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Dra. Nadira Mahaseng,M.Ed
NIP !95512241986012001

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Universitas Hasanuddin
November 2016

This module has been written to provide students and their teachers with a

practice and efficient approach to learning the skills, strategies, and knowledge

that are necessary for succeeding in content of teaching and learning process.

Furthermore it is designed for students at intermediate level. A parallel goal is to

provide opportunities for to students to explore their opinions, discuss their ideas,

and share their experiences of composing various types of short papers, and also

it is expected to provide students with the tools and confidence necessary for

collage success.

This module consists of several chapters. Chapter I is The Key to Good

Writing. It is divided into Elements of Good Writing such as Subject, Purpose, and

Audience. In this unit students will learn and identify the three subjects (SPA) in

order to help them to write easier. Chapter 2 is Topic and Supporting Sentences.

In this unit students will write and identify topic sentences and supporting

sentences in a paragraph. Chapter 3 is about Organizing Ideas by Time and

Space. In this unit students will write paragraphs according to the time they

happened by using time order, signal words, and using prepositions. Chapter 4 is

Organizing Ideas by Rank Order. In this part students will write paragraphs using

Rank Order based on their importance. Chapter 5 is Informing (Giving

Information). In this part students will write paragraphs using Statistical

Information. Chapter 6 is Expressing an opinion. In this part the students will state
their opinions using specific phrases to introduce opinions and generalizations.

Chapter 7 is Describing Processes and Writing Instructions. In phase students will

learn and write to describe a process. Furthermore in this unit students will write

an instruction paragraph. Chapter 9 is describing people, things, and places. In

this unit students will write and learn to describe people, an object, a place.

Chapter 10 is reporting. In this module students will write to report on what

happened just like reporting a story. They will use time order to organize their

Kata Pengantar

Modul Menulis I ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan

menulis, dan mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan benar, tepat, serta diperuntukkan

kepada mahasiswa pada level intermediate. Modul ini dirancang untuk

dipergunakan selama kurun waktu 1 semester pembelajaran.

Kegiatan-kegiatan terpadu dalam teks yang ada dalam modul ini adalah

melibatkan mahasiswa dalam keterampilan menulis dan menggunakan bahasa

Inggris yang dapat direalisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan membantu

mahasiswa dalam:

1. Menerapkan pengetahuan dasar menulis kalimat bahasa Ingggris dalam

bentuk paragraph dan tipe teks berbeda
2. Bekomunikasi dan beradaptsi dalam beberapa tipe teks (tulisan)
3. Bekerjasama, baik sebagai pimpinan maupun anggota dari sebuah tim

Penyusunan modul ini tentunya jauh dari kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu,
kami sangat membutuhkan masukan ataupun kritikan yang dapat dijadikan
bahan pertimbangan untuk tujuan perbaikan dan pengembangan dari
modul ini.
Makassar, November 2016


Nadira Mahaseng

Meeting 1- Class Contract 1

Meeting 2-4 Elements of Good Writing 2

Meeting 5-7 Topic and Supporting Sentences 10

Meeting 8-10 Organizing Ideas by Time and Space 20

Meeting 11-13 Organizing Ideas by Rank Order 29

Meeting14-18 Informing: Giving Information 34

Meeting 19-22 Expressing an Opinion 42

Meeting 23-25 Describing Process and Writing Instruction 49

Meeting 26-28 Describing People, Things, and Places 56

Meeting 29-30 Reporting 63

References 70
Meeting I


At this meeting, teacher and students get to know each other and more

specifically teacher explains the class content that students should obey. These

contracts consist of the criteria of the assessments in percentage, the attendance

requirement that students need to discern, and so on. The mid-test will take 30 %

out of a hundred, of a hundred, the final task takes 40% and the rests are for the

tasks and the rests are for the tasks and for the tasks and attendance. However,

this taken more flexible in which extremely based on the activities run in the


In addition, teacher gives opportunities to ask as many questions they

intend to know during the semester. Apart from the class contract, teacher also

explains the overview of the course taken in the semester starting from the

meeting one to the end of the semester.

Meeting 2-4



This module introduces the elements of good writing such as subject,

purpose, and audience. These three elements will help students to stay focus on

their writing. The first element is to find the subject. In order to write well, it is

helpful to choose a topic that interests them to understand and explore. In this

phase students will have to go through a process of narrowing down the general

subject until they find an appropriate topic. The second element is to know the

purpose to write such as to entertain, to inform, and to persuade. This is important

because by knowing their purpose to write will determine them to accomplish their

writing. The last element is to know the audience. In order to write well students

need to know who will read the final product. Because students will almost always

be writing for an audience, they will communicate their ideas more effectively if

they keep that audience in their mind. This will give students practice in choosing

the appropriate words and varying the tone of their writing.

