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Logistic Regression: The Challenger Shuttle O-Ring Data Example

Following the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster, investigators focused on a

suspected association between O-ring failure and low temperature at launch. Here
the data documented the presence or absence of O-ring thermal distress in the 23
shuttle launches preceding the Challenger mission.

Sorted and grouped data:

Challenger<-data. frame(temp=c(53,57,58,63,66,67,68,69,70,72,73,75,76,78,79,81),
n td=c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), n=c(1,1,1,1,1,3,1,1,4,1,1,2,2,1,1,1))
Challenger.lg<-glm(ntd/n~temp, weights=n, family=binomial( ),data= Challenger)
R output

Coefficients: Wald 95%

Estimate Std. Error Confidence limits z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 15.0429 7.3786 0.5810 29.5048 2.039 0.0415 *
Temp -0.2322 0.1082 -0.4443 -0.0200 -2.145 0.0320 *

The logistic regression ML fit is

logit( ) 15.0429 - 0.2322x

Questions related to above model:
a) Interpret the sign of the estimated effect of temperature x.
Ans: The negative coefficient -0.2322 suggests a negative effect of temperature
on presence of O-ring thermal distress (TD), i.e. lower temperature, higher
probability to observe TD.

b) Estimate the probability of thermal distress at 31F, the temperature at the time
of the Challenger flight.
Ans: according to the model ( x) exp( x)
1 exp( x)
𝜋̂(31) = 1+exp⁡(15.043−0.232×31)= 0.9996=99.96%

So the probability of TD at 31F is extremely high, 99.96%!

c) At what temperature does the estimated probability equal 0.50? At that

temperature, give a linear approximation for the change in the estimated
probability per degree increase in temperature.
Ans: At the median effective level x = - / = 15.043/0.232=64.84 the estimated
probability equals 0.50. When x=64.84, the change in probability per degree
increase in x can be approximated by
( x)(1 ( x)) 0.232 0.5 0.5 0.058

d) Interpret the effect of the temperature on the odds of thermal distress.

Ans: When temperature increase by one degree, the odds of TD will change
multiplicatively by exp(-0.232)=0.793, odds(π(x+1))=0.793×odds(π(x)).

e) Conduct a Wald confidence interval for the temperature effect. Interpret.

Ans: The 95% C.I. for β is -0.232±1.96×0.11, i.e. (-0.448, -0.016). This interval
does not contain 0 which indicates that⁡β ≠ 0. The log(odds ratio) of TD between
x and x+1 falls in the interval (-0.448, -0.016).

f) Conduct a Wald confidence interval for the odds ratio corresponding to a 1-unit
increase in temperature. Interpret.
Logistic regression with categorical predictors
In regression analysis, the way to include CATEGORICAL variables as explanatory
variables in the model is using dummy variables, i.e. indicator variables. An indicator
variable usually takes two values:
1 -- in a particular category
0-- not in this category
Consider the following example, a nominal variable “color” with four categories:

Yellow Red Green Blue

X1 X2 X3
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
To represent the category of “color”, we need at least 3 indicator variables: X1, X2, X3
For example: (1,0,0) indicates the “yellow” category, (0,0,0) indicates the fourth
category “blue”.
A logistic model with “color” as the only independent variable then can be expressed

Logit(π)=𝛼 + 𝛽1 x1+𝛽2 x2+𝛽3 x3

When “color” is yellow, we have Logit(π(yellow))=𝛼 + 𝛽1

When “color” is red, we have Logit(π(red))=𝛼 + 𝛽2

When “color” is blue, we have Logit(π(blue))=𝛼

The difference of coefficients is meaningful:

When “color” changes from yellow to red, the difference on logit is:
Logit(π(red))- Logit(π(yellow))= log = 𝛽2 − 𝛽1
That is, = exp⁡(𝛽2 − 𝛽1 )
A logistic model for a 2 2 2 table
Suppose a binary response Y has two binary predictors, X and Z. The
data are then displayed in a 2 2 2 contingency table.
Let x and z each take values 0 and 1 to represent the two categories
of each explanatory variable. The logistic regression model for P(Y=1)
can be expressed as:
log it[ P(Y 1)] 1 x 2 z (*)
has main effects for x and z.
For different categories of x and z, we have totally 4 Logits:

Note: this model (without the term 𝑥 ∗ 𝑧) assumes an absence of interaction.

