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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588


Epitheliocystis in fish

B F Nowak1 and S E LaPatra2

1 School of Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
2 Research Division, Clear Springs Foods, Inc., Buhl, ID, USA

Abstract Introduction

Epitheliocystis is a condition affecting the gills and Epitheliocystis disease is a common condition of a
skin of fish, which has been reported from more putative infectious aetiology that has been described
than 50 freshwater and marine species. It is caused in various teleosts (Paperna & Sabnai 1980; Wolf
by intracellular Gram-negative bacteria. Mortalities 1988; Turnbull 1993; Fryer & Lannan 1994). The
have been associated with epitheliocystis infections descriptive term epitheliocystis is derived from the
in cultured fish. This review provides an update of appearance of epithelial lesions that are manifested
our current understanding of this condition, secondary to infection. The disease was first
including characterization of the pathogen using described in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., as
immunohistochemical and molecular studies. In mucophilosis (Plehn 1920). Only after it was
most fish species the epitheliocystis agent was neg- reported in other fish species was it correctly
ative to an antibody specific for chlamydial genus- identified as a bacterial disease and named epithe-
specific lipopolysaccharide antigen. Recently, four liocystis (Hoffman, Dunbar, Wolf & Zwillenberg
epitheliocystis agents from four different fish species 1969). Epitheliocystis is a condition common in
have been characterized using molecular analysis. many fish species that affects both the gill and skin
While they all belong to the order Chlamydiales, in epithelium. It is an intracellular infection with
a lineage separate from the Chlamydiaceae, they are Gram-negative bacteria, resulting in hypertrophy of
distinct organisms and similarity analysis showed host cells. There are no culture methods for the
that they had highest similarity values with other causative agent.
chlamydia-like bacteria isolated from various sour- Microscopically, progressive enlargement of
ces, including humans or pig. This confirms the infected epithelial cells subsequently results in the
high diversity and host specificity of the pathogen. formation of spherical cysts that are circumscribed
Further molecular analysis should result in an by an eosinophilic hyaline capsule apparently
increased understanding of this condition. To date composed of retained remnants of the host cell
the pathogen has not been cultured, making membrane and cytoplasm (Molnar & Boros 1981).
experimental studies difficult. High stocking den- These enlarged cells can range up to 400 lm in
sities, presence of nutrients, season, temperature diameter and are often transparent white to yellow
and fish age have been identified as potential risk when observed grossly (Herman & Wolf 1987;
factors for the manifestation of this condition. Wolf 1988). Although the gills are the most
common site of infection, the integument (mostly
Keywords: Chlamydiales, epitheliocystis, fish, gill
epidermis but also the epithelial lining of the
pathology, molecular analysis, risk factors.
orobranchial cavity and nostrils and the mucosa of
Correspondence Dr B F Nowak, School of Aquaculture, oesophagus and pseudobranch) may also be involved
University of Tasmania, Locked Bag 1370, Launceston,
7250 Tasmania, Australia (Hoffman et al. 1969; Crespo, Grau & Padros

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

1990; Crespo, Zarza, Padros & Marin de Mateo

1999). Infected cells contain coccoid or coccobacil-
lary organisms that complete a pleomorphic devel-
opmental cycle with specific morphological
characteristics dependent on the stage of intracel-
lular development (Paperna, Sabnai & Castel 1978;
Paperna & Alves de Matos 1984). Development of
the organism is similar to that of the Chlamydiae
(Ward 1988) and proceeds from small, rigid
infectious forms to larger, pleomorphic non-infec-
tious forms that divide by fission to produce a new
generation of infectious daughter cells (Paperna,
Sabnai & Zachary 1981; Turnbull 1993).
Epitheliocystis has been associated with morbid-
ity and mortality in cultured fish species. However,
the direct link between epitheliocystis and mortal- Figure 1 Developmental cycle I is a typical chlamydial develop-
ities has not been established due to the lack of an mental cycle. Infection is initiated by attachment of an
elementary body to the host cell. After the elementary body
experimental challenge model. As bacteria associ-
enters the host cell, it differentiates into a reticulate body, which
ated with epitheliocystis have not been cultured, later transforms into an intermediate body before becoming
Koch’s postulates have never been fulfilled for this infective elementary bodies. EB, elementary body; RB, reticulate
disease. Recently some progress has been made in body; IB, intermediate body.
identifying the epitheliocystis agent, at least in some
fish species. The aim of this review is to summarize
our current understanding of this condition and
identify potential research needs.

The causative agents of epitheliocystis are intracel-
lular Gram-negative bacteria, which, on the basis of
their ultrastructure belong to Chlamydiaceae (Pap-
erna et al. 1981; Groff, LaPatra, Munn, Anderson
& Osburn 1996; Szakolczai, Vetesi & Pitz 1999) or
Rickettsiaceae (Zachary & Paperna 1977). It has
been suggested that epitheliocystis could be caused
by either chlamydial or rickettsial agents (Nylund, Figure 2 Developmental cycle II. Primary long cells and
Kvensenth & Isdal 1998). intermediate long cells are reproductive forms and small cells
The typical chlamydial developmental cycle are an infective form. It has been suggested that switching between
the developmental cycles I and II occurs in epitheliocystis. PLC,
includes an infective elementary body, reticulate primary long cell; ILC, intermediate long cell; SC, small cell.
body and intermediate body/round cell (Avakyan &
Popov 1984). In some fish species, primary long & Alves de Matos 1984) were suggested to be the
cells, intermediate long cells, avacuolated small cells factors causing switching between these two devel-
and vacuolated small cells have also been described. opmental cycles. Cells characteristic for both
This led to the suggestion that the infections are developmental cycles can be found in the same fish
caused by either chlamydial or rickettsial agents or species (Paperna et al. 1981; Crespo et al. 1999),
that the epitheliocystis agent can use two develop- suggesting that the developmental cycle is not
mental cycles (Crespo et al. 1999). Developmental specific for host species or the bacteria.
cycle I is the typical chlamydial cycle (Fig. 1) and In addition to cells characteristic for develop-
developmental cycle II (Fig. 2) includes primary mental cycle I, head and tail cells were described in
long cells, intermediate long cells and small cells. steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)
Fish age, stress or environmental conditions (Cre- (Rourke, Davis & Bradley 1984); lake trout,
spo et al. 1999) and type of cell infected (Paperna Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum) (Bradley, New-

