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Presented by:

Leidy Johanna Marin Pinilla

Business Internationals’

File: 1881676

Year 2019
La Importancia de Aprender un Idioma

1. ¿Qué problema de comunicación encontró entre las dos partes?

In the interview it is very clear that the interviewers did not know English, and there was
no coherence with the answers of the interviewees, also it was evidenced that there was
bad translation.

2. ¿La información dada por los locutores fue correcta?

It was not correct because the speakers understood the interviewees and translated

3. Enumere otras situaciones similares que conozca donde se presente este problema.

Former US President Jimmy Carter knew how to attract the attention of the masses, in a
speech delivered in Poland in 1977; he allegedly expressed sexual desires for the then
communist country.

After a secretary translated a message to the white house as “the French government
demands”, when the phrase actually said “the French government asks”, the US president
did not like the tone and froze the negotiations

4. Que concluye de esta situación

We are in a time where it is very important to have the knowledge of two or more
languages to be able to defend ourselves in any situation.

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