In other words, the model satisfies homogeneous association, since the
effect of one factor is the same at each category of the other factor:

How to interpret the coefficients?

At a fixed category z of Z, the effect on the logit of changing from x=0
to x=1 is
Logit(π(1, z)) − Logit(π(0, z)) [ 1 (1) 2 z] [ 1 (0) 2 z] 1

This difference between two logits equals the difference of log odds.
Therefore,⁡exp⁡(𝛽1 ) is the conditional odds ratio between X and Y.
That is, controlling for Z, the odds of “success” at x=1 equals exp⁡(𝛽1 )
times the odds of success at x=0.

Controlling for Z, if 1 0 , the common odds ratio equals 1, which

indicates the conditional independence between X and Y. Then we get the
simpler model:
log it[ P(Y 1)] 2 z
A logistic model for a 2 2 2 table example: AZT Use and AIDS:
The effects of AZT in slowing the development of AIDS symptoms.

In the study, 338 veterans whose immune systems were beginning to falter
after infection with the AIDS virus were randomly assigned either to
receive AZT immediately or to wait until their T cells showed severe immune
weakness. Table below is a 2 × 2 × 2 cross classification of veteran’s
race, whether AZT was given immediately, and whether AIDS symptoms
developed during the 3 year study, Let X=AZT treatment, Z=race, and
Y=whether AIDS symptoms developed (1=yes,0=no).

A logistic model built for this example is:

log it[ P(Y 1)] AZT

In this model we set AZT

no 0, race
black 0 , i.e. let x=1 for those who took AZT

immediately and x=0 otherwise, and let z=1 for whites and z=0 for blacks.

Most software set the last category coefficient equal to zero as

default (like this model). Unfortunately, In R we cannot set the last
category coefficient equal zero directly, use code
we can set the first category coefficient equal zero. That’s why we define
the “level” in an inverse order, as you will see below:

> table.4.4<-expand.grid(AZT=factor(c("Yes","No"),levels=c("No","Yes")),
> table.4.4<-data.frame(table.4.4,Yes=c(14,32,11,12), No=c(93,81,52,43))
> options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment","contr.poly"))
> summary(fit<-glm(cbind(Yes,No)~AZT+Race,family=binomial, data=table.4.4))

The output from R:

For any coding scheme, the difference 1 2 is the same and
represents the conditional log odds ratio between X and Y, given Z.
For example, the estimated common odds ratio between immediate AZT
use and development of symptoms, for each race, is
Odds( AZT Yes )
exp( 1
) exp( 0.720) 0.49
Odds( AZT No)
That is, for each race, the estimated odds of developing symptoms are
half as high for those without AZT treatment immediately.

ANOVA-Type Model Representation of factors

A factor X having I categories requires I-1 indicator variables.
A factor Z having K categories requires K-1 indicator variables.
A logistic model with two factors X and Z can be expressed as:
log it[ P(Y 1)] i

where the term i in this model is a simple way of representing

1 1 x 2 x2 x
I 1 I 1

The Ith Category does not need an indicator variable, because we know an
observation is in category I when x1 x2 xI 1 0.

Consider the multiplicative effect on Odds for X changing from 1 to 2

For any fixed Z=k ,
when X falls in category 1, logit(π( = 1, = )) = +𝛽 +𝛽 ;

when X falls in category 2, logit(π( = 2, = )) = +𝛽 +𝛽 ;

𝑑𝑑𝑠(( , ))
Therefore, ))
= exp⁡(𝛽 − 𝛽 ) .
𝑑𝑑𝑠(( ,
Conditional independence between X and Y, given Z, corresponds to
1 2 I

That is, all the differences between these coefficients are 0, then the
odds ratio between any two categories are exp(0)=1.