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

comer & Maxwell 1988); and Atlantic salmon, example, epitheliocystis in rainbow trout from
Salmo salar L. (Draghi, Popov, Kahl, Stanton, Idaho reacted positively whereas epitheliocystis
Bronw, Tsongalis, West & Frasca 2004). This type from the same fish species from Washington and
of cell was suggested to be an abnormal form of Montana was negative. Additionally, monoclonal
reticulate body, which can develop under adverse antibody-immunofluorescence test for chlamydial
conditions (Avakyan & Popov 1984; Crespo et al. antigen was negative for leafy sea-dragon, Phycodu-
1999). This morphology does not, however, pre- rus eques (Günther), affected by epitheliocystis
clude the bacteria from being Chlamydiae, as (Langdon, Elliott & Mackay 1991). However, cysts
demonstrated for Rhabdochlamydia (Corsaro & in the sections from the same block were reported
Venditti 2004). Despite attempts, the pathogen to stain very weakly positive with monoclonal
has not been cultured in vitro (Bradley et al. 1988; antibodies against Chlamydiaceae LPS (Meijer,
A. Meijer, unpublished data). Roholl, Ossewaarde, Jones & Nowak 2006).
The presence of chlamydial antigen was demon- Additionally, staining was positive for epitheliocys-
strated within cytoplasmic inclusions in white tis in yellowtail from Ecuador but negative for
sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, by epitheliocystis in yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi
the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) immunohisto- Valenciennes, from Australia (Table 1). This could
chemical technique using 11B5 antibody specific be due to inherent susceptibility amongst different
for the chlamydial genus-specific lipopolysaccharide strains of a particular fish species, developmental
(LPS) antigen (Groff et al. 1996). Labelling of stage of the chlamydia tested or even infection of
membranes and the peripheral cytoplasm of reticu- the same host species with two different species of
late bodies and intermediate body inclusions using bacteria. This is further supported by two types
mouse monoclonal antibody anti-chlamydial LPS of host response, proliferative and non-proliferative
was reported in the cases of Atlantic salmon in the same host species from the same location.
epitheliocystis in Norway and Ireland (Draghi et al. Examples of this include sea bream, Sparus aurata
2004). However, in epitheliocystis in most fish L. (Paperna 1977; Padros & Crespo 1995; Crespo
species there was no positive reaction with group et al. 1999), and Atlantic salmon in Ireland in 1995
specific chlamydial antibody (Table 1). This sug- and 1999 (Draghi et al. 2004).
gests that there is a wide taxonomic variation Epitheliocystis agents in different species of fish
between the pathogens causing epitheliocystis in show ultrastructural differences (Paperna 1977;
different fish species. Furthermore, even infections Paperna et al. 1981). This variation has been
in one fish species can give different results. For confirmed by molecular techniques (Table 2). To

Table 1 Immunohistochemical testing of

epitheliocystis specimens (methods Chlamydia
described in Groff et al. 1996)
Species Location chemical result

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) Idaho +

Yellowtail larvae, Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes) Ecuador +
Yellowtail, S. lalandi (Valenciennes) Australia )
Japanese yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata Japan )
(Temminck & Schlegel)
Leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata (Girard) California )
Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) West Virginia )
Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell) Australia )
Rock cale, Crinodus lophodon (Günther) Australia )
Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii (Valenciennes) Alaska )
Sea bream, Sparus aurata L. Spain )
Amber jack, Seriola dumerili (Risso) Spain )
Brown bullhead, Ameirus nebulosus (Leseur) New York )
Marine catfish, Arius sp. (Valenciennes) Ecuador )
Steelhead, O. mykiss (Walbaum) Washington )
Spring chinook, Oncorhynchus Washington )
tshawytscha (Walbaum)
Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (Walbaum) Washington )
Lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum) Wisconsin )
Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (Walbaum) Montana )
Walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill) Montana )

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

Table 2 Molecular identification of the epitheliocystis agent

Epitheliocystis organism
(GenBank accession no.) ISH Fish species Origin Environment Reference

Candidatus Piscichlamydia +ve Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Culture Norway Marine Draghi et al. (2004)
salmonis (AY462244)
CRG18 (AY013394) +ve Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus Culture Australia Fresh water Meijer et al. (2006)
CRG 98 (AY013474) +ve Barramundi, Lates calcarifer Culture Australia Fresh water Meijer et al. (2006)
(Bloch) (but originally
marine hatchery)
CRG20 (AY013396) )ve Leafy sea dragon, Aquarium Australia Marine Meijer et al. (2006)
Phycodurus eques (Günther)

Near full length 16S rDNA was sequenced for Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis, 210–223 basepair region of 16S rRNA Chlamydiales signature sequence
was used for CRG18, CRG20 and CRG98. Epitheliocystis was diagnosed histologically in sections from the same blocks (Langdon et al. 1991; Draghi
et al. 2004; Meijer et al. 2006).
ISH, in situ hybridization; CRG, Chlamydia Research Group.

