on a Clark Air Base, for a permit to sell the car, which
sale of his automobile to a member of the United was granted provided that the sale was made to
States Marine Corps, the transaction having a member of the United States Armed Forces or
taken place at the Clark Field Air Base at a citizen of the United States employed in the
Pampanga. It is his contention, seriously and U.S. military bases in the Philippines. On the
earnestly expressed, that in legal contemplation same date, July 11, 1960, petitioner sold his car
the sale was made outside Philippine territory for $6,600.00 to a certain Willie Johnson, Jr.
and therefore beyond our jurisdictional power to (Private first class), United States Marine Corps,
tax. Sangley Point, Cavite, Philippines, as shown by
a Bill of Sale . . . executed at Clark Air Base. On
Such a plea, far-fetched and implausible, on its the same date, Pfc. Willie (William) Johnson, Jr.
face betraying no kinship with reality, he would sold the car to Fred Meneses for P32,000.00 as
justify by invoking, mistakenly as will hereafter evidenced by a deed of sale executed in
be more fully shown an observation to that effect Manila."5
in a 1951 opinion, 1 petitioner ignoring that such
utterance was made purely as a flourish of As a result of the transaction thus made,
rhetoric and by way of emphasizing the decision respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
reached, that the trading firm as purchaser of after deducting the landed cost of the car as well
army goods must respond for the sales taxes as the personal exemption to which petitioner
due from an importer, as the American armed was entitled, fixed as his net taxable income
forces being exempt could not be taxed as such arising from such transaction the amount of
under the National Internal Revenue P17,912.34, rendering him liable for income tax
Code.2 Such an assumption, inspired by the in the sum of P2,979.00. After paying the sum,
commendable aim to render unavailing any he sought a refund from respondent claiming
attempt at tax evasion on the part of such that he was exempt, but pending action on his
vendee, found expression anew in a 1962 request for refund, he filed the case with the
decision,3 coupled with the reminder however, to Court of Tax Appeals seeking recovery of the
render the truth unmistakable, that "the areas sum of P2,979.00 plus the legal rate of interest.
covered by the United States Military Bases are
not foreign territories both in the political and
As noted in the appealed decision: "The only
geographical sense."
issue submitted for our resolution is whether or
not the said income tax of P2,979.00 was legally
As thus clarified, it is manifest that such a view collected by respondent for petitioner."6 After
amounts at most to a legal fiction and is discussing the legal issues raised, primarily the
moreover obiter. It certainly cannot control the contention that the Clark Air Base "in legal
contemplation, is a base outside the Philippines" Decisions coming from petitioner's native land,
the sale therefore having taken place on "foreign penned by jurists of repute, speak to that effect
soil", the Court of Tax Appeals found nothing with impressive unanimity. We start with the
objectionable in the assessment and thereafter citation from Chief Justice Marshall, announced
the payment of P2,979.00 as income tax and in the leading case of Schooner Exchange v.
denied the refund on the same. Hence, this M'Faddon,8 an 1812 decision: "The jurisdiction of
appeal predicated on a legal theory we cannot the nation within its own territory is necessarily
accept. Petitioner cannot make out a case for exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no
reversal. limitation not imposed by itself. Any restriction
upon it, deriving validity from an external source,
1. Resort to fundamentals is unavoidable to would imply a diminution of its sovereignty to the
place things in their proper perspective, extent of the restriction, and an investment of
petitioner apparently feeling justified in his that sovereignty to the same extent in that power
refusal to defer to basic postulates of which could impose such restriction." After which
constitutional and international law, induced no came this paragraph: "All exceptions, therefore,
doubt by the weight he would accord to the to the full and complete power of a nation within
observation made by this Court in the two its own territories, must be traced up to the
opinions earlier referred to. To repeat, scant consent of the nation itself. They can flow from
comfort, if at all is to be derived from such no other legitimate source."
an obiter dictum, one which is likewise far from
reflecting the fact as it is. Chief Justice Taney, in an 1857
decision,9 affirmed the fundamental principle of
Nothing is better settled than that the Philippines everyone within the territorial domain of a state
being independent and sovereign, its authority being subject to its commands: "For undoubtedly
may be exercised over its entire domain. There every person who is found within the limits of a
is no portion thereof that is beyond its power. government, whether the temporary purposes or
Within its limits, its decrees are supreme, its as a resident, is bound by its laws." It is no
commands paramount. Its laws govern therein, exaggeration then for Justice Brewer to stress
and everyone to whom it applies must submit to that the United States government "is one
its terms. That is the extent of its jurisdiction, having jurisdiction over every foot of soil within
both territorial and personal. Necessarily, its territory, and acting directly upon each
likewise, it has to be exclusive. If it were not [individual found therein]; . . ."10
thus, there is a diminution of its sovereignty.
Not too long ago, there was a reiteration of such
It is to be admitted that any state may, by its a view, this time from the pen of Justice Van
consent, express or implied, submit to a Devanter. Thus: "It now is settled in the United
restriction of its sovereign rights. There may thus States and recognized elsewhere that the
be a curtailment of what otherwise is a power territory subject to its jurisdiction includes the
plenary in character. That is the concept of land areas under its dominion and control the
sovereignty as auto-limitation, which, in the ports, harbors, bays, and other in closed arms of
succinct language of Jellinek, "is the property of the sea along its coast, and a marginal belt of
a state-force due to which it has the exclusive the sea extending from the coast line outward a
capacity of legal self-determination and self- marine league, or 3 geographic miles."11 He
restriction."7 A state then, if it chooses to, may could cite moreover, in addition to many
refrain from the exercise of what otherwise is American decisions, such eminent treatise-
illimitable competence. writers as Kent, Moore, Hyde, Wilson, Westlake,
Wheaton and Oppenheim.
Its laws may as to some persons found within its
territory no longer control. Nor does the matter As a matter of fact, the eminent commentator
end there. It is not precluded from allowing Hyde in his three-volume work on International
another power to participate in the exercise of Law, as interpreted and applied by the United
jurisdictional right over certain portions of its States, made clear that not even the embassy
territory. If it does so, it by no means follows that premises of a foreign power are to be
such areas become impressed with an alien considered outside the territorial domain of the
character. They retain their status as native soil. host state. Thus: "The ground occupied by an
They are still subject to its authority. Its embassy is not in fact the territory of the foreign
jurisdiction may be diminished, but it does not State to which the premises belong through
disappear. So it is with the bases under lease to possession or ownership. The lawfulness or
the American armed forces by virtue of the unlawfulness of acts there committed is
military bases agreement of 1947. They are not determined by the territorial sovereign. If an
and cannot be foreign territory. attache commits an offense within the precincts
of an embassy, his immunity from prosecution is In Saura Import and Export Co. v. Meer,14 the
not because he has not violated the local law, case above referred to, this Court affirmed a
but rather for the reason that the individual is decision rendered about seven months
exempt from prosecution. If a person not so previously,15 holding liable as an importer, within
exempt, or whose immunity is waived, similarly the contemplation of the National Internal
commits a crime therein, the territorial sovereign, Revenue Code provision, the trading firm that
if it secures custody of the offender, may subject purchased army goods from a United States
him to prosecution, even though its criminal government agency in the Philippines. It is easily
code normally does not contemplate the understandable why. If it were not thus, tax
punishment of one who commits an offense evasion would have been facilitated. The United
outside of the national domain. It is not believed, States forces that brought in such equipment
therefore, that an ambassador himself later disposed of as surplus, when no longer
possesses the right to exercise jurisdiction, needed for military purposes, was beyond the
contrary to the will of the State of his sojourn, reach of our tax statutes.
even within his embassy with respect to acts
there committed. Nor is there apparent at the Justice Tuason, who spoke for the Court,
present time any tendency on the part of States adhered to such a rationale, quoting extensively
to acquiesce in his exercise of it."12 from the earlier opinion. He could have stopped
there. He chose not to do so. The transaction
2. In the light of the above, the first and crucial having occurred in 1946, not so long after the
error imputed to the Court of Tax Appeals to the liberation of the Philippines, he proceeded to
effect that it should have held that the Clark Air discuss the role of the American military
Force is foreign soil or territory for purposes of contingent in the Philippines as a belligerent
income tax legislation is clearly without support occupant. In the course of such a dissertion,
in law. As thus correctly viewed, petitioner's drawing on his well-known gift for rhetoric and
hope for the reversal of the decision completely cognizant that he was making an as if statement,
fades away. There is nothing in the Military he did say: "While in army bases or installations
Bases Agreement that lends support to such an within the Philippines those goods were in
assertion. It has not become foreign soil or contemplation of law on foreign soil."
territory. This country's jurisdictional rights
therein, certainly not excluding the power to tax, It is thus evident that the first, and thereafter the
have been preserved. As to certain tax matters, controlling, decision as to the liability for sales
an appropriate exemption was provided for. taxes as an importer by the purchaser, could
have been reached without any need for such
Petitioner could not have been unaware that to expression as that given utterance by Justice
maintain the contrary would be to defy reality Tuason. Its value then as an authoritative
and would be an affront to the law. While his first doctrine cannot be as much as petitioner would
assigned error is thus worded, he would seek to mistakenly attach to it. It was clearly obiter not
impart plausibility to his claim by the ostensible being necessary for the resolution of the issue
invocation of the exemption clause in the before this Court.16 It was an opinion "uttered by
Agreement by virtue of which a "national of the the way."17 It could not then be controlling on the
United States serving in or employed in the question before us now, the liability of the
Philippines in connection with the construction, petitioner for income tax which, as announced at
maintenance, operation or defense of the bases the opening of this opinion, is squarely raised for
and residing in the Philippines only by reason of the first time.18
such employment" is not to be taxed on his
income unless "derived from Philippine source On this point, Chief Justice Marshall could again
or sources other than the United States be listened to with profit. Thus: "It is a maxim,
sources."13 The reliance, to repeat, is more not to be disregarded, that general expressions,
apparent than real for as noted at the outset of in every opinion, are to be taken in connection
this opinion, petitioner places more faith not on with the case in which those expressions are
the language of the provision on exemption but used. If they go beyond the case, they may be
on a sentiment given expression in a 1951 respected, but ought not to control the judgment
opinion of this Court, which would be made to in a subsequent suit when the very point is
yield such an unwarranted interpretation at war presented for decision."19
with the controlling constitutional and
international law principles. At any rate, even if
Nor did the fact that such utterance of Justice
such a contention were more adequately Tuason was cited in Co Po v. Collector of
pressed and insisted upon, it is on its face Internal Revenue,20 a 1962 decision relied upon
devoid of merit as the source clearly was
by petitioner, put a different complexion on the
matter. Again, it was by way of pure
embellishment, there being no need to repeat it, The conclusion is thus irresistible that the crucial
to reach the conclusion that it was the purchaser error assigned, the only one that calls for
of army goods, this time from military bases, that discussion to the effect that for income tax
must respond for the advance sales taxes as purposes the Clark Air Force Base is outside
importer. Again, the purpose that animated the Philippine territory, is utterly without merit. So we
reiteration of such a view was clearly to have said earlier.
emphasize that through the employment of such
a fiction, tax evasion is precluded. What is more, 3. To impute then to the statement of Justice
how far divorced from the truth was such Tuason the meaning that petitioner would fasten
statement was emphasized by Justice Barrera, on it is, to paraphrase Frankfurter, to be guilty of
who penned the Co Po opinion, thus: "It is true succumbing to the vice of literalness. To so
that the areas covered by the United States conclude is, whether by design or inadvertence,
Military Bases are not foreign territories both in to misread it. It certainly is not susceptible of the
the political and geographical sense."21 mischievous consequences now sought to be
fastened on it by petitioner.
Justice Tuason moreover made explicit that
rather than corresponding with reality, what was That it would be fraught with such peril to the
said by him was in the way of a legal fiction. enforcement of our tax statutes on the military
Note his stress on "in contemplation of law." To bases under lease to the American armed forces
lend further support to a conclusion already could not have been within the contemplation of
announced, being at that a confirmation of what Justice Tuason. To so attribute such a bizarre
had been arrived at in the earlier case, consequence is to be guilty of a grave disservice
distinguished by its sound appreciation of the to the memory of a great jurist. For his real and
issue then before this Court and to preclude any genuine sentiment on the matter in consonance
tax evasion, an observation certainly not to be with the imperative mandate of controlling
taken literally was thus given utterance. constitutional and international law concepts was
categorically set forth by him, not as
This is not to say that it should have been an obiter but as the rationale of the decision,
ignored altogether afterwards. It could be utilized in People v. Acierto24 thus: "By the [Military
again, as it undoubtedly was, especially so for Bases] Agreement, it should be noted, the
the purpose intended, namely to stigmatize as Philippine Government merely consents that the
without support in law any attempt on the part of United States exercise jurisdiction in certain
a taxpayer to escape an obligation incumbent cases. The consent was given purely as a
upon him. So it was quoted with that end in view matter of comity, courtesy, or expediency over
in the Co Po case. It certainly does not justify the bases as part of the Philippine territory or
any effort to render futile the collection of a tax divested itself completely of jurisdiction over
legally due, as here. That was farthest from the offenses committed therein."
thought of Justice Tuason.
Nor did he stop there. He did stress further the
What is more, the statement on its face is, to full extent of our territorial jurisdiction in words
repeat, a legal fiction. This is not to discount the that do not admit of doubt. Thus: "This provision
uses of a fictio juris in the science of the law. It is not and can not on principle or authority be
was Cardozo who pointed out its value as a construed as a limitation upon the rights of the
device "to advance the ends of justice" although Philippine Government. If anything, it is an
at times it could be "clumsy" and even emphatic recognition and reaffirmation of
"offensive".22 Certainly, then, while far from Philippine sovereignty over the bases and of the
objectionable as thus enunciated, this truth that all jurisdictional rights granted to the
observation of Justice Tuason could be misused United States and not exercised by the latter are
or misconstrued in a clumsy manner to reach an reserved by the Philippines for itself."25
offensive result. To repeat, properly used, a
legal fiction could be relied upon by the law, as It is in the same spirit that we approach the
Frankfurter noted, in the pursuit of legitimate specific question confronting us in this litigation.
ends.23 Petitioner then would be well-advised to We hold, as announced at the outset, that
take to heart such counsel of care and petitioner was liable for the income tax arising
circumspection before invoking not a legal fiction from a sale of his automobile in the Clark Field
that would avoid a mockery of the law by Air Base, which clearly is and cannot otherwise
avoiding tax evasion but what clearly is a be other than, within our territorial jurisdiction to
misinterpretation thereof, leading to results that tax.
would have shocked its originator.


4. With the mist thus lifted from the situation as it 8
7 Cranch 116, 136.
truly presents itself, there is nothing that stands
in the way of an affirmance of the Court of Tax 9
Brown v. Duchesne, 19 How. 183, 194.
Appeals decision. No useful purpose would be
served by discussing the other assigned errors, 10
In re Debs. 158 US 564 (1894).
petitioner himself being fully aware that if the
Clark Air Force Base is to be considered, as it
ought to be and as it is, Philippine soil or Cunard Steamship Co. v. Mellon, 262

territory, his claim for exemption from the income US 100 (1922).
tax due was distinguished only by its futility.
2 Hyde, International Law Chiefly as
There is further satisfaction in finding ourselves Interpreted and Applied by the United
unable to indulge petitioner in his plea for States, pp. 1285-1286 (1947).
reversal. We thus manifest fealty to a
pronouncement made time and time again that 13
Act XII of the Military Bases
the law does not look with favor on tax Agreement, par. 2, reads: "No national
exemptions and that he who would seek to be of the United States serving in or
thus privileged must justify it by words too plain employed in the Philippines in
to be mistaken and too categorical to be connection with the construction,
misinterpreted.26 Petitioner had not done so. maintenance, operation or defense of
Petitioner cannot do so. the bases and residing in the Philippines
by reason only of such employment, or
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Tax his spouse and minor children and
Appeals of May 12, 1966 denying the refund of dependent parents of either spouse,
P2,979.00 as the income tax paid by petitioner is shall be liable to pay income tax in the
affirmed. With costs against petitioner. Philippines except in respect of income
derived from Philippine source or
sources other than the United States
Concepcion, C.J., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar,
sources." (1 Philippine Treaty Series,
Sanchez, Castro and Teehankee, JJ., concur.
357, 362 [1968]).

Reyes, J.B.L., J., concurs in the result. 14

88 Phil. 199 (1951).

Barredo, J., took no part. 15

Go Cheng Tee v. Meer, 87 Phil. 18

Uy Po v. Collector of Customs, 34

Phil. 153 (1916); Morales v. Paredes, 55

Footnotes Phil. 565 (1930); Abad v. Carganillo
Vda. de Yance, 95 Phil. 51 (1954).
Saura Import and Export Co. v. Meer,
88 Phil. 199, 202 affirming Go Cheng 17
People v. Macadaeg, 91 Phil. 410
Tee v. Meer, 87 Phil. 18 (1950). (1952).
Sec. 186, National Internal Revenue Cf. de los Reyes v. de Villa, 48 Phil.

Code. 227 (1925).

Co Po v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 19
6 Wheat, 264, 399 (1821) reiterated in
5 SCRA 1057. Myers v. United States, 272 US 52,
(1926). Cf. Northern Nat. Bank. v. Porter
Decision, Annex 4, Brief for Petitioner- Township, 110 US 608 (1884);
Appellant, pp. 20-21. Weyerhaeuser v. Hoyt, 219 US 380
(1911); Osaka Shosen Kaisha Line v.
Ibid., p. 21. United States, 300 US 98; Wright v.
United States, 302 US 583 (1938);
Ibid., p. 23. Green v. United States, 355 US 184
Jellinek as quoted in Cohen, Recent
Theories of Sovereignty, p. 35 (1937).
25 SCRA 1057.


Ibid., p. 1059.

Cardozo, The Paradoxes of Legal


Science, 34 (1928).

Nashville C. St. Louis Ry v. Browning,


310 US 362 (1940).

92 Phil. 534, 542 (1953).

Ibid., p. 534.

Cf. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
v. Guerrero, 21 SCRA 180 (1967) and
the cases therein cited. See also E.
Rodriguez, Inc. v. Collector of Internal
Revenue, 28 SCRA 1119 (1969).


EN BANC of government are exercised throughout the Philippine Islands,
including, save as the contrary appears from the context, the
[G.R. No. L-9657. November 29, 1956.] various arms through which political authority is made effective in
LEOPOLDO T. BACANI and MATEO A. MATOTO, Plaintiffs- said Islands, whether pertaining to the central Government or to
Appellees, vs. NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORATION, ET the provincial or municipal branches or other form of local
AL., Defendants, NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORATION and government.”
BOARD OF LIQUIDATORS, Defendants-Appellants. The question now to be determined is whether the National
Coconut Corporation may be considered as included in the term
“Government of the Republic of the Philippines” for the purposes
DECISION of the exemption of the legal fees provided for in Rule 130 of the
Rules of Court.
As may be noted, the term “Government of the Republic of the
Plaintiffs herein are court stenographers assigned in Branch VI of
Philippines” refers to a government entity through which the
the Court of First Instance of Manila. During the pendency of Civil
functions of government are exercised, including the various arms
Case No. 2293 of said court, entitled Francisco Sycip vs. National
through which political authority is made effective in the
Coconut Corporation, Assistant Corporate Counsel Federico
Philippines, whether pertaining to the central government or to
Alikpala, counsel for Defendant, requested said stenographers for
the provincial or municipal branches or other form of local
copies of the transcript of the stenographic notes taken by them
government. This requires a little digression on the nature and
during the hearing. Plaintiffs complied with the request by
functions of our government as instituted in our Constitution.
delivering to Counsel Alikpala the needed transcript containing
714 pages and thereafter submitted to him their bills for the To begin with, we state that the term “Government” may be
payment of their fees. The National Coconut Corporation paid the defined as “that institution or aggregate of institutions by which
amount of P564 to Leopoldo T. Bacani and P150 to Mateo A. an independent society makes and carries out those rules of
Matoto for said transcript at the rate of P1 per page. action which are necessary to enable men to live in a social state,
or which are imposed upon the people forming that society by
Upon inspecting the books of this corporation, the Auditor
those who possess the power or authority of prescribing them”
General disallowed the payment of these fees and sought the
(U.S. vs. Dorr, 2 Phil., 332). This institution, when referring to the
recovery of the amounts paid. On January 19, 1953, the Auditor
national government, has reference to what our Constitution has
General required the Plaintiffs to reimburse said amounts on the
established composed of three great departments, the legislative,
strength of a circular of the Department of Justice wherein the
executive, and the judicial, through which the powers and
opinion was expressed that the National Coconut Corporation,
functions of government are exercised. These functions are
being a government entity, was exempt from the payment of the
twofold: constitute and ministrant. The former are those
fees in question. On February 6, 1954, the Auditor General issued

which constitute the very bonds of society and are compulsory in

an order directing the Cashier of the Department of Justice to
nature; the latter are those that are undertaken only by way of
deduct from the salary of Leopoldo T. Bacani the amount of P25
chan robl esvirtualawlibrary

advancing the general interests of society, and are merely

every payday and from the salary of Mateo A. Matoto the amount
optional. President Wilson enumerates the constituent functions
of P10 every payday beginning March 30, 1954. To prevent
as follows:
deduction of these fees from their salaries and secure a judicial
chanr oblesvirtuallawlibrary

ruling that the National Coconut Corporation is not a government “‘(1) The keeping of order and providing for the protection of
entity within the purview of section 16, Rule 130 of the Rules of persons and property from violence and robbery.
Court, this action was instituted in the Court of First Instance of
Manila. ‘(2) The fixing of the legal relations between man and wife and
between parents and children.
Defendants set up as a defense that the National Coconut
Corporation is a government entity within the purview of section ‘(3) The regulation of the holding, transmission, and interchange
2 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1917 and, hence, it is of property, and the determination of its liabilities for debt or for
exempt from paying the stenographers’ fees under Rule 130 of crime.
the Rules of Court. After trial, the court found for ‘(4) The determination of contract rights between individuals.
the Plaintiffs declaring (1) “that Defendant National Coconut
Corporation is not a government entity within the purview of ‘(5) The definition and punishment of crime.
section 16, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court; (2) that the chan roblesvirtualawlibrary

payments already made by said Defendant to Plaintiffs herein and ‘(6) The administration of justice in civil cases.
received by the latter from the former in the total amount of ‘(7) The determination of the political duties, privileges, and
P714, for copies of the stenographic transcripts in question, are relations of citizens.
valid, just and legal; and (3) that Plaintiffs are under no
chan roblesvirtualawlibrary

obligation whatsoever to make a refund of these payments ‘(8) Dealings of the state with foreign powers: the cha nroblesvirtuallawlibrary

already received by them.” This is an appeal from said decision. preservation of the state from external danger or encroachment
and the advancement of its international interests.’“ (Malcolm,
Under section 16, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, the Government The Government of the Philippine Islands, p. 19.)
of the Philippines is exempt from paying the legal fees provided
for therein, and among these fees are those which stenographers The most important of the ministrant functions are: public cha nroble svirtuallawlibrary

may charge for the transcript of notes taken by them that may be works, public education, public charity, health and safety
requested by any interested person (section 8). The fees in regulations, and regulations of trade and industry. The principles
question are for the transcript of notes taken during the hearing deter mining whether or not a government shall exercise certain
of a case in which the National Coconut Corporation is interested, of these optional functions are: (1) that a government should
cha nroble svirtuallawlibrary

and the transcript was requested by its assistant corporate do for the public welfare those things which private capital would
counsel for the use of said corporation. not naturally undertake and (2) that a government should do
these things which by its very nature it is better equipped to
On the other hand, section 2 of the Revised Administrative Code administer for the public welfare than is any private individual or
defines the scope of the term “Government of the Republic of the group of individuals. (Malcolm, The Government of the Philippine
Philippines” as follows:

Islands, pp. 19-20.)

“‘The Government of the Philippine Islands’ is a term which refers
to the corporate governmental entity through which the functions
From the above we may infer that, strictly speaking, there are and limited signification, it embraces only incorporated villages,
functions which our government is required to exercise to towns and cities. Dunn vs. Court of County Revenues, 85 Ala. 144,
promote its objectives as expressed in our Constitution and which 146, 4 So. 661.” (McQuillin, Municipal Corporations, 2nd ed., Vol.
are exercised by it as an attribute of sovereignty, and those which 1, p. 385.)
it may exercise to promote merely the welfare, progress and
prosperity of the people. To this latter class belongs the “We may, therefore, define a municipal corporation in its
organization of those corporations owned or controlled by the historical and strict sense to be the incorporation, by the authority
government to promote certain aspects of the economic life of of the government, of the inhabitants of a particular place or
our people such as the National Coconut Corporation. These are district, and authorizing them in their corporate capacity to
what we call government-owned or controlled corporations which exercise subordinate specified powers of legislation and
may take on the form of a private enterprise or one organized regulation with respect to their local and internal concerns. This
with powers and formal characteristics of a private corporations power of local government is the distinctive purpose and the
under the Corporation Law. distinguishing feature of a municipal corporation proper.” (Dillon,
Municipal Corporations, 5th ed., Vol. I, p. 59.)
The question that now arises is: Does the fact that these
cha nroble svirtuallawlibrary

corporation perform certain functions of government make them It is true that under section 8, Rule 130, stenographers may only
a part of the Government of the Philippines? charge as fees P0.30 for each page of transcript of not less than
200 words before the appeal is taken and P0.15 for each page
The answer is simple: they do not acquire that status for the
chanr oblesvirtuallawlibrary after the filing of the appeal, but in this case the National Coconut
simple reason that they do not come under the classification of Corporation has agreed and in fact has paid P1.00 per page for the
municipal or public corporation. Take for instance the National services rendered by the Plaintiffs and has not raised any
Coconut Corporation. While it was organized with the purpose of objection to the amount paid until its propriety was disputed by
“adjusting the coconut industry to a position independent of trade the Auditor General. The payment of the fees in question became
preferences in the United States” and of providing “Facilities for therefore contractual and as such is valid even if it goes beyond
the better curing of copra products and the proper utilization of the limit prescribed in section 8, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
coconut by-products”, a function which our government has
chosen to exercise to promote the coconut industry, however, it As regards the question of procedure raised by Appellants, suffice
was given a corporate power separate and distinct from our it to say that the same is insubstantial, considering that this case
government, for it was made subject to the provisions of our refers not to a money claim disapproved by the Auditor General
Corporation Law in so far as its corporate existence and the but to an action of prohibition the purpose of which is to restrain
powers that it may exercise are concerned (sections 2 and 4, the officials concerned from deducting from Plaintiffs’ salaries the
Commonwealth Act No. 518). It may sue and be sued in the same amount paid to them as stenographers’ fees. This case does not
manner as any other private corporations, and in this sense it is an come under section 1, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court relative to
entity different from our government. As this Court has aptly said, appeals from a decision of the Auditor General.
“The mere fact that the Government happens to be a majority Wherefore, the decision appealed from is affirmed, without
stockholder does not make it a public corporation” (National Coal pronouncement as to costs.
Co. vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, 46 Phil., 586-587). “By
becoming a stockholder in the National Coal Company, the Paras, C.J., Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor, Labrador,
Government divested itself of its sovereign character so far as Concepcion, Reyes, J. B. L., Endencia and Felix, JJ., concur.
respects the transactions of the corporation . Unlike the cralaw

Government, the corporation may be sued without its consent,

and is subject to taxation. Yet the National Coal Company remains
an agency or instrumentality of government.” (Government of the
Philippine Islands vs. Springer, 50 Phil., 288.)
To recapitulate, we may mention that the term “Government of
the Republic of the Philippines” used in section 2 of the Revised
Administrative Code refers only to that government entity
through which the functions of the government are exercised as
an attribute of sovereignty, and in this are included those arms
through which political authority is made effective whether they
be provincial, municipal or other form of local government. These
are what we call municipal corporations. They do not include
government entities which are given a corporate personality
separate and distinct from the government and which are
governed by the Corporation Law. Their powers, duties and
liabilities have to be determined in the light of that law and of
their corporate charters. They do not therefore come within the
exemption clause prescribed in section 16, Rule 130 of our Rules
of Court.
“Public corporations are those formed or organized for the
government of a portion of the State.” (Section 3, Republic Act
No. 1459, Corporation Law).
“‘The generally accepted definition of a municipal corporation
would only include organized cities and towns, and like
organizations, with political and legislative powers for the local,
civil government and police regulations of the inhabitants of the
particular district included in the boundaries of the corporation.’
Heller vs. Stremmel, 52 Mo. 309, 312.”
“In its more general sense the phrase ‘municipal corporation’ may
include both towns and counties, and other public corporations
created by government for political purposes. In its more common
EN BANC ACCFA. A few months thereafter, the Unions
started protesting against alleged violations and
G.R. No. L-21484 November 29, 1969 non-implementation of said agreement. Finally,
on October 25, 1962 the Unions declared a
THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT and strike, which was ended when the strikers
COOPERATIVE FINANCING voluntarily returned to work on November 26,
ADMINISTRATION (ACCFA), petitioner, 1962.
ACCFA SUPERVISORS' ASSOCIATION, On October 30, 1962 the Unions, together with
ACCFA WORKERS' ASSOCIATION, and THE its mother union, the Confederation of Unions in
COURT OF INDUSTRIAL Government Corporations and Offices
RELATIONS, respondents. (CUGCO), filed a complaint with the Court of
Industrial Relations against the ACCFA (Case
Deogracias E. Lerma and Esmeraldo U. Guloy No. 3450-ULP) for having allegedly committed
for petitioner Agricultural Credit and Cooperative acts of unfair labor practice, namely: violation of
Financing Administration. the collective bargaining agreement in order to
Office of the Agrarian Counsel, Department of discourage the members of the Unions in the
Justice for petitioner Agricultural Credit exercise of their right to self-organization,
Administration discrimination against said members in the
J. C. Espinas and Associates for respendents matter of promotions, and refusal to bargain.
Confederation of Unions in Government The ACCFA denied the charges and interposed
Corporations Offices, et al. Mariano B. Tuason as affirmative and special defenses lack of
for respondent Court of Industrial Relations. jurisdiction of the CIR over the case, illegality of
the bargaining contract, expiration of said
contract and lack of approval by the office of the
MAKALINTAL, J.: President of the fringe benefits provided for
therein. Brushing aside the foregoing defenses,
These are two separate appeals by certiorari the CIR in its decision dated March 25, 1963
from the decision dated March 25, 1963 (G.R. ordered the ACCFA:
No. L-21484) and the order dated May 21, 1964
(G.R. No. L-23605) as affirmed by the 1. To cease and desist from committing
resolutions en banc, of the Court of Industrial further acts tending to discourage the
Relations, in Cases Nos. 3450-ULP and 1327- members of complainant unions in the
MC, respectively. The parties, except the exercise of their right to self-
Confederation of Unions in Government organization;
Corporations and Offices (CUGCO), being
practically the same and the principal issues
2. To comply with and implement the
involved related, only one decision is now
provision of the collective bargaining
rendered in these two cases.
contract executed on September 4,
1961, including the payment of P30.00 a
The Agricultural Credit and Cooperative month living allowance;
Financing Administration (ACCFA) was a
government agency created under Republic Act
3. To bargain in good faith and
No. 821, as amended. Its administrative
expeditiously with the herein
machinery was reorganized and its name
changed to Agricultural Credit Administration complainants.
(ACA) under the Land Reform Code (Republic
Act No. 3844). On the other hand, the ACCFA The ACCFA moved to reconsider but was turned
Supervisors' Association (ASA) and the ACCFA down in a resolution dated April 25, 1963 of the
Workers' Association (AWA), hereinafter CIR en banc. Thereupon it brought this appeal
referred to as the Unions, are labor by certiorari.
organizations composed of the supervisors and
the rank-and-file employees, respectively, in the The ACCFA raises the following issues in its
ACCFA (now ACA). petition, to wit:

G.R. No. L-21484 1. Whether or not the respondent court

has jurisdiction over this case, which in
On September 4, 1961 a collective bargaining turn depends on whether or not ACCFA
agreement, which was to be effective for a exercised governmental or proprietary
period of one (1) year from July 1, 1961, was functions.
entered into by and between the Unions and the
2. Whether or not the collective bargaining units" and that only the legal issues
bargaining agreement between the raised would be submitted for the resolution of
petitioner and the respondent union is the trial Court.
valid; if valid, whether or not it has
already lapsed; and if not, whether or Finding the remaining grounds for ACA's
not its (sic) fringe benefits are already opposition to the petition to be without merit, the
enforceable. trial Court in its order dated May 21, 1964
certified "the ACCFA Workers' Association and
3. Whether or not there is a legal and/or the ACCFA Supervisors' Association as the sole
factual basis for the finding of the and exclusive bargaining representatives of the
respondent court that the petitioner had rank-and-file employees and supervisors,
committed acts of unfair labor practice. respectively, of the Agricultural Credit
Administration." Said order was affirmed by the
4. Whether or not it is within the CIR en banc in its resolution dated August 24,
competence of the court to enforce the 1964.
collective bargaining agreement
between the petitioner and the On October 2, 1964 the ACA filed in this Court a
respondent unions, the same having petition for certiorari with urgent motion to stay
already expired. the CIR order of May 21, 1964. In a resolution
dated October 6, 1964, this Court dismissed the
G.R. No. L-23605 petition for "lack of adequate allegations," but
the dismissal was later reconsidered when the
ACA complied with the formal requirement
During the pendency of the above mentioned
case (G.R. No. L-21484), specifically on August stated in said resolution. As prayed for, this
Court ordered the CIR to stay the execution of
8, 1963, the President of the Philippines signed
its order of May 21, 1964.
into law the Agricultural Land Reform Code
(Republic Act No. 3844), which among other
things required the reorganization of the In this appeal, the ACA in effect challenges the
administrative machinery of the Agricultural jurisdiction of the CIR to entertain the petition of
Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration the Unions for certification election on the
(ACCFA) and changed its name to Agricultural ground that it (ACA) is engaged in governmental
Credit Administration (ACA). On March 17, 1964 functions. The Unions join the issue on this
the ACCFA Supervisors' Association and the single point, contending that the ACA forms
ACCFA Workers' Association filed a petition for proprietary functions.
certification election with the Court of Industrial
Relations (Case No. 1327-MC) praying that they Under Section 3 of the Agricultural Land Reform
be certified as the exclusive bargaining agents Code the ACA was established, among other
for the supervisors and rank-and-file employees, governmental agencies,1 to extend credit and
respectively, in the ACA. The trial Court in its similar assistance to agriculture, in pursuance of
order dated March 30, 1964 directed the the policy enunciated in Section 2 as follows:
Manager or Officer-in-Charge of the ACA to
allow the posting of said order "for the SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is the
information of all employees and workers policy of the State:
thereof," and to answer the petition. In
compliance therewith, the ACA, while admitting (1) To establish owner-cultivatorships
most of the allegations in the petition, denied
and the economic family-size farm as
that the Unions represented the majority of the
the basis of Philippine agriculture and,
supervisors and rank-and-file workers,
as a consequence, divert landlord
respectively, in the ACA. It further alleged that
capital in agriculture to industrial
the petition was premature, that the ACA was development;
not the proper party to be notified and to answer
the petition, and that the employees and
supervisors could not lawfully become members (2) To achieve a dignified existence for
of the Unions, nor be represented by them. the small farmers free from pernicious
However, in a joint manifestation of the Unions institutional restraints and practices;
dated May 7, 1964, with the conformity of the
ACA Administrator and of the Agrarian Counsel (3) To create a truly viable social and
in his capacity as such and as counsel for the economic structure in agriculture
National Land Reform Council, it was agreed conducive to greater productivity and
"that the union petitioners in this case represent higher farm incomes;
the majority of the employees in their respective
(4) To apply all labor laws equally and cause, fails to obey such subpoena or
without discrimination to both industrial subpoena duces tecum shall, upon
and agricultural wage earners; application of the head of Agricultural
Credit Administration with the proper
(5) To provide a more vigorous and court, be liable to punishment for
systematic land resettlement program contempt in the manner provided by law
and public land distribution; and and if he is an officer of the Association,
to suspension or removal from office.
(6) To make the small farmers more
independent, self-reliant and responsible SEC. 114. Prosecution of officials. —
citizens, and a source of genuine The Agricultural Credit Administration,
strength in our democratic society. through the appropriate provincial or city
fiscal, shall have the power to file and
The implementation of the policy thus prosecute any and all actions which it
may have against any and all officials or
enunciated, insofar as the role of the ACA
employees of farmers' cooperatives
therein is concerned, is spelled out in Sections
arising from misfeasance or
110 to 118, inclusive, of the Land Reform Code.
malfeasance in office.
Section 110 provides that "the administrative
machinery of the ACCFA shall be reorganized to
enable it to align its activities with the SEC. 115. Free Notarial Service. — Any
requirements and objective of this Code and justice of the peace, in his capacity as
shall be known as the Agricultural Credit notary ex-officio, shall render service
Administration." Under Section 112 the sum of free of charge to any person applying for
P150,000,000 was appropriated out of national a loan under this Code either in
funds to finance the additional credit functions of administering the oath or in the
the ACA as a result of the land reform program acknowledgment of instruments relating
laid down in the Code. Section 103 grants the to such loan.
ACA the privilege of rediscounting with the
Central Bank, the Development Bank of the SEC. 116. Free Registration of Deeds.
Philippines and the Philippine National Bank. — Any register of deeds shall accept for
Section 105 directs the loaning activities of the registration, free of charge any
ACA "to stimulate the development of farmers' instrument relative to a loan made under
cooperatives," including those "relating to the this Code.
production and marketing of agricultural
products and those formed to manage and/or SEC. 117. Writing-off Unsecured and
own, on a cooperative basis, services and Outstanding Loans. — Subject to the
facilities, such as irrigation and transport approval of the President upon
systems, established to support production recommendation of the Auditor General,
and/or marketing of agricultural products." the Agricultural Credit Administration
Section 106 deals with the extension by ACA of may write-off from its books, unsecured
credit to small farmers in order to stimulate and outstanding loans and accounts
agricultural production. Sections 107 to 112 lay receivable which may become
down certain guidelines to be followed in uncollectible by reason of the death or
connection with the granting of loans, such as disappearance of the debtor, should
security, interest and supervision of credit. there be no visible means of collecting
Sections 113 to 118, inclusive, invest the ACA the same in the foreseeable future, or
with certain rights and powers not accorded to where the debtor has been verified to
non-governmental entities, thus: have no income or property whatsoever
with which to effect payment. In all
SEC. 113. Auditing of Operations. — cases, the writing-off shall be after five
For the effective supervision of farmers' years from the date the debtor defaults.
cooperatives, the head of the
Agricultural Credit Administration shall SEC. 118. Exemption from Duties,
have the power to audit their operations, Taxes and Levies. — The Agricultural
records and books of account and to Credit Administration is hereby
issue subpoena and subpoena duces exempted from the payment of all
tecum to compel the attendance of duties, taxes, levies, and fees, including
witnesses and the production of books, docket and sheriff's fees, of whatever
documents and records in the conduct nature or kind, in the performance of its
of such audit or of any inquiry into their
affairs. Any person who, without lawful
functions and in the exercise of its 3844 is most certainly a governmental, not a
powers hereunder. proprietary, function; and for that purpose
Executive Order No. 75 has placed the ACA
The power to audit the operations of farmers' under the Land Reform Project Administration
cooperatives and otherwise inquire into their together with the other member agencies, the
affairs, as given by Section 113, is in the nature personnel complement of all of which are placed
of the visitorial power of the sovereign, which in one single pool and made available for
only a government agency specially delegated to assignment from one agency to another, subject
do so by the Congress may legally exercise. only to Civil Service laws, rules and regulations,
position classification and wage structures.
On March 19, 1964 Executive Order No. 75 was
promulgated. It is entitled: "Rendering in Full The appointing authority in respect of the
Force and Effect the Plan of Reorganization officials and employees of the ACA is the
Proposed by the Special Committee on President of the Philippines, as stated in a 1st
Reorganization of Agencies for Land Reform for indorsement by his office to the Chairman of the
the Administrative Machinery of the Agricultural National Reform Council dated May 22, 1964, as
Land Reform Code," and contains the following follows:
pertinent provisions:
Appointments of officials and employees
Section 3. The Land Reform Project of the National Land Reform Council
Administration2 shall be considered a and its agencies may be made only by
single organization and the personnel the President, pursuant to the provisions
complement of the member agencies of Section 79(D) of the Revised
including the legal officers of the Office Administrative Code. In accordance with
of the Agrarian Counsel which shall the policy and practice, such
provide legal services to the LRPA shall appointments should be prepared for the
be regarded as one personnel pool from signature of the Executive Secretary,
which the requirements of the "By Authority ofthe President".3
operations shall be drawn and subject
only to the civil service laws, rules and When the Agricultural Reform Code was being
regulations, persons from one agency considered by the Congress, the nature of the
may be freely assigned to positions in ACA was the subject of the following exposition
another agency within the LRPA when on the Senate floor:
the interest of the service so demands.
Senator Tolentino: . . . . "The ACA is not
Section 4. The Land Reform Project going to be a profit making institution. It
Administration shall be considered as is supposed to be a public service of the
one organization with respect to the government to the lessees and farmer-
standardization of job descriptions owners of the lands that may be bought
position classification and wage and after expropriation from owners. It is the
salary structures to the end that government here that is the lender. The
positions involving the same or government should not exact a higher
equivalent qualifications and equal interest than what we are telling a
responsibilities and effort shall have the private landowner now in his relation to
same remuneration. his tenants if we give to their farmers a
higher rate of interest . . . ." (pp. 17 &
Section 5. The Civil Service laws, rules 18, Senate Journal No. 16, July 3, 1963)
and regulations with respect to
promotions, particularly in the The reason is obvious, to pinpoint responsibility
consideration of person next in rank, for many losses in the government, in order to
shall be made applicable to the Land avoid irresponsible lending of government
Reform Project Administration as a money — to pinpoint responsibility for many
single agency so that qualified losses . . . .
individuals in one member agency must
be considered in considering promotion Senator Manglapus: ". . . But assuming
to higher positions in another member that hypothesis, that is the reason why
agency. we are appropriating P150,000,000.00
for the Agricultural Credit Administration
The implementation of the land reform program which will go to intensified credit
of the government according to Republic Act No.
operations on the barrio level . . ." (p. 3, boundaries and to be absorbed within activities
Senate Journal No. 7). that the government must undertake in its
sovereign capacity if it is to meet the increasing
That it is the reason why we are providing for the social challenges of the times. Here as almost
expansion of the ACCFA and the weeding out of everywhere else the tendency is undoubtedly
the cooperative activity of the ACCFA and towards a greater socialization of economic
turning this over to the Agricultural Productivity forces. Here of course this development was
Commission, so that the Agricultural Credit envisioned, indeed adopted as a national policy,
Administration will concentrate entirely on the by the Constitution itself in its declaration of
facilitation of credit on the barrio level with the principle concerning the promotion of social
massive support of 150 million provided by the justice.
government. . . . (pp. 4 & 5 of Senate Journal
No. 7, July 3, 1963) It was in furtherance of such policy that the Land
Reform Code was enacted and the various
. . . But by releasing them from this situation, we agencies, the ACA among them, established to
feel that we are putting them in a much better carry out its purposes. There can be no dispute
condition than that in which they are found by as to the fact that the land reform program
providing them with a business-like way of contemplated in the said Code is beyond the
obtaining credit, not depending on a paternalistic capabilities of any private enterprise to translate
system but one which is business-like — that is into reality. It is a purely governmental function,
to say, a government office, which on the barrio no less than, say, the establishment and
level will provide them that credit directly . . . . (p. maintenance of public schools and public
40, Senate Journal No. 7, July 3, 1963) hospitals. And when, aside from the
(emphasis supplied). governmental objectives of the ACA, geared as
they are to the implementation of the land reform
program of the State, the law itself declares that
The considerations set forth above militate quite
the ACA is a government office, with the
strongly against the recognition of collective
formulation of policies, plans and programs
bargaining powers in the respondent Unions
vested no longer in a Board of Governors, as in
within the context of Republic Act No. 875, and
hence against the grant of their basic petition for the case of the ACCFA, but in the National Land
certification election as proper bargaining units. Reform Council, itself a government
instrumentality; and that its personnel are
The ACA is a government office or agency
subject to Civil Service laws and to rules of
engaged in governmental, not proprietary
standardization with respect to positions and
functions. These functions may not be strictly
salaries, any vestige of doubt as to the
what President Wilson described as
"constituent" (as distinguished from governmental character of its functions
"ministrant"),4 such as those relating to the disappears.
maintenance of peace and the prevention of
crime, those regulating property and property In view of the foregoing premises, we hold that
rights, those relating to the administration of the respondent Unions are not entitled to the
justice and the determination of political duties of certification election sought in the Court below.
citizens, and those relating to national defense Such certification is admittedly for purposes of
and foreign relations. Under this traditional bargaining in behalf of the employees with
classification, such constituent functions are respect to terms and conditions of employment,
exercised by the State as attributes of including the right to strike as a coercive
sovereignty, and not merely to promote the economic weapon, as in fact the said unions did
welfare, progress and prosperity of the people — strike in 1962 against the ACCFA (G.R. No. L-
these letter functions being ministrant he 21824).6 This is contrary to Section 11 of
exercise of which is optional on the part of the Republic Act No. 875, which provides:
SEC. 11. Prohibition Against Strike in
The growing complexities of modern society, the Government — The terms and
however, have rendered this traditional conditions of employment in the
classification of the functions of government Government, including any political
quite unrealistic, not to say obsolete. The areas subdivision or instrumentality thereof,
which used to be left to private enterprise and are governed by law and it is declared to
initiative and which the government was called be the policy of this Act that employees
upon to enter optionally, and only "because it therein shall not strike for the purposes
was better equipped to administer for the public of securing changes or modification in
welfare than is any private individual or group of their terms and conditions of
individuals,"5 continue to lose their well-defined employment. Such employees may
belong to any labor organization which On July 1, 1963 the ACCFA management and
does not impose the obligation to strike the Unions entered into an agreement for the
or to join in strike: Provided, However, implementation of the decision of the respondent
that this section shall apply only to Court concerning the fringe benefits, thus:
employees employed in governmental
functions of the Government including In the meantime, only Cost of Living
but not limited to governmental Adjustment, Longevity Pay, and Night
corporations.7 Differential Benefits accruing from July
1, 1961 to June 30, 1963 shall be paid
With the reorganization of the ACCFA and its to all employees entitled thereto, in the
conversion into the ACA under the Land Reform following manner:
Code and in view of our ruling as to the
governmental character of the functions of the A) The sum of P180,000 shall be set
ACA, the decision of the respondent Court dated aside for the payment of:
March 25, 1963, and the resolution en banc
affirming it, in the unfair labor practice case filed
1) Night differential benefits for Security
by the ACCFA, which decision is the subject of
the present review in G. R. No. L-21484, has
become moot and academic, particularly insofar
as the order to bargain collectively with the 2) Cost of Living Adjustment and
respondent Unions is concerned. Longevity Pay.

What remains to be resolved is the question of 3) The unpaid balance due employees
fringe benefits provided for in the collective on Item A (1) and (2) this paragraph
bargaining contract of September 4, 1961. The shall be paid in monthly installments as
position of the ACCFA in this regard is that the finances permit but not beyond
said fringe benefits have not become December 20, 1963.
enforceable because the condition that they
should first be approved by the Office of the 3. All benefits accruing after July 1,
President has not been complied with. The 1963, shall be allowed to accumulate
Unions, on the other hand, contend that no such but payable only after all benefits
condition existed in the bargaining contract, and accruing up to June 30, 1963, as per
the respondent Court upheld this contention in CIR decision hereinabove referred to
its decision. shall have been settled in full; provided,
however, that commencing July 1, 1963
It is to be listed that under Section 3, Article XIV, and for a period of only two (2) months
of the agreement, the same "shall not become thereafter (during which period the
effective unless and until the same is duly ACCFA and the Unions shall negotiate a
ratified by the Board of Governors of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement)
Administration." Such approval was given even the provisions of the September 4, 1961
before the formal execution of the agreement, by Collective Bargaining Agreement shall
virtue of "Resolution No. 67, Regular Meeting be temporarily suspended, except as to
No. 7, FY 1960-61, held on August 17, 1961," Cost of Living Adjustment and "political"
but with the proviso that "the fringe benefits or non-economic privileges and benefits
contained therein shall take effect only if thereunder.
approved by the office of the President." The
condition is, therefore, deemed to be On July 24, 1963 the ACCFA Board of
incorporated into the agreement by reference. Governors ratified the agreement thus entered
into, pursuant to the provision thereof requiring
On October 23, 1962 the Office of the President, such ratification, but with the express
in a letter signed by the Executive Secretary, qualification that the same was "without
expressed its approval of the bargaining contract prejudice to the pending appeal in the Supreme
"provided the salaries and benefits therein fixed Court . . . in Case No. 3450-ULP." The payment
are not in conflict with applicable laws and of the fringe benefits agreed upon, to our mind,
regulations, are believed to be reasonable shows that the same were within the financial
considering the exigencies of the service and the capability of the ACCFA then, and hence
welfare of the employees, and are well within the justifies the conclusion that this particular
financial ability of the particular corporation to condition imposed by the Office of the President
bear." in its approval of the bargaining contract was


We hold, therefore, that insofar as the fringe general interests of society, and are merely
benefits already paid are concerned, there is no optional. President Wilson enumerates the
reason to set aside the decision of the constituent functions as follows: '(1) The keeping
respondent Court, but that since the respondent of order and providing for the protection of
Unions have no right to the certification election persons and property from violence and robbery.
sought by them nor, consequently, to bargain (2) The fixing of the legal relations between man
collectively with the petitioner, no further fringe and wife and between parents and children. (3)
benefits may be demanded on the basis of any The regulation of the holding, transmission, and
collective bargaining agreement. interchange of property, and the determination of
its liabilities for debt or for crime. (4) The
The decisions and orders appealed from are set determination of contract rights between
aside and/or modified in accordance with the individuals. (5) The definition and punishment of
foregoing pronouncements. No costs. crime. (6) The administration of justice in civil
cases. (7) The determination of the political
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, duties, privileges, and relations of citizens. (8)
Sanchez, Castro, Teehankee and Barredo, Dealings of the state with foreign powers: the
JJ., concur. preservation of the state from external danger or
Zaldivar, J., concurs in the result. encroachment and the advancement of its
international interests.' "3

The ministrant functions were then enumerated,

followed by a statement of the basis that would
justify engaging in such activities. Thus: "The
Separate Opinions
most important of the ministrant functions are:
public works, public education, public charity,
FERNANDO, J., concurring: health and safety regulations, and regulations of
trade and industry. The principles determining
The decision reached by this Court so ably given whether or not a government shall exercise
expression in the opinion of Justice Makalintal, certain of these optional functions are: (1) that a
characterized with vigor, clarity and precision, government should do for the public welfare
represents what for me is a clear tendency not to those things which private capital would not
be necessarily bound by our previous naturally undertake and (2) that a government
pronouncements on what activities partake of a should do these things which by its very nature it
nature that is governmental.1 Of even greater is better equipped to administer for the public
significance, there is a definite rejection of the welfare than is any private individual or group of
"constituent-ministrant" criterion of governmental individuals."4
functions, followed in Bacani v. National Coconut
Corporation.2 That indeed is cause for Reference is made in the Bacani decision to the
gratification. For me at least, there is again full first of the many publications of Justice Malcolm
adherence to the basic philosophy of the on the Philippine government, which appeared in
Constitution as to the extensive and vast power 1916,5 adopting the formulation of the then
lodged in our government to cope with the social Professor, later President, Woodrow Wilson of
and economic problems that even now sorely the United States, in a textbook on political
beset us. There is therefore full concurrence on science the first edition of which was published
my part to the opinion of the Court, distinguished in 1898. The Wilson classification reflected the
by its high quality of juristic craftsmanship. I feel primacy of the dominant laissez-faire concept
however that the matter is of such vital carried into the sphere of government.
importance that a separate concurring opinion is
not inappropriate. It will also serve to give
A most spirited defense of such a view was
expression to my view, which is that of the Court
given by former President Hadley of Yale in a
likewise, that our decision today does not pass
series of three lectures delivered at Oxford
upon the rights of labor employed in
University in 1914. According to President
instrumentalities of the state discharging
Hadley: "I shall begin with a proposition which
governmental functions.
may sound somewhat startling, but which I
believe to be literally true. The whole American
1. In the above Bacani decision, governmental political and social system is based on industrial
functions are classified into constituent and property right, far more completely than has ever
ministrant. "The former are those which been the case in any European country. In every
constitute the very bonds of society and are nation of Europe there has been a certain
compulsory in nature; the latter are those that amount of traditional opposition between the
are undertaken only by way of advancing the government and the industrial classes. In the
United States no such tradition exists. In the Hospital.11 Only in 1937, in the leading case
public law of European communities industrial of West Coast Hotel v. Parrish,12 was the Adkins
freeholding is a comparatively recent case overruled and a minimum wage law New
development. In the United States, on the York statute upheld. The same unsympathetic
contrary, industrial freeholding is the foundation attitude arising from the laissez-faire concept
on which the whole social order has been was manifest in decisions during such period,
established and built up."6 there being the finely-spun distinctions in
the Wolff Packing Co. v. Court of Industrial
The view is widely accepted that such a Relations13 decision, as to when certain
fundamental postulate did influence American businesses could be classified as affected with
court decisions on constitutional law. As was public interest to justify state regulation as to
explicitly stated by Justice Cardozo, speaking of prices. After eleven years, in 1934, in Nebbia v.
that era: "Laissez-faire was not only a counsel of New York,14 the air of unreality was swept away
caution which statesmen would do well to heed. by this explicit pronouncement from the United
It was a categorical imperative which statesmen States Supreme Court: "The phrase 'affected
as well as judges, must obey."7 For a long time, with a public interest' can, in the nature of things,
legislation tending to reduce economic inequality mean no more than that an industry, for
foundered on the rock that was the due process adequate reason, is subject to control for the
clause, enshrining as it did the liberty of contract. public good."
To cite only one instance, the limitation of
employment in bakeries to sixty hours a week It is thus apparent that until the administration of
and ten hours a day under a New York statute President Roosevelt, the laissez-faire principle
was stricken down for being tainted with a due resulted in the contraction of the sphere where
process objection in Lochner v. New York.8 It governmental entry was permissible. The object
provoked one of the most vigorous dissents of was to protect property even if thereby the
Justice Holmes, who was opposed to the view needs of the general public would be left
that the United States Constitution did unsatisfied. This was emphatically put forth in a
embody laissez-faire. Thus: "General work of former Attorney General, later Justice,
propositions do not decide concrete cases. The Jackson, citing an opinion of Judge Van Orsdel.
decision will depend on a judgment or intuition Thus: "It should be remembered that of the three
more subtle than any articulate major premise. fundamental principles which underlie
But I think that the proposition just stated, if it is government, and for which government exists,
accepted, will carry us far toward the end. Every the protection of life, liberty, and property,
opinion tends to become a law. I think that the the chief of these is property . . . ."15 The above
word 'liberty,' in the 14th Amendment, is excerpt from Judge Van Orsdel forms part of his
perverted when it is held to prevent the natural opinion in Children's Hospital v. Adkins, when
outcome of a dominant opinion, unless it can be decided by the Circuit Court of Appeals.16
said that a rational and fair man necessarily
would admit that the statute proposed would Nonetheless, the social and economic forces at
infringe fundamental principles as they have work in the United States to which the new deal
been understood by the traditions of our people administration of President Roosevelt was most
and our law. It does not need research to show responsive did occasion, as of 1937, greater
that no such sweeping condemnation can be receptivity by the American Supreme Court to a
passed upon the statute before us. A reasonable philosophy less rigid in its obeisance to property
man might think it a proper measure on the rights. Earlier legislation deemed offensive to
score of health. Men whom I certainly could not the laissez-faire concept had met a dismal fate.
pronounce unreasonable would uphold it as a Their nullity during his first term could, more
first installment of a general regulation of the often than not, be expected.17
hours of work. Whether in the latter aspect it
would be open to the charge of inequality I think
As a matter of fact, even earlier, in 1935,
it unnecessary to discuss." It was not until 1908,
Professor Coker of Yale, speaking as a
in Muller v. Oregon,9 that the American Supreme
historian, could already discern a contrary drift.
Court held valid a ten-hour maximum for women Even then he could assert that the range of
workers in laundries and not until 1917 governmental activity in the United States had
in Bunting v. Oregon10 that such a regulatory ten-
indeed expanded. According to him: "Thus both
hour law applied to men and women passed the
liberals and conservatives approve wide and
constitutional test.
varied governmental intervention; the latter
condemning it, it is true, when the former
Similarly, state legislation fixing minimum wages propose it, but endorsing it, after it has become
was deemed offensive to the due process clause a fixed part of the status quo, as so beneficial in
in a 1923 decision in Adkins v. Children's its effects that no more of it is needed. Our
history for the last half-century shows that each the laissez-faire concept no longer stalks the
important governmental intervention we have juridical stage.
adopted has been called socialistic or
communistic by contemporary conservatives, As early as 1919, in the leading case of Rubi V.
and has later been approved by equally Provincial Board of Mindoro,20 Justice Malcolm
conservative men who now accept it both for its already had occasion to affirm: "The doctrines
proved benefits and for the worthy traditions it of laissez-faire and of unrestricted freedom of
has come to represent. Both liberal and the individual, as axioms of economic and
conservative supporters of our large-scale political theory, are of the past. The modern
business under private ownership advocate or period has shown a widespread belief in the
concede the amounts and kinds of governmental amplest possible demonstration of governmental
limitation and aid which they regard as activity. The Courts unfortunately have
necessary to make the system work efficiently sometimes seemed to trail after the other two
and humanely. Sooner or later, they are willing branches of the Government in this progressive
to have government intervene for the purpose of march."
preventing the system from being too oppressive
to the masses of the people, protecting it from its
It was to be expected then that when he spoke
self-destructive errors, and coming to its help in for the Court in Government of the Philippine
other ways when it appears not to be able to Islands v. Springer,21 a 1927 decision, he found
take care of itself."18 nothing objectionable in the government itself
organizing and investing public funds in such
At any rate, by 1943, the United States was corporations as the National Coal Co., the Phil.
reconciled to laissez-faire having lost its National Bank, the National Petroleum Co., the
dominance. In the language of Justice Jackson National Development Co., the National Cement
in the leading case of West Virginia State Board Co. and the National Iron Co. There was not
of Education v. Barnette:19 "We must transplant even a hint that thereby the laissez-faire concept
these rights to a soil in which the laissez-faire was not honored at all. It is true that Justice
concept or principle of non-interference has Malcolm concurred with the majority in People v.
withered at least as to economic affairs, and Pomar,22 a 1924 opinion, which held invalid
social advancements are increasingly sought under the due process clause a provision
through closer integration of society and through providing for maternity leave with pay thirty days
expanded and strengthened governmental before and thirty days after confinement. It could
controls." be that he had no other choice as the Philippines
was then under the United States, and only
2. The influence exerted by American recently the year before, the above-cited case
constitutional doctrines unavoidable when the of Adkins v. Children's Hospital,23 in line with
Philippines was still under American rule the laissez-faire principle, did hold that a statute
notwithstanding, an influence that has not providing for minimum wages was
altogether vanished even after independence, constitutionally infirm on the same ground.
the laissez-faire principle never found full
acceptance in this jurisdiction, even during the Our constitution which took effect in 1935, upon
period of its full flowering in the United States. the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the
Moreover, to erase any doubts, the Philippines, erased whatever doubts there might
Constitutional Convention saw to it that our be on that score. Its philosophy is antithetical to
fundamental law embodies a policy of the the laissez-faire concept. Delegate, later
responsibility thrust on government to cope with President, Manuel Roxas, one of the leading
social and economic problems and an earnest members of the Constitutional Convention, in
and sincere commitment to the promotion of the answer precisely to an objection of Delegate
general welfare through state action. It would Jose Reyes of Sorsogon, who noted the "vast
thus follow that the force of any legal objection to extensions in the sphere of governmental
regulatory measures adversely affecting functions" and the "almost unlimited power to
property rights or to statutes organizing public interfere in the affairs of industry and agriculture
corporations that may engage in competition as well as to compete with existing business" as
with private enterprise has been blunted. Unless "reflections of the fascination exerted by [the
there be a clear showing of any invasion of then] current tendencies" in other
rights guaranteed by the Constitution, their jurisdictions,24 spoke thus: "My answer is that
validity is a foregone conclusion. No fear need this constitution has a definite and well defined
be entertained that thereby spheres hitherto philosophy, not only political but social and
deemed outside government domain have been economic. A constitution that in 1776 or in 1789
enchroached upon. With our explicit disavowal was sufficient in the United States, considering
of the "constituent-ministrant" test, the ghost of the problems they had at that time, may not now
be sufficient with the growing and ever-widening property. He pointed out that the then prevailing
complexities of social and economic problems view allowed the accumulation of wealth in one
and relations. If the United States of America family down to the last remote descendant,
were to call a constitutional convention today to resulting in a grave disequilibrium and bringing
draft a constitution for the United States, does in its wake extreme misery side by side with
any one doubt that in the provisions of that conspicuous luxury. He did invite attention to the
constitution there will be found definite few millionaires at one extreme with the vast
declarations of policy as to economic masses of Filipinos deprived of the necessities
tendencies; that there will be matters which are of life at the other. He asked the Convention
necessary in accordance with the experience of whether the Filipino people could long remain
the American people during these years when indifferent to such a deplorable situation. For him
vast organizations of capital and trade have to speak of a democracy under such
succeeded to a certain degree to control the life circumstances would be nothing but an illusion.
and destiny of the American people? If in this He would thus emphasize the urgent need to
constitution the gentleman will find declarations remedy the grave social injustice that had
of economic policy, they are there because they produced such widespread impoverishment,
are necessary to safeguard the interests and thus recognizing the vital role of government in
welfare of the Filipino people because we this sphere.27
believe that the days have come when in self-
defense, a nation may provide in its constitution Another delegate, Tomas Confesor of Iloilo, was
those safeguards, the patrimony, the freedom to quite emphatic in his assertion for the need of a
grow, the freedom to develop national social justice provision which is a departure from
aspirations and national interests, not to be the laissez-faire principle. Thus: "Take the case
hampered by the artificial boundaries which a of the tenancy system in the Philippines. You
constitutional provision automatically imposes."25 have a tenant. There are hundreds of thousands
of tenants working day in and day out, cultivating
Delegate Roxas continued further: "The the fields of their landlords. He puts all his time,
government is the creature of the people and the all his energy, the labor and the assistance of his
government exercises its powers and functions wife and children, in cultivating a piece of ground
in accordance with the will and purposes of the for his landlord but when the time comes for the
people. That is the first principle, the most partition of the products of his toil what
important one underlying this document. happens? If he produces 25 cavanes of rice, he
Second, the government established in this gets only perhaps five and the twenty goes to
document is, in its form, in our opinion, the most the landlord. Now can he go to court? Has he a
adapted to prevailing conditions, circumstances chance to go to court in order to secure his just
and the political outlook of the Filipino people. share of the products of his toil? No. Under our
Rizal said, 'Every people has the kind of present regime of law, under our present regime
government that they deserve.' That is just of justice, you do not give that to the poor tenant.
another form of expressing the principle in Gentlemen, you go to the Cagayan Valley and
politics enunciated by the French philosophers see the condition under which those poor
when they said: 'Every people has the right to farmers are being exploited day in and day out.
establish the form of government which they Can they go to court under our present regime of
believe is most conducive to their welfare and justice, of liberty, or democracy? The other day,
their liberty.' Why have we preferred the workmen were shot by the police just because
government that is established in this draft? they wanted to increase or they desired that their
Because it is the government with which we are wages be increased from thirty centavos a day
familiar. It is the form of government to forty or fifty centavos. Is it necessary to spill
fundamentally such as it exists today; because it human blood just to secure an increase of ten
is the only kind of government that our people centavos in the daily wages of an ordinary
understand; it is the kind of government we have laborer? And yet under our present regime of
found to be in consonance with our experience, social justice, liberty and democracy, these
with the necessary modification, capable of things are happening; these things, I say, are
permitting a fair play of social forces and happening. Are those people getting any justice?
allowing the people to conduct the affairs of that No. They cannot get justice now from our courts.
government."26 For this reason, I say it is necessary that we
insert 'social justice' here and that social justice
One of the most prominent delegates, a leading must be established by law. Proper legal
intellectual, former President Rafael Palma of provisions, proper legal facilities must be
the University of the Philippines, stressed as a provided in order that there be a regime not of
fundamental principle in the draft of the justice alone, because we have that now and we
Constitution the limitation on the right to are seeing the oppression arising from such a
regime. Consequently, we must emphasize the Leibnits many years ago to be secured through
term 'social justice'."28 the counterbalancing of economic and social
forces and opportunities which should be
Delegate Ventenilla of Pangasinan reflected the regulated, if not controlled, by the State or
attitude of the Convention as to why laissez- placed, as it were, in custodia societatis. 'The
faire was no longer acceptable. After speaking of promotion of social justice to insure the well-
times having changed, he proceeded: "Since being and economic security of all the people'
then new problems have arisen. The spiritual was thus inserted as vital principle in our
mission of government has descended to the Constitution. ... ."31 In the course of such
level of the material. Then its function was concurring opinion and after noting the changes
primarily to soothe the aching spirit. Now, it that have taken place stressing that the policy
appears, it must also appease hunger. Now that of laissez-faire had indeed given way to the
we may read history backwards, we know for assumption by the government of the right to
instance, that the old theory of 'laissez-faire' has intervene although qualified by the phrase "to
degenerated into 'big business affairs' which are some extent", he made clear that the doctrine
gradually devouring the rights of the people — in People v. Pomar no longer retain, "its virtuality
the same rights intended to be guarded and as a living principle."32
protected by the system of constitutional
guaranties. Oh, if the Fathers were now alive to 3. It must be made clear that the objection to the
see the changes that the centuries have wrought "constituent-ministrant" classification of
in our life! They might contemplate the sad governmental functions is not to its formulation
spectacle of organized exploitation greedily as such. From the standpoint of law as logic, it is
devouring the previous rights of the individual. not without merit. It has neatness and symmetry.
They might also behold the gradual There are hardly any loose ends. It has the
disintegration of society, the fast disappearance virtue of clarity. It may be said in its favor
of the bourgeois — the middle class, the likewise that it reflects all-too-faithfully
backbone of the nation — and the consequent the laissez-faire notion that government cannot
drifting of the classes toward the opposite extend its operation outside the maintenance of
extremes — the very rich and the very poor."29 peace and order, protection against external
security, and the administration of justice, with
Shortly after the establishment of the private rights, especially so in the case of
Commonwealth, the then Justice Jose P. Laurel, property, being safeguarded and a hint that the
himself one of the foremost delegates of the general welfare is not to be entirely ignored.
Constitutional Convention, in a concurring
opinion, later quoted with approval in the leading It must not be lost sight of though that logic and
case of Antamok Goldfields Mining Co. v. Court jural symmetry while undoubtedly desirable are
of Industrial Relations,30 decided in 1940, not the prime consideration. This is especially so
explained clearly the need for the repudiation of in the field of public law. What was said by
the laissez-faire doctrine. Thus: "It should be Holmes, almost nine decades ago, carry greater
observed at the outset that our Constitution was conviction now. "The life of the law has not been
adopted in the midst of surging unrest and logic; it has been experience. The felt
dissatisfaction resulting from economic and necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and
social distress which was threatening the political theories, intuitions of public policy
stability of governments the world over. Alive to avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices
the social and economic forces at work, the which judges share with their fellow-men, have
framers of our Constitution boldly met the had a good deal more to do than the syllogism in
problems and difficulties which faced them and determining the rules by which men should be
endeavored to crystallize, with more or less governed."33 Then too, there was the warning of
fidelity, the political, social and economic Geny cited by Cardozo that undue stress or logic
propositions of their age, and this they did, with may result in confining the entire system of
the consciousness that the political and positive law, "within a limited number of logical
philosophical aphorism of their generation will, in categories, predetermined in essence,
the language of a great jurist, 'be doubted by the immovable in basis, governed by inflexible
next and perhaps entirely discarded by the third.' dogmas," thus rendering it incapable of
. . . Embodying the spirit of the present epoch, responding to the ever varied and changing
general provisions were inserted in the exigencies of life.34,
Constitution which are intended to bring about
the needed social and economic equilibrium It is cause enough for concern if the objection to
between component elements of society through the Bacani decision were to be premised on the
the application of what may be termed as score alone that perhaps there was fidelity to the
the justitia communis advocated by Grotius and requirements of logic and jural symmetry carried
to excess. What appears to me much more To paraphrase Laski, with the necessary
deplorable is that it did fail to recognize that modification in line with such worthy
there was a repudiation of the laissez- constitutional ends, we look upon the state as an
faire concept in the Constitution. As was set organization to promote the happiness of
forth in the preceding pages, the Constitution is individuals, its authority as a power bound by
distinguished precisely by a contrary philosophy. subordination to that purpose, liberty while to be
The regime of liberty if provided for, with the viewed negatively as absence of restraint
realization that under the then prevalent social impressed with a positive aspect as well to
and economic conditions, it may be attained only assure individual self-fulfillment in the attainment
through a government with its sphere of activity of which greater responsibility is thrust on
ranging far and wide, not excluding matters government; and rights as boundary marks
hitherto left to the operation of free enterprise. defining areas outside its domain.37 From which
As rightfully stressed in our decision today in line it would follow as Laski so aptly stated that it is
with what was earlier expressed by Justice the individual's "happiness and not its well-being
Laurel, the government that we have established [that is] the criterion by which its behavior [is] to
has as a fundamental principle the promotion of be judged. His interests, and not its power, set
social justice.35 The same jurist gave it a the limits to the authority it [is] entitled to
comprehensive and enduring definition as the exercise."38 We have under such a test enlarged
"promotion of the welfare of all the people, the its field of competence. 4. With the decision
adoption by the government of measures reached by us today, the government is freed
calculated to insure economic stability of all the from the compulsion exerted by the Bacani
component elements of society, through the doctrine of the "constituent-ministrant" test as a
maintenance of a proper economic and social criterion for the type of activity in which it may
equilibrium in the interrelations of the members engage. Its constricting effect is consigned to
of the community, constitutionally, through the oblivion. No doubts or misgivings need assail us
adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extra- that governmental efforts to promote the public
constitutionally, through the exercise of powers weal, whether through regulatory legislation of
underlying the existence of all governments in vast scope and amplitude or through the
the time honored principle of salus populi undertaking of business activities, would have to
estsuprema lex."36 face a searching and rigorous scrutiny. It is clear
that their legitimacy cannot be challenged on the
There is thus from the same distinguished pen, ground alone of their being offensive to the
this time writing for the Court, a reiteration of the implications of the laissez-faire concept. Unless
view of the laissez-faire doctrine being there be a repugnancy then to the limitations
repugnant to the fundamental law. It must be expressly set forth in the Constitution to protect
added though that the reference to extra- individual rights, the government enjoys a much
constitutional measures being allowable must be wider latitude of action as to the means it
understood in the sense that there is no chooses to cope with grave social and economic
infringement of specific constitutional problems that urgently press for solution. For
guarantees. Otherwise, the judiciary will be hard me, at least, that is to manifest deference to the
put to sustain their validity if challenged in an philosophy of our fundamental law. Hence my
appropriate legal proceeding. full concurrence, as announced at the outset.

The regime of liberty contemplated in the 5. The opinion of Justice Makalintal contains this
Constitution with social justice as a fundamental footnote: "It must be stated, however, that we do
principle to reinforce the pledge in the preamble not here decide the question — not at issue in
of promoting the general welfare reflects this case — of whether or not a labor
traditional concepts of a democratic policy organization composed employees discharging
infused with an awareness of the vital and governmental functions, which is allowed under
pressing need for the government to assume a the legal provision just quoted, provided such
much more active and vigorous role in the organization does not impose the obligation to
conduct of public affairs. The framers of our strike or to join in strike, may petition for a
fundamental law were as one in their strongly- certification election and compel the employer to
held belief that thereby the grave and serious bargain collectively with it for purposes other
infirmity then confronting our body-politic, on the than to secure changes or conditions in the
whole still with us now, of great inequality of terms and conditions of employment."
wealth and mass poverty, with the great bulk of
our people ill-clad, ill-housed, ill-fed, could be With such an affirmation as to the scope of our
remedied. Nothing else than communal effort, decision there being no holding on the vexing
massive in extent and earnestly engaged in, question of the effects on the rights of labor in
would suffice. view of the conclusion reached that the function
engaged in is governmental in character, I am in proper representative of the employees
full agreement. The answer to such a vital query and to bargain in their behalf in relation
must await another day. to matters outside the limitations
imposed by the statute, such as those
provided for in Section 28 (b) of
Republic Act No. 2260, concerning
complaints and grievances of the
Footnotes employees.

Land Authority, Land Bank, Agricultural
Reenacted in Sec. 28 (c) of the Civil
Productivity Commission; Office of the Service Act of 1959, R.A. No. 2260.
Agrarian Counsel.

The Land Reform Project
Administration is the organization
through which the field operations of FERNANDO, J., CONCURRING:
member agencies (of which the ACA is
one) shall be undertaken by their 1
National Coal Co. v. Collector, 46 Phil.
respective personnel under a unified 583 (1924); Gov't. of P.I. v. Springer, 50
administration. (Section 2 of Article 1, Phil. 259 (1927); Govt. of P.I. v. China
Executive Order No. 75) Banking Corp., 54 Phil. 845 (1930);
Association Cooperativa de Credito
Section 79 (D) of the Revised Agricola de Miagao v. Monteclaro, 74
Administrative Code provides in part: Phil. 281 (1943); Abad Santos v. Auditor
"The Department Head, upon the General, 79 Phil. 190 (1947); National
recommendation of the Chief of bureaus Airports Corp. v. Teodoro, 91 Phil. 203
or office concerned, shall appoint all (1952); GSIS v. Castillo, 98 Phil. 876
subordinate officers and employees (1956); Price Stabilization Corp., 102
whose appointment is not expressly Phil. 515 (1957); Boy Scouts of Phil. v.
vested by law in the President of the Araos, 102 Phil. 1080 (1958); Naric
Philippines. . . . ." Worker's Union v. Alvendia, 107 Phil.
404 (1960); GSIS Employees Asso. v.
Alvendia, L-15614, May 30, 1960;
Bacani vs. National Coconut
National Dev. Co. v. Tobias, 7 SCRA
Corporation, G.R. No. L-9657, Nov. 29,
692 (1963); SSS Employees Asso. v.
1956, 53 O.G. p. 2800.
Soriano, 7 SCRA 1016 (1963); PAL
Employees' Asso. v. Phil. Airlines, Inc.,
Malcolm, The Government of the 11 SCRA 387 (1964); Nawasa v. NWSA
Philippines, pp. 19-20; Bacani vs. Consolidated Unions, 11 SCRA 766
National Coconut Corporation, supra. (1964); Phil. Mfg. Co. v. Manila Port
Service, 16 SCRA 95 (1966) and Phil.
It must be stated, however, that we do Postal Savings Bank v. Court, 21 SCRA
not here decide the question — not at 1330 (1967).
issue in this case — of whether or not a
labor organization composed of 2
100 Phil. 468 (1956).
employees discharging governmental
functions, which is allowed under the 3
Ibid., p. 472.
legal provision just quoted provided
such organization does not impose the
obligation to strike or to join in strike,
may petition for a certification election
and compel the employer to bargain 5
Malcolm, The Government of
collectively with it for purposes other Philippine Islands.
than to secure changes or modifications
in the terms and conditions of their 6
The Constitutional Position of the
employment. Withal, it may not be amiss Property Owner in 2 Selected Essays on
to observe, albeit obiter, that the right to Constitutional Law, p. 2 (1938).
organize thus allowed would be
meaningless unless there is a 7
Cardozo, The Nature of Judicial
correlative right on the part of the
Process, p. 77 (1921).
organization to be recognized as the
198 US 45 (1905). y preocupaciones que tenemos
nosotros, cuando en realidad el mundo
208 US 412. esta sufiendo actualmente por causa de
las teorias antiguas sobre la propiedad.
Ya he dicho aqui, o no se si en otra
243 US 426.
parte, que la nocion actual sobre
propiedad es la vinculacion perpetua de
261 Us 525. Again there was a todos los bienes que se pueden
vigorous dissent from Holmes. acumular por una familia, hasta el ultimo
de sus mas remotos descendientes, ha
300 US 379. producido ese enorme desnivel de
riqueza que se nota en todas partes del
262 US 522. mundo, la extrema miseria al lado del
extremo lujo. Una docena de enormes
291 US 502. millonarios, al lado de millones y
millones de seres desprovistos de lo
mas elemental y rudimentario, para
Jackson, Struggle for Judicial
satisfacer las necesidades ordinarias. Y
Supremacy, p. 74, (1941).
que? Vamos a permanecer indiferentes
antes que ante nuestra propia
284 Fed. 613 (1922). situacion? Hablamos tanto de
democracia, de prosperidad para el gran
As was stated in the above work of numero hacemos algo a favor de ese
Jackson: "But in just three years, gran numero que constituye la fuerza de
beginning with the October 1933 term, la nacion? No vamos siquiera a dedicar
the Court refused to recognize the un momento de nuestra atencion a la
power of Congress in twelve cases. Five gran injusticia social que supone el
of these twelve decisions occurred resultado de una extrema miseria y de
during a single year: that is, the October un lujo extremo? Fue Henry George el
1935 term; four of the five, by a sharply primero que llamo la atencion del
divided court." Jackson, op. cit. p. 41.. mundo sobre este problema. Toda la
bendicion de nuestra civilizacion, las
2 Selected Essays on Constitutional
18 enormes conquistas que el mundo ha
Law, op, cit., p. 27. realizado en el orden cientifico, han
tendido solamente a producir la felicidad
319 US 624. de unos pocos y la miseria de las
grandes muchedumbres. Creo que este
problema es digno de atencion en todas
39 Phil. 660, 717-718. partes del mundo, y a menos que
nosotros pongamos las medidas que
50 Phil. 259. han de atajar los peligros de futuro,
nuestra sociedad estara siempre sujeta
46 Phil. 440. a las alarmas que puedan producir las
muchedumbres hambrientas y deseosas
261 US 525. de su propio bienestar."

III Proceedings of the Philippine

Ibid., pp. 293-294.
Constitutional Convention, Laurel ed.,
pp. 173-174 (1966). 29
Ibid., I, Laurel ed., pp. 471-472.

Ibid., pp. 177-178. 30
70 Phil. 340.

Ibid., p. 178. 31
Ibid., pp. 356-357.

Cf. Ibid., pp. 227-228. To quote from 32
Ibid., p. 360.
Delegate Palma: "Uno de los principios
constitucionales es el referente a la 33
Holmes, The Common Law, p. 1
limitacion de la propiedad individual. Por (1881).
que se va a limitar la adquisicion de la
propiedad. Ese es otro de los prejuicios 34
Cardozo, op. cit., p. 47.
Art. II, Sec. 5, Constitution.

Calalang v. Williams, 70 Phil. 726,
734-735 (1940).

Laski, The State in Theory and
Practice, p. 35 (1935).

Ibid., at p. 36.


EN BANC A civil government or central administration
organization under the name of "Philippine
G.R. No. L-5 September 17, 1945 Executive Commission was organized by Order
No. 1 issued on January 23, 1942, by the
CO KIM CHAM (alias CO KIM Commander in Chief of the Japanese Forces in
CHAM), petitioner, the Philippines, and Jorge B. Vargas, who was
appointed Chairman thereof, was instructed to
EUSEBIO VALDEZ TAN KEH and ARSENIO P. proceed to the immediate coordination of the
DIZON, Judge of First Instance of existing central administrative organs and
Manila, respondents.1 judicial courts, based upon what had existed
therefore, with approval of the said Commander
in Chief, who was to exercise jurisdiction over
Marcelino Lontok for petitioner. judicial courts.
P. A. Revilla for respondent Valdez Tan Keh.
Respondent Judge Dizon in his own behalf.
The Chairman of the Executive Commission, as
head of the central administrative organization,
FERIA, J.: issued Executive Orders Nos. 1 and 4, dated
January 30 and February 5, 1942, respectively,
This petition for mandamus in which petitioner in which the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals,
prays that the respondent judge of the lower Courts of First Instance, and the justices of the
court be ordered to continue the proceedings in peace and municipal courts under the
civil case No. 3012 of said court, which were Commonwealth were continued with the same
initiated under the regime of the so-called jurisdiction, in conformity with the instructions
Republic of the Philippines established during given to the said Chairman of the Executive
the Japanese military occupation of these Commission by the Commander in Chief of
Islands. Japanese Forces in the Philippines in the latter's
Order No. 3 of February 20, 1942, concerning
The respondent judge refused to take basic principles to be observed by the Philippine
cognizance of and continue the proceedings in Executive Commission in exercising legislative,
said case on the ground that the proclamation executive and judicial powers. Section 1 of said
issued on October 23, 1944, by General Order provided that "activities of the
Douglas MacArthur had the effect of invalidating administration organs and judicial courts in the
and nullifying all judicial proceedings and Philippines shall be based upon the existing
judgements of the court of the Philippines under statutes, orders, ordinances and customs. . . ."
the Philippine Executive Commission and the
Republic of the Philippines established during On October 14, 1943, the so-called Republic of
the Japanese military occupation, and that, the Philippines was inaugurated, but no
furthermore, the lower courts have no jurisdiction substantial change was effected thereby in the
to take cognizance of and continue judicial organization and jurisdiction of the different
proceedings pending in the courts of the defunct courts that functioned during the Philippine
Republic of the Philippines in the absence of an Executive Commission, and in the laws they
enabling law granting such authority. And the administered and enforced.
same respondent, in his answer and
memorandum filed in this Court, contends that On October 23, 1944, a few days after the
the government established in the Philippines historic landing in Leyte, General Douglas
during the Japanese occupation were no de MacArthur issued a proclamation to the People
facto governments. of the Philippines which declared:

On January 2, 1942, the Imperial Japanese 1. That the Government of the

Forces occupied the City of Manila, and on the Commonwealth of the Philippines is,
next day their Commander in Chief proclaimed subject to the supreme authority of the
"the Military Administration under law over the Government of the United States, the
districts occupied by the Army." In said sole and only government having legal
proclamation, it was also provided that "so far as and valid jurisdiction over the people in
the Military Administration permits, all the laws areas of the Philippines free of enemy
now in force in the Commonwealth, as well as occupation and control;
executive and judicial institutions, shall continue
to be effective for the time being as in the past,"
2. That the laws now existing on the
and "all public officials shall remain in their
statute books of the Commonwealth of
present posts and carry on faithfully their duties
the Philippines and the regulations
as before."
promulgated pursuant thereto are in full were good and valid and remained good and
force and effect and legally binding upon valid even after the liberation or reoccupation of
the people in areas of the Philippines the Philippines by the United States and Filipino
free of enemy occupation and control; forces.
1. It is a legal truism in political and international
3. That all laws, regulations and law that all acts and proceedings of the
processes of any other government in legislative, executive, and judicial departments
the Philippines than that of the said of a de facto government are good and valid.
Commonwealth are null and void and The question to be determined is whether or not
without legal effect in areas of the the governments established in these Islands
Philippines free of enemy occupation under the names of the Philippine Executive
and control. Commission and Republic of the Philippines
during the Japanese military occupation or
On February 3, 1945, the City of Manila was regime were de facto governments. If they were,
partially liberated and on February 27, 1945, the judicial acts and proceedings of those
General MacArthur, on behalf of the governments remain good and valid even after
Government of the United States, solemnly the liberation or reoccupation of the Philippines
declared "the full powers and responsibilities by the American and Filipino forces.
under the Constitution restored to the
Commonwealth whose seat is here established There are several kinds of de
as provided by law." facto governments. The first, or government de
facto in a proper legal sense, is that government
In the light of these facts and events of that gets possession and control of, or usurps,
contemporary history, the principal questions to by force or by the voice of the majority, the
be resolved in the present case may be reduced rightful legal governments and maintains itself
to the following:(1) Whether the judicial acts and against the will of the latter, such as the
proceedings of the court existing in the government of England under the
Philippines under the Philippine Executive Commonwealth, first by Parliament and later by
Commission and the Republic of the Philippines Cromwell as Protector. The second is that which
were good and valid and remained so even after is established and maintained by military forces
the liberation or reoccupation of the Philippines who invade and occupy a territory of the enemy
by the United States and Filipino forces; in the course of war, and which is denominated
(2)Whether the proclamation issued on October a government of paramount force, as the cases
23, 1944, by General Douglas MacArthur, of Castine, in Maine, which was reduced to
Commander in Chief of the United States Army, British possession in the war of 1812, and
in which he declared "that all laws, regulations Tampico, Mexico, occupied during the war with
and processes of any of the government in the Mexico, by the troops of the United States. And
Philippines than that of the said Commonwealth the third is that established as an independent
are null and void and without legal effect in government by the inhabitants of a country who
areas of the Philippines free of enemy rise in insurrection against the parent state of
occupation and control," has invalidated all such as the government of the Southern
judgements and judicial acts and proceedings of Confederacy in revolt not concerned in the
the said courts; and (3) If the said judicial acts present case with the first kind, but only with the
and proceedings have not been invalidated by second and third kinds of de facto governments.
said proclamation, whether the present courts of
the Commonwealth, which were the same court Speaking of government "de facto" of the
existing prior to, and continued during, the second kind, the Supreme Court of the United
Japanese military occupation of the Philippines, States, in the case of Thorington vs. Smith (8
may continue those proceedings pending in said Wall., 1), said: "But there is another description
courts at the time the Philippines were of government, called also by publicists a
reoccupied and liberated by the United States government de facto, but which might, perhaps,
and Filipino forces, and the Commonwealth of be more aptly denominated a government of
the Philippines were reestablished in the Islands. paramount force. Its distinguishing
characteristics are (1), that its existence is
We shall now proceed to consider the first maintained by active military power with the
question, that is, whether or not under the rules territories, and against the rightful authority of an
of international law the judicial acts and established and lawful government; and (2), that
proceedings of the courts established in the while it exists it necessarily be obeyed in civil
Philippines under the Philippine Executive matters by private citizens who, by acts of
Commission and the Republic of the Philippines obedience rendered in submission to such force,
do not become responsible, or wrongdoers, for they accept the authority of the belligerent
those acts, though not warranted by the laws of occupant or are required to continue in their
the rightful government. Actual governments of positions under the supervision of the military or
this sort are established over districts differing civil authorities appointed, by the Commander in
greatly in extent and conditions. They are Chief of the occupant. These principles and
usually administered directly by military practice have the sanction of all publicists who
authority, but they may be administered, also, have considered the subject, and have been
civil authority, supported more or less directly by asserted by the Supreme Court and applied by
military force. . . . One example of this sort of the President of the United States.
government is found in the case of Castine, in
Mine, reduced to British possession in the war of The doctrine upon this subject is thus summed
1812 . . . U. S. vs. Rice (4 Wheaton, 253). A like up by Halleck, in his work on International Law
example is found in the case of Tampico, (Vol. 2, p. 444): "The right of one belligerent to
occupied during the war with Mexico, by the occupy and govern the territory of the enemy
troops of the United States . . . Fleming vs. Page while in its military possession, is one of the
(9 Howard, 614). These were cases of incidents of war, and flows directly from the right
temporary possessions of territory by lawfull and to conquer. We, therefore, do not look to the
regular governments at war with the country of Constitution or political institutions of the
which the territory so possessed was part." conqueror, for authority to establish a
government for the territory of the enemy in his
The powers and duties of de facto governments possession, during its military occupation, nor for
of this description are regulated in Section III of the rules by which the powers of such
the Hague Conventions of 1907, which is a government are regulated and limited. Such
revision of the provisions of the Hague authority and such rules are derived directly from
Conventions of 1899 on the same subject of said the laws war, as established by the usage of the
Section III provides "the authority of the of the world, and confirmed by the writings of
legislative power having actually passed into the publicists and decisions of courts — in fine, from
hands of the occupant, the latter shall take steps the law of nations. . . . The municipal laws of a
in his power to reestablish and insure, as far as conquered territory, or the laws which regulate
possible, public order and safety, while private rights, continue in force during military
respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the occupation, excepts so far as they are
laws in force in the country." suspended or changed by the acts of conqueror.
. . . He, nevertheless, has all the powers of a de
According to the precepts of the Hague facto government, and can at his pleasure either
Conventions, as the belligerent occupant has the change the existing laws or make new ones."
right and is burdened with the duty to insure
public order and safety during his military And applying the principles for the exercise of
occupation, he possesses all the powers of a de military authority in an occupied territory, which
factogovernment, and he can suspended the old were later embodied in the said Hague
laws and promulgate new ones and make such Conventions, President McKinley, in his
changes in the old as he may see fit, but he is executive order to the Secretary of War of May
enjoined to respect, unless absolutely prevented 19,1898, relating to the occupation of the
by the circumstances prevailing in the occupied Philippines by United States forces, said in part:
territory, the municipal laws in force in the "Though the powers of the military occupant are
country, that is, those laws which enforce public absolute and supreme, and immediately operate
order and regulate social and commercial life of upon the political condition of the inhabitants, the
the country. On the other hand, laws of a municipal laws of the conquered territory, such
political nature or affecting political relations, as affect private rights of person and property
such as, among others, the right of assembly, and provide for the punishment of crime, are
the right to bear arms, the freedom of the press, considered as continuing in force, so far as they
and the right to travel freely in the territory are compatible with the new order of things, until
occupied, are considered as suspended or in they are suspended or superseded by the
abeyance during the military occupation. occupying belligerent; and in practice they are
Although the local and civil administration of not usually abrogated, but are allowed to remain
justice is suspended as a matter of course as in force and to be administered by the ordinary
soon as a country is militarily occupied, it is not tribunals, substantially as they were before the
usual for the invader to take the whole occupation. This enlightened practice is, so far
administration into his own hands. In practice, as possible, to be adhered to on the present
the local ordinary tribunals are authorized to occasion. The judges and the other officials
continue administering justice; and judges and connected with the administration of justice may,
other judicial officers are kept in their posts if if they accept the authority of the United States,
continue to administer the ordinary law of the those governments were organized in hostility to
land as between man and man under the the Union established by the national
supervision of the American Commander in Constitution; this, because the existence of war
Chief." (Richardson's Messages and Papers of between the United States and the Confederate
President, X, p. 209.) States did not relieve those who are within the
insurrectionary lines from the necessity of civil
As to "de facto" government of the third kind, the obedience, nor destroy the bonds of society nor
Supreme Court of the United States, in the same do away with civil government or the regular
case of Thorington vs. Smith, supra, recognized administration of the laws, and because
the government set up by the Confederate transactions in the ordinary course of civil
States as a de factogovernment. In that case, it society as organized within the enemy's territory
was held that "the central government although they may have indirectly or remotely
established for the insurgent States differed from promoted the ends of the de facto or unlawful
the temporary governments at Castine and government organized to effect a dissolution of
Tampico in the circumstance that its authority the Union, were without blame 'except when
did no originate in lawful acts of regular war; but proved to have been entered into with
it was not, on the account, less actual or less actual intent to further invasion or insurrection:'"
supreme. And we think that it must be classed and "That judicial and legislative acts in the
among the governments of which these are respective states composing the so-called
examples. . . . Confederate States should be respected by the
courts if they were not hostile in their purpose or
In the case of William vs. Bruffy (96 U. S. 176, mode of enforcement to the authority of the
National Government, and did not impair the
192), the Supreme Court of the United States,
rights of citizens under the Constitution."
discussing the validity of the acts of the
Confederate States, said: "The same general
form of government, the same general laws for In view of the foregoing, it is evident that the
the administration of justice and protection of Philippine Executive Commission, which was
private rights, which had existed in the States organized by Order No. 1, issued on January 23,
prior to the rebellion, remained during its 1942, by the Commander of the Japanese
continuance and afterwards. As far as the Acts forces, was a civil government established by
of the States do not impair or tend to impair the the military forces of occupation and therefore
supremacy of the national authority, or the just a de facto government of the second kind. It was
rights of citizens under the Constitution, they not different from the government established by
are, in general, to be treated as valid and the British in Castine, Maine, or by the United
binding. As we said in Horn vs. Lockhart (17 States in Tampico, Mexico. As Halleck says,
Wall., 570; 21 Law. ed., 657): "The existence of "The government established over an enemy's
a state of insurrection and war did not loosen the territory during the military occupation may
bonds of society, or do away with civil exercise all the powers given by the laws of war
government or the regular administration of the to the conqueror over the conquered, and is
laws. Order was to be preserved, police subject to all restrictions which that code
regulations maintained, crime prosecuted, imposes. It is of little consequence whether such
property protected, contracts enforced, government be called a military or civil
marriages celebrated, estates settled, and the government. Its character is the same and the
transfer and descent of property regulated, source of its authority the same. In either case it
precisely as in the time of peace. No one, that is a government imposed by the laws of war,
we are aware of, seriously questions the validity and so far it concerns the inhabitants of such
of judicial or legislative Acts in the territory or the rest of the world, those laws alone
insurrectionary States touching these and determine the legality or illegality of its acts."
kindered subjects, where they were not hostile in (Vol. 2, p. 466.) The fact that the Philippine
their purpose or mode of enforcement to the Executive Commission was a civil and not a
authority of the National Government, and did military government and was run by Filipinos
not impair the rights of citizens under the and not by Japanese nationals, is of no
Constitution'. The same doctrine has been consequence. In 1806, when Napoleon occupied
asserted in numerous other cases." the greater part of Prussia, he retained the
existing administration under the general
direction of a french official (Langfrey History of
And the same court, in the case of
Baldy vs. Hunter (171 U. S., 388, 400), held: Napoleon, 1, IV, 25); and, in the same way, the
Duke of Willington, on invading France,
"That what occured or was done in respect of
such matters under the authority of the laws of authorized the local authorities to continue the
these local de facto governments should not be exercise of their functions, apparently without
disregarded or held to be invalid merely because appointing an English superior. (Wellington
Despatches, XI, 307.). The Germans, on the Indeed, even if the Republic of the Philippines
other hand, when they invaded France in 1870, had been established by the free will of the
appointed their own officials, at least in Alsace Filipino who, taking advantage of the withdrawal
and Lorraine, in every department of of the American forces from the Islands, and the
administration and of every rank. (Calvo, pars. occupation thereof by the Japanese forces of
2186-93; Hall, International Law, 7th ed., p. 505, invasion, had organized an independent
note 2.) government under the name with the support
and backing of Japan, such government would
The so-called Republic of the Philippines, have been considered as one established by the
apparently established and organized as a Filipinos in insurrection or rebellion against the
sovereign state independent from any other parent state or the Unite States. And as such, it
government by the Filipino people, was, in truth would have been a de facto government similar
and reality, a government established by the to that organized by the confederate states
belligerent occupant or the Japanese forces of during the war of secession and recognized as
occupation. It was of the same character as the such by the by the Supreme Court of the United
Philippine Executive Commission, and the States in numerous cases, notably those of
ultimate source of its authority was the same — Thorington vs. Smith, Williams vs. Bruffy, and
the Japanese military authority and government. Badly vs. Hunter, above quoted; and similar to
As General MacArthur stated in his proclamation the short-lived government established by the
of October 23, 1944, a portion of which has been Filipino insurgents in the Island of Cebu during
already quoted, "under enemy duress, a so- the Spanish-American war, recognized as a de
called government styled as the 'Republic of the facto government by the Supreme Court of the
Philippines' was established on October 14, United States in the case of McCleod vs. United
1943, based upon neither the free expression of States (299 U. S., 416). According to the facts in
the people's will nor the sanction of the the last-named case, the Spanish forces
Government of the United States." Japan had no evacuated the Island of Cebu on December 25,
legal power to grant independence to the 1898, having first appointed a provisional
Philippines or transfer the sovereignty of the government, and shortly afterwards, the
United States to, or recognize the latent Filipinos, formerly in insurrection against Spain,
sovereignty of, the Filipino people, before its took possession of the Islands and established a
military occupation and possession of the republic, governing the Islands until possession
Islands had matured into an absolute and thereof was surrendered to the United States on
permanent dominion or sovereignty by a treaty February 22, 1898. And the said Supreme Court
of peace or other means recognized in the law of held in that case that "such government was of
nations. For it is a well-established doctrine in the class of de facto governments described in I
International Law, recognized in Article 45 of the Moore's International Law Digest, S 20, . . .
Hauge Conventions of 1907 (which prohibits 'called also by publicists a government de facto,
compulsion of the population of the occupied but which might, perhaps, be more aptly
territory to swear allegiance to the hostile denominated a government of paramount force .
power), the belligerent occupation, being . '." That is to say, that the government of a
essentially provisional, does not serve to transfer country in possession of belligerent forces in
sovereignty over the territory controlled although insurrection or rebellion against the parent state,
the de jure government is during the period of rests upon the same principles as that of a
occupancy deprived of the power to exercise its territory occupied by the hostile army of an
rights as such. (Thirty Hogshead of enemy at regular war with the legitimate power.
Sugar vs. Boyle, 9 Cranch, 191; United
States vs. Rice, 4 Wheat., 246; The governments by the Philippine Executive
Fleming vs. Page, 9 Howard, 603; Commission and the Republic of the Philippines
Downes vs. Bidwell, 182 U. S., 345.) The during the Japanese military occupation
formation of the Republic of the Philippines was being de facto governments, it necessarily
a scheme contrived by Japan to delude the follows that the judicial acts and proceedings of
Filipino people into believing in the apparent the courts of justice of those governments, which
magnanimity of the Japanese gesture of are not of a political complexion, were good and
transferring or turning over the rights of valid, and, by virtue of the well-known principle
government into the hands of Filipinos. It was of postliminy (postliminium) in international law,
established under the mistaken belief that by remained good and valid after the liberation or
doing so, Japan would secure the cooperation or reoccupation of the Philippines by the American
at least the neutrality of the Filipino people in her and Filipino forces under the leadership of
war against the United States and other allied General Douglas MacArthur. According to that
nations. well-known principle in international law, the fact
that a territory which has been occupied by an
enemy comes again into the power of its or legislative, as well as constitutional,
legitimate government of sovereignty, "does not, processes of the Republic of the Philippines or
except in a very few cases, wipe out the effects other governmental agencies established in the
of acts done by an invader, which for one reason Islands during the Japanese occupation. Taking
or another it is within his competence to do. into consideration the fact that, as above
Thus judicial acts done under his control, when indicated, according to the well-known principles
they are not of a political complexion, of international law all judgements and judicial
administrative acts so done, to the extent that proceedings, which are not of a political
they take effect during the continuance of his complexion, of the de facto governments during
control, and the various acts done during the the Japanese military occupation were good and
same time by private persons under the sanction valid before and remained so after the occupied
of municipal law, remain good. Were it territory had come again into the power of the
otherwise, the whole social life of a community titular sovereign, it should be presumed that it
would be paralyzed by an invasion; and as was not, and could not have been, the intention
between the state and the individuals the evil of General Douglas MacArthur, in using the
would be scarcely less, — it would be hard for phrase "processes of any other government" in
example that payment of taxes made under said proclamation, to refer to judicial processes,
duress should be ignored, and it would be in violation of said principles of international law.
contrary to the general interest that the The only reasonable construction of the said
sentences passed upon criminals should be phrase is that it refers to governmental
annulled by the disappearance of the intrusive processes other than judicial processes of court
government ." (Hall, International Law, 7th ed., proceedings, for according to a well-known rule
p. 518.) And when the occupation and the of statutory construction, set forth in 25 R. C. L.,
abandonment have been each an incident of the p. 1028, "a statute ought never to be construed
same war as in the present case, postliminy to violate the law of nations if any other possible
applies, even though the occupant has acted as construction remains."
conqueror and for the time substituted his own
sovereignty as the Japanese intended to do It is true that the commanding general of a
apparently in granting independence to the belligerent army of occupation, as an agent of
Philippines and establishing the so-called his government, may not unlawfully suspend
Republic of the Philippines. (Taylor, International existing laws and promulgate new ones in the
Law, p. 615.) occupied territory, if and when the exigencies of
the military occupation demand such action. But
That not only judicial but also legislative acts even assuming that, under the law of nations,
of de facto governments, which are not of a the legislative power of a commander in chief of
political complexion, are and remain valid after military forces who liberates or reoccupies his
reoccupation of a territory occupied by a own territory which has been occupied by an
belligerent occupant, is confirmed by the enemy, during the military and before the
Proclamation issued by General Douglas restoration of the civil regime, is as broad as that
MacArthur on October 23, 1944, which declares of the commander in chief of the military forces
null and void all laws, regulations and processes of invasion and occupation (although the
of the governments established in the exigencies of military reoccupation are evidently
Philippines during the Japanese occupation, for less than those of occupation), it is to be
it would not have been necessary for said presumed that General Douglas MacArthur, who
proclamation to abrogate them if they were was acting as an agent or a representative of the
invalid ab initio. Government and the President of the United
States, constitutional commander in chief of the
2. The second question hinges upon the United States Army, did not intend to act against
interpretation of the phrase "processes of any the principles of the law of nations asserted by
other government" as used in the above-quoted the Supreme Court of the United States from the
proclamation of General Douglas MacArthur of early period of its existence, applied by the
October 23, 1944 — that is, whether it was the Presidents of the United States, and later
intention of the Commander in Chief of the embodied in the Hague Conventions of 1907, as
American Forces to annul and void thereby all above indicated. It is not to be presumed that
judgments and judicial proceedings of the courts General Douglas MacArthur, who enjoined in the
established in the Philippines during the same proclamation of October 23, 1944, "upon
Japanese military occupation. the loyal citizens of the Philippines full respect
and obedience to the Constitution of the
The phrase "processes of any other Commonwealth of the Philippines," should not
government" is broad and may refer not only to only reverse the international policy and practice
of his own government, but also disregard in the
the judicial processes, but also to administrative
same breath the provisions of section 3, Article Court final decision." This provision impliedly
II, of our Constitution, which provides that "The recognizes that the judgments and proceedings
Philippines renounces war as an instrument of of the courts during the Japanese military
national policy, and adopts the generally occupation have not been invalidated by the
accepted principles of international law as part of proclamation of General MacArthur of October
the law of the Nation." 23, because the said Order does not say or refer
to cases which have been duly appealed to said
Moreover, from a contrary construction great court prior to the Japanese occupation, but to
inconvenience and public hardship would result, cases which had therefore, that is, up to March
and great public interests would be endangered 10, 1945, been duly appealed to the Court of
and sacrificed, for disputes or suits already Appeals; and it is to be presumed that almost all,
adjudged would have to be again settled if not all, appealed cases pending in the Court of
accrued or vested rights nullified, sentences Appeals prior to the Japanese military
passed on criminals set aside, and criminals occupation of Manila on January 2, 1942, had
might easily become immune for evidence been disposed of by the latter before the
against them may have already disappeared or restoration of the Commonwealth Government in
be no longer available, especially now that 1945; while almost all, if not all, appealed cases
almost all court records in the Philippines have pending on March 10, 1945, in the Court of
been destroyed by fire as a consequence of the Appeals were from judgments rendered by the
war. And it is another well-established rule of Court of First Instance during the Japanese
statutory construction that where great regime.
inconvenience will result from a particular
construction, or great public interests would be The respondent judge quotes a portion of
endangered or sacrificed, or great mischief Wheaton's International Law which say:
done, such construction is to be avoided, or the "Moreover when it is said that an occupier's acts
court ought to presume that such construction are valid and under international law should not
was not intended by the makers of the law, be abrogated by the subsequent conqueror, it
unless required by clear and unequivocal words. must be remembered that no crucial instances
(25 R. C. L., pp. 1025, 1027.) exist to show that if his acts should be reversed,
any international wrong would be committed.
The mere conception or thought of possibility What does happen is that most matters are
that the titular sovereign or his representatives allowed to stand by the restored government,
who reoccupies a territory occupied by an but the matter can hardly be put further than
enemy, may set aside or annul all the judicial this." (Wheaton, International Law, War, 7th
acts or proceedings of the tribunals which the English edition of 1944, p. 245.) And from this
belligerent occupant had the right and duty to quotion the respondent judge "draws the
establish in order to insure public order and conclusion that whether the acts of the occupant
safety during military occupation, would be should be considered valid or not, is a question
sufficient to paralyze the social life of the country that is up to the restored government to decide;
or occupied territory, for it would have to be that there is no rule of international law that
expected that litigants would not willingly submit denies to the restored government to decide;
their litigation to courts whose judgements or that there is no rule of international law that
decisions may afterwards be annulled, and denies to the restored government the right of
criminals would not be deterred from committing exercise its discretion on the matter, imposing
crimes or offenses in the expectancy that they upon it in its stead the obligation of recognizing
may escaped the penalty if judgments rendered and enforcing the acts of the overthrown
against them may be afterwards set aside. government."

