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Nurses, Great work on last week critical thinking question


A person arrives in the emergency department after a loss of consciousness and the
development of Kussmaul respirations. The individual has a history of diabetes and 2
days of vomiting and diarrhea. The nurse suspects the person has:

A) Respiratory alkalosis

B) Respiratory acidosis

C) Metabolic alkalosis

D) Metabolic acidosis

Last week critical thinking question answer and rationale:

ANSWER AND RATIONALE: 3. Increase in antidiuretic hormone secretion.

Hypovolemia stimulates volume sensitive receptors and baroreceptors and results in
secretion of antidiuretic hormone to increase water reabsorption.
1. Volume depletion produces an increase in aldosterone secretion through the
activation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system.
2. Volume depletion produces an increase in renin secretion and initiates the renin
angiotensin aldosterone system.
4. Volume depletion results in reduced secretion of natriuretic peptides. Natriutetic
peptides are diuretics which would make more loss of fluid.

 Is released when there is an increase
in plasma osmolality or decrease in
circulating blood volume.
 Is also called arginine vasopressin.
Increases water reabsorption.

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