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Techno – world

Nowadays, the world dramatically changed with the evolution of technology. In

the modern world there are many high-tech gadgets or unique machine that we never
experience yet. Those things can blow up your minds because we don’t know how it
works. And I personally experience some of those technology.
I experience the Wild Hair Van de Graaff Generator last 2010 because of our
fieldtrip. The Wild Hair Van de Graaff Generator was like a huge metal ball and when
you touch that ball with your hands all of the hair in your body goes up. At first, I was
afraid to touch the ball because they said theirs a little bit flow of electricity on that
ball but when, I saw my classmate tried to touched that my fears gone. Then I also
tried to have an experience those technology. I was amaze that I feel the electricity
that’s flow to my nerves but I’m not electrocuted.
Last year, I also experience a

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