Another example of logistic model:

Maternal alcohol consumption and child’s congenital malformations

There are two coding scheme in R:

To set “sum-to-zero” constraints, use
options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
To constrain the first category parameter to be zero, use
options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))

To constrain the first category parameter to be zero,we have:

>Alcohol<-factor(c("0","<1","1-2","3-5",">=6"), levels=c("0","<1","1-2","3-5",">=6"))
> malformed<-c(48,38,5,1,1)
> n<-c(17066,14464,788,126,37)+malformed
> Table.5.3.logit<-glm(malformed/n~Alcohol,family=binomial, weights=n)
The R output:

The difference of parameters when alcohol level changes from “<1”to

“1-2”is 0.814-(-0.068)=0.882

To constrain the last category parameter to be zero,we have:

> revAlcohol <- factor(c("0", "<1", "1-2", "3-5", ">=6"), levels = rev(c("0", "<1", "1-2",
"3-5", ">=6")))
> Table.5.3.logit2<-glm(malformed/n~revAlcohol, family=binomial, weights = n)
The R output:
The difference of parameters when alcohol level changes from “<1”to
“1-2”is -1.449-(-2.331)=0.882

Statistical Tests for 2×2×K tables

A 2×2×K table can be expressed as K 2×2 partial tables as follows:
n111 n121
n211 n221

n112 n122
k =2
n212 n222

n11k n12k
k =K
n21k n22k
There are three main statistical analyses for a 2×2×K three-way X-Y-Z table:

Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH) Test:

A large sample chi-squared test for testing conditional independence, i.e. testing the
null hypothesis that (1) = (2) = = ( ) = 1 vs the alternative hypothesis
( ) ≠ 1 for some k.

This test conditions on the row totals and the column totals in each partial table.
Then, as in Fisher’s exact test, the count in the first row and first column in a partial
table determines all the other counts in that table.
This conditioning results in a hypergeometric distribution for the count n11k .

Recall: the hypergeometric distribution

Suppose we have a bag of n balls, colored black and red, with r red balls and n–r
black. Let X represent the number of red balls selected from a sample of size m
selected (without replacement) from the bag. Then X~Hypergeometric (n,r,m). The
pmf of X is:

m r m r (n r ) n m
E( X ) , Var ( X )
n n2 n 1
For kth partial table
n11k n12k n1+k
K =k
n21k n22k n2+k
n+1k n+2k n++k
Let X to be the count n11k , then X follows a hypergeometric distribution, where the
parameters n, r, m are n = n++k , r = n1+k , m = n+1k
i.e. X~Hypergeometric (n++k, n1+k, n+1k)

Under H0: (1) = (2) = = ( ) = 1, we have

The Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH) test statistic summarizes the information from

the K partial tables using

This statistic has a large-sample chi-squared distribution with df = 1. The

approximation improves as the total sample size increases.
Example: AZT Use and AIDS
>mantelhaen.test(table.4.4.array, correct=F)
The R output:

Notice the reversed levels of AZT and Race in above input!

Example: AZT Use and AIDS
>mantelhaen.test(table.4.4.array, correct=F)
The R output then will be:
While we notice in the logistic model the estimate of the AZT effect is -0.7195, and
the estimated common odds ratio is exp(-0.7195)= 0.4869957
Note: The test is inappropriate when the association varies dramatically among the
partial tables. It works best when the X-Y association is similar in each partial table.
That is to say, the CMH statistics have low power for detecting an association in
which the patterns of association for some of the strata (partial tables) are in the
opposite direction of the patterns displayed by other strata.
Thus, a non-significant CMH statistic suggests either there is no association or
no pattern of association has enough strength or consistency to dominate any other

Another estimate of the common odds ratio is the Mantel-Haenszel estimate:

This estimate gives more weight to partial tables with larger sizes.
In AZT use example, the calculated Mantel-Haenszel estimate is 0.4868456.
Consider a logit model 2×2×K table

In this model,
(1) Conditional independence between X and Y corresponds to 𝛽 = 0.
(2) Exp(β) is the common XY odds ratio for each of the K partial tables for categories
of Z.

Use a Wald test or Likelihood Ratio test to test the 0 𝛽=0

SAS output for “AZT Use and AIDS”

Breslow-Day test:
A large sample chi-squared test for testing homogeneous association
i.e. testing the null hypothesis that (1) = (2) = = ( ) vs the alternative
hypothesis ( 1) ≠ ( 1) for some 1 ≠ 2 .