date four cases of epitheliocystis-associated bacteria species; intermediate body/round cell in leafy sea
have been identified using polymerase chain reac- dragon (Langdon et al. 1991) and reticulate body,
tion (PCR) of highly conserved regions of 16S intermediate body/round cell and elementary body
rDNA. Molecular analysis confirmed that all four in Atlantic salmon (Nylund et al. 1998). This
epitheliocystis agents belonged to the order suggests that all epitheliocystis agents may be from
Chlamydiales, in a lineage separate from the family the order Chlamydiales.
Chlamydiaceae (Draghi et al. 2004; Meijer et al.
2006). Two of the three positive agents from
Australian fish could be confirmed with in situ
hybridization using a Chlamydiales 16s rRNA- The disease cannot be diagnosed through routine
specific oligoprobe (Meijer & Ossewaarde 2002; microbiology screening, because the bacteria cannot
Meijer et al. 2006). On the basis of their partial be cultured. As a result, if histology is not used in
sequences, each of these epitheliocystis agents had diagnosis, the disease can go unreported. For
higher similarity values with sequences from chla- example, epitheliocystis was not included in the
mydia-like bacteria isolated from humans, pigs or two published lists of diseases of Japanese yellowtail,
water storage than with each other (Meijer et al. Seriola quinqueradiata Temminck & Schlegel
2006). Current results confirm high diversity and (Egusa 1983; Kusuda & Kawai 1998), however,
host species-specificity of the epitheliocystis agents. after using histology it was found in 100% of gill
This suggests that transmission between species is specimens sampled from Japanese yellowtail cul-
limited. Diagnostic real-time PCR has been devel- tured in Japan (B.F. Nowak, unpublished data).
oped for ÔCandidatus Piscichlamydia salmonisÕ (T.M. Epitheliocystis has been reported in experimental
Steinum, personal communication), which should fish for example in silver perch (Frances et al.
improve our understanding of the presence of the 1997), yellowtail kingfish (Mansell, Powell, Ernst
pathogen, its relationship with pathology and & Nowak 2005) and common carp (B.F. Nowak,
disease dynamics, at least in Atlantic salmon. unpublished data). Lack of a correct diagnosis may
While the four epitheliocystis agents are different have adverse effects on the experimental results
in each species, they all belong to Chlamydiales, when the researcher assumes that the experimental
despite the bacteria showing different developmen- control fish are uninfected and healthy. Sometimes
tal cycles in these species. Primary long cells, epitheliocystis can be seen grossly and in wet
intermediate long cells and small cells were des- preparations (Fig. 3), however, histopathology is
cribed in silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell) used to provide a definitive diagnosis (Fig. 4).
(Frances, Tennent & Nowak 1997), and primary
long cells and intermediate long cells were described
Host species
in barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) (Anderson &
Prior 1992), these cells are characteristic for cycle II Epitheliocystis has been described in more than 50
(Crespo et al. 1999). Cells characteristic for devel- species of fish from marine and freshwater environ-
opmental cycle I were shown for the other two ments (for review see Paperna & Sabnai 1980; Fryer

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

cultured fish species to show a low prevalence of
infection (Table 3). Chum salmon, Oncorhynchus
keta (Walbaum), exhibited the greatest prevalence
of epitheliocystis of all wild fish examined. The wild
fish showing greatest prevalence of epitheliocystis
were generally all marine demersal species. How-
ever, this could be a result of a sampling bias
because many fish disease surveys focus on demersal
Epitheliocystis hyperinfection was reported in the
early developmental stages of cultured yellowtail,
Seriola mazatlana (Valenciennes), but not in floun-
der Paralichthys adspersus (Steindachner) and Par-
alichthys woolmani Jordan & Williams, cultured at
the same facility (Venizelos & Benetti 1996). While
epitheliocystis was found histologically in several of
the flounder larvae, there was no increase in
mortalities and no pathological changes as seen in
the yellowtail. It was suggested that the difference
in epitheliocystis outbreaks within the same facility
(c) was related to the differences in the biology and
physiology of these host species.
When epitheliocystis was reported in the same
species from the same geographical area on two
different occasions about 10 years apart, the results
were similar, despite very low sample sizes. For
example, epitheliocystis prevalence in American
plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius), was
reported to be 20% by Morrison & Shum (1983)
and 17% by Lewis, McLaughlin, Bodammer &
Figure 3 Wet preparations of fish gills showing epitheliocystis:
Sawyer (1992). This suggests that this condition can
(a) hyperinfection in gills of cultured largemouth bass showing
numerous cysts (arrow), this infection resulted in mortalities (see be stable and may persist in some wild populations
Table 5); (b) higher magnification of gills of largemouth bass of fish. However, larger variation was reported in
infected with epitheliocystis showing one filament with large prevalence of epitheliocystis in pilchards, Sardinops
number of cysts (arrow); (c) high magnification showing sagax (Jenyns), from the same locations in Australia
epitheliocystis in threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense (Günther) and New Zealand (0–30%, fish were repetitively
showing infiltration with inflammatory cells (arrow). Figure
courtesy of Dr Andy Goodwin. sampled every few days, Whittington, Jones, Hine
& Hyatt 1997), this was most probably due to
small sample sizes (three to 10 individuals on each
& Lannan 1994) and in both cultured and wild occasion).
fish. In contrast to the claim that no clear data exist While there are some fish species which were
on chlamydia-like infections in non-teleosts (Cor- reported not to be infected by epitheliocystis, the
saro & Venditti 2004), epitheliocystis has been confidence in these results is often low. When the
reported in white sturgeon (Groff et al. 1996) and apparent (or observed) prevalence of epitheliocystis
in a leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata Girard was reported to be 0, the true prevalence (at 95%
(Table 1). confidence, assuming test sensitivity 90% and test
The prevalence of epitheliocystis is generally specificity 95%) ranged from 3% to 29% (Table 4).
greater in cultured fish than in wild fish (Table 3). This is mostly due to the limited sample size.
The mean maximum prevalence was 28% for wild Furthermore, in most cases, a negative result was
species (ranged from 1% to 91%) and 73% for based on an examination of a limited number of
cultured species (ranged from 20% to 100%). histological slides, often only a single section from
Atlantic salmon farmed in Tasmania was the only one gill arch. To date, no reproducible challenge

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4 Histopathology of epitheliocystis: (a) hyperinfection in the gills of largemouth bass showing numerous cysts (arrow), this is the
same outbreak as in Fig. 3(a,b); (b) higher magnification of gills of largemouth bass infected with epitheliocystis showing cysts (arrow)
and host response resulting in lamellar fusion; (c) two cysts in the gills of cultured kingfish, note the lack of host response; (d) one cyst in
gills of cultured Atlantic salmon, note the host response, in particular infiltration with inflammatory cells. Figure 4(a,b) courtesy of
Dr Andy Goodwin.