That the proclamation has not invalidated all the There is doubt that the subsequent conqueror
judgements and proceedings of the courts of has the right to abrogate most of the acts of the
justice during the Japanese regime, is impliedly occupier, such as the laws, regulations and
confirmed by Executive Order No. 37, which has processes other than judicial of the government
the force of law, issued by the President of the established by the belligerent occupant. But in
Philippines on March 10, 1945, by virtue of the view of the fact that the proclamation uses the
emergency legislative power vested in him by words "processes of any other government" and
the Constitution and the laws of the not "judicial processes" prisely, it is not
Commonwealth of the Philippines. Said necessary to determine whether or not General
Executive order abolished the Court of Appeals, Douglas MacArthur had power to annul and set
and provided "that all case which have aside all judgments and proceedings of the
heretofore been duly appealed to the Court of courts during the Japanese occupation. The
Appeals shall be transmitted to the Supreme question to be determined is whether or not it
was his intention, as representative of the Ochoa, vs. Hernandez (230 U.S., 139), has
President of the United States, to avoid or nullify declared that they "arise from general rules of
them. If the proclamation had, expressly or by international law and from fundamental
necessary implication, declared null and void the principles known wherever the American flag
judicial processes of any other government, it flies."
would be necessary for this court to decide in
the present case whether or not General In the case of Raymond vs. Thomas (91 U.S.,
Douglas MacArthur had authority to declare 712), a special order issued by the officer in
them null and void. But the proclamation did not command of the forces of the United States in
so provide, undoubtedly because the author South Carolina after the end of the Civil War,
thereof was fully aware of the limitations of his wholly annulling a decree rendered by a court of
powers as Commander in Chief of Military chancery in that state in a case within its
Forces of liberation or subsequent conqueror. jurisdiction, was declared void, and not
warranted by the acts approved respectively
Not only the Hague Regulations, but also the March 2, 1867 (14 Stat., 428), and July 19 of the
principles of international law, as they result from same year (15 id., 14), which defined the powers
the usages established between civilized and duties of military officers in command of the
nations, the laws of humanity and the several states then lately in rebellion. In the
requirements of the public of conscience, course of its decision the court said; "We have
constitute or from the law of nations. (Preamble looked carefully through the acts of March 2,
of the Hague Conventions; Westlake, 1867 and July 19, 1867. They give very large
International Law, 2d ed., Part II, p. 61.) Article governmental powers to the military
43, section III, of the Hague Regulations or commanders designated, within the States
Conventions which we have already quoted in committed respectively to their jurisdiction; but
discussing the first question, imposes upon the we have found nothing to warrant the order here
occupant the obligation to establish courts; and in question. . . . The clearest language would be
Article 23 (h), section II, of the same necessary to satisfy us that Congress intended
Conventions, which prohibits the belligerent that the power given by these acts should be so
occupant "to declare . . . suspended . . . in a exercised. . . . It was an arbitrary stretch of
Court of Law the rights and action of the authority, needful to no good end that can be
nationals of the hostile party," forbids him to imagined. Whether Congress could have
make any declaration preventing the inhabitants conferred the power to do such an act is a
from using their courts to assert or enforce their question we are not called upon to consider. It is
civil rights. (Decision of the Court of Appeals of an unbending rule of law that the exercise of
England in the case of Porter vs. Fruedenburg, military power, where the rights of the citizen are
L.R. [1915], 1 K.B., 857.) If a belligerent concerned, shall never be pushed beyond what
occupant is required to establish courts of justice the exigency requires. (Mithell vs. Harmony, 13
in the territory occupied, and forbidden to How., 115; Warden vs. Bailey, 4 Taunt., 67;
prevent the nationals thereof from asserting or Fabrigas vs. Moysten, 1 Cowp., 161; s.c., 1
enforcing therein their civil rights, by necessary Smith's L.C., pt. 2, p. 934.) Viewing the subject
implication, the military commander of the forces before us from the standpoint indicated, we hold
of liberation or the restored government is that the order was void."
restrained from nullifying or setting aside the
judgments rendered by said courts in their It is, therefore, evident that the proclamation of
litigation during the period of occupation. General MacArthur of October 23, 1944, which
Otherwise, the purpose of these precepts of the declared that "all laws, regulations and
Hague Conventions would be thwarted, for to processes of any other government in the
declare them null and void would be tantamount Philippines than that of the said Commonwealth
to suspending in said courts the right and action are null and void without legal effect in areas of
of the nationals of the territory during the military the Philippines free of enemy occupation and
occupation thereof by the enemy. It goes without control," has not invalidated the judicial acts and
saying that a law that enjoins a person to do proceedings, which are not a political
something will not at the same time empower complexion, of the courts of justice in the
another to undo the same. Although the question Philippines that were continued by the Philippine
whether the President or commanding officer of Executive Commission and the Republic of the
the United States Army has violated restraints Philippines during the Japanese military
imposed by the constitution and laws of his occupation, and that said judicial acts and
country is obviously of a domestic nature, yet, in proceedings were good and valid before and
construing and applying limitations imposed on now good and valid after the reoccupation of
the executive authority, the Supreme Court of liberation of the Philippines by the American and
the United States, in the case of Filipino forces.
3. The third and last question is whether or not 23, 1942, the Chairman of the Executive
the courts of the Commonwealth, which are the Commission, by Executive Orders Nos. 1 and 4
same as those existing prior to, and continued of January 30 and February 5, respectively,
during, the Japanese military occupation by the continued the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals,
Philippine Executive Commission and by the so- Court of First Instance, and justices of the peace
called Republic of the Philippines, have of courts, with the same jurisdiction in conformity
jurisdiction to continue now the proceedings in with the instructions given by the Commander in
actions pending in said courts at the time the Chief of the Imperial Japanese Army in Order
Philippine Islands were reoccupied or liberated No. 3 of February 20, 1942. And on October 14,
by the American and Filipino forces, and the 1943 when the so-called Republic of the
Commonwealth Government was restored. Philippines was inaugurated, the same courts
were continued with no substantial change in
Although in theory the authority the authority of organization and jurisdiction thereof.
the local civil and judicial administration is
suspended as a matter of course as soon as If the proceedings pending in the different courts
military occupation takes place, in practice the of the Islands prior to the Japanese military
invader does not usually take the administration occupation had been continued during the
of justice into his own hands, but continues the Japanese military administration, the Philippine
ordinary courts or tribunals to administer the Executive Commission, and the so-called
laws of the country which he is enjoined, unless Republic of the Philippines, it stands to reason
absolutely prevented, to respect. As stated in the that the same courts, which had become
above-quoted Executive Order of President reestablished and conceived of as having in
McKinley to the Secretary of War on May 19, continued existence upon the reoccupation and
1898, "in practice, they (the municipal laws) are liberation of the Philippines by virtue of the
not usually abrogated but are allowed to remain principle of postliminy (Hall, International Law,
in force and to be administered by the ordinary 7th ed., p. 516), may continue the proceedings
tribunals substantially as they were before the in cases then pending in said courts, without
occupation. This enlightened practice is, so far necessity of enacting a law conferring
as possible, to be adhered to on the present jurisdiction upon them to continue said
occasion." And Taylor in this connection says: proceedings. As Taylor graphically points out in
"From a theoretical point of view it may be said speaking of said principles "a state or other
that the conqueror is armed with the right to governmental entity, upon the removal of a
substitute his arbitrary will for all preexisting foreign military force, resumes its old place with
forms of government, legislative, executive and its right and duties substantially unimpaired. . . .
judicial. From the stand-point of actual practice Such political resurrection is the result of a law
such arbitrary will is restrained by the provision analogous to that which enables elastic bodies
of the law of nations which compels the to regain their original shape upon removal of
conqueror to continue local laws and institution the external force, — and subject to the same
so far as military necessity will permit." (Taylor, exception in case of absolute crushing of the
International Public Law, p.596.) Undoubtedly, whole fibre and content." (Taylor, International
this practice has been adopted in order that the Public Law, p. 615.)
ordinary pursuits and business of society may
not be unnecessarily deranged, inasmuch as The argument advanced by the respondent
belligerent occupation is essentially provisional, judge in his resolution in support in his
and the government established by the occupant conclusion that the Court of First Instance of
of transient character. Manila presided over by him "has no authority to
take cognizance of, and continue said
Following these practice and precepts of the law proceedings (of this case) to final judgment until
of nations, Commander in Chief of the Japanese and unless the Government of the
Forces proclaimed on January 3, 1942, when Commonwealth of the Philippines . . . shall have
Manila was occupied, the military administration provided for the transfer of the jurisdiction of the
under martial law over the territory occupied by courts of the now defunct Republic of the
the army, and ordered that "all the laws now in Philippines, and the cases commenced and the
force in the Commonwealth, as well as executive left pending therein," is "that said courts were a
and judicial institutions, shall continue to be government alien to the Commonwealth
affective for the time being as in the past," and Government. The laws they enforced were, true
"all public officials shall remain in their present enough, laws of the Commonwealth prior to
post and carry on faithfully their duties as Japanese occupation, but they had become the
before." When the Philippine Executive laws — and the courts had become the
Commission was organized by Order No. 1 of institutions — of Japan by adoption
the Japanese Commander in Chief, on January (U.S. vs.Reiter. 27 F. Cases, No. 16146), as
they became later on the laws and institutions of change of sovereignty." (Joseph H. Beale,
the Philippine Executive Commission and the Cases on Conflict of Laws, III, Summary Section
Republic of the Philippines." 9, citing Commonwealth vs. Chapman, 13 Met.,
68.) As the same author says, in his Treatise on
The court in the said case of U.S. vs. Reiter did the Conflict on Laws (Cambridge, 1916, Section
not and could not say that the laws and 131): "There can no break or interregnum in law.
institutions of the country occupied if continued From the time the law comes into existence with
by the conqueror or occupant, become the laws the first-felt corporateness of a primitive people it
and the courts, by adoption, of the sovereign must last until the final disappearance of human
nation that is militarily occupying the territory. society. Once created, it persists until a change
Because, as already shown, belligerent or take place, and when changed it continues in
military occupation is essentially provisional and such changed condition until the next change,
does not serve to transfer the sovereignty over and so forever. Conquest or colonization is
the occupied territory to the occupant. What the impotent to bring law to an end; in spite of
court said was that, if such laws and institutions change of constitution, the law continues
are continued in use by the occupant, they unchanged until the new sovereign by legislative
become his and derive their force from him, in acts creates a change."
the sense that he may continue or set them
aside. The laws and institution or courts so As courts are creatures of statutes and their
continued remain the laws and institutions or existence defends upon that of the laws which
courts of the occupied territory. The laws and the create and confer upon them their jurisdiction, it
courts of the Philippines, therefore, did not is evident that such laws, not being a political
become, by being continued as required by the nature, are not abrogated by a change of
law of nations, laws and courts of Japan. The sovereignty, and continue in force "ex proprio
provision of Article 45, section III, of the Hague vigore" unless and until repealed by legislative
Conventions of 1907 which prohibits any acts. A proclamation that said laws and courts
compulsion of the population of occupied are expressly continued is not necessary in
territory to swear allegiance to the hostile power, order that they may continue in force. Such
"extends to prohibit everything which would proclamation, if made, is but a declaration of the
assert or imply a change made by the invader in intention of respecting and not repealing those
the legitimate sovereignty. This duty is neither to laws. Therefore, even assuming that Japan had
innovate in the political life of the occupied legally acquired sovereignty over these Islands,
districts, nor needlessly to break the continuity of which she had afterwards transferred to the so-
their legal life. Hence, so far as the courts of called Republic of the Philippines, and that the
justice are allowed to continue administering the laws and the courts of these Islands had
territorial laws, they must be allowed to give their become the courts of Japan, as the said courts
sentences in the name of the legitimate of the laws creating and conferring jurisdiction
sovereign " (Westlake, Int. Law, Part II, second upon them have continued in force until now, it
ed., p. 102). According to Wheaton, however, necessarily follows that the same courts may
the victor need not allow the use of that of the continue exercising the same jurisdiction over
legitimate government. When in 1870, the cases pending therein before the restoration of
Germans in France attempted to violate that rule the Commonwealth Government, unless and
by ordering, after the fall of the Emperor until they are abolished or the laws creating and
Napoleon, the courts of Nancy to administer conferring jurisdiction upon them are repealed
justice in the name of the "High German Powers by the said government. As a consequence,
occupying Alsace and Lorraine," upon the enabling laws or acts providing that proceedings
ground that the exercise of their powers in the pending in one court be continued by or
name of French people and government was at transferred to another court, are not required by
least an implied recognition of the Republic, the the mere change of government or sovereignty.
courts refused to obey and suspended their They are necessary only in case the former
sitting. Germany originally ordered the use of the courts are abolished or their jurisdiction so
name of "High German Powers occupying change that they can no longer continue taking
Alsace and Lorraine," but later offered to allow cognizance of the cases and proceedings
use of the name of the Emperor or a commenced therein, in order that the new courts
compromise. (Wheaton, International Law, War, or the courts having jurisdiction over said cases
7th English ed. 1944, p. 244.) may continue the proceedings. When the
Spanish sovereignty in the Philippine Islands
Furthermore, it is a legal maxim, that excepting ceased and the Islands came into the
that of a political nature, "Law once established possession of the United States, the "Audiencia"
continues until changed by the some competent or Supreme Court was continued and did not
legislative power. It is not change merely by cease to exist, and proceeded to take
cognizance of the actions pending therein upon Instance during the so-called Republic of the
the cessation of the Spanish sovereignty until Philippines. If the Court of Appeals abolished by
the said "Audiencia" or Supreme Court was the said Executive Order was not the same one
abolished, and the Supreme Court created in which had been functioning during the Republic,
Chapter II of Act No. 136 was substituted in lieu but that which had existed up to the time of the
thereof. And the Courts of First Instance of the Japanese occupation, it would have provided
Islands during the Spanish regime continued that all the cases which had, prior to and up to
taking cognizance of cases pending therein that occupation on January 2, 1942, been dully
upon the change of sovereignty, until section 65 appealed to the said Court of Appeals shall be
of the same Act No. 136 abolished them and transmitted to the Supreme Court for final
created in its Chapter IV the present Courts of decision.
First Instance in substitution of the former.
Similarly, no enabling acts were enacted during It is, therefore, obvious that the present courts
the Japanese occupation, but a mere have jurisdiction to continue, to final judgment,
proclamation or order that the courts in the the proceedings in cases, not of political
Island were continued. complexion, pending therein at the time of the
restoration of the Commonwealth Government.
On the other hand, during the American regime,
when section 78 of Act No. 136 was enacted Having arrived at the above conclusions, it
abolishing the civil jurisdiction of the provost follows that the Court of First Instance of Manila
courts created by the military government of has jurisdiction to continue to final judgment the
occupation in the Philippines during the Spanish- proceedings in civil case No. 3012, which
American War of 1898, the same section 78 involves civil rights of the parties under the laws
provided for the transfer of all civil actions then of the Commonwealth Government, pending in
pending in the provost courts to the proper said court at the time of the restoration of the
tribunals, that is, to the justices of the peace said Government; and that the respondent judge
courts, Court of First Instance, or Supreme Court of the court, having refused to act and continue
having jurisdiction over them according to law. him does a duty resulting from his office as
And later on, when the criminal jurisdiction of presiding judge of that court, mandamus is the
provost courts in the City of Manila was speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary
abolished by section 3 of Act No. 186, the same course of law, especially taking into
section provided that criminal cases pending consideration the fact that the question of
therein within the jurisdiction of the municipal jurisdiction herein involved does affect not only
court created by Act No. 183 were transferred to this particular case, but many other cases now
the latter. pending in all the courts of these Islands.

That the present courts as the same courts In view of all the foregoing it is adjudged and
which had been functioning during the Japanese decreed that a writ of mandamus issue, directed
regime and, therefore, can continue the to the respondent judge of the Court of First
proceedings in cases pending therein prior to the Instance of Manila, ordering him to take
restoration of the Commonwealth of the cognizance of and continue to final judgment the
Philippines, is confirmed by Executive Order No. proceedings in civil case No. 3012 of said court.
37 which we have already quoted in support of No pronouncement as to costs. So ordered.
our conclusion in connection with the second
question. Said Executive Order provides"(1) that Moran, C.J., Ozaeta, Paras, Jaranilla and Pablo,
the Court of Appeals created and established JJ., concur.
under Commonwealth Act No. 3 as amended, be
abolished, as it is hereby abolished," and "(2)
that all cases which have heretofore been duly
appealed to the Court of Appeals shall be
transmitted to the Supreme Court for final
decision. . . ." In so providing, the said Order Separate Opinions
considers that the Court of Appeals abolished
was the same that existed prior to, and DE JOYA, J., concurring:
continued after, the restoration of the
Commonwealth Government; for, as we have The principal question involved in this case is
stated in discussing the previous question, the validity of the proceedings held in civil case
almost all, if not all, of the cases pending therein, No. 3012, in the Court of First Instance of the
or which had theretofore (that is, up to March 10, City of Manila, under the now defunct Philippine
1945) been duly appealed to said court, must Republic, during Japanese occupation; and the
have been cases coming from the Courts of First effect on said proceedings of the proclamation of
General Douglas MacArthur, dated October 23, reestablish and insure, as far as
1944. The decision of this question requires the possible, public order and safety, while
application of principles of International Law, in respecting, unless absolutely prevented,
connection with the municipal law in force in this the laws in force in the country. (32 Stat.
country, before and during Japanese II, 1821.)
The above provisions of the Hague Convention
Questions of International Law must be decided have been adopted by the nations giving
as matters of general law (Juntington vs. Attril, adherence to them, among which is United
146 U.S., 657; 13 Sup. Ct. 224; 36 Law. ed., States of America (32 Stat. II, 1821).
1123); and International Law is no alien in this
Tribunal, as, under the Constitution of the The commander in chief of the invading forces
Commonwealth of the Philippines, it is a part of or military occupant may exercise governmental
the fundamental law of the land (Article II, authority, but only when in actual possession of
section 3). the enemy's territory, and this authority will be
exercised upon principles of international Law
As International Law is an integral part of our (New Orleans vs. Steamship Co, [1874], 20
laws, it must be ascertained and administered by Wall., 387; Kelly vs. Sanders [1878], 99 U.S.,
this Court, whenever questions of right 441; MacLeod vs. U.S., 229 U.S. 416; 33 Sup.
depending upon it are presented for our Ct., 955; 57 Law Ed., 1260; II Oppenheim of
determination, sitting as an international as well International Law, section 167).
as a domestic Tribunal (Kansas vs. Colorado,
185 U.S., 146; 22 Sup. Ct. 552; 46 Law. Ed., There can be no question that the Philippines
838). was under Japanese military occupation, from
January, 1942, up to the time of the reconquest
Since International Law is a body of rules by the armed forces of the United States of the
actually accepted by nations as regulating their Island of Luzon, in February, 1945.
mutual relations, the proof of the existence of a
given rule is to be found in the consent of It will thus be readily seen that the civil laws of
nations to abide by that rule; and this consent is the invaded State continue in force, in so far as
evidenced chiefly by the usages and customs of they do not affect the hostile occupant
nations, and to ascertain what these usages and unfavorably. The regular judicial Tribunals of the
customs are, the universal practice is to turn to occupied territory continue usual for the invader
the writings of publicists and to the decisions of to take the whole administration into his own
the highest courts of the different countries of hands, partly because it is easier to preserve
the world (The Habana, 175 U.S., 677; 20 Sup. order through the agency of the native officials,
Cit., 290; 44 Law. ed., 320). and partly because it is easier to preserve order
through the agency of the native officials, and
But while usage is the older and original source partly because the latter are more competent to
of International Law, great international treaties administer the laws in force within the territory
are a later source of increasing importance, such and the military occupant generally keeps in
as The Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. their posts such of the judicial and administrative
officers as are willing to serve under him,
The Hague Conventions of 1899, respecting subjecting them only to supervision by the
laws and customs of war on land, expressly military authorities, or by superior civil authorities
declares that: appointed by him.(Young vs. U.S., 39; 24 Law,
ed., 992; Coleman vs. Tennessee, 97 U.S., 509;
24 Law ed., 1118; MacLeod vs. U.S., 229 U.S.,
ARTICLE XLII. Territory is considered
416; 33 Sup. Ct., 955; 57 Law. ed., 1260; Taylor
occupied when it is actually placed
under the authority of the hostile army. on International Law, sections 576. 578; Wilson
on International Law; pp. 331-37; Hall on
International Law, 6th Edition [1909], pp. 464,
The occupation applies only to be 465, 475, 476; Lawrence on International Law,
territory where such authority is 7th ed., pp. 412, 413; Davis, Elements of
established, and in a position to assert International Law, 3rd ed., pp. 330-332 335;
itself. Holland on International Law pp. 356, 357, 359;
Westlake on International Law, 2d ed., pp. 121-
ARTICLE XLIII. The authority of the 23.)
legitimate power having actually passed
into the hands of the occupant, the later
shall take all steps in his power to
It is, therefore, evident that the establishment of same general form of government, the same
the government under the so-called Philippine general law for the administration of justice and
Republic, during Japanese occupation, the protection of private rights, which had
respecting the laws in force in the country, and existed in the States prior to the rebellion,
permitting the local courts to function and remained during its continuance and afterwards.
administer such laws, as proclaimed in the City As far as the acts of the States did not impair or
of Manila, by the Commander in Chief of the tend to impair the supremacy of the national
Japanese Imperial Forces, on January 3, 1942, authority, or the just and legal rights of the
was in accordance with the rules and principles citizens, under the Constitution, they are in
of International Law. general to be treated as valid and binding."
(William vs. Bruffy, 96 U.S., 176;
If the military occupant is thus in duly bound to Horn vs. Lockhart, 17 Wall., 570;
establish in the territory under military Sprott vs. United States, 20 id., 459;
occupation governmental agencies for the Texas vs. White, 7 id., 700.)
preservation of peace and order and for the
proper administration of justice, in accordance The government established in the Philippines,
with the laws in force within territory it must during Japanese occupation, would seem to fall
necessarily follow that the judicial proceedings under the following definition of de
conducted before the courts established by the facto government given by the Supreme Court of
military occupant must be considered legal and the United States:
valid, even after said government establish by
the military occupant has been displaced by the But there is another description of
legitimate government of the territory. government, called also by publicists, a
government de facto, but which might,
Thus the judgments rendered by the perhaps, be more aptly denominateda
Confederate Courts, during the American Civil government of paramount force. Its
War, merely settling the rights of private parties distinguishing characteristics are (1) that
actually within their jurisdiction, not tending to its existence is maintained by active
defeat the legal rights of citizens of the United military power within the territories, and
States, nor in furtherance of laws passed in aid against the rightful authority of an
of the rebellion had been declared valid and established and lawful government; and
binding (Cock vs. Oliver, 1 Woods, 437; Fed. (2) that while it exists it must necessarily
Cas., No. 3, 164; Coleman vs. Tennessee, 97 U. be obeyed in civil matters by private
S., 509; 24 Law. ed., 118; Williams vs. Bruffy, 96 citizens who, by acts of obedience
U. S., 176; Horn vs. Lockhart, 17 Wall., 570; rendered in submission to such force, do
Sprott vs. United States, 20 id., 459; not become responsible, as wrong
Texas vs. White, 7 id., 700; Ketchum vs. Buckley doers, for those acts, though not
[1878], 99 U.S., 188); and the judgment of a warranted by the laws of the rightful
court of Georgia rendered in November, 1861, government. Actual government of this
for the purchase money of slaves was held valid sort are established over districts
judgment when entered, and enforceable in differing greatly in extent and conditions.
1871(French vs. Tumlin, 10 Am. Law. Reg. They are usually administered directly
[N.S.], 641; Fed. Case, No. 5104). by military authority, but they may be
administered, also, by civil authority,
Said judgments rendered by the courts of the supported more or less directly by
states constituting the Confederate States of military force. (Macleod vs. United
America were considered legal and valid and States [1913] 229 U.S., 416.)
enforceable, even after the termination of the
American Civil War, because they had been The government established in the Philippines,
rendered by the courts of a de facto government. under the so-called Philippine Republic, during
The Confederate States were a de Japanese occupation, was and should be
facto government in the sense that its citizens considered as a de facto government; and that
were bound to render the government obedience the judicial proceedings conducted before the
in civil matters, and did not become responsible, courts which had been established in this
as wrong-doers, for such acts of obedience country, during said Japanese occupation, are to
(Thorington vs. Smith, 8 Wall. [U.S.], 9; 19 Law. be considered legal and valid and enforceable,
ed., 361). even after the liberation of this country by the
American forces, as long as the said judicial
In the case of Ketchum vs. Buckley ([1878], 99 proceedings had been conducted, under the
U.S., 188), the Court held — "It is now settled laws of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
law in this court that during the late civil war the
The judicial proceedings involved in the case According to the rules and principles of
under consideration merely refer to the International Law, and the legal doctrines cited
settlement of property rights, under the above, the judicial proceedings conducted
provisions of the Civil Code, in force in this before the courts of justice, established here
country under the Commonwealth government, during Japanese military occupation, merely
before and during Japanese occupation. applying the municipal law of the territory, such
as the provisions of our Civil Code, which have
Now, petitioner contends that the judicial no political or military significance, should be
proceedings in question are null and void, under considered legal, valid and binding.
the provisions of the proclamation issued by
General Douglas MacArthur, dated October 23, It is to be presumed that General Douglas
1944; as said proclamation "nullifies all the laws, MacArthur is familiar with said rules and
regulations and processes of any other principles, as International Law is an integral
government of the Philippines than that of the part of the fundamental law of the land, in
Commonwealth of the Philippines." accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution of the United States. And it is also
In other words, petitioner demands a literal to be presumed that General MacArthur his
interpretation of said proclamation issued by acted, in accordance with said rules and
General Douglas MacArthur, a contention which, principles of International Law, which have been
in our opinion, is untenable, as it would sanctioned by the Supreme Court of the United
inevitably produce judicial chaos and States, as the nullification of all judicial
uncertainties. proceedings conducted before our courts, during
Japanese occupation would lead to injustice and
absurd results, and would be highly detrimental
When an act is susceptible of two or more
constructions, one of which will maintain and the to the public interests.
others destroy it, the courts will always adopt the
former (U. S. vs. Coombs [1838], 12 Pet., 72; 9 For the foregoing reasons, I concur in the
Law. ed., 1004; Board of Supervisors of majority opinion.
Granada County vs. Brown [1884], 112 U.S.,
261; 28 Law. ed., 704; 5 Sup. Ct. Rep., 125; In
re Guarina [1913], 24 Phil., 37;
Fuentes vs. Director of Prisons [1924], 46 Phil.,
385). The judiciary, always alive to the dictates PERFECTO, J., dissenting:
of national welfare, can properly incline the
scales of its decisions in favor of that solution Law must be obeyed. To keep the bonds of
which will most effectively promote the public society, it must not be evaded. On its supremacy
policy (Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd. vs. Natividad depends the stability of states and nations. No
[1919], 40 Phil., 136). All laws should receive a government can prevail without it. The
sensible construction. General terms should be preservation of the human race itself hinges in
so limited in their application as not lead to law.
injustice, oppression or an absurd consequence.
It will always, therefore, be presumed that the
Since time immemorial, man has relied on law
legislature intended exceptions to its language,
as an essential means of attaining his purposes,
which would avoid results of this character. The
his objectives, his mission in life. More than
reason of the law in such cases should prevail
twenty-two centuries before the Christian Era, on
over its letter (U. S. vs.Kirby, 7 Wall. [U.S.], 482;
19 Law. ed., 278; Church of Holy Trinity vs. U. orders of the Assyrian King Hammurabi, the first
code was engrave in black diorite with cunie
S., 143 U. S. 461; 12 Sup. Ct., 511; 36 Law. ed.,
form characters. Nine centuries later Emperor
226; Jacobson vs. Massachussetts, 197 U. S.,
Hung Wu, in the cradle of the most ancient
39; 25 Sup. Ct., 358; 49 Law. ed., 643; 3 Ann.
civilization, compiled the Code of the Great
Cas., 765; In re Allen, 2 Phil., 630). The duty of
Ming. The laws of Manu were written in the
the court in construing a statute, which is
verdic India. Moses received at Sinai the ten
reasonably susceptible of two constructions to
commandments. Draco, Lycurgus, Solon made
adopt that which saves is constitutionality,
laws in Greece. Even ruthless Genghis Khan
includes the duty of avoiding a construction
used laws to keep discipline among the nomad
which raises grave and doubtful constitutional
hordes with which he conquered the greater part
questions, if it can be avoided (U.
of the European and Asiastic continents.
S. vs. Delaware & Hudson Co., U.S., 366; 29
Sup. Ct., 527; 53 Law. ed., 836).
Animal and plants species must follow the
mendelian heredity rules and other biological
laws to survive. Thanks to them, the chalk cliffs But, which to recognize, and which not? He was
of the infusoria show the marvel of an animal so not in a position to gather enough information for
tiny as to be imperceptible to the naked eye a safe basis to distinguished and classify which
creating a whole mountain. Even the inorganic acts must be nullified, and which must validated.
world has to conform the law. Planets and stars At the same time he had to take immediate
follow the laws discovered by Kepler, known as action. More pressing military matters were
the law-maker of heavens. If, endowed with requiring his immediate attention. He followed
rebellious spirit, they should happen to challenge the safe course: to nullify all the legislative,
the law of universal gravity, the immediate result executive, and judicial acts and processes under
would be cosmic chaos. The tiny and twinkling the Japanese regime. After all, when the
points of light set above us on the velvet Commonwealth Government is already
darkness of the night will cease to inspire us with functioning, with proper information, he will be in
dreams of more beautiful and happier worlds. a position to declare by law, through its
Congress, which acts and processes must be
Again we are called upon to do our duty. Here is revived and validated in the public interest.
a law that we must apply. Shall we shrink? Shall
we circumvent it ? Can we ignore it? So on October 23, 1944, the Commander in
Chief issued the following proclamation:
The laws enacted by the legislators shall be
useless if courts are not ready to apply them. It GENERAL HEADQUARTERS
is actual application to real issues which gives
laws the breath of life. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA

In the varied and confused market of human OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER IN

endeavor there are so many things that might CHIEF
induce us to forget the elementals. There are so
many events, so many problem, so many
preoccupations that are pushing among
themselves to attract our attention, and we might
miss the nearest and most familiar things, like To the People of the Philippines:
the man who went around his house to look for a
pencil perched on one of his ears. WHEREAS, the military forces under my
command have landed in the Philippines
THE OCTOBER PROCLAMATION soil as a prelude to the liberation of the
entire territory of the Philippines; and
In October, 1944, the American Armed Forces of
Liberation landed successfully in Leyte. WHEREAS, the seat of the Government
of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
has been re-established in the
When victory in islands was accomplished, after
Philippines under President Sergio
the most amazing and spectacular war
Osmeña and the members of his
operations, General of the Army Douglas
cabinet; and
MacArthur as a commander in Chief of the
American Army, decided to reestablish, in behalf
of the United States, the Commonwealth WHEREAS, under enemy duress, a so-
Government. called government styled as the
"Republic of the Philippines" was
established on October 14, 1943, based
Then he was confronted with the question as to
upon neither the free expression of the
what policy to adopt in regards to the official acts people's will nor the sanction of the
of the governments established in the
Government of the United States, and is
Philippines by the Japanese regime. He might
purporting to exercise Executive,
have thought of recognizing the validity of some
Judicial and Legislative powers of
of said acts, but, certainly, there were acts which
government over the people;
he should declare null and void, whether against
the policies of the American Government,
whether inconsistent with military strategy and Now, therefore, I, Douglas MacArthur,
operations, whether detrimental to the interests General, United States Army, as
of the American or Filipino peoples, whether for Commander in Chief of the military
any other strong or valid reasons. forces committed to the liberation of the
Philippines, do hereby proclaim and


1. That the Government of the Army
Commonwealth of the Comma
Philippines is, subject to the nder in
supreme authority of the Chief
Government of the United
States, the sole and the only IS THE OCTOBER PROCLAMATION
government having legal and LAW?
valid jurisdiction over the people
in areas of the Philippines free In times of war the Commander in Chief of an
of enemy occupation and
army is vested with extraordinary inherent
powers, as a natural result of the nature of the
military operations aimed to achieve the
2. The laws now existing on the purposes of his country in the war, victory being
statute books of the paramount among them.
Commonwealth of the
Philippines and the regulation
Said Commander in Chief may establish in the
promulgated pursuant thereto
occupied or reoccupied territory, under his
are in full force and effect and
control, a complete system of government; he
legally binding upon the people may appoint officers and employees to manage
in areas of the Philippines free the affairs of said government; he may issue
of enemy occupation and
proclamations, instructions, orders, all with the
control; and
full force of laws enacted by a duly constituted
legislature; he may set policies that should be
3. That all laws, regulations and followed by the public administration organized
processes of any other by him; he may abolish the said agencies. In
government in the Philippines fact, he is the supreme ruler and law-maker of
than that of the said the territory under his control, with powers
Commonwealth are null and limited only by the receipts of the fundamental
void and without legal effect in laws of his country.
areas of the Philippines free
enemy occupation and control;
California, or the port of San Francisco,
had been conquered by the arms of the
United States as early as 1846. Shortly
I do hereby announce my purpose afterward the United States had military
progressively to restore and extend to possession of all upper California. Early
the people of the Philippines the sacred in 1847 the President, as constitutional
right of government by constitutional commander in chief of the army and
process under the regularly constituted navy, authorized the military and naval
Commonwealth Government as rapidly commander of our forces in California to
as the several occupied areas are exercise the belligerent rights of a
liberated to the military situation will conqueror, and form a civil government
otherwise permit; for the conquered country, and to
impose duties on imports and tonnage
I do enjoin upon all loyal citizens of the as military contributions for the support
Philippines full respect for and of the government, and of the army
obedience to the Constitution of the which has the conquest in possession. .
Commonwealth of the Philippines and . Cross of Harrison, 16 Howard, 164,
the laws, regulations and other acts of 189.)
their duly constituted government whose
seat is now firmly re-established on In May, 1862, after the capture of New
Philippine soil. Orleans by the United States Army,
General Butler, then in command of the
October 23, 1944. army at that place, issued a general
order appointing Major J. M. Bell,
DOUGL volunteer aide-de-camp, of the division
AS staff, provost judge of the city, and
MACAR directed that he should be obeyed and
THUR respected accordingly. The same order
General appointed Capt. J. H. French provost
U. S. marshal of the city, the Capt. Stafford


deputy provost marshal. A few days of the insurgent territory were occupied
after this order the Union Bank lent to by the National forces, it was within the
the plaintiffs the sum of $130,000, and constitutional authority of the President,
subsequently, the loan not having been as commander in chief, to establish
repaid, brought suit before the provost therein provisional courts for the hearing
judge to recover the debt. The defense and determination of all causes arising
was taken that the judge had no under the laws of the States or of the
jurisdiction over the civil cases, but United States, and it was ruled that a
judgement was given against the court instituted by President Lincoln for
borrowers, and they paid the money the State of Louisiana, with authority to
under protest. To recover it back is the hear, try, and determine civil causes,
object of the present suit, and the was lawfully authorized to exercise such
contention of the plaintiffs is that the jurisdiction. Its establishment by the
judgement was illegal and void, because military authority was held to be no
the Provost Court had no jurisdiction of violation of the constitutional provision
the case. The judgement of the District that "the judicial power of the United
Court was against the plaintiffs, and this States shall be vested in one Supreme
judgement was affirmed by the Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the
Court of the State. To this affirmance Congress may form time to time ordain
error is now assigned. and establish." That clause of the
Constitution has no application to the
The argument of the plaintiffs in error is abnormal condition of conquered
that the establishment of the Provost territory in the occupancy of the
Court, the appointment of the judge, and conquering, army. It refers only to courts
his action as such in the case brought of United States, which military courts
by the Union Bank against them were are not. As was said in the opinion of the
invalid, because in violation of the court, delivered by Chief Justice Chase,
Constitution of the United States, which in The Grapeshot, "It became the duty of
vests the judicial power of the General the National government, wherever the
government in one Supreme Court and insurgent power was overthrown, and
in such inferior courts as Congress may the territory which had been dominated
from time to time ordain and establish, by it was occupied by the National
and under this constitutional provision forces, to provide, as far as possible, so
they were entitled to immunity from long as the war continued, for the
liability imposed by the judgment of the security of the persons and property and
Provost Court. Thus, it is claimed, a for the administration of justice. The duty
Federal question is presented, and the of the National government in this
highest court of the State having respect was no other than that which
decided against the immunity claimed, devolves upon a regular belligerent,
our jurisdiction is invoked. occupying during war the territory of
another belligerent. It was a military
duty, to be performed by the President,
Assuming that the case is thus brought
within our right to review it, the as Commander in Chief, and instructed
as such with the direction of the military
controlling question is whether the
force by which the occupation was
commanding general of the army which
captured New Orleans and held it in
May 1862, had authority after the
capture of the city to establish a court Thus it has been determined that the
and appoint a judge with power to try power to establish by military authority
and adjudicate civil causes. Did the courts for the administration of civil as
Constitution of the United States prevent well as criminal justice in portions of the
the creation of the civil courts in insurgent States occupied by the
captured districts during the war of the National forces, is precisely the same as
rebellion, and their creation by military that which exists when foreign territory
authority? has been conquered and is occupied by
the conquerors. What that power is has
several times been considered. In
This cannot be said to be an open
Leitensdorfer & Houghton vs. Webb,
question. The subject came under the
consideration by this court in The may be found a notable illustration.
Grapeshot, where it was decided that Upon the conquest of New Mexico, in
1846, the commanding officer of the
when, during the late civil war, portions
conquering army, in virtue of the power (Mechanics' etc. Bank vs. Union Bank,
of conquest and occupancy, and with 89 U. S. [22 Wall.], 276-298.)
the sanction and authority of the
President, ordained a provisional There is no question, therefore, that when
government for the country. The General of the Army Douglas MacArthur issued
ordinance created courts, with both civil on October Proclamation, he did it in the
and criminal jurisdiction. It did not legitimate exercise of his powers. He did it as
undertake to change the municipal laws the official representative of the supreme
of the territory, but it established a authority of the United States of America.
judicial system with a superior or Consequently, said proclamation is legal, valid,
appellate court, and with circuit courts, and binding.
the jurisdiction of which declared to
embrace, first, all criminal causes that
Said proclamation has the full force of a law. In
should not otherwise provided for by fact, of a paramount law. Having been issued in
law; and secondly, original and the exercise of the American sovereignty, in
exclusive cognizance of all civil cases
case of conflict, it can even supersede, not only
not cognizable before the prefects and
the ordinary laws of the Commonwealth of the
alcades. But though these courts and
Philippines, but also our Constitution itself while
this judicial system were established by
we remain under the American flag.
the military authority of the United
States, without any legislation of
Congress, this court ruled that they were "PROCESS" IN THE OCTOBER
lawfully established. And there was no PROCLAMATION
express order for their establishment
emanating from the President or the In the third section of the dispositive part of the
Commander in Chief. The ordinance October Proclamation, it is declared that all laws,
was the act of the General Kearney the regulations and processes of any other
commanding officer of the army government in the Philippines than that of the
occupying the conquered territory. Commonwealth, are null and void.

In view of these decisions it is not to be Does the word "processes" used in the
questioned that the Constitution did not proclamation include judicial processes?
prohibit the creation by the military
authority of court for the trial of civil In its broadest sense, process is synonymous
causes during the civil war in conquered with proceedings or procedures and embraces
portions of the insurgent States. The all the steps and proceedings in a judicial cause
establishment of such courts is but the from it commencement to its conclusion.
exercise of the ordinary rights of
conquest. The plaintiffs in error, PROCESS. In Practice. — The means
therefore, had no constitutional immunity of compelling a defendant to appear in
against subjection to the judgements of court after suing out the original writ, in
such courts. They argue, however, that civil, and after indictment, in criminal
if this be conceded, still General Butler cases.
had no authority to establish such a
court; that the President alone, as a
The method taken by law to compel a
Commander in Chief, had such
compliance with the original writ or
authority. We do not concur in this view.
command as of the court.
General Butler was in command of the
conquering and the occupying army. He
was commissioned to carry on the war A writ, warrant, subpoena, or other
in Louisina. He was, therefore, invested formal writing issued by authority law;
with all the powers of making war, so far also the means of accomplishing an
as they were denied to him by the end, including judicial proceedings;
Commander in Chief, and among these Gollobitch vs. Rainbow, 84 la., 567; 51
powers, as we have seen, was of N. W., 48; the means or method pointed
establishing courts in conquered out by a statute, or used to acquire
territory. It must be presumed that he jurisdiction of the defendants, whether
acted under the orders of his superior by writ or notice. Wilson vs.R. Co. (108
officer, the President, and that his acts, Mo., 588; 18 S. W., 286; 32 Am. St.
in the prosecution of the war, were the Rep., 624). (3 Bouvier's Law Dictionary,
acts of his commander in chief. p. 2731.)


A. Process generally. 1. Definition. — As Baron Comyn says that process, in a
a legal term process is a generic word of large acceptance, comprehends the
every comprehensive signification and whole proceedings after the original and
many meanings. It is broadest sense it before judgement; but generally it
is equivalent to, or synonymous with, imports the writs which issue out of any
"proceedings" or "procedure," and court to bring the party to answer, or for
embraces all the steps and proceedings doing execution, and all process out of
in a cause from its commencement to its the King's court ought to be in the name
conclusion. Sometimes the term is also of the King. It is called "process"
broadly defined as the means whereby a because it proceeds or goes upon
court compels a compliance with it former matter, either original or judicial.
demands. "Process" and "writ" or "writs" Gilmer, vs.Bird 15 Fla., 410, 421. (34
are synonymous in the sense that every Words and Phrases, permanent edition,
writ is a process, and in a narrow sense 1940 edition, p. 147.)
of the term "process" is limited to judicial
writs in an action, or at least to writs or In a broad sense the word "process"
writings issued from or out of court, includes the means whereby a court
under the seal thereof, and returnable compels the appearance of the
thereto; but it is not always necessary to defendant before it, or a compliance with
construe the term so strictly as to limit it it demands, and any every writ, rule
to a writ issued by a court in the order, notice, or decree, including any
exercise of its ordinary jurisdiction; the process of execution that may issue in
term is sometimes defined as a writ or or upon any action, suit, or legal
other formal writing issued by authority proceedings, and it is not restricted to
of law or by some court, body, or official mesne process. In a narrow or restricted
having authority to issue it; and it is sense it is means those mandates of the
frequently used to designate a means, court intending to bring parties into court
by writ or otherwise , of acquiring or to require them to answer
jurisdiction of defendant or his property, proceedings there pending. (Colquitt
or of bringing defendant into, or Nat. Bank vs. Poitivint, 83 S. E., 198,
compelling him to appear in, court to 199; 15 Ga. App., 329. (34 Words and
answer. Phrases, permanent edition, 1940
edition, p. 148.)
As employed in the statutes the legal
meaning of the word "process" varies A "process" is an instrument in an
according to the context, subject matter, epistolary from running in the name of
and spirit of the statute in which it the sovereign of a state and issued out
occurs. In some jurisdictions codes or of a court of justice, or by a judge
statutes variously define "process" as thereof, at the commencement of an
signifying or including: A writ or action or at any time during its progress
summons issued in the course of judicial or incident thereto, usually under seal of
proceedings; all writs, warrants, the court, duly attested and directed to
summonses, and orders of courts of some municipal officer or to the party to
justice or judicial officers; or any writ, be bound by it, commanding the
declaration, summons, order, or commission of some act at or within a
subpoena whereby any action, suit or specified time, or prohibiting the doing of
proceeding shall be commenced, or some act. The cardinal requisites are
which shall be issued in or upon any that the instrument issue from a court of
action, suit or proceeding. (50 C. J., PP. justice, or a judge thereof; that it run in
441, 442.) the name of the sovereign of the state;
that it be duly attested, but not
The definition of "process" given by Lord necessarily by the judge, though usually,
Coke comprehends any lawful warrant, but not always, under seal; and that it be
authority, or proceeding by which a man directed to some one commanding or
may be arrested. He says: "Process of prohibiting the commission of an act.
law is two fold, namely, by the King's Watson vs. Keystone Ironworks Co., 74
writ, or by proceeding and warrant, P., 272, 273; 70 Kan., 43. (34 Words
either in deed or in law, without writ." and Phrases, permanent edition, 1940
(People vs. Nevins [N. Y.] Hill, 154, 169, edition, p. 148.)
170; State vs. Shaw, 50 A., 869; 73 Vt.,
Jacobs in his Law Dictionary says: accomplishment of an end, including
"Process" has two qualifications: First, it judicial proceedings. Frequently its
is largely taken for all proceedings in signification is limited to the means of
any action or prosecution, real or bringing a party in court. In the
personal, civil or criminal, from the Constitution process which at the
beginning to the end; secondly, that is common law would have run in the
termed the "process" by which a man is name of the king is intended. In the
called into any temporal court, because Code process issued from a court is
the beginning or principal part thereof, meant. McKenna vs. Cooper, 101 P.,
by which the rest is directed or taken. 662, 663; 79 Kan., 847, quoting
Strictly, it is a proceeding after the Hanna vs. Russel, 12 Minn., 80. (Gil., 43
original, before the judgement. A policy ); Black Com. 279; Bou vs. Law. Dict.
of fire insurance contained the condition (34 Words and Phrases, permanent
that if the property shall be sold or edition 1940 edition, p. 149.)
transferred, or any change takes place
in title or possession, whether by legal "Judicial process" includes the mandate
process or judicial decree or voluntary of a court to its officers, and a means
transfer or convenience, then and in whereby courts compel the appearance
every such case the policy shall be void. of parties, or compliance with its
The term "legal process," as used in the commands, and includes a
policy, means what is known as a writ; summons. Ex parte Hill, 51 So., 786,
and, as attachment or execution on the 787; 165 Ala., 365.
writs are usually employed to effect a
change of title to property, they are or
"Judicial process" comprehends all the
are amongst the processes acts of then court from the beginning of
contemplated by the policy. The words the proceeding to its end, and in a
"legal process" mean all the
narrower sense is the means of
proceedings in an action or proceeding.
compelling a defendant to appear in
They would necessarily embrace the
court after suing out the original writ in
decree, which ordinarily includes the
civil case and after the indictment in
proceedings. Perry vs. Lorillard Fire Ins.
criminal cases, and in every sense is the
Co., N. Y., 6 Lans., 201, 204. See, also,
act of the court and includes any means
Tipton vs. Cordova, 1 N. M., 383, 385.
of acquiring jurisdiction and includes
(34 Words and Phrases, permanent
attachment, garnishment, or execution,
edition, 1940 edition, p. 148.) and also a writ. Blair vs. Maxbass
Security Bank of Maxbass, 176 N. W.,
"Process" in a large acceptation, is 98, 199; 44 N. D. 12 (23 Words and
nearly synonymous with "proceedings," Phrases, permanent edition 1940
and means the entire proceedings in an edition, p. 328.)
action, from the beginning to the end. In
a stricter sense, it is applied to the
There is no question that the word process, as
several judicial writs issued in an action. used in the October Proclamation, includes all
Hanna vs. Russell, 12 Minn., 80, 86
judicial processes or proceedings.
(Gil., 43, 45). (34 Words and Phrases,
permanent edition, 1940, edition 149.)
The intention of the author of the proclamation of
including judicial processes appears clearly in
The term "process" as commonly the preamble of the document.
applied, intends that proceeding by
which a party is called into court, but it
has more enlarged signification, and The second "Whereas," states that so-called
covers all the proceedings in a court, government styled as the "Republic of the
from the beginning to the end of the suit; Philippines," based upon neither the free
and, in this view, all proceedings which expression of the people's will nor the sanction
may be had to bring testimony into of the Government of the United States, and is
court, whether viva voceor in writing, purporting to the exercise Executive, Judicial,
may be considered the process of the and Legislative powers of government over the
court. Rich vs. Trimple, Vt., 2 Tyler, 349, people."
350. Id.
It is evident from the above-mentioned words
"Process" in its broadest sense that it was the purpose of General MacArthur to
comprehends all proceedings to the declare null and void all acts of government
under the Japanese regime, and he used, in Very strong expression have been used by the
section 3 of he dispositive part, the word laws, courts to emphasize the principle that they are to
as pertaining to the legislative branch, the word derive their knowledge of the legislative intention
regulations, as pertaining to the executive from the words or language of the statute itself
branch, and lastly, the word processes, as which the legislature has used to express it. The
pertaining to the judicial branch of the language of a statute is its most natural guide.
government which functioned under the We are not liberty to imagine an intent and bind
Japanese regime. the letter to the intent.

It is reasonable to assume that he might include The Supreme Court of the United States said:
in the word "process." besides those judicial "The primary and general rule of statutory
character, those of executive or administrative construction is that the intent of the law-maker is
character. At any rate, judicial processes cannot to be found in the language that he has used. He
be excluded. is presumed to know the meaning of the words
and the rules of grammar. The courts have no
THE WORDS OF PROCLAMATION EXPRESS function of legislation, and simply seek to
UNMISTAKABLY ascertain the will of the legislator. It is true that
there are cases in which the letter of the statute
THE INTENTION OF THE AUTHOR is not deemed controlling, but the cases are few
and exceptional and only arise where there are
cogent reasons for believing that the letter does
The October Proclamation is written in such a not fully and accurately disclose the intent. No
way that it is impossible to make a mistake as to mere ommission, no mere failure to provide for
the intention of its author. contingencies, which it may seem wise should
have specifically provided for will justify any
Oliver Wendell Holmes, perhaps the wisest man judicial addition to the language of the statute."
who had ever sat in the Supreme Court of the (United States vs. Goldenberg, 168 U. S., 95,
United States, the following: 102, 103; 18 S. C. Rep., 3; 42 Law. ed., 394.)

When the words in their literal sense That the Government of the Commonwealth of
have a plain meaning, courts must be the Philippines shall be the sole and only
very cautious in allowing their government in our country; that our laws are in
imagination to give them a different one. full force and effect and legally binding; that "all
Guild vs. Walter, 182 Mass., 225, 226 laws, regulations and processes of any other
(1902) government are null and void and without legal
effect", are provisions clearly, distinctly,
Upon questions of construction when unmistakably expressed in the October
arbitrary rule is involved, it is always Proclamation, as to which there is no possibility
more important to consider the words of error, and there is absolutely no reason in
and the circumstances than even strong trying to find different meanings of the plain
analogies decisions. The successive words employed in the document.
neglect of a series of small distinctions,
in the effort to follow precedent, is very As we have already seen, the annulled
liable to end in perverting instruments processes are precisely judicial processes,
from their plain meaning. In no other procedures and proceedings, including the one
branch of the law (trusts) is so much which is under our consideration.
discretion required in dealing with
authority. . . . There is a strong THE OCTOBER PROCLAMATION
presumption in favor of giving them ESTABLISHES A CLEAR POLICY
words their natural meaning, and
against reading them as if they said
Although, as we have already stated, there is no
something else, which they are not fitted
to express. (Merrill vs. Preston, 135 possible mistakes as to the meaning of the
words employed in the October Proclamation,
Mass., 451, 455 (1883).
and the text of the document expresses, in clear-
cut sentences, the true purposes of its author, it
When the words of an instrument are free from might not be amiss to state here what was the
ambiguity and doubt, and express plainly, clearly policy intended to be established by said
and distinctly the sense of the framer, there is no proclamation.
occasion to resort to other means of
interpretation. It is not allowable to interpret what
needs no interpretation.
It is a matter of judicial knowledge that in the The government offices and agencies which
global war just ended on September 2, 1945, by functioned during the Japanese occupation
the signatures on the document of unconditional represented a sovereignty and ideology
surrender affixed by representatives of the antagonistic to the sovereignty and ideology
Japanese government, the belligerents on both which MacArthur's forces sought to restore in
sides resorted to what may call war weapons of our country.
psychological character.
Under chapter I of the Japanese Constitution, it
So Japan, since its military forces occupied is declared that Japan shall reigned and
Manila, had waged an intensive campaign governed by a line Emperors unbroken for ages
propaganda, intended to destroy the faith of the eternal (Article 1); that the Emperor is sacred
Filipino people in America, to wipe out all and inviolable (Article 3); that he is the head of
manifestations of American or occidental the Empire, combining in himself the rights of the
civilization, to create interest in all things sovereignty (Article 4); that he exercises the
Japanese, which the imperial officers tried to legislative power (Article 5); that he gives
present as the acme of oriental culture, and to sanction to laws, and orders to be promulgated
arouse racial prejudice among orientals and and executed (Article 6);that he has the supreme
occidentals, to induce the Filipinos to rally to the command of the Army and Navy (Article 11); that
cause of Japan, which she tried to make us he declares war, makes peace, and concludes
believe is the cause of the inhabitants of all East treaties (Article 13).
There is no reason for allowing to remain any
It is, then, natural that General MacArthur should vestige of Japanese ideology, the ideology of a
take counter-measures to neutralize or annul people which as confessed in a book we have at
completely all vestiges of Japanese influence, our desk, written by a Japanese, insists in doing
specially those which might jeopardize in any many things precisely in a way opposite to that
way his military operations and his means of followed by the rest of the world.
achieving the main objective of the campaign of
the liberation, that is, to restore in our country It is the ideology of a people which insists in
constitutional processes and the high ideals adopting the policy of self-delusion; that believes
constitute the very essence of democracy. that their Emperor is a direct descendant of gods
and he himself is a god, and that the typhoon
It was necessary to free, not only our territory, which occured on August 14, 1281, which
but also our spiritual patrimony. It was destroyed the fleet with which Kublai Khan tried
necessary, not only to restore to us the to invade Japan was the divine wind of Ise; that
opportunity of enjoying the physical treasures defies the heinous crime of the ronin, the 47
which a beneficent Providence accumulated on assassins who, in order to avenge the death of
this bountiful land, the true paradise in the their master Asano Naganori, on February 3,
western Pacific, but to restore the full play of our 1703, entered stealthily into the house of
ideology, that wonderful admixture of sensible Yoshinaka Kiro and killed him treacherously.
principles of human conduct, bequeathed to us
by our Malayan ancestors, the moral principles It is an ideology which
of the Christianity assimilated by our people from dignifies harakiri or sepukku, the most bloody
teachers of Spain, and the common-sense rules and repugnant from suicide, and on September
of the American democratic way of life. 13, 1912, on the occasion of the funeral of
Emperor Meiji, induced General Maresuke Nogi
It was necessary to free that ideology from any and his wife to practice the abhorrent "junshi",
Japanese impurity. and example of which is offered to us in the
following words of a historian:
Undoubtedly, the author of the proclamation
thought that the laws, regulations, and When the Emperor's brother Yamato
processes of all the branches of the Hiko, died in 2 B. C., we are told that,
governments established under the Japanese following the occasion, his attendants
regime, if allowed to continue and to have effect, were assembled to from the hito-
might be a means of keeping and spreading in bashira (pillar-men) to gird the grave.
our country the Japanese influence, with the They were buried alive in circle up to the
same deadly effects as the mines planted by the neck around the thomb and "for several
retreating enemy. days they died not, but wept and wailed
day night. At last they died not, but wept
and wailed day night. At last they did not


rotted. Dogs and cows gathered and ate called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
them." (Gowen, an Outline of History of Sphere".
Japan, p. 50.)
They promised religious liberty by compelling all
The practice shows that the Japanese are the protestant sects to unite, against the religious
spiritual descendants of the Sumerians, the scruples and convictions of their members, in
ferocious inhabitants of Babylonia who, 3500 one group, and by profaning convents,
years B. C., appeared in history as the first seminaries, churches, and other cult centers of
human beings to honor their patesis by killing the Catholics, utilizing them as military barracks,
and entombing with him his window, his munitions dumps, artillery base, deposits of
ministers, and notable men and women of his bombs and gasoline, torture chambers and
kingdom, selected by the priests to partake of zone, and by compelling the government officials
such abominable honor. (Broduer, The Pageant and employees to face and to bow in adoration
of Civilization, pp. 62-66.) before that caricature of divinity in the imperial
palace of Tokyo.
General MacArthur sought to annul completely
the officials acts of the governments under the The Japanese offered themselves to be our
Japanese occupation, because they were done cultural mentors by depriving us of the use of our
at the shadow of the Japanese dictatorship, the schools and colleges, by destroying our books
same which destroyed the independence of and other means of culture, by falsifying the
Korea, the "Empire of Morning Frehsness"; they contents of school texts, by eliminating free
violated the territorial integrity of China, invaded press, the radio, all elemental principles of
Manchuria, and initiated therein the deceitful civilized conduct, by establishing classes of
system of puppet governments, by designating rudimentary Japanese so as to reduce the
irresponsible Pu Yi as Emperor of Manchukuo; Filipinos to the mental level of the rude
they violated the trusteeship granted by the Japanese guards, and by disseminating all kinds
Treaty of Versailles by usurping tha mandated of historical, political, and cultural falsehoods.
islands in the Pacific; they initiated that they call
China Incident, without war declaration, and, Invoking our geographical propinquity and race
therefore, in complete disregard of an elemental affinity, they had the insolence of calling us their
international duty; they attacked Pearl Harbor brothers, without the prejuce of placing of us in
treacherously, and committed a long series of the category of slaves, treating the most
the flagrant violations of international law that prominent Filipinos in a much lower social and
have logically bestowed on Japan the title of the political category than that of the most ignorant
bandit nation in the social world. and brutal subject of the Emperor.

The conduct of the Japanese during the The civil liberties of the citizens were annulled.
occupation shows a shocking an anchronism of Witnesses and litigants were slapped and
a modern world power which seems to be re- tortured during investigations. In the prosecuting
incarnation of one whose primitive social types attorney's offices, no one was safe. When the
of pre-history, whose proper place must be Japanese arrested a person, the lawyer who
found in an archeological collection. It dared to intercede was also placed under arrest.
represents a backward jump in the evolution of Even courts were not free from their dispotic
ethical and juridical concepts, a reversion that, members. There were judges who had to
more than a simple pathological state, trample laws and shock their conscience in order
represents a characteristics and well defined not to disgust a Nipponese.
case of sociological teratology.
The most noble of all professions, so much so
Since they entered the threshold of our capital, that the universities of the world could not
the Japanese had announced that for every one conceive of higher honor that may be conferred
of them killed they would kill ten prominent than that of Doctor of Laws, became the most
Filipinos. They promised to respect our rights by despised. It was dangerous to practice the
submitting us to the wholesale and profession by which faith in the effectiveness of
indiscriminate slapping, tortures, and atrocious law is maintained; citizens feel confident in the
massacres. Driving nails in the cranium, protection of their liberties, honor, and dignity;
extraction of teeth and eyes, burnings of organs, the weak may face the powerful; the lowest
hangings, diabolical zonings, looting of citizen is not afraid of the highest official; civil
properties, establishments of redlight districts, equality becomes reality; justice is admnistered
machine gunning of women and children, with more efficiency; and democracy becomes
interment of alive persons, they are just mere the best system of government and the best
preludes of the promised paradised that they
guaranty for the welfare and happiness of the is receiving orders with the humility of a prisoner
individual human being. In fact, the profession of of war.
law was annulled, and the best lawyers for the
unfortunate prisoners in Fort Santiago and other No challenge has been hurled against the
centers of torture were the military police, proclamation or the authority of the author to
concubines, procurers, and spies, the providers issue it, because everybody acknowledges the
of war materials and shameful pleasures, and full legality of its issuance.
the accomplices in fraudulent transactions,
which were the specialty of many naval and But because the proclamation will affect the
military Japanese officers.
interest and the rights of a group of individuals,
and to protect the same, a way is being sought
The courts and Filipino government officials to neutralize the effect of the proclamation.
were completely helpless in the question of
protecting the constitutional liberties and The way found is to invoke international law. The
fundamental rights of the citizens who happen to
big and resounding word is considered as a
be unfortunate enough to fall under the dragnet
shibboleth powerful enough to shield the
of the hated kempei. Even the highest
affected persons from the annulling impact.
government officials were not safe from arrest
and imprisonment in the dreaded military
dungeons, where torture or horrible death were Even then, international law is not invoked to
always awaiting the defenseless victim of the challenge the legality or authority of the
Japanese brutality. proclamation, but only to construe it in a
convenient way so that judicial processes during
the Japanese occupation, through an
May any one be surprised if General MacArthur exceptional effort of the imagination, might to
decided to annul all the judicial processes?
segregated from the processes mentioned in the
The evident policy of the author of the October
Proclamation can be seen if we take into An author said that the law of nations, the "jus
consideration the following provisions of the gentiun", is not a fixed nor immutable science.
Japanese Constitution:
On the country, it is developing incessantly, it is
perpetually changing in forms. In each turn it
ART. 57. The Judicature shall be advances or recedes, according to the
exercised by the Courts of Law vicissitudes of history, and following the
according to law, in the name of the monotonous rythm of the ebb and rise of the tide
Emperor. of the sea.

ART. 61. No suit at law, which relates to Le driot des gens, en effet, n'est point
rights alleged to have been infringed by une science fixe est immuable: bein au
the illegal measures of the executive contraire, il se developpe sans cesse, il
authority .. shall be taken cognizance of change eternellement de formes; tour il
by a Court of Law. avance et il recule, selon less
vicissitudes de histoire et suivan un
INTERNATIONAL LAW rhythm monotone qui est comme le flux
et le reflux d'un mer. (M. Revon, De
Nobody dared challenge the validity of the l'existence du driot international sous la
October Proclamation. republique romain.)

Nobody dared challenge the authority of the Another author has this to say:
military Commander in Chief who issued it.
International law, if it is or can be a
Certainly not because of the awe aroused by the science at all, or can be, at most a
looming figure of General of the Army Douglas regulative science, dealing with the
MacArthur, the Allied Supreme Commander, the conduct of States, that is, human beings
military hero, the greatest American general, the in a certain capacity; and its principles
Liberator of the Philippines, the conqueror of and prescriptions are not, like those of
Japan, the gallant soldier under whose authority science proper, final and unchanging.
the Emperor of the Japan, who is supposed to The substance of science proper is
rule supreme for ages as a descendant of gods, already made for man; the substance of
international is actually made by man, —
and different ages make differently."
(Coleman Philippson, The International With the exception of international conventions
Law and Custom of Ancient Greece of and treaties and, just recently, the Charter of the
Rome, Vol. I, p. 50.) United Nations, adopted in San Francisco
Conference on June 26, 1945, we have to rely
"Law must be stable, and yet it cannot stand on unsystemized judicial pronouncements and
still." (Pound, Interpretations of Legal History., p. reasonings and on theories, theses, and
1. ) Justice Cardozo adds: "Here is the great propositions that we may find in the works of
antimony confronting us at every turn. Rest and authors and publicists.
motion, unrelieved and unchecked, are equally
destructive. The law, like human kind, if life is to Due to that characteristic pliability and
continue, must find some path compromise." imprecision of international law, the drafters of
(The Growth of Law p. 2.) Law is just one of the our Constitution had to content themselves with
manifestations of human life, and "Life has "generally accepted principles."
relations not capable of division into inflexible
compartments. The moulds expand and shrink," We must insists, therefore, that the principles
(Glanzer vs. Shepard, 233 N.Y., 236, 241.) should be specific and unmistakably defined and
that there is definite and conclusive evidence to
The characteristic plasticity of law is very the effect that they generally accepted among
noticeable, much more than in any other the civilized nations of the world and that they
department, in international law. belong to the current era and no other epochs of
In a certain matters it is clear we have
made substantial progress, but in other The temptation of assuming the role of a
points, he (M. Revon) maintains, we legislator is greater in international law than in
have retrograded; for example, in the any other department of law, since there are no
middle ages the oath was not always parliaments, congresses, legislative assemblies
respected as faithfully as in ancient which can enact laws and specific statutes on
Rome; and nearer our own times, in the the subject. It must be our concern to avoid
seventeenth century, Grotius proclaims falling in so a great temptation, as its, dangers
the unquestioned right of the are incalculable. It would be like building castles
belligerents to massacre the women and in the thin air, or trying to find an exit in the thick
the children of the enemy; and in our dark forest where we are irretrievably lost. We
more modern age the due declaration of must also be very careful in our logic. In so vast
war which Roman always conformed to a field as international law, the fanciful
has not been invariably observed. wandering of the imagination often impair the
(Coleman Philippson, The International course of dialistics.
Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and
Now let us see if any principle of international
law may effect the enforcement of the October Is there any principle of international law that
Proclamation. may effect the October Proclamation?

In this study we should be cautioned not to allow We tried in vain to find out in the majority opinion
ourselves to be deluded by generalities and anything as to the existence of any principle of
vagueness which are likely to lead us easily to international law under which the authority of
error, in view of the absence of codification and General MacArthur to issue the proclamation
statutory provisions. can effectively be challenged.

Our Constitution provides: No principle of international law has been, or

could be invoked as a basis for denying the
The Philippines renounces war as an author of the document legal authority to issue
instrument of national policy, and adopts the same or any part thereof.
the generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of the We awaited in vain for any one to dare deny
Nation. (Sec. 3, Art. II.) General MacArthur the authority, under
international law, to declare null and void and
There being no codified principles of without effect, not only the laws and regulations
international law, or enactments of its rules, we of the governments under the Japanese regime,
cannot rely on merely legal precepts.
but all the processes of said governments, WEAKNESS OF THE MAJORITY POSITION
including judicial processes.
In the majority opinion three questions are
If General MacArthur, as commander in Chief of propounded: first, whether judicial acts and
the American Armed Forces of Liberation, had proceedings during the Japanese occupation are
authority, full and legal, to issue the valid even after liberation; second whether the
proclamation, the inescapable result will be the October Proclamation had invalidated all
complete viodance and nullity of all judicial judgement and judicial proceedings under the
processes, procedures, and proceedings of all Japanese regime; and third, whether the present
courts under the Japanese regime. courts of the Commonwealth may continue the
judicial proceedings pending at the time of
But those who are sponsoring the cause of said liberation.
judicial processes try to achieve their aim, not by
direct means, but by following a tortuous side- As regards the first question, it is stated that it is
road. a legal tourism in political and international law
that all acts of a de facto government are good
They accept and recognize the full authority of and valid, that the governments established
the author of the proclamation to issue it and all during the Japanese occupation. that is, the
its parts, but they maintain that General Philippine Executive Commission and the
MacArthur did not and could not have in mind Republic of the Philippines, were de
the idea of nullifying the judicial processes facto governments, and that it necessarily
during the Japanese occupation, because that follows that the judicial acts and proceedings of
will be in violation of the principles of the courts of those governments, "which are not
international law. of a political complexion," were good and valid,
and by virtue of the principle of postliminium,
remain good and valid after the liberation.
If we follow the reasoning of the majority opinion
we will have to reach the conlusion that the
world "processes" does not appear at all in the In the above reasoning we will see right away
October Proclamation. how the alleged legal truism in political and
international law, stated as a premise in a
sweeping way, as an absolute rule, is
It is stated more than once, and reiterated with
immediately qualified by the exception as to
dogmatic emphasis, that under the principles of
judicial acts and proceedings which are of a
international law the judicial processes under an
army occupation cannot be invalidated. "political complexion."

So it is the majority itself which destroys the

But we waited in vain for the specific principle of
validity of what it maintains as a legal truism in
international law, only one of those alluded to, to
political and international law, by stating from the
be pointed out to us.
beginning of the absolute proposition that all
acts and proceedings of the legislative,
If the law exist, it can be pointed out. If the executive, and judicial departments of a de
principle exists, it can stated specifically. The facto governments are good and valid.
word is being used very often in plural,
principles, but we need only one to be
convinced. It is be noted that no authority, absolutely no
authority, has been cited to support the absolute
and sweeping character of the majority
The imagined principles are so shrouded in a proposition as stated in their opinion.
thick maze of strained analogies and reasoning,
that we confess our inability even to have a
fleeting glimpse at them through their thick and No authority could be cited, because the majority
itself loses faith in the validity of such absolute
invulnerable wrappers.
and sweeping proposition, by establishing an
unexplained exception as regards the judicial
At every turn international law, the blatant words, acts and proceedings of a "political complexion."
are haunting us with the deafening bray of a
trumpet, but after the transient sound has fled
Besides, it is useless to try to find in the
away, absorbed by the resiliency of the vast
arguments of the majority anything that may
atmosphere, the announced principles, which
challenge the power, the authority of a de jure
are the very soul of international law, would
government to annul the official acts of a de
disappear too with the lighting speed of a
facto government, or the legal and indisputable
vanishing dream.
authority of the restored legitimate government
to refuse to recognize the official acts, annulling proclamation, but not to judicial
legislative, executive and judicial, of the usurping processes?
government, once the same is ousted.
If the argument is good so as to exclude judicial
As to the second question, the majority argues processes from the effect of the October
that the judicial proceedings and judgments of Proclamation, we can see no logic in considering
the de factogovernments under the Japanese it bad with respect to legislative and executive
regime being good and valid, "it should be processes.
presumed that it was not, and could not have
been, the intention of General Douglas If the argument is bad with respect to legislative
MacArthur to refer to judicial processes, when and executive processes, there is no logic in
he used the last word in the October holding that it is not good with respect to judicial
Proclamation, and that it only refers to processes.
government processes other than judicial
processes or court proceedings."
Therefore, if the argument of the majority opinion
is good, the inevitable conclusion is that General
The weakness and absolute ineffectiveness of MacArthur did not declare null and void any
the argument are self-evident. processes, at all, whether legislative processes,
executive processes, or judicial processes, and
It is maintained that when General MacArthur that the word "processes" used by him in the
declared the processes of the governments October Proclamation is a mere surplusage or
under the Japanese regime null and void, he an ornamental literary appendix.
could not refer to judicial processes, because
the same are valid and remained so under the The absurdity of the conclusion unmasks the
legal truism announced by the majority to the utter futility of the position of the majority, which
effect that, under political and international law, is but a mere legal pretense that cannot stand
all official acts of a de facto government, the least analysis or the test of logic.
legislative, executive or judicial, are valid.
A great legal luminary admonished that we must
But we have seen already how the majority have courage to unmasks pretense if we are to
excepted from said legal truism the judicial reach a peace that will abide beyond the fleeting
processes of "political complexion." hour.

And now it is stated that in annulling the It is admitted that the commanding general of a
processes of the governments under Japanese belligerent army of occupation as an agent of his
occupation, General MacArthur referred to government, "may not unlawfully suspend
"processes other than judicial processes." existing laws and promulgate new ones in the
occupied territory if and when exigencies of the
That is, the legislative and executive processes. military occupation demand such action," but it is
doubted whether the commanding general of the
But, did not the majority maintain that all acts army of the restored legitimate government can
and proceedings of legislative and executive exercise the same broad legislative powers.
departments of a de factogovernments are good
and valid? Did it not maintain that they are so as We beg to disagree with a theory so
a "legal truism in political and international law?" unreasonable and subversive.

Now if the reasoning of the majority to the effect We cannot accept that the commanding general
that General MacArthur could not refer to judicial of an army of occupation, of a rebellious army, of
processes because they are good and valid in an invading army, or of a usurping army, should
accordance with international law, why should enjoy greater legal authority during the illegal,
the same reasoning not apply to legislative and and in the case of the Japanese, iniquitous and
executive processes? bestial occupation, than the official
representative of the legitimate government,
Why does the majority maintain that, once restored in the territory wrested from the
notwithstanding the fact that, according that said brutal invaders and aggressors. We cannot
legal truism, legislative and executive official agree with such legal travesty.
acts of de facto governments are good and valid,
General MacArthur referred to the latter in his Broad and unlimited powers are granted and
recognized in the commanding general of an


army of invasion, but the shadow of the Let us not loss faith so easily in the inherent
vanishing alleged principle of international law is vitality of the social life of the people and country
being brandished to gag, manacle, and make of Rizal and Mabini.
completely powerless the commander of an
army of liberation to wipe out the official acts of It is insinuated that because of the thought that
the government for usurpation, although said the representative of the restored sovereign
acts might impair the military operation or power may set aside all judicial processes of the
neutralize the public policies of the restored army of occupation, in the case to courts of a
legitimate government. future invasions, litigants will not summit their
cases to courts whose judgement may
We are not unmindful of the interest of the afterwards be annulled, and criminals would not
persons who might be adversely affected by the be deterred from committing offenses in the
annulment of the judicial processes of the expectancy that they may escape penalty upon
governments under the Japanese regime, but liberation of the country. We hope that
we cannot help smiling when we hear that chaos Providence will never allow the Philippines to fall
will reign or that the world will sink. again under the arms of an invading army, but if
such misfortune will happen, let the October
It is possible that some criminals will be let loose Proclamation serve as a notice to the ruthless
unpunished, but nobody has ever been alarmed invaders that the official acts of the government
that the President, in the exercise of his of occupation will not merit any recognition from
constitutional powers of pardon and amnesty, the legitimate government, especially if they
had in the past released many criminals from should not conduct themselves, as exemplified
imprisonment. And let us not forget that due to by the Japanese, in accordance with the rules of
human limitations, in all countries, under all action of a civilized state.
governments, in peace or in war, there were,
there are, and there will always be unpunished One conclusive evidence of the untenableness
criminals, and that situation never caused of the majority position is the fact that it had to
despair to any one. resort to Executive Order No. 37, issued on
March 10, 1945, providing "that all cases that
We can conceive of inconveniences and have heretofore been appealed to the Court of
hardships, but they are necessary contributions Appeals shall be transmitted to the Supreme
to great and noble purposes. Untold sacrifices Court for final decision." The far-fetched theory
were always offered to attain high ideals and in is advanced that this provision impliedly
behalf of worthy causes. recognizes the court processes during the
Japanese military occupation, on the false
We cannot refrain from feeling a paternal assumption that it refers to the Court of Appeals
existing during the Japanese regime. It is self-
emotion for those who are trembling with all
evident that the Executive Order could have
sincerity because of the belief that the avoidance
referred only to the Commonwealth Court of
of judicial proceedings of the governments under
Appeals, which is the one declared abolished in
the Japanese regime "would paralyze the social
life of the country." To allay such fear we must said order. Certainly no one will entertain the
remind them that the country that produced absurd idea that the President of the Philippines
could have thought of abolishing the Court of
many great hereos and martyrs; that contributed
Appeals under the government during the
some of highest morals figures that humanity
Japanese occupation. Said Court of Appeals
has ever produced in all history; which inhabited
by a race which was able to traverse in disappeared with the ouster of the Japanese
immemorial times the vast expanses of the military administration from which it derived its
existence and powers. The Court of Appeals
Indian Ocean and the Pacific with inadequate
existing on March 10, 1945, at the time of the
means of navigation, and to inhabit in many
issuance of Executive Order No. 37, was the
islands so distantly located, from Madagascar to
Commonwealth Court of Appeals and it was the
the eastern Pacific; which made possible the
wonderful resistance of Bataan and Corregidor, only one that could be abolished.
can not have a social life so frail as to be easily
paralyzed by the annulment of some judicial Without discussing the correctness of principle
proceedings. The Japanese vandalisms during stated the majority opinion quotes from Wheaton
the last three years of nightmares and bestial the following: "Moreover when it is said that
oppression, during the long period of our occupier's acts are valid and under international
national slavery, and the wholesale massacres law should not be abrogated by the subsequent
and destructions in Manila and many other cities conqueror, it must be remembered that on
and municipalities and populated areas, were crucial instances exist to show that if his acts
not able to paralyze the social life of our people. should be reversed, any international wrong
would be committed. What does happen is that territory, is bound to respect all the official acts
most matters are allowed to stand by the stored of the government established by the usurping
government, but the matter can hardly be put army, except judicial processes political
further than this." (Wheaton, International Law, complexion.
War, 7th English edition of 1944, p. 245)
The reasoning calls for immediate opposition. It
Then it says that there is no doubt that the is absolutely contrary to all principles of logic.
subsequent conqueror has the right to abrogate
most of the acts of the occupier, such as the Between the duties imposed in the military
laws, regulations and processes other than the occupant and the legal prerogatives of the
judicial of the government established by the legitimate government there are no logical
belligerent occupant. relationship or connection that might bind the
ones with the others.
It is evident that the statement just quoted is a
complete diversion from the principle stated in The military occupants is duty bound to protect
the in an unmistakable way by Wheaton, who the civil rights of the inhabitants, but why should
says in definite terms that "it must be the legitimate government necessarily validate
remembered that no crucial instances exist to the measures adopted by the said occupant in
show that if his acts (the occupant's) should be the performance of this duty, if the legitimate
reversed, any international wrong would be government believes his duty to annul them for
committed." weighty reasons?

It can be clearly seen that Wheaton does not The military occupant is duty bound to establish
make any distinction or point out any exception. courts of justice. Why should the legitimate
government validate the acts of said courts, if it
But in the majority opinion the principle is is convinced that said courts were absolutely
qualified, without stating any reason therefore, powerless, as was the case during the Japanese
by limiting the right of the restored government occupation, to stop the horrible abuses of the
to annul "most of the acts of the occupier" and military police, to give relief to the victims of
"processes other than judicial." zoning and Fort Santiago tortures, to protect the
fundamental human rights of the Filipinos — life,
The statement made by the respondent judge property, and personal freedom?
after quoting the above-mentioned principle, as
stated by Wheaton, to the effect that whether the The majority opinion recognizes in the military
acts of military occupant should be considered occupant the power to annul the official acts of
valid or not, is a question that is up to the the ousted and supplanted legitimate
restored government to decide, and that there is government, a privilege which is inversely
no rule of international law that denies to the denied to the last. This preference and
restored government the right to exercise its predilection in favor of the military occupant, that
discretion on the matter, is quoted without is in favor of the invader and usurper, and
discussion in the majority opinion. against the legitimate government, is simply
disconcerting, if we have to say the least.
As the statement is not disputed, wee are
entitled to presume that it is concurred in and, PRESUMPTIONS AND SUPPOSITIONS
therefore, the qualifications made in the AGAINST TRUTH AND FACTS
statement in the majority opinion seem to
completely groundless. The invading military occupant is duty bound to
establish and maintain courts of justice in the
THE DUTIES IMPOSED ON OCCUPANT invaded territory, for the protection of the
ARMY ARE NOT LIMITATIONS TO THE inhabitants thereof. It is presumed that the
RIGHTS OF THE LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT restored legitimate government will respect the
acts of said courts of the army of occupation.
The majority opinion is accumulating authorities Therefore, it is a principle of international law
to show the many duties imposed by that said acts are valid and should be respected
international law on the military occupant of an by the legitimate government. It is presumed that
invaded country. General MacArthur is acquainted with such
principle, discovered or revealed through
presumptive operations, and it is presumed that
And from said duties it is deduced that the
legitimate government, once restored in his own he had not the intention of declaring null and
void the judicial processes of the government
during the Japanese regime. Therefore, his That is why we must insists that in the October
October Proclamation, declaring null and void Proclamation should be read what General
and without effect "all processes" of said MacArthur has written in it, that is, that, besides
governments, in fact, did not annul the Japanese laws and regulations, he declared and
regime judicial processes. proclaimed null and void "ALL PROCESSES",
including naturally judicial processes, of the
So run the logic of the majority. governments under the Japanese regime.

They don't mind the that General MacArthur THE COMMONWEALTH COURTS HAVE NO
speaks in the October Proclamation as follows: JURISDICTION TO CONTINUE JAPANESE
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas MacArthur,
General, United States Army, as Commander-in- Now we come to the third and last question
Chief of the military forces committed to the propounded in the majority opinion.
liberation of the Philippines, do
hereby proclaim and declare: The jurisdiction of the Commonwealth tribunals
is defined, prescribed, and apportioned by
xxx xxx xxx legislative act.

3. That all laws, regulations and processes of It is provided so in our Constitution. (Section 2,
any other government in the Philippines than Article VIII.)
that of the said Commonwealth are null and void
and without legal effect in areas of the The Commonwealth courts of justice are
Philippines free of enemy occupation and continuations of the courts established before
control. (emphasis supplied.) the inauguration of the Commonwealth and
before the Constitution took effect on November
General MacArthur says categorically 15, 1935. And their jurisdiction is the same as
"all processes", but the majority insists on provided by existing laws at the time of
reading differently, that, is: "NOT ALL inauguration of the Commonwealth Government.
processes." The majority presume, suppose,
against the unequivocal meaning of simple and Act No. 136 of the Philippine Commission,
well known words, that when General MacArthur known as the Organic Act of the courts of justice
said "all processes", in fact, he said "not all of the Philippines, is the one that defines the
processes", because it is necessary, by jurisdiction of justice of the peace and municipal
presumption, by supposition, to exclude judicial courts, Courts of First Instance, and the
processes. Supreme Court. It is not necessary to mention
here the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals,
If where General MacArthur says "all", the because the same has been abolished by
majority shall insist on reading "not all", it is Executive Order No. 37.
impossible to foresee the consequences of such
so stubborn attitude, but it is possible to No provision may be found in Act. No. 136, nor
understand how they reached the unacceptable in any other law of the Philippines, conferring on
possible conclusion which we cannot be avoid the Commonwealth tribunals jurisdiction to
opposing and exposing. continue the judicial processes or proceedings of
tribunals belonging to other governments, such
Are we to adopt and follow the policy of deciding as the governments established during the
cases submitted to our consideration, by Japanese occupation.
presumption and suppositions putting aside
truths and facts? Are we to place in the The jurisdiction of our justice of the peace and
documents presented to us, such as the October municipal courts is provided in section 68,
Proclamation, different words than what are chapter V, of Act No. 136. The original and
written therein? Are we to read "not all", where it appellate jurisdiction of the Courts of First
is written "all"? Instance is provided in the sections 56, 57,
Chapter IV, of Act No. 136. The original and
We are afraid to such procedure is not precisely appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is
the most appropriate to keep public confidence provided in 17 and 18, Chapter II, of the same
in the effectiveness of the administration of Act. The provisions of the above-cited do not
justice. authorize, even implicitly, any of the decisions
and judgements of tribunals of the governments,


nor to continue the processes or proceedings of Administravo." — All records, books,
said tribunals. papers, causes, actions, proceedings,
and appeals logged, deposited, or
NECESSITY OF ENABLING ACT UNDER THE pending in the existing Audiencia or
LEGAL DOCTRINE PREVAILING IN THE Supreme Court, or pending by appeal
PHILIPPINES AND IN THE UNITED STATES before the Spanish tribunal called
"Contencioso Administravo," are
Taking aside the question as to whether the transferred to the Supreme Court above
judicial processes of the government established provided for which, has the same power
and jurisdiction over them as if they had
during the Japanese occupation should be
been in the first instance lodged, filed, or
considered valid or not, in order that said
pending therein, or, in case of appeal,
processes could be continued and the
appealed thereto.
Commonwealth tribunals could exercise proper
jurisdiction to continue them, under the well-
established legal doctrine, prevailing not only in SEC. 39. Abolition of existing Supreme
the Philippines, but also in the proper enabling Court. — The existing Audiencia or
law. Supreme Court is hereby abolished, and
the Supreme Court provided by this Act
Almost a half a century ago, in the instructions is substituted in place thereof.
given by President McKinley on April 7, 1900, for
the guidance of the Philippine Commission, it Sections 64 and 65 of the same Act allowed the
was stated that, in all the forms of the same procedure as regards the transfer of cases
govenment and administrative provisions which and processes pending in the abolished Spanish
they were authorized to prescribed, the Courts of First Instance to the tribunals of the
Commission should bear in mind that the same name established by the Philippine
government which they were establishing was Commission.
designed not for the satisfaction of the
Americans or for the expression of their of their SEC. 64. Disposition of records, papers,
theoretical views, but for the happiness, peace causes, and appeals, now pending in
and prosperity of the people of the Philippines, the existing Courts of First Instance. —
and the measures adopted should be made to All records, books, papers, actions,
conform to their customs, their habits, and even proceedings, and appeals lodged,
their prejudices, to the fullest extent consistent deposited, or pending in the Court of
with the accomplishment of the indispensable First Instance as now constituted of or
requisites of just and effective government. any province are transferred to the Court
of First Instance of such province hereby
Notwithstanding the policy so outlined, it was not established, which shall have the same
enough for the Philippine Commission to create power and jurisdiction over them as if
and establish the courts of justice provided in they had been primarily lodged,
Act No. 136, in order that said tribunals could deposited, filed, or commenced therein,
take cognizance and continue the judicial or in case of appeal, appealed thereto.
proceedings of the tribunals existing in the
Philippines at the time the American occupation. SEC. 65. Abolition of existing Courts of
First Instance. — The existing Courts
It needed specific enabling provisions in order First Instance are hereby abolished, and
that the new tribunals might continue the the Courts of First Instance provided by
processes pending in the tribunals established this Act are substituted in place thereof.
by the Spaniards, and which continued to
function until they were substituted by the courts The same procedure has been followed by the
created by the Philippine Commission. Philippine Commission eventhough the courts of
origin of the judicial processes to be transferred
So it was done in regards to the transfer of the and continued belonged to the same
cases pending before the Spanish Audiencia to government and sovereignty of the courts which
the newly created Supreme Court, in sections 38 are empowered to continue said processes.
and 39 of Act No. 136 quoted as follows:
So section 78 of Act No. 136, after the repeal of
SEC. 38. Disposition of causes, actions, all acts conferring upon American provost courts
proceedings, appeals, records, papers, in the Philippines jurisdiction over civil actions,
and so forth, pending in the existing expressly provided that said civil actions shall be
Supreme Court and in the "Contencioso transferred to the newly created tribunals.
And it provided specifically that "the Supreme commission which convicted him, there was no
Court, Courts of the First Instance and courts of existing tribunal which could order the execution
the justice of the peace established by this Act of the penalty of imprisonment.
(No. 136) are authorized to try and determine
the actions so transferred to them respectively The Supreme Court denied the writ, but stated
from the provost courts, in the same manner and that, if the petitioner had filed the writ before the
with the same legal effect as though such enactment of Act No. 865, the question
actions had originally been commenced in the presented to the Supreme Court would have
courts created" by virtue of said Act. been different.

MUNICIPAL COURTS UNDER ACT NO. 183 Act No. 865, enacted on September 3, 1903, is
enabling law, wherein it is provided that
On July 30, 1901, the Philippine Commission decisions rendered by the provost courts and
enacted the Organic Act of the City of Manila, military commission shall be ordered executed
No. 183. by the Courts of First Instance in accordance
with the procedure outlined in said Act.
Two municipal courts for the city were created
by section 40 of said Act, one for the northern It is evident from the foregoing that this Supreme
side of Pasig River and the other for the Court has accepted and confirmed the doctrine
southern side. of the necessity of an enabling act in order that
our Courts of First Instance could exercise
They were courts with criminal jurisdiction or jurisdiction to execute the decision of the
identical cases under the jurisdiction of the abolished provost courts and military
justices of the peace then existing in Manila. commission.
Although both courts were of the same
jurisdiction, in order that the criminal cases It is evident that the doctrine is applicable, with
belonging to the justice of the peace courts may more force, to the judicial processes coming
be transferred to the municipal courts just from governments deriving their authority from a
created, and the proceedings may be continued foreign enemy state.
by the same, the Philippine Commission
considered it necessary to pas the proper THE DOCTRINE IN THE UNITED STATES
enabling act.
It is also evident that the Congress of the United
So on August 5, 1901, it enacted Act No. 186, States, by enacting the Bill of the Philippines on
section 2 of which provides that all criminal July 1, 1902, confirmed also the same doctrine.
cases and proceedings pending in the justices of
the peace of Manila are transferred to the
In effect, in section 9 of said Act, the Congress
municipal courts, which are conferred the approved what the Philippine Commission did as
jurisdiction to continue said cases and to the jurisdiction of the courts established and
transfer of cases and judicial processes, as
provided in Acts Nos. 136, 186, and 865.
The same doctrine was adopted by the United
On August 1, 1901, Narciso Cabantag was States government as part of its international
convicted of murder by a military commission. policy, as could be seen in Article XII of the
(Cabantag vs. Wolfe, 6 Phil., 273.) The decision Treaty concluded with Spain on December 10,
was confirmed on December 10, 1901, and his 1898, in Paris.
execution by hanging was set for January
12,1902. .
Even in 1866 the Congress of the United States
followed the same doctrine.
On December 26, 1901, he fled, but surrendered
to the authorities on July 18, 1902. The Civil The suit, shown by the record, was
Governor on December 2, 1903, commuted the originally instituted in the District Court
death penalty to 20 years imprisonment. The
of the United States for the District of
commutation was approved by the Secretary of
Louisiana, where a decree was
War, following instructions of the President.
rendered for the libellant. From the
decree an appeal was taken to the
Cabantag filed later a writ of habeas corpus on Circuit Court, where the case was
the theory that, with the abolition of the military pending, when in 1861, the proceedings


of the court were interrupted by the civil exercise of this constitutional authority
war. Louisiana had become involved in during war; or that Congress had power,
the rebellion, and the courts and officers upon the close of the war, and the
of the United States were excluded from dissolution of the Provisional Court, to
its limits. In 1862, however, the National provide for the transfer of cases pending
authority had been partially in that court, and of its judgement and
reestablished in the State, though still decrees, to the proper courts of the
liable to the overthrown by the United States. (U. S. Reports, Wallace,
vicissitudes of war. The troops of the Vol. 9, The Grapeshot, 131-133.)
Union occupied New Orleans, and held
military possession of the city and such JUDGEMENTS OF THE REBEL
other portions of the State as had COURTS IN LOUISIANA WERE
submitted to the General Government. VALIDATED BY CONSTITUTIONAL
The nature of this occupation and PROVISION
possession was fully explained in the
case of The Vinice.
During the civil war in 1861, the prevailing rebel
forces established their own government in
Whilst it continued, on the 20th of Louisiana.
October, 1862, President Lincoln, by
proclamation, instituted a Provisional When the rebel forces were overpowered by the
Court of the State of Louisiana, with Union Forces and the de facto government was
authority, among other powers, to hear,
replaced by the de jure government, to give
try, and determine all causes in
effect to the judgments and other judicial acts of
admiralty. Subsequently, by consent of
the rebel government, from January 26, 1861,
parties, this cause was transferred into up to the date of the adoption of the State
the Provisional Court thus, constituted,
Constitution, a provision to said effect was
and was heard, and a decree was again
inserted in said document.
rendered in favor of the libellants. Upon
the restoration of civil authority in the
State, the Provincial Court, limited in Section 149 of the Louisiana Constitution reads
duration, according to the terms of the as follows:
proclamation, by the event, ceased to
exist. All the rights, actions, prosecutions,
claims, contracts, and all laws in force at
On the 28th of July, 1866, Congress the time of the adoption of this
enacted that all suits, causes and Constitution, and not inconsistent
proceedings in the Provisional Court, therewith, shall continue as if it had not
proper for the jurisdiction of the Circuit been adopted; all judgments and judicial
Court of the United States for the sales, marriages, and executed
Eastern District of Louisiana, should be contracts made in good faith and in
transferred to that court, and heard, and accordance with existing laws in this
determined therein; and that all State rendered, made, or entered into,
judgements, orders, and decrees of the between the 26th day of January, 1861,
Provisional Court in causes transferred and the date when this constitution shall
to the Circuit Court should at once be adopted, are hereby declared to be
become the orders, judgements, and valid, etc. (U. S. Report, Wallace, Vol.
decrees of that court, and might be 22, Mechanics' etc. Bank vs. Union
enforced, pleaded, and proved Bank, 281.)
It is questioned upon these facts THE UNITED STATES JUDGEMENTS
whether the establishment by the ARE NOT EXECUTORY
President of a Provisional Court was
warranted by the Constitution. The member states of the United States of
America belong to the same nation, to the
xxx xxx xxx country, and are under the same sovereignty.

