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Tool :
 A pair of scissors
 A glue
 A waste cardboard
 A waste leaf
 A wa

1. Buy or make a basic frame. Cut out a piece of cardboard as big as you
want the frame to be, and cut out an opening in the middle for your
picture. The frame can be as simple or creative as you want - go for the
basic rectangle, or cut a large base with windows for two or three different
pictures. Add construction paper over the back of each picture window to
hold your pictures. Glue the paper on three sides so that you can slide
pictures in and out of the frame. (You can also buy a simple wooden frame
if you don't want to make one.)
2. You can use another glue to hold the paper tubes in place, but Mod Podge
tends to be effective, secure, and easy to work with, so it's a great option
for this frame.
3. Fill in the frame with tubes. Cut tubes down to size before you attach
them, or trim them to fit as you put them in place. For a simple frame, lay
all tubes vertically on the frame, one right next to another. This will create
a simple, classic look.
4. Experiment with laying the tubes diagonally or perpendicular to each
other, or even use them to create patterns. For example, add a small square
of tubes rotated 45 degrees from the rest to create a diamond in the middle
of your frame. Bend the tubes to create corners, or let them stick off the
edge of the frame. Get creative -- the layout of the tubes will define the
look and feel of your frame.
5. Make sure to place the tubes tightly together so that there are no gaps or
holes in the frame.
6. Cover the tubes with a layer of Mod Podge. When you've finished filling
in the frame with tubes, a layer of the matte will act as a glue to keep them
together and in place. It will also provide a shell covering that will
strengthen the frame and keep it crisp and glossy.
7. Let the frame dry. Once the matte has completely dried, slip your pictures
into the frame.

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