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

Table 3 Maximum prevalence of epitheliocystis reported in different fish species

Fish species Prevalence, % (n) Origin Reference

Brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur) 6 (56) Wild freshwater Desser et al. (1988)
American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides 20 (11) Wild marine Morrison & Shum (1983)
Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. 34 (215) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Fourspot flounder, Paralichthys oblongus (Mitchill) 27 (20) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Ocean pout, Macrozoarces americanus 47 (15) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
(Bloch & Schneider)
Spotted hake, Urophycis regia (Walbaum) 15 (75) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus 25 (209) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Bloch & Schneider) 39 (59) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchill) 40 (144) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) 31 (950) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Yellowtail flounder, Pleuronectes ferrugineus (Storer) 9 (44) Wild marine Lewis et al. (1992)
Red morwong, Cheilodactylus fuscus (Castelnau) 12 (60) Wild marine Nowak (1996)
Rock cale, Crinodus lophodon (Günther) 48 (60) Wild marine Nowak (1996)
White ear parma, Parma microlepis (Günther) 7.5 (120) Wild marine Tricklebank (1997)
Jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis (Jenyns) 21 (81) Wild marine Nowak et al. (2004)
Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 15 (82) Wild marine Kent, Traxler, Kieser,
(Walbaum) Richard, Dawe, Shaw,
Prosperi-Porta, Ketcheson
& Evelyn (1998)
Chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 91 (32) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) 23 (48) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum) 8 (12) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi (Valenciennes) 21 (38) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Shiner perch, Cymatogaster aggregata (Gibbons) 41 (32) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus (Tilesius) 1 (98) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Pacific hake, Merluccius productus (Ayres) 12 (25) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) 5 (20) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Pacific tomcod, Microgadus proximus (Girard) 2.5 (40) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus (Girard) 14 (111) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas) 12 (33) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Canary rockfish, Sebastes pinniger (Gill) 67 (12) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Darkblotched rockfish, Sebastes crameri (Jordan) 30 (10) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Redbanded rockfish, Sebastes babcocki (Thompson) 40 (10) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Redstripe rockfish, Sebastes proriger (Jordan & Gilbert) 55 (31) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Rougheye rockfish, Sebastes aleutianus 61 (13) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
(Jordan & Evermann)
Silvergrey rockfish, Sebastes brevispinis (Bean) 25 (11) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes fladivus (Ayres) 33 (21) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
Arrowtooth flounder, Astheresthes stomia 27 (15) Wild marine Kent et al. (1998)
(Jordan & Gilbert)
Greater pipefish, Sygnathus acus L. 23 (30) Wild marine Longshaw, Green
& Feist (2004)
Pilchard, Sardinops sagax (Jenyns) 30 (25) Wild marine Whittington et al. (1997)
Amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso) 46 (15) Wild marine Grau & Crespo (1991)
Sea bream, Sparus aurata L. 70 (13) Cultured marine Paperna (1977)
Red sea bream, Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel) 100 (100) Cultured marine Syasina et al. (2004)
Red sea bream, P. major · black sea bream, 10 (50) Cultured marine Syasina et al. (2004)
Acanthopagrus schlegeli hybrid
Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. 20 (20) Cultured marine Nowak & Clark (1999)
Dentex, Dentex dentex (L.) 88 (19) Cultured marine Company, Sitja-Bobadilla,
Pujalte, Garay,
Alvarez-Pellitero &
Perez-Sanchez (1999)
Yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes) 86 (82) Cultured marine B.F. Nowak, unpublished data
Japanese yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata 100 (10) Cultured marine B.F. Nowak, unpublished data
(Temminck & Schlegel)
Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) 46 (46) Cultured freshwater Zimmer, Ewing & Kocan (1984)
Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell) 75 (105) Cultured freshwater Frances et al. (1997)

Only species for which a minimum of 10 individuals were examined are included.

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Table 4 Fish species where epitheliocystis was reported undetectable, i.e. reported negative (0% prevalence) for epitheliocystis (when 10
or more than 10 individuals were examined)

Number of fish True prevalence

Fish species examined (at 95% confidence) Reference

Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias L. 10 29 Kent et al. (1998)

Spotted ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei (Lay & Bennett) 16 19 Kent et al. (1998)
Skate, Bathyraja abyssicola (Gilbert) 12 25 Kent et al. (1998)
Pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum) 15 20 Kent et al. (1998)
Threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. 12 25 Kent et al. (1998)
Rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachinus (Lockington) 11 27 Kent et al. (1998)
Petrale sole, Eopsetta jordani (Lockington) 10 29 Kent et al. (1998)
Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis (Schmidt) 11 27 Kent et al. (1998)
Bigfin eelpout, Lycodes cortezianus (Gilbert) 11 27 Kent et al. (1998)
Sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis (Cuvier) 122 3 Nowak et al. (2004)
Red cod, Pseudophycis bachus (Forster) 84 4 Nowak et al. (2004)
Smallmouth flounder, Etropus microstomus (Gill) 41 8 Lewis et al. (1992)