We have no doubt that the Provisional But judgements rendered in one state are not
Court of Louisiana was properly executory in other states.
established by the President in the


To give them effect in other states it is have jurisdiction to continue the judicial
necessary to initiate an original judicial processes left pending by the courts of the
proceedings, and therein the defendants in the governments established under the Japanese
domestic suit may plead bar the sister state regime, the courts which disappeared and,
judgement puis darrien continuance. (Wharton, automatically, ceased to function with the ouster
on the Conflict of Laws, Vol. II, p. 1411.) of the enemy, the position of the Judge Dizon, in
declining to continue the case, is still
Under the Constitution of the United unassailable, because, for all legal purposes, it
States, when a judgement of one state is the same as if the judicial processes in said
in the Union is offered in a court of a case were not taken at all, as inevitable result of
sister state as the basis of a suit nil the sweeping and absolute annulment declared
debet cannot be pleaded. The only by the General MacArthur in the October
proper plea is nul tiel record. (Id., p. Proclamation.
In said proclamation it is declared in
It is competent for the defendant, unmistakable and definite terms that "ALL
however, to an action on a judgement of PROCESSES" of the Japanese sponsored
a sister state, as to an action on a governments "ARE NULL AND VOID AND
foreign judgement, to set up as a WITHOUT LEGAL EFFECT", and they shall
defense, want of jurisdiction of the court remain so until the Commonwealth, through its
rendering the judgement; and, as legislative power, decides otherwise in a proper
indicating such want of jurisdiction, to validating act.
aver by plea that the defendant was not
an inhabitant of the state rendering the The fact that the Japanese invaders, under
judgement, and had not been served international law, were in duty bound to establish
with process, and did not enter his courts of justice during the occupation, although
appearance; or that the attorney was they made them completely powerless to
without authority to appear. (Id., pp. safeguard the constitutional rights of the citizens,
1414-1415.) and mere figureheads as regards the
fundamental liberties of the helpless men,
The inevitable consequence is that the courts of women and children of our people, so much so
the Commonwealth of the Philippines, in the that said courts could not offer even the
absence of an enabling act or of an express semblance of protection when the life, the
legislative grant, have no jurisdiction to take liberty, the honor and dignity of our individual
cognizance and continue the judicial processes, citizens were wantonly trampled by any
procedures, and proceedings of the tribunals Japanese, military or civilian, does not change
which were created by the Japanese Military the situation. "ALL PROCESSES" of said court
Administration and functioned under the Vargas are declared "NULL AND VOID AND WITHOUT
Philippine Executive Commission of the Laurel LEGAL EFFECT" in the October proclamation,
Republic of the Philippines, deriving their and we do not have any other alternative but to
authority from the Emperor, the absolute ruler of accept the law, as said proclamation has the full
Japan, the invading enemy, and not from the force of a law.
Filipino people in whom, according to the
Constitution, sovereignty resides, and from The fact that in the past, the legitimate
whom all powers of government emanate. governments, once restored in their own
territory, condescended in many cases to
The position of Honorable Asenio P. Dizon, the recognize and to give effect to judgments
respondent judge of the Court of the First rendered by courts under the governments set
Instance of Manila in declaring himself without up by an invading military occupant or by a rebel
jurisdiction nor authority to continue the army, does not elevate such condescension to
proceedings which provoked the present the category of a principle, when Wheaton
controversy, being a judicial process of a declares that no international wrong is done if
Japanese sponsored government, is absolutely the acts of the invader are reversed.
correct, under the legal doctrines established by
the United States and the Philippine Many irrelevant authorities were cited to us as to
Government, and consistently, invariably, and the duties imposed by the international law on
without exception, followed by the same. military occupants, but no authority has been
cited to the effect that the representative of the
If we accept, for the sake of argument, the false restored legitimate government is a bound to
hypothesis that the Commonwealth tribunals recognize and accept as valid the acts and
processes of said occupants. On the contrary,
Wheaton says that if the occupant's acts are members of humanity. The international
reversed "no international wrong would be character of our duty to administer justice has
committed." become more specific by the membership of our
country in the United Nations. And let us not
Following the authority of Wheaton, undisputed forget, as an elemental thing, that our primary
by the majority, General MacArthur thought, as duty is to uphold and apply the law, as it is; that
the wisest course, of declaring "NULL AND we must not replace the words of the law with
VOID AND WITHOUT EFFECT," by official what we might be inclined to surmise; that what
proclamation, "ALL PROCESSES" under the is clearly and definitely provided should not be
Japanese regime, that is legislative, executive substituted with conjectures and suppositions;
and judicial processes, which fall under the that we should not try to deduce a contrary
absolute adjective "ALL". intention to that which is unequivocally stated in
the law; that we should not hold valid what is
That declaration is a law. It is a law that conclusively declared null and void.
everybody bound to accept and respect, as all
laws must be accepted and respected. It is a law The October Proclamation declared "ALL
that the tribunals are duty bound to give effect PROCESSES" under the Japanese regime
and apply. "AND VOID WITHOUT EFFECT", so they must
stand. There is no possible way of evasion. "ALL
We are not unmindful of the adverse PROCESSES", in view of the meaning of the
absolute adjective "ALL", include "JUDICIAL
consequences to some individuals of the
PROCESSES". Allegatio contra factum non est
annullment of all the judicial processes under the
Japanese regime, as provided in the October
Proclamation, but the tribunals are not guardians
of the legislative authorities, either an army
commander in chief, during war, or a normal
legislature, in peace time. The tribunals are not
called upon to guide the legislative authorities to CONCLUSION
the wisdom of the laws to be enacted. That is
the legislative responsibility. Our duty and our For all the foregoing reasons we conclude:
responsibility is to see to it that the law, once
enacted, be applied and complied with. 1. That General MacArthur had full legal
authority to issue the October Proclamation, and
No matter the consequences, no matter who that no principle of the international law is
might be adversely affected, a judge must have violated by said proclamation, no international
the firm resolve and the courage to do his duty, wrong being committed by the reversal by the
as, in the present case, Judge Dizon did, without legitimate government of the acts of the military
fear nor favor. We cannot see any reason why invader.
we should not uphold him in his stand in
upholding the law. 2. That said proclamation was issued in full
conformity with the official policies to which the
It is our official duty, national and international United States and Philippine Governments were
duty. Yes. Because this Supreme Court is committed, and the annulment of all the facts of
sitting, not only as a national court, but as an the governments under the Japanese regime,
international court, as is correctly stated in the legislative, executive, and judicial, is legal, and
concurring opinion of Justice De Joya, and we justified by the wrongs committed by the
should feel the full weight of the corresponding Japanese.
responsibility, as the American courts with
admiralty jurisdiction and the Prize Courts of 3. That when General MacArthur proclaimed and
England did feel. In fact, it is in the judiciary declared in the October Proclamation "That all
where, more than in any point of view is more laws, regulations and processes" of the
pressing, more imperative, more unavoidable. Japanese sponsored governments, during
Justice has no country. It is of all countries. The enemy occupation, "are null and void and
horizon of justice cannot be limited by the scene without effect", he meant exactly what he said.
where our tribunals are functioning and moving.
That horizon is boundless. That is why in our
4. That where General MacArthur said "all
constitution the bill of rights has been written not
processes" we must read and understand
for Filipinos, but for all persons. They are rights
precisely and exactly "all processes", and not
that belong to men, not as Filipinos, Americans,
"some processes". "All" and "some" have
Russians, Chinese or Malayan, but as a


incompatible meanings and are not is the alpha and the omega of the whole issue.
interchangeable. Either the processes, or the law. We have to
select between two, which to uphold. It is a
5. That the word "processes" includes judicial dilemma that does not admit of middle terms, or
procedures, proceedings, processes, and cases. of middle ways where we can loiter with happy
Therefore, "all processes" must include "all unconcern . We are in the cross road: which way
judicial processes.". shall we follow? The processes and the law are
placed in the opposite ends of the balance. Shall
6. That we have no right to attribute General we inclined the balance of justice to uphold the
processes and defeat law, or vice versa?
MacArthur an intention different from what he
has plainly, clearly, unmistakably expressed in
unambiguous words with familiar meaning We feel jittery because some judicial processes
generally understood by the common man. might be rescinded or annulled, but we do not
tremble with sincere alarm at the thought of
putting the law under the axe, of sentencing law
7. That the judicial proceedings here in question
to be executed by the guillotine. We feel uneasy,
are included among those adversely affected by
fancying chaos and paralyzation of social life,
the October Proclamation.
because some litigants in cases during the
Japanese regime will be affected in their private
8. That the Commonwealth tribunals have no interests, with the annulment of some judicial
jurisdiction to take cognizance of nor to continue processes, but we adopt an attitude of complete
the judicial proceedings under the Japanese nonchalance in throwing law overboard. This
regime. baffling attitude is a judicial puzzle that nobody
will understand. So it is better that we should
9. That to exercise said jurisdiction an enabling shift to a more understandable way, that which is
act of the Congress is necessary. conformable to the standard that the world
expects in judicial action.
10. That respondent Judge Dizon did not commit
the error complained of in the petition, and that No amount of arguments and lucubration's, no
the petition has no merits at all. amount of speculative gymnastics, no amount of
juggling of immaterial principles of international
We refuse to follow the course of action taken by law, no amount of presumptions and
the majority in the present case. It is a course suppositions, surmises and conjectures, no
based on a mistaken conception of the principles amount of dexterity in juridical exegesis can
of international law and their interpretation and divert our attention from the real, simple,
application, and on a pinchbeck. It is a course looming, hypostasis of the issue before us: Law.
based on misconstruction or misunderstanding It is Law with all its majestic grandeur which we
of the October Proclamation, in utter disregard of are defying and intending to overthrow from the
the most elemental principles of legal here sacred pedestal where the ages had placed her
meneutics. It is a course that leads to nowhere, as a goddess, to be enshrined, obeyed, and
except to the brink of disaster, because it is venerated by men, forever. Let us not dare to lay
following the dangerous path of ignoring or our profaning hands on her vestal virginity, lest
disobeying the law. the oracle should fling at us the thunder of his
prophetic anathema.
Let us not allow ourselves to be deceived. The
issue confronting us is not of passing We cannot therefore vote except for the denial of
importance. It is an issue of awesome the petition.
magnitude and transcendency. It goes to and
reaches the very bottom. It is simple. Lacking in
complexities. But it may shake the very
foundation of society, the cornerstone of the
state, the primary pillar of the nation. It may dry HILADO, J., dissenting:
the very foundation of social life, the source of
vitalizing sap that nurtures the body politic. The
I dissent from the opinion of the majority and,
issue is between the validity of one or more
pursuant to the Constitution, proceed to state the
Japanese regime processes and the sanctity of
reason for my dissent.
the law.
The proceeding involved in the case at bar were
That is the question, reduced to its ultimate
commenced by a complaint filed by the instant
terms. it is a simple dilemma that is facing us. It
petitioner, as plaintiff, on November 18, 1944, in
civil case No. 3012 of the so-called Court of First 1. The proceedings in said civil case No. 3012
Instance of Manila, the complaint bearing this are null and void under General of the Army
heading and title: "The Republic of the MacArthur's proclamation of October 23, 1944
Philippines — In the Court of First Instance of (41 Off. Gaz., 147, 148);
Manila" (Annex X of Exhibit A of petition
for mandamus). The farthest that said 2. (a) The government styled as, first, the
proceedings had gone before the record was "Philippine Executive Commission "and later as
burned or destroyed during the battle for Manila, the Republic of the Philippines", established
was the filing by counsel for plaintiff therein of here by the Commander in Chief of the Imperial
their opposition to a motion for dismissal filed by Japanese Forces or by his order was not a de-
opposing counsel. facto government — the so-called Court of First
Instance of Manila was not a de facto court, and
It is, therefore, plain that the case had not been the judge who presided it was not a de
heard on the merits when the record was burned facto judge; (b) the rules of International Law
or destroyed. regarding the establishment of a de
factoGovernment in territory belonging to a
The respondent judge, in his order dated June 6, belligerent but occupied or controlled by an
1945, disposing of the petition dated May 25, opposing belligerent are inapplicable to the
1945 filed by petitioner, as a plaintiff in said governments thus established here by Japan;
case, and of the petition filed by respondent
Eusebio Valdez Tan Keh, as defendant therein, 3. The courts of those governments were
on May 31, 19045, held: " first, that by virtue of entirely different from our Commonwealth courts
the proclamation of General MacArthur quoted before and after the Japanese occupation;
above, all laws, regulations and processes of
any other government in the Philippines than 4. The question boils down to whether the
that of the Commonwealth became null and void Commonwealth Government, as now restored,
and without legal effect in Manila on February 3, is to be bound by the acts of either or both of
1945 or, at the lates, on February 27 of the those Japanese-sponsored governments;
same year; second that the proceedings and
processes had in the present case having been 5. Even consideration of policy of practical
before a court of the Republic of the Philippines
convenience militate against petitioner's
and in accordance with the laws and regulations
of said Republic, the same are now void and
without legal effect; third, that this Court as one
of the different courts of general jurisdiction of I
the Commonwealth of the Philippines, has no
authority to take cognizance of and continue The proceedings in said civil case No.
said proceedings to final judgement, until and 3012 are null and void under General of
unless the Government of the Commonwealth of the Army MacArthur's proclamation of
the Philippines, in the manner and form provided October 23, 1944 (41 Off. Gaz., 147,
by law, shall have provided for the transfer of the 148).
jurisdiction of the courts of the now defunct
Republic of the Philippines, and the causes In this proclamation, after reciting certain now
commenced and left pending therein, to the historic facts, among which was that the so-
courts created and organized by virtue of the called government styled as the "Republic of the
provisions of Act No. 4007, as revived by Philippines" was established on October 14,
Executive Order No. 36, or for the validation of 1943 "under enemy duress, . . . based upon
all proceedings had in said courts." neither the free expression of the people's will
nor the sanction of the Government of the United
Petitioner prays that this Court declare that the States," the great Commander-in-Chief
respondent judge should not have ordered the proclaimed and declared:
suspension of the proceedings in civil case No.
3012 and should continue and dispose of all the xxx xxx xxx
incidents in said case till its complete
termination. In my opinion, the petition should 3. That all laws, regulations and
denied. processes of any other government in
the Philippines than that of the said
In stating the reasons for this dissent, we may Commonwealth are null and void and
divide the arguments under the following without legal effect in areas of the


Philippines free of enemy occupation regulations and other acts of our duly constituted
and control; and government from October 23, 1944, onwards.
Indeed, to my mind, in choosing between these
xxx xxx xxx two courses of action, they would be
dangerously standing on the dividing line
between loyalty and disloyalty to this country
I do enjoin upon all loyal citizens of the
and its government.
Philippines full respect for and
obedience to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of the Philippines and The proceeding in question, having been had
the laws, regulations and other acts of before the liberation of Manila, were
their duly constituted government whose unquestionably "processes" of the Japanese-
seat is now firmly re-established on sponsored government in the Philippines within
Philippine soil. the meaning of the aforesaid proclamation of
General of the Army MacArthur and,
consequently, fall within the condemnation of the
The evident meaning and effect of the 3rd
proclamation. Being processes of a branch of a
paragraph above quoted is, I think, that as the
government which had been established in the
different areas of the Philippines were
hostility to the Commonwealth Government, as
progressively liberated, the declaration of nullity
therein contained shall attach to the laws, well as the United States Government, they
regulations and processes thus condemned in could not very well be considered by the parties
to be valid and binding, at least after October 23,
so far as said areas were concerned. Mark that
1944, without said parties incurring in
the proclamation did not provide that such laws,
disobedience and contempt of the proclamation
regulations and processes shall be or are
annulled, but that they are null and void. which enjoins them to render full respect for the
Annulment implies some degree of the obedience to our Constitution and the laws,
regulations and other acts of our duly constituted
effectiveness in the act annulled previous to the
government. Nine days after the inauguration of
annulment, but a declaration of nullity denotes
that the act is null and void ab initio — the nullity the so-called "Republic of the Philippines,"
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the
precedes the declaration. The proclamation
speaks in the present tense, not in the future. If United States declared in one of his most
so, the fact that the declaration of nullity as to memorable pronouncements about the activities
of the enemy in the Philippines, as follows:
the condemned laws, regulations, and
processes in areas not yet free from enemy
occupation and control upon the date of the One of the fourtheenth of this month, a
proclamation, would attach thereto at a later puppet government was set up in the
date, is no argument for giving them validity or Philippine Island with Jose P. Laurel,
effectiveness in the interregnum. By the very formerly a justice of the Philippine
terms of the proclamation itself, that nullity had Supreme Court, as "president." Jorge
to date back from the inception of such laws, Vargas, formerly as a member of the
regulations and processes; and to dispel any Commonwealth Cabinet, and Benigno
shadow of doubt which may still remain, we Aquino, also formerly a member of that
need only consider the concluding paragraph of cabinet, were closely associated with
the proclamation wherein the Commander in Laurel in this movement. The first act of
Chief of the army liberation solemnly enjoined the new puppet regime was to sign a
upon all loyal citizens of the Philippines full military alliance with Japan. The second
respect for and obedience to the Constitution of act was a hyphocritical appeal for
the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the American sympathy which was made in
laws, regulations and other acts of their duly fraud and deceit, and was designed to
constituted government. This is all-inclusive — it confuse and mislead the Filipino people.
comprises not only the loyal citizens in the
liberated areas but also those in areas still under I wish to make it clear that neither the
enemy occupation and control. It will be noticed former collaborationist "Philippine
that the complaint in said civil case No. 3012 Executive Commission" nor the present
was filed twenty-six days after the above-quoted "Philippine Republic " has the
proclamations of General of the Army recognition or sympathy of the
MacArthur. If the parties to said case were to Government of the United States. . . .
consider the proceedings therein up to the date
of the liberation of Manila valid and binding, they Our symphaty goes out to those who
would hardly be complying with the severe remain loyal to the United States and
injunction to render full respect for and the Commonwealth — that great
obedience to our Constitution and the laws, majority of the Filipino people who have
not been deceived by the promises of matters may often be a necessity and, in the
the enemy. interest of order, a duty. No concession is thus
made to the rightfulness of the authority
October 23, 1943. exercised." (Emphasis ours.) The court there
refers to its own former decision in
Thorington vs. Smith, and makes it clear that the
doctrine in the Thorington case, so far as the
DELAN effects of the acts of the provisional government
O maintained by the British in Casetine, from
September, 1814 to the Treaty of Peace in 1815,
and the consideration of Tampico as United
Preside States territory, were concerned, was limited to
nt of the the period during which the British, in the first
United case, retained possession of Castine, and the
States United States, in the second, retained
possession of Tampico. In referring to the
Confederate Government during the Civil War,
(Form U.S. Naval War College as mentioned in the Thorington case, the court
International Law Documents, 1943, pp. again says in effect that the actual supremacy of
93, 94.). the Confederate Government over a portion of
the territory of the Union was the only reason for
It is a fact of contemporary history that while holding that its inhabitants could not but obey its
President Manuel L. Quezon of the Philippines authority. But the court was careful to limit this to
was in Washington, D.C., with his exiled the time when that actual supremacy existed,
government, he also repeatedly condemned when it said: . . . individual resistance to its
both the "Philippine Executive Commission" and authority then would have been futile and,
the "Philippine Republic," as they had been therefore, unjustifiable." (Emphasis ours.)
established by or under orders of the
Commander in Chief of the Imperial Japanese Because of its pertinence, we beg leave to quote
Forces. With these two heads of the the following paragraph from that leading
Governments of the United States and the decision:
Commonwealth of the Philippines condemning
the "puppet regime" from its very inception, it is
There is nothing in the language used in
beyond my comprehension to see how the
Thorington vs. Smith (supra), which
proceedings in question could be considered
valid and binding without adopting an attitude conflicts with these views. In that case,
incompatible with theirs. As President Roosevelt the Confederate Government is
characterized as one of paramount
said in his above quoted message, "Our
force, and classed among the
symphaty goes out to those remain loyal to the
governments of which the one
United States and the Commonwealth — that
maintained by great Britain in Castine,
great majority of the Filipino people who have
not been deceived by the promises of the from September 1814, to the Treaty of
enemy. Peace in 1815, and the one maintained
by the United States in Tampico, during
our War with Mexico, are examples.
The most that I can concede is that while the Whilst the British retained possession of
Japanese Army of occupation was in control in Castine, the inhabitants were held to be
the Islands and their paramount military strength subject to such laws as the British
gave those of our people who were within their Government chose to recognize and
reach no other alternative, these had to obey impose. Whilst the United
their orders and decrees, but the only reason for States retained possession of Tampico,
such obedience would be that paramount it was held that it must regarded and
military strength and not any intrinsic legal respected as their territory. The
validity in the enemy's orders and decrees. And Confederate Government, the court
once that paramount military strength observed, differed from these temporary
disappeared, the reason for the obedience governments in the circumstance that its
vanished, and obedience should likewise cease. authority did not justifying acts of
hostility to the United States, "Made
As was stated by the Supreme Court of the obedience to its authority in civil and
United States in the case of Williams vs. Bruffy local matters not only a necessity, but a
(96 U.S., 176; 24 Law. ed., 719), "In the face of duty." All that was meant by this
an overwhelming force, obedience in such language was, that as the actual
supremancy of the Confederate had set up here for an indefinite time. In such a
Government existed over certain case, we admit that, not because the acts of that
territory, individual resistance to its government would then have intrinsically been
authority then would have been futile legal and valid, but simply because of the
and, therefore, unjustifiable. In the face paramount military force to which our people
of an overwhelming force, obedience in would then have continued to be subjected, they
such matters may often be a necessity would have had to recognize as binding and
and, in the interest of order, a duty. No obligatory the acts of the different departments
concession is thus made to the of that government. But fortunately for the
rightfulness of the authority exercised. Filipinos and for the entire civilized world, Japan
(Williams vs. Bruffy, 24 Law ed., 719; was defeated. And I now ask: Now that Japan
emphasis ours.) has been defeated, why should the Filipinos be
still bound to respect or recognize validity in the
The majority opinion, in considering valid the acts of the Japanese-sponsored government
proceedings in question, invokes the rule that which has been so severely condemned by both
when a belligerent army occupies a territory the heads of the United States and our
belonging to the enemy, the former through its Commonwealth Government throughout the
Commander in Chief, has the power to establish duration of the war? If we were to draw a parallel
thereon what the decisions and treaties have between that government and that which was
variously denominated provisional or military established by the Confederate States during
government, and the majority holds that the the American Civil War, we will find that both
Japanese-sponsored government in the met with ultimate failure. And, in my opinion, the
Philippines was such a government. Without conclusion to be drawn should be the same in
prejudice to later discussing the effects which both cases.
the renunciation of war as an instrument of
national policy contained in our Commonwealth As held by the United States Supreme Court in
Constitution, as well as in the Briand-Kellog Williams vs. Bruffy (supra), referring to the
Pact, must have produced in this rule in so far as Confederate Government, its failure carried with
the Philippines is concerned, let us set forth it the dissipation of its pretentions and the
some considerations apropos of this conclusion breaking down in pieces of the whole fabric of its
of the majority. If the power to establish here government. The Court said among other things:
such a provisional government is recognized in
the Commander in Chief of the invasion army, The immense power exercised by the
why should we not recognize at least an equal government of the Confederate States
power in the Commander in Chief of the for nearly four years, the territory over
liberation army to overthrow that government will which it extended, the vast resources it
all of its acts, at least of those of an executory wielded, and the millions who
nature upon the time of liberation? Considering acknowledged its authority, present an
the theory maintained by the majority, it would imposing spectacle well fitted to mislead
seem that they would recognize in the Japanese the mind in considering the legal
Commander in Chief the power to overthrow the character of that organization. It claimed
Commonwealth Government, and all of its acts to represent an independent nation and
and institutions if he had choosen to. Why to posses sovereign powers; as such to
should at least an equal power be denied the displace to jurisdiction and authority of
Commander in Chief of the United States Army the United States from nearly half of
to overthrow the substitute government thus their territory and, instead of their laws,
erected by the enemy with all of its acts and to substitute and enforce those of its
institutions which are still not beyond retrieve? own enactment. Its pretentions being
Hereafter we shall have occasion to discuss the resisted, they were submitted to the
aspects of this question from the point of view of arbitrament of war. In that contest the
policy or the practical convenience of the Confederacy failed; and in its failure its
inhabitants. If the Japanese Commander in pretentions were dissipated, its armies
Chief represented sovereignty of Japan, the scattered, and the whole fabric of its
American Commander in Chief represented the government broken in pieces. (24 Law,
sovereignty of the United States, as well as the ed., 719; emphasis ours.)
Government of the Commonwealth. If Japan had
won this war, her paramount military supremacy
By analogy, if the Japanese invasion and
would have continued to be exerted upon the
occupation of the Philippines had been lawful —
Filipino people, and out of sheer physical which, however, is not the case — and if Japan
compulsion this country would have had to bow had succeeded in permanently maintaining the
to the continuance of the puppet regime that she
government that she established in the
Philippines, which would have been the case 34). Under the frame of government existing in
had victory been hers, there would be more this Commonwealth upon the date of the
reason for holding the acts of that government Japanese invasion, the Constitution was the
valid, but because Japan has lost the war and, very fountain-head of the validity and effects of
therefore, failed in giving permanence to that all the "status, orders, and ordinances"
government, the contrary conclusion should mentioned by the Japanese Commander in
legitimately follow. Chief, and in overthrowing the Constitution he, in
effect, overthrew all of them.
The validity of legislation exercised by either
contestant "depends not upon the existence of 2. Instruction No. 6 of the Japanese Military
hostilities but upon the ultimate success of the Administration (Vol. 1, usages 36 et seq., Official
party which it is adopted" (emphasis ours). And, Gazette, edited at the Office of the Executive
referring to the overthrow of the of the Commission) gave the "Detailed Instruction
Confederacy, the Court, said, "when its military Based on Guiding Principle of the
forces were overthrown, it utterly perished, and Administration," and among other things
with it all its enactments" (emphasis ours) required "The entire personnel shall be required
to pledge their loyalty to the Imperial Japanese
The majority cite on page 9-10 of their opinion a Forces. . . ." (This, of course, was repugnant to
passage from the same case of the frame of government existing here under the
Williams vs. Bruffy, supra, which is a mere obiter Commonwealth Constitution upon the date of
dictum. The majority opinion says that in this invasion.)
passage the Court was "discussing the validity
of the acts of the Confederate States." In the first 3. Proclamation dated January 3, 19452 of the
place, an examination of the decision will reveal Japanese Commander in Chief provided in
that the controversy dealt with an act of paragraph 3 that "The Authorities and the
the Confederate Government, not of the People of the Commonwealth should sever their
Confederate States individually; and in the relations with the U.S. o . . ." (This is, likewise,
second place, the quoted passage refers to repugnant to the Commonwealth Constitution
something which was not in issue in the case, and the to the Government of that
namely, the acts of the individual States Commonwealth Constitution and to the
composing the Confederacy. But even this Government of that Commonwealth which was
passage clearly places the case at bar apart expressly made subject to the supreme
from the Court's pronouncement therein. The sovereignty of the United States until complete
quoted passage commences by stating that independence is granted, not by the mere will of
"The same general form of government the the United States, but by virtue of an agreement
same general laws for the administration of between that Government and ours, under the
justice and the protection of private rights, which Tydings-McDuffie Act.)
has existed in the States prior to the rebellion,
remanded during (its) continuance and The individual States of the Confederate and
afterwards. "In the case at bar, the same general their governments existed prior to the Civil War
form of the Commonwealth Government did not and had received the sanction and recognition of
continue under the Japanese, for the simple the Union Government, for which the Federal
reason that one of the first acts of the invaders Supreme Court was speaking in the Williams-
was to overthrow the Commonwealth Bruffy case; while the Japanese-sponsored
Constitution and, therefore, the constitutional governments of the "Philippine Executive
government which existed thereunder, as an Commission" and the Republic of the
effect of the following acts and decrees of the Philippines" neither existed here before the war
Commander in Chief of the Imperial Japanese nor had received the recognition or sanction of
Forces: either the United States or the Commonwealth
Government — nay, they had received the most
1. Order No. 3, dated February 20, 1942 of the vigorous condemnation of both.
Commander in Chief of the Imperial Japanese
Forces to the Chairman of the Philippine The Court further says in Williams vs. Bruffy
Executive Commission directed that, in the (supra):
exercise of legislative, executive and judicial
powers in the Philippines, the "activities" of the
No case has been cited in argument,
"administrative organs and judicial courts in the and we think unsuccesfully attempting to
Philippines shall be based upon the existing establish a separate revolutionary
status, order, ordinances and the
government have been sustained as a
Commonwealth Constitution (1 Official Journal
matter of legal right. As justly observed
of the Japanese Military Administration, page
by the late Chief Justice in the case of Under the doctrine of Williams vs. Bruffy, supra,
Shortridge vs. Macon, I Abb. U.S., 58, and the pertinent cases therein cited, the short-
decided at the circuit, and, in all material lived provisional government thus established by
respects like the one at bar, "Those who the Japanese in the Philippines should be
engage in rebellion must consider the classified, at best, as a government of
consequences. If they succeed, paramount force. But this is not all. The
rebellion becomes revolution, and the Constitution of this Commonwealth which has
new government will justify is founders. been expressly approved by the United States
If they fail, all their acts hostile to the Government, in Article II, section 3, under the
rightful government are violations of law, heading "Declaration of Principles", renounces
and originate no rights which can be war as an instrument of national policy. This
recognized by the courts of the nation renunciation of war as an instruments of national
whose authority and existence have policy follows an equal renunciation in the
been alike assailed. S.C., Chase, Dec., Briand-Kellog Pact. The rules of International
136. (Williams vs. Bruffy, 96 U.S., 176; Law , cited in support of the power or right of a
24 Law. ed., 716, 718.) (Emphasis belligerent army of occupation to set up a
ours.) provisional government on occupied enemy
territory, were evolved prior to the first World
I am of opinion that the principles thus War, but the horrors and devastations of that
enunciated for the case of an unsuccessful war convinced, at least the governments of the
rebellion should be applied with greater force to United States and France, that they should
the case of a belligerent who loss the war. And thereafter renounce war as an instrument of
since the founding of the Japanese-sponsored national policy, and they consequently
government in the Philippines was designed to subscribed the Briand-Kellog Pact. Those
supplant and did actually supplant the rightful horrors and devastations were increased a
government and since all its acts could not but a hundred fold, if not more, in this second World
hostile to the latter (however blameless the War, but even before this war occurred, our own
officials who acted under enemy duress might people, through our Constitutional delegates,
be), and since Japan failed, all said acts, who framed the Commonwealth Constitution
particularly those of the Japanese-sponsored also adopted the same doctrine, and embodied
court in said civil case No. 3012, "are violations an express renunciation of war as an instrument
of law, and originate no rights which can be of national policy in the instrument that they
recognized by the courts of the nation whose drafted. It is true that in section 3, Article II,
authority and existence have been alike above-cited, our Constitution adopts the
assailed", quoting the language of the court in generally accepted principles of International
Shortridge vs. Macon, cited by Mr. Justice Field Law as a part of the law of the Nation. But, of
in Williams vs. Bruffy, supra (24 Law. ed., 718). course, this adoption is exclusive of those
principles of International Law which might
involve recognition of war as an instrument of
national policy. It is plain that on the side of the
Allies, the present war is purely defensive. When
(a) The government styled as, first, the Japan started said war, treacherously and
"Philippine Executive Commission" and without previous declaration, and attacked Pearl
later as the Republic of the Philippines", Harbor and the Philippines on those two fateful
established here by the Commander in days of December 7 and 8, 1941, she employed
Chief of the Imperial Japanese Forces war as an instrument of the national policy.
or by the his order was not a de Under the Briand-Kellog Pact and our
facto government--the so-called Court of Commonwealth Constitution, the United States
First Instance of Manila was not a de and the Commonwealth Government could not
facto court and the who presided it was possibly have recognized in Japan any right, as
not a de facto judge; against them, to employ that war as an
instrument of her national policy, and,
(b) The rules of International Law consequently, they could not have recognized in
regarding the establishment of a de Japan power to set up in the Philippines the
facto government in territory belonging puppet government that she later set up,
to a belligerent but occupied or because such power would be a mere incident
controlled by an opposing belligerent are or consequence of the war itself. The authorities
inapplicable to the governments thus agree that such a power, under the cited rules, is
established here by Japan. said to a right derived from war. (67 C.J., p. 421,
sec. 171.) There can be no question that the
United States and the Commonwealth


Governments were free to refuse to be bound by modern times it has been strickly
those rules when they made their respective enforced, and any State which
renunciations above referred to. Indeed, all the knowingly ordered warlike operations to
United Nations have exercised this free right in be carried on in neutral territory . . .
their Charter recently signed at San Francisco. would bring down upon itself the
reprobation of civilized mankind.
As necessary consequence of this, those rules Hostilities may be carried on in the
of International Law were no longer applicable to territory of either belligerent, on the high
the Philippines and to the United States at the seas, and in territory belonging to no
time of the Japanese invasion as a corollary, it one. Neutral land and neutral territorial
follows that we have no legal foundation on waters are sacred. No acts of warfare
which to base the proposition that the acts of may lawfully take place within them. . . .
that Japanese-sponsored government in the (Emphasis ours.)
Philippines were valid and binding. Moreover, I
am of opinion, that although at the time of the In all the cases and authorities supporting the
Japanese invasion and up to the present, the power or right to set up a provisional
United States retains over the Philippines, a government, the belligerent had the right to
certain measure of sovereignty, it is only for invade or occupy the territory in the first
certain specified purposes enumerated in the instance. Such was not the case with the
Tydings-McDufie Act of the Commonwealth Philippines. President Roosevelt, in his message
Constitution. (Ordinance appended to the to the Filipino people, soon after the landing of
Constitution.) And our territory was at the time of American Forces in Leyte, on October 20, 1944,
the Japanese invasion not a territory of the characterized Japan's invasion and occupation
United States, within the meaning of the laws of of the Philippines as "the barbarous, unprovoked
war governing war-like operations on enemy and treacherous attack upon the Philippines,"
territory. Our territory is significantly called "The and he announced the American people's "firm
National Territory" in Article I of our Constitution determination to punish the guilty." (41 Off. Gaz.,
and this bears the stamps of express approval of 149.) (Emphasis ours.) The illustrious leader of
the United States Government. The Philippines the United Nations could not have in more
has been recognized and admitted as a member unmistakable terms the utter illegality of that
of the United Nations. We, therefore, had our invasion and occupation. If the establishment of
own national and territorial identity previous to a provinsional government in occupied territory
that invasion. Our nation was not at war with the by a belligerent is "a mere application or
Filipinos. And line with this, the Japanese army, extension of the force by which the invasion or
in time, released Filipino war prisoners captured occupation was effected" (67 C.J., p. 421, sec
in Bataan. Lt. Gen. Maeda, Chief of Staff, 171), the illegality of the invasion, would
Imperial Japanese Forces, in his speech of necessarily permeate the government, which
January 2, 1942, said: was its mere application or extention.

. . . we had not the slighest intensions to The fact that shortly before December 8, 1941,
make your people our enemy; rather we the date of the "barbarous, unprovoked and
considered them as our friends who will treacherous attack," the meager and almost
join us has hand-in-hand in the untrained forces of the Philippine Army had been
establishment of an orderly Greater East inducted into the American Army, did not change
Asia. . . ., (Official Gazette, edited at the the neutral status of the Philippines. That military
Office of the Executive Commission, measure had been adopted for purely defensive
Vol. I, p. 55.) purposes. Nothing could be farther from the
minds of the government and military leaders of
If the Philippines was a neutral territory when the United States and the Philippines in adopting
invaded by the Japanese, the following it than to embark upon any aggressive or warlike
principles from Lawrence, International Law (7th enterprise against any other nation. It is an old
ed.), p. 603, are pertinent: and honored rule dating as far back as the 18th
century that even solemn promises of assistance
The Duties of Belligerent States made before the war by a neutral to a nation
Towards Neutral States. — . . . To which later becomes a belligerent, would not
refrain from carrying on hostilities within change the status of the neutral even if such
neutral territory. — We have already promises were carried out, so long as they were
seen that, though this obligation was made for purely defensive purposes. In the
recognized in theory during the infancy words of Vattel "when a sovereign furnishes the
succor due in virtue of a former defensive
of International law, it was often very
alliance, he does not associate himself in the
imperfectly observed in practice. But in
war. Therefore he may fulfill his engagements wholehearted support of the masses.
and yet preserve an exact neutrality." From the humble peasant to the barrio
(Lawrence, Principles of International Law [7th school teacher, from the volunteer guard
ed.], pp. 585, 586.) to the women's auxilliary service units,
from the loyal local official to the barrio
If the Filipinos had, from contemptible cowardice folk — each and every one of those
and fear, allowed their shores to be invaded, and contributed his share in the great
their territory occupied by the Japanese without crusade for liberation.
resistance, such invasion occupation would
undoubtedly have been considered in violation The guerrillas knew that without the
of International Law. Should the Filipinos be support of the civilian population, they
punished for having had the patriotism, bravery, could not survive. Whole town and
and heroism to fight in defense of the villages dared enemy reprisal to oppose
sacredness of their land, the sanctity of their the hated invader openly or give
homes, and the honor and dignity of their assistance to the underground
government by giving validity, in whatever movement. . . . (41 Off. Gaz., 88, 89.)
limited measure, to the lawless acts of the
ruthless enemy who thus overran their country, Under these facts, taken together with the
and robbed them of the tranquility and General of the Army MacArthur's accurate
happiness of their daily lives? And yet, to my statement that the "Republic of the Philippines"
mind, to give any measure of validity or binding had been established under enemy duress, it
effect to the proceedings of the Japanese- must be presumed — to say the least — that the
sponsored Court of First Instance of Manila, judge who presided over the proceedings in
involved herein, would be to give that much question during the Japanese occupation, firstly,
validity or effect to the acts of those same accepted his appointment under duress; and
invaders. To equalize the consequences of a secondly, acted by virtue of that appointment
lawful and a wrongful invasion of occupation, under the same duress. In such circumstances
would be to equalize right and wrong, uphold the he could not have acted in the bona fide belief
creed that might makes right, and adopt "the law that the new "courts" created by or under the
of the jungle." orders of the Japanese Military Commander in
chief had been legally created--among them the
If said Japanese-sponsored government was not "Court of first Instance of Manila," — that the
a de facto government, it would seem clearly to Chairman of the "Philippine Executive
follow that its "Court of First Instance of Manila" Commission" or the President of the "Republic of
was not a de facto court. But it should the Philippines", whoever appointed him, and
additionally be stated that for it be a de conferred upon him a valid title to his office and
facto court, its judge had to be a de facto judge, a legitimate jurisdiction to act as such judge.
which he could not be, as presently Good faith is essential for the existence of a de
demonstrated. facto judge (Tayko vs. Capistrano, 53 Phil., 866,
872). The very idea of enemy duress would
As said by President Osmeña, in replying to the necessarily imply that but for the duress exerted
speech of General of the Army MacArthur when upon him by the enemy he would have refused
the latter turned over to him the full powers and to accept the appointment and to act thereunder.
responsibilities of the Commonwealth And why? Because he must be presumed to
Government, on February 27, 1945: know that the office to which he was thus
appointed had been created by the enemy in
xxx xxx xxx open defiance of the Commonwealth
Constitution and the laws and regulation
promulgated by our Commonwealth
The time has come when the world Government, and that his acceptance of said
should know that when our forces office and his acting therein, if willfully done,
surrendered in Bataan and Corregidor, would have been no less than an open hostility
resistance to the enemy was taken up to the very sovereignty of the United Sates and
by the people itself — resistance which to the Commonwealth Government, and a
was inarticulate and disorganized in its renunciation of his allegiance to both. There is
inception but which grew from the day to no middle ground here. Either the judge acted
day and from island until it broke out into purely under duress, in which case his acts
an open warfare against the enemy. would be null and void; or maliciously in defiance
of said governments, in which case his acts
The fight against the enemy was truly a would be null and void for more serious reasons.
people's war because it counted with the
The courts created here by the Japanese the people. The Justices and Judges of the
government had to look for the source of their Commonwealth courts had to be appointed by
supposed authority to the orders of the the President of the Commonwealth with
Japanese Military Commander in chief and the confirmation by the Commission on
so-called Constitution of the "Republic of the Appointments, pursuant to the Commonwealth
Philippines," which had been adopted in a Constitution. The Chief Justice of the Supreme
manner which would shock the conscience of Court, under the "Philippine Executive
democratic peoples, and which was designed to Commission" was appointed by the Commander
supplant the Constitution which had been duly in Chief of the Imperial Japanese Forces, and
adopted by the Filipino people in a Constitutional the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court,
Convention of their duly elected Constitutional the Presiding Justice and Associate Justices of
Delegates. And it was decreed that the the Court of Appeals, the Judges of first Instance
Commander in chief of the Imperial Japanese and of all inferior courts were appointed by the
Forces "shall exercise jurisdiction over judicial Chairman of the Executive Commission, at first,
courts." (Vol. 1, p. 7, Official Journal of the and later, by the President of the Republic, of
Japanese Military Administration, cited on pp. 2, course, without confirmation by the Commission
3, of the order of the respondent judge on Appointments under the Commonwealth
complained of and marked Exhibit H of the Constitution. The Chief Justice and Associate
petition for mandamus.) How can our present Justices of the Supreme Court, the President
courts legitimately recognize any efficacy in the and Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals,
proceedings of such an exotic judicial system, and the Judges of First Instance and of all
wherein the Commander in Chief of the Imperial inferior courts in the Commonwealth judicial
Japanese Forces possessed the highest judicial system, had to swear to support and defend the
jurisdiction? Commonwealth Constitution, while this was
impossible under the Japanese-sponsored
III government. In the Commonwealth judicial
system, if a Justice or Judge should die or
incapacitated to continue in the discharge of his
The courts of those governments were
official duties, his successor was appointed by
entirely different from our
the Commonwealth President with confirmation
Commonwealth courts before and after
the Japanese occupation. by the Commission on Appointments, and said
successor had to swear to support and defend
the Commonwealth Constitution; in the exotic
Executive Order No. 36 of the President of the judicial system implanted here by the Japanese,
Philippines, dated March 10, 1945, in its very if a Justice or Judge should die or incapacitated,
first paragraph, states the prime concern of the his successor would be appointed by the
government "to re-establish the courts as fast as Japanese Commander in Chief, if the dead or
provinces are liberated from the Japanese incapacitated incumbent should be the Chief
occupation." If the courts under the Japanese- Justice of the Supreme Court, or otherwise, by
sponsored government of the "Republic of the the Chairman of the "Executive Commission" or
Philippines" were the same Commonwealth the President of the "Republic", of course
courts that existed here under the Constitution at without confirmation by the Commission on
the time of the Japanese invasion, President Appointments of the Commonwealth Congress,
Osmeña would not be speaking of re- and, of course, without the successor swearing
establishing those courts in his aforesaid to support and defend the Commonwealth
Executive Order. For soothe, how could those Constitution.
courts under the "Republic of the Philippines" be
the courts of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines when they were not functioning If, as we believe having conclusively shown, the
Japanese-sponsored courts were not the same
under the Constitution of the Commonwealth
Commonwealth courts, the conclusion is
and the laws enacted in pursuance of said
unavoidable that any jurisdiction possessed by
Constitution? The jurisdiction of the
the former and any cases left pending therein,
Commonwealth courts was defined and
conferred under the Commonwealth Constitution were not and could not be automatically
and the pertinent legislation enacted thereunder, transfered to the Commonwealth courts which
we re-established under Executive Order No. 36.
that of the Japanese-sponsored courts was
For the purpose, a special legislation was
defined and conferred by the orders and decrees
of the Japanese Commander in Chief, and,
perhaps, the decrees of the "Philippine
Executive Commission" and the laws of the so- Executive Order No. 37, in my humble opinion,
called Legislature under the Republic, which was does not, as held by the majority, imply that the
not composed of the elected representatives of President recognized as valid the proceedings in
all cases appealed to the Court of Appeals. Even considerations of policy or
Section 2 of that order simply provides that all practical convenience militate against
cases which have been duly appealed to the petitioner's contention.
Court of Appeals shall be transmitted to the
Supreme Court for final decision. The adverb In this connection, the respondent judge, in his
"duly" would indicate that the President foresaw order of June 6, 1945, complained of, has the
the possibility of appeals not having been duly following to say:
taken. All cases appealed to the Court of
Appeals before the war and the otherwise duly It is contended, however, that the
appealed, would come under the phrase "duly
judicial system implanted by the
appealed" in this section of the Executive Order.
Philippine Executive Commission and
But considering the determined and firm attitude
the Republic was the same as that of
of the Commonwealth Government towards
the Commonwealth prior to Japanese
those Japanese-sponsored governments since occupation; that the laws administered
the beginning, it would seem inconceivable that and enforced by said courts during the
the President Osmeña, in section 2 of Executive
existence of said regime were the same
Order No. 37, intended to include therein
laws on the statute books of
appeals taken to the Japanese-sponsored Court
Commonwealth before Japanese
of Appeals, or from the Japanese-sponsored
occupation, and that even the judges
inferior courts. It should be remembered that in who presided them were, in many
the Executive Order immediately preceeding and instances, the same persons who held
issued on the same date, the President speaks
the position prior to the Japanese
of re-establishing the courts as fast as provinces
occupation. All this may be true, but
were liberated from the Japanese occupation.
other facts are just as stubborn and
pitiless. One of them is that said courts
IV were of a government alien to the
Commonwealth Government. The laws
The question boils down to whether the they enforced were, true enough, laws
Commonwealth Government, as now of the Commonwealth prior to Japanese
restored, is to be bound by the acts of occupation, but they had become the
either or both of those Japanese- laws — and the Courts had become the
sponsored governments. institutions-of Japan by adoption
(U.S. vs. Reiter, 27 F. Case No. 16,146),
In the last analysis, in deciding the question of as they became later on the laws and
validity or nullity of the proceedings involved institution of the Philippine Executive
herein, we are confronted with the necessity to Commission and the Republic of the
decide whether the Court of first Instance of Philippines. No amount of argument or
Manila and this Supreme Court, as re- legal fiction can obliterate this fact.
established under the Commonwealth
Constitution, and the entire Commonwealth Besides, I am of the opinion that the validity of
Government, are to be bound by the acts of the the acts of the courts in the "judicial system
said Japanese-sponsored court and implanted by the Philippine Executive
government. To propound this question is, to my Commission and the Republic "would not
mind, to answer it most decidedly in the depend upon the laws that they "administered
negative, not only upon the ground of the legal and enforced", but upon the authority by virtue of
principles but also for the reasons of national which they acted. If the members of this Court
dignity and international decency. To answer the were to decide the instant case in strict
question in the affirmative would be nothing accordance with the Constitution and the laws of
short for legalizing the Japanese invasion and the Commonwealth but not by the authority that
occupation of the Philippines. Indeed, it would they possess in their official capacity as the
be virtual submission to the dictation of an Supreme Court of the Philippines, but merely as
invader our people's just hatred of whom gave lawyers, their decision would surely be null and
rise to the epic Philippine resistance movement, void. And yet, I am firmly of opinion that whoever
which has won the admiration of the entire was the "judge" of the Japanese sponsored
civilized world. Court of First Instance of Manila who presided
over the said court when the proceedings and
V processes in the dispute were had, in acting by
virtue of the supposed authority which he was
supposed to have received from that
government, did so with no more legal power
than if he had acted as a mere lawyer applying
the same laws to the case. If duplication of work be attempted, all necessary safeguards should
or effort, or even if confussion, should be alleged be provided to avoid that in any particular case
to possibly arise from a declaration of nullity or the validation should violate any litigant's
judicial proceedings had before those Japanese- constitutional right to his day in court, within the
sponsored courts, it should suffice to answer full meaning of the phrase, or any other
that the party so complaining in voluntarily constitutional or statutory right of his. More
resorting to such courts should be prepared to people, I am afraid, would be prejudiced than
assume the consequences of his voluntary act. would be benefited by a wholesale validation of
On the other hand, his convenience should not said proceedings.
be allowed to visit upon the majority of the
inhabitants of this country, the dire Much concern has been shown for the possible
consequences of a sweeping and wholesale confusion which might result from a decision
validation of judicial proceedings in those courts. declaring null and void the acts processes of the
Let us set forth a few considerations apropos of Japanese-sponsored governments in the
this assertion. It is a fact of general knowledge Philippines. I think, this aspect of the question
that during the Japanese occupation of the has been unduly stressed. The situation is not
Philippines, the overwhelming majority of our without remedy, but the remedy lies with the
people and other resident inhabitants were legislature and not with the courts. As the courts
literally afraid to go any place where there were cannot create a new or special jurisdiction for
Japanese sentries, soldiers or even civilians, themselves, which is a legislative function, and
and that these sentries were posted at the as the situation demands such new or special
entrance into cities and towns and at jurisdiction, let the legislature act in the
government offices; that the feared Japanese premises. For instance, the Congress may enact
"M. P.'s" or Kempeitai's" were a constant terror a law conferring a special jurisdiction upon the
to them; and lastly, that the greater number who courts of its selection, whereby said courts may,
lived or had evacuated to places for from the after hearing all the parties interested, and
Japanese, were found precisely in the cities and taking all the necessary safeguards, so that, a
towns where the courts were located; and as a party's day in court or other constitutional or
consequence, the great majority of the people statutory right under the Commonwealth
were very strongly adverse to traveling any Government should not be prejudiced by any of
considerable distance from their homes and said acts, processes or proceedings,
were, one might say, in constant hiding. Add to particullarly, those in Japanese-sponsored
these circumstances, the fact of the practical courts, and subject to such other conditions as
absence of transportation facilities and the no the special law may provide, validate the
less important fact of the economic structure corresponding acts, processes or proceedings.
having been so dislocated as to have This, to my mind, would be more conducive to a
impoverished the many in exchange for the maximum of benefit and a minimum of prejudice
enrichment of the few — and we shall have a fair to the inhabitants of this country, rather than the
picture of the practical difficulties which the procedure favored by the majority.
ordinary litigant would in those days have
encountered in defending his rights against
Finally, let us not equalize the conditions then
anyone of the favored few who would bring him
prevailing in Manila to that prevailing in the
to court. It should be easy to realize how hard it provinces, where the greater number of the
was for instances, to procure the attendance of
people where then living outside the towns, in
witnesses, principally because of the fact that
the farms and the hills. These people constitute
most of them were in hiding or, at least, afraid to
the great majority of the eighteen million
enter the cities and towns, and also because of
Filipinos. To them the semblance of an
then generally difficult and abnormal conditions administration of justice which Japanese
prevailing. Under such conditions, cases or allowed, was practically unknown. But they
denial of a party's day in court expected. Such
constituted the majority of loyal citizens to whom
denial might arise from many a cause. It might
President Roosevelt's message of October 23,
be party's fear to appear before the court
1943 refers. They — the majority of our people
because in doing so, he would have had to get
— had an unshaken faith in the arrival of
near the feared Japanese. It might be because American aid here and the final triumph of the
he did not recognize any legal authority in that Allied cause. They were willing to wait for the
court, or it might be his down-right repugnance
restoration of their rightful government, with its
of the hated enemy. And I dare say that among
courts and other institutions, for the settlement of
such people would be found more than
their differences. May in their common hardship
seventeen million Filipinos. These are but a few
and sufferings under yoke of foreign oppression,
of countless cause. So that if some form of they had not much time to think of such
validation of such judicial proceedings were to differences, if they did not utterly forget them.
Their undoubted hatred of the invader was
enough to keep them away from the judicial
system that said invader allowed to have. Those
who voluntarily went to the courts in those tragic
days belong to the small minority.

As to the public order — why! any public order

which then existed was not due to the courts or
other departments of the puppet government. It
was maintained at the point of the bayonet by
the Japanese army, and in their own unique


Resolution on motion for
reconsideration, see p. 371, post.


Very truly yours,
AQUINO G.R. No. 73748 - (Sgd.) GLORIA C. PARAS
Clerk of Court
May 22, 1986
LAWYERS LEAGUE FOR A * The Court was then composed of Teehankee, C.J.
and Abad Santos., Melencio-Herrera, Plana, Escolin,
BETTER PHILIPPINES vs. Gutierrez, Jr., Cuevas, Alampay and Patajo, JJ.--------
(G.R. No. 73748 - May 22, 1986)
------------------------ FACTS:
(There is no "Full-Text" of this case. This is a Minute On February 25, 1986, President Corazon Aquino
Resolution made by the SC.) issued Proclamation No. 1 announcing that she and
Vice President Laurel were taking power.
Minute Resolutions On March 25, 1986, proclamation No.3 was issued
providing the basis of the Aquino government
EN BANC assumption of power by stating that the "new
government was installed through a direct exercise of
[G.R. No. 73748, May 22, 1986] the power of the Filipino people assisted by units of
the New Armed Forces of the Philippines."
CORAZON C. AQUINO, ET AL. Whether or not the government of Corazon Aquino is
SIRS/MESDAMES: legitimate.

Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution HELD:

of this Court MAY 22, 1986. Yes. The legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a
justiciable matter but belongs to the realm of politics
In G.R. No. 73748, Lawyers League for a Better where only the people are the judge.
Philippines vs. President Corazon C. Aquino, et al.;
G.R. No. 73972, People's Crusade for Supremacy of  The Court further held that:
the Constitution vs. Mrs. Cory Aquino, et al., and G.R.  The people have accepted the Aquino
No. 73990, Councilor Clifton U. Ganay vs. Corazon C. government which is in effective control of the entire
Aquino, et al., the legitimacy of the government of country;
President Aquino is questioned. It is claimed that her
government is illegal because it was not established  It is not merely a de facto government but in
pursuant to the 1973 Constitution. fact and law a de jure government; and
 The community of nations has recognized
As early as April 10, 1986, this Court* had already the legitimacy of the new government.
voted to dismiss the petitions for the reasons to
be stated below. On April 17, 1986, Atty. Lozano
as counsel for the petitioners in G.R. Nos. 73748
and 73972 withdrew the petitions and manifested
that they would pursue the question by extra- FACTS:
judicial methods. The withdrawal is functus oficio. On February 25, 1986, President Corazon Aquino issued
Proclamation No. 1 announcing that she and Vice President Laurel
were taking power. On March 25, 1986, proclamation No.3 was
The three petitions obviously are not impressed with issued providing the basis of the Aquino government assumption of
merit. Petitioners have no personality to sue and their power by stating that the "new government was installed through a
direct exercise of the power of the Filipino people assisted by units
petitions state no cause of action. For the legitimacy of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines."
of the Aquino government is not a justiciable matter. It
belongs to the realm of politics where only the people ISSUE:
of the Philippines are the judge. And the people have Whether or not the government of Corazon Aquino is legitimate.

made the judgment; they have accepted the

government of President Corazon C. Aquino which is HELD:
Yes. The legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a justiciable
in effective control of the entire country so that it is not matter but belongs to the realm of politics where only the people
merely a de factogovernment but is in fact and law a are the judge. The Court further held that the people have accepted
the Aquino government which is in effective control of the entire
de jure government. Moreover, the community of country. It is not merely a de facto government but in fact and law a
nations has recognized the legitimacy of the present de jure government. The community of nations has recognized the
legitimacy of the new government.
government. All the eleven members of this Court, as
reorganized, have sworn to uphold the fundamental
law of the Republic under her government.

In view of the foregoing, the petitions are hereby



G.R. No. 76180 October 24, 1986 manifestly gratuitous, it being a matter of public
record and common public knowledge that the
IN RE: SATURNINO V. BERMUDEZ, petitioner. Constitutional Commission refers therein to
incumbent President Corazon C. Aquino and
Vice-President Salvador H. Laurel, and to no
other persons, and provides for the extension of
their term to noon of June 30, 1992 for purposes
of synchronization of elections. Hence, the
second paragraph of the cited section provides
for the holding on the second Monday of May,
PER CURIAM: 1992 of the first regular elections for the
President and Vice-President under said 1986
In a petition for declaratory relief impleading no Constitution. In previous cases, the legitimacy of
respondents, petitioner, as a lawyer, quotes the the government of President Corazon C. Aquino
first paragraph of Section 5 (not Section 7 as was likewise sought to be questioned with the
erroneously stated) of Article XVIII of the claim that it was not established pursuant to the
proposed 1986 Constitution, which provides in 1973 Constitution. The said cases were
full as follows: dismissed outright by this court which held that:

Sec. 5. The six-year term of the incumbent Petitioners have no personality to sue and their
President and Vice-President elected in the petitions state no cause of action. For the
February 7, 1986 election is, for purposes of legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a
synchronization of elections, hereby extended to justiciable matter. It belongs to the realm of
noon of June 30, 1992. politics where only the people of the Philippines
are the judge. And the people have made the
The first regular elections for the President and judgment; they have accepted the government
Vice-President under this Constitution shall be of President Corazon C. Aquino which is in
held on the second Monday of May, 1992. effective control of the entire country so that it is
not merely a de facto government but in fact and
Claiming that the said provision "is not clear" as law a de jure government. Moreover, the
to whom it refers, he then asks the Court "to community of nations has recognized the
declare and answer the question of the legitimacy of tlie present government. All the
construction and definiteness as to who, among eleven members of this Court, as reorganized,
the present incumbent President Corazon have sworn to uphold the fundamental law of the
Aquino and Vice-President Salvador Laurel and Republic under her government. (Joint
the elected President Ferdinand E. Marcos and Resolution of May 22, 1986 in G.R. No. 73748
Vice-President Arturo M. Tolentino being [Lawyers League for a Better Philippines, etc.
referred to under the said Section 7 (sic) of vs. President Corazon C. Aquino, et al.]; G.R.
ARTICLE XVIII of the TRANSITORY No. 73972 [People's Crusade for Supremacy of
PROVISIONS of the proposed 1986 Constitution the Constitution. etc. vs. Mrs. Cory Aquino, et
refers to, . ... al.]; and G.R. No. 73990 [Councilor Clifton U.
Ganay vs. Corazon C. Aquino, et al.])
The petition is dismissed outright for lack of
jurisdiction and for lack for cause of action. For the above-quoted reason, which are fully
applicable to the petition at bar, mutatis
mutandis, there can be no question that
Prescinding from petitioner's lack of personality President Corazon C. Aquino and Vice-
to sue or to bring this action, (Tan vs. President Salvador H. Laurel are the incumbent
Macapagal, 43 SCRA 677), it is elementary that and legitimate President and Vice-President of
this Court assumes no jurisdiction over petitions the Republic of the Philippines.or the above-
for declaratory relief. More importantly, the quoted reasons, which are fully applicable to the
petition amounts in effect to a suit against the petition at bar,
incumbent President of the Republic, President
Corazon C. Aquino, and it is equally elementary
that incumbent Presidents are immune from suit ACCORDINGLY, the petition is hereby
or from being brought to court during the period dismissed.
of their incumbency and tenure.
Teehankee, C.J., Feria, Yap, Fernan, Narvasa,
The petition furthermore states no cause of Alampay and Paras, JJ., concur.
action. Petitioner's allegation of ambiguity or
vagueness of the aforequoted provision is MELENCIO-HERRERA, J., concurring:


GUTIERREZ, Jr., J., concurring: not yet been ratified and is therefore not yet
effective. I see here no actual conflict of legal
FELICIANO, JJ., concurring. rights susceptible of judicial determination at this
time. (Aetna Life Insurance Co. vs. Haworth, 300
U.S. 227; PACU vs. Secretary of Education, 97
The petitioner asks the Court to declare who are
Phil. 806.)
"the incumbent President and Vice President
elected in the February 7, 1986 elections" as
stated in Article XVIII, Section 5 of the Draft
Constitution adopted by the Constitutional
Commission of 1986.

We agree that the petition deserves outright

dismissal as this Court has no original
jurisdiction over petitions for declaratory relief.

As to lack of cause of action, the petitioner's

prayer for a declaration as to who were elected
President and Vice President in the February 7,
1986 elections should be addressed not to this
Court but to other departments of government
constitutionally burdened with the task of making
that declaration.

The 1935 Constitution, the 1913 Constitution as

amended, and the 1986 Draft Constitution
uniformly provide 'that boards of canvassers in
each province and city shall certified who were
elected President and Vice President in their
respective areas. The certified returns are
transmitted to the legislature which proclaims,
through the designated Presiding Head, who
were duty elected.

Copies of the certified returns from the provincial

and city boards of canvassers have not been
furnished this Court nor is there any need to do
so. In the absence of a legislature, we cannot
assume the function of stating, and neither do
we have any factual or legal capacity to officially
declare, who were elected President and Vice
President in the February 7, 1986 elections.

As to who are the incumbent President and Vice

President referred to in the 1986 Draft
Constitution, we agree that there is no doubt the
1986 Constitutional Commission referred to
President Corazon C. Aquino and Vice President
Salvador H. Laurel.

Finally, we agree with the Resolution of the

Court in G.R. Nos. 73748, 73972, and 73990.

For the foregoing reasons, we vote to DISMISS

the instant petition.

CRUZ, J., concurring:

I vote to dismiss this petition on the ground that

the Constitution we are asked to interpret has
EN BANC Court of Appeals which shall consist of a Presiding
Justice and fifty Associate Justices who shall be
[A.M. No. 90-11-2697-CA. June 29, 1992.] appointed by the President of the Philippines. The
Presiding Justice shall be so designated in his
LETTER OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICE REYNATO S. appointment and the Associate Justice shall have
PUNO of the Court of Appeals dated 14 precedence according to the dates of their respective
November 1990. appointments, or when the appointments of two or
more shall bear the same date, according to the
order in which their appointments were issued by the
RESOLUTION President. Any Member who is reappointed to the
Court after rendering service in any other position in
the government shall retain the precedence to which
PADILLA, J.: he was entitled under his original appointment, and
his service in the Court shall, for all intents and
purpose be considered as continuous and
Petitioner Associate Justice Reynato S. Puno, a uninterrupted." 6
member of the Court of Appeals, wrote a letter dated
14 November 1990 addressed to this Court, seeking Petitioner elaborates that President Aquino is
the correction of his seniority ranking in the Court of presumed to have intended to comply with her own
Appeals. Executive Order No. 33 so much so that the
correction of the inadvertent error would only
It appears from the records that petitioner was first implement the intent of the President as well as the
appointed Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals spirit of Executive Order No. 33 and will not provoke
on 20 June 1980 but took his oath of office for said any kind of constitutional confrontation (between the
position only on 29 November 1982, after serving as President and the Supreme Court). 7
Assistant Solicitor General in the Office of the
Solicitor General since 1974. 1 Petitioner points to the case of Justice Oscar
Victoriano, former Presiding Justice of the Court of
On 17 January 1983, the Court of Appeals was Appeals who, according to petitioner, was transferred
reorganized and became the Intermediate Appellate from his position as Justice of the Court of Appeals to
Court pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 entitled the Ministry of Justice as Commissioner of Land
"An Act Reorganizing the Judiciary. Appropriating Registration and in 1986 was reappointed to the
Funds Therefor and For Other Purposes." 2 Petitioner Court of Appeals. Petitioner states that his
was appointed Appellate Justice in the First Special (Victoriano’s) stint in the Commission of Land
Cases Division of the Intermediate Appellate Court. Registration did not adversely affect his seniority
On 7 November 1984, petitioner accepted an ranking in the Court of Appeals, for, in his case,
appointment to be ceased to be a member of the Executive Order No. 33 was correctly applied. 8
Judiciary. 3
In a resolution of the Court en banc dated 29
The aftermath of the EDSA Revolution in February November 1990, the Court granted Justice Puno’s
1986 brought about a reorganization of the entire request. 9 It will be noted that before the issuance of
government, including the Judiciary. To effect the said resolution, there was no written opposition to,
reorganization of the Intermediate Appellate Court or comment on petitioner’s aforesaid request. The
and other lower courts, a Screening Committee was dispositive portion of the resolution reads:
jgc:chanro bles.c

created, with the then Minister of Justice, now

Senator Neptali Gonzales as Chairman and then "IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition of Associate Justice
Solicitor General, now Philippine Ambassador to the Reynato S. Puno for correction of his seniority
United Nations Sedfrey Ordoñez as Vice Chairman. ranking in the Court of Appeals is granted. The
President Corazon C. Aquino, exercising legislative presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals, the
powers by virtue of the revolution, issued Executive Honorable Rodolfo A. Nocon, is hereby directed to
Order No. 33 to govern the aforementioned correct the seniority rank of Justice Puno from
reorganization of the Judiciary. 4 number twelve (12) to number five (5). Let copies of
this Resolution be furnished the Court Administrator
The Screening Committee recommended the return and the Judicial and Bar Council for their guidance
of petitioner as Associate Justice of the new Court of and information." 10
Appeals and assigned him the rank of number eleven
(11) in the roster of appellate court justices. When A motion for reconsideration of the resolution of the
the appointments were signed by President Aquino Court en banc dated 29 November 1990 was later
on 28 July 1986, petitioner’s seniority ranking filed by Associate Justices Jose C. Campos, Jr. and
changed, however, from number eleven (11) to Luis A. Javellana, two (2) of the Associate Justices
number twenty six (26). 5 affected by the ordered correction. They contend
that the present Court of Appeals is a new Court with
Petitioner now alleges that the change in his fifty one (51) members and that petitioner could not
seniority ranking could only be attributed to claim a reappointment to a prior court; neither can
inadvertence for, otherwise, it would run counter to he claim that he was returning to his former court,
the provisions of Section 2 of Executive Order No. for the courts where he had previously been
33, which reads: chanrob les vi rtual lawlib rary
appointed ceased to exist at the date of his last
appointment. 11
"SECTION 2. Section 3, Chapter 1 of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 129, is hereby amended to read as The Court en banc in a resolution dated 17 January
1992 required the petitioner to file his comment on
the motion for reconsideration of the resolution
"SEC. 2. Organization. — There is hereby created a dated 29 November 1990.
Executive Order No. 33.
In his Comment, petitioner argues that, by virtue of
Executive Order No. 33 read in relation to B.P. Blg. It is the holding of the Court that the present Court
129, his seniority ranking in the Court of Appeals is of Appeals is a new entity, different and distinct from
now number five (5) for, though President Aquino the Court of Appeals or the Intermediate Appellate
rose to power by virtue of a revolution, she had Court existing prior to Executive Order No. 33, for it
pledged at the issuance of Proclamation No. 3 was created in the wake of the massive
(otherwise known as the Freedom Constitution) that reorganization launched by the revolutionary
"no right provided under the unratified 1973 government of Corazon C. Aquino in the aftermath of
Constitution (shall) be absent in the Freedom the people power (EDSA) revolution in 1986.
Constitution." 12
A resolution has been defined as "the complete
Moreover, since the last sentence of Section 2 of overthrow of the established government in any
Executive Order No. 33 virtually re-enacted the last country or state by those who were previously
sentence of Sec. 3, Chapter 1 of B.P. Blg. 129, subject to it" 19 or as "a sudden, radical and
statutory construction rules on simultaneous repeal fundamental change in the government or political
and re-enactment mandate, according to petitioner, system, usually effected with violence or at least
the preservation and enforcement of all rights and some acts of violence." 20 In Kelsen’s book, General
liabilities which had accrued under the original Theory of Law and State, it is defined as that which
statute. 13 Furthermore, petitioner avers that, "occurs whenever the legal order of a community is
although the power of appointment is executive in nullified and replaced by a new order . . . a way not
character and cannot be usurped by any other prescribed by the first order itself." 21
branch of the Government, such power can still be
regulated by the Constitution and by the appropriate It was through the February 1986 revolution, a
law, in this case, by the limits set by Executive Order relatively peaceful one, and more popularly known as
NO. 33 14 for the power of appointment cannot be the "people power revolution" that the Filipino people
wielded in violation of law. 15 tore themselves away from an existing regime. This
revolution also saw the unprecedented rise to power
Justices Javellana and Campos were required by the of the Aquino government.
Court to file their reply to Justice Puno’s comment on
their motion for reconsideration of the resolution of From the natural law point of view, the right of
the Court en banc dated 24 January 1991. chanrob cralaw: red revolution has been defined as "an inherent right of a
people to cast out their rulers, change their policy or
In their Reply and Supplemental Reply, Associate effect radical reforms in their system of government
Justices Javellana and Campos submit that the or institutions by force or a general uprising when
appeal or request for correction filed by the the legal and constitutional methods of making such
petitioner was addressed to the wrong party. They change have proved inadequate or are so obstructed
aver that as petitioner himself had alleged the as to be unavailable." 22 It has been said that "the
mistake to be an "inadvertent error" of the Office of locus of positive law-making power lies with the
the President, ergo, he should have filed his request people of the state" and from there is derived "the
for correction also with said Office of the President right of the people to abolish, to reform and to alter
and not directly with the Supreme Court. 16 any existing form of government without regard to
Furthermore, they point out that petitioner had the existing constitution." 23
indeed filed with the Office of the President a request
or petition for correction of his ranking, (seniority) The three (3) clauses that precede the text of the
but the same was not approved such that his Provisional (Freedom) Constitution, 24 read: jgc:chanrob ph

recourse should have been an appropriate action

before the proper court and impleading all parties "WHEREAS, the new government under President
concerned. The aforesaid non-approval by the Office Corazon C. Aquino was installed through a direct
of the President they argue, should be respected by exercise of the power of the Filipino people assisted
the Supreme Court "not only on the basis of the by units of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines;
doctrine of separation of powers but also their
presumed knowledge ability and even expertise in "WHEREAS, the heroic action of the people was done
the laws they are entrusted to enforce" 17 for it (the in defiance of the provisions of the 1973
non-approval) is a confirmation that petitioner’s Constitution, as amended;
seniority ranking at the time of his appointment by
President Aquino was, in fact, deliberate and not an "WHEREFORE, I, Corazon C. Aquino, President of the
"inadvertent error" as petitioner would have the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by
Court believe. 18 the sovereign mandate of the people, do hereby
promulgate the following Provisional
The resolution of this controversy is not a pleasant Constitution."25cralaw:red

task for the Court since it involves not only members

of the next highest court of the land but persons who These summarize the Aquino government’s position
are close to members of this Court. But the that its mandate is taken from "a direct exercise of
controversy has to be resolved. The core issue in this the power of the Filipino people." 26
case is whether the present Court of Appeals is a
new court such that it would negate any claim to Discussions and opinions of legal experts also
precedence or seniority admittedly enjoyed by proclaim that the Aquino government was
petitioner in the Court of Appeals and Intermediate "revolutionary in the sense that it came into
Appellate Court existing prior to Executive Order No. existence in defiance of the existing legal processes"
33 or whether the present Court of Appeals is merely 27 and that it was a revolutionary government
a continuation of the Court of Appeals and "instituted by the direct action of the people and in
Intermediate Appellate Court existing prior to said opposition to the authoritarian values and practices
of the overthrown government." 28 Blg. 129 as amended by Executive Order No. 33, on
precedence or seniority in the case of the petitioner,
A question which naturally comes to mind is whether for reasons known only to her. Since the
the then existing legal order was overthrown by the appointment extended by the President to the
Aquino government. "A legal order is the petitioner in 1986 for membership in the new Court
authoritative code of a polity. Such code consists of of Appeals with its implicit ranking in the roster of
all the rules found in the enactments of the organs of justices, was a valid appointment anchored on the
the polity. Where the state operates under a written President’s exercise of her then revolutionary
constitution, its organs may be readily determined powers, it is not for the Court at this time to question
from a reading of its provisions. Once such organs or correct that exercise.
are ascertained, it becomes an easy matter to locate
their enactments. The rules in such enactments, ACCORDINGLY, the Court GRANTS the Motion for
along with those in the constitution, comprise the Reconsideration and the seniority rankings of
legal order of that constitutional state." 29 It is members of the Court of Appeals, including that of
assumed that the legal order remains as a "culture the petitioner, at the time the appointments were
system" of the polity as long as the latter endures 30 made by the President in 1986, are recognized and
and that a point may be reached, however, where upheld.
the legal system ceases to be operative as a whole
for it is no longer obeyed by the population nor SO ORDERED.
enforced by the officials. 31
Paras, Griño-Aquino, Regalado, Davide, Jr. and
It is widely known that Mrs. Aquino’s rise to the Romero, JJ., concur.
presidency was not due to constitutional processes;
in fact, it was achieved in violation of the provisions Separate Opinions
of the 1973 Constitution as a Batasang Pambansa
resolution had earlier declared Mr. Marcos at the
winner in the 1986 presidential election. 32 Thus it FELICIANO, J., concurring: chanrob 1es vi rtua l 1aw lib ra ry

can be said that the organization of Mrs. Aquino’s

Government which was met by little resistance and I agree with the conclusion reached in the majority
her control of the state evidenced by the opinion written by my learned brother, Padilla, J. In
appointment of the Cabinet and other key officers of particular, I agree that the Court of Appeals
the administration, the departure of the Marcos established by Executive Order No. 33 is a new
Cabinet officials, revampt of the Judiciary and the court, and was not merely the old Intermediate
Military signalled the point where the legal system Appellate Court with a new label.
then in effect, had ceased to be obeyed by the
Filipino. If one examines the provisions of B.P. Blg. 129,
known as "The Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980,"
The Court holds that the Court of Appeals and relating to the old Intermediate Appellate Court, it is
Intermediate Appellate Court existing prior to quite clear that the previously existing Court of
Executive Order No. 33 phased out as part of the Appeals was abolished and a new court,
legal system abolished by the revolution and that the denominated the Intermediate Appellate Court, was
Court of Appeals established under Executive Order created. Thus, Section 3 of B.P. Blg. 129 reads as
No. 33 was an entirely new court with appointments follows:jgc:chanrob

thereto having no relation to earlier appointments to

the abolished courts, and that the reference to "Sec. 3. Organization. — There is hereby created an
precedence in rank contained in the last sentence of Intermediate Appellate Court which shall consist of a
Sec. 2, BP Blg. No. 129 as amended by Executive Presiding Appellate Justice and forty-nine Associate
Order No. 33 refers to prospective situations as Appellate Justices who shall be appointed by the
distinguished from retroactive ones. President of the Philippines. The Presiding Appellate
Justice shall be so designated in his appointment,
But even assuming, arguendo, that Executive Order and the Associate Appellate Justices shall have
No. 33 did not abolish the precedence or seniority precedence according to the dates of their respective
ranking resulting from previous appointment to the appointments, or when the appointments of two or
Court of Appeals or Intermediate Appellate Court more of them shall bear the same date, according to
existing prior to the 1986 revolution, it is believed the order in which their appointments were issued by
that President Aquino as head of then revolutionary the President. Any member who is reappointed to the
government, could disregard or set aside such Court after rendering service in any other position in
precedence or seniority in ranking when she made the government shall retain the precedence to which
her appointments to the reorganized Court of he was entitled under his original appointment, and
Appeals in 1986. his service in Court shall, to all intents and purposes,
be considered as continuous and uninterrupted."
It is to be noted that, at the time of the issuance of (Emphasis supplied)
Executive Order No. 33, President Aquino was still
exercising the powers of a revolutionary government, Section 44 of the same statute provided as
encompassing both executive and legislative powers, follows:jgc:chanrob

such that she could, if she so desired, amend, modify

or repeal any part of B.P. Blg. 129 or her own "Sec. 44. Transitory provisions. — The provisions of
Executive Order No. 33. It should also be this Act shall be immediately carried out in
remembered that the same situation was still in force accordance with an Executive Order to be issued by
when she issued the 1986 appointments to the Court the President. The Court of Appeals, the Courts of
of Appeals. In other words, President Aquino, at the First Instance, the Circuit Criminal Courts, the
time of the issuance of the 1986 appointments, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts, the Courts
modified or disregarded the rule embodied in B.P.
of Agrarian Relations, the City Courts, the Municipal Section 2 of Executive Order No. 33 —
Courts, and the Municipal Circuit Courts shall
continue to function as presently constituted and "Any Member who is reappointed to the Court after
organized, until the completion of the reorganization rendering service in any other position in the
provided in this Act as declared by the President. government shall retain the precedence to which he
Upon such declaration, the said courts shall be was entitled under his original appointment, and his
deemed automatically abolished and the incumbents service in the Court shall, for all intents and
thereof shall cease to hold office. The cases pending purposes, be considered as continuous and
in the old Courts shall be transferred to the uninterrupted."cralaw virtua1aw lib rary

appropriate Courts constituted pursuant to this Act,

together with the pertinent function, records, which my distinguished brother in the Court,
equipment, property and the necessary personnel. Gutierrez, Jr., J., very heavily stressed, contemplates
in my submission the situation of a member of the
x x x new Court of Appeals accepting appointment to some
other department or branch of government, outside
the Judiciary, and who later receives an appointment
(Emphasis supplied) once again to that same Curt of Appeals. But Mr.
Justice Reynato S. Puno was not in such a situation.
Executive Order No. 33, promulgated on 28 July The last preceding appointment to the Judiciary of
1986, provided in part as follows: jgc:chanrob
Mr. Justice Reynato S. Puno was to the then
Intermediate Appellate Court newly created by B.P.
"Section 2. Section 3, Chapter I of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129. In 1984, he left that court to become
Blg. 129, is hereby amended to read as follows: chanrob1es vi rtua l 1aw lib ra ry
Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Justice. His next
appointment to the Judiciary was not to the old
‘SEC. 3. Organization — There is hereby created a Intermediate Appellate Court, which by that time had
Court of Appeals which shall consist of a Presiding passed on to history. His appointment dated 28 July
Justice and fifty Associate Justices who shall be 1986, was, in my view, as already noted, to the new
appointed by the President of the Philippines. The Court of Appeals established by Executive Order No.
Presiding Justice shall be so designated in his 33. Thus, the last sentence of Section 3 of B.P. Blg.
appointment, and the Associate Justices shall have 129 (before re-enactment by Executive Order No.
precedence according to the dates of their respective 33) afforded no basis for a claim to the same
appointments, or when the appointments of two or numerical precedence in the new Court of Appeals
more of them shall bear the same date, according to that he would have been entitled to had the old
the order in which their appointments were issued by Intermediate Appellate Court not gone out of
the President. Any member who is reappointed to the existence. It is difficult for me to understand how a
Court after rendering service in any other position in claim to a particular position in an order of
the government shall retain the precedence to which precedence can be made where the court itself, to
he was entitled under his original appointment, and which the new appointment is made, is a new and
his service in the Court shall, for all intents and distinct court.
purposes, be considered as continuous and
uninterrupted.’" (Emphasis supplied) I vote to grant the Motion for Reconsideration.

Although Executive Order No. 33 spoke of amending BELLOSILLO, J., concurring: chanrob1e s virtu al 1aw lib rary

Section 3, Chapter 1 of B.P. Blg. 129, it will be seen

that what really happened was the re-enactment of I agree with the ponencia of Mr. Justice Padilla, so I
said Section 3, Chapter 1 of B.P. Blg. 129. In other vote to grant the motion for reconsideration of Our
words, much more happened than simply the Resolution of November 29, 1990. I am for
renaming of the old Intermediate Appellate Court respecting the seniority ranking of the Associate
into (once again) Court of Appeals. If all that Justices of the Court of Appeals at the time they
Executive Order No. 33 wanted to achieve was the were appointed by the President on July 31, 1986.
relabeling of the old Intermediate Appellate Court
into the "Court of Appeals," there was no need to I must admit that, like Mr. Justice Gutierrez, Jr., and
amend or re-enact Section 3 of B.P. Blg. 129. For Mr. Justice Padilla, it was not easy for me to decide
Section 8 of Executive Order No. 33 provided as to participate in the deliberations in this case
considering that it involves esteemed colleagues in
the Court of Appeals. As such, when subject
"SECTION 8. The terms ‘Intermediate Appellate Resolution was promulgated, I did not react despite
Court, Presiding Appellate Justice and Associate the proddings of well-meaning friends. It refused to
Appellate Justice(s)’ used in the Judiciary be dragged into the "fray" in deference to Justice
Reorganization Act of 1980 or in any other law or Reynato S. Puno who would be adversely affected. I
executive order shall hereafter mean Court of remained firm in my resolve to stay away from the
Appeals, Presiding Justice and Associate Justice(s), controversy. It was to me a personal privilege so to
respectively." cralaw virt ua1aw lib rary
do, which i could waive, as I did.

Thus, President Aquino was quite free, legally But circumstances have changed; not that I no
speaking to appoint to the new Court of Appeals longer revere my friendship with Justice Puno, but as
whoever in her judgment was fit and proper for a member now of this Court it has become my duty
membership in that new court in an order of — no longer a mere privilege, much less a right — to
precedence that she was just then establishing. chanro bles law l ib rary
aid the Court in resolving this controversy in the
fairest possible way, a responsibility I find no
The sentence found in Section 3 of B.P. Blg. 129 as justification to shirk.
amended or re-enacted through the medium of
On August 1, 1986, at the oath-taking ceremonies
for the newly-appointed members of the Court of deemed denied, and the lapse of more than four (4)
Appeals at Malacañang, when I noticed Justice Puno years before Justice Puno finally came to Us 3 is
take a seat on my right, 1 I asked him to transfer to reasonably unreasonable.
the left where our senior justices were assigned. I
was assuming that he should be on the left because The letter-appointment of President Corazon C.
he was appointed to the old Appellate Court ahead of Aquino addressed to then Chief Justice Claudio
me. But he showed me the list where he appeared as Teehankee dated July 31, 1986, in fact categorically
No. 26, Justice Lising, No. 25, and I was No. 24. specifies the order of seniority of her appointees,
Since he appeared perturbed with his new rank, I thus —
suggested to him to seek the help of then Justice
Secretary Neptali A. Gonzales, Chairman of the "Dear Mr. Chief Justice.
Screening Committee that processed the
appointments of the new members of the Court of I have appointed the Presiding Justice and the
Appeals, and who was then just a meter and a half in Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals under the
front of us. But after talking to Secretary Gonzales, following order of seniority:chanrob 1es vi rtual 1a w libra ry

Justice Puno returned to his original assigned seat.

When I asked him what happened, he simply 1. Hon. Emilio A. Gancayco, Presiding Justice . . .
shrugged his shoulders. Obviously, he failed in his
bid. 3. Hon. Oscar R. Victoriano, Associate Justice

We then took our oath in the order we were ranked 4. Hon. Rodolfo A. Nocon, Associate Justice
in the list.
5. Hon. Jorge A. Coquia, Associate Justice . . .
Some two (2) months or so later, in an En Banc
session back in the Court of Appeals, as we were 12. Hon. Jose C. Campos, Jr., Associate Justice . . .
seated side by side with Justice Puno, 2 I inquired
again from him as to what happened to his request 16. Hon. Luis A. Javellana, Associate Justice . . .
with Malacañang conveyed through the Presiding
Justice for the correction of his ranking. Justice Puno 26. Hon. Reynato S. Puno, Associate Justice . . ." cralaw virtua1aw l ibra ry

told me it was not granted.

x x x"
The letter of then Presiding Justice Emilio A.
Gancayco dated August 7, 1986, which was his Considering the circumstances herein narrated, I find
second in fact on the subject, addressed to Executive it difficult to yield to the proposition that an error
Secretary Joker P. Arroyo, is enlightening and was committed through inadvertence by Malacañang
informative — in the ranking of the justices appointed to the Court
of Appeals on July 31, 1986.
"Dear Sir:chanrob1e s virtual 1aw l ibra ry

The above-quoted letter of President Aquino also

In relation to my letter of August 5, 1986 informing brings to focus the ranking of Justice Oscar R.
you of the possible over-sight in the ranking of Mr. Victoriano who was junior to Justices Nocon and
Justice REYNATO S. PUNO in his reappointment as Coquia in the old Court, as reflected in the letter of
member of this Court, I am furnishing you a Presiding Justice Gancayco. However, in the letter of
certification of the Clerk of Court to the same effect, the President, Justice Victoriano was ranked No. 3,
and also in relation to the ranking of Messrs. Rodolfo while Justices Nocon and Coquia were ranked No. 4
A. Nocon and Jorge A. Coquia who in accordance and No. 5, respectively. Hence, it is not accurate to
with their original appointment to this Court are say that Justice Victoriano was reinstated to his
more senior than Mr. Justice Oscar R. Victoriano in former rank in the old Court, but was even given a
the said order. rank higher than Justices Nocon and Coquia. This
"possible oversight" was also brought to the
If Her Excellency President Corazon Aquino should attention of Malacañang but, like the case of Justice
decide to rearrange the ranking of the incumbent Puno, no correction was made. chan roble s virtual lawl ibra ry

justices of this Court in accordance with the

provisions of Section 2, Executive Order # 33 their All these clearly support the view of Mr. Justice
proper ranking should be as follows: chanrob1es v irt ual 1aw l ibra ry Padilla in his ponencia, as well as of Mr. Justice
Feliciano in his concurring opinion, that the present
No. 3 — Mr. Justice Rodolfo A. Nocon; Court of Appeals is an entirely different court,
distinct from the old Intermediate Appellate Court or
No. 4 — Mr. Justice Jorge A. Coquia; the former Court of Appeals, with a new members
although some were drawn from the now defunct
No. 5 — Mr. Justice Oscar R. Victoriano; and Intermediate Appellate Court, and that the "error"
referred to by Justice Puno could not have been only
No. 11 — Mr. Justice Reynato S. Puno." cralaw virtua 1aw lib rary through "inadvertence" but deliberate, otherwise,
Malacañang could have readily effected the
While this letter perhaps did not elicit the desired correction?
response from Executive Secretary Arroyo as his
answer did not squarely settle the issue, the But whether the "error" was deliberate or committed
message is clear, i.e., Malacañang did not grant the through inadvertence, is Our Court the proper venue
request for correction of what was perceived to be a for the correction? Can We now correct this alleged
"possible oversight", even after it was twice brought error of the appointing authority? Worse, can We
to its attention. Here I am reminded of the principle direct the Office of the President to do what is
in procedure that a motion that is not granted, exclusively within its prerogative?
especially after an unreasonable length of time, is
This brings me to the final point which bothers me President Corazon C. Aquino reorganized the Court of
still further. If We sustain the claim that the present Appeals.
Court of Appeals is merely a continuation of the old
Intermediate Appellate Court, or of the old Court of I respectfully submit that from 1968 to 1992, there
Appeals, then We may be swarmed with requests not was no single moment when this provision ceased to
only for re-ranking but also for reinstatement of exist. It was never repealed and never disappeared
those who were not reappointed on July 31, 1986, from the law. Everybody, including the appointing
but against whom no charges have been filed. For power is, of course, bound by the law.
then, should they not be allowed to enjoy their
security of tenure as civil servants under the I agree with Justice Padilla’s discussion of President
Constitution? Aquino’s powers in a revolutionary government, a
government revolutionary in the sense that it came
In the case of Justice Jorge S. Imperial, he was a into existence in defiance of the existing legal
member of the old Intermediate Appellate Court who processes.
was not reappointed to the new Court of Appeals on
July 31, 1986. There was no charge against him. He I, however, believe that the appointments of the
was later reappointed but only on January 2, 1987. Justices of the Court of Appeals in 1986 were not a
Should We also order that he be reinstated to his personal act of a revolutionary President. Far from it.
former rank in the Intermediate Appellate Court?
Then, We may have to dislodge some of the present First, President Aquino’s government ceased to be
division Chairmen of the Court of Appeals to revolutionary on March 25, 1986 when she
accommodate him. That would be unsettling, promulgated Proclamation No. 3, which she called
disturbing, and disruptive of the present system. I do the Freedom Constitution. Her government became a
not think We wish this to happen. constitutional one bound by the Freedom
Constitution and the executive orders issued under
GUTIERREZ, JR., J., dissenting: chanro b1es vi rtua l 1aw lib ra ry its authority.

I regret that I have to differ from the position taken Second, one significant provision of the Freedom
by Mr. Justice Padilla regarding the seniority ranking Constitution states that "all elective and appointive
of Justice Reynato S. Puno in the Court of Appeals. officials and employees under the 1973 Constitution
shall continue in office until otherwise provided by
I agree that the resolution of the controversy is not a proclamation or executive order or upon the
pleasant one for us since it involves persons who are designation or appointment and qualification of their
close to the members of this Court. For me, the task successors, if such appointment is made within a
is particularly difficult because apart from close period of one year from February 26, 1986." (Section
personal relationship, I also highly respect the 2, Article III, Emphasis supplied).
parties’ considerable talents, abilities and
qualifications. I have known Justice Jose C. Campos, Third, the President implemented the above
Jr. since my student days and as a junior member of provision of the Constitution on July 28, 1986 when
this Court, I once urged his nomination for she issued Executive Order No. 33 which amended
appointment to the Supreme Court even before he B.P. 129. As earlier stated, Executive Order No. 33
started to serve in the Court of Appeals. Justice Luis reiterated verbatim the provision of B.P. No. 129
A. Javellana was my colleague in the Social Security which provided for retention of precedence of a
System while Justice Reynato S. Puno and I worked member who is reappointed after a sting in another
together in the Office of the Solicitor General. position in the government.

I believe, however, that we can resolve the issues on President Aquino was bound by the provisions of
the basis of the facts and the applicable law, in the Executive Order No. 33 because it is a law enacted
same way that we reverse or affirm the parties’ pursuant to constitutional authority. She could no
respective ponencias disregarding personal feelings longer act as a revolutionary President because there
or close association. was a Constitution, and there were statutes under
that Constitution, in existence.
The applicable provision of law in this case was
introduced into the Judiciary Act of 1948 by Rep. Act More important, Executive Order No. 33 was enacted
No. 5204 on June 15, 1968 when it amended the precisely to provide for the reorganization of the
first paragraph of Section 24 to read: chanrob1es vi rt ual 1aw li bra ry Intermediate Appellate Court into the Court of
Appeals. The President intended that every provision
x x x of Executive Order No. 33 should be followed
precisely for the purpose for which it was enacted,
namely, reorganization of the appellate court. I
"Provided, however, that any member of the Court of cannot understand the reasoning which says that all
Appeals who has been reappointed to that court after provisions of Executive Order No. 33 must apply in
rendering service in any other branch of the the reorganization of the Court of Appeals except the
government shall retain the precedence to which he provision on retention of seniority by a reappointed
is entitled under his original appointment and his member which must be for the future only.
service in court shall, to all intents and purposes, be
considered as continuous and uninterrupted . . ." cralaw virtua1aw l ibra ry
Even assuming that this one sentence of Executive
Order No. 33 was intended to be prospective, then
This provision was reiterated in all subsequent the President has to follow B.P. No. 129 because
repealing or amendatory acts and continues to the Proclamation No. 3, Article IV provides: jgc:chanrob .ph

present. It is found in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129,

Section 3 and in Executive Order No. 33 under "SECTION 1. All existing laws, decrees, executive
orders, proclamations, letters of instruction,
implementing rules and regulations, and other No. 33 but also the laws on the same subject which
executive issuances not inconsistent with this preceded it.
Proclamation shall remain operative until amended,
modified, or repealed by the President or the regular That the President never intended to violate a key
legislative body to be established under a New provision of law is shown in the September 17, 1986
Constitution."cralaw vi rtua 1aw lib rary letter of Executive Secretary Joker P. Arroyo,
appended to the Reply submitted by Justices Campos
For us lawyers, there is one signal feature of and Javellana. The explanation reads: jgc:chanrob ph

President Aquino’s six years in the presidency and

this is her dedicated personal observance of the rule "17 September 1986
of law. Even when some of our decisions nullified her
favorite projects, she unhesitatingly ordered Hon. Emilio A. Gancayco
compliance with our interpretation of the law. I
cannot believe that the President would knowingly Presiding Justice
violate one provision of a law she promulgated even
as she complied with ever other provision of that Court of Appeals
same law.
Not only the law but also the facts support the
correctness of our November 29, 1990 resolution. chanrob les law l ibra ry : red Sir:
chanrob 1es vi rtual 1aw lib rary

We stated in our resolution: jgc:chan robles. com .ph In reply to your enclosed letter of August 7, 1986,
please be informed that the President had nothing to
"Following this specific provision on seniority, the do with the order of seniority. The list and order of
Screening Committee recommended the return and seniority was submitted by a screening committee
reappointment of Justice Puno as Associate Justice of and passed on to the Supreme Court for review.
the New Court of Appeals. He was assigned the
seniority rank of number eleven (11) following Very truly yours,
Associate Justice Vicente V. Mendoza who was given
the seniority rank of number ten (10). Unfortunately, (SGD.) JOKER P. ARROYO
however, due to a mistake which can only be
inadvertent, the seniority rank of Justice Puno Executive Secretary"
appears to have been changed from number eleven
(11) to number twenty six (26), after the When Secretary Arroyo states that the President had
appointments in the new Court of Appeals were nothing to do with the order or sequence of seniority,
signed by President Aquino. Through his letter, it means that she just followed the recommendations
Justice Puno prays for the correction of his seniority of her own Screening Committee, which
ranking alleging that he should now be given the recommendations had already been reviewed by the
seniority rank of number five (5) instead of number Supreme Court. She did not select any
twelve (12) in the Court of Appeals. recommendees her own. She never deviated from
the recommendations because everybody
We find the petition for correction of ranking by recommended was appointed. The change from No.
Justice Puno to be meritorious. The mistake in the 11 to No. 26 could not have been a deliberate act of
ranking of Justice Puno from number eleven (11) to the President as she had nothing to do with the order
number twenty six (26) in the 1986 judicial of seniority of the Justices she was appointing. The
reorganization has to be corrected, otherwise, there change could only have been an inadvertence
will be a violation of the clear mandate of Executive because it was violative not only of the law but also
Order No. 33 that ‘any member who is reappointed of the recommendations of her Screening
to the Court after rendering service in any other Committee.
position in the government shall retain the
precedence to which he was entitled under his There are other matters raised in the letter and reply
original appointment, and his service in the court of Justices Campos and Javellana which have been
shall, for all intents and purposes be considered as answered by Justice Puno in his Comment. I find no
continuous and uninterrupted.’ In fine, the executive need to comment on them at this time.
service of Justice Puno as Deputy Minister of Justice
should not adversely affect the continuity of his I regret if my answer to the query of Justice Campos
service in the judiciary upon his return and led him to be lulled into inaction. Justice Campos
appointment thereto on July 28,1 986. Otherwise, called me up over the telephone inquiring about the
the salutary purpose of Executive Order No. 33 which petition of Justice Puno before I was aware that
is to attract competent members of the judiciary to there was such a petition. I try to read all petitions
serve in other branches of the government without filed with the court en banc but I do so only after
fear of losing their seniority status in the judiciary in they are placed in the agenda and are in the next
the event of their return thereto would be defeated . order of business of a particular session. My staff
. ." (Res. dtd. 11-29-90, pp. 2-3) never places a copy of any petition on my desk until
it is entered in the agenda. It is unfortunate that
Nobody disputes the fact that the Screening Justices Campos, Camilon, dela Fuente, Javellana,
Committee headed by the then Secretary of Justice Purisima, de Pano, and Bellosillo were not furnished
Neptali Gonzales and a member of which was our copies of the letter-petition of Justice Puno but this is
own Justice Leo D. Medialdea ranked Justice Reynato for then Chief Justice Marcelo B. Fernan and Clerk of
S. Puno as No. 11 in their recommendation. Court Atty. Daniel T. Martinez to explain.

When the appointments came out, Mr. Puno was No. Justices Campos and Javellana state that "Justice
26. This, of course, violates not only Executive Order Puno is 50 years old and to put him in No. 5 will
destroy the chances of those displaced by him who Pambansa on 10 August 1981 and signed into law by
are older than he to aspire for promotion." cralaw virt ua1aw lib ra ry President Ferdinand E. Marcos on 14 August 1981.

The fears of the good Justices are unfounded. Except 3. Rollo, p. 4.

for the Presiding Justice, a greater number of
"junior" Justices have been appointed in the past ten 4. Executive Order No. 33 was issued on 28 July
years to the Supreme Court from the Court of 1986 by President Corazon C. Aquino.
Appeals, than the most senior Justices of that Court.
In other words, there has been more by passing of 5. Rollo, p. 2.
senior members than adherence to the seniority
listing. In fact, the latest nominations of the Judicial 6. Rollo, pp. 5, 5-A.
and Bar Council for position to which Justice Bellosillo
was appointed, included Justice Campos and 7. Ibid., p. 5-A.
excluded Justices Kapunan and Puno. I understand
that in the past few vacancies in this court, Justice 8. Ibid.
Campos has been nominated more often than Justice
Puno. chan roble s virtualawl ibra ry cha nrob m:chan roble h 9. Rollo, pp. 1-3.

Our resolution dated November 29, 1990 correcting 10. Ibid., p. 3.

the seniority ranking of Justice Puno was a
unanimous decision of this Court except for Mr. 11. Ibid., p. 18.
Justice Padilla were discussed and fully deliberated
upon. Since our resolution is based on both the facts 12. Rollo, pp. 28-29. Remarks of President Corazon
and the law, I see no reason why we should modify C. Aquino at a media briefing announcing the
or set it aside. promulgation of a transition Constitution (otherwise
known as the Freedom Constitution) at the Freedom
I, therefore, vote to reiterate the Court’s resolution Hall, Malacañang, March 25, 1986.
dated November 29, 1990.
13. Rollo, pp. 26-27. See also Alcantara, Statutes,
Narvasa, C.J., Bidin, Medialdea and Nocon, JJ., 1990 ed., p. 164 citing Crawford: Statutory
concur. Construction and Agpalo, Statutory Construction,
1990 ed., p. 304 citing American Bible Society v. City
CRUZ, J., dissenting: chan rob1es v irt ual 1aw l ibra ry of Manila, 101 Phil. 386.

I join Mr. Justice Gutierrez in his dissent, with these 14. Rollo, p. 41.
brief additional remarks.
15. Ibid., p. 42.
Sec. 3 of BP 129 laid down the original precedence
rule applicable to members of the Intermediate 16. Rollo, pp. 47-50.
Appellate Court. This was embodied in Sec. 2 of EO
33 without change except as to the name of the 17. Cuerdo v. Commission on Audit, 166 SCRA 657
court. The first provision was not repealed. As Mr. citing Tagum Doctors Enterprises v. Gregorio Apsay,
Justice Feliciano points out, it was merely "re- Et Al., G.R. No. 81188, August 30, 1988.
enacted." cralaw virtua 1aw lib rary

18. Rollo, p. 49.

I do not think the re-enacted rule was intended to
operate prospectively only. I believe it continues to 19. Kitlow v. Kiely, 44 F. Ed. 227, 232.
be available to the former members of the
Intermediate Appellate Court no less than to the 20. State v. Diamond, 202 P. 988, 991.
members of the Court of Appeals.
21. Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State (1946),
It is a well-known canon of construction that p. 117.
apparently conflicting provisions should be
harmonized whenever possible. The ponencia would 22. H. Black, Handbook of American Constitutional
instead revoke Sec. 3. of BP 129 even though Sec. 2 Law II, 4th edition, 1927.
of EO 33 has not repealed but in fact re-enacted it. I
would reconcile the two provisions and give effect to 23. Political Rights as Political Questions. The
both. Paradox of Luther v. Borden, 100 Harvard Law
Review 1125, 1133 (1987).
Significantly, Sec. 8 of EO 33 provides that "the term
Intermediate Appellate Court . . . shall hereafter 24. Proclamation No. 3 (1986).
mean Court of Appeals." cralaw virt ua1aw lib rary

25. Ibid.
Narvasa, C.J., concurs.
26. Proclamation No. 1 (1986) and Proclamation No.
3 (1986).
27. J. Bernas, Proclamation No. 3 with Notes by
Joaquin Bernas, S.J. 3 (1986).

1. Rollo, p. 10. 28. Address by U.P. President, now Senator Edgardo

Angara, Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference, March
2. B.P. Blg. 129 was passed by the Batasang 21, 1986, 27 U.P. Gazette 28, 29.
29. Fernandez, Law and Polity: Towards a Systems
Concept of Legal Validity, 46 Phil. Law Journal, 390-
391 (1971).

30. Id., at 422.

31. Fernandez, supra note 29.

32. 1973 Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 5.

BELLOSILLO, J., concurring: chanrob1e s virtu al 1aw lib rary

1. As prearranged by the Protocol Officer, the newly-

appointed Justices were assigned seats according to
seniority from left to right, so that when called to
take their oath they would only have to rise, move
forward, turn around, and face the President, as well
as their families and friends, for their oath-taking so
that seniority ranking would automatically be
observed in reverse, from right o left.

2. In En Banc sessions, even numbers are assigned

consecutively on one side and odd numbers on the
other side, and Justice Puno and myself were ranked
No. 26 and 24, respectively.

3. The letter-request of Justice Puno to this Court is

dated November 14, 1990, while the reply of
Executive Secretary Joker P. Arroyo which did not
grant the request, is dated September 17, 1986.


EN BANC The exposẻ immediately ignited reactions of
rage. The next day, October 5, 2000, Senator
G.R. No. 146710-15 March 2, 2001 Teofisto Guingona, Jr., then the Senate Minority
Leader, took the floor and delivered a fiery
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner, privilege speech entitled "I Accuse." He accused
the petitioner of receiving some P220 million
in jueteng money from Governor Singson from
ANIANO DESIERTO, in his capacity as
Ombudsman, RAMON GONZALES, November 1998 to August 2000. He also
VOLUNTEERS AGAINST CRIME AND charged that the petitioner took from Governor
CORRUPTION, GRAFT FREE PHILIPPINES Singson P70 million on excise tax on cigarettes
FOUNDATION, INC., LEONARD DE VERA, intended for Ilocos Sur. The privilege speech
DENNIS FUNA, ROMEO CAPULONG and was referred by then Senate President Franklin
ERNESTO B. FRANCISCO, JR., respondent. Drilon, to the Blue Ribbon Committee (then
headed by Senator Aquilino Pimentel) and the
Committee on Justice (then headed by Senator
---------------------------------------- Renato Cayetano) for joint investigation.2

G.R. No. 146738 March 2, 2001 The House of Representatives did no less. The
House Committee on Public Order and Security,
JOSEPH E. ESTRADA, petitioner, then headed by Representative Roilo Golez,
vs. decided to investigate the exposẻ of Governor
GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, respondent. Singson. On the other hand, Representatives
Heherson Alvarez, Ernesto Herrera and Michael
PUNO, J.: Defensor spearheaded the move to impeach the
On the line in the cases at bar is the office of the
President. Petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada Calls for the resignation of the petitioner filled
alleges that he is the President on leave while the air. On October 11, Archbishop Jaime
respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo claims she Cardinal Sin issued a pastoral statement in
is the President. The warring personalities are behalf of the Presbyteral Council of the
important enough but more transcendental are Archdiocese of Manila, asking petitioner to step
the constitutional issues embedded on the down from the presidency as he had lost the
parties' dispute. While the significant issues are moral authority to govern.3 Two days later or on
many, the jugular issue involves the relationship October 13, the Catholic Bishops Conference of
between the ruler and the ruled in a democracy, the Philippines joined the cry for the resignation
Philippine style. of the petitioner.4 Four days later, or on October
17, former President Corazon C. Aquino also
First, we take a view of the panorama of events demanded that the petitioner take the "supreme
that precipitated the crisis in the office of the self-sacrifice" of resignation.5 Former President
President. Fidel Ramos also joined the chorus. Early on, or
on October 12, respondent Arroyo resigned as
Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare
In the May 11, 1998 elections, petitioner Joseph
and Services6 and later asked for petitioner's
Ejercito Estrada was elected President while
resignation.7 However, petitioner strenuously
respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was
held on to his office and refused to resign.
elected Vice-President. Some ten (10) million
Filipinos voted for the petitioner believing he
would rescue them from life's adversity. Both The heat was on. On November 1, four (4)
petitioner and the respondent were to serve a senior economic advisers, members of the
six-year term commencing on June 30, 1998. Council of Senior Economic Advisers, resigned.
They were Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala,
former Prime Minister Cesar Virata, former
From the beginning of his term, however,
Senator Vicente Paterno and Washington
petitioner was plagued by a plethora of problems
Sycip.8 On November 2, Secretary Mar Roxas II
that slowly but surely eroded his popularity. His
also resigned from the Department of Trade and
sharp descent from power started on October 4,
Industry.9 On November 3, Senate President
2000. Ilocos Sur Governor, Luis "Chavit"
Franklin Drilon, and House Speaker Manuel
Singson, a longtime friend of the petitioner, went
Villar, together with some 47 representatives
on air and accused the petitioner, his family and
defected from the ruling coalition, Lapian ng
friends of receiving millions of pesos
Masang Pilipino.10
from jueteng lords.1


The month of November ended with a big bang. of the second envelope which allegedly
In a tumultuous session on November 13, House contained evidence showing that petitioner held
Speaker Villar transmitted the Articles of P3.3 billion in a secret bank account under the
Impeachment11 signed by 115 representatives, name "Jose Velarde." The public and private
or more than 1/3 of all the members of the prosecutors walked out in protest of the ruling. In
House of Representatives to the Senate. This disgust, Senator Pimentel resigned as Senate
caused political convulsions in both houses of President.18 The ruling made at 10:00 p.m. was
Congress. Senator Drilon was replaced by met by a spontaneous outburst of anger that hit
Senator Pimentel as Senate President. Speaker the streets of the metropolis. By midnight,
Villar was unseated by Representative thousands had assembled at the EDSA Shrine
Fuentebella.12 On November 20, the Senate and speeches full of sulphur were delivered
formally opened the impeachment trial of the against the petitioner and the eleven (11)
petitioner. Twenty-one (21) senators took their senators.
oath as judges with Supreme Court Chief Justice
Hilario G. Davide, Jr., presiding.13 On January 17, the public prosecutors submitted
a letter to Speaker Fuentebella tendering their
The political temperature rose despite the cold collective resignation. They also filed their
December. On December 7, the impeachment Manifestation of Withdrawal of Appearance with
trial started.14 The battle royale was fought by the impeachment tribunal.19Senator Raul Roco
some of the marquee names in the legal quickly moved for the indefinite postponement of
profession. Standing as prosecutors were then the impeachment proceedings until the House of
House Minority Floor Leader Feliciano Belmonte Representatives shall have resolved the issue of
and Representatives Joker Arroyo, Wigberto resignation of the public prosecutors. Chief
Tañada, Sergio Apostol, Raul Gonzales, Oscar Justice Davide granted the motion.20
Moreno, Salacnib Baterina, Roan Libarios,
Oscar Rodriguez, Clavel Martinez and Antonio January 18 saw the high velocity intensification
Nachura. They were assisted by a battery of of the call for petitioner's resignation. A 10-
private prosecutors led by now Secretary of kilometer line of people holding lighted candles
Justice Hernando Perez and now Solicitor formed a human chain from the Ninoy Aquino
General Simeon Marcelo. Serving as defense Monument on Ayala Avenue in Makati City to the
counsel were former Chief Justice Andres EDSA Shrine to symbolize the people's solidarity
Narvasa, former Solicitor General and Secretary in demanding petitioner's resignation. Students
of Justice Estelito P. Mendoza, former City and teachers walked out of their classes in
Fiscal of Manila Jose Flaminiano, former Deputy Metro Manila to show their concordance.
Speaker of the House Raul Daza, Atty. Siegfried Speakers in the continuing rallies at the EDSA
Fortun and his brother, Atty. Raymund Fortun. Shrine, all masters of the physics of persuasion,
The day to day trial was covered by live TV and attracted more and more people.21
during its course enjoyed the highest viewing
rating. Its high and low points were the constant
On January 19, the fall from power of the
conversational piece of the chattering classes.
petitioner appeared inevitable. At 1:20 p.m., the
The dramatic point of the December hearings
petitioner informed Executive Secretary Edgardo
was the testimony of Clarissa Ocampo, senior Angara that General Angelo Reyes, Chief of
vice president of Equitable-PCI Bank. She
Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, had
testified that she was one foot away from
defected. At 2:30 p.m., petitioner agreed to the
petitioner Estrada when he affixed the signature
holding of a snap election for President where
"Jose Velarde" on documents involving a P500
he would not be a candidate. It did not diffuse
million investment agreement with their bank on the growing crisis. At 3:00 p.m., Secretary of
February 4, 2000.15 National Defense Orlando Mercado and General
Reyes, together with the chiefs of all the armed
After the testimony of Ocampo, the services went to the EDSA Shrine.22 In the
impeachment trial was adjourned in the spirit of presence of former Presidents Aquino and
Christmas. When it resumed on January 2, Ramos and hundreds of thousands of cheering
2001, more bombshells were exploded by the demonstrators, General Reyes declared that "on
prosecution. On January 11, Atty. Edgardo behalf of Your Armed Forces, the 130,000
Espiritu who served as petitioner's Secretary of strong members of the Armed Forces, we wish
Finance took the witness stand. He alleged that to announce that we are withdrawing our support
the petitioner jointly owned BW Resources to this government."23 A little later, PNP Chief,
Corporation with Mr. Dante Tan who was facing Director General Panfilo Lacson and the major
charges of insider trading.16 Then came the service commanders gave a similar stunning
fateful day of January 16, when by a vote of 11- announcement.24 Some Cabinet secretaries,
1017 the senator-judges ruled against the opening undersecretaries, assistant secretaries, and
bureau chiefs quickly resigned from their presidency of this country, for the sake
posts.25 Rallies for the resignation of the of peace and in order to begin the
petitioner exploded in various parts of the healing process of our nation. I leave the
country. To stem the tide of rage, petitioner Palace of our people with gratitude for
announced he was ordering his lawyers to agree the opportunities given to me for service
to the opening of the highly controversial second to our people. I will not shirk from any
envelope.26There was no turning back the tide. future challenges that may come ahead
The tide had become a tsunami. in the same service of our country.

