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The Bible and praying has a power to change our life.

Power to set your free from guilt and power to deactivate failures. May I
ask one question for you? What are the things that held you down? What are the things that hold people down? Just like gravity.
Gravity holds us down. There are things that held you back from doings you know that is God’s purpose for you. You know you
can something more, so much more. You know you have so much more potential and yet you’ve allowed circumstances to hold
you down. How many times you’ve failed and you may allowed your failures to hold you down. There is nothing wrong with
failing. Everyone fails. What’s wrong when you allowed that failure to hold you down. You hear those hurtful words. Then, you’ll
just easily gave up. You’ll just easily stop. There is nothing wrong with failing! We all fail! I fail! But please don’t your failures to
hold you down. Trust God and pray. Let me tell you this, “ As long as you have a good excuse for not doing something, you’ve
gonna be remain like that. You will never change. Some of us, we simply made an excuses. An excuse, so that no one expect us to
do something, so that we don’t even expect ourselves to excel. As long as we have an excuse for not changing you will remain
that way. That’s why some of us, they remain in the same complicated situation because they didn’t want to change. You blame
the devil! You made an excuses. Excuses hold us down. Excuses are for the weak! Then, fear prevents you from giving! Honestly,
Some of you, Lord has tell you to give and yet there are still those thoughts that ranging in your mind that says ‘’What if it will
never back like I do?” Have you ever been afraid to smile? At somebody? For fear! What if he or she will never smile back at you?
What if the smile that I gave away is not reciprocating? There are some people who can’t easily give love because they are afraid
to never love back like they do. That the reason why we never give ourselves away is FEAR- the possibility of the lie that the devil
tries to put in your mind. What if it doesn’t go back to you? What if the love that you give is not reciprocating? And you end up
hurt! And you end up bitter! And maybe it happened before, maybe it happened that you gave your love away but then it was
never given back to you, so now, you let that experience cause fear in your life and so now, it limit you to receive God’s blessing.
So many people live in fear but let me tell you this: DON’T BE AFRAID TO SMILE! DON’T BE AFRAID TO GIVE! DON’T BE AFRAID TO
LOVE! Always pray because praying is a powerful tool to communicate God! It is one of the most powerful tool to strengthen
your faith. Your faith that will lead you to be fearless to conquer those circumstances. PRAY, HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE!

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