This statistic has a large-sample chi-squared distribution with df = K-1.

This test statistic has the form of a Pearson chi-squared statistic, comparing the
observed cell counts to estimated expected frequencies that have a common odds
Logistic regression without interaction
(homogeneous association model)

Since the odds ratio between X and Y ( ) has nothing to do with Z’s level k, this
model can be called homogeneous association model. For I = 2, if we want to test
the X-Y conditional independence by using the model approach, we simply test
whether 𝛽1 − 𝛽2 is zero or not.

Logistic regression with interaction

(inhomogeneous association model)

the odds ratio between X and Y ( ) depends on the value of k , so the odds ratio
in each partial table is not necessarily the same.
In fact, for a 2×2×K table, such an inhomogeneous model is the saturated model.
Multiple Logistic Regression
Example: horseshoe crab data with Color and Width Predictors

Continue the analysis of the horseshoe crab data by using both the female crab’s
shell width and color as predictors, where color of collected crabs has only four
medium light(2), medium(3), medium dark(4), dark(5).

Treat color as a nominal variable and use three indicator variables for the four
categories. Then the model is:

where x denotes width and

The crab color is dark (4th category) when c1 = c2 = c3 = 0.

> crab<-read.table(file.choose(),header=TRUE)
> crab$weight<-crab$weight/1000
> crab$psat<-crab$sat>0
> # options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
# (above command is default setting, not necessary)
> <- glm(psat ~ c.fa+width, family = binomial, data = crab)
> summary(

R output:
When crab color is dark, c1 = c2 = c3 = 0, the predict equation is:

When crab color is medium crabs, c1 = 1 , the predict equation is:

We observed that the slope on width is always the same: i.e. regardless of color, a
1-cm increase in width has a multiplicative effect of exp(0.468) = 1.60 on the odds of
having a satellite.

Also, at any given width, the estimated odds that a medium crab has a satellite are
exp(1.4023 – 1.1061) = 1.34 times the estimated odds for a medium-dark crab, i.e.

𝑂𝑑𝑑𝑠(𝜋(𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 = 𝑚𝑒𝑑))
= exp(1.4023⁡– ⁡1.1061) ⁡ = ⁡1.34
𝑂𝑑𝑑𝑠(𝜋(𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 = 𝑚𝑒𝑑_𝑑𝑎𝑟 ))

Below Figure displays the fitted model. Any one curve is any other curve shifted to
the right or to the left. Since the model assumes a lack of interaction between color
and width, any two curves in the figure never cross.

To conduct the likelihood ratio test, use “anova”: (where test = "Chisq" is default)
> anova(, test = "Chisq")
The R output:

Here the LR test statistic for 0 β4 = 0⁡is 24.604, P=7.0e-07 shows that width is a
useful variable in the model. (To conduct the LR test for 0 β1 = β2 = β3 = 0, in R,
we have to switch the order of color and width when writing the model. )
Multiple Logistic Regression
Example: horseshoe crab data with interaction

To test whether the width effect changes at each color, we can test the significance
of a color by width interaction by fitting a new model with the addition of this
interaction and comparing the model deviance with that of the previous fit.

A logistic model with interaction:

> <- update(object =, formula = ~ . + width:c.fa)

The R output;

To compare the two models (with / without interaction), we use

> anova(,, test = "Chisq")

The R output:

The likelihood-ratio test gives p-value 0.2236 implies that an interaction model is not
necessary here.

Fitting the interaction model is equivalent to fitting the logistic regression model with
width as the predictor separately for the crabs of each color.
Multiple Logistic Regression with Ordinal Predictor
Example: horseshoe crab data

In fact, “color” has a natural ordering of categories, from lightest to darkest.

However, previous models ignore this ordering, treating color as nominal scale.
Now we consider a simpler model that treats color in a quantitative manner:

The author Agresti use scores c = {1, 2, 3, 4} for the color categories and fit the model,
we take an easier way to use the existed scores “2, 3, 4, 5”

><-glm(psat~c+width, family=binomial, data=crab)

The R output:

Since we assign different scores to color categories, the reported coefficients are not
same with the textbook, the fitted model here is:

To test the hypothesis that the quantitative color model is adequate given that the
qualitative color model holds, we use command “anova”:

> anova(,, test="Chisq")

The R output:

Judging by the p-value, we can go with the simpler (fewer parameters) quantitative
color model.