January 20 turned to be the day of surrender. At I call on all my supporters and followers
12:20 a.m., the first round of negotiations for the to join me in to promotion of a
peaceful and orderly transfer of power started at constructive national spirit of
Malacañang'' Mabini Hall, Office of the Executive reconciliation and solidarity.
Secretary. Secretary Edgardo Angara, Senior
Deputy Executive Secretary Ramon Bagatsing, May the Almighty bless our country and
Political Adviser Angelito Banayo, Asst. beloved people.
Secretary Boying Remulla, and Atty. Macel
Fernandez, head of the Presidential
Management Staff, negotiated for the petitioner.
Respondent Arroyo was represented by now
Executive Secretary Renato de Villa, now (Sgd.) JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA"
Secretary of Finance Alberto Romulo and now
Secretary of Justice Hernando Perez.27 Outside It also appears that on the same day, January
the palace, there was a brief encounter at 20, 2001, he signed the following letter: 31
Mendiola between pro and anti-Estrada
protesters which resulted in stone-throwing and "Sir:
caused minor injuries. The negotiations
consumed all morning until the news broke out By virtue of the provisions of Section 11,
that Chief Justice Davide would administer the Article VII of the Constitution, I am
oath to respondent Arroyo at high noon at the hereby transmitting this declaration that I
EDSA Shrine. am unable to exercise the powers and
duties of my office. By operation of law
At about 12:00 noon, Chief Justice Davide and the Constitution, the Vice-President
administered the oath to respondent Arroyo as shall be the Acting President.
President of the Philippines.28 At 2:30 p.m.,
petitioner and his family hurriedly left (Sgd.) JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA"
Malacañang Palace.29 He issued the following
press statement:30
A copy of the letter was sent to former Speaker
Fuentebella at 8:30 a.m. on January
"20 January 2001 20.23 Another copy was transmitted to Senate
President Pimentel on the same day although it
STATEMENT FROM was received only at 9:00 p.m.33

PRESIDENT JOSEPH EJERCITO On January 22, the Monday after taking her
ESTRADA oath, respondent Arroyo immediately discharged
the powers the duties of the Presidency. On the
At twelve o'clock noon today, Vice same day, this Court issued the following
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took Resolution in Administrative Matter No. 01-1-05-
her oath as President of the Republic of SC, to wit:
the Philippines. While along with many
other legal minds of our country, I have "A.M. No. 01-1-05-SC — In re: Request
strong and serious doubts about the of Vice President Gloria Macapagal-
legality and constitutionality of her Arroyo to Take her Oath of Office as
proclamation as President, I do not wish President of the Republic of the
to be a factor that will prevent the Philippines before the Chief Justice —
restoration of unity and order in our civil Acting on the urgent request of Vice
society. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to
be sworn in as President of the Republic
It is for this reason that I now leave of the Philippines, addressed to the
Malacañang Palace, the seat of the Chief Justice and confirmed by a letter
to the Court, dated January 20, 2001, pending challenge on the legitimacy of
which request was treated as an respondent Arroyo's presidency before the
administrative matter, the court Resolve Supreme Court. Senators Teresa Aquino-Oreta
unanimously to confirm the authority and Robert Barbers were absent.44 The House of
given by the twelve (12) members of the Representatives also approved Senator
Court then present to the Chief Justice Guingona's nomination in Resolution No.
on January 20, 2001 to administer the 178.45 Senator Guingona, Jr. took his oath as
oath of office of Vice President Gloria Vice President two (2) days later.46
Macapagal-Arroyo as President of the
Philippines, at noon of January 20, On February 7, the Senate passed Resolution
2001. 1âwphi 1.nêt

No. 83 declaring that the impeachment court

is functus officio and has been
This resolution is without prejudice to terminated.47 Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago
the disposition of any justiciable case stated "for the record" that she voted against the
that may be filed by a proper party." closure of the impeachment court on the
grounds that the Senate had failed to decide on
Respondent Arroyo appointed members of her the impeachment case and that the resolution
Cabinet as well as ambassadors and special left open the question of whether Estrada was
envoys.34 Recognition of respondent Arroyo's still qualified to run for another elective post.48
government by foreign governments swiftly
followed. On January 23, in a reception or vin d' Meanwhile, in a survey conducted by Pulse
honneur at Malacañang, led by the Dean of the Asia, President Arroyo's public acceptance
Diplomatic Corps, Papal Nuncio Antonio Franco, rating jacked up from 16% on January 20, 2001
more than a hundred foreign diplomats to 38% on January 26, 2001.49 In another survey
recognized the government of respondent conducted by the ABS-CBN/SWS from February
Arroyo.35 US President George W. Bush gave 2-7, 2001, results showed that 61% of the
the respondent a telephone call from the White Filipinos nationwide accepted President Arroyo
House conveying US recognition of her as replacement of petitioner Estrada. The survey
government.36 also revealed that President Arroyo is accepted
by 60% in Metro Manila, by also 60% in the
On January 24, Representative Feliciano balance of Luzon, by 71% in the Visayas, and
Belmonte was elected new Speaker of the 55% in Mindanao. Her trust rating increased to
House of Representatives.37The House then 52%. Her presidency is accepted by majorities in
passed Resolution No. 175 "expressing the full all social classes: 58% in the ABC or middle-to-
support of the House of Representatives to the upper classes, 64% in the D or mass class, and
administration of Her Excellency, Gloria 54% among the E's or very poor class.50
Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the
Philippines."38 It also approved Resolution No. After his fall from the pedestal of power, the
176 "expressing the support of the House of petitioner's legal problems appeared in clusters.
Representatives to the assumption into office by Several cases previously filed against him in the
Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as Office of the Ombudsman were set in motion.
President of the Republic of the Philippines, These are: (1) OMB Case No. 0-00-1629, filed
extending its congratulations and expressing its by Ramon A. Gonzales on October 23, 2000 for
support for her administration as a partner in the bribery and graft and corruption; (2) OMB Case
attainment of the nation's goals under the No. 0-00-1754 filed by the Volunteers Against
Constitution."39 Crime and Corruption on November 17, 2000 for
plunder, forfeiture, graft and corruption, bribery,
On January 26, the respondent signed into law perjury, serious misconduct, violation of the
the Solid Waste Management Act.40 A few days Code of Conduct for Government Employees,
later, she also signed into law the Political etc; (3) OMB Case No. 0-00-1755 filed by the
Advertising ban and Fair Election Practices Act.41 Graft Free Philippines Foundation, Inc. on
November 24, 2000 for plunder, forfeiture, graft
and corruption, bribery, perjury, serious
On February 6, respondent Arroyo nominated
misconduct; (4) OMB Case No. 0-00-1756 filed
Senator Teofisto Guingona, Jr., as her Vice
by Romeo Capulong, et al., on November 28,
President.42 The next day, February 7, the
2000 for malversation of public funds, illegal use
Senate adopted Resolution No. 82 confirming
the nomination of Senator Guingona, of public funds and property, plunder, etc.; (5)
Jr.43Senators Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Juan OMB Case No. 0-00-1757 filed by Leonard de
Vera, et al., on November 28, 2000 for bribery,
Ponce Enrile, and John Osmena voted "yes"
plunder, indirect bribery, violation of PD 1602,
with reservations, citing as reason therefor the
PD 1829, PD 46, and RA 7080; and (6) OMB
Case No. 0-00-1758 filed by Ernesto B. In a resolution dated February 20, acting on the
Francisco, Jr. on December 4, 2000 for plunder, urgent motion for copies of resolution and press
graft and corruption. statement for "Gag Order" on respondent
Ombudsman filed by counsel for petitioner in
A special panel of investigators was forthwith G.R. No. 146738, the Court resolved:
created by the respondent Ombudsman to
investigate the charges against the petitioner. It "(1) to inform the parties that the Court
is chaired by Overall Deputy Ombudsman did not issue a resolution on January 20,
Margarito P. Gervasio with the following as 2001 declaring the office of the
members, viz: Director Andrew Amuyutan, President vacant and that neither did the
Prosecutor Pelayo Apostol, Atty. Jose de Jesus Chief Justice issue a press statement
and Atty. Emmanuel Laureso. On January 22, justifying the alleged resolution;
the panel issued an Order directing the petitioner
to file his counter-affidavit and the affidavits of (2) to order the parties and especially
his witnesses as well as other supporting their counsel who are officers of the
documents in answer to the aforementioned Court under pain of being cited for
complaints against him. contempt to refrain from making any
comment or discussing in public the
Thus, the stage for the cases at bar was set. On merits of the cases at bar while they are
February 5, petitioner filed with this Court GR still pending decision by the Court, and
No. 146710-15, a petition for prohibition with a
prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction. It (3) to issue a 30-day status quo order
sought to enjoin the respondent Ombudsman effective immediately enjoining the
from "conducting any further proceedings in respondent Ombudsman from resolving
Case Nos. OMB 0-00-1629, 1754, 1755, 1756, or deciding the criminal cases pending
1757 and 1758 or in any other criminal complaint investigation in his office against
that may be filed in his office, until after the term petitioner, Joseph E. Estrada and
of petitioner as President is over and only if subject of the cases at bar, it appearing
legally warranted." Thru another counsel, from news reports that the respondent
petitioner, on February 6, filed GR No. 146738 Ombudsman may immediately resolve
for Quo Warranto. He prayed for judgment the cases against petitioner Joseph E.
"confirming petitioner to be the lawful and Estrada seven (7) days after the hearing
incumbent President of the Republic of the held on February 15, 2001, which action
Philippines temporarily unable to discharge the will make the cases at bar moot and
duties of his office, and declaring respondent to academic."53
have taken her oath as and to be holding the
Office of the President, only in an acting capacity
The parties filed their replies on February 24. On
pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution."
this date, the cases at bar were deemed
Acting on GR Nos. 146710-15, the Court, on the
submitted for decision.
same day, February 6, required the respondents
"to comment thereon within a non-extendible
period expiring on 12 February 2001." On The bedrock issues for resolution of this Court
February 13, the Court ordered the consolidation are:
of GR Nos. 146710-15 and GR No. 146738 and
the filing of the respondents' comments "on or I
before 8:00 a.m. of February 15."
Whether the petitions present a
On February 15, the consolidated cases were justiciable controversy.
orally argued in a four-hour hearing. Before the
hearing, Chief Justice Davide, Jr.51 and II
Associate Justice Artemio Panganiban52 recused
themselves on motion of petitioner's counsel, Assuming that the petitions present a
former Senator Rene A. Saguisag. They justiciable controversy, whether
debunked the charge of counsel Saguisag that petitioner Estrada is a President on
they have "compromised themselves by leave while respondent Arroyo is an
indicating that they have thrown their weight on Acting President.
one side" but nonetheless inhibited themselves.
Thereafter, the parties were given the short
period of five (5) days to file their memoranda
and two (2) days to submit their simultaneous
Whether conviction in the impeachment an initial policy determination of a kind
proceedings is a condition precedent for clearly for non-judicial discretion; or the
the criminal prosecution of petitioner impossibility of a court's undertaking
Estrada. In the negative and on the independent resolution without
assumption that petitioner is still expressing lack of the respect due
President, whether he is immune from coordinate branches of government; or
criminal prosecution. an unusual need for unquestioning
adherence to a political decision already
IV made; or the potentiality of
embarrassment from multifarious
pronouncements by various
Whether the prosecution of petitioner
departments on question. Unless one of
Estrada should be enjoined on the
these formulations is inextricable from
ground of prejudicial publicity.
the case at bar, there should be no
dismissal for non justiciability on the
We shall discuss the issues in seriatim. ground of a political question's
presence. The doctrine of which we treat
I is one of 'political questions', not of
'political cases'."
Whether or not the cases
In the Philippine setting, this Court has been
At bar involve a political question continuously confronted with cases calling for a
firmer delineation of the inner and outer
Private respondents54 raise the threshold issue perimeters of a political question.57 Our leading
that the cases at bar pose a political question, case is Tanada v. Cuenco,58 where this Court,
and hence, are beyond the jurisdiction of this through former Chief Justice Roberto
Court to decide. They contend that shorn of its Concepcion, held that political questions refer
embroideries, the cases at bar assail the "to those questions which, under the
"legitimacy of the Arroyo administration." They Constitution, are to be decided by the people in
stress that respondent Arroyo ascended the their sovereign capacity, or in regard to
presidency through people power; that she has which full discretionary authority has been
already taken her oath as the 14th President of delegated to the legislative or executive branch
the Republic; that she has exercised the powers of the government. It is concerned with issues
of the presidency and that she has been dependent upon the wisdom, not legality of a
recognized by foreign governments. They submit particular measure." To a great degree, the 1987
that these realities on ground constitute the Constitution has narrowed the reach of the
political thicket, which the Court cannot enter. political question doctrine when it expanded the
power of judicial review of this court not only to
settle actual controversies involving rights which
We reject private respondents' submission. To
are legally demandable and enforceable but
be sure, courts here and abroad, have tried to lift
also to determine whether or not there has
the shroud on political question but its exact
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting
latitude still splits the best of legal minds.
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of
Developed by the courts in the 20th century, the
any branch or instrumentality of
political question doctrine which rests on the
government.59 Heretofore, the judiciary has
principle of separation of powers and on
focused on the "thou shalt not's" of the
prudential considerations, continue to be refined
Constitution directed against the exercise of its
in the mills of constitutional law.55 In the United
jurisdiction.60With the new provision, however,
States, the most authoritative guidelines to
courts are given a greater prerogative to
determine whether a question is political were
determine what it can do to prevent grave abuse
spelled out by Mr. Justice Brennan in the 1962
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
case or Baker v. Carr,56 viz:
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of government. Clearly, the new
"x x x Prominent on the surface of any provision did not just grant the Court power
case held to involve a political question of doing nothing. In sync and symmetry with
is found a textually demonstrable this intent are other provisions of the 1987
constitutional commitment of the issue Constitution trimming the so called political
to a coordinate political department or a thicket. Prominent of these provisions is section
lack of judicially discoverable and 18 of Article VII which empowers this Court in
manageable standards for resolving it, limpid language to "x x x review, in an
or the impossibility of deciding without appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen, the
sufficiency of the factual basis of the Freedom of speech and the right of assembly
proclamation of martial law or the suspension of are treasured by Filipinos. Denial of these rights
the privilege of the writ (of habeas corpus) or the was one of the reasons of our 1898 revolution
extension thereof x x x." against Spain. Our national hero, Jose P. Rizal,
raised the clarion call for the recognition of
Respondents rely on the case of Lawyers freedom of the press of the Filipinos and
League for a Better Philippines and/or Oliver included it as among "the reforms sine quibus
A. Lozano v. President Corazon C. Aquino, et non."65 The Malolos Constitution, which is the
al.61 and related cases62 to support their thesis work of the revolutionary Congress in 1898,
that since the cases at bar involve provided in its Bill of Rights that Filipinos shall
the legitimacy of the government of not be deprived (1) of the right to freely express
respondent Arroyo, ergo, they present a his ideas or opinions, orally or in writing, through
political question. A more cerebral reading of the the use of the press or other similar means; (2)
cited cases will show that they are inapplicable. of the right of association for purposes of human
In the cited cases, we held that the government life and which are not contrary to public means;
of former President Aquino was the result of and (3) of the right to send petitions to the
a successful revolution by the sovereign authorities, individually or collectively." These
people, albeit a peaceful one. No less than fundamental rights were preserved when the
the Freedom Constitution 63 declared that the United States acquired jurisdiction over the
Aquino government was installed through a Philippines. In the Instruction to the Second
direct exercise of the power of the Filipino Philippine Commission of April 7, 1900 issued by
people "in defiance of the provisions of the President McKinley, it is specifically provided
1973 Constitution, as amended." In is familiar "that no law shall be passed abridging the
learning that the legitimacy of a government freedom of speech or of the press or of the rights
sired by a successful revolution by people power of the people to peaceably assemble and
is beyond judicial scrutiny for that government petition the Government for redress of
automatically orbits out of the constitutional loop. grievances." The guaranty was carried over in
In checkered contrast, the government of the Philippine Bill, the Act of Congress of July 1,
respondent Arroyo is not revolutionary in 1902 and the Jones Law, the Act of Congress of
character. The oath that she took at the EDSA August 29, 1966.66
Shrine is the oath under the 1987
Constitution.64 In her oath, she categorically Thence on, the guaranty was set in stone in
swore to preserve and defend the 1987 our 1935 Constitution,67 and
Constitution. Indeed, she has stressed that she the 197368 Constitution. These rights are now
is discharging the powers of the presidency safely ensconced in section 4, Article III of the
under the authority of the 1987 Constitution. 1987 Constitution, viz:

In fine, the legal distinction between EDSA "Sec. 4. No law shall be passed
People Power I EDSA People Power II is abridging the freedom of speech, of
clear. EDSA I involves the exercise of expression, or of the press, or the right
the people power of of the people peaceably to assemble
revolution which overthrew the whole and petition the government for redress
government. EDSA II is an exercise of people of grievances."
power of freedom of speech and freedom of
assembly to petition the government for The indispensability of the people's freedom of
redress of grievances which only affected the speech and of assembly to democracy is now
office of the President. EDSA I is extra self-evident. The reasons are well put by
constitutional and the legitimacy of the new Emerson: first, freedom of expression is
government that resulted from it cannot be the essential as a means of assuring individual
subject of judicial review, but EDSA II is intra fulfillment; second, it is an essential process for
constitutional and the resignation of the sitting advancing knowledge and discovering truth;
President that it caused and the succession of third, it is essential to provide for participation in
the Vice President as President are subject to decision-making by all members of society; and
judicial review. EDSA I presented a political fourth, it is a method of achieving a more
question; EDSA II involves legal questions. A adaptable and hence, a more stable community
brief discourse on freedom of speech and of the of maintaining the precarious balance between
freedom of assembly to petition the government healthy cleavage and necessary
for redress of grievance which are the cutting consensus."69 In this sense, freedom of
edge of EDSA People Power II is not speech and of assembly provides a
inappropriate. framework in which the "conflict necessary
to the progress of a society can take place
without destroying the society."70In Hague v. serve the unexpired term. In case of
Committee for Industrial Organization,71 this death, permanent disability, removal
function of free speech and assembly was from office, or resignation of both the
echoed in the amicus curiae filed by the Bill of President and Vice President, the
Rights Committee of the American Bar President of the Senate or, in case of his
Association which emphasized that "the basis of inability, the Speaker of the House of
the right of assembly is the substitution of the Representatives, shall then act as
expression of opinion and belief by talk rather President until the President or Vice
than force; and this means talk for all and by President shall have been elected and
all."72 In the relatively recent case of Subayco v. qualified.
Sandiganbayan,73 this Court similar stressed
that "… it should be clear even to those with x x x."
intellectual deficits that when the sovereign
people assemble to petition for redress of The issue then is whether the petitioner resigned
grievances, all should listen. For in a
as President or should be considered resigned
democracy, it is the people who count; those
as of January 20, 2001 when respondent took
who are deaf to their grievances are ciphers."
her oath as the 14th President of the Public.
Resignation is not a high level legal abstraction.
Needless to state, the cases at bar pose legal It is a factual question and its elements are
and not political questions. The principal issues beyond quibble: there must be an intent to
for resolution require the proper interpretation of resign and the intent must be coupled by
certain provisions in the 1987 Constitution, acts of relinquishment.78 The validity of a
notably section 1 of Article II,74 and section 875 of resignation is not government by any formal
Article VII, and the allocation of governmental requirement as to form. It can be oral. It can be
powers under section 1176 of Article VII. The written. It can be express. It can be implied. As
issues likewise call for a ruling on the scope of long as the resignation is clear, it must be given
presidential immunity from suit. They also legal effect.
involve the correct calibration of the right of
petitioner against prejudicial publicity. As early
In the cases at bar, the facts show that petitioner
as the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison,77 the
did not write any formal letter of resignation
doctrine has been laid down that "it is
before he evacuated Malacañang Palace in the
emphatically the province and duty of the
afternoon of January 20, 2001 after the oath-
judicial department to say what the law is . .
taking of respondent Arroyo. Consequently,
." Thus, respondent's in vocation of the doctrine
whether or not petitioner resigned has to be
of political question is but a foray in the dark.
determined from his act and omissions before,
during and after January 20, 2001 or by
II the totality of prior, contemporaneous and
posterior facts and circumstantial evidence
Whether or not the petitioner bearing a material relevance on the issue.
Resigned as President
Using this totality test, we hold that petitioner
We now slide to the second issue. None of the resigned as President.
parties considered this issue as posing a political
question. Indeed, it involves a legal question To appreciate the public pressure that led to the
whose factual ingredient is determinable from resignation of the petitioner, it is important to
the records of the case and by resort to judicial follow the succession of events after the exposẻ
notice. Petitioner denies he resigned as of Governor Singson. The Senate Blue Ribbon
President or that he suffers from a permanent Committee investigated. The more detailed
disability. Hence, he submits that the office of revelations of petitioner's alleged misgovernance
the President was not vacant when respondent in the Blue Ribbon investigation spiked the hate
Arroyo took her oath as President. against him. The Articles of Impeachment filed in
the House of Representatives which initially was
The issue brings under the microscope the given a near cipher chance of succeeding
meaning of section 8, Article VII of the snowballed. In express speed, it gained the
Constitution which provides: signatures of 115 representatives or more than
1/3 of the House of Representatives. Soon,
"Sec. 8. In case of death, permanent petitioner's powerful political allies began
disability, removal from office or deserting him. Respondent Arroyo quit as
resignation of the President, the Vice Secretary of Social Welfare. Senate President
President shall become the President to Drilon and former Speaker Villar defected with


47 representatives in tow. Then, his respected "Ed, Angie (Reyes) guaranteed that I would
senior economic advisers resigned together with have five days to a week in the palace."85 This is
his Secretary of Trade and Industry. proof that petitioner had reconciled himself to the reality that he
had to resign. His mind was already concerned with the five-day
grace period he could stay in the palace. It was a matter of time.
As the political isolation of the petitioner
worsened, the people's call for his resignation The pressure continued piling up. By 11:00 p.m.,
intensified. The call reached a new crescendo former President Ramos called up Secretary
when the eleven (11) members of the Angara and requested, "Ed, magtulungan tayo
impeachment tribunal refused to open the para magkaroon tayo ng (let's cooperate to
second envelope. It sent the people to ensure a) peaceful and orderly transfer of
paroxysms of outrage. Before the night of power."86 There was no defiance to the request.
January 16 was over, the EDSA Shrine was Secretary Angara readily agreed. Again, we note
swarming with people crying for redress of their that at this stage, the problem was already
grievance. Their number grew exponentially. about a peaceful and orderly transfer of
Rallies and demonstration quickly spread to the power. The resignation of the petitioner was
countryside like a brush fire. implied.

As events approached January 20, we can have The first negotiation for a peaceful and orderly
an authoritative window on the state of mind of transfer of power immediately started at 12:20
the petitioner. The window is provided in the a.m. of January 20, that fateful Saturday.
"Final Days of Joseph Ejercito Estrada," the The negotiation was limited to three (3) points:
diary of Executive Secretary Angara serialized in (1) the transition period of five days after the
the Philippine Daily Inquirer.79 The Angara petitioner's resignation; (2) the guarantee of the
Diary reveals that in the morning of January 19, safety of the petitioner and his family, and (3) the
petitioner's loyal advisers were worried about the agreement to open the second envelope to
swelling of the crowd at EDSA, hence, they vindicate the name of the petitioner.87 Again, we
decided to create an ad hoc committee to handle note that the resignation of petitioner was
it. Their worry would worsen. At 1:20 p.m., not a disputed point. The petitioner cannot
petitioner pulled Secretary Angara into his small feign ignorance of this fact. According to
office at the presidential residence and Secretary Angara, at 2:30 a.m., he briefed the
exclaimed: "Ed, seryoso na ito. Kumalas na si petitioner on the three points and the following
Angelo (Reyes) (Ed, this is serious. Angelo has entry in the Angara Diary shows the reaction
defected.)"80 An hour later or at 2:30 p.m., the of the petitioner, viz:
petitioner decided to call for a snap presidential
election and stressed he would not be a "x x x
candidate. The proposal for a snap election
for president in May where he would not be a
I explain what happened during the first
candidate is an indicium that petitioner had
round of negotiations.
intended to give up the presidency even at
The President immediately stresses
that time. At 3:00 p.m., General Reyes joined
that he just wants the five-day period
the sea of EDSA demonstrators demanding the
promised by Reyes, as well as to open
resignation of the petitioner and dramatically
the second envelope to clear his name.
announced the AFP's withdrawal of support from
the petitioner and their pledge of support to
respondent Arroyo. The seismic shift of support If the envelope is opened, on
left petitioner weak as a president. According to Monday, he says, he will leave by
Secretary Angara, he asked Senator Pimentel to Monday.
advise petitioner to consider the option
of "dignified exit or resignation."81 Petitioner The President says. "Pagod na pagod
did not disagree but listened intently.82 The na ako. Ayoko na masyado nang
sky was falling fast on the petitioner. At 9:30 masakit. Pagod na ako sa red tape,
p.m., Senator Pimentel repeated to the petitioner bureaucracy, intriga. (I am very tired.
the urgency of making a graceful and dignified I don't want any more of this – it's too
exit. He gave the proposal a sweetener by painful. I'm tired of the red tape, the
saying that petitioner would be allowed to go bureaucracy, the intrigue.)
abroad with enough funds to support him and his
family.83 Significantly, the petitioner I just want to clear my name, then I
expressed no objection to the suggestion for will go."88
a graceful and dignified exit but said he
would never leave the country.84 At 10:00 Again, this is high grade evidence that the
p.m., petitioner revealed to Secretary Angara, petitioner has resigned. The intent to resign is
clear when he said "x x x Ayoko na masyado We bring out, too, our discussion draft
nang masakit." "Ayoko na" are words of which reads:
The undersigned parties, for and in
The second round of negotiation resumed at behalf of their respective principals,
7:30 a.m. According to the Angara Diary, the agree and undertake as follows:
following happened:
'1. A transition will occur and take place
"Opposition's deal on Wednesday, 24 January 2001, at
which time President Joseph Ejercito
7:30 a.m. – Rene arrives with Bert Estrada will turn over the presidency to
Romulo and (Ms. Macapagal's Vice President Gloria Macapagal-
spokesperson) Rene Corona. For this Arroyo.
round, I am accompanied by Dondon
Bagatsing and Macel. '2. In return, President Estrada and his
families are guaranteed security and
Rene pulls out a document titled safety of their person and property
"Negotiating Points." It reads: throughout their natural lifetimes.
Likewise, President Estrada and his
families are guarantee freedom from
'1. The President shall sign a resignation
persecution or retaliation from
document within the day, 20 January
government and the private sector
2001, that will be effective on
Wednesday, 24 January 2001, on which throughout their natural lifetimes.
day the Vice President will assume the
Presidency of the Republic of the This commitment shall be guaranteed by
Philippines. the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) through the Chief of Staff, as
2. Beginning to day, 20 January 2001, approved by the national military and
police authorities – Vice President
the transition process for the assumption
of the new administration shall
commence, and persons designated by
the Vice President to various positions '3. Both parties shall endeavor to ensure
and offices of the government shall start that the Senate sitting as an
their orientation activities in coordination impeachment court will authorize the
with the incumbent officials concerned. opening of the second envelope in the
impeachment trial as proof that the
subject savings account does not belong
3. The Armed Forces of the Philippines
and the Philippine National Police shall to President Estrada.
function under the Vice President as
national military and police authority '4. During the five-day transition period
effective immediately. between 20 January 2001 and 24
January 2001 (the 'Transition Period"),
4. The Armed Forced of the Philippines, the incoming Cabinet members shall
through its Chief of Staff, shall receive an appropriate briefing from the
outgoing Cabinet officials as part of the
guarantee the security of the President
orientation program.
and his family as approved by the
national military and police authority
(Vice President). During the Transition Period, the AFP
and the Philippine National Police (PNP)
shall function Vice President
5. It is to be noted that the Senate will
(Macapagal) as national military and
open the second envelope in connection
police authorities.
with the alleged savings account of the
President in the Equitable PCI Bank in
accordance with the rules of the Senate, Both parties hereto agree that the AFP
pursuant to the request to the Senate chief of staff and PNP director general
President. shall obtain all the necessary signatures
as affixed to this agreement and insure
Our deal faithful implementation and observance


Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo their natural lifetimes as approved by the
shall issue a public statement in the national military and police authority –
form and tenor provided for in "Annex A" Vice President.
heretofore attached to this agreement."89
'4. The AFP and the Philippine National
The second round of negotiation cements the Police (PNP) shall function under the
reading that the petitioner has resigned. It will be Vice President as national military and
noted that during this second round of police authorities.
negotiation, the resignation of the petitioner was
again treated as a given fact. The only unsettled '5. Both parties request the
points at that time were the measures to be impeachment court to open the second
undertaken by the parties during and after the envelope in the impeachment trial, the
transition period. contents of which shall be offered as
proof that the subject savings account
According to Secretary Angara, the draft does not belong to the President.
agreement, which was premised on the
resignation of the petitioner was further refined. The Vice President shall issue a public
It was then, signed by their side and he was statement in the form and tenor provided
ready to fax it to General Reyes and Senator for in Annex "B" heretofore attached to
Pimentel to await the signature of the United this agreement.
Opposition. However, the signing by the party of
the respondent Arroyo was aborted by her oath-
11:20 a.m. – I am all set to fax General
taking. The Angara diary narrates the fateful
Reyes and Nene Pimentel our
events, viz;90
agreement, signed by our side and
awaiting the signature of the United
"xxx opposition.

11:00 a.m. – Between General Reyes And then it happens. General Reyes
and myself, there is a firm agreement on calls me to say that the Supreme Court
the five points to effect a peaceful has decided that Gloria Macapagal-
transition. I can hear the general Arroyo is President and will be sworn in
clearing all these points with a group he at 12 noon.
is with. I hear voices in the background.
'Bakit hindi naman kayo nakahintay?
Agreement. Paano na ang agreement (why couldn't
you wait? What about the agreement)?' I
The agreement starts: 1. The President asked.
shall resign today, 20 January 2001,
which resignation shall be effective on Reyes answered: 'Wala na, sir (it's over,
24 January 2001, on which day the Vice sir).'
President will assume the presidency of
the Republic of the Philippines. I ask him: Di yung transition period,
moot and academic na?'
And General Reyes answers: ' Oo nga,
The rest of the agreement follows: I delete na natin, sir (yes, we're deleting
the part).'
2. The transition process for the
assumption of the new administration Contrary to subsequent reports, I do not
shall commence on 20 January 2001, react and say that there was a double
wherein persons designated by the Vice cross.
President to various government
positions shall start orientation activities
But I immediately instruct Macel to
with incumbent officials.
delete the first provision on resignation
since this matter is already moot and
'3. The Armed Forces of the Philippines academic. Within moments, Macel
through its Chief of Staff, shall erases the first provision and faxes the
guarantee the safety and security of the documents, which have been signed by
President and his families throughout


myself, Dondon and Macel, to Nene that will prevent the restoration of unity
Pimentel and General Reyes. and order in our civil society.

I direct Demaree Ravel to rush the It is for this reason that I now leave
original document to General Reyes for Malacañang Palace, the seat of the
the signatures of the other side, as it is presidency of this country, for the sake
important that the provisions on security, of peace and in order to begin the
at least, should be respected. healing process of our nation. I leave the
Palace of our people with gratitude for
I then advise the President that the the opportunities given to me for service
Supreme Court has ruled that Chief to our people. I will not shirk from any
Justice Davide will administer the oath future challenges that may come ahead
to Gloria at 12 noon. in the same service of our country.

The President is too stunned for words: I call on all my supporters and followers
to join me in the promotion of a
constructive national spirit of
Final meal
reconciliation and solidarity.
12 noon – Gloria takes her oath as
May the Almighty bless our country and
president of the Republic of the
our beloved people.

12:20 p.m. – The PSG distributes MABUHAY!"'

firearms to some people inside the
compound. It was curtain time for the petitioner.

The president is having his final meal at In sum, we hold that the resignation of the
the presidential Residence with the few petitioner cannot be doubted. It was confirmed
friends and Cabinet members who have by his leaving Malacañang. In the press release
gathered. containing his final statement, (1) he
acknowledged the oath-taking of the respondent
By this time, demonstrators have as President of the Republic albeit with
reservation about its legality; (2) he emphasized
already broken down the first line of
he was leaving the Palace, the seat of the
defense at Mendiola. Only the PSG is
presidency, for the sake of peace and in order to
there to protect the Palace, since the
begin the healing process of our nation. He did
police and military have already
withdrawn their support for the not say he was leaving the Palace due to any
President. kind inability and that he was going to re-assume
the presidency as soon as the disability
disappears: (3) he expressed his gratitude to the
1 p.m. – The President's personal staff people for the opportunity to serve them. Without
is rushing to pack as many of the doubt, he was referring to the past opportunity
Estrada family's personal possessions given him to serve the people as President (4)
as they can. he assured that he will not shirk from any future
challenge that may come ahead in the same
During lunch, Ronnie Puno mentions service of our country. Petitioner's reference is
that the president needs to release a to a future challenge after occupying the office of
final statement before leaving the president which he has given up; and (5) he
Malacañang. called on his supporters to join him in the
promotion of a constructive national spirit of
The statement reads: At twelve o'clock reconciliation and solidarity. Certainly, the
noon today, Vice President Gloria national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity
Macapagal-Arroyo took her oath as could not be attained if he did not give up the
President of the Republic of the presidency. The press release was petitioner's
Philippines. While along with many other valedictory, his final act of farewell. His
legal minds of our country, I have strong presidency is now in the part tense.
and serious doubts about the legality
and constitutionality of her proclamation It is, however, urged that the petitioner did not
as President, I do not wish to be a factor resign but only took a temporary leave dated
January 20, 2001 of the petitioner sent to Senate
President Pimentel and Speaker Fuentebella is A reading of the legislative history of RA No.
cited. Again, we refer to the said letter, viz: 3019 will hardly provide any comfort to the
petitioner. RA No. 3019 originated form Senate
"Sir. Bill No. 293. The original draft of the bill, when it
was submitted to the Senate, did not contain a
provision similar to section 12 of the law as it
By virtue of the provisions of Section II,
now stands. However, in his sponsorship
Article VII of the Constitution, I am
hereby transmitting this declaration that I speech, Senator Arturo Tolentino, the author of
am unable to exercise the powers and the bill, "reserved to propose during the period of
amendments the inclusion of a provision to the
duties of my office. By operation of law
effect that no public official who is under
and the Constitution, the Vice President
prosecution for any act of graft or corruption, or
shall be the Acting president.
is under administrative investigation, shall be
allowed to voluntarily resign or retire."92 During
(Sgd.) Joseph Ejercito Estrada" the period of amendments, the following
provision was inserted as section 15:
To say the least, the above letter is wrapped in
mystery.91 The pleadings filed by the petitioner in "Sec. 15. Termination of office – No
the cases at bar did not discuss, may even public official shall be allowed to resign
intimate, the circumstances that led to its or retire pending an investigation,
preparation. Neither did the counsel of the criminal or administrative, or pending a
petitioner reveal to the Court these prosecution against him, for any offense
circumstances during the oral argument. It under the Act or under the provisions of
strikes the Court as strange that the letter, the Revised Penal Code on bribery.
despite its legal value, was never referred to by
the petitioner during the week-long crisis. To be
The separation or cessation of a public
sure, there was not the slightest hint of its
official form office shall not be a bar to
existence when he issued his final press
his prosecution under this Act for an
release. It was all too easy for him to tell the
Filipino people in his press release that he was offense committed during his
temporarily unable to govern and that he was incumbency."93
leaving the reins of government to respondent
Arroyo for the time bearing. Under any The bill was vetoed by then President Carlos P.
circumstance, however, the mysterious letter Garcia who questioned the legality of the second
cannot negate the resignation of the petitioner. If paragraph of the provision and insisted that the
it was prepared before the press release of the President's immunity should extend after his
petitioner clearly as a later act. If, however, it tenure.
was prepared after the press released, still, it
commands scant legal significance. Petitioner's Senate Bill No. 571, which was substantially
resignation from the presidency cannot be the similar Senate Bill No. 293, was thereafter
subject of a changing caprice nor of a whimsical passed. Section 15 above became section 13
will especially if the resignation is the result of under the new bill, but the deliberations on this
his reputation by the people. There is another particular provision mainly focused on the
reason why this Court cannot given any legal immunity of the President, which was one of the
significance to petitioner's letter and this shall be reasons for the veto of the original bill. There
discussed in issue number III of this Decision. was hardly any debate on the prohibition against
the resignation or retirement of a public official
After petitioner contended that as a matter of with pending criminal and administrative cases
fact he did not resign, he also argues that he against him. Be that as it may, the intent of the
could not resign as a matter of law. He relies on law ought to be obvious. It is to prevent the act
section 12 of RA No. 3019, otherwise known as of resignation or retirement from being used by a
the Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices Act, which public official as a protective shield to stop the
allegedly prohibits his resignation, viz: investigation of a pending criminal or
administrative case against him and to prevent
his prosecution under the Anti-Graft Law or
"Sec. 12. No public officer shall be
prosecution for bribery under the Revised Penal
allowed to resign or retire pending an
investigation, criminals or administrative, Code. To be sure, no person can be compelled
or pending a prosecution against him, to render service for that would be a violation of
his constitutional right.94 A public official has the
for any offense under this Act or under
right not to serve if he really wants to retire or
the provisions of the Revised Penal
resign. Nevertheless, if at the time he resigns or
Code on bribery."
retires, a public official is facing administrative or
criminal investigation or prosecution, such inability of the petitioner to discharge the powers
resignation or retirement will not cause the and duties of the presidency. His significant
dismissal of the criminal or administrative submittal is that "Congress has the ultimate
proceedings against him. He cannot use his authority under the Constitution to determine
resignation or retirement to avoid prosecution. whether the President is incapable of performing
his functions in the manner provided for in
There is another reason why petitioner's section 11 of article VII."95 This contention is
contention should be rejected. In the cases at the centerpiece of petitioner's stance that he
bar, the records show that when petitioner is a President on leave and respondent Arroyo is
resigned on January 20, 2001, the cases filed only an Acting President.
against him before the Ombudsman were OMB
Case Nos. 0-00-1629, 0-00-1755, 0-00-1756, 0- An examination of section 11, Article VII is in
00-1757 and 0-00-1758. While these cases have order. It provides:
been filed, the respondent Ombudsman
refrained from conducting the preliminary "SEC. 11. Whenever the President
investigation of the petitioner for the reason that transmits to the President of the Senate
as the sitting President then, petitioner was and the Speaker of the House of
immune from suit. Technically, the said cases Representatives his written declaration
cannot be considered as pending for the that he is unable to discharge the
Ombudsman lacked jurisdiction to act on them. powers and duties of his office, and until
Section 12 of RA No. 3019 cannot therefore be he transmits to them a written
invoked by the petitioner for it contemplates of declaration to the contrary, such powers
cases whose investigation or prosecution do not and duties shall be discharged by the
suffer from any insuperable legal obstacle like Vice-President as Acting President.
the immunity from suit of a sitting President.
Whenever a majority of all the Members
Petitioner contends that the impeachment of the Cabinet transmit to the President
proceeding is an administrative investigation of the Senate and to the Speaker of the
that, under section 12 of RA 3019, bars him from House of Representatives their written
resigning. We hold otherwise. The exact nature declaration that the President is unable
of an impeachment proceeding is debatable. But to discharge the powers and duties of
even assuming arguendo that it is an his office, the Vice-President shall
administrative proceeding, it can not be immediately assume the powers and
considered pending at the time petitioner duties of the office as Acting President.
resigned because the process already broke
down when a majority of the senator-judges Thereafter, when the President
voted against the opening of the second
transmits to the President of the Senate
envelope, the public and private prosecutors
and to the Speaker of the House of
walked out, the public prosecutors filed their
Representatives his written declaration
Manifestation of Withdrawal of Appearance, and
that no inability exists, he shall
the proceedings were postponed indefinitely. reassume the powers and duties of his
There was, in effect, no impeachment case office. Meanwhile, should a majority of
pending against petitioner when he resigned.
all the Members of the Cabinet transmit
within five days to the President of the
III Senate and to the Speaker of the House
of Representatives their written
Whether or not the petitioner Is only declaration that the President is unable
temporarily unable to Act as President. to discharge the powers and duties of
his office, the Congress shall decide the
We shall now tackle the contention of the issue. For that purpose, the Congress
petitioner that he is merely temporarily unable to shall convene, if it is not in session,
perform the powers and duties of the within forty-eight hours, in accordance
presidency, and hence is a President on leave. with its rules and without need of call.
As aforestated, the inability claim is contained in
the January 20, 2001 letter of petitioner sent on If the Congress, within ten days after
the same day to Senate President Pimentel and receipt of the last written declaration, or,
Speaker Fuentebella. if not in session, within twelve days after
it is required to assemble, determines by
Petitioner postulates that respondent Arroyo as a two-thirds vote of both Houses, voting
Vice President has no power to adjudge the separately, that the President is unable


to discharge the powers and duties of President of the Republic of the
his office, the Vice-President shall act as Philippines;
President; otherwise, the President shall
continue exercising the powers and WHEREAS, Her Excellency, President
duties of his office." Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has espoused
a policy of national healing and
That is the law. Now, the operative facts: reconciliation with justice for the purpose
of national unity and development;
1. Petitioner, on January 20, 2001,
sent the above letter claiming WHEREAS, it is axiomatic that the
inability to the Senate President obligations of the government cannot be
and Speaker of the House; achieved if it is divided, thus by reason
2. Unaware of the letter, of the constitutional duty of the House of
respondent Arroyo took her oath Representatives as an institution and
of office as President on that of the individual members thereof of
January 20, 2001 at about 12:30 fealty to the supreme will of the people,
p.m.; the House of Representatives must
3. Despite receipt of the letter, the ensure to the people a stable, continuing
House of Representatives government and therefore must remove
passed on January 24, 2001 all obstacles to the attainment thereof;
House Resolution No. 175;96
WHEREAS, it is a concomitant duty of
On the same date, the House of the the House of Representatives to exert
Representatives passed House Resolution No. all efforts to unify the nation, to eliminate
17697 which states: fractious tension, to heal social and
political wounds, and to be an
"RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE instrument of national reconciliation and
SUPPORT OF THE HOUSE OF solidarity as it is a direct representative
REPRESENTATIVES TO THE of the various segments of the whole
ARROYO AS PRESIDENT OF THE WHEREAS, without surrending its
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, independence, it is vital for the
EXTENDING ITS CONGRATULATIONS attainment of all the foregoing, for the
AND EXPRESSING ITS SUPPORT House of Representatives to extend its
FOR HER ADMINISTRATION AS A support and collaboration to the
PARTNER IN THE ATTAINMENT OF administration of Her Excellency,
THE NATION'S GOALS UNDER THE President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and
CONSTITUTION to be a constructive partner in nation-
building, the national interest demanding
WHEREAS, as a consequence of the no less: Now, therefore, be it
people's loss of confidence on the ability
of former President Joseph Ejercito Resolved by the House of
Estrada to effectively govern, the Armed Representatives, To express its support
Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine to the assumption into office by Vice
National Police and majority of his President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as
cabinet had withdrawn support from him; President of the Republic of the
Philippines, to extend its congratulations
WHEREAS, upon authority of an en and to express its support for her
banc resolution of the Supreme Court, administration as a partner in the
Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo attainment of the Nation's goals under
was sworn in as President of the the Constitution.
Philippines on 20 January 2001 before
Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr.; Adopted,

WHEREAS, immediately thereafter, (Sgd.) FELICIANO BELMONTE JR.

members of the international community Speaker
had extended their recognition to Her
Excellency, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as


This Resolution was adopted by the Resolved as it is hereby resolved by the
House of Representatives on January House of Representatives, That the
24, 2001. House of Representatives confirms the
nomination of Senator Teofisto T.
(Sgd.) ROBERTO P. NAZARENO Guingona, Jr. as the Vice President of
Secretary General" the Republic of the Philippines.

On February 7, 2001, the House of the Adopted,

Representatives passed House Resolution No.
17898 which states: (Sgd.) FELICIANO BELMONTE JR.
PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL- This Resolution was adopted by the
ARROYO'S NOMINATION OF House of Representatives on February
Secretary General"
WHEREAS, there is a vacancy in the
Office of the Vice President due to the (4) Also, despite receipt of petitioner's
assumption to the Presidency of Vice letter claiming inability, some twelve (12)
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo; members of the Senate signed the
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9,
Article VII of the Constitution, the "RESOLUTION
President in the event of such vacancy
shall nominate a Vice President from WHEREAS, the recent transition in
among the members of the Senate and
government offers the nation an
the House of Representatives who shall
opportunity for meaningful change and
assume office upon confirmation by a
majority vote of all members of both
Houses voting separately;
WHEREAS, to attain desired changes
and overcome awesome challenges the
WHEREAS, Her Excellency, President
nation needs unity of purpose and
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has nominated
resolve cohesive resolute (sic) will;
Senate Minority Leader Teofisto T.
Guingona Jr., to the position of Vice
President of the Republic of the WHEREAS, the Senate of the
Philippines; Philippines has been the forum for vital
legislative measures in unity despite
diversities in perspectives;
WHEREAS, Senator Teofisto T.
Guingona Jr., is a public servant
endowed with integrity, competence and WHEREFORE, we recognize and
courage; who has served the Filipino express support to the new government
people with dedicated responsibility and of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
patriotism; and resolve to discharge and overcome
the nation's challenges." 99
WHEREAS, Senator Teofisto T.
Guingona, Jr. possesses sterling On February 7, the Senate also
qualities of true statesmanship, having passed Senate Resolution No.
served the government in various 82100 which states:
capacities, among others, as Delegate
to the Constitutional Convention, "RESOLUTION CONFIRMING
Chairman of the Commission on Audit, PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL
Executive Secretary, Secretary of ARROYO'S NOMINATION OF SEM.
Justice, Senator of the Philippines – TEOFISTO T. GUINGONA, JR. AS
qualities which merit his nomination to VICE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC
the position of Vice President of the OF THE PHILIPPINES
Republic: Now, therefore, be it


WHEREAS, there is vacancy in the On the same date, February 7,
Office of the Vice President due to the the Senate likewise passed Senate
assumption to the Presidency of Vice Resolution No. 83101 which states:
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo;
Article VII of the Constitution, the IS FUNCTUS OFFICIO
President in the event of such vacancy
shall nominate a Vice President from Resolved, as it is hereby resolved. That
among the members of the Senate and the Senate recognize that the
the House of Representatives who shall Impeachment Court is functus officioand
assume office upon confirmation by a has been terminated.
majority vote of all members of both
Houses voting separately; Resolved, further, That the Journals of
the Impeachment Court on Monday,
WHEREAS, Her Excellency, President January 15, Tuesday, January 16 and
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has nominated Wednesday, January 17, 2001 be
Senate Minority Leader Teofisto T. considered approved.
Guingona, Jr. to the position of Vice
President of the Republic of the Resolved, further, That the records of
the Impeachment Court including the
"second envelope" be transferred to the
WHEREAS, Sen. Teofisto T. Guingona, Archives of the Senate for proper
Jr. is a public servant endowed with safekeeping and preservation in
integrity, competence and courage; who accordance with the Rules of the
has served the Filipino people with Senate. Disposition and retrieval thereof
dedicated responsibility and patriotism; shall be made only upon written
approval of the Senate president.
WHEREAS, Sen. Teofisto T. Guingona,
Jr. possesses sterling qualities of true Resolved, finally. That all parties
statemanship, having served the concerned be furnished copies of this
government in various capacities, Resolution.
among others, as Delegate to the
Constitutional Convention, Chairman of Adopted,
the Commission on Audit, Executive
Secretary, Secretary of Justice, Senator
of the land - which qualities merit his (Sgd.) AQUILINO Q. PIMENTEL, JR.
nomination to the position of Vice President of the Senate
President of the Republic: Now,
therefore, be it This Resolution was adopted by the
Senate on February 7, 2001.
Resolved, as it is hereby resolved, That
the Senate confirm the nomination of (Sgd.) LUTGARDO B. BARBO
Sen. Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. as Vice Secretary of the Senate"
President of the Republic of the
Philippines. (5) On February 8, the Senate also
passed Resolution No. 84 "certifying to the
Adopted, existence of vacancy in the Senate and calling
on the COMELEC to fill up such vacancy
(Sgd.) AQUILINO Q. PIMENTEL JR. through election to be held simultaneously with
President of the Senate the regular election on May 14, 2001 and the
Senatorial candidate garnering the thirteenth
(13th) highest number of votes shall serve only
This Resolution was adopted by the for the unexpired term of Senator Teofisto T.
Senate on February 7, 2001.
Guingona, Jr.'

(Sgd.) LUTGARDO B. BARBO (6) Both houses of Congress started

Secretary of the Senate" sending bills to be signed into law by
respondent Arroyo as President.


(7) Despite the lapse of time and still without any Petitioner Estrada makes two submissions: first,
functioning Cabinet, without any recognition from the cases filed against him before the
any sector of government, and without any respondent Ombudsman should be prohibited
support from the Armed Forces of the because he has not been convicted in the
Philippines and the Philippine National Police, impeachment proceedings against him;
the petitioner continues to claim that his inability and second, he enjoys immunity from all kinds
to govern is only momentary. of suit, whether criminal or civil.

What leaps to the eye from these irrefutable Before resolving petitioner's contentions, a
facts is that both houses of Congress have revisit of our legal history executive immunity will
recognized respondent Arroyo as the be most enlightening. The doctrine of executive
President. Implicitly clear in that recognition immunity in this jurisdiction emerged as a case
is the premise that the inability of petitioner law. In the 1910 case of Forbes, etc. vs.
Estrada. Is no longer temporary. Congress Chuoco Tiaco and Crosfield,104 the respondent
has clearly rejected petitioner's claim of Tiaco, a Chinese citizen, sued petitioner W.
inability. Cameron Forbes, Governor-General of the
Philippine Islands. J.E. Harding and C.R.
The question is whether this Court has Trowbridge, Chief of Police and Chief of the
jurisdiction to review the claim of temporary Secret Service of the City of Manila,
inability of petitioner Estrada and respectively, for damages for allegedly
thereafter revise the decision of both Houses conspiring to deport him to China. In granting a
of Congress recognizing respondent Arroyo as writ of prohibition, this Court, speaking thru Mr.
president of the Philippines. Following Tañada Justice Johnson, held:
v. Cuenco,102 we hold that this Court cannot
exercise its judicial power or this is an issue "in " The principle of nonliability, as herein
regard to which full discretionary authority has enunciated, does not mean that the
been delegated to the Legislative xxx branch of judiciary has no authority to touch the
the government." Or to use the language acts of the Governor-General; that he
in Baker vs. Carr,103 there is a "textually may, under cover of his office, do what
demonstrable or a lack of judicially discoverable he will, unimpeded and unrestrained.
and manageable standards for resolving it." Such a construction would mean that
Clearly, the Court cannot pass upon petitioner's tyranny, under the guise of the
claim of inability to discharge the power and execution of the law, could walk
duties of the presidency. The question is defiantly abroad, destroying rights of
political in nature and addressed solely to person and of property, wholly free from
Congress by constitutional fiat. It is a political interference of courts or legislatures.
issue, which cannot be decided by this Court This does not mean, either that a person
without transgressing the principle of separation injured by the executive authority by an
of powers. act unjustifiable under the law has n
remedy, but must submit in silence. On
In fine, even if the petitioner can prove that the contrary, it means, simply, that the
he did not resign, still, he cannot governors-general, like the judges if the
successfully claim that he is a President on courts and the members of the
leave on the ground that he is merely unable Legislature, may not be personally
to govern temporarily. That claim has been mulcted in civil damages for the
laid to rest by Congress and the decision consequences of an act executed in the
that respondent Arroyo is the de jure, performance of his official duties. The
president made by a co-equal branch of judiciary has full power to, and will,
government cannot be reviewed by this when the mater is properly presented to
Court. it and the occasion justly warrants it,
declare an act of the Governor-General
IV illegal and void and place as nearly as
possible in status quo any person who
has been deprived his liberty or his
Whether or not the petitioner enjoys property by such act. This remedy is
immunity from suit. assured to every person, however
humble or of whatever country, when his
Assuming he enjoys immunity, the extent of personal or property rights have been
the immunity invaded, even by the highest authority of
the state. The thing which the judiciary
can not do is mulct the Governor-
General personally in damages which amendments involved executive immunity.
result from the performance of his Section 17, Article VII stated:
official duty, any more than it can a
member of the Philippine Commission of "The President shall be immune from
the Philippine Assembly. Public policy suit during his tenure. Thereafter, no suit
forbids it. whatsoever shall lie for official acts done
by him or by others pursuant to his
Neither does this principle of nonliability specific orders during his tenure.
mean that the chief executive may not
be personally sued at all in relation to The immunities herein provided shall
acts which he claims to perform as such apply to the incumbent President
official. On the contrary, it clearly referred to in Article XVII of this
appears from the discussion heretofore Constitution.
had, particularly that portion which
touched the liability of judges and drew
In his second Vicente G. Sinco professional
an analogy between such liability and
Chair lecture entitled, "Presidential Immunity and
that of the Governor-General, that the
All The King's Men: The Law of Privilege As a
latter is liable when he acts in a case so
Defense To Actions For Damages,"106 petitioner's
plainly outside of his power and learned counsel, former Dean of the UP College
authority that he can not be said to have of Law, Atty. Pacificao Agabin, brightened the
exercised discretion in determining
modifications effected by this constitutional
whether or not he had the right to act.
amendment on the existing law on executive
What is held here is that he will be
privilege. To quote his disquisition:
protected from personal liability for
damages not only when he acts within
his authority, but also when he is without "In the Philippines, though, we sought to
authority, provided he actually used do the Americans one better by
discretion and judgement, that is, the enlarging and fortifying the absolute
judicial faculty, in determining whether immunity concept. First, we extended it
he had authority to act or not. In other to shield the President not only form civil
words, in determining the question of his claims but also from criminal cases and
authority. If he decide wrongly, he is still other claims. Second, we enlarged its
protected provided the question of his scope so that it would cover even acts of
authority was one over which two men, the President outside the scope of
reasonably qualified for that position, official duties. And third, we broadened
might honestly differ; but he s not its coverage so as to include not only
protected if the lack of authority to act is the President but also other persons, be
so plain that two such men could not they government officials or private
honestly differ over its determination. In individuals, who acted upon orders of
such case, be acts, not as Governor- the President. It can be said that at that
General but as a private individual, and point most of us were suffering from
as such must answer for the AIDS (or absolute immunity defense
consequences of his act." syndrome)."

Mr. Justice Johnson underscored the The Opposition in the then Batasan Pambansa
consequences if the Chief Executive was not sought the repeal of this Marcosian concept of
granted immunity from suit, viz"xxx. Action upon executive immunity in the 1973 Constitution. The
important matters of state delayed; the time and move was led by them Member of Parliament,
substance of the chief executive spent in now Secretary of Finance, Alberto Romulo, who
wrangling litigation; disrespect engendered for argued that the after incumbency immunity
the person of one of the highest officials of the granted to President Marcos violated the
state and for the office he occupies; a tendency principle that a public office is a public trust. He
to unrest and disorder resulting in a way, in denounced the immunity as a return to the
distrust as to the integrity of government itself."105 anachronism "the king can do no wrong."107 The
effort failed.
Our 1935 Constitution took effect but it did not
contain any specific provision on executive The 1973 Constitution ceased to exist when
immunity. Then came the tumult of the martial President Marcos was ousted from office by the
law years under the late President Ferdinand E. People Power revolution in 1986. When the
Marcos and the 1973 Constitution was born. In 1987 Constitution was crafted, its framers did
1981, it was amended and one of the not reenact the executive immunity provision of
the 1973 Constitution. The following explanation prosecution. Such a submission has nothing to
was given by delegate J. Bernas vis:108 commend itself for it will place him in a better
situation than a non-sitting President who has
"Mr. Suarez. Thank you. not been subjected to impeachment proceedings
and yet can be the object of a criminal
prosecution. To be sure, the debates in the
The last question is with reference to the
Constitutional Commission make it clear that
Committee's omitting in the draft
proposal the immunity provision for the when impeachment proceedings have become
President. I agree with Commissioner moot due to the resignation of the President, the
proper criminal and civil cases may already be
Nolledo that the Committee did very well
filed against him, viz:110
in striking out second sentence, at the
very least, of the original provision on
immunity from suit under the 1973 "xxx
Constitution. But would the Committee
members not agree to a restoration of at Mr. Aquino. On another point, if an
least the first sentence that the impeachment proceeding has been filed
President shall be immune from suit against the President, for example, and
during his tenure, considering that if we the President resigns before judgement
do not provide him that kind of an of conviction has been rendered by the
immunity, he might be spending all his impeachment court or by the body, how
time facing litigation's, as the President- does it affect the impeachment
in-exile in Hawaii is now facing proceeding? Will it be necessarily
litigation's almost daily? dropped?

Fr. Bernas. The reason for the omission Mr. Romulo. If we decide the purpose of
is that we consider it understood in impeachment to remove one from office,
present jurisprudence that during his then his resignation would render the
tenure he is immune from suit. case moot and academic. However, as
the provision says, the criminal and civil
Mr. Suarez. So there is no need to aspects of it may continue in the
express it here. ordinary courts."

Fr. Bernas. There is no need. It was that This is in accord with our ruling In Re: Saturnino
way before. The only innovation made Bermudez111 that 'incumbent Presidents are
by the 1973 Constitution was to make immune from suit or from being brought to court
that explicit and to add other things. during the period of their incumbency and
tenure" but not beyond. Considering the peculiar
circumstance that the impeachment process
Mr. Suarez. On that understanding, I will
not press for any more query, Madam against the petitioner has been aborted and
President. thereafter he lost the presidency, petitioner
Estrada cannot demand as a condition sine qua
non to his criminal prosecution before the
I think the Commissioner for the Ombudsman that he be convicted in the
clarifications." impeachment proceedings. His reliance on the
case of Lecaroz vs. Sandiganbayan112 and
We shall now rule on the contentions of related cases113 are inapropos for they have a
petitioner in the light of this history. We reject his different factual milieu.
argument that he cannot be prosecuted for the
reason that he must first be convicted in the We now come to the scope of immunity that can
impeachment proceedings. The impeachment be claimed by petitioner as a non-sitting
trial of petitioner Estrada was aborted by the President. The cases filed against petitioner
walkout of the prosecutors and by the events Estrada are criminal in character. They involve
that led to his loss of the presidency. Indeed, on plunder, bribery and graft and corruption. By no
February 7, 2001, the Senate passed Senate stretch of the imagination can these crimes,
Resolution No. 83 "Recognizing that the especially plunder which carries the death
Impeachment Court is Functus Officio."109 Since, penalty, be covered by the alleged mantle of
the Impeachment Court is now functus officio, it immunity of a non-sitting president. Petitioner
is untenable for petitioner to demand that he cannot cite any decision of this Court licensing
should first be impeached and then convicted the President to commit criminal acts and
before he can be prosecuted. The plea if wrapping him with post-tenure immunity from
granted, would put a perpetual bar against his
liability. It will be anomalous to hold that to recover properties unlawfully acquired by
immunity is an inoculation from liability for public officials or employees, from them or from
unlawful acts and conditions. The rule is that their nominees or transferees, shall not be
unlawful acts of public officials are not acts of barred by prescription, latches or estoppel."121 It
the State and the officer who acts illegally is not maintained the Sandiganbayan as an anti-graft
acting as such but stands in the same footing as court.122 It created the office of the Ombudsman
any trespasser.114 and endowed it with enormous powers, among
which is to "investigate on its own, or on
Indeed, critical reading of current literature on complaint by any person, any act or omission of
executive immunity will reveal a judicial any public official, employee, office or agency,
disinclination to expand the privilege especially when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
when it impedes the search for truth or impairs unjust improper or inefficient."123 The Office of
the vindication of a right. In the 1974 case of US the Ombudsman was also given fiscal
v. Nixon,115 US President Richard Nixon, a sitting autonomy.124 These constitutional policies will be
President, was subpoenaed to produce certain devalued if we sustain petitioner's claim that a
recordings and documents relating to his non-sitting president enjoys immunity from suit
conversations with aids and advisers. Seven for criminal acts committed during his
advisers of President Nixon's associates were incumbency.
facing charges of conspiracy to obstruct Justice
and other offenses, which were committed in a V
burglary of the Democratic National
Headquarters in Washington's Watergate Hotel Whether or not the prosecution of petitioner
during the 972 presidential campaign. President
Nixon himself was named an unindicted co- Estrada should be enjoined due to prejudicial
conspirator. President Nixon moved to quash the publicity
subpoena on the ground, among others, that the
President was not subject to judicial process and
that he should first be impeached and removed Petitioner also contends that the respondent
from office before he could be made amenable Ombudsman should be stopped from conducting
to judicial proceedings. The claim was rejected the investigation of the cases filed against him
by the US Supreme Court. It concluded that due to the barrage of prejudicial publicity on his
"when the ground for asserting privilege as to guilt. He submits that the respondent
subpoenaed materials sought for use in a Ombudsman has developed bias and is all set
criminal trial is based only on the generalized file the criminal cases violation of his right to due
interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over process.
the fundamental demands of due process of law
in the fair administration of criminal justice." In There are two (2) principal legal and
the 1982 case of Nixon v. Fitzgerald,116 the US philosophical schools of thought on how to deal
Supreme Court further held that the immunity of with the rain of unrestrained publicity during the
the president from civil damages covers only investigation and trial of high profile
"official acts." Recently, the US Supreme Court cases.125 The British approach the problem with
had the occasion to reiterate this doctrine in the the presumption that publicity will prejudice a
case of Clinton v. Jones117 where it held that the jury. Thus, English courts readily stay and stop
US President's immunity from suits for money criminal trials when the right of an accused to
damages arising out of their official acts is fair trial suffers a threat.126 The American
inapplicable to unofficial conduct. approach is different. US courts assume a
skeptical approach about the potential effect of
There are more reasons not to be sympathetic to pervasive publicity on the right of an accused to
appeals to stretch the scope of executive a fair trial. They have developed different strains
immunity in our jurisdiction. One of the great of tests to resolve this issue, i.e., substantial;
themes of the 1987 Constitution is that a public probability of irreparable harm, strong likelihood,
office is a public trust.118 It declared as a state clear and present danger, etc.
policy that "the State shall maintain honesty and
integrity in the public service and take positive This is not the first time the issue of trial by
and effective measures against graft and publicity has been raised in this Court to stop the
corruptio."119 it ordained that "public officers and trials or annul convictions in high profile criminal
employees must at all times be accountable to cases.127 In People vs. Teehankee, Jr.,128 later
the people, serve them with utmost reiterated in the case of Larranaga vs. court of
responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency act Appeals, et al.,129 we laid down the doctrine that:
with patriotism and justice, and lead modest
lives."120 It set the rule that 'the right of the State
"We cannot sustain appellant's claim have been unduly influenced, not simply
that he was denied the right to impartial that they might be, by the barrage of
trial due to prejudicial publicity. It is true publicity. In the case at a bar, the
that the print and broadcast media gave records do not show that the trial judge
the case at bar pervasive publicity, just developed actual bias against appellants
like all high profile and high stake as a consequence of the extensive
criminal trials. Then and now, we rule media coverage of the pre-trial and trial
that the right of an accused to a fair trial of his case. The totality of circumstances
is not incompatible to a free press. To of the case does not prove that the trial
be sure, responsible reporting enhances judge acquired a fixed opinion as a
accused's right to a fair trial for, as well result of prejudicial publicity, which is
pointed out, a responsible press has incapable of change even by evidence
always been regarded as the criminal presented during the trial. Appellant has
field xxx. The press does not simply the burden to prove this actual bias and
publish information about trials but he has not discharged the burden.'
guards against the miscarriage of justice
by subjecting the police, prosecutors, We expounded further on this doctrine in the
and judicial processes to extensive subsequent case of Webb vs. Hon. Raul de
public scrutiny and criticism. Leon, etc.130 and its companion cases, viz:

Pervasive publicity is not per se "Again petitioners raise the effect of

prejudicial to the right of an accused to prejudicial publicity on their right to due
fair trial. The mere fact that the trial of process while undergoing preliminary
appellant was given a day-to-day, gavel- investigation. We find no procedural
to-gavel coverage does not by itself impediment to its early invocation
prove that the publicity so permeated considering the substantial risk to their
the mind of the trial judge and impaired liberty while undergoing a preliminary
his impartiality. For one, it is impossible investigation.
to seal the minds of members of the
bench from pre-trial and other off-court xxx
publicity of sensational criminal cases.
The state of the art of our
communication system brings news as The democratic settings, media
they happen straight to our breakfast coverage of trials of sensational cases
tables and right to our bedrooms. These cannot be avoided and oftentimes, its
news form part of our everyday menu of excessiveness has been aggravated by
the facts and fictions of life. For another, kinetic developments in the
our idea of a fair and impartial judge is telecommunications industry. For sure,
not that of a hermit who is out of touch few cases can match the high volume
with the world. We have not installed the and high velocity of publicity that
jury system whose members are overly attended the preliminary investigation of
protected from publicity lest they lose the case at bar. Our daily diet of facts
there impartially. xxx xxx xxx. Our and fiction about the case continues
judges are learned in the law and unabated even today. Commentators
trained to disregard off-court evidence still bombard the public with views not
and on-camera performances of parties too many of which are sober and
to litigation. Their mere exposure to sublime. Indeed, even the principal
publications and publicity stunts does actors in the case – the NBI, the
not per se fatally infect their impartiality. respondents, their lawyers and their
sympathizers have participated in this
media blitz. The possibility of media
At best, appellant can only conjure
abuses and their threat to a fair trial
possibility of prejudice on the part of the notwithstanding, criminal trials cannot be
trial judge due to the barrage of publicity completely closed to the press and
that characterized the investigation and
public. In the seminal case of Richmond
trial of the case. In Martelino, et al. v.
Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia, it was
Alejandro, et al., we rejected this
standard of possibility of prejudice and
adopted the test of actual prejudice as xxx
we ruled that to warrant a finding of
prejudicial publicity, there must be a. The historical evidence of the
allegation and proof that the judges evolution of the criminal trial in
Anglo-American justice the context of trials, that the
demonstrates conclusively that guarantees of speech and
at the time this Nation's organic press, standing alone, prohibit
laws were adopted, criminal government from summarily
trials both here and in England closing courtroom doors which
had long been presumptively had long been open to the
open, thus giving assurance that public at the time the First
the proceedings were Amendment was adopted.
conducted fairly to all concerned Moreover, the right of assembly
and discouraging perjury, the is also relevant, having been
misconduct of participants, or regarded not only as an
decisions based on secret bias independent right but also as a
or partiality. In addition, the catalyst to augment the free
significant community exercise of the other First
therapeutic value of public trials Amendment rights with which
was recognized when a the draftsmen deliberately linked
shocking crime occurs a it. A trial courtroom is a public
community reaction of outrage place where the people
and public protest often follows, generally and representatives of
and thereafter the open the media have a right to be
processes of justice serve an present, and where their
important prophylactic purpose, presence historically has been
providing an outlet for thought to enhance the integrity
community concern, hostility and quality of what takes place.
and emotion. To work c. Even though the Constitution
effectively, it is important that contains no provision which be
society's criminal process satisfy its terms guarantees to the
the appearance of justice,' Offutt public the right to attend criminal
v. United States, 348 US 11, 14, trials, various fundamental
99 L ED 11, 75 S Ct 11, which rights, not expressly
can best be provided by guaranteed, have been
allowing people to observe such recognized as indispensable to
process. From this unbroken, the enjoyment of enumerated
uncontradicted history, rights. The right to attend
supported by reasons as valid criminal trial is implicit in the
today as in centuries past, it guarantees of the First
must be concluded that a Amendment: without the
presumption of openness freedom to attend such trials,
inheres in the very nature of a which people have exercised for
criminal trial under this Nation's centuries, important aspects of
system of justice, Cf., e,g., freedom of speech and of the
Levine v. United States, 362 US press be eviscerated.
610, 4 L Ed 2d 989, 80 S Ct
1038. Be that as it may, we recognize that
b. The freedoms of speech. Press pervasive and prejudicial publicity under
and assembly, expressly certain circumstances can deprive an
guaranteed by the First accused of his due process right to fair
Amendment, share a common trial. Thus, in Martelino, et al. vs.
core purpose of assuring Alejandro, et al., we held that to warrant
freedom of communication on a finding of prejudicial publicity there
matters relating to the must be allegation and proof that the
functioning of government. In judges have been unduly influenced, not
guaranteeing freedom such as simply that they might be, by the
those of speech and press, the barrage of publicity. In the case at bar,
First Amendment can be read we find nothing in the records that will
as protecting the right of prove that the tone and content of the
everyone to attend trials so as publicity that attended the investigation
give meaning to those explicit of petitioners fatally infected the fairness
guarantees; the First and impartiality of the DOJ Panel.
Amendment right to receive Petitioners cannot just rely on the
information and ideas means, in subliminal effects of publicity on the
sense of fairness of the DOJ Panel, for Again, we hold that the evidence proffered by
these are basically unbeknown and the petitioner is insubstantial. The accuracy of
beyond knowing. To be sure, the DOJ the news reports referred to by the petitioner
Panel is composed of an Assistant Chief cannot be the subject of judicial notice by this
State Prosecutor and Senior State Court especially in light of the denials of the
Prosecutors. Their long experience in respondent Ombudsman as to his alleged
criminal investigation is a factor to prejudice and the presumption of good faith and
consider in determining whether they regularity in the performance of official duty to
can easily be blinded by the klieg lights which he is entitled. Nor can we adopt the
of publicity. Indeed, their 26-page theory of derivative prejudice of petitioner,
Resolution carries no indubitable indicia i.e., that the prejudice of respondent
of bias for it does not appear that they Ombudsman flows to his subordinates. In
considered any extra-record evidence truth, our Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure,
except evidence properly adduced by give investigation prosecutors the independence
the parties. The length of time the to make their own findings and
investigation was conducted despite its recommendations albeit they are reviewable by
summary nature and the generosity with their superiors.134 They can be reversed but they
which they accommodated the discovery can not be compelled cases which they believe
motions of petitioners speak well of their deserve dismissal. In other words, investigating
fairness. At no instance, we note, did prosecutors should not be treated like unthinking
petitioners seek the disqualification of slot machines. Moreover, if the respondent
any member of the DOJ Panel on the Ombudsman resolves to file the cases against
ground of bias resulting from their the petitioner and the latter believes that the
bombardment of prejudicial publicity." findings of probable cause against him is the
(emphasis supplied) result of bias, he still has the remedy of assailing
it before the proper court.
Applying the above ruling, we hold that there is
not enough evidence to warrant this Court to VI.
enjoin the preliminary investigation of the
petitioner by the respondent Ombudsman. Epilogue
Petitioner needs to offer more than hostile
headlines to discharge his burden of proof.131 He
A word of caution to the "hooting throng." The
needs to show more weighty social science
cases against the petitioner will now acquire a
evidence to successfully prove the impaired
different dimension and then move to a new
capacity of a judge to render a bias-free
stage - - - the Office of the Ombudsman.
decision. Well to note, the cases against the Predictably, the call from the majority for instant
petitioner are still undergoing preliminary
justice will hit a higher decibel while the
investigation by a special panel of prosecutors in
gnashing of teeth of the minority will be more
the office of the respondent Ombudsman. No
threatening. It is the sacred duty of the
allegation whatsoever has been made by the
respondent Ombudsman to balance the right of
petitioner that the minds of the members of this
the State to prosecute the guilty and the right of
special panel have already been infected by bias an accused to a fair investigation and trial which
because of the pervasive prejudicial publicity
has been categorized as the "most fundamental
against him. Indeed, the special panel has yet to
of all freedoms."135To be sure, the duty of a
come out with its findings and the Court cannot
prosecutor is more to do justice and less to
second guess whether its recommendation will
prosecute. His is the obligation to insure that the
be unfavorable to the petitioner.1âw phi1.nêt

preliminary investigation of the petitioner shall

have a circus-free atmosphere. He has to
The records show that petitioner has instead provide the restraint against what Lord Bryce
charged respondent Ombudsman himself with calls "the impatient vehemence of the majority."
bias. To quote petitioner's submission, the Rights in a democracy are not decided by the
respondent Ombudsman "has been influenced mob whose judgment is dictated by rage and not
by the barrage of slanted news reports, and he by reason. Nor are rights necessarily resolved
has buckled to the threats and pressures by the power of number for in a democracy, the
directed at him by the mobs."132 News reports dogmatism of the majority is not and should
have also been quoted to establish that the never be the definition of the rule of law. If
respondent Ombudsman has already prejudged democracy has proved to be the best form of
the cases of the petitioner133 and it is postulated government, it is because it has respected the
that the prosecutors investigating the petitioner right of the minority to convince the majority that
will be influenced by this bias of their superior. it is wrong. Tolerance of multiformity of thoughts,
however offensive they may be, is the key to
man's progress from the cave to civilization. Let Legarda, Magsaysay, Flavier, Biazon,
us not throw away that key just to pander to Osmeña III. Those who vote "no" were
some people's prejudice. Senators Ople, Defensor-Santiago, John
Osmeña, Aquino-Oreta, Coseteng,
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petitions of Joseph Enrile, Honasan, Jaworski, Revilla, Sotto
Ejercito Estrada challenging the respondent III and Tatad.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as the de
jure 14th President of the Republic 18
Philippine Star, January 17, 2001, p.

Ibid., January 18, 2001, p. 4.

Footnotes 20
Ibid., p. 1.

Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI), October 21
Ibid., January 19, 2001, pp. 1 and 8.
5, 2000, pp. A1 and A17.
"Erap's Final Hours Told" by Edgardo
PDI, October 6, 2000, pp. A1 and A18. Angara, (hereinafter referred to as
"Angara Diary"), PDI, February 4, 2001,
Ibid., October 12, 2000, pp. A1 and p. A16.
Philippine Star, January 20, 2001, p.
Ibid., October 14, 2000, p. A1. 4.

Ibid., October 18, 2000, p. A1.
PDI, February 4, 2001, p. A16.

Ibid., October 13, 2000, pp. A1 and
Philippine Star, January 20, 2001, pp.
A21. 1 and 11.

Ibid., October 26, 2000, p. A1.
Ibid., January 20, 2001, p. 3.

Ibid., November 2, 2000, p. A1.
PDI, February 5, 2001, pp. A1 and A6.

Ibid., November 3, 2000, p. A1.
Philippine Star, January 21, 2001, p.
Ibid., November 4, 2000, p. A1.
PDI, February 6, 2001, p. A12.
The complaint for impeachment was
based on the following grounds: bribery, Annex A, DOJ-OSG, Joint Comment;

graft and corruption, betrayal of public Rollo, G.R. Nos. 146710-15, p. 288.
trust, and culpable violation of the
Constitution. Annex A-1, Petition, G.R. Nos.

146710-15; Rollo, p. 34.

Ibid., November 14, 2000, p. A1.
Ibid., November 21, 2000, p. A1.
Annex A, Petition, G.R. Nos. 146710-

Ibid., December 8, 2000, p. A1. 15; Rollo, p. 33.

Ibid., December 23, 2000, pp. A1 and

15 34
Philippine Star, January 21, 2001, p.
A19. 1; January 23, 2001, pp. 1 and 4;
January 24, 2001, p. 3; PDI, January 25,
Ibid., January 12, 2001, p. A1. 2001, pp. A1 and A15.

Those who voted "yes" to open the

Philippine Star, January 24, 2001, p.
envelope were: Senators Pimentel, 1.
Guingona, Drilon, Cayetano, Roco,
PDI, January 25, 2001, p. 1. No. 141284, 15 August 2000; Miranda v.
Aguirre, 314 SCRA 603 (1999);
Ibid., p. 2. Santiago v. Guingona, 298 SCRA 756
(1998); Tatad v. Secretary of the
Department of Energy, 281 SCRA 330
Annex C, DOJ-OSG Joint Comment;
(1997); Marcos v. Manglapus, 177
Rollo, GR Nos. 146710-15, p. 290.
SCRA 668 (1989); Gonzales v.
COMELEC, 129 Phil 7 (1967); Mabanag
Annex D, id; ibid., p. 292. v. Lopez Vito, 78 Phil 1 (1947); Avelino
v. Cuenco 83 Phil. 17 (1949); Vera v.
PDI, January 27, 2001, p. 1. Avelino, 77 Phil 192 (1946); Alejandrino
v. Quezon, 46 Phil 83 (1942).
PDI, February 13, 2001, p. A2.
103 Phil 1051, 1068 (1957).
Philippine Star, February 13, 2001, p.

A2. Section 1, Article VIII, 1987


Annex E, id.; ibid., p. 295.
Note that the early treatises on
PDI, February 8, 2001, pp. A1 & A19. Constitutional Law are discourses on
limitations of power typical of which is,
Annex F, id.; ibid., p. 297. Cooley's Constitutional Limitations.

PDI, February 10, 2001, p. A2.
Joint Resolution, Lawyers League for
a Better Philippines and/or Oliver A.
Lozano v. Pres. Corazon C. Aquino, et
Annex G, id.; ibid., p. 299.
al., GR No. 73748; People's Crusade for
Supremacy of the Constitution, etc. v.
PDI, February 8, 2001, p. A19. Mrs. Cory Aquino, et al., GR No. 73972;
and Councilor Clifton U. Ganay v.
Philippine Star, February 3, 2001, p. 4. Corazon C. Aquino, et al., GR No.
73990, May 22, 1986.
"Acceptance of Gloria is Nationwide,"

Mahar Mangahas, Manila Standard, 62

Letter of Association Justice Reynato
February 16, 2001, p. 14. S. Puno, 210 SCRA 597 [1992].

See The Chief Justice's Extended

51 63
Proclamation No. 3 (1986).
Explanation for his Voluntary Inhibition;
Rollo, GR Nos. 146710-15, pp. 525-527. 64
It states:
See Letter of Inhibition of Associate I, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Vice
Justice Panganiban; Rollo, GR No. President of the Philippines, do solemnly
146738, pp.120-125. swear that I will faithfully and
conscientiously fulfill my duties as
Rollo, G.R. No. 146738, p. 134. President o the Philippines, preserve
and defend its Constitution, execute its
Leonard de Vera and Dennis
54 laws, do justice to every man, and
Funa; see their Memorandum, pp. 16- consecrate myself to the service of the
27; Rollo, GR Nos. 146710-15, Vol. III, nation.
pp. 809-820.
So help me God.
Gunther and Sullivan, Constitutional
law, 13th ed., pp. 45-46. (Annex I, Comment of the Ombudsman;
Rollo, GR Nos. 146710-15, Vol. II, p.
369 US 186, 82 S.Ct. 691, 7 L. ed 2d
56 332)
663, 686 (1962).
See "Filipinas Despues de Cien Años"
See e.g., Integrated Bar of the
57 (The Philippines a Century Hence), p.
Philippines v. Hon. Zamora, et al., GR 62.
The guaranty was taken from 83
Amendment I of the US Constitution
which provides: "Congress shall make 84
no law respecting an establishment of
religion or prohibiting the free exercise 85
thereof or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble, and
PDI, February 5, 2001, p. A1.
to petition the Government for a redress
of grievance." 87
Ibid., p. A-1.

See section 8, Article IV. 88

See section 9, Article IV. 89
PDI, February 5, 2001, P. A6.

Emerson, The System of Freedom of

69 90
PDI, February 6, 2001, p. A1.
Expression, 1970 ed., p. 6, et seq.
In the Angara diary which appeared in
Ibid. See also concurring opinion of the PDI issue of February 5, 2001,
Justice Branders in Whitney v. California Secretary Angara stated that the letter
(74 US 357, 375-76) where he said "… came from Asst. Secretary Boying
the greatest menace to freedom is an Remulla; that he and Political Adviser
inert people …" Banayo opposed it; and that PMS head
Macel Fernandez believed that the
307 US 496 (1939). petitioner would not sign the letter.

Chafee, Jr., Free Speech in the United
Congressional Record, 4th Congress,
States, 1946 ed., pp. 413-415, 421. 2nd Session, March 4, 1959, pp. 603-
260 SCRA 798 (1996). 93
Id., May 9, 1959, p. 1988
Section 1, Article II of the 1987

Constitution reads: Section 18 (2), Article III of the 1987


Constitution provides: "No involuntary

servitude in any form shall exist except
"The Philippines is a democratic and as a punishment for a crime whereof the
republican State. Sovereignty resides in
party shall have been duly convicted."
the people and all government authority
emanates from them."
Reply Memorandum, p. 3; Rollo, GR

Nos. 146710-15, Vol. IV.

Infra at 26.
House Resolution No. 175, 11th
Infra at 41.
Congress, 3rd Session (2001), reads:
1 Cranch (5 US) 137, 2 L ed 60 "RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE
Gonzales v. Hernandez, 2 SCRA 228 ADMINISTRATION OF HER
See its February 4, 5, and 6, 2001 PHILIPPINES
WHEREAS, on January 20, 2001, Vice
PDI, February 4, 2001, p. A1. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was
sworn in as the 14th President of the
Ibid. Philippines;

Ibid. WHEREAS, her ascension to the
highest office of the land under the
dictum, "the voice of the people is the 104
16 Phil 534 (1910).
voice of God" establishes the basis of
her mandate on integrity and morality in 105
The logical basis for executive
government; immunity from suit was originally
founded upon the idea that the "King
WHEREAS, the House of can do no wrong". [R.J. Gray, Private
Representatives joins the church, youth, Wrongs of Public Servants, 47 Cal. L.
labor and business sectors in fully Rev., 303 (1959)]. The concept thrived
supporting the President's strong at the time of absolute monarchies in
determination to succeed; medieval England when it was generally
accepted that the seat of sovereignty
WHEREAS, the House of and governmental power resides in the
Representatives is likewise one with the throne. During that historical, juncture, it
people in supporting President Gloria was believed that allowing the King to
Macapagal-Arroyo's call to start the be sued in his courts was a contradiction
healing and cleansing process for a to the sovereignty of the King.
divided nation in order to 'build an
edifice of peace, progress and economic With the development of democratic
stability' for the country: Now, therefore, thoughts and institutions, this kind of
be it rationalization eventually lost its moral
force. In the United States, for example,
Resolved by the House of the common law maxim regarding the
Representatives, To express its full King's infallibility had limited reception
support to the administration of Her among the framers of the Constitution.
Excellency, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, [J. Long, How to Sue the President: A
14th President of the Philippines. Proposal for Legislation Establishing the
Extent of Presidential Immunity, 30 Val.
U. L. Rev. 283 (1995)]. Still, the doctrine
of presidential immunity found its way of
surviving in modern political times,
(Sgd.) FELICIANO BELMONTE JR. retaining both its relevance and vitality.
The privilege, however, is now justified
Speaker for different reasons. First, the doctrine
is rooted in the constitutional tradition of
This Resolution was adopted by the separation of powers and supported by
House of Representatives on January history. [Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 451 U. S.
24, 2001. 731 (1982)]. The separation of powers
principle is viewed as demanding the
(Sgd.) ROBERTO P. NAZARENO executive's independence from the
judiciary, so that the President should
not be subject to the judiciary's whim.
Secretary General"
Second, by reason of public
convenience, the grant is to assure the
11th Congress, 3rd Session (2001). exercise of presidential duties and
functions free from any hindrance or
11th Congress, 3rd Session (2001). distraction, considering that the Chief
Executive is a job that, aside from
Annex 2, Comment of Private
99 requiring all of the office-holder's time,
Respondents De Vera, et al.; Rollo, GR also demands undivided attention.
No. 146710-15, Vol. II, p. 231. [Soliven v. Makasiar, 167 SCRA 393
(1988)]. Otherwise, the time and
11th Congress, 3rd Session (2001). substance of the chief executive will be
spent on wrangling litigation, disrespect
upon his person will be generated, and
11th Congress, 3rd Session (2001). distrust in the government will soon
follow. [Forbes v. Chouco Tiaco, 16 Phil.
103 Phil 1051, 1067 (1957). 534 (1910)]. Third, on grounds of public
policy, it was recognized that the gains
Baker vs. Carr, supra at 686
from discouraging official excesses
headnote 29. might be more than offset by the losses
from diminished zeal [Agabin, op cit., at
121.]. Without immunity, the president See section 4, Art. XI of the 1987

would be disinclined to exercise Constitution.

decision-making functions in a manner
that might detrimentally affect an See section 13 (1), Art. XI of the 1987

individual or group of individuals. Constitution.

[See H. Schechter, Immunity of
Presidential Aides from Criminal
See section 14, Art. XI of the 1987
Prosecution, 57 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 779
See Brandwood, Notes: "You Say
62 Phil. L.J. 113 (1987).
'Fair Trial' and I say 'Free Press:' British
and American Approaches to Protecting
See Bulletin Today, August 16, 1984, Defendants' Rights in High Profile
p. 1; December 18, 1984, p. 7. Trials," NYU Law Rev., Vol. 75, No. 5,
pp. 1412-1451 (November 2000).
Records of the Constitutional

Commission of 1986, Vol. II, Records, p. 126

Id., p. 1417.
423, July 29, 1986.
See e.g., Martelino, et al. v.
Supra at 47. Alejandro, et. al., 32 SCRA 106 (1970);
People v. Teehankee, 249 SCRA 54
Records of Constitutional
Commission, Vol. II, July 28, 1986, p.
355. 128
249 SCRA 54 (1955)

145 SCRA 160 (1986). 129
287 SCRA 581 at pp. 596-597 (1998)

128 SCRA 324 (1984). 130
247 SCRA 652 (1995)

In Re: Raul Gonzalez, 160 SCRA 771

Extensive publicity did not result in

(1988); Cuenco v. Fernan, 158 SCRA the conviction of well known

29 (1988); and Jarque v. Desierto, A.C. personalities. E.g., OJ Simpson, John
No. 4509, 250 SCRA xi-xiv (1995)., Mitchell, William Kennedy Smith and
Imelda Marcos.
Wallace v. Board of Education, 280

Ala. 635, 197 So 2d 428 (1967). Memorandum, pp. 29-30; Rollo, GR


Nos. 146710-15, Vol. III, pp. 572-573.

418 US 683, 94 S. Ct. 3090, 41 L ed

1039 (1974). 134

See section 4, Rule 112.

457 US 731, 73 L ed. 349, 102 S Ct.

Estes v. Texas, 381 US 532, 540

2690 (1982). (1965).

520 U.S. 681 (1997).

See section 1, Art. XI of the 1987

See section 27, Art. II of the 1987

Constitution. This nation has a great and rich history authored

by its people. The EDSA Revolution of 2001
See, section 1, Art. XI of the 1987
120 could have been one innocuous phenomenon
Constitution. buried in the pages of our history but for its
critical dimensions. Now, EDSA 2 would be far
See section 15, Art. XI of the 1987
121 from being just another event in our annals. To
Constitution. this day, it is asked – Is Mr. Joseph Ejercito
Estrada still the President of the Republic of the


To retort, one is to trace the events that led to "In view of this, I am assuming the position of
the denouement of the incumbency of Mr. the president of the Republic of the Philippines.
Joseph Ejercito Estrada. Mr. Estrada, herein Accordingly, I would like to take my oath as
petitioner, was elected to office by not less than President of the republic before the Honorable
10 million Filipinos in the elections of May 1998, Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide. Jr., today, 20
served well over two years until January 2001. January 2001, 12:00 noon at EDSA Shrine,
Formally impeached by the Lower House of Quezon City, Metro Manila.
Representatives for cases of Graft and
Corruption, Bribery, Betrayal of Public Trust and "May I have the honor to invite the members of
Culpable violation of the Constitution, he was the Honorable Court to attend the oath-taking."
tried by the Senate. The Impeachment Tribunal
was tasked to decide on the fate of Mr. Estrada-
The tribunal, aware of the grave national crisis
if convicted, he would be removed from office
which had the marks of yet intensifying into
and face prosecution with the regular courts or, if possible catastrophic proportion, agreed to
acquitted, he would remain in office. An honor the request: Therefore, the Court,
evidence, however, presented by the
cognizant that it had to keep its doors open, had
prosecution tagged as the "second envelope"
to help assure that the judicial process was seen
would have it differently. The denial by the
to be functioning. As the hours passed, however,
impeachment court of the pleas to have the
the extremely volatile situation was getting more
dreaded envelope opened promptly put the trial precarious by the minute, and the combustible
into a halt. Within hours after the controversial ingredients were all but ready to ignite. The
Senate decision, an angered people trooped
country was faced with a phenomenon --- the
again to the site of the previous uprising in 1986
phenomenon of a people, who, in the exercise of
that toppled the 20-year rule of former President
sovereignty perhaps too limitless to be explicitly
Ferdinand E. Marcos - EDSA. Arriving in trickles, contained and constrained by the limited words
the motley gathering swelled to an estimated and phrases of the constitution, directly sought
million on the fourth day, with several hundreds
to remove their president from office. On that
more nearing Mendiola reportedly poised to
morning of the 20th of January, the his tribunal
storm Malacañang.
was confronted with a dilemma ----- should it
choose a literal and narrow view of the
In the morning of 20 January 2001, the people constitution, invoke the rule of strict law, and
waited for Erap to step down and to heed the exercise its characteristics reticence? Or was it
call for him to resign. At this time, Estrada was a propitious for it to itself take a hand? The first
picture of a man, elected into the Presidency, was fraught with danger and evidently too risky
but beleaguered by solitude-empty of the to accept. The second could very well help avert
support by the military and the police, imminent bloodshed. Given the realities; the
abandoned most of his cabinet members, and Court was left hardly with choice. Paradoxically,
with hardly any firm succor from constituents. the first option would almost certainly imperil the
And despite the alleged popularity that brought Constitution, the second could save it. The
him to power, mass sentiment now appeared to confirmatory resolution was issued following
be for his immediate ouster. the en banc session of the Court on 22 January
2001; it read:
With this capsule, the constitutional successor of
Estrada in the person of Gloria Macapagal- "A.M. No. 01-1-05-SC- In re: Request of Vice-
Arroyo, then incumbent Vice-President, took the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to take her
cue and requested the Chief Justice her oath- Oath of Office as President of the Philippines
taking. In a letter, sent through "fax" at about half before the Chief Justice- Acting on the urgent
past seven o'clock in the morning of 20 January request of Vice President Gloria Macapagal-
2001, read: Arroyo to be sworn in as President of the
Republic of the Philippines, addressed to the
"The undersigned respectfully informs this Chief Justice and confirmed letter to the Court,
Honorable Court that Joseph Ejercito Estrada is dated January 20, 2001, which request was
permanently incapable of performing the duties treated as an administrative matter, the Court
of his office resulting in his permanent disability resolved unanimously to CONFIRM the authority
to govern the serve his unexpired term. Almost given by the twelve (12) members of the Court
all of his cabinet members have resigned and then present to the Chief justice on January 20,
the Philippine National police have withdrawn 2001 to administer the oath of office to Vice
their support for Joseph Ejercito Estrada. Civil President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as President
society has likewise refused to recognize him as of the Philippines, at noon of January 20, 2001.


"This resolution is without prejudice to the law and the Constitution, the Vice-President
disposition of any justiceable case which may be shall be acting President."
filed by a proper party."

At high noon on the 20th January 2001, Gloria

Macapagal-Arroyo was sworn in as the 14th Truly, the grounds raised in the petition are as
President of the Republic of the Philippines. dubitable as the petitioner's real motive in filling
EDSA, once again, had its momentous role in the case.
yet another "bloodless revolution." The Court
could not have remained placid amidst the
The pressing issue must now catapult to its end.
worsening situation at the time. It could not in
conscience allow the high-strung emotions and
passions of EDSA to reach the gates of Resignation is an act of giving up or the act of an
Malacañang. The military and police defections officer by which he renounces his office
created stigma that could not be left unguarded indefinitely. In order to constitute a complete and
by a vacuum in the presidency. The danger was operative act of resignation, the officer or
simply overwhelming. The extra-ordinariness of employee must show a clear intention to
the reality called for an extra-ordinary solution. relinquish or surrender his position accompanied
The court has chosen to prevent rather than by an act of relinquishment. Resignation implies,
cure an enigma incapable of being recoiled. of the intention to surrender, renounce,
relinquish the office. 4
The alarming social unrest ceased as the
emergence of a new leadership so unfolded. Mr. Estrada imports that he did not resign from
The promise of healing the battered nation the presidency because the word "resignation"
engulfed the spirit but it was not to last. has not once been embodied in his letters or
Questions were raised on the legitimacy of Mme. said in his statements. I am unable to oblige.
Macapagal-Arroyo's assumption to office. Mr. The contemporary acts of Estrada during those
Estrada would insist that he was still President four critical days of January are evident of his
and that Mme. Macapagal-Arroyo took over only intention to relinquish his office. Scarcity of
in an acting capacity. words may not easily cloak reality and hide true
intentions. Crippled to discharge his duties, the
embattled President acceded to have
So it is argued, Mr. Estrada remains to be the
negotiations conducted for a smooth transition of
President because under the 1987 Constitution,
power. The belated proposals of the President to
the Vice-President may assume the presidency have the impeachment Court allow the opening
only in its explicitly prescribed instances; to wit, of the controversial envelope and to postpone
firstly, in case of death, permanent disability,
his resignation until 24 January 2001 were both
removal from office, or resignation of the
rejected. On the morning of 20 January 2001,
President,1secondly, when the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House of representatives his written declaration that
the President sent to congress the following
he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, 2 letter ---
and thirdly, when a majority of all the members of the cabinet
transmit to the President and to the speaker of the House of
representatives their written declaration that the President is unable
to discharge the powers and duties of his office, 3 the latter two
grounds being culled as the "disability."
"By virtue of the provisions of Section II, Article
Mr. Estrada believes that he cannot be VII, of the Constitution, I am hereby transmitting
considered to have relinquished his office for this declaration that I am unable to exercise the
none of the above situations have occurred. The powers and duties of my office. By operation of
conditions for constitutional succession have not law and the Constitution, the vice-president shall
been met. He states that he has merely been be the acting president."
"temporarily incapacitated" to discharge his
duties, and he invokes his letters to both Receipt of the letter by the Speaker of the lower
Chambers of the Congress consistent with house was placed at around eight o'clock in the
section 11 of Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. morning but the Senate president was said to
The twin letters, dated 20 January 2001, to the have received a copy only on the evening of that
two houses read: day. Nor this Court turn a blind eye to the
paralyzing events which left petitioner to
"By virtue of the provisions of Section 11, Article helplessness and inutility in office – not so much
VII of the Constitution, I am hereby transmitting by the confluence of events that forces him to
this declaration that I am unable to exercise the step down the seat of power in a poignant and
powers and duties of my office. By operation of teary farewell as the recognition of the will of the


governed to whom he owned allegiance. In his always,10 by violence as a means and
"valedictory message," he wrote: specificable range of goals as ends. In contrast,
EDSA 2 did not envision radical changes. The
"At twelve o'clock noon today, Vice President government structure has remained intact.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took her oath as Succession to the presidency has been by the
President of the Republic of the Philippines. duly-elected Vice-president of the Republic. The
While along with many other legal minds of our military and the police, down the line, have felt to
country, I have strong and serious doubts about be so acting in obedience to their mandate as
the legality and constitutionality of her the protector of the people.
proclamation as President, I do not wish to be a
factor that will prevent the restoration of unity Any revolution, whether it is violent or not,
and order in our civil society. involves a radical change. Huntington sees
revolution as being "a rapid, fundamental and
"It is for this reason that I now leave Malacañang violent domestic change in the dominant values
Palace, the seat of the presidency of this and myths of society in its political institution,
country, for the sake of peace and in order to social structure, leadership, government activity
begin the healing process of our nation. I leave and policies.11 " The distinguished A.J. Milne
the palace of our people with gratitude for the makes a differentiation between constitutional
opportunities given to me for service to our political action and a revolutionary political
people. I will not shirk from any future challenges action. A constitutional political action, according
that may come ahead in the same service of our to him, is a political within a legal framework and
country. rests upon a moral commitment to uphold the
authority of law. A revolutionary political action,
on the other hand, acknowledges no such moral
"I call on all my supporters and followers to join
me in the promotion of a constructive national commitment. The latter is directly towards
overthrowing the existing legal order and
spirit of reconciliation and solidarity.
replacing it with something else.12 And what,
one might ask, is the "legal order" referred to? It
"May the Almighty bless our country and our is an authoritative code of a polity comprising
beloved people. enacted rules, along with those in the
Constitution13 and concerns itself with
"MABUHAY! structures rather than personalities in the
establishments. Accordingly, structure would
Abandonment of office is a species of prefer to the different branches of the
resignation, 5 and it connotes the giving up of government and personalities would be the
the office although not attending by the power-holders. If determination would be made
formalities normally observed in resignation. whether a specific legal order is intact or not,
Abandonment may be effected by a positive act what can be vital is not the change in the
or can be the result of an omission, whether personalities but a change in the structure.
deliberate or not. 6

Mr. Joseph Estrada invokes "temporary

incapacity" under Section 11, Article VII of the The ascension of Mme. Macapagal-Arroyo to the
Constitution. This assertion is difficult to sustain presidency has resulted neither in the obligation
since the temporary incapacity contemplated of the legal order. The constitutionally-
clearly envisions those that are personal, either established government structures, embracing
by physical or mental in nature, 7 and innate to various offices under the executive branch, of
the individual. If it were otherwise, when then the judiciary, of the legislature, of the
would the disability last? Would it be when the constitutional commissions and still other
confluent causes which have brought about that entities, including the Armed Forces of the
disability are completely set in reverse? Surely, Philippines and the Philippine National Police
the idea fails to register well to the simple mind. and local governments as well, have all
remained intact and functioning.
Neither can it be implied that the takeover has
installed a revolutionary government. A An insistence that the events in January 2001
revolutionary government is one which has transgressed the letter of the Constitution is to
taken the seat of power by force or in defiance of ignore the basic tenet of constitutionalism and to
the legal processes. Within the political context, functionalize the clearly preponderant facts.
a revolution is a complete overthrow of the
established government.8 In its delimited
concept, it is characterized often,9 albeit not
More than just an eloquent piece of frozen span of years between them, it might be said
document, the Constitution should be deemed to that popular mass action is fast becoming an
be a living testament and memorial of the institutionalized enterprise. Should the streets
sovereign will of the people from whom all now be the venue for the exercise of popular
government authority emanates. Certainly, this democracy? Where does one draw the line
fundamental statement is not without meaning. between the rule of law and the rule of the mob,
Nourished by time, it grows and copes with the or between "People Power" and "Anarchy?" If,
changing milieu. The framers of the constitution as the sole justification for its being, the basis of
could not have anticipated all conditions that the Arroyo presidency lies alone on those who
might arise in the aftermath of events. A were at EDSA, then it does rest on loose and
constitution does not deal in details, but shifting sands and might tragically open a
enunciates the general tenets that are intended Pandora's box more potent than the malaise it
to apply to all facts that may come about but seeks to address. Conventional wisdom dictates
which can be brought within its directions. 14 the indispensable need for great sobriety and
Behind its conciseness is its inclusiveness and extreme circumspection on our part. In this kind
its apertures overridingly lie, not fragmented but of arena, let us be assumed that we are not
integrated and encompassing, its spirit and its overcome by senseless adventurism and
intent. The Constitution cannot be permitted to opportunism. The country must not grow
deteriorate into just a petrified code of legal oblivious to the innate perils of people power for
maxims and hand-tied to its restrictive letters no bond can be stretched far too much to its
and wordings, rather than be the pulsating law breaking point. To abuse is to destroy that which
that it is. Designed to be an enduring instrument, we may hold dear.
its interpretation is not be confined to the
conditions and outlook which prevail at the time 1
Section 8, Article VII, 1987 Constitution
of its adoption15 instead, it must be given
flexible to bring it in accord with the vicissitudes 2
Section 11, 1st paragraph, Article VII,
of changing and advancing affairs of men.16
1987 Constitution
Technicalities and play of words cannot frustrate
the inevitable because there is an immense
difference between legalism and justice. If only
Ibid., 2nd paragraph
to secure our democracy and to keep the social
order – technicalities must give away. It has 4
Ortiz vs. Comelec, 162 SCRA 812
been said that the real essence of justice does
not emanate from quibblings over patchwork 5
Sangguniang Bayan ng San Andres vs.
legal technicality but proceeds from the spirit's Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 11883, 16
gut consciousness of the dynamic role as a brick January 1998
in the ultimate development of social edifice.17
Anything else defeats the spirit and intent of the 6
Cruz, Carlos L., The Law on Public
Constitution for which it is formulated and Officers, p. 174, 1997 Edition
reduces its mandate to irrelevance and
obscurity. 7
"Mr. SUAREZ. xxx

"May we now go to Section 11, page 5.