Prevalence estimates from a survey (observed prevalence or apparent prevalence) can be misleading due to small sample size and imperfect diagnostic tests
used. True prevalence is calculated taking sample size as well as false-positive and false-negative results into account. True prevalence was calculated at 95%
confidence, assuming test sensitivity 90% and test specificity 100% using Pooled Prevalence Calculator (

method has been developed for this disease. Thus, it

is difficult to evaluate the susceptibility of different
fish species or strains. Epitheliocystis affects mostly the gills and skin of
fish. It is characterized by the presence of hyper-
trophied cells containing fine basophilic granular
Effect on host inclusions (Paperna 1977). The bacteria are present
in one large inclusion, delineated by a bilaminated
membrane and displacing cytoplasm of the host cell
Mortalities associated with epitheliocystis that have (Paperna et al. 1981). The infected cells are usually
been reported ranged from 4% to 100% and reported to be epithelial cells, for example in
occurred only in cultured fish (Table 3). However, Atlantic salmon (Nowak & Clark 1999; Draghi
even in cultured fish, the condition was usually et al. 2004), leafy sea-dragon (Langdon et al.
non-proliferative (not causing proliferative tissue 1991), barramundi (Anderson & Prior 1992),
reaction in host) and benign (with no apparent brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesueur)
effect on the host). Most of the mortalities were (Desser, Paterson & Steinhagen 1988), Connecticut
associated with early life stages, with the exception striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), and white
of a few species (Table 5). Epitheliocystis associated perch, Morone americana (Gmelin) (Wolke, Wyand
mortalities have been reported in Atlantic salmon & Khairallah 1970). In other fish species other
cultured in Norway (Nylund et al. 1998; Brun, types of cells were reported to be infected, including
Poppe, Skrudland & Jarp 2003). However, no chloride cells in amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso)
mortalities related to this condition were reported (Crespo et al. 1990; Grau & Crespo 1991), and
in Atlantic salmon cultured in Tasmania despite Atlantic salmon (Nylund et al. 1998), mucous cells
epitheliocystis being present in up to 20% of the in carp (Paperna & Alves de Matos 1984),
fish (Nowak & Clark 1999). The infection had very macrophages in brown bullhead (Desser et al.
low intensity in salmon from Tasmania with only 1988) and pillar cells in red sea bream, Pagrus
one or two cysts present in a section of a gill arch. In major (Temminck & Schlegel) and tiger puffer,
contrast, in an outbreak of epitheliocystis in Takifugu rubripes (Temminck & Schlegel) (Miya-
Atlantic salmon in Ireland and Norway, the cysts zaki, Fujimaki & Katai 1986). It has also been
affected 60–80% of gill lamellae on each gill arch suggested that an epithelial cell may adapt to the
(Draghi et al. 2004). While mortality in older fish infection by increasing the number of mitochon-
often occurs as a result of proliferative epithelio- dria, which may then result in an incorrect
cystis, no proliferative host response is usually identification of this cell as a chloride cell (Morrison
associated with epitheliocystis-related mortalities in & Shum 1983). Similar changes to host cells were
early life stages of fish (Table 5). reported in microsporidian infections (Morrison &

Blackwell Publishing Ltd 580
Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

Sprague 1981). Chlamydiae lack the ability to

J.S. Langdon & S.C. Battaglene, unpublished data

C. Johnston & P. Phillips, personal communication
synthesize high-energy compounds necessary for

Crespo et al. (1990); Grau & Crespo (1991)

metabolism and respiration, which must be pro-
vided by the host cell. This could lead to

Miyaki, Mizuta, Yamamoto, Yoshikoshi,

preferential infection of chloride cells or to
adaptation of epithelial cells to the infection by
increasing the number of mitochondria.

Venizelos & Benetti (1996)

The direct link between epitheliocystis and mortality has not been confirmed, except that severe epitheliocystis occurred in the mortalities and not in surviving fish or fish from other populations.
The intensity of infection can vary (Table 6).

Kanai & Tabeta (1998)

Szakolczai et al. (1999)
Goodwin et al. (2005)

Miyazaki et al. (1986)

Bradley et al. (1988)
Only one filament on the gill arch was affected and

Nylund et al. (1998)

Groff et al. (1996)

in most cases only one cyst was present in Atlantic

Paperna (1977)
salmon in Tasmania (Nowak & Clark 1999). This

is consistent with a very low infection level. A much

greater percentage of affected filaments were
reported for Atlantic salmon in Norway (Nylund
et al. 1998; Draghi et al. 2004), leafy sea dragon

Fresh water
Fresh water

Fresh water
Fresh water

(Langdon et al. 1991) and silver perch (Frances

et al. 1997). While non-proliferative hyperinfection

was reported in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.),
epitheliocystis hyperinfections in sea bream or the
amberjack result in significant host response (Grau
mild hyperplasia
Proliferative host

No response or

& Crespo 1991; Crespo et al. 1999; Crespo, Zarza

& Padros 2001). For sea bream or mugilids no

relationship was found between state and level of

Table 5 Mortalities reported in cultured fish in association with epitheliocystis (as confirmed by histopathology)




infection or cyst size and the stage of development



of the pathogen (Paperna et al. 1981).