We can set other scores to color category, for example,

the set of binary scores {1, 1, 1, 0}
4.5 Summarizing Effects in Logistic Regression

“Many find it difficult to understand the odds ratios”

Section 4.5.1 explains how to present the interpretation of the logistic regression to
laymen by using probabilities.

One way to describe the effect of a predictor xj sets the other

predictors at their sample means and finds 𝜋̂ at the smallest and
largest xj values. The effect is summarized by reporting those 𝜋̂
values or their difference. However, such summaries are sensitive to
outliers on xj.

To obtain a more robust summary, it is more sensible to use the

quartiles of the xj values. Let’s illustrate it by the following
summary table:

4.5.2 Standardized Interpretations

In multiple regression, we usually compare the magnitudes of {𝛽̂𝑗 } to compare

effects of predictors. But for For quantitative predictors, this is relevant if the
predictors have the same units, so a 1-unit change means the same thing for each.
Otherwise, it is not meaningful.
An alternative comparison of effects of quantitative predictors having different
units uses standardized coefficients. The model is fitted to standardized predictors,
replacing each 𝑥𝑗 by (𝑥𝑗 − 𝑥̅𝑗 )/𝑠𝑥𝑗 .
Chapter 5
This chapter includes issues relating to building a model with multiple predictors and
checking its fit. But we will not go to the details of all the topics in Chapter 5.

Example: Horeseshoe Crab data with all predictors

Let’s revisit the Horeseshoe Crab data and try to build a model with all the predictors.
Figure below shows portion of the raw data.

Totally there are four predictors:

c-color (four categories), “5”,”4”,”3”,”2”
s-spine condition (three categories), “3”,”2”,”1”
width of the carapace shell.

The response variable is still the sat-satellite

Again we let y = 1 if there is at least one satellite, and y = 0 otherwise.

Before building the model, we need do some pretreatment on the raw data:

> crab<-read.table(file.choose(),header=TRUE)
> crab$weight<-crab$weight/1000
> crab$psat<-crab$sat>0
> crab$c.fa<-factor(crab$c, levels=c("5","4","3","2"))
> crab$s.fa<-factor(crab$s, levels=c("3","2","1"))

><-glm(psat~c.fa+s.fa+width+weight, family=binomial, data=crab)

The model with all the predictors now is:

the R output:
We can test the usefulness of above model by Likelihood Ratio Test.

To test the null hypothesis 0 ⁡𝛽1 = 𝛽2 = = 𝛽7 = 0, we have

Null deviance – Residual Deviance = 225.76–185.20 = 40.5565 with df 172–165=7.

Use code “1-pchisq(40.5562,7)”, we obtain the P-Value < 0.0001

This shows extremely strong evidence that at least one predictor has an effect.

Although this overall test is highly significant, for the individual

parameters, some of them are not, even for the variable “width”.
As you have learnt in Regression Analysis, such a paradoxical
observation is a warning signal of potential multicollinearity. To
check potential multicollinearity, we may look at the correlation
matrix of the predictors:

> summary(, cor=T)

The R output for the COR matrix is

we can see that the variables width and weight are highly correlated and so should
not be simultaneously included in the model.
In the forthcoming modeling we will remove the variable “weight”.
Model Selection for Horseshoe Crab Data

Other criteria besides significance tests can help select a good model.
The best known is the Akaike information criterion (AIC).

AIC = -2(log likelihood - number of parameters in the model);

To illustrate stepwise procedures, we perform backward elimination on a model

fitted to the horseshoe crab data. This model includes up to a three-way interaction
among Color, Width, and Spine Condition.

><-glm(psat~c.fa*s.fa*width, family=binomial, data=crab)

> res <- step(, list(lower = ~ 1, upper = formula(,
scale = 1, trace = F, direction = "backward")
> res$anova

After the variable selection, the finalized model then is:

Summarizing Predictive Power: Classification Table

Sometimes it is useful to summarize the predictive power of a binary regression
model. One way to do this is with a classification table.