This refers to the President's written
All told the installation of Mme. Macapagal- declaration of inability to discharge the
Arroyo perhaps came close to, but not quite, the powers and duties of the Office of the
revolutionary government that we know. The President. Can this written declaration to
new government, now undoubtedly in effective be done for and in behalf of the
control of the entire country, domestically and President if, for example, the President
internationally recognized to be legitimate, is in no position to sign his name, like he
acknowledging a previous pronouncement of the suffers an accident and both his arms
court, 18 is a de jure government both in fact get to be amputated?
and in law. The basic structures, the principles,
the directions, the intent and the spirit of the
"Mr. REGALADO. We have not a
1987 Constitution have been saved and
situation like that even in the jurisdiction
preserved. Inevitably, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
from which we borrowed this provision,
is the President, not merely an Acting President,
but we feel that in remote situation that
of the Republic of the Philippines.
the Commissioner has cited in that the
President cannot make a written
A reminder of an elder to the youth. After two declaration, I suppose an alternative
non-violent civilian uprising within just a short
would be considered wherein he can so validity, 46 Philippines Law Journal,
expressly manifest in an authentic 390-391 (1971)
manner what should be contained in a
written declaration. xxx 14
16 American Jurisprudence 2d.

"Mr. SUAREZ. xxx I am thinking in terms State ex rel Columbus vs. Keterrer,

of what happened to the President 127 Ohio St 483, 189 NE 252

Wilson. Really, the physical disability of
the gentleman was never made clear to
John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co. vs.
the historians. But suppose a situation
Ford Motors Co., 322 Mich 209, 39 NW
will happen in our country where the
2d 763
President may suffer coma and gets to
be unconscious, which is practically a
total inability to discharge the powers Battles in the Supreme Court by

and duties of his office, how can he Justice Artemio Panganiban, pp. 103-
submit a written declaration of inability to 104
perform the duties and functions of his
office? Lawyers' League for a Better

Philippines vs. President Corazon C.

"x x x x x x x x x Aquino, et al., G.R. No. 73748, May 22,
"FR. BERNAS. Precisely. The second
paragraph is to take care of the Wilson CONCURRING OPINION
"Mr. SUAREZ. I see.
In issue in these cases is the legitimacy of the
"Mr. REGALADO. The Wilson situation presidency of respondent Gloria Macapagal-
was in 1917. Precisely, this twenty-fifth Arroyo. In G.R. No. 146738, the petition for quo
Amendment to the American warranto seeks a declaration that petitioner
Constitution as adopted on February 10, Joseph Ejercito Estrada is the lawful President
1967 prevent a recurrence of such of the Philippines and that respondent Gloria
situation. Besides, it was not only the Macapagal-Arroyo is merely acting President on
Wilson matter. As I have already account o the former's temporary disability. On
mentioned here, they have had the other hand, in G.R. Nos. 146710-15, the
situations in the United States, including petition seeks to prohibit respondent
those of President Garfield, President Ombudsman Aniano Desierto from investigating
Wilson, President Roosevelt and charges of plunder, bribery, malversation of
President Eisenhower." public funds, and graft and corruption against
petitioner Estrada on the theory that, being still
President, he is immune from suit.
(11 RECORDS, PP. 421-423)
In both cases, a preliminary question is raised by
Gitlow vs. Kiely, 44 F. 2d as cited in 46 respondents whether the legitimacy of Gloria
CJS 1086
Macapagal-Arroyo's presidency is a justiciable
controversy. Respondent Gloria Macapagal-
Ibid. Arroyo contends that the matter is not justiciable
because of "the virtual impossibility of undoing
Ibid. what has been done, namely, the transfer of
constitutional power to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Zarocin, Theories of Revolution in
11 as a result of the events starting from the expose
Contemporary Historiography, 88 of Ilocos Sur Governor Luis 'Chavit' Singson in
POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY October 2000."1 In support of this contention,
respondent cites the following statements of this
Court concerning the Aquino government which
Milne, Philosophy and Political Action,
it is alleged applies to her administration:
The Case of Civil Rights, 21 Political
Studies, 453, 456 (1973)
. . . [T]he legitimacy of the Aquino government is
not a justiciable matter. It belongs to the realm of
Fernandez, LAW and POLITY:
politics where only the people of the Philippines
Towards a System Concept of Legal
are the judge. And the people have made the Indeed, if the government of respondent Gloria
judgment; they have accepted the government Macapagal-Arroyo is a revolutionary one, all talk
of President Corazon C. Aquino which is in about the fact that it was brought about by
effective control of the entire country so that it is succession due to resignation or permanent
not merely a de facto government but is in fact disability of petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada is
and law a de jure government. Moreover, the useless. All that respondents have to show is
community of nations has recognized the that in the contest for power Macapagal-Arroyo's
legitimacy of the present government. All the government is the successful one and is now
eleven members of this Court, as reorganized, accepted by the people and recognized by the
have sworn to uphold the fundamental law of the community of nations.
Republic under her government.2
But that is not the case here. There was no
From the natural law point of view, the right of revolution such as that which took place in
revolution has been defined as "an inherent right February 1986. There was no overthrow of the
of a people to cast out their rulers, change their existing legal order and its replacement by a
policy or effect radical reforms in their system of new one, no nullification of the Constitution.
government or institutions by force or a general
uprising when the legal and constitutional What is involved in these cases is similar to what
methods of making such change have proved happened in 1949 in Avelino v. Cuenco.10 In
inadequate or are so obstructed as to be that case, in order to prevent Senator Lorenzo
unavailable." It has been said that "the locus of M. Tañada from airing charges against Senate
positive law-making power lies with the people of President Jose Avelino, the latter refused to
the state" and from there is derived" the right of recognize him, as a result of which tumult broke
the people to abolish, to reform and to alter any out in the Senate gallery, as if by pre-
existing form of government without regard to arrangement, as the Court noted, and Avelino
the existing constitution."3 suddenly adjourned the session and, followed by
six senators, walked out of the session hall. The
But the Aquino government was a revolutionary remaining senators then declared the position of
government which was established following the President of the Senate vacant and elected
overthrow of the 1973 Constitution. The Senator Mariano Jesus Cuenco acting president.
legitimacy of a revolutionary government cannot The question was whether respondent Cuenco
be the subject of judicial review. If a court had been validly elected acting president of the
decides the question at all qua court, it must Senate, considering that there were only 12
necessarily affirm the existence and authority of senators (out of 24) present, one senator (Sen.
such government under which it is exercising Confesor) being abroad while another one (Sen.
judicial power.4 As Melville Weston long ago put Sotto) was ill in the hospital.
it, "the men who were judges under the old
regime and the men who are called to be judges Although in the beginning this Court refused to
under the new have each to decide as take cognizance of a petition for quo warranto
individuals what they are to do; and it may be brought to determine the rightful president of the
that they choose at grave peril with the factional Senate, among other things, in view of the
outcome still uncertain."5 This is what the Court political nature of the controversy, involving as it
did in Javellana v. Executive Secretary6 when it did an internal affair of a coequal branch of the
held that the question of validity of the 1973 government, in the end this Court decided to
Constitution was political and affirmed that it was intervene because of the national crisis which
itself part of the new government. As the Court developed as a result of the unresolved question
said in Occena v. COMELEC7 and Mitra v. of presidency of the Senate. The situation
COMELEC,8 "[P]etitioners have come to the justifying judicial intervention was described,
wrong forum. We sit as a Court duty-bound to thus:
uphold and apply that Constitution. . . . It is much
too late in the day to deny the force and
We can take judicial notice that legislative work
applicability of the 1973 Constitution." has been at a standstill; the normal and ordinary
functioning of the Senate has been hampered by
In contrast, these cases do not involve the the non-attendance to sessions of about one-
legitimacy of a government. They only involve half of the members; warrants of arrest have
the legitimacy of the presidency of respondent been issued, openly defied, and remained
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and the claim of unexecuted like mere scraps of paper,
respondents is precisely that Macapagal- notwithstanding the fact that the persons to be
Arroyo's ascension to the presidency was in arrested are prominent persons with well-known
accordance with the Constitution.9 addresses and residences and have been in
daily contact with news reporters and
photographers. Farce and mockery have been This brings me to the main issue, whether
interspersed with actions and movements respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's
provoking conflicts which invite bloodshed. ascension to the Presidency was in accordance
with the Constitution. Art. VII. §8 provides in
. . . Indeed there is no denying that the situation, pertinent parts:
as obtaining in the upper chamber of Congress,
is highly explosive. It had echoed in the House In case of death, permanent disability, removal
of Representatives. It has already involved the from office, or resignation of the President, the
President of the Philippines. The situation has Vice-President shall become the President to
created a veritable national crisis, and it is serve the unexpired term. In case of death,
apparent that solution cannot be expected from permanent disability, removal from office, or
any quarter other than this Supreme Court, upon resignation of both the President and Vice-
which the hopes of the people for an effective President, the President of the Senate or, in
settlement are pinned.11 case of his inability, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, shall then act as President until
In voting to assume jurisdiction, Chief Justice the President or Vice-President shall have been
Paras wrote: "[T]his Court has no other elected and qualified.
alternative but to meet the challenge of the
situation which demands the utmost of judicial The events that led to the departure of petitioner
temper and judicial statesmanship. As herein Joseph E. Estrada from office are well known
before stated, the present crisis in the Senate is and need not be recounted in great detail here.
one that imperatively calls for the intervention of They began in October 2000 when allegations of
this Court."12 Questions raised concerning wrong doings involving bribe-taking, illegal
respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's gambling (jueteng), and other forms of
presidency similarly justify, in my view, judicial corruption were made against petitioner before
intervention in these cases. the Blue Ribbon Committee of the Senate. On
November 13, 2000, petitioner was impeached
Nor is our power to fashion appropriate by the House of Representatives and, on
remedies in these cases in doubt. Respondents December 7, impeachment proceedings were
contend that there is nothing else that can be begun in the Senate during which more serious
done about the assumption into office of allegations of graft and corruption against
respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. What has petitioner were made and were only stopped on
been done cannot be undone. It is like January 16, 2001 when 11 senators,
toothpaste, we are told, which, once squeezed sympathetic to petitioner, succeeded in
out of the tube, cannot be put back. suppressing damaging evidence against
petitioner. As a result, the impeachment trial was
thrown into an uproar as the entire prosecution
Both literally and figuratively, the argument is
panel walked out and Senate President Aquilino
untenable. The toothpaste can be put back into
Pimentel resigned after casting his vote against
the tube. Literally, it can be put back by opening
the bottom of the tube — that is how toothpaste
is put in tubes at manufacture in the first place.
Metaphorically, the toothpaste can also be put The events, as seen through the eyes of foreign
back. In G.R. No. 146738, a writ can be issued correspondents, are vividly recounted in the
ordering respondent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to following excerpts from the Far Eastern
vacate the Office of the President so that Economic Review and Time Magazine quoted in
petitioner Joseph E. Estrada can be reinstated the Memorandum of petitioner in G.R. Nos.
should the judgment in these cases be in his 146710-15, thus:
favor. Whether such writ will be obeyed will be a
test of our commitment to the rule of law. In 1. The decision immediately sent
election cases, people accept the decisions of hundreds of Filipinos out into
courts even if they be against the results as the streets, triggering rallies that
proclaimed. Recognition given by foreign swelled into a massive four-day
governments to the presidency poses no demonstration. But while anger
problem. So, as far as the political question was apparent among the middle
argument of respondents is anchored on the classes, Estrada, a master of
difficulty or impossibility of devising effective the common touch, still retained
judicial remedies, this defense should not bar largely passive support among
inquiry into the legitimacy of the Macapagal- the poorest Filipinos. Citing that
Arroyo administration. mandate and exploiting the
letter of the Constitution, which
stipulates that a written
resignation be presented, he unable to perform the duties of
refused to step down even after his Office.13
all of the armed forced, the
police and most of his cabinet To recall these events is to note the moral
withdrew their support for him. framework in which petitioner's fall from power
[FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC took place. Petitioner's counsel claimed
REVIEW, "More Power to The petitioner was forced out of Malacañang Palace,
Powerful", id, at p. 18]. seat of the Presidency, because petitioner was
2. When an entire night passed "threatened with mayhem."14 What, the
without Estrada's resignation, President of the Philippines, who under the
tens of thousands of frustrated Constitution is the commander-in-chief of all the
protesters marched on armed forces, threatened with mayhem? This
Malacañang to demand that the can only happen because he had lost his moral
president leave office. An air authority as the elected President.
force fighter jet and four military
helicopters buzzed the palace to
Indeed, the people power movement did not just
remind the president that had
happen at the call of some ambitious politicians,
lost the reins of power. [FAR
military men, businessmen and/or prelates. It
came about because the people, rightly or
REVIEW, supra, ibid].
wrongly, believed the allegations of graft and
3. While the television cameras corruption made by Luis "Chavit" Singson,
were focused on the rallies –
Emma Lim, Edgardo Espiritu, and other
and the commentators became
witnesses against petitioner. Their testimonies
lost in reveries about People
during the impeachment trial were all televised
Power revisited – behind-the- and heard by millions of people throughout the
scenes negotiations had been length and breadth of this archipelago. As a
going on non-stop between
result, petitioner found himself on January 19,
military factions loyal to Estrada
2001 deserted as most of his cabinet members
and those who advocated a
resigned, members of the Armed Forces of the
quick coup to depose the
Philippines and the Philippine National Police
President. Chief of Staff Reyes withdrew their support of the President, while
and Defense Secretary Mercado civil society announced its loss of trust and
had made their fateful call to
confidence in him. Public office is a public trust.
Estrada after luncheon attended
Petitioner lost the public's trust and as a
by all the top commanders. The
consequence remained President only in name.
officers agreed that renouncing
Having lost the command of the armed forces
Estrada was the best course, in and the national police, he found Himself
part because some vulnerable to threats of mayhem.
commanders were urging more
drastic resolution. If the military
did not come to a consensus, This is the confession of one who is beaten.
there loomed the possibility of After all, the permanent disability referred to in
factional fighting or, worse, civil the Constitution can be physical, mental or
war. [TIME, "People Power moral, rendering the President unable to
Redux", id at p. 18] exercise the powers and functions of his office.
4. It finally took a controversial As his close adviser wrote in his diary of the final
Supreme Court declaration that hours of petitioner's presidency:
the presidency was effectively
vacant to persuade Estrada to The President says: "Pagod na pagod na ako.
pack up and move out to his Ayoko na-masyado nang masakit. Pagod na ako
family home in Manila – still sa red tape, bureaucracy, intriga. (I am very
refusing to sign a letter of tired. I don't want any more of this-it's too
resignation and insisting that he painful. I'm tired of the red tape, the
was the legal president [FAR bureaucracy, the intrigue.)15
REVIEW, "More Power to the Angara himself shared this view of petitioner's
Powerful", supra, ibid.]. inability. He wrote in his diary:
Petitioner then sent two letters,
one to the Senate President and "Let us be realistic," I counter. "The President
the other to the Speaker of the does not have the capability to organize a
House, indicating that he was counter-attack. He does not have the AFP or the
Philippine National Police on his side. He is not are sufferable, than to right themselves by
only in a corner – he is also down."16 abolishing the Forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses
This is the clearest proof that petitioner was and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
totally and permanently disabled at least as of Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under
11 P.M. of Friday, January 19, 2001. Hence the absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their
negotiations for the transfer of power to the Duty, to throw off such Government, and to
respondent Vice-President Gloria Macapagal- provide new Guards for their future Security.17
Arroyo. It belies petitioner's claim that he was
not permanently disabled but only temporarily Here, as I have already indicated, what took
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his place at EDSA from January 16 to 20, 2001 was
office and therefore can only be temporarily not a revolution but the peaceful expression of
replaced by respondent Gloria Macapagal- popular will. The operative fact which enabled
Arroyo under Art. VII, §11. Vice-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to
assume the presidency was the fact that there
From this judgment that petitioner became was a crisis, nay a vacuum, in the executive
permanently disabled because he had lost the leadership which made the government rife for
public's trust, I except extravagant claims of the seizure by lawless elements. The presidency
right of the people to change their government. was up for grabs, and it was imperative that the
While Art. II, §1 of the Constitution says that rule of succession in the Constitution be
"sovereignty resides in the people and all enforced.
government authority emanates from them," it
also says that "the Philippines is a democratic But who is to declare the President's permanent
and republican state." This means that ours is a disability, petitioner asks? The answer was given
representative democracy — as distinguished by petitioner himself when he said that he was
from a direct democracy — in which the already tired and wanted no more of popular
sovereign will of the people is expressed through demonstrations and rallies against him; when he
the ballot, whether in an election, referendum, and his advisers negotiated with respondent
initiative, recall (in the case of local officials) or Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's advisers for a
plebiscite. Any exercise of the powers of transition of powers from him to her; when
sovereignty in any other way is unconstitutional. petitioner's own Executive Secretary declared
that petitioner was not only in a corner but was
Indeed, the right to revolt cannot be recognized down.
as a constitutional principle. A constitution to
provide for the right of the people to revolt will Nor is it correct for petitioner to say that the
carry with it the seeds of its own destruction. present situation is similar to our situation during
Rather, the right to revolt is affirmed as a natural the period (from 1941 to 1943) of our occupation
right. Even then, it must be exercised only for by the Japanese, when we had two presidents,
weighty and serious reasons. As the Declaration namely, Manuel L. Quezon and Jose P. Laurel.
of Independence of July 4, 1776 of the American This is turning somersault with history. The
Congress states: Philippines had two presidents at that time for
the simple reason that there were then two
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all governments — the de facto government
Men are created equal, that they are endowed established by Japan as belligerent occupant, of
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, which Laurel was president, and the de
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the jure Commonwealth Government in exile of
Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these President Manuel L. Quezon. That a belligerent
Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, occupant has a right to establish a government
deriving their just Powers from the Consent of in enemy territory is a recognized principle of
the Governed, that whenever any Form of international law.18 But today we have only one
Government becomes destructive of these Ends, government, and it is the one set up in the 1987
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish Constitution. Hence, there can only be one
it, and to institute new Government, laying its President.
Foundation on such Principles, and organizing
its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem Having reached the conclusion that petitioner
most likely to effect their Safety and Joseph E. Estrada is no longer President of the
Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Philippines, I find no need to discuss his claim of
Governments long established should not be immunity from suit. I believe in the canon of
changed for light and transient Causes; and adjudication that the Court should not formulate
accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that a rule of constitutional law broader than is
Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils
required by the precise facts to which it is 12
Id. at 25-26 (concurring and
applied. dissenting).

The only question left for resolution is whether Memorandum for Petitioner, G.R. Nos,

there was massive prejudicial publicity attending 146710-15, pp. 5-6.

the investigation by the Ombudsman of the
criminal charges against petitioner. The test in 14
Petition, G.R. No. 146738, p. 13.
this jurisdiction is whether there has been
"actual, not merely possible, prejudice"19 Edgardo Angara, Erap's Final Hours
caused to petitioner as a result of publicity. Told, Philippine Daily Inquirier, p. A6,
There has been no proof of this, and so I think
February 6, 2001.
this claim should simply be dismissed.
Id. (emphasis added).
For the foregoing reasons, I vote to dismiss the
petitions in these cases. 17
Emphasis added.

Co Kim Cham v. Valdez, 75 Phil. 113
(1945); Peralta v. Director of Prisons, 75
Phil. 285 (1945); Laurel v. Misa, 77 Phil.
856 (1947).
See Martelino v. Alejandro, 32 SCRA

Associate Justice 106 (1970).


Joint Memorandum of the Secretary of
Justice and Solicitor General, p. 15.

Lawyers League for a Better
Philippines v. President Corazon C.
Aquino, G.R. No. 73746, May 22, 1986.

Letter of Associate Justice Reynato S.
Puno, 210 SCRA 589, 597 (1992).

Luther v. Borden, 7 How. 1 (1848).

Political Questions, 38 Harv. L. Rev.
296, 305 (1925).

50 SCRA 30 (1973).

104 SCRA ! (1981).

104 SCRA 59 (1981).

Joint Memorandum of the Secretary of
Justice and Solicitor General, p. 2.

83 Phil. 17 (1949).

83 Phil. At 76 (Perfecto, J.,


EN BANC MOU, EXIM Bank agreed to extend an amount
not exceeding USD 400,000,000 in favor of the
G.R. No. 185572 February 7, 2012 DOF, payable in 20 years, with a 5-year grace
period, and at the rate of 3% per annum. 5


EQUIPMENT CORP. (GROUP), Petitioner, On 1 October 2003, the Chinese Ambassador to
vs. the Philippines, Wang Chungui (Amb. Wang),
HON. CESAR D. SANTAMARIA, in his official wrote a letter to DOF Secretary Jose Isidro
capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 145, Camacho (Sec. Camacho) informing him of
Regional Trial Court of Makati City, CNMEG’s designation as the Prime Contractor
HERMINIO HARRY L. ROQUE, JR., JOEL R. for the Northrail Project.6


BAGARES, CHRISTOPHER FRANCISCO C. On 30 December 2003, Northrail and CNMEG
BOLASTIG, LEAGUE OF URBAN POOR FOR executed a Contract Agreement for the
ACTION (LUPA), KILUSAN NG MARALITA SA construction of Section I, Phase I of the North
MEYCAUAYAN (KMM-LUPA CHAPTER), Luzon Railway System from Caloocan to
DANILO M. CALDERON, VICENTE C. ALBAN, Malolos on a turnkey basis (the Contract
MERLYN M. VAAL, LOLITA S. QUINONES, Agreement). The contract price for the Northrail

RICARDO D. LANOZO, JR., CONCHITA G. Project was pegged at USD 421,050,000. 8


A. LANOZO, and SERGIO C. LEGASPI, JR., On 26 February 2004, the Philippine government
KALIPUNAN NG DAMAYANG MAHIHIRAP and EXIM Bank entered into a counterpart
(KADAMAY), EDY CLERIGO, RAMMIL financial agreement – Buyer Credit Loan
DINGAL, NELSON B. TERRADO, CARMEN Agreement No. BLA 04055 (the Loan
DEUNIDA, and EDUARDO Agreement). In the Loan Agreement, EXIM Bank

LEGSON, Respondents. agreed to extend Preferential Buyer’s Credit in

the amount of USD 400,000,000 in favor of the
DECISION Philippine government in order to finance the
construction of Phase I of the Northrail Project. 10

On 13 February 2006, respondents filed a
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari with Complaint for Annulment of Contract and
Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary Injunction with Urgent Motion for Summary
Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Preliminary Hearing to Determine the Existence of Facts and
Injunction assailing the 30 September 2008 Circumstances Justifying the Issuance of Writs
Decision and 5 December 2008 Resolution of of Preliminary Prohibitory and Mandatory
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA–G.R. SP No. Injunction and/or TRO against CNMEG, the
103351. 1 Office of the Executive Secretary, the DOF, the
Department of Budget and Management, the
On 14 September 2002, petitioner China National Economic Development Authority and
Northrail. The case was docketed as Civil Case
National Machinery & Equipment Corp. (Group)
No. 06-203 before the Regional Trial Court,
(CNMEG), represented by its chairperson, Ren
National Capital Judicial Region, Makati City,
Hongbin, entered into a Memorandum of
Branch 145 (RTC Br. 145). In the Complaint,
Understanding with the North Luzon Railways
Corporation (Northrail), represented by its respondents alleged that the Contract
Agreement and the Loan Agreement were void
president, Jose L. Cortes, Jr. for the conduct of a
for being contrary to (a) the Constitution; (b)
feasibility study on a possible railway line from
Republic Act No. 9184 (R.A. No. 9184),
Manila to San Fernando, La Union (the Northrail
otherwise known as the Government

Procurement Reform Act; (c) Presidential

Decree No. 1445, otherwise known as the
On 30 August 2003, the Export Import Bank of Government Auditing Code; and (d) Executive
China (EXIM Bank) and the Department of Order No. 292, otherwise known as the
Finance of the Philippines (DOF) entered into a Administrative Code. 12

Memorandum of Understanding (Aug 30 MOU),

wherein China agreed to extend Preferential
Buyer’s Credit to the Philippine government to RTC Br. 145 issued an Order dated 17 March
2006 setting the case for hearing on the
finance the Northrail Project. The Chinese

issuance of injunctive reliefs. On 29 March

government designated EXIM Bank as the
2006, CNMEG filed an Urgent Motion for
lender, while the Philippine government named
Reconsideration of this Order. Before RTC Br.
the DOF as the borrower. Under the Aug 30


145 could rule thereon, CNMEG filed a Motion to The crux of this case boils down to two main
Dismiss dated 12 April 2006, arguing that the issues, namely:
trial court did not have jurisdiction over (a) its
person, as it was an agent of the Chinese 1. Whether CNMEG is entitled to
government, making it immune from suit, and (b) immunity, precluding it from being sued
the subject matter, as the Northrail Project was a before a local court.
product of an executive agreement. 15

2. Whether the Contract Agreement is

On 15 May 2007, RTC Br. 145 issued an an executive agreement, such that it
Omnibus Order denying CNMEG’s Motion to cannot be questioned by or before a
Dismiss and setting the case for summary local court.
hearing to determine whether the injunctive
reliefs prayed for should be issued. CNMEG
First issue: Whether CNMEG is entitled to
then filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which
was denied by the trial court in an Order dated
10 March 2008. Thus, CNMEG filed before the

CA a Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for the This Court explained the doctrine of sovereign
Issuance of TRO and/or Writ of Preliminary immunity in Holy See v. Rosario, to wit:

Injunction dated 4 April 2008. 19

There are two conflicting concepts of sovereign

In the assailed Decision dated 30 September immunity, each widely held and firmly
2008, the appellate court dismissed the Petition established. According to the classical or
for Certiorari. Subsequently, CNMEG filed a
20 absolute theory, a sovereign cannot, without
Motion for Reconsideration, which was denied
21 its consent, be made a respondent in the
by the CA in a Resolution dated 5 December courts of another sovereign. According to the
2008. Thus, CNMEG filed the instant Petition for
22 newer or restrictive theory, the immunity of the
Review on Certiorari dated 21 January 2009, sovereign is recognized only with regard to
raising the following issues: 23 public acts or acts jure imperii of a state, but
not with regard to private acts or acts jure
gestionis. (Emphasis supplied; citations
Whether or not petitioner CNMEG is an agent of
the sovereign People’s Republic of China.
xxx xxx xxx
Whether or not the Northrail contracts are
products of an executive agreement between
two sovereign states. The restrictive theory came about because of
the entry of sovereign states into purely
commercial activities remotely connected with
Whether or not the certification from the
the discharge of governmental functions. This is
Department of Foreign Affairs is necessary particularly true with respect to the Communist
under the foregoing circumstances. states which took control of nationalized
business activities and international trading.
Whether or not the act being undertaken by
petitioner CNMEG is an act jure imperii.
In JUSMAG v. National Labor Relations
Commission, this Court affirmed the Philippines’

Whether or not the Court of Appeals failed to adherence to the restrictive theory as follows:
avoid a procedural limbo in the lower court.
The doctrine of state immunity from suit has
Whether or not the Northrail Project is subject to undergone further metamorphosis. The view
competitive public bidding. evolved that the existence of a contract does
not, per se, mean that sovereign states may, at
Whether or not the Court of Appeals ignored the all times, be sued in local courts. The complexity
ruling of this Honorable Court in the Neri case. of relationships between sovereign states,
brought about by their increasing commercial
CNMEG prays for the dismissal of Civil Case activities, mothered a more restrictive application
No. 06-203 before RTC Br. 145 for lack of of the doctrine.
jurisdiction. It likewise requests this Court for the
issuance of a TRO and, later on, a writ of xxx xxx xxx
preliminary injunction to restrain public
respondent from proceeding with the disposition As it stands now, the application of the doctrine
of Civil Case No. 06-203. of immunity from suit has been restricted to
sovereign or governmental activities (jure whether the construction of the Luzon railways
imperii). The mantle of state immunity cannot be was meant to be a proprietary endeavor. In
extended to commercial, private and proprietary order to fully understand the intention behind
acts (jure gestionis). (Emphasis supplied.)
and the purpose of the entire undertaking, the
Contract Agreement must not be read in
Since the Philippines adheres to the restrictive isolation. Instead, it must be construed in
theory, it is crucial to ascertain the legal nature conjunction with three other documents
of the act involved – whether the entity claiming executed in relation to the Northrail Project,
immunity performs governmental, as opposed to namely: (a) the Memorandum of Understanding
proprietary, functions. As held in United States dated 14 September 2002 between Northrail and
of America v. Ruiz – 27 CNMEG; (b) the letter of Amb. Wang dated 1

October 2003 addressed to Sec. Camacho; and31

(c) the Loan Agreement. 32

The restrictive application of State immunity is
proper only when the proceedings arise out of
commercial transactions of the foreign 1. Memorandum of Understanding dated 14
sovereign, its commercial activities or economic September 2002
affairs. Stated differently, a State may be said to
have descended to the level of an individual and The Memorandum of Understanding dated 14
can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its September 2002 shows that CNMEG sought the
consent to be sued only when it enters into construction of the Luzon Railways as a
business contracts. It does not apply where the proprietary venture. The relevant parts thereof
contract relates to the exercise of its sovereign read:

WHEREAS, CNMEG has the financial capability,

A. CNMEG is engaged in a proprietary activity. professional competence and technical expertise
to assess the state of the [Main Line North
A threshold question that must be answered is (MLN)] and recommend implementation plans as
whether CNMEG performs governmental or well as undertake its rehabilitation and/or
proprietary functions. A thorough examination of modernization;
the basic facts of the case would show that
CNMEG is engaged in a proprietary activity. WHEREAS, CNMEG has expressed interest in
the rehabilitation and/or modernization of the
The parties executed the Contract Agreement MLN from Metro Manila to San Fernando, La
for the purpose of constructing the Luzon Union passing through the provinces of Bulacan,
Railways, viz: 29 Pampanga, Tarlac, Pangasinan and La Union
(the ‘Project’);
WHEREAS the Employer (Northrail) desired to
construct the railways form Caloocan to Malolos, WHEREAS, the NORTHRAIL CORP. welcomes
section I, Phase I of Philippine North Luzon CNMEG’s proposal to undertake a Feasibility
Railways Project (hereinafter referred to as THE Study (the "Study") at no cost to NORTHRAIL

AND WHEREAS the Contractor has offered to WHEREAS, the NORTHRAIL CORP. also
provide the Project on Turnkey basis, including welcomes CNMEG’s interest in undertaking the
design, manufacturing, supply, construction, Project with Supplier’s Credit and intends to
commissioning, and training of the Employer’s employ CNMEG as the Contractor for the
personnel; Project subject to compliance with Philippine and
Chinese laws, rules and regulations for the
AND WHEREAS the Loan Agreement of the selection of a contractor;
Preferential Buyer’s Credit between Export-
Import Bank of China and Department of WHEREAS, the NORTHRAIL CORP. considers
Finance of Republic of the Philippines; CNMEG’s proposal advantageous to the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree to sign and has therefore agreed to assist CNMEG in
the conduct of the aforesaid Study;
this Contract for the Implementation of the
xxx xxx xxx
The above-cited portion of the Contract
Agreement, however, does not on its own reveal II. APPROVAL PROCESS


2.1 As soon as possible after completion and process required by the Republic of the
presentation of the Study in accordance with Philippines. (Emphasis supplied.)

Paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4 above and in

compliance with necessary governmental laws, Thus, the desire of CNMEG to secure the
rules, regulations and procedures required from Northrail Project was in the ordinary or regular
both parties, the parties shall commence the course of its business as a global construction
preparation and negotiation of the terms and company. The implementation of the Northrail
conditions of the Contract (the "Contract") to be Project was intended to generate profit for
entered into between them on the CNMEG, with the Contract Agreement placing a
implementation of the Project. The parties shall contract price of USD 421,050,000 for the
use their best endeavors to formulate and venture. The use of the term "state corporation"

finalize a Contract with a view to signing the to refer to CNMEG was only descriptive of its
Contract within one hundred twenty (120) days nature as a government-owned and/or -
from CNMEG’s presentation of the controlled corporation, and its assignment as the
Study. (Emphasis supplied)
Primary Contractor did not imply that it was
acting on behalf of China in the performance of
Clearly, it was CNMEG that initiated the the latter’s sovereign functions. To imply
undertaking, and not the Chinese government. otherwise would result in an absurd situation, in
The Feasibility Study was conducted not which all Chinese corporations owned by the
because of any diplomatic gratuity from or state would be automatically considered as
exercise of sovereign functions by the Chinese performing governmental activities, even if they
government, but was plainly a business strategy are clearly engaged in commercial or proprietary
employed by CNMEG with a view to securing pursuits.
this commercial enterprise.
3. The Loan Agreement
2. Letter dated 1 October 2003
CNMEG claims immunity on the ground that the
That CNMEG, and not the Chinese government, Aug 30 MOU on the financing of the Northrail
initiated the Northrail Project was confirmed by Project was signed by the Philippine and
Amb. Wang in his letter dated 1 October 2003, Chinese governments, and its assignment as the
thus: Primary Contractor meant that it was bound to
perform a governmental function on behalf of
1. CNMEG has the proven competence China. However, the Loan Agreement, which
and capability to undertake the Project originated from the same Aug 30 MOU, belies
as evidenced by the ranking of 42 given this reasoning, viz:
by the ENR among 225 global
construction companies. Article 11. xxx (j) Commercial Activity The
execution and delivery of this Agreement by the
2. CNMEG already signed an MOU with Borrower constitute, and the Borrower’s
the North Luzon Railways Corporation performance of and compliance with its
last September 14, 2000 during the visit obligations under this Agreement will
of Chairman Li Peng. Such being the constitute, private and commercial acts done
case, they have already established an and performed for commercial purposes
initial working relationship with your under the laws of the Republic of the
North Luzon Railways Corporation. This Philippines and neither the Borrower nor any
would categorize CNMEG as the state of its assets is entitled to any immunity or
corporation within the People’s Republic privilege (sovereign or otherwise) from suit,
of China which initiated our execution or any other legal process with
Government’s involvement in the respect to its obligations under this
Project. Agreement, as the case may be, in any
jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
Borrower does not waive any immunity with
3. Among the various state corporations
respect of its assets which are (i) used by a
of the People’s Republic of China, only
diplomatic or consular mission of the Borrower
CNMEG has the advantage of being
and (ii) assets of a military character and under
fully familiar with the current
requirements of the Northrail Project control of a military authority or defense agency
having already accomplished a and (iii) located in the Philippines and dedicated
to public or governmental use (as distinguished
Feasibility Study which was used as
from patrimonial assets or assets dedicated to
inputs by the North Luzon Railways
commercial use). (Emphasis supplied.)
Corporation in the approvals (sic)
(k) Proceedings to Enforce Agreement In any between Northrail and CNMEG. Although the
proceeding in the Republic of the Philippines to Contract Agreement is silent on the classification
enforce this Agreement, the choice of the laws of of the legal nature of the transaction, the
the People’s Republic of China as the governing foregoing provisions of the Loan Agreement,
law hereof will be recognized and such law will which is an inextricable part of the entire
be applied. The waiver of immunity by the undertaking, nonetheless reveal the intention of
Borrower, the irrevocable submissions of the the parties to the Northrail Project to classify the
Borrower to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the whole venture as commercial or proprietary in
courts of the People’s Republic of China and the character.
appointment of the Borrower’s Chinese Process
Agent is legal, valid, binding and enforceable Thus, piecing together the content and tenor of
and any judgment obtained in the People’s the Contract Agreement, the Memorandum of
Republic of China will be if introduced, evidence Understanding dated 14 September 2002, Amb.
for enforcement in any proceedings against the Wang’s letter dated 1 October 2003, and the
Borrower and its assets in the Republic of the Loan Agreement would reveal the desire of
Philippines provided that (a) the court rendering CNMEG to construct the Luzon Railways in
judgment had jurisdiction over the subject matter pursuit of a purely commercial activity performed
of the action in accordance with its jurisdictional in the ordinary course of its business.
rules, (b) the Republic had notice of the
proceedings, (c) the judgment of the court was B. CNMEG failed to adduce evidence that it is
not obtained through collusion or fraud, and (d) immune from suit under Chinese law.
such judgment was not based on a clear mistake
of fact or law.

Even assuming arguendo that CNMEG performs

governmental functions, such claim does not
Further, the Loan Agreement likewise contains automatically vest it with immunity. This view
this express waiver of immunity:
finds support in Malong v. Philippine National
Railways, in which this Court held that
15.5 Waiver of Immunity The Borrower "(i)mmunity from suit is determined by the
irrevocably and unconditionally waives, any character of the objects for which the entity was
immunity to which it or its property may at any organized." 39

time be or become entitled, whether

characterized as sovereign immunity or
In this regard, this Court’s ruling in Deutsche
otherwise, from any suit, judgment, service of
Gesellschaft Für Technische Zusammenarbeit
process upon it or any agent, execution on
(GTZ) v. CA must be examined. In Deutsche

judgment, set-off, attachment prior to judgment, Gesellschaft, Germany and the Philippines
attachment in aid of execution to which it or its entered into a Technical Cooperation
assets may be entitled in any legal action or
Agreement, pursuant to which both signed an
proceedings with respect to this Agreement or
arrangement promoting the Social Health
any of the transactions contemplated hereby or
Insurance–Networking and Empowerment
hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
(SHINE) project. The two governments named
Borrower does not waive any immunity in their respective implementing organizations: the
respect of its assets which are (i) used by a Department of Health (DOH) and the Philippine
diplomatic or consular mission of the Borrower,
Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) for the
(ii) assets of a military character and under
Philippines, and GTZ for the implementation of
control of a military authority or defense agency
Germany’s contributions. In ruling that GTZ was
and (iii) located in the Philippines and dedicated not immune from suit, this Court held:
to a public or governmental use (as
distinguished from patrimonial assets or assets
dedicated to commercial use). 37 The arguments raised by GTZ and the [Office of
the Solicitor General (OSG)] are rooted in
several indisputable facts. The SHINE project
Thus, despite petitioner’s claim that the EXIM was implemented pursuant to the bilateral
Bank extended financial assistance to Northrail agreements between the Philippine and German
because the bank was mandated by the Chinese
governments. GTZ was tasked, under the 1991
government, and not because of any motivation
agreement, with the implementation of the
to do business in the Philippines, it is clear from
contributions of the German government. The
the foregoing provisions that the Northrail
activities performed by GTZ pertaining to the
Project was a purely commercial transaction. SHINE project are governmental in nature,
related as they are to the promotion of health
Admittedly, the Loan Agreement was entered insurance in the Philippines. The fact that GTZ
into between EXIM Bank and the Philippine entered into employment contracts with the
government, while the Contract Agreement was
private respondents did not disqualify it from State immunity from suit may be waived by
invoking immunity from suit, as held in cases general or special law. The special law can take
such as Holy See v. Rosario, Jr., which set forth the form of the original charter of the
what remains valid doctrine: incorporated government agency. Jurisprudence
is replete with examples of incorporated
Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a government agencies which were ruled not
foreign state with a private party cannot be the entitled to invoke immunity from suit, owing to
ultimate test. Such an act can only be the start of provisions in their charters manifesting their
the inquiry. The logical question is whether the consent to be sued.
foreign state is engaged in the activity in the
regular course of business. If the foreign state is xxx xxx xxx
not engaged regularly in a business or trade, the
particular act or transaction must then be tested It is useful to note that on the part of the
by its nature. If the act is in pursuit of a Philippine government, it had designated two
sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it entities, the Department of Health and the
is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC),
undertaken for gain or profit. as the implementing agencies in behalf of the
Philippines. The PHIC was established under
Beyond dispute is the tenability of the comment Republic Act No. 7875, Section 16 (g) of which
points (sic) raised by GTZ and the OSG that grants the corporation the power "to sue and be
GTZ was not performing proprietary functions sued in court." Applying the previously cited
notwithstanding its entry into the particular jurisprudence, PHIC would not enjoy immunity
employment contracts. Yet there is an equally from suit even in the performance of its functions
fundamental premise which GTZ and the OSG connected with SHINE, however, (sic)
fail to address, namely: Is GTZ, by conception, governmental in nature as (sic) they may be.
able to enjoy the Federal Republic’s immunity
from suit? Is GTZ an incorporated agency of the
German government? There is some mystery
The principle of state immunity from suit, surrounding that question. Neither GTZ nor
whether a local state or a foreign state, is the OSG go beyond the claim that petitioner
reflected in Section 9, Article XVI of the is "the implementing agency of the
Constitution, which states that "the State may Government of the Federal Republic of
not be sued without its consent." Who or what Germany." On the other hand, private
consists of "the State"? For one, the doctrine is respondents asserted before the Labor Arbiter
available to foreign States insofar as they are that GTZ was "a private corporation engaged in
sought to be sued in the courts of the local the implementation of development projects."
State, necessary as it is to avoid "unduly vexing The Labor Arbiter accepted that claim in his
the peace of nations." Order denying the Motion to Dismiss, though he
was silent on that point in his Decision.
If the instant suit had been brought directly Nevertheless, private respondents argue in their
against the Federal Republic of Germany, there Comment that the finding that GTZ was a private
would be no doubt that it is a suit brought corporation "was never controverted, and is
against a State, and the only necessary inquiry therefore deemed admitted." In its Reply, GTZ
is whether said State had consented to be sued. controverts that finding, saying that it is a matter
However, the present suit was brought against of public knowledge that the status of petitioner
GTZ. It is necessary for us to understand what GTZ is that of the "implementing agency," and
precisely are the parameters of the legal not that of a private corporation.
personality of GTZ.
In truth, private respondents were unable to
Counsel for GTZ characterizes GTZ as "the adduce any evidence to substantiate their claim
implementing agency of the Government of that GTZ was a "private corporation," and the
the Federal Republic of Germany," a depiction Labor Arbiter acted rashly in accepting such
similarly adopted by the OSG. Assuming that the claim without explanation. But neither has GTZ
characterization is correct, it does not supplied any evidence defining its legal
automatically invest GTZ with the ability to nature beyond that of the bare descriptive
invoke State immunity from suit. The "implementing agency." There is no doubt
distinction lies in whether the agency is that the 1991 Agreement designated GTZ as
incorporated or unincorporated. the "implementing agency" in behalf of the
German government. Yet the catch is that
such term has no precise definition that is
xxx xxx xxx
responsive to our concerns. Inherently, an
agent acts in behalf of a principal, and the government-owned corporation, it failed to
GTZ can be said to act in behalf of the adduce evidence that it has not consented to be
German state. But that is as far as sued under Chinese law. Thus, following this
"implementing agency" could take us. The Court’s ruling in Deutsche Gesellschaft, in the
term by itself does not supply whether GTZ absence of evidence to the contrary, CNMEG is
is incorporated or unincorporated, whether it to be presumed to be a government-owned and
is owned by the German state or by private -controlled corporation without an original
interests, whether it has juridical personality charter. As a result, it has the capacity to sue
independent of the German government or and be sued under Section 36 of the Corporation
none at all. Code.

xxx xxx xxx C. CNMEG failed to present a certification from

the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Again, we are uncertain of the corresponding
legal implications under German law In Holy See, this Court reiterated the oft-cited

surrounding "a private company owned by doctrine that the determination by the Executive
the Federal Republic of Germany." Yet taking that an entity is entitled to sovereign or
the description on face value, the apparent diplomatic immunity is a political question
equivalent under Philippine law is that of a conclusive upon the courts, to wit:
corporation organized under the Corporation
Code but owned by the Philippine In Public International Law, when a state or
government, or a government-owned or international agency wishes to plead sovereign
controlled corporation without original or diplomatic immunity in a foreign court, it
charter. And it bears notice that Section 36 of requests the Foreign Office of the state where it
the Corporate Code states that "[e]very is sued to convey to the court that said
corporation incorporated under this Code defendant is entitled to immunity.
has the power and capacity x x x to sue and
be sued in its corporate name."
xxx xxx xxx

It is entirely possible that under German law, an

In the Philippines, the practice is for the foreign
entity such as GTZ or particularly GTZ itself has
government or the international organization to
not been vested or has been specifically
first secure an executive endorsement of its
deprived the power and capacity to sue and/or
claim of sovereign or diplomatic immunity. But
be sued. Yet in the proceedings below and how the Philippine Foreign Office conveys its
before this Court, GTZ has failed to establish
endorsement to the courts varies.
that under German law, it has not consented
In International Catholic Migration Commission
to be sued despite it being owned by the
v. Calleja, 190 SCRA 130 (1990), the Secretary
Federal Republic of Germany. We adhere to
of Foreign Affairs just sent a letter directly to the
the rule that in the absence of evidence to
Secretary of Labor and Employment, informing
the contrary, foreign laws on a particular
the latter that the respondent-employer could not
subject are presumed to be the same as
be sued because it enjoyed diplomatic immunity.
those of the Philippines, and following the
In World Health Organization v. Aquino, 48
most intelligent assumption we can gather,
SCRA 242 (1972), the Secretary of Foreign
GTZ is akin to a governmental owned or
Affairs sent the trial court a telegram to that
controlled corporation without original
effect. In Baer v. Tizon, 57 SCRA 1 (1974), the
charter which, by virtue of the Corporation
U.S. Embassy asked the Secretary of Foreign
Code, has expressly consented to be
Affairs to request the Solicitor General to make,
sued. At the very least, like the Labor Arbiter
in behalf of the Commander of the United States
and the Court of Appeals, this Court has no
Naval Base at Olongapo City, Zambales, a
basis in fact to conclude or presume that GTZ
"suggestion" to respondent Judge. The Solicitor
enjoys immunity from suit. (Emphasis supplied.)
General embodied the "suggestion" in a
Manifestation and Memorandum as amicus
Applying the foregoing ruling to the case at bar, curiae.
it is readily apparent that CNMEG cannot claim
immunity from suit, even if it contends that it
In the case at bench, the Department of Foreign
performs governmental functions. Its designation Affairs, through the Office of Legal Affairs moved
as the Primary Contractor does not automatically with this Court to be allowed to intervene on the
grant it immunity, just as the term "implementing
side of petitioner. The Court allowed the said
agency" has no precise definition for purposes of
Department to file its memorandum in support of
ascertaining whether GTZ was immune from
petitioner’s claim of sovereign immunity.
suit. Although CNMEG claims to be a
In some cases, the defense of sovereign not see why GTZ could not have secured such
immunity was submitted directly to the local certification or endorsement from the DFA for
courts by the respondents through their private purposes of this case. Certainly, it would have
counsels (Raquiza v. Bradford, 75 Phil. 50 been highly prudential for GTZ to obtain the
[1945]; Miquiabas v. Philippine-Ryukyus same after the Labor Arbiter had denied the
Command, 80 Phil. 262 [1948]; United States of motion to dismiss. Still, even at this juncture, we
America v. Guinto, 182 SCRA 644 [1990] and do not see any evidence that the DFA, the office
companion cases). In cases where the foreign of the executive branch in charge of our
states bypass the Foreign Office, the courts can diplomatic relations, has indeed endorsed GTZ’s
inquire into the facts and make their own claim of immunity. It may be possible that GTZ
determination as to the nature of the acts and tried, but failed to secure such certification, due
transactions involved. (Emphasis supplied.)
to the same concerns that we have discussed
The question now is whether any agency of the
Executive Branch can make a determination of Would the fact that the Solicitor General has
immunity from suit, which may be considered as endorsed GTZ’s claim of State’s immunity from
conclusive upon the courts. This Court, in suit before this Court sufficiently substitute for
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) v. National the DFA certification? Note that the rule in public
Labor Relations Commission international law quoted in Holy See referred to
(NLRC), emphasized the DFA’s competence
endorsement by the Foreign Office of the State
and authority to provide such necessary where the suit is filed, such foreign office in the
determination, to wit: Philippines being the Department of Foreign
Affairs. Nowhere in the Comment of the OSG is
The DFA’s function includes, among its other it manifested that the DFA has endorsed GTZ’s
mandates, the determination of persons and claim, or that the OSG had solicited the DFA’s
institutions covered by diplomatic immunities, a views on the issue. The arguments raised by the
determination which, when challenge, (sic) OSG are virtually the same as the arguments
entitles it to seek relief from the court so as not raised by GTZ without any indication of any
to seriously impair the conduct of the country's special and distinct perspective maintained by
foreign relations. The DFA must be allowed to the Philippine government on the issue. The
plead its case whenever necessary or advisable Comment filed by the OSG does not inspire the
to enable it to help keep the credibility of the same degree of confidence as a certification
Philippine government before the international from the DFA would have elicited. (Emphasis

community. When international agreements are supplied.)

concluded, the parties thereto are deemed to
have likewise accepted the responsibility of In the case at bar, CNMEG offers the
seeing to it that their agreements are duly Certification executed by the Economic and
regarded. In our country, this task falls Commercial Office of the Embassy of the
principally of (sic) the DFA as being the highest People’s Republic of China, stating that the
executive department with the competence and Northrail Project is in pursuit of a sovereign
authority to so act in this aspect of the activity. Surely, this is not the kind of certification

international arena. (Emphasis supplied.)

that can establish CNMEG’s entitlement to
immunity from suit, as Holy See unequivocally
Further, the fact that this authority is exclusive to refers to the determination of the "Foreign Office
the DFA was also emphasized in this Court’s of the state where it is sued."
ruling in Deutsche Gesellschaft:
Further, CNMEG also claims that its immunity
It is to be recalled that the Labor Arbiter, in both from suit has the executive endorsement of both
of his rulings, noted that it was imperative for the OSG and the Office of the Government
petitioners to secure from the Department of Corporate Counsel (OGCC), which must be
Foreign Affairs "a certification of respondents’ respected by the courts. However, as expressly
diplomatic status and entitlement to diplomatic enunciated in Deutsche Gesellschaft, this
privileges including immunity from suits." The determination by the OSG, or by the OGCC for
requirement might not necessarily be imperative. that matter, does not inspire the same degree of
However, had GTZ obtained such certification confidence as a DFA certification. Even with a
from the DFA, it would have provided factual DFA certification, however, it must be
basis for its claim of immunity that would, at the remembered that this Court is not precluded
very least, establish a disputable evidentiary from making an inquiry into the intrinsic
presumption that the foreign party is indeed correctness of such certification.
immune which the opposing party will have to
overcome with its own factual evidence. We do
D. An agreement to submit any dispute to resides; or (e) in the National Capital Judicial
arbitration may be construed as an implicit Region.
waiver of immunity from suit.
From all the foregoing, it is clear that CNMEG
In the United States, the Foreign Sovereign has agreed that it will not be afforded immunity
Immunities Act of 1976 provides for a waiver by from suit. Thus, the courts have the competence
implication of state immunity. In the said law, the and jurisdiction to ascertain the validity of the
agreement to submit disputes to arbitration in a Contract Agreement.
foreign country is construed as an implicit waiver
of immunity from suit. Although there is no Second issue: Whether the Contract
similar law in the Philippines, there is reason to Agreement is an executive agreement
apply the legal reasoning behind the waiver in
this case. Article 2(1) of the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties (Vienna Convention) defines a treaty
The Conditions of Contract, which is an integral
as follows:
part of the Contract Agreement, states:

[A]n international agreement concluded between

33. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND States in written form and governed by
ARBITRATION international law, whether embodied in a single
instrument or in two or more related instruments
33.1. Amicable Settlement and whatever its particular designation.

Both parties shall attempt to amicably settle all In Bayan Muna v. Romulo, this Court held that
disputes or controversies arising from this an executive agreement is similar to a treaty,
Contract before the commencement of except that the former (a) does not require
arbitration. legislative concurrence; (b) is usually less
formal; and (c) deals with a narrower range of
33.2. Arbitration subject matters. 50

All disputes or controversies arising from this Despite these differences, to be considered an
Contract which cannot be settled between the executive agreement, the following three
Employer and the Contractor shall be submitted requisites provided under the Vienna Convention
to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL must nevertheless concur: (a) the agreement
Arbitration Rules at present in force and as may must be between states; (b) it must be written;
be amended by the rest of this Clause. The and (c) it must governed by international law.
appointing authority shall be Hong Kong The first and the third requisites do not obtain in
International Arbitration Center. The place of the case at bar.
arbitration shall be in Hong Kong at Hong Kong
International Arbitration Center (HKIAC). A. CNMEG is neither a government nor a
government agency.
Under the above provisions, if any dispute arises
between Northrail and CNMEG, both parties are The Contract Agreement was not concluded
bound to submit the matter to the HKIAC for between the Philippines and China, but between
arbitration. In case the HKIAC makes an arbitral Northrail and CNMEG. By the terms of the

award in favor of Northrail, its enforcement in the Contract Agreement, Northrail is a government-
Philippines would be subject to the Special owned or -controlled corporation, while CNMEG
Rules on Alternative Dispute Resolution (Special is a corporation duly organized and created
Rules). Rule 13 thereof provides for the under the laws of the People’s Republic of
Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign China. Thus, both Northrail and CNMEG

Arbitral Award. Under Rules 13.2 and 13.3 of the entered into the Contract Agreement as entities
Special Rules, the party to arbitration wishing to with personalities distinct and separate from the
have an arbitral award recognized and enforced Philippine and Chinese governments,
in the Philippines must petition the proper respectively.
regional trial court (a) where the assets to be
attached or levied upon is located; (b) where the Neither can it be said that CNMEG acted as
acts to be enjoined are being performed; (c) in agent of the Chinese government. As previously
the principal place of business in the Philippines discussed, the fact that Amb. Wang, in his letter
of any of the parties; (d) if any of the parties is dated 1 October 2003, described CNMEG as a

an individual, where any of those individuals "state corporation" and declared its designation


as the Primary Contractor in the Northrail Project WE CONCUR:
did not mean it was to perform sovereign
functions on behalf of China. That label was only RENATO C. CORONA
descriptive of its nature as a state-owned Chief Justice
corporation, and did not preclude it from
engaging in purely commercial or proprietary
B. The Contract Agreement is to be governed by Associate Justice Associate Justice
Philippine law.
Article 2 of the Conditions of Contract, which
under Article 1.1 of the Contract Agreement is BRION
an integral part of the latter, states: Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice
The contract shall in all respects be read and
construed in accordance with the laws of the
Associate Justice Associate Justice
The contract shall be written in English
language. All correspondence and other
documents pertaining to the Contract which are MARTIN S. JOSE PORTUGAL
exchanged by the parties shall be written in VILLARAMA, JR. PEREZ
English language. Associate Justice Associate Justice

Since the Contract Agreement explicitly provides JOSE C. BIENVENIDO L.

that Philippine law shall be applicable, the MENDOZA REYES
parties have effectively conceded that their Associate Justice Associate Justice
rights and obligations thereunder are not
governed by international law.
It is therefore clear from the foregoing reasons Associate Justice
that the Contract Agreement does not partake of
the nature of an executive agreement. It is CERTIFICATION
merely an ordinary commercial contract that can
be questioned before the local courts. Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the
WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is DENIED. above Decision had been reached in
Petitioner China National Machinery & consultation before the case was assigned to the
Equipment Corp. (Group) is not entitled to writer of the opinion of the Court.
immunity from suit, and the Contract Agreement
is not an executive agreement. CNMEG’s prayer RENATO C. CORONA
for the issuance of a TRO and/or Writ of Chief Justice
Preliminary Injunction is DENIED for being moot
and academic. This case is REMANDED to the
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 145, for
further proceedings as regards the validity of the
contracts subject of Civil Case No. 06-203.
No pronouncement on costs of suit.
China National Machinery & Equipment

Corporation (Group) v. Hon. Cesar D.

SO ORDERED. Santamaria, et al.


Petition, rollo, Vol. I, p. 25;

Associate Justice Memorandum of Understanding dated


14 September 2002, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 21
Motion for Reconsideration, rollo, Vol.
400-406. I, pp. 971-1001.

Petition, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 25-26; CA Resolution, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 100-

Memorandum of Understanding dated 102.

30 August 2003, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 308-
310, 407-409. 23
Petition, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 27-28.

Id. G.R. No. 101949, 1 December 1994,

238 SCRA 524, 535.

Memorandum of Understanding dated
30 August 2003, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 308- G.R. No. 108813, 15 December 1994,

310, 407-409. 239 SCRA 224.

Petition, rollo, Vol. I, p. 26; Letter dated 26
Id. at 231-232.
1 October 2003, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 311-
312. 27
221 Phil. 179 (1985).
Contract Agreement, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 28
Id. at 184.
126-130, 412-414.
Contract Agreement, rollo, Vol. I, pp.
Memorandum of Agreement dated
127, 413.
December 2003, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 198-
Supra note 2.
Loan Agreement, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 242-
Supra note 6.

Supra note 9.

Complaint, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 102-125.
Supra note 2, at 400-402.

Supra note 6.

Order dated 17 March 2006, rollo, Vol.
Supra note 8.
I, pp. 290-291.
Supra note 9, at 260-261.
Urgent Motion for Reconsideration,

rollo, Vol. I, pp. 292-307 37

Id. at 268-269.

Motion to Dismiss, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 324-

15 38
Petition, rollo, Vol. I, p. 47.
222 Phil 381, 384 (1985).
Omnibus Order dated 15 May 2007,

rollo, Vol. I, pp. 648-658. G.R. No. 152318, 16 April 2009, 585

SCRA 150.
Motion for Reconsideration, rollo, Vol.
I, pp. 663-695. 41
Id. at 165-173.

Order dated 10 March 2008, rollo, Vol. 42
Supra note 24.
I, p. 737.
Id. at 531-533.
Petition for Certiorari, rollo, Vol. I, pp.

738-792. 44
330 Phil 573 (1996).
CA Decision, rollo, Vol. I, pp. 81-99. 45
Id. at 587-588.


Supra note 40, at 174-175.

Petition, rollo, Vol. I, p. 30.

Conditions of Contract, rollo, Vol. I, pp.


202-241, 415-455.

Supra note 7. Clause 1.1 of the


Contract Agreement provides:

The following documents shall

constitute the Contract between
the Employer and the
Contractor, and each shall be
read and construed as an
integral part of the Contract:

(1) Contract Agreement

(2) Amendments, if any to the

Contract documents agreed by
the Parties

(3) Conditions of Contract

(4) Technical Documents

(5) Preliminary Engineering

Design including Bill of

(6) Technical Specification

G.R. No. 159618, 1 February 2011,


641 SCRA 244, 258-259.

Supra note 7.


Supra note 6.

Supra note 48.


SECOND DIVISION Due to the failed bidding, the PBAC
recommended that TESDA enter into a
G.R. No. 155504 June 26, 2009 negotiated contract with PROVI. On December
29, 1999, TESDA and PROVI signed and
PROFESSIONAL VIDEO, INC., Petitioner, executed their "Contract Agreement Project:
PVC ID Card Issuance" (the Contract
TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS Agreement) for the provision of goods and
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Respondent. services in the printing and encoding of PVC
cards.7 Under this Contract Agreement, PROVI
was to provide TESDA with the system and
DECISION equipment compliant with the specifications
defined in the Technical Proposal. In return,
BRION, J.: TESDA would pay PROVI the amount of Thirty-
Nine Million Four Hundred and Seventy-Five
We resolve the petition filed by Professional Thousand Pesos (₱39,475,000) within fifteen
Video, Inc. (PROVI)1 to annul and set aside the (15) days after TESDA’s acceptance of the
Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- contracted goods and services.
G.R. SP No. 67599, and its subsequent Order
denying PROVI’s motion for On August 24, 2000, TESDA and PROVI
reconsideration.3The assailed CA decision executed an "Addendum to the Contract
nullified: Agreement Project: PVC ID Card Issuance"
(Addendum),8 whose terms bound PROVI to
a. the Order4 dated July 16, 2001 of the Regional deliver one hundred percent (100%) of the
Trial Court (RTC), Pasig City, in Civil Case No. enumerated supplies to TESDA consisting of
68527, directing the attachment/garnishment of five hundred thousand (500,000) pieces of
the properties of respondent Technical security foil; five (5) pieces of security die with
Education and Skills Development Authority TESDA seal; five hundred thousand (500,000)
(TESDA) amounting to Thirty Five Million Pesos pieces of pre-printed and customized
(₱35,000,000.00); and identification cards; one hundred thousand
(100,000) pieces of scannable answer sheets;
b. the RTC’s August 24, 2001 Order5 denying and five hundred thousand (500,000)
respondent TESDA’s motion to discharge/quash customized TESDA holographic laminate. In
writ of attachment. addition, PROVI would install and maintain the
following equipment: one (1) unit of Micropoise,
two (2) units of card printer, three (3) units of
flatbed scanner, one (1) unit of OMR scanner,
one (1) unit of Server, and seven (7) units of
PROVI is an entity engaged in the sale of high personal computer.
technology equipment, information technology
products and broadcast devices, including the
TESDA in turn undertook to pay PROVI thirty
supply of plastic card printing and security
percent (30%) of the total cost of the supplies
within thirty (30) days after receipt and
acceptance of the contracted supplies, with the
TESDA is an instrumentality of the government balance payable within thirty (30) days after the
established under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7796 initial payment.
(the TESDA Act of 1994) and attached to the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
According to PROVI, it delivered the following
to "develop and establish a national system of
items to TESDA on the dates indicated:
skills standardization, testing, and certification in
the country."6 To fulfill this mandate, it sought to
issue security-printed certification and/or Date Particulars Amount
identification polyvinyl (PVC) cards to trainees
who have passed the certification process. 26 April 48,500 pre- ₱
2000 printed cards 2,764,500.00
TESDA’s Pre-Qualification Bids Award
Committee (PBAC) conducted two (2) public 330,000 pre-
June 18,810,000.00
biddings on June 25, 1999 and July 22, 1999 for printed cards
the printing and encoding of PVC cards. A failure
of bidding resulted in both instances since only 07 121,500 pre-
two (2) bidders – PROVI and Sirex Phils. Corp. – 6,925,500.00
August printed cards
submitted proposals.
2000 TESDA’s purchase of the PVC cards was a
necessary incident of its governmental function;
100,000 consequently, it ruled that there was no legal
26 April scannable basis for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
600,000.00 attachment/garnishment.15 The CA subsequently
2000 answer
sheets denied PROVI’s motion for
reconsideration;16 hence, the present petition.
06 5 Micro-Poise
June customized 375,000.00 THE PETITION
2000 die

13 35 boxes @ 10,000,000.00 The petition submits to this Court the single

June 15,000 issue of whether or not the writ of attachment
2000 imp/box against TESDA and its funds, to cover PROVI’s
Custom claim against TESDA, is valid. The issue
hologram Foil involves a pure question of law and requires us
to determine whether the CA was correct in
₱ ruling that the RTC gravely abused its discretion
Total in issuing a writ of attachment against TESDA.

PROVI argues that the CA should have

PROVI further alleged that out of TESDA’s
dismissed TESDA’s petition for certiorari as the
liability of ₱39,475,000.00, TESDA paid PROVI
RTC did not commit any grave abuse of
only ₱3,739,500.00, leaving an outstanding
discretion when it issued the Orders dated July
balance of ₱35,735,500.00, as evidenced by
16, 2001 and August 24, 2001. According to
PROVI’s Statement of Account.9 Despite the two
PROVI, the RTC correctly found that when
demand letters dated March 8 and April 27,
TESDA entered into a purely commercial
2001 that PROVI sent TESDA,10 the outstanding
contract with PROVI, TESDA went to the level of
balance remained unpaid.
an ordinary private citizen and could no longer
use the defense of state immunity from suit.
On July 11, 2001, PROVI filed with the RTC a PROVI further contends that it has alleged
complaint for sum of money with damages sufficient ultimate facts in the affidavit it
against TESDA. PROVI additionally prayed for submitted to support its application for a writ of
the issuance of a writ of preliminary preliminary attachment. Lastly, PROVI maintains
attachment/garnishment against TESDA. The that sufficient basis existed for the RTC’s grant
case was docketed as Civil Case No. 68527. In of the writ of preliminary attachment, since
an Order dated July 16, 2001, the RTC granted TESDA fraudulently misapplied or embezzled
PROVI’s prayer and issued a writ of preliminary the money earmarked for the payment of the
attachment against the properties of TESDA not contracted supplies and services, as evidenced
exempt from execution in the amount of by the Certification as to Availability of Funds.
TESDA claims that it entered the Contract
TESDA responded on July 24, 2001 by filing a Agreement and Addendum in the performance
Motion to Discharge/Quash the Writ of of its governmental function to develop and
Attachment, arguing mainly that public funds establish a national system of skills
cannot be the subject of garnishment.12 The RTC standardization, testing, and certification; in the
denied TESDA’s motion, and subsequently performance of this governmental function,
ordered the manager of the Land Bank of the TESDA is immune from suit. Even assuming that
Philippines to produce TESDA’s bank statement it had impliedly consented to be sued by
for the garnishment of the covered amount.13 entering into a contract with PROVI, TESDA
posits that the RTC still did not have the power
Faced with these rulings, TESDA filed a Petition to garnish or attach its funds since these are
for Certiorari with the CA to question the RTC public funds. Lastly, TESDA points out that
orders, imputing grave abuse of discretion PROVI failed to comply with the elements for the
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the valid issuance of a writ of preliminary
trial court for issuing a writ of preliminary attachment, as set forth in Section 1, Rule 57 of
attachment against TESDA’s public funds.14 the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

The CA set aside the RTC’s orders after finding THE COURT’S RULING
that: (a) TESDA’s funds are public in nature and,
therefore, exempt from garnishment; and (b)


We find, as the CA did, that the RTC’s approved trade tests, and the local government
questioned order involved a gross misreading of units to promote such trade testing activities in
the law and jurisprudence amounting to action in their respective areas in accordance with the
excess of its jurisdiction. Hence, we resolve to guidelines to be set by the TESDA. The
DENY PROVI’s petition for lack of merit. Secretary of Labor and Employment shall
determine the occupational trades for mandatory
TESDA is an instrumentality of the government certification. All certificates relating to the
undertaking governmental functions. national trade skills testing and certification
system shall be issued by the TESDA through its
R.A. No. 7796 created the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority or TESDA
under the declared "policy of the State to provide All these measures are undertaken pursuant to
relevant, accessible, high quality and efficient the constitutional command that "[T]he State
technical education and skills development in affirms labor as a primary social economic
support of the development of high quality force," and shall "protect the rights of workers
Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and promote their welfare";22 that "[T]he State
and in accordance with Philippine development shall protect and promote the right of all citizens
goals and priorities."17 TESDA replaced and to quality education at all levels, and shall take
absorbed the National Manpower and Youth appropriate steps to make such education
Council, the Bureau of Technical and Vocational accessible to all";23 in order "to afford protection
Education and the personnel and functions to labor" and "promote full employment and
pertaining to technical-vocational education in equality of employment opportunities for all."24
the regional offices of the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports and the Under these terms, both constitutional and
apprenticeship program of the Bureau of Local statutory, we do not believe that the role and
Employment of the DOLE.18 Thus, TESDA is an status of TESDA can seriously be contested: it is
unincorporated instrumentality of the an unincorporated instrumentality of the
government operating under its own charter. government, directly attached to the DOLE
through the participation of the Secretary of
Among others, TESDA is empowered to: Labor as its Chairman, for the performance of
approve trade skills standards and trade tests as governmental functions – i.e., the handling of
established and conducted by private industries; formal and non-formal education and training,
establish and administer a system of and skills development. As an unincorporated
accreditation of both public and private instrumentality operating under a specific
institutions; establish, develop and support the charter, it is equipped with both express and
institutions' trainors' training and/or programs; implied powers,25 and all State immunities fully
exact reasonable fees and charges for such apply to it.26
tests and trainings conducted, and retain such
earnings for its own use, subject to guidelines TESDA, as an agency of the State, cannot be
promulgated by the Authority; and perform such sued without its consent.
other duties and functions necessary to carry out
the provisions of the Act, consistent with the The rule that a state may not be sued without its
purposes of the creation of TESDA.19 consent is embodied in Section 3, Article XVI of
the 1987 Constitution and has been an
Within TESDA’s structure, as provided by R.A. established principle that antedates this
No. 7769, is a Skills Standards and Certification Constitution.27 It is as well a universally
Office expressly tasked, among others, to recognized principle of international law that
develop and establish a national system of skills exempts a state and its organs from the
standardization, testing and certification in the jurisdiction of another state.28The principle is
country; and to conduct research and based on the very essence of sovereignty, and
development on various occupational areas in on the practical ground that there can be no
order to recommend policies, rules and legal right as against the authority that makes
regulations for effective and efficient skills the law on which the right depends.29 It also rests
standardization, testing and certification system on reasons of public policy — that public service
in the country.20 The law likewise mandates that would be hindered, and the public endangered, if
"[T]here shall be national occupational skills the sovereign authority could be subjected to law
standards to be established by TESDA- suits at the instance of every citizen and,
accredited industry committees. The TESDA consequently, controlled in the uses and
shall develop and implement a certification and dispositions of the means required for the proper
accreditation program in which private groups administration of the government.30
and trade associations are accredited to conduct
The proscribed suit that the state immunity claims that this fee is only to recover their costs
principle covers takes on various forms, namely: and is not intended for profit.
a suit against the Republic by name; a suit
against an unincorporated government agency; We agree with TESDA. As the appellate court
a suit against a government agency covered by found, the PVC cards purchased by TESDA
a charter with respect to the agency’s from PROVI are meant to properly identify the
performance of governmental functions; and a trainees who passed TESDA’s National Skills
suit that on its face is against a government Certification Program – the program that
officer, but where the ultimate liability will fall on immediately serves TESDA’s mandated function
the government. In the present case, the writ of of developing and establishing a national system
attachment was issued against a government of skills standardization, testing, and certification
agency covered by its own charter. As discussed in the country.32 Aside from the express mention
above, TESDA performs governmental of this function in R.A. No. 7796, the details of
functions, and the issuance of certifications is a this function are provided under DOLE
task within its function of developing and Administrative Order No. 157, S. 1992, as
establishing a system of skills standardization, supplemented by Department Order Nos. 3 thru
testing, and certification in the country. From the 3-F, S. 1994 and Department Order No. 13, S.
perspective of this function, the core reason for 1994.33
the existence of state immunity applies – i.e., the
public policy reason that the performance of Admittedly, the certification and classification of
governmental function cannot be hindered or trainees may be undertaken in ways other than
delayed by suits, nor can these suits control the
the issuance of identification cards, as the RTC
use and disposition of the means for the
stated in its assailed Order.34 How the mandated
performance of governmental functions. In
certification is to be done, however, lies within
Providence Washington Insurance Co. v. the discretion of TESDA as an incident of its
Republic of the Philippines,31 we said: mandated function, and is a properly delegated
authority that this Court cannot inquire into,
[A] continued adherence to the doctrine of non- unless its exercise is attended by grave abuse of
suability is not to be deplored for as against the discretion.
inconvenience that may be caused private
parties, the loss of governmental efficiency and That TESDA sells the PVC cards to its trainees
the obstacle to the performance of its
for a fee does not characterize the transaction
multifarious functions are far greater if such a
as industrial or business; the sale, expressly
fundamental principle were abandoned and the
authorized by the TESDA Act,35 cannot be
availability of judicial remedy were not thus
considered separately from TESDA’s general
restricted. With the well known propensity on the governmental functions, as they are undertaken
part of our people to go to court, at the least in the discharge of these functions. Along this
provocation, the loss of time and energy
line of reasoning, we held in Mobil Philippines v.
required to defend against law suits, in the
Customs Arrastre Services:36
absence of such a basic principle that
constitutes such an effective obstacle, could
very well be imagined. Now, the fact that a non-corporate government
entity performs a function proprietary in nature
does not necessarily result in its being suable. If
PROVI argues that TESDA can be sued
said non-governmental function is undertaken as
because it has effectively waived its immunity
an incident to its governmental function, there is
when it entered into a contract with PROVI for a no waiver thereby of the sovereign immunity
commercial purpose. According to PROVI, since from suit extended to such government entity.
the purpose of its contract with TESDA is to
provide identification PVC cards with security
seal which TESDA will thereafter sell to TESDA TESDA’s funds are public in character, hence
trainees, TESDA thereby engages in commercial exempt from attachment or garnishment.
transactions not incidental to its governmental
functions. Even assuming that TESDA entered into a
proprietary contract with PROVI and thereby
TESDA’s response to this position is to point out gave its implied consent to be sued, TESDA’s
that it is not engaged in business, and there is funds are still public in nature and, thus, cannot
nothing in the records to show that its purchase be the valid subject of a writ of garnishment or
of the PVC cards from PROVI is for a business attachment. Under Section 33 of the TESDA Act,
purpose. While TESDA admits that it will charge the TESDA budget for the implementation of the
the trainees with a fee for the PVC cards, it Act shall be included in the annual General
Appropriation Act; hence, TESDA funds, being
sourced from the Treasury, are moneys personnel are sourced. Again and for obvious
belonging to the government, or any of its reasons, the release of these funds cannot be
departments, in the hands of public delayed.
officials.37 We specifically spoke of the limits in
dealing with this fund in Republic v. PROVI has not shown that it is entitled to the
Villasor38 when we said: writ of attachment.

This fundamental postulate underlying the 1935 Even without the benefit of any immunity from
Constitution is now made explicit in the revised suit, the attachment of TESDA funds should not
charter. It is therein expressly provided, ‘The have been granted, as PROVI failed to prove
State may not be sued without its consent.’ A that TESDA "fraudulently misapplied or
corollary, both dictated by logic and sound converted funds allocated under the Certificate
sense, from such a basic concept, is that public as to Availability of Funds." Section 1, Rule 57 of
funds cannot be the object of garnishment the Rules of Court sets forth the grounds for
proceedings even if the consent to be sued had issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment, as
been previously granted and the state liability follows:
adjudged. Thus in the recent case of
Commissioner of Public Highways vs. San SECTION 1. Grounds upon which attachment
Diego, such a well-settled doctrine was restated may issue. – A plaintiff or any proper party may,
in the opinion of Justice Teehankee: at the commencement of the action or at any
time thereafter, have the property of the adverse
The universal rule that where the State gives its party attached as security for the satisfaction of
consent to be sued by private parties either by any judgment that may be recovered in the
general or special law, it may limit claimant's following cases:
action 'only up to the completion of proceedings
anterior to the stage of execution' and that the
(a) In an action for recovery of a
power of the Courts ends when the judgment is
specified amount of money or damages,
rendered, since government funds and
other than moral and exemplary, on a
properties may not be seized under writs of cause of action arising from law,
execution or garnishment to satisfy such contract, quasi-contract, delict or quasi-
judgments, is based on obvious considerations
delict against a party who is about to
of public policy. Disbursements of public funds
depart from the Philippines with intent to
must be covered by the corresponding
defraud his creditors;
appropriation as required by law. The functions
and public services rendered by the State
cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted (b) In an action for money or property
by the diversion of public funds from their embezzled or fraudulently misapplied or
legitimate and specific objects, as appropriated converted to his use by a public officer,
by law. [Emphasis supplied.] or an officer of a corporation, or an
attorney, factor, broker, agent or clerk, in
the course of his employment as such,
We reiterated this doctrine in Traders Royal or by any other person in a fiduciary
Bank v. Intermediate Appellate Court,39 where
capacity, or for a willful violation of duty;
we said:
(c) In an action to recover the
The NMPC’s implied consent to be sued possession of property unjustly or
notwithstanding, the trial court did not have the
fraudulently taken, detained or
power to garnish NMPC deposits to answer for
converted, when the property or any part
any eventual judgment against it. Being public
thereof, has been concealed, removed
funds, the deposits are not within the reach of
or disposed of to prevent its being found
any garnishment or attachment or taken by the applicant or an
proceedings. [Emphasis supplied.] authorized person;

As pointed out by TESDA in its

(d) In an action against a party who has
Memorandum,40 the garnished funds constitute
been guilty of fraud in contracting the
TESDA’s lifeblood – in government parlance, its debt or incurring the obligation upon
MOOE41 – whose withholding via a writ of which the action is brought, or in
attachment, even on a temporary basis, would
concealing or disposing of the property
paralyze TESDA’s functions and services. As
for the taking, detention or conversion of
well, these funds also include TESDA’s Personal
which the action is brought;
Services funds from which salaries of TESDA


(e) In an action against a party who has available for expenditure on account thereof,
removed or disposed of his property, or subject to verification by the auditor concerned.
is about to do so, with intent to defraud The certification signed by the proper accounting
his creditors; official and the auditor who verified it, shall be
attached to and become an integral part of the
(f) In an action against a party who does proposed contract, and the sum so certified shall
not reside and is not found in the not thereafter be available for expenditure for
Philippines, or on whom summons may any other purpose until the obligation of the
be served by publication. [Emphasis government agency concerned under the
supplied.] contract is fully extinguished. [Emphasis
Jurisprudence teaches us that the rule on the
issuance of a writ of attachment must be By law, therefore, the amount stated in the
construed strictly in favor of the defendant. Certification should be intact and remains
Attachment, a harsh remedy, must be issued devoted to its purpose since its original
only on concrete and specific grounds and not appropriation. PROVI can rebut the presumption
on general averments merely quoting the words that necessarily arises from the cited provision
of the pertinent rules.42 Thus, the applicant’s only by evidence to the contrary. No such
affidavit must contain statements clearly evidence has been adduced.
showing that the ground relied upon for the
attachment exists. Section 1 (d), Rule 57 of the Rules of Court
applies where a party is guilty of fraud in
Section 1(b), Rule 57 of the Rules of Court, that contracting a debt or incurring an obligation, or
PROVI relied upon, applies only where money or in concealing or disposing of the property for the
property has been embezzled or converted by a taking, detention or conversion of which the
public officer, an officer of a corporation, or action is brought. In Wee v. Tankiansee,43 we
some other person who took advantage of his held that for a writ of attachment to issue under
fiduciary position or who willfully violated his this Rule, the applicant must sufficiently show
duty. the factual circumstances of the alleged fraud
because fraudulent intent cannot be inferred
from the debtor’s mere non-payment of the debt
PROVI, in this case, never entrusted any money
or failure to comply with his obligation. The
or property to TESDA. While the Contract
affidavit, being the foundation of the writ, must
Agreement is supported by a Certificate as to
contain particulars showing how the imputed
Availability of Funds (Certificate) issued by the
Chief of TESDA’s Accounting Division, this fraud was committed for the court to decide
Certificate does not automatically confer whether or not to issue the writ. To reiterate, a
writ of attachment can only be granted on
ownership over the funds to PROVI. Absent any
concrete and specific grounds and not on
actual disbursement, these funds form part of
general averments merely quoting the words of
TESDA’s public funds, and TESDA’s failure to
the rules.44
pay PROVI the amount stated in the Certificate
cannot be construed as an act of fraudulent
misapplication or embezzlement. In this regard, The affidavit filed by PROVI through Elmer
Section 86 of Presidential Decree No. 1445 (The Ramiro, its President and Chief Executive
Accounting Code) provides: Officer, only contained a general allegation that
TESDA had fraudulent misapplied or converted
Section 86. Certificate showing appropriation to the amount of ₱10,975,000.00 that was allotted
meet contract. – Except in a case of a contract to it. Clearly, we cannot infer any finding of fraud
from PROVI’s vague assertion, and the CA
for personal service, for supplies for current
correctly ruled that the lower court acted with
consumption or to be carried in stock not
grave abuse of discretion in granting the writ of
exceeding the estimated consumption for three
months, or banking transactions of government- attachment despite want of any valid ground for
owned or controlled banks, no contract involving its issuance.1avv phi 1

the expenditure of public funds by any

government agency shall be entered into or For all these reasons, we support the appellate
authorized unless the proper accounting official court’s conclusion that no valid ground exists to
or the agency concerned shall have certified to support the grant of the writ of attachment
the officer entering into the obligation that funds against TESDA. The CA’s annulment and setting
have been duly appropriated for the purpose and aside of the Orders of the RTC were therefore
that the amount necessary to cover the fully in order.
proposed contract for the current fiscal year is


WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby ** Designated additional Member of the
DENY the petition filed by petitioner Professional Second Division effective June 3, 2009
Video, Inc., and AFFIRM the Court of Appeals’ per Special Order No. 658 dated June 3,
Decision dated July 23, 2002, and Resolution of 2009.
September 27, 2002, in CA-G.R. SP No. 67599.
Costs against the petitioner. *** Designated additional Member of the
Second Division effective May 11, 2009
SO ORDERED. per Special Order No. 635 dated May 7,
Associate Justice 1
Petition for review on certiorari under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court; rollo, pp.
WE CONCUR: 8-21.

Dated July 23, 2002, penned by
Associate Justice Associate Justice Eliezer R. De Los
Chairperson Santos, with Acting Presiding Justice
Cancio C. Garcia (retired member of this
Court) and Associate Justice Marina L.
CONSUELO Buzon (retired), concurring; id., pp. 22-
Associate Justice
Associate Justice 3
Dated September 27, 2002; id., pp. 32-
Associate Justice 4
Penned by Judge Mariano M. Singzon,
Jr.; id., pp. 86-87.
Id., pp. 88-89.
I attest that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation 6
R.A. No. 7796, Section 14(b)(1).
before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court’s Division. 7
Rollo, pp. 45-47.
Associate Justice
Id., pp. 51-54.
Id., p. 55.
Id., pp. 56-57.
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Constitution, and the Division Chairperson’s
Id., pp. 86-87.
Attestation, it is hereby certified that the
conclusions in the above Decision were reached 12
Id., pp. 95-108.
in consultation before the case was assigned to
the writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. 13
Order dated September 10, 2001; id.,
p. 120.
Chief Justice 14
Filed on November 15, 2001; id., pp.

Dated July 23, 2002; id., pp. 23-31.

Footnotes In a Resolution dated September 27,


2002; id., p. 33.

* Designated additional Member of the
Second Division per Special Order No. 17
Supra note 6, Section 2.
645 dated May 15, 2009.


Id., Section 5. G.R. No. L-23139, December 17,

1966, 18 SCRA 1120.

Id., Section 8.
Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., p.

Id., Section 14(b). 1229.

Id., Section 22. G.R. No. L-30671, November 28,

1973, 54 SCRA 84.

CONSTITUTION, Article II, Section
18. G.R. No. 68514, December 17, 1990,

192 SCRA 305.

Id., Article XIV, Section 1.
Rollo, pp. 188-202.
Id., Article XIII, Section 3.
Maintenance and Other Operating

See Laguna Lake Development Expenses.
Authority v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
110120, March 16, 1994, 231 SCRA Dy v. Enage, G.R. No. L-3535, March

292; Republic v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 17, 1976, 670 SCRA 96.
No. 90482, August 5, 1991, 200 SCRA
226. G.R. No. 171124, February 13, 2008,

545 SCRA 263.

See Farolan, Jr. v. Court of Tax
Appeals, G.R. No. 42204, January 21, 44
D.P. Lub Oil Marketing Center, Inc. v.
1993, 217 SCRA 298; Pacific Products, Nicolas, G.R. No. 76113, November 16,
Inc. v. Ong, G.R. No. 33777, January 1990, 191 SCRA 423.
30, 1990, 181 SCRA 536.

Metran v. Paredes, 79 Phil. 819

JUSMAG Philippines v. NLRC, G.R.


No. 108813, December 15, 1994, 239

SCRA 224.

Republic v. Sandoval, G.R. No. 84645,
March 19, 1993, 220 SCRA 124,
citing Kawanakoa v. Polyblank, 205 U.S.
349-353, 51 L. Ed. 834 (1907).

Ibid., citing The Siren v. United States,
7 Wall. 152, 19 L. Ed. 129 (1869).

G.R. No. L-26386, September 30,


1969, 29 SCRA 598.

R.A. No. 7796, Section 14(b)(1).

Whereas Clause of Contract
Agreement Project: PVC ID Card
Issuance; rollo, pp. 45-47.

Supra note 4.

See: Section 8 (5) to (10), R.A. No.




FIRST DIVISION In December of 1978, the full ownership
of PNEI was transferred to its creditor,
G.R. No. 120385 October 17, 1996 the National Investment Development
Corporation ("NIDC"), a subsidiary of the
represented by ASSET PRIVATIZATION ("PNB"), following the latter's

TRUST, petitioner, foreclosure of PNEI assets. PNEI was

vs. one among several companies placed
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS under sequestration by the Presidential
COMMISSION, HON. EDUARDO J. CARPIO, Commission on Good Government
and PANTRANCO ASSOCIATION OF ("PCGG") shortly after the historic 1986
CONCERNED EMPLOYEES events in EDSA. Some time in January,
UNION, respondents. 1988, the sequestration order was lifted
to give way to the sale of PNEI by the
APT which, in the meanwhile, had taken
over the management of the
company. The continuing deterioration

of its financial condition prompted PNEI

VITUG, J.:p to lodge, on 07 May 1992, a Petition for
Suspension of Payments with the
Once a judgment becomes final, it is a Securities and Exchange Commission
matter of right for the prevailing party to ("SEC"), a move calculated to prevent
be entitled to a writ of execution, so
further dissipation of PNEI's assets and
described as the fruit and end of the to make PNEI a viable source of income
suit. The decisions of the Labor Arbiters
for the government. The management

and the National Labor Relations committee, which was created to handle
Commission ("NLRC") having gained the business operations of PNEI,
finality, writs of execution and notices of presented a report to the SEC that
garnishment have been issued in (a) recommended, in a move to best serve
NLRC NCR Case No. 00-08-05380- the interest of all parties concerned
(creditors, employees of PNEI and the
ASSOCIATION PTGWO vs. government), the sale of the company
PANTRANCO NORTH EXPRESS INC. through privatization in accordance with
AND ASSET PRIVATIZATION TRUST;" the rules of the APT. As a cost saving
(b) NLRC-NCR Case No. 00-05-03587- measure, the management committee
also recommended to the SEC the
CONCERNED EMPLOYEES UNION vs. retrenchment of some 500 employees of
PANTRANCO NORTH EXPRESS, INC., PNEI. The retrenchment was carried out
ASSET PRIVATIZATION TRUST AND during the months of November and
DEPARTMENT OF December of 1992 and January of 1993.
COMMUNICATION;" and, (c) NLRC The filing of various labor complaints
CASE NO. SUB-RAB-01-12-7-0225- against PNEI was the immediate result.


(A) NLRC NCR Case No. 00-08-05380-
93 was started by PEA-PTGWO on 27
August 1993 in the Arbitration Branch of
The writs of execution and notices of the NLRC-NCR against PNEI and APT
garnishment are now sought to be set for unfair labor practice, for non-
aside by the Republic, represented by payment of 13th month pay, and various
the Asset Privatization Trust ("APT"), in other claims. Summonses were served
the instant special civil action of and received by the respective Legal
prohibition with prayer for the issuance Departments of PNEI and APT. When
of preliminary injunction or temporary the case was called for hearing, only
restraining order. PNEI made an appearance through the
Office of the Government Corporate
Prefatorily, it would be helpful to mention Counsel ("OGCC"). In the subsequent
how APT became involved in these hearings, while APT did not formally
various cases of monetary claims filed enter its appearance, it, however,
by the employees of the Pantranco submitted a position paper with a motion
North Express, Inc. ("PNEI"). to dismiss the case. On 14 February


1994, Labor Arbiter Eduardo Carpio the aliaswrit, Sheriff Atienza served a
rendered a decision holding PNEI and notice of garnishment, dated 16
APT jointly and solidarily liable, viz: November 1994, on the Land Bank of
the Philippines "upon all . . . credits,
WHEREFORE, premises interests, bank deposits . . . belonging to
considered, judgment is hereby respondent Pantranco North Express,
rendered ordering respondents Inc. or the respondent Asset
to jointly and severally pay all Privatization Trust" sufficient to cover

the covered employees the the remaining balance of the judgment

following: award in the sum of P68,947,756.10.
The Land Bank, in turn, responded in
one of its letters to Sheriff Atienza that
1. 13th month pay and
since the funds of APT, a government
P1,000.00 cash gift for the year
1992; owned and controlled agency, were
considered public in nature, they could
not be the subject of garnishment. 13

2. medicine allowance from

1991 to September 1993 when
(B) NLRC-NCR-00-05-03587-93, the
the company ceased its
operations; second labor case, involved a claim for
separation pay, 13th month pay and
other benefits lodged by PACEU against
3. uniform allowance pursuant PNEI, APT and DOTC. The proceedings
to Art. XIII of the CBA; that transpired in NLRC-NCR-00-05-
03587-93 were summarized by Labor
4. separation pay equivalent to Arbiter Paul Aquino in his 21 July 1993
one (1) month for every year of decision; viz:
service, a fraction of six (6)
months to be considered as one It appears on record that this
(1) whole year; and case was initially set for
mandatory conference on June
5. 10% of the total award as 9, 1993. On June 9, 1993,
attorney's fees. 10
record of the case shows that
only the complainant appeared.
No appeal was interposed by either the Respondents appeared on June
PNEI or the APT from the Carpio 18, 1993 but efforts to settle the
decision. PEA-PTGWO in due time filed case failed.
an urgent motion for the issuance of a
writ of execution. Acting on the motion, Complainants on June 29, 1993,
Labor Arbiter Carpio directed the filed their position paper
Research and Information Unit of the together with their individual
NLRC to submit an official computation computation of claims. On June
of PEA-PTGWO's monetary 30, 1993, parties appeared
entitlements. PEA-PTGWO, PNEI and wherein respondents committed
APT were all served with copies of the to file its position paper on July
computation directing them to submit 8, 1993 with understanding that
their respective comments thereon. Only with or without the said position
PEA-PTGWO submitted its paper the case should be
manifestation stating that it was deemed submitted for decision.
agreeable to the computation. On July 8, 1993, complainants
appeared. Respondents on its
A writ of execution, dated 26 May 1994, part did not appear neither did it
was eventually issued by Labor Arbiter file the required position paper,
Carpio. The writ was sought to be it did not even explain the
implemented by Sheriff Juanito Atienza reason of its non-appearance.
but only a partial satisfaction of
judgment could be realized (through the Citing the agreement on June
sale of levied properties of PNEI in the 30, 1993 hearing this Office
sum of P22,300.00). PEA-PTGWO filed
issued an Order on July 13,
an urgent motion for the issuance of 1993, the same states:
an alias writ of execution which was
favorably acted upon. In carrying out
When this case this Order shall
was called for be deemed
hearing on June waiver of rights
30, 1993, to present
respondent evidence
requested that it hence, the
be given until above-entitled
July 8, 1993 case shall be
within which to deemed
submit its submitted for
position paper resolution. No
with the motion for
understanding extension shall
that with or be entertained.
without the said
position paper, SO ORDERED.
the same shall
be deemed
It appeared on record that
submitted for
respondent did not file the
decision. required position paper despite
receipt of the mentioned Order.
This case was
set again for
In consonance therefore with
hearing on July
the Order of July 13, 1993 and
8, 1993 at 2:00 pursuant to par. c, Section 11,
p.m. During the
Rule V New Rules of Procedure
of this Office, this case is now
considered submitted for
together with
decision. 14

appeared while
respondent On 21 July 1993, Labor Arbiter Aquino
failed to appear rendered a decision, the decretal portion
and likewise of which read:
failed to submit
the required WHEREFORE, premises
position paper. considered judgment is hereby
Thus, rendered ordering respondent
complainants Pantranco North Express, Inc.
move for the to pay individual complainants
submission of the following amount as
the above- computed.
entitled case for
decision. In addition, respondent
company is further directed to
ACCORDINGL pay individual complainants the
Y, respondent uniformed amount of P1,000.00
Pantranco representing unpaid gift check
North Express, and uniform allowance in the
Inc. is hereby amount of P5,868.00 for male
ordered to complainants and the amount of
submit its P5,058.00 for female
position paper complainants for the year 1991,
together with 1992 and 1993, with the
supporting exemption of complainant
documents Marciano Cleofas who is not
within five (5) entitled to uniform allowance. In
days from the case of complainants
receipt of this Rogelio Murillo, Oronico
Order. Failure Ponciano, Pereya Francisco,
to comply with Bernardo Santos and Felizardo
Lambino respondent is directed both APT's Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to
to pay each of them the amount Quash and PEA-PTGWO's Motion for
of P6,660.00 for the period Intervention. Only PEA-PTGWO
1991, 1992 and 1993. appealed to the NLRC for the reversal of
the order of the Labor Arbiter.
Respondent is likewise directed
to pay the attorney's fees On 29 November 1994, an order 7 was 1

equivalent to 10% of the total issued by the NLRC affirming the

monetary award of THIRTY appealed order of respondent Arbiter.
NINE MILLION SEVEN The subsequent motion for
HUNDRED THIRTY SIX reconsideration was denied by the
THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NLRC in its 21 June 1995 order which 18

FIFTY NINE PESOS AND became final and executory on 14 July

THIRTEEN CENTAVOS 1995, and thereafter recorded in the
(P39,736,459.13) Book of Entries of Judgment. 19

(C) The complaint in NLRC CASE
NO. SUB-RAB-01-12-7-0225-93 was
Since none of the parties appealed, the initiated by respondent Antonio
aforequoted decision eventually became Cabugao before the Sub-Regional
final and executory. Upon motion, Labor Arbitration Branch of NLRC in Dagupan
Arbiter Aquino issued a writ of execution City against PNEI and APT similarly
commanding the sheriff, as follows: involving claims for separation pay, 13th
month pay and other benefits. Despite
receipt of the summonses, PNEI and
APT failed to file their answers. On 29
hereby commanded to proceed
to the premises of the
1994, a decision was promulgated
respondent Pantranco North
Express, Inc. located at 325 ordering respondent PNEI to pay the
Quezon Blvd. Extension, complainant the total amount of
Quezon City to collect the
amount of P39,736,459.43 and
attorney's fees in the amount of The decision became final and
P3,973,645.91 plus the executory; hence, upon motion, a writ of
execution fee of P40,000.00 as execution was issued by Labor Arbiter

per Manual Instruction for Gambito.

Sheriff in cash and to turn over
the same to this Office for Mention might also be made of the fact
proper disposition. 16
that in addition to the writs issued by the
labor arbiters, PNEI had likewise been
By virtue of the writ, various pieces of sued and adjudged to pay certain
property of PNEI were levied upon and amounts to different judgment
sold at public auction. Meanwhile, APT creditors. Losses incurred by PNEI

filed an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion to continued to mount due to cash-flow

Quash Execution. By then, the proceeds problems and the depletion of the aging
of the sale of some property had fleet of buses which were not replaced.
amounted to P1,200,000.00. The The demands for payment of maturing
amount was deposited with the NLRC and overdue obligations made matters
pending resolution of APT's motion. worse.

PEA-PTGWO filed a Motion for In NLRC Case No. 00-08-05380-93,

Intervention before Labor Arbiter Aquino Sheriff Atienza attempted to satisfy the
claiming interest over the same property judgment against APT funds.
of PNEI because of the union's own Foreseeing that other respondent
monetary claim against the latter. Sheriffs would take similar steps unless
seasonably enjoined, the Republic,
represented by APT, filed the instant
The case was re-raffled to Labor Arbiter
petition. The Court, on 05 July 1995,
Ricardo Nora, following the inhibition of
issued the temporary restraining order
Labor Arbiter Aquino, who issued an
prayed for. 23
order on 19 November 1993 denying
The pivotal issue, in the manner the necessarily mean liability on the part of
Court sees it, is whether or not, given the particular instrumentality or agency
these case settings, APT itself can be of the government; hence —
held liable for the obligations of PNEI.
When the State gives its
The Solicitor-General initially points out consent to be sued, it does not
that APT, being an agency or thereby necessarily consent to
instrumentality of the Republic of the an unrestrained execution
Philippines, is immune from suit. The against it. Tersely put, when the
Court is not persuaded even as it is State waives its immunity, all it
cognizant of the doctrine that "(t)he does, in effect, is to give the
State may not be sued without its other party an opportunity to
consent," for as the Court has so
prove, if it can, that the State
stressed in Department of Agriculture has a liability. In Republic
vs. NLRC, the rule —
vs. Villasor this Court, in
nullifying the issuance of
. . . is not really absolute for it an alias writ of execution
does not say that the state may directed against the funds of the
not be sued under any Armed Forces of the Philippines
circumstance. On the contrary, to satisfy a final and executory
as correctly phrased, the judgment, has explained, thus
doctrine only conveys, "the state —
may not be sued without its
consent;" its clear import then is The universal rule that where
that the State may at times be the State gives its consent to be
sued. The States' consent may sued by private parties either by
be given either expressly or general law or special law, it
impliedly. Express consent may may limit claimant's action "only
be made through a general law up to the completion of
or a special law. In this proceedings anterior to the
jurisdiction, the general law stage of execution" and that the
waiving the immunity of the power of the Courts ends when
state from suit is found in Act the judgment is rendered, since
No. 3083, where the Philippine government funds and
government "consents and properties may not be seized
submits to be sued upon any under writs of execution or
money claim involving liability garnishment to satisfy such
arising from contract, express or judgments, is based on obvious
implied, which could serve as a considerations of public policy.
basis of civil action between Disbursements of public funds
private parties." Implied must be covered by the
consent, on the other hand, is correspondent appropriation as
conceded when the State itself required by law. The functions
commences litigation, thus and public services rendered by
opening itself to a counter-claim, the State cannot be allowed to
or when it enters into a contract. be paralyzed or disrupted by the
(Footnotes omitted) diversion of public funds from
their legitimate and specific
Proclamation No. 50, creating APT
26 objects, as appropriated by
which has been mandated to "take title law. (Footnotes omitted)

to and possession of, conserve,

provisionally manage and dispose of Delving into the other crucial question, it
assets" that have been identified for would be, in our view, a clear and patent
privatization or disposition, 7 clearly
error to construe the decreed joint and
provides that said instrumentality, solidary liability of APT (in NLRC NCR
among other things, can "sue and be Case No. 00-08-05380-93) as extending
sued." This provision indubitably shows
beyond what APT has held in or
that APT can be haled to court. acquired from PNEI. A matter that must
not be overlooked is the fact that the
Nonetheless, we have likewise since inclusion of APT as a respondent in the
explained that suability does not
29 monetary claims against PNEI is merely
the consequence of its being a 7 Rollo, p. 106.
conservator of assets, a role that APT
normally plays in, or the relationship that 8 Rollo, pp. 106-107.
ordinarily it maintains with, corporations
identified for and while under 9 Rollo, p. 77.
privatization. The liability of APT under
this particular arrangement, nothing else
having been shown, should be co- 10 Rollo, p. 114.
extensive with the amount of assets
taken over from the privatized firm. 11 Annexes "17," "18," and "19,"
PNEI's assets obviously remain to be PEA-PTGWO's
subject to execution by judgment Comment, Rollo, pp. 125-127.
creditors of PNEI. Accordingly, the levy
and auction sale of the property of PNEI 12 Rollo, p. 37.
to satisfy the monetary judgment
rendered in favor of PNEI employees 13 Annex "22," PEA-PTGWO's
can be sustained since such assets are Comment, Rollo, p. 130.
to be deemed subject to all valid claims
against PNEI. 31

14 Rollo, pp. 163-165.

WHEREFORE, the petition is
15 Rollo, pp. 167-168.
GRANTED. The notice of garnishment
directed against the funds of APT is
NULLIFIED and the temporary 16 Rollo, p. 39.
restraining order issued by this Court is
made PERMANENT. No costs. 17 Annex "A," PACEU's
Comment, Rollo, p. 218; Annex
SO ORDERED. "B," Ricardo Nora's
Comment, Rollo, pp. 169-174.
Padilla, Bellosillo, Kapunan and Hermosisima,
Jr., JJ., concur. 18 Annex "B," PACEU's
Comment, Rollo, pp. 219-220.
19 Annex "C," Ibid., p. 221.
1 Abbott vs. NLRC, 145 SCRA
206; Balintawak Construction 20 Rollo, pp. 46-47.
Supply Corporation vs.
Valenzuela, 124 SCRA 331; 21 "WHEREAS,
Gonzales vs. Sayo, 122 SCRA respondent PNEI did
607; Clemente-De Guzman vs. not appeal the decision,
Reyes, 114 SCRA 596; thus, it has become final
Republic vs. Reyes, 71 SCRA and executory;
450; Carreon vs. Buissan, 70
SCRA 57. "WHEREAS, the
monetary award as
2 Garcia vs. Echiverri, 132 computed by this Office
SCRA 631. has not been paid.

3 Annexes "A," and "B," "NOW THEREFORE, in

Petition, Rollo, pp. 34-37. the name of the
Republic of the
4 Annexes "C," "C-1," and "D," Philippines, you are
Petition, Rollo, pp. 38-45. hereby commanded to
collect from the
respondent PNEI at
5 Annexes "E," and "F,"
Dagupan City or in
Petition, Rollo, pp. 46-49.
Quezon City, the total of
P208,954.60 as
6 Rollo, p. 106. computed by this Office,
and if you fail to collect
the said amount, you 24 Article XVI, Section 3 of the
are ordered to garnish Constitution.
the monetary deposits
of the respondent, if 25 227 SCRA 693.
any, from any of the
banks in Dagupan City
26 Entitled, "Proclaiming And
or Quezon City, and/or
Launching A Program For The
seize the goods or Expeditious Disposition And
chattels of the Privatization Of Certain
respondent, except
Government Corporations
those exempted by law,
And/Or The Assets Thereof,
and sell the same in the
And Creating The Committee
manner provided for by
On Privatization And The Asset
law for the satisfaction Privatization Trust"
of the judgment." (Rollo,
p. 47.)
27 Section 9, Article III,
Proclamation No. 50.
22 1. NLRC Case No. 00-05-
02570-90, "Pantranco
Association of Concerned 28 Section 12 (7), Article III,
Employees vs. Pantranco North Proclamation No. 50.
Express, Inc.," for
P23,192,706.85; 29 Supra., note 25.