Epitheliocystis can cause a significant prolifera-
Larva, early juvenile

Larva, early juvenile

tive reaction (Table 6). In cultured sea bream, cysts

Adult (1–1.5 kg)
7 months old

were present in the majority of interlamellar spaces

6 month old
600–650 g
1 year old

and were associated with epithelial proliferation

0+, 1+




forming concentric layers around the cysts (Paperna



1977). In contrast, wild sea bream developed

epitheliocystis in captivity, but it was never associ-
Mortality (%)

ated with host response except for the enclosure of

26/10 days

the cyst surface by one or more layers of epithelium



(Paperna 1977). Atlantic salmon in Tasmania with




epitheliocystis had about one-third of the cysts

associated with some proliferative cellular response
Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculatea (Steindachner)

and inflammation (Nowak & Clark 1999). Pre-

White sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus (Richardson)

Red sea bream, Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel)

Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède)

vious observations of epitheliocystis in salmonids

have suggested little or no reaction in the
Lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum)

Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg)

surrounding cells (Turnbull 1993). However,

Bartail flathead, Platycephalus sp. (Bloch)

samples submitted from farmed Atlantic salmon

Yellowtail, Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes)

Kingfish Seriola lalandi (Valenciennes)

from Norway in 2000 and Ireland in 1999 showed

Amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso)

proliferative lesions associated with epitheliocystis

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
Sea bream, Sparus aurata L.

affecting 60–80% of lamellae (Draghi et al. 2004).

In contrast, Atlantic salmon gills samples in Ireland
in 1995 had no proliferative changes (Draghi et al.
2004). This suggests that a proliferative response is
not related to host species or geographical location.
Granular and amorphous cyst contents were

described in sea bream (Crespo et al. 1999). If a

cyst appeared granular it did not result in a

Blackwell Publishing Ltd 581
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Table 6 Examples of pathology and host response to epitheliocystis

Fish species Intensity of infection Cyst size (lm) Host reaction Reference

American plaice, Hippoglosoides Highly variable 25 Cyst surrounded by squamous host Morrison & Shum (1983)
platessoides (Fabricius) cells
White sturgeon, Acipenser Highly variable 11–20 · 15–28 Absent or limited to a mild epithelial Groff et al. (1996)
transmontanus (Richardson) hyperplasia
Leafy seadragon, Phycodurus NA 20–90 No reaction Langdon et al. (1991)
eques (Günther)
Atlantic salmon Tasmania, Low – maximum three 18–71 Variable, including: lamellar fusion Nowak & Clark (1999)
Salmo salar L. cysts/gill arch inflammation
Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588

Atlantic salmon Norway, 2000 samples – 60–80% of NA Proliferative lesions, multifocal to Nylund et al. (1998);
Salmo salar L. lamellae affected in 2000 diffuse hyperplasia, focal necrosis of Draghi et al. (2004)
1996 samples – <20% epithelial cells, macrophage
lamellae fused infiltrates
Atlantic salmon Ireland, 1995 samples – few cysts NA 1995 samples – no proliferative Draghi et al. (2004)
Salmo salar L. 1999 samples – 60–80% changes
of lamellae 1999 samples – proliferative lesions,
multifocal to diffuse hyperplasia,
focal necrosis of epithelial cells,
macrophage infiltrates
Silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus 2–96% filaments 10–87 Epithelial hyperplasia Frances et al. (1997)
Sea bream, Sparus aurata L. 100% filaments 100 · 55 Hyperplastic epithelial cells Paperna (1977)
aggregated in concentric layers
around the cysts, infiltration with
macrophages and eosinophils
Amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso) NA 250 · 210 maximum Proliferative reaction Crespo et al. (1990)
Carp Cyprinus carpio L. NA 1–10 · 3–5 Non-proliferative and proliferative Paperna & Alves de Matos (1984)
Pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg) Majority of filaments 10–20 (homogeneous content) Proliferative, well-defined wall around Szakolczai et al. (1999)
30–40 (granular content) the cyst, epithelial hyperplasia,
hyperaemia and oedema but no
inflammation except around the
larger cysts
Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus NA 9–19 · 16–22 Non-proliferative, no host reaction, Zimmer et al. (1984)
(Rafinesque) refractile pink wall

NA, no information available.

B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish
Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