To evaluate predictive power, firstly we should set a cutoff π0 ,

when π ̂ π0 , the prediction is ŷ = 1
when π ̂ π0 , the prediction is ŷ = 0

It’s natural to set π0 = 0.

However, if a low proportion of observations have y = 1, the model fit may never
have ŷ = 1
Another possibility takes π0 as the sample proportion of 1 outcomes, which is π
for the model containing only an intercept term.

Some useful concepts:

Prediction (̂)
1 0

Reality 1 True Positive(TP) False Negative(FN) Actual Positive(TP+FN)

(y) 0 False Positive(FP) True Negative(TN) Actual Negative(FP+TN)
Predicted Positive Predicted Negative

TPR : True Positive Rate(also called sensitivity). TPR=TP / (TP+ FN),

FPR : False Positive Rate. FPR= FP / (FP + TN),
TNR : True Negative Rate(also called specificity) TNR=TN/ (FP+ TN) = 1 - FPR。

For example, in the horseshoe crab data, of the 173 crabs, 111 had a satellite,
for a sample proportion of 0.642. Below Table shows classification tables using π0 =
0.50 and π0 = 0.642.

Two useful summaries of predictive power are:

e ⁡π0 = 0.642, sensitivity=74/111=0.667, specificity=42/62=0.677.

Another summary of predictor power from the classification table is

the overall proportion of correct classifications.

P(correct classification)=(74+42)/173=0.671

A classification table has limitations: It collapses continuous predictive values π

̂ into
binary ones. The choice of π0 is arbitrary. Results are sensitive to the relative
numbers of times that y = 1 and y = 0.
Summarizing Predictive Power: ROC curves
A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a plot of sensitivity as a function of
(1 – specificity) for the possible cutoffs π0 .

An ROC curve is more informative than a classification table, because it summarizes

predictive power for all possible π0 .

Below Figure shows SAS output of the ROC curve for the model for the horseshoe
crabs using width and color as predictors.

For a given specificity, better predictive power correspond to higher

So, the better the predictive power, the higher the ROC curve.
The area under the ROC curve is identical to the value of a measure
of predictive power called the concordance index c.
A value c = 0.50 means predictions were no better than random guessing.
Its ROC curve is a straight line connecting the points (0, 0) and (1,
1). For the horseshoe crab data, c = 0.639 with color alone as a
predictor, 0.742 with width alone, 0.771 with width and color, and
0.772 with width and an indicator for whether a crab has dark color.
Plot of TPR vs FPR
> Install.packages() %find package “ROCR”
> library(ROCR)
Summarizing Predictive Power: Correlation
Another way to summarize prediction power is by the correlation R between the
observed responses {y } and the model’s fitted values { ̂ }.

For a binary regression model, R is the correlation between the n binary {y }

observations (1 or 0 for each) and the estimated probabilities { ̂ }.

“Nevertheless, R is useful for comparing fits of different models for the same data.”

For example, for the horseshoe crab data,

Using color alone does not do nearly as well as using width alone
(R = 0.285 vs R = 0.402).
Using both predictors together increases R to 0.452.
The simpler model that uses color merely to indicate whether a crab
is dark does essentially as well, with R = 0.447.

Model Checking

Detect lack of fit--Deviance

As we have mentioned before, the deviance of a model is the likelihood ratio test
statistic, testing whether our model is as good as the saturated model.

The LRT statistic of H0: all the β⁡are zero

can be calculated from the R output:

Null Deviance – Residual Deviance

This statistic has an approximate chi-squared null distribution with

a df equals to the number of parameters (𝛽) in the current model.
The df of Residual Deviance, called the residual df for the model,
subtract the number of parameters (𝛽)⁡in the model from the number of
parameters in the saturated model.
The number of parameters in the saturated model equals the number of
settings of the predictors, which is the number of binomial
observations for the data in the grouped form of the contingency table.
Small Residual Deviance suggests a good fit.