2. NLRC NCR Case No. 30 At pp. 701-702.

6-2863-83, "Pantranco
Employees Association- 31 Republic of the Philippines,
PTGWO vs. PNEI," for represented by Asset
P146,331,303.83; Privatization Trust vs. National
Labor Relations Commission,
3. Civil Case No. 93- 244 SCRA 564; see also North
66675, "RR Metal Davao Mining Corporation and
Casting and Asset Privatization Trust vs.
Fabrication, Inc. vs. National Labor Relations
PNEI," for P473,614.77; Commission, et al., G.R. No.
112546, 13 March 1996.
4. Civil Case No. Q-
34044, "Rodolfo Jacela
vs. PNEI," for

5. Civil Case No. 93-

66642, "Quezon
Bearing and Parts Corp.
vs. PNEI," for

6. Civil Case No. 92-

59723, "Fordson Parts
Supply, Inc. vs. PNEI,"
for P22,545,159.27; and

7. Civil Case No. Q-93-

16971, "Uy Sun Huat
vs. PNEI," for

23 Rollo, pp. 58-59.


SECOND DIVISION findings regarding their products
(e.g. substandard, fake, or misbranded) or
G.R. No. 182358 February 20, 2013 violations committed by them during their
SECRETARY OF HEALTH, and MA. In line with Memorandum No. 171-C, the DOH,
MARGARITA M. GALON, Petitioners, through former Undersecretary Ma. Margarita M.
vs. Galon (Galon), issued Memorandum No. 209
PHIL PHARMA WEALTH, INC., Respondent. series of 2000,10 inviting representatives of 24
accredited drug companies, including herein
respondent Phil Pharmawealth, Inc. (PPI) to a
meeting on October 27, 2000. During the
meeting, Undersecretary Galon handed them
DEL CASTILLO, J.: copies of a document entitled "Report on
Violative Products"11 issued by the Bureau of
The state may not be sued without its consent. Food and Drugs12 (BFAD), which detailed
Likewise, public officials may not be sued for violations or adverse findings relative to these
acts done in the perfom1ance of their official accredited drug companies’ products.
functions or within the scope of their authority. Specifically, the BFAD found that PPI’s products
which were being sold to the public were unfit for
This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the human consumption.
October 25, 2007 Decision2 of the Court of
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 85670, and its During the October 27, 2000 meeting, the 24
March 31, 2008 Reso1ution3 denying petitioners' drug companies were directed to submit within
Motion for Reconsideration.4 10 days, or until November 6, 2000, their
respective explanations on the adverse findings
Factual Antecedents covering their respective products contained in
the Report on Violative Products.
On December 22, 1998, Administrative Order
(AO) No. 27 series of 19985 was issued by then Instead of submitting its written explanation
Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Alfredo within the 10-day period as required, PPI
G. Romualdez (Romualdez). AO 27 set the belatedly sent a letter13 dated November 13,
guidelines and procedure for accreditation of 2000 addressed to Undersecretary Galon,
government suppliers of pharmaceutical informing her that PPI has referred the Report
products for sale or distribution to the public, on Violative Products to its lawyers with
such accreditation to be valid for three years but instructions to prepare the corresponding reply.
subject to annual review. However, PPI did not indicate when its reply
would be submitted; nor did it seek an extension
On January 25, 2000, Secretary Romualdez of the 10-day period, which had previously
issued AO 10 series of 20006 which amended expired on November 6, 2000, much less offer
AO 27. Under Section VII7 of AO 10, the any explanation for its failure to timely submit its
accreditation period for government suppliers of reply. PPI’s November 13, 2000 letter states:
pharmaceutical products was reduced to two
years. Moreover, such accreditation may be Madam,
recalled, suspended or revoked after due
deliberation and proper notice by the DOH This refers to your directive on 27 October 2000,
Accreditation Committee, through its Chairman. on the occasion of the meeting with selected
accredited suppliers, during which you made
Section VII of AO 10 was later amended by AO known to the attendees of your requirement for
66 series of 2000,8 which provided that the two- them to submit their individual comments on the
year accreditation period may be recalled, Report on Violative Products (the "Report")
suspended or revoked only after due compiled by your office and disseminated on
deliberation, hearing and notice by the DOH that date.
Accreditation Committee, through its Chairman.
In this connection, we inform you that we have
On August 28, 2000, the DOH issued already instructed our lawyers to prepare on our
Memorandum No. 171-C9 which provided for a behalf the appropriate reply to the Report
list and category of sanctions to be imposed on furnished to us. Our lawyers in time shall revert
accredited government suppliers of to you and furnish you the said reply.
pharmaceutical products in case of adverse
Please be guided accordingly. adulterated, misbranded, or not registered, he
shall cause notice thereof to be given to the
Very truly yours, person or persons concerned and such person
or persons shall be given an opportunity to be
heard before the Bureau and to submit evidence
impeaching the correctness of the finding or
charge in question.
Vice-President for Legal and Administrative
For what it claims was an undue suspension of
its accreditation, PPI prayed that AO 10,
Memorandum No. 171-C, Undersecretary
In a letter-reply15 dated November 23, 2000 Galon’s suspension order contained in her
Undersecretary Galon found "untenable" PPI’s November 23, 2000 letter, and AO 14 be
November 13, 2000 letter and therein informed declared null and void, and that it be awarded
PPI that, effective immediately, its accreditation moral damages of ₱5 million, exemplary
has been suspended for two years pursuant to damages of ₱1 million, attorney’s fees of ₱1
AO 10 and Memorandum No. 171-C. million, and costs of suit. PPI likewise prayed for
the issuance of temporary and permanent
In another December 14, 2000 letter16 addressed injunctive relief.
to Undersecretary Galon, PPI through counsel
questioned the suspension of its accreditation, In their Amended Answer,22 the DOH, former
saying that the same was made pursuant to Secretary Romualdez, then Secretary Dayrit,
Section VII of AO 10 which it claimed was and Undersecretary Galon sought the dismissal
patently illegal and null and void because it of the Complaint, stressing that PPI’s
arrogated unto the DOH Accreditation accreditation was suspended because most of
Committee powers and functions which were the drugs it was importing and distributing/selling
granted to the BFAD under Republic Act (RA) to the public were found by the BFAD to be
No. 372017 and Executive Order (EO) No. substandard for human consumption. They
175.18 PPI added that its accreditation was added that the DOH is primarily responsible for
suspended without the benefit of notice and the formulation, planning, implementation, and
hearing, in violation of its right to substantive and coordination of policies and programs in the field
administrative due process. It thus demanded of health; it is vested with the comprehensive
that the DOH desist from implementing the power to make essential health services and
suspension of its accreditation, under pain of goods available to the people, including
legal redress. accreditation of drug suppliers and regulation of
importation and distribution of basic medicines
On December 28, 2000, PPI filed before the for the public.
Regional Trial Court of Pasig City a
Complaint19 seeking to declare null and void Petitioners added that, contrary to PPI’s claim, it
certain DOH administrative issuances, with was given the opportunity to present its side
prayer for damages and injunction against the within the 10-day period or until November 6,
DOH, former Secretary Romualdez and DOH 2000, but it failed to submit the required
Undersecretary Galon. Docketed as Civil Case comment/reply. Instead, it belatedly submitted a
No. 68200, the case was raffled to Branch 160. November 13, 2000 letter which did not even
On February 8, 2002, PPI filed an Amended and constitute a reply, as it merely informed
Supplemental Complaint,20 this time impleading petitioners that the matter had been referred by
DOH Secretary Manuel Dayrit (Dayrit). PPI PPI to its lawyer. Petitioners argued that due
claimed that AO 10, Memorandum No. 171-C, process was afforded PPI, but because it did not
Undersecretary Galon’s suspension order timely avail of the opportunity to explain its side,
contained in her November 23, 2000 letter, and the DOH had to act immediately – by
AO 14 series of 200121 are null and void for suspending PPI’s accreditation – to stop the
being in contravention of Section 26(d) of RA distribution and sale of substandard drug
3720 as amended by EO 175, which states as products which posed a serious health risk to the
follows: public. By exercising DOH’s mandate to promote
health, it cannot be said that petitioners
SEC. 26. x x x committed grave abuse of discretion.

(d) When it appears to the Director [of the BFAD] In a January 8, 2001 Order,23 the trial court
that the report of the Bureau that any article of partially granted PPI’s prayer for a temporary
food or any drug, device, or cosmetic secured restraining order, but only covering PPI’s
pursuant to Section twenty-eight of this Act is products which were not included in the list of
violative products or drugs as found by the The CA further held that instead of dismissing
BFAD. the case, the trial court should have deferred the
hearing and resolution of the motion to dismiss
In a Manifestation and Motion24 dated July 8, and proceeded to trial. It added that it was
2003, petitioners moved for the dismissal of Civil apparent from the Complaint that petitioners
Case No. 68200, claiming that the case was one were being sued in their private and personal
against the State; that the Complaint was capacities for acts done beyond the scope of
improperly verified; and lack of authority of the their official functions. Thus, the issue of whether
corporate officer to commence the suit, as the the suit is against the State could best be
requisite resolution of PPI’s board of directors threshed out during trial on the merits, rather
granting to the commencing officer – PPI’s Vice than in proceedings covering a motion to
President for Legal and Administrative Affairs, dismiss.
Alan Alambra, – the authority to file Civil Case
No. 68200 was lacking. To this, PPI filed its The dispositive portion of the CA Decision reads:
WHEREFORE, the appeal is hereby GRANTED.
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court The Order dated June 14, 2004 of the Regional
Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 160, is
In a June 14, 2004 Order,26 the trial court hereby REVERSED and SET-
dismissed Civil Case No. 68200, declaring the ASIDE. ACCORDINGLY, this case is
case to be one instituted against the State, in REMANDED to the trial court for further
which case the principle of state immunity from proceedings.
suit is applicable.
PPI moved for reconsideration,27 but the trial
court remained steadfast.28 Petitioners sought, but failed, to obtain a
reconsideration of the Decision. Hence, they
PPI appealed to the CA. filed the present Petition.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals Issue

Docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 85670, PPI’s Petitioners now raise the following lone issue for
appeal centered on the issue of whether it was the Court’s resolution:
proper for the trial court to dismiss Civil Case
No. 68200. Should Civil Case No. 68200 be dismissed for
being a suit against the State?31
The CA, in the herein assailed
Decision,29 reversed the trial court ruling and Petitioners’ Arguments
ordered the remand of the case for the conduct
of further proceedings. The CA concluded that it Petitioners submit that because PPI’s Complaint
was premature for the trial court to have prays for the award of damages against the
dismissed the Complaint. Examining the DOH, Civil Case No. 68200 should be
Complaint, the CA found that a cause of action considered a suit against the State, for it would
was sufficiently alleged – that due to defendants’ require the appropriation of the needed amount
(petitioners’) acts which were beyond the scope to satisfy PPI’s claim, should it win the case.
of their authority, PPI’s accreditation as a Since the State did not give its consent to be
government supplier of pharmaceutical products sued, Civil Case No. 68200 must be dismissed.
was suspended without the required notice and They add that in issuing and implementing the
hearing as required by Section 26(d) of RA 3720 questioned issuances, individual petitioners
as amended by EO 175. Moreover, the CA held acted officially and within their authority, for
that by filing a motion to dismiss, petitioners which reason they should not be held to account
were deemed to have hypothetically admitted individually.
the allegations in the Complaint – which state
that petitioners were being sued in their
Respondent’s Arguments
individual and personal capacities – thus
negating their claim that Civil Case No. 68200 is
an unauthorized suit against the State. Apart from echoing the pronouncement of the
CA, respondent insists that Civil Case No. 68200
is a suit against the petitioners in their personal


capacity for acts committed outside the scope of without qualification. Not all contracts entered
their authority. into by the government operate as a waiver of its
non-suability; distinction must still be made
Our Ruling between one which is executed in the exercise
of its sovereign function and another which is
done in its proprietary capacity.33
The Petition is granted.

The doctrine of non-suability. As a general rule, a state may not be sued.

However, if it consents, either expressly or
impliedly, then it may be the subject of a
The discussion of this Court in Department of suit.34 There is express consent when a law,
Agriculture v. National Labor Relations either special or general, so provides. On the
Commission32 on the doctrine of non-suability is other hand, there is implied consent when the
enlightening. state "enters into a contract or it itself
commences litigation."35 However, it must be
The basic postulate enshrined in the constitution clarified that when a state enters into a contract,
that ‘(t)he State may not be sued without its it does not automatically mean that it has waived
consent,’ reflects nothing less than a recognition its non-suability. 36 The State "will be deemed to
of the sovereign character of the State and an have impliedly waived its non-suability [only] if it
express affirmation of the unwritten rule has entered into a contract in its proprietary or
effectively insulating it from the jurisdiction of private capacity. [However,] when the contract
courts. It is based on the very essence of involves its sovereign or governmental
sovereignty. x x x [A] sovereign is exempt from capacity[,] x x x no such waiver may be
suit, not because of any formal conception or implied."37 "Statutory provisions waiving [s]tate
obsolete theory, but on the logical and practical immunity are construed in strictissimi juris. For,
ground that there can be no legal right as waiver of immunity is in derogation of
against the authority that makes the law on sovereignty."38
which the right depends. True, the doctrine, not
too infrequently, is derisively called ‘the royal The DOH can validly invoke state immunity.
prerogative of dishonesty’ because it grants the
state the prerogative to defeat any legitimate
a) DOH is an unincorporated agency which
claim against it by simply invoking its
performs sovereign or governmental
nonsuability. We have had occasion to explain in
its defense, however, that a continued
adherence to the doctrine of non-suability cannot
be deplored, for the loss of governmental In this case, the DOH, being an "unincorporated
efficiency and the obstacle to the performance of agency of the government"39 can validly invoke
its multifarious functions would be far greater in the defense of immunity from suit because it has
severity than the inconvenience that may be not consented, either expressly or impliedly, to
caused private parties, if such fundamental be sued. Significantly, the DOH is an
principle is to be abandoned and the availability unincorporated agency which performs functions
of judicial remedy is not to be accordingly of governmental character.
The ruling in Air Transportation Office v.
The rule, in any case, is not really absolute for it Ramos40 is relevant, viz:
does not say that the state may not be sued
under any circumstance. On the contrary, as An unincorporated government agency without
correctly phrased, the doctrine only conveys, any separate juridical personality of its own
‘the state may not be sued without its consent;’ enjoys immunity from suit because it is invested
its clear import then is that the State may at with an inherent power of sovereignty.
times be sued. The State’s consent may be Accordingly, a claim for damages against the
given either expressly or impliedly. Express agency cannot prosper; otherwise, the doctrine
consent may be made through a general law or of sovereign immunity is violated. However, the
a special law. x x x Implied consent, on the other need to distinguish between an unincorporated
hand, is conceded when the State itself government agency performing governmental
commences litigation, thus opening itself to a function and one performing proprietary
counterclaim or when it enters into a contract. In functions has arisen. The immunity has been
this situation, the government is deemed to have upheld in favor of the former because its function
descended to the level of the other contracting is governmental or incidental to such function; it
party and to have divested itself of its sovereign has not been upheld in favor of the latter whose
immunity. This rule, x x x is not, however, function was not in pursuit of a necessary
function of government but was essentially a It is beyond doubt that the acts imputed against
business.41 Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit, as well as
Undersecretary Galon, were done while in the
b) The Complaint seeks to hold the DOH performance and discharge of their official
solidarily and jointly liable with the other functions or in their official capacities, and not in
defendants for damages which constitutes a their personal or individual capacities.
charge or financial liability against the state. Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit were being
charged with the issuance of the assailed
Moreover, it is settled that if a Complaint seeks orders. On the other hand, Undersecretary
Galon was being charged with implementing the
to "impose a charge or financial liability against
assailed issuances. By no stretch of imagination
the state,"42 the defense of non-suability may be
could the same be categorized as ultra
properly invoked. In this case, PPI specifically
vires simply because the said acts are well
prayed, in its Complaint and Amended and
Supplemental Complaint, for the DOH, together within the scope of their authority. Section 4 of
with Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit as well RA 3720 specifically provides that the BFAD is
an office under the Office of the Health
as Undersecretary Galon, to be held jointly and
Secretary. Also, the Health Secretary is
severally liable for moral damages, exemplary
authorized to issue rules and regulations as may
damages, attorney’s fees and costs of
be necessary to effectively enforce the
suit.43 Undoubtedly, in the event that PPI
succeeds in its suit, the government or the state provisions of RA 3720.48 As regards
through the DOH would become vulnerable to Undersecretary Galon, she is authorized by law
to supervise the offices under the DOH’s
an imposition or financial charge in the form of
authority,49 such as the BFAD. Moreover, there
damages. This would require an appropriation
was also no showing of bad faith on their part.
from the national treasury which is precisely the
situation which the doctrine of state immunity The assailed issuances were not directed only
aims to protect the state from. against PPI. The suspension of PPI’s
accreditation only came about after it failed to
submit its comment as directed by
The mantle of non-suability extends to Undersecretary Galon. It is also beyond dispute
complaints filed against public officials for that if found wanting, a financial charge will be
acts done in the performance of their official imposed upon them which will require an
functions. appropriation from the state of the needed
amount. Thus, based on the foregoing
As regards the other petitioners, to wit, considerations, the Complaint against them
Secretaries Romualdez and Dayrit, and should likewise be dismissed for being a suit
Undersecretary Galon, it must be stressed that against the state which absolutely did not give its
the doctrine of state immunity extends its consent to be sued. Based on the foregoing
protective mantle also to complaints filed against considerations, and regardless of the merits of
state officials for acts done in the discharge and PPI’s case, this case deserves a dismissal.
performance of their duties.44 "The suability of a Evidently, the very foundation of Civil Case No.
government official depends on whether the 68200 has crumbled at this initial juncture.
official concerned was acting within his official or
jurisdictional capacity, and whether the acts PPI was not denied due process.
done in the performance of official functions will
result in a charge or financial liability against the
However, we cannot end without a discussion of
government."45 Otherwise stated, "public officials
can be held personally accountable for acts PPI’s contention that it was denied due process
claimed to have been performed in connection when its accreditation was suspended "without
with official duties where they have acted ultra due notice and hearing." It is undisputed that
vires or where there is showing of bad during the October 27, 2000 meeting,
Undersecretary Galon directed representatives
faith."46 Moreover, "[t]he rule is that if the
of pharmaceutical companies, PPI included, to
judgment against such officials will require the
state itself to perform an affirmative act to satisfy submit their comment and/or reactions to the
the same, such as the appropriation of the Report on Violative Products furnished them
within a period of 10 days. PPI, instead of
amount needed to pay the damages awarded
submitting its comment or explanation, wrote a
against them, the suit must be regarded as
letter addressed to Undersecretary Galon
against the state x x x. In such a situation, the
informing her that the matter had already been
state may move to dismiss the [C]omplaint on
the ground that it has been filed without its referred to its lawyer for the drafting of an
consent." 47 appropriate reply. Aside from the fact that the
said letter was belatedly submitted, it also failed
to specifically mention when such reply would be
forthcoming. Finding the foregoing explanation MARIANO C. DEL CASTILLO
to be unmeritorious, Undersecretary Galon Associate Justice
ordered the suspension of PPI’s accreditation for
two years. Clearly these facts show that PPI was WE CONCUR:
not denied due process. It was given the
opportunity to explain its side. Prior to the ANTONIO T. CARPIO
suspension of its accreditation, PPI had the
Associate Justice
chance to rebut, explain, or comment on the Chairperson
findings contained in the Report on Violative
Products that several of PPI’s products are not
fit for human consumption. However, PPI DIOSDADO M.
squandered its opportunity to explain. Instead of PERALTA*
Associate Justice
complying with the directive of the DOH Associate Justice
Undersecretary within the time allotted, it instead
haughtily informed Undersecretary Galon that JOSE PORTUGAL PEREZ
the matter had been referred to its lawyers. Associate Justice
Worse, it impliedly told Undersecretary Galon to
just wait until its lawyers shall have prepared the
appropriate reply. PPI however failed to mention
when it will submit its "appropriate reply" or how
long Undersecretary Galon should wait. In the I attest that the conclusions in the above
meantime, PPI’s drugs which are included in the Decision had been reached in consultation
Report on Violative Products are out and being before the case was assigned to the writer of the
sold in the market. Based on the foregoing, we opinion of the Court's Division.
find PPI’s contention of denial of due process
totally unfair and absolutely lacking in basis. At ANTONIO T. CARPIO
this juncture, it would be trite to mention that Associate Justice
"[t]he essence of due process in administrative Chairperson
proceedings is the opportunity to explain one’s
side or seek a reconsideration of the action or CERTIFICATION
ruling complained of. As long as the parties are
given the opportunity to be heard before Pursuant to Section 13, Article VII of the
judgment is rendered, the demands of due Constitution and the Division Chairperson's
process are sufficiently met. What is offensive to Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the
due process is the denial of the opportunity to be above Decision had been reached in
heard. The Court has repeatedly stressed that consultation before the case was assigned to the
parties who chose not to avail themselves of the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.
opportunity to answer charges against them
cannot complain of a denial of due process."50
Chief Justice
Incidentally, we find it inieresting that in the
earlier case of Department q( Health v. Phil
Pharmawealth, Inc. 51respondent filed a
Complaint against DOH anchored on the same
issuances which it assails in the present case. In
the earlier case of Department of Health v. Phil Footnotes
Pharmawealth, Jnc., 52 PPI submitted to the
DOH a request for the inclusion of its products in * Per Raffle dated February 4, 2013.
the list of accredited drugs as required by AO 27
series of 1998 which was later amended by AO 1
Rollo, pp. 27-44.
10 series of 2000. In the instant case, however,
PPI interestingly claims that these issuances are 2
Id. at 7-21; penned by Associate
null and void. Justice Monina Arevalo-Zenarosa and
concurred in by Presiding Justice
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Conrado M. Vasquez, Jr. and Associate
Petition is GRANTED. Civil Case No. 68200 is Justice Edgardo F. Sundiam.
ordered DISMISSED.
Id. at 22-23.
CA rolla, pp. 156-164.


Records, pp. 16-17. Committee the power to suspend or
revoke a supplier’s accreditation after
Id. at 19-25. deliberation and notice, and without
need of a hearing.
Id. at 24.
Id. at 489-505.
Id. at 26.
Id. at 124.
Id. at 111.
Id. at 500-513.
Id. at 27.
Id. at 532-541.
Id. at 28-40.
Id. at 555-561; penned by Judge

Per Republic Act No. 9711 or the Food

12 Amelia A. Fabros.
and Drug Administration (FDA) Act of
2009 which was signed by the President
Id. at 562-569.
on August 18, 2009, the Bureau of Food
and Drugs (BFAD) was renamed and is 28
See Order dated April 19, 2005, id. at
now called the Food and Drug 593.
Administration (FDA).
Rollo, pp. 7-21.
Records, p. 41.
Id. at 21. Emphases in the original.
Id. at 730.
Id. at 42.
G.R. No. 104269, November 11, 1993,

Id. at 43-44. 227 SCRA 693.

Id. at 698-699. Citations omitted.
June 22, 1963.
United States of America v. Judge


Guinto, 261 Phil. 777, 790 (1990).
Id. at 792.
Id. at 793.
Id. at 795.
Equitable Insurance and Casualty Co.,
AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER Inc. v. Smith, Bell & Co. (Phils.), Inc.,
PURPOSES. May 22, 1987. 127 Phil. 547, 549 (1967).

Records, pp. 2-15. 39
Department of Health v. Phil
Pharmawealth, Inc., 547 Phil. 148, 154
Id. at 400-424. (2007).

Id. at 454-457. Administrative Order G.R. No. 159402, February 23, 2011,

No. 14 was a later issuance by DOH 644 SCRA 36.

Secretary Dayrit which was
subsequently included in PPI’s amended 41
Id. at 42-43. Citations omitted.
and supplemental complaint as one of
the issuances sought to be nullified. It Department of Health v. Phil

provided for new accreditation Pharmawealth, Inc., supra at 154.

guidelines and granted the Accreditation
See Complaint, pp. 12-13, records, pp. 52
13-14; Amended and Supplemental
Complaint, p. 13, records, p. 422.

United States of America v. Judge


Guinto, supra note 34 at 791.

Department of Health v. Phil
Pharmawealth, Inc., supra note 39 at

M. H. Wylie v. Rarang, G.R. No.
74135, May 28, 1992, 209 SCRA 357,
368. Citation omitted. See also United
States of America v. Reyes, G.R. No.
79253, March 1, 1993, 219 SCRA 192,
209 where the Court held:

x x x The doctrine of immunity

from suit will not apply and may
not be invoked where the public
official is being sued in his
private and personal capacity as
an ordinary citizen. The cloak of
protection afforded the officers
and agents of the government is
removed the moment they are
sued in their individual capacity.
This situation usually arises
where the public official acts
without authority or in excess of
the powers vested in him. It is a
well-settled principle of law that
a public official may be liable in
his personal private capacity for
whatever damage he may have
caused by his act done with
malice and in bad faith, or
beyond the scope of his
authority or jurisdiction.
(Citations omitted)

United States of America v. Judge
Guinto, supra note 34 at 791-792. See
also Department of Health v. Phil
Pharmawealth, Inc., supra note 39 at

See Section 26, Republic Act No.



See Section 12, Chapter 3, Title IX,


Book IV, Administrative Code of 1987.

Flores v. Montemavor, Ci.R. No.
170146. llll''~ 1' .. 20 i i, 651 SCEA 396,
406-407. Citations omitted



SECOND DIVISION Constancio Abuganda and Pio Gabon, the
drivers of the vehicles, failed to present
G.R. No. 115634. April 27, 2000 proper documents and/or licenses. Thus,
the apprehending team seized and
FELIPE CALUB and RICARDO impounded the vehicles and its load of
VALENCIA, DEPARTMENT of lumber at the DENR-PENR (Department of
ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL Environment and Natural Resources-
RESOURCES (DENR), CATBALOGAN, Provincial Environment and Natural
SAMAR, Petitioners, v. COURT OF Resources) Office in Catbalogan..4 Seizure
APPEALS, MANUELA T. BABALCON, receipts were issued but the drivers
and CONSTANCIO refused to accept the receipts..5 Felipe
ABUGANDA, Respondents. Calub, Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Officer, then filed before the
Provincial Prosecutors Office in Samar, a
criminal complaint against Abuganda, in
Criminal Case No. 3795, for violation of
QUISUMBING, J.: Section 68 [78), Presidential Decree 705
as amended by Executive Order 277,
For review is the decision.1 dated May 27, otherwise known as the Revised Forestry
1994, of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. Code.6c räläwvi rtua lib räry

SP No. 29191, denying the petition filed

by herein petitioners for certiorari, On January 31, 1992, the impounded
prohibition and mandamus, in order to vehicles were forcibly taken by Gabon and
annul the Order dated May 27, 1992, by Abuganda from the custody of the DENR,
the Regional Trial Court of Catbalogan, prompting DENR Officer Calub this time to
Samar. Said Order had denied petitioners file a criminal complaint for grave coercion
(a) Motion to Dismiss the replevin case against Gabon and Abuganda. The
filed by herein private respondents, as complaint was, however, dismissed by the
well as (b) petitioners Motion for Public Prosecutor..7
Reconsideration of the Order of said trial
crä läwvirtuali brä ry

court dated April 24, 1992, granting an

On February 11, 1992, one of the two
application for a Writ of replevin..2
vehicles, with plate number FCN 143, was
cräläwvi rtua lib räry

again apprehended by a composite team

The pertinent facts of the case, borne by of DENR-CENR in Catbalogan and
the records, are as follows: Philippine Army elements of the 802nd
Infantry Brigade at Barangay Buray,
On January 28, 1992, the Forest Paranas, Samar. It was again loaded with
Protection and Law Enforcement Team of forest products with an equivalent volume
the Community Environment and Natural of 1,005.47 board feet, valued at
Resources Office (CENRO) of the DENR P10,054.70. Calub duly filed a criminal
apprehended two (2) motor vehicles, complaint against Constancio Abuganda, a
described as follows: certain Abegonia, and several John Does,
in Criminal Case No. 3625, for violation of
"1. Motor Vehicle with Plate No. HAK-733 Section 68 [78], Presidential Decree 705
loaded with one thousand and twenty six as amended by Executive Order 277,
(1,026) board feet of illegally sourced otherwise known as the Revised Forestry
lumber valued at P8,544.75, being driven Code..8 c räläwvi rtual ibrä ry

by one Pio Gabon and owned by [a

certain] Jose Vargas. In Criminal Cases Nos. 3795 and 3625,
however, Abegonia and Abuganda were
2. Motor Vehicle with Plate No. FCN-143 acquitted on the ground of reasonable
loaded with one thousand two hundred doubt. But note the trial court ordered
twenty four and ninety seven (1,224.97) that a copy of the decision be furnished
board feet of illegally-sourced lumber the Secretary of Justice, in order that the
valued at P9,187.27, being driven by one necessary criminal action may be filed
Constancio Abuganda and owned by [a against Noe Pagarao and all other persons
certain] Manuela Babalcon. ".3crä läwvirt ualib rä ry
responsible for violation of the Revised
Forestry Code. For it appeared that it was
Pagarao who chartered the subject vehicle that matter, added the appellate court.
and ordered that cut timber be loaded on The DENR Administrative Order No. 59,
cräläwvirt ualib räry series of 1990, is one such regulation, the
appellate court said. For it prescribes the
Subsequently, herein private respondents guidelines in the confiscation, forfeiture
Manuela Babalcon, the vehicle owner, and and disposition of conveyances used in the
Constancio Abuganda, the driver, filed a commission of offenses penalized under
complaint for the recovery of possession Section 68 [78] of P.D. No. 705 as
of the two (2) impounded vehicles with an amended by E.O. No. 277..14 c räläwvi rtua lib räry

application for replevin against herein

petitioners before the RTC of Catbalogan. Additionally, respondent Court of Appeals
The trial court granted the application for noted that the petitioners failed to observe
replevin and issued the corresponding writ the procedure outlined in DENR
in an Order dated April 24, Administrative Order No. 59, series of
1992..10 Petitioners filed a motion to 1990. They were unable to submit a
dismiss which was denied by the trial report of the seizure to the DENR
court.11 crä läwvirt ualib rä ry Secretary, to give a written notice to the
owner of the vehicle, and to render a
Thus, on June 15, 1992, petitioners filed report of their findings and
with the Supreme Court the present recommendations to the Secretary.
Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition Moreover, petitioners failure to comply
and Mandamus with application for with the procedure laid down by DENR
Preliminary Injunction and/or a Temporary Administrative Order No. 59, series of
Restraining Order. The Court issued a 1990, was confirmed by the admission of
TRO, enjoining respondent RTC judge petitioners counsel that no confiscation
from conducting further proceedings in the order has been issued prior to the seizure
civil case for replevin; and enjoining of the vehicle and the filing of the replevin
private respondents from taking or suit. Therefore, in failing to follow such
attempting to take the motor vehicles and procedure, according to the appellate
forest products seized from the custody of court, the subject vehicles could not be
the petitioners. The Court further considered in custodia legis..15 c räläwvirtual ibrä ry

instructed the petitioners to see to it that

the motor vehicles and other forest Respondent Court of Appeals also found
products seized are kept in a secured no merit in petitioners claim that private
place and protected from deterioration, respondents complaint for replevin is a
said property being in custodia legis and suit against the State. Accordingly,
subject to the direct order of the Supreme petitioners could not shield themselves
Court..12 In a Resolution issued on under the principle of state immunity as
September 28, 1992, the Court referred the property sought to be recovered in the
said petition to respondent appellate court instant suit had not yet been lawfully
for appropriate disposition..13 cräläwvi rt ualib räry adjudged forfeited in favor of the
government. Moreover, according to
On May 27, 1994, the Court of Appeals respondent appellate court, there could be
denied said petition for lack of merit. It no pecuniary liability nor loss of property
ruled that the mere seizure of a motor that could ensue against the government.
vehicle pursuant to the authority granted It reasoned that a suit against a public
by Section 68 [78] of P.D. No. 705 as officer who acted illegally or beyond the
amended by E.O. No. 277 does not scope of his authority could not be
automatically place said conveyance considered a suit against the State; and
in custodia legis. According to the that a public officer might be sued for
appellate court, such authority of the illegally seizing or withholding the
Department Head of the DENR or his duly possession of the property of another..16 cräläwv irt ualib rä ry

authorized representative to order the

confiscation and disposition of illegally Respondent court brushed aside other
obtained forest products and the grounds raised by petitioners based on the
conveyance used for that purpose is not claim that the subject vehicles were
absolute and unqualified. It is subject to validly seized and held in custody because
pertinent laws, regulations, or policies on they were contradicted by its own
findings..17 Their petition was found forest laws and regulations, shall be
without merit.18cräläwv irt ualib rä ry punished with the penalties imposed
under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised
Now, before us, the petitioners assign the Penal Code mis
following errors:.19 c räläwvi rtua lib räry

The Court shall further order the

(1) THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN confiscation in favor of the government of
HOLDING THAT MERE SEIZURE OF A the timber or any forest products cut,
CONVEYANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 68- gathered, collected, removed, or
A [78-A] OF P.D. NO. 705 AS AMENDED possessed, as well as the machinery,
BY EXECUTIVE ORDER 277 DOES NOT equipment, implements and tools illegally
PLACE SAID CONVEYANCE IN CUSTODIA used in the area where the timber or
LEGIS; forest products are found.

(2) THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN This provision makes mere possession of
NOT HOLDING THAT THE OPERATIVE ACT timber or other forest products without
GIVING RISE FOR THE SUBJECT the accompanying legal documents
CONVEYANCE TO BE IN CUSTODIA LEGIS unlawful and punishable with the penalties
IS ITS LAWFUL SEIZURE BY THE DENR imposed for the crime of theft, as
PURSUANT TO SECTION 68-A [78-A] OF prescribed in Articles 309-310 of the
P.D. NO. 705, AS AMENDED BY E.O. NO. Revised Penal Code. In the present case,
277; AND the subject vehicles were loaded with
forest products at the time of the seizure.
(3) THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN But admittedly no permit evidencing
HOLDING THAT THE COMPLAINT FOR authority to possess and transport said
REPLEVIN AGAINST THE PETITIONERS IS load of forest products was duly
NOT A SUIT AGAINST THE STATE. presented. These products, in turn, were
deemed illegally sourced. Thus there was
a prima facie violation of Section 68 [78]
In brief, the pertinent issues for our
of the Revised Forestry Code, although as
consideration are:
found by the trial court, the persons
responsible for said violation were not the
(1) Whether or not the DENR-seized ones charged by the public prosecutor.
motor vehicle, with plate number FCN
143, is in custodia legis.
The corresponding authority of the DENR
to seize all conveyances used in the
(2) Whether or not the complaint for the commission of an offense in violation of
recovery of possession of impounded Section 78 of the Revised Forestry Code is
vehicles, with an application for replevin, pursuant to Sections 78-A and 89 of the
is a suit against the State. same Code. They read as follows:

We will now resolve both issues. Sec. 78-A. Administrative Authority of the
Department Head or His Duly Authorized
The Revised Forestry Code authorizes the Representative to Order Confiscation. -- In
DENR to seize all conveyances used in the all cases of violation of this Code or other
commission of an offense in violation of forest laws, rules and regulations, the
Section 78. Section 78 states: Department Head or his duly authorized
representative, may order the confiscation
Sec. 78. Cutting, Gathering, and or of any forest products illegally cut,
Collecting Timber, or Other Forest gathered, removed, or possessed or
Products without License. Any person who abandoned, and all conveyances used
shall cut, gather, collect, remove timber or either by land, water or air in the
other forest products from any forestland, commission of the offense and to dispose
or timber from alienable or disposable of the same in accordance with pertinent
public land, or from private land, without laws, regulations or policies on the matter.
any authority, or possess timber or other
forest products without the legal
documents as required under existing
Sec. 89. Arrest; Institution of criminal timber, a warrantless seizure of the
actions. -- A forest officer or employee of involved vehicles and their load was
the Bureau [Department] or any allowed under Section 78 and 89 of the
personnel of the Philippine Revised Forestry Code.
Constabulary/Philippine National Police
shall arrest even without warrant any Note further that petitioners failure to
person who has committed or is observe the procedure outlined in DENR
committing in his presence any of the Administrative Order No. 59, series of
offenses defined in this Chapter. He shall 1990 was justifiably explained. Petitioners
also seize and confiscate, in favor of the did not submit a report of the seizure to
Government, the tools and equipment the Secretary nor give a written notice to
used in committing the offense... the owner of the vehicle because on the
[Emphasis supplied.] 3rd day following the seizure, Gabon and
Abuganda, drivers of the seized vehicles,
Note that DENR Administrative Order No. forcibly took the impounded vehicles from
59, series of 1990, implements Sections the custody of the DENR. Then again,
78-A and 89 of the Forestry Code, as when one of the motor vehicles was
follows: apprehended and impounded for the
second time, the petitioners, again were
Sec. 2. Conveyances Subject to not able to report the seizure to the DENR
Confiscation and Forfeiture. -- All Secretary nor give a written notice to the
conveyances used in the transport of any owner of the vehicle because private
forest product obtained or gathered respondents immediately went to court
illegally whether or not covered with and applied for a writ of replevin. The
transport documents, found spurious or seizure of the vehicles and their load was
irregular in accordance with Sec. 68-A done upon their apprehension for a
[78-A] of P.D. No. 705, shall be violation of the Revised Forestry Code. It
confiscated in favor of the government or would be absurd to require a confiscation
disposed of in accordance with pertinent order or notice and hearing before said
laws, regulations or policies on the matter. seizure could be effected under the
Sec. 4. Who are Authorized to Seize
Conveyance. -- The Secretary or his duly Since there was a violation of the Revised
authorized representative such as the Forestry Code and the seizure was in
forest officers and/or natural resources accordance with law, in our view the
officers, or deputized officers of the DENR subject vehicles were validly deemed
are authorized to seize said conveyances in custodia legis. It could not be subject to
subject to policies and guidelines pertinent an action for replevin. For it is property
thereto. Deputized military personnel and lawfully taken by virtue of legal process
officials of other agencies apprehending and considered in the custody of the law,
illegal logs and other forest products and and not otherwise..20 c räläwvi rtua lib räry

their conveyances shall notify the nearest

DENR field offices, and turn over said In Mamanteo, et. al. v. Deputy Sheriff
forest products and conveyances for Magumun, A.M. No. P-98-1264,
proper action and disposition. In case promulgated on July 28, 1999, the case
where the apprehension is made by DENR involves property to be seized by a Deputy
field officer, the conveyance shall be Sheriff in a replevin suit. But said property
deposited with the nearest were already impounded by the DENR due
CENRO/PENRO/RED Office as the case to violation of forestry laws and, in fact,
may be, for safekeeping wherever it is already forfeited in favor of the
most convenient and secured. [Emphasis government by order of the DENR. We
supplied.] said that such property was deemed
in custodia legis. The sheriff could not
Upon apprehension of the illegally-cut insist on seizing the property already
timber while being transported without subject of a prior warrant of seizure. The
pertinent documents that could evidence appropriate action should be for the sheriff
title to or right to possession of said to inform the trial court of the situation by
way of partial Sheriffs Return, and wait for
the judges instructions on the proper Generals line for the defense of petitioners
procedure to be observed. concerning exhaustion of administrative
remedies. We ought only to recall that
Note that property that is validly exhaustion must be raised at the earliest
deposited in custodia legis cannot be the time possible, even before filing the
subject of a replevin suit. In Mamanteo v. answer to the complaint or pleading
Deputy Sheriff Magumun, we elucidated asserting a claim, by a motion to
further: dismiss..26 If not invoked at the proper
time, this ground for dismissal could be
". . . the writ of replevin has been deemed waived and the court could take
repeatedly used by unscrupulous plaintiffs cognizance of the case and try it.27 c räläwvi rtua lib räry

to retrieve their chattel earlier taken for

violation of the Tariff and Customs Code, ACCORDINGLY , the Petition
tax assessment, attachment or execution. is GRANTED, and the assailed Decision of
Officers of the court, from the presiding the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
judge to the sheriff, are implored to be 29191 is SET ASIDE. Consequently, the
vigilant in their execution of the law Order issued by the Regional Trial Court of
otherwise, as in this case, valid seizure Catbalogan, dated May 27, 1992, and the
and forfeiture proceedings could easily be Writ of replevin issued in the Order dated
undermined by the simple devise of a writ April 24, 1992, are ANNULLED. The
of replevin...".21
crä läwvirtuali brä ry
Sheriff of the Regional Trial Court of
Catbalogan, Branch 29, is directed to take
On the second issue, is the complaint for possession of the subject motor vehicle,
the recovery of possession of the two with plate number FCN 143, for delivery to
impounded vehicles, with an application the custody of and appropriate disposition
for replevin, a suit against the State? by petitioners. Let a copy of this decision
be provided the Honorable Secretary of
Justice for his appropriate action, against
Well established is the doctrine that the
any and all persons responsible for the
State may not be sued without its
abovecited violation of the Revised
consent..22 And a suit against a public
Forestry Code.
officer for his official acts is, in effect, a
suit against the State if its purpose is to
hold the State ultimately Costs against private Respondents.
liable..23 However, the protection afforded
to public officers by this doctrine generally SO ORDERED.
applies only to activities within the scope
of their authority in good faith and without Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza,
willfulness, malice or corruption.24 In the Buena, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.
present case, the acts for which the
petitioners are being called to account
were performed by them in the discharge
of their official duties. The acts in question
are clearly official in nature.25 In Endnotes:
implementing and enforcing Sections 78-A
and 89 of the Forestry Code through the 1
Rollo, pp. 22-27.

seizure carried out, petitioners were 2

CA Records, p. 43.
performing their duties and functions as
officers of the DENR, and did so within the 3
Rollo, p. 23.

limits of their authority. There was no

malice nor bad faith on their part. Hence,
Id. at 23.

a suit against the petitioners who 5

Id. at 74.

represent the DENR is a suit against the

State. It cannot prosper without the 6
Sec. 78. Cutting, Gathering, and/or Collecting Timber, or Other Forest Products without
License. Any person who shall cut, gather, collect, remove timber or other forest products
States consent. from any forestland, or timber from alienable or disposable public land, or from private land,
without any authority, or possess timber or other forest products without the legal documents
as required under existing forest laws and regulations, shall be punished with the penalties
imposed under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code. . .

Given the circumstances in this case, we

need not pursue the Office of the Solicitor
The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the government of the timber or any
forest products cut, gathered, collected, removed, or possessed, as well as the machinery,
equipment, implements and tools illegally used in the area where the timber or forest products
are found. (Emphasis supplied.)


Rollo, p. 70.

Id. at 23, 78.

Id. at 75, 85.

CA Records, p. 43.

Supra, note 4.

Id. at 18-19.

Id. at 21.

Id. at 26-A.

Id. at 25-27.

Id. at 27.



Id. at 6.

Bagalihog v. Fernandez, 198 SCRA 614, 621 (1991)

Mamanteo, et. al. v. Deputy Sheriff Magumun, A.M. No. P-98-1264, July 28, 1999,
citing Pacis v. Hon. Averia,18 SCRA 907 (1966)

CONST., Art. XVI, sec. 3.

De Leon, The Law on Public Officers and Election Law, 2nd ed., 1994, pp. 228-229.

Philippine Racing Club, Inc., et al. v. Bonifacio, et al., 109 Phil. 233, 241 (1960)

Sanders v. Veridiano II, 162 SCRA 88, 96 (1988)

Section 1, Rule 16, 1997 Rules of Court.

SECTION 1. Grounds. -- Within the time for but before filing the answer to the complaint or
pleading asserting a claim, a motion to dismiss may be made on any of the following grounds:

(a) That the court has no jurisdiction over the person of the defending party;
(b) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter of the claim;
(c) That venue is improperly laid;
(d) That the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
(e) That there is another action pending between the same parties for the same cause;
(f) That the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment or by the statute of limitations;
(g) That the pleading asserting the claim states no cause of action;
(h) That the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiffs pleading has been paid, waived,
abandoned, or otherwise extinguished;
(i) That the claim on which the action is founded is unenforceable under the provisions of the
statute of frauds; and
(j) That a condition precedent for filing the claim has not been complied with.

Soto v. Jareno, 144 SCRA 116, 119 [1986). See also Section 1[j), Rule 16, 1997 Rules of


THIRD DIVISION East Longitude, for Philippine satellites. On 28
June 1996, PASI wrote then DOTC Secretary
G.R. No. 142362 May 3, 2006 Amado S. Lagdameo, Jr., seeking for official
Philippine government confirmation on the
PHILIPPINE AGILA SATELLITE INC. and assignment of the two aforementioned Philippine
MICHAELC. U. DE GUZMAN, Complainants, orbital slots to PASI for its satellites, which PASI
had designated as the Agila satellites.5 Secretary
JOSEFINA TRINIDAD-LICHAUCO Lagdameo, Jr. replied in a letter dated 3 July
Undersecretary for Communications, 1996, confirming "the Philippine Government's
Department of Transportation and assignment of Philippine orbital slots 161E and
Communication (DOTC), Respondents. 153E to [PASI] for its [Agila] satellites."6

DECISION PASI avers that after having secured the

confirmation from the Philippine government, it
proceeded with preparations for the launching,
TINGA, J.: operation and management of its satellites,
including the availment of loans, the increase in
This Petition for Review on Certiorari seeks the its capital, negotiation with business partners,
reversal of the Decision1 dated 21 February and an initial payment of US$3.5 Million to the
2000 of the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. No. French satellite manufacturer. However,
SP 49422. The assailed Decision authorized the respondent Lichauco, then DOTC
dismissal of a civil complaint against respondent Undersecretary for Communications, allegedly
Josefina Trinidad-Lichauco (Lichauco), former "embarked on a crusade to malign the name of
Undersecretary for Communications of the [Michael de Guzman] and sabotage the
Department of Transportation and business of PASI." Lichauco's purported efforts
Communication (DOTC), on the premise that the against PASI culminated allegedly in her offering
complaint constituted a suit against the State. orbital slot 153º East Longitude

A brief rundown of the relevant facts is in order. for bidding to other parties sometime in
December 1997, despite the prior assignment to
Petitioner Philippine Agila Satellite Inc. (PASI) is PASI of the said slot.7 It was later claimed by
a duly organized corporation, whose President PASI that Lichauco subsequently awarded the
and Chief Executive Officer is co-petitioner orbital slot to an entity whose indentity was
Michael C.U. De Guzman. PASI was established unknown to PASI.8
by a consortium of private telecommunications
carriers2 which in 1994 had entered into a Aggrieved by Lichauco's actions, PASI and De
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Guzman instituted on 23 January 1998 a civil
DOTC, through its then Secretary Jesus Garcia, complaint against Lichauco, by then the Acting
concerning the planned launch of a Philippine- Secretary of the DOTC, and the "Unknown
owned satellite into outer space. Under the Awardee" who was to be the recipient of orbital
MOU, the launch of the satellite was to be an slot 153º East Longitude. The complaint,
endeavor of the private sector, and the satellite alleging three (3) causes of action, was for
itself to be owned by the Filipino-owned injunction, declaration of nullity of award, and
consortium (subsequently organized as damages. The first cause of action, for
PASI).3 The consortium was to grant the injunction, sought to establish that the award of
Philippine government one (1) transponder free orbital slot 153º East Longitude should be
of charge for the government's exclusive use for enjoined since the DOTC had previously
non-commercial purpose, as well as the right of assigned the same orbital slot to PASI. The
first refusal to another one (1) transponder in the second cause of action, for declaration of nullity
Philippine satellite, if available.4 The Philippine of award, averred that the award to the unknown
government, through the DOTC, was tasked bidder is null and void, as it was rendered by
under the MOU to secure from the International Lichauco beyond her authority.9
Telecommunication Union the required orbital
slot(s) and frequency assignment(s) for the The third cause of action, for damages, imputed
Philippine satellite. several acts to Lichauco as part of her alleged
"crusade" to malign the name of plaintiff [D]e
PASI itself was organized by the consortium in Guzman and sabotage the business of [PASI]:
1996. The government, together with PASI,
coordinated through the International 12. xxx
Telecommunication Union two (2) orbital slots,
designated as 161º East Longitude and 153º
(a) On 4 December 1996, in a meeting Again, acting unilaterally, without prior
with the members of the Board of notice to plaintiff corporation and in
Directors of plaintiff corporation, gross violation of DOTC's earlier
defendant Lichauco then uttered assignment to plaintiff corporation of
disparaging and defamatory comments orbital slot 153 E, defendant Lichauco
against plaintiff de Guzman. These offered said slot to interested applicants.
defamatory remarks triggered efforts A copy of the notice of offer is attached
from within the plaintiff corporation as Annex F.
aimed at ousting plaintiff de Guzman
from his position. 13. Plaintiffs learned of defendant Lichauco's
acts after orbital slot 153 E was offered for
(b) Defendant Lichauco, then an bidding. To plaintiff coproration's knowledge, the
undersecretary of DOTC, wrote Mr. Jesli orbital slot was eventually awarded to defendant
Lapuz on 5 December 1996 (barely two Unknown Awardee.
days after plaintiff de Guzman wrote
him) to deny that the DOTC has x x x x10
assigned the two (2) Philippine orbital
slots to plaintiff corporation. Defendant
The complaint alleged that since Lichauco's act
Lichauco falsely asserted that only of offering and awarding orbital slot 153º East
orbital slot 161 E was assigned to Longitude was patently illegal and violative of
plaintiff, orbital slot 153 E was not.
DOTC's prior commitment to PASI, Lichauco
should be enjoined from performing any acts
In the same letter, defendant Lichauco and entering into or executing any agreement or
branded as FALSE plaintiff de arrangement of whatever nature in connection
Guzman's claim that "Agila" is a with the said orbital slot. The complaint also
registered corporate name of plaintiff averred that the purported award of the orbital
corporation. slot to the "Unknown Awardee was illegal, and
thus should be declared null and void. Finally,
A copy of the letter is attached as Annex the complaint alleged a cause of action for
E. damages against Lichauco, cast in the following
(c) Not contented, defendant Lichauco,
again for reasons known only to her, xxxx
and with malice aforethought, made
defamatory remarks against plaintiffs 21. Defendant Lichauco attacked the good name
during a telecommunications forum held and reputation of plaintiffs.
in Makati City sometime in October 1997
in the presence of public officials and
22. She willfully caused damage to plaintiffs by
business executives. orchestrating the above-described acts which
are contrary to law; morals and basic norms of
(d) Defendant Lichauco did not spare good faith.
plaintiff corporation from her unprovoked
defamation. Defendant Lichauco
23. She interefered with and violated plaintiff
arrogantly said that she had asked corporation's contract with DOTC by offering and
President Fidel V. Ramos to sue plaintiff awarding orbital slot 153 E to defendant
Michael de Guzman. With the same
Unknown Awardee.
degree of arrogance she threatened
plaintiff corporation not to use the name
"Agila", otherwise she would fight 24. Because of defendant Lichauco's
plaintiff corporation and would make reprehensible acts, plaintiffs suffered actual
sure that the name of Agila would never damages of at least P10 million each, for all of
be given back to plaintiff corporation. which defendant Lichauco should be held liable
to pay.
(e) To top it all, defendant Lichauco
without basis and with evident bad faith, 25. By reason of defendant Lichauco's illegal
said that plaintiff corporation will never and malicious acts, plaintiff corporation's
pay its contractors. business name and goodwill was tarnished, for
which plaintiff corporation should be indemnified
by way of moral damages in the amount of at
(f) In December 1997, defendant least P10 million.
Lichauco delivered the coup de' grace.
26. For the same reasons, plaintiff de v. P500 Thousand each to
Guzman suffered and continue to suffer plaintiffs as attorney's fees and
extreme mental anguish, serious litigation expenses.
anxiety, wounded feelings, moral shock
and besmirched reputation, for all of x x x x12
which plaintiff de Guzman should be
indemnified in the amount of at least
The complaint was filed before the Regional
P10 million. Trial Court (RTC) of Mandaluyong City, and
subsequently raffled to Branch 214. On 2
27. Defendant Lichauco should also be February 1998, the RTC issued a temporary
sanctioned, as a deterrent for public good, to restraining order against Lichauco, who received
pay each plaintiff exemplary damages in the the summons together with the complaint on 28
amount of at least P5 million. January 1998. Lichauco failed to file an answer
within the reglementary period, but eight (8)
28. In order to protect and enforce their rights, days after the lapse thereof, she filed a
plaintiffs were compelled to institute this suit, Manifestation and Motion asking for a new five
engage the services of counsel and incur (5)-day period, or until 25 February 1998, to file
litigation expenses, for all of which plaintiffs a responsive pleading to the complaint.
should be indemnified in the amount of at least However, she filed instead a Motion to Admit
P500 Thousand each.11 with attached Motion to Dismiss on 27 February
1998. She rooted her prayer for the dismissal of
xxxx the complaint primarily on the grounds that the
suit is a suit against the State which may not be
In sum, petitioners sought the following reliefs sued without its consent; that the complaint
stated no cause of action; and that the
for the three (3) causes of action:
petitioners had failed to exhaust administrative
remedies by failing to seek recourse with the
xxxx Office of the President.

3. After trial of the issues, render judgment as In an order13 dated 14 August 1998, the RTC
follows: denied the motion to dismiss. It characterized
the defense of state immunity as "at very least a
[a] On the first cause of action, making contentious issue which can not be resolved by
permanent the writ of preliminary mere allegations in the pleadings but which can
injunction; be best threshed out in a litig[i]ous forum where
parties are accorded enormous (sic) opportunity
[b] On the second cause of action, to argue for the ascertainment of whether the act
declaring the offer and award of orbital complained of are indeed within the parameters
slot 153 E to defendant Unknown and prerogatives of the authority exercising the
Awardee null and void. same."14 The RTC also noted that the allegations
in the complaint regarding the ultimate facts
[c] On the third cause of action, directing sufficiently presented an ultra vires act of
defendant Lichauco to pay the following Lichauco, and that she was being sued in her
sums: personal capacity. As to the argument pertaining
to the non-exhaustion of administrative
remedies, the RTC noted that the principle is not
i. P10 million each to plaintiffs
an inflexible rule, and may be dispensed with
as actual damages;
when its application would cause great and
irreparable damage or when it would not
ii. P10 million to plaintiff constitute a plain, speedy and adequate
corporation as moral damages; remedy.15

iii. P10 million to plaintiff de Lichauco assailed the RTC order through a
Guzman as moral damages; Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 before the
Court of Appeals, which subsequently nullified
iv. P5 million each to plaintiffs the RTC order in the Decision now assailed
as exemplary damages; before us. The Court of Appeals sustained the
contention that the complaint is a suit against the
State with the following ratiocination:


The suit is to the mind of this court a suit against hands of another contractor, are not liable to the
the state.1avv former contractor in damages, since in so doing
they are merely acting in the line of their duty.
The notice of offer signed by herein petitioner An officer is not personally responsible for the
allegedly tainted with bad faith was done in the necessary and unavoidable destruction of goods
exercise of and in pursuance of an official duty. stored in buildings, when such buildings were
Her duties are as follows: destroyed by him in the lawful performance of a
public duty imposed on him by a valid and
SEC. 10. Powers and Duties of the constitutional statute."
Undersecretary. The Undersecretary shall:
(1) Advise and assist the Secretary in
the formulation and implementation of Error or Mistake in Exercise of Authority. -
department objectives and policies; Where an officer is invested with discretion and
is empowered to exercise his judgment in
matters brought before him he is sometimes
(2) Oversee all the operational activities
called a quasi-judicial officer, and when so
of the department for which he shall be
responsible to the Secretary; acting he is usually given immunity from liability
to persons who may be injured as the result of
an erroneous or mistaken decision, however,
(3) Coordinate the programs and erroneous judgment may be, provided the acts
projects of the department and be complained of are done within the scope of the
responsible for its economical, efficient officer's authority, and without willfulness,
and effective administration: malice, or corruption." (43 Am. Jur., pp. 85-86).

xxxxxxxxx In Sanders vs. Veridiano[16], the Supreme Court

It is apparent from the above enumeration that
the petitioner is directly under and answerable to "Given the official character of the above-
the DOTC Secretary. We can therefore conclude described letters, we have to conclude that the
that her official acts such as the said "notice of petitioners were, legally speaking, being sued as
offer" was with the blessing and prior approval of officers of the United States government. As
the DOTC Secretary himself. they have acted on behalf of that government,
and within the scope of their authority, it is that
Being an official act, it is also protected by the government and not the petitioners personally,
presumption that the same was performed in that is responsible for their acts. Assuming that
good faith and in the regular performance of the trial can proceed and it is proved that the
official duty. claimants have a right to the payment of
damages, such award will have to be satisfied
"Acts in Line of Duty or under Color of not by the petitioners in their personal capacities
Authority. - As a rule, a public officer, whether but by the United States government as their
judicial, quasi-judicial, or executive, is not principal. This will require that government, viz.:
personally liable to one injured in consequence the appropriation of the necessary amount to
of an act performed within the scope of his cover the damages awarded, thus making the
official authority, and in the line of his official action a suit against that government without its
duty. In order that acts may be done within the consent.
scope of official authority, it is not necessary that
they be prescribed by statute, or even that they There should be no question by now that such
be specifically directed or requested by a complaint cannot prosper unless the government
superior officer, but it is sufficient if they are sought to be held ultimately liable has given its
done by an officer in relation to matters consent to be sued. So we have ruled not only in
committed by law to his control or supervision, or Baer but in many other decisions where we
that they have more or less connection with such upheld the doctrine of state immunity as
matters, or that they are governed by a lawful applicable not only to our own government but
requirement of the department under whose also to foreign States sought to be subjected to
authority the officer is acting. Under this the jurisdiction of our courts.
principle, state building commissioners who, in
obedience to a stature, discharge one who has xxxxxxxxx
been employed to construct a state building,
take possession of the work, and place it in the


The Court finds that, even under the law of with any of the documentary requirements, such
public officers, the acts of the petitioners are as the attachment of such relevant pleadings,
protected by the presumption of good faith, "shall be sufficient ground for the dismissal of
which has not been overturned by the private the petition." The procedural rule accords
respondents. Even mistakes concededly sufficient discretion to the court hearing the
committed by such public officers are not special civil action whether or not to dismiss the
actionable as long as it is not shown that they petition outright for failure to comply with said
were motivated by malice or gross negligence requirement. If the court does dismiss the
amounting to bad faith. This too is well-settled."17 petition on that ground, the dismissal would be
justifiable under Section 3, Rule 46, and
Preliminarily, we discuss the procedural grounds generally such action of the court cannot be
cited by petitioners which they assert are assailed as constituting either grave abuse of
sufficient to have caused the dismissal of discretion or reversible error of law. If the court,
Lichauco's petition before the Court of Appeals. on the other hand, takes cognizance of the
Petitioners claim that contrary to Section 1, Rule petition despite such lapses, the phrasing of
65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, Section 3, Rule 46 sufficiently justifies such
Lichauco failed to attach all pleadings and adjudicative recourse. Indeed, the ultimate logic
documents relevant to her petition, and that behind rules of procedure being the promotion of
those that were attached were merely "duplicate the objective of securing a just, speedy and
original copies." Lichauco counters that for the inexpensive disposition of every action and
viability of her petition for certiorari, all that she proceeding,22 the higher interests of justice may
needed to attach were her motion to dismiss, the at times sufficiently warrant the allowance of the
RTC orders acting on such motion, her motion petition for certiorari despite such lapses,
for reconsideration of the denial of her motion to especially if they are nonetheless correctible
dismiss, and petitioners' opposition to said through subsequent submissions.
motion for reconsideration. She claims that only
these motions and submission were relevant to In any event, the Court is willing to overlook
the resolution of her petition.18 Lichauco's failure to attach the complaint in her
petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals,
In her comment, Lichaucho claims that she did an oversight sadly ignored by the appellate
not have to attach the complaint to the copy of court. There are weighty issues at hand relating
the petition she sent to the petitioners herein, to the doctrine of state immunity from suit and
since the latter obviously retained the original the requisites of a motion to dismiss.
copy of the complaint they filed.19 However, her
petition before the appellate court does not There is a connective issue between these two
indicate that the same complaint was included aspects in that if the State is sued without its
as an attachment, and indeed, there is a curious consent, the corresponding suit must be
absence of any averment on Lichuaco's part that dismissed. At times, it would be teasingly
she indeed attached the said complaint to her obvious, even from the moment of the filing of
petition.20 Certainly, in a petition for certiorari the complaint, that the suit is one against the
assailing the denial of a motion to dismiss a State. A cursory examination of the caption of
complaint, the very complaint itself is a the complaint can sometimes betray such
document relevant and pertinent to the special proscribed intent, as when the suit is directly
civil action. It should be remembered that unlike initiated against the Republic of the Philippines,
in an ordinary appeal that is given due any foreign government, or an unincorporated
course,21 the case record is not automatically government agency as the named respondents.
elevated to the court exercising jurisdiction over In such cases, obviously there is need for
a special civil action for certiorari; hence there is immediate caution, although if it is somehow
an even more impelling need to attach all established that those respondents had given
pleadings and documents to the special civil their consent to be sued, the suit may
action, as mandated under Section 1, Rule 65 of nonetheless prosper.
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. After all, how
could the court a quo properly ascertain whether The present action was denominated against
or not the motion to dismiss itself should have Lichauco and the unknown awardee, Lichauco
been granted if it did not have a copy of the was identified in the complaint as "acting
complaint sought to be dismissed itself. Secretary of the [DOTC]."23 The hornbook rule is
that a suit for acts done in the performance of
Nonetheless, the requirement to attach such official functions against an officer of the
relevant pleadings under Section 1, Rule 65 is government by a private citizen which would
read in relation to Section 3, Rule 46, which result in a charge against or financial liability to
states that the failure of the petitioner to comply the government must be regarded as a suit
against the State itself, although it has not been dismissed upon a motion to dismiss solely on
formally impleaded.24 However, government the ground that the presumption is that a person
immunity from suit will not shield the public is innocent of a wrong.
official being sued if the government no longer
has an interest to protect in the outcome of a So obviously, the Decision of the Court of
suit; or if the liability of the officer is personal Appeals cannot receive the imprimatur of this
because it arises from a tortious act in the Court. Still, the question of whether Lichauco
performance of his/her duties. may validly invoke state immunity from suit to
secure the outright dismissal of petitioners'
Petitioner insists that Lichauco is being sued for complaint warrants closer examination.
her acts committed in excess of her
authority, ultra vires in nature, and tortious in As earlier noted, the complaint alleges three (3)
character. The Court of Appeals responded that causes of action against Lichauco: one for
such acts fell within Lichauco's official duties as injunction against her performing any act in
DOTC Undersecretary, thus enjoying the relation to orbital slot 153º East Longitude; one
presumption that they were performed in good for declaration of nullity of award, seeking to
faith and in the regular performance of official nullify the alleged award of orbital slot 153º East
duty. This rationale is pure sophistry and must Longitude; and one for damages against
be rejected outright. Lichauco herself. Evidently, the first two causes
of action stem from Lichauco's act of offering
We do not doubt the existence of the orbital slot 153º East Longitude for bidding,
presumptions of "good faith" or "regular through the Notice of Offer which was attached
performance of official duty", yet these to the complaint.
presumptions are disputable25 and may be
contradicted and overcome by other In her Motion to Dismiss, Lichauco asserts that
evidence.26 Many civil actions are oriented she is being sued for issuing the aforementioned
towards overcoming any number of these Notice of Offer, which fell within her official
presumptions, and a cause of action can functions as DOTC Undersecretary for
certainly be geared towards such effect. The Communications. She claims that it was
very purpose of trial is to allow a party to present Secretary Lagdameo who authorized her to offer
evidence overcome the disputable presumptions orbital slot 153º East Longitude for bidding, and
involved. Otherwise, if trial is deemed irrelevant she thus acted well within the scope of her
or unnecessary, owing to the perceived authority to advise and assist the DOTC
indisputability of the presumptions, the judicial Secretary in the formulation and implementation
exercise would be relegated to a mere of department objectives and policies.
ascertainment of what presumptions apply in a
given case, nothing more. Consequently, the
The Notice of Offer cites Department Circular
entire Rules of Court is rendered as excess
97-01, signed by then DOTC Secretary Arturo
verbiage, save perhaps for the provisions laying
Enrile, as authority for it. The Court has
down the legal presumptions.
examined the aforementioned Department
Circular, issued on 17 October 1997, which
If this reasoning of the Court of Appeals were establishes the "Guidelines on the Procurement
ever adopted as a jurisprudential rule, no public of Orbital Slots and Frequency Registration of
officer could ever be sued for acts executed Philippine Satellites". Therein, the DOTC is
beyond their official functions or authority, or for mandated "to conduct a bidding process in case
tortious conduct or behavior, since such acts there are competing applications for any one of
would "enjoy the presumption of good faith and the assigned or applied-for-orbital slots"28.
in the regular performance of official duty". Further, the Department Circular states that "the
Indeed, few civil actions of any nature would DOTC shall publish in three newspapers of
ever reach the trial stage, if a case can be general circulation a notice of offer for the
adjudicated by a mere determination from the government assigned, initiated and applied for
complaint or answer as to which legal orbital slots."29
presumptions are applicable. For example, the
presumption that a person is innocent of a wrong
Thus, insofar as the first two causes of action
is a disputable presumption on the same level as
are concerned, Lichauco may have a point when
that of the regular performance of official
she asserts that they were based on acts which
duty.27 A civil complaint for damages necessarily she performed in her capacity as DOTC
alleges that the defendant committed a wrongful Undersecretary. But does this necessarily mean
act or omission that would serve as basis for the
that these two causes of action may thus be
award of damages. With the rationale of the
dismissed on the basis of state immunity of suit?
Court of Appeals, such complaint can be
As stated earlier, it is when the acts done in the Unlike in J.M. Tuason, the case at bar does not
performance of official functions by an officer of seek to nullify an unconstitutional law or
the government will result in a charge against or measure. However, the first two causes of action
financial liability to the government that the do sufficiently impute grave abuse of discretion
complaint must be regarded as a suit against the against Lichauco in her official capacity. Since
State itself. However, the distinction must also judicial review of acts alleged to have been
be raised between where the government official tainted with grave abuse of discretion is
concerned performs an act in his/her official and guaranteed by the Constitution, it necessarily
jurisdictional capacity and where he performs an follows in such instances that it is the official
act that constitutes grave abuse of discretion concerned who should be impleaded as
tantamount to lack of jurisdiction. In the latter defendant or respondent in the appropriate suit.
case, the Constitution itself assures the
availability of judicial review, and it is the official Moreover, if the suit had been directed against
concerned who should be impleaded as the Lichauco alone, and in her personal capacity,
proper party- defendant or respondent. yet it sought, as it now does, the nullification of
the Notice of Offer or the awards thereon, such
On this point, our ruling in J.M. Tuazon & Co. v. remedy could not avail even if granted.
Land Tenure Administration30 is material. Lichauco, in her personal capacity, cannot be
Petitioners therein had filed a special civil action directed to set aside the Notice of Offer, the
for prohibition to nullify Republic Act No. 2616, award of the bid, or to issue a new award
or law that directed the expropriation of the herself. It is only because Lichauco was sued in
Tatalon Estate in Quezon City. Impleaded as her official capacity as the DOTC
respondents were the officials and government Undersecretary that she, or her successors in
agency tasked to undertake such expropriation. office, could be judicially compelled to act in
The respondents alleged that the petition for such fashion.
prohibition was actually a suit against the State
without its consent. The Court, through then As to the first two (2) causes of action, the Court
Associate Justice (later Chief Justice) Enrique rules that the defense of state immunity from suit
Fernando, debunked the argument, ruling do not apply since said causes of action cannot
instead that the petition was within the ambit of be properly considered as suits against the State
judicial review: in constitutional contemplation. These causes of
action do not seek to impose a charge or
[T]he power of judicial review is granted, if not financial liability against the State, but merely the
expressly, at least by clear implication from the nullification of state action. The prayers attached
relevant provisions of the Constitution. This to these two causes of action are for the
power may be exercised when the party revocation of the Notice of Bid and the
adversely affected by either a legislative or nullification of the purported award, nothing
executive act, or a municipal ordinance for that more. Had it been so that petitioner additionally
matter, files the appropriate suit to test its sought damages in relation to said causes of
validity. The special civil action of prohibition has action, the suit would have been considered as
been relied upon precisely to restrain the one against the State. Had the petitioner
enforcement of what is alleged to be an impleaded the DOTC itself, an unincorporated
unconstitutional statute. As it is a fundamental government agency, and not Lichauco herself,
postulate that the Constitution as the supreme the suit would have been considered as one
law is binding on all governmental agencies, against the State. But neither circumstance
failure to observe the limitations found therein obtains in this case.
furnishes a sufficient ground for a declaration of
nullity of the government measure challenged. Parenthetically, it may be noted that at the time
The argument then that the government is the of the filing of the complaint, Lichauco herself
adverse party and that, therefore, must consent was already the acting head of the DOTC, owing
to its being sued certainly is far from persuasive. to the sudden death of then Secretary Enrile a
x x x x31 few days before. At that stage, any suit seeking
to nullify the Notice of Bid and the alleged award
The Court further noted that it was well-settled to the "Unknown Bidder" should have properly
for the purpose of obtaining a judicial declaration denominated Lichauco as the respondent, and
of nullity, "it is enough if the respondents or not the DOTC.
defendants named be the government officials
who would give operation and effect to official Nonetheless, as to the first two causes of action,
action allegedly tainted with there was a viable ground to dismiss the
unconstitutionality."32 complaint: the non-exhaustion of administrative
remedies. Indeed, such ground was alleged by
Lichauco in her Motion to Dismiss. Yet the noted, however, that the rule is not so all-
principle of non-exhaustion of administrative encompassing as to be applicable under all
remedies admits to several exceptions. In its circumstances.
Order denying the motion to dismiss the
complaint, the RTC adequately dispensed with It is a different matter where the public
the objection, applying the established official is made to account in his capacity as
exceptions to the rule of non-exhaustion of such for acts contrary to law and injurious to
administrative remedies. To wit: the rights of plaintiff. As was clearly set forth
by Justice Zaldivar in Director of the Bureau
Turning to the matter pertaining to non- of Telecommunications, et al. vs. Aligaen,
exhaustion of administrative remedies, it is etc., et al. 'Inasmuch as the State authorizes
fundamental that this principle is not an inflexible only legal acts by its officers, unauthorized
rule. It yields to many accepted exceptions. acts of government officials or officers are
(Rocamora vs. RTC - Cebu, G.R. No. 65307). not acts of the State, and an action against
As in this case, this principle can be dispensed the officials or officers by one whose rights
with when its application would cause great and have been invaded or violated by such acts,
irreparable damage and when it does not for the protection of his rights, is not a suit
provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy. against the State within the rule of immunity
of the State from suit.In the same tenor, it has
When the subject orbital slot 153 E was bidded been said that an action at law or suit in equity
out to other applicants, the damage and injury against a State officer or the director of a State
plaintiffs stand to suffer was clear, present, and department on the ground that, while claiming to
substantiated that this Court was impelled to act for the State, he violates or invades the
provide urgent needed measure such as the personal and property rights or the plaintiff,
issuance of writ of injunction against the public under an unconstitutional act or under an
defendant. Indeed, under the circumstances assumption of authority which he does not have,
then obtaining it was impractical for the plaintiffs is not a suit against the State within the
to first proceed to the administrative official constitutional provision that the State may not be
concerned before taking court action.33 sued without its consent.' The rationale for this
ruling is that the doctrine of state immunity
A different set of principles applies to the third cannot be used as an instrument for perpetrating
an injustice.35
cause of action, anchored as it is on alleged acts
that are tortious in character or otherwise
beyond the scope of Lichauco's official duties. The doctrine poses no controversy if after trial
The complaint alleges that Lichauco uttered on the merits, it is established that the public
several disparaging and defamatory remarks official concerned had committed illegal or
against petitioners and made false assertions tortious acts against the plaintiff. How does it
against them in her letter to the Land Bank apply in relation to a motion to dismiss on the
President. ground of state immunity from suit, necessarily
lodged before trial on the merits?
The veracity of those allegations is of course
presented at the trial to be determined on the Our ruling in United States of America v.
basis of the evidence. However, if proven, they Reyes36 warrants due consideration. The Court
would establish liability on the part of Lichauco therein, through then Associate Justice (later
that is not shielded by the doctrine of state Chief Justice) Hilario G. Davide, Jr., ruled that a
immunity from suit. The doctrine, as summarized motion to dismiss averring immunity from suit of
in Shauf v. Court of Appeals :34 a State and its functionaries was actually
grounded on the specific ground for dismissal of
the lack of cause of action, for even assuming
While the doctrine appears to prohibit only suits
that the defendants had committed the injurious
against the state without its consent, it is also
applicable to complaints filed against officials of acts complained of, "no action may be
the state for acts allegedly performed by them in maintained thereon, because of the principle of
state immunity."37 Pertinently, the Court noted
the discharge of their duties. The rule is that if
that "a motion to dismiss on the ground of failure
the judgment against such officials will require
to state a cause of action hypothetically admits
the state itself to perform an affirmative act to
the truth of the allegations in the complaint."
satisfy the same, such as the appropriation of
the amount needed to pay the damages
awarded against them, the suit must be Thus, Lichauco, in alleging in her Motion to
regarded as against the state itself although it Dismiss that she is shielded by the State's
has not been formally impleaded. It must be immunity from suit, to hypothetically admitted the
truth of the allegations in the complaint. Such
hypothetical admission has to be deemed a LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING
concession on her part that she had performed Associate Justice
the tortious or damaging acts against the Chairman, Third Division
petitioners, which if true, would hold her liable for

Of course, Lichauco could very well raise the Pursuant to Section 13, Article VII of the
defense of state immunity from suit in regard to Constitution, and the Division Chairman's
the third cause of action with the assertion that Attestation, it is hereby certified that the
the acts complained of constituting said cause of conclusions in the above Decision had been
action fell within her official functions and were reached in consultation before the case was
not tortuous in character. Still, to establish such assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
assertions of fact, a full-blown trial on the merits Court's Division,
would be necessary, as would the case be if
Lichauco raised the defense that she did not ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN
commit these acts complained of. Certainly,
Chief Justice
these defenses cannot be accorded merit before
trial, factual as they are in character.

All told, contrary to the ruling of the Court of

Appeals, we find no grave abuse of discretion on
the part of the RTC in denying Lichauco's Motion
to Dismiss.
Penned by Associate Justice Eugenio
Labotoria, concurred in by Associate
Justices Jesus Elbinias and Marina
The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 21
February 2000 is SET ASIDE and the Order
dated 14 August 1998 of the Regional Trial
Court of Mandaluyong City is REINSTATED.
Particularly consisting of Capitol
The Regional Trial Court is ordered to try and Wireless, Inc.; Clavecilla Electronics and
decide the case on the merits with deliberate Telecom Corporation; Digital
dispatch. No costs. Telecommunications Philippines;
Domestic Satellite Phils.; Eastern
Telecommunications Philippines, Inc.;
Express Telecommunications Company;
GMCR, Inc; International
DANTE O. TINGA Communications Corporation; Isla
Associate Justice Communications Company, Inc.; Liberty
Broadcasting Network, Inc; Philippine
WE CONCUR: Communications Satellite Corporation;
Philippine Global Communications, Inc.;
LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING Philippine Long Distance Telephone
Associate Justice Company; Pilipino Telephone
Chairman Corporation; Radio Communications of
the Philippines, Inc.; and Smart
Communications, Inc. See rollo, pp. 57-
Associate Justice Asscociate Justice
Id. at 60.
Id. at 61.
Associate Justice
Id. at 64.
Id. at 65.
I attest that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation
before the case was assigned to the writer of the
The assignment of the other orbital
opinion of the Court's Division. slot, 161º East Longitude, was
previously affirmed by the DOTC to
PASI and formally effected through an
Agreement on Transponder Agreement See Section 3, Rule 131, Rules of

dated 16 June 1997. See rollo, p. 89. Court.

See id. at 50. See Section 3(a), Rule 131, Rules of

Id. at 50-51.
Article III, sec. 6, DOTC Department
Rollo, pp. 49-50. Circular No. 97-01 (17 October 1997).

Id. at 51-52.
Article III, sec. 7, id.

Id. at 53. G.R. No. L-21064, 18 February 1970,

31 SCRA 413.
Penned by Judge Edwin D. Sorongon.
Id. at 421-422.
Rollo, p. 112.
Id. at 422.
Id. at 113.
Rollo, p. 113.
Cited as 162 SCRA 88.
G.R. No. 90314, 27 November 1990,

191 SCRA 713.

Rollo, pp. 39-42.

Id. at 214.
Id. at 726-727. Citations omitted.

Id. at 206.
See id. at 215.

In her Comment, the Office of the G.R. No. 79253, 1 March 1993, 219

SCRA 192.
Solicitor General, in behalf of Lichauco,
states: "Respondent [Lichauco] attached
the following to her petition filed before
the Court of Appeals, to wit: (a) Original
copies of the assailed orders as
Annexes "A" and "B"; (b) [respondent]'s
motion to dismiss as Annex "C"; (c)
Copy of [respondent]'s motion for
reconsideration as Annex "D"; and (d)
[petitioner]'s opposition to the motion for
reconsideration as Annex "E." See id. at

See Section 8, Rule 45, 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure.

See Section 6, Rule 1, 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure.

Rollo, p. 46.

See e.g., Isberto v. Raquiza, G.R. No.
L-35001, 25 September 1975, 67 SCRA
116, 119 (1975).

See e.g., Section 3(m), Rule 131,


Rules of Court.


EN BANC as is prescribed by the ordinance and
the Motor Vehicle Act, turned suddenly
G.R. No. L-11154 March 21, 1916 and unexpectedly and long before
reaching the center of the street, into the
E. MERRITT, plaintiff-appellant, right side of Taft Avenue, without having
sounded any whistle or horn, by which
GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE movement it struck the plaintiff, who was
ISLANDS, defendant-appellant. already six feet from the southwestern
point or from the post place there.
Crossfield and O'Brien for plaintiff.
Attorney-General Avanceña for defendant.. By reason of the resulting collision, the
plaintiff was so severely injured that,
according to Dr. Saleeby, who examined
TRENT, J.: him on the very same day that he was
taken to the General Hospital, he was
This is an appeal by both parties from a suffering from a depression in the left
judgment of the Court of First Instance of the city parietal region, a would in the same
of Manila in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of place and in the back part of his head,
P14,741, together with the costs of the cause. while blood issued from his nose and he
was entirely unconscious.
Counsel for the plaintiff insist that the trial court
erred (1) "in limiting the general damages which The marks revealed that he had one or
the plaintiff suffered to P5,000, instead of more fractures of the skull and that the
P25,000 as claimed in the complaint," and (2) "in grey matter and brain was had suffered
limiting the time when plaintiff was entirely material injury. At ten o'clock of the night
disabled to two months and twenty-one days in question, which was the time set for
and fixing the damage accordingly in the sum of performing the operation, his pulse was
P2,666, instead of P6,000 as claimed by plaintiff so weak and so irregular that, in his
in his complaint." opinion, there was little hope that he
would live. His right leg was broken in
The Attorney-General on behalf of the defendant such a way that the fracture extended to
urges that the trial court erred: (a) in finding that the outer skin in such manner that it
the collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle might be regarded as double and the
and the ambulance of the General Hospital was would be exposed to infection, for which
due to the negligence of the chauffeur; (b) in reason it was of the most serious nature.
holding that the Government of the Philippine
Islands is liable for the damages sustained by At another examination six days before
the plaintiff as a result of the collision, even if it the day of the trial, Dr. Saleeby noticed
be true that the collision was due to the that the plaintiff's leg showed a
negligence of the chauffeur; and (c) in rendering contraction of an inch and a half and a
judgment against the defendant for the sum of curvature that made his leg very weak
P14,741. and painful at the point of the fracture.
Examination of his head revealed a
The trial court's findings of fact, which are fully notable readjustment of the functions of
supported by the record, are as follows: the brain and nerves. The patient
apparently was slightly deaf, had a light
It is a fact not disputed by counsel for weakness in his eyes and in his mental
the defendant that when the plaintiff, condition. This latter weakness was
riding on a motorcycle, was going always noticed when the plaintiff had to
toward the western part of Calle Padre do any difficult mental labor, especially
Faura, passing along the west side when he attempted to use his money for
thereof at a speed of ten to twelve miles mathematical calculations.
an hour, upon crossing Taft Avenue and
when he was ten feet from the According to the various merchants who
southwestern intersection of said testified as witnesses, the plaintiff's
streets, the General Hospital mental and physical condition prior to
ambulance, upon reaching said avenue, the accident was excellent, and that
instead of turning toward the south, after after having received the injuries that
passing the center thereof, so that it have been discussed, his physical
would be on the left side of said avenue, condition had undergone a noticeable
depreciation, for he had lost the agility,
energy, and ability that he had Act No. 2457, effective February 3, 1915, reads:
constantly displayed before the accident
as one of the best constructors of An Act authorizing E. Merritt to bring suit
wooden buildings and he could not now against the Government of the
earn even a half of the income that he Philippine Islands and authorizing the
had secured for his work because he Attorney-General of said Islands to
had lost 50 per cent of his efficiency. As appear in said suit.
a contractor, he could no longer, as he
had before done, climb up ladders and Whereas a claim has been filed against
scaffoldings to reach the highest parts of
the Government of the Philippine Islands
the building.
by Mr. E. Merritt, of Manila, for damages
resulting from a collision between his
As a consequence of the loss the motorcycle and the ambulance of the
plaintiff suffered in the efficiency of his General Hospital on March twenty-fifth,
work as a contractor, he had to nineteen hundred and thirteen;
dissolved the partnership he had formed
with the engineer. Wilson, because he
Whereas it is not known who is
was incapacitated from making
responsible for the accident nor is it
mathematical calculations on account of possible to determine the amount of
the condition of his leg and of his mental damages, if any, to which the claimant is
faculties, and he had to give up a
entitled; and
contract he had for the construction of
the Uy Chaco building."
Whereas the Director of Public Works
and the Attorney-General recommended
We may say at the outset that we are in full
that an Act be passed by the Legislature
accord with the trial court to the effect that the
authorizing Mr. E. Merritt to bring suit in
collision between the plaintiff's motorcycle and
the courts against the Government, in
the ambulance of the General Hospital was due
order that said questions may be
solely to the negligence of the chauffeur. decided: Now, therefore,

The two items which constitute a part of the By authority of the United States, be it
P14,741 and which are drawn in question by the enacted by the Philippine Legislature,
plaintiff are (a) P5,000, the award awarded for that:
permanent injuries, and (b) the P2,666, the
amount allowed for the loss of wages during the
time the plaintiff was incapacitated from pursuing SECTION 1. E. Merritt is hereby
his occupation. We find nothing in the record authorized to bring suit in the Court of
which would justify us in increasing the amount First Instance of the city of Manila
of the first. As to the second, the record shows, against the Government of the
and the trial court so found, that the plaintiff's Philippine Islands in order to fix the
services as a contractor were worth P1,000 per responsibility for the collision between
month. The court, however, limited the time to his motorcycle and the ambulance of the
two months and twenty-one days, which the General Hospital, and to determine the
plaintiff was actually confined in the hospital. In amount of the damages, if any, to which
this we think there was error, because it was Mr. E. Merritt is entitled on account of
clearly established that the plaintiff was wholly said collision, and the Attorney-General
incapacitated for a period of six months. The of the Philippine Islands is hereby
mere fact that he remained in the hospital only authorized and directed to appear at the
two months and twenty-one days while the trial on the behalf of the Government of
remainder of the six months was spent in his said Islands, to defendant said
home, would not prevent recovery for the whole Government at the same.
time. We, therefore, find that the amount of
damages sustained by the plaintiff, without any SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on its
fault on his part, is P18,075. passage.

As the negligence which caused the collision is a Enacted, February 3, 1915.

tort committed by an agent or employee of the
Government, the inquiry at once arises whether Did the defendant, in enacting the above quoted
the Government is legally-liable for the damages Act, simply waive its immunity from suit or did it
resulting therefrom. also concede its liability to the plaintiff? If only


the former, then it cannot be held that the Act for the purpose of improving agricultural and
created any new cause of action in favor of the kindred industries; to disseminate information
plaintiff or extended the defendant's liability to calculated to educate and benefit the industrial
any case not previously recognized. classes; and to advance by such means the
material interests of the state, being objects
All admit that the Insular Government (the similar to those sought by the public school
defendant) cannot be sued by an individual system. In passing upon the question of the
without its consent. It is also admitted that the state's liability for the negligent acts of its officers
instant case is one against the Government. As or agents, the court said:
the consent of the Government to be sued by
the plaintiff was entirely voluntary on its part, it is No claim arises against any government
our duty to look carefully into the terms of the is favor of an individual, by reason of the
consent, and render judgment accordingly. misfeasance, laches, or unauthorized
exercise of powers by its officers or
The plaintiff was authorized to bring this action agents. (Citing Gibbons vs. U. S., 8
against the Government "in order to fix the Wall., 269; Clodfelter vs. State, 86 N. C.,
responsibility for the collision between his 51, 53; 41 Am. Rep., 440; Chapman vs.
motorcycle and the ambulance of the General State, 104 Cal., 690; 43 Am. St. Rep.,
Hospital and to determine the amount of the 158; Green vs. State, 73 Cal., 29; Bourn
damages, if any, to which Mr. E. Merritt is vs. Hart, 93 Cal., 321; 27 Am. St. Rep.,
entitled on account of said collision, . . . ." These 203; Story on Agency, sec. 319.)
were the two questions submitted to the court for
determination. The Act was passed "in order that As to the scope of legislative enactments
said questions may be decided." We have permitting individuals to sue the state where the
"decided" that the accident was due solely to the cause of action arises out of either fort or
negligence of the chauffeur, who was at the time contract, the rule is stated in 36 Cyc., 915, thus:
an employee of the defendant, and we have also
fixed the amount of damages sustained by the By consenting to be sued a state simply
plaintiff as a result of the collision. Does the Act waives its immunity from suit. It does not
authorize us to hold that the Government is thereby concede its liability to plaintiff, or
legally liable for that amount? If not, we must create any cause of action in his favor,
look elsewhere for such authority, if it exists. or extend its liability to any cause not
previously recognized. It merely gives a
The Government of the Philippine Islands having remedy to enforce a preexisting liability
been "modeled after the Federal and State and submits itself to the jurisdiction of
Governments in the United States," we may look the court, subject to its right to interpose
to the decisions of the high courts of that country any lawful defense.
for aid in determining the purpose and scope of
Act No. 2457. In Apfelbacher vs. State (152 N. W., 144,
advanced sheets), decided April 16, 1915, the
In the United States the rule that the state is not Act of 1913, which authorized the bringing of this
liable for the torts committed by its officers or suit, read:
agents whom it employs, except when expressly
made so by legislative enactment, is well settled. SECTION 1. Authority is hereby given to
"The Government," says Justice Story, "does not George Apfelbacher, of the town of
undertake to guarantee to any person the fidelity Summit, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
of the officers or agents whom it employs, since to bring suit in such court or courts and
that would involve it in all its operations in in such form or forms as he may be
endless embarrassments, difficulties and losses, advised for the purpose of settling and
which would be subversive of the public determining all controversies which he
interest." (Claussen vs. City of Luverne, 103 may now have with the State of
Minn., 491, citing U. S. vs. Kirkpatrick, 9 Wheat, Wisconsin, or its duly authorized officers
720; 6 L. Ed., 199; and Beers vs. States, 20 and agents, relative to the mill property
How., 527; 15 L. Ed., 991.) of said George Apfelbacher, the fish
hatchery of the State of Wisconsin on
In the case of Melvin vs. State (121 Cal., 16), the the Bark River, and the mill property of
plaintiff sought to recover damages from the Evan Humphrey at the lower end of
state for personal injuries received on account of Nagawicka Lake, and relative to the use
the negligence of the state officers at the state of the waters of said Bark River and
fair, a state institution created by the legislature


Nagawicka Lake, all in the county of liability or cause of action against the
Waukesha, Wisconsin. state where none existed before, but
merely gave an additional remedy to
In determining the scope of this act, the court enforce such liability as would have
said: existed if the statute had not been
enacted. (Chapman vs. State, 104 Cal.,
690; 43 Am. St. Rep., 158; Melvin vs.
Plaintiff claims that by the enactment of
this law the legislature admitted liability State, 121 Cal., 16.)
on the part of the state for the acts of its
officers, and that the suit now stands A statute of Massachusetts enacted in 1887
just as it would stand between private gave to the superior court "jurisdiction of all
parties. It is difficult to see how the act claims against the commonwealth, whether at
does, or was intended to do, more than law or in equity," with an exception not
remove the state's immunity from suit. It necessary to be here mentioned. In construing
simply gives authority to commence suit this statute the court, in Murdock Grate Co. vs.
for the purpose of settling plaintiff's Commonwealth (152 Mass., 28), said:
controversies with the estate. Nowhere
in the act is there a whisper or The statute we are discussing disclose
suggestion that the court or courts in the no intention to create against the state a
disposition of the suit shall depart from new and heretofore unrecognized class
well established principles of law, or that of liabilities, but only an intention to
the amount of damages is the only provide a judicial tribunal where well
question to be settled. The act opened recognized existing liabilities can be
the door of the court to the plaintiff. It did adjudicated.
not pass upon the question of liability,
but left the suit just where it would be in In Sipple vs. State (99 N. Y., 284), where the
the absence of the state's immunity from board of the canal claims had, by the terms of
suit. If the Legislature had intended to the statute of New York, jurisdiction of claims for
change the rule that obtained in this damages for injuries in the management of the
state so long and to declare liability on canals such as the plaintiff had sustained, Chief
the part of the state, it would not have Justice Ruger remarks: "It must be conceded
left so important a matter to mere that the state can be made liable for injuries
inference, but would have done so in arising from the negligence of its agents or
express terms. (Murdock Grate Co. vs. servants, only by force of some positive statute
Commonwealth, 152 Mass., 28; 24 N.E., assuming such liability."
854; 8 L. R. A., 399.)
It being quite clear that Act No. 2457 does not
In Denning vs. State (123 Cal., 316), the operate to extend the Government's liability to
provisions of the Act of 1893, relied upon and any cause not previously recognized, we will
considered, are as follows: now examine the substantive law touching the
defendant's liability for the negligent acts of its
All persons who have, or shall hereafter officers, agents, and employees. Paragraph 5 of
have, claims on contract or for article 1903 of the Civil Code reads:
negligence against the state not allowed
by the state board of examiners, are The state is liable in this sense when it
hereby authorized, on the terms and acts through a special agent, but not
conditions herein contained, to bring suit when the damage should have been
thereon against the state in any of the caused by the official to whom properly
courts of this state of competent it pertained to do the act performed, in
jurisdiction, and prosecute the same to which case the provisions of the
final judgment. The rules of practice in preceding article shall be applicable.
civil cases shall apply to such suits,
except as herein otherwise provided.
The supreme court of Spain in defining the
scope of this paragraph said:
And the court said:
That the obligation to indemnify for
This statute has been considered by this damages which a third person causes to
court in at least two cases, arising under another by his fault or negligence is
different facts, and in both it was held based, as is evidenced by the same Law
that said statute did not create any 3, Title 15, Partida 7, on that the person
obligated, by his own fault or owners or directors of an establishment
negligence, takes part in the act or or enterprise, the state, but not always,
omission of the third party who caused except when it acts through the agency
the damage. It follows therefrom that the of a special agent, doubtless because
state, by virtue of such provisions of law, and only in this case, the fault or
is not responsible for the damages negligence, which is the original basis of
suffered by private individuals in this kind of objections, must be
consequence of acts performed by its presumed to lie with the state.
employees in the discharge of the
functions pertaining to their office, That although in some cases the state
because neither fault nor even might by virtue of the general principle
negligence can be presumed on the part set forth in article 1902 respond for all
of the state in the organization of the damage that is occasioned to private
branches of public service and in the parties by orders or resolutions which by
appointment of its agents; on the fault or negligence are made by
contrary, we must presuppose all branches of the central administration
foresight humanly possible on its part in acting in the name and representation of
order that each branch of service serves the state itself and as an external
the general weal an that of private expression of its sovereignty in the
persons interested in its operation. exercise of its executive powers, yet
Between these latter and the state, said article is not applicable in the case
therefore, no relations of a private of damages said to have been
nature governed by the civil law can occasioned to the petitioners by an
arise except in a case where the state executive official, acting in the exercise
acts as a judicial person capable of of his powers, in proceedings to enforce
acquiring rights and contracting the collections of certain property taxes
obligations. (Supreme Court of Spain, owing by the owner of the property
January 7, 1898; 83 Jur. Civ., 24.) which they hold in sublease.

That the Civil Code in chapter 2, title 16, That the responsibility of the state is
book 4, regulates the obligations which limited by article 1903 to the case
arise out of fault or negligence; and wherein it acts through a special
whereas in the first article thereof. No. agent(and a special agent, in the sense
1902, where the general principle is laid in which these words are employed, is
down that where a person who by an act one who receives a definite and fixed
or omission causes damage to another order or commission, foreign to the
through fault or negligence, shall be exercise of the duties of his office if he is
obliged to repair the damage so done, a special official) so that in
reference is made to acts or omissions representation of the state and being
of the persons who directly or indirectly bound to act as an agent thereof, he
cause the damage, the following articles executes the trust confided to him. This
refers to this persons and imposes an concept does not apply to any executive
identical obligation upon those who agent who is an employee of the acting
maintain fixed relations of authority and administration and who on his own
superiority over the authors of the responsibility performs the functions
damage, because the law presumes that which are inherent in and naturally
in consequence of such relations the evil pertain to his office and which are
caused by their own fault or negligence regulated by law and the regulations."
is imputable to them. This legal (Supreme Court of Spain, May 18, 1904;
presumption gives way to proof, 98 Jur. Civ., 389, 390.)
however, because, as held in the last
paragraph of article 1903, responsibility
That according to paragraph 5 of article
for acts of third persons ceases when 1903 of the Civil Code and the principle
the persons mentioned in said article laid down in a decision, among others,
prove that they employed all the
of the 18th of May, 1904, in a damage
diligence of a good father of a family to
case, the responsibility of the state is
avoid the damage, and among these
limited to that which it contracts through
persons, called upon to answer in a
a special agent, duly empowered by
direct and not a subsidiary manner, are a definite order or commission to
found, in addition to the mother or the perform some act or charged with some
father in a proper case, guardians and definite purpose which gives rise to the
claim, and not where the claim is based
on acts or omissions imputable to a
public official charged with some
administrative or technical office who
can be held to the proper responsibility
in the manner laid down by the law of
civil responsibility. Consequently, the
trial court in not so deciding and in
sentencing the said entity to the
payment of damages, caused by an
official of the second class referred to,
has by erroneous interpretation infringed
the provisions of articles 1902 and 1903
of the Civil Code. (Supreme Court of
Spain, July 30, 1911; 122 Jur. Civ.,

It is, therefore, evidence that the State (the

Government of the Philippine Islands) is only
liable, according to the above quoted decisions
of the Supreme Court of Spain, for the acts of its
agents, officers and employees when they act as
special agents within the meaning of paragraph
5 of article 1903, supra, and that the chauffeur of
the ambulance of the General Hospital was not
such an agent.

For the foregoing reasons, the judgment

appealed from must be reversed, without costs
in this instance. Whether the Government
intends to make itself legally liable for the
amount of damages above set forth, which the
plaintiff has sustained by reason of the negligent
acts of one of its employees, by legislative
enactment and by appropriating sufficient funds
therefor, we are not called upon to determine.
This matter rests solely with the Legislature and
not with the courts.

Arellano, C. J., Torres, Johnson, and Moreland,

JJ., concur.