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to determine and distinguish the three elements of good
writing and they practice write these three elements into their writing.
Meeting 5-7



This module will describe and identify topic and supporting sentences in

some paragraphs. To know the topic and supporting sentences, students will

analyze and identify paragraphs. They will also recognize the irrelevant sentences

in several paragraphs. By doing this, it will help them to focus and produce a good


The module aims students to reach the target on how to write an effective

paragraph by applying the topic and supporting sentences.

Students’ assessment:
Students are able to choose and identify topic and supporting sentences.

Also they practice write topic and supporting sentences in a paragraph.

Meeting 8-10



In this unit students will produce and write sentences into paragraphs using

time order, signal words to guide the readers from one idea to the next. Also

students will write using prepositions to show time order relationships.

The objective of this unit aims to reach the target on how to differentiate

paragraphs with chronological order of ideas and paragraphs organized in the

order of their chronological order

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to write and produce paragraphs with chronological order

of ideas and organize in the order of their chronological order

Meeting 11-13



In this unit students will write and organize the ideas in order of their importance

into paragraph form. To reach the effective paragraph based on their importance

students will use signal words to show the ranking in the order of importance.

The objective of this unit aims to reach the target on how to differentiate

paragraphs with ranking order of ideas and paragraphs organized in the order of

their importance.

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to write and produce paragraphs with ranking order of ideas and

organize in the order of their importance.

Meeting 14-18



In this module the students start the activity by interviewing their partner to

gather the information based on the topics given. After gathering the information

they have to write the information into paragraph form. The activities followed by

writing a paragraph using statistical information with the use of charts, graphs, and

tables based on the newspaper article provided. When they write the paragraph

they will use some specific vocabularies to describe the trends shown on the

charts, graphs, and tables.

The aim of these activities is to help students to be able to write effective

paragraphs using statistical information. At this point teacher is possibly explained

the aspects that involve in the writing paragraph to inform information especially

using statistical information.

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to understand accurately on how to write and give

information using statistical information with the use of vocabularies to describe

trends shown on the charts, tables, and graphs.

Meeting 19-22



In this module the students start the activity by filling in the blanks with the

word or phrase given to state their opinion about something they believe to be

true. The activities are followed by completing sentences applying useful phrases

to introduce opinions. The students continue the activities by writing paragraphs

based on the topics given.

This module aims to help students to state their opinions and reasons of

something they believe to be true

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to write and produce accurately and effectively on how to

state their opinions with the use of words and phrases relating to something they

believe to be true.

Meeting 23-25



In this module students will start the class with writing a process paragraph

applying time order and signal words to organize the ideas. Then they will

recognize the order of a process by putting the sentences provided into the right

time order. The activities will be followed by writing process paragraphs based on

the pictures given. Furthermore, the students will be put into pairs and practice to

write an instruction paragraph based on the pictures provided, and their partner

will describe the pictures and instruct to write and arrange the shapes. When they

do these exercises they will use the vocabularies describing the instructions.

Students’ assessment:

Students are expected to be able to write and describe the step-by-step

order of how to make or do something into process paragraphs form. Also they are

hoped to be able to understand accurately on how to write an instruction

paragraph with the use of instruction words.

Meeting 26-28



At this point the students will learn on how to write and describe people,

things, and places. The activity will be begun by describing a picture using clear

and effective words that create exactly the picture wanted. The next activity will be

followed by writing a paragraph describing an object based on the pictures given.

The last activity is the students will describe a place that they want to tell to the

reader where the things are located. In order to write this kind of description they

will use space order and prepositions to organize the details.

This module aims to guide and help students to write accurately and

precisely using clear and effective words describing people, things, and places.

Students’ assessment:

The students are expected to be able to write and describe people, things,

and places applying clear and effective words describing the details.

Meeting 29-30



This module will be started by reporting what happened with the use of time

order to organize their ideas. Then the class will do the activity by reading

newspaper article to report what happened covered who, what, when, where, and


The activity will continue to write a paragraph through reading the news

release with supporting their ideas by reporting a personal experience. The last

activity is reporting what someone said using quatations.

Students’ assessment:

Students are able to write and understand accurately and precisely on how

to write and produce a reporting paragraph effectively.


Blanchard, Karen & Christine Root.1994, Ready to Write: A First Composition

Text, 2nded, New York:Longman

Blanchard, Karen & Christine Root. 1997, Ready to Write Moore: From Paragraph
to Essay. New York, Longman

Jolly, David.1984. Writing Tasks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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