The R command
anova(,, test="Chisq")
is very useful in comparing the goodness of fit between model1 and model 2. If the
output shows non-significant difference in model fitting, we usually choose the
simpler model.
Goodness of Fit for categorical predictors

When the predictors are solely categorical, the data are summarized by counts in
a contingency table.

For the ni subjects at setting i of the predictors, multiplying the estimated

probabilities of the two outcomes by ni yields estimated expected frequencies
for y = 0 and y = 1. These are the fitted values for that setting.

Then we can have Pearson statistic ( ) and the likelihood ratio chi-squared
( ) To test the model fit:

for all the cells in that table.

For a fixed number of settings, when the fitted counts are all at least
about 5, X2(M) and G2(M) have approximate chi-squared null
However, when at least one explanatory variable is continuous, it is
difficult to analyze lack of fit without some type of grouping.

Example: AZT Use

Let x = 1 for those who took AZT immediately and x = 0 otherwise, and
let z = 1 for whites and z = 0 for blacks. The ML fit is

The fitted probability for (x=1, z=1) is 𝜋̂(𝑥 = 1, 𝑧 = 1) = 0.1

The fitted number developing symptoms is 107(0.150) = 16.0, and
the fitted number not developing symptoms is 107(0.850) = 91.0.
We obtain G2(M) = 1.38 and X2(M) = 1.39 with df = 4-3 = 1. The small G2 and X2
values suggest that the model fits decently (P = 0.24).

Influence Diagnostics: Residuals for Logit Models

No matter whether a model provides a good fit or not, it is always sensible to see if
there are any potential problematic data. One indicator is the residuals, which may
tell you whether a datum is an outlier. We also want to know if there are any
influential data.

With categorical predictors, we can use residuals to compare observed and fitted

Let yi denote the number of“successes”for ni trials at setting i of the explanatory


When the model holds, {ei } has an approximate expected value of zero but a smaller
variance than a standard normal variate.


It is approximately standard normal when the model holds. We prefer it. An absolute
value larger than roughly 2 or 3 provides evidence of lack of fit.

We should carefully use residuals when fitted values are very small, approximation
not hold.

Example: Graduate Admissions at University of Florida

Table 5.5 refers to graduate school applications to the 23 departments in the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida, during the 1997–98
academic year. It cross-classifies
whether the applicant was admitted (Y),
the applicant’s gender (G), and
the applicant’s department (D).
Let nik denotes the number of applications by gender i in department k,
let yik denote the number admitted, and
let πik denote the probability of admission.
Other things being equal, one would hope the admissions decision is independent
of gender. The model with no gender effect, given department, is

Data input:
> yes<-c(32,21,6,3,12,34,3,4,52,5,8,6,35,30,9,11,6,15,17,4,9,21,26,25,21,7,25,31,3,9,
10,25, 25,39,2,4,3,0,29,6,16,7,23,36,4,10)
> no<-c(81,41,0,8,43,110,1,0,149,10,7,12,100,112,1,11,3,6,0,1,9,19,7,16,10,8,18,37,0,
> table.5.5<-cbind(expand.grid(gender=c("female","male"),

A model with no gender effect is:

> res.gradadmit<-glm(prop~dept, family=binomial, data=table.5.5, weights=yes+no)

Likelihood Ratio test of the model fit:

Use code “1-pchisq(44.735,23)”, we obtain the p value “0.004282526”, which

suggests this model fits rather poorly.

Standardized Pearson residuals are obtained by:

> resid(res.gradadmit, type="pearson")/sqrt(1-lm.influence(res.gradadmit)$hat)

The R output for the Standardized Pearson residuals:

We may also obtain the G2 = 44.7 and X2 = 40.9, both with df = 23, (P-values = 0.004
and 0.012).

Departments with large standardized residuals are responsible for the

lack of fit.
Significantly more females were admitted than the model predicts in
the Astronomy and Geography departments, and fewer were admitted in
the Psychology department.
Without these three departments, the model fits adequately: G2 =
24.4,X2 = 22.8, df = 20, (P-values = 0.2253559 and 0.2987214)

So far I haven’t find the R code for G2 and X2 calculation, but it is not difficult to
obtain the prediction values from “predict”, then we can calculate G2 and X2 without
any more dificulties

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