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Hello! This is a generator for text fonts of the "cool" variety.

I noticed people were trying

to find a generator like fancy letters, but were ending up on actual font sites rather than
generators of copy-paste text like this one. So currently this is basically a duplicate of
the above, but I think I'll try to collect a few more "cool" text fonts, like the old enlgish
one, and specialise this a bit.

If you're wondering how one produces cool text fonts like you see above, it's fairly
simple (but maybe not what you'd expect). Basically, the text that gets generated isn't
actually a font - it's a bunch of symbols that are in the unicode standard. You're reading
symbols that are in the unicode standard right now - the alphabet is a part of it, as are
all the regular symbols on your keyboard: !@#$%^&*() etc.

So the difference is, these rad "fonts" that are produces, just don't happen to appear on
your keyboard - there's not enough room. The unicode standard has more than 100,000
symbols defined in it. That's a lot of symbols. And amongst those symbols are many
different "alphabets" - some of which this translator is able to produce.

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