proliferative reaction. The morphology of the range reported previously in other fish species
organisms within the cysts and their staining (Miyazaki et al. 1986; Noga 1996; Frances et al.
properties (in particular with Azan and Macchiav- 1997) and approaches the lower range of the size
ello), as well as the morphology of their capsules reported for mature cysts in salmonids (Bruno &
and their location in fish tissue, were different Poppe 1996).
(Crespo et al. 1999). This was related to two
distinct developmental cycles of the pathogen. Cysts
Treatment and control
in some other fish species were reported to be
surrounded by a layer of squamous epithelial cells Oxytetracycline (25 ppm active ingredient, twice a
(Morrison & Shum 1983; Crespo et al. 1990). day for 3 days) was successfully used to treat
The cellular response to the infection is often epitheliocystis in farmed largemouth bass, Micro-
variable, even in the same host (Table 6). For pterus salmoides (Lacepède), resulting in a rapid
example, in Atlantic salmon cultured in Tasmania decline in mortalities to 0 in 3 days post-treatment
56% of cysts resulted in almost no reaction except and no epitheliocystis was detected histologically
for encapsulation of the cyst with a thin layer of after 2 weeks (Goodwin, Park & Nowak 2005). In
squamous epithelial cells and lamellar fusion due to the past, chloramphenicol mixed with ground
the size of the cyst. However, other cysts resulted in chicken livers (1:100) and fed 100 g a day for
a dramatic cellular response. About 53% of the cysts 3 days was reported to be successful in treating
exhibited lamellar fusion. Inflammation was associ- epitheliocystis in cultured sea bream (Paperna
ated with 36% of the cysts, epithelial hyperplasia 1977) with mortalities stopping after 1 week.
with 34% and proliferation of mucous cells with However, this antibiotic is not now suitable for
21%. Epithelial lifting was seen in 8% of cysts and use in fish destined for human consumption.
necrotic cells were associated with 6% of the cysts. Sterilization of rearing water using ultra violet light
Other hosts show consistently the same reaction, for was reported to control outbreaks of epitheliocystis
example epitheliocystis was reported to cause a in amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso), and Plec-
proliferative reaction in silver perch (Frances et al. tropomus leopardus (Lacepède) (Miyaki, Mizuta,
1997; Meijer et al. 2006) and red sea bream Yamamoto, Yoshikoshi, Kanai & Tabeta 1998).
(Miyazaki et al. 1986; Ototake & Matsusato 1987).
In Atlantic salmon, cysts were present mostly in
Risk factors
the middle of the filament (44%), followed by the
base of the filament (32%) and the tip of the Cultured fish appear to have a greater prevalence of
filament (24%) (Nowak & Clark 1999). Most of epitheliocystis than wild fish. Furthermore, prolif-
the cysts were positioned in the filamentous erative hyperinfection has been so far reported only in
epithelium. However, 22% of the cysts were present farmed fish (Paperna 1977; Grau & Crespo 1991).
at the tip of a lamella. The infected epithelial cells This suggests that culture conditions may exacerbate
were mostly present towards the tip of the lamellae epitheliocystis, perhaps due to increased fish densi-
in epitheliocystis infection in Atlantic salmon from ties, the presence of nutrients and/or stress. No
Norway (Nylund et al. 1998). The position of the epitheliocystis was found in sea bream collected for
cyst did not seem to have an effect on the cellular stocking, however, within 1 month mild epithelio-
response (Nowak & Clark 1999). cystis was found in up to 70% of the fish (Paperna
In Atlantic salmon the diameter of the cysts ranged 1977). Wild sea bream showed only mild and
from 18 to 73.5 lm (mean 43.6 lm, SE ¼ sporadic epitheliocystis, whereas hatchery-reared sea
1.7 lm). There was an increase in the mean size of bream were affected by hyperinfection resulting in
the cyst dependent on when in the first year of sea life 26% mortality (Paperna 1977). While epitheliocystis
the sample was obtained, so the mean size of the cyst was present in wild kingfish, the prevalence and
was larger the longer fish were in the cages. However, intensity of infection was greater in cultured yellow-
this relationship was not present in the second year of tail kingfish (B.F. Nowak, unpublished data).
sampling (Nowak & Clark 1999). There was no Aquaculture may also affect the prevalence of
relationship between prevalence or water tempera- epitheliocystis in wild fish. Mean prevalence of
ture and size of the cysts. The cellular response was epitheliocystis was greater in mackerel, Trachurus
not related to the size of the cyst (Nowak & Clark declivis (Jenyns), collected from salmon farms (from
1999). The average diameter of cysts was within the salmon cages or next to the cages) than in mackerel

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

from other locations, however, this difference was affect the prevalence of epitheliocystis in Atlantic
not statistically significant (Nowak, Dawson, Bas- salmon in Tasmania (Nowak & Clark 1999).
son, Deveney & Powell 2004). This may be related Age-dependent morphology of epitheliocystis
to increased concentrations of nutrients in some cysts was reported in sea bream, with granular cysts
aquaculture areas. Higher concentrations of nutri- in 0.7–2 g fingerlings, granular and amorphous
ents are also reported from areas close to sewage cysts in juveniles and only amorphous cysts in
outfalls. Mean prevalence of epitheliocystis was 400 g bream (Crespo et al. 1999). It was suggested
greater in red morwong, Cheilodactylus fuscus that age of fish may play a role in switching between
(Castelnau), and rock cale, Crinodus lophodon different developmental cycles.
(Günther), collected near Sydney, Australia sewage Prevalence of epitheliocystis has been suggested
outfalls than in fish of the same species collected to be positively correlated with age in wild winter
further from the outfalls, however, this difference flounder, Pleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) (Mac-
was not statistically significant (Nowak 1996). Lean 1993). This is in contrast to the results for
Juvenile silver perch experimentally exposed to Atlantic salmon in Tasmania (Nowak & Clark
metabolic ammonia (unionized ammonia – 1999). The prevalence of epitheliocystis did not
0.02 mg L)1) had a lower percentage of filaments seem to be related to the age of the salmon, if
affected by epitheliocystis than control fish. Epi- anything it decreased with the age of the fish. This
theliocystis was observed in 75% of all experimental discrepancy may be either due to species-specific
fish including controls and fish exposed up to differences or the fact that the winter flounder were
0.36 mg L)1 unionized ammonia for 39 days collected only on two occasions, in June and August
(Frances, Nowak & Allan 2000). and the temperatures were greater in August when
Season has been suggested to be a risk factor for the fish were older (MacLean 1993). In this case,
epitheliocystis. For Atlantic salmon in Tasmania, temperature was confounded with age and it is
month had a statistically significant effect on the impossible to separate between the effects of these
prevalence of epitheliocystis (Nowak & Clark two factors. Thus, temperature and not age could
1999). Additionally, the prevalence of epitheliocys- have influenced epitheliocystis prevalence in floun-
tis appeared greater during summer months, which der.
may be a result of the increased water temperature. As some human bacterial pathogens infect
There was also a trend of a greater prevalence in the amoebae and Chlamydia-like bacteria are endosym-
second year of sampling, although it was not bionts of amoebae, gene sequences suggest some
statistically significant. Interestingly, the second similarity between one of the epitheliocystis agents
sampling year was warmer than the first, suggesting and Acanthoamoeba sp. endosymbiont (Draghi
that the prevalence of epitheliocystis in Atlantic et al. 2004), it has been suggested that amoebae
salmon in Tasmania was positively correlated with may be carriers of the epitheliocystis agent (Corsaro
temperature. Furthermore, all the Atlantic salmon & Venditti 2004; Draghi et al. 2004). However, it
which had more than one cyst in the gill arch were is unlikely that Neoparamoeba sp., the causative
collected during summer, mostly in the second agent of amoebic gill disease (AGD) in Atlantic
(warmer) sampling season. However, the mean size salmon is involved. Epitheliocystis is rare in AGD-
of the cyst was not affected by the temperature affected fish and if it occurs it has a low prevalence
difference (Nowak & Clark 1999). and very low intensity of infection (Nowak & Clark
In contrast, reports for other species indicated an 1999). Furthermore, 16S ribosomal RNA gene
association of epitheliocystis with low temperature, analysis used to assess the bacterial community of
in particular the progression from a chronic to AGD-affected Atlantic salmon gills did not detect
proliferative form of the disease (Crespo et al. 1990; any chlamydial sequences (Bowman & Nowak
Turnbull 1993). The difference is most probably 2004). While this does not preclude the role of
due to host-specific and pathogen-specific differ- amoebae as carriers of epitheliocystis, it suggests
ences, as well as the fact that Atlantic salmon in that neoparamoebae are not involved.
Tasmania are cultured at high temperatures relative
to Atlantic salmon cultured elsewhere. The lack of
statistically significant differences between farms
culturing salmon at different salinities (brackish Paramyxovirus, in addition to the presence of
water – fully marine) suggests that salinity does not bacteria, has been associated with some cases of