SECOND DIVISION in October 1986, a resolution effecting a
corporate policy change. The change consisted
G.R. No. 129406 March 6, 2006 of assessing a monthly membership due
of P150.00 for each NOGCCI share. Prior to this
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES represented resolution, an investor purchasing more than
by the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON one NOGCCI share was exempt from paying
GOOD GOVERNMENT (PCGG), Petitioner, monthly membership due for the second and
vs. subsequent shares that he/she owned.
ROBERTO S. BENEDICTO, Respondents. Subsequently, on March 29, 1987, the NOGCCI
Board passed another resolution, this time
increasing the monthly membership due
from P150.00 to P250.00 for each share.
As sequestrator of the 227 shares of stock in
question, PCGG did not pay the corresponding
Before the Court is this petition for certiorari monthly membership due thereon
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court to nullify and totaling P2,959,471.00. On account thereof, the
set aside the March 28, 19951 and March 13, 227 sequestered shares were declared
19972 Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan, delinquent to be disposed of in an auction sale.
Second Division, in Civil Case No. 0034, insofar
as said resolutions ordered the Presidential
Apprised of the above development and
Commission on Good Government (PCGG) to
pay private respondent Roberto S. Benedicto or evidently to prevent the projected auction sale of
his corporations the value of 227 shares of stock the same shares, PCGG filed a complaint for
injunction with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
of the Negros Occidental Golf and Country Club,
Bacolod City, thereat docketed as Civil Case No.
Inc. (NOGCCI) at P150,000.00 per share,
5348. The complaint, however, was dismissed,
registered in the name of said private
respondent or his corporations. paving the way for the auction sale for the
delinquent 227 shares of stock. On August 5,
1989, an auction sale was conducted.
The facts:
On November 3, 1990, petitioner Republic and
Civil Case No. 0034 entitled Republic of the private respondent Benedicto entered into a
Philippines, plaintiff, v. Roberto S. Benedicto, et Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. 0034.
al., defendants, is a complaint for reconveyance, The agreement contained a general release
reversion, accounting, reconstitution and clause5 whereunder petitioner Republic agreed
damages. The case is one of several suits and bound itself to lift the sequestration on the
involving ill-gotten or unexplained wealth that 227 NOGCCI shares, among other Benedicto’s
petitioner Republic, through the PCGG, filed with properties, petitioner Republic acknowledging
the Sandiganbayan against private respondent that it was within private respondent Benedicto’s
Roberto S. Benedicto and others pursuant to capacity to acquire the same shares out of his
Executive Order (EO) No. 14,3 series of 1986. income from business and the exercise of his
profession.6 Implied in this undertaking is the
Pursuant to its mandate under EO No. 1,4 series recognition by petitioner Republic that the
of 1986, the PCGG issued writs placing under subject shares of stock could not have been ill-
sequestration all business enterprises, entities gotten.
and other properties, real and personal, owned
or registered in the name of private respondent In a decision dated October 2, 1992, the
Benedicto, or of corporations in which he Sandiganbayan approved the Compromise
appeared to have controlling or majority interest. Agreement and accordingly rendered judgment
Among the properties thus sequestered and in accordance with its terms.
taken over by PCGG fiscal agents were the 227
shares in NOGCCI owned by private respondent
In the process of implementing the Compromise
Benedicto and registered in his name or under
the names of corporations he owned or Agreement, either of the parties would, from time
controlled. to time, move for a ruling by the Sandiganbayan
on the proper manner of implementing or
interpreting a specific provision therein.
Following the sequestration process, PCGG
representatives sat as members of the Board of
Directors of NOGCCI, which passed, sometime On February 22, 1994, Benedicto filed in Civil
Case No. 0034 a "Motion for Release from
Sequestration and Return of Sequestered On April 1, 1996, PCGG filed a Manifestation
Shares/Dividends" praying, inter alia, that his with Motion for Reconsideration,10 praying for the
NOGCCI shares of stock be specifically released setting aside of the Resolution of February 23,
from sequestration and returned, delivered or 1996. On April 11, 1996, private respondent
paid to him as part of the parties’ Compromise Benedicto filed a Motion to Enforce Judgment
Agreement in that case. In a Levy. Resolving these two motions, the
Resolution7 promulgated on December 6, 1994, Sandiganbayan, in its second assailed
the Sandiganbayan granted Benedicto’s Resolution11 dated March 13, 1997, denied that
aforementioned motion but placed the subject portion of the PCGG’s Manifestation with Motion
shares under the custody of its Clerk of Court, for Reconsideration concerning the subject 227
thus: NOGCCI shares and granted Benedicto’s Motion
to Enforce Judgment Levy.
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the
said "Motion for Release From Sequestration Hence, the Republic’s present recourse on the
and Return of Sequestered Shares/Dividends" is sole issue of whether or not the public
hereby GRANTED and it is directed that said respondent Sandiganbayan, Second Division,
shares/dividends be delivered/placed under the gravely abused its discretion in holding that the
custody of the Clerk of Court, Sandiganbayan, PCGG is at fault for not paying the membership
Manila subject to this Court’s disposition. dues on the 227 sequestered NOGCCI shares of
stock, a failing which eventually led to the
On March 28, 1995, the Sandiganbayan came foreclosure sale thereof.
out with the herein first assailed
Resolution,8 which clarified its aforementioned The petition lacks merit.
December 6, 1994 Resolution and directed the
immediate implementation thereof by requiring To begin with, PCGG itself does not dispute its
PCGG, among other things: being considered as a receiver insofar as the
sequestered 227 NOGCCI shares of stock are
(b) To deliver to the Clerk of Court the 227 concerned.12 PCGG also acknowledges that as
sequestered shares of [NOGCCI] registered in such receiver, one of its functions is to pay
the name of nominees of ROBERTO S. outstanding debts pertaining to the sequestered
BENEDICTO free from all liens and entity or property,13 in this case the 227 NOGCCI
encumbrances, or in default thereof, to pay their shares in question. It contends, however, that
value at P150,000.00 per share which can be membership dues owing to a golf club cannot be
deducted from [the Republic’s] cash share in the considered as an outstanding debt for which
Compromise Agreement. [Words in bracket PCGG, as receiver, must pay. It also claims to
added] (Emphasis Supplied). have exercised due diligence to prevent the loss
through delinquency sale of the subject NOGCCI
Owing to PCGG’s failure to comply with the shares, specifically inviting attention to the
above directive, Benedicto filed in Civil Case No. injunctive suit, i.e., Civil Case No. 5348, it filed
0034 a Motion for Compliance dated July 25, before the RTC of Bacolod City to enjoin the
1995, followed by an Ex-Parte Motion for Early foreclosure sale of the shares.
Resolution dated February 12, 1996. Acting
thereon, the Sandiganbayan promulgated yet The filing of the injunction complaint adverted to,
another Resolution9 on February 23, 1996, without more, cannot plausibly tilt the balance in
dispositively reading: favor of PCGG. To the mind of the Court, such
filing is a case of acting too little and too late. It
WHEREFORE, finding merit in the instant cannot be over-emphasized that it behooved the
motion for early resolution and considering that, PCGG’s fiscal agents to preserve, like a
indeed, the PCGG has not shown any justifiable responsible father of the family, the value of the
ground as to why it has not complied with its shares of stock under their administration. But
obligation as set forth in the Order of December far from acting as such father, what the fiscal
6, 1994 up to this date and which Order was agents did under the premises was to allow the
issued pursuant to the Compromise Agreement element of delinquency to set in before acting by
and has already become final and executory, embarking on a tedious process of going to court
accordingly, the Presidential Commission on after the auction sale had been announced and
Good Government is hereby given a final scheduled.
extension of fifteen (15) days from receipt hereof
within which to comply with the Order of The PCGG’s posture that to the owner of the
December 6, 1994 as stated hereinabove. sequestered shares rests the burden of paying
the membership dues is untenable. For one, it


lost sight of the reality that such dues are gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive
basically obligations attached to the shares, duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty
which, in the final analysis, shall be made liable, enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation
thru delinquency sale in case of default in of law as where the power is exercised in an
payment of the dues. For another, the PCGG as arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of
sequestrator-receiver of such shares is, as passion or hostility.17 Sadly, this is completely
stressed earlier, duty bound to preserve the absent in the present case. For, at bottom, the
value of such shares. Needless to state, assailed resolutions of the Sandiganbayan did
adopting timely measures to obviate the loss of no more than to direct PCGG to comply with its
those shares forms part of such duty and due part of the bargain under the compromise
diligence. agreement it freely entered into with private
respondent Benedicto. Simply put, the assailed
The Sandiganbayan, to be sure, cannot resolutions of the Sandiganbayan have firm
plausibly be faulted for finding the PCGG liable basis in fact and in law.
for the loss of the 227 NOGCCI shares. There
can be no quibbling, as indeed the graft court so Lest it be overlooked, the issue of liability for the
declared in its assailed and related resolutions shares in question had, as both public and
respecting the NOGCCI shares of stock, that private respondents asserted, long become final
PCGG’s fiscal agents, while sitting in the and executory. Petitioner’s narration of facts in
NOGCCI Board of Directors agreed to the its present petition is even misleading as it
amendment of the rule pertaining to membership conveniently fails to make reference to two (2)
dues. Hence, it is not amiss to state, as did the resolutions issued by the Sandiganbayan. We
Sandiganbayan, that the PCGG-designated refer to that court’s resolutions of December 6,
fiscal agents, no less, had a direct hand in the 199418 and February 23, 199619 as well as
loss of the sequestered shares through several intervening pleadings which served as
delinquency and their eventual sale through basis for the decisions reached therein. As it
public auction. While perhaps anti-climactic to so were, the present petition questions only and
mention it at this stage, the unfortunate loss of focuses on the March 28, 199520 and March 13,
the shares ought not to have come to pass had 199721 resolutions, which merely reiterated and
those fiscal agents prudently not agreed to the clarified the graft court’s underlying resolution of
passage of the NOGCCI board resolutions December 6, 1994. And to place matters in the
charging membership dues on shares without proper perspective, PCGG’s failure to comply
playing representatives. with the December 6, 1994 resolution prompted
the issuance of the clarificatory and/or reiteratory
Given the circumstances leading to the auction resolutions aforementioned.
sale of the subject NOGCCI shares, PCGG’s
lament about public respondent Sandiganbayan In a last-ditch attempt to escape liability,
having erred or, worse still, having gravely petitioner Republic, through the PCGG, invokes
abused its discretion in its determination as to state immunity from suit.22As argued, the order
who is at fault for the loss of the shares in for it to pay the value of the delinquent shares
question can hardly be given cogency. would fix monetary liability on a government
agency, thus necessitating the appropriation of
For sure, even if the Sandiganbayan were wrong public funds to satisfy the judgment claim.23 But,
in its findings, which does not seem to be in this as private respondent Benedicto correctly
case, it is a well-settled rule of jurisprudence that countered, the PCGG fails to take stock of one
certiorari will issue only to correct errors of of the exceptions to the state immunity principle,
jurisdiction, not errors of judgment. Corollarily, i.e., when the government itself is the suitor, as
errors of procedure or mistakes in the court’s in Civil Case No. 0034. Where, as here, the
findings and conclusions are beyond the State itself is no less the plaintiff in the main
corrective hand of certiorari.14 The extraordinary case, immunity from suit cannot be effectively
writ of certiorari may be availed only upon a invoked.24 For, as jurisprudence teaches, when
showing, in the minimum, that the respondent the State, through its duly authorized officers,
tribunal or officer exercising judicial or quasi- takes the initiative in a suit against a private
judicial functions has acted without or in excess party, it thereby descends to the level of a
of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of private individual and thus opens itself to
discretion.15 whatever counterclaims or defenses the latter
may have against it.25 Petitioner Republic’s act of
The term "grave abuse of discretion" connotes filing its complaint in Civil Case No. 0034
capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment constitutes a waiver of its immunity from suit.
Being itself the plaintiff in that case, petitioner
as is equivalent to excess, or a lack of
Republic cannot set up its immunity against
jurisdiction.16 The abuse must be so patent and
private respondent Benedicto’s prayers in the I attest that the conclusions in the above
same case. decision were reached in consultation before the
case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of
In fact, by entering into a Compromise the Court’s Division.
Agreement with private respondent Benedicto,
petitioner Republic thereby stripped itself of its REYNATO S .PUNO
immunity from suit and placed itself in the same Associate Justice
level of its adversary. When the State enters into Chairperson, Second Division
contract, through its officers or agents, in
furtherance of a legitimate aim and purpose and CERTIFICATION
pursuant to constitutional legislative authority,
whereby mutual or reciprocal benefits accrue
Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the
and rights and obligations arise therefrom, the Constitution, and the Division Chairman's
State may be sued even without its express Attestation, it is hereby certified that the
consent, precisely because by entering into a
conclusions in the above decision were reached
contract the sovereign descends to the level of
in consultation before the case was assigned to
the citizen. Its consent to be sued is implied from
the writer of the opinion of the Court.
the very act of entering into such
contract,26 breach of which on its part gives the
corresponding right to the other party to the ARTEMIO V. PANGANIBAN
agreement. Chief Justice

Finally, it is apropos to stress that the

Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. 0034
envisaged the immediate recovery of alleged ill-
gotten wealth without further litigation by the Footnotes
government, and buying peace on the part of the
aging Benedicto.27 Sadly, that stated objective 1
Penned by Associate Justice Romeo
has come to naught as not only had the litigation M. Escareal, with Associate Justices
continued to ensue, but, worse, private Minita Chico-Nazario (now a member of
respondent Benedicto passed away on May 15, this Court) and Roberto M. Lagman,
2000,28 with the trial of Civil Case No. 0034 still concurring; Rollo, pp. 14-27.
in swing, so much so that the late Benedicto had
to be substituted by the administratrix of his 2
Rollo, pp. 28-43.
Issued by then Pres. Corazon C.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby Aquino investing the Sandiganbayan
DISMISSED. exclusive and original jurisdiction over
cases involving the ill-gotten wealth of
SO ORDERED. former President Ferdinand E. Marcos,
members of his immediate family, close
CANCIO C. GARCIA relatives, subordinates, close and/or
Associate Justice business associates, dummies, agents
and nominees.
Creating the PCGG to assist the
President in the recovery of vast
government resources allegedly
Associate Justice
amassed by then former President
Marcos, his immediate family, relatives
and close associates and defining its
RENATO C. powers.
Asscociate 5
Par. II (a).
Associate Justice
Petition, Rollo, p. 6.
Associate Justice 7
Rollo, pp. 127-132, Annex 6 of
Rollo, pp. 14-27, Annex "A" of the

Rollo, pp. 138-139, Annex 9 of

Rollo, pp. 44-46, Annex "C" of the



Rollo, pp. 28-43, Annex "B" of the



Petition, Rollo, p. 7.

Id. at pp. 7-8, Petition, citing Bataan


Shipyard & Engineering Co. v. PCGG,

150 SCRA 181 (1987).

Lee v. People, 393 SCRA 397 (2002).

Camacho v. Coresis, Jr., 387 SCRA


628 (2002).

Litton Mills, Inc. v. Galleon Trader,
Inc., 163 SCRA 489 (1988).

Duero v. Court of Appeals, 373 SCRA


11 (2002).

See Note #7, supra.

See Note #9, supra.

See Note # 1, supra.

See Note #2, supra.

Reply, Rollo, p. 160; and


Memorandum, Rollo, pp. 260-261.

Id., citing Garcia v. Chief of Staff, 16


SCRA 120 (1966).

Rejoinder, Rollo, pp. 169-170.

Froilan v. Pan Oriental Shipping Co.,


95 Phil. 905, 912 (1954).

Santos v. Santos, 92 Phil. 281, 284

March 28, 1995 Resolution of the


Sandiganbayan; Rollo, p. 20.

Notice of death, Rollo, pp. 210-212.

Rollo, p. 228.
SECOND DIVISION the construction of the housing units.
Under the contracts, the scope of
G.R. No. 131544. March 16, 2001 construction and funding therefor covered
only around 2/3 of each housing
EPG CONSTRUCTION CO., CIPER unit. 3 After complying with the terms of
ELECTRICAL & ENGINEERING, SEPTA said contracts, and by reason of the verbal
CONSTRUCTION CO., PHIL. PLUMBING request and assurance of then DPWH
CO., HOME CONSTRUCTION INC., Undersecretary Aber Canlas that
WORLD BUILDERS CO., GLASS WORLD additional funds would be available and
INC., PERFORMANCE BUILDERS DEVT. forthcoming, petitioners agreed to
CO., DE LEON-ARANETA CONST. CO., undertake and perform additional
J.D. MACAPAGAL CONST. CO., All constructions 4 for the completion of the
represented by their Atty. IN FACT, housing units, despite the absence of
MARCELO D, FORONDA, petitioners, appropriations and written contracts to
vs. HON. GREGORIO R. VIGILAR, In cover subsequent expenses for the
His Capacity as Secretary of Public additional constructions.
Works and Highways, respondent.
Petitioners then received payment for the
DECISION construction work duly covered by the
individual written contracts, thereby
leaving an unpaid balance of
P5,918,315.63, 5 which amount
represents the expenses for the additional
Sought to be reversed in the instant constructions for the completion of the
Petition for Certiorari is the Decision, existing housing units. On 14 November
dated 07 November 1997, of the Regional 1988, petitioners sent a demand letter to
Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 226, in the DPWH Secretary and submitted that
Civil Case No. Q-96-29243, 1 dismissing their claim for payment was favorably
the Petition for Mandamus filed by herein recommended by DPWH Assistant
petitioners against herein respondent Hon. Secretary for Legal Services Dominador
Gregorio Vigilar, in his capacity as Madamba, who recognized the existence
Secretary of the Department of Public ofimplied contracts covering the
Works and Highways (DPWH). additional constructions. Notwithstanding,
DPWH Assistant Secretary Madamba
The tapestry of facts unfurls. opined that payment of petitioners money
claims should be based onquantum
In 1983, the Ministry of Human meruit and should be forwarded to the
Settlement, through the BLISS Commission on Audit (COA) for its due
Development Corporation, initiated a consideration and approval. The money
housing project on a government property claims were then referred to COA which
along the east bank of the Manggahan returned the same to the DPWH Auditor
Floodway in Pasig City. For this purpose, for auditorial action. On the basis of the
the Ministry of Human Settlement entered Inspection Report of the Auditors
into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Technical Staff, the DPWH Auditor
with the Ministry of Public Works and interposed no objection to the payment of
Highways, 2 where the latter undertook to the money claims subject to whatever
develop the housing site and construct action the COA may adopt.
thereon 145 housing units.
In a Second Indorsement dated 27 July
By virtue of the MOA, the Ministry of 1992, the COA returned the documents to
Public Works and Highways forged the DPWH, stating that funds should first
individual contracts with herein petitioners be made available before COA could pass
EPG Construction Co., Ciper Electrical and upon and act on the money claims. In a
Engineering, Septa Construction Co., Phil. Memorandum dated 30 July 1992, then
Plumbing Co., Home Construction Inc., DPWH Secretary Jose De Jesus requested
World Builders Inc., Glass World Inc., the Secretary of Budget and Management
Performance Builders Development Co. to release public funds for the payment of
and De Leon Araneta Construction Co., for petitioners money claims, stating that the
amount is urgently needed in order to the parties appeared and filed their
settle once and for all this (sic) respective pre-trial briefs. Further,
outstanding obligations of the respondent submitted a Memorandum to
government. In a Letter of the which petitioners filed a Rejoinder.
Undersecretary of Budget and
Management dated 20 December 1994, On 07 November 1997, the lower court
the amount of P5,819,316.00 was then denied the Petition for Mandamus, in a
released for the payment of petitioners Decision which disposed as follows:
money claims, under Advise of Allotment
No. A4-1303-04-41-303. WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing,
the instant Petition for Mandamus is
In an Indorsement dated 27 December dismissed. The order of September 24,
1995, the COA referred anew the money 1997, submitting the Manifestation and
claims to the DPWH pursuant to COA Motion for Resolution, is hereby
Circular 95-006, thus: withdrawn.

Respectfully returned thru the Auditor to SO ORDERED.

the Honorable Secretary, Department of
Public Works and Highways, Port Area, Hence, this petition where the core issue
Manila, the above-captioned subject (Re: for resolution focuses on the right of
Claim of Ten (10) contractors for payment petitioners-contractors to compensation
of Work accomplishments on the for a public works housing project.
construction of the COGEO II Housing
Project, Pasig, Metro Manila) and
In the case before us, respondent, citing
reiterating the policy of this office as
among others Sections 46 6 and
embodied in COA Circular No. 95-006
47, 7 Chapter 7, Sub-Title B, Title I, Book
dated May 18, 1995 totally lifting its pre-
V of the Administrative Code of 1987 (E.O
audit activities on all financial transactions
292), posits that the existence of
of the agencies of the government
appropriations and availability of funds as
involving implementation/prosecution of
certified to and verified by the proper
projects and/or payment of claims without
accounting officials are conditions sine qua
exception so as to vest on agency heads
non for the execution of government
the prerogative to exercise fiscal
contracts. 8Respondent harps on the fact
responsibility thereon.
that the additional work was pursued
through the verbal request of then DPWH
The audit of the transaction shall be done Undersecretary Aber P. Canlas, despite
after payment. the absence of the corresponding
supplemental contracts and appropriate
In a letter dated 26 August 1996, funding. 9 According to
respondent DPWH Secretary Gregorio respondent, sans showing of certificate of
Vigilar denied the subject money claims availability of funds, the implied contracts
prompting herein petitioners to file before are considered fatally defective and
the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, considered inexistent and void ab initio.
Branch 226, a Petition for Mandamus Respondent concludes that inasmuch as
praying that herein respondent be the additional work done was pursued in
ordered: violation of the mandatory provisions of
the laws concerning contracts involving
1) To pay petitioners the total of expenditure of public funds and in excess
P5,819,316.00; of the public officials contracting authority,
the same is not binding on the
2) To pay petitioners moral and exemplary government and impose no liability
damages in the amount to be fixed by the therefor. 10
crä läwvirt ualib rä ry

Court and sum of P500,000.00 as

attorneys fees. Although this Court agrees with
respondents postulation that the implied
On 18 February 1997, the lower court contracts, which covered the additional
conducted a pre-trial conference where constructions, are void, in view of
violation of applicable laws, auditing rules favorable action on the petitioners request
and lack of legal requirements, 11 we for payment. Despite the admitted
nonetheless find the instant petition laden absence of a specific covering
with merit and uphold, in the interest of appropriation as required under COA
substantial justice, petitioners-contractors Resolution No. 36-58, the petitioner
right to be compensated for the may nevertheless be compensated for
"additional constructions" on the public the services rendered by
works housing project, applying it, concededly for the public benefit,
the principle of quantum meruit . from the general fund allotted by law to
the Betis River project. Substantial
Interestingly, this case is not of first compliance with the said resolution, in
impression. In Eslao vs. Commission on view of the circumstances of this case,
Audit, 12this Court likewise allowed should suffice. The Court also feels that
recovery by the contractor on the basis the remedy suggested by the
of quantum meruit, following our respondent, to wit, the filing of a
pronouncement in Royal Trust complaint in court for recovery of the
Construction vs. Commission on compensation claimed, would entail
Audi t, 13thus: additional expense, inconvenience
and delay which in fairness should be
In Royal Trust Construction vs. COA, a imposed on the petitioner.
case involving the widening and
deepening of the Betis River in Pampanga Accordingly, in the interest of substantial
at the urgent request of the local justice and equity, the respondent
officials and with the knowledge and Commission on Audit is DIRECTED to
consent of the Ministry of Public determine on a quantum meruit basis the
Works, even without a written total compensation due to the petitioner
contract and the covering for the services rendered by it in the
appropriation, the project was channel improvement of the Betis River in
undertaken to prevent the overflowing of Pampanga and to allow the payment
the neighboring areas and to irrigate the thereof immediately upon completion of
adjacent farmlands. The contractor sought the said determination. (Emphasis ours)
compensation for the completed portion in
the sum of over P1 million. While Similarly, this Court applied the doctrine
the payment was favorably of quantum meruit in Melchor vs.
recommended by the Ministry of Commission on Audit 14 and explained
Public Works, it was denied by the that where payment is based on quantum
respondent COA on the ground of violation meruit, the amount of recovery would only
of mandatory legal provisions as the be the reasonable value of the thing or
existence of corresponding appropriations services rendered regardless of any
covering the contract cost. Under COA agreement as to value. 15 c räläwvi rtua lib räry

Res. No. 36-58 dated November 15, 1986,

its existing policy is to allow recovery from Notably, the peculiar circumstances
covering contracts on the basis of present in the instant case buttress
quantum meruit if there is delay in the petitioners claim for compensation for the
accomplishment of the required certificate additional constructions, despite the
of availability of funds to support a illegality and void nature of the implied
contract. (Emphasis ours) contracts forged between the DPWH and
petitioners-contractors. On this matter, it
In the Royal Construction case, this bears stressing that the illegality of the
Court, applying the principle of quantum subject contracts proceeds from an
meruit in allowing recovery by the express declaration or prohibition by
contractor, elucidated: law, 16 and not from any intrinsic illegality.
Stated differently, the subject contracts
The work done by it (the contractor) was are not illegal per se.
impliedly authorized and later expressly
acknowledged by the Ministry of Public Of equal significance are circumstances
Works, which has twice recommended attendant and peculiar in this case which


necessitate allowance of petitioners already been completed by petitioners-
money claimson the basis of quantum contractors and the subject housing units
meruit for work accomplished on the had been, since their completion, under
government housing project. the control and disposition of the
government pursuant to its public works
To begin with, petitioners-contractors housing project.
assented and agreed to undertake
additional constructions for the completion To our mind, it would be the apex of
of the housing units, believing in good injustice and highly inequitable for us to
faith and in the interest of the government defeat petitioners-contractors right to be
and, in effect, the public in general, that duly compensated for actual work
appropriations to cover the additional performed and services rendered, where
constructions and completion of the public both the government and the public have,
works housing project would be available for years, received and accepted benefits
and forthcoming. On this particular score, from said housing project and reaped the
the records reveal that the verbal request fruits of petitioners-contractors honest toil
and assurance of then DPWH and labor.
Undersecretary Canlas led petitioners-
contractors to undertake the completion Incidentally, respondent likewise argues
of the government housing project, that the State may not be sued in the
despite the absence of covering instant case, invoking the constitutional
appropriations, written contracts, and doctrine of Non-suability of the
certification of availability of funds, as State, 17 otherwise known as the Royal
mandated by law and pertinent auditing Prerogative of Dishonesty .
rules and issuances. To put it differently,
the implied contracts, declared void in this Respondents argument is misplaced
case, covered only the completion and inasmuch as the Principle of State
final phase of construction of the Immunity finds no application in the case
housing units, which structures, before us.
concededly, were already existing, albeit
not yet finished in their entirety at the
Under these circumstances, respondent
time the implied contracts were entered
may not validly invoke the Royal
into between the government and the
Prerogative of Dishonesty and
conveniently hide under the States cloak
of invincibility against suit,considering that
Further, petitioners-contractors sent to this principle yields to certain settled
the DPWH Secretary a demand letter exceptions. True enough, the rule, in any
pressing for their money claims, on the case, is not absolute for it does not say
strength of a favorable that the state may not be sued under any
recommendation from the DPWH circumstance. 18
Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs to the
c räläwvirtual ibrä ry

effect that implied contracts existed and

Thus, in Amigable vs. Cuenca, 19 this
that the money claims had ample basis
Court, in effect, shred the protective
applying the principle of quantum
shroud which shields the State from suit,
meruit. Moreover, as can be gleaned
reiterating our decree in the landmark
from the records, even the DPWH Auditor
case of Ministerio vs. CFI of
interposed no objection to the payment of
Cebu 20 that the doctrine of governmental
the money claims, subject to whatever
immunity from suit cannot serve as an
action the COA may adopt.
instrument for perpetrating an injustice on
a citizen. It is just as important, if not
Beyond this, the sum of P5,819,316.00 more so, that there be fidelity to legal
representing the amount of petitioners norms on the part of officialdom if the rule
money claims, had already been released of law were to be maintained. 21
by the Department of Budget and
c räläwvi rtual ibrä ry

Management (DBM), under Advise of

Allotment No. A4-1303-04-41-303.
the Amigable and Ministerio cases
Equally important is the glaring fact that
generously tackled the issue of the States
the construction of the housing units had
(1) No contract involving the expenditure of public funds shall be entered into unless there is
immunity from suit vis a vis the payment an appropriation therefor, the unexpended balance of which, free of other obligations, is
sufficient to cover the proposed expenditure; X X X
of just compensation for expropriated
property, this Court nonetheless finds the 7
Section 47. Certificate Showing Appropriation to Meet Contract.

doctrine enunciated in the aforementioned

cases applicable to the instant Except in the case of a contract for personal service, for supplies for current consumption or to
be carried in stock not exceeding the estimated consumption for three (3) months, or banking
transactions of government-owned or controlled banks, no contract involving the expenditure
controversy, considering that the ends of of public funds by any government agency shall be entered into or authorized unless the
proper accounting official of the agency concerned shall have certified to the officer entering
justice would be subverted if we were to into the obligation that funds have been duly appropriated for the purpose and that the
amount necessary to cover the proposed contract for the current calendar year is available for
uphold, in this particular instance, the expenditure on account thereof, subject to verification by the auditor concerned. The
certificate signed by the proper accounting official and the auditor who verified it, shall be

States immunity from suit. attached to and become an integral part of the proposed contract, and the sum so certified
shall not thereafter be available for expenditure for any other purpose until the obligation of
the government agency concerned under the contract is fully extinguished.

To be sure, this Court as the staunch 8

Rollo p. 94.

guardian of the citizens rights and welfare

cannot sanction an injustice so patent on

its face, and allow itself to be an 10


instrument in the perpetration thereof.

Justice and equity sternly demand that the 11
Section 48, Chapter 7, Sub-Title B, Title I, Book V, Executive Order 292, otherwise
known as The Administrative Code of 1987, provides: Any contract entered into contrary
States cloak of invincibility against suit be to the requirements of the two (2) immediately preceding sections shall be void, and the
officer or officers entering into the contract shall be liable to the Government or other

shred in this particular instance, and that contracting party for any consequent damage to the same extent as if the transaction had
been wholly between private parties.

petitionerscontractors be duly
compensated on the basis of quantum
195 SCRA 730 [1991].

meruit for construction done on the 13

G.R. No. 84202, November 23, 1988 (Resolution of the Supreme Court En Banc).
public works housing project.
200 SCRA 705 [1991].

IN VIEW WHEREOF , the instant petition 15

Tantuico, State Audit Code of the Philippines Annotated, 471 [1982], cited in Melchor vs.
is GRANTED. The assailed decision of the COA, Ibid.

Regional Trial Court dated 07 November 16

Section 48, Chapter 7, Sub-Title B, Title 1, Book V, E.O. 292; Article 1409, par. (7), Civil

Section 3, Article XVI, 1987 Constitution provides: The State may not be sued without
ACCORDINGLY, the Commission on Audit its consent.; Section 10, Book I, Chapter 3, E.O. 292, provides: Non-suability of the
State.- No suit shall lie against the state except with its consent as provided by law.

is hereby directed to determine and

ascertain with dispatch, on a quantum 18
Department of Agriculture v. NLRC, 227 SCRA 693 [1993].

meruit basis, the total compensation due 19

43 SCRA 360; See also De los Santos v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 223 SCRA 11 [1993].
to petitioners-contractors for the
additional constructions on the housing 20
40 SCRA 464 [1971].

project and to allow payment thereof upon

the completion of said determination. No



Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza,

Quisumbing, and De Leon, Jr., JJ.,

Rollo, pp. 14-20.

Now Department of Public Works and Highways.

Rollo, p. 104.

Rollo, p. 188.

Rollo, p. 14.

Section 46. Appropriation Before Entering into Contract.


SECOND DIVISION hearing. Consequently, OCT No. RO-
189715 was issued in the name of spouses Claro
G.R. No. 161758 June 8, 2007 Oñate and Gregoria Los Baños.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, DIVISION OF On August 26, 1991, a Deed of Extrajudicial

ALBAY represented by its SCHOOL’S Settlement of Estate and Cession was executed
Division Superintendent,petitioner, by respondent and his three (3) sisters, namely:
vs. Melba O. Napil, Cielo O. Lardizabal, and Maria
CELSO OÑATE, respondent. Visia O. Maldo, who waived their successional
rights in favor of respondent Celso Oñate.
Asserting that the disputed lot was inherited by
his father, Francisco Oñate, from the latter’s
father, Claro Oñate, by virtue of a prior partition
VELASCO, JR., J.: among the three (3) sons of Claro Oñate and
Gregoria Los Baños, respondent in turn claimed
A little neglect may lead to great prejudice. ownership of said lot through the deed of
extrajudicial settlement.
The Case
Meanwhile, the issue of whether respondent’s
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under father, Francisco Oñate, truly acquired the
Rule 45 seeking to reverse and set aside the disputed lot through a prior partition among
January 14, 2004 Decision2 of the Court of Claro Oñate’s three (3) children had been
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 60659, which passed upon in another case, Civil Case No.
affirmed the November 3, 1997 Decision3of the 8724 for Partition, Reconveyance and Damages
Legaspi City Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch filed by the heirs of Rafael Oñate before the
I, declaring as null and void the December 21, Legaspi City RTC, Branch IX.6In said case,
1998 Deed of Donation4 executed by the respondent Celso Oñate, the defendant,
Municipality of Daraga, Albay in favor of prevailed and the case was dismissed by the
petitioner, and directing the latter to return to trial court.
respondent Celso Oñate the possession of the
portion of land occupied by the school site of the Thereafter, respondent caused Lot No. 6849 to
Daraga North Central Elementary School. be subdivided into five (5) lots, all under his
name, except Lot No. 6849-B which is under the
The Facts name of Mariano M. Lim. On October 26, 1992,
the subdivided lots were issued Transfer
Spouses Claro Oñate and Gregoria Los Baños Certificate of Titles (TCTs): (1) Lot No. 6849-A
owned Lot No. 6849 (disputed lot) with an area (13,072 square meters) under TCT No. T-
of around 27,907 square meters registered 83946;7 (2) Lot No. 6849-B (3,100 square
under the Torrens System of land registration meters) under TCT No. T-84049;8 (3) Lot No.
under Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 6849-C (10,000 square meters) under TCT No.
2563. Claro Oñate had three children, namely: T-83948;9 (4) Lot No. 6849-D (1,127 square
Antonio, Rafael, and Francisco, all surnamed meters) under TCT No. T-83949;10 and (5) Lot
Oñate. Respondent Celso Oñate is the grandson No. 6849-E (608 square meters) under TCT No.
of Claro Oñate, being the son of Francisco T-83950.11
On December 15, 1992, through his counsel,
In 1940, Bagumbayan Elementary School of respondent sent a letter to petitioner apprising it
Daraga was constructed on a portion of the about the facts and circumstances affecting the
disputed lot. The school was eventually renamed elementary school and its occupancy of Lot No.
Daraga North Central Elementary School. The 6849-A with an area of 13,072 square meters.
Municipality of Daraga leveled the area while Respondent proposed to petitioner DECS that it
petitioner Department of Education Culture and purchase Lot No. 6849-A at the Fair Market
Sports (DECS; now Department of Education Value (FMV) of PhP 400 per square meter and
[DepEd]) developed and built various school also requested for reasonable rentals from
buildings and facilities on the disputed lot. 1960.12 The records show that then DECS
Director IV Jovencio Revil subsequently referred
the matter to the DECS Division Superintendent
Sometime in 1991, respondent filed a
Rizalina D. Saquido for investigation.13
reconstitution proceeding of OCT No. 2563
which was granted by the Legaspi City RTC,
Branch V after due notice, publication, and
On February 24, 1993, through his counsel, During the ensuing trial where both parties
respondent likewise wrote to Engr. Orlando presented documentary and testimonial
Roces, District Engineer, Albay Engineering evidence, respondent testified that he came to
District about the on-going construction projects know of the disputed lot in 1973 when he was 23
in the school.14 Engr. Roces then informed years old; that he took possession of the said lot
respondent’s counsel that petitioner DECS is the in the same year; that he came to know that the
owner of the school site having acquired the elementary school occupied a portion of the said
disputed lot by virtue of a Deed of Donation lot only in 1991; and that it was only in 1992 that
executed by the Municipality of Daraga, Albay in he came to know of the Deed of Donation
favor of petitioner.15 executed by the Municipality of Daraga,
Albay.19 Also, Felicito Armenta, a tenant
Consequently, on March 18, 1993, respondent cultivating a portion of disputed Lot 6849,
instituted a Complaint16 for Annulment of testified that respondent indeed owned said lot
Donation and/or Quieting of Title with Recovery and the share of the crops cultivated were paid
of Possession of Lot No. 6849 located at Barrio to respondent.20
Bagumbayan, Daraga, Albay before the Legaspi
City RTC, docketed as Civil Case No. 8715, However, after respondent testified, defendants
against petitioner DECS, Division of Albay, in said case filed a Joint Motion to Dismiss21 on
represented by the Division Superintendent of the ground that respondent’s suit was against
Schools, Mrs. Rizalina D. Saquido; and the the State which was prohibited without the
Municipality of Daraga, Albay, represented by latter’s consent. Respondent countered with his
the Municipal Mayor, Honorable Cicero Opposition to Joint Motion to
Triunfante. Dismiss.22 Subsequently, the trial court denied
the Joint Motion to Dismiss, ruling that the State
In its April 28, 1993 Answer,17 the Municipality of had given implied consent by entering into a
Daraga, Albay, through Mayor Cicero Triunfante, contract.23
1aw phi1

denied respondent’s ownership of the disputed

lot as it alleged that sometime in 1940, the Aside from the reconstituted OCT No. RO-
Municipality bought said lot from Claro Oñate, 18971, respondent presented the TCTs covering
respondent’s grandfather, and since then it had the five (5) portions of the partitioned Lot 6849,
continually occupied said lot openly and publicly Tax Declaration No. 04-006-0068124 issued for
in the concept of an owner until 1988 when the said lot, and the April 20, 1992
Municipality donated the school site to petitioner Certification25 from the Office of the Treasurer of
DECS; thus asserting that it could also claim the Municipality of Daraga, Albay attesting to
ownership also through adverse possession. respondent’s payment of realty taxes for Lot
Moreover, it claimed that the disputed lot had 6849 from 1980 to 1990.
been declared in the name of defendant
municipality in the Municipal Assessor’s Office After respondent rested his case, the defense
under Tax Declaration No. 31954 from 1940 until presented and marked their documentary
1988 for purposes of exemption from real estate exhibits of Tax Declaration No. 30235 issued in
taxes. Further, defendant Municipality contended the name of the late Claro Oñate, which was
that respondent was guilty of laches and was cancelled in 1938; Tax Declaration
estopped from assailing ownership over the 31954,26 which cancelled Tax Declaration No.
disputed lot. 30235, in the name of Municipality of Daraga
with the annotation of Ex-Officio Deputy
Similarly, petitioner’s April 29, 1993 Assessor Natalio Grageda attesting to the
Answer18 reiterated in essence the defenses purchase by the Municipality under Municipal
raised by the Municipality of Daraga, Albay and Voucher No. 69, August 1940 accounts and the
further contended that respondent had no cause issuance of TCT No. 4812 in favor of the
of action because it acquired ownership over the Municipality; Tax Declaration No. 892627 in the
disputed lot by virtue of a Deed of Donation name of the Municipality which cancelled Tax
executed on December 21, 1988 in its favor; and Declaration No. 31954; and the subsequent Tax
that respondent’s claim was vague as it was Declaration Nos. 22184,28 332,29 and 04-006-
derived from a void Deed of Extrajudicial 00068.30
Settlement of Estate and Cession disposing of
the disputed lot which was already sold to the The defense presented the testimony of Mr.
Municipality of Daraga, Albay in 1940. Petitioner Jose Adra,31 the Principal of Daraga North
likewise assailed the issuance of a reconstituted Central Elementary School, who testified on the
OCT over Lot 6849 when the lower court Municipality’s donation of disputed Lot 6849 to
granted respondent’s petition for reconstitution petitioner and the improvements on said lot
without notifying petitioner. amounting to more than PhP 11 million; and
Mrs. Toribia Milleza,32 a retired government 6. Ordering the defendants to pay the
employee and resident of Bagumbayan, Daraga, costs of the suit. No attorney’s fees is
Albay since 1955, who testified on the hereby adjudged in favor of plaintiff’s
Municipality’s continuous and adverse counsel.
possession of the disputed lot since 1940.
As mentioned earlier, Civil Case No. 8724 for
Partition, Reconveyance and Damages was The trial court ratiocinated that it was clear that
instituted by the heirs of Rafael Oñate in Legaspi subject Lot 6849 was originally registered under
City RTC, Branch IX against Spouses Celso the Torrens System in the name of Spouses
Oñate and Allem Vellez, involving the same Claro Oñate and Gregoria Los Baños as
disputed lot. Petitioner and co-defendant evidenced by OCT No. RO-18971. The right of
Municipality of Daraga, Albay were about to file respondent Celso Oñate over the disputed lot
a complaint for intervention in said case, but it had not been proven otherwise or overturned in
was overtaken by the resolution of the case on Civil Case No. 8724, and this was bolstered by
August 14, 1995 with the trial court dismissing the Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate
the complaint. and Cession, where respondent’s sister waived
their successional rights in his favor. Thus, the
The Ruling of the RTC trial court ruled in favor of respondent’s title.
Besides, it further ruled that defendants could
On November 3, 1997, the trial court rendered a not assail the registered title of respondent in a
Decision in favor of respondent Celso Oñate. collateral proceeding.
The dispositive portion declared, thus:
While the Municipality of Daraga, Albay
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment anchored its prior ownership over the disputed
is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff and lot by virtue of a sale in 1940 and mentioned
against the defendants: TCT No. 4812 supposedly issued in its name, it
however failed to submit any deed of
1. Declaring the Deed of Donation conveyance in its favor, as well as a copy of the
alleged TCT No. 4812. Hence, the trial court
executed by the Municipality of Daraga,
held that its claim over disputed Lot 6849 was
Albay in favor of the defendant
based solely on adverse prescription which
Department of Education Culture and
could not prevail over respondent’s registered
Sports through the Albay Schools
Division as null and void; title.

The trial court concluded that given these factual

2. Declaring the plaintiff as the owner in
and evidentiary proofs, petitioner had no right to
fee simple of Lots Nos. 6849-A, 6849-C,
occupy Lot 6849-A, and the Deed of Donation
6849-D and 6849-E which are registered
in his name; executed by the Municipality of Daraga, Albay in
favor of petitioner must be nullified. Finally, the
trial court awarded PhP 50,000 to the
3. Commanding the defendants to return Municipality of Daraga, Albay for the cost of
the possession of the portion of the land landfill and ordered that Article 44834 of the New
occupied by the school site to the herein Civil Code be followed by the parties as
plaintiff Celso Oñate; petitioner was a builder in good faith.

4. Ordering the plaintiff for reason of The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
equity, to pay the defendant Municipality
of Daraga, Albay the amount of Fifty
Thousand (50,000.00) Pesos pursuant Aggrieved, petitioner DECS and Municipality of
Daraga, Albay filed their respective Notices of
to Article 479 of the New Civil Code of
Appeal35 assailing the trial court’s Decision
the Philippines;
before the CA. However, on June 17, 1998, the
appellate court declared the appeals of both
5. The defendant Department of petitioners abandoned and dismissed for their
Education Culture and Sports being a failure to pay the required docket fees within the
builder in good faith, the provisions of reglementary period.36 Petitioner then filed a
Article 448 of the New Civil Code of the Motion for Reconsideration37 of the said June 17,
Philippines shall be observed by the 1998 Resolution and its appeal was
parties; and subsequently reinstated.38 The Municipality of
Daraga, Albay, however, totally lost its appeal
due to inaction, and the appellate court laches could not defeat the rights of a registered
correspondingly issued a Partial Entry of owner.
Judgment on July 9, 1998.39
The Issues
Moreover, the appellate court held that there
was no jurisdictional defect in the reconstitution Hence, we have the instant petition where
proceeding being one in rem, and in the petitioner raises the following assignment of
issuance of OCT No. RO-18971 based on the errors:
destroyed or lost OCT No. 2563, even if no
notice was sent to petitioner. Thus, the CA ruled
that respondent’s claim of ownership over Lot
6849-A occupied by the school is conclusive for
being soundly predicated on TCT No. T-83946 THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
which cancelled the reconstituted OCT No. RO- AFFIRMING THE TRIAL COURT’S FINDING
18971. Furthermore, it reiterated the trial court’s THAT RESPONDENT’S CAUSE OF ACTION
holding that petitioner is precluded from TO RECOVER POSSESSION OF THE
attacking collaterally respondent’s title over the SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT YET BARRED
disputed lot in this proceeding. BY LACHES.

The CA emphasized that petitioner’s failure to II

present TCT No. 4812––allegedly issued in the
name of the Municipality of Daraga, Albay in THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
1940 in lieu of OCT No. 2563 and the Deed of ACCORDING GREAT WEIGHT ON
Conveyance executed by the original owner, RESPONDENT’S RECONSTITUTED
Claro Oñate, in favor of the Municipality––was ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE (OCT) NO.
fatal to the defense. It reasoned that "all the 2563 COVERING SUBJECT PROPERTY.
more had their claim of ownership become
doubtful when defendants-appellants [sic] failed III
to explain from their pleadings and the evidence
submitted before Us their failure to present the THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING
two documents."40 The appellate court concluded THAT PETITIONER MAY BE SUED IN
that given these facts, no title in the name of the VIOLATION OF THE STATE’S IMMUNITY
Municipality ever existed and thus it could not FROM SUIT.
have validly donated the subject property to
Anent the issue of the applicability of Amigable
v. Cuenca,41 the CA affirmed the doctrine
enunciated in said case that "to uphold the
State’s immunity from suit would subvert the
ends of justice." In fine, the appellate court
pointed out the inconvenience and impossibility
of restoring possession of Lot 6849-A to Petitioner basically raises two issues—the
respondent considering the substantial application of laches and the non-suability of the
improvements built on said lot by the State.
government which amounted to almost PhP 12
million; and that the only relief available was for The threshold issue is whether petitioner DECS
the government to pay just compensation in can be sued in Civil Case No. 8715 without its
favor of respondent computed on the basis of consent. A supplementary issue is whether
the value of the property at the time of the petitioner DECS can be sued independently of
government’s taking of the land. the Republic of the Philippines.

Through its assailed Decision,42 the CA We rule that petitioner DECS can be sued
dismissed petitioner’s appeal for lack of merit without its permission as a result of its being
and affirmed the trial court’s decision in toto. It privy to the Deed of Donation executed by the
reasoned that laches does not apply, its Municipality of Daraga, Albay over the disputed
application rests on the sound discretion of the property. When it voluntarily gave its consent to
court, and where the court believes that its the donation, any dispute that may arise from it
application would result in manifest wrong or would necessarily bring petitioner DECS down to
injustice, it is constrained not to be guided the level of an ordinary citizen of the State
strictly by said doctrine. Besides, it opined that vulnerable to a suit by an interested or affected
party. It has shed off its mantle of immunity and Petitioner strongly avers that Claro Oñate, the
relinquished and forfeited its armor of non- original owner of subject lot, sold it to the
suability of the State.44 Municipality. At the very least it asserts that said
Claro Oñate allowed the Municipality to enter,
The auxiliary issue of non-joinder of the Republic possess, and enjoy the lot without protest. In
of the Philippines is likewise resolved in the fact, Claro Oñate neither protested nor
negative. While it is true that petitioner is an questioned the cancellation of his Tax
unincorporated government agency, and as Declaration No. 30235 covering the disputed lot
such technically requires the Republic of the and its substitution by Tax Declaration No.
Philippines to be impleaded in any suit against 31954 in the name of the Municipality on
the former, nonetheless, considering our account of his sale of the lot to the latter. In the
resolution of the main issue below, this issue is same vein, when Claro Oñate and his spouse
deemed mooted. Besides, at this point, we deem died, their children Antonio, Rafael, and
it best to lift such procedural technicality in order Francisco who succeeded them also did not take
to finally resolve the long litigation this case has any steps to question the ownership and
undergone. Moreover, even if we give due possession by the Municipality of the disputed
course to said issue, we will arrive at the same lot until they died on June 8, 1990, June 12,
ruling. 1991, and October 22, 1957, respectively.

The Republic of the Philippines need not be Petitioner maintains that significantly,
impleaded as a party-defendant in Civil Case respondent and his siblings— succeeding their
No. 8715 considering that it impliedly gave its father Francisco as the alleged owners, from his
approval to the involvement of petitioner DECS death on October 22, 1957—also did not take
in the Deed of Donation. In a situation involving any action to recover the questioned lot from
a contract between a government department 1957 until 1993 when the instant suit was
and a third party, the Republic of the Philippines commenced. Petitioner avers that if they were
need not be impleaded as a party to a suit really the owners of said lot, they would not have
resulting from said contract as it is assumed that waited 52 long years to institute the suit
the authority granted to such department to assuming they have a cause of action against
enter into such contract carries with it the full the Municipality or petitioner. Thus, petitioner
responsibility and authority to sue and be sued submits that the equitable principle of laches has
in its name. indubitably set in to bar respondent’s action to
recover possession of, and title to, the disputed
Main Issue: Equitable Remedy of Laches lot.

Laches and its elements

Petitioner strongly asserts that the Municipality
of Daraga, Albay had continuous, open, and
adverse possession in the concept of an owner Indeed, it is settled that rights and actions can
over the disputed lot since 1940 until December be lost by delay and by the effect of delay as the
21, 1988 or for about 48 years. Significantly, it equitable defense of laches does not concern
maintains that Tax Declaration No. 31954 itself with the character of the defendant’s title,
covering the disputed lot in the name of the but only with plaintiff’s long inaction or
Municipality of Daraga, Albay contains an inexcusable neglect to bar the latter’s action as it
annotation certifying that said lot was "under would be inequitable and unjust to the
voucher No. 69, August, 1940 accounts. The defendant.
corresponding Transfer Title No. 4812 has been
issued by the Register of Deeds Office of Albay Laches is defined as the failure or neglect, for an
on August 3, 1940."45 unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to
do that which—by the exercise of due
When petitioner received the lot as donation diligence—could or should have been done
from the Municipality on December 21, 1988, it earlier.46 Verily, laches serves to deprive a party
possessed the subject lot also in the concept of guilty of it to any judicial remedies. Its elements
an owner and continued to introduce are: (1) conduct on the part of the defendant, or
improvements on the lot. Consequently, when of one under whom the defendant claims, giving
respondent instituted the instant case in 1993, rise to the situation which the complaint seeks a
petitioner and its predecessor-in-interest remedy; (2) delay in asserting the complainant's
Municipality of Daraga, Albay had possessed the rights, the complainant having had knowledge or
subject lot for a combined period of about fifty notice of the defendant's conduct as having
two (52) years. been afforded an opportunity to institute a suit;
(3) lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the
defendant that the complainant would assert the
right in which the defendant bases the suit; and Municipality of Daraga to return possession of
(4) injury or prejudice to the defendant in the the land has no significance on DECS’ appeal
event relief is accorded to the complainant, or since precisely, it is DECS’ position that it should
the suit is not held barred.47 retain possession of the land. From these
considerations, the final RTC November 3, 1997
In Felix Gochan and Sons Realty Corporation, Decision against the Municipality of Daraga has
we held that "[t]hough laches applies even to no substantial and material effect upon the
imprescriptible actions, its elements must be DECS’ appeal.
proved positively. Laches is evidentiary in
nature which could not be established by mere The only remaining issue left is whether laches
allegations in the pleadings and can not be can inure to the benefit of petitioner DECS
resolved in a motion to dismiss (emphases considering the fact that Lot No. 6849-A was
supplied)."48 In the same vein, we explained in devoted to public education when the
Santiago v. Court of Appeals that there is "no elementary school was built in 1940 under the
absolute rule as to what constitutes laches or supervision and control of DECS up to 1993
staleness of demand; each case is to be when Civil Case No. 8715 was filed by
determined according to its particular respondent Oñate.
We rule in the affirmative.
Issue of laches not barred by adverse judgment
Laches has set in
against Daraga, Albay
A brief scrutiny of the records does show tell-tale
It is unfortunate that defendant Municipality of signs of laches. The first element is undisputed:
Daraga, Albay lost its appeal in CA-G.R. CV No. the then Bagumbayan Elementary School of
60659 before the CA for its failure to pay the Daraga was constructed in 1940 on a portion of
required docket fees within the reglementary disputed Lot 6849, specifically Lot No. 6849-A
period. As a result, a Partial Entry of Judgment containing 13,072 square meters under TCT No.
was made on July 9, 1998 and consequently, T-83946. Moreover, Mrs. Toribia Milleza,50 a
the dispositions in the November 3, 1997 retired government employee and resident of
Decision, rendered by the Legaspi City RTC, Bagumbayan, Daraga since 1955 pertinently
Branch I in favor of respondent Celso Oñate, testified, thus:
became final and executory as against
defendant Municipality of Daraga, Albay. Q: How long have you been residing in this
place, Bagumbayan, Daraga, Albay?
As an off-shoot, with respect to the Municipality
of Daraga, the Deed of Donation in favor of A: Maybe I stayed there in 1955 until the
petitioner DECS was annulled––respondent present.51
Oñate was declared owner in fee simple of the
disputed lots and entitled to possession but was
required to pay PhP 50,000 to the Daraga
Municipal Government and the costs of suit. By
reason of the finality of the Decision against the Q: Now, can you further recall the kind of
Municipality of Daraga, Tax Declaration Nos. 04- building that was constructed in this property?
006-00068, 332, 22184, 31954, and 8926 are all
cancelled and annulled (if not yet cancelled). A: Seva type, building.

What are the effects of the final judgment Q: At present how many buildings were
against Municipality of Daraga on its co- constructed in this property?
defendant, petitioner DECS?
A: Plenty of school buildings.
Generally, it has no impact on the appeal of
DECS unless the decision affects its defenses. Q: Now, how many buildings were first
In this petition, DECS no longer questions the constructed in [sic] this property?
declaration of nullity of the Deed of Donation
over the disputed lot and hence can be A: In 1955 only one, the Seva type, then there
considered as a final resolution of the issue. was constructed five (5) Marcos Type buildings
Likewise, it does not challenge the ownership of during the Marcos time.52
Oñate of the disputed lots, but merely relied on
the defense of laches. The final directive for
The devotion of Lot No. 6849-A to education in-interest, that is, Claro Oñate and his uncles,
started in 1940 and continued up to December Antonio and Rafael, who died in 1990 and 1991,
21, 1988 when said lot was donated to the respectively. Since respondent’s right over the
DECS. From then on, DECS built various lot originated from his predecessors-in-interest,
buildings and introduced improvements on said then he cannot have better rights over Lot No.
lot. Lot No. 6849-A was continuously used for 6849-A than the latter. The spring cannot rise
public education until March 18, 1993 when higher than its source. Besides, respondent has
respondent Oñate filed Civil Case No. 8715 and not proffered any explanation why his
thereafter up to the present. predecessors-in-interest did not protest and
challenge the Municipality’s occupancy over a
Thus, for a total period of more than fifty-two portion of their lot. Verily, with the span of
(52) years, Lot No. 6849-A was exclusively and around 52 years afforded respondent and his
completely utilized by DECS for public predecessors-in-interest, their inaction and delay
education. This fact was not successfully in protecting their rights were certainly excessive
challenged nor refuted by respondent. and unjustified.

The second element of laches was likewise In the third element, the records clearly bear out
proven. No evidence was presented to show that the fact that petitioner DECS did not know nor
respondent or his predecessors-in-interest ever anticipate that their possession and occupancy
took any action, administrative or judicial, nor of a portion of Lot 6849 would later be
either party questioned or protested the questioned. In fact, petitioner built additional
Municipality’s adverse occupation of a portion of school buildings and facilities on the school site
Lot 6849. As petitioner had demonstrated laches amounting to more than PhP 11 million. Mr. Jose
by persuasive and credible evidence, it is Adra, School Principal of the Daraga North
incumbent upon respondent to show that his Central Elementary School, testified on the
predecessors-in-interest indeed protected their donation of the disputed lot to petitioner and the
rights of ownership over the lot. Thus, as early cost of the improvements on it.54 After more than
as 1940, when the first Seva type school forty-eight (48) years of unquestioned, peaceful,
building was constructed over a portion of the and uninterrupted possession by petitioner
disputed lot, now Lot 6849-A, respondent must DECS, it had no knowledge nor reason to
prove that his predecessors-in-interest indeed believe that respondent would assert any right
undertook activities to contest the occupation of over the lot after the lapse of such long
the portion of the lot by the Municipality and occupation coupled with a tax declaration in the
subsequently by petitioner DECS. Unfortunately, name of the Daraga Municipality.
respondent failed to substantiate such defense
of ownership and possession of the lot and even Finally, the last element is likewise proven by the
skirted this issue. antecedent facts that clearly show grave
prejudice to the government, in general, and to
Respondent testified that he came to know of petitioner, in particular, if the instant action is not
Lot 6849 only in 1973 when he was 23 years barred without even considering the cost of the
old.53 He asserted that he took possession of construction of the school buildings and facilities
said lot in the same year when his two (2) and the deleterious effect on the school children
uncles, the brothers of his late father, passed on and affected school teachers and personnel if
to him the disputed lot as his father’s share of Lot No. 6849-A would be returned to
the inheritance from the late Claro Oñate and respondent.
Gregoria Los Baños (his grandparents).
However, it is interesting to note that he testified Verily, the application of laches is addressed to
that he only came to know in 1991 that the the sound discretion of the court as its
elementary school was built on a portion of Lot application is controlled by equitable
6849, now Lot 6849-A. These assertions are considerations. In the instant case, with the
irreconcilable. Common experience tells us that foregoing considerations, we are constrained
one who owns a property and takes possession from giving approbation to the trial and appellate
of it cannot fail to discover and know that an courts’ ruling that the application of the principle
existing elementary school was built and of laches would subvert the ends of justice.
standing on the lot from the time that the owner Indeed, it is unjust for the State and the affected
starts possessing a property. citizenry to suffer after respondent and his
predecessors-in-interest had slept on their rights
Nonetheless, even granting that respondent for 52 years.
indeed only came to know of such
encroachment or occupation in 1991, his rights Also, the inaction of respondent Oñate and his
cannot be better than that of his predecessors- predecessors-in-interest for over 50 years has
reduced their right to regain possession of Lot Anent the issue of non-notification, we agree
6849-A to a stale demand. with the observation of the courts a quo that
even granting arguendothat petitioner was not
Laches holds over the actual area possessed notified about the reconstitution proceeding,
and occupied by petitioner such deficiency is not jurisdictional as to nullify
and prevail over the final disposition of the trial
court in a proceeding in rem.
We, however, make the clear distinction that
laches applies in favor of petitioner only as
regards Lot 6849-A which is actually possessed More so, while petitioner strongly asserts that
and occupied by it. Laches does not apply to Lot the certification in Tax Declaration No. 31954
Nos. 6849-B, 6849-C, 6849-D, and 6849-E. attesting to the payment of the disputed lot
These portions were never occupied by the under Municipal Voucher No. 69 and the
Municipality and petitioner. Agricultural tenant issuance of TCT No. 4812, which was never
Felicito Armenta testified that his father, Antonio disputed nor controverted by respondent, should
Armenta, started cultivating portions of Lot 6849 have been given evidentiary weight by the trial
way back in the 1940s and that he took over the and appellate courts as the presumptions of
tenancy in 1960 when his father stopped tilling regularity and validity of such official act have
the land. Besides, if the Municipality indeed not been overcome, such documents cannot
owned Lot 6849 by virtue of a purchase, it is defeat the registered title of respondent.
likewise guilty of laches in not protecting or
contesting the cultivation by Oñates’ agricultural Between a clear showing of ownership
tenants of said portions of Lot 6849. evidenced by a registered title and a certification
in a tax declaration, albeit done in an official
Transfer Certificates of Title on portions of capacity, the former holds as the latter is only
Lot 6849 valid persuasive evidence. Indeed, tax declarations in
land cases per se do not constitute ownership
without other substantial pieces of evidence.
Petitioner contends that the reconstitution of
OCT No. 2563—covering subject lot in 1991 or
52 years after the Municipality owned said lot— The records do not show and petitioner has not
does not in any way affect the latter’s given any cogent explanation why the Deed of
preferential and superior right over the disputed Conveyance in favor of the Municipality of
lot. In the same vein, it maintains that it is Daraga, Albay and TCT No. 4812 were not
inconsequential that petitioner and the presented. With clear and affirmative defenses
Municipality failed to present as evidence the set up by petitioner and Municipality of Daraga,
deed of conveyance in favor of the Municipality, Albay, it is incumbent for them to present these
as well as TCT No. 4812 as a registered land documents. Therefore, the unmistakable
owner may lose the right to recover possession inference is that there was indeed no sale and
of a registered property by reason of laches. conveyance by Claro Oñate of Lot 6849 in favor
Petitioner concludes that the long delayed of the Municipality. Consequently, the TCTs
reconstitution of OCT No. 2563 by respondent cancelling OCT No. RO-18971 covering Lot Nos.
was a mere afterthought and intended to 6849-A, 6849-B, 6849-C, 6849-D, and 6849-E
camouflage his and his predecessor’s were likewise validly issued.
unreasonably long inaction which indicates an
awareness that they have no valid claim Thus, notwithstanding valid titles over the
whatsoever over disputed Lot 6849. portions of Lot 6849, respondent Oñate cannot
now take possession over Lot No. 6849-A for
We disagree. reason of laches. In the recent case of De Vera-
Cruz v. Miguel, we reiterated the principle we
have consistently applied in laches:
It must be noted that a reconstitution proceeding
is one in rem and is thus binding to the whole
world. While it is true that laches has set in so The law55 provides that no title to registered land
far as it pertains to the portion of Lot 6849, in derogation of that of the registered owner can
specifically Lot 6849-A where the Municipality be acquired by prescription or adverse
and petitioner DECS had constructed the possession. Nonetheless, while it is true that a
existing school, such does not hold true for the Torrens Title is indefeasible and imprescriptible,
totality of Lot 6849 as explained above. Indeed, the registered landowner may lose his right to
the reconstitution proceeding being one in rem, recover the possession of his registered property
the consequent issuance of OCT No. RO-18971 by reason of laches.56
in lieu of the lost or destroyed OCT No. 2563 is
Thus, with our resolution of the principal issue of 3) Declaring Mariano M. Lim as true and legal
applicability of the equitable remedy of laches, owner of Lot 6849-B with an area of 3,100
the issue of suability of the State has been square meters under TCT No. T-84049 of the
mooted. Registry of Deeds of Albay;

A final word. Considering our foregoing 4) Ordering petitioner DECS and all other
disquisition and upon grounds of equity, a persons claiming under said department to
modification of the final decision prevailing return the possession of Lots 6849-C, 6849-D,
between respondent Oñate and the Municipality and 6849-E to respondent Celso Oñate and Lot
of Daraga, Albay is in order. It would be grossly 6849-B to Mariano M. Lim; and
iniquitous for respondent Oñate to pay PhP
50,000 to the Municipality of Daraga, Albay 5) Deleting Item No. 4 of the November 3, 1997
considering that he is not entitled to recover the Decision of the Legaspi City RTC, which ordered
possession and usufruct of Lot No. 6849-A. respondent Celso Oñate to pay Fifty Thousand
Pesos (PhP 50,000) to defendant Municipality of
WHEREFORE, the instant petition Daraga, Albay.
is GRANTED and the January 14, 2004
Decision of the CA in CA-G.R. CV No. 60659 The November 3, 1997 Decision of the Legaspi
affirming the November 3, 1997 Decision of the City RTC is AFFIRMED in all other respects.
Legaspi City RTC is AFFIRMED with the
following modifications:
No costs.

1) Declaring the DepEd (formerly DECS), SO ORDERED.

Division of Albay to have the rights of
possession and usufruct over Lot 6849-A with an
area of 13,072 square meters under TCT No. T- PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR.
83946 of the Registry of Deeds of Albay, as a Associate Justice
result of laches on the part of respondent Celso
Oñate and his predecessors-in-interest. WE CONCUR:
Respondent Celso Oñate, his heirs, assigns,
and successors-in-interest are prohibited from LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING
selling, mortgaging, or encumbering Lot 6849-A Associate Justice
while the said lot is still being used and occupied Chairperson
by petitioner DECS. However, the rights of
possession and usufruct will be restored to ANTONIO T. CONCHITA CARPIO
respondent the moment petitioner DECS no CARPIO MORALES
longer needs the said lot. The Registry of Deeds Associate Justice Associate Justice
of Albay is ordered to annotate the
aforementioned restrictions and conditions at the
back of TCT No. T-83946-A in the name of DANTE O. TINGA
respondent Celso Oñate. Item No. 2 of the Associate Justice
November 3, 1997 Decision of the Legaspi City
RTC is modified accordingly;

2) Declaring Celso Oñate as the true and legal

owner in fee simple of the following lots: ATTESTATION

a. Lot 6849-C with an area of 10,000 square I attest that the conclusions in the above
meters under TCT No. T-83948 of the Registry Decision had been reached in consultation
of Deeds of Albay; before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court’s Division.
b. Lot 6849-D with an area of 1,127 square
meters under TCT No. T-83949 of the Registry LEONARDO A. QUISUMBING
of Deeds of Albay; and Associate Justice
c. Lot 6849-E with an area of 608 square meters
under TCT No. T-83950 of the Registry of Deeds CERTIFICATION
of Albay.
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Constitution, and the Division Chairperson’s
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the TSN, November 3, 1993 and July 12,

above Decision had been reached in 1994.

consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. TSN, February 14, 1994 and August 3,

Chief Justice 21
Records, pp. 97-100.

Id. at 106-111.

Id. at 112-117, March 11, 1994 Order
Footnotes of the RTC.
Rollo, pp. 13-48. 24
Id. at 189.
Id. at 50-60. The Decision was penned 25
Id. at 195.
by Associate Justice Sergio L. Pestaño
and concurred in by Associate Justices 26
Id. at 101.
Marina L. Buzon (Chairperson) and Jose
C. Mendoza.
Id. at 102.
Id. at 61-82.
Id. at 103.
Records, pp. 6-7.
Id. at 104.
Issued on October 16, 1992.
Id. at 105.
Records, pp. 164-171. See the August
14, 1995 Decision entitled Heirs of
TSN, February 22, 1996.
Rafael Oñate, represented by Diego
Oñate v. Spouses Celso Oñate and 32
TSN, September 30, 1996.
Allem Vellez.
Supra note 3, at 81-82.
Id. at 178-179.
Art. 448. The owner of the land on
Id. at 180-181. which anything has been built, sown or
planted in good faith, shall have the right
Id. at 182-183. to appropriate as his own the works,
sowing or planting, after payment of the
indemnity provided for in Articles 456
Id. at 184-185.
and 548, or to oblige the one who built
or planted to pay the price of the land,
Id. at 186-187. and the one who sowed, the proper rent.
However, the builder or planter cannot
Id. at 190-191. be obliged to buy the land if its value is
considerably more than that of the
Id. at 192. building or trees. In such case, he shall
pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the
Id. at 193. land does not choose to appropriate the
building or trees after proper indemnity.
The parties shall agree upon the terms
Id. at 194.
of the lease and in case of
disagreement, the court shall fix the
Id. at 1-4. terms thereof.
Id. at 24-27. 35
Records, pp. 296 & 298.
Id. at 29-31. 36
CA rollo, p. 17.


Id. at 18-19. 55
Act. No. 496, Sec. 46 (The Land
Registration Act), now P.D. No. 1529
Id. at 21. (Property Registration Decree).

Id. at 28.
G.R. No. 144103, August 31, 2005,
468 SCRA 506, 518; citing Isabela
Colleges, Inc. v. Heirs of Nieves
Id. at 59.
Tolentino-Rivera, G.R. No. 132677,
October 20, 2000, 344 SCRA 95, 106-
G.R. No. L-26400, February 29, 1972,
43 SCRA 360.

Supra note 2.

Rollo, pp. 25-26.

See United States of America v.
Guinto, G.R. Nos. 76607, 79470, 80018
& 80258, February 26, 1990, 182 SCRA
644; and DAR v. NLRC, G.R. No.
104269, November 11, 1993, 227 SCRA

Records, p. 213.

Soliva v. The Intestate Estate of
Marcelo M. Villalba, G.R. No. 154017,
December 8, 2003, 417 SCRA 277, 286;
citing Ramos v. Heirs of Ramos, Sr.,
G.R. No. 140848, April 25, 2002, 381
SCRA 594, 605; and Westmont Bank v.
Ong, G.R. No. 132560, January 30,
2002, 375 SCRA 212, 222.

Felix Gochan and Sons Realty


Corporation v. Heirs of Baba, G.R. No.

138945, August 19, 2003, 409 SCRA
306, 315; citing Santos v. Santos, G.R.
No. 133895, October 2, 2001, 366
SCRA 395, 405-406.


G.R. No. 103959, August 21, 1997,


278 SCRA 98, 112.

Supra note 32.

Id. at 4.

Id. at 5.

Supra note 19.

Supra note 31.



G.R. No. 161657 October 4, 2007 Sometime in June 1999, Mendoza filed a suit
with the RTC of Manila for reconveyance and
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, the corresponding declaration of nullity of a deed
vs. of sale and title against the Republic, the
HON. VICENTE A. HIDALGO, in his capacity Register of Deeds of Manila and one Atty. Fidel
as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Vivar. In her complaint, as later amended,
Court of Manila, Branch 37, CARMELO V. docketed as Civil Case No. 99-94075 and
CACHERO, in his capacity as Sheriff IV, eventually raffled to Branch 35 of the court,
Regional Trial Court of Manila, and TARCILA Mendoza essentially alleged being the owner of
LAPERAL MENDOZA, Respondents. the disputed Arlegui property which the
Republic forcibly dispossessed her of and over
DECISION which the Register of Deeds of Manila issued
TCT No. 118911 in the name of the Republic.
Answering, the Republic set up, among other
affirmative defenses, the State’s immunity from
Via this verified petition for certiorari and suit.
prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court,
the Republic of the Philippines ("Republic," for
The intervening legal tussles are not essential to
short), thru the Office of the Solicitor General
this narration. What is material is that in an
(OSG), comes to this Court to nullify and set
aside the decision dated August 27, 2003 and Order of March 17, 2000, the RTC of Manila,
other related issuances of the Regional Trial Branch 35, dismissed Mendoza’s complaint. The
Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 37, in its Civil court would also deny, in another order dated
Case No. 99-94075. In directly invoking the May 12, 2000, Mendoza’s omnibus motion for
reconsideration. On a petition for certiorari,
Court’s original jurisdiction to issue the
however, the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R.
extraordinary writs of certiorari and prohibition,
SP No. 60749, reversed the trial court’s assailed
without challenge from any of the respondents,
orders and remanded the case to the court a
the Republic gave as justification therefor the
quo for further proceedings.2 On appeal, this
fact that the case involves an over TWO
Court, in G.R. No. 155231, sustained the CA’s
BILLION PESO judgment against the State,
reversal action.3
allegedly rendered in blatant violation of the
Constitution, law and jurisprudence.
From Branch 35 of the trial court whose then
presiding judge inhibited himself from hearing
By any standard, the case indeed involves a
the remanded Civil Case No. 99-94075, the case
colossal sum of money which, on the face of the
was re-raffled to Branch 37 thereof, presided by
assailed decision, shall be the liability of the
national government or, in fine, the taxpayers. the respondent judge.
This consideration, juxtaposed with the
constitutional and legal questions surrounding On May 5, 2003, Mendoza filed a Motion for
the controversy, presents special and compelling Leave of Court to file a Third Amended
reasons of public interests why direct recourse Complaint with a copy of the intended third
to the Court should be allowed, as an exception amended complaint thereto attached. In the May
to the policy on hierarchy of courts. 16, 2003 setting to hear the motion, the RTC, in
open court and in the presence of the Republic’s
counsel, admitted the third amended complaint,
At the core of the litigation is a 4,924.60-square
ordered the Republic to file its answer thereto
meter lot once covered by Transfer Certificate of
Title (TCT) No. 118527 of the Registry of Deeds within five (5) days from May 16, 2003 and set a
of Manila in the name of the herein private date for pre-trial.
respondent Tarcila Laperal Mendoza (Mendoza),
married to Perfecto Mendoza. The lot is situated In her adverted third amended complaint for
at No. 1440 Arlegui St., San Miguel, Manila, recovery and reconveyance of the Arlegui
near the Malacañang Palace complex. On this property, Mendoza sought the declaration of
lot, hereinafter referred to as the Arlegui nullity of a supposed deed of sale dated July 15,
property, now stands the Presidential Guest 1975 which provided the instrumentation toward
House which was home to two (2) former the issuance of TCT No. 118911 in the name of
Presidents of the Republic and now appears to the Republic. And aside from the cancellation of
be used as office building of the Office of the TCT No. 118911, Mendoza also asked for the
President.1 reinstatement of her TCT No. 118527.4 In the
same third amended complaint, Mendoza On May 21, 2003, the Republic, represented by
averred that, since time immemorial, she and the OSG, filed a Motion for Extension (With
her predecessors-in-interest had been in Motion for Cancellation of scheduled pre-trial). In
peaceful and adverse possession of the property it, the Republic manifested its inability to simply
as well as of the owner’s duplicate copy of TCT adopt its previous answer and, accordingly,
No. 118527. Such possession, she added, asked that it be given a period of thirty (30) days
continued "until the first week of July 1975 when from May 21, 2003 or until June 20, 2003 within
a group of armed men representing themselves which to submit an Answer.5 June 20, 2003
to be members of the Presidential Security came and went, but no answer was filed.
Group [PSG] of the then President Ferdinand E. On July 18, 2003 and again on August 19,
Marcos, had forcibly entered [her] residence and 2003, the OSG moved for a 30-day extension at
ordered [her] to turn over to them her … Copy of each instance. The filing of the last two motions
TCT No. 118525 … and compelled her and the for extension proved to be an idle gesture,
members of her household to vacate the same however, since the trial court had meanwhile
…; thus, out of fear for their lives, [she] handed issued an order6 dated July 7, 2003 declaring the
her Owner’s Duplicate Certificate Copy of TCT petitioner Republic as in default and allowing the
No. 118527 and had left and/or vacated the private respondent to present her evidence ex-
subject property." Mendoza further alleged the parte.
The evidence for the private respondent, as
1. Per verification, TCT No. 118527 had plaintiff a quo, consisted of her testimony
already been cancelled by virtue of a denying having executed the alleged deed of
deed of sale in favor of the Republic sale dated July 15, 1975 which paved the way
allegedly executed by her and her for the issuance of TCT No. 118911. According
deceased husband on July 15, 1975 and to her, said deed is fictitious or inexistent, as
acknowledged before Fidel Vivar which evidenced by separate certifications, the first
deed was annotated at the back of TCT (Exh. "E"), issued by the Register of Deeds for
No. 118527 under PE: 2035/T-118911 Manila and the second (Exh. "F"), by the Office
dated July 28, 1975; and of Clerk of Court, RTC Manila. Exhibit "E"7states
that a copy of the supposed conveying deed
2. That the aforementioned deed of sale cannot, despite diligent efforts of records
is fictitious as she (Mendoza) and her personnel, be located, while Exhibit "F"8 states
husband have not executed any deed of that Fidel Vivar was not a commissioned notary
conveyance covering the disputed public for and in the City of Manila for the year
property in favor of the Republic, let 1975. Three other witnesses9 testified, albeit
alone appearing before Fidel Vivar. their testimonies revolved around the appraisal
and rental values of the Arlegui property.
Inter alia, she prayed for the following:
Eventually, the trial court rendered a judgment
by default10 for Mendoza and against the
4. Ordering the … Republic to pay
plaintiff [Mendoza] a reasonable Republic. To the trial court, the Republic had
compensation or rental for the use or veritably confiscated Mendoza’s property, and
deprived her not only of the use thereof but also
occupancy of the subject property in the
denied her of the income she could have had
otherwise realized during all the years she was
(P500,000.00) PESOS a month with a
five (5%) per cent yearly increase, plus illegally dispossessed of the same.
interest thereon at the legal rate,
beginning July 1975 until it finally Dated August 27, 2003, the trial court’s decision
vacates the same; dispositively reads as follows:

5. Ordering the … Republic to pay WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:

plaintiff’s counsel a sum equivalent to
TWENTY FIVE (25%) PER CENT of the 1. Declaring the deed of sale dated July
current value of the subject property 15, 1975, annotated at the back of [TCT]
and/or whatever amount is recovered No. 118527 as PE:2035/T-118911, as
under the premises; Further, plaintiff non-existent and/or fictitious, and,
prays for such other relief, just and therefore, null and void from the
equitable under the premises. beginning;


2. Declaring that [TCT] No. 118911 of Subsequently, the Republic moved for, but was
the defendant Republic of the denied, a new trial per order of the trial court of
Philippines has no basis, thereby October 7, 2003.11Denied also was its
making it null and void from the subsequent plea for reconsideration.12 These
beginning; twin denial orders were followed by several
orders and processes issued by the trial court on
3. Ordering the defendant Register of separate dates as hereunder indicated:
Deeds for the City of Manila to reinstate
plaintiff [Mendoza’s TCT] No. 118527; 1. November 27, 2003 - - Certificate of
Finality declaring the August 27, 2003
4. Ordering the defendant Republic … to decision final and executory.13
pay just compensation in the sum of
ONE HUNDRED FORTY THREE 2. December 17, 2003 - - Order denying
MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND the Notice of Appeal filed on November
(P143,600,000.00) PESOS, plus interest 27, 2003, the same having been filed
at the legal rate, until the whole amount beyond the reglementary period.14
is paid in full for the acquisition of the
subject property; 3. December 19, 2003 - -
Order15 granting the private respondent’s
5. Ordering the plaintiff, upon payment motion for execution.
of the just compensation for the
acquisition of her property, to execute 4. December 22, 2003 - - Writ of
the necessary deed of conveyance in Execution.16
favor of the defendant Republic …; and,
on the other hand, directing the
Hence, this petition for certiorari.
defendant Register of Deeds, upon
presentation of the said deed of
conveyance, to cancel plaintiff’s TCT By Resolution17 of November 20, 2006, the case
No. 118527 and to issue, in lieu thereof, was set for oral arguments. On January 22,
a new Transfer Certificate of Title in 2007, when this case was called for the purpose,
favor of the defendant Republic; both parties manifested their willingness to settle
the case amicably, for which reason the Court
gave them up to February 28, 2007 to submit the
6. Ordering the defendant Republic … to compromise agreement for approval. Following
pay the plaintiff the sum of ONE several approved extensions of the February 28,
2007 deadline, the OSG, on August 6, 2007,
manifested that it is submitting the case for
resolution on the merits owing to the inability of
the parties to agree on an acceptable
EIGHT (P1,480,627,688.00) PESOS,
representing the reasonable rental for
the use of the subject property, the
interest thereon at the legal rate, and the In this recourse, the petitioner urges the Court to
opportunity cost at the rate of three (3%) strike down as a nullity the trial court’s order
per cent per annum, commencing July declaring it in default and the judgment by
1975 continuously up to July 30, 2003, default that followed. Sought to be nullified, too,
plus an additional interest at the legal also on the ground that they were issued in
rate, commencing from this date until grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or in
the whole amount is paid in full; excess of jurisdiction, are the orders and
processes enumerated immediately above
issued after the rendition of the default
7. Ordering the defendant Republic … to judgment.
pay the plaintiff attorney’s fee, in an
amount equivalent to FIFTEEN (15%)
PER CENT of the amount due to the Petitioner lists five (5) overlapping grounds for
plaintiff. allowing its petition. It starts off by impugning the
order of default and the judgment by default. To
the petitioner, the respondent judge committed
With pronouncement as to the costs of suit.
serious jurisdictional error when he proceeded to
hear the case and eventually awarded the
SO ORDERED. (Words in bracket and emphasis private respondent a staggering amount without
added.) so much as giving the petitioner the opportunity
to present its defense.
Petitioner’s posture is simply without merit. been violated. For, consequent to being
declared in default, the defaulting defendant is
Deprivation of procedural due process is deemed to have waived his right to be heard or
obviously the petitioner’s threshold theme. Due to take part in the trial. The handling solicitors
process, in its procedural aspect, guarantees in simply squandered the Republic’s opportunity to
the minimum the opportunity to be be heard. But more importantly, the law itself
heard.18 Grave abuse of discretion, however, imposes such deprivation of the right to
cannot plausibly be laid at the doorstep of the participate as a form of penalty against one
respondent judge on account of his having unwilling without justification to join issue upon
issued the default order against the petitioner, the allegations tendered by the plaintiff.
then proceeding with the hearing and eventually
rendering a default judgment. For, what the And going to another point, the petitioner would
respondent judge did hew with what Section 3, ascribe jurisdictional error on the respondent
Rule 9 of the Rules of Court prescribes and judge for denying its motion for new trial based
allows in the event the defending party fails to on any or a mix of the following factors, viz., (1)
seasonably file a responsive pleading. The the failure to file an answer is attributable to the
provision reads: negligence of the former handling solicitor; (2)
the meritorious nature of the petitioner’s
SEC. 3. Default; declaration of.- If the defending defense; and (3) the value of the property
party fails to answer within the time allowed involved.
therefor, the court shall, upon motion of the
claiming party with notice to the defending party, The Court is not convinced. Even as the Court
and proof of such failure, declare the defending particularly notes what the trial court had said on
party in default. Thereupon, the court shall the matter of negligence: that all of the
proceed to render judgment granting the petitioner’s pleadings below bear at least three
claimant such relief as his pleading may warrant, signatures, that of the handling solicitor, the
unless the court in its discretion requires the assistant solicitor and the Solicitor General
claimant to submit evidence ….19 himself, and hence accountability should go up
all the way to the top of the totem pole of
While the ideal lies in avoiding orders of authority, the cited reasons advanced by the
default,20 the policy of the law being to have petitioner for a new trial are not recognized
every litigated case tried on its full merits,21 the under Section 1, Rule 37 of the Rules of Court
act of the respondent judge in rendering the for such recourse.24 Withal, there is no cogent
default judgment after an order of default was reason to disturb the denial by the trial court of
properly issued cannot be struck down as a case the motion for new trial and the denial of the
of grave abuse of discretion. reiterative motion for reconsideration.

The term "grave abuse of discretion," in its Then, too, the issuance by the trial court of the
juridical sense, connotes capricious, despotic, Order dated December 17, 200325 denying the
oppressive or whimsical exercise of judgment as petitioner’s notice of appeal after the court
is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.22 The abuse caused the issuance on November 27, 2003 of a
must be of such degree as to amount to an certificate of finality of its August 27, 2003
evasion of a positive duty or a virtual refusal to decision can hardly be described as arbitrary, as
perform a duty enjoined by law, as where the the petitioner would have this Court believe. In
power is exercised in a capricious manner. The this regard, the Court takes stock of the following
word "capricious," usually used in tandem with key events and material dates set forth in the
"arbitrary," conveys the notion of willful and assailed December 17, 2003 order, supra: (a)
unreasoning action.23 The petitioner, thru the OSG, received
on August 29, 2003 a copy of the RTC decision
in this case, hence had up to September 13,
Under the premises, the mere issuance by the
trial court of the order of default followed by a 2003, a Saturday, within which to perfect an
judgment by default can easily be sustained as appeal; (b) On September 15, 2003, a Monday,
the OSG filed its motion for new trial, which the
correct and doubtless within its jurisdiction.
RTC denied, the OSG receiving a copy of the
Surely, a disposition directing the Republic to
order of denial on October 9, 2003; and (c) On
pay an enormous sum without the trial court
October 24, 2003, the OSG sought
hearing its side does not, without more, vitiate,
on due procedural ground, the validity of the reconsideration of the order denying the motion
default judgment. The petitioner may have for new trial. The motion for reconsideration was
denied per Order dated November 25, 2003, a
indeed been deprived of such hearing, but this
copy of which the OSG received on the same
does not mean that its right to due process had
Given the foregoing time perspective, what the certificate of title over it without a conveying
trial court wrote in its aforementioned impugned deed having been executed to legally justify the
order of December 17, 2003 merits approval: cancellation of the old title (TCT No. 118527) in
the name of the private respondent and the
In the case at bar, it is clear that the motion for issuance of a new one (TCT No. 118911) in the
new trial filed on the fifteenth (15th) day after the name of petitioner Republic. Accordingly,
decision was received on August 29, 2003 was granting private respondent’s basic plea for
denied and the moving party has only the recovery of the Arlegui property, which was
remaining period from notice of notice of denial legally hers all along, and the reinstatement of
within which to file a notice of appeal. xxx her cancelled certificate of title are legally correct
as they are morally right. While not exactly
Accordingly, when defendants [Republic et al.] convenient because the Office of the President
presently uses it for mix residence and office
filed their motion for new trial on the last day of
the fifteen day (15) prescribed for taking an purposes, restoring private respondent to her
appeal, which motion was subsequently denied, possession of the Arlegui property is still legally
and physically feasible. For what is before us,
they had one (1) day from receipt of a copy of
after all, is a registered owner of a piece of land
the order denying … new trial within which to
who, during the early days of the martial law
perfect [an] appeal …. Since defendants had
regime, lost possession thereof to the
received a copy of the order denying their
motion for new trial on 09 October 2003, Government which appropriated the same for
reckoned from that date, they only have one (1) some public use, but without going through the
legal process of expropriation, let alone paying
day left within which to file the notice of appeal.
such owner just compensation.
But instead of doing so, the defendants filed a
motion for reconsideration which was later
declared by the Court as pro forma motion in The Court cannot, however, stop with just
the Order dated 25 November 2003. The restoring the private respondent to her
running of the prescriptive period, therefore, can possession and ownership of her property. The
not be interrupted by a pro forma motion. Hence restoration ought to be complemented by some
the filing of the notice of appeal on 27 November form of monetary compensation for having been
2007 came much too late for by then the unjustly deprived of the beneficial use thereof,
judgment had already become final and but not, however, in the varying amounts and
executory.26 (Words in bracket added; Emphasis level fixed in the assailed decision of the trial
in the original.) court and set to be executed by the equally
assailed writ of execution. The Court finds the
monetary award set forth therein to be
It cannot be over-emphasized at this stage that
the special civil action of certiorari is limited to erroneous. And the error relates to basic
resolving only errors of jurisdiction; it is not a fundamentals of law as to constitute grave
abuse of discretion.
remedy to correct errors of judgment. Hence, the
petitioner’s lament, partly covered by and
discussed under the first ground for allowing its As may be noted, private respondent fixed the
petition, about the trial court taking cognizance assessed value of her Arlegui property at
of the case notwithstanding private respondent’s ₱2,388,990.00. And in the prayer portion of her
claim or action being barred by prescription third amended complaint for recovery, she asked
and/or laches cannot be considered favorably. to be restored to the possession of her property
For, let alone the fact that an action for the and that the petitioner be ordered to pay her, as
declaration of the inexistence of a contract, as reasonable compensation or rental use or
here, does not prescribe;27 that a void transfer of occupancy thereof, the sum of ₱500,000.00 a
property can be recovered by accion month, or ₱6 Million a year, with a five percent
reivindicatoria;28 and that the legal fiction of (5%) yearly increase plus interest at the legal
indefeasibility of a Torrens title cannot be used rate beginning July 1975. From July 1975 when
as a shield to perpetuate fraud,29 the trial court’s the PSG allegedly took over the subject property
disinclination not to appreciate in favor of the to July 2003, a month before the trial court
Republic the general principles of prescription or rendered judgment, or a period of 28 years,
laches constitutes, at best, errors of judgment private respondent’s total rental claim would, per
not correctable by certiorari. the OSG’s computation, only amount
to ₱371,440,426.00. In its assailed decision,
however, the trial court ordered the petitioner to
The evidence adduced below indeed adequately
supports a conclusion that the Office of the pay private respondent the total amount of over
President, during the administration of then ₱1.48 Billion or the mind-boggling amount
of ₱1,480,627,688.00, to be exact, representing
President Marcos, wrested possession of the
the reasonable rental for the property, the
property in question and somehow secured a
interest rate thereon at the legal rate and the 3. The Arlegui property had minimal
opportunity cost. This figure is on top of rental value during the relatively long
the ₱143,600,000.00 which represents the martial law years, given the very
acquisition cost of the disputed property. All told, restrictive entry and egress conditions
the trial court would have the Republic pay the prevailing at the vicinity at that time and
total amount of about ₱1.624 Billion, exclusive even after.
of interest, for the taking of a property with a
declared assessed value of ₱2,388,900.00. This To be sure, the grant of monetary award is not
is not to mention the award of attorney’s fees in without parallel. In Alfonso v. Pasay City,33 a
an amount equivalent to 15% of the amount due case where a registered owner also lost
the private respondent. possession of a piece of lot to a municipality
which took it for a public purposes without
In doing so, the respondent judge brazenly went instituting expropriation proceedings or paying
around the explicit command of Rule 9, Section any compensation for the lot, the Court,
3(d) of the Rules of Court30 which defines the citing Herrera v. Auditor General,34ordered
extent of the relief that may be awarded in a payment of just compensation but in the form of
judgment by default, i.e., only so much as has interest when a return of the property was no
been alleged and proved. The court acts in longer feasible.
excess of jurisdiction if it awards an amount
beyond the claim made in the complaint or The award of attorney’s fees equivalent to 15%
beyond that proved by the evidence.31 While a of the amount due the private respondent, as
defaulted defendant may be said to be at the reduced herein, is affirmed.
mercy of the trial court, the Rules of Court and
certainly the imperatives of fair play see to it that
The assessment of costs of suit against the
any decision against him must be in accordance petitioner is, however, nullified, costs not being
with law.32 In the abstract, this means that the
allowed against the Republic, unless otherwise
judgment must not be characterized by
provided by law.35
outrageous one-sidedness, but by what is fair,
just and equitable that always underlie the
enactment of a law. The assailed trial court’s issuance of the writ of
execution36 against government funds to satisfy
its money judgment is also nullified. It is basic
Given the above perspective, the obvious
that government funds and properties may not
question that comes to mind is the level of
be seized under writs of execution or
compensation which – for the use and
garnishment to satisfy such
occupancy of the Arlegui property - would be fair judgments.37 Republic v. Palacio38 teaches that a
to both the petitioner and the private respondent judgment against the State generally operates
and, at the same time, be within acceptable legal
merely to liquidate and establish the plaintiff’s
bounds. The process of balancing the interests
claim in the absence of express provision;
of both parties is not an easy one. But surely,
otherwise, they can not be enforced by
the Arlegui property cannot possibly be
processes of law.
assigned, even perhaps at the present real
estate business standards, a monthly rental
value of at least ₱500,000.00 or ₱6,000,000.00 Albeit title to the Arlegui property remains in
a year, the amount private respondent the name of the petitioner Republic, it is actually
particularly sought and attempted to prove. This the Office of the President which has beneficial
asking figure is clearly unconscionable, if not possession of and use over it since the 1975
downright ridiculous, attendant circumstances takeover. Accordingly, and in accord with the
considered. To the Court, an award of elementary sense of justice, it behooves that
₱20,000.00 a month for the use and occupancy office to make the appropriate budgetary
of the Arlegui property, while perhaps a little bit arrangements towards paying private
arbitrary, is reasonable and may be granted pro respondent what is due her under the premises.
hac viceconsidering the following hard realities This, to us, is the right thing to do. The
which the Court takes stock of: imperatives of fair dealing demand no less. And
the Court would be remiss in the discharge of its
duties as dispenser of justice if it does not exhort
1. The property is relatively small in
the Office of the President to comply with what,
terms of actual area and had an
in law and equity, is its obligation. If the same
assessed value of only P2,388,900.00; office will undertake to pay its obligation with
reasonable dispatch or in a manner acceptable
2. What the martial law regime took over to the private respondent, then simple justice,
was not exactly an area with a new and while perhaps delayed, will have its day. Private
imposing structure, if there was any; and
respondent is in the twilight of her life, being now respondent, their agents and persons
over 90 years of age.39 Any delay in the acting for and in their behalves are
implementation of this disposition would be a permanently enjoined from enforcing
bitter cut.
1âw phi 1 said writ of execution.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial However, consistent with the basic tenets of
Court of Manila dated August 27, 2003 insofar justice, fairness and equity, petitioner Republic,
as it nullified TCT No. 118911 of petitioner thru the Office of the President, is hereby
Republic of the Philippines and ordered the strongly enjoined to take the necessary steps,
Register of Deeds of Manila to reinstate private and, with reasonable dispatch, make the
respondent Tarcila L. Mendoza’s TCT No. appropriate budgetary arrangements to pay
118527, or to issue her a new certificate of title private respondent Tarcila L. Mendoza or her
is AFFIRMED. Should it be necessary, the assigns the amount adjudged due her under this
Register of Deeds of Manila shall execute the disposition.
necessary conveying deed to effect the
reinstatement of title or the issuance of a new SO ORDERED.
title to her.
It is MODIFIED in the sense that for the use and Associate Justice
occupancy of the Arlegui property, petitioner
Republic is ordered to pay private respondent
the reasonable amount of ₱20,000.00 a month
beginning July 1975 until it vacates the same
and the possession thereof restored to the REYNATO S. PUNO
private respondent, plus an additional interest of Chief Justice
6% per annum on the total amount due upon the Chairperson
finality of this Decision until the same is fully
paid. Petitioner is further ordered to pay private ANGELINA
respondent attorney's fees equivalent to 15% of SANDOVAL-
the amount due her under the premises. GUTIERREZ
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Accordingly, a writ of certiorari is hereby
ISSUED in the sense that: ADOLFO S. AZCUNA
Associate Justice
1. The respondent court’s assailed
decision of August 27, 2003 insofar as it CERTIFICATION
ordered the petitioner Republic of the
Philippines to pay private respondent
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Tarcila L. Mendoza the sum of One
Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the
Billion Four Hundred Eighty Million Six
above decision had been reached in
Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand Six
consultation before the case was assigned to the
Hundred Eighty Eight Pesos
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
(₱1,480,627,688.00) representing the
purported rental use of the property in
question, the interest thereon and the REYNATO S. PUNO
opportunity cost at the rate of 3% per Chief Justice
annum plus the interest at the legal rate
added thereon is nullified. The portion
assessing the petitioner Republic for
costs of suit is also declared null and
void. Footnotes

2. The Order of the respondent court 1

Page 12 of the Decision of the RTC of
dated December 19, 2003 for the Manila, Br. 37; rollo, p. 59.
issuance of a writ of execution and the
Writ of Execution dated December 22, 2
Annex "I," Petition; id. at 77 et seq.
2003 against government funds are
hereby declared null and void. 3
Annex "J," Petition, id. at 93.
Accordingly, the presiding judge of the
respondent court, the private 4
Annex "K," Petition; id. at 94 et seq.
Annex "M," Petition; id. at 108. accident, mistake or excusable
negligence which ordinary prudence
Annex "A,’ Petition; id. at 47. could not have guarded against and by
reason of which such aggrieved party
has probably been impaired in his right;
Id. at 105.
or (b) Newly discovered evidence ….
Id. at 106. 25
Supra note 14.
Engr. Hernando Gozon, Jr. of the 26
Rollo, pp. 72-73.
Cuervo Appraisers, Inc.; Mr. Renato
Chico of the Land Bank; and Engr. Israel
Art. 1410, Civil Code.

Per Judge Vicente A. Hidalgo; Annex
Tolentino, Commentaries and
"B," Petition; rollo, pp. 48 et seq. Jurisprudence on the Civil Code, Vol. IV,
1991 ed., p. 632.
Annex "C," Petition; id. at 62 et seq.
Republic v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.

60169, March 23, 1990, 183 SCRA

Annex "D," Petition; id. at 70.
1990, citing Acot v. Kempis, 55 O.G.
Annex "E," Petition; id. at 71.
(d) Extent of relief to be awarded. - A
Annex "F," Petition; id. at 72 et seq. judgment rendered against a party in
default shall not exceed the amount or
Annex "G," Petition; id. at 75. different in kind from that prayed for nor
award unliquidated damages.
Annex "H," Petition; id. at 76.
Regalado, Remedial Law
Rollo, p. 341. Compendium, Vol. 1, 8th ed., p. 173,
citing Pascua v. Florendo, L- 38047,
Roces v. Aportadera, Adm. Case No. April 30, 1985, 136 SCRA 208.
2936, March 31, 1995, 243 SCRA 108,
citing cases. Lim Tanhu v. Remolete, No. L-40098,

August 29, 1975, 66 SCRA 452.

First par. of Sec. 3
106 Phil. 1017 (1960).
Citibank, N.A. v. Chua, G.R. No.

102300, March 17, 1993, 220 SCRA 75. 34

102 Phil. 875 (1958).

Lesaca v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 35
Sec. 1, Rule 142 of the Rules of Court.
96432, October 21, 1992, 215 SCRA 17,
citing Coombs v. Santos, 24 Phil 446 36
Supra note 16.
Commissioner of Public Highways v.

Regalado, Remedial Law

San Diego, No. L-30098, February 18,
Compendium, Vol. 1, 8th Revised 1970, 31 SCRA 616.
Edition, p. 718, citing Benito v.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 134913, Jan. 19, No. L-20322, May 29, 1968, 23 SCRA

2001, 349 SCRA 705. 899, citing Merritt v. Insular

Government, 34 Phil. 311 (1916).
Olanolan v. COMELEC, G.R. No.

165491, March 31, 2005, 454 SCRA 39

See Motion for the Issuance of the
807, citing cases. Writ of Execution, Annex "Q," Petition;
rollo, pp. 134 et seq.
Section. 1. Grounds of and period for
filing motion for new trial or
reconsideration. – xxx (a) Fraud,


THIRD DIVISION Security Agency for the payment of money
claims, aggregating P266,483.91, of the
complainant security guards. The petitioner and
Sultan Security Agency did not appeal the
G.R. No. 104269 November 11, 1993 decision of the Labor Arbiter. Thus, the decision
became final and executory.
vs. On 18 July 1991, the Labor Arbiter issued a writ
THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS of execution. commanding the City Sheriff to

COMMISSION, et al., respondents. enforce and execute the judgment against the
property of the two respondents. Forthwith, or on
19 July 1991, the City Sheriff levied on execution
Roy Lago Salcedo for private respondents. the motor vehicles of the petitioner, i.e. one (1)
unit Toyota Hi-Ace, one (1) unit Toyota Mini
Cruiser, and one (1) unit Toyota Crown. These

units were put under the custody of Zacharias

Roa, the property custodian of the petitioner,
pending their sale at public auction or the final
For consideration are the incidents that flow from settlement of the case, whichever would come
the familiar doctrine of non-suability of the state. first.

In this petition for certiorari, the Department of A petition for injunction, prohibition
Agriculture seeks to nullify the and mandamus, with prayer for preliminary writ
Resolution, dated 27 November 1991, of the
of injunction was filed by the petitioner with the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC),
Fifth Division, Cagayan de Oro City, denying the Cagayan de Oro, alleging, inter alia, that the writ
petition for injunction, prohibition issued was effected without the Labor Arbiter
and mandamus that prays to enjoin permanently having duly acquired jurisdiction over the
the NLRC's Regional Arbitration Branch X and petitioner, and that, therefore, the decision of the
Cagayan de Oro City Sheriff from enforcing the Labor Arbiter was null and void and all actions
decision of 31 May 1991 of the Executive Labor
pursuant thereto should be deemed equally
Arbiter and from attaching and executing on invalid and of no legal, effect. The petitioner also
petitioner's property. pointed out that the attachment or seizure of its
property would hamper and jeopardize
The Department of Agriculture (herein petitioner) petitioner's governmental functions to the
and Sultan Security Agency entered into a prejudice of the public good.
contract on 01 April 1989 for security services to

be provided by the latter to the said On 27 November 1991, the NLRC promulgated
governmental entity. Save for the increase in the its assailed resolution; viz:
monthly rate of the guards, the same terms and
conditions were also made to apply to another
WHEREFORE, premises
contract, dated 01 May 1990, between the same
considered, the following orders
parties. Pursuant to their arrangements, guards
are issued:
were deployed by Sultan Agency in the various
premises of the petitioner.
1. The enforcement and
execution of the judgments
On 13 September 1990, several guards of the
against petitioner in NLRC
Sultan Security Agency filed a complaint for
RABX Cases Nos. 10-10-
underpayment of wages, non-payment of 13th
00455-90; 10-10-0481-90 and
month pay, uniform allowances, night shift
10-10-00519-90 are temporarily
differential pay, holiday pay and overtime pay,
suspended for a period of two
as well as for damages, before the Regional
(2) months, more or less, but
Arbitration Branch X of Cagayan de Oro City,
not extending beyond the last
docketed as NLRC Case No. 10-09-00455-90
quarter of calendar year 1991 to
(or 10-10-00519-90, its original docket number),
enable petitioner to source and
against the Department of Agriculture and Sultan
raise funds to satisfy the
Security Agency.
judgment awards against it;

The Executive Labor Arbiter rendered a decision

2. Meantime, petitioner is
on 31 May finding herein petitioner
ordered and directed to source
and jointly and severally liable with Sultan
for funds within the period of dispute between the
above-stated and to deposit the judgment debtors, the Executive
sums of money equivalent to the Labor Arbiter of the Branch of
aggregate amount. it has been origin may upon proper petition
adjudged to pay jointly and by any of the parties conduct
severally with respondent Sultan arbitration proceedings for the
Security Agency with the purpose and thereby render his
Regional Arbitration Branch X, decision after due notice and
Cagayan de Oro City within the hearings;
same period for proper
dispositions; 7. Finally, the petition for
injunction is Dismissed for lack
3. In order to ensure compliance of basis. The writ of preliminary
with this order, petitioner is injunction previously issued
likewise directed to put up and is Lifted and Set Aside and in
post lieu thereof, a Temporary Stay
sufficient surety and supersedea of Execution is issued for a
s bond equivalent to at least to period of two (2) months but not
fifty (50%) percent of the total extending beyond the last
monetary award issued by a quarter of calendar year 1991,
reputable bonding company conditioned upon the posting of
duly accredited by the Supreme a surety or supersedeas bond
Court or by the Regional Trial by petitioner within ten (10) days
Court of Misamis Oriental to from notice pursuant to
answer for the satisfaction of the paragraph 3 of this disposition.
money claims in case of failure The motion to admit the
or default on the part of complaint in intervention
petitioner to satisfy the money is Denied for lack of merit while
claims; the motion to dismiss the
petition filed by Duty Sheriff
4. The City Sheriff is ordered to is Noted
immediately release the
properties of petitioner levied on SO ORDERED.
execution within ten (10) days
from notice of the posting of In this petition for certiorari, the petitioner
sufficient surety or supersedeas charges the NLRC with grave abuse of
bond as specified above. In the discretion for refusing to quash the writ of
meanwhile, petitioner is execution. The petitioner faults the NLRC for
assessed to pay the costs assuming jurisdiction over a money claim
and/or expenses incurred by the against the Department, which, it claims, falls
City Sheriff, if any, in connection under the exclusive jurisdiction of the
with the execution of the Commission on Audit. More importantly, the
judgments in the above-stated petitioner asserts, the NLRC has disregarded
cases upon presentation of the the cardinal rule on the non-suability of the
appropriate claims or vouchers State.
and receipts by the city Sheriff,
subject to the conditions The private respondents, on the other hand,
specified in the NLRC Sheriff,
argue that the petitioner has impliedly waived its
subject to the conditions
immunity from suit by concluding a service
specified in the NLRC Manual of
contract with Sultan Security Agency.
Instructions for Sheriffs;
The basic postulate enshrined in the constitution
5. The right of any of the
that "(t)he State may not be sued without its
judgment debtors to claim
consent," reflects nothing less than a

reimbursement against each

recognition of the sovereign character of the
other for any payments made in
State and an express affirmation of the unwritten
connection with the satisfaction rule effectively insulating it from the jurisdiction
of the judgments herein is of courts. It is based on the very essence of

hereby recognized pursuant to

sovereignty. As has been aptly observed, by
the ruling in the Eagle
Justice Holmes, a sovereign is exempt from suit,
Security case, (supra). In case
not because of any formal conception or sued in the courts of another
obsolete theory, but on the logical and practical State without its consent or
ground that there can be no legal right as waiver. This rule is a necessary
against the authority that makes the law on consequence of the principles of
which the right depends. True, the doctrine, not
independence and equality of
too infrequently, is derisively called "the royal States. However, the rules of
prerogative of dishonesty" because it grants the International Law are not
state the prerogative to defeat any legitimate petrified; they are constantly
claim against it by simply invoking its non- developing and evolving. And
suability. We have had occasion, to explain in
because the activities of states
its defense, however, that a continued have multiplied, it has been
adherence to the doctrine of non-suability cannot necessary to distinguish them
be deplored, for the loss of governmental — between sovereign and
efficiency and the obstacle to the performance of governmental acts ( jure imperii)
its multifarious functions would be far greater in and private, commercial and
severity than the inconvenience that may be proprietary act ( jure
caused private parties, if such fundamental gestionisis). The result is that
principle is to be abandoned and the availability State immunity now extends
of judicial remedy is not to be accordingly only to acts jure imperii. The
restricted. 11
restrictive application of State
immunity is now the rule in the
The rule, in any case, is not really absolute for it United States, the United
does not say that the state may not be sued Kingdom and other states in
under any circumstances. On the contrary, as Western Europe.
correctly phrased, the doctrine only conveys,
"the state may not be sued without its consent;" xxx xxx xxx
its clear import then is that the State may at
times be sued. The States' consent may be
The restrictive application of
given expressly or impliedly. Express consent State immunity is proper only
may be made through a general law or a 13
when the proceedings arise out
special law. In this jurisdiction, the general law
of commercial transactions of
waiving the immunity of the state from suit is the foreign sovereign, its
found in Act No. 3083, where the Philippine commercial activities or
government "consents and submits to be sued economic affairs. Stated
upon any money claims involving liability arising differently, a state may be said
from contract, express or implied, which could to have descended to the level
serve as a basis of civil action between private of an individual and can this be
parties." Implied consent, on the other hand, is
deemed to have actually given
conceded when the State itself commences its consent to be sued only
litigation, thus opening itself to a when it enters into business
counterclaim or when it enters into a
contracts. It does not apply
contract. In this situation, the government is
where the contracts relates to
deemed to have descended to the level of the the exercise of its sovereign
other contracting party and to have divested functions. In this case the
itself of its sovereign immunity. This rule, relied projects are an integral part of
upon by the NLRC and the private respondents, the naval base which is devoted
is not, however, without qualification. Not all to the defense of both the
contracts entered into by the government United States and the
operate as a waiver of its non-suability; Philippines, indisputably a
distinction must still be made between one which function of the government of
is executed in the exercise of its sovereign the highest order; they are not
function and another which is done in its utilized for not dedicated to
proprietary capacity. 18
commercial or business
In the Unites States of America vs. Ruiz, where 19

the questioned transaction dealt with In the instant case, the Department of
improvements on the wharves in the naval Agriculture has not pretended to have assumed
installation at Subic Bay, we held: a capacity apart from its being a governmental
entity when it entered into the questioned
The traditional rule of immunity contract; nor that it could have, in fact,
exempts a State from being performed any act proprietary in character.
But, be that as it may, the claims of private general or special law, it may
respondents, i.e. for underpayment of wages, limit the claimant's action "only
holiday pay, overtime pay and similar other up to the completion of
items, arising from the Contract for Service, proceedings anterior to the
clearly constitute money claims. Act No. 3083, stage of execution" and that the
aforecited, gives the consent of the State to be power of the Courts ends when
"sued upon any moneyed claim involving liability the judgment is rendered, since
arising from contract, express or implied, . . . government funds and
Pursuant, however, to Commonwealth Act properties may not be seized
("C.A.") No. 327, as amended by Presidential under writs or execution or
Decree ("P.D.") No. 1145, the money claim first garnishment to satisfy such
be brought to the Commission on Audit. Thus, judgments, is based on obvious
in Carabao, Inc., vs. Agricultural Productivity considerations of public policy.
Commission, we ruled:
Disbursements of public funds
must be covered by the
(C)laimants have to prosecute correspondent appropriation as
their money claims against the required by law. The functions
Government under and public services rendered by
Commonwealth Act 327, stating the State cannot be allowed to
that Act 3083 stands now be paralyzed or disrupted by the
merely as the general law diversion of public funds from
waiving the State's immunity their legitimate and specific
from suit, subject to the general objects, as appropriated by
limitation expressed in Section 7 law.23

thereof that "no execution shall

issue upon any judgment WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
rendered by any Court against resolution, dated 27 November 1991, is hereby
the Government of the REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The writ of
(Philippines), and that the execution directed against the property of the
conditions provided in Department of Agriculture is nullified, and the
Commonwealth Act 327 for filing public respondents are hereby enjoined
money claims against the permanently from doing, issuing and
Government must be strictly implementing any and all writs of execution
observed." issued pursuant to the decision rendered by the
Labor Arbiter against said petitioner.
We fail to see any substantial conflict or
inconsistency between the provisions of C.A. SO ORDERED.
No. 327 and the Labor Code with respect to
money claims against the State. The Labor Feliciano, Bidin, Romero and Melo, JJ., concur.
code, in relation to Act No. 3083, provides the
legal basis for the State liability but the
prosecution, enforcement or satisfaction thereof
must still be pursued in accordance with the
rules and procedures laid down in C.A. No. 327, # Footnotes
as amended by P.D. 1445.
1 Annex "A", Rollo, 23-52.
When the state gives its consent to be sued, it
does thereby necessarily consent to 2 Annex "C", Ibid., 57-68.
unrestrained execution against it. tersely put,
when the State waives its immunity, all it does, 3 Rollo, 59.
in effect, is to give the other party an opportunity
to prove, if it can, that the State has a 4 Ibid., 57.
liability. In Republic vs. Villasor this Court, in
21 22

nullifying the issuance of an alias writ of

5 Annex "D", Petition, Rollo, 69.
execution directed against the funds of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines to satisfy a final
and executory judgment, has explained, thus — 6 Annex "E", Ibid., ibid., p. 70.

