Why Get A Home Inspection Before Purchasing A Property

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BUYING 101: Don’t Skip out on the Home Inspection

So, you are about to buy your home. Congratulations, but are you
forgetting to get an inspection? If so, that’s a really bad idea for many
reasons. Some say it’s too expensive, but for a relatively small fee you
get a whole lot of peace of mind if you have your home inspected by a
trusted professional to ensure there are no major defects or problems
that are going to come to haunt you later.

What do inspectors check?

When it comes to getting a home inspection, the buyer and the
inspector will walk the entire house together and look for possible
problems or concerns. Inspectors look at things like the soundness of
the house’s structure and foundation, as well as things like the
windows, siding, the roof, deck and doors. They also check the
electrical, heating, cooling, and plumbing systems, along with many
other items.
Then, the inspector issues a final report to the buyer with the findings.
With that report the buyer can ultimately decide if they still want to
buy the house or if they want to negotiate with the seller on fixing the
issues on the inspection report.

What are the benefits of a home inspection?

A standard Canadian home inspection is invaluable to the potential
buyer. When looking at houses for sale, you should ask your realtor to
recommend an honest and through inspector. One organization that
lists them is the American Society of Home Inspectors.
It doesn’t mean you don’t trust the seller if you ask for a home
inspection and a seller shouldn’t be upset or offended. In fact, if the
seller refuses, the by no means should you continue with the sale! You
don’t want to find out the house has some major expensive issue after
you signed on the dotted line and it’s no longer the seller’s problem.
Additionally, don’t let the seller dictate who can inspect the home. Be
sure to hire your own separate inspector. It doesn’t mean you can’t buy
the house if the inspection turns up a problem, it only means you know
exactly where you stand and can negotiate accordingly if you still want
the house.
As well, don’t think you can find or notice all potential issues either.
You need a trained professional to do the job. There are several
common issues inspectors find, such as animal or insect issues, roof
leaks, foundation cracks, outdated plumbing or electrical systems,
defective heating/cooling systems, or water/flooding in the basement.
If any of the above or other issues are uncovered, you’ll end up vital
information and leverage in getting the seller to agree to make any
needed repairs or at least get them to lower the price of the house.
Additionally, it doesn’t matter the age of a house. Even new
construction could have issues and should undergo an inspection
before you decide to buy.

What does a home inspection cost?

The home inspection can cost on average between $300 and $500 but
that’s a small amount to pay for peace of mind. It all depends on how
large the house is and how old it is. Normally this price includes not
only a long and very detailed report, but also photos to back up the
evidence of whatever the inspector finds.
While it may seem a large fee, it can save you far more than that
amount in the long run whether that is something as simple as a leak in
a roof or as complicated and potentially life threatening like carbon
monoxide leaks in the heating system. Even if no serious issues are
found the inspector can also provide you valuable information like how
long the current appliances can be expected to last.
The bottom line is that it’s critical to get a home inspection of any
house you are considering buying not only for your peace of mind, but
for the safety of your family and protection from potentially thousands
of dollars in future repairs.

Claudia Davis
Full Service Realtor – SKYHUB Realty
Real Estate Agent,
Homes|Condos|Commercial Real Estate
(905) 999 – 7774 ext. 4055

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