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 573–588 B F Nowak and S E LaPatra Epitheliocystis in fish

epitheliocystis and associated mortalities (Hoffman monogeneans Microcotyle sp., Lamellodiscus ignora-
et al. 1969; Bradley et al. 1988; Nylund et al. 1998; tus, the ciliate Trichodina sp., two species of Vibrio
Kvellestad, Dannevig & Falk 2003; Fridell, Devold and epitheliocystis (Cruz E Silva, Freitas & Orge
& Nylund 2004; Kvellestad, Falk, Nygaard, Flesja 1997) were reported in cultured sea bream.
& Holm 2005). Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus
(ASPV) was present in the gills of some fish infected
Further research
by epitheliocystis (Kvellestad et al. 2003, 2005;
Fridell et al. 2004). However, challenge experi- Our knowledge of epitheliocystis has greatly
ments with the virus isolated from Atlantic salmon increased in the last few years, mostly due to the
with epitheliocystis did not result in any mortality application of molecular techniques. However,
of experimental salmon (Fridell et al. 2004). Fur- more information is required to fully understand
thermore, the association between ASPV and this condition and its significance to cultured and
epitheliocystis was not consistent (A. Kvellestad, wild fish. Development of real-time PCR for
personal communication). Co-infection of epithe- epitheliocystis agents in Atlantic salmon will allow
liocystis and lymphocystis was reported in barram- epidemiological study for this host species. Addi-
undi (Meijer et al. 2006). Interestingly, some of the tional sequence data from epitheliocystis agents are
lymphocystis cysts in the skin reacted weakly with required to determine the relationship between
Chlamydiales 16S rRNA-specific oligoprobe and bacteria from different hosts or even bacteria from
antibodies against Chlamydiaceae LPS (Meijer et al. the same host, and also from different locations and
2006), suggesting that the lymphocystis cysts times of outbreaks, and to design effective diagnos-
contained some bacteria. Mixed infection of differ- tic and research tools. There is a need to develop
ent Chlamydiaceae strains and a porcine epidemic in vitro culture techniques and a challenge model
diarrhoea virus were reported in an in vitro study, for this disease to assess its real significance for
which showed that inclusions of all chlamydial aquaculture and fisheries.
strains were larger in the dually infected cells than
in monoinfected ones (Stuedli, Grest, Schiller &
Pospischil 2005).
Virus-like particles and Trichodina sp. were We would like to thank Dr Duncan Colquhoun
present in gills of Atlantic salmon affected by for contributing ideas and information. We are
epitheliocystis (Nylund et al. 1998). Epitheliocystis grateful to Dr Joseph Groff for his invaluable
and Trichodina sp. co-infection was reported in study of the immunostaining of epitheliocystis
cultured red sea bream (Syasina, Park & Kim specimens. We would like to thank Drs R.
2004). Co-infection of epitheliocystis with Tricho- Jimenez, Silvia Crespo, Gary Marty, Alicia Noble,
dina sp. and Gyrodactylus sp. was described in Bev Dixon, Rod Getchell, Mr John Morrison,
cultured pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg) Ms Beth MacConnell and Mr Terry Patterson for
(Szakolczai et al. 1999). Epitheliocystis has been supplying samples. We are grateful to Dr Brian
detected in gills of fish infected by other monogen- Jones, Dr Colin Johnston, Dr Agnar Kvellestad,
eans, for example in amberjack infected with Mr Terje Steinum, Dr Peter Phillips and Dr Ben
Zeuxapta seriolae (Montero, Crespo, Padrós, De la Diggles for providing information on epitheliocys-
Gándara, Garcı́a & Raga 2004) and in kingfish tis outbreaks and development of new diagnostic
infected with the same monogenean (Mansell et al. methods. We thank Dr Andy Goodwin for
2005). An association was seen between the severity providing photographs of wet preparations and
of epitheliocystis and presence of gill monogeneans histopathology of epitheliocystis.
(Bivagina pagrosomi and Lamellodiscus pagrosomi) in
snapper, Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel), and
when the fluke problem was overcome there was a
reduction in epitheliocystis (B. Diggles, personal Anderson I.G. & Prior H.C. (1992) Subclinical epitheliocystis in
communication), suggesting that there was either a barramundi, Lates calcarifer, reared in sea cages. Australian
Veterinary Association 69, 226–227.
link between these two infections or the same risk
Avakyan A.A. & Popov V.L. (1984) Rickettsiaceae and
factors were involved. Co-infections by the mono-
Chlamydiaceae: comparative electron microscope studies.
geneans Microcotyle sp., Lamellodiscus sp. and Acta Virology 28, 159–173.
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