The universal rule that where 7 Article XVI, Section 3 of the

the State gives its consent to be Constitution.
sued by private parties either by
8 Isagani Cruz, Philippine 23 See also Commissioner of
Political Law, 1991, p. 29. Public Highways vs. San Diego,
31 SCRA 616
9 Kawananakoa vs. Polyblank, (1970) citing others the following
205 U.S. 353, 51 L. ed. 834. decisions: Merritt vs.
Government, 34 Phil. 311
(1916); Visayan Refining Co. vs.
10 U.S.A. vs. Guinto, 182 SCRA
644,654 (1990). Camus, 40 Phil. 550 (1919);
Director of Commerce vs.
Concepcion, 43 Phil. 384
11 Providence Washington Ins. (1922); Belleng vs. Republic, 9
Co. vs. Republic, 29 SCRA 598 SCRA 6 (1963); Republic vs.
Palacio, 23 SCRA 899 (1968).
12 Ibid.

13 i.e. Commonwealth Act No.

327, as amended by
Presidential Decree No. 1445
(Sections 49-50), which requires
that all money claims against
the government must first be
filed with the Commission on
Audit which must act upon it
within sixty-days. Rejection of
the claim will authorize the
claimant to elevate the matter to
the Supreme Court
on certiorari and, in effect, sue
the State thereby.

14 Merritt vs. Government of the

Philippines, 34 Phil. 311.

15 See United States vs.

Guinto, 182 SCRA 644,
654, supra.

16 Froilan vs. Pan Oriental

Shipping, G.R. No. 6060, 30
September 1950.

17 Santos vs. Santos, 92 Phil.

281; Lyons vs. United States of
America, 104 SCRA 593.

18 United States of America vs.

Guinto, 182 SCRA 644; United
States of America vs. Ruiz, 136
SCRA 487 (195).

19 136 SCRA 487.

20 35 SCRA 224, 229 (1970).

21 Cruz, supra., 44-45.

22 54 SCRA 84 (1973).


FIRST DIVISION However, the Court hereby grants the plaintiffs motion for
reconsideration of said judgment, dated August 30, 2000. Accordingly,
the judgment rendered in this case on August 7, 2000 is hereby set
G.R. No. 154411. June 19, 2003 aside insofar as it has fixed just compensations for Lots Nos. 12, 13
and 19 of Csd-10219 because the fixing of said just compensations
appears to lack adequate basis.
GUIVELONDO, court of appeals, HON. ISAIAS DICDICAN, Presiding
Judge, Regional Trial Court, Branch 11, Cebu City, and PASCUAL Y. SO ORDERED.5 cräläwvirtual ibrä ry

ABORDO, Sheriff, Regional Trial Court, Branch 11, Cebu

City, Respondents.
Petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari, which
was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 61746.6 Meanwhile, on October 31,
DECISION 2000, the trial court issued an Entry of Judgment over the Partial
Judgment dated August 7, 2000 as modified by the Omnibus Order
dated October 11, 2000.7 Subsequently, respondent Heirs filed a
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: Motion for Execution, which was granted on November 22, 2000.

On February 23, 1999, petitioner National Housing Authority filed with On January 31, 2001, the Court of Appeals dismissed the petition for
the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 11, an Amended certiorari on the ground that the Partial Judgment and Omnibus Order
Complaint for eminent domain against Associacion Benevola de Cebu, became final and executory when petitioner failed to appeal the
Engracia Urot and the Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo, docketed as Civil same.8 cräläwvi rtua lib räry

Case No. CEB-23386. Petitioner alleged that defendant Associacion

Benevola de Cebu was the claimant/owner of Lot 108-C located in the
Banilad Estate, Cebu City; that defendant Engracia Urot was the Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration and Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for
claimant/owner of Lots Nos. 108-F, 108-I, 108-G, 6019-A and 6013-A, a Clarificatory Ruling were denied in a Resolution dated March 18,
all of the Banilad Estate; that defendant Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo 2001.9 A petition for review was filed by petitioner with this Court,
were the claimants/owners of Cadastral Lot No. 1613-D located at which was docketed as G.R. No. 147527. However, the same was
Carreta, Mabolo, Cebu City; and that the lands are within a blighted denied in a Minute Resolution dated May 9, 2001 for failure to show
urban center which petitioner intends to develop as a socialized that the Court of Appeals committed a reversible error.10 cräläwvi rt ualib räry

housing project.1 cräläwvi rtual ibrä ry

Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was however denied

On November 12, 1999, the Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo, respondents with finality on August 20, 2001.11 cräläwvirtuali brä ry

herein, filed a Manifestation stating that they were waiving their

objections to petitioners power to expropriate their properties. Hence,
the trial court issued an Order as follows: Prior to the aforesaid denial of the Motion for Reconsideration,
Petitioner, on July 16, 2001, filed with the trial court a Motion to
Dismiss Civil Case No. CEB-23386, complaint for eminent domain,
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby declares that the plaintiff has a lawful alleging that the implementation of its socialized housing project was
right to expropriate the properties of the defendants who are heirs of rendered impossible by the unconscionable value of the land sought to
Isidro Guivelondo. be expropriated, which the intended beneficiaries can not afford.12 The
Motion was denied on September 17, 2001, on the ground that the
Partial Judgment had already become final and executory and there
The appointment of commissioners who would ascertain and report to was no just and equitable reason to warrant the dismissal of the
the Court the just compensation for said properties will be done as case.13 Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which was denied
soon as the parties shall have submitted to the Court the names of in an Order dated November 20, 2001.14 cräläwvi rt ualib räry

persons desired by them to be appointed as such commissioners.

Petitioner thus filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals,
SO ORDERED.2 cräläwvirtual ibrä ry
which was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 68670, praying for the
annulment of the Order of the trial court denying its Motion to Dismiss
and its Motion for Reconsideration.15 cräläwvirtuali brä ry

Thereafter, the trial court appointed three Commissioners to ascertain

the correct and just compensation of the properties of respondents. On
April 17, 2000, the Commissioners submitted their report wherein they On February 5, 2002, the Court of Appeals summarily dismissed the
recommended that the just compensation of the subject properties be petition. Immediately thereafter, respondent Sheriff Pascual Y. Abordo
fixed at P11,200.00 per square meter.3 On August 7, 2000, the trial of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 11, served on
court rendered Partial Judgment adopting the recommendation of the petitioner a Notice of Levy pursuant to the Writ of Execution issued by
Commissioners and fixing the just compensation of the lands of the trial court to enforce the Partial Judgment of August 7, 2000 and
respondent Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo at P11,200.00 per square meter, the Omnibus Order of October 11, 2000.16 crä läwvirtual ibrä ry

to wit:

On February 18, 2002, the Court of Appeals set aside the dismissal of
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, judgment is hereby the petition and reinstated the same.17 Thereafter, a temporary
rendered by the Court in this case fixing the just compensation for the restraining order was issued enjoining respondent sheriff to preserve
lands of the defendants who are the heirs of Isidro Guivelondo, more the status quo.18 cräläwvi rt ualib räry

particularly Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16,

19, 20, 6016-F, 6016-H, 6016-E and 6016-D of Csd-10219, which
were sought to be expropriated by the plaintiff at P11,200.00 per On May 27, 2002, respondent sheriff served on the Landbank of the
square meter and ordering the plaintiff to pay to the said defendants Philippines a Notice of Third Garnishment against the deposits, moneys
the just compensation for the said lands computed at P11,200.00 per and interests of petitioner therein.19 Subsequently, respondent sheriff
square meter. levied on funds and personal properties of petitioner.20 cräläwvi rtua lib räry

IT IS SO ORDERED.4 cräläwvirtua lib räry

On July 16, 2002, the Court of Appeals rendered the assailed decision
dismissing the petition for certiorari.21 cräläwvirt ualib räry

Petitioner NHA filed two motions for reconsideration dated August 30,
2000 and August 31, 2000, assailing the inclusion of Lots 12, 13 and Hence, petitioner filed this petition for review, raising the following
19 as well as the amount of just compensation, respectively. issues:
Respondent Heirs also filed a motion for reconsideration of the Partial
Judgment. On October 11, 2000, the trial court issued an Omnibus
Order denying the motion for reconsideration of respondent Heirs and 1) WHETHER OR NOT THE STATE CAN BE COMPELLED AND COERCED
the August 31, 2000 motion of petitioner, on the ground that the fixing BY THE COURTS TO EXERCISE OR CONTINUE WITH THE EXERCISE OF
of the just compensation had adequate basis and support. On the ITS INHERENT POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN;
other hand, the trial court granted petitioners August 30, 2000 motion
for reconsideration on the ground that the Commissioners Report did
not include Lots 12, 13 and 19 within its coverage. Thus: 2) WHETHER OR NOT JUDGMENT HAS BECOME FINAL AND

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the Court hereby

denies the motion of the heirs of Isidro Guivelondo (with the exception 3) WHETHER OR NOT WRITS OF EXECUTION AND GARNISHMENT MAY
of Carlota Mercado and Juanita Suemith) for reconsideration of the BE ISSUED AGAINST THE STATE IN AN EXPROPRIATION WHEREIN
partial judgment rendered in this case on August 7, 2000 and plaintiffs THE EXERCISE OF THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN WILL NOT SERVE
motion for reconsideration of said judgment, dated August 31, 2000. PUBLIC USE OR PURPOSE {APPLICATION OF SUPREME COURT
ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULAR NO. 10-2000}.22 cräläwvi rtua lib räry


Respondent Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo filed their Comment, arguing as ordained, would be a final one, of course, since it finally disposes of
follows: the action and leaves nothing more to be done by the Court on the
merits. So, too, would an order of condemnation be a final one, for
thereafter, as the Rules expressly state, in the proceedings before the
I Trial Court, no objection to the exercise of the right of condemnation
(or the propriety thereof) shall be filed or heard.


OF THE TRIAL COURT IS ALREADY FINAL AND EXECUTORY, HENCE, The second phase of the eminent domain action is concerned with the
COULD NO LONGER BE DISTURBED NOR SET ASIDE determination by the Court of the just compensation for the property
sought to be taken. This is done by the Court with the assistance of
not more than three (3) commissioners. The order fixing the just
II compensation on the basis of the evidence before, and findings of, the
commissioners would be final, too. It would finally dispose of the
second stage of the suit, and leave nothing more to be done by the
THE FUNDS AND ASSETS OF THE PETITIONER ARE NOT EXEMPT Court regarding the issue. Obviously, one or another of the parties
FROM LEVY AND GARNISHMENT may believe the order to be erroneous in its appreciation of the
evidence or findings of fact or otherwise. Obviously, too, such a
dissatisfied party may seek a reversal of the order by taking an appeal
III therefrom.29 cräläwvi rtual ibrä ry

THE ISSUES RAISED IN THIS SECOND PETITION FOR REVIEW WERE The outcome of the first phase of expropriation proceedings, which is

either an order of expropriation or an order of dismissal, is final since it

finally disposes of the case. On the other hand, the second phase ends
with an order fixing the amount of just compensation. Both orders,
In the early case of City of Manila v. Ruymann,24 the Court was being final, are appealable.30 An order of condemnation or dismissal is
confronted with the question: May the petitioner, in an action for final, resolving the question of whether or not the plaintiff has properly
expropriation, after he has been placed in possession of the property and legally exercised its power of eminent domain.31Once the first
and before the termination of the action, dismiss the petition? It order becomes final and no appeal thereto is taken, the authority to
resolved the issue in the affirmative and held: expropriate and its public use can no longer be questioned.32 cräläwvirtual ibrä ry

The right of the plaintiff to dismiss an action with the consent of the The above rule is based on Rule 67, Section 4 of the 1997 Rules of
court is universally recognized with certain well-defined exceptions. If Civil Procedure, which provides:
the plaintiff discovers that the action which he commenced was
brought for the purpose of enforcing a right or a benefit, the
advisability or necessity of which he later discovers no longer exists, or Order of expropriation. If the objections to and the defenses against
that the result of the action would be different from what he had the right of the plaintiff to expropriate the property are overruled, or
intended, then he should be permitted to withdraw his action, subject when no party appears to defend as required by this Rule, the court
to the approval of the court. The plaintiff should not be required to may issue an order of expropriation declaring that the plaintiff has a
continue the action, subject to some well-defined exceptions, when it lawful right to take the property sought to be expropriated, for the
is not to his advantage to do so. Litigation should be discouraged and public use or purpose described in the complaint, upon the payment of
not encouraged. Courts should not require parties to litigate when they just compensation to be determined as of the date of the taking of the
no longer desire to do so. Courts, in granting permission to dismiss an property or the filing of the complaint, whichever came first.
action, of course, should always take into consideration the effect
which said dismissal would have upon the rights of the defendant. 25 cräläwvirtuali brä ry

A final order sustaining the right to expropriate the property may be

appealed by any party aggrieved thereby. Such appeal, however, shall
Subsequently, in Metropolitan Water District v. De Los Angeles,26 the not prevent the court from determining the just compensation to be
Court had occasion to apply the above-quoted ruling when the paid.
petitioner, during the pendency of the expropriation case, resolved
that the land sought to be condemned was no longer necessary in the
maintenance and operation of its system of waterworks. It was held: After the rendition of such an order, the plaintiff shall not be permitted
to dismiss or discontinue the proceeding except on such terms as the
court deems just and equitable. (underscoring ours)
It is not denied that the purpose of the plaintiff was to acquire the land
in question for a public use. The fundamental basis then of all actions
brought for the expropriation of lands, under the power of eminent In the case at bar, petitioner did not appeal the Order of the trial court
domain, is public use. That being true, the very moment that it dated December 10, 1999, which declared that it has a lawful right to
appears at any stage of the proceedings that the expropriation is not expropriate the properties of respondent Heirs of Isidro Guivelondo.
for a public use, the action must necessarily fail and should be Hence, the Order became final and may no longer be subject to review
dismissed, for the reason that the action cannot be maintained at all or reversal in any court.33 A final and executory decision or order can
except when the expropriation is for some public use. That must be no longer be disturbed or reopened no matter how erroneous it may
true even during the pendency of the appeal of at any other stage of be. Although judicial determinations are not infallible, judicial error
the proceedings. If, for example, during the trial in the lower court, it should be corrected through appeals, not through repeated suits on
should be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that the the same claim.34 cräläwvirtuali brä ry

expropriation is not for some public use, it would be the duty and the
obligation of the trial court to dismiss the action. And even during the
pendency of the appeal, if it should be made to appear to the Petitioner anchors its arguments on the last paragraph of the above-
satisfaction of the appellate court that the expropriation is not for quoted Rule 67, Section 4. In essence, it contends that there are just
public use, then it would become the duty and the obligation of the and equitable grounds to allow dismissal or discontinuance of the
appellate court to dismiss it.27
cräläwvi rtua lib räry
expropriation proceedings. More specifically, petitioner alleges that the
intended public use was rendered nugatory by the unreasonable just
compensation fixed by the court, which is beyond the means of the
Notably, the foregoing cases refer to the dismissal of an action for intended beneficiaries of the socialized housing project. The argument
eminent domain at the instance of the plaintiff during the pendency of is tenuous.
the case. The rule is different where the case had been decided and
the judgment had already become final and executory.
Socialized housing has been recognized as public use for purposes of
exercising the power of eminent domain.
Expropriation proceedings consists of two stages: first, condemnation
of the property after it is determined that its acquisition will be for a
public purpose or public use and, second, the determination of just Housing is a basic human need. Shortage in housing is a matter of
compensation to be paid for the taking of private property to be made state concern since it directly and significantly affects public health,
by the court with the assistance of not more than three safety, the environment and in sum, the general welfare. The public
commissioners.28 Thus: character of housing measures does not change because units in
housing projects cannot be occupied by all but only by those who
satisfy prescribed qualifications. A beginning has to be made, for it is
There are two (2) stages in every action for expropriation. The first is not possible to provide housing for all who need it, all at once.
concerned with the determination of the authority of the plaintiff to
exercise the power of eminent domain and the propriety of its exercise
in the context of the facts involved in the suit. It ends with an order, if xxx xxx xxx.
not of dismissal of the action, of condemnation declaring that the
plaintiff has a lawful right to take the property sought to be
condemned, for the public use or purpose described in the complaint, In the light of the foregoing, this Court is satisfied that socialized
upon the payment of just compensation to be determined as of the housing falls with the confines of public use. xxx xxx xxx. Provisions
date of the filing of the complaint. An order of dismissal, if this be on economic opportunities inextricably linked with low-cost housing, or


slum clearance, relocation and resettlement, or slum improvement Hence, it is clear that the funds of petitioner NHA are not exempt from
emphasize the public purpose of the project.35 crä läwvirt ualib rä ry garnishment or execution. Petitioners prayer for injunctive relief to
restrain respondent Sheriff Pascual Abordo from enforcing the Notice
of Levy and Garnishment against its funds and properties must,
The public purpose of the socialized housing project is not in any way therefore, be denied.
diminished by the amount of just compensation that the court has
fixed. The need to provide decent housing to the urban poor dwellers
in the locality was not lost by the mere fact that the land cost more WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant petition for review
than petitioner had expected. It is worthy to note that petitioner is DENIED. The decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
pursued its petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals assailing 68670, affirming the trial courts Order denying petitioners Motion to
the amount of just compensation and its petition for review with this Dismiss the expropriation proceedings in Civil Case No. CEB-23386, is
Court which eloquently indicates that there still exists a public use for AFFIRMED. Petitioners prayer for injunctive relief against the levy and
the housing project. It was only after its appeal and petitions for garnishment of its funds and personal properties is DENIED. The
review were dismissed that petitioner made a complete turn-around Temporary Restraining Order dated January 22, 2003 is LIFTED.
and decided it did not want the property anymore.

Respondent landowners had already been prejudiced by the
expropriation case. Petitioner cannot be permitted to institute
condemnation proceedings against respondents only to abandon it Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Vitug, Carpio, and Azcuna, JJ.,
later when it finds the amount of just compensation unacceptable. concur.
Indeed, our reprobation in the case of Cosculluela v. Court of
Appeals36 is apropos:

It is arbitrary and capricious for a government agency to initiate

expropriation proceedings, seize a persons property, allow the Endnotes:
judgment of the court to become final and executory and then refuse
to pay on the ground that there are no appropriations for the property 1
Rollo, pp. 72-78.
earlier taken and profitably used. We condemn in the strongest
possible terms the cavalier attitude of government officials who adopt
such a despotic and irresponsible stance. 2
Id., p. 79.

In order to resolve the issue of the propriety of the garnishment 3

Id., pp. 80-89.
against petitioners funds and personal properties, there is a need to
first determine its true character as a government entity. Generally,
funds and properties of the government cannot be the object of Id., pp. 90-92; penned by Judge Isaias P. Dicdican.

garnishment proceedings even if the consent to be sued had been

previously granted and the state liability adjudged.37 chan roble svi rtual lawlib rary
CA Rollo, pp. 75-76.

The universal rule that where the State gives its consent to be sued by 6
Id., pp. 77-91.
private parties either by general or special law, it may limit claimants
action only up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage of
execution and that the power of the Courts ends when the judgment is 7
Id., p. 92.
rendered, since government funds and properties may not be seized
under writs of execution or garnishment to satisfy such judgments, is 8
Id., pp. 97-105; penned by Associate Justice Romeo C. Callejo, Sr. (now a member of this
based on obvious considerations of public policy. Disbursements of Court), concurred in by Associate Justices Renato C. Dacudao and Josefina Guevara-Salonga.
public funds must be covered by the corresponding appropriation as
required by law. The functions and public services rendered by the
State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion 9
Id., Annex N.
of public funds from their legitimate and specific objects, as
appropriated by law.38 cräläwvirtua lib räry

Id., pp. 106-107.

However, if the funds belong to a public corporation or a government- 11

Id., pp. 120-121.
owned or controlled corporation which is clothed with a personality of
its own, separate and distinct from that of the government, then its
funds are not exempt from garnishment.39 This is so because when the 12
Id., pp. 116-119.
government enters into commercial business, it abandons its sovereign
capacity and is to be treated like any other corporation.40 cräläwvi rtua lib räry

Id., pp. 21-22.

In the case of petitioner NHA, the matter of whether its funds and 14
Id., pp. 23-24.
properties are exempt from garnishment has already been resolved
squarely against its predecessor, the Peoples Homesite and Housing
Corporation (PHHC), to wit: 15
Id., pp. 3-20.

The plea for setting aside the notice of garnishment was premised on 16
Rollo, pp. 134-135.
the funds of the Peoples Homesite and Housing Corporation deposited
with petitioner being public in character. There was not even a 17
Id., pp. 136-137.
categorical assertion to that effect. It is only the possibility of its being
public in character. The tone was thus irresolute, the approach
diffident. The premise that the funds cold be spoken of as public in 18
Id., pp. 138-139.
character may be accepted in the sense that the Peoples Homesite and
Housing Corporation was a government-owned entity. It does not
follow though that they were exempt from garnishment.41 cräläwvirtu alib räry
Id., p. 140.

Id., pp. 152-153.
This was reiterated in the subsequent case of Philippine Rock
Industries, Inc. v. Board of Liquidators:42 cräläwvi rt ualib räry

Id., pp. 48-58; penned by Associate Justice Remedios A. Salazar-Fernando; concurred in by
Associate Justices Romeo J. Callejo, Sr. and Danilo B. Pine.
Having a juridical personality separate and distinct from the
government, the funds of such government-owned and controlled
corporations and non-corporate agency, although considered public in Id., p. 13.

character, are not exempt from garnishment. This doctrine was

applied to suits filed against the Philippine Virginia Tobacco 23
Id., p. 541.
Administration (PNB vs. Pabalan, et al., 83 SCRA 695); the National
Shipyard & Steel Corporation (NASSCO vs. CIR, 118 Phil. 782); the
Manila Hotel Company (Manila Hotel Employees Asso. vs. Manila Hotel 24
37 Phil. 421 [1918].
Co., 73 Phil. 374); and the People's Homesite and Housing
Corporation (PNB vs. CIR, 81 SCRA 314). [emphasis ours]
Id., at 424-425.

55 Phil. 776 [1931].


Id., at 782.

City of Manila v. Serrano, 411 Phil. 754 [2001].

Municipality of Bian v. Garcia, G.R. No. 69260, 22 December 1989, 180 SCRA 576.

Estate of Salud Jimenez v. Philippine Export Processing Zone, G.R. No. 137285, 16 January
2001, 349 SCRA 240, 253.

Heirs of Alberto Suguitan v. City of Mandaluyong, 384 Phil. 676, 692 [2000].

Estate of Salud Jimenez v. Philippine Export Processing Zone, supra, at 257.

Padillo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119707, 29 November 2001.

Manila Electric Company v. Philippine Consumers Foundation, Inc., G.R. No. 101783, 23
January 2002.

Sumulong v. Guerrero, G.R. No. L-48685, 30 September 1987, 154 SCRA 461, 468-469.

G.R. No. L-77765, 15 August 1988, 164 SCRA 393, 401.

Republic v. Villasor, G.R. No. L-30671, 28 November 1973, 54 SCRA 83, 87; Republic v.
Palacio, 132 Phil. 369 [1968].

Commissioner of Public Highways v. San Diego, G.R. No. L-30098, 18 February 1970, 31
SCRA 616, at 625.

Philippine National Bank v. Pabalan, G.R. No. L-33112, 15 June 1978, 83 SCRA 595, 598.

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation v. De Castro, G.R. No. L-34548, 29 November 1988,
168 SCRA 49, 60.

Philippine National Bank v. CIR, G.R. No. L-32667, 31 January 1978, 81 SCRA 314, 318.

G.R. No. 84992, 15 December 1989.


SECOND DIVISION pay rentals and the value of the land at ₱89.00
per square meter. ATO appealed to the Court of
G.R. No. 186192 August 25, 2010 Appeals (CA) which remanded the case to the
court a quo for further proceedings. The CA also
THE HEIRS OF MATEO PIDACAN AND held that just compensation should had been
ROMANA BIGO, NAMELY: PACITA PIDACAN determined as of the time the property was
VDA. DE ZUBIRI AND ADELA PIDACAN VDA. taken for public use.
DE ROBLES, Petitioners,
vs. On remand, the RTC ruled again in favor of
AIR TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, represented petitioners, ordering ATO, among others, to pay
by its Acting Director BIENVENIDO petitioners the amount of ₱304.00 per sq m for
MANGA, Respondent. the area expropriated or a total of
₱65,584,048.00, imposing interest at the rate of
12% per annum from February 1, 2001 until full
payment, and to pay monthly rentals for the use
and occupation of the property from January 1,
NACHURA, J.: 1957 to January 31, 2001, for a total amount of
₱6,249,645.40, with interest at the rate of
Before this Court is a Petition1 for Review 12% per annum until the same is fully paid.
on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil
Procedure praying that the Orders2 issued by the Undaunted, the ATO went to the CA, which
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Jose, again remanded the case to the court a quo for
Occidental Mindoro, Branch 46, dated June 23, the determination of just compensation on the
2008 and January 23, 2009, be set aside and basis of the market value prevailing in 1948.
that said RTC be directed to issue a Writ of Petitioners moved for reconsideration, but the
Execution enforcing this Court's Decision motion was denied. Aggrieved, petitioners filed a
in Heirs of Mateo Pidacan and Romana Eigo v. petition for review on certiorari before this Court.
Air Transportation Office (ATO).3
On June 15, 2007, we ruled in favor of
The facts are summarized as follows: petitioners, holding that ATO's act of converting
petitioners' private property into an airport came
In 1935, spouses Mateo Pidacan and Romana within the purview of eminent domain and as a
Bigo, predecessors-in-interest of petitioners- consequence, petitioners were completely
heirs namely, Pacita Pidacan Vda. de Zubiri and deprived of the beneficial use and enjoyment of
Adela Pidacan Vda. de Robles (petitioners), their property. We declared that justice and
acquired a parcel of land with an area of about fairness dictate that the appropriate reckoning
22 hectares, situated in San Jose, Occidental point for the valuation of petitioners' property
Mindoro (the property). Thereafter, Original was when the RTC made its order of
Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 2204 was issued in expropriation in 2001. However, we deleted the
favor of said spouses. RTC's award of rental payments for lack of
evidence. Thus, we disposed of the case in this
However, in 1948, respondent Air Transportation wise:
Office (ATO)4 used a portion of the property as
an airport. In 1974, the ATO constructed a WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
perimeter fence and a new terminal building on assailed Decision dated August 20, 2003 and
the property. The ATO also lengthened, the Resolution dated March 17, 2004 of the
widened, and cemented the airport's runway. Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 72404 are
Petitioners demanded from ATO the payment of SET ASIDE. The Decision dated February 1,
the value of the property as well as the rentals 2001 of the Regional Trial Court of San Jose,
for the use thereof but ATO refused. Eventually Occidental Mindoro, Branch 46 in Civil Case No.
in 1988, OCT No. 2204 was cancelled and R-800 is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION, as
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-7160 was follows:
issued in favor of petitioners. Despite this
development, ATO still refused to pay 1. The actual area occupied by
petitioners. respondent ATO covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title No. T-7160, totaling
Petitioners filed a complaint with the RTC 215,737 square meters[,] is declared
against ATO for payment of the value of the expropriated in favor of the ATO.
property and rentals due thereon. In 1994, the
RTC promulgated a decision, ordering ATO to


2. The ATO is ordered to pay petitioners OPPOSE PETITIONERS' MOTION FOR
the amount of ₱304.39 per square meter EXECUTION BECAUSE IT HAS
for the area expropriated, or a total of LITIGATED AND OPPOSED THE
₱65,668,185.43 with interest at the rate CLAIM OF THE PETITIONERS FROM
of 6% per annum from February 1, THE RTC OF SAN JOSE,
2001, until the same is fully paid. OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, THE COURT
No pronouncement as to costs. TO THIS HONORABLE COURT[;]


On July 10, 2007, ATO filed a Motion for Partial
Reconsideration which we denied with finality in THE TRIAL COURT IN THE LIGHT OF
our Resolution6dated September 12, 2007. On PARAGRAPH 4, SECTION 6 OF P.D.
October 25, 2007, Entry of Judgment7 was
made. Thus, on February 20, 2008, petitioners
filed a Motion for Execution8 before the RTC. On
February 27, 2008, the ATO, through the Office
of the Solicitor General, filed an Opposition9 to OCTOBER 25, 2000[; AND]
petitioners' Motion.
On June 23, 2008, the RTC issued an Order
denying petitioners' Motion for Execution on the
ground that the prosecution, enforcement, or RESPONDENT AIR
satisfaction of State liability must be pursued in
accordance with the rules and procedures laid
down in Commonwealth Act No. 327,10 as
amended by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No.
1445.11 The RTC also relied on this Court's DECIDED BY THIS HONORABLE
Administrative Circular No. 10-2000, dated COURT FROM OTHER GOVERNMENT
October 25, 2000, which enjoined all judges to
observe utmost caution, prudence, and
judiciousness in the issuance of writs of Petitioners claim that ATO is now in estoppel
execution to satisfy money judgments against because it did not invoke any doctrine which
government agencies and local government provides that any decision against ATO cannot
units. Thus, the RTC disposed: be executed; that Administrative Circular No. 10-
2000 is merely intended to prevent possible
WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, circumvention of Commission on Audit (COA)
rules and regulations which cannot happen in
the Motion For the Issuance of a Writ of
Execution filed by the plaintiffs is this case as this Court already decided with
hereby DENIED. However, the plaintiffs are finality on ATO's liability; that said circular only
enjoins judges to observe utmost caution but
implored to file and pursue their monetary claims
does not per se prohibit the issuance of writs of
against the government with the Commission on
execution for money claims against the
Audit pursuant to paragraph 4, Section 6 of P.D.
government;15and that it is incumbent upon the
No. 1445 vis-a-vis Rule VIII of [the] 1997 COA
Revised Rules of Procedure. RTC to direct ATO to look for the necessary
funds in order to satisfy the decision of this
Court. Moreover, petitioners manifest that, on
SO ORDERED.12 March 3, 2009, Ruben F. Ciron, Director General
of ATO, wrote petitioners' counsel,16 the
Petitioners filed their Motion for pertinent portions of which state:
Reconsideration13 which the RTC, however,
denied in its Order dated January 23, 2009. This is in connection with your claim for
compensation over the portion of lot occupied by
Hence, this Petition raising the following issues: San Jose Airport subject of the case named
Heirs of Mateo Pidacan, et. al. (Petitioners) v. Air
1. W[H]ETHER OR NOT Transportation Office (Respondent), docketed as
RESPONDENT AIR G.R. No. 162779, covered by TCT No. 7160
TRANSPORTATION OFFICE IS affecting 215,737 square meters ordering the
ALREADY IN LEGAL ESTOPPEL TO defendant to pay the plaintiffs just compensation
with legal interest.
In this regard, we are pleased to inform you that Moreover, it bears stressing that the Director
the funding for the initial payment for the General of ATO informed petitioners that the
acquisition of the above-described lot funding for the initial payment for the acquisition
encroached by San Jose Airport was earmarked of the property was already earmarked in the
in the 2007 General Appropriation[s] Act for 2007 General Appropriations Act for ATO-
ATO-DOTC Infrastructure Program. However, its Department of Transportation and
release was held by the Department of Budget Communication Infrastructure Program. Under
and Management (DBM) with the advice to file the circumstances, such earmarking may be
the individual claims directly with the considered as the appropriation required by law
Commission for Adjudication by the Commission in order that petitioners may be paid just
Proper, Commission on Audit, Commonwealth compensation long due them.
Avenue, Quezon City on a quantum meruit
basis.17 Our ruling in EPG Construction Co. v. Hon.
Vigilar,22 citing Amigable v. Cuenca, etc., et
In its Comment,18 ATO, through the Office of the al.23 and Ministerio, et al. v. CFI of Cebu, etc., et
Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC), al.,24 is instructive:
argues that the RTC faithfully complied with
Administrative Circular No. 10-2000 by not To our mind, it would be the apex of injustice
indiscriminately issuing any writ of execution to and highly inequitable for us to defeat
enforce money claims against the government in petitioners-contractors' right to be duly
accordance with existing jurisprudence and the compensated for actual work performed and
provisions of P.D. No. 1445. Section 2619 of P.D. services rendered, where both the government
No. 1445 provides that all money claims against and the public have, for years, received and
the government or any of its subdivisions, accepted benefits from said housing project and
agencies, and instrumentalities must be filed reaped the fruits of petitioners-contractors'
with the COA. The OGCC also submits that honest toil and labor.
petitioners failed to properly observe the
principle of the hierarchy of courts by directly
Incidentally, respondent likewise argues that the
filing their Petition before this Court without
State may not be sued in the instant case,
raising pure questions of law. invoking the constitutional doctrine of Non-
suability of the State, otherwise known as
We grant the Petition. the Royal Prerogative of Dishonesty.

Well-settled in this jurisdiction that the Respondent's argument is misplaced inasmuch

determination of just compensation is a judicial as the Principle of State Immunity finds no
prerogative.20 Thus, in Export Processing Zone application in the case before us.
Authority v. Judge Dulay,21 we declared:
Under these circumstances, respondent may not
The determination of "just compensation" in validly invoke the Royal Prerogative of
eminent domain cases is a judicial function. The
1âw phi1

Dishonesty and conveniently hide under the

executive department or the legislature may State's cloak of invincibility against suit,
make the initial determinations but when a party considering that this principle yields to certain
claims a violation of the guarantee in the Bill of settled exceptions. True enough, the rule, in any
Rights that private property may not be taken for case, is not absolute for it does not say that the
public use without just compensation, no statute, state may not be sued under any circumstance.
decree, or executive order can mandate that its
own determination shall prevail over the court's Thus, in Amigable v. Cuenca, this Court, in
findings. Much less can the courts be precluded
effect, shred the protective shroud which shields
from looking into the "just-ness" of the decreed
the State from suit, reiterating our decree in the
compensation. landmark case of Ministerio v. CFI of Cebu that
"the doctrine of governmental immunity from suit
In view of this mandate, this Court has finally cannot serve as an instrument for perpetrating
spoken in our Decision on June 15, 2007, an injustice on a citizen." It is just as important, if
declaring the property to be expropriated in favor not more so, that there be fidelity to legal norms
of ATO and ordering the latter to pay petitioners on the part of officialdom if the rule of law were
just compensation. This ruling had already to be maintained.
become final and executory. Our Decision is
clear and unambiguous. Nothing is left to be Although the Amigable and Ministerio cases
done, save for its execution.
generously tackled the issue of the State's
immunity from suit vis-a-vis the payment of just
compensation for expropriated property, this ANTONIO T. CARPIO
Court nonetheless finds the doctrine enunciated Associate Justice
in the aforementioned cases applicable to the Chairperson
instant controversy, considering that the ends of
justice would be subverted if we were to uphold, DIOSDADO M.
in this particular instance, the State's immunity ROBERTO A. ABAD
from suit. Associate Justice
1âw phi 1

Associate Justice

To be sure, this Court — as the staunch

guardian of the citizens' rights and welfare — JOSE CATRAL MENDOZA
cannot sanction an injustice so patent on its Associate Justice
face, and allow itself to be an instrument in the
perpetration thereof. Justice and equity sternly ATTESTATION
demand that the State's cloak of invincibility
against suit be shred in this particular instance, I attest that the conclusions in the above
and that petitioners-contractors be duly Decision had been reached in consultation
compensated — on the basis of quantum meruit before the case was assigned to the writer of the
— for construction done on the public works opinion of the Court’s Division.
housing project.
It is almost trite to say that execution is the fruit Associate Justice
and the end of the suit and is the life of the law. Chairperson, Second Division
A judgment, if left unexecuted, would be nothing
but an empty victory for the prevailing party. CERTIFICATION
Litigation must end sometime and somewhere.
An effective and efficient administration of justice
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
requires that, once a judgment has become final,
Constitution and the Division Chairperson's
the winning party be not deprived of the fruits of
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the
the verdict. Courts must, therefore, guard
above Decision had been reached in
against any scheme calculated to bring about
consultation before the case was assigned to the
that result. Constituted as they are to put an end
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
to controversies, courts should frown upon any
attempt to prolong them.25 Petitioners have been
deprived of the beneficial use and enjoyment of RENATO C. CORONA
their property for a considerable length of time. Chief Justice
Now that they prevailed before this Court, it
would be highly unjust and inequitable under the
particular circumstances that payment of just
compensation be withheld from them. We,
therefore, write finis to this litigation. Footnotes

WHEREFORE, the instant Petition 1

Rollo, pp. 9-21.
is GRANTED. The Orders issued by the
Regional Trial Court of San Jose, Occidental 2
Id. at 51-54 and 60-61.
Mindoro, Branch 46, dated June 23, 2008 and
January 23, 2009, are hereby SET ASIDE. The 3
Penned by Senior Associate Justice
said Regional Trial Court is
Leonardo A. Quisumbing (retired), with
hereby DIRECTED to issue a Writ of Execution
Associate Justices Antonio T. Carpio,
enforcing this Court's Decision in Heirs of Mateo
Dante O. Tinga (retired) and Presbitero
Pidacan and Romana Eigo v. Air Transportation
J. Velasco, Jr., concurring; G.R. No.
Office (ATO)26 dated June 15, 2007. No
162779, June 15, 2007, 524 SCRA 679.
pronouncement as to costs.
Now known as Civil Aviation Authority
of the Philippines (CAAP).


Heirs of Mateo Pidacan and Romana
Associate Justice
Eigo v. Air Transportation Office (ATO),
supra note 3, at 688-689.
Rollo, p. 35.
Id. at 36-38. funded by donations through the
government, those required to pay
Id. at 39-41. levies or government share, and those
for which the government has put up a
counterpart fund or those partly funded
Id. at 45-50.
by the government.
An Act Fixing the Time Within Which
the Auditor General Shall Render His
Ortega v. City of Cebu, G.R. Nos.
181562-63 and 181583-84, October 2,
Decisions and Prescribing the Manner of
2009, 602 SCRA 601, 607-608; Land
Appeal Therefrom.
Bank of the Philippines v. Dumlao, G.R.
No. 167809, November 27, 2008, 572
The Government Auditing Code of the
SCRA 108, 122; Land Bank of the
Philippines. Philippines v. Celada, G.R. No. 164876,
January 23, 2006, 479 SCRA 495, 505.
Rollo, p. 54.
233 Phil. 313, 326 (1987).
Id. at 55-57.
407 Phil. 53, 64-66 (2001).
Supra note 1, at 13.
150 Phil. 422 (1972).
148-B Phil. 474 (1971).
Reply; rollo, pp. 94-97.
National Power Corporation v. Omar
Annex "A" of Reply. G. Maruhom, Elias G. Maruhom, Bucay
G. Maruhom, Mamod G. Maruhom,
Rollo, pp. 77-84. Farouk G. Maruhom, Hidjara G.
Maruhom, Rocania G. Maruhom,
SECTION 26. General jurisdiction. − Potrisam G. Maruhom, Lumba G.
The authority and powers of the Maruhom, Sinab G. Maruhom, Acmad
Commission shall extend to and G. Maruhom, Solayman G. Maruhom,
comprehend all matters relating to Mohamad M. Ibrahim, Cairoronesa M.
auditing procedures, systems and Ibrahim, and Lucman Ibrahim,
controls, the keeping of the general represented by his heirs Adora B.
accounts of the Government, the Ibrahim, Nasser B. Ibrahim, Jamalodin
preservation of vouchers pertaining B. Ibrahim, Rajid Nabbel B. Ibrahim,
thereto for a period of ten years, the Ameer B. Ibrahim, and Sarah Aizah B.
examination and inspection of the Ibrahim, G.R. No. 183297, December
books, records, and papers relating to 23, 2009, citing La Campana
those accounts; and the audit and Development Corporation v.
settlement of the accounts of all persons Development Bank of the Philippines,
respecting funds or property received or G.R. No. 146157, February 13, 2009,
held by them in an accountable 579 SCRA 137, 159.
capacity, as well as the examination,
audit, and settlement of all debts and 26
Supra note 3.
claims of any sort due from or owing to
the Government or any of its
subdivisions, agencies and
instrumentalities. The said jurisdiction
extends to all government-owned or
controlled corporations, including their
subsidiaries, and other self-governing
boards, commissions, or agencies of the
Government, and as herein prescribed,
including non-governing boards,
commissions, or agencies of the
Government, and as herein prescribed,
including non-governmental entities
subsidized by the government, those
THIRD DIVISION Petitioners spouses Buenaventura and Rosario
Jayme, the parents of Marvin, filed a complaint for
G.R. No. 163609 November 27, 2008 damages with the RTC against respondents.11 In their
complaint, they prayed that all respondents be held
solidarily liable for their loss. They pointed out that
SPS. BUENAVENTURA JAYME AND ROSARIO that proximate cause of Marvin's death was Lozano's
JAYME, petitioners, negligent and reckless operation of the vehicle. They
vs. prayed for actual, moral, and exemplary damages,
RODRIGO APOSTOL, FIDEL LOZANO, ERNESTO attorney's fees, and litigation expenses.
KORONADAL), PROVINCE OF SOUTH In their respective Answers, all respondents denied
COTABATO, represented by the MUNICIPAL liability for Marvin's death. Apostol and Simbulan
TREASURER and/or MUNICIPAL MAYOR averred that Lozano took the pick-up truck without
FERNANDO Q. MIGUEL, and THE FIRST their consent. Likewise, Miguel and Lozano pointed
INTEGRATED BONDING AND INSURANCE out that Marvin's sudden sprint across the highway
COMPANY, INC., respondents. made it impossible to avoid the accident. Yet, Miguel
denied being on board the vehicle when it hit Marvin.
The Municipality of Koronadal adopted the answer of
DECISION Lozano and Miguel. As for First Integrated Bonding
and Insurance Company, Inc., the vehicle insurer, it
REYES, R.T., J.: insisted that its liability is contributory and is only
conditioned on the right of the insured. Since the
MAY a municipal mayor be held solidarily liable for the insured did not file a claim within the prescribed
negligent acts of the driver assigned to him, which period, any cause of action against it had prescribed.
resulted in the death of a minor pedestrian?
RTC Disposition
Challenged in this petition for review on certiorari is
the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) which On January 25, 1999, the RTC rendered judgment in
reversed and set aside the decision of the Regional favor of spouses Jayme, the dispositive portion of
Trial Court (RTC), Polomolok, Cotabato City, Branch which reads:
39, insofar as defendant Mayor Fernando Q. Miguel is
concerned. The CA absolved Mayor Miguel from any WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
liability since it was not he, but the Municipality of defendant Municipality of Koronadal cannot
Koronadal, that was the employer of the negligent be held liable for the damages incurred by
driver. other defendant (sic) being an agency of the
State performing a (sic) governmental
The Facts functions. The same with defendant
Hermogenes Simbulan, not being the owner
On February 5, 1989, Mayor Miguel of Koronadal, of the subject vehicle, he is absolved of any
South Cotabato was on board the Isuzu pick-up truck liability. The complaint against defendant
driven by Fidel Lozano, an employee of the First Integrated Bonding Insurance
Municipality of Koronadal.2 The pick-up truck was Company, Inc. is hereby ordered dismissed
registered under the name of Rodrigo Apostol, but it there being no cause of action against said
was then in the possession of Ernesto insurance company.
Simbulan.3 Lozano borrowed the pick-up truck from
Simbulan to bring Miguel to Buayan Airport at General However, defendants Fidel Lozano, Rodrigo
Santos City to catch his Manila flight.4 Apostol, and Mayor Fernando Miguel of
Koronadal, South Cotabato, are hereby
The pick-up truck accidentally hit Marvin C. Jayme, a ordered jointly and severally to pay the
minor, who was then crossing the National Highway in plaintiff (sic) the following sums:
Poblacion, Polomolok, South Cotabato.5 The intensity
of the collision sent Marvin some fifty (50) meters 1. One Hundred Seventy Three
away from the point of impact, a clear indication that Thousand One Hundred One and
Lozano was driving at a very high speed at the time of Forty Centavos (P173,101.40)
the accident.6 Pesos as actual damages with legal
interest of 12% per annum
Marvin sustained severe head injuries with subdural computed from February 11, 1989
hematoma and diffused cerebral contusion.7 He was until fully paid;
initially treated at the Howard Hubbard Memorial
Hospital.8 Due to the seriousness of his injuries, he 2. Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00)
was airlifted to the Ricardo Limso Medical Center in Pesos as moral damages;
Davao City for more intensive treatment.9 Despite
medical attention, Marvin expired six (6) days after the 3. Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00)
accident.10 Pesos as exemplary damages;


4. Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) Issues
Pesos as Attorney's fees;
The spouses Jayme have resorted to the present
5. Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) recourse and assign to the CA the following errors:
Pesos for the death of Marvin
Jayme; I.

6. Three Thousand (P3,000.00) as THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS

litigation expenses; and ERRED IN HOLDING THAT MAYOR
7. To pay the cost of this suit. LIABLE FOR THE DEATH OF MARVIN
Dissatisfied with the RTC ruling, Mayor Miguel
interposed an appeal to the CA.
CA Disposition
In his appeal, Mayor Miguel contended that the RTC CONTRARY TO THE FINDINGS OF THE
erred in ruling that he was Lozano's employer and, TRIAL COURT AND ARE CONTRADICTED
hence, solidarily liable for the latter's negligent act. BY THE EVIDENCE ON RECORD;
Records showed that the Municipality of Koronadal MOREOVER, THE CONCLUSIONS
was the driver's true and lawful employer. Mayor DRAWN BY THE HONORABLE COURT OF
Miguel also denied that he did not exercise due care APPEALS ARE ALL BASED ON
and diligence in the supervision of Lozano. The CONJECTURES AND SURMISES AND
incident, although unfortunate, was unexpected and AGAINST ACCEPTED COURSE OF
cannot be attributed to him. JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS WHICH
On October 22, 2003, the CA granted the appeal, THIS HONORABLE COURT'S
disposing as follows: SUPERVISION.15

WHEREFORE, the Decision appealed from Our Ruling

is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, insofar as
defendant-appellant Mayor Fernando Q. The doctrine of vicarious liability or imputed
Miguel is concerned, and the complaint liability finds no application in the present case.
against him is DISMISSED.
Spouses Jayme contend, inter alia, that vicarious
IT IS SO ORDERED.13 liability attaches to Mayor Miguel. He was not a mere
passenger, but instead one who had direct control
The CA held that Mayor Miguel should not be held and supervision over Lozano during the time of the
liable for damages for the death of Marvin Jayme. accident. According to petitioners, the element of
Said the appellate court: direct control is not negated by the fact that Lozano's
employer was the Municipality of Koronadal. Mayor
Moreover, plaintiffs-appellees admitted that Miguel, being Lozano's superior, still had control over
Mayor Miguel was not the employer of the manner the vehicle was operated.
Lozano. Thus, paragraph 9 of the complaint
alleged that the Municipality of Koronadal Article 218016 of the Civil Code provides that a person
was the employer of both Mayor Miguel is not only liable for one's own quasi-delictual acts,
and Lozano. Not being the employer of but also for those persons for whom one is
Lozano, Mayor Miguel could not thus be held responsible for. This liability is popularly known as
liable for the damages caused by the vicarious or imputed liability. To sustain claims against
former. Mayor Miguel was a mere employers for the acts of their employees, the
passenger in the Isuzu pick-up at the time following requisites must be established: (1) That the
of the accident.14 (Emphasis supplied) employee was chosen by the employer personally or
through another; (2) That the service to be rendered
The CA also reiterated the settled rule that it is the in accordance with orders which the employer has the
registered owner of a vehicle who is jointly and authority to give at all times; and (3) That the illicit act
severally liable with the driver for damages incurred of the employee was on the occasion or by reason of
by passengers or third persons as a consequence of the functions entrusted to him.17
injuries or death sustained in the operation of the
vehicle. Significantly, to make the employee liable under
paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 2180, it must be
established that the injurious or tortuous act was
committed at the time the employee was performing guards assigned to it, does not, by
his functions.18 itself, render the client responsible as an
employer of the security guards concerned
Furthermore, the employer-employee relationship and liable for their wrongful acts and
cannot be assumed. It is incumbent upon the plaintiff omissions. Those instructions or directions
to prove the relationship by preponderant evidence. are ordinarily no more than requests
In Belen v. Belen,19 this Court ruled that it was enough commonly envisaged in the contract for
for defendant to deny an alleged employment services entered into with the security
relationship. The defendant is under no obligation to agency. x x x25 (Emphasis supplied)
prove the negative averment. This Court said:
Significantly, no negligence may be imputed against a
It is an old and well-settled rule of the courts fellow employee although the person may have the
that the burden of proving the action is upon right to control the manner of the vehicle's
the plaintiff, and that if he fails satisfactorily operation.26 In the absence of an employer-employee
to show the facts upon which he bases his relationship establishing vicarious liability, the driver's
claim, the defendant is under no obligation to negligence should not be attributed to a fellow
prove his exceptions. This rue is in harmony employee who only happens to be an occupant of the
with the provisions of Section 297 of the vehicle.27Whatever right of control the occupant may
Code of Civil Procedure holding that each have over the driver is not sufficient by itself to justify
party must prove his own affirmative an application of the doctrine of vicarious
allegations, etc.20 liability. Handley v. Lombardi28 is instructive on this
exception to the rule on vicarious liability:
In resolving the present controversy, it is imperative to
find out if Mayor Miguel is, indeed, the employer of Plaintiff was not the master or principal of the
Lozano and therefore liable for the negligent acts of driver of the truck, but only an intermediate
the latter. To determine the existence of an and superior employee or agent. This being
employment relationship, We rely on the four-fold test. so, the doctrine of respondeat superior or qui
This involves: (1) the employer's power of selection; facit per alium is not properly applicable to
(2) payment of wages or other remuneration; (3) the him. His power to direct and control the
employer's right to control the method of doing the driver was not as master, but only by virtue
work; and (4) the employer's right of suspension or of the fact that they were both employed by
dismissal.21 Kruse, and the further fact that as Kruse's
agent he was delegated Kruse's authority
over the driver. x x x
Applying the foregoing test, the CA correctly held that
it was the Municipality of Koronadal which was the
lawful employer of Lozano at the time of the accident. In the case of actionable negligence, the rule
It is uncontested that Lozano was employed as a is well settled both in this state and
driver by the municipality. That he was subsequently elsewhere that the negligence of a
assigned to Mayor Miguel during the time of the subordinate employee or subagent is not to
accident is of no moment. This Court has, on several be imputed to a superior employee or agent,
occasions, held that an employer-employee but only to the master or principal. (Hilton v.
relationship still exists even if the employee was Oliver, 204 Cal. 535 [61 A. L. R. 297, 269
loaned by the employer to another person or entity Pac. 425; Guild v. Brown, 115 Cal. App. 374
because control over the employee subsists.22 In the [1 Pac. (2d) 528; Ellis v. Southern Ry. Co.,
case under review, the Municipality of Koronadal 72 S. C. 464 [2 L. R. A. (N. S.) 378, 52 S. E.
remains to be Lozano's employer notwithstanding 228; Thurman v. Pittsburg & M. Copper Co.,
Lozano's assignment to Mayor Miguel. 41 Mont. 141 [108 Pac. 588]; 2 Cor. Jur., p.
829; and see the elaborate note in 61 A. L.
R. 277, and particularly that part
Spouses Jayme argued that Mayor Miguel had at commencing at p. 290.) We can see no
least supervision and control over Lozano and how logical reason for drawing any distinction in
the latter operated or drove the Isuzu pick-up during this regard between actionable negligence
the time of the accident. They, however, failed to and contributory negligence. x x x29
buttress this claim.
The rule was reiterated in Bryant v. Pacific Elec. Ry.
Even assuming arguendo that Mayor Miguel had Co.[30 and again in Sichterman v. Hollingshead Co.31
authority to give instructions or directions to Lozano,
he still can not be held liable. In Benson v.
Sorrell,23 the New England Supreme Court ruled that In Swanson v. McQuown,32 a case involving a military
mere giving of directions to the driver does not officer who happened to be riding in a car driven by a
establish that the passenger has control over the subordinate later involved in an accident, the
vehicle. Neither does it render one the employer of Colorado Supreme Court adhered to the general rule
the driver. This Court, in Soliman, Jr. v. that a public official is not liable for the wrongful acts
Tuazon,24 ruled in a similar vein, to wit: of his subordinates on a vicarious basis since the
relationship is not a true master-servant
situation.33 The court went on to rule that the only
x x x The fact that a client company may give exception is when they cooperate in the act
instructions or directions to the security complained of, or direct or encourage it.34
In the case at bar, Mayor Miguel was neither Lozano's vehicle are liable for the death of a third person
employer nor the vehicle's registered owner. There resulting from the negligent operation of the vehicle.
existed no causal relationship between him and
Lozano or the vehicle used that will make him WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the
accountable for Marvin's death. Mayor Miguel was a appealed Decision AFFIRMED.
mere passenger at the time of the accident.
Parenthetically, it has been held that the failure of a
passenger to assist the driver, by providing him
warnings or by serving as lookout does not make the RUBEN T. REYES
passenger liable for the latter's negligent acts.35 The Associate Justice
driver's duty is not one that may be delegated to

As correctly held by the trial court, the true and lawful

employer of Lozano is the Municipality of Koronadal. WE CONCUR:
Unfortunately for Spouses Jayme, the municipality
may not be sued because it is an agency of the State
engaged in governmental functions and, hence, CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO
immune from suit. This immunity is illustrated Associate Justice
in Municipality of San Fernando, La Union v. Chairperson
Firme,37 where this Court held:
It has already been remarked that municipal Associate Justice Associate Justice
corporations are suable because their
charters grant them the competence to sue ANTONIO EDUARDO B. NACHURA
and be sued. Nevertheless, they are Associate Justice
generally not liable for torts committed by
them in the discharge of governmental
functions and can only be held answerable
only if it can be shown that they were acting
in proprietary capacity. In permitting such ATTESTATION
entities to be sued, the State merely gives
the claimant the right to show that the I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had
defendant was not acting in governmental been reached in consultation before the case was
capacity when the injury was committed or assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's
that the case comes under the exceptions Division.
recognized by law. Failing this, the claimant
cannot recover.38
Associate Justice
Verily, liability attaches to the registered owner, the Chairperson
negligent driver and his direct employer. The CA
observation along this line are worth restating:

Settled is the rule that the registered owner

of a vehicle is jointly and severally liable with
the driver for damages incurred by CERTIFICATION
passengers and third persons as a
consequence of injuries or death sustained Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution
in the operation of said vehicles. Regardless and the Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify
of who the actual owner of the vehicle is, the that the conclusions in the above Decision had been
operator of record continues to be the reached in consultation before the case was assigned
operator of the vehicle as regards the public to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.
and third persons, and as such is directly
and primarily responsible for the REYNATO S. PUNO
consequences incident (sic) to its operation x Chief Justice
x x.39

The accidental death of Marvin Jayme is a tragic loss

for his parents. However, justice demands that only
those liable under our laws be held accountable for
Marvin's demise. Justice can not sway in favor of Footnotes
petitioners simply to assuage their pain and loss. The
law on the matter is clear: only the negligent driver, 1Rollo, pp. 45-51. Dated April 16, 2004.
the driver's employer, and the registered owner of the Penned by Associate Justice Marina L.


Buzon, with Associate Justices Sergio L. employees and household helpers
Pestaño and Jose C. Mendoza, concurring. acting within the scope of their
assigned tasks, even though the
Id. at 46. former are not engaged in any
business or industry.
3 Id.
The State is responsible in like
manner when it acts through a
Id. special agent; but not when the
damage has been caused by the
5 official to whom the task done
CA rollo, p. 53.
properly pertains, in which case
6 Id. what is provided in Article 2176
shall be applicable.
7 Id.
Lastly, teachers or heads of
establishments of arts and trades
8 Id. shall be liable for damages caused
by their pupils and students or
9 Id. apprentices, so long as they remain
in their custody.
10 Id.
The responsibility treated of in this
11 article shall cease when the
Rollo, p. 46.
persons herein mentioned prove
that they observed all the diligence
12 Id. at 48. of a good father of a family to
prevent damage.
13 Id. at 50.
17Cammarota, 449, cited in Tolentino, Civil
14 Id. at 44. Code of the Philippines, Vol. V, p. 522.

15 Id. at 23-24. Marquez v. Castillo, 68 Phil. 568 (1939);
Cerf v. Medel, 33 Phil. 37 (1915).
16 Civil Code, Art. 2180 provides:
19 13 Phil. 202 (1909).
Art. 2180. The obligation imposed
by Article 2176 is demandable for Belen v. Belen, id. at 206.
one's own acts or omissions, but
also for those of persons for whom 21Coca-Cola Bottlers (Phils.), Inc. v.
one is responsible. Climaco, G.R. No. 146881, February 5,
2007, 514 SCRA 164; Ecal v. National Labor
The father, and in case of his death Relations Commission, G.R. Nos. 92777-78,
or incapacity, the mother, are March 13, 1991, 195 SCRA 224; Social
responsible for the damages Security System v. Court of Appeals, G. R.
caused by the minor children who No. L-28134, June 30, 1971, 39 SCRA
live in their company. 629; Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement v.
Zamora, G.R. No. L-48645, January 7, 1987,
147 SCRA 49.
Guardians are liable for damages
caused by the minors or
incapacitated persons who are Rhone-Poulenc Agrochemicals, Phil.,
under their authority and live in their Incorporated v. National Labor Relations
company. Commission, G.R. Nos. 102633-65, January
19, 1993, 217 SCRA 249.
The owners and managers of an
establishment or enterprise are 627 NE 2d 866 (Ind. Ct. App. 5th Dist.,
likewise responsible for damages 1994).
caused by their employees in the
service of the branches in which the 24G.R. No. 66207, May 18, 1992, 209 SCRA
latter are employed or on the 47.
occasion of their functions.
25 Soliman, Jr. v. Tuazon, id. at 51.
Employers shall be liable for the
damages caused by their 26 § 796, 8 Am. Jur. 2d.
27Handley v. Lombardi, 122 Cal. App. 22, 9
P. 2d 867 (1st Dist. 1932); Swanson v.
McQuown, 139 Colo. 442, 340 P. 2d. 1063
(1959); Nadeau v. Melin, 260 Minn. 369, 110
NW 2d 29 (1961); Vogler v. Jones, 199 Okla.
156, 186 P. 2d 315 (1947); Siburg v.
Johnson, 249 Or. 556, 439 P. 2d 865 (1968);
Veek v. Tacoma Suburban Lines, Inc., 49
Wash. 2d 584, 304 P. 2d 700 (1956).

28 Id.

29 Handley v. Lombardi, id. at 869.

30 174 Cal. 737 [164 Pac. 385].

31 94 Cal. App. 486, [271 Pac. 372, 1111].


33Citing 38 Am. Jur. 921, 922, Sec. 235,

Negligence. Dowler v. Johnson, 225 N.Y. 39,
121 NE 487, 3 A.L.R. 146.

34Lane v. Cotton, 1 Ld. Raym. 646, 91 Eng.

Reprint 1332; Bailey v. Mayor, etc. of City of
New York, 3 Hill 531, 538, 38 Am. Dec. 669;
Cardot v. Barney, 63 N.Y. 281, 20 Am. Rep.
533; Robertson v. Sichel, 127 US 507, 8 S.
Ct. 1286, 32 L. Ed. 203; Ely v. Parsons, 55
Conn. 83, 10 A. 499; Story, Agency, § 319.

35 8 Am. Jur. 2d 694.

36Capretz v. Chicago Great Western R. Co.,

157 Minn. 29, 195 NW 531 (1923).

37G.R. No. 52179, April 8, 1991, 195 SCRA


38 Municipality of San Fernando, La Union v.

Firme, id. at 698.

39 Rollo, p. 249.


THIRD DIVISION deliver from her principal place of business in
Cebu City twenty-one motor vehicles whose
G.R. No. 168289 March 22, 2010 value totaled ₱5,820,000.00. To prove this, she
attached to the complaint copies of the bills of
THE MUNICIPALITY OF HAGONOY, lading showing that the items were consigned,
BULACAN, represented by the HON. FELIX V. delivered to and received by petitioner
OPLE, Municipal Mayor, and FELIX V. OPLE, municipality on different dates.6 However,
in his personal capacity, Petitioners, despite having made several deliveries, Ople
vs. allegedly did not heed respondent’s claim for
HON. SIMEON P. DUMDUM, JR., in his payment. As of the filing of the complaint, the
capacity as the Presiding Judge of the total obligation of petitioner had already totaled
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, BRANCH 7, CEBU ₱10,026,060.13 exclusive of penalties and
CITY; HON. CLERK OF COURT & EX-OFFICIO damages. Thus, respondent prayed for full
SHERIFF of the REGIONAL TRIAL COURT of payment of the said amount, with interest at not
CEBU CITY; HON. CLERK OF COURT & EX- less than 2% per month, plus ₱500,000.00 as
OFFICIO SHERIFF of the REGIONAL TRIAL damages for business losses, ₱500,000.00 as
COURT of BULACAN and his DEPUTIES; and exemplary damages, attorney’s fees of
EMILY ROSE GO KO LIM CHAO, doing ₱100,000.00 and the costs of the suit.
business under the name and style KD
SURPLUS, Respondents. On February 13, 2003, the trial court issued an
Order7 granting respondent’s prayer for a writ of
preliminary attachment conditioned upon the
posting of a bond equivalent to the amount of
the claim. On March 20, 2003, the trial court
PERALTA, J.: issued the Writ of Preliminary
Attachment8 directing the sheriff "to attach the
This is a Joint Petition1 under Rule 45 of the estate, real and personal properties" of
Rules of Court brought by the Municipality of petitioners.
Hagonoy, Bulacan and its former chief
executive, Mayor Felix V. Ople in his official and Instead of addressing private respondent’s
personal capacity, from the January 31, 2005 allegations, petitioners filed a Motion to
Decision2 and the May 23, 2005 Resolution3 of Dismiss9 on the ground that the claim on which
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 81888. the action had been brought was unenforceable
The assailed decision affirmed the October 20, under the statute of frauds, pointing out that
2003 Order4 issued by the Regional Trial Court there was no written contract or document that
of Cebu City, Branch 7 in Civil Case No. CEB- would evince the supposed agreement they
28587 denying petitioners’ motion to dismiss and entered into with respondent. They averred that
motion to discharge/dissolve the writ of contracts of this nature, before being undertaken
preliminary attachment previously issued in the by the municipality, would ordinarily be subject
case. The assailed resolution denied to several preconditions such as a public bidding
reconsideration. and prior approval of the municipal council
which, in this case, did not obtain. From this,
The case stems from a Complaint5 filed by petitioners impress upon us the notion that no
herein private respondent Emily Rose Go Ko contract was ever entered into by the local
Lim Chao against herein petitioners, the government with respondent.10 To address the
Municipality of Hagonoy, Bulacan and its chief claim that respondent had made the deliveries
executive, Felix V. Ople (Ople) for collection of a under the agreement, they advanced that the
sum of money and damages. It was alleged that bills of lading attached to the complaint were
sometime in the middle of the year 2000, hardly probative, inasmuch as these documents
respondent, doing business as KD Surplus and had been accomplished and handled exclusively
as such engaged in buying and selling surplus by respondent herself as well as by her
trucks, heavy equipment, machinery, spare parts employees and agents.11
and related supplies, was contacted by petitioner
Ople. Respondent had entered into an Petitioners also filed a Motion to Dissolve and/or
agreement with petitioner municipality through Discharge the Writ of Preliminary Attachment
Ople for the delivery of motor vehicles, which Already Issued,12invoking immunity of the state
supposedly were needed to carry out certain from suit, unenforceability of the contract, and
developmental undertakings in the municipality. failure to substantiate the allegation of fraud.13
Respondent claimed that because of Ople’s
earnest representation that funds had already
On October 20, 2003, the trial court issued an
been allocated for the project, she agreed to
Order14 denying the two motions. Petitioners
moved for reconsideration, but they were denied We now rule on the petition.
in an Order15 dated December 29, 2003.
To begin with, the Statute of Frauds found in
Believing that the trial court had committed paragraph (2), Article 1403 of the Civil
grave abuse of discretion in issuing the two Code,20 requires for enforceability certain
orders, petitioners elevated the matter to the contracts enumerated therein to be evidenced
Court of Appeals via a petition by some note or memorandum. The term
for certiorari under Rule 65. In it, they faulted the "Statute of Frauds" is descriptive of statutes that
trial court for not dismissing the complaint require certain classes of contracts to be in
despite the fact that the alleged contract was writing; and that do not deprive the parties of the
unenforceable under the statute of frauds, as right to contract with respect to the matters
well as for ordering the filing of an answer and in therein involved, but merely regulate the
effect allowing private respondent to prove that formalities of the contract necessary to render it
she did make several deliveries of the subject enforceable.21
motor vehicles. Additionally, it was likewise
asserted that the trial court committed grave In other words, the Statute of Frauds only lays
abuse of discretion in not discharging/dissolving down the method by which the enumerated
the writ of preliminary attachment, as prayed for contracts may be proved. But it does not declare
in the motion, and in effect disregarding the rule them invalid because they are not reduced to
that the local government is immune from suit. writing inasmuch as, by law, contracts are
obligatory in whatever form they may have been
On January 31, 2005, following assessment of entered into, provided all the essential requisites
the parties’ arguments, the Court of Appeals, for their validity are present.22 The object is to
finding no merit in the petition, upheld private prevent fraud and perjury in the enforcement of
respondent’s claim and affirmed the trial court’s obligations depending, for evidence thereof, on
order.16 Petitioners moved for reconsideration, the unassisted memory of witnesses by requiring
but the same was likewise denied for lack of certain enumerated contracts and transactions
merit and for being a mere scrap of paper for to be evidenced by a writing signed by the party
having been filed by an unauthorized to be charged.23 The effect of noncompliance
counsel.17 Hence, this petition. with this requirement is simply that no action can
be enforced under the given contracts.24 If an
In their present recourse, which raises no matter action is nevertheless filed in court, it shall
different from those passed upon by the Court of warrant a dismissal under Section 1(i),25 Rule 16
Appeals, petitioners ascribe error to the Court of of the Rules of Court, unless there has been,
Appeals for dismissing their challenge against among others, total or partial performance of the
the trial court’s October 20 and December 29, obligation on the part of either party.26
2003 Orders. Again, they reason that the
complaint should have been dismissed at the It has been private respondent’s consistent
first instance based on unenforceability and that stand, since the inception of the instant case that
the motion to dissolve/discharge the preliminary she has entered into a contract with petitioners.
attachment should have been granted.18 As far as she is concerned, she has already
performed her part of the obligation under the
Commenting on the petition, private respondent agreement by undertaking the delivery of the 21
notes that with respect to the Court of Appeals’ motor vehicles contracted for by Ople in the
denial of the certiorari petition, the same was name of petitioner municipality. This claim is well
rightly done, as the fact of delivery may be substantiated — at least for the initial purpose of
properly and adequately addressed at the trial of setting out a valid cause of action against
the case on the merits; and that the dissolution petitioners — by copies of the bills of lading
of the writ of preliminary attachment was not attached to the complaint, naming petitioner
proper under the premises inasmuch as the municipality as consignee of the shipment.
application for the writ sufficiently alleged fraud Petitioners have not at any time expressly
on the part of petitioners. In the same breath, denied this allegation and, hence, the same is
respondent laments that the denial of petitioners’ binding on the trial court for the purpose of ruling
motion for reconsideration was rightly done by on the motion to dismiss. In other words, since
the Court of Appeals, because it raised no new there exists an indication by way of allegation
matter that had not yet been addressed.19 that there has been performance of the
obligation on the part of respondent, the case is
After the filing of the parties’ respective excluded from the coverage of the rule on
dismissals based on unenforceability under the
memoranda, the case was deemed submitted
statute of frauds, and either party may then
for decision.
enforce its claims against the other.
No other principle in remedial law is more settled respondent has not been able to substantiate
than that when a motion to dismiss is filed, the her allegations of fraud necessary for the
material allegations of the complaint are deemed issuance of the writ.32
to be hypothetically admitted.27 This hypothetical
admission, according to Viewmaster Private respondent, for her part, counters that,
Construction Corporation v. Roxas28 and Navoa contrary to petitioners’ claim, she has amply
v. Court of Appeals,29 extends not only to the discussed the basis for the issuance of the writ
relevant and material facts well pleaded in the of preliminary attachment in her affidavit; and
complaint, but also to inferences that may be that petitioners’ claim of immunity from suit is
fairly deduced from them. Thus, where it negated by Section 22 of the Local Government
appears that the allegations in the complaint Code, which vests municipal corporations with
furnish sufficient basis on which the complaint the power to sue and be sued. Further, she
can be maintained, the same should not be contends that the arguments offered by
dismissed regardless of the defenses that may petitioners against the writ of preliminary
be raised by the defendants.30 Stated differently, attachment clearly touch on matters that when
where the motion to dismiss is predicated on ruled upon in the hearing for the motion to
grounds that are not indubitable, the better discharge, would amount to a trial of the case on
policy is to deny the motion without prejudice to the merits.33
taking such measures as may be proper to
assure that the ends of justice may be served.31 The general rule spelled out in Section 3, Article
XVI of the Constitution is that the state and its
It is interesting to note at this point that in their political subdivisions may not be sued without
bid to have the case dismissed, petitioners their consent. Otherwise put, they are open to
theorize that there could not have been a suit but only when they consent to it. Consent is
contract by which the municipality agreed to be implied when the government enters into a
bound, because it was not shown that there had business contract, as it then descends to the
been compliance with the required bidding or level of the other contracting party; or it may be
that the municipal council had approved the embodied in a general or special law34 such as
contract. The argument is flawed. By invoking that found in Book I, Title I, Chapter 2, Section
unenforceability under the Statute of Frauds, 22 of the Local Government Code of 1991,
petitioners are in effect acknowledging the which vests local government units with certain
existence of a contract between them and corporate powers —one of them is the power to
private respondent — only, the said contract sue and be sued.
cannot be enforced by action for being non-
compliant with the legal requisite that it be
Be that as it may, a difference lies between
reduced into writing. Suffice it to say that while suability and liability. As held in City of Caloocan
this assertion might be a viable defense against v. Allarde,35 where the suability of the state is
respondent’s claim, it is principally a matter of
conceded and by which liability is ascertained
evidence that may be properly ventilated at the
judicially, the state is at liberty to determine for
trial of the case on the merits.
itself whether to satisfy the judgment or not.
Execution may not issue upon such judgment,
Verily, no grave abuse of discretion has been because statutes waiving non-suability do not
committed by the trial court in denying authorize the seizure of property to satisfy
petitioners’ motion to dismiss this case. The judgments recovered from the action. These
Court of Appeals is thus correct in affirming the statutes only convey an implication that the
same. legislature will recognize such judgment as final
and make provisions for its full satisfaction.
We now address the question of whether there Thus, where consent to be sued is given by
is a valid reason to deny petitioners’ motion to general or special law, the implication thereof is
discharge the writ of preliminary attachment. limited only to the resultant verdict on the action
before execution of the judgment.36
Petitioners, advocating a negative stance on this
issue, posit that as a municipal corporation, the Traders Royal Bank v. Intermediate Appellate
Municipality of Hagonoy is immune from suit, Court,37 citing Commissioner of Public Highways
and that its properties are by law exempt from v. San Diego,38 is instructive on this point. In that
execution and garnishment. Hence, they submit case which involved a suit on a contract entered
that not only was there an error committed by into by an entity supervised by the Office of the
the trial court in denying their motion to dissolve President, the Court held that while the said
the writ of preliminary attachment; they also entity opened itself to suit by entering into the
advance that it should not have been issued in subject contract with a private entity; still, the
the first place. Nevertheless, they believe that trial court was in error in ordering the
garnishment of its funds, which were public in error for the Court of Appeals to have denied the
nature and, hence, beyond the reach of motion on the ground that the same was filed by
garnishment and attachment proceedings. an unauthorized counsel and, hence, must be
Accordingly, the Court ordered that the writ of treated as a mere scrap of paper.42
preliminary attachment issued in that case be
lifted, and that the parties be allowed to prove It can be derived from the records that petitioner
their respective claims at the trial on the merits. Ople, in his personal capacity, filed his Rule 65
There, the Court highlighted the reason for the petition with the Court of Appeals through the
rule, to wit: representation of the law firm Chan Robles &
Associates. Later on, municipal legal officer
The universal rule that where the State gives its Joselito Reyes, counsel for petitioner Ople, in his
consent to be sued by private parties either by official capacity and for petitioner municipality,
general or special law, it may limit claimant’s filed with the Court of Appeals a Manifestation
action "only up to the completion of proceedings with Entry of Appearance43 to the effect that he,
anterior to the stage of execution" and that the as counsel, was "adopting all the pleadings filed
power of the Courts ends when the judgment is for and in behalf of [Ople’s personal
rendered, since government funds and representation] relative to this case."44
properties may not be seized under writs of
execution or garnishment to satisfy such It appears, however, that after the issuance of
judgments, is based on obvious considerations the Court of Appeals’ decision, only Ople’s
of public policy. Disbursements of public funds personal representation signed the motion for
must be covered by the corresponding reconsideration. There is no showing that the
appropriations as required by law. The functions municipal legal officer made the same
and public services rendered by the State manifestation, as he previously did upon the
cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted filing of the petition.45 From this, the Court of
by the diversion of public funds from their Appeals concluded that it was as if petitioner
legitimate and specific objects. x x x39 municipality and petitioner Ople, in his official
capacity, had never moved for reconsideration of
With this in mind, the Court holds that the writ of the assailed decision, and adverts to the ruling in
preliminary attachment must be dissolved and, Ramos v. Court of Appeals46 and Municipality of
indeed, it must not have been issued in the very Pililla, Rizal v. Court of Appeals47 that only under
first place. While there is merit in private well-defined exceptions may a private counsel
respondent’s position that she, by affidavit, was be engaged in lawsuits involving a municipality,
able to substantiate the allegation of fraud in the none of which exceptions obtains in this case.48
same way that the fraud attributable to
petitioners was sufficiently alleged in the The Court of Appeals is mistaken. As can be
complaint and, hence, the issuance of the writ seen from the manner in which the Manifestation
would have been justified. Still, the writ of with Entry of Appearance is worded, it is clear
attachment in this case would only prove to be that petitioner municipality’s legal officer was
useless and unnecessary under the premises, intent on adopting, for both the municipality and
since the property of the municipality may not, in Mayor Ople, not only the certiorari petition filed
the event that respondent’s claim is validated, be with the Court of Appeals, but also all other
subjected to writs of execution and garnishment pleadings that may be filed thereafter by Ople’s
— unless, of course, there has been a personal representation, including the motion for
corresponding appropriation provided by law.40 1avvphi1

reconsideration subject of this case. In any

event, however, the said motion for
Anent the other issues raised by petitioners reconsideration would warrant a denial, because
relative to the denial of their motion to dissolve there seems to be no matter raised therein that
the writ of attachment, i.e., unenforceability of has not yet been previously addressed in the
the contract and the veracity of private assailed decision of the Court of Appeals as well
respondent’s allegation of fraud, suffice it to say as in the proceedings below, and that would
that these pertain to the merits of the main have otherwise warranted a different treatment
action. Hence, these issues are not to be taken of the issues involved.
up in resolving the motion to discharge, lest we
run the risk of deciding or prejudging the main WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED IN
case and force a trial on the merits at this stage PART. The January 31, 2005 Decision of the
of the proceedings.41 Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 81888
is AFFIRMED insofar as it affirmed the October
There is one final concern raised by petitioners 20, 2003 Decision of the Regional Trial Court of
relative to the denial of their motion for Cebu City, Branch 7 denying petitioners’ motion
reconsideration. They complain that it was an to dismiss in Civil Case No. CEB-28587. The
assailed decision is REVERSED insofar as it 2
Penned by Associate Justice Ramon
affirmed the said trial court’s denial of M. Bato, Jr., with Associate Justices
petitioners’ motion to discharge the writ of Arsenio J. Magpale and Pampio A.
preliminary attachment issued in that case. Abarintos, concurring; id. at 60-69.
Accordingly, the August 4, 2003 Writ of
Preliminary Attachment issued in Civil Case No. 3
Id. at 70-74.
CEB-28587 is ordered lifted.
CA rollo, pp. 48-52.
The complaint was docketed as Civil
DIOSDADO M. PERALTA Case No. CEB-28587; records, pp. 1-16.
Associate Justice
Records, Vol. 1, pp. 17-34.
Id. at 41-42.
Associate Justice 8
Id. at 49.
Id. at. 78-82.
Id. at 80.
Associate Justice
Associate Justice 11


Id. at 91-97.
Associate Justice
Id. at 91-92.
Id. at 112-116.
I attest that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation
before the case was assigned to the writer of the
Id. at 153.
opinion of the Court’s Division.
Rollo, p. 68. The Court of
RENATO C. CORONA Appeals disposed of the case as
Associate Justice follows:
Third Division, Chairperson
WHEREFORE, the petition is
CERTIFICATION DENIED for lack of merit.

Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the SO ORDERED.

Constitution and the Division Chairperson’s
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the 17
Rollo, p. 74.
above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the 18
Id. at 16-18.
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
Id. at 256-259.
Chief Justice 20
Art. 1403. The following contracts are
unenforceable, unless they are ratified:


(2) Those that do not comply
with the Statute of Frauds as set
Rollo, pp. 3-51. forth in this number. In the
following cases an agreement
hereafter made shall be
unenforceable by action, unless Asia Production Co., Inc. v. Paño,

the same, or some note or G.R. No. 51058, January 27, 1992, 205
memorandum thereof, be in SCRA 458.
writing, and subscribed by the
party charged, or by his agent; 24
Gallemit v. Tabilaran, 20 Phil. 241
evidence, therefore, of the (1911).
agreement cannot be received
without the writing, or a 25
Section 1. Grounds.—Within the time
secondary evidence of its for but before filing the answer to the
complaint or pleading asserting a claim,
a motion to dismiss may be made on
(a) An agreement that by its any of the following grounds:
terms is not to be performed
within a year from the making xxxx
(i) that the claim on which the
(b) A special promise to answer
action is founded is
for the debt, default, or unenforceable under the
miscarriage of another; provisions of the statute of
(c) An agreement made in
consideration of marriage, other 26
than a mutual promise to marry;
Spouses Jayme and Ana Solidarios v.
(d) An agreement for the sale of Alampay, 159 Phil. 149, 153 (1975).
goods, chattels or things in
action, at a price not less than
five hundred pesos, unless the
390 Phil. 872 (2000).
buyer accept and receive part of
such goods and chattels, or the G.R. No. 59255, December 29, 1995,

evidences, or some of them, of 251 SCRA 545.

such things in action, or pay at
the time some part of the 30
Viewmaster Construction Corporation
purchase money; but when a v. Roxas, supra note 28, at 546,
sale is made by auction and citing Navoa v. Court of
entry is made by the auctioneer Appeals, supra note 29.
in his sales book, at the time of
the sale, of the amount and kind 31
See Kimpo v. Tabañar, G.R. No. L-
of property sold, terms of sale, 16476, October 31, 1961, 3 SCRA 423,
price, names of the purchasers 427.
and person on whose account
the sale is made, it is a sufficient 32
Rollo, pp. 40-50.
Id. at 258.
(e) An agreement for the leasing
for a longer period than one
year, or for the sale of real
See Municipality of San Fernando, La
property or of an interest Union v. Firme, G.R. No. 52179, April 8,
therein; 1991, 195 SCRA 692; U.S. v. Guinto,
G.R. Nos. 76607, 79470, 80018, 80258,
February 26, 1990, 182 SCRA
(f) A representation as to the
644; Merritt v. Government of the
credit of a third person.
Philippine Islands, 34 Phil. 311 (1916).
Rosencor Development Corporation v. 35
457 Phil. 543, 553 (2003),
Court of Appeals, 406 Phil. 565, 575
citing Republic v. Palacios, 23 SCRA
899 (1968).
Civil Code, Art. 1356. 36
City of Caloocan v. Allarde, supra.


G.R. No. 68514, December 17, 1990,

192 SCRA 305.

G.R. No. L-30098, February 18, 1970,


31 SCRA 616.

See note 37, at 313-314.

See City of Caloocan v.
Allarde, supra note 35, and Municipality
of San Miguel, Bulacan v. Fernandez,
G.R. No. L-61744, June 25, 1984, 130
SCRA 56.

See Davao Light & Power Co., Inc. v.
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 93262,
November 29, 1991, 204 SCRA 343; GB
Inc. v. Sanchez, 98 Phil. 886 (1956).

Rollo, pp. 18-24.

CA rollo, p. 230.

Id. at 230.

The motion for reconsideration was
signed only by the law firm of Chan
Robles & Associates; id. at 288.

G.R. No. 99425, March 3, 1997, 269


SCRA 34.

G.R. No. 105909, June 28, 1994, 233


SCRA 484.

Rollo, pp. 71-73.


THIRD DIVISION On November 10, 1998, the RTC denied the
ATO’s motion for a preliminary hearing of the
G.R. No. 159402 February 23, 2011 affirmative defense.

AIR TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, Petitioner, After the RTC likewise denied the ATO’s motion
vs. for reconsideration on December 10, 1998, the
SPOUSES DAVID* ELISEA ATO commenced a special civil action for
RAMOS, Respondents. certiorari in the CA to assail the RTC’s orders.
The CA dismissed the petition for certiorari,
however, upon its finding that the assailed
orders were not tainted with grave abuse of
Subsequently, February 21, 2001, the RTC
The State’s immunity from suit does not extend rendered its decision on the merits,4 disposing:
to the petitioner because it is an agency of the
State engaged in an enterprise that is far from
being the State’s exclusive prerogative. WHEREFORE, the judgment is rendered
ORDERING the defendant Air Transportation
Office to pay the plaintiffs DAVID and ELISEA
Under challenge is the decision promulgated on RAMOS the following: (1) The amount of
May 14, 2003,1 by which the Court of Appeals ₱778,150.00 being the value of the parcel of
(CA) affirmed with modification the decision land appropriated by the defendant ATO as
rendered on February 21, 2001 by the Regional embodied in the Deed of Sale, plus an annual
Trial Court, Branch 61 (RTC), in Baguio City in interest of 12% from August 11, 1995, the date
favor of the respondents.2 of the Deed of Sale until fully paid; (2) The
amount of ₱150,000.00 by way of moral
Antecedents damages and ₱150,000.00 as exemplary
damages; (3) the amount of ₱50,000.00 by way
Spouses David and Elisea Ramos (respondents) of attorney’s fees plus ₱15,000.00 representing
discovered that a portion of their land registered the 10, more or less, court appearances of
under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-58894 of plaintiff’s counsel; (4) The costs of this suit.
the Baguio City land records with an area of 985
square meters, more or less, was being used as SO ORDERED.
part of the runway and running shoulder of the
Loakan Airport being operated by petitioner Air In due course, the ATO appealed to the CA,
Transportation Office (ATO). On August 11, which affirmed the RTC’s decision on May 14,
1995, the respondents agreed after negotiations 2003,5 viz:
to convey the affected portion by deed of sale to
the ATO in consideration of the amount of
₱778,150.00. However, the ATO failed to pay
appealed decision is hereby AFFIRMED,
despite repeated verbal and written demands.
with MODIFICATION that the awarded cost
therein is deleted, while that of moral and
Thus, on April 29, 1998, the respondents filed an exemplary damages is reduced to ₱30,000.00
action for collection against the ATO and some each, and attorney’s fees is lowered to
of its officials in the RTC (docketed as Civil Case ₱10,000.00.
No. 4017-R and entitled Spouses David and
Elisea Ramos v. Air Transportation Office, Capt.
No cost.
Panfilo Villaruel, Gen. Carlos Tanega, and Mr.
Cesar de Jesus).
In their answer, the ATO and its co-defendants
invoked as an affirmative defense the issuance Hence, this appeal by petition for review on
of Proclamation No. 1358, whereby President certiorari.
Marcos had reserved certain parcels of land that
included the respondents’ affected portion for Issue
use of the Loakan Airport. They asserted that
the RTC had no jurisdiction to entertain the The only issue presented for resolution is
action without the State’s consent considering whether the ATO could be sued without the
that the deed of sale had been entered into in State’s consent.
the performance of governmental functions.


Ruling parties, the loss of governmental efficiency and
the obstacle to the performance of its
The petition for review has no merit. multifarious functions are far greater if such a
fundamental principle were abandoned and the
availability of judicial remedy were not thus
The immunity of the State from suit, known also
restricted. With the well-known propensity on the
as the doctrine of sovereign immunity or non-
part of our people to go to court, at the least
suability of the State, is expressly provided in
Article XVI of the 1987 Constitution, viz: provocation, the loss of time and energy
required to defend against law suits, in the
absence of such a basic principle that
Section 3. The State may not be sued without its constitutes such an effective obstacle, could
consent. very well be imagined.

The immunity from suit is based on the political An unincorporated government agency without
truism that the State, as a sovereign, can do no any separate juridical personality of its own
wrong. Moreover, as the eminent Justice enjoys immunity from suit because it is invested
Holmes said in Kawananakoa v. Polyblank:6 with an inherent power of sovereignty.
Accordingly, a claim for damages against the
The territory [of Hawaii], of course, could waive agency cannot prosper; otherwise, the doctrine
its exemption (Smith v. Reeves, 178 US 436, 44 of sovereign immunity is violated.11 However, the
L ed 1140, 20 Sup. Ct. Rep. 919), and it took no need to distinguish between an unincorporated
objection to the proceedings in the cases cited if government agency performing governmental
it could have done so. xxx But in the case at bar function and one performing proprietary
it did object, and the question raised is whether functions has arisen. The immunity has been
the plaintiffs were bound to yield. Some doubts upheld in favor of the former because its function
have been expressed as to the source of the is governmental or incidental to such function;12 it
immunity of a sovereign power from suit without has not been upheld in favor of the latter whose
its own permission, but the answer has been function was not in pursuit of a necessary
public property since before the days of Hobbes. function of government but was essentially a
Leviathan, chap. 26, 2. A sovereign is exempt business.13
from suit, not because of any formal conception
or obsolete theory, but on the logical and Should the doctrine of sovereignty immunity or
practical ground that there can be no legal right non-suability of the State be extended to the
as against the authority that makes the law on ATO?
which the right depends. "Car on peut bien
recevoir loy d'autruy, mais il est impossible par
In its challenged decision,14 the CA answered in
nature de se donner loy." Bodin, Republique, 1,
the negative, holding:
chap. 8, ed. 1629, p. 132; Sir John Eliot, De Jure
Maiestatis, chap. 3. Nemo suo statuto ligatur
necessitative. Baldus, De Leg. et Const. Digna On the first assignment of error, appellants seek
Vox, 2. ed. 1496, fol. 51b, ed. 1539, fol. 61.7 to impress upon Us that the subject contract of
sale partook of a governmental
character. Apropos, the lower court erred in
Practical considerations dictate the
applying the High Court’s ruling in National
establishment of an immunity from suit in favor
Airports Corporation vs. Teodoro (91 Phil.
of the State. Otherwise, and the State is suable
203 [1952]), arguing that in Teodoro, the matter
at the instance of every other individual,
involved the collection of landing and parking
government service may be severely obstructed
fees which is a proprietary function, while the
and public safety endangered because of the
case at bar involves the maintenance and
number of suits that the State has to defend
operation of aircraft and air navigational facilities
against.8 Several justifications have been offered
to support the adoption of the doctrine in the and services which are governmental functions.
Philippines, but that offered in Providence
Washington Insurance Co. v. Republic of the We are not persuaded.
Philippines9 is "the most acceptable
explanation," according to Father Bernas, a Contrary to appellants’ conclusions, it was not
recognized commentator on Constitutional merely the collection of landing and parking fees
Law,10 to wit: which was declared as proprietary in nature by
the High Court in Teodoro, but management and
[A] continued adherence to the doctrine of non- maintenance of airport operations as a whole, as
suability is not to be deplored for as against the well. Thus, in the much later case of Civil
inconvenience that may be caused private Aeronautics Administration vs. Court of Appeals
(167 SCRA 28 [1988]), the Supreme Court, person, firm, or public or private corporation or
reiterating the pronouncements laid down entity; …
in Teodoro, declared that the CAA (predecessor
of ATO) is an agency not immune from suit, it (25) To determine, fix, impose, collect and
being engaged in functions pertaining to a receive landing fees, parking space fees,
private entity. It went on to explain in this wise: royalties on sales or deliveries, direct or indirect,
to any aircraft for its use of aviation gasoline, oil
xxx and lubricants, spare parts, accessories and
supplies, tools, other royalties, fees or rentals for
The Civil Aeronautics Administration comes the use of any of the property under its
under the category of a private entity. Although management and control.
not a body corporate it was created, like the
National Airports Corporation, not to maintain a xxx
necessary function of government, but to run
what is essentially a business, even if revenues From the foregoing, it can be seen that the CAA
be not its prime objective but rather the is tasked with private or non-governmental
promotion of travel and the convenience of the functions which operate to remove it from the
travelling public. It is engaged in an enterprise purview of the rule on State immunity from suit.
which, far from being the exclusive prerogative For the correct rule as set forth in
of state, may, more than the construction of the Teodorocase states:
public roads, be undertaken by private concerns.
[National Airports Corp. v. Teodoro, supra, p.
Not all government entities, whether corporate or
xxx non-corporate, are immune from suits. Immunity
from suits is determined by the character of the
True, the law prevailing in 1952 when objects for which the entity was organized. The
the Teodoro case was promulgated was Exec. rule is thus stated in Corpus Juris:
Order 365 (Reorganizing the Civil Aeronautics
Administration and Abolishing the National
Suits against State agencies with relation to
Airports Corporation). Republic Act No. 776
matters in which they have assumed to act in
(Civil Aeronautics Act of the Philippines),
private or non-governmental capacity, and
subsequently enacted on June 20, 1952, did not various suits against certain corporations
alter the character of the CAA’s objectives under created by the state for public purposes, but to
Exec. Order 365. The pertinent provisions cited
engage in matters partaking more of the nature
in the Teodoro case, particularly Secs. 3 and 4
of ordinary business rather than functions of a
of Exec. Order 365, which led the Court to
governmental or political character, are not
consider the CAA in the category of a private
regarded as suits against the state. The latter is
entity were retained substantially in Republic Act true, although the state may own stock or
776, Sec. 32(24) and (25). Said Act provides: property of such a corporation for by engaging in
business operations through a corporation, the
Sec. 32. Powers and Duties of the state divests itself so far of its sovereign
Administrator. – Subject to the general control character, and by implication consents to suits
and supervision of the Department Head, the against the corporation. (59 C.J., 313) [National
Administrator shall have among others, the Airports Corporation v. Teodoro, supra, pp. 206-
following powers and duties: 207; Italics supplied.]

xxx This doctrine has been reaffirmed in the recent

case of Malong v. Philippine National
(24) To administer, operate, manage, control, Railways [G.R. No. L-49930, August 7, 1985,
maintain and develop the Manila International 138 SCRA 63], where it was held that the
Airport and all government-owned Philippine National Railways, although owned
aerodromes except those controlled or operated and operated by the government, was not
by the Armed Forces of the Philippines including immune from suit as it does not exercise
such powers and duties as: (a) to plan, design, sovereign but purely proprietary and business
construct, equip, expand, improve, repair or alter functions. Accordingly, as the CAA was created
aerodromes or such structures, improvement or to undertake the management of airport
air navigation facilities; (b) to enter into, make operations which primarily involve proprietary
and execute contracts of any kind with any functions, it cannot avail of the immunity from


suit accorded to government agencies "Authority" attached to the Department of
performing strictly governmental functions.15 Transportation and Communications (DOTC) for
the purpose of policy coordination. For this
In our view, the CA thereby correctly appreciated purpose, the existing Air transportation
the juridical character of the ATO as an agency Office created under the provisions of
of the Government not performing a purely Republic Act No. 776, as amended is hereby
governmental or sovereign function, but was abolished.
instead involved in the management and
maintenance of the Loakan Airport, an activity xxx
that was not the exclusive prerogative of the
State in its sovereign capacity. Hence, the ATO Under its Transitory Provisions, R.A. No. 9497
had no claim to the State’s immunity from suit. established in place of the ATO the Civil Aviation
We uphold the CA’s aforequoted holding. Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), which
thereby assumed all of the ATO’s powers, duties
We further observe the doctrine of sovereign and rights, assets, real and personal properties,
immunity cannot be successfully invoked to funds, and revenues, viz:
defeat a valid claim for compensation arising
from the taking without just compensation and CHAPTER XII
without the proper expropriation proceedings TRANSITORTY PROVISIONS
being first resorted to of the plaintiffs’
property.16 Thus, in De los Santos v.
Section 85. Abolition of the Air Transportation
Intermediate Appellate Court,17 the trial court’s
Office. – The Air Transportation Office (ATO)
dismissal based on the doctrine of non-suability
created under Republic Act No. 776, a sectoral
of the State of two cases (one of which was for office of the Department of Transportation and
damages) filed by owners of property where a
Communications (DOTC), is hereby abolished. 1avv phi1

road 9 meters wide and 128.70 meters long

occupying a total area of 1,165 square meters
and an artificial creek 23.20 meters wide and All powers, duties and rights vested by law
128.69 meters long occupying an area of 2,906 and exercised by the
square meters had been constructed by the ATO is hereby transferred to the Authority.
provincial engineer of Rizal and a private
contractor without the owners’ knowledge and All assets, real and personal properties,
consent was reversed and the cases remanded funds and revenues owned by or vested in the
for trial on the merits. The Supreme Court ruled different offices of the ATO are transferred to
that the doctrine of sovereign immunity was not the Authority. All contracts, records and
an instrument for perpetrating any injustice on a documents relating to the operations of the
citizen. In exercising the right of eminent abolished agency and its offices and branches
domain, the Court explained, the State exercised are likewise transferred to the Authority. Any
its jus imperii, as distinguished from its real property owned by the national
proprietary rights, or jus gestionis; yet, even in government or government-owned
that area, where private property had been taken corporation or authority which is being used
in expropriation without just compensation being and utilized as office or facility by the
paid, the defense of immunity from suit could not ATO shall be transferred and titled in favor of
be set up by the State against an action for the Authority.
payment by the owners.
Section 23 of R.A. No. 9497 enumerates the
Lastly, the issue of whether or not the ATO could corporate powers vested in the CAAP, including
be sued without the State’s consent has been the power to sue and be sued, to enter into
rendered moot by the passage of Republic Act contracts of every class, kind and description, to
No. 9497, otherwise known as the Civil Aviation construct, acquire, own, hold, operate, maintain,
Authority Act of 2008. administer and lease personal and real
properties, and to settle, under such terms and
R.A. No. 9497 abolished the ATO, to wit: conditions most advantageous to it, any claim by
or against it.18
Section 4. Creation of the Authority. – There is
hereby created an independent regulatory body With the CAAP having legally succeeded the
with quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative powers ATO pursuant to R.A. No. 9497, the obligations
and possessing corporate attributes to be known that the ATO had incurred by virtue of the deed
as the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines of sale with the Ramos spouses might now be
(CAAP), herein after referred to as the enforced against the CAAP.


WHEREFORE, the Court denies the petition for promulgated on April 23, 2003 (see
review on certiorari, and affirms the decision rollo, p. 136).
promulgated by the Court of Appeals.
** Acting Chairperson in lieu of Justice
No pronouncement on costs of suit. Conchita Carpio Morales who is on
leave per Special Order No. 925 dated
SO ORDERED. January 24, 2011.

LUCAS P. BERSAMIN *** Additional member per Special Order

Associate Justice No. 926 dated January 24, 2011.

Rollo, pp. 25-35; penned by Associate
Justice Conrado M. Vasquez (later
ARTURO D. BRION** Presiding Justice, now retired), and
concurred in by Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Mercedes Gozo-Dadole (retired) and
Acting Chairperson
Associate Justice Rosmari D.
Id., pp. 80-87; penned by Judge
Associate Justice Associate Justice Antonio C. Reyes.


Associate Justice
Id., pp. 25-35.
I attest that the conclusions in the above
Resolution had been reached in consultation 6
205 US 349, 353 (1907).
before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court’s Division. 7
Bold emphasis supplied.
Associate Justice
Veterans Manpower and Protective
Acting Chairperson Services, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 91359, Sept. 25, 1992, 214 SCRA
286, 294; Republic v. Purisima, No. L-
CERTIFICATION 36084, Aug. 31, 1977, 78 SCRA 470,
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the
Constitution, and the Division Chairperson’s 9
L-26386, Sept. 30, 1969, 29 SCRA
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the 598, 601-602.
above Resolution had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the
writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division. Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the

Republic of the Philippines: A

Commentary, 2003 Edition, p. 1269.
Chief Justice 11
Metropolitan Transportation Service
v. Paredes, 79 Phil. 819 (1948).

E.g., Angat River Irrigation System, et.
al. v. Angat River Worker’s Union, et. al.,
102 Phil. 789 (1957).
* David Ramos died on October 14,
E.g., National Airports Corporation v.
2001, before the assailed decision was
Teodoro, Sr. and Phil. Airlines Inc., 91
promulgated. He was substituted by his
Phil. 203 (1952).
children Cherry Ramos, Joseph David
Ramos and Elsie Grace R. Dizon
pursuant to a resolution of the CA
Rollo, pp. 25-35.
Id., pp. 29-32.

Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.
90478, Nov. 2, 1991, 204 SCRA 212,
231; Ministerio v. Court of First Instance
of Cebu, No. L-31635, Aug. 31, 1971, 40
SCRA 464; Santiago v. Republic, No. L-
48214, Dec. 19, 1978, 87 SCRA 294.

G.R. Nos. 71998-99, June 2, 1993,


223 SCRA 11.

Section 23. Corporate Powers. – The


Authority, acting through the Board,

shall have the following corporate

(a) To succeed in its corporate

name, to sue and be sued in
such corporate name xxx.


(c) To enter into, make,

perform and carry out
contracts of every class, kind
and description,which are
necessary or incidental to the
realization of its purposes, with
any person, domestic or foreign
private firm, or corporation, local
or national government office,
agency and with international
institutions or foreign


(e) To construct, acquire, own,

hold, operate, maintain,
administer and lease personal
and real properties, including
buildings, machinery,
equipment, other infrastructure,
agricultural land, and its
improvements, property rights,
and interest therein x x x


(i) To settle, under such terms

and conditions most
advantageous to it, any claim